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A07326 The heire an excellent comedie. As it was lately acted by the Company of the Reuels. / Writren [sic] by T.M. Gent.. May, Thomas, 1595-1650. 1622 (1622) STC 17713; ESTC S109948 36,155 66

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one day more then or be damn'd Hide it till Shallow be married to thee And then let him do his worst Lu. Sir I should too much wrong him Frank. Wrong him there bee great Ladies haue done the like t is no newes to see a bride with childe Lu. Good Sir Frank. Then be wise lay the child to him he 's a rich man tother 's a beggar Lu. I dare not Sir Frank. Do it I say and he shall father it Lu. He knowes he neuer touch me Sir Frank. That 's all one lay it to him wee le out face him t is his but harke he is comming I heare the Musicke sweare thou wilt doe thy best to make him thinke t is his sweare quickly Lu. I doe Frank. Go step aside and come when thy que is thou shalt heare vs talke Luce aside Enter Shallow with Musicke Sha. Morrow Father Frank. Sonne bridegroome welcome you haue beene lookt for here Sha. My Tayler a little disappointed me but is my Bride ready Frank. Yes long ago but you and I will talke a little send in your Musicke Sha. Go wait within and tell me father did she not Thinke it long till I came Frank, I warrant Her she did she loues you not a little Sha. Nay that I dare sweare she has giuen me many Tasts of her affection Frank. What before you Were marryed Sha. I meane in the way Of honesty father Fran. Nay that I doubt Yong wits loue to be trying and to say Truth I see not how a woman can deny a man Of your youth and person vpon those tearmes You le not be knowne on t now Shal. I haue kist Her or so Fran. Come come I know you are no Foole I should thinke you a very Asse nay I tell You plainely I should be loth to marry my Daughter to you if I thought you had not tride Her in so long acquaintance but you haue tride Her and she poore soule could not deny you Sha. Ha ha hae Frank. Faith tell me sonne t is but a Merry question she 's yours Sha. Vpon my Virginity father Frank. Sweare not by that I le nere beleeue you Sha. Why then as I am A Gentleman I neuer did it that I remember Frank. That you remember oh i st thereabouts Luc. Hee le take it vpon him presently Frank. You haue beene so familiar with her You haue forgot the times but did you neuer Come in halfe fudled and then in a kinde humour Caetera quis nescit Sha. Indeed I was wont to serue my mothers maides so when I came halfe foxt as you sayd and then next morning I should laugh to my selfe Frank. Why there it goes I thought to haue chid you sonne Shallow I knew what you had done t is too apparant I would not haue people take notice of it pray God she hide her great belly as she goes to Church to day Sha. Why father is she with child Frank. As if you knew not that fie fie leaue your dissembling now Sha. Sure it cannot be mine Frank. How 's this you would not make my daughter a whore would you this is but to try if you can stirre my choller your wits haue strange trickes do things ouer night when you are merry and then deny vm But stay here she comes alone step aside she shall not see vs they step aside Lu. Ah my deare Shallow thou needst not haue made Such hast my heart thou knowest was firme enough To thee but I may blame my owne fond loue That could not deny thee Shal. She 's with child indeed it swels Fran. You would not beleeue me t is a good wench She does it handsomely Luc. But yet I know if Thou hadst bin thy selfe thou wouldst neere haue Offered it t was drinke that made thee Shal. Yes sure I was drunke when I did it for I had Forgot it I lay my life t will proue a girle Because t was got in drinke Lu. I am ashamd to see any body Frank. Alas poore wretch go comfort her Luce Shal. Sweet heart nay neuer bee ashamd I was a little too hasty but I le make thee amends wee le bee marryed presently Fran. Be cheery Luce you were man and wife before it wanted but the ceremony of the Church and that shall be presently done Shal. I I sweet heart as soone as may be Frank. But now I thinke on t sonne Shallow your wedding must not now be publicke as we entended it Shal. Why so Frank. Because I would not haue people take notice of this fault wee le go to Church onely we three the Minister and the Cleark that 's witnesses enough so the time being vnknowne people will thinke you were marryed before Shal. But will it stand with my worship to be married in priuate Frank. Yes yes the greatest do it when they haue bene 〈◊〉 before hand there is no other way to saue your brides credite Shal. Come le ts about it presently Frank. This is closd vp beyond our wishes Exeunt manet Luce Luc. I am vndone vnlesse thy wit Francisco Can find some meanes to free me from this foole Who would haue thought the sot could be so grosse To take vpon him what he neuer did To his owne shame I le send to my Francisco And I must loose no time for I am dead If not deliuered from this loathed bed Actus secundus Enter Philocles Clerimont at the window Cler. SEE Philocles yonder 's that happy shade That often vailes the faire Lucothoe And this her vsuall howre shee le not be long Then thou shalt tell me if so rare an obiect Ere blest thine eyes before Phil. Well I would see her once Wert but to try thy iudgement Cleremont Cler. And when thou doest remember what I told thee I would not be so sicke but soft looke to thy heart Yonder she comes and that 's her waiting woman Leucothoe and Psecas in the garden Now gaze thy fill speake man how likest thou her Leu. Psecas