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A50468 The life & death of Edmund Staunton D.D. To which is added, I. His treatise of Christian conference. II. His dialogue betwixt a minister and a stranger. Published by Richard Mayo of Kingston, Minister of the Gospel. Mayo, Richard, 1631?-1695. 1673 (1673) Wing M1528; ESTC R221740 138,938 373

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deal with servants Charge them to obey their Masters in all things not with eye-service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing God Not answering againe not purloining shewing all fidelitie Col. 3.22 Tit. 2.9 10. Yet again 15. Ignorance if you meet with them that are ignorant tell them That the soul be without knowledge is not good and the high aggravation of the gross ignorance of many is that they are willingly ignorant neither know nor desire or care to know the things of God Prov. 19.2 2 Pet. 3.5 If with men of knowledg 16. Knowing caution them to beware least their knowledg puffeth them up but rather being acted and managed by and with Charitie that it edifie being laid out for the good of others and their lips being the lips of the righteous let them feed many by Christian Conference and holy communication with others 1 Cor. 8. 1. Prov. 10.21 I might be very large and voluminous herein but to close up this direction be still furnished to speak to any persons whatsoever of such points as are of universal concernment as touching regeneration the absolute indispensable necessity of it to salvation as also touching our having a saving interest in Jesus Christ Christ told Nicodemus in plain terms Joh. 3.3 5. That except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdome of God And expresly as to the necessity of union with Christ He that hath the Son hath everlasting life and he that hath not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him vers 36. A third preparative direction 3 Direction for the promoting of Christian Conference in all places and companies where we come is to begin at home each Christian setting it up and keeping it up in his own house and Family that so wife Children and servants may gain an habit of good and savoury discourse to be acted and exercised when you or they go abroad as children mannerly or rude and unmannerly at home use so to carry themselves abroad also and such talk and discourse as is used at home by husbands and wives Parents and Children Masters and Servants is like to be their language abroad also The Lord by Moses gives his peremptory command as to good discourse in families These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house and in thy lying down and rising up Deut. 6.6 7. Such was wise King Solomons practice which gave occasion to Sheba Queen of the South in her Princely visit to him to say unto him Happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdome c. Custome is another nature use legs and have legs use memory and have memory use good discourse and you will have good discourse I have seen Children boyes and girles had to neighbour houses upon occasion of feasting visits or the like and when their parents call upon them for manners saying sirra where 's your hat and your leg and girle where 's your Cursy but no hat off no leg or Cursy made why not used to it at home So when we come into Christian Company and we provoke our selves to carry on good discourse and say Awake my glory Answer is given no sleep at home must sleep abroad also Acts frequent beget habits acquired and strengthen infused A dexterity in the managing of Christian Confernece aright as to matter manner principles and ends is I presume an infused habit a special gift of God Isa 50.4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary Given me that is me the Prophet in his measure or rather given me is meant of Christ on whom the Spirit is poured without measure yet so as that every believer hath his proportion of the Spirit and so of this gift and habit of Christian Conference to be used and so improved and strengthen by a frequent and vigorous acting of it for the glory of God and the good of our selves and others with whom we have occasion to converse Let it be one of thy Christian exercises to act and strengthen this habit day by day in this language and communication A fourth preparative direction may be repentance and humiliation for our great failing in our great neglect of so great a duty as Christian Conference is 4 Humiliation We spend little of our time and strength in this duty to wit in such discourse as hath a proper and direct tendency to the conversion or edification of the hearers we are much if not too much upon this talk what newes abroad speaking of persons this body or that magnifying some too high vilifying and depressing others too low possibly erring in a way of flattery on the one hand or of envy and hatred on the other blameworthy in both A fifth Direction I would give 5 Prayer is the pouring out a prayer to God in faith and love every morning that he would guide thy discourse all the day long It was Davids prayer Ps 141.3 Set a watch O Lord before my Mouth keep the door of my lips And again Ps 51.15 O Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise and that thou mayst pray in faith plead the promise The Tongue of the dumb shall sing Isa 35.6 fulfilled in the Gospel Corporally and Spiritually Christ made and still makes the dumb to speak and that to his and his Father's glory when they brought a dumb man to Christ possessed of a Devil Christ cast out the Devil and the dumb spake c. Mat. 9.32 33. Then the promise was made good in the very letter of it and in the spirit of it also when the Children in the Temple cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David