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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B11962 Certaine godly and necessarie sermons, preached by M. Thomas Carew of Bilston in the countie of Suffolke ... Carew, Thomas, Preacher. 1603 (1603) STC 4616; ESTC S118335 148,213 348

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because she goes to him that hath her heart It is a worthy saying of Iacob that I haue thought of many a time when he was sick and in the midest of his speech with Ioseph and his other sonnes Lord saith he I haue waighted for thy saluation therefore let no man so desire this life but let him be content to change it for a better for it is an absurd thing that naturall inclination should ouerrule the force of Christian hope There is a third sort of men as I said before who know they must dye will peraduenture bee content to yeelde to death when it comes but they will not labor for wisedome while they liue therefore it were well they would often take vp this petitiō of Moses Teach vs to nūber our daies that we may apply our harts to wisedome But what wisedome doth Moses meane If he had bin a Phisitiō we might haue thought he had ment naturall wisedome to prouide Methredates and preseruations for this life if hee had beene a Philosopher we might haue thought by wisedome he had ment humane wisedome to know the nature of things in the firmament in the earth and in the sea to obserue things past and to gesse at all things to come but Moses was learned in all the wisedome of the Egiptians therefore he prayes not for that wiseodme which he had but for that which he and the people wanted if he had beene a Politision as Matcheuill calles him wee might haue thought hee ment here worldely wisedome to heape vp honours ritches and prefermentes for himselfe and his posterity but his practise was against this wisedome for he refused to be called the sonne of Pharaoes daughter and the pleasures and treasures of Egipt and Heb. 11. his drift in this place shewes that hee meanes not this wisedome for what similitude had there beene betweene this petition that God would teach them to number their dayes that is to knowe the breuitye and vncertainetye of their life and his reason That we may apply our heartes to wisedome if hee had ment this wisedome to heape vp ritches and honours which wee must shortlye leaue behinde vs therefore wee must knowe Moses beeing a deuine hee prayes for spirituall Godly and heauenlye and true wisedome that is the knowledge and practise of the worde of God which is able to make a man wise vnto saluation this is the wisedome that Salomon 1. King 3 the wisest man in the worlde prayed for before ritches long life or the life of his enemies and which hee saythe in the Prouerbes is better then Golde Pro. 3. and Pearles to shewe that it will recompence all the cost that can bee bestowed vpon it This is the wisedome that the Queene of Sheba tooke such a long iourney for to shewe that it will recompence all the 1. Kin. 10 labour that can bee bestowed for it and this is it that shall iustiye procure the title of wise men as Moses saieth of those that heare and obay the worde in Deutron●mie De● it shall bee sayde of them they onelye are a wise people and in respect of this wisedome our Sauiour Christ calleth the true professors of the Church wise virgins Mat. 25. Wherefore Moses saith Teach vs so to number our dayes that we may apply our harts to wisedome For that which is rotten and tottering had neede leane to a stable thing we haue seene how fraile the body is therfore we had neede of wisedome whereby we may repaire the soule wee haue seene this life is short and vncertaine therefore we had neede of wisedome that we may seeke for a better life that is euerlasting seeing wee shall leaue all outward things behinde vs we haue neede of wisedome that wee may haue some thing to carrye with vs. Wisedome is a generall word and comprehendes all that a man is to beleeue to doe to suffer before death that may make him happy in the next life Paul that speaks of the shortnesse of mans life and compares it to a tabernacle or a shed of bowes He 1. Cor. 5. willes maiestrates to gouerne their subiects equally and he willes subiectes to obay their gouerners dutifully he willes ministers Rom. 13. to attend vnto reading and to preach 2. Tim. 4. in season and out of season he willes the gouerners of the Church to rule with diligence Rom. 12. and to redresse the things that remaine he willes the Christians to come Titus 1. together euery first day of the weeke not only to here the word pray and receiue the sacramentes but to distribute to the poore Ephe. 6. he willes husband to loue their wiues and wiues to obay their husbands he willes children to honour and obay their parents and parentes to instruct their children hee willes seruantes to obay and shew all good faithfulnesse to their maisters and maisters Titus 2. to do that which is right to their seruantes for saith he we must all die and we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ and receiue according to that wee 2. Cor. 5. haue done in this body now he that would lye soft must make his bed thereafter therefore when Moses saith Teach vs so to number our dayes that we may apply our harts to wisedome he meanes that we may walke not as fooles but as wise redeeming the time as Paul saith that we may get knowledge Ephe. 5. faith repentance and grow in euery grace and vertue belonging to our renouation here and saluation hereafter and that while it is called to day according to the counsell of Salomon Remember thy maker Eccle. 1● in the dayes of thy youth before the keepers of the house tremble that is the hands before the strong men shall bow that is the legges before they waxe darke that looke out at the windowes that is the eyes before the daughters of musicke shall be abased that is the eares before the Grashoppers or crooked shoulders shall bee a burden and before the wheele shall be broken at the cesterne that is the heart and before dust returne to the earth whence it came for that which foolish men desire to doe in the end wisemen labour to doe in the beginning as one saith wisely When I was young I studied how to liue and now I am old I study how to dye The Apostle saith It is appointed to all men once to dye now that which is once and but once to be done is to be carefully done for to dye well saieth maister Perkins is an arte that must be learned as long as wee liue therefore he that would dye well must be carefull to liue well he that must be at an houres warning will haue all things ready his cloake his bootes his spurs and all wee may be called for within this houre where is our cloake our bootes that is our vertues and readines for our iourney to be gone he that would be perfectly wise