Psecas Madam Leu. What flower was that That thou wert telling such a story of Last night to me Pse. T is call Narcissus Madam It beares the name of that too beautious boy That lost himselfe by louing of himselfe Who viewing in afaire and cristall streame Those lips that onely he could neuer kisse Dotes on the shadow which to reach in vaine Striuing he drownes thus scorning all beside For the loued shadow the fairer substance dyde Leu. Fie fie I like not these impossible tales A man to fall in loue with his owne shadow And died for loue it is most ridiculous Pse. Madam I know not I haue often seene Both men and women court the looking glasse With so much seeming contentation That I could thinke this true nay weare it about vm As louers do their Mistresse counterfeit Leu. That 's not for loue but to correct their beauties And draw from others admiration For all the comfort that our faces giue Vnto our selues is but reflection Of that faire likeing that
he has done as other Lords do Pol. And therefore cannot tell what t is to loose A sonne a good sonne and an onely sonne Vir. I would my Lord I could as well redresse As I can take compassion of your griefe You should soone finde an ease Pol. Pray Pardon me my Lord if I forget my selfe toward you at this time if it please you visite my house ofter you shall be welcome Vir. You would faine sleepe my Lord I le take my leaue Heauen send you comfort I shall make bold shortly to visite you Pol. You shall be wondrous welcome Wait on my Lord out there exit Virro So now he 's gone how thinkst thou Roscio Will not this Gudgeon bite Ro. No doubt my Lord So faire a bayte would catch a cunning fish Po●.. And such a one is he he euer lou'd The beauty of my girle but that 's not it Can draw the earth bred thoughts of his grosse soule Gold is the God of his idolatry With hope of which I le feed him till at length I make him fasten and Ixion like For his lou'd Iuno graspe an empty clowd Ros. How stands my yong Lady affected to him Pol. There 's all the difficulty we must win her to loue 〈◊〉 I doubt the peeuish Gyrle will thinke him too 〈◊〉 he 's well neere threescore in this businesse I must leaue somewhat to thy wit and care prayse him beyond all measure Ros. Your Lordship euer found me trusty Pol. If thou effect it I will make thee happy exeunt Enter Philocles Clerimont Phi. Eugenios sister then is the rich heire By his decease Cler. Yes and the faire one too She needs no glosse that fortune can set on her Her beauty of it selfe were prize enough To make a king turne begger for Phil. Hoy day What in loue Clerimont I lay my life t is so Thou couldst not praise her with such passion else Cler. I know not but I slept well enough last night But if thou sawst her once I would not giue A farthing for thy life I tell thee Philocles One fight of her would make thee cry ay me Sigh and looke pale me thinkes I do imagine How like an Idolatrous louer thou wouldst looke Through the eye-lids know no body Phi. T is very well but how did your worship scape Youe haue seene her Cler. True but I haue an Antidote and I can teach it thee Phi. When I haue need on 't I le desire it Cler. And t will Be worth thy learning when thou shalt see the Tyranny of that same scuruy boy and what fooles He makes of vs shall I describe the beast Phi. What beast Cler. A louer Phi. Doe Cler. Then to be briefe I will passe ouer the opinion of your ancient fathers as likewise those strange Loues spoken of in the Authenticke histories of chiualrie Amadis du Gaule Parismus the Knight of the Sunne or the witty Knight Don Quixot de la Manca where those braue men neither Enchantments Gyants Wind-mils nor flockes of sheepe could vanquish are made the trophyes of tryumphing loue Phi. Prithee come to the matter Cler. Neither will I mention the complaints of Sir Guy for the faire Phelis nor the trauels of Parismus for the loue of the beautious Laurana nor lastly the most sad pennance of the ingenious knight Don Quixot vpon the mountains of Scienna Morenna moou'd by the vniust disdaine of the Lady Dulcinea del Toboso 〈◊〉 or our moderne Authors I will not so much as name them no not that excellent treatise of Tullies Loue written by the Master of Art Phi. I would thou wouldest passe ouer this passing ouer of Authors and speake thine owne iudgement Cler. Why then to be briefe I thinke a Louer lookes like an Asse Phi. I can describe him better then so my selfe he lookes like a man that had sitten vp at Cards all night or a stale Drunkard wakened in the middest of his sleepe Cler. But Philocles I would not haue thee see this Lady she has a bewitching looke Phi. How darest thou venture man what strange medicine hast thou found Ouid neere taught it thee I doubt I guesse thy remedy for loue goe to a bawdy house or so i st not Cler. Faith and that 's a good way I can tell you we yonger brothers are beholding to it alas wee must not fall in loue and choose whom wee like best wee haue no Ioyntures for vm as you blest heires can haue Phi. Well I haue found you Sir and prithee tell me how got'st thou Wenches Cler. Why I can want no Panders I lye in the Constables house Phi. And there you may whoore by authority But Clerimont I doubt this Parragon That thou so praisest is some il fauoured Wench Whom thou wouldst haue me laugh at for commending Cler. By heauen I spoke in earnest trust your eyes I le shew you her Phi. How canst thou doe it Thou know'st this Ladies father is to mine A deadly enemy nor is his house Open to any of our kindred Cler. That 's no matter My lodging 's the next doore to this Lords house