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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19031 An advertisement concerning a book lately published by Christopher Lawne and others, against the English exiled Church at Amsterdam. By Richard Clyfton teacher of the same church Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1612 (1612) STC 5449; ESTC S118626 88,142 134

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Scriptures thus alledged by them The other is a thing vvhich M. Ainsvv hath vvel observed about Idolatrie that it is a sinne which cleaveth fast to all flesh Arrowe against Idol ch 2 p. 23. c. so as the best in the world doe easily fall into it doe take pleasure in it and are hardly drawen from it An example vvhereof may be seen in the people aforesaid vvho being caryed vvith the love of their errour about the matter spoken of vvould chuse bondage afore libertie yea and a bondage accompanyed vvith many other evils ensuing upon men vvomen and children rather then they vvould be dravven from the errour and Idol set up in their heart But I hope their children if not themselves vvill in time grovv vviser hovv ever in other things it be too common that the children remember their fathers altars and Idols as the Prophet Ieremiah said of the people in his dayes Ier. 17.2 Let me also about the matters themselves concerning the greater part of the people the vvhole Congregation or bodie thereof the men vvomen and children of yeares pleaded to be the Church spoken of Mat. 18 17. desire to knovv by vvhat Scriptures they vvill novv manifest and confirme it to such as are othervvise mynded If they speak of 1 Cor. 5 chap. as some doe that is purposely handled in the treatise on Mat. 18.17 as also if the vvomen and children should in a controversie be the greater part whether then they be the Church there spoken of have the Churches power and authoritie to excommunicate the men and vvhether these persons divided not them selves from the Church vvhen they left us seeing vve vvere the greater number both of the Elders and people vvhom they departed from Also vvhether the Elders be of the bodie of the Congregation vvhereof they speak or not for here they seeme to make an opposition betvveen the bodie of the Congregation and the Eldership And if they be vvhat place they have in the bodie vvhether a superiour or inferiour place And vvhether in the Congregation and presence of them the vvomen and children have authoritie by vertue of that rule Mat. 18.17 to examine rebuke and admonish their husbands parents masters being there dealt vvithall for sinne seeing the Church is told and the vvomen and children are of the Church and they that are of the Church there spoken of may examine admonish are to be heard obeyed c. Neyther let them thinke much that I propound such questipns or that I speak thus about vvomen and children c. For they knovv that such assertions and pleading vve have had from them and that such opinions are among them And vve knovv that if they ansvver directly to the things here and before propounded the truth vvill better appear and the controversie be sooner ended between us And what they hold mainteyn concerning these things is needefull for us still to insist upon seeing that about the understanding of this Scripture of Mat. 18.17 they have so dealt and left us as they have done Other things I vvill omit that might here also have their place and use noting this onely that it is a straunge extraordinarie case whē a controversie should so stand as all the Elders should be one vvay all the people another way And in extraordinarie cases the course and warrant from the vvord of God must accordingly be had But vvhat is this to the ordinarie maner of government in the Church vvhereof the question vvas among us vvhereabout it vvas particularly mentioned at the beginning that our reasoning should be Lastly vvhat vveight is there in this exception of theirs against our understanding of Mat. 18.17 more then might be against Israel of old vvho could understand such speaches of the Congregation of Elders vvithout impeaching any libertie of the people or falling into any errour against the truth But I have spoken hereof before and of this matter more largely then I purposed though yet not so largely as I might considering the point it self and hovv they have caryed themselves thereabout Novv I vvill come to the next Objection For the second vvhich concerneth excommunication by a people without officers I have in the foresaid Treatise vvritten particularly thereabout Treat on Mat. 18.17 vvhere also I have treated purposely and largely of the place of the Apologie vvhich they have here alledged so as that should first have ben ansvvered afore they had thus dealt as they have done especially seeing that there I desired ansvver confirmation of that opinion vvriting in this sort about it Where finde we in the Scriptures that God hath thus laid upon the people without Officers to excommunicate Where is the precept for it Which be the examples of it Or what are the grounds requiring and bearing it out In the same place also I noted that in the Scriptures we may observe not onely sundry exāples shewing how it hath ben done by the Lord himself and by his ministers and Officers but also divers ordinances grounds directing and warranting us to doe likewise The particulars vvhereof see in that Treatise vvith divers other considerations and reasons thereabout VVhich might have caused them eyther to ansvver us or at least as there is noted to consider vvith themselves how the Churches excommunication can be administred by any but such as are the Lords and the Churches Officers and Overseers and how people without Officers can chalendge to themselves the ministration of this any more then of the Sacraments c. And besides you may percēive both by our churches estate and by particular note set dovvn in the said Treatise that our controversie vvas about a Church established with Officers and that it vvas before our parting agreed among us to leave the things concerning people without Officers to further consideration To vvhich also I do still referre it Onely where he sayth here that our doctrine overthrowes the constitution of our Church which was gathered and constituted by Christians without Officers receiving in the repentant and casting out the disobedient c. I vvill hereupon note a fevve things briefly to shevve the errour and vveaknes of their exception herein And first omitting vvhat is sayd before it vvere vvorth the knovving by vvhom or by vvhat Church the first man or first tvvo men of this Church whereof they speak vvere received in and by what povver Secondly it is knovven and not to be forgotten Eph. 4.4.5 1 Cor. 10.1 2. and 12 13. Act. 2.41.42 that by our baptisme as also by accord in the truth vve are bound to communion in any thing lavvfull as God giveth occasion opportunitie thereunto vvhich thing vvas heretofore shewed unto them though yet they have not learned it as they should Thirdly it is also playne and uudenyable that to chuse or give voyces in election is not a part of governement or a dutie peculiar to the governours of the Church but an interest