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A85476 An alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the Lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the Lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of Daniel Gotherson. : Wherein Tho. Danson, a priest in Sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. Gotherson, Daniel. 1660 (1660) Wing G1351; ESTC R177564 99,938 140

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word and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him And Rom. 8. 9. Now if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are Sons of God vers 14. Ephes 1. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. Paul speaking to them concerning their faith in the Lord Jesus as he had heard and their love unto all Saints he ceased not to give thanks for them making mention of them in his prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory may give unto them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of their understandings being enlightned that they may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principalities and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not onely in this world but also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church which is his Body the fulness of him that filleth all in all Which Mystery was made known to Paul by Revelation and he expresly saith That this Mystery in Christ was not made known unto the sons of men in other ages as it is now revealed unto his Apostles and Prophets which is made known by the Spirit and that is that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs and of the same Body and partakers of his promise in Christ and to this end he prayeth for them that they may be strengthened in the inner man by the riches of his glory with might by his Spirit that Christ may dwell in their hearts by Faith that they may be filled with all the fulness of God and may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ Jesus in them the hope of glory which cleanseth all his from all filthiness that they may perfect holiness in his fear for they that have learned Christ and been taught by him as the Truth is in Jesus they put off all uncleanness and lasciviousness they put off the old man with his deeds which is lying deceipt lust evil speaking they must not be angry neither give place to the devil nor his Temptations against which they must keep a continual watch that they may not fall they must let no rotten nor corrupt communication proceed out of their mouths but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers and all bitterness wrath anger and evil speaking and clamour must be put away with all malice drunkenness and fornication filthiness and foolish jesting And that which maketh manifest sin is the light in every one for all things are reproved and made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light and therefore awake thou that sleepest and stand up from the dead and Christ shall give thee light and wait on the Lord to be filled with his Spirit for we are members of his Body of his flesh and of his bones that you may be strong in the Lord and the power of his might that puting on the whole Armour of God they may be able to stand against the wises of Sathan for they are not onely to wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against the Rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickednesses in high places and therefore they must have their loins girt about with truth and having on the brest-plate of Righteousness the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world Christ in you the hope of glory for they that are Christs crucifie the flesh with the affections and lusts and he maketh his walk as he hath walked to be holy as he is holy and pure as he is pure to count all things but loss and dung that they may win Christ for whom they suffer the loss of all things that they may know him and the power of his Resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable to his death that they may attain unto the Resurrection of the dead forgetting those things that are behinde and reaching after those things that are before that they may attain unto perfection having their conversations in heaven from whence they look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change their vile bodies that they may be fashioned according to his glorious body according to that working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself and therefore they are careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and thanksgiving and supplication their Requests are made known unto God and those things that are true just pure and of good report peaceable and lovely bowels of compassion kindness humbleness of minde meekness long-suffering charity that whatsoever they do in word or deed they may and ought to do all in the name of Jesus Christ giving thanks to God the Father by him this is the fruits the Saints are clothed with which doth demonstrate their new birth which gift is from above from the Father of spirits from whom they receive power to become the sons of God by believing in his Name Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth In his dayes Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his Name whereby he shall be called THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESS For he is that mighty King that shall be established upon the holy Hill of Sion that is he shall be the onely King unto whom every man and woman must be subject for He shall Reign for ever and ever But here may an Objection arise We see the power of darkness reigns in most men and women and they are guided by the god of this world who ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience for the Mystery of Iniquity doth work in them with all deceivableness in unrighteousness in them that perish to whom the Lord sendeth strong delusions that they should believe lies that they all might be damned that would not receive the truth in the love of it but took pleasure mark this in unrighteousness so it is sin is the cause of all misery I answer That all men by nature are children of wrath but God who is rich in mercie giveth unto all a tender of grace for he stands at the door and knocketh if any man open he will come in and
