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A57963 Christ dying and drawing sinners to himself, or, A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof in which some cases of soule-trouble in weeke beleevers ... are opened ... delivered in sermons on the Evangel according to S. John Chap. XII, vers. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 ... / by Samuel Rutherford. Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661. 1647 (1647) Wing R2373; ESTC R28117 628,133 674

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come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Ch. 7.37 If any man thirst let him come to me and drink Acts 13.39 And by him all that beleeve are justified from all things from which yee could not be justified by the Law of Moses Acts 16.30 The Jaylor saith to Paul and Silas what must I doe to be saved Vers. 31. And they said beleeve on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy houshold There is an expresse required of the Jaylor which he must performe if he would be saved And Rom. 10. looke as a condition is required in the Law Vers. 5. For Moses describeth the righteousnesse of the Law that the man that doth these things shall live by them So beleeving is required as a condition of the Gospel Vers. 6. But the righteousnesse which is of Faith c. Ver. 9. Saith that if thou confesse with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt beleeve in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved Rom. ch 4. ch 5. Faith is the condition of the Covenant of Grace and the only condition of Justification and of the title right and claime that the Elect have thorow Christ to life eternall Holy walking as a witnesse of faith is the way to the possession of the kingdome As Rom. 2.6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds Vers. 7. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honour and immortality eternall life Vers. 8. To them that are contentious Vers. 9. Tribulation and anguish upon every soule of man that doth evill of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Matth. 25.34 Then shall the King say to them on his right hand come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Ver. 33. For I was hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirstie and ye gave me drink c. And let Antinomians say we are freed from the Law as a rule of holy walking sure the Gospel and the Apostles command the very same duties in the letter of the Gospel that Moses commanded in the letter of the Law as that children obey their parents servants their masters that we abstaine from murther hatred of our brother stealing defrauding lying c. that we keepe our selves from Idols swearing strange gods I doe not say that these duties are commanded in the same way in the Gospel as in the Law For sure we are out of a principle of Evangelike love to render obedience and our obedience now is not Legall as commanded by Moses in strict termes of Law but as perfumed oyled honeyed with the Gospel-sense of remission of sinnes the tender love of God in Christ. So that wee justly challenge two extreme waies both blasphemous as we conceive 1. Arminians object to us that which the Antinomians truely teach to wit that we destroy all precepts commands exhortations and active obedience in the Gospel and render men under the Gospel meere blocks and stones which are immediately acted by the Spirit in all obedience and freed from the Letter of both Law and Gospel as from a Legall bondage This we utterly disclaime and doe obtest and beseech Antinomians as they love Christ and his truth to cleare themselves of this which to us is vilde Libertinisme And by this Arminians turne all the Gospel in literalem gratiam in a Law-Gospel in meere golden letters and sweet-honeyed commandements of Law-precepts and will have the Law possible justification by works conversion by the power of free will and morall suasion really without the mighty power of the Spirit and Gospel-grace and receive the doctrine of merit and set heaven and hell on new Polls to be rolled about as Globes on these two Poles the nilling and willing of free-will and they make grace to be sweet words of silke and gold on the other hand Antinomians doe exclude words letter-perswasions our actions conditions of Grace promises written or preached from the Gospel and make the Spirit and celestiall rapts immediate inspirations the Gospel it selfe and turne men regenerate into blocks and how M. Den can be both an Antinomian and loose us from the Law and an Arminian defending both universall attonement and the resistible working of grace and so subject us to the Law and to the doctrine of Merit and make us lords of our owne faith and conversion to God let him and his followers see to it Wee goe a middle way here and doe judge the Gospel to bee an Evangelike command and a promising and commanding Evangel and that the Holy Ghost graceth us to doe and the Letter of the Gospel obligeth us to doe Pos. 3. The decree of Election to glory may bee said to bee more free and gracious in one respect and justification and glorification and conversion more free in another respect and all the foure of meere free grace For Election as the cause and fountaine-grace is the great mother the wombe the infinite spring the bottomlesse ocean of all grace and wee say effects are more copiously and eminently in the cause then in themselves as water is more in the element and fountaine then in the streames the tree more in the life and sapp of life then in the branches and conversion and justification have more freedome and more of grace by way of extension because good will stayeth within the bowels and heart of God in free election but in