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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55487 Sabbatum. The mystery of the Sabbath discovered Wherein the doctrine of the Sabbath according to the Scriptures, and the primitive church, is declared. The Sabbath moral, and ceremonial are described, and differenced. What the rest of God signified, and wherein it consisted. The fourth commandment expounded. What part of the fourth commandment is moral, and what therein is ceremonial. Something (occasionally) concerning the Christian Sunday. By Edm. Porter, B.D. sometime fellow of St John's Colledge in Cambridge, and Prebend of Norwich. Porter, Edmund, 1595-1670. 1658 (1658) Wing P2984; ESTC R218328 143,641 276

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Tacitus reporteth But most barbarously cruell was that fact of Parrhasi●s a Painter which is related by k Sen. lib. 5. cont 35. Seneca either as a true History or at least as a case in Law which then was casus dab●lis who to●tured his captive-servants in flames to death that so he might have a pattern to paint Prometheus by Nor was this all but for an aggravation of their miseries they were so far from being pittied that Poets and Players made them a common argument of publick mirth and derision in open Theaters wherein they were described as l Plautus catenarum coloni ulmorum Acharuns verberea statua Gymnasium flagri Plagipatidae Plagigeruli Sexcentoplagi c. And sometimes were forced to a part in some Tragedy of Phaeton or Hercules burning or of one crucified and in stead of dying in jest they were in earnest really put to death as appeareth by the Spectacula of m Mart. Spect. Ep. 7 Martial And this was done to please the people Thus were the Jews and Heathen-G●ntiles cruell but God was and is mercifull and therefore in consideration of the hard-heartednesse and power of masters over their servants whereby they might by tortures compell them to work on forbidden daies he hath by this Law in such cases laid the transgression and consequently the punishment thereof not on the compelled servant but on the masters own head And there is no doubt but the equity of this ceremoniall Law of the Jews doth also reach the Christians and Gentiles All men are but servants and fellow-servants under one Master who in his Gospell hath thus threatned That servant which shall smite his fellow-servants shall be cut in sunder and shall have his portion with Mat. 24. 49. hypocrites Nor thy Cattle The mercifull Godhead by his Law taketh care even for poor cattle more then the Heathen Laws did for mankind as * Philo de Charitate Mosis p. 710 Philo observeth in imitation whereof the Jews had a Tradition belike from some of their holy Ancestors concerning mercy to be shewed to dumb creatures in distresse as Eusebius reports in these words † Euseb de Praep. l. 8. cap. 2. Nuilius animalis preces cum ad te lamentanti simile refugiat contemnas The meaning was that if a poor beast or bird pursued by ravenous beasts or birds or birds of prey shall fly to a man for safeguard he should protect it from the pursuer This provision for cattle is annexed to this Sabbath-Law for two reasons 1. Because the Jewish-Sabbath was a type or figure of Rest not onely of mankind after the end of this world but also of the rest and freedom of other worldly and domestick creatures which are now subservient to man and toiled with labours as the Ox and Asse the Horse and Mule and Camell c. A mercifull man cannot chuse but many times to pitty and commiserate the excessive labours and daily slaughterings of the creatures of which the Apostle saith that one day They shall be delivered from the bondage under Rom. 8. 21 which the whole creation groaneth 2. Because the working of domestick cattle must needs require the assistance and co-operation of man Therefore it is here forbidden Nor the stranger that is within thy gates By this Law other Nations are not restrained from working on the Jewish Sabbath which did not at all concern them Onely if aliens or forrainers did sojourn within the Jewish-gates that is within the jurisdiction either Domestick or Politick of the Jews then the Jews are required to cause them to forbear working on their Jewish Sabbath day So that this restraint of aliens or strangers was confined to be onely within the Jewish limits and territories for strangers or aliens abiding in other places out of the Jewish pale were at liberty to work and for so doing the Jews are not by this Law required to forbid or hinder them That sons servants and even cattel are here placed before strangers the reason is 1 Because they are the Jews own peculiars of nearer relation and more subject to their commands than strangers are 2. To intimate that the Jews should first practise and obey the Law in their own persons and families for otherwise it would seem vanity pride or hypocrisie to require obedience or compliance from others There is a woe to such as lade other men with burdens which themselves will Luk. 11. 