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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10083 The doctrine of superioritie, and of subiection, contained in the fift commandement of the holy law of almightie God Which is the foundamentall ground, both of all Christian subiection: and also of like Christian gouernment, as well in church, and common-wealth, as in euery schoole and priuate familie. A pretious memorial of the substance of manie godly sermons, preached by the learned and faithfull seruant of God, Ma. Robert Pricke, minister of the vvord, at Denham in Suffolke. Pricke, Robert, d. ca. 1608.; Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1609 (1609) STC 20337; ESTC S101170 80,674 204

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THE DOCTRINE OF SVPERIOritie and of Subiection contained in the fift Commandement of the holy Law of Almightie God WHICH IS THE FOVNdamentall ground both of all Christian Subiection and also of like Christian Gouernment as well in Church and Common-wealth as in euery Schoole and priuate Familie A PRETIOVS MEMORIAL OF the substance of manie godly Sermons preached by the learned and faithfull seruant of God Ma. ROBERT PRICKE Minister of the word at Denham in Suffolke The memoriall of the righteous shall be blessed Prou. 10.7 Though he fal he shall not be cast off for the Lord putteth vnder his hand Psal 37.37.24 LONDON Printed for Ephraim Dawson and Thomas Dow●e and are to be sold at their shop in Fleete-streete at the Inner Temple gate 1609. THE INSCRIPTION DEDICATORIE To the right worshipfull S. Ed. Lewkenor knights S. Ro. Lewkenor knights S. Ro. Quarles knights And to the worshipful Gentlem. M. Rodes And the posteritie of them all M. Gourny And the posteritie of them all M. Caestill And the posteritie of them all M. Steward And the posteritie of them all ANd to the people of the Church of God in Denham For a memoriall of the pietie and loue of Maister Robert Pricke their verie faithful and deare Pastor a most carefull and vigilant Watch-man ouer their soules and for a remembrance of the holy instructions which hee gaue them while be executed his holy Ministerie among them Robert Allen their heartie welwiller a boundē friend vnto them all hath according to the mind will of the same their late deceased good Pastor by the best diligence and meanes and with the best speede he could attaine vnto dedicated this small portion of his many and great labours to them and to the neighbour Churches of God both Ministers and People to their benefite but chiefly to the honour and praise of God in Christ Iesus crauing to that end the most gratious blessing of his holy spirit vpon the same Amen Yours in the Lord R. A. TO THE CHRISTIan and wel-disposed Reader S. Egerton wisheth grace mercie and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ THe varietie and vanitie of idle Phamphlettes which the loue of gaine or glorie for the most part begetteth the Presse daily bringeth forth in our English tongue made mee the more willing to further the printing of this explanation of the fift Commandement For though the most part delight to read the vnsauorie inuentions of mens braines and that such also as desire to reade good bookes haue such plentie before them that they are doubtfull for want of good direction which they should pitch vpon yet I thought with my selfe that the rare singular piety of this Author a holy man and most faithfull Minister powerful in prayer and diligent in preaching to his flocke manie yeares together with the perspicuitie of the order and the choisnesse of the matter might the rather by my testimonie stir vp the minds of Godly Christians to reade this Treatise though being otherwise streighted of time or distracted in their choise they might perhaps neglect the reading of so fruitfull a Treatise vpō this Commandement as hath not hitherto so farre as I can learne beene printed and published in our mother tongue Sundry learned and godly men haue laboured verie fruitfully in opening the sense and laying forth the duties of euerie Commandement and more particularly of the 4. wherin the practise both of the duties of Pietie set downe in the first Table of the duties of Mercie set downe in the second Table is required at our handes to be performed vpon a set day and in a more solemne and serious manner but none to my knowledge hath published any seuerall Treatise vpon the fift Commaundement which beeing truly vnderstood vnfeinedly beleeued faithfully practised wil direct a christian in a holy practise of all the duties of Mercie Loue which he is to performe either to himselfe or to any other For whosoeuer doth walke carefully in the obedience of this Commandement maintaining that honour which is due to himselfe and euerie other man in respect of their different seueral yeares gifts and qualities callings and degrees in the familie Church and Common-wealth hee cannot easilie be carried to exercise any crueltie against himselfe or any other cōtrarie to the sixt Commaundement or to defile either his own bodie or his neighbours against the seuenth Commaundement or to deale vniustly or vnfaithfully about his owne or