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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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Where was Paul vvhen he vvritte this Epistle An. At Roome Paul to the Ephesians Question WHat was the estate of the Ephesians when Paule wrot vnto them An. As it is of all those amongest whom Gods word had been sowen Qu. How is that An. The good seed of Pauls doctrine was mingled with the cockle weedes of false teachers Qu. In such a needfull businesse how chāce he did not rather go vnto them then write A Because he was prisoner in Rome Qu. What method doth he vse in Confirming the Ephesians in the faith which he bad before taught them An. First hee vseth an admonition then a prayer and last of al an exhortation Qu. Of what doth he admonish them An. Of foure things Qu. Which be they Ans First hee she wes that they were predestinated to the calling of Christians before the foundation of the worlde and therefore it was nothing that had happened vnto th̄e by chance chap. 1 4. 11. Secondly he puts them in mind that the ground of theyr fayth is Christ Iesus to whome all power both in heauen and earth was giuen therfore they needed not to stand doubtfull of their reward chap 2 20 to 23. Thirdly he recordes in what estate they were before they were called Qu. What was that An. That they were vnder the power of Satan and dead through sinne and therfore being now quickned by the sprite of Christ the farther they were off from grace the greater debters they are now for the same chap. 2 ver 2.4.5 Fourthly hee bids them not faint because of the perfecution which they saw was laid vpon him Qu. What reason shewes he for that An. Because it was to their glory ch 3.13 Qu. In what respect could his persecution be to their glorie An. In this that seeing him constantly indure imprisonment and death for the truth of the gospell which hee had preached vnto them they might assure themselues his doctrine was the worde of God and no tradition of man Qu. For vvhat doth he pray to God for them An. For three things Qu. Which be they An. First for the strength of his holy spirit chap 3 19. Secondly that he would giue thē a faithful heart Exo. 17. And thirdly to endue them with vnfained charity Qu. Hovv manifold are these exhortations An. Twofold Qu. As how An. Generall and particular Qu. What is his generall exhortation An. Certayne obseruations common to all men as to walke worthy of their calling chap. 4 1. Qu. What is their calling An. Christianity Qu. What is the end thereof An. Eternall life Qu. Who hath called vs therunto An. God the Father by his Sonne Christ Iesus chap. 3.11 Qu. By what meanes An. By two kind of meanes Qu. VVhich be they An. First by our outward meanes as by afflictions and persecutions and secondly by inward meanes as by the working of Gods word in our hartes the wholesome admonition of his holy spirite chap. 4 30. Qu. How may we walk vvorthy of our vocation Answ If we auoyd lying anger theft filthy speaking and imbrace humilitie meekenes patience charity and vnity of spirit chap. 4 2.3 and v. 25 to 31. Qu. VVhat is humility An. Not to prefer our selues before others not to despise others in respect of our selues Qu. What is meeknesse A. Nor to be easily moued to anger Qu. Is it not lawfull them to bee angry with such as offend An. Yes so that we bee not angry vnto sinne nor let the Sun go downe vpon our wrath chap. 4 26. Qu. How may we be angry and not sin An. If we so bridle our fury as that we break not foorth into any wicked or vnlawfull act Qu. VVhat is patience An. A quiet digesting of wrong and leauing the reuenge to God Qu. What is charity An. A compunction of heart wherby one Christian is incited to helpe and succour another Que. VVhat call ye the vnity of the spirit An. An agreement together of Gods people in true faith and doctrine without sector dissention Qu. Why ought we to walke in vnity of spirit An. Because God which hath created vs Christ which hath redeemed vs and the holy ghost which hath sanctified vs is but one and the meanes vvherby wee are saued onely that is to say faith and therefore we ought to agree together in mind as childrē of one father or as heires ordained all for one happy inheritance chapt 4. verse 4 5 6. Qu. Hauing declared what the vertues he which Saint Paul would haue vs folow rehearse the vices which he would haue vs auoyde Ans Lying as I saide before