conversion and justification infinite love comes out and here the Lord giveth us the great gift even himselfe Christ God the darling the delight the onely onely well-beloved of the Father and he giveth Faith to lay hold on Christ and the life of God and all the meanes of life in which there be many divided acts of grace to speake so which were all one in the wombe of the election of grace Pos. 4. Conversion justification are free for election and therefore election is more free but all these as they are in God are equally free and are one simple good will Though Christ justifie and crowne none but such as are quallified with the grace of beleeving yet beleeving is a condition that removeth nothing of the freedome of grace 1. Because it worketh nothing in the bowels of mercy and the free grace of God as a motive cause or moving condition that doth extract acts of grace out of God only we may conceive this order that Grace of electing to glory stirres another wheele to speak so of free love to give Faith effectuall calling justification and eternall glory 2. It s no hire nor work at all nor doth it justifie as a worke but onely lay hold on the Lord our righteousnesse Object There is more of God in election to glory then in giving of Faith or at least of Christs righteousnesse and eternall glory therfore there must bee more grace in the one then in
when England had often before and have now opportunity they will not lift Christ up on his throne nor put his Crowne Royall on his head but doe put it on their owne head but the judgement is not yet at an end Scotland hath not walked worthy of the Gospel but have fallen from their first love We take not a deliberate list of every limbe thigh legge and member of this nationall wrath and we neither see wherefore we are afflicted nor how For this cause came I to this houre There is some peculiar act of Christs will here holden forth and that is Christs peculiar intention to die for his people in which we are to consider the activenesse of Christs will in dying for man which may be seene 1. In his free offering of himselfe and his service to the Father Psalm 40.6 Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire mine eares hast thou opened Heb. 10.5 A body that is the office house and instrumentall subject of obedience to the death as the eare is of hearing and obeying the commandements of God thou hast prepared me Vers. 7. Then said I loe I come in the volumne of thy booke it is written of me to doe thy will ô God In these words Christ is brought in as a servant with three excellent quallities 1. Physically he is fitted with a body and a soule to offer to God for us as in a servant there are required strong limbs and armes to endure drudgery in this he was borne of his mother for this sad service his Master furnished him for this even the seed of mans flesh and bloud for suffering 2. There were morall habilities in him promptitude of of will So the Lord is brought in as a Lord and Master in justice crying servant O Sonne and servant Jesus I have a businesse for thee of great concernment At the first word as all good servants doe Christ takes him to his feet and compeares before his God his Master and Lord Loe I come here am I so servants of old answered their Master What service wilt thou command so hard which I will not undergoe Master here 's a body for thy worke here be cheekes for the nippers a face for those that will plucke off the haire a backe for smiting a body for the crosse and the grave Christ as a servant uncovered standing on feet would say Lord send mee thy seruant to the Garden to worke under the burden of thy wrath till I sweat blood bid me goe to shame to scourging and spitting is it thy will I goe up on the cursed crosse and bee made a curse for sinners that I be crucified and die that I goe lower in to the utter halfe of hell the grave which is a sad journey loe here am I willing to obey all 3. There was in Christ not onely willingnesse but delight Psal. 40.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 My God I delight to doe thy will every servant cannot say this to his Master thy Law is in the midst of my heart 2. His willingnesse to die was a part of his Testament and last Will he dyed with good will and left in Legacy his death and the fruits of it his blessing his heart his love his peace his life to his bride in Testament confirmed by Law to all his poore brethren and friends Heb. 9 17. and John 14.27 Peace I leave in testament with you But the Orphane and the poore friend gets not all that his dying Father and friend leaves in Testament but Christ gives possession himselfe ere he die My peace I give to you but to the point His latter Will was willingnesse to die 3. No externall force could take his life from him against his will John 10.18 No man taketh my life from me but I lay it downe of my selfe I have power to lay it downe and I have power to take it againe Yet lest it should seeme a will-action in Christ and ●o not obedience he addeth This Commandement that is the will of a Superiour have I received of my Father Compelled obedience is no obedience exact willingnesse was a substantiall and essentiall ingredient in Christs obedience Acts of Grace cannot be extorted can yee teare a shoure of raine from God in an extreame drouth or bread from him in your hunger against his will Farre lesse since Christs dying was an act of pure grace can any compell him to dye for man Love arrested his holy will and that made him runne apace to dye for us O blessed be his good will who burned himselfe in the Bush in a fire of free love 4. Though dying be a passion yet Christs dying was both a passion and an action Will added as much perfume and strength of obedience as nature and paine shard-ship shame and abasement could doe his life was not so much plucked from him as out of his owne hand As an Agent he offered his bloud and soule yea himselfe to God through the eternall Spirit Hebr. 9.14 Love was the coard the chaine that did bind Christ to the Altar 5. Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on this intention came to this houre so is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often in Scripture Not onely his will but the floure of his will his intention was to die for Christs eye and his heart and his love was on his Bride the intention is the most eminent act that Love can put forth Christs eye and his heart being upon his Spouse he made our salvation his end and measure of his love to compasse this end the Lord laid many Oares in the water his rising earely his night watching his toyling his sweating his soare and hard Soule-travell as being heavy with Child of this end O might I have a redeemed people was all his care and his soule was eased when dying bleeding crying he went thorough hell and death and slept in deaths blacke and cold prison and his Redeemed ones in his armes When hee came to the end of this sad journey and found his Ramsomed ones he said I have sought you with a heavie heart faire and foule way sad and weary and all is well bestowed since I have gained you Let us up together to the hill of Spices to our Fathers house to the highest mountaine of Frankincense All that Christ did was for this end That he might deliver us from this present evill world Galat. 1.4 That he might be a ransome for many Matth. 20.28 That we might have life and have it more abundantly Joh. 10.10 That he might seeke and save the lost Luke 19.10 That he might present his wife a glorious Church to himselfe not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should bee holy and without blemish Ephes. 5.26 27. that wee being dead to sinne should live to righteousnesse 1 Pet. 2.24 Christ came to seeke and travelled ever till he found his desire a redeemed and saved people and then hee rested Even as hee journyed through
nor armes to climbe so high as to ascend to a throne But the naturall man neither will nor can chuse a kings life and be a follower of Christ nor is man any other then a naturall hater of Christ though many thinke they beare Christ at good will Joh. 15.24 But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father The reason why men thinke they love Christ is the luster that education and common literall report from the womb hath put upon Christ our fathers and teachers said ever Christ is the Saviour of man and a mercifull God and therefore we have that common esteeme of him but were wee borne of Jewish parents or among Jewes and taken from our parents and heard nothing from the womb of Christ but what the Jewes say and that is that hee is a false Prophet that hee rose not from the dead but that his disciples by night stole him away out of the grave wee should from the womb hate Christ as well as the Jewes And the like wee may see in Indians who love and adore the Devill from the womb but with this difference they love Satan truly because both nature now corrupt and education carries them thereunto but education can give no man a true love of Christ. 2. Whence is it that the world hates the children of God It is from instinct and nature rather then from any imperated acts Joh. 15.19 Because yee are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hates you Vers. 21. But all these things will they doe unto you for my Names sake To be chosen out of the world to carry any thing of Christ and his image and nature and to be borne againe and of another seed then the world is born of is no ground of arbitrary and elective hatred but of such hatred as comes from divers naturall instincts such as is the hatred between the Wolfe and the Lambe the Raven and the Dove If then the world hate the Saints as they doe Rom. 1.30 and hate Christ and hate the Saints upon this formall ground Because they have in them the nature of God the image of Christ some of the excellency of Christ then they must hate Christ farre more for Propter quodunumquodque tale id ipsum magis tale The world hated Christ for God for there was more of God in the Man Christ then ever was in any creature then they hated God more and with a higher hatred So Christ is the Sampler and Copy to all the Saints therefore Christ must be more contrary to the wicked world then the Saints are If you hate the servant for the masters sake then you hate the Master more If you love the nurse for the childs sake then you love the child more So the Jewes killed the servants the Prophets they stoned them and beat them Mat. 21.35 but they did more to Christ Vers. 39. They caught him slew him and cast him out of the vineyard and took the inheritance to themselves 3. Men naturally hate the wayes of God If there be holinesse in his wayes then it must be most eminently in God If they esteem his yoke soure and heavie and Reformation a burden then must they farre more esteeme so of himselfe 2. Men have a sort of satisfaction in their naturall condition A whole man desires no Physician A dead man hath some negative content to lie in grave hee can have no acts of sorrow for want of life 2. Wee doe not put forth any stirring of life or desire toward that which is naturally above us A child in the belly hath no acts toward a Crown or a Kingdome in this life because desires are bottomed and founded on nature As an Ape or a Horse hath no desire to be a man Pilate as if hee were burdened with Christ saith Mat. 27.22 What shall I then doe with Jesus that is called Christ What availeth my birth-right to me saith Esau seeing I die for hunger 3. When beasts and birds are allured by the snare and fishes by the bait death cometh to them in the garments of life for food is all their heaven and instinct helpeth them to prosecute their ends and there is a naturall similitude and inclination between their nature and what they desire bottomed on an instinct even when the object of their inclination is but dyed with the hew and apparency of good But there is no such instinct in the naturall man nor similitude between a cage of hell and the beauty and excellency of Christ between his sense and the hid manna or the banquetting house of wine 4. The naturall man cannot come to Christ. In that place Ioh. 6.44 there be four things considerable 1. The best of men is unapt to come to Christ No man what ever his parts and eminencie be had he a nature of gold he cannot come to Christ. 