46. not touch with one of their fingers which may concern those which lay the restraint of Jewish Sabbatizing on others under the penalties of pecuniary mulcts or the Stocks or Sequestration which yet themselves sleight by marching travelling fighting and killing on the same day Certain Observations arising from this Exposition By what hath been said it may evidently appear to a diligent Reader that this seventh-day Sabbath was meerly Ceremoniall and concerned onely the Jews or Israeliticall people and not other Nations as may be collected from the premises for these reasons following 1. Because the transgression or violation of this Sabbath-Law by sons or servants by command or compulsion of their Rulers is here declared to be the sin of the commander onely and not of the son or servant which could not be if this Law were Morall 2. If this seventh-day Sabbath-keeping were a Law Morall then it must follow that whosoever transgressed therein whether by his own will and election or by command or fear or compulsion greatly sinned Otherwise the Christian Martyrs might have been as well excused if they had worshipped the Heathen-Idolls when they were commanded by their lawfull Princes and moreover terrified by excessive torments and death But they knew that Idolatry was forbidden by a Law Morall and therefore refused to obey But this seventh-day Sabbatizing is not commanded by a Morall but onely by a Law Ceremoniall 3. These words Thou and thy son and thy daughter thy man-servant c. are not said of any other of these morall Laws Not of having other gods nor of Idols nor Perjury nor dishonouring Parents nor Murder nor Aduliery nor Theft c. Because sons daughters and servants transgressing any of these truly Morall Laws though by any command or terrour of their Governours yet the sin must be their own But if sons or servants did work on this Ceremoniall Sabbath by command and compulsion the sin was in the commander and not in the obeyer Therefore this must needs be a Ceremoniall Precept and not Morall and it is imposed on Parents Masters and Governours because the fault is not in the servants obedience to his Master but in the Masters disobedience to God The Apostle saith Children obey your Parents but Eph. 6. 1. Col. 3. 18. 20. 22. he addeth in the Lord. And again Wives submit your selves to your own husbands he addeth as it is fit in the Lord. And Children obey your parents in all things Servants obey in all things your masters he addeth Fearing God So that if their commands
not the Law of God so may the people of God keep and sanctifie the true substantiall Sabbath though with the breach or as Christ said profanation of the seventh day or ceremoniall Sabbath If it be here demanded why God so strictly required a cessation from work and a corporeall Rest on the seventh day seeing he did not expect so exact an obedience thereunto To this we answer That as the seventh day was but the type of the true Sabbath which is Christ so the corporall rest therein was but the figure or signe of our spirituall and eternall rest in Him Therefore as the Ceremoniall or seventh-day Sabbath in some cases might be transgressed yet without any breach or neglect of the true Sabbath which is Christ so our corporall rest might be disturbed many waies in this life by labours sorrows sufferings and persecutions yet without any disturbance of our spirituall rest comfort settlement joy and peace in the God of all consolation for so Christ hath said These things have I said unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall Joh. 16. 33 have tribulation For the tribulations of the world do not extinguish or null the peace of God in his servants So he saith again concerning the agonies of this present life Come unto me all ye that labour Mat. 11. 28 and are heavy laden Take my yoke and ye shall find rest unto your souls By which it appeareth that the spirituall Rest or Sabbath in Christ possibly may consist with labours burdens heavinesse and even with bearing the crosse of Christ There is moreover a further reach and reason why God imposed this inconvenient and almost impossible cessation on the seventh-day-Sabbath which we will declare hereafter in its due place CHAP. XVIII The Exposition continued Why the Woman is not here mentioned That sons or servants sinned not by working upon command The miseries of servants Why cattle might not be wrought on Sabbath-daies That strangers were not obliged to Sabbatize except they resided within the Jewish Pale Why cattle are mentioned before strangers Why servants cattle and strangers are not mentioned at the beginning of this Law with the Memento That by these Circumstanstances the seventh-day-Sabbath is proved to be meerly Ceremonial Judaical Thou nor thy son nor thy daughter THey that ask why the wife was not here named may as well ask why the man or husband was not for neither are particularly mentioned because both are alike obliged and both included in this word Thou A woman may have a son and daughter and servant● and cattle and a stranger within her ga●es especially in her widowhood as well as a man But if they be joyned in matrimony then no need of particular mention of either because both are one The woman was included in the man at the creation of both Male and female created he them And both the Old the New Testament account them as one They Gen. 2. 