And my backe Window lookes into his Garden There euery morning faire Leucothoe For so I heare her nam'd walking alone To please her senses makes Aurora blush To see on brighter then her softe appeare Phi. Well I will see her there Exeunt Enter Franklin Fancisco Luce grauida Franc. Yet for her sake be aduised better Sir Frank Impudent Rascall canst looke me i' th face And know how thou hast wrong'd me thou hast Dishonoured my Daughter made a whoore on her Franc. Gentle Sir The wrong my loue has made to your faire Daughter T is now too late to wish vndone againe But if you please it may be yet clos'd vp Without dishonour I will marry her Frank. Marry her she has a hot catch of that marry a Begger what Iointure canst thou make her Franc. Sir I am poore I must confesse Fortune has blest you better but I sweare By all things that can bind t was not your wealth Was the foundation of my true built loue It was her single vncompounded selfe Her selfe without addition that I lou'd Which shall for euer in my sight outweigh All other womens fortunes and themselues And were I great as great as I could wish My selfe for her aduancement no such barre As Fortunes inequality should stand Betwixt our loues Luce. Good Father heare me Frank. Dost thou not blush to call me father Strumpet I le make thee an example Luce. But heare me Sir my shame will be your owne Frank. No more I say Francisco leaue my house I charge You come not heere Franc. I must obey and will Deare Luce be constant Luce. Till death Exit Francisco Frank. Here 's a fine wedding towards the Bridegroome when he comes for his bride Shall find her great with child by another man Passion a me minion how haue you hid it so long Luc. Fearing your anger Sit I striu'd to hide it Frank. Hide it
Phi. T is my ambition euer to be yours Leu. Thinke me not light deare Philocles so soone To grant thee loue that others might haue sought With eagerest pursuit and not obtain'd But I was yours by fate and long haue beene Before you wood Leucothoe was wonne And yours without resistance Phi. Oh my Starres T was your kind influence that whist I slept In dullest ignorance contriu'd for me The way to crowne me with felicity Pol. You may be deceiu'd though You haue no such great reason To thanke your Starres if you knew all Phil. And know faire Mistresse you haue met a loue That time nor fate nor death can euer change A man that but in you can haue no being Let this kisse seale my faith Leu. And this mine Pol. Nay too 't againe your sweete meate shall haue sowre sawce Phi. But sweet 'mongst all these Roses ther 's one thorne That prickes and galls me our parents enmity Will crosse our loues I doe assure my sonne This father neuer will giue his consent Leu. No so I thinke he moues me still to Virro That old craz'd Count and with such vehemency I dare scarce bide his presence if I deny him Therefore we must be speedy in our course And take without his leaue what he denyes Pol. I thanke you for that good daughter Ros. I told you Sir t would come to this at last Phi. Oh thou hast spoke my wishes and hath shewd Thy selfe in loue as true as beautifull Then let 's away dearest Leucothoe My fortunes are not poore then feare no want This constant loue of ours may proue so happy To reconcile our parents enmity Leu. Heauen grant it may Po. Neuer by this meanes yongster Leu. But soft now I thinke better on t I le not goe Phi. Why dearest is thy loue so quickly cold Leu. No but I le not venter thee thine is the danger Thou knowest t is death by law to steale an heire And my deare brothers most vntimely death Hath lately made me one what if thou shouldst be taken Phi. Oh feare not that had I a thousand liues They were too small a venture for such prise I tell thee sweete a face not halfe so faire As thine hath arm'd whole actions in the field And brought a thousand ships to Tenedos To sacke lamented Troy and should I feare To venture one poore life and such a life As would be lost in nor possessing thee Come come make that no scruple when shall we goe Leu. This present euening for to morrow morning My father lookes that I should giue consent To marry with the Count Phil. Best of all would t were this present houre I le goe prepare but shall I call thee heere Leu. Oh no wee le meete Phi. Where dearest Leu. East from the City by a Riuers side Not distant halfe a mile there stands a groue Where often riding by I haue obserued A little Hermitage there I will stay If I be first if you doe you the like Let th' houre be ten then shall I best escape Phi. Nere sweeter comfort came from Angels lips I know the place and will be ready there Before the houre I le bring a friend with me As true as mine owne heart one Clerimont That may doe vs good if danger happen Leu. Vse your pleasure Phi. Dearest farewell Houres will seeme yeeres till we are met againe exeunt Pol. Ah Sirrah this geere goes well god a mercy girle For thy intelligence why this is as much as a Man could desire the time place and euery thing I warrant vm they passe no further well Goe thou in and wait vpon thy Mistresse shee s Melancholly till she see her sweete heart againe but When shee does shee shall not see him long Not a word of what 's past among vs for your life Pse. I warrant you my Lord Pol. I le not so much as shew an angry looke Or any token that I know any of their proceedings But Rosio we must lay the place strongly if they Should scape vs I were pritily fool'd now after all This Ros. Why t is impossible my Lord wee le goe Strong enough besides I thinke it fit we tooke An Officer along with vs to countenance