Mat. 21.15 16. and so fulfil'd that prediction in Psal 8.2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praises Go to God in Christ and say what though a kind of dumb Devil possesseth me thou canst and do thou cast him out What though I be but a babe in Christ and a suckling in grace yet thou canst and O do thou out of the mouth of a babe and suckling as I am ordaine strength Pray in faith fervency and constancy and who knoweth but the gracious Lord thy God may loose and unty thy Tongue and create the fruits even of thy lips peace peace for his own glory the good of others and thy comfort here and for ever And in thy discourse let holy secret ejaculations be frequent and fervent also A sixth Direction is to be much in praises 6. In praises which also will make prayer more successful having found by sweet experience Optimum rogandi genus est gratia agere that God doth enable thee sometimes to let fall some good words in obedience to
continue and abound This is the old and the new Commandment There is no duty more prest in the Word of God and no duty less practis'd by the people of God Surely the end is at hand because of the flaming out of sin and of the freezing of love These last dayes have introduc't a great many love-killing principles that former Ages were ignorant of we want the Apostle John amongst us or some of his spirit to stir up Christians to love one another Remember wherein the duties of brotherly love consist in relieving instructing admonishing exhorting comforting and bearing with one another He that sayes he loves his brother and lives in the neglect of these is a lyar and the truth is not in him VII Let your Conversation in the world be with simplicity and godly sincerity this is the way to have favour with God he hath pleasure herein 2 Chron. 29.17 he desires truth in the inward parts and reckons sincerity for perfection yea this is the way to have rejoycing in your selves Sincerity affords comfort in every condition of life and in the hour of death A sincere person if he lives in trouble he ordinarily dyes in peace He 's sure to find acceptance for all his services and indulgence for all his offences Oh that it may be said of you as of another in Scripture-story that you are men and women without guile VIII Set the Lord alwayes before you Remember he sees you when you are most out of sight his eyes are never off from you let your eyes be ever towards him One thought it would awe the Romans and make them serious if they did alwayes apprehend that Cato was in company with them It would certainly have a good influence upon our hearts and lives if we did apprehend that God was alwayes at our elbows and that his eyes are upon all our wayes and doings It is an excellent preservative against sin and provocation to duty to carry a remembrance of God about with us into all places and companies IX Fill up all your particular relations with duties Relative duties are better known than practised nature it self teacheth them the very Heathen have excelled herein surely if our righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees it must not fall short of that of Heathens and Infidels it sounds like a contradiction for one to be a good Christian and a bad husband or wife father or child master or servant c. X. Promote the power and practice of Religion in your several Families Remember who said he would walk in his house not only in Gods but in his own house with a perfect heart Psal 121.1 resolve with Joshua not only to engage your persons but your houses and families in the service of God Of old the Families of Christians were call'd Churches but now many of them are rather Synagogues of Satan than Churches of Christ not Bethel's but Bethaven's houses of vanity and sin It is commonly said That Governours of Families as well as Pastors of Churches have curam animarum the charge and care of Souls and if any perish through your neglect their blood will be required at your hands How many of your Children and Servants may say to you another day bloody Parents and bloody Masters you have been to us and may they not now say Fathers Masters care you not that we perish Oh let your Families be instructed do I require this or doth God require it Deut. 6.6 7 8 c. Eph. 6.4 who will one day require an account of your doing of it Let there be morning and evening sacrifices of praise and prayer offered up to God in your dwellings God forbid there should be one prayerless habitation in Kingston XI Walk humbly with God Micah 6.8 This is the main thing that he requires of you without this let your other excellencies be never so many they are of no account with him A proud persons graces and good works do him hurt whil'st an humble man is made better by his evil deeds a proud man is made worse by his good deeds Oh pray God that saith he will give grace to the humble to give you that excellent grace of humility You may be brought low and yet not be lowly many are humbled that are not humble Plectuntur sed non flectuntur Salvian XII Follow the good examples of others There are many patterns for imitation in Scripture there 's the example of our Lord Jesus Christ himself be as he was in the world The Word of God aboundeth also with many other excellent instances and presidents it shews you many evil examples which are as Sea-marks to forewarn you and many good examples which are as Land-marks to direct you you have other excellent patterns too besides those upon record in Scripture Take my Brethren your old Pastor whose Life I have here delineated and who hath spoken to you in the Name of the Lord for an example of patience and all other branches of piety Therefore is the story of his Life and Death dedicated to you that it may be