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A80142 The exhaltation of Christ in the dayes of the Gospel as the alone high-priest, prophet, and king, of saints. / By Thomas Collier, sometimes teacher to the church in Yorke. Collier, Thomas, fl. 1691. 1641 (1641) Wing C5281; Thomason E1101_1; ESTC R208336 117,464 275

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the sins of his people also upon his shoulders 1 Pet. 2.24 He hath born our sins on his own body on the crosse Hee which knew no sin was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him believe it beloved those sins and corruptions that so much trouble the soules of Saints he hath borne them all himselfe hee himselfe bare our iniquities upon his own body 4 The High-priest bare the names of the children of Israel on a brest-plate of judgment for a memoriall before the Lord continually Exod. 28.29 He beares their names and judgments before the Lord c. So doth Christ our High-priest beare the names of his people yea their nature and judgments upon his heart before the Lord continually he presents them before his Father continually Now Christ may be said to beare the names of the Saints upon his heart First In his continuall presenting them to himself and Father without spot righteous in his own righteousnesse Ephes 5.25 26 27. Secondly In respect of their neernesse unto him Beloved that that comes to a mans heart comes neere him the Saints of God are as neere unto him as his own heart hee that toucheth them toucheth the apple of his eye he that persecutes them persecutes Christ Acts 9.4 O therefore let men take heed how they persecute Christians It were better a milstone were hanged about their necks and they cast inco the Sea then offend or persecute the Saints But the Saints whom the Lord hath or shall call are upon his heart in respect of his love unto them Beloved the elect were upon the heart of Christ from all eternity Ephes 1.4 That was the reason why he comes into the world to take your nature your sins become sin and a curse for sinners It was his love The elect of God was so upon the heart of Christ from eternity and hee will give his heart bloud before hee will lose one of them O what do your hearts say to this deer brethren and sisters is not heere comfort for your souls ô thou art perhaps affraid whether Christ loves thee this is the complaint many times of the gracious soule but know this you to whom God hath given faith in his Son thou art upon the heart of the Son in respect of means in respect of love hee loves thee more then thou canst love him for God is love John 4.26 He bears thee upon his heart poore soule and what canst thou desire more see Cant. 8.6 see what Christ sayth of his Church Chap. 4.9 6.5 Thirdly The Saints are upon the heart of Christ in respect of his remembring of them The righteous shall be had in continuall remembrance Psal 112.6 O here is comfort for the poor afflicted souls of the Saints it may be you are under affliction either externall or internal and art ready to complain as once David did as if the Lord had forgotten to be mercisull Ps 13.1 2. what ever thy condition be God hath not forgotten thee no no thou art upon his heart thou art neer and deer unto him thou art very precious unto him he hath set thee as a seale upon his heart and hee cannot forget thee Object But you will say perhaps will not God forget me when I forget him I I have a wicked deceitfull heart that gives me the slip when I come to pray and the name of the Lord is not so precious upon my heart as I wish it were many times Ans But God will not forget thee Esay 49.15 16. Can a woman forget her sucking childe from having compassion on the Sonne of her womb yea they may forget yet will not I forget thee Behold I have ingraven thee upon the palmes of my hands thy walls are continually before me c. O blessed word the Lord will not forget thou art not onely upon his heart but upon his hands also ever in his sight his eye is ever over thee for good Fourthly The Saints are upon the heart of Christ and there he will keep them Those which thou hast given me have I kept and none of them is lost c. Joh. 17.12 Ah blessed word able to bear up the spirits of the Saints to whom God hath given faith ô you poor doubting Christians who are somtimes affraid that your hearts will deceive you and perhaps are ready somtimes to complain with David I shall one day fall by the hand of Saul So thou art ready to say ô this wicked heart of mine ô this proud this stubborn heart of mine I am afraid least all is nothing and that I shall one day fall by it O beloved you to whom God hath given faith are upon the heart of Christ and if thou canst but once see thy selfe there it is enough thou needest not fear thy falling Dost think man woman that Christ hath set thee there for nothing no no he will keep thee there it is true were the power of standing or falling left to thy selfe then thou mightest well doubt but thou art kept by the power of God through faith 2 Pet. 1.5 thou art preserved at and in the heart of Christ his love is so to thee that hee will not lose thee none shall pluck thee out of his hands he loving thee once will love thee to the end however some pretend a falling away from grace after the soule comes truly to believe in the Lord Jesus but it is but a vain fancie and an imaginary conceit for it is a part of the Covenant of grace on gods part to keep thee from falling Jer. 32.40 I will put my fear in their hearts and they shall not depart away from me Fifthly The High-Priest was to beare the iniquity of the holy things in a plate of pure gold on their fore-heads before the Lord always that they might be accepted before the Lord Exod. 28.37 38. So Christ bears the iniquity of the holy things of the Saints the best Saints I mean the most holy is not able to performe any duty to God but there is a great deal of sin in it iniquity cleaves to it now beloved as Christ hath borne all the rest of the sins of the Saints so he bears all the sin all the iniquity of the holy things of the Saints O comfort for the Saints thou caust not hear noe pray without sin why Christ bears all the iniquity of thy holy things he presents thy person and prayers to God without spot Ephes 5.27 There is never a prayer put up unto God in the name of Christ in faith but Christ presents it John 16 23. Whatsoever ye shall aske the Father in my name it shall be given you see Rev 8.3 The Angel Christ Jesus stands at the Altar and having a golded censer with much insence that he might offer it or add it to the prayers of the Saints ô beloved here is a blessed word for the soules of the Saints whether particular Saints or Churches Christ adds to your
and gather his lambs in his armes c. sayth ver 13. Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord and who was his Counsellor with whom took he counsell and who instructed him c. certainly none beloved there was none to do it for he determined his whole work both of creation and redemption before all things if there had bin any being then for any of the sons of men who could have invēted such a way such a means of recovering of reconciling fallen man truly none but the God of wisdome and therefore Christ is called in Scripture the wisdom of God Luk. 11.49 therfore also he is called the wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1 21. we preach Christ the wisdom of God c. Chap. 2.7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world began Note beloved the Lord Jesus Christ the wisdome of the Father him in whom the Father manifests his wisdome was ordained before the world began Ephes 3.10 11. it is called the manifold wisdom of God Well may it be called manifold for it is infinite there is no numbering of it Ps 47.5 Great is the Lord and of great power of his understanding there is no number How should this take off from the Saints all cares and feares concerning the things of this world he who is infinite in wisdom wisdom it selfe hath taken care for thy soul for thine eternity Doubt not but rest upon him his wisdome shall be for thee hee will so order and dispose of all thy actions as shall be most advantagious for his owne honour and thy good And know this that nothing comes to passe but by his wise disposing hand of grace nay he is made unto thee that believest wisdome 1 Cor. 1.30 ô admirable mercy that the God of wisdom should not only wisely contrive a way for the reconciling of sinners to himself but should become their wisdome he is made to us wisdome admire at this all the sons and daughters of God what God himself become your wisdome then truly thy solly shall not harm thee ô thou art ready to say I am so foolish so ignorant c. ô poore soul it matters not it is mercy thou seest thy solly for the truth is thou must be a foole that thou mayst be wise 1 Cor. 3.18 4.10 that is thou must renounce all thine own wisdom as folly for it is self-wisdome that is the greatest enemy to Christ Therefore let no man deceive himself If any man amongst you seem to be wise in this world let him be a fool that he may be wise 2 What cause have the Saints to admire God in Christ for his love ô admirable love what God to give his Son to become a propitiation for the sin of sinners Is not this rich grace and mercy for God to take upon him the nature of man and the sins of men to make peace and reconciliation for men what soule can behold this love this mercy and not stand admiring in the enjoyment of it Beloved this love of God manifested unto men it is Free Full Everlasting Love it is free without desert there was nothing in man for to procure it hee hath loved thee freely poore soule Hos 14.4 I will heal their back-sliding I will love them Freely for mine anger is turned away Beloved God loved freely for he loved his before they were Ephes 1.4 he loved them freely for he loved them when they were sinners Rom. 5.8 the manifestation of it is free for it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercie Rom. 9.16 1 Cor. 1.27 he manifests it unto them when they would none of it when men had rather keep their sins then receive Christ as a Priest and an atonement so Paul Act. 9. the Lord meets him and over powers him when he was going in a way of persecution as it is in Esay 65.1 I am sought of them that asked not for mee and found of them that sought me not c. God first seeking and finding causes the creature to seek after God 2 It is full grace and love great love John 3.16 God so loved the world that hee gave his Son c. O unspeakable love that nothing lesse then the Son of God can serve for a gift and truly beloved nothing lesse could have done the deed and therefore nothing lesse could be given from a God of love who intended in his gift to doe good to man John 4.9 10. Herein is love not that we loved God but that hee loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins and herein is the love of Christ manifested to become a Priest a Sacrifice to lay down his life for sinners Iohn 5.13 Greater love then this hath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends Here is great love love to be admired of al the Saints 3 This love of God manifested in the Son is everlasting love Jer. 31.3 I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore in loving kindnesse have I drawn thee Harke you beloved friends God hath loved his people from everlasting and he will love them to everlasting Iohn 13.1 Having loved his own which were in the world hee loved them to the end that is for ever Hence it is that the kindnesse of God is called everlasting kindnesse Esay 54.8 In a little wrath I hid my face frone thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercie on thee c. his mercie is everlasting mercie Psal 100.5 For the Lord is good and his mercie is everlasting and his truth endureth to generation and generation His Covenant made with thee who art a believer is an everlasting covenant Esay 61.8 I will make an everlasting covenant with them saith the Lord a Covenant that shall not bee removed Esay 54.10 neither shalt thou depart out of it Jer. 32.40 and hence it is that the joy of the Saints shall be everlasting for indeed were not Gods mercies Gods Covenants c. everlasting There could he no true joy but this is that which occasions both true and everlasting joy and consolation 2 Thes 2.16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himselfe and God even our father which hath loved and given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace c. Note beloved here is everlasting consolation flowing from the love of God and truly the consolation could not be everlasting were not that love communicated through grace everlasting Here is admirable mercie admirable grace free full everlasting 3 The Saints have cause to admire God in his Justice for beloved those two attributes of God are admirably exalted in this one particular giving Christ a reconciliation between God and man his love and his mercie is exalted in that he to accomplish his own end in a way of grace gives his own Son to become an offering for sin to this very end and purpose