theft anger and filthy talking and out of the 5. chapter couetousnesse fornication drunkennes false doctrine foolish and idle ieasting Qu. What is a lye An. A counterfette and false declaration of the thought and minde as when we speak one thing and thinke another Qu. What is theft An. Not only to steale with the hand but all manner of deceipt and vnlawfull gaine Qu. What is anger An. A desire of reuenge for some vvrong done vnto vs or vnto them whō we loue Qu. Of how many sorts is it Qu Of two An. Which be they An. Naturall or diabelicall Quest What call you the naturall anger An. The anger that is in a Magistrate towards the subiect a father toward his childe or a maister towarde his seruant or scholler for the due correction of such vices as they perceiue in them to the dishonour of God Qu. What is diabolicall anger An. So to bee incenst as to wish the destruction of anie one Qu. Wherein consists fylthy communication An. In swearing cursing blaspheming immodest vvords and idle ieasting Que How must Christians then frame their dayly conference An. In such sort as it may bee to the edification one of another speaking vnto themselues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall Songs and giuing thanks to God for all things ch 5 19. 20. Qu. What is couetousnes An. A greedines to gaine without regard of their owne necessities or the necessitie of others Qu. What is fornication An. A polluting of the soule with lust of body Qu. VVhat is drunkennesse An. A confounding of reason and the sences by immoderate drinking Qu. What is false doctrine An. Any thing that is taught contrary to the truth of Gods word Qu. How are they saide to leade theyr liues that delight in any of these abuses An. Improuidently Qu. Why Ansvv Because they neglect the will of GOD to followe their owne waies Qu. How are they said to leade their liues that abhore them An. Circumspectly Qu. Why An. Because they preferre the will of God before their owne imaginations chap. 5 15.17 Qu. What is Paules particular exhortation in this Epistle Ans The duty of husbands wiues parents and Children maisters seruants Qu. What is the duty of husbands towards their wiues An. To loue them as Christ loued his Church who gaue his life for it chapt 5.25 Qu. What is the duty of wiues towardes theyr husbands An. To submit themselues vnto their husbands as vnto the Lord. chapter 5.22 Qu. What is the duty of parents towards
the poore Fourthly the wise learned that suffer the ignorant to goe astray for want of their good counsell and instruction Quest For all these good instructions which Christ goue vnto the Iewes how did they reward him An. With slander and reproach saying that he did blaspheme cast forth Diuels by the name of Belzebub the Prince of Diucls chapter 5 21. and 11 15. Qu. VVhat is blasphemy An. To detract from the power of the holy ghost Q. VVhat is sufficient to allay the malice of the Iewes to say Christ was a blasphemer An. No the condition of enuious men is such as when they haue done what disgrace they can in words they practise deedes for the ouerthrowe of them they hate Qu. How did they practise Christ his ouerthrow An. By hyring Iudas to betraye him vnto them Qu. What do we learne by this that amongst the twelue one was a traytor An. That euen amongst the smallest number of Gods elect there the Diuell hath his instruments Qu. For what did Iudas betray his Master An. For money as many doe their soules chap. 22.6 Qu. What was the last memorable thing that Christ did before his betraying An. The institution of the sacrament of his body and bloud Qu. Of how many things doth his Sacrament consist An. Of two Qu. Which be they Ans The visible substance which is bread and wine and the inuisible grace which is redemption by his death to all that receiue this sacramēt worthily Qu. How many things are required for the worthy receiuing thereof An. Foure Qu. Which be they An. Knowledge to discerne a difference betwixt this holy ordinance and other ceremonies Faith to beleeue that Christ died for vs Repentance to be sory for our sinnes and charitie to forgiue our brethren Qu. Is it not enough then to remember Christ by meditatiō reading and hearing Ans No except we doe likewise actully receiue his bodie and bloud in the Sacrament of the altar Qu. VVhat two things did Christ vse in offering his body vpon the crosse An. Breaking of his body and a drawing forth of his bloud Qu. VVhat must our