imitated by you But of this I spake somewhat before Let us remember here That I am writing an Epistle and not a Treatise ergo manum de tabula Though it were easie to give you many dozens more of such directions as these I have been longer because though I have often Preach't to you yet I never wrote to you before As I have often suggested the counsels of God to yous ears so I would set some few of them before your eyes I have an ardent affection for you you have had Ministers that have Preach't and liv'd better than I have done but never any that lov'd you better than I do I love your Souls and their eternal welfare and would be loth to meet any of you at Christs Tribunal in an unregenerate and Christless condition I would not the many Sermons I have Preach't to you should be at that day as so many Bills of Indictment against you Finally Brethren farewell be of one mind live in peace and let me close this Epistle as Jude doth his build up your selves in your most holy faith pray in the Holy Ghost keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life Vnto his grace and favour I commend you all and subscribe my self Your unworthy Minister And Well-wisher Richard Mayo Nov. 29. 1672. THE LIFE and DEATH OF Edmund Staunton S. T. D. IT is usuall even in the Holy Scripture when mention is made of any persons of Note to record their Genealogy Parents do sometimes bring lustre unto their Children and Children do sometimes bring renowne unto their Parents This excellent person who is the subject of the ensuing narrative was borne Anno 1600 of the Ancient and worshipfull Family of the Stauntons in Bedfordshire his Father Sr Francis Staunton had several sons of whose Education he was
15.32 7 Apurchase made 7. The making a purchase of house or land leads us into a discourse of purchasing the field wherein lay hid the treasure and of selling all to buy the pearl of great price Matth. 13.44 45 46. In brief where I have given one instance I might with ease give an hundred the voice of Providence uttering fresh newes every day Providence is the best and truest interpreter of the Decrees of God and what lay in the womb of Decree before time even from eternity that Providence brings forth day by day and so administreth fresh matter continually for Christian Conference to all that delight and take pleasure therein 3 From the word of God 3. If the voice and speech of men one to another and the voice of God in Providence suggest occasion for holy discourse and conference then surely the voice of God in his word read preached or heard doth it much more Christians do you not read and search the Scriptures day by day I take it for granted that you do and take delight in so doing and what understandest thou all thou hearest or readest is there nothing too hard for thee if so then put questions to persons of understanstanding Ministers or people among whom thou comest saying what is the meaning of this or that portion of Scripture And they will be opening and expounding hard places to thee Ministers especially their lips should keep knowledg that 's their duty and for the people to seek the law at their mouths Mat. 27. is their dutie also And studie not out questions tending to strife and vain jangling or abstruse inquiries to puzzle others as some do and go away scoffing and boasting saying I think I have posed one parson to day or gravelled such or such an one non-plust him so that he had nothing to answer but let the questions be such as tend to the edification of your selves and others by inlarging the understanding in a way of knowledge but principally to the warming of your hearts and affections to the purging of your consciences to the regulation and better ordering of your lives and conversations For when you have heard the word preached know it is spiritual seed labour to harrow it into your hearts by holy meditation Mat. 13.3 4. and 18 19. 1 Pe. 2.2 Isa 55.2 and by Christian communication that so it may spring up and grow in heart and life and thou maist have a rich and goodly crop of it in grace and glory It is also our spiritual food and in order to nourishment must have its due digestion Now they tell us of three concoctions as to natural food the first they call Chylification in the Stomack the second Sanguification with the Liver and the last Assimilation in every part the nutriment being conveyed to every part is made like to that part it is conveyed to suitable hereunto the Word in order to our spiritual nourishment and growth in grace must have various digestions First by Meditation and Conference A second in our will and affections being subdued by it to will what God wills to love or hate what God loves or hates and lastly in our lives and practice when we exercise our selves herein to have consciences void of offence toward God and toward men as Paul did Acts 24.16 Yet there is this vast difference in the resemblance for wheras our meats and drinks are assimilated and made like to the parts of man fed by them the word our spiritual food changeth the man into its own likeness makes the inward and outward man spiritual and holy like it self so far as it turns to nourishment And remember this that an errour in the first concoction is seldome mended in the second or third but vitiates the whole and the gross neglect of meditation and conference is one great cause why we are no better in our hearts and in our lives and many too many professors who hear much but thrive little they have or seem to have good appetites but to be sure they have very bad digestions by reason of their failings in holy Meditation and Christian Conference FINIS Books to be Sold by Tho Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns in Cheapside A Commentary on the Hebrews By John Owen D. D. fol. Sermons upon the whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians By Mr. John Daille Translated into English by F. S. Tho Taylor 's Works the first Volume fol. 2. An Exposition of Temptation on Matth. 