it the Better Pol. Thou sayst well goe get one I le goe my selfe along with you too I loue To see sport though I am old you 'le goe Along with vs to Sir Eu. I Sir you shall Command my seruice when you are ready Pol. Now Euphues what I did but barely act Thy bleeding heart shall feele losse of a sonne If Law can haue his course as who can let it I know thou think'st mine dead and in thy heart Laughest at my falling house but let them laugh That winne the prize things nere are knowne till ended Exeunt Pol. and Ros. Eugenio solus Eug. Well I like my sisters choise she has taken a man Whose very lookes and carriage speake him Worthy besides he is Noble his fortunes sufficient They both loue each other what can my father More desire that he gapes so after this old Count that comes for the estate as tother vpon My soule does not but pure spotlesse loue but Now his plot is for reuenge vpon his old enemy Fye Fye t is bloudy and vnchristian my soule Abhors such acts this match may rather Reconcile our houses and I desire where worth Is to haue friendship as on my soule t is there Well Philocles I hope to call thee brother Somewhat I le doe I le goe perswade Count Virro Not to loue her I know the way and I le but Tell him truth her brother liues that will Coole his loue quickly but soft here comes The Count as fit as may be Enter Virro Vir. She loues me not yet but that 's no matter I shall haue her her father sayes I shall And I dare take his word maides are quickly Ouer-rul'd ah ah me thinkes I am growne yonger Then I was by twenty yeeres this Fortune Cast vpon me is better then Medeas charme to Make an old man yong againe to haue a Lords estate freely bestowed and with it such A beauty as should warme Nectors bloud Make old Priam lusty Fortune I see thou louest me Now I le build a Temple to thee shortly and Adore thee as the greatest deity Now what are you Euge. A poore Scholler my Lord one that Am little beholding to Fortune Vir. So are most of your profession Thou shouldst take some more thriuing Occupation to be a iudges man they are The brauest now adayes or a Cardinals Pander that were a good profession and gainefull Euge. But not lawfull my Lord Verro Lawfull That Cardinall may come to be Pope and Then he could pardon thee and himselfe too Eu. My Lord I was brought vp a Scholler And I thanke your counsell My Lord I haue some for you and therefore I Came Vir. For me what I prithee Eu. T is weighty and concernes you neere Vir. Speake what i st Eu. My Lord
thankes but aside T' will be after a strange manner if Irus has Dispatched what he was hired too then my kind Lord I shall be a little too cunning for you Pol. My Lord you are gracious with the King Vir. I thanke his Maiesty I haue his care before another man Pol. Then see no pardon be granted you may stop any thing I knew Euphues will be soliciting for his sonne Vir. I warrant you my Lord no pardon passes whilst I am there I le bee a barre betwixt him and the King but hearke the King approaches Enter the King with attendants Ambo Health to your Maiesty King Count Virro and Lord Polimetes welcome You haue beene strangers at the Court of late But I can well excuse you Count you are about a wife A yong one and a faire one too they say Get me yong souldiers Count but speake When is the day I meane to be your guest You shall not steale a marriage Vir. I thanke your Maiesty but the marriage that I intended is stolen to my hand and by another King Stolne how man Vir. My promised wife Is lately stolne away by Philocles Lord Euphues sonne against her fathers will Who followed vm and apprehended them The Law may right vs Sir if it may haue course King No reason but the law should haue his course Enter Euphues Euph. Pardon dread Soueraigne pardon for my sonne King Your sonne Lord Euphues what is his offence Euph. No hainous one my Leige no plot of treason Against your royall person or your state These aged cheekes would blush to beg a pardon For such a foule offence no crying murder Hath steyned his innocent hands his fault was loue Loue my deare Leige vnfortunately he tooke The Daughter and Heire of Lord Polimetes Who followes him and seekes exstremity Pol. I seeke but Law I am abus'd my Leige Iustice is all I beg my Daughters stolne Staffe of my age let the law doe me right Vir. To his iust prayers doe I bend my knee My promised wife is stolne and by the sonne Of that iniurious Lord iustice I craue Euph. Be like those powers aboue whose place on earth You represent shew mercy gracious King For they are mercifull Pol. Mercy is but the Kings prerogatiue T is Iustice is his office doing that He can wrong no man no man can complaine But mercy shewed oft takes way reliefe From the wronged partie that the Law would giue him Eup. The Law is blind and speakes in generall termes She cannot pitty where occasion serues The liuing law can moderate her rigour And that 's the King Pol. The King I hope in this will not do so Eup. T is malice makes thee speake Hard hearted Lord hadst thou no other way To wreake thy cankred and long fostred hate Vpon my head but thus thus bloudily By my sonnes suffering and for such a fault As thou shouldst loue him rather is thy daughter Disparaged by his loue is his blood base Or are his fortunes sunke this law was made For such like cautions to restraine the base From wronging noble persons by attempts Of such a kind but where equality Meetes in the match the fault is pardonable Leu. Mercy my Soueraigne mercy gratious King Pol. Minion who sent for you t were more modesty For you to be at home King Let her alone speake