2. He saith not No man cometh as denying the act for so no man of himselfe is an excellent Philosopher but he denieth a power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He cannot come 3. But help is much happily if his eyes were open the will is good he would gladly come to Christ if he were able Nay saith Christ he is unwilling and unable both He that cannot come except he be haled and drawn and some violence offered to his corruption hath no good liking of Christ. But 4. It is but little drawing possibly that will do the businesse some gentle blast or aire of golden words some morall suasion some breathings and spiration of fine reasonings from men or Angel can do much No but it is not so no lesse saith Christ can draw a sinner to me then the arm of the Father and a pull of his omnipotencie who is greater then all Ioh. 10. No man what ever mettall he be of the finest of men can come or hath power to come to me and to beleeve on the only begotten son of God except the Father who sent me draw him We know Christ was much to extoll his Father his Father was ever in his esteem an eminent one as Matth. 11.25 26 27. Mark 14. ●6 Luke 23.46 John 3.35 John 5.21 and 6.27 Matth. 10.32 c. 24.37 Iohn 2.16 and 5.43 and 10.29 c. 19.2 Rev. 2.27 Joh. 15.1 So is there a power alwayes denyed to the naturall man to close with Christ Rom. 8.7 2 Cor. ● 5 5. A will to beleeve and to submit to Christ is denyed to naturall men Joh. 5. ●0 Ye will not come to me that yee may bee saved 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luke 19.14 The enemies of Christ say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We will not have this man to reigne over us Verse 27. But these mine Enemies that would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these to me seem to be allusions to Israels wearying of the Lord of old Isai. 43.23 I have
which are for us and the soule injoying Christ possesseth Christ and not it selfe loveth Christ not it selfe liveth in Christ not in it selfe injoyeth Christ not it selfe solaceth it selfe in Christ not in it selfe beholdeth Christ and his beauty not it selfe nor his owne beauty so that mind will love desire hope joy sight wondring delighting are all over in Christ not in it selfe And all this further confirmeth the point in hand that Christ crucified and laid hold on by faith is a desirable and a drawing lover PART III. All men I will draw all men The parties drawne to Christ is the third Article in the doctrine of Christs drawing and they are here called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All men It is a great question betweene us and such as are for universall attonement and grace universall as many Anabaptists in England now are what is meant by All men in which these are to be observed 1. The state of the question 2. The mind of the Adversaries 3. Our minde 4. The clearing of places alledged by the Adversaries 5. The answering of that principall doubt what faith is required of all within the visible Church 6. The uses of the Doctrine Of all these shortly The state of the Question The Question toucheth 1. Gods intention and purpose to save man 2. In chusing some to salvation not others 3. Gods purpose in sending Christ to dye for some not for others The first Article is called universall grace the second conditionall or which to me is all one vniversall election to glory and so no Election The third is the question touching the universalitie of Christs death or a fancied universall attonment made by Christ for all I cannot particularly handle all the three For the first God ingageth all men as Christs debters thus far that it is mercy that they live or have any opportunity of seeking God what ever be the means naturall or super-naturall whereas for the sin of Adam God might by a like justice have destroyed the world and all mankinde vanity is penally inflicted on all the servants for treason of the Master against the King of Heaven and earth but in Christ there be two mitigations 1. One is that the servants are not destroid for the sin of the Master 2. That as the fore-fated Lord is restored so the sick servants groaning under vanity shall bee delivered from that bondage they come under for the sinne of man Rom. 8.20 21 22. Hence it is though we be out-laws by nature that now by a priviledge of grace from the Mediator the Tenents receive and lodge the Master because Christ hath taken off the Statute and Act of forfeiture 2. No man living on earth but he is beholding to Christ though many know him not for common helps of providence and experiences do teach him some more of God by nature 3. The sound of Christ God revealed in the Gospel in the Apostles ministery is declared and is gone to the ends of the earth and to the Nations Psal. 19.4 Rom. 10.18 But some say these words Have they not heard have relation to v. 14. the hearing of the Gospel or