may have life and therefore they cannot tast of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever John 6. 50. This is the bread saith Christ that cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not dye I am saith Christ the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world And this is he that giveth povver to understand the Scriptures that are dark to the understanding until he that gave them forth open their understandings as you may see in Luke 24. 45. Then opened he their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures the onely vvay to obtain this favour from the Lord is to love the pure seed of God in the vvhich is Gods vvitness in thy Conscience and is his written VVord in thy heart vvhich vvas that VVord to David that he had such a love unto that by loving of it God made him vviser then his Teachers and it vvas sweeter then the honey and the honey comb and it vvas better then thousands of Gold and Silver and Solomon saith of this vvisdome The merchandise is better then the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof is better then gold And this is the Pearl of great price that the man sold all to buy it therefore my desire nay the desires of my soul thirsteth after the Salvation of all men And therefore dear Friends and People all be kept lovv in the fear of God at all times and learn of Christ to be meek and lovvly that you may find rest unto your souls and consider that the onely thing is to fear God and keep his Commandments for they that hath the Commandments and keepeth them dvvelleth in Christ and Christ in them and much reading is a vveariness to the flesh here the end of all is To fear God and keep his Commandments this is the vvhole duty of man for he that manifests his faith by being obedient he shall live for ever for the Kingdome of God consisteth not in vvords but in life and povver vvhich is righteousness and that procureth true peace such peace as men and Devils can never take from you and so vvalking in this peace the God of love and peace vvill be vvith you to the end Now unto God our Father be glory and everlasting praises ascribed both novv and for ever and for ever Amen The eighth Epistle To Richard Allen a Priest in the Parish of Crundal in Kent and also to be communicated to the rest of his Brethren the Priests to shew them the unlawfulness wicked Practice of receiving of Tythes contrary to the Practice of Christ and his Apostles and yet call themselves A Gospel-Ministry But they must know The terrible day of the Lords Wrath is at hand and this their Act of Oppression must come to Judgement WHat hast thou to do to take the Name of the Lord in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed for Let him that calleth on the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity and He that saith he is in Christ ought so to walk as Christ hath walked and He that hath Faith it purifieth the heart and he purifieth himself as Christ is pure Now he that liveth in any known sin is a transgressor of the Law and He that keepeth the vvhole Law and yet offendeth in one point is guilty of all and He that breaketh one of these least Commandments and teacheth men so shall be called the least in the Kingdome of Heaven Now I do charge thee with the desiring of thy Neighbours Goods which thou hast no just right to neither by the Law of God nor just Law of Man but the Reason is there is Laws in being for thy wicked lust because all things are out of Gods order for our Judges are not as they were at first nor our Counsellours as at the beginning if they were they might tell the people of the Law what it is for the power of the Nation of England hath had their Laws invested and enacted by Parliaments and they chosen by the people Now it vvas never conceived that a people should be so void of reason as to give a company of persons a power to destroy their Birth-Right the property of their Estates for they are called to provide for the safety and weal of a people not for their hurt or damage and all Laws are grounded upon Reason or ought to be and where Reason ceaseth there the Law ceaseth Now thou art so ingenuous to confess that Tythes came first into England by the appointment and command of the Pope and Popish Laws and is it reasonable that those Laws should binde us that vvere first made by them vvhen vve are so distinct from them that vve now in our times have had Laws made amongst us for the selling and sequestring of their Estates quatenus as Papists and that an Act of Parliament made against common Right as Tythes is common Equity and common Reason is therefore null and void in it self in Law and ought not to be executed as appears by these following Laws See the first part of Doctor Bonham's Case fol. 118. and the eighth of Edward the Third fol. 3 30 33. E. Cassanet 32. and the 27 H. Annuity 41. and the 1 of Eliz. Dyer 113. and first part of Cook 's Institutes Lib. 2. Chap. 11. Sect. 209. fol. 140. and the fourth of Edward the fourth 12. 12. Edward the Fourth 18. 1 Henry the Seventh 12 13. Plowd Com. fol. 369. Yea saith that Learned Oracle of the Law of England Edward Cook in the fourth part of his Institutes fol. 330. where Reason ceaseth there the Law ceaseth for seeing Reason is the very Life and Spirit of the Lavv it self the Law is not to be esteemed to respect that vvhich hath no Reason although the generality of the words at the first Institution or after the Letter seem otherwise And saith the Learned Author in his first part of Institutes fol. 140. all Customs and Prescriptions Acts of Parliament Lavvs and Judgements that be against Reason are void and null in themselves And saith the Armies Atturny John Cooke in the late Kings Case stated page the 23. That by the Law of England any Act or Agreement against the Laws of God and Nature as I shall prove Tythes are against both is a meer nullity saith he for as a man hath no hand in making the Laws of God and Nature no more hath he power to mar or alter them and he cites the Earl of Leicesters adjudged Case for a proof and all the Judges in England cannot make one Case to be Law that is not Reason no more then they can make one Hair white that is naturally black for Law must be Reason adjudged and every Law of man must be consonant to the Law of God otherwise they are not Righteous nor Obligatory Now