when a soule comes to this it is my duty to please God therefore hath Christ required it will it please the Lord Jesus O then I dare not but doe it come what will I cannot but doe it truly you who indeed love the Lord Jesus that Love will constrain you to please him although you displease your selves But secondly those who are taught of God will rather displease themselves then displease their brethren the Saints This is a necessary lesson a gracious soule will displease himself rather then the Saints this is a lesson that both you and I have need to learn and I doubt wee come shott in our practice of it I speak not eyther to blame or shame any of you I have more against my selfe in this particular then against you all but I speake to informe to forewarn both my self and you in this particular but to prevent any mistake or misunderstanding of what I shall speake concerning this thing I desire before I proceed to let you to know that I do not intend that you should be men-pleasers that is that ye should so please one the other as to suffer any sin in each other without reproofe or admonition in love therein you come to hate one the other Neyther be ye externally in shew only such for the Apostle reproves such speaking of the duty of servants Ephes 6.6 Not with eye service as men-pleasers but so pleasing the Saints as in that you please God 2 Thes 2.4 So speake we as not pleasing men but God See Gal. 1.10 But to proceed it is the duty of the Saints so far to please their brethren as to deny themselves as the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 10.33 Even as I please all men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved the Apostle seeks to please all men that hee might winne some to the Gospell which is every Saints duty much more then to please the Saints in love rather then in every thing to seek to please our selves It is this Self pleasure that is the cause of so much division amongst the Saints How hard a thing is it for one Saint to stoop to the weaknesse of another love would cause us to stoop to each other and to performe every service of love each to other Rom. 15.2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification And why vers 3. For Christ pleased not himself c. If your hearts and my heart was not so moulded into this forme of doctrine as that you could count it your joy to please you brethren that you could choose rather to please a Saint then to please your selves and so every one to have this heart of love toward each other what comfortable life of love in the Lord might the Saints live Whereas one the contrary when every one stands off to please himself men run an end to have their own minds what whisperings what bitternesse will arise even in the Saints nay how doe they come sometimes even to byte and devoure one the other as the Apostle speaks But my beloved I hope better things of you I speake not to condemne but to forewarne both my selfe and you of this great evill which too much creeps in among the Saints and to let you see a glimpse of the amiablenesse of that grace of love which is so usefull amongst the Saints 7 There is Self love naturally in every man so the Apostle fore-tels 2 Tim. 3.2 Men shall be lovers of their own selves and that Professours too and that in the last dayes See Verse 1. Now Christ who is the Saints Prophet and Teacher hee teacheth them to deny this selfe love not that a man may not love himselfe love his soule love to enjoy good Prov. 19.8 He that getteth wisdome loveth his own soule So likewise 1 Pet. 3.10 but that he should not love himselfe and himselfe onely this is sinfull love Christ Jesus never taught this love but a man may to love himselfe as that he love his brethren also nay he may so love himselfe as that he love his brethren as himselfe Rom. 13.9 Thou shalt love thy neighbour to wit thy brother as thy selfe This is the love Christ teacheth where he comes and he doth not onely teach it in word but in example also be may be said so far to deny himselfe as not to love himselfe in comparison of that love manifested to us he loved us better then he loved himselfe our life better then his own life for he gave his own life freely to purchase life for our souls here was great love John 15.13 Greater love then this hath no man that he lay down his life for his friends and we ought to be followers of Christ in this grace of love Ephes 5.1 2. Be yee followers of God as dear children and walke in love even as Christ hath loved you and given himselfe for you 8 There is selfe will also and this Christ teacheth the Saints to deny and to submit unto the will of God this Christ our pattern hath given us an example who came not to doe his own will but the will of him that sent him It is my meat and drinke to doe the will of my Father Iohn 4.34 In his prayer before his suffering Mat. 26.39 Not as I will but as thou wilt O blessed example to be imitated of all the Saints What Jesus Christ deny himselfe his own will and shall not the Saints doe it his Disciples and followers But Christ hath not onely given us his example as our pattern but he hath exhorted us thereunto also Mat. 7.21 Not he that sayth Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father c. Ephes 6.6 the Apostle exhorting servants to be obedient to their masters sayes not with eye service as men pleasers but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God This selfe will is a cause of much stirre and division in the world I had almost sayd amongst the Saints What is the cause of this warre and bloud but self will I mean next under God one will establish one Religion another will establish another Religion one will establish Episcopall another will establish Presbyterian Government or else the Kingdome must rue it being stirred up thereunto on both sides by the Clergie and is likely to bring ruine upon the Kingdome if God prevent it not in teaching those whom it concerns that they have nothing to doe in either side to compell men to any Religion that it is the will of men and never the will of Christ to give his Kingdome and Dominion minion to the will of men to the will of the Magistrate This self will is that causeth stirs and troubles in families the husband will have his mind and the wife will have her minde this causeth stirs in Churches amongst the Saints when every one will have his own mind
have been as likely to fall away as Adam nay and more likely for there is a body of sin left still in the Saints matter for the Deuill to work upon but Adam was without sin therefore there is no possibility for that man to stand that stands upon his owne strength But it is in the strength of Christ the believer stands without me ye can do nothing Iohn 15.5 You cannot pray or perform any duty acceptably Rom. 8.26 much lesse stand and hold out to the end against all spirituall oppositions a Christian is to encounter withall The fifth and last reason why Christ teacheth this grace of self denyall to the Saints is that so they might live in love and peace one with another If every Saint should seeke to please himself and love himselfe and to have his own will in every thing how is it possible love and peace should be continued amongst the Saints if there should not be a bearing with and forbearing one with another if the strong should not beare the infirmities of the weak and not please themselves but God hath so tempered the body together that they should all seek the good of each other in love that there should be no Schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one of another as of themselves 1 Cor. 12.25 that every one might secke not their own but one anothers good That they might all grow up together a compleat body a holy temple in the Lord. Use 1 A word of examination and tryall hath Christ bin thy Prophet hath he taught thee this lesson of self denyall this is a very needfull use not only for carnall men but for Saints it was the exhortation of the Apostle 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves prove your selves know you not Christ is in you except ye be reprobates Christ is in every Saint and if there what doth he there Surely hee is not there for nought he will be ever teaching the soul hee will be there as they Prophet shewing thee the way thou shalt walk in Consider a little now I beseech thee hath Christ taught thee to deny thy owne righteousnesse canst look upon it all as filthinesse or else art thou stuffed and filled with thine own righteousnesse lifted up as high as the heavens in thine own conceit like the proud Pharisee I thank God I am not as bad as other men I pray and performe duty I have a good heart and as good a mind to God as any man If this be thy condition the Lord Iesus hath never been thy Prophet thou art yet in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity Thousayst thou art rich and wantest nothing when the truth is if the Lord open thine eyes to see it thou art poore and miserable and wretched and blind and naked Hath Christ taught thee to deny vngodlines and sin or else canst thou take pleasure in unrighteousnesse I dare say it that some there are in the world that have high thoughts of of themselves yet indeed make a mocke of sin take pleasure in unrighteousnesse if this be thy condition the Lord Christ hath never taught thy soule 2 Pet. 1.9 Christ teacheth to be holy and humble hee gives power against sin and Iust 1 Cor. 6.9.10 11. Consider you who have been taught of God hath hee taught your souls this lesson to deny your owne wisdome will end strength and all to lay down all as nothing at the feet of Jesus The Lord help you and I a little now to examine our selves how much of self yet remayns self wisdome self glorying and boasting self love self ends O how doth the Devill crowd in these things into the soules of the Saints the Lord help you and I to see it and give us power against it certainly if it be with your souls as it is with mee you have some experience of these things hardly can you performe any duty but self will present it selfe to your view in one shape or another Now where Christ teaches he ever sets the soule a work against those sins and causes the soule ever to have high thoughts of it selfe and to have high thoughts of God and of the Saints esteeming every one better then himselfe 2 Wherein you finde you come short in this duty selfe denyall looke up to the Lord for help and assistance it is the Lord that teacheth to profit therefore if you want any thing the exhortation of James is Aske of God who giveth to all men liber ally upbraydeth none Jam. 1.5 For every good gift comes down from God ver 17. Therefore have recourse to heaven make known thy condition to the Lord Jesus this thou maist doe thou oughtest to doe it thou must goe to God and tell him what thou wantest what grace thy soule needs tell him thou hast a poore-selfeseekeing-heart that will not stoppe farther then he bends it and bows it looke to him and he will help thee come unto him and he will ease thee and give thee thy hearts desire Note this one word where God hath begun this work in any measure though you find much of self and it is thy burthen yet here is a ground of comfort for such a soule it is mercy thou seest that evill of self that is in thee and that it is thy burthen The comfort is 1 that Jesus Christ hath beene thy Prophet hee hath taught thee in some measure to deny thy selfe and given thee a desire after the perfection of this grace 2 That where Jesus hath began this work he will finish it he will perfect it to the days of Christ 8 Thou mayst live upon him henceforth and expect teachings from him new manifestations new discoveries of grace and love new influences of power from himself as thou stanlest in need for his own honour the Saints good or thine own consolation Heb. 13.5 Thus much for the first which is Self-deniall 2 Where Christ becomes a Prophet hee eacheth that soule to yield universall obedince to himselfe this is an effect of the teaching of Christ Mat. 28.20 teaching them to observe and doe all things whatsoever I shall say unto you and Acts 3.22 23. A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you him shall you heare in all things c. And this obedience Christ doth not only require as he is a King but he teacheth it as he is a Prophet See Esay 54.13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children It is the covenant of grace Heb. 8.10 I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts c. Hee will make them a willing people hee will teach them to yield willing obedience he will teach them to do spirituall things with an appetite with a minde to them now this obedience flows from faith it is a fruit an effect of faith Rom. 1.5 Christ first teacheth faith and then obedience Quest What are
