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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91825 The banner of Gods love, and ensign of righteousness spread over his people in these later dayes. Wherein the true light shineth, and the mysterie that hath been hid from ages and generations, is revealed to the saints, which is, Christ in us the hope of glory, as our forefathers witnessed, read Col. I. 26, 27, 28, 29. Also, a testimony against them who formerly hath tasted of the good word of God, and of the power of the world to come, who hath cast the law of God behind their backs, and hath trodden under foot the blood of the covenant. ... most especially, those that are called Anabaptists and Independents. Also, a few words in warning to the priests, professors, and people of the town and county of Southhampton. With a few quæries to the rulers and magistrates of England, to try their fruits whether they be according to the Christian magistrates recorded in the Scripture of truth, ... . Set forth most especially for the sake of the honest-hearted, who are not wholly given up to believe lyes, that they may come to know the way of life and peace. Written by me who are called Ambrose Rigge. Rigge, Ambrose, 1635?-1705. 1657 (1657) Wing R1475; Thomason E932_4; ESTC R22061 33,117 47

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and people lived in they had a zeal for God and his glory and a tenderness of affection arose in their hearts one to another to exhort one another to love and to good Works and the Seed of the Kingdom of God was sown in them but it falling by the way-side the Fowles of the air picked it a-away so that it came not to take root downward nor Mar. 4 4. bring forth fruit upward to him that sowed it So these fell back again and lost their zeal and tenderness which they had and got the words of truth in the airy mind but in the life was one with the World after a little time and then was the Lord grieved that his Heritage was wholly Jer. 12. 8. left desolate for the Fowls of the Air to tread under their feet and make a prey upon and it pittyed him to see his own seed so oppressed and his Vinyard so wholly laid waste to the Beasts of the field Isa 3. 14. And then did he arise for his own Name sake and opened the eyes of many and appeared in a large measure into a People that was called Anabaptists and shewed them in a large measure the Witchcraft of the great Whore who Rev. 17. 1 2. had made all Nations drunk with the Wine of her Fornication and then did he lead them from the mouths of the Idol dumb shepherds which had made a prey upon them and had taken their money for that which they saw was not bread nor had not in the least satisfied their hungry Isa 55. 2. souls even then did God raise his living Witness in them and shed his eternal love abroad in their hearts and gathered them together in several quarters of the world and his Name was witnessed among them and his Power did appear in them and a great zeal and tenderness for a while was among them so that they met with part of the rage of the Devil and indured it for a time with joy and while they was near unto the Lord he was known to be near unto them and gave them the necks of their Enemies to tread upon and a great sight of the good Land they had and the Seed of the Kingdom of God was abundantly sown amongst them but it falling upon the stony ground in them Mar. 4. 5. when the Sun arose vvith his burning heat it vvas scorched and became unfruitful so that after a time the povver of God ceased and vvas not seen amongst them but coldness and barrenness got up and pride and exaltation and self-conceitedness crept in by little and little and then they begun to build again those things vvhich they had in a measure destroyed and he that got the most in his brain-knovvledge vvas set up to be a Teacher and a Ruler and so gloryed in the gift more then in the Giver and this Ministry became one in nature vvith the Priests and did not profit the people at all vvhich may be vvitnessed at this day And novv are they set dovvn at ease in a dead form of that vvhich the Saints vvitnessed the life of nay they have so far departed from the povver of God vvhich the Saints did doth vvitness to lead guide them that they have lost the very form and are become one in nature vvith the World and differ nothing but in vvords and in outward shews and pretences The true Proverb is fulfilled upon them The Dog is turned to his own Vomit again and the 2 Pet. 2. 22. Prov. 26. 