wight For telling them the truth Of treason he 's indight But though his own are blind A Pagan doth believe Moors more then Jews are kind Oh shame and dare relieve 13. WHom they dare persecute And do the King exhort He credit not too soon Malicious fond report When Amos in the court Gods judgements did denounce The Prince of Prelates then Him traytor doth pronounce And the fond King incense But what was his reward Priests you the storie read And awfully regard Thy wife said Amos then Proud Priest shall play the whore Thy Sons and Daughters all The sword shall soon devour Thy place thy eyes shall see Thy enemies possess And in a forraign land Thy self die in distress Frown mowe grin grind thy teeth Swell break for all thy mood The word I speak is truth And cannot be withstood 14. OUr Lord himself his own Would not receive nor love Chiefly the chief amongst you His words and works reprove Because the ways of God They measure by their wits They 're scandaliz'd and fall And still lies in the Pit Oh learn by their extreams And lasting miseries What 't is for to refuse The profer'd verities What 't is rashly to judge Resist and presecute Things that distaste before Thou know how to confute As after his ascent When he his promise paid Many both mock't and rail'd And of the Apostles said For they did prophesie And with new tongues could They babbled idlely Because their brains were weak speak 15. BUt wise Gamaliel When others burst for spight And plotted to destroy Gods Prophets if they might Sage counsel freely gave Princes beseech you hear Be well advis'd take heed Too sudden wrath forbear As Theudas lying knave Judas the counterfeit Although a while they seem'd Great credit for to get Yet quickly came to nought So if these men you see Not true Apostles but Impostors crafty be Believe it they will soon Such as they are appear But if they be of God God will his servants clear And we that dare resist Not men but Heavens King Shall wish that we had wist And late repent this thing 16. IF therefore thou be'st wise Reader thy spirit suspect When thou perceiv'st it tempt Thee rashly to reject That which thou now hast read Or shalt within a while Do not with high conceit Thy weaker wits beguile Though Doctors dote as yet And this false doctrine teach That Prophets now no more Of future things shall preach Nor miracles be seen Do not their dreams receive Blinde guides their silly selves And others they deceive And if thou say as they Then hear this prophesie Thy eye before thou die Shall give thy tongue the lie Who shall the Jews convert Who shall restore our peace Who shall the Pope subvert And Mahomet make cease 16. DId not Elias need When 'twixt Jehove and The doubtful Jews did half Did not Elias call Men from their crooked ways And for the Lord prepare Before himself appear'd His Gospel to declare And dost thou hope that now These schisms at all shall cease And the round world with light As the full Moon increase Without Elias aid Or art thou so purblind As nor in Malachie Nor in Esay to find That as the Baptist did VValk in Elias might VVhen this Messias came A miserable wight So much more now before VVe see his glorious day His usher shall prepare Afore his face the way 18. NOr do thou curious scan From whence he doth appear Nor what his person is For then I can but fear Thou some offence wilt take As men were wont of old When in Gods secrets they To pry were over-bold God doth send whom he list The reason none can tell But only God himself For this you must all know Christs merits are the thing Which all must flie unto Even for salvation God did appoint him for Salvation unto all That in the light believe Which light is Christ alone Who hath enlightned every one Which in the world hath been Or shall be to the end The Lord he did also David and Salomon call And his Apostles twelve His Prophets every one No man deserves this place No man is competent Let God do what he will Let this thy mind content 19. PRaise God that he hath found One whom employ he will More for thy good then goods To save thy soul from ill Danger fear care and grief All for thy comfort and Thy heavie hearts relief Who if thou knew the soul Of those whom God hath call'd As Israel in Aegypt I know thou art much appall'd Dost mourn complain and cry That God as he of old VVill now again provide The sorrows that unfold Thee and his woful spouse How quickly to relieve The means then glad imbrace The choyce thee let not grieve Thy wisdom in this case Is thankful modestie Say unto God thy grace VVithout an envious eye 20. THe poor the mean the rude The vile God oft doth call And place in highest room That he the Lord of all Of all may be confest His counsels be ador'd Rather then vainly scan'd His name with hymns decor'd And all flesh put to shame David and Saul were poor Moses a man unfit Amos a country-boor The chief of Prophets all And of all Kings the head A Carpenters Son some so call'd The Apostles carn'd their bread The most were ideots call'd Paul was a wicked man Mathew himself records A hated Publican Even Nathaniel said From Nazareth to hope For good I am afraid Yet Christ from thence did come Which brings salvation 21. THe word he brings the works That he shall do respect All proud and wicked ways Far from thy thoughts reject Dost thou believe Then lend thy helping hand Dar'st thou deny I dare thee then withstand Or art thou in doubt Then pray that thou mayst see Study within And then confer with me Egerton Anno 1660. D. Gotherson FINIS The first Epistle To all people whose souls panteth after God as the Hart panteth after the water-brooks ANd now also is the ax laid to the root of the tree therefore every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen down and cast into the fire I is to the circumcised in heart that cometh or springeth from all the twelve Tribes that Jesus Christ is lovely the choicest of ten thousand for whom they part with all to purchase that pearl that is of so great worth that the heart cannot conceive nor the tongue express nor the eye see that is mortal being that Stone with the new name written in it that no man knoweth but he that hath it and is not discernable with any but they that are born again that can witness they are become little children for only to such belongeth the kingdom and to none other Now the soul being of so great worth that Christ said What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and to loose his soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul by
