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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85492 A cal [sic] and a vvarning, to all priests, professors and people, vvho have and do profess the Scriptures, that they may try their doctrines and practises by it, and may own condemnation in their doctrines and practises, wherein they are contrary to the Scriptures. And a tender visitation to the whole vvorld, that they may own this their visitation, and may be healed and restored to the Lord; and this may serve for a looking glass, wherein people may see what visage they are of, and how they stand related as unto God. / By a sufferer in Hartford goale, for faithful witness-bearing, against this sinful generation; known by the name of John Gould. Gould, John, prisoner at Hertford. 1657 (1657) Wing G1416; Thomason E932_1; ESTC R202329 27,259 37

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profess him yet say ye shall never be set free from sin here Are ye guided by Christ To the light in all your consciences I speak which will let you see who 's your Leader and Guide into sin and imperfection even the man of sin and son of perdition whom Christ is come and made manifest to destroy And do ye profess he 's come and it say sin shall not be destroyed nor none can or shall be set free from it here What a profession is this and what a belief is this it even pitties me to see that men should be thus miserably deceived by Christs Enemy and the Enemy of your souls to be thus deluded and yet if any one be moved of the Lord to declare it unto you in love to your souls cry out one to another Take heed of delusion it 's a spirit of delusion which is gone forth into the world which the Apostles said should come in the last days which privily should bring in damnable errors even denying the Lord that bought them Are ye not there who are led into sin and say you shall not be free And is it not the Devil that tells you this who is afraid his Kingdom should be destroyed which is sin in you What think you is it not so and are we not accounted your Enemies for thus telling you the truth O ye priests professors and people and O all ye Inhabitants of the Earth And do ye not now plainly perceive how he have been thus long deluded by the Devil and his Instruments to denie the light which lets you see this And will you still love to have it so Oh! What will ye do in the end hereof think ye to be saved in your sin seeing ye will not come to him nor own him to be saved by him who sets free Do ye not love your sin better then him and it profess to love him when in words ye denie him and so are unto everie good Work reprobate for such as are come to the good Work are come to him who was before the evil Work was but who are in the evil Work are not and so are not in him who works the good Work but in him who works the evil and yet think to be saved by professing the words of him who worketh all our Works in us and for us for this is he of whom vve are Witnesses even the Righteousness of God by which we are saved and set free from our sin and this not of our selves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any should boast for we are the Workmanship of God created in Christ Jesus unto good Works that we should grow and increase in them And is this your Saviour who profess and say ye shall never be set free from sin here Or are ye not setting up a Saviour of your own making after your own hearts lust which ye love and worship more then Christ which is not of Gods appointment and it talk and profess of worshipping the Lord after his own appointment whilst ye are serving of him by your own confession who is not sufficient to set free from sin here And so the true Christ and God ye are ignorant on who saves his people from sin whom we witness And are ye not fighting among your selves in words almost blood to Knees for your God the manner of his Service and VVorship and yet all join'd together against the true Worshippers who hath not sav'd you from sin nor never will and so not from Wrath to come Who would take part with such a God and fight for such a God or serve such a God and Christ and Gospel if they were not ignorantlie zealous and blind And how can ye be otherwise who denie the true light which lighteth every one that cometh into the world to be sufficient Is it not just with God ye should be blind still who will not own his light wherewith he hath enlightned you but are Enemies to it and haters of it calling it natural and persecutors and opposers of them that witness it and believe in it and are guided by it and account them not worthie to live in the World who are not of the World but such as he hath chosen out of the World And yet will ye not yet see whose steps ye are in Search the Scriptures and see are they not plain enough to the light in you I speak Or will ye still be hireing of a man to give you the meaning Did they who spake and writ that which ye profess speak one thing and mean another Will ye be such blasphemers against the Spirit of Truth the Holie Ghost Know ye not their portion search the Scriptures and see Or will ye still follow their meanings rather then it vvho are saying The Scriptures vvere spoken in other Tongues and none can understand them but such as know and understand the Tongues Hebrew Greek and Latine vvhich the builders of Babel call the original Are not such blasphemers vvho call Letters and Syllables the Original and say none can understand the Scripture but such Are they not ignorant of the Original vvho say so And vvill ye still believe and follovv their meanings and opinions vvho are out of the Original and enemies to the Original Had not the Jews and Pilate their Original And vvere they not persecutors and murtherers of Christ Jesus our Original Search the Scriptures and see And are there none such to be found amongst you O ye Priests Professors and People to the Light in all your consciences I speak If there be Will ye still be follovvers of them Is this to be follovvers of God as dear children or not follovvers of them that do evil from vvhom the Apostle bids turn avvay And can ye be such lovers of the Apostles Words as ye profess vvho vvill not take his advice vvho vvalked in the Grace of God vvhich he had received and it vvas sufficient for him as the other Saints did and vvitnessed they needed not another Teacher to teach them but as the same Anointing vvhich vvas in them taught them vvhich vvas truth and in it vvas no lye Or are ye not rather hypocrites and haters of the Apostles and their vvords too though in shevv ye profess them calling them Blessed S. Paul and Holy St. Peter and the Evangelical Prophet and the Holy and Blessed Evangelists and Blessed St. Stephen that holy Martyr vvhose vvords ye profess but can't abide his Doctrine because he vvitnessed against Temples made vvith hands as by your vvorks ye plainly shevv for the Tree is to be knovvn and judged of by its fruits and that 's according to vvhat ye professe Search and see is it not so VVill their VVords think ye bear ye out any longer to profess vvho hate their VVorks and scoff at their VVorker saying Where was the Light I pray when Paul persecuted the Church of God VVhy even vvhere yours is hid under a Bed or under a