11. Sow that was washed to her wallowing in he Myre so that the Lord is weary with their sacrifices and their solemn Assemblies he cannot away with because they have cast his righteous Law Isa 11. to 16. Heb. 10. to 29. behind their backs and hath trodden under foot the blood of the Covenant and now hath sitten down in a rest which is polluted and are become enemies to the Crosse of Christ therefore is the same hand of the Lord that vvas turned against his Enemies before the same is lifted up against them novv vvhereby they are torn and rent as an old Garment and as a tottering VVall that is daubed vvith untempered Morter And thus have they rendred unto the Lord evil for all his kindness and hath turned his grace into lasciviousness vvhich vvould have led them to salvation if they had been taught vvith it vvhereby the vvorks of the Devil Tit. 2. 11. 12. vvould have been destroyed in them vvhich they are so strongly pleading for and concluding all to be deceived and seduced that shall vvithstand or oppose it and if any vvill not bovv dovvn to their Image vvhich they have set up from the Scripture Letter presently he is judged and censured not vvorthy to have communion vvith though he have the povver of God for his defence and be led and guided by the Spirit of the living God and have fellovvship vvith him and be brought into his Covenant of light and life And this is that now which they call their Fundamentals Baptism of Water and taking of material Bread and Wine which there is no command for throughout the Scripture but Judgement Mercy and Faith is omitted Luk. 11. 49. which is the weighty matters of the Law and so the Wo that was unto their forefathers is to the same generation still And thus hath the Lord been mocked with a voluntary humility and a Will-Worship after the traditions of men after the Rudiments of the World and not after Christ the Light of the World who hath lighted every man that cometh into the World And so now are they Joh. 1. 9. crying up the Ordinances of God the Ordinances of God as the Jews did the Temple but are as ignorant of Christ Jesus the Substance as the Jews was that stoned him Though there was a time that he was known in such things and in the flesh yet he that came through it desired to know him so no more but these deny all that comes to know him ony otherwise as the Jews did them that testified against the outward Temple which was a time commanded of God when their Bodies was made the Temples of God and they came to witness the Substance 1 Cor. 6. 19. of the Figure Now this is the reason of so much confusion now among several sorts of men and forms That the Life and Substance of all Types Shadows and Figures is denyed and only the Husk fed upon and this hath been the ruine and down-fall of these people that are called Anabaptists Then in another dispensation of the Lords love did he appear to a People called Independents brought many of them to se the emptiness of all sorms of profession they thought only to depend upon the Lord was the safest way and there was a love begot in them to God and his Way and truth and tenderness of spirit one towards another and they were a little brought low in
THE BANNER OF GODS LOVE AND ENSIGN OF RIGHTEOVSNESS Spread over his people in these later dayes Wherein the true light shineth and the mysterie that hath been hid from Ages and Generations is revealed to the Saints which is Christ in us the hope of glory as our forefathers witnessed Read Col. 1. 26 27 28 29. ALSO A Testimony against them who formerly hath tasted of the good Word of God and of the Power of the world to come who hath cast the Law of God behind their backs and hath trodden under foot the blood of the Covenant and now doth labour with one shoulder to destroy the Man-child which is now brought forth to rule the Nations with an Iron Rod and these are most especially those that are called Anabaptists and Independents Also A few Words in warning to the Priests Professors and People of the Town and County of Southampton With a few Quaeries to the Rulers and Magistrates of England to try their fruits whether they be according to the Christian Magistrates recorded in the Scripture of truth or according to the heathenish Kings and Rulers in former Ages Set forth most especially for the sake of the honest-hearted who are not wholly given up to believe lyes that they may come to know the way of life and peace Written by me who am called Ambrose Rigge London Printed for Giles Calvert and are to be sold at his shop at the Black spread-Eagle neer the West end of Pauls 1657. To the sober Reader GReat and admirable is the Love and Mercy of the Lord God unto the sons of men that he hath not with-held his onely Son but hath sent him a Light into the world that all men through him might believe and be saved But there is a generation of men in these our dayes that cannot endure sound Doctrine and such will not