the Lord doth not send hear-say men to be labourers in his Vineyard but such as he first fills with his Divine power and then sends them to work in his Vineyard so that still it is but Christ in them that is the One that is sent of the Father for the Father sends none but his only beloved Son in whom he is well pleased who is the Law of Righteousness and Peace the spreading power that fills all in all And you shall finde you Priests that are so puft up and filled with pride and are cloathed with covetousness that ere it be long these poor despised ones of the world that have this Law written in their hearts are the true Labourers that are sent forth into the Vineyard and you that call your selves Divines and Labourers you are but Traitors to Christ and Enemies to his Spirit you have had warnings from time to time Many Prophets hath the Lord sent unto you and righteous men but you have stopped your ears and hardned your hearts at the voice of the Charmer charm he never so wisely but the greater will be your woes and sorrow for you are left without excuse you are the men that must have your mouths stopped not by a humane tyrannical hand of power as you have stopped the mouths of Gods holy and just Ones for that they abhor for the Lord himself whom you dishonour by your hypocrisie will stop your mouths with shame and sorrow when he makes you to see your selves in the state of Devils Deceivers Scribes and Pharisees Simon Magus Demas and Judas that are Traitors to the spirit and power of Righteousness which is in the Saints But if you say you do not assume the names of Divines as you write your selves under which description you are as bad as Diviners Sorcerers or Deceivers as Balaam was and as the maid that got her Master gain by Divination in Act. 16. 16. you hold forth letter for spirit make people believe your words of hear-say that it is the Testimony and experience of the spirit within you and you pick their Purses extreamly by this Sorcery and Divination So it appears plain that the word you call Divinity darkens knowledge you talk much of the Body of Divinity and of Anatomizing Divinity O fine Language but when it comes to trial it is but a husk All is not Gold that glisters there is no Kernel the words ye say are without life the spirit that gave forth the Scripture ye are strangers unto the natural man understands not the things of God they are spiritually discern'd the Spirit hath filled the hearts of those you despise You go on selling words for mony to the blinde people whom you have deceived and the Spirit is not at all in your service and your service stinks before the Lord your preachings prayings and all your Will-worships with all the people joyning with you is but an abomination in the sight of the Lord for you are the people that draw nigh to God with your lips but your hearts are far from him and are removed afar off Love Justice righteous actings doing injury to no man is not to be found among you neither clean hands and a pure heart for the alone peace of the heart lieth in seeing and feeling Christ the Divine power to rise up and rule within and every soul is in confusion bon-dage and sorrrow until he have true light and feeling thereof in himself as I have shewed and found by experience And surely this may command all mouths to be silent that speak from hear-say and yet saith Thus saith the Lord he lies he dishonoureth the Lord whoever he is that speaketh before the Lord hath revealed himself in him spoke to him and put words into his mouth he doth exceedingly wrong the souls of his hearers by deceiving them and so their lives their whole actions and their conversations are unprofitable to all men because they make them believe a Divination are Words of Knowledge spoke from a pure Testimony Surely if the Lord had not become the Teacher of his despised Ones they had been over-spread with Egyptian bon-dage and darkness as the Priests are by whom the earth is corrupted and over spread with thick darkness Well you have Prophecies and Promises in the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles wait upon the Lord till you see the fulfilling of them within your selves and leave off your much talk about words and syllables for by this multitude of waste discourse people are blinded that they neither minde the Ptophecies of Scriptures nor wait for the fulfilling of them in themselves for whatsoever is written is written for our instruction upon whom the ends of the world shall fall And verily I can truly say That so long as I was a blinde Professor a strict goer to Church as they call it and a hearer of Sermons and never questioned what the Priest said but believed as the learned Clergy the Church so called believed and still forgot all I heard though I must say The words they said were like a pleasant song in my ears whilst I heard them And this I know is the best condition of all your zealous Professors this is all they can get from you for you are in bondage and confusion and Ignorance is the Mother of your Devotion for your lives are in the flesh you do not savour the things that are of the Spirit and so you are not of God Whilst I was such a Professor I was counted by some Priests and others a good Christian and a godly Man though all that was in me was but zealous Ignorance and led me on in the heighth of the deceitful Nature But since it hath pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me and hath caused me to speak what I know from an inward principle of light and power of life within Now the same Priests and Professors whom they have deceived my former Acquaintance begin to be affraid of me and call me an erronious Man a dangerous man and look upon me as upon a man of another world and in that they are not mistaken for our Conversation is in heaven and our delight on earth is in the Saints and in those excellent Ones that excels in vertue For my part I can truly say from the goodness of the Lord who is worthy of everlasting praises to be acknowledged from me that am as a brand snatch'd out of the fire and kept from burning by the goodness and loving kindness of the Lord That my portion is fallen to me in a goodly heritage the Lord is my portion I have the Lord I have enough I look upon them with the eye of pity and love seeing them as yet to live under the spirit of Delusion and power of Darkness the god of this world having blinded their eyes that they cannot see the way to the Kingdom and therefore I think it my Duty to wait upon the great Restorer of all things