the publishing of the glad tidings of the Gospel to all and every one of mankind and must be meant of that same hearing Ans. It relates to hearing of God revealing himselfe in the meanes of salvation say the Adversaries But then the question is Whether these meanes be the preaching of the Gospel or of the same God revealed as Creator by the Sun Moon and Stars who is revealed in the Gospel and salvation by him Now the Sun and Stars and heaven declare the glory of God and sound forth his praises and salvation through Christ by this sense to all and every Nation and to every single person without exception not onely when Paul wrote this to the Romans but when David penned the 19. Psalme what difference then between the Iewes to whom God revealed his Testimonies and the Gentiles to whom God made no such revelation Psal. 147.19 20. Deut. 4.33 34 c. Deut. 5.25 26. Psal. 78.1 2 c. Psal. 81 4 5. and this sound if it be the Gospel preached to as many as see the Sun and ever when they see the Sun then at that time and to this day the Sun and Moone must be sent Apostles and Preachers by whose words and Ministery all and every man that seeth the Sun then and now and to Christs second comming are obliged to pray to God in Christ and to beleeve and Faith comes by hearing the Sun Stars night and day preach Christ for sure the same hearing of the Gospel v. 18. must be understood which is spoken v. 14.15 for if the one be an hearing of the Gospel by the Apostles which produceth faith and salvation and the other a hearing of Sun and Stars in the book of the Creation This produceth not faith and salvation by the confession of the Adversaries 2. The Apostle shall not answer his own Objection Ver. 18. If all both Jew and Gentile have not heard the Gospel its unpossible they can beleeve for faith cometh by hearing the Gospel from their mouth who are sent of God and if they hear not they must be excused because they beleeve not in Christ of whom they never heard The Apostle must answer yea but they have heard the Gospel Why they heard the Sun and the Stars preach Christ and salvation by him to the farthest ends of the earth for sure David in the literall and native sense of that 19. Psalme speaketh of such dumbe Preachers Now this is no answer at all for Sun and Stars are not sent of God to preach salvation by Christ. 2. Faith comes not by hearing the creatures preach Christ. 3. The Prophets and Apostles not the dumbe and livelesse creatures have pleasant feet on the Mountains to preach peace as it is verse 14 15 16. cited from Isai. 52.7 Nah. 1.15 But the native sense of the words v. 18. is but a meer allusion in Scripture phrase to Davids words Psal. 19. It is neither citation nor exposition of them but an using of Scripture language in comparing the Gospel to the Sun the sound of the Gospel preached to the sound of the glory of the Creator in the works of heaven and earth to show how ample the preaching of the Gospel under the New Testament is to wit that it is not preached to one Nation of the Jewes only as of old but to all nations to the Jewes and to the foolish people by whom the Lord provokes the Jewes to jealousie as is clear v. 19 20. and that voice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their voice is gone to the ends of the earth is the voice of the twelve Apostles of the Lambe who preached the Gospel to Nations of all kinds to Iewes and Gentiles it s not the voice of the creatures the heaven and earth but a meer allusion to that voice Psal. 19. for the words have no sense
righteousnesse and life then other strangers to Christ and Gentiles Rom. 9.30 31 32 33. Rom. 10.1.2 3 4. Rom. 11.1.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. rejected and there should be others as good as these by nature that the Lord should have mercy on now in both these first God is free in his grace secondly just in his judgements though he neither call nor chuse acco●ding to works thirdly the damned creature most guilty and fourthly the Lord both j●stly s●vere and graciously me●cifull fifthly none have cause to complaine or quarrell with God and yet God might have carried the matter a farre other way sixthly the head cause of this various administration with Nations and persons is the deep high soveraign innocent holy independent will of the great Potter and Former of all things who has mercy on whom he will hardneth whom he wil and this is the depth without a bottom no creature Angel or Men can so behave them selves to their fellow-creatures yet be free just holy wise c. but sure one creature can deal with his fellow creature according to the rules and road-way of an antecedent consequent will so may the King deal with his people the Governour with those he governes the Father with his children the Commander with his souldiers the Lord of a Vine-yard with his hired servants all these may order their goodnesse mercy rewards punishments in a way levill with the use industry improvement of free-will or the rebe●lion unjustice wickednesse and slothfulnesse of their underlings but no Master nor Lord can call Labourers to his Vine-yard and exhort ob●est beseech them all to labour and promise them hire and yet keep from the greatest part of them the power of ●●●rring armes or legs of free consenting to labour and suspend his so acting on the greatest part of them as they shall willingly be ca●●ied on to wilfull disobedience and to be the passive objects of his revenging justice according to the determinate counsell of the Lord of this Vine-yard because so he willed out of his absolute soveraignty to deal with some and deale a just contrary way with the least part of the labourers because hee p●●posed to declare the glory of his grace on them either