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B00888 The Christian manuell, or of the life and maners of true Christians. A treatise, wherein is plentifully declared, how needefull it is for the seruaunts of God to manifest and declare to the world: their faith by their deedes, their words by their works, and their profession by their conuersation. VVritten by Ihon VVoolton minister of the Gospel, in the Cathedral church of Excetor. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25976; Interim Tract Supplement Guide G.1999[2] 81,916 210

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sober and watche because your aduersarie the Deuil walketh vp down like a roaring Lyon seeking whome he maie deuowre The fornycatour and adulterour or he that is spotted with any lyke cryme heareth That neither fornicatours nor adulterers neither softlings shall haue the inheritaunce of the kingdome of God. And againe For you knowe this no whoremonger nor vncleane person nor couetous man nor he that is a worshipper of Images shall haue any inherytaunce in the kingdome of God and Christ And Marriage is honourable amongst all men and the bed vndefiled but as for fornycatours and adulterers God wyll iudge them Those that neglect the workes of charitie heare Depart from mee you cursed into eternall fyre which is prepared for the Deuil and for his Angels For I was hungerie and you fedde mee not I was thyrstie and you refreshed mee not I was a straunger and you lodged mee not I was naked and you cloathed mee not I was sicke and you visited mee not To be short we repeate and vrge earnestlye that of the holy Apostle VVee shall all appeare before the Tribunall seate of Christ that euerie one maie receiue as he hath done in his bodie either good or euill Moreouer we admonishe and call vppon euery vocation for the fruites and vertues appertayning to theyr estate The Prince and Magistrate heareth You carie nor the sworde in vaine for the Magistrate is Gods mynister to punishe the euyll and to cheerishe the good And Princes are not a terrour to those that doo well but to those that doo euyll The subiecte heareth There is no power but it is of God whosoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth Gods ordynaunce and wee ought not to obeye for feare onelye but also for conscience And againe Paie trybute to whome trybute belongeth The Husbande heareth You Husbandes loue your wyues and bee not bytter vnto them and so men ought to loue their wyues as theyr owne boddies The Wyfe heareth You VVyues be subiecte to your husbandes as vnto the Lorde because the Man is the vvomans headde and as the Churche is subiecte to Christ so ought vviues to bee subiect to their husbandes in all thinges The Parentes heareth Prouoke not your Chyldren to wrath but bringe them vppe in the dyscipline of the Lord. Chyldren heare Obeye your Parents in the Lorde The Seruauntes heare Obeye those that are your Maisters according to the fleshe vvith feare and tremblinge vvith symplycitie of your hartes as it vvere to Christe And Maisters heare You Maisters vse your seruaunts with curtesie and gentlenesse knowing that you haue a Maister in heauen The Preacher readeth Feede the flocke of Christe as muche as in you lyeth not takynge care thereof by coaction but vvyllynglye not desyrous of fylthie lucre but vvith a readye minde The Publycane heareth Requyre no more then that vvhiche is appoynted for you The Souldyour heareth Stryke no manne neyther speake euyll of any man but bee content vvith your stypendes These and many sutche textes of the same sorte wée repeate and inculcate moste earnestlye and with all our dilligence exhort the people to vertue and godlynesse whiche doo playnelye proue and argue that wée are free from those crymes which our aduersaryes moste vntruelye chardge vs with all There are some kynde of workes in déede that wée wryghte and speake againste because they can not bée accoumpted amongst the number of good workes and to the ende our dealinges herein may be more euident It shal not be from my purpose to dystinguyshe betwéene the diuerse orders of men bringing foorth good works and betwéene workes them selues whereby the processe of my matter wyll be more facill and easy and touching the persons workinge they maye bee reduced to thrée sortes Of the firste kynde are Myscreantes and vnbeléeuers not receyued in to Christs Church with any sacraments In whome the dignitye of naturall reason is not so dymly obscured but that most commonlye with great indeuour they conuert thinges externall honest and detest things dyshonest preferring with graue iudgement vertue to vyce as is most conuenyent Whereof the Apostle speaketh saying that the Gentils by nature doo those things whiche apperteyne vnto the lawe Wherefore albeit the workes of Heathen men are not to be compared wyth the good workes of faythfull men ingraffed in the Church of Christ yet for many causes and pryncipally for that without all controuersie all good gyfts and indewments euen in the Paynymes are Gods good gyfts they haue the tyttle and name of good workes in some respectes geuen vnto them Of the seconde sorte those are whoo haue receyued the Sacraments and are written as it wéere in the Regester booke of the Churche of God amongst whome there