until he manifest or raise in them the manifestation of the measure of that light that he hath placed in their souls and given them to profit withal and then that ruling in them will makes us become one again and then we shall not be divided any more O dear Friends despise not this Word wait on the Lord for teachings you neither will nor can have rest in your souls until he speak in you peace For those that stay themselves on him are kept in perfect peace And follow your Forms as much and as fast as you can in the strictest way you can possible and it will not bring you peace nay it will bring you to a loss and you shall be more and more wrapt into Confusion and sorrow of Heart I speak what I have found and therefore let not any deceive themselves But when once the heart is made subject to Christ the Law of Righteousness looking up to him for instruction waiting with a meek and quiet spirit till he appear in you then you shall have peace then you shall know the truth and those that are made free by the Son they are free indeed For they shall hunger no more neither thirst any more for the Lamb which is in the midst of the Throne shall govern them and shall lead them to the lively Fountain of water and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes The third Epistle To all Those that teach for Hire and divine for Money that they may lay their Hands on their Hearts and consider the evil of their doings and cease to do Evil and learn to do well For the terrible Day of the Lord is at hand And who can dwell in everlasting Burnings VErily I must bear my Testimony from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus which is everlasting That you the Priests of England are all blinde Guides and have your right eyes put out and I shall prove you Deceivers of the people and woes everlasting will be your portions if you proceed and therefore in tender love to your souls I send this unto you without consulting with flesh and blood Consider this you that are wandring Stars That when Christ appeared in flesh Moses Administration began to be silent and drew back and set Jesus Christ in the chair to be the great Prophet that should be the Teacher in Types after him and the Ministration of these Discoveries were to reign in the world their appointed time Even so the Lamb Christ Jesus or that single Body gives way to the Holy Ghost which is the spreading Spirit Joh. 16. 7. Joh. 17. 21. If I go not away saith Christ the Comforter cannot come to you for he that dwells bodily in me is to spread himself in you that as the Father in me and I in him are one even so I in you and you in me may become one with the Father And the Testimony of the Apostles declare as much 2 Cor. 5. 16. Col. 1. 27. Though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more but we look after the Mystery which hath been kept secret from Ages and Generations past which is Christ in you the hope of Glory And therefore all your merchandizing in Gospel Forms as you call them and Types declare you the Priests of England to be yet under the Ministration of Christ after the flesh declaring the Lamb Jesus to remain yet in one single person But know you That as the Ministration of Moses gave way to this so this Ministration is to give way to the inward teachings of Christ and the spreading of the Spirit in sons and daughters which doth more excellently declare the glory of the Mystery and this you call A Dumb Idol for all those that patiently wait in silence upon the Lord do wait for the manifestation of the measure of the Spirit of God to be poured down upon them to make them profit withal for they that are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God The Man Christ Jesus told the Woman of Samaria Woman the time is coming and now is that neither in Jerusalem nor in this Mountain shall men worship the Father but they that worship him shall worship him in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him Now you shew your Ignorance of Scriptures and that you have not the Key of David that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth but like those that made silver Shrines for Diana cryed her up for a great goddess because their Living was got by it but their deceipt was plainly seen to all whose eyes were opened Now you deny the Teacher within that shall not be moved into a corner For the word is nigh thee even in thy heart and in thy mouth and you need not tell the people Lo here is Christ or Lo he is there for there is in every one a measure of the light of Christ which is given them to profit withal and if they follow that light it will bring them out of every evil way for it is that pure thing in man that never did consent to sin nor never will but doth check and reprove for evil thoughts and vain lusts and desires which this light judgeth down for Christ hath thus enlightned every man that cometh into the world now till the measure of this light is manifested in you so as totally to destroy the works of the Devil for to that end Christ came even to destroy sin I bear my Testimony from the Lords Spirit You are strangers from the Covenant of Grace and Aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and are without God in the world and how are you fit to teach another that know not your own Guide that is the Lord from heaven for know you not that the Kingdom of heaven is within you you Disciples you little Ones that are born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible the word that abideth for ever Christ in you the hope of glory for know you not that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates so your deceipt is to drive a Trade in the world to deceive souls to keep people from knowing the true Teacher for if they should once know one within them to lead them whither they in their corrrupt wills would not go and should give way to obey that holy Voice for it is the Voice of Christ then they would not give their money for that which profiteth not and that which is not bread for Christ saith He that eateth the bread that I shall give him shall live for ever for my flesh is meat indeed and he that believeth in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water Now you do esteem men contrary minded as Hereticks the Just One Christ was accused for a perverter of the people by the Jews Luk. 23. 14. Stephen was stoned for blasphemy Act. 7 59. Herod killed James the brother of John with