other mens goods credit and reputation contrarie to the eight and ninth Cōmandements yea or to giue place to the least spice of repining discontentment or wandering motion forbidden in the last Commandement of the law of God There was neuer any disorder and outrage in any family Church or Common-wealth from the beginning of the world to this day neither can be but it proceeded from the breach of the 5. Commandemēt For how is it possible that there should be any disorder in the family if the wife honour her husband as she ought he her if children giue due honour to their parents and they also deale honourably with them if seruants do honour their Maisters as they ought and they their seruāts and if children and seruants do mutually respect and honour one the other as becommeth them Could any trouble and confusion arise in Churches congregations if the people would remember such as haue the ouersight of them and do declare vnto them the word of God and in giuing honour vnto them would submit themselues because they watch for their soules for which they must giue an accoūt before the chiefe Shepheard And on the other side if the Pastors and Elders would feede the flocke of God which depēdeth vpō them caring for it not by constraint but willingly c. Is it possible that euer any treason sedition or disloyaltie could breake forth in citties or kingdomes if people would honour their Princes and euery soule be subiect to the higher powers being obedient and readie to euery good worke and if Magistrates in their places would gouerne their Subiects as deare children Finally if euery one that is an inferiour anie manner of way would carrie the affection of a dutifull child to his Superiour and euerie Superiour the affection of a wise and tender Parent to his inferiour according to the plaine scope and maine drift of this commaundement But what should I need to demonstrate the truth of this point in many particulars Search the Scriptures turne ouer al humane stories call to minde what thou hast seene and obserued in thine owne time in the family congregation or any corporatiō whereof thou art or hast beene a member and thou shalt euidently perceiue that the troubles and offences which haue broken out in them haue alwaies proceeded sprung from this bitter roote I meane from the disobedience breach of the 5. Commandemēt In which respect it is said that this is the onely commandement of all the
and decay whereof will arise many troubles and mischiefes WE HAVE HItherto spoken of diuers Persons contained in the fist Commandement and now let vs speake of the duties of Maisters and seruants Three reasons doe shew that Maisters of families owe dutie toward their Seruants Q. DO Masters owe duties to their seruants how may that be proued A. By the order that God hath appointed betweene Maisters and seruants for why The Maister is set in a Superior degree ouer the seruant 1. reason and therefore as in a naturall bodie the principall members haue a speciall care ouer the base and inferiour so ought the maister ouer the seruant Besides The 2. reason seruants are helpfull and beneficiall vnto their Maisters for why they serue not onely for their comfort and defence but also for their honor game and commoditie and therefore in all equitie they are bound in some sort to requite their seruants The 3. reason Lastly the duties of Maisters are as clearely and fully described and set downe in the word of God as appeareth in the old new Testamēt and namely Prou. Exod. 21. Deut. 15. Ephes 6. Col. 4. as the duties of seruants all which were to no purpose if Christian housholders ought nothing vnto their seruants Q. what are the duties that they do owe A. Diuers And First of al housholders are to care and bring vp their seruants in the true knowledge of God and his sincere religion that so they may not only worship the Lord aright The 1. dutie of the Maister is to bring vp his seruants in the true knowledge and religion of God There are 4. reasons mouing hereunto but also attaine vnto eternall happines in heauen which is the chiefe end of the life of man and of all the graces of God bestowed vpon him Q. What reasons haue you to proue that this ought to be performed by Housholders to their seruants A. First if euerie Christian ought to haue a care of the saluation one of another 1. and to that end to imploy all good meanes that they can both by themselues and by others then are Maisters more to doe the same to their seruants because ther is a more straight bond betweene the Maister and the seruant then betweene Christians one toward another for why in the Fift Comandement as Housholders are contained vnder the name of Parents so vnder the title of children are seruants comprehended Againe there is no doubt 2. but that when the Lord commanded his people that they should whet his word and law continually vpon their children as appeareh 2 Deut. 6. 