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A28163 Light breaking forth according to the promise of God discovering it self to the destroying and rasing the fundamentals of antichristian gatherings together, under the notion of the churches of Christ: together with some propheticall hints touching the exaltation of the throne and kingdom of Christ in truth and righteousnesse. With a brief declaration to the inhabitants of these three nations, England, Scotland and Ireland: also a letter to Judge Cooke. ... Written in the year of the worlds wonder, and humbly presented to the saints and servants of the most high God, not in name onely, but in deed and in truth. By a lover of truth, and witnesse hereof, Io. Binckes. Binckes, Joseph.; Cook, John, d. 1660. 1653 (1653) Wing B2914A; ESTC R210639 15,974 24

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said feest thou thou not how excellent this is which doth appear and he answered and said how should J seeing the morning is dark and therewith departed The Exposition of the sixth Vision BY the morning or dawning of the day is held forth the neer approach of the day of the Lord therefore hath he appointed the Ordinances of the Moon by night so that during the time of this night the Sun is inclosed by the Moon that is the glorious appearance of the Lord Jesus is inclosed and wrapt up in beggerly rediments and observations carnall Ordinanc●s formall worships but the time is at hand in which the glory of the Lord shall put out the light that is in them they being but as the light of the Moon the Firmament denotes unto us the Scripture which is indeed the witnesse and testifier of all truth the three Angells hold forth the threefold Office of Christ that is to say Priestly Prophetically and Kingly in which and through which he appears to be the Altar the fire and the Sacrifice for us who are as the man standing all alone by the side of the Altar whil'st we are yet at a distance from Christ but the time is at hand wherein we shall see him as he is the Temple denotes the love of God into which he will bring all the sons of righteousness even his Saints and Servants who are afflicted scattered and persecuted not after the formality or rudiments of mens teaching but by an angelicall way and teaching from himself himself being the light thereof Now the man in the mean habit held forth thus much man in his naturall estate being no way invested with the singleness of the love and light of Christ and untill he be inlightened by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus cannot behold the things of God The seventh Vision AGaine it came to passe that J was as it were in a garden wherein J beheld a tree most excellent to behold being full of blooms and after a while there arose a great storm and the blooms fell away and immediately the fruit appeared it being of every kind was found usefull for the healing of the Nations The exposition of the seventh Vision NOw the Garden is the heart of the new man in which the Lord Jesus as a tree of righteousness spreadeth forth all the graces of his Spirit which for number are as the blooms and no sooner the excellency thereof doth appear but anon persecution ariseth as a great storm being carried on by the power and insolency of that man of sin who is exalted in the Temple of God and is worshipped above all that is called God he being the enemy of truth notwithstanding this doth not hinder the tree from bringing forth its fruit but is an advantage rather unto it therefore is it necessary that the Lords people should suffer seeing the seed that is sown is not quickned except it die and if they have persecuted the Lord and Master how much more will they persecute the servant also and to this end the Lord Jesus said to his Disciples except ye suffer with me ye cannot raign with me if therefore of necessity Christ must suffer then of necessity his servants must suffer also be encouraged then all ye who have given up your selves to serve the Lord who have not loved your lives unto death for sake of the cross which at length shall be your crown and marvell not that the world hate you know ye not that the world is enmity to God and that whosoever loveth the world and the things thereof the love of God is not in them and now cometh the time wherein the powers of this world with the wisdome thereof shall be overturned because we see the fruit of the tree beginneth to appear the Lord having given us this testimony saying Ye know when the fig tree putteth forth her leaves that Summer is nigh so when ye see these things that is persecution for truths sake then lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh therefore although the fruit be but in the bud and the seed of Christ sown in us be but in its infancy yet it shall grow and increase and become a healing to all the Nations of the earth and all Nations shall flow in unto us when the Throne of his love that is the fulnesse of the presence of Christ shall be advanced as a Standard amongst us and in our hearts the time is at hand let as many as are spiritually minded wait for it forasmuch as they know that their labour is not in vain in the Lord. The eighth Vision AGaine it came to passe I being in a solitary place in which I beheld a great number of dead carcasses and I heard a voice saying Arise and come to iudgment and straightway they arose seeking for justice judgment but there