is also some dyfference for some are verye Atheysts and with theyr abhominable lyfe denye him in their déedes whome they confesse with theyr mouth and are in name onelye Christyans others are Hyppocrites making a shewe of good workes and couerynge the wyckednesse of theyr hartes wyth outwarde glosses not respecting Gods honor and glorye but that them selues maye bée séene and gloryfyed of men And fynally others doo good woorkes wyth a pure and syncéere harte procéedinge of fayth and feare of God hauing theyr eyes fyxed vppon Gods glorye and the profyte of theyr neighbour and in these the spyrite of God whiche they haue already receyued in Iustifycation and regeneration is fruitefull and effectuall Now let vs viewe these mennes workes that are in the fellowshippe and Communion of Christes church for of the workes of Infidels and Gentyles I wyl speake somewhat afterwarde Fyrst the Atheistes who thinke in theyr harte that there is no God doo loose the raygnes of lybertye to all fylthye luste and beastlye pleasure contempne all honest and godlye actions and with the Sicophants plainly grant VVee knowe no other God but our bellyes vnto vvhome vvee vvvll offer sacryfices Oxen Sheepe and all other delycious thinges Of the whiche Epecurysme the holye Prophete Dauid complayneth The foolyshe boddie hath sayde in his harte there is no God And afterwarde accuseth and bewayleth the pyttyfull corruption of humayne nature carying about daylye eyther ygnoraunce not knowing GOD or securytie neglectyng GOD or dystruste runnynge awaye from God of these mennes workes I shall not néede to speake any thing in this my exhortations to good workes séeing they bende them selues only to worke wickednesse Hyppochrites albeit nowe and then they shewe somme workes of mercye and pytie and obserue the commaundementes accordinge to the outwarde letter yet most commonly their whole studdye is occupyed about supersticious ceremonyes rytes and externall exercyses wherein they thinke that a Christyan mannes lyfe doeth chieflye consyst Of the which sorte are to goe in Pylgrimage barefooted hanging Iewelles vppon stockes and stones offering of incense and waxe Candles inuocation of Saintes and many other lyke toyes conioyned eyther with great impietye and Idolatrye or with great lyghtnesse
so mutch to make men learned as to make them vertuous how mutch more ought christian philosophie to proceed further not only to put into mens minds the knowledge of pietie and god lines but also sanctimonie holines it selfe Euery one therfore indued with a true faith ought to feele Christe so woorking in him by his holy spirit that he may say with the Apostle Nowe liue not I but Christ liueth in me And as the body endued with a liuing and reasonable soule receiueth feeleth and practiseth the actions therof so he that is ingraffed in Christe and is his member cannot chuse but be pertaker of his spirit vertue and holinesse VVhereupon t●e apostolike and cathoik faith nameth the bodie or societie of the church the Communion of Sainctes plainly importing therby that those men onely appertaine to t●at societie who meditate and study how they may liue well and labour with all their might that they may be that wherevnto the Apostle exhorteth the Thessalonians altogether sanctified Perfect in spirite and such as may bee blameles against the comming of our Lode Iesus Christ And al those that are otherwise affected and frame not their life to that ende and yet desire to be named Christians they dissente from them selues and with their life argue their tongue of vntrueth and falsehoodde Moreouer a mans profession is not so much to be weighed by his tongue and talke as by his deedes and life The Apostle speaketh of such Impastours saying That they professe them selfe to know God but vvith their deedes they denie him And that holie Martyr Saint Ciprian hath a fine saying ▪ That the testimony of a mans life is more effectuall then that of his tongue and that vvorkes haue after a sort their liuely speeche and eloquence albeit the tongue be silent and moue neuer a deale And hee that professeth with his mouth and walketh contrarie in his life maie right well be compared to an vnwise builder who layeth on morter with the one hād and pulleth down stones vvith the other of such kind of builders our Lord and Master Christ speaketh after this manner Therefore whosoeuer heareth my sayings and doth them I wyll lyken him vnto a vvise man who buylt his house vpon a rocke and the raine descended and the flooddes came and the vvindes blewe and beete vpon that house and it fell not because it vvas grounded vppon a rocke And euerie one that heareth of mee these sayinges and doeth them not shal be likened vnto a foolishe man vvhich built his house vppon the sande And the raine descended and the floods came and the vvinds blew and beate vpon that house and it fell and great vvas the fall of it c. Saint Augustine speaking against carnal and lypgospellers sayth thus In vaine doth he assume the name of Christ that follovveth not Christ To vvhat purpose is it if thou bee called that vvhich thou art not and to vsurpe a strange name But if thou delight in that name then do those thinges vvhich appertaine to Christianitie and then thou maist vvith good cause chalenge the