there is here an unsearchable depth or Paul knew nothing and this calmes my minde and answereth all that reason can say for universall atonement and the 1. Vse I aym at is that no Doctrine so endeareth Christ to a soule as this of particular redemption and free-grace separating one from another Psal. 147 1● Prayse the Lord O Ierusalem and amongst man● ground● here is one vers 19. he sheweth his word unto Iacob his Statutes and his judgements to Israel ver 20. he hath not dealt so with any Nation and he speaketh not of the measure as if God had revealed the same grace in nature but in an inferiour degree to other Nations for hee saith as for his judgements they have not known them and th●n being full of God for this separating mercy he adde●h prayse yee the Lord Christ esteems this the floure of grace the grace of grace and blesseth his Father for it Matth. 11.25 I blesse thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to babes now because Arminians say the pride of the self-wise and the humility of babes are the causes separating the one from the other and so free-will is to share with the Father in the praise of the reveiled glory of the Gospel and the discovered excellency of Christ to babes rather then to wise men a literall revelation no doubt was common to all babes and prudent the swelled Pharisees and humbled sinners Christ prai●eth the eminency the blossom of grace the bloom of free-love in that the free-wil of the humble and the proud made not the separation but the good pleasure of God ver 27. No man knowes the Son but the Father and he to whom the Son will reveale him 2. That which is common to all shall never leave an impression of wonder and thankfull admiration I and we are swelled lofty and proud things and the Spirit of God commends grace highly in that it falls upon pronowns and persons and not on others 1 Cor. 15.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I am the least of of the Apostl●s vers 10. By the grace of God I am that I am and his grace 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 toward me was not in vaine but I laboured more abundantly then they all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but not I but the grace of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in me Tit. 3.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for we our selves also were sometime out of our wits disobedient c. ver 4. but when the kindnesse and man-love of God our Saviour appeared ver 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he saved us 1 Tim. 1.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I am the chief of sinners ver 16. but for this cause I obtained mercy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long suffering Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ but I live 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet not I but Christ lives in me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who has lov●d me and given himself for me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ephes. 2.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and you who were dead in sins and trespasses hath he quickned ver 4. for his great love wherewith he loved us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v. 5. even when we were dead in sins and trespasses he hath quickened us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together with Christ ver 13. But now in Christ Iesus yee who somtimes were farre off are made neare by the blood of Christ the passing by my Father and mother and brother and sister neighbour and friend and taking me is a most indearing favour 3. Of all in Scotland and England all in Europe all Adams seed that ever were masters of a living soule in the womb or out of it the Lord passed by so many thousands and millions and the lot of free-grace fell upon me precisely by name and upon us and not upon thousands besides no lesse eligible then I was what thoughts will you have of the f●●e lot of love that fell upon you ever since God was God when Christ shall lay such a load of love such a high weight and masse of love on you ye shall then think O how came I hither to sit in heavenly places with Christ that body that is trimmed cloathed and doubly embroydered with pure and unmixed glory is just made of the same lump of earth with the body of Judas or Cain that are now flaming and sinking to the bottom of the black and sad river of brimstone the Lord saith Ezek. 18.4 behold all souls are mine and
ha● but a chip of life the dregs of it or the hundreth part of an hand-breath the twentieth part of an inch yet holds it so long as there is so much as the fourth part of a dram of naturall vigorin him Now Christ had cause to love his life as any man else It was about the flower of his age the thirty three yeare of this life and it must be a noble life that dwelt personally with the God-head yet when he was called to a treaty for rendering his life hee gave it not up but upon princely and honourable quarters even that he should see his seed have a noble prize and a ransomed spouse a faire crown a rich Kingdome to mysticall Christ but hee parted with his noble and glorious life deliberatly intentionally most willingly Ioh. 10.18 there was more will more love in Christ dying then in the dying of all men from the creation to the last judgement O how he thirsted and longed to pay that Ransome he had it by him to give it out on demand he did not first die and bow his head but he first bowed his head and beckened with his hand and called upon death and then rendred his Spirit 6. O what a wonder this rose of life on the Crosse withereth in his full beauty the Sun of life would shine no more on it The prime delight of the