Spanish inquisition then came in the French massaker and other diabolicall practises so long as men liue ignorantlye eyther wickedlye or ciuillye without religion the diuell will not disquiet them because they are his peaceable subiectes but when they set their hartes to religion and shake of his subiection then he will vse all hostility against thē and wrastle with them And as the diuell doth wrastle with vs so saith the Apostle we do must wrastle with him For as we hould it not sure to haue peace with the Spaniardes because we cannot haue it without dangerous conditions so it is neuer sure to haue peace with the diuell for then we must needes haue warre with God The Church is called millitant in this world because it is alwayes fighting with Sathan sinne and spirituall enemies which doth distinguish it from the Church in heauen which is called ryumphant because it hath wonne the fielde and gotten the conquest of the enemies Now as it is with the whole millitant Church so it is with euery member therof for which cause our life is called a warfare therefore the Apostle saith We wrastle c. Not shewing what euery Christian must doe but what euery man doth if he be a Christian And among many other markes of Christianity there is none more certain nor sensible thē this to shew our selues enemies to the diuel by withstanding his assaults and temptations for although by nature we haue neither wi●l nor power so to doe yet by grace being furnished with the armour of God we haue both He calles these enemies principalities powers hee giues diuers of these titles to the good Angels in the first to the Collosians But they are good these are euill they are our friendes these are our enimies they fight for vs these fight against vs therefore this is the d●scription of the diuel that he hath spoken of before hee calles him a Prince of the world that is of the Ephe. 2. wicked world not of the Church for he is in the Church not as a gouernour and commander but as a tempter onely He is called the Prince of the darkenes of this world not of the light his dominion is by ignorance error sinne and wickednes he is an enemy to the light and seekes to put it out therefore hath taught Antichrist to perswade the people that ignorance is the mother of deuotion and that they should not haue the exercise of the scripture Therefore in the time of Popery when the people were nusled in ignorance what apparitions speeches and practises of Sathan were there that the light hath scatred therfore when God sent foorth Paul to preach the Gospell he tels him he shall turne the people from darkenesse to light and from the power of Sathan Acts. 26. to God Yea he saith not onely wee wrastle with a Prince but with Principalities shewing that many of these princes do band themselues against vs for although we commonly speake of the diuell in the singular number yet wee must vnderstand there be many diuils of the nature force that the Apostle speakes of here it is said a Mat. 5. legion possessed a man they al are not only enemies of the Church but of euery member of the church Now we know when one person is to encounter with many such enemies he had need to be well armed Powers They bee not onely princes but powers earthly princes are called powers not in respect of themselues for Rom. they are weake as other men but in respect of diuers helpes and assistan●es that they haue to commaund and take their part but the diuels are called powers in respect of the force and strength they haue in themselues by nature the deuils power may be perceiued by gathering togeather the Iob. ● windes and the fire and an host of men to destroy Iobs cattel his seruants children Mat. 8. sea with violence by causing those that he possessed in our Sauiour Christes time to breake the fetters and chaines wherewith they were tied maister Perkins writes of a man neare Gen●ua blasphemed God so that all which hard him trembled who said if there be any diuell let him take me and carry me where I shal be for euer and presently he was taken into the aire and neuer seene more Some whē they see such corporal examples say Lord how strong the diuil is thinking none are any way possessed of the diuell but those that be mad or straught but his chiefe power is exercised is to be cōsidered spiritualy in drawing men to sin and thereby to distruction we may see it in tempting our first parents and preuailing against them who were perfect indowed with asmuch knowledge as the nature of man was capable of and wee may see it in tempting Caine and carrying him to kill his brother contrarye to nature and contrarye to his conscience wee may see it easily in tempting and carrying men to dyuers monstrous sinnes idolatry adultery drunkennesse and houlding them in them as with spirituall snares and bandes that no counsell doctrine nor sight of other mens harmes can drawe him from them he was strong before time but he is more strong now because he rages toward his ende for anger is the whetstone of strength spirituall and these bee no corporall enemies but spirits that cannot bee seene with bodily eves therefore are the more dangerous There bee dyuers Athistes at this day like the Saduces in our Sauiour Christes time that thinke there be no spirits because they cannot bee seene but shall we beleeue them or the Apostle there be many things that cannot be seene as the wind a voyce a sauour c. which yet are a● wee haue a corporall sight and sence of some things as we haue bodies so we haue a spirituall sight and sence of some other things as wee haue soules Some haue painted the diuell in a bodily shape with hornes tayle such like but it is fond seeing he is an inuisible spirit cannot be proportioned therefore the apparitions of Sathan that haue bin so much spoken of are not to be feared but his spirituall delusions and temptations must be taken heede of Now as he is a spirite so hee hath the properties of a spirite hee hath great knowledge for though he hath not so much knowledge as the good Angels seeing he hath lost by his fall that way aswell as man hath done yet hee hath much more knowledge then man hath naturally because he is a sole spirite besides that hee hath increased his knowledge by long experience practise he hath vnderstanding of all languages of the state of all countries of the condition and complexion of all persons he knowes to what sinnes men are most inclined to and by what meanes he hath preuailed against them and others that haue beene like them Some because the diuell hath more knowledge then men haue taken occasion to seeke to him to vnderstand of things