must be the same so that now under the Gospel the believer may lawfully keepe the unbeliever whether husband or wife and their children whereas under the Law if a Iew marryed with an idolatrous Gentile he was to put away both wife and children Ezra 10.3 but under the Gospel there is no such thing unlesse the unbeliever will depart 2 After faith and baptisme the will and command of Christ is that his people should yield obedience to all his comands indeed he doth not onely command it but gives power there is a power goes with the commands of Christ he is the King of his people he gives laws and statutes and withall gives in abilities to doe what he commands Christ knows that without him you can doe nothing John 15.5 the will and commands of Christ is that his people should be holy is all manner of holy conversation the will of God is their sanctification 1 Thes 4.2.3 For yee know what commandements we gave you by the Lord Iesus for this is the will of God your sanctification to abstain from sin to ver 7. and the reason is rendred ver 7. For God hath not called us unto uncleanuesse but unto holinesse God hath not given his Son to redeeme men that so they might live in unclean unholy ways he doth not call them to fellowship with himselfe and one with another that so they might take their pleasures in the world in sin no no God calls his to holinesse and therefore the Apostle Peter sayth It is written be yee holy or yee shall be holy as I the Lord your God am holy 1 Pet. 1.16 And he that hath this hope purifieth himselfe even as Christ is pure 1 Iohn 3.3 And the Apostle Pauls exhortation answers this command Rom. 12.1 I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that yee present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformable to this world but be yee transformed by the renewing of your mindes c. that is seeing God hath renewed your mindes let your bodies your externall walkings be made conformable to Iesus Christ and not to the world O beloved holinesse becomes the Saints especially holinesse becomes the houshold of Saints the Churches of Saints the Church of Saints is Gods house 1 Tim. 3.10 his dwelling place Psal 132.13 14. and holinesse becomes the Lords house for ever and it is the love of Christ that constrains the Saints thus to walk Quest But is it not the Saints duty thus to walke Ans Yea without question it is their duty Gal. 6 16. He that walketh according to this rule peace shall be upon him but they are to performe this duty of holy walking out of love therefore Christ sayth If yee love me keepe my commandemenst Iohn 14.15 none hath to doe with the commands of Christ but those that love him which love flows from faith for faith worketh by love Gal. 5.6 A second command of Christ is love the Saints which was the second thing I propounded in the manifestation of love It is first to Christ Hee that loveth not the Lord. Iesus let him be accursed ver 17. These things I command you that yee love one another And a new commandement give I unto you that you love one another as I have loved you Quest Why is it called a New commandement seeing it is not new but the same that was from the beginning Ans 1 It is New because given a new by Christ and so are all the commands of Christ given a new and are new commands given to a new people to wit believers Mose's commands were given to all the whole body of naturall Israel Christs to the whole body of spirituall Israel the Saints None else hath to doe with any law as it comes from Christ but are still under the Law as it came from Mount Sinay 2 It is new in respect of the nature of it which is double 1 as it flows from Christs love to us 2 It must be the same as Christs love was to us ever as I have loved you and as this is the speciall comand of Christ so it is the property of the Saints that the grace they receive from Christ causeth them to doe it the love of Christ constrains them Therefore the Apostle thanks God for the Colossians Col. 1.3 4. For the increase of their faith and love to all the Saints Where faith increaseth love increaseth for faith increaseth love to Christ and love to Christ increaseth love to the Saints For my more cleer proceeding in this particular I shall endevour from light and truth to discover unto you first what love is 2 the excellent properties and effects of this love 3 the manifestation of this love 1 What love is Love is an affection of the soule carried forth after and setled upon something from an apprehended worth and excellency in the thing this I conceive to be love whether it be spirituall or naturall whether set upon a good or bad object for it is not possible there should be true love but where the soul apprehends something worthy to be beloved First the understanding goes forth and takes a view of the object presented if the understanding so apprehend any worth or excellency in the object presented then the affection of love is let forth upon it and is not satisfied without the enjoyment of it Hence it comes to passe that when the understanding is truly enlightned and the judgement rightly informed the affection is carried forth and setled upon a right object but if the understanding be corrupted and blinded and the judgement misinformed the affection of love is carried forth after and set upon wrong objects When the understanding is so blinded it apprehends an excellency in the world in pleasures in sin c. for believe it it is the blindnesse of mens understanding usually that causeth men to love sinfully So on the contrary when Christ is presented to the view of the soule the understanding by the power of God is enlightned and comes to apprehend in some measure that excellent worth that is in him the affection of love goes forth after him and desire is not satisfied untill it enjoy him Thus it was with the Spouse in the Canticles chap. 5.10 My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand and hence it is her love is so drawn forth after him that shee seeks him and is never satisfied till she find him vers 6. she is sick of love after him chap. 2.5 and this love unto Christ carries forth the soule in love to the Saints for the sake of Christ where it sees the Image of Christ the same love where with the soule loves Christ it loves the Saints 1 Iohn 4.20 21. That it is the command of Christ and the property of the love of God where it is shed abroad in the heart to carry forth the soul in love not only to
Christ but to the Saints you have heard 1 John 5.1 Every one that loves him that begate loveth him also that is begotten 2 I come to the excellent properties and effects of this love 1 With relation to Christ 2 To the Saints 1 To Christ 2 It refuses to receive satisfaction in any enjoyment beneath the Lord Jesus A soule truly enlightned in the excellency of the knowledge of God in Christ refuseth to take content and satisfaction in any thing that comes short of Christ It is true there may be many turnings and windings in the heart and the profits and pleasures of the world shall be presented as Satan presented them to Christ and duties and creatures and performances gifts c. and thus Satan can and often doth present himself like an Angell of light and that to the Saints too they that know any thing of God know it if possibly he could hee would delude and cheat a poore creature but the soul truly loving Christ will not be thus cheated and deluded by that old Serpent he must have Christ nothing lesse will satisfie him A living child may be quieted awhile with a bable a counter or ratle which is nothing but folly but in conclusion it findes by experience the emptinesse and vanity of such things then casts away all and nothing but bread will satisfie him So it may be with the soule the living Christian it may receive some content in duties and prayers for a time but in the conclusion it comes to see the emptinesse of these things and then nothing but Christ will content him When a soule truly loving Christ comes to see how he hath deluded himselfe in mistaking Christ thinking that he hath had Christ when indeed he had nothing but the externall ordinance visible forme which is indeed the shell without the kernell ô then nothing lesse then a Christ will satisfie ô give me Christ sayth the soule or else I die Christ in every ordinance it will not take ordinances and duties for Christ any more but now the soule must enjoy Christ in ordinances Christ in preaching in praying in the Supper of the Lord nothing gives content to the soule but Christ O this is the excellent quality of true spirituall love to the Lord Iesus Hence it is that the spouse in the Canticles Cap. 3.12 so earnestly seeks her beloved shee could take no rest untill shee had found him ver 4. and then shee holds him and will not let him goe This is the property of love it soars very high flies aloft like the Eagle and why because God in Christ is its object and where the dead carkesse is thither will the Eagles be gathered together Christ is the alone object of faith and love and to him all true beleevers come in him shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory Esay 45.25 onely note this that the soule comes by faith to enjoy him whom the soule loves A second excellencie of love to the Lord Jesus is It is quieted and satisfied in the single enjoyment of Christ the soul that hath Christ hath enough it can say as Jacob It is enough Ioseph my son is yet alive so the believing soule whose heart is truly inflamed with love to Christ for his own excellencie it hath enough it is content now to lose all as the Apostle Paul Phil. 3.7.8 He accounts all things but losse yea dung that he may win Christ This is the excellencie of the grace of love to Christ it carries the soule above the world above creature or any thing beneath Christ it desires nothing but Christ 1 Cor. 2.1 It gloryeth and rejoyceth in nothing but Christ Gal. 6.14 and him crucified If it have the world so it is if not it is contented it is quiet in any condition if it enjoy all things I mean in the world yet Christ is the summe of all if it want all things yet in Christ it enjoyes all so the Apostle as having nothing yet possessing all things so that now the soule that believes in and loves the Lord Jesus knows how to be abased and how to abound that is it know how in that lowest condition to live satisfied upon Christ and it knows how in the highest condition to live also upon Christ it can doe all things through Christ that strengthens it Phil. 4.12 13. Doe you not see on the contrary men that have no love to the Lord Jesus how they let forth their hearts upon the creature they live upon the creature take away the world from them you take away their life but the man that loves Christ hath enough in the enjoyment of him what ever befall them in the world they can say as Christ I have meat to eate that yee know not of John 4.32 the Lord Iesus is the Saints meat and drinke they live upon him and are satisfied with him The third property of love is It slights all hardships and sufferings that it meets withall for the name and sake of Christ Nothing can quench this love many waters cannot quench it many flouds of affliction cannot quench love when others that love not the Lord Jesus but themselves and their own ease start and are affrighted at the reproach of Jesus as at some strange apparition when the soul that sees spiritually that looks not at things that are seen that is at the outside of things which carnal eys only see but at things that are not seen that is at the outside of things which carnall eyes They hence go cheerfully slighting persecutions being perswaded that nothing can make a separation betweene Christ and their souls glorying and triumphing in the crosse of Christ being not only ready to suffer reproach but death it self if the Lord call them to it for the name and sake of their beloved Thus you see the excellencie of this grace it carries the soule sweetly out to Christ it lies down in the bosome of love and there it is satiated there it is satisfied there it hath enough there it lives and there it dies yet with him it shal for ever live ô the admirable excellencie in this grace of love it makes hard things easie and bitter things sweet it lives upon that others canot see no not never shall see unlesse the Lord open their eyes it rejoyceth in that others dread it takes that for a crown that others count shame it makes their hearts to leap for joy in the beholding of those things that makes others faint and fail 2 I come to the excellencie of this grace of love in and to the Saints for that is the great thing we have now in hand the excellencie of the grace of love among Saints among brethren 1 It is of a knitting nature it knits or bindes up the soules of the Saints as one it makes them to be of one heart and of one minde What is the reason of such divisions amongst Saints but the want of love this grace of love is
that which would knit the hearts of christians one to another It was the Apostles desire and care for the Colossians that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love Col. 2.2 This knitting together of the Saints is that which makes them meet to watch over each other to build up each other it is as the joynts and sinews of the body naturall knitting each member together and so nourishing the whole body Col. 2.9 Being knit together increaseth with the increase of God this is the excellent property of love it knitts up the souls of the Saints together where it is in truth there cannot be an easie dissolving of this knot of love this was the love of David and Jonathan 1 Sam. 18.1 The soule of Ionathan was knit with the soule of David and Ionathan loved him as his own soule this is the true property of love it knits the soul to the partie beloved it is not possible if there were true love that there should be such divisions amongst the Saints if it be but a difference in opinion presently the love the fellowship is broken A second excellencie of true love is It coven a multitude of infirmities it is not easily moved it is not easily provoked it is naturally easie to be intreated it will not suddainly believe evill reports it will not suddainly have bitter envyings and evill surmisings this is the excellencie of the grace of love it will bear much and long it will not censure without wonderfull just cause 1 Cor. 13.4 5 6 7. Love suffereth long it is not easily provoked it will not starte at shadows love envyeth not anothers prosperity but rather rejoyceth in it as one member of the body rejoyceth in the prosperity of another it vaunteth not itselfe it is not puffed up love is an humble grace it maketh those in whom it is to serve each other in love to prefer each other before itselfe it seeketh not its own it seeketh not its selfe but the good of another it is not easily provoked it thinketh noill it rejoyceth not in iniquity but rejoyceth in the truth it beareth all things it believeth all things all things that it hath any ground or warrant to believe it hopeth althings that is the best of all things where there is any ground or probability of hope it endureth all things that is all things that God himself inflicts or suffers man to inflict upon him here is the excellencie of love O who would be without this grace of love nay but who can ever attain it but those whom God sheds abroad his love in their hearts by his holy Spirit how is this grace of love wanting among the Saints whence is it that there are such