the inventions of their own hands who are deceived by her Witchcrafts her Gog and Magog who are in number like the sand of the sea But what will be their end they must be destroyed by fire and therefore follow not a multitude to do evil And the devil that deceived them shall be cast into the lake of fire where the Beast and false Prophets are who shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever O stand amazed all Deceivers of his people for the time will come that he will require the blood of his people at your hands and what will become of you when the dreadful and terrible GOD appears in Judgement you will then desire the hills to fall upon you to hide you from his presence then those that have Christ in them who hath filled them with everlasting rest and glory shall lift up their heads for their Redemption draweth neer and he that shall be your Judge is become their Saviour for the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all Judgement unto the Son And they that live in the Son have the Light of Life abiding in them And so in him they walk from strength to strength until they appear before GOD in Sion The fourth Epistle To all the Hypocrites in Sion desiring them that they would return that the Lord may heal their Back-slidings For the Wrath of the living God is revealed from heaven against all Vnrighteousness And Woes will be upon them even Woes eternal that take upon them the Profession of Religion in any Form to be a Cloak to their Sin and Vnrighteousness THere is no man saith Christ that putteth his hand to the Plough and looketh back that is apt for the kingdom of God Now doth not most Professors look back do they do the works God or are they not doing the works of the devil is not wrath anger backbiting whispering deceiving over-reaching in their bargains killing is not these fruits to be found amongst all Professors and therefore it is high time for them to repent that they may do their first works for the time once was that they had Zeal and Love and Gentleness and Temperance and were in the Moderation a little kept but now they are come into the persecuting nature into the destroying nature the devouring nature the dogs nature and are out of the Lambs nature for the fruits of Faith are Love Goodness Gentleness Meekness Temperance Brotherly kindness Charity Bowels of compassion Holiness and Righteousness Against such saith Paul there is no Law For they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts And now amongst those tender Lambs of Christ those Babes that are born again those Plants of the Lords right Hand Trees of his own planting that are full of sap the Cedars of Lebanon I mean those that are by the wicked of the earth the men of this world in scorn called Quakers amongst these is crept in wicked Deceivers ungodly men and ungodly Women even as Judas crept in amongst the Apostles such who think that gain is godliness such who follow Christ for the Loaves such as think they can serve two Masters God and Mammon Christ and Riches Christ and Lusts Christ and the World Christ and Antichrist such who teach that Doctrine of Devils that Paul speaketh of denying to marry and to abstain from meats such who turn the Grace of God in them into wantonness Truce breakers Breakers of Covenants pretending they were married in their carnal estate and they were never moved of the Lord and therefore they may leave their husbands and leave their wives and that spirit these are guided by is of Satan and so will lead them to take others as their blind Ignis fatuus leads them for by nothing but Imagination Lust and Fancie are such led And such leads away silly women that are captivated by Satan laden with divers lusts and pleasures that are alwayes learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth Others are led to neglect their Families and Relations to neglect their Children contrary to that Doctrine of Paul that saith A man is worse then an Infidel that doth not provide for his Family meaning his outward Family For let every man wait on his calling and God hath appointed that the creation shall be managed that man may be Lord of all the creatures and Christ saith It is a more happier thing to give then to receive and the Apostle commandeth to lay up that there may be a distribution amongst the Saints and how can he lay up that is idle and runs to and fro wasting his time in idleness and consuming his pretious time whilst his wife and children wants at home and so this spirit rents and tears the affections of men from their wives and women from their husbands and children from their parents and this that brings into a dis-uniting is not the Spirit of the Lord for the Spirit of the Lord brings into Union for it shall convince the whole world at last that they shall be all of one heart and of one spirit and the one alone spirit of Righteousness shall fill all in all And this cannot be that spirit that rents and makes divisions but this spirit of Righteousness teacheth the man to know his own wife and love her as Christ did the Church and it teacheth the woman to know and love her own husband and the man and woman so taught live like Turtle Doves And so the unbelieving woman cometh to be sanctified by the believing man the unbelieving man by the believing woman and here the good vertuous Wife cometh to be found that Solomon speaketh of whose price is above pearls and she doth him good and not evil all his days and is not as the wicked woman that is termed by him a whorish woman that is rottenness to her husbands bones And Others there are that are very loose in their carriage and deny the Resurrection of the Body contrary to the Doctrine of the Apostle saying The Resurrection is past already and such was in his time that had overthrown the faith of some now these people are in distraction and the Spirit of the Lord leades into Unity Love and Peace and out of all disturbance and the Lord is the portion of his people for ever and they that stay themselves upon God are kept in perfect peace and the Spirit of God is infallible they that are guided by that cannot erre and these do erre not knowing the Scriptures and so are led into the distraction which causeth disturbance and this is by the cunningness of Satan who lieth in wait to deceive and this simple people are led captive by him to do his will at his pleasure And therefore dear Friends take heed how you hear and whom you hear and be not blinded by those that lie cunningly in wait to deceive you for all that is to be known of God is made manifest in man and