24 Eph 5. 31. shall be one flesh In Grammar there is Hic haec homo and in Theology the wife is esteemed as haec vir or as St. Jerom translates the originall word Virago and Lyranus yet nearer calls the woman Vir● Both are invested with superiority over their children and servants and both interested in the fruition of their goods At Heathen marrriages the woman said * Plut. Quaest Rom Ubi tu C●ius ego Caia And at our Christian matrimony the man saith With all my worldly goods I thee endow Nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man-servant c. This is added because otherwise the Jews might have thought it no transgression in themselves to have caused their children or servants to work if the parents or masters wrought not But by these words the contrary will appear that if their children or servants were by them compelled to work on their Sabbath day the sin was not to be imputed to the son or servant but to the parents or masters that so commanded For if it had been sin or a transgression of this Law in sons or servants to work upon command and compulsion then it must follow that cattle also even the Ox and the Asse must have been under the obligation of this Commandment and they also must have sinned as † Against Mr. N. Byfield Mr. Brerewood hath observed which to affirm is most ridiculous But if the Jewish sons or servants or subjects had wrought on their Sabbath at their own choice without command or compulsion of their Rulers then the transgression or Sabbath-breach must have been their own and the punishment thereof inflicted on themselves onely and not otherwise Thy man-servant nor thy maid-servant The condition of servants was lamentable their masters power over them was great and so was their cruelty God therefore provided some ease for them otherwise the unmercifull and covetous Jews would have afforded no rest to them at all Neither did the Judaicall Laws of the Jews wholly provide against the cruelty of masters for if a Jew by cruell Ex. 21. 20. stripes had killed his servant the master was not punishable by the Law Judaicall if the abused servant continued alive a day or two after nor except he died under his hand Although no doubt the master sinned against the morall Law Thou shalt not kiil and was therefore answerable to God for murder But their condition under the Gentiles was far worse who had legall power of life and death over them They were not onely bought and sold like cattle but also esteemed as vile or worse than their beasts One makes it a question a Tul. Offic. l. 3. Utrum equi a● servi jactura eligenda Another saith b A●g Ps 143. Cariùs equum quàm servum emunt and another c Ambros n Ser. 41. To. 5. Quidam canum magis quam servorum curam habent Their labours were such as cattle are used for they called them d Laert. in Diogen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as if they were nothing but feet They ground in the Mill and carried their Masters in Litters great journeys as horses now do And when they were old and past work they were cast out of doors to perish by famin which was the practise of their wise Cato the Elder as e in Cato Major Plutarch saith Besides great were the cruelties and tortures inflicted on poor servants for light or no causes f Juvenal Sat. 6. Pone crucem servo Nil fecerit esto Hoc volo sic jubeo Seneca saith of them g Sen. Epist 47. Tussis sternutamentum magno malo luitur One Vedius Pollio a Roman h Dion in Aug. c. 15. commanded one of his servants to be cast into his pond of Lampries onely for breaking a drinking-glasse And when Pedanius a Roman was secretly slain in his own house the murderers being not known 400 of his houshold-servants were all put to death as i Tacit. Annal lib. 14.
be of things indifferent onely or though against some Laws of God which are but meerly ceremoniall as working on the Jewish Sabbath was then servants must obey actively but if their commands be against the Morall Law of God the servant must in no wise perform his master's command nor obey him therein otherwise than passively by bearing his punishment patiently In this case we have Christ's own direction concerning parents He that loveth father or mother more Mat. 10. 37. Luk. 14. 26. than me is not worthy of me And If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother yea and his own life also he cannot be my disciple For although it is not lawfull in any case to hate the persons of our parents otherwise than we must hate or sleight our own lives or souls yet in obedience to God we may and must hate and detest their pernitious commands 4. If this seventh-day Sabbath had been in force from the first seventh day of the world as some have too hotly and unadvisedly affirmed and if the Israelites in their Aegyptian bondage had been thereby obliged to Sabbatize as they must have been if it had been a Morall Law they must have obeyed God rather than men notwithstanding the Aegyptian rigour towards them But surely they had never heard of such Sabbatizing untill they were delivered out of Aegypt For when they petitioned Pharaoh by Moses to have leave to go into the desart three daies journey to sacrifice Exod. 5. 