discords such bitter enyings such secret whisperings in a word such rents and breaches of communion and fellowship amongst Saints for slight things but the want of this grace of love truly were the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of his people more abundantly it would not be thus love is of absolute necessity for the peace and communion of Saints 3 Excellencie of love It is on everlasting grace it shall be made perfect in another world other graces fail but love never faileth 1 Cor. 13.8 Prophesies they fail and faith that shall cease but love shall abide for euer it shall be so far from ceasing that it shall after the ceasing of faith and other graces be made perfect and the Saints that love God indeed here and from that fountain of love love each other they shall then for ever live in the bosome of love their souls being satisfied in the enjoyment of him the fountain they shall be then perfectly knit together in one being filled with the enjoyment of God made perfect in love through that abundance of love it enjoyes in him The third particular propounded is the manifestation of this love how the Saints manifest this their love each to other 1 In a faithfull diligent watching over each other in love Phil. 2.4 look not every one to his own things but every one to the things one of another there should not be such a spirit amongst Christians as was in Cain who said Am I my brothers keeper no no you are keepers of each other and it is love that will make you faithfull to each others soule in this particular The second manifestation of love is in building up one the other in the most holy faith edifying one the other in love helping forward each other in the way of holinesse being compacted together in the order fellowship of the Gospel maketh increase of the body to the edifying it self in love Eph. 4.16 3 In bearing with the weaknesses of each other Col. 3.12 13. Put on as the elect of God bewels of mercie kindnesse humblenesse of minde meeknesse long suffering for bearing one another and for giving one another even as God for Christs sake forgave you Here is the manifestation of love when you are able to beare with and forbeare one another from this principle because God hath borne with you God hath forgiven you Rom. 14.1 him that is weak in the faith receive unto you 4 In restoring a falne brother with the spirit of meeknesse Gal. 6.1 If any brother be falne through weaknesse yee that are spirituall restore such a one with the spirit of weeknesse much tendernesse is to bee used towards a brother in this case the ground is we our selves the strongest of us are subject to and may fall by the like temptation if the Lord prevent it not 5 In speaking kindly to each other good words and comfortable this is the manifestation of love and truly where there is love in the heart it will appear in the countenance in the words a cheerfull and loving countenance loving words here will be words both for the Saints and to the Saints First for the Saints to go to God in prayer Ephes 1.16 for them in their vindication when any scandall is unjustly laid upon them so Ionathan for David 1 Sam. 19.4 Ionathan spake good of David and good for David 2 In speaking kindly one to another so the Apostle Paul he ever gives the Saints the title of Brethren wherefore holy Brethren pertakers of the heavenly calling and Solomon sayth That a soft answer turneth away strife 6 And lastly love is manifested incondoling each with other in afflictions the Saints are all of them members of the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12.27 and the members of the naturall body are sensible of the sufferings of each other if one member suffer all suffer with it if one member rejoyce all rejoyce with it so it is or should be in the body spirituall we should beare part of one anothers afflictions be truly sensible of the affliction of each other and so beare part with each other bee truly sensible of the comsorts of each other and so rejoice together this is the property of true love where it is I
against the spirit and these two are contrary each to other And thus the Lord Jesus continues opposing of sin of the Iust and corruption that is in the hearts of the Saints Quest How doth Christ oppose sin and Satan for sin is Satans work 1 John 5.8 For this cause was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the work of the Devill The work of the Devill is sin hee that committeth sin is of the Devill Ans Christ destroys sin which is the Devils work two ways 1 First Christ he destroys the guilt of it and that he did in bearing both the sin guilt and condemnation of it upon his own body 1 Pet. 2.24 Rom. 8.3 and now he comes and in the Gospel makes it known unto his people Rom. 5.11 2 Hee destroyes the power of it by his spirit by the operation of his power working reigning and ruling in the hearts of his people Rom. 6.4 Now Christ subdues this iniquity by his Kingly Office reigning in the Saints Ye are not under the law but under grace under Christ in whom was manifested the fulnesse of grace This doth Christ two ways first he comes to the soule of a poore sinner discovering his excellency the riches of his grace and so shedding abroad his love in the heart gets the soule willing to receive him out of love unto him desires to have Christ set up and his Kingdome within it selfe for Christ hath never a Kingdome in the heart of man till hee thus comes and breaks in upon the soul discovering love yet now sayth the soul let Christ be King and none but him although it is true it is by his power he breaks in upon and subdues the stout spirit of man who would not willingly submit of himselfe yet Christ makes him willing by the shedding abroad of his love in the heart Rom. 5.5 So that now the Lord Jesus with the free consent of the gracious soul sets up his kingdome in the heart so that when Christ sayth My Sou give me my heart Lord take my heart sayth the soule dwell there rule there ser up thy kingdome there so that you see Christ doth not rule as Tyrant in the souls of his people but with the free and full consent of the mind of the person in whom hee reigns for this is both the wisdome and power of Christ that hee makes his people a willing people Psal 110.3 Then secondly Christ having purged the heart of man in some measure overcomes those strong lusts and affections and makes it a meet mansion house a Temple for his holy spirit to dwell in he then sets up laws and statutes in the hearts of his children in his kingdome and there he rules opposing all other laws for there are and will be the stirring of corruption and that very strongly too Now Christ first sets up the law of faith in the hearts of his people and that in opposition of infidelity for naturally the Saints are subject to infidelity through the motions of corruptions and temptations of Satan The beleeving soule when it sees what a base nature it still carries about within it selfe being sensible of the stirring of lusts and corruptions Satan helping seriously then it is troubled O this evill nature of mine sayth the soul who shall deliver me from this body of sin Now the law of Christ is to beleeve and in this condition to live by believing and so Christ enables to put faith in exercise and to beleeve above hope almost as Abraham and so hee still quiets the soule by enabling it to believe constantly in the name of the Sonne God and that when it cannot worke for hee is the Prince of our faith the authour and finisher of it and so here is in the heart of the Christian a strong conflict between the law of faith and the law of infidelity the spirit of faith and the spirit of infidelity infidelity it comes in with a mighty commanding authority upon the soule of that Christian set on by the Devils malice and perhaps sometimes seemes almost in the eyes of reason to get the victory over faith but then Christ who maintaines his laws puts them in execution arises and rayseth up the heart above those doubtings and caries on the soul in a way of beleeving still and so quashes infidelity and treads it under fect and leaves it dead executed for present by the law of faith 2 Christ sets up the law of love in his Kingdome I mean in the heart of the Saints and that in opposition to hatred For the truth is that every soul in whom Christ reigns not doth indeed hate Christ now Christ sets up this law of love in the hearts of the Saints love to himself to his holinesse to his Gospell Ordinances Saints every thing that have the name of Christ stampt upon them it loves it for his sake and this law of love opposeth hatred for there may come sometimes hard thoughts into the souls of the Saints under afflictions and fiery tryals ready perhaps to say with David Hath the Lord forgotten to be mercifull hath he shut up his tender mercy in disple asure Now the law of love comes in and helps the soule to see that there is in Christ nothing but love to it notwithstanding the souls present apprehensions and sees all things shall worke for good to them that love the Lord and so can say with the Prophet Lord out of very love hast thou afflicted me and so the soule is knit to Christ in all conditions cannot but have high thoughts of him even then when it suffers either for him or from him For him That is for want of the enjoyment of the manifestations of his pleasing countenance and the fresh incomes of his love the kissings of his mouth Cant. 1.2 or for the bearing up of his name in a visible profession of the Gospel of Christ From him Fatherly chastisements out of love to make us partakers of his holinesse Heb. 12.10 In all these sufferings when perhaps somtimes the carnall part is ready almost to quarrell against Christ this law of love quells and subdues all brings this heart-rising in subjection and knits the soule to the Lord Jesus 2 As it causeth the soule to love the Lord Jesus so it causeth it to love all that is Christs and highly to esteem of it it opposes any other Law that may seeme to arise as sometimes perhaps through the workings of Satan with the corruptions of the Saints there may be some beginnings of slighting the Saints of entertaining hard thoughts of them but then Christ stirs up and revives this Law of love in them kills that hatred those hard thoughts that it was apt to conceive against them and so knits the soule to them by a more firme united love then ever and thus this law of love overcomes this law of hatred in a word it causeth the Saints to doe all that they doe out of love the love of
this World yet they are in Scripture called Saints that is Sanctus holy see 1 Cor. 1. called to be Saints called to be holy so Heb. 3.1 Wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling so that the kingdome of Christ is or should be Saints holy ones not the world for all the world are not Saints but the Kingdome of Christ are Saints called out of the World John 15.19 Ye are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world The Church of Christ are Saints chosen out of the World they are not of the World they are a people separated or severed out of the World so was the Church of the Iews Levit. 20.26 Ye shall be holy to me for I the Lord am holy and have severed you from other people that you should be mine And thus it is with the spirituall Israel of Christ under the Gospel of which the naturall was a type they are not of this World they are called out of this World and severed or separated from the World 2 Cor. 6.14 to the end they are to be separated from the world although the world hath gotten a forme of godlinesse See 2 Tim. 3.1 5. The Apostle speaking of the last times reckons up what courses men should take what sins they should be addicted to and yet concludes they shall have a forme of godlines but from such turne away or be ye separated So that you see the Church which is Christs Kingdome are a people called out of the world they are not of this world as he is not of this world Then certainly those are no friends to Christ that would turn the World in to a Church and so make the kingdome of Christ not a spirituall but a carnall kingdom and so make the Lord Jesus a lyer for he hath said His Kingdome is not of this world but let Christ be true and every man a lyer The Church of Christ his kingdom they are such as are in the order and fellowship of the Gospel compacted together according to the Gospel rule in order and fellowship it is in the spirituall kingdome of Christ in this case as in the body politick the whole kingdome under one governmēt is but one body politick or state so the Kingdom of Christ his church although gathered in many bodies yet it is but one body and every body hath the same power the same priviledges so that it ought to be a body compacted together under the reign and rule of one Lord lesus Ephes 4.16 and the externall way by which the Saints enter into this fellow ship it is by baptisme as you may see Acts 2.41 Then they with the godly received the word and were baptized and so added but I have spoken of this formerly and therefore I passe it here 2 As Christ hath a Kingdom and that is spirituall in relation to the matter so he sets up Laws and they are spirituall the Laws of Christ in his Kingdom is 1 The law of love 2 The law of edification 1 The law of love Gal. 5.13 14. By love serve one another for all the Law is fulfilled in one word even this Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe and Jam. 2.8 It is called the royall Law of God Thou shalt love thy neighbonr as thyselfe this is the Law of the Gospel love to Christ and love to the Saints A new commandement give I unto you that yee love one another Joh. 13.34 Now this love breaks forth in causing the Saints to walke up according to every rule of the Gospel it constrains them to submit