4. verse 1. to the end of the 11th Divine Characters in two parts distinguishing the Hypocrite in his best dress By Samuel Crook B.D. A Learned Commentary or Exposition on the first Chapter of the second Epistle to the Corinthians By Richard Sibbs D.D. fol. A Commentary on the whole Epistle of S. Paul to the Ephesians By Mr. Paul Bain Fol. A practical Exposition on the third Chapter of the first Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians with the Godly Mans Choice on Psal 4. ver 6 7 8. By Anthony Burgess fol. The dead Saint speaking to Saints and sinners living in several Treatises The first on 2 Sam. 24.10 The second on Gant 4.9 The third on John 1.50 The fourth on Isa 58.2 The fifth on Exod. 15.11 By Samuel Bolton D.D. folio Christianographia or a Description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians in the world not subject to the Pope By Eph. Pagit fol. These seven Treatises next following are written by Mr. George Swinnock 1. The Christian Man's Calling or a Treatise of making Religion ones business in Religious Duties Natural Actions his Particular Vocation his Family Directions and his own Recreation to be read in Families for their Instruction and Edification The first Part. 2. Likewise a second Part wherein Christians are directed to perform their Duties as Husbands and Wives Parents and Children Masters and Servants in the conditions of Prosperity and Adversity 3. The third and last part of the Christian Mans Calling wherein the Christian is directed how to make Religion his business in his dealings with all Men in the choice of his Companions in his carriage in good Company in bad Company in solitariness or when he is alone on a weekday from morning to night in visiting the sick on a Dying bed as also the means how a Christian may do this and some motives to it 4. The Door of Salvation opened by the Key of Regeneration 5. Heaven and Hell Epitomised and the True Christian characterized 6. The fading of the Flesh and the flourishing of Faith Or One cast for Eternity with the only way to throw it well 7. The Incomparableness of God in his Being Attributes Works and Word opened and applyed All these by Geo. Swinnock M.A. An Antidote against Quakerism By Steven Scanderet A learned Commentary on the fourth Chapter of the second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians to which is added First A conference between Christ and Mary Second The Spiritual
members of Christ by his wounds bloud 2. Popish Oathes by Saints by our Lady Mary by John c. Or by Idols See Learned Dr. Downam on the 3. Co. by the Mass by the Rood 3. Pharisaical Oathes by Creatures as the light the fire the bread the drink c. Or 4. Ridiculous Oathes by Lakin by Cock-by-Pye by Jekins Bodikins c. Adde hereunto those diminutive disputable Oathes as some would have them as by my Faith by my Troth by Yea and by Nay God's me God is with me God's so by God it 's so as I live as I am an honest man as I am a Gentleman as I am a Christian and such like Surely the forbearing of this kind of language would have more of wisdome peace and safety in it 4. 4 By cursing Tongues of Sinners do bespot and bespatter themselves and others in Cursing and Maledictions as a Pox or a Plague on you the Divel take you let me never stir more speak more be believed more if the thing spoken of be not thus or thus Let me be hanged whipped let me be a Vagabond and beg my bread c. I might adde Damn me Ram me c. and such new-coin'd execrations But possibly it may be prudence to forbear the mentioning any more in this kind The Devil hath witty inventions to destroy men and men to destroy themselves This should be O let it be for a lamentation among us and the rather because this cursed disease of cursing is grown Catholick and epidemical superiours through the pride and haughtiness of their Spirits curse inferiours and inferiours through discontent and murmuring curse Superiours yea Curse their King Isa 8.21 and their God and look upwards There are Parents and Masters who curse their Children and servants and that before theirfaces and withall Children and Servants Curse them as fast behind their backs In briefe the Cursing Tongue spares neither man nor beast Have you not heard how Draymen Carrmen Coachmen Carryers ourse their Horses and that for not doing what the poor creature is not able to do how gamesters will Curse their Cards and Dice how some passionate ones in hunting or hawking curse the Hawks and Hounds all which argues simpleness as well as profaneness And have you not read Because of Swearing or Cursing the Land mourneth Jer. 23.10 And do you not believe if you do not I do that Atheisme Unbeliefe and Profaneness are the cursed root of this accursed fruit This transgression of the wicked saith in my heart Ps 36.1 there is no fear of God before his eyes You see I am hot and angry I hope you 'l Charitably judg me zealous rather for God and against the Cursing generation of this Age and yet before I go off let me make my marking Iron red hot as hot as fire can make it lapping it upon the naked back stigmatizing and burning to the very bone such who in their mad moods tremble not to curse either Moses or Aaron Magistrates or Ministers Solomon the wisest of Kings giveth his Counsel Eccl. 10.20 Curse not the King no not in thy thought and curse not the rich in thy Bedchamber for a bird of the aire shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter And God by Moses of old Exe. 22.28 Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor Curse the ruler of thy people And for Ministers no wonder if they be sorely lashed with the scourge of Tongues when Jeremiah himself escaped not but complaineth Wo is me my Mother that thou hast born me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole Earth I have neither lent on Vsury nor men have lent to me on Vsury yet every one of them doth Curse me A pox on these black-Coats Priests in contempt Baals Priests and the like the worst words in some mouths are thought too good for them 2. 