breaking he Ans A contrition of heart for our sinnes breaking of bread in the way of charity Qu. What must our powring forth be A. Teares of repentance and teares of compassion Qu. How doe we receiue Christ in the Sacrament An. Spiritually Q. What place must we prepare for him An. An vpper roome in the bosome and inward roome in the heart a large roome to receiue his retinue a sayre roome hung with the tapistry of righteousnesse a svveet roome decked with the flowers of loue a conuenient room with a chimney a bed that is the fire of zeale and the bed of peace Qu. What must be his diet An. Prayer and thanksgiuing Qu. Who his attendants An. Faith hope and charity Qu. How shall a man know whether he haue receiued Christ or not An. If he finde that he doth not onely heare his word but brings foorth the fruites of good doctrine and therfore a good Christian is compared vnto a tree Qu. Why An. Because hee hath a roote which is hope a heart which is faith a barke which is charitie braunches which are spirituall vertues greene leaues waich are good words fruite which is good workes Qu. How was Christ apprehended An. With bils and staues Qu. How did they vse him An. Buffeted and set a crowne of thornes vpon his head Qu. Whither did they bring him to bee examined An To the high Priest first then to Pilate and afterward to Herod Qu. What were these men An. Chiefe Magistrates but very wicked Qu. What are godly Magistrates called An. Gods Qu. Why An. Because they execute the iudgement of God vpon offenders Qu. VVhat was one bad note of a Magistrate in Pilate Ansvv This that although he knewe Christ to be innocent yet because of the opinion of the people rather then he would purchase their displeasure he deliuered him ouer to their will chap. chap. 23.25 Qu. Vpon what occasion is the friendship of the wicked oftentimes renevved An. Vpon the disgrace and downefal of the godly as appeares by Herod and Pilate who hauing beene long enemies were nowe reconciled together vppon the apprehension of Christ Doctrine out of the Gospell after S. John Question VVHat was Iohn Ans An Apostle and the entirely beloued of Christ chap. 13.23 Qu. How did he write the Gospell Ans As both an eie witnesse and an eare witnesse of that which Christ had saide and done Qu. What followes in this place to bee handled A. These fower branches the conuiction of Christ his execution resurrection and ascension Qu. Were not the Iewes satisfied vvith the imprisonment of Christ An. No they sought likewise to put him to death Qu. Why did they pursue him with such hatred hauing done so many good deedes among them An. Vpon the same reason that vice pursues vertue iniquity godlines falsehood trueth and darknesse light Qu. How were they blinded Ans By rage and their owne affections Qu. What are the affections An. Like whirle-winds when they haue once got the vper hand ouer reason as appeareth by the Iewes that would heare nothing but cried Crucifie him crucifie him chap. 19.15 Qu. What did they obiect against him An. That he did seduce the people blaspheme was not Caesars friend and worse then Barrabas a theefe Qu. How did they say he seduced the people Ans By false doctrine in not attributing righteousnesse by the Law cha 5.24 Qu. How blaspheme Ans In calling himselfe the Sonne of God chap. 10.33 Qu. How not to be Coesars friend An. In making himselfe a King chap. 19.12 Qu. How worse then Barrabas An. In that they thought a blasphemer worse then a theefe Quest What kind of theefe was Barrabas An. One that by insurrection sought to rob the peoples hearts of obedience which is a kind of spirituall theft Qu. How many sorts of theeues are there An. Three Qu. Which be they An. First such as corrupt the mindes of others by their lewd examples hypocrites slanderers and detractors of good mens verues Secondly such as teache lyes whereby the soules of the hearers are robbed of eternall blisse Thirdly such as attribute vnto themselues the benefite of health wealth or liberty and so depriue GOD of his glory Qu. How many kinds of corporal theeues are there An. Two Qu. Which be they An. Domesticall and foraine Qu. Whom callye domesticall theeues An. All such as purloyne from their masters parents husbands wiues or friends or negligently susser them to incurre any losse or detriment which they might preuent Qu. Whom call ye soraine theeues An. All such as rob their neighbours eyther by false weights and measures bad wares or subtill practises all Lawyers that make good causes bad or bad good all debters that neuer thinke to pay and all creditors that triumphe ouer the bodies of their poore debters by imprisonment or nay other kind of oppression