Lady I charge you no man interupt her Enter Leucothoe Leu. If euer pitty toucht that princely brest If euer Virgins teares had power to moue Or if you euer lou'd and felt the pangs That other louers doe pitty great King Pitty and pardon two vnhappy Louers King Your life is not in question Leu. Yes royall Sir If Law condemne my Philocles he and I Haue but one heart and can haue but one fate Eu. Excellent vertue thou hadst not this from thy father King Ther 's Musicke in her voice and in her face More then a mortall beauty Oh my heart I shall be lost in passion if I heare her I le heere no more conuey her from my presence Quickly I say Eu. This is strange Vir. I told you what he would doe I knew He would not here of a pardon and I against it He respects me Pol. No doubt he does my Lord I like this passage well King But stay Stay Lady let me heare you beshrew my heart My minde was running of another matter Vir. Where the diuell hath his minde bin all this while Perhaps he heard none of vs neither We may eene tell our tales againe Pol. No sure he heard vs but t is very strange King T is such a tempting poison I draw in I cannot stay my draught rise vp Lady Leu. Neuer vntill your graces pardon raise me Ther 's pitty in your eye oh shew it Sir Say Pardon gracious King t is but a word And short but welcome as the breath of life King I le further here the manner of this fact Auoid the presence all all but the Lady And come not till I send Pol. I like not this Vir. Nor I here is mad dancing Eu. Heauen blesse thy sute thou mirror of thy sex And best example of true constant loue That in the Sea of thy transcendent vertues Drown'st all thy fathers malice and redeem'st More in my thoughts then all thy kin can lose exeunt King Now Lady what would you doe to saue the life Of him you loue so deerely Leu. I cannot thinke that thought I would not doe Lay it in my power and beyond my power I would attempt King You would be thankefull then To me if I should grant his pardon Leu. If euer I were thankefull to the gods For all that I call mine my health and being Could I to you be vnthankefull for a gift I value more then those without which These blessings were but wearisome King Those that are thankefull study to requite A courtesie would you doe so would you requite This fauour Leu. I cannot Sir For all the seruice I can doe your Grace Is but my duty you are my Soueraigne And all my deedes to you are debts not merits But to those powers aboue that can requite That from their vastlesse treasures hope rewards More out of grace then merrit on vs mortals To those I le euer pray that they would giue you More blessings then I haue skill to aske King Nay but Leucothoe this lies in thy power to requite thy loue will make requitall wilt thou loue me Leu. I euer did my Lord I was instructed from my infancy To loue and honour you my Soueraigne King But in a neerer bond of loue Leu. There is no neerer nor no truer loue Then that a loyall subiect beares a Prince King Still thou wilt not conceiue me I must deale plain With you wilt thou lye with me and I will seale his Pardon presently nay more I le heape vpon you Both all fauours all honours that a Prince can giue Leu. Oh me vnhappy in what a sad dilemma stands my choise Either to
That will obtaine woe her my Lord and take her You haue my free consent if you can get hers Yonder she walkes alone goe comfort her Virro I le doe the best I may but we old men Are but cold comfort I thanke your Lordships loue Pol. I wonder Roscio that the peeuish Girle Comes on so slowly on perswasions That I can vse do mooue the setting forth Count Virroes greatnesse wealth and dignity Seemes not to affect her Roscio Roscio I doubt the cause my Lord For were not that I dare ingage my life She would be wonne to loue him she has plac'd Already her affections on some other Poli. How should I find it out Ros. Why thus my Lord There 's neuer man nor woman that ere loued But chose some bosome friend whose close conuerse Sweeten their ioyes and ease their burdened minds Of such a working secret thus no doubt Has my yong Lady done and but her woman Who should it be t is she must out with it Her secrecy if wit cannot orereach Gold shall corrupt leaue that to me my Lord But if her Ladies heart doe yet stand free And vnbequeath'd to any your command And fathers iurisdiction enterpos'd Will make her loue the Count no kind of meanes must want to draw her Pol. Thou art my Oracle My Braine my Soule my very being Roscio Walke on and speede whilst I but second thee Cle. It is euen so Count Virro is your riuall See how the old Ape smugs vp his mouldy chaps To seize the bit Phi. He must not if I liue But yet her father brings him that has the meanes That I should euer want Cle. If he do marry her Reuenge it nobly make him a Cuckold boy Phi. Thou iests that feeles it not prithee le ts goe Cle. Stay I le not curse him briefely for thy sake If thou doest marry her mayest thou be made A Cuckold without profit and nere get An Office by it nor fauour at the Court But may thy large ill gotten treasury Be spent in her bought lust and thine owne gold Bring thee adulterers so farewell good Count Exeunt Phiocles Enter Seruant Ser. My Lord ther 's a Messenger within Desires accesse has businesse of import Which to no eare but yours he must impart Enter Eugenio disguised Pol. Admit him now friend your businesse with me Ser. If you be the Lord Polimetes Pol. The same Euge. My Lord I come from Athens with such newes As I dare say is welcome though vnlooked for Your sonne Eugenio liues whom you so long Thought dead and