this is all the Lord thy God requireth of thee To do justly love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God for Holiness becometh the House of the Lord for ever And Christ saith He that hath my commandments and keepeth them dwelleth in me and I in him And therefore do not think the Name or the Profession of a thing will serve the turn it is coming into the Life and Power of the thing that is expected from the Lord they that cry in that day We have eat and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets all that will not do Depart from me saith Christ the reason why is shewed by him because they were Workers of iniquity So there is no priviledge for a people be they never so high in Gods favour yet if they sin against him they must know the wrath of God is against them for if a righteous man turn from his righteousness and do that which is evil he shall die for the evil and I will remember his righteousness saith the Lord no more The people of Israel were a peculiar people the Lord had manifested his love in abundance to them he fed them with Angels food and led them in the Wilderness that their cloaths waxed not old and he made the rock gush out waters and gave them Quails the lusts of their own hearts But they died in judgement whilst the meat was in their mouthes the wrath of God came down upon them and Gods Soul came to be angry with them even so much that the Lord said My soul shall be avenged on this Generation David a man after Gods own heart yet for sinning was forc'd to go with broken bones and his Ioines were filled with a sore Disease and he went groaning all the day long Moses for striking the Rock twice did not enter the Land of Canaan And therefore do not thou think whoever thou art and let thy profession be what it will for if thou sinnest against God thou must be punished by him And know this That the end of all teaching and speaking and writing is to be brought to doing The end of all saith Solomon is to fear God and keep his Commandments This is the whole Duty of Man And therefore be as thou seemest to be or seem to be as thou art For it is onely the pure in heart shall see God and the meek shall inherit the earth and dwell therein for ever The fifth Epistle To Roger Crabb and Francis Jennings John Porter Elizabeth Porter Stephen Powel Sarah Aldridge Anne Bunion To all those that are in the deceipt with him who stile themselves the Servants of the Lord onely with Judeth Edds and some few Others whose Names I cannot finde that they may see their durty Dregs and repent of their Abominations For the Wrath of God is revealed against all Deceipt and all Deceivers LAmentations Mourning and Wo is pronounced against all evil and he that soweth or she that soweth Dissention amongst Brethren is such a one as the Soul of the Lord abhorreth Now let not their looks dismay thee thou tender-hearted child or children of the most High for the Duty of Obedience which the Lord thy God requireth of thee is not in any other thing but in being obedient to the Commands of God as sin is made known unto thee by the light of the everlasting Spirit of Righteousness which is in thee and there is placed to make known sin and evil unto thee and is there placed in thy heart to raise thy immortal soul by the immortal seed of the word which is Christ in thee that thou mayst live unto him that hath called thee out of Darkness into his marvelous light that we might not henceforth live unto our selves but unto him and therefore living unto him is to be holy as he was holy and pure as he was pure and so the Life of the Saints is to be a Life of purity and it is the pure in heart that see him and so it is not as Roger Crabb surmiseth and William Smith and John Dunck and others in wearing hair or not hair for if they will believe the History of Josephus they may finde that Christ wore his Hair very long waving about his Shoulders and the Scriptures of Truth maketh mention that he wore it according to the manner of the Nazarites who had no Razor come upon their heads neither is it in dirty hands faces as they fondly do surmise but it lieth in the hidden man of the heart in a meek and quiet spirit which is a thing of God much set by neither is it in straw Hats or such fond conceits for they cannot be made without hands no more then woollen ones But the Reader may take notice that this people being departed from the living presence of the Lord God where Life and Peace and Rest is to be dwelt in they wander up and down seeking Rest and finde none for the Peace is not in eating or drinking but in Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost It is not then in denying the lawful use of the creatures for the Apostle saith Whatsoever is sold in the shambles that eat making no scruple for conscience-sake So then it is clear that men may lawfully eat all creatures as well as herbs or what groweth naturally And every creature of God is good saith Paul and nothing ought to be refused if it be received with praise and thanks giving and it is not that saith Christ that goeth into the man that doth defile the man but that which cometh out For out of the heart saith Christ proceedeth adultery fornication murder and the like So it is the evil heart being corrupted that is the cause of the man being defiled and it is not the denying of meats wherein Religion stands for they may see that Christ fed five thousand