name of a Christian Novve if vve viewe Christians after this rule if vve examine mens daily life and conuersation and trie the same vvith the touch stone of Gods commaundementes that number vvyll appeare smal and a true Christian vvil almoste be as rare as a blacke Swanne vpon the earth For neither the negligent and voluptuous Magistrate nor the idle Byshop nor the cruel husband nor the bytter vvyfe nor the careles Father nor the rebellious chylde nor the merciles master nor the vnfaithful seruant vvith many other of that sort can not by any meanes be rightly named Christians But those rather euen by the testimony of Christ him selfe are so to be called that heare his vvord and keepe it And although our saluation issueth frō Gods grace and goodnesse yet hee requireth at our handes trust and confidence in him a prompte and readie vvyl to obey his vvord dilligence industrie in our vocation praier and inuocatiō of his holie name accepting our imperfect disobedience and forgeuing our infirmities for his sonne Christes sake Al those that then desire to be true Christians ought to bee sorie for their sinnes to flie vnto Christe and to repose sure trust and confidence of saluation in the mercie of God through him to bring foorth vvorthy fruites of repentance and to leade a life agreeable to the Gospell For those that be true Christiās do alwaies vvrestle vvith vices and fight vvith concupiscence and lust they endeuour to bridle vvicked affections and cōtemning earthly thinges doo bende and fixe their mindes vpon heauenly thinges VVhereof Chrisostom vvriteth thus O Christian thou art too delicate a souldior if thou thinke to vanquish without battell and to triumphe vvithout fight vvherefore cal to minde thy condicion and that vvarrefare vvherein thou hast professed thy selfe a souldiour vvhich if thou do then shalt thou vvell perceaue that al those vvorthy vvightes vvhome thou doest so much esteeme and reuerence haue by fight and battell vanquished and triumphed c. And because true Christians cannot worthelte requite almighty God for his innumerable benefits neyther satisfie them selues in pietie tovvarde him yet they are carefull and endeuour to their vttermost neuer to aliuate Gods grace and fauour from them neyther to do that vvhich vvylbe displeasaunt vnto his maiestie But contrarivvise through the ayde of Gods spirit they labour to do those thinges vvhich are acceptable vnto him workinge their saluation with trembling and feare and frame all their actiods not so muche after the liking of humane reasons as after the prescript of Gods holy wyll and commaundement And because in actions no man can determine what is good vnles he first knovv vvhat is true and for that the same cannot be othervvise had then from the mouth of God in his vvord they turne ouer the holy Byble they studye the mo ▪ niments of the prophets and Apostles and meditate Gods lavve both daye and nighte VVherby Christians only come vnto the knowledge of the truth and vnderstanding of Gods vvyll vvhich to knovve is perfit vvisdome vvhich to do is true vertue and vvherein to cont●nue is the onely and eternall felicitie Those then that knovv not the vvill of God as the Ethnicks in times paste and Turkes and Ievves novve a dayes cannot haue any sure and comfortable vvarrantise of their lyfe and learning For the Christians onely taught in Gods schoole knowe his wyll and in all their life rather respect the same then their owne wyll and reason and repute it to be the greatest vertue to please and obeie him and to followe his preceptes and commaundementes And if at any time through humane infirmitie and weaknesse they offende and slide awry by and by they desire pardon and forgeuenesse of God through Christe and apprehende by faith mercie promised in him and comforte them selues with a quiet
that hath done vvrong Housekeepers Masters of familyes are taught That possession gotten vvith iniquitie fleeteth awaye Of Charitie it is wrytten That loue couereth the multitude of sinnes Of Magistrates it is written Geue vnto Caesar those thinges vvhich belong to Caesar and to God those things that are Gods. Of othes and remembring of iniuries Haue I commaunded your fathers comming out of the lande of Aegipt that they shoulde offer sacrifice and burntofferinges but I commaunded this rather That euerie one thould forget iniuries and offences and to loue no vntrue oath Lyers prowde men heare this threatning VVoo vnto those that call sweete bytter and bytter sweete and againe VVoo be vnto them that are vvyse in their owne conceytes And he that humbleth himself shal be exalted and he that exalteth him selfe shal be brought lowe Those that shewe pittie and mercy are pronounced blessed Because they shal obtaine mercie Enuie and displeasure is accoumpted a hurtfull thing Because it destroyeth those that be wyse And as for enemyes we are commaunded To loue them to blesse those that curse vs And vnto him that smyteth thee vpon the one cheeke offer vnto him the other Our seruauntes are to be vsed gently for they are men as we be and there is no respect of personnes before god Vainglory is also beaten downe VVoo be vnto you Pharisees because you loue the highest seates in the Synagoges and salutations in the market places Of almes deedes it is