receive him who is the good shepherd but heaps unto themselves Teachers having itching ears which hath never profited them nor never shall and the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stands now where it ought not therefore I desire thee who readeth these ensuing lines to understand and weigh them in an equal Ballance and with a single eye look upon them and thou wilt clearly see that here is nothing written but what is just and true to every mans condition without flattering or daubing with untempered Morter as the false Prophets have done these many years which hath made the abomination so great in our Nation of ENGLAND And take heed of judging or censuring any thing hastily but try all things as he hath done who writ this unto thee and hold fast that which is good For to this end was this sent forth to publike view That every one may be knowne by their fruits From him who is a Friend to all that love the Truth as it is in JESUS called of men Ambrose Rigge THE BANNER OF GODS LOVE AND ENSIGNE OF RIGHTEOVSNESS c. FOrasmuch as many dear and precious Isa 8. 18. Joh. 17. 23. Servants and Children of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth whom he hath loved with an everlasting love and hath opened their eyes and ears to behold him whom they had pierced and hath armed them with Zach. 12. 10. power from on High to make war in righteousness against all the powers Rev. 20. 8 9. of darkness that stands up against the appearance of the Lamb of God who hath now cloathed them with his Armor of Light and Life and given them for an Helmet the Hope Rom. i3 12. Eph. 6. 13 17. of Salvation and hath put the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God into their mouths that with boldness they may declare abroad the Name of him who is now come a Light into the World and hath lighted every man that Joh. 12. 46. Joh. 17. 9. cometh into the World that all men through him might believe and come to the knowledge of the truth And for this end is he now made manifest To destroy the 1 Joh. 3. 8. Eccles 12. 3 Ezek. 32. 25 26 Ezek. 2i 28. Works that the devil hath wrought in man even to make the strong man bow before him and the Keepers of the House to tremble that the uncircumcised may fall by the stroke of his Sword which is now drawn in his hand and made ready for a mighty slaughter even to cut off the wicked from the Land of the living that their remembrance may Luk. i9 27 be blotted out from the earth which wlil not that he shall rule whose right it is and he hath made his children and servants living Witnesses of his eternal Truth to declare his eternal Name among the Gentiles and hath given them a 1 Joh. 5 20 Luk. 22 35 good understanding to know him that is true and hath sent them forth into the VVorld vvithout Bag or Scrip or tvvo Coats and hath given them his Word of Life and Light to declare to the Spirit in Prison and these have as they have been moved of the Lord run to and fro in the earth in true and tender love to peoples souls vvarning all men every Acts 17 30 31. Acts 20 33 vvhere to repent and seek the Lord vvhile he may be found vvithout coveting any mans Silver Gold or Apparel and for this have they been stocked stoned vvhipped imprisoned and shamefully intreated and not counted vvorthy to live upon the earth not onely by them that professed little or nothing of God Christ or the Scriptures but rather by the Scribes and Pharisees and chief Priests and zealous professors Mark 8 31 as the Jevvs vvas as may be vvitnessed at this day by hundreds in our Nation of England vvhose fruits shame their Profession and vvhose Works shevv to their faces they are of their Father the Devil And those vvhom the Lord Joh. 8 44 1 Cor. 4 2 hath called and chosen to commit his secrets unto and to place his eternal Name in as they have freely received of the Lord freely have they ministred unto all whereby many hath been turned from darknesse unto light and from the Matth. i0 8. Acts 26. 18. power of Satan unto God and God hath greatly blessed their labours within these few years so that many that was scattered as Sheep without a Shepherd in the cloudy and dark day by the Idol dumb Sepherds which had made a prey Ezek. 34 12. upon them their feet are now directed into the Way of life and peace wherein they are now walking up to Zion with Songs of Deliverance and are sitting down with Abraham Isa 35 10 Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of God and the children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into utter darkness where Matth. 8 11 is weeping and gnashing of teeth for ever And now quick and powerful hath the Word of the Lord Heb. 4 12 been in the mouth of his Messengers and Ministers in