men with five Loaves and two Fishes and commanded the Fragments to be taken up that nothing might be left and he turned water into wine if he had not allowed the use of it he would not have made it but it was to be drunk And Christ saith If any of you have a son shall ask bread will he give him a stone or if he shall ask a fish will he give him a serpent so he clearly owneth the eating of those creatures And if they or any led by their fond deceitful spirit that deny the Resurrection of the Body of Christ out of the grave let them read Luk. 26. vers 37. and so forward But they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said unto them Why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts Behold my hands and my feet that it is I my self handle me and see for a Spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have And when he had thus spoken he shewed them his hands and his feet And while they yet believed not for joy and
which was to fill the earth with himself and his body but a house or Temple for the present work to redeem the lost man according to the promise The seed of the woman shall break the serpents head as also to throw down Moses Law and became the substance of his Lambs and Types and Sacrifice for that body was the Lamb that did fulfil the righteous will by his voluntary and free-will offering up of himself therefore Christ is called the spreading power because he fills all with himself and because this power did appear first to Abraham as we read of therefore is he called The father of the faithful for it was an everlasting Covenant that God made with him therefore every one that follows after him and treads in his steps being willing and obedient they shall eat the good of the land and they shall be called children of that seed of Abraham which seed is the blessing of all Nations and is the restorer of all his from bondage and although his just ones many times lie under oppression and hardship by the seed of the flesh and they are despised ones by them yet now the day is at hand that their glory shall arise and the reason is for the Almighty God is in them of a truth he will lead their captivity captive and set them down in peace for they are the City of the Lord new Jerusalem the place of his rest which shall be the praise of the whole earth for the Almighty King of righteousness is their Saviour and there is no other name under heaven whereby men can be saved but the name of Jesus and verily I bear my Testimony from him that he will be exalted in this the great day of his power for the Lord is a bringing mighty things to pass in this the day of his appearance and the hearts of his shall fear for to him saith the Lord will I look that trembleth at my word and therefore let all his redeemed ones wait patiently for the consolation of Israel for their King is coming and he will fill the earth with his glory and turn ungodliness from Jacob then shall Jacob rejoyce and Israel shall be glad For without controversie great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory And that his might not be deceived he saith In the latter times seducing spirits shall come and so cunningly carry themselves that if possible the very elect should be deceived and Paul 1 Tim. 4. 1 2 3 4. sheweth some of the principles of their deceit and thus he saith Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to the seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisie having their consciences seared with a hot-iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer And this Paul exhorts those that will manifest themselves good Ministers of Jesus Christ such who are nourished up in the words of Faith and good Doctrine that they should put the brethren in minde of these things and exercise themselves in godliness by which it appears that Paul reckoneth such as are before spoken of amongst Hymeneus and Philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying The Resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some nevertheless the Foundation of God standeth sure having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are His and let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity So that it is plain that every act of evil is a fruit of old Adam the flesh which hath nothing but envie lust pride drunkenness malice and all uncharitableness which the King of Righteousness Christ Jesus redeemeth his from and also maketh his righteous godly full of faith love patience meekness being without spot unrebukable for they are born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever which word is Christ in them the hope of glory For Moses truly said unto the Fathers A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you So that it is plain that the Lamb Christ Jesus was the substance of Moses and where the substance is shadows and Types doth cease and this method of divine Discovery doth finish the Mystery for the Lord doth take up all into Himself for he is in all and acts through all and all that power of Righteousness that appeareth in any is still but that power of the Lord which he hath promised to pour forth in the last dayes as you may see in the second of the Acts vers 17 18. And it shall come to pass in the last dayes saith God I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesie and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream Dreams and on my servants and on my hand-maids will I pour out of my Spirit in those dayes and they shall prophesie So that every Branch shall be a Joynt or Member of the Mystical Body or several spreadings forth of the Vine being filled with that one Spirit Christ the anointing who filleth all with himself and so becomes the alone King of Righteousness that rules and governes all his ransomed ones Joh. 17. 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me For I am the Lord and beside me there is no Saviour He is in every one of his little ones that are born again and how is declared Joh. 14. v. 15 16 17 18. If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more but ye see me because I live ye shall live also At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you He that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and manifest my self unto him if a man love me he will keep my