2 In reference to men Having spoken thus far something concerning the Tongues miscarriage in reference to God speaking but little to God in Prayer or of God in Company yet too much using or abusing rather his Names and Titles in common talke in jesting with or wresting of the Holy Scriptures as also in swearings and cursings I proceed to treat also concerning the Tongues Unruliness in reference to men which may be considered 1. 1 In general Defamation Tit. 3.1 2. In general Defamation or words injurious to the good Names of others Paul warnes Titus to put the people whom he taught in mind to speak evil of no man or to blaspheme no man as the original word carrieth it not to blot or hurt the name or fame of others Beza thinks that Paul in this expression is a fair Expositor of Davids words He that backbiteth not with his Tongue Psal 15.3 One of the Psalmists negative Characters of the man vers 1. Who shall abide in the Tabernacle of the Lord and dwell in his holy hill vers 3. adding this nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour This sin of defamation is much heightned 1. By the reach and duration of it which is far and long Ps 120. vers 3 4. Ainsworth in Locum What shall be given unto thee or what shall be done unto thee thou false Tongue Sharp arrows of the mighty with Coals of Juniper which some say will be burning a year together 2. By the dignity of the persons defamed speaking evil of Dignities despising dominion a kind of old Levellers Or Thirdly 2 Pet. 2.10 Jude 8. from the relation they stand in to the persons defamed Thus for servants to defame their Masters or Children their Parents Schollers their Teachers or Subjects their Soveraign or people the Ministers carries a sharp accent of aggravation with it For Absolom to disparage his Father the King and the Jewes to flander the Prophet was very heinous yet they were deeply guilty of it witness their own words Jer. 18.18 Come said they and let us devise devices against Jeremiah what devices Come and let us smite him with the Tongue and let us not give heed to any of his words Witness also the Prophets complaint Jer. 20.10 I have heard saith he the defaming of many report say they and we will report it All my familiars watehed for my halting saying peradventure he will be enticed and we shall prevail against him and we shall take our revenge on him It's methinks remarkable to observe Satans wily designes in provoking the Jewes to slander and defame Jeremiah one was to hold them in their infidelity and unbeliefe let us smite him with the Tongue and let us not give heed to any of his words another was to give them a Colour and Cloak for their rage against him and persecution of him report say they and we will report and we shall take our revenge on him Rivile Mat. 5.11 and persecute go together The Devill playes the same game still
to the Palat loathsome to the stomack and hurtfull to the body so unsavory talke is lothsome to God and good men and of it self hurtful to the soules of all the hearers It corrupts the head with errors the heart with vile affections and the life with sinful practises 1 Cor. 15.33 Be not deceived evil communication corrupts good manners It seems we are apt to be deceived herein therefore the Spirit prefaceth thus Be not deceived Positively but that which is good c. and hath a tendency for good to the heads hearts lives and Conversations of the hearers in it's own nature and our designe for the advance of knowledg and grace in heads and hearts holiness and righteousness in the life and conversation of others To the same purpose command is given to the Colossians Col. 4.6 Let your speech be alway with grace Learned Davenant on the place seasoned with salt As Salt is a preservative against putrefaction so is gracious speech against errors and sins in the heads hearts and lives of the hearers Salt on meats draweth out drieth up some think noxious humors and renders them more apt for digestion and wholsome for nourishment This grace in speech is that pious prudence flowing from the Spirit of God which sanctifieth first the heart and then guides and directs the Tongue and words and makes them sound and solid suitable and seasonable to the Cases and Conditions of others with whom we converse Remember salt must be rubbed in thrust into holes and corners so speech must be set on with life and warmth by the speaker But what must our speech in reference to Children also be with grace and seasoned with salt yea why not to Children so farre as they are subjects capable and recipient of what is spiritual and good What though the understandings and memories of Children be little narrow vessels yet they are every day growing bigger and wider and they are vessels of God's making and therefore good and for good ends and purposes and if parents and friends do not labour to fill these small vessels and to season them with the good liquor of Divine and wholsome truths the Devil and his Instruments wicked ones will bestir themselves to drop store great I can't say good store of venome and poison into them possibly for the tainting sowring and infecting them as long as they live It 's God's command that Parents do bring up their Children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6.4 