3. it seemed but a pretence for idlenesse and much more would their weekly Sabbatizing have been accounted by him who never had heard of any such thing For surely neither Jacob nor Joseph nor any of those other Patriarks Sabbatized while they continued in Aegypt which they might have done at their first comming and also during the great authority of Joseph and also would if any such morall Law had been imposed on them Therefore if they had neglected their Exod. 5. 4. Bricks upon an allegation of Sabbatizing not onely the inferiour Israelites but even Moses himself and Aaron also had been relegated as one saith Plaut in Asin Apud Fustitudinas Ferri-crepinas insulas Ubi v. vos homines mortu● incursant boves But in the Babylonish Captivity when this seventh day-Sabbath was actually in force although no doubt the captive Jews were commanded and forced and therefore did work on this seventh day yet they did not offend God thereby because that Law was but ceremoniall and so must give place to necessity and to the great inconvenience of force and stripes In that book intituled Quaestiones Vet. Novi Testamenti which goes under the name of St. Austin The Author very judiciously thus writeth a Aug. parte 2. quaest 23. To. 4. Quod semper non licet non habet excusationem Sabbatum non observare quand que excusationem habet sed Adulterium c. nunquam i. e. That which to do is alwayes unlawful cannot be excused from sin upon any colour whatsoever but the breaking of the Jewish Sabbath-day in some cases is excusable whereas the transgression of the Moral Lawes of God as by Idolatry Perjury Murder Adultery c. is not at all to be excused in any case Thus this Writer evidently sheweth that the Jewish Seventh-day Sabbath was none of the Moral Lawes of God 5. Finally Let it be considered that these words Thou thy Son Servant Cattel and Stranger are not placed at the beginning of this fourth Commandement as Remember is nor mentioned until the Moral part of this Law was described and finished But they are with great wisdome warily reserved to be put into the Ceremonial part thereof because they do not belong to the Moral Sabbath which commandeth the keeping holy or the sanctifying of the Messiah for Cattel cannot sanctifie this Moral Sabbath Nor was there any need of requiring Parents or Masters to cause their Sons or Servants so to do because the Son and Servant were by themselves bound to it and if they did not the sin was in themselves and not in the Parent or Master For the Moral Sabbath which is Christ the Messiah might be kept holy or sanctified by Servants even in the midst of their sorest labours As our Christian Martyrs did keep this Sabbath even in the time when they laboured in the Mettal-mines and also in the midst of flames and other agonies Whereas the Ceremonial or Seventh-day-Sabbath is here appointed to be kept by resting from ordinary works without any mention of any other kind of sanctification which not only Servants and the most ignorant Ideots but Cattel also might keep For so the Heathen Romans had a Festival which they called a Ovid. Fast l. 2. Festum Stultorum And at Syracusa in Sicilie there was a Festival called b Plut. in Nicia Dies Asinarius And among the Greeks a Ovid. Fast l. 2. Feast which they called c Athaeneus l. 3. Porcalia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And another they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i e. The Feasts of Fools Asses Swine and Dogs So indeed the Jewish Seventh-day Rest or Sabbath was not only for Masters and Servants but also for Cattel as requiring only bodily Rest which therefore Bishop Andrews doubted not to call d B. Andr. Cat. on the 4th Com. Sabbatum Boum Asinorum In a word the Ceremonial Sabbath belonged not only to Men but to Cattel also who had their interest therein Therefore those words Servants and Cattel are joyntly placed in the ceremonial part of this Commandement and not in the morall part thereof with the Memento But the true Moral and Mysterious Sabbath which is Christ belongeth only to Mankind which the great Prophet doth therefore thus describe e Isa 58. 13. Si vocaveris Sabbatum Delicatum Sanctum Domini gloriosum glorificaveris eum i. e. If thou call the Sabbath a Delight the holy of the Lord Honourable and shalt honour him Here the Sabbath is described as a Person and not as only a day as is before observed And these Titles of Delight and Holy of the Lord and Honourable belong only to Christ who is indeed the only true reall and substantiall Sabbath both of God and Man The Stranger or Gentile includeth all other Nations besides the Jews even us Christians also and so the Jews at this day account us but as Gentiles and Strangers although the wall of partition between them and us is broken Eph. 2. 14. down But we Gentiles do at this day keep the true Moral Sabbath which is Christ so do not the Jews And the Jews keep the Saturday shadowie and ceremonial-Sabbath unseasonably now when it is out of date but so do not we Christians except there be any left among us that judaize CHAP. XIX The Exposition continued How God is said to have made all in six dayes and yet that he ended his Work on the Seventh day Why the Creation was