11. vnder the name of children he also containeth seruants Furthermore 3 Abraham was not ignorant of his dutie in this respect for why the Holy Ghost doth commend him Gen. 18. for that he both did and would teach and instruct his houshold in the knowledge and obedience of the will of God Lastly 4. Reason al that faithful seruants of God continually followed his example as may appeare that many in the Scripture are not only cōmended for that they themselues did knowe serue and feare the Lord but for that their houshold by their meanes did the same were in the like happie estate Examples of Maisters carefull to traine vp their seruants in the true feare and religion of God Q. Where doeth this appeare A. Acts. 10. in Cornelius Rom. 16. in the houshold of Aquila Priscilla the like we read of the Iaylor his family Act 16. of diuers others amongst which Ioshua saith confidently I and mine houshold will serue the Lord. Q. You haue said very well but what if all these reasons will not preuaile with Maisters and Housholders A. Then let their owne gaine and commoditie moue them This may be a 5. reason to the former purpose The religious seruant is the most profitable seruant It is proued to be so by 3. reasons Q. What meane you by this A. Doubtlesse they can neuer haue good faithfull seruants seruing for their commoditie without religion and the true feare of God Q. How can you make that manifest A. First a religious seruant that feareth God doth tremble is afraid to do any thing that may hurt or indamage his Maister 1. yea to do so much as offend him Againe 2. he wil be as diligēt to procure the comfort cōmoditie of his Maister as his owne therefore is as faithfull in the absēce of his Maister as whē he is presēt example whereof we haue in the seruāt of Abrahā Gen. 24 Lastly 3. Reason the Lord wil blesse the house where such a seruant is and will prosper and giue successe to all that he taketh in hand Q. You speake the truth for this appeareth in Ioseph Iacob Dauid and such like But what is the Maister to doe to bring his seruant to that passe and estate you speake of It is the dutie of Masters toward their seruants to vse all means that they may to bring them to the true knowledge and feare of God 1. meanes A. Although he is not to vsurpe and take vpon him the functions and duties proper to the publicke Minister of the word of God for that were to bring woe and confusion vpon himselfe yet may he lawfully and with the blessing of God performe diuers duties and yet keepe within his owne limits and compasse Q. What are they A. He is to exhort and inforce his seruants to resorte to the publicke Ministerie of the word Secondly 2 he is to read himselfe or cause to be read in his house continually the holy Scriptures Thirdly 3 he may impart to his seruants the things which he hath learned either by reading or hearing Fourthly 4 he must examine and make triall how they profit by the publicke exercises of religion Furthermore 5 he is daily to pray with and for his seruants that God may giue them knowledge and faith in his holy word Lastly by his holy and Christian example and conuersation he is to bring them to a loue and delight in the knowledge and practise of true religion Q. But what if seruants will not profit but cōtemne the word of God all good admonitions continuing stil vnfaithfull to their Maisters and rebellious against God 2. dutie of Maisters toward their Seruants is correction if they deserue it what is the Maister then to do as a further dutie A. He is to vse correction and discipline Q. But may a Maister correct his seruant A. Yea no doubt for it is a thing warranted both by the word of God and light of nature as also by the consent of all nations To the vsing of the correction of seruants arigh● foure rules are to be obserued 1. Rule Q That he may performe that dutie in the right manner what rules are to be obserued therein A. He is to put a differēce amongst his seruants in regard of
excellent are not onely disgraced and deformed but vtterly fruitelesse and like a ring of gold as the Prophet in another sense speaketh in a swines snout Q. For the furtherance whereof how is the Schoole-maister to behaue himselfe which is the third generall thing you spake of 3. Dutie of the Schoole-master toward his Scholler is good example of life cōuersation The reason of it A 4. dutie of the Schoole-master is to pray often both with and for his Schollers A. He is to walke before the eyes of his scholler in a wise holy sober and comely behauiour The reason wherof is for that the schollers are readie to follow the example of their Maisters in all things whether good or euill as we may see in the schollers of Plato Aristotle Pythagoras and such like Q. Is not the Schoole-maister to pray often with and for his schollers A. Yes for without that smal or no successe is to be looked for The duties of Schollers to their Schoolemasters OF THE DVTIES of Schollers to their Schoole-maisters and Teachers Q. HAuing spoken of the duties of Schoole-maisters equitie and order doth require to speake of the things that Schollers ought to performe what say you to that 3. Sortes of duties to be performed of Schollers to their Schoolemasters A. The things which they are to performe are diuerse The first concerneth themselues The second hath respect to their Maisters The third containeth their behauiour to all men in generall Q. What say you of the first which concerne themselues 