was none found because the true Iudge was not yet come The exposition of the eighth Vision THe place here which is said to be solitary is the state of nature or mans first state which is corrupt now all men and creatures living here that is in the state of nature are dead now the Lord calls unto man to come from that state wherein is no judgment but that which is altogether unrighteous and must be destroyed unto a righteous judgment according to the righteousnesse of God in Christ but man by nature being dead to sins and trespasses goeth about seeking for judgment and justice but cannot find it because being dead he hath not seen the Lord Christ who is the true Judge of heaven and earth who though he is not as yet come to them yet to as many as are inlivened and renewed in the inner man to them he is already come and will shortly appear in them to judge the whole world The nineth Vision AGain it came to passe that I was in a desart where I beheld a Pelican feeding her chickens with her heart blood soon after the Pelican died and the chickens fled away and straightway there appeared a man having a crown on his head and a voice spake saying This is he that shall rule the Nations with a rod of iron The exposition of the nineth Vision BY the Pelican in the desert is held forth man in honor is like the beast which perisheth in regard of this that man by nature brings forth pride covetousness self-love self-exaltation envy wrath and all that is of this world which is contrary to the love and light of Jesus Christ these man yea all men in this station even as the Pelican feedeth his chickens with his heart bloud adventuring body and goods yea his life also for the love of these but the time cometh yea and now is that man shall die to these and they shall abide no longer for the Lord shall arise with a crown of love and true righteousness and shall bring in his everlasting power and the power of the former shall fly away and then shall
Light breaking forth According to The Promise of God Discovering it self To the destroying and rasing the Fundamentals of Antichristian Gatherings together under the notion of the Churches of Christ Together with Some Propheticall Hints touching the Exaltation of the Throne and Kingdom of Christ in Truth and Righteousnesse WITH A brief Declaration to the Inhabitants of these three Nations England Scotland and Jreland Also a Letter to Judge Cooke Consider these things ye great and mighty into of the earth For behold the Lord cometh with an Host of hi● 〈◊〉 to govern the earth in Righteousnesse establishing equity and ju … putting an end to all unrighteousnesse and all that work wickedly together Written in the year of the worlds wonder and humbly presented to the Saints and Servants of the most high God not in name onely but in deed and in truth By a lover of Truth and Witnesse hereof Io. Binckes Matth 15. 13. Every plant that my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out London Printed by R. A for William Larn●r at the Black-Moor's head neer Fleet-Bridge 1653. A word to the Reader DEare Friends and indeed so ye are even as many of you as walk according to the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ and in so doing ye fulfill the whole Law that is love and whosoever is not found in obedience to the law of love is not onely an enemy unto his neighbour but he is an enemy to the Lord Christ I shall not trouble you with circumstances but accordingly as in all humility I am bound shall present to your view the consideration of these things in which though darkly is held forth the fulfilling of many promises declared in Scripture Wherefore whoever thou art that readest these things consider well what thou doest e're thou givest thy judgment concerning them left thou erre not knowing the gift of God but first bring thy judgment into the balance of equity and then trie and examine whether it will beare weight with them yea or no for if thy judgment be found too light thou wilt suffer losse assuring thy self that the day is at hand in which shall be discovered all the folly and madnesse of men who are yet in captivity in Babylon and in bondage to the Man of sin that son of perdition whom the Lord shall destroy by the brightnesse of his coming and then shall be manifested all the deceit which hath been practised by the Merchants of that great Whore which is Babylon in the spirit so called whose wares shall prove no better to thee then the garments of an idol which are worn out even as filthy rags for the Lord shall utter his voice from on high even the voice of the Archangel and all the Nations of the earth shall fall down and tremble before him giving glory and honor and praise to him that liveth for ever and ever Thine in the Lord Jesus who at his appearing shall change our vile bodies and make them like unto his glorious body that as he is so shall we be in this present world Joseph Binckes Acts 13. 41. Behold ye despisers and wonder and vanish away for I work a work in your dayes a work which ye shall not believe if a man would declare it you Acts 2. 