her to looke backe An. Her fond defire to thinke shee should forgoe her wealth and so pleasant a place Qu. What do we learne by that An. That no care of earthly things be they neuer so glorious must hinder vs from obeying Gods commaundements Qu. How was the City destroied Ans With fire and brimstone from heauen chap. 19.24 Qu. Where did Lot remain afterward An. In the mountayns Qu. VVhat sin did he fall into whilest he liued there An. Drunkennesse Qu. VVhat next An. Into Incest Qu. VVhat doth that proue An. That one sinne begets another Qu. How was Lot incestuous An. By his owne daughters Qu. Who tempted him thereunto An. They when they had made him drunke Qu. What was Gods punishment for that sinne An. The nation that came by that conception was a cursed generation Qu. VVhat generation was it An. The Moabites and the Ammonites chap. 19.37 Chap. 20. to 34. Question VVHo had like to haue vvronged Abraham by taking his vvife An. King Abimelech Qu. Hovv vvas be preuented An. God threatned him with death chap. 20.3 Qu. Did he vpon that deliuer her backe to her husband An. He did Qu. What learnevve by that An. Two things Qu. Which be they An. First that God will punish adultery and next the very heathen abhor the breach of wedlock cha 20.9 Qu. How did God try Abrahams faith An. By bid ding him sacrifice his onlyson Isaac chap. 22 2. Qu. VVould be haue done it An. Yes but that an Angell stayed his hand Qu. How was his faith rewarded Ans God renewed his couenant once againe and told him for that dcede hee would multiplie his seede on earth like the sand of the shore Quest What vertue did God further prooue in Abraham Ans His patience Quest How Ans In taking his wife Sarah from him Quest Yet hee did mourne for her death Ans That was the wickednes of the flesh but his soule was glad in that hee knew she liued eternally Chap. 23.2 Qu. What other vertue had Abraham Ans Vprightnesse of minde Quest Wherein did that appeare Ans When Ephron the Hittite offered him a peece of ground to bruie his dead he would not take it before he had paid the price of it chap. 23.13 Quest Is that modestie obserued nowadaies Ans No many will be so farre from giuing their neighbours the woorth of their goods as they will seeke by deceipt coosonage and violence to pull them from them wrongfully and for nothing Quest VVhat was Abrahams care for Isaack when he came to age Ans To prouide him a vertuous wife chap. 24.4 Qu. Was he ruled by his Fathers appointment An. He was Qu. VVhat did he shew in that An. A godly president of obedience to all sonnes to follow the counsayle of their parents in choosing them wiues and not their owne inordinate desire Qu. Whom did Abraham send about his busines An. His chiefe scruant chap. 24.2 Qu. How did he proceed in it An. With prayer that hee might speed well and thanksgiuing afterward for his successe Qu. VVhat other good property was in that seruant An. He would not eat when he came to his iournies end before he had done his masters message Qu. VVhat may seruants learn by that An. To regard more their masters busines than their owne pleasure cha 24.33 Qu. VVhose daughter did hee choose for his masters sonne An. Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel Qu. When her parents heard the request of Abraham did they presently giue their daughter to Isaack An. No they asked counsaile of God first and then the maids consent Qu. VVhat is to be learned by that An. As children ought not to match without their parents consent so parents ought not to match their children without their consent chap. 24.58 Qu. After Isaack and Rebecca were married what issue did GOD giue them An. Two sonnes Esau and Iacob Qu. VVhat was Esaus vndoing An. The Iust of the flesh Qu. VVherein An. He sold his birth-right for pottage Qu. What ouer sight was that An. An ouersight that many worldly men runne into Qu. VVhat is that An. Preferring of trash before the rich graces of God chap. 25.33 Qu. VVhat did that negligence loose him else An. His fathers blessing Qu. VVhat was the reason Answ Because not regarding his earthly patrimony God likewise suffered him to loose the benefit of his heauenly inheritance which was spirituall benediction Quest