1. Sort of the which there are 2. A. That which they are to performe in regard of themselues and their owne good is two-fold For first of all they are to giue diligent care attention heedfulnes to that which is taught and deliuered Secondly they are to labour that they may profit therin Q. Why is the first required A. Because that without diligent hearing and attention The Reason of the first dutie teaching and instruction be it neuer so plaine wholsome excellent it is in vaine like as if a man should sing vnto a d●afe eare for hearing ●oeth naturally and in order before vnderstanding wherevpon Schollers in all languages are termed by the name of hearers Q. But how shall Schollers profite and increase by that which they heare How the 2. Autie is to be performed that the Scoller may profit Things to be iuoyded which hinder profiting A. They are to auoid some things and performe some other Q. What are the things they are to auoid A. Idlenesse excessiue eating drinking sleeping recreations the companie of idle vaine persons amourous and such like By all which meanes a man doth fruitlesly mispend his time blunt and dul his wits and weaken his memorie Things to be practised for the profit 〈◊〉 the Scholler Q What is he to performe A. To call to mind things heard often and seriously to meditate therof conferre thereof with others and be readie to teach them the things hee himselfe hath ●earned 2 Sort of duties Of the which there are 3. Q W●at say you of his dutie towards his Maister A. His duetie containeth three things 1. Loue. For first of all hee is to loue his Ma ster as an other parent yea and in some respects more then his naturall Parent 2 Reuerēce Secondly hee is to reuerence and honour him 1. In heart First of all in his heart and affections 2. In speech present or absent Secondly in his speech both in the presence and absence of his Maister 3. In gesture Thirdly in outward gesture and behauiour By all which outward effects is laid open the inward reuerence and honour of the heart Q. What is the third dutie A. Thankfulnesse which containeth all meanes which serue to requite the loue 3. Dutie is Thankfulnes care labour and trauaile of his Maister with all fruits and benefites ensuing thereof in which regard manie are renowned commended euen in prophane Hystories as Alexander the great to Aristotle his Maister Vnthankfulnes is a great sin in Schollers highly displeasing to God Contrariwise all such haue beene condemned as vnnaturall monsters which haue shewed themselues vnthankfull or vnkinde towards their Schoole-maisters Fathers in learning as that Mōster of Nature Nero towards his Maister Seneca So certain yong Schollers as appeareth in Prudentius who with their stiles and penkniues bereaued their Christian maister of his life vpō all which hellish Vipers afterward came the horrible vengeaunce and iudgementes of God And not without cause seeing they did in a hellish manner violate and transgresse this fift commandement Q. Say somewhat of the third and last thing namely the behauiour of Schollers before all men in generall 3. Sort of the duties of Schollers A. As their bringing vp is more excellent then others so are they to excell others in behauiour Q. How to excell They are to excell others that want good education in their whole carriage and behauing of themselues toward all men A. In Religion courtesie humilitie humanitie comelines and order in eating and drinking talking recreations entertainments salutations such like According to the rules and precepts which they haue learned not only out of the Scripture word of God but out of the writings of ciuil political men And therefore in this respect are condemned al which professing learning are yet in their māners behauior proud prophane noisome inciuil vncomly wherby they are so farre off from adorning cōmending good learning that they doe most notably deface it coole the affections of many towards it OF THE DVTIES OF the elder and yonger sort Q. WE are now come to the other sorts whereof we spake before and first of all we are to begin with the elder sort The duties of the Elder toward the yonger 1. Things to be considered cōcerning the elder persons 1. The vertues wherewith they are to be indued 2. The duties which they are to performe toward the yonger in yeares The vertues which ought to bee in the Elder are manie as the Apostle setteth them downe ●●t chap. 2. vers 1.2.3 what say you of them A. For the better handling of that which concerneth them we are to consider what vertues and properties are required in their persons Secondly what they are to performe being thus qualified to the yonger sort Q. What are the vertues or properties required in the persons of auncient men and women A. The most of them are set downe in the first second third verses of the 2. chap. of the Epist to Titus The words are these But speake thou the things which become wholesome doctrine That the elder men be watchfull graue temperate sound in the faith in loue and in patience The elder women likewise that they be in such behauiour as becommeth holinesse not false accusers nor subiect to much wine but teachers of honest things Q. What duties are