To bring up that 's natural even the beasts of the field and fowles of the aire bring up feed their young and cherish them In the Nurture that moral and rational men as men if prudent will doe they keep their Children in awe and order therefore the Apostle adds and admonition of the Lord that 's Christian and spiritual Christians indeed will instruct their Children in the Principles of Religion will put good things into their minds as the word imports so farr and so fast as their capacities will take in and their memories retain If any demand what Children at what age must they be instructed All the answer that I will give is this the Original word is large and Comprehensive takes in all that be born and why should I straiten or narrow it Common reason will suggest that the Childs capacity must be the parents guide and rule therein nor is this the taking the Name of God in vain as some ridiculously may fancy it 2 Arg. God taketh delight therein 2. Argument for the promoting of holy conference among Christians is that the Lord our God takes much delight to speak of him as he speaks of himself after the manner of men in a gracious condescension to our weakness and pleasure in the spiritual and heavenly communications of his people And this argument depends as a consequent upon the former Gods command Parents are never better pleased with their Children nor masters with servants then when they are upon the work injoyn'd them to do Yea each glorious person in the God head Father Son and Holy Ghost seem to be much taken with the good language of his people when met together 1 The Father Mal. 3.16 1. The Father himself loves and likes it and takes special notice of it as in the days of Malachi Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and thought on his name Mal. 3.16 Then in Malachi's days which were none of the best as his Prophecy declares In that it is said The Lord hearkened and heared is implied a kind of delight and complacency which he found therein as men listen to Musick vocal or instrumental which is melodious and harmonious Again in that A book of remembrance is written it imports Gods taking delight in the words of his people as men addicted to learning what they read and hear which they take delight and pleasure in they 'l book it down for after use as occasion shall serve And probably this place is an allusion to Kings and Princes who have their State-Scribes and Secretaries to make Records as of bad services done against them so of good services done to them and for them as Ahasuerus did Mordecai's Esth 6.1 There 's not a word spoken for God his truth ordinances day his ministers or people that shall fall to the ground and be lost for God hath an Ear to hear all and an hand to register and record all so that all will be upon the account of believers with Comfort in life and death at judgment and to eternity 2 The Son 2. God the Son our dear Lord Jesus Christ holy conference to him is welcome and very acceptable What Christ said to his Church concerning her voice in prayer and praises is true also concerning her voice in holy speech and Conference O my dove let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice Can. 2.14 and 4.3 11. And if Christ had not found much content in conferring with Company why did he the very same day in which he rose again from the dead associate himself and that by choice with the two disciples going to Emmans he knew full well they were ingaged in good discourse and whiles they were communing Jesus himself drew near and went with them Luk. 24.15 And to shew how he liked their company and approved their discourse he gave them signal tokens of his love towards them vers 27. He beginning at Moses and all the Prophets expounded to them in all the Scripture the things concerning himself vers 32. the best Divinity Lecture or exposition that ever was made or heard unless such another made by himself Yea he spake to them with authority and power so that their hearts did burn within them He condescended to their entreaties and made some considerable abode with them at Emmans vers 29
we inflame it in our selves by comforting others under their various temptations we gather experiences whereby we may comfort our selves in the like trials As the widows Cruse of Oyl and barrel of meale wasted not by emptying but filled rather And the milke in the Mothers breasts which by giving suck to the Child continually increaseth and not drawn out drieth up the sooner Let 's lay out our parts and gifts as opportunity is offered sincerely for God and to be sure we shall be furnished with gifts and parts graciously from God Parents do not use to let their Children want books whilst they have a mind to learn nor Masters their servants to want Tools or lights whilst they are willing to work nor doth the husbandman tilling his ground let his seeds-men want Corne when he seeth they will well and wisely sow and scatter it Thus Christian Conference is not alone beneficial to others but to our selves a great augmenter of parts and gifts I 'le give you for the Confirmation hereof an example of two Women to tell you their names and the places where they lived and died is needless both well in years I think forty at least before they began to mind to purpose the affairs of their souls and the concernments of Eternity both were deeply sensible of their gross ignorance and highly desirous to get knowledge in the things of God neither of them could read at all both were industrious one her eyes being pretty good learned to read the other being weak and dim sighted could not but she also so bestir'd her self in hearing Meditation Prayer and abundantly in Christian Conference putting questions to every one she met with whom