to every word to every comand of Christ it causeth the Saints to watch over each other to build up each other in the most holy faith to restore a weak brother with the spirit of meeknesse being falne Gal. 6.1 to beare one anothers burthens and so to fulfill the Law of CHRIST Thus CHRIST rules in and over his Kingdom by this law of love It is the end of the command of the Gospel love out of a pure heart and faith unfained 1 Tim. 1.5 He gives rules unto his people out of love he causeth them to obey out of love there is no condemnation in his law to his people but if they sin they have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous 1 Joh. 2.1 who is a propitiation for their sins Here is love in the King love in the subjects love in Christ commanding love in Christians obeying a Kingdom upheld and maintained by the law of love O that the God of love would increase this love more abundaritly both in your and my soul 1 Thes 3.12 The Lord make you to abound in love one towards another and to wards all men O this love is sweet amiable pleasant Psal 133.1 love to the Saints love to all men it is the way to win them to the Lord Jesus 2 Tim. 2.25 This is the main law by which Christ rules in and over his Saints his Churches his Kingdom and this is spirirituall 2 There is the law of edification 1 Cor. 14.26 Let all things be done to edifying It is the law of Christ in his Church that all things should be done to edification for the building up of the Saints in their most holy faith therefore the Apostle 1 Cor. 10.23 makes light of that which tends not to edification All things are lawfull for me but all things edifie not that is it which a Christian should looke most unto that is it that will edifie most it is the end of their compacting and building together in faith and fellowship that they might edifie each other in love Ephes 4.16 All done in the Church is for the edification of the body or should be every Ordinance that Christ hath set up in his Kingdom is for Edification Watching over each other Exhortation Admonition it is all for edification Baptisme Preaching the Supper of the Lord Communion and fellowship it is all for edification and consolation as Christ hath appointed it Act. 2.41 to 46. 1 Cor. 14.3 Church censure excommunication it is an Ordinance appointed of God for edification to bring the sinner into the sight of his sinne and that should bee the Churches end in the use of it Give him up to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the soule might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 5.5 that is the end of this ordinance and should be the Churches end in the execution of it 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus let him be Anathema Maranatha let him be accursed till the Lord come so the word Maranatha implies it consists of two Syrian words Maran out Lord Atha come till our Lord come That is as I understand it till the Lord come either in a way of love convincing him by this ordinance or to judge and condemne him so that other Scripture seems to imply 1 Cor. 5.5 That his soule may be saved in the
comfortable words to assure us that those corruptions committed after faith shall be pardoned Heb. 8.12 for these sins are indeed contrary to the holy and pure nature of God but hee pardons them and now dost think that Christ would give his life and bloud for thee when thou wast an enemy to him and so reconcile thee to himselfe and Father and now when he findes sin and corruption in thee inabilities to performe holy duties c. which he knew would be in thee before doest think he will now reject thee and cast thee off no no he will not cast thee off do not think it nay know it that God expected no better of thee he knew that thou wouldest have a vain foolish minde full of passion pride and the like farther then he gave thee power to subdue it he knew that without him thou canst doe nothing Iohn 15.5 ô therefore be not discouraged look to the Lord Jesus thy High-Priest who hath reconciled thee when thou wert an enemy Rom. 5.8 9. But God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us much more now being justified by his bloud we shall be saved from wrath through him ver 10. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved 3 A Third thing that many times troubles the Saints it is those temptations and persecutions they are lyable to in this world for the name and sake of Christ For this I shall propound these five considerations as remedies all flowing from Christ our great High-Priest 1 Consider that he hath made the salvation of every believer sure Esay 55.3 The Covenant God makes with his people is the sure mercie of David I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David that is of Christ It is sure the devill may rage and men may rage but they shall never be able to prevail Mat. 16.18 The gates of hell shall not prevail c. Feare not hell thy High-priest hath the keyes of death and hell there shall not one soule goe in there more then Christ thy High-priest permits therefore feare not him that can imprison banish kill the body and cannot kill the soule but feare him that can kill both body and soule be not afraid to confesse Christ before men and devils they shall never be able to separate between God and thy soule see the confidence of the Apostle Paul and this was his comfort and this will be thy comfort Rom. 8.35 38 39. Who shall separate us from the love of God I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord true it is afflictions will come stormes and tempests will arise but you being founded upon the rock Christ Jesus shall stand see Mat. 25. The raine discended and the flouds came and the winde blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock a poor weak soule carryed out of it selfe to Christ built wholly upon him shall stand when perhaps some that have seemed to be far more glorious professors building upon the sand upon duties and professions shall fall 2 Consider that Christ thy High-priest hath gone before thee in every condition therefore it follows Heb. 4.15 He was in all points tempted like unto us yet without sin O how should the consideration of this helpe thee through thy temptations art troubled with sin so was Christ with thy sin yet himself without sin he was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 yea and a curse for sin too and that thou shalt never be Gal. 3.13 art troubled with the Devill with temptations it may be to pride to the world c. so was Christ Mat. 4. Art persecuted so was Christ art contradicted of sinners so was Christ Heb. 12 3. art mocked scorned set out at nought so was Christ John 8.48 52. art accused perhaps for an Incendiary or pervertor of the City of the Nation so was Christ Luke 23.2 They began to accuse him saying we found this fellow perverting the Nation 3 Consider that Christ hath not only gone before in the Saints sufferings whereby hee is sensible and feelingly sensible of all the Saints sufferings but hee goes with them into their sufferings Consider Christ will be as deep in thy affliction as thy self hee takes all as done to himself Acts 9. Saul Saul why persecutest thou Me. Christ wil go with thee into thy affliction Esay 41.3 When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not over flow thee when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burnt and Esay 41.10 Feare not for I am with thee what to do not for nothing I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousnesse and this you see verified Dan. 3.25 Acts 12.7 8 6.25 in all which Christ manifested his gracious presence both for support and preservation 4 Use Is a word of consolation beloved all the Saints consolation flows frō the manifestation of Gods love in Christ their High-priest Many are the consolations that issues forth to the Saints from this full fountain of grace all received in by faith a Christians justification which he receives by faith it comes in by the bloud of CHRIST Romans 5.9 Beloved it is Christ dying that is a Christians justification Rom. 8.33 and that is the reason why the Apostle is so carefull to make known a crucified Christ 1 Co. 15.3 Christ dying for sin because it was the first truth to be received for a sinners justification but now beloved supposing I speak to those that have received this dying Christ as their alone justification I shall rather passe this first particular and come to speak of the true effects of this receiving Christ and all flows from Christ as our High-priest The first is reconciliation and peace with God every man and woman that have indeed received Christ in a way of believing as they are justified so they have peace with God this is a truth the Lord helpe you to see it Rom. 5.1 Being justified by faith wee have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And this peace Christ hath made for us by his bloud Col. 1.20 And having made peace by the bloud of his crosse c. this is a sweet mercy a rich grace for a poore sinfull creature to be reconciled to and made one with the God of Heaven think upon it beloved is not this a ground of consolation now God has nothing against thee to whom he hath given faith in his Son although it is true the Devill hee
the great commands of the Gospel Ans 1 Love is the great command and where true faith and love is there will be the effects of it 1 Tim. 1.5 Now the end of the commandement is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith unfained This is both the beginning and end the first and last in the Law of the Gospel Love first God out of love hath given us a law wee out of love yield obedience to it James calls it the royall Law Jam. 2.8 If ye fulfill the royall law according to the Scripture thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyselfe 2 Now this love is manifested 1 To Christ 2 To the Saints 1 To Christ and that first in keeping his commandements Joh. 14.23 Jesus answered and said If a man love me he will keepe my words ver 24. he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings Love will cause those in whom it is to submit to Christ in every thing 1 John 5.3 This is the love of God that wee keep his commandements that is here in is our love to God made manifest in keeping his commandements Quest What are the commands of Christ to his children with relation to himself Ans His command is first love as you have heard 2 Obedience flowing from her this obedience is first to Gospel commands 2 In a Gospell manner 3 To Gospel ends First it must be to Gospell commands wee are to heare Christ in all things not Moses Act. 3.22 him shall you heare in all things c. believers are to receive every comand as from the hands of Christ John 15.14 Ye are my friends if you doe whatsoever I command you The first command that Christ requires of believers and that next after faith received is Baptisme Mar. 16.17 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved so likewise Mat. 28.19 Disciple Nations and baptize them this was the first thing in the commission to be submitted to and it was ever so in the Apostles practice which must be our pattern Act. 2.41 As many as gladly received the Word that is believed the truth of the Gospel and gladly received the Lord Jesus the summe and substance of the Gospel were haptized so Act. 8.12 They believed and were baptized both men and women so Act. 16. Lydia and the Goalar In a word this was the first duty that ever the Saints performed the first ordinance that ever they subscribed to after faith received in the Scripture there is neither precept nor president either to baptize before faith or after to teach faith or else after faith is received to neglect or slight baptisme it being a command of Christ love in the Saints compelling them to yield obedience to every ordinance of Christ for his own sake with an expectation of a farther discovery and manifestation of love and grace from God in his own ordinance in his own way Now I confesse there are many objections that by many are made against this truth who plead for and practice the baptizing of insants But because I have in another treatise indeavoured from the light of Scripture to cleare the truth and answer those objections I shall in this place passe them by onely by reason of our late conference I shall briefly touch upon these three Scriptures we then had in disputation The first is Act. 2.38 39. The promise is to you and to your children c. The Promise in this place was concluded upon that it was remission of sins and the gifts of the holy spirit hence was drawn this conclusion that the infants of believers found as large an interest in this promise as their parents and therefore ought to bee baptized Which I cannot but deny and assirme that the promise here was to the Iews as many as the Lord did call to their children as many as the Lord should call to the Gentiler afar off as many of them as the Lord should call There is a sound truth in the Scripture thus interpreted for God gave remission of sius his spirit all the good things of the Gospel to as many as he called both Iow and Gentile and so he will to the worlds end and indeed he never promised it to any other He that believeth on the Son hath life he that believeth not hath not life Joh. 3.31 If the promise of the Covenant of grace remission of sins and the goodthings of the Gospel had been to the Iews that beleeved and to their naturall seed it must then have been made good to them or else there was no truth in the promise but it was never made good to them for then they had not been apostated as they are to this day nay the Lord was so far from intending any such thing to the Iews that hee intended their rejection and casting off Rom. 11.15 neither was the promise to the naturall seed of the believing Gentiles but the elect of God both Iews and Gentiles obtain it Rom. 2.7 and God under the Gospel makes no difference between the seed of the believer and unbeliever with relation to their Generation but it is grace that makes the difference The second Scripture was Mar. 10.13 14. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdome of God That which is hence inferred is that children are blessed that they are a part of the Church and therefore have a right to baptisme whereas it is very probable that those infants were brought to Christ to be cured of some diseases for the Text sayth They brought young children to him that he might touch them and he blessed them that is gave them the blessing they came for to wit health and cure and whereas Christ sayth of such is the kingdome of heaven that is of such qualified spiritually as those infants were naturally so Christ himselfe interprets it ver 15. Verily I say unto you whosoever doth not receive the Kingdome of Heaven as a little childe be shall not enter therein that is whosoever doth not receive the Kingdom of God both of grace and glory as a little childe that is humble and meek and teachable able to doe nothing himselfe but Christ is his all and in all he shall never enter therein so that Christ takes occasion from those little infants to discover a Gospel mystery a mystery indeed to naturall men Mat. 18.2 3. The third Scripture was that in 1 Cor. 7.14 The unbelieving wife is sanctified to the believing husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy Now it was first granted that the sanctification of the wife is but a civill sanctification shee is sanctified to his use that he ought not to put her away 2 This was granted also that holinesse is a fruit of sanctification then I say the fruit or effect cannot be greater then the cause the cause cannot produce a greater effect then it selfe the cause being onely a civill sanctification the holinesse of the children