17. And it shall be in the last days saith God I will powre out of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreames The first Vision NOw it came to pass in the beginning I was carried as it were into a great wilderness in which I beheld a woman incompassed with an innumerable company of people of all Nations and kindreds and tongues crying out with a loud voice saying How long Lord how long will it be e're thou avenge me of my adversary at which the people ran violently upon her purposing to have devoured her but were not able only this they stript her of her garments leaving her naked for a little space and soone after there appeared a great cloud which separated the woman from the people and the woman lift up her hands in which I beheld these two names Justice and Mercy and on her head Wonderfull Eternity after a while the cloud passed away the people as yet remaining to whom the woman discovered her self at which they were filled with blasphemous outcries runing at her with great violence as before but she became a great fire and consumed them all and I beheld another people brought forth whose abiding was in and with this fire The Exposition of the first Vision THe wildernesse is Babylon that place of confusion the inhabiters whereof being such as are filled with a beast-like spirit as Dragonish or Lionish eager of prey in which and among whom the true Church the Spouse of Christ as a woman is incompassed and being in pain to be delivered that is to bring forth righteousnesse her Son These as enemies being round about her and hearing her cry run violently upon her and strip her of her garments with which they cloath themselves and leave her naked according as it is written they parted my garments amongst them even so the sons of Babel that great whore and all that serve the man of sin do in behalfe of their mother and the power to which they are in subjection strip the truth at this day preaching forth strife and contention subjecting the innocent under a colour of profession wearing the words of truth but the truth it self is persecuted by them therefore hath a cloud separated the truth from them their understandings being darkened this holds forth something of the Ascension of Christ into heaven which for the manner or nature how he did ascend or how he was received into heaven is known to none but those who are indeed the Disciples of Christ and I pray consider who they are not those who love the uppermost rooms at feasts not those that love greetings in the markets not those that love to be called of all men Rabbi not those who esteem themselves above their brethren not those that persecute strangers for conscience sake when indeed they ought rather to have received them refreshed them in love even as the Apostle Paul writes to the Hebrews saying forget not to entertain strangers to do good forget not I might instance in many other particulars but I shall leave that and shew to whom its known that is to say the manner nature of his Ascension even to those who like Abraham obey the voice of the Lord forsaking their fathers house following the voice of the Lord not knowing whether they go as also those whom David speaks of in the 15. Psalm or those of whom Isaiah speaks in his 33. chap. ver 15. and so forward as also those who keep their fast according to Isaiah the 58. ver 6. and so forward as also those who like the Apostles forsake
all that they have for the love of Christ whether father or mother wife or children land or livings goods or good name yea their owne lives also to these are made known the mysteries of the Ascension and descending of Christ or the Kingdome of the Father the time therefore is at hand yea and now is that the cloud is passing away and the glorious appearance of truth presents it self at which the sons of Babel are inraged crying out blasphemy blasphemy executing all that Beastiall power by which Babilon is upheld and laying hold on all who own the naked truth persecuting and imprisoning of them but the truth as a fire from the Lord shall consume them that is they being as yet under the power of sin and Satan their flesh shall be destroyed or consumed that their spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus that is in the day wherein he shall open their eyes by which they shall see themselves in Babylon and in the practise and power of the man of sin that son of perdition then shall they be brought forth a people zealous of good works and shall praise God in the fires wherefore I humbly commend you to the reading with understanding from the Lord that 47. chap. of Isaiah in which ye may see how the Lord will call to Babylon although she be a Virgin yet she shall sit in the dust even so all that profess Jesus Christ although they may appear as a Virgin in an outside of profession and yet in their works deny him being abominable and disobedient and to every good work reprobate shall be brought down to sit in the dust This only for caution to all such who under a colour of Saintship deceive the simple leading them in the way of their Fathers who indeed were they which persecuted the Prophets not knowing that if the blind lead the blind they shall both fall into the ditch that is the pit of destruction The second Vision IT came to passe also I being as it were in a desert beheld an old house inhabited with all manner of wild beasts cruell and monstrous and I heard a voice saying unto me Seest thou this old house behold I will call my workmen together and will shew them the patern of a new building and they shall pull down this old house and the inhabiters thereof shall be destroy'd and all the stone and tymber that is in the old house in which is found life shall go into the new building so that