she thought able and willing to instruct her that she grew eminent for such an one she was poor also in the knowledge and practice of Christianity and I hope are both long since with God 2 2. To the heart 2. Christian Conference is not onely profitable for the head by augmentation of parts but for the heart also by the communication of spiritual good things the best things to the best part the heart of man and it 's usual with God to bless Christian Conference especially where the hearts of speakers do design his glory the edification and salvation of the hearers Paul's holy temper design and practice 1 Cor. 10.33 I please saith he all men in all things not seeking my own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved and his counsel 1 Cor. 14.12 For as much as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that ye may excell to the edifying of the Church If the question be made what spiritual gifts may be communicated by Conference I 'de answer what not the ignorant may be inlightned the erronious reduced weak Christians may be strengthned and the strong established the worst of sinners may be converted and the best of Saints quickned and all edifyed and saved Take each of these particulars distinctly 1 1. Ignorant inlightned 1. That the ignorant may be inlightned is as clear as the Sunrising turnes the night into day The word of God not alone preached by ministers in office ordain'd and commissionated by Christ to that end but read and discoursed of by private persons may and doth make wise the simple Psal 19.7 The entrance of thy words to wit when it first openeth the door of the understanding it giveth light it giveth understanding to the simple Psal 119.130 Pauls preaching to the Gentiles was to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light Act. 26.18 The daily experience that Godly Parents and governours of families have as to their Children and Servants brought out of darkness worse then that of Egypt into a Goshen where light abounds and in them abounds and that conveighed by Catechizing and 〈…〉 2 2. Erroneous reduced 2. For the reduction of erroneous persons into ways of truth scarce any means more efficacious and successful then that of Christian Conference for thereby the grounds of mistakes in opinions are detected and the scruples and doubts lying in mens spirits are discovered and so answers from Scripture and right reason may be presently pertinently and warmly applyed That of the Apostle speaks methink fully to the purpose Jam. 5.19 20. Bretheren if any of you do erre from the truth and one Convert him Let him know that he which converts a sinner from the errour of his ways shall save a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sins Wherein we may observe as to our point in hand whom he speaks to Brethren even all whom he wrote to so that to reduce the erroneous in away of fraternal correption is a duty belonging to all none exempted brotherly love constraineth hereunto for if I must bring back the straying Ox or Ass of my enemy Exo. 23.4 much more the wandring soul of my brother Again what errours are here to be understood no doubt saith a learned Expositor errours in Doctrine Mars in Plo. and matters of Faith and those fundamentall errours also which are in a special manner destructive and bring death eternal death unavoidably and therefore it is said that he which converts him shall save a soule from death that is from Hell and damnation Now every petty errour about Scholastick subtilties is not so severely threatned as fundamental errours and heresies are which take off from Christ directly or indirectly such unrepented of bring inevitable ruin and destruction Yet I must grant though errours in Doctrine be principally intended yet errours in life and practice are not to be at all excused no not the least sin for the least sin deserveth death eternal death as wages due to it Ro. 6.23 But how doth he that Converts a sinner save his soule from death not by meriting or deserving life for him or by giving life to him but by being an instrument or means under God to repentance and so into the way of Salvation And lastly how doth he hide a multitude of sins that he doth by being a means to bring him to Christ for Righteousness whose Righteousness alone imputed to us and so made ours doth or can hide our sins so as they shall never be imputed to us or charged upon us Jer. 23.6 2 Cor. 5.21 Rom. 5.19 1 Cor. 1.30 And surely this work of converting sinners from their errours of saving soules from death and of hiding a multitude of sins is a gallant work this piece of service is high and noble service and this hath been is and may be done by the blessing of God in a way of Christian converse and Conference I need not give any farther confirmation by Scripture the constant experience not alone of Ministers but or private Christians who themselves have been sound in the Faith and whose hearts filled with a zeal for God and with love to and compassion for their erring brethren and who thereupon have laid out themselves much in Christian