have very briefly hinted upon some particulars much more might be said in this particular but I desire not to be tedious in this place I might branch forth in many other particular Gospel commands which would be too tedious only thus where the love of Christ is indeed shed abroad by the holy spirit there love cōstrains the soul to yeeld itself up wholly to the Lord Jesus all his comands whatsoever things are of good report whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are warranted and required in Gospel the soule that truly loves the Lord Iesus is ready in the peace and strength of Jesus to walk up unto it it will not consult with flesh and bloud it will not stand upon carnall arguments but as the Lord Jesus hath glorified mercy grace and love in doing unto the soule so it will now look what it is may conduce to the exaltation of his name then the soule that truly loves the Lord Jesus is satisfied let the name of Iesus have the glory and the soul that truly loves him hath its end and and rests satisfied Use It concernes every one to looke if Christ hath been their Prophet hath Christ given thee a heart willing to submit unto him in all things ready in his power to yeeld universall obedience to all his commands ô it neerly concerns you to try your selves and if so then whether your obedience flows from love It is possible there may be externall obedience from base and by-ends and then all is nothing Love is the fulfilling of the Law whatsoever is done in love that is from the love of Christ shed abroad in the heart is well done but all done without love is nothing preaching praying professing communicating it is all nothing without love it is one thing to preach and pray and professe it is another thing to doe it out of love to Christ then it is a fruit of faith Faith worketh by love and all works done without this are not acceptable 1 Cor. 13.1 2. Though I speak with the tongue of men and angels and have not love it is nothing it is but as a sounding brasse or tinkling eymball a man may have excellent words fine composed sentences admirable expressions all flowing from a notionall knowledge that may much affect the eares and hearts of the people and yet all be but a sound of words attained by art as a sounding brasse or a tinkling cymball which seems to make a sweet sound to the eare when there is nothing in it indeed but a composure of humane art and so being brought out of that frame there is nothing indeed worth looking after or harkning unto even so are those persons who seemingly do glorious actions and yet indeed have not the love of God in them But to proceed the third thing that Christ usually teacheth his people as to beleeve which faith you have heard produceth its effects so in the third place he teacheth them to live by faith that is to act and exercise this faith upon all occasions in all times according as they have need to make use of it and indeed this is a great Gospel mystery which the Saints are too much ignorant of It is one thing to have faith and another to live by faith it is one thing to have legs and another thing to make use of them to goe with them Quest What is it to live by faith Ans 1 It is to exercise faith that is to make use of it as need requires or 2 It is a living upon Christ in the want of all things Or 3 It is a living by believing of what the soul shall one day enjoy 1 It is to exercise faith as occasion calls for it that is to exercise it upon the object for faith hath ever an object and if it be right and true the object is Christ now it is true there is occasion for the Christian to exercise faith in every condition either Internally or Externally for the Christian hath many enemies to encounter with all the flesh and the Devill and the World all these comes in a mayn upon the soul Now faith overcomes 1 The flesh that will be ever lusting against the spirit Satan comming in working by it self will be in every action self wisdom self priding and self boasting this is contrary to the mind of the spirit and now the spirit is troubled and freed so that many times there is a hot conflict in the soule of the Saint but how comes the Christian to overcome it by cying and applying Christ it can say as Paul I haue a body of sin a proud cursed self seeking nature but thanks to God through Jesus Christ c. and there is no condemnation to them in Christ It is true I have a base nature a wicked cursed deceitfull proud self-seeking heart yet the Lord hath let forth a glimpse of his glory to my soul hee hath let mee see and hath sealed this by his spirit unto me that I am in Christ and there is no condemnation for me and so by faith seeking to Christ the soul overcomes this enemy flesh and then secondly it ever lives in believing that this fleshly corrupt part shall be every day more and more subdued and so is ever cying a crucified Christ for the killing and crucifying of this body of sin 2 The Devill hee will come in with his darts daying hard and heavy things to the charge of the soul although the Apostle faith Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifieth although God himself pronounce a man cleet and just yet the Devill will come in and endevour to make work in the godly justified soule O sayth the Devill thou art a vile cursed creature thou hast a base earthly carnall heart thou art able to performe no duty but it is full of sin and as good never a whit as never the better Thy services hadst thou no other sin to be accountable for are enough to condemne thee and besides all the rest of thy sins of thy basenesse in performing duty this is that is worst of all thou hast a wicked proud heart of thine owne thou art ready when ever God hath assisted thee to take the honour to thy selfe and to pride thy selfe in those weak duties thou performest What sayst thou to this Christian hast any experience of this try all in thy soule I dare say thou hast if Christ dwell there but what course will you take to over come in this combat see Ephes 6.16 There are the enemies the Saints are to encounter with they are no small no mean enemies see Verse 12. and the armour the Christians armour it s all armour of proof but above all take the sheeld of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fire darts of the wicked the Devill will come and come againe hee will have one dart and another dart now the way to overcome is
tast of the excellencie it shall one day enjoy in Christ Quest Now what is it that bears up the soule in this condition how doth the soule live in the want of this full enjoyment of God Answer 1 By faith he can look upon God as having a relation to him God in Christ is my God sayth the soule and I shall one day enjoy him I shall one day see him and for ever be satisfied in the beholding of him this quiets this satisfies the believing soule it is content to wait upon God hee that believeth maketh not haste It is in this case with the believing Christian as with a loving and tender wife her desire is always to live in the enjoyment of her husband but when her husband is absent far away from her it may be shee receives now and then a comfortable letter from him wherein shee sees a glimpse of his love and reads his letter and wil have as much fellowship with him in his letter as shee can shee will look to every word every sentence and note what expressions of love shee can finde there and then shee is cheer'd and comforted I have a letter from my husband sayth the loving wife wherein he lets sorth a caste of his kindnesse and love unto me O here are sweet words of love of a tender affection But sayth the wise this is not all hee will come home unto me at the time appointed and I shall enjoy him and this is that which most of all cheeres up the heart of the wife my husband will returne at the time appointed Thus it is with the beleeving Christian nothing lesse then the enjoyment of God can give satisfaction to the soule that hath once rasted of him but beloved the Lord Jesus the souls beloved is gone as far as any hee hath only espoused betrothed the soule to himself he hath reserved the full enjoyment that the beleeving soule shall have in him till another world only hee discovers this his love le ts forth a glimpse of his glory into the souls of the Saints and then the soule having once tasted of God how good how gracious the Lord is then nothing but the full enjoyment of Christ can satisfie Now the Lord Christ hath left his word here for his beloved to have recourse unto and there he hath made known his love and his heart to his poore people and now the soule that longs after Christ hath recourse to the Scripture and there searches what Christ hath said when the soule meets Christ in the Scripture then it is cheer'd then it is comforted here is a blessed word sayth the soule Christ is my all and in all though I cannot come to the full enjoyment of him and then the believing soule will to ordinances preaching and the Supper of the Lord fellowship and communion of Saints get what it can of Christ meet with her beloved every way God hath appointed for that purpose but still this is the great support my beloved will come at the time appointed he is gone to receive for himselfe a Kingdome and he will return and I shall enjoy him in his fulnesse in his perfection and here the soule lives and waits patiently here the anchor of hope is cast and holds the soule close to the Lord Jesus living by believing what it shall one day enjoy Heb. 11.1 2 That which the gracious soule longs after is a full and perfect freedome from corruption it is that body of sin that burthens the Saints that is it makes them cry with the Apostle Paul O wretched man that I am Who shall deliver me from this body of death and the gracious soule could well be contented somtimes to embrace death that it might be freed from this body of death under which God is pleased for ends best known to himselfe to exercise his children under Now what is it bears up the Spirits of the Saints in this condition it is this the believing of this that they shall one day be rid of this base proud deceitful heart a day is comming when I shall change this vile body of sin and I shall be made like unto the glorious body of Jesus Christ Phil. 3.21 I am already justified and so made a Son a daughter of God and this I know I shall one day be made like unto him 1 John 3.2 This is that which cheers the heart of a Christian many times when it is in a low condition when put to a stand in the beholding of those base haunts of heart that it findes within it selfe when perhaps it is put to a stand in the beholding of it O sayth the soule what I after so much experience of Gods love so much faith in the name of Jesus and have such a base heart such a thought for wickednesse the Christian is somtimes put almost to a stand here but then he comes to consider God is wise and he is pleased to exercise me under this body of sin to keepe me in a continuall dependancie upon himselfe and this is my comfort I shall one day be rid of all these enemies of mine and I shall one day enjoy the Lord Jesus in his holinesse and in his glory When Christ which is my life shall appear then shall I appear with him in glory Col. 3.4 and in this case the believing soule lives in believing what it shall one day enjoy namely freedome from sin glorious liberty even the glorious liberty of the Sons of God 3 The Saints of God are subject to afflictions and reproaches while they are in this world so Christ sayth Iohn 16.3 In the world yee shall have tribulation It is true Christ hath prepared a Kingdome for them but they are not like to enjoy it in this world I mean that Kingdom of glory although it is true they enjoy much of God here in this Kingdom of grace The Kingdom of God is within you But the Saints here are liable to persecutions and afflictions now the beleeving Christian lives in beleeving it shall one day bee freed from those hard things it suffered here free'd from evill men and I shall one day have a Kingdom sayth the soule Thus Paul comforts himselfe 2 Cor. 5.1 2 Tim. 4.5 6 7. and this was it with which Peter comforts the scattered Jews 1 Pet. 1.3 4 5. They were begotten to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled reserved in heaven for them and this was the ground of that exhortation to constancy to the end in time of affliction Rev. 2.10 Be faithfull to the death and you shall have a crown of life Thus Christians have I indeavoured both from the light of Scripture add the light of experience to hint out briefly unto you a taste of the Christians living by faith and this Christ teacheth all those whom he effectually teacheth Heb. 10.38 I might proceede to other particulars namely that Christ teacheth us to own him as our Priest as our King it is Christ our Prophet indeed that