nothing be lost but that in which is found no life shall be cast into the fire for the hands of the workmen shall prove it The Exposition of the second Vision MAn in this world is as an old house in the desert which being inhabited with all manner of beasts cruell and monstrous so man yea the best of men in their first state or being is but of the earth that is earthy and during the time of this state untill man be changed from earthinesse into spirituality by the coming in of the spirit of the Lord man I say is inhabited or possessed with sin death hell and the divell such beasts whom the Lord abhorreth but the Lord will call his workmen together even all that work righteousnesse and to them he will shew the patern of a new building that is Christ after whose likeness they shall bring forth another building and the old building shall be destroyed together with the inhabiters thereof that is whatsoever man by nature hath lived unto according to the counsell of the man of sin that son of perdition who is exalted above all that is called God shall be pulled down and brought low and sin death hell and the divell shall be no more for they shall utterly be destroyed and all the stone and tymber wherein is life shall go into the new building that is all the living properties belonging to the new man which are these love joy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith these shall go into and be in the new building that is the new man but that in which is no life shall go into the fire that is whatsoever liveth not in the light and righteousnesse of God shall be cast into the fire of his jealousie even all unrighteousness and all ungodliness and uncharitableness of what sort or kind soever for the hand of the work-master shall prove it that is the Lord who in the day wherein he shall be revealed it shall be in flaming fire to the perdition of ungodly men but I forbear The third Vision IT came to pass again that I being as it were in a great wilderness heard a voice saying unto me Call to the Lions and to the Leopards and to the Foxes and to the Lambs and say unto the Lions for asmuch as ye have walked in the strength of your might and have taken the prey on my little ones I will therefore disappoint you and to the Leopards the● shalt say although your spots appear never so many I will at length take them away and ye shall be exalted and to the foxes thou shalt say because of your subtilty and deceit whereby ye have spoiled my vines I will also disappoint you and to the lambs thou shalt say because ye have given your flesh to feed the hungry and your fleece to cloath the naked ye shall be my delight and shall abide with me for ever The Exposition of the third Vision BAbylon spiritually called is as this wildernesse in which and under whose power abide these four sorts of beasts viz. Lions Leopards Foxes Lambs or comparatively four sorts of men distinguished under these four heads The Lions denote unto us the Kings of the earth and the great and mighty men with their Captains and men of Warre who have been bewitched with the Sorceries of that great Whore making themselves drunk with the wine of her fornications to whom the Lord speaks by the Prophet David Psalm 34. v. 10. who as yet are under the power of Antichrist bearing in the head of their Banner the effigies of the Beast with this Motto Peace Peace but as soon as innocency and truth appears to discover their Idoll then proceeds war and persecution but the Lord will disappoint them as he hath already begun and will not cease untill he have finished by the Leopards it denotes a people notwithstanding they are yet in Babylon polluted and stained with her pollutions yet the Lord will make choice of them and shall give them the strength of a Leopard and they shall rase the foundations of Babel notwithstanding their contemptiblenesse amongst men for the favour of the Lord shall protect them by the Foxes is denoted unto us the Merchants of the Great Whore who by their craft and traditions bring in all her gain these being under her power execute the will of the former making havock of a good conscience spoiling the Lords Vineyard the true Church bringing in all their receipts of customes
it be that he shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron according to the Scripture The tenth Vision MOst worthy friends since I came to this place it hath pleased God to visit me with this appearance Decemb. 19. 1652. I was as it were in a Kings Court to which were gathered together a great multitude of people being poor and halt and blind and naked to the intent the King might do them good it having been the Kings pleasure to make proclamation for that end but the Nobles and the great men were displeased with the King for what he had done and therupon fell upon him and flew him this done they caused an image to be set up in the likenesse of the King adorned in the Kings robes now it came to passe that the people being wearied out of their expectation they departed each to their own home and after a while the spirit of the King visited his servants saying go your way and make known to those people all that hath been done concerning me and they went straightway and did as they were commanded which when the people heard they gathered themselves together and took counsell what to do but the Nobles and great men made war against the poore and fortified themselves but the poor