mourn'd for Pol. How liues Euge. Vpon my life my Lord I saw him well Within these few dayes Pol. Thankes for thy good newes Towards him Roscio but now tell me frend Hast thou reueal'd this newes to any man In Syracuse but me Eu. To none my Lord At euery place where I haue staid in towne Enquiring for your Lordships house I heard These tragicke but false newes the contrary I still conceald though knew intending first Your Lordships eare should drinke it Pol. Worthy friend I now must thanke your wisedome as your loue In this well carried action I le requite it Meane time pray vse my house and still continue your Silence in this businesse Roscio make him welcome and Part as little from him as you can for feare Ro. Thinke it done my Lord Pol. Psecas come hither Vi● Be like your selfe let not a cruell doome Passe those faire lips that neuer were ordain'd To kill but to reuiue Leu. Neither my Lord Lyes in the power to doe Vir. Yes sweete to me Whom your scorne kils and pitty will reuiue Leu. Pitty is shew'd to men in misery Vir. And so am I if not relieu'd by you Leu. T were pride in me my Lord to thinke it so Vir. I am your beauties captiue Leu. Then my Lord What greater gift then freedome can I giue T is that that Captiues most desires and that You shall command y' are free from me my Lord Vir. Your beauty contradicts that freedome Lady Pol. come noble Count I must for this time interrupt you You 'le finde time enough within to talke Vir. I le wait vpon your Lordship exeunt manet Euge. solus Euge. Thus in disguise I haue discouer'd all And found the cause of my reported death Which did at first amaze me but t is well T is to draw on the match betweene my sister And this rich Count heauen grant it be content As well as fortune to her but I feare She cannot loue his age how it succeedes I shall perceiue and whilst vnknowne I stay I cannot hurt the proiect helpe I may Exit Enter Francisco Sumner Fran. This will make good worke for you in the spirituall Court Shallow is a rich man Sum. I marry Sir Those are the men we looke for ther 's somewhat To be got the Court has many businesses at this Time but they are little worth a few waiting Women got with child by Seruingmen or so scarce Worth the citing Fran. Do not their Masters get Vm with child sometimes Sum. Yes no doubt but They haue got a trick to put vm off vpon their Men and for a little portion saue their Owne credits besides these priuate marriages Are much out of our way we cannot know when There is a fault Fran. Well these are no Starters I warrant you Shallow shall not deny it And for the Wench she neede not confesse it she has A marke that will betray her Sum. I thanke you Sir for your good intelligence I hope t is certaine Franc. Feare not that is your citation ready Sum. I haue it heere Franc. Well step aside and come when I call I heare vm comming Exit Sumner Enter Franklin Shallow Luce Parson Frank. Set forward there Francisco what make you here Franc. I come to claime my right Parson take heede Thou art the Author of adultery If thou conioyne this couple shee 's my wife Frank. you saucebox Shal. Father I thought she had beene mine I hope I shall not loose her thus Frank. Francisco dare not to interrupt vs for I sweare thou shalt endure the lawes extremity For thy presumption Franc. doe your worst I feare not I was contracted to her Frank. What witnesse haue you Franc. Heauen is my witnesse whose imperiall eye saw our contract Shal. What an Asse is this to talke of contracting hee that will get a wench must make her bigger as I haue done and not contract Franc. Sir you are abus'd Shal. Why so Franc. The wife you goe to marry is with child and by another Shal. A good iest yfaith make me beleeue that Franc. How comes this foole possest he neuer toucht her I dare sweare Frank. No more Francisco as you will answere it Parson set forward there Franc. stay If this will not suffice Sumner come forth Frank. A Sumner we are all betraid Enter Sumner Sum. God saue you all I think you guesse my businesse These are to cite to the spirituall
Court You master Shallow and you mistresse Luce Aske not the cause for t is apparant here A carnall copulation ante matrimonium Frank. This was a barre vnlookt for spitefull Francisco Franc. Iniurious Franklin could the lawes diuine Or humane suffer such an impious act That thou shouldst take my true and lawfull wife And great with child by me to giue t'another Gulling his poore simplicity Shal. Do you meane me Sir Sum. Gallants Farewell my writ shall be obeyd Frank. Summer it shall exit Summer Par. I le take my leaue there 's nothing now for me to do Frank. Farewell good master Parson exit Parson Frank. Francisco canst thou say thou euer louedst my daughter and wouldst thou thus disgrace her openly Franc. No I would win her thus And did you hold her credit halfe so deare As I or her content you would not thus Take her from me and thrust her against her will On this rich foole Sha. You are very bold with me Sir Franc. Let me haue newes what happens dearest Luce Luc. Else let me die exit Francisco Frank. This was your doing Luce it had beene Vnpossible he should ere haue knowne the time So truly else but I le take an order next time For you babling Sha. What 's the matter father Fran. We may Thanke you for it this was your haste that will Now shame vs all you must be doing a fore your Time Sha. T was but a tricke of youth father Frank. And therefore now you must eene stand in a White sheete for all to gaze at Sha. How I would be loath to weare a surplesse now t is a Disgrace the house of the Shallowes