Did Esau at the last see his owne error Ans No but ran rather into error Quest How Ans By hating his brother Iacob chap. 27.41 Quest What was the vertue of Iacob Ans Patience in giuing place to his brothers rage and going to seeke his fortune in an other countrey Quest Whither went he Ans To Haran to his vncle Laban Quest What were his vertues there Ans Diligence in doing his vncle seruice and fidelitie in not deceiuing him Quest How did God deale with Laban Ans He prospered him for iacobs sake Quest VVhat were Labans vices Ans Ingratitude and oppression Quest How was he ingratefull Ans In vpbraiding Iacob for his good seruice Quest How did he oppresse him Answ In trebling his seruitude by fraudulent and craftie meanes Que. Did God deliuer Iacob at last Ans Yes as he will all others that trust in him though a while he seeme to be farre from them Quest VVhat was the reward of Iacobs patience and true seruice in the end Ans Whereas when he came from his fathers house and had but one coate on his backe and a staffe in his hand at his returne hee was the husband of two wiues the master of many seruants and the owner of much treasures and diuers heards of cattle chap. 30.43 Quest Did not Iacob feare to returne into his owne countrey knowing that his brother Esau was his enemie Ans No. Quest Why Ans Because hee knew God that had commaunded him to goe would defend him Quest How did his brother Esau receiue him Ans Louingly and like a brother Qu. What was the vertue of Esau in that Ans He thought it a base and vnnaturall thing to keepe enuie alwaies in his stomacke toward any one much lesse toward his owne brother chap. 33.4 Chap. 34. to 50. Question HOw many sons had Iacob An. Twelue Qu. Vhich of those twelue was a figure of Christ An. Ioseph Qu. VVherein A. In being solde by his owne brethren Qu. What learne we by that An. That in all ages after God had promised the Messiah to Adam he neuer ceased by word and deed to signifie his comming Qu. VVhy did Iacobs son sell their brother Ioseph An. For malice in the Ioseph prophecied by dreames his brothers should be his seruants and bow to him Qu. VVhat other sins did they run into besides An. Murder and dissimulation Qu. How An. They entended to haue slaine their brother but that Iuda disswaded them chap. 37.26 Qu. How did they dissemble An. In telling their father that their brother was staine by wilde beastes chap.
their children Ans Not onely to feede and cloath them but to bring them vp in the feare of the Lord chap. 6 4. Qu. What is the duty of the children to their parents An. To honour and obey them with bodily reuerence and with the infained loue of the heart chap. 6.12 Qu. What is the duety of Maisters to their seruants Ans Not to defraud them of their ●ue nor to vse cruelty towardes them remembring that they themselues haue also amaister in heauen-chap 6.11 Qu. What is the duty of seruants to their masters An. To obey and labour for them in singlenesse of hart and not with eye seruice Qu. How is that An. To do all things whether theyr master be absent or present as if God beheld them Qu. How doth S. Paul wish the Ephesians and in them vs to arme our selues for the accomplishing of these and al other dueties Answ First to gird vs with the girdle of trueth secondly to put on the brest-plate of righteousnesse Thirdly to bee shod with the shoes of the preparation to the gospell of peace Forthly to take the shield of faith Fiftly the helmeto saluation Sixtly the sword of the spirit chap. 6 14.10 17. Qu. What it vnderstood by the girdle o● truth An. A binding of our felues to the obseruation of the word of God Qu. What by the brest plate of righteousnesse An. A good conscience or innocencie of life Qu What by the shooes of peace An. Friendly quiet conuersation Qu. What by the shield of sayth An. The righteousnes of Christ able like a brasen shield to protect couer vs from the darts of the world the flesh and the diuill Qu. What by the helmet of saluation An. I he strength and the power of Christ being for our sake vanquisher of hell death and sin Qu. What by the sword of the spirit An. The word of the euerliuing god which as a sworde we must draw foorth to defend our selues offend our spirituall enemies Quest What is the speciall quality required in him that is thus armed An. Prayer and continuall watchfulnesse chap. 6.11 To the Philippians Question WHat were the Philippians An. Exiles of Philippi a cittye