Sons of men the second Adam from Heaven fades and life can breath no more and beauty shine no more and green●sse blossome no more and when most lowly and low cloathed with a curse most lovely most Lordly and Princely because in the act of Redeeming 7. Christs death must come under a three-fold notion 1. At a torment inflicted by Gods enemies 2. As a punishment inflicted of God or sinne as a Ransome pa●● to justice 3. As the crown and ●nd of Christs journey In the first notion Christs death as comming from wicked men wanted three ingredients that all the wicked world and Hell could not give it 1. All the world cannot adde a curse to the death of any man God only is the Master and Lord of cursing and blessing God cast this in from heaven of his own for 2 Cor. 5.21 God made him sinne Esai 53.6 Iehovah the Lord laid on him the iniquities of us all Who said that Cursed be every one that abideth not in all that is written in the Law to doe it Gal. 3.10.13 Deut. 21.23 Deut. 27.26 the only Law-giver who can dispense curses he made Christs death a curse One death has not a curse more then another and Christs death of the crosse had not a Ceremoniall curse only in it for that was common to the deaths of all that hangeth on a tree Deut. 21.23 But the curse of the Morall Law which is upon the sinner Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 13. was laid upon Christ and this is heavier then ten millions of deaths of the crosse O how many thousands and what millions of talents weight of gall vengeance did the Lord from heaven adde to the cup of Christ 2. Because Christ was made sin he behoved to be made the sinner and from Christs person his death had the sweet perfume of infinite merit a sweet smel of a savor of rest to God above all sacrifices and offerings that ever were offered to God infinitnesse of merit this Christ gave to his own death 3. The Lord gave it a third ingredient that it had acceptation even in point of Law and Iustice which no man could give to feele a smell of everlasting love peace reconciliation in bloud is the sure mercies of David O but it was white bloud to God crying bloud or rather singing blood that sings the sweet Gospel-song Abels blood cryed a song of vengeance ye are come to the bloud of sprinkling 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that sounds better things then the bloud of Abel Heb. 12.24 In the second notion that Christ came under the Law of dying for it is appointed for all men to die speaks much love To come to sleep which is deaths brother to come under paine weaknesse bleeding that are the neare bloud-friends of death is great love expression But to die the lowest and the saddest and sowrest of bodily infirmities and then for other mens faults it sets out the love of God In this respect Christ dying was a Ransome for justice there be foure of the sadest things in a ransome that are here 1. To give person for person is the hardest bargain by the Law of Nations they are meeker warres where moneys and gold may buy a captive God in this bargain could send captives away for neither silver nor gold nor any corruptible thing 1 Pet. 1.18 A gift a reward will not bow justice Rubies Saphires let ten earths be turned into gold of Ophir they cannot buy the offended Law of God therefore it must be man for man person for person or nothing a man is more pretious then gold 2. If you must have man for man then let proportion of common justice be kept a souldier for a souldier a servant for a servant a free-man for a free-man a master for a master yee cannot demand a King to ransome a servant Yea saith justice but I will they are but men and slaves and servants of sinne their Father Adam was indeed a King but by Law he is fallen from the crown and all his children are traytors and born servants therefore justice would have no lesse ransome then one of the Kings line one of the bloud royall and more the only heir of the crown of heaven and earth the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords he is more then an over-ransome and over-summe this is hard but infinite wisdome cannot be against justice but it was the strictest justice that ever was the Kings Sonne for the Traytors sonne the Prince for the Slave the Lord of Lords for the poor c●ay-subject 3. But the ransome King must have honourable conditions like himself if he must be a captive let him have some freedome befitting his birth and condition now because this bargain was to be stretched out to the utmost line and border of strict justice as also it wanted not deepest mercy shining in glorious rayes through justice therefore the King standing a ransome was as farre below his place as a servant is below a King Phil. 2.6 7. You have the lowest and the highest steps who being in the forme of God thought it not robbery to be equall with God but made himselfe of no reputation and took upon him the forme of a servant a King and God made a servant Matth. 20.28 for even the Sonne of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransome for many See here the Sonne of God a ransome in his own person and the lowest of ransomes a servant farre below a King 4. It is not universall in these persons that