neuer knew Fran. All the hope is officers may be brib'd and so they will t were a hard world for vs to liue in else Shal. You say true father if t were not for corruption euery poore rascall might haue iustice as well as one of vs and that were a shame exeunt Shal. Luce Frank. This was a cunning stratagem well layd But yet Francisco th' hast not won the prize What should I do I must not let this cause Proceed to tryall in the open Court For then my daughters oath will cast the child Vpon Francisco no I haue found a better I will before the next Court day prouide Some needy Parson one whose pouerty Shall make him feare no Cannons he shall marry My daughter to rich Shallow when t is done Our gold shall make a silence in the Court Exit Enter Philocles Psecas Pse. I must returne your answere to my Lady He tell her you will come Phil. Come And such a Angell call I should forget All Offices of Nature all that men Wish in their second thoughts ere such a duty Commend my seruice to her and to you My thankes for this kind Message exit Psecas I neuer breath'd till now neuer till now now Did my life relish sweetenesse breake not heart Cracke not yee feeble Ministers of nature With inundation of such swelling ioy To great to beare without expression The Lady writes that she has knowne me long By sight and lou'd me and she seemes to thanke Her starres she loues and is belou'd againe She speakes my very thoughts by heauen t is strange And happy when affections thus can meete She further writes at such an houre to day Her fathers absence and all household spies Fitly remoou'd shall giue accesse to me Vnmarkt to visit her where she alone Will entertaine discourse and welcome me I hope t is truely meant why should I feare But wisedome bids me feare fie fie t is base To wrong a creature of that excellence With such suspicion I should iniure her I will as soone suspect an angell false Treason neare lodg'd within so faire a brest No if her hand betray me I will will runne On any danger t is alike to me To dye or find her false for on her truth Hangs my chiefe being well I le lose no time No not a minute dearest loue I come To meete my sweetest wishes I will flye Heauen and my truth sheild me from trechery Exit Actus Tertius Enter Polimetes Roscio Eugenio Psecas Pol. I Cannot credit it nor thinke that she Of all the noble youth in Sicilly Should make so strange a choise that none but he None but the sonne of my vow'd enemy Must be her mate it strikes me to amaze Minion take heede doe not belie your Mistresse Pse. Mercy forsake me if I doe my Lord You charg'd me to confesse the truth to you Which I haue fully done and presently I le bring you where conceal'd you shall both see Their priuacy and heare their conference Pol. Well I beleeue thee wench and will reward Thy trust in this goe get thee in againe And bring me word when Philocles is come Sir you le be secret to our purpose Euge. As your owne breast my Lord Pol. I shall rest thankfull to you This stranger must be soothd lest he marre all Rosc. This was well found out my Lord you now haue meanes to take your enemie Pol. With blest occasion I will so pursue As childlesse Euphes shall for euer rue Rise in thy blackest looke direst Nemesis Assistant to my purpose helpe me glut My thirsty soule with blood This bold yong man To his rash loue shall sacrifice his life Ros. What course you intend to ruine him Pol. Why kill him presently Ro. Oh no my Lord You le rue that action thinke not that the Law Will let such murther sleepe vnpunished Pol. Should I now let him goe now I haue caught him Ros. Yes Sir to catch him faster and more safely Pol. How should that be speake man Ros. Why thus my Lord You know the law speakes death to any man That steales an Heire without her friends consent This must he do his loue will prompt him to it For he can neuer hope by your consent To marry her and she t is like will giue Content for womens loue is violent Then marke their passage you shall easly find How to surprise them at your will my Lord Pol. Thou art my Oracle deare Roscio Here 's Psecas come againe how now what newes Pse. My Lord they both are comming please you withdraw you shall both heare and see what you desire Enter Philocles and Leucothoe Leu. Ye are welcom Noble Sir and did my power Answere my loue your visitation Sould be more free and your deserued welcome Exprest in better fashion Phi. Best of Ladies It is so well so excellently well Comming from your wisht loue my barren thankes Wants language for 't there lies in your faire lookes More entertainement then in all the pompe That the vaine Persian euer taught the world Your presence is the welcome I expected That makes it perfect Leu. T is your noble thought Makes good what 's wanting here but gentle friend For so I now dare call you Pol. T is well Minion you are bold Enough I see to chuse your friends without my leaue