wrytten Come ye blessed children of my father receyue the kingdome prepared for you from the begynning of the vvorlde for I vvas hungrie aad you gaue mee meate I vvas thirstie and you gaue me drinke Fayth trouth in word déed are highly commended VVherfore laying asyde lyes let euery one speake truth vnto his neighbour for vve are members one of another let not the Sūne set vpon our vvrath neyther let vs geue place to the Deuyll He that stole let him steale no more but rather let him labour vvith his handes that he may be able to geue vnto the needy Let all bytternes and vvrath and fiercenes and cursed speaking be remoued from amongst you vvith all that vvhich is euyll Be gentle and mercyful one toward another doing good one to another as Christ hath done good vnto you Be you vvyse and follovvers of God as deare children and vvalke in loue as Christ hath loued you You vvyues be subiect to your ovvne husbandes as vnto the lord And you husbandes loue your vviues as Christ loued his church You sonnes obey your Parents Fathers prouooke not your children to vvrath but bring them vp in the nurtour and admonicion of the lord You seruaunts obey your Maisters after the flesh vvith trembling and feare in symplicity of your harts as it vvere seruing Christ from your hartes vvith good vvyll And you Masters do vvell vnto your seruaunts remitting threates knovving that both their Maister and yours is in heauen and is no accepter of persons If vve lyue in the spirite let vs vvalke in the spirite Let vs not be desirous of vainglory enuying one another and prouoking one another Let vs beare one anothers hurthen Let vs not deceaue our selues for God is not deceyued And againe VVe beseeche you brethren vvarne them that are vnruly comfort the feble minded lyft vp the vveake be patient toward all men See that none recompence euyll for euyl vnto any man but euer follovve that vvhich is good both among your selues and vnto all men Reioyce euer pray continually In all things geue thanks for it is the vvyll of GOD in Christ Iesus tovvard you Quenche not the spiritte despise not Prophesyings Examine all thinges hold fast that vvhich is good abstaine from all appearaunce of euyll Let your speache be alvvayes in grace powdred vvith salt to knovve hovve you ought to answere euerie man And againe Godlynes is profitable to all thinges hauing promises of the lyfe that is nowe and of that vvhich is to come And of serrauntes it is wrytten And they vvhich haue beleeuing Maisters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather let them doo seruice for asmuch as they are beleeuing and beloued and partakers of the benefyte And that generall exhortation is worthy remembraunce Seeing that vve haue diuerse giftes according to the grace that is geuen vnto vs eyther prophesie after the measure of faith eyther offyce in administration or he that teacheth in teaching or hee that exhorteth in exhorting he that geueth in singlenesse he that ruleth in dilligence he that is mercifull in cheerefulnesse Loue vvithout dissimulation hating euyll cleaning to good Affectioned one to another vvith brotherly loue in geuing honor goe one before another Not lyther in busines feruent in spirite seruing the Lorde Reioycing in hope patient in trouble instant in prayer distributing to the necessitie of Sainctes geuen to hospitalitie Blesse them vvhich persecute you blesse and curse not Reioyce with them that reioyce weepe vvith them that vveepe Being of lyke affectioned one towardes another be not high mynded but making your selues equall to them of the lower sort not vvise in your owne opinions Recompence to no man euyll for euyll prouiding aforehande thinges honest not onely before God but also in the sight of all men If it be possible asmuch as lyeth in you haue peace vvith all men These fewe things I haue chosen from amongst many out of the holye scripture which I thought good to offer vnto my schollers that they might learne to plucke vp sinne and iniquitie by the rootes The body of the holy scripture conteyneth a plentyfull stoore of many other preceptes meete for an kyndes and callinges of men for the Cleargie and for the layetie for Princes for Priestes for gouernours and for subiectes of the which occasion may peraduenture be geuen to speake more aptly in another place Our heauenly father hath lefte his wyll vnto vs in his holye worde And whereas the horse is broken with the bytte and brydle the Ore with the yoake the wylde beast is caught with the nette the fishe with the hooke he hath ordeyned his word to alter and transformer resonable men Let vs most humblye beseeche him to gyue vs his grace that we may obey his word and followe his preceptes and commaundementes that we maye wade through the floodes of sinne and come into the quyet hauen of eternall peace there to be thankfull and alwayes to extoll the heauenly Father with his onely sonne together with the holy ghost world without ende Amen A Philosophecall posy Two principall partes of wisedom The Philosophers ignorante in the practise of their precepte Esai 29. 33. 1. Cor. 1. True wisdome is only in Gods. church 1. Cor. 1. Psa 36. Iohn 8. Christe is a perfecte example for vs to folowe in faythe and lyffe Christe an example in our liffe Iohn 13. 2 Tim. 3. Rom. 2. 1. The. 4