in Macedonia where Saint Paul hadde planted the Gospel Qu. VVhat mooued him to write vnto them An. Two things Qu. VVhich be they Ans First the generall care hee had for al the people of God secondly that he might shew his thankfulnes toward the Philippians Qu. For vvhat An. For sending him relief after they knew he was prisoner in Rome Quest By whom did they send him reliefe An. By Ephroditus a professour of the Gospel Qu. How doth he shew his thankfulnesse toward them An. Two waies Qu. Which be they An. First in praysing God for them then in praying vnto God for them Quest How doth hee prayse God for them Ans In that it had pleased him to receiue them into the felowship of the Gospel chap. 1.5 Qu. How and in what sort doth he pray for them Ans Three manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. First that God which had begun this good worke in them would continue it vntill the day of Christ Iesus chap. 1.8 Secondly that they might bee able through his grace to discerne true doctrine from false chap. 1.10 Thirdly that they might abound in loue and the workes of righteousnesse chap. 1.11 Qu. How doth hee encourage them least his imprisonment should make them faint An. Three waies Qu. Which be they An. First in respect of others Secondly of himselfe Thirdly by the example of Christ Qu. How in respect of others An. That as others in behoulding his constancy were boldened and did more frankelie professe Christ so hee hoped they would doe chapter 1. verse 14. Qu. How doth he encourage them in respect of himselfe An. That as he knew Christ should be magnified in his body whether he liued or died so he doubted not but that they would be of the same minde chap. 1.10 Qu. How by the example of Christ An. That as Christ beeing God became man being free be came bound being Lord and Maister ouer all became a seruant to all and for our sakes was content to suffer all reproche and tyranny yea death it selfe so we for his sake should not refuse to doe the like chap. 2.5 to 11. Qu. What reason doth he alledge the better to perswade vs thereunto An. A two fold reason Qu. VVhat is that Ans First as touching the reward of our persecuters secondly as touching the rewarde of vs that are persecuted Qu. What doth he say shall be the reward of our persecuters An. Perdition Qu. What of vs that are persecuted An. Saluation chap. 1.28 Qu. How doth he conclude these circumstances Ans VVith a necessity to suffer with Christ if we will be thought to beleeue in Christ chap. 1.29 Qu. What doth Paule exhort vs vnto in this Epistle An. Concord meekenesse of minde and godly conuersation Qu. How to concord An. That we be of one iudgement in religion chap. 22. Qu. How to meeknesse of mind An. That nothing bee done through vaineglory but euery man to esteeme other better then himselfe chap. 2.3 Qu. Hovv to godly conuersation An. That whosoeuer is true iust and of good report him to follow chap. 4 8. Qu. What doth he bid vs to beware of An. False teachers Qu. What names doth hee attribute vnto false teachers whereby to know them An. Hee calleth them dogges euill workers cooseners belly-gods enemies to the Crosse of Christ and minders of earthlie things chap. 3 2. 18.19 Qu. And wherfore doth he cal them dogs An. Because like dogs they barke against the doctrine of the Gospel Qu. And why euill speakers An. Because in the haruest of the lord they seek not his glorie but their owne commoditie Qu. Why couseners An. Because they teach that circumcision and the workes of the Law are necessarie to saluation Qu. Why belli-gods An Because to saitsfie the lust of their flesh they care not with what ceremonies they seduce Gods people Quest VVhy enemies to the crosse of Christ An. Because they are Christians in name onely and not indeed Qu. Why minders of earthly things An. Because theyr chiefest care is to be rich and to rise to promotion Qu. How doth Paul make knowne the true ministers of God An. By fiue speciall notes Qu. Which bee they An. First he saith they hold it a glory to die for the confirmation of theyr disciples faith chapter 2.17 Secondly they put no confidence in earthlie things chapter 3. Thirdly they doe esteeme all thinges losse and as very dung for the excellent knowledge of Christ chap 3.8 Fourthly they preach the righteousnesse of Christ and not mens workes verse 9. Fiftly their conuersation is in heauen from whence they expect Christ by whose comming they hope to be