you are to marry old Polimetes Daughter Vir. And Heire Eu. No Heire My Lord her Brother is aliue Vir. How Thou art mad Eu. My Lord What I speake is true and to my knowledge His father giues it out in pollicy to marry his Daughter the better to hooke in sutors and Specially aym'd at you thinking you rich And couetous and now he has caught you Vir. But dost thou mock me Eu. Let me be euer miserable if I speake Not truth as sure as I am here Eugenio liues I know it and know him where he is Vir. Where prithee Eu. Not a daies iourney hence Where his father enioyn'd him to stay till your Match and sends word to him of this plot Besides I ouer-hard the old Lord and his man Roscio laughing at you for being caught thus Vir. Why wert thou at the house then Eu. Yes But had scuruy entertainment Which I haue thus reueng'd Vir. Beshrew my heart I know not what To thinke on 't til like enough this Lord was Alwayes cunning beyond measure and it Amaz'd me that he should grow so extreme Kind to me on the suddaine to offer me all this Besides this fellow is so confident and on No ends of couznage that I can see well I would faine enioy her the Wench is Delicate but I would haue the estate too and not be guld what shall I doe now braines If euer you will helpe your Master Eu. It stings him Vir. Well so Sir What may I call your name Eu. Irus my Lord Vir. Your name as well as your attire Speakers you poore Eu. I am so Vir. And very poore Eu. Very poore Vir. Would you not gladly take a course To get money and a great some of mony Eu. Is gladly if your Lordship would but Shew me the way Vir. Harke ye Eu. Oh my Lord Conscience Vir. Fye neuer Talke of the Conscience and for Law thou art Free for all men thinke him dead and His father will be ashamed to follow it Hauing already giuen him for dead And then who can know it come be wise Fiue hundreth crownes I le giue Eu. Well t is pouerty that does it and not I When shall I be paid Vir. When thou hast done it Eu. Well giue me your Hand for it my Lord Vir. Thou shalt Eu. In writing to be paid when I haue Poysoned him and thinke it done Vir. Now thou But loue has made me bold the time has beene In such a place as this I should haue fear'd Each rowling leafe and trembled at a reed Stird in the Mooneshine my fearefull fancy Would frame a thousand apparisions And worke some feare out of my very shadow I wonder Philocles is tardy thus When last wee parted euery houre he said Would seeme a yeere till we were met againe It should not seeme so by the hast he makes I le sit and rest me come I know he will Enter Philocles and Clerimont Phi. This Clerimont this is the happy place Where I shall meet the summe of all my ioyes And be possest of such a treasury As would inrich a Monarch Leu. This is his voyce My Philocles Phi. My life my soule what here before me Oh thou dost still out goe me and dost make All my endeauours poore in the requitall Of thy large fauours but I forget my selfe Sweete bid my friend here welcome this is he That I dare trust next mine owne hearth with secrets But why art thou disguised thus Leu. I durst not venture else to make escape Phi. Euen now me thinkes I stand as I would wish With all my wealth about me such a loue And such a friend what can be added more To make a man liue happy thou darke groue That hast beene cald the seat of Melancholy And shelter for the discontented spirits Sure thou art wrong thou seemst to me a place Of solace and content a Paradise That giuest me more then euer Court could doe Or richest Palace blest be thy faire shades Let birds of musicke euer chant it heere No croking Rauen or ill booding Owle Make heere their balefull habitation Frighting thy walkes but mayst thou be a groue Where loues faire Queene may take delight to sport For vnder thee two faithfull Louers meet Why is my faire Leucothoe so sad Leu. I know no cause but I would faine be gone Phi. Whether sweete Leu. Any whether from hence My thoughts diuine of treason whence I know not There is no creature knowes our meeting heere But one and that 's my maid she has beene trusty And will be still I hope but yet I would She did not know it prithee le ts away Any where else we are secure from danger Phi. Then le ts remoue but prithee be not sad noise within What noise is that Leu. Ay me Phi. Oh feare not Loue draw Eer Polimedes Roscio Eugenio and Officers Pol. Vpon vm Officers yonder they are Phi. Theeues Villaines Pol. Thou art the Thiefe and the Villaine too Giue me my Daughter thou rauisher Phi. First take my life Pol. Vpon vm I say fight Knocke vm downe Officers if they resist they are taken Leu. Oh they are lost ah wicked wicked Psecas Pol. So keepe vm fast wee le haue vm faster shortly and for you Minion I le tye a clog about your neck for running away any more Leu. Yet do but heare me father Pol. Call me not father thou disobedient wretch Thou Run-away thou art no child of mine My Daughter nere wore Breeches Leu. Oh Sir my Mother would haue done as much For loue of you if need had so required Thinke not my mind transformed as my habite Pol. Officers away with vm peace Stumpet You may discharge him he 's but an assistant Leu. Oh stay and heare me yet heare but a word And that my last it may be doe not spill The life of him in whom my life subsists Kill not two liues in one remember Sir I was your Daughter once once you did loue me And tell me then what fault can be so great To make a father murtherer of his child For so you are in taking of his life Oh thinke not Sir that I will stay behinde him Whilst there be Aspes and Kniues and burning Coles No Roman dame shall in her great example Outgoe my loue Phi. Oh where will sorrow stay Is there no end in griefe or in my death Not punishment enough for my offence But must her griefe be added to afflict me Dry vp those Pearles dearest Leucothoe Or thou wilt make me doubly miserable Preserue that life that I may after death Liue in my better part take comfort deare People would curse me if such beauty should For me miscarry no liue happy thou And let me suffer what the law inflicts Leu. My offence was as great as thine And why should not my punishment Pol. Come haue you done Officers away with him Exit Philocles I le be your keeper but I le looke better to you But Rosie you and I must about the businesse