the Lord by Christ our great High-Priest Such should all our Holy Meditations and Communications be the Spirit of God being as firelight in our heads and heat in our hearts would make our Tongues run as the Pens of ready writers talking and discoursing of God and of the great concernments of our soules and of eternity Heads fill'd with the knowledg of God his Christ our Jesus and hearts filled with Faith and affiance in Christ and so with warm affections to Christ would provoke us to speak freely and frequently to others imparting our spiritual experiences to them carrying Christ to the Children of men inviting and drawing others to Christ exerting and putting out to our uttermost that strength of grace which we have by grace received thus laying out our talents for our Masters use 2 Special matter 2. And particularly it is a good preparative for Christian Conference to be well stockt and furnished with special matter of discourse for special occasions as to times and persons and the condition of those with whom we do or may converse If with young people 1 Young wishing them to remember their Creator in the dayes of their youth 2 Tim. 2.22 If with aged persons 2 Old advising them to look to it that their hoary heads be found in a way of righteousness Prov. 16.31 and telling them that a sinner though of an hundred years is accursed Isa 65.20 asking them whithey have found that promise made good to them and in them how that they shall bear fruit in their old age and shall be fat and flourishing Ps 92.14 15. to wit in knowledge grace and holiness If with afflicted ones in any kind 3 Afflicted minding them how the time of being afflicted is a time to be much in prayer Jam. 5.13 Call upon me saith the Lord in a day of trouble Psal 50.15 Though we must pray continually 1 Th. 5.17 yet then in an especial manner and repent also as good King Hezekiah did in his sickness he prayed and wept sore Isa 38.2 3. If with persons full of wisdome and policy 4 Prosperous mighty men for strength and souldiery wealthy thy men full of Monies and Treasures mind them of the Prophets advise and Counsel Jer. 9.23 24. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdome neither the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that gloryeth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving kindness judgment and righteousnesse in the earth for in these things I delight saith the Lord. Tell the strongest sturdiest and stoutest men you talk with that as lustie as they are a few fits of an ague may soon weaken them and bring them low enough or that a Consumption or any pining sickness may bring them to be bare skin and bones very Skeletons or Anatomies and to be sure in old age if they live to it The keepers of the house shall tremble and the strong men shall bow themselves and the hoary head will hang down the grave must be their house and their long home and their faces bound in secret wish them to remember the dayes of darkness for they shall be many Ec. 12.3 5. Job 17.13 Job 40.13 Eccl. 11.8 If you meet with rich men Charge them to be rich in good works 5 Rich. and to honour God with their substance and to make them friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness 1 Tim. 6.17 18. Pro. 3.9 Luk. 16.9 If with poor people first relieve them 6 Poor and then charge them not to steal not to take the name of God in vain to get poverty of spirit and then they are blessed to be rich in faith and so heirs of the Kingdome Prov. 30.9 Mat. 5.31 Jam. 2.5 Here 's a large field before me but I 'le run and hasten If you discourse with Magistrates 7 Magistrates be their humble remembrancer that Gods great ends in his constitution of civil powers are that they should be a terror not to good works but to the evil be able men such as fear God men of truth hating covetousness Rom. 13.3 Exo. 18.21 If with Ministers advise them 8 Ministers to take heed to themselves and to their Doctrine continue in them c. to be examples to believers in word and conversation 1 Tim. 4.12 16. Tell them they are in a special manner the salt of the earth Mat. 5.13 to season the places wherein and the persons among whom they live with soundness of Doctrine and integritie of life and conversation your Doctrine giving the people the Rule and your lives the example but if the salt hath lost it's savour it 's good for nothing no not for the dunghill Luk. 14.34 35. It 's true not alone of Scandalous Ministers but of Apostate Christians and backsliding professors If you discourse with married persons husbands and wives 9 Married Luk. 1.6 advise them to be as Zacharie and Elizabeth both righteous before God walking in all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord blameless and in particular the husband to love his wife even as himself and the wife to see that she reverence her husband Eph. 5.33 10 Vnmarried If with unmarried ones counsel them to care for the things of the Lord how they may please the Lord 1 Co. 7.32 but if they think good to marry let them marry onely in the Lord vers 34 39. If you meet with parents 11 Parents advise them to bring up their Children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6.4 To bring them up that is naturall birds and beasts bring up their young In the nurture keeping them in awe and order that 's moral men as men being rationall and prudent do it in the admonition of the Lord that 's Christian and spiritual If with Children enjoyn them to obey their Parents in the Lord for this is right Eph. 6.11 12 Children And to prevent their stubborness and disobedience mind them of that terrible commination The eye that mocketh at his Father and despiseth to obey his Mother the ravens of the vally shall pick it out and the young Eagles shall eat it And how that under the Law Deut. 21.18 19 20 21. The stubborn and rebellious son which would not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother was to be stoned to death If you discourse with governors of Families Masters or Mistresses mind them 13 Governors of Families how they must give unto their servants that which is just and equall knowing that they also have a Master in Heaven Col. 4.1 And how they must look to it that their men-servants and maid-servants as well as themselves and their Children sanctifie the Sabbath according to the Fourth Commandment not suffering them to idle it or to wander abroad vainly upon the Lords day 14 Servants If you have occasion to