it is the preaching of the Gospel that discovers it I give you these grounds 1 A man never savingly sees his evill condition without a Christ but it is the spirit of God that discovers it unto him this all that are sound in the faith agree unto then the preaching of the Law brings not this spirit see Gal. 3.2 This onely would I learn of you sayth the Apostle speak out of your experience received yee the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith Beloved God hath appointed his spirit to be the means in the preaching of the Gospel to convince the world of sin Iohn 16.9 It is the spirit of God that convinceth the world of sin and that in the preaching of faith the Apostle was once alive without the Law that is without the spirituall understanding of the Law but when the commandement came sin reigned and I dyed that is when Christ had opened his eyes to see into the spirit of the Law for you may see Act. 9.4 5 c. the ministry by which Paul comes to see himselfe is the voyce of Christ I am Iesus of Nazereth then Paul comes trembling c. so that it is Christ in the preaching of the Gospel which is glad tydings for sinners remission of sins for believers and this Gospel this glad tydings cannot be rightly held forth to the world but with all men must be shewed that they are sinners and the emptinesse of duties all other foundations must be discovered the danger of not accepting Christ c. this preaching of Christ and faith in opposition to all legall works and duties is the means Christ hath appointed to bring men to the knowledge both of himselfe and themselves it is true every man and woman without faith is bitten with the fiery serpent the fiery Law but are not sensible of it till Jesus come in the preaching of the Gospel to discover it unto them So that this is the reason why Christ is to be lifted up in the dayes of the Gospel that sinners who behold him may live This is the reason following my Text That whosoever believeth in him may not perish but have everlasting life this is the main reason of the exaltation of Christ that men believing may have life this is ever annexed to the preaching of the Gospel Mar. 16.16 Goe preach the Gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized that is whose faith produceth obedience shall be saved This is the reason of the Gospel preaching you see and this is the reason why Christ came into the world that men might have life through him John 10.10 for this end God gave him Ioh. 3.16 God had never sent his Son into the world had it not been that men by believing in him might have life and therefore hath Christ left this Ordinance of preaching in the world that men might be brought to believe and therefore those men are me thinks much beside the truth and the Gospel who pretend to hold forth Christ dying for all alike and yet deny the preaching of the Gospel the means by which God brings over the soules of men and women to believe Rom. 10.17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Those who deny the preaching of the Gospel deny the meanes of working faith Quest But may every one that will believe Answ Every one to whom God gives faith to believe may and shall believe for faith is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 and God works faith by the preaching of the Gospel and this is the maine end of the exalting and lifting up of Christ in the Gospel that men by believing in him may have life and therefore is he to be lifted up as the serpent upon a pole above all things all duties creatures legall performances any thing that the creature may rest upon beneath him Thus you see beloved the truth cleered that Christ is to be exalted in the dayes of the Gospel Use Generally three 1 A word of Examination 2 Of Exhortation 3 Of Consolation 1 A word of Examination and that is double 1 For our selves in particular what say you to this Hath Christ been lifted up in your soules above all things hath he had the preheminence above all he who is indeed above all and in all and through all Have your souls seen Christ the chiefe among ten thousand and is it still so with you are you satisfied with him as the wife with her husband lying down in the bosom of love content with him and him alone seeing and enjoying all comfort and consolation in him Is Christ exalted in your soules as your alone Priest and atonement your peace-maker with God or else doe you look upon any thing beneath Christ as the ground of your peace I feare me the Saints live too much below Christ and that is the cause of so much sadnesse of spirit resting upon duties and legall performances they deprive themselves of much comfort they might otherwise enjoy 2 Is Christ exalted as your alone Prophet to teach you are your eyes upon the Lord Jesus in all his dispensations expecting teaching from him Is Christ exalted as King in thy soule submitting to him in all things yielding uniuersall obedience to him and that out of love submitting to all his laws and statutes 2 Examination Whether Christ have been thus exalted in the Kingdom in the Nation as they desire to stand to him under the relation of a Church as their Priest Prophet and King and in all these it would easily appear that he hath not been thus exalted he hath not been exalted the alone Priest and atonement indeed and in truth but in word and shew but duties preparations and qualifications have been held forth with him and that none but those thus fitted and qualified might in any case believe First bringing men to the Law and then to Christ which is a legall way and not evangelicall it is true the Jews were first brought to the Law and then to Christ but under the Gospel men are first to bee brought to the Gospel to Christ and then to duties of the Gospel for all preparations and qualifications whatsoever which is not of faith is sin and I am sure faith comes by preaching of the Gospel not of the Law Mar. 16.16 17. Therefore the preaching of qualifications and preparations before faith is sin for all things before or without faith is sinne 2 Hath Christ been received as the alone Prophet to teach hath his Word been made the rule of all actions submitting to him in all things Act. 3.22 23. any way Judge of the truth of it 3 Hath Christ been exalted as King to submit to him as the alone law giver of his Church of his people hath not man been submitted unto hath not man sate in the feare of God making laws and constitutions of their own compelling all thereunto as once Darius made a Decree Dan. 6. That all that should
THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST In the dayes of the Gospel As the alone High-Priest Prophet and King Of Saints By THOMAS COLLIER somtimes Teacher to the Church in Yorke 1 Cor. 2.2 For I determined not to know any thing among you save Iesus Christ and him crucified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 LONDON Printed by R. L. for Giles Calvert at the black Spred-Eagle at the West end of Pauls MDCXLVI The Epistle to the Reader PIous Reader such is the transcendent Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ that we may say of it as the a Arist Anima Phylosopher somtimes spake concerning the Soule of Man Praestat paucula exmeliora scientia degust âsse quàm de ignobiliore multa that is A small dim understanding of it is to be valued farre above any other science And the Apostle esteemed all things losse and dung 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus Phil. 3.8 Now that thou mayst grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ here is offered to thy diligent perusal a little Treatise wherein Christ Is exalted in all his Offices It contains three parts the first treats of his High-Priests Office the second contains his Propheticall Office and the third handles his Kingly Office Thou must not expect Excellencie of speech and the enticing words of mans wisdom but thou maist by Gods blessing learn somthing more of the excellencie of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus and mayest finde the tongue of the Learned speaking a word in season to thy weary soule in the plain and powerfull evidence and demonstration of the Spirit and such is the excellencie of Scripture learning which contains in it florem delibatum the flower quintescence of soul-saving-knowledge that it will abundantly satisfie the hungry soule A man may have excellent knowledge in other things and yet perish but this is life eternall to know God and Jesus Christ John 17.3 There are some shinings forth of the eternall Power godhead in the creatures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So that the invisible things of him from the creation of the World are cleerly seen being understood by the things that are made we know the diffused brightnesse of the Sun-beams is not so pleasant in large windows nor can the bright shinings of him who is invisible be so cleerly sweetly pleasantly discerned in the creatures as in the face of Jesus Christ in whom dwels the fulnesse of the God-head bodily Col. 3.9 And in whose face the light of the knowledge of the glory of God hath shined in the hearts of his Justified-sanctified ones 2 Cor. 4.6 and therefore by way of eminencie Jesus Christ is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Brightnesse of his glory and the expresse Image of his substance Heb. 1.3 O how excellent then is the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and how acceptable will this little Treatise be unto those who with a spirituall appetite are enquiring after the true knowledge of Christ in all his Offices The Author being far distant from the City could not see to the correcting of his Book and it is an usuall thing for some faults to escape the Presse un-corrected in such a case which thou maist amend with thy pen as thou readest and for any materiall thing which thou apprehendest not sound carry it to the Touch-stone of the Word Try all things and hold fast that which is good And as we would have others moderate in censuring us Hanc veniam petimusque damusque vicissim go and do thou likewise if but a mite of knowledge shall be through Gods blessing by this his labour added to thy understanding let God have the glory and the Author hath his end Thy friend and the Truths servant Hanserd Knollys The Table A ADmire We are to admire the Wisdome of God page 42. The love of God 45. The iustice of God 48. And the power of God page 50 Agreement betweene Christ and the Iewish High-priests page 16 B BAptism and Circumcision are not one 96. proved ibid. Baptisme is not come in the place of Circumcision page 100 Believers the iustice of God as well as his mercy pleads for them page 50 Bloud of Christ makes peace page 19 C CHrist to be lifted up how 2 3. When he is exalted 10 12 13. He is the Saints righteousnesse 11. He is meat and drink to them 14. He is their cloathing 15. Sin laid upon him 35. He bare the sins of his people ibid. Hee is the wisdom of the Father 43. His offering what 16. He excels the Iewish High-priest 27 Wherein he doth it 18 19. How he bears the names of the Saints upon his heart 21 22 23. How hee taught his people before hee came in the flesh 84. Hee is the Teacher of his people now he is in heaven 85. How be teacheth his people 114. His Kingdome in this world is twofold 203. Why be rules in it page 237 Circumcision and Baptisme not the same 96. Proved page 97 Church of the Iews under the Law and of Christ under the Gospell how they differ 94. The Iewish Church Typicall page 94 Commands of the Gospell what page 60 Covenant the misunderstanding of it what evill it brings page 109 D DEny why men should Deny themselves 147. Why Christ teacheth men so to do page 151 154 155 Difference betweene the Iewish High-priest and Christ 16 17 27. Between the Iewish Church and the Christian Churches 94 Between the Iews priviledges and the priviledges of Christians under the Gospel page 101 E EFfects of receiving Christ page 75 Effects of the Kingdom of Christ in the sule page 220 Eternity God loved his from Eternity how page 39 Evill the misunderstanding of the Covenant what Evill page 109 Exalted When Christ is Exalted 12 13. How be is to be Exalted 15. Why he is to be Exalted page 247 Excellency of the grace of love among the Saints page 176 F FAith Why God gives it to his people 66. What it is to live by Faith 165. How it overcomes the Devill 188. When we live by Faith page 190 Fiery Serpent what page 248 Foolish Why the Virgins Math. 25. called foolish page 57 G GOd laid sin upon Christ 35. Hee hath nothing against the Saints 57. His glory and the Saints good ioynd together page 146 Gospel faith what page 122 Grace man cannot fall away from Grace page 25 H HIghpriest Christ is the Highpriest of his people 15. The Iewish Highpriest and Christ the High priest their agreement 16. Their difference page 17. I INtercession of Christ 40. How hee Intercedes for the Saints 41. Whether it be part of his satisfaction page 41 Ioy peace with God the ground of it page 77 Iustice of God to be admired 48 49. It pleads for Believers page 50 K KIngdome of Christ in this World twofold 203 The effects of it page 220 Kingly Office of Christ 202. Kingly power in Israel after the flesh a Type of Christs Kingly power in