being led on by the counsell of the Kings servants at length overcame those murderers and dispossest them and put them to flight and put many in ward till they should give an accompt for what they had done The exposition of the tenth Vision NOw the Kings Court is the heart of man in which the Lord Jesus as King beareth rule therein is pleased to speak peace to the disquieted and afflicted soule giving life to those who are dead light to them that sit in darknesse fullness to them who are empty inrichment to the poor sight to the blind covering to the naked at which pride covetousness vain-glory wrath malice envy anger insolency strife persecution these having power and place in the same Court that is in the heart of man like the Nobles and great men privily flay the King that is during the time of their bearing Rule the Lord as King is as a Lamb slain and Antichrist is set up in the room of the King adorned in the habit of the King that is in outward worships and observations by which the people are deceived and being wearied out of their expectations return to their home that is the time will come that the people shall see the emptiness of these things together with the deceit thereof then they shall rest wholly in the promise of Christ untill his appearing now the spirit of the King visited his serva●ts saying go your way and make known all that hath been done concerning me and straightway they went and did as they were commanded that is the powerfull appearance of the Lord Christ shall so appear that it shall so inlighten and instruct his servants who in the light thereof shall be able to discover Antichrist unto those wno were deceived by him he being set up in the Temple of God being therein as an Angel of light and they who were deceiv●d shall take such counsell from the servants of the Lord as that they shall go forth against Antichrist and all his train which is very great amongst us at this day but notwithstanding all the power and all the force and strength that the men of this world can make in the behalf of the man of sin that son of perdition against the poor despised ones yet they being led on by the counsell of the Spirit of the Lord displaying the banner of his love shall overcome them and the adherents of Antichrist shall be brought into subjection by the love of Christ exalted in the hearts of his afflicted people and persecuted ones Thus in brief have I given you a tast of what the Lord hath shewed me your unfeigned lover remembring Mr. Salimarsh my fellow-witness in the things of God A word of Use for all those that professe themselves Saints and Servants of Jesus Christ and yet fall short of the true practice practised by the Patriarchs and Prophets and Apostles NOw whereas God ever appeared for the poor the fatherlesse and afflicted widdow first under the Law when as yet there was a yearly tythe for the Priest and every third yeare a Deut. 14. 28 29. Acts 2. 45 Acts 2. 32 34. Acts 5 4. 1 Thes 3. 12. Jam. 1. 17. tythe for the poor Secondly in Gospel-times that spirit of love was much more inlarged when not upon any outward command as before but meerly upon the influence of the spirit within Saints were so carried forth in love one towards another and towards all men though every man had a propriety of his own yet none of them said that ought that they possest was their own but they had all things common and no man lacked yea none of mankind to their power for their love was unto all that being pure religion and undefiled before God the Father to visit the fatherlesse and widdow and to keep themselves unspotted from the world and as it vvas thus under the Lavv and Gospel so in a third dispensation novv approaching and with some present vvhich is the manifestation of the spirit it is expected according to the testimony of the Prophets and Apostles vvho v●rote and vvaited for this that more love should appear among men and in the Saints especially tovvards the miserable part of mankind but so it is that even in the apostasie and darkest times of Popery yet much hospitality and houses vvere provided for the poor but novv these houses for the most part are taken up for the rich and that in these times of reformation vvhen the Saints reigne as they say but is indeed a great dishonor unto Jesus Christ therfore it is thought most fit that the fatherlesse and afflicted vviddovv be had into consideration and provided for Much more I might vvrite concerning these things but let this suffice to vvarn them vvho say they are Saints and servants of Jesus Christ and are in a most absurd nature guilty of that practice vvhich becom●th not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ do irresistably gainsay and oppose them vvho out of the integrity and innocency of their spirits forevvarn them against such practices vvho indeed keep back the right of the labourer and put the needy out of their house vvhen they ought rather to have refreshed them let such knovv that the Lord is at hand even at the door vvho vvill devoure their hypocrisie in the face of the vvhole vvorld vvhich is the prayer of me for their sakes vvho are scattered and persecuted troubled and afflicted for the truths sake and have not loved their ovvn lives even unto the death for the testimony of the Lord Iesus Christ J. B. A briefe warning to the Inhabitants of England Scotland and Jreland Or a word of counsell to those that call themselves by the