this end ver 4. that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit Hen●e I argue these that ought to fulfill the righteousnesse of the Law by walking after the Spirit and mortifying the deeds of the flesh are not freed from the Law as a rule of right●ousnesse but are obliged by vertue of command to this rule for Paul proveth that there is a commanding power enjoyning rightous walking above us even when we are led by the Spirit 1. Because wee are obliged to minde the things of the Spirit not of the flesh ver 5. 2. To be spiritually minded is life as to be carnally minded is death eternall ver 6. 3. We are to be subject to the Law then we must be spiritually not carnally minded for the carnall minde cannot come under such subjection ver 7. 4. We are to please God in our walking then wee cannot walk in the flesh ver 8. 5. Because we are dead to sinne v. 9.10 We are not debters nor owe we to the flesh any service v. 10. But sure by a commandement we owe service to Christ againe the Apostle Gal. 5. treating of that common place of Christian liberty especially moveth the Antinomian doubt and saith ver 13. Christian liberty is not licentiousnesse nor an occasion to the flesh and commandeth that we serve on another in love ver 13. Now here was a fit place if Paul had been an Antinomian to say but ye are freed from the Law as a rule of righteousnesse and if I command you to love one another I bring you back to bondage againe I clap you up in goale againe and deliver you to your old keeper no saith he But 1. this is Liberty to serve one anot●er in love and it s an Evangel●ck fulfilling of the law for all the Law saith he ver 14. is fulfilled in this one word thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe and ver 16. There is an expresse command walk in the Spirit and ver 18. It might be said then we may live as we list we are free from all Lords its true saith the Apostle ver 18. yee are not under the Law to condemne you but yet yee are not lawlesse yee must be led by the Spirit and ver 19. flie the wo●ks of the flesh ver 19. such as adultery fornication c. now the law expresly forbiddeth the works of the flesh And Rom. 7. the very Antinomian doctrine is obviated for ver 6. But now we are delivered from the Law O then might some say then we are free men he answers not so we are delivered from the Law that wee should serve God in a Spirituall manner But againe ver 7. Paul proponeth the speciall objection of the Carnall Libertine if we be freed from the Law what shall we say then is the Law sinne this doubt ariseth both from ver 5. ver 6. ver 5. he said the motions of sinne that were by the Law did work in our members sinfull motions he inferres then it may appeare to some that the Law is a factor and ag●nt for sinne is the Law sinne b● way of sollici●ation ver 6. Wee are not under the Law then it would appeare that the rem●ved Law is not a dispens●tion to sinne and so the law is sinne if we be freed from it we may sinne Paul saith the Law is not so removed and dead but t●ere is a good and holy ●se of the law it remaineth as a rule of righteousnesse touching what we should flie and what we should follow thus the law is neither a factor for sinne nor a dispensation to sinne because it discovereth and forbiddeth sinne for saith he I had not known lust to be sinne but by the Law and this the Antinomi●n now moveth we are freed from the law being once justified what ever we doe it is not against a law nor a rule for we are under no law as a rule and what we doe though to our sense and feeling it be adultery and a debt ag●inst the seventh command yet truly in the sight of God it is no more sinne then any thing Christ doth is sinne we are as cleane of it ere we commit it as Christ or the glorified Spirits in heaven and therefore the law gives us a dispensation to doe these things being justified which the unjustified cannot doe but they must in doing it sinne because the unjustified man is under the law as a rule of justice which we are not under and so we have a dispensation and an an●idated one to sinne before hand but because we are under no rule of righteousnesse it is to us no sinne Take two servants the master commandeth one of them eat all fruit of the garden but I forbid you the fellow servant under a paine eat not of this tree in the east end of the garden to the other he giveth no such charge or command the former servant eating of the tree in the east transgresseth not his masters command because he is under no law forbidding the other cating of that same tree is a transgressor because he is under a forbidding command so here if the justified be not under the tenne Commandements as a rule of life though they swerve from all the tenne yet they sinne not for Saltmarsh saith where there is no law there is no sinne Mr Towne saith Although the Spirit bring forth in the Saints the fruits of holinesse according to the law Gal. 5.22 Ephes. 5.9 Yet without Christ we can doe nothing unlesse as the imp or branch we suck and derive life and sap from him which is the Spirit of faith what if it be affirmed even in true sanctification the law of works is a meere passive thing as the Kings high way which a Christian freely walketh in you have not a face to deny it Psal. 119.31 Answ. If the Spirit of Grace bring forth in the Saints fruits of holinesse according to the law then is the law to the Saints a rule of their walking which the Antinomians deny It s true It may be the law to the holy Spirit in his person acting immediately in the Saints is passive for the law cannot work on the holy Spirit but that the ●aints are meere patients and blocks in all their holy walking is grosse Lib●rtinis●e and maketh God the Author of sin as before is said and this way also the Saints are freed from the Gospel and the command of faith and all the promises no lesse then from the law because neither law nor Gospel can be a rule to the person of the holy Ghost in his immediate actions the Spirit is free in his operations and subjecteth both law and Gospel to his gracious breathings but is subject to none 2. Mr. Towne and Antinomians would lay upon Protestant Divines that they teach the Saints may walk in holines without the grace of Christ because they will have the Saints under