profession of the Saints words fair fig-leaves but underneath a Serpent your coverings rent it will no longer hide you the bed is too short to stretch your selves upon and your covering is grown too narrow to any longer hide you your shame and nakedness appears And how think ye can ye ever come to know the covering of his Spirit who will not own nor believe in that which convinceth of sin but say it 's not sufficient to lead and guide unto salvation Do ye think a profession of their words will do it who did own it and were led and guided by it who witnessed salvation by it will this save you who are not led and guided by it but make slight of it even of that which was their leader and conducter into the New Jerusalem the City of the living God which is come down from God out of Heaven and yet professes their words who did believe and were witnesses of it O ye foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have written and that the Apostles witnessed unto and yet think to profess their words will save you who are not in their life Think you my servants of old were saved after this manner by professing my Saints and Servants words who went before them into the land of Rest Think ye Moses who was a faithful servant in my house was saved without Abrahams Faith which justified him by Works who was many hundred years before him Whom think ye was the Patriark Abraham saved by who was many hundreds of years before Moses Writings who saw my day saith Christ and rejoyced was he think ye sav'd by ritings Who shew'd Adam his transgression when he would have hid himself and run away to hide his nakedness knowing that he had sinned was it not he of whom Moses declares saying A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethern like unto me him shall ye hear who though he were dead yet speaketh By whom think ye were the Patriarks told there was Corn in AEgypt who had sold Joseph thither to preserve them alive in Famine Was it not by him of whom Moses declares By whom did Joseph make mention of the Removing of his bones when as he was yet in AEgypt long before their departure By whom did Jacob bless both the sons of Joseph leaning on the top of his staff All these obtained a good report through Faith having not received the Promise who being dead yet speaketh Whom think ye that my servant Joshua called Jesus was sav'd by was it by Moses Writings Or by Faith in him whom Moses declared should come by which he entred the good land What should I speak of Jeptha and David and Sampson and Gideon and many others who through Faith remov'd Mountains stopt the mouths of Lions quench'd the violence of fire fought many battels over-come great Nations slew mighty Giants Ogg King of Bashan and Doeg King of the Amorites and Tidal King of Nations and Tartan Pull and Lud who bent the bow By whom think ye was Abraham strengthned when he rescued the spoils of the men of the East out of the hands of their enemies when Melchisedeck met him who was without beginning of dayes or end of life whose Father and Mother none knew neither had they a name in the earth unto whom the Patriarch Abraham gave the Tenth of the spoyls that he had taken who blessed him who had the Promise and without doubt the lesser was blessed of the greater who was the figure of him who was to come And do ye think O ye Priests People Professors and Inhabitants of the World that a making of Profession of these words will save you who know not him who was to come nor will not believe in the light from whence the words were declared forth who was the Oath and Promise unto Abraham when as he was yet uncircumcised who is the Father of all who believe in the Oath who said Of the fruit of thy Loyns shall he come in whom all the Nations of the Earth shall be blessed even by turning away the Curse for sin and saving his People from their sin in whose Seed all the Nations of the Earth shall be blessed and again in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thee and thou shalt be the Father of many Nations and as the stars of heaven so shall thy Seed be you who are professing these words do ye know the Seed here spoken of which shall be as the stars of heaven for multitude unto which the Promise is not unto seeds as many but unto thy seed which is Christ in the Male and in the Female of which Moses in the Spirit testifieth Or how can ye ever come to this knowledg vvho deny the light vvhich lighteth every man that cometh into the World and so the seed of God ye are strangers and enemies to vvho deny the light to be sufficient to lead unto salvation all vvho believe in it and vvalk up to it and yet professe their vvords vvho vvitnessed salvation by it and take their sayings the holy men of Gods Words vvhich they spake vvrote from the Word that dvvelt in them and vvas vvith them and call them the Word of the Lord saying Hearken to the Word of the Lord vvho never knevv his Word nor had seen his shape at any time but are enemies to his Word and to those vvho professes his Word abiding in them and they in it and so are such found to be vvho have not his Word abiding in you who call that his Word which were Writings from his Word which they who knew the Word no where did And so his Word you are ignorant of and his life haters of and despisers of who have his words to make a profession of I wonder how ye should be still thus ignorantly blindfold as not to see this when as his so plainly declared of to you Do ye not wilfully stop your ears and blind your eies O ye priests professors and people that ye will not see this or do ye think or imagine to be saved by a Profession without the life and power or are ye resolv'd on 't that ye will not be saved and say still He 's not sufficient Will ye professe to be lovers of God and Christ and the spirit and yet say He 's not sufficient and be haters of them who are so who are followers of that which is good and do witnesse he 's sufficient Is this to love God and Christ and the Spirit as ye profess who are haters of the Brethren Can such a profession save you Doth the Scriptures ye profess witness forth such a salvation as this Or do ye think there 's another salvation then what they witness to which is the light of the World Christ Jesus And can you think to be saved by him who will not be led and guided by him Or doth he lead any into sin You who