the spirituall Israel page 95 Knowledge of Christ brings men to the knowledge of themselves page 117 L LIve by saith what 165. How the soule doth live in the want of the full enioyment of him page 103 Love of God to be admired 45 It is free Ibid. Full 45. Everlasting 47. What love is 170. Properties and effects of it 172. It is quieted in the single enioyment of Christ 174. It slights all hardships 175. Love among the Saints the excellencie of it 176. It covers a multitude of infirmities 178. It is an everlasting grace 179. How it is manifested page 193 M MAns righteousnesse what page 10 Marter of Christs Kingdom spirituall page 223 Miracles How Christ Works them at this day page 199 N NEw Why Christs commandement called new page 169 Naturall conscience and the Law have a conflict 217. How to know it page 228 O OBedience the fruit of faith page 123 Offering of Christ what 16. The offering of the High-priest what page 16 17 Offices of Christ 15. Priestly Office of Christ wherein it consists 32. Office of Christ as Prophet page 82 P PEace with God the ground of a Christians ioy page 77 Power of God to be admired page 50 Priests Christ hath made the Saints Priests page 71 Priviledges of the Iews and of Christians their difference 101. Priviledges under the Gospel what page 101 Propheticall office of Christ page 82 R REconciliation wrought by Christ page 32 33 Remedies against corruption oppressing the soule 64 65. against temptations page 71 Resting in any thing beneath Christ what an evill page 57 58 59 Righteousnesse if Christ onely iustifies 11. Righteousnesse of man what page 10 15 Rule for Baptisme not one with the rule for Circumcision 97. The Scripture the rule by which Christ teacheth his people page 92 S SAints Why oftentimes sorrowfull 20. They are made Priests 78. God hath nothing against them 78. Their estate happy in the world to come page 80 Selfe-denyall 124 125. Selfe-sinfull 125. Selfe-righteous 127. Selfe-wisdom 131. Selfe-profit 134. Selfe-pleasure 135. Selfe-love 141. Selfe-will page 142 Selfe-sufficiencie 144. Selfe-ends page 145 T TEach Christ teacheth those whom he teacheth to know themselves 109. To believe 121. How wee may know when Christ teacheth the soule page 156. seq Type The Iewish Church a Type of the Christian Church 94. Kingly power put in Israel after the flesh a Type of the spirituall power Christ hath in his Church page 95 V VIrgins Mat. 25. Why called foolish page 57 W WIsdom of God to be admired 42. Christ the wisdom of the Father page 43 Word The Word is the rule by which Christ teacheth his people page 86 World to come what benefit to the Saints page 80 Worke of the Devill Christ destroys two wayes page 205 Errata Pag. 14. l. 7. for her 1 He p. 23. l. 11 your thou p. 26. l. 3. for hear no pray r. hear nor pray p. 66. l. 7 as r. us p. 67. l. 19. two r. few p. 76. l. 8. the r. thou P 79. l. 14. stay r. way p. 88 l. 4. walk r. work l. 15. to r. too p. 89. l. 10. That is mentioned is the first r. The first that is mentioned is p. 100. l. 10. once should the type r. once come the type should p. 103. l. ult or r. are p. 118. l. 25. dele o p. 132. l 22. put in not p. 140. l. 17 was not so r. was so p. 186. l. 1. for freed r. frets p. 187. l. 24. fire r. fiery p. 198. l. 14. add r. and p. 219. l. 10. enow r. ere now p. 225. l. 26. professe r. proceed p. 233. l. 4. dele It. THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST The alone High-priest of SAINTS CHAP. I. JOHN 3.14 And as Moses lift up the Serpent in the wildernesse so it behoves the Son of man to be lift up c. THis text presents you with the exaltation of the Lord Jesus and the manner of it Occasioned by a discourse between Christ Iesus and Nicodemus from the beginning of the Chapter these words being a part of that discourse and they are the words of Christ who is truth it self and cannot lie the faithfull and true witnesse the Alpha and Omega the first and the last of all truths and heavenly mysteries of the Gospel The text divided in two parts In this Scripture you may be pleased to take notice of two particulars first an act to be done Christ lifted up Secondly how it must be done even as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wildernesse c. I shall not meddle with that title by which Christ is pleased to describe himself the sonne of man I might note that Christ is the sonne of man and so true and perfect man as well as God Romans 3.4 But I shall rather pitch upon the mayne glorious Gospell truth held forth in this Scripture and the truth or conclusion is this Doct. That the Lord Jesus Christ now in the dayes of the Gospel is to be lifted up even as Moses lifted up these pent in the wildernesse Christ is to be lifted up now in the dayes of the Gospel Note 1 Christ is to bee lifted up in the preaching of the Gospel 2 In the soule of believers 1 In the preaching of the Gospell and that first for justification and life as the alone Priest Attonement and peace maker between God and his people 2 He is to be lifted up as the alone Prophet to teach as the alone King and Law-giver to his Church and people And this is to be done both in the preaching of the Gospel and in the hearts of believers 1 In the preaching of the Gospel Christ is to be lifted up for justification and life this was the end for which Christ came into the world John 10.10 I am come that yee might have life and that yee might have yet more abundantly ô beloved Christ came to give life to dead soules John 5.25 The dead shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and they that heare shall live and this life Christ communicates to his in giving his life to purchase life for his own who were dead in trespasses and sins Ephes 2.1 And so freely and fully ustifies all whom he intends to save Rom. 3.24 And this justification although free through the redernption that is in Christ yet we come to participate of that justification by faith Rom. 3.26 27 28. And the preaching of the Gospell is the Instrumentall means in the hand of God working faith Rom. 10. from ver 14. to 17. Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the Word of God therfore Christ is to be exalted in the preaching of the Gospel for justification and life that men beholding him may have life by him See this truth confirmed Mat. 10.27 What I tell you in darknesse speak yee in the light and what ye hear in the eare that preach yee on the house tops Note what Christ doth tell his servants in the darke he
is that he is called a Lamb slain from the beginning beloved Christ having undertaken to become a High-Priest a peace-maker between God and man nothing lesse then his bloud could doe it Heb. 9.22 Without bloud there is no remission no justification without bloud Christs dying is a Christians justification Rom. 5.9 being now justified by his bloud we shall be saved c. no purging of sin without bloud Heb. 9.14 how much more shall the bloud of Christ who through the eternall spirit offered himself purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God Rev. 1.5 who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own bloud c. there is no pardon and so no peace without bloud Heb. 9.22 Thus beloved you see that all must be done by bloud and that by the bloud of Christ too the bloud of all the creatures in the world nay of all the men in the world was not able to redeem to make satisfaction for one soule nay for one sin nothing lesse then the bloud of Christ could doe it 1 Pet. 1.18 19. silver and gold could not doe it the bloud of creatures could not doe it Heb. 10.5 It is not possible that the bloud of buls and goats should take away sin Object But some may say that God had never any thing against his elect he ever loved them from eternity Jer. 31.3 I have loved thee with an everlasting love Ephes 1.4 he chose us in him from before the foundatien of the world Ans True God ever loved his elect and ever intended mercie and love unto them yet he so loved them as with relation to the death of his Son and from everlasting determined to satisfie his justice to take away sin and work peace by the death of his Son and the truth is that God had as really an eye to the death of his Son from all eternity and saw it as actually then as if Christ had then suffered see Ephes 1.4 He chose us in him from before the foundation of the werld in him with relation to his death to his making satisfaction for sin not that God could not have made the Saints at once and have saved them presently and never have suffered them to sin but this is the way God in his wisdome appointed to manifest his mercie on the vessels of mercie and his justice on his enemies so that now beloved God having appointed this to be the means to bring sons to glory there could never have been any remission any peace but by a dying Christ therfore he is called a Lamb slain from the foundation of the World Rev. 13.8 and indeed Christ was as a lamb ever slain in Gods account and he beheld all things as present and saw both the work of creation redemption and glory of his Saints from all eternitie The second part of Christs priestly office consists in his intercession at the right hand of the glory of his Father Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed year ather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Heb. 7.25 Hee ever liveth to make intercession Beloved this is one part of Christs Priestly office to intercede for the Saints Note beloved Christ intercedes 1 In the Saints 2 For them 1 In them Rom. 8.26 27. The Spirit it selfe to wit of Christ Gal. 4.6 Maketh intercession for us or in us according to the will of God that is God by his Spirit helpeth us to ask things according to the will of God for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit helpeth us c. 2 He maketh intercession For us also hee ever liveth to make intercession O blessed word for the Saints hee maketh intercession for every particular Saint hee maketh intercession for his Churches for us saith the Apostle and through him it is wee have accesse with boldnesse unto the Father c. Object But some may object did not Christ make satisfaction peace and reconciliation when hee dyed upon the crosse when he sayd It is finished Ans It is true that Christ in his death and resurrection finished the work of mans justification Rom. 5.9 being justified by his bloud and he made peace and reconciliation Col. 1.20 having made peace by the bloud of his crosse but wee are not to understand by Christs interceding any new act of Christ done eyther in way of satisfaction or justification neyther are wee to understand that Christ sits in Heaven pleading with the Father in words as a counfellour pleads a cause before the judge but Christ is in Heaven with the Father at his right hand that is in glory with him presenting our persons and in presenting our persens all our services in his owne person not by any new act of doing but by the worth of his merits the excellency of his person the neer relation of the Saints to himself viz. members of his body so that now God cannot look upon the Son but he must behold the Saints in him he having so neer a relation to his Father both by his personall presence and the excellent worth of his merits whose bloud spake better things then the bloud of Abel Heb. 12.24 he continually makes intercession to God for the Saints Esay 53.12 He hath poured out his soule to the death and he was numbred among the transgressors he bare the sins of many and made intercession for the transgressors here you have the whol priestly office of Christ 1 Bearing sin and so working peace 2 Making intercession by that means for transgressors Use If so that Christ Jesus is to be exalted and lifted up as the alone High-Priest in the dayes of the Gospel hence will properly arise foure words of application 1 A word of Admiration 2 A word of Information 3 A word of Exhortatiō 4 A word of Consolatiō Use First a word of Admiration O what cause have the Saints to admire God who hath manifested himselfe in his Son I say to admire him 1 His Wisdom 2 His Love and his Mercie 3 His Iustice 4 His Power all manifested in his Son to and for the good of sinners whom he maketh Saints 1 How should the Saints admire his wisdom truly beloved the wisdom of God as in other things so in this particular making peace by the bloud of his Son is very admirable the wisdom of God wonderfully appeared in the whole work of God with relation to the creation Iob 37.14 15 16. Chap. 38.4 c. and this the Saints should be acquainted with that their hearts might admire him But the redemption of the Saints is much more admirable for beloved this was Gods end in making a world that he might set forth his wisdom in the redemption of the Saints Esay 40. The Lord speaking as it seems with relation to the comming of his Son a Saviour ver 11. he shall feed his flock like a sheepherd
any thing know it But when Christ commeth he teacheth men to deny it to cast off all their own righteousnesse as filthinesse see Paul who was indeed full of selfe righteousnesse before his conversion as himselfe confesseth Phil. 3.5 6. He was circumeised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the Tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews and touching the Law a Pharisie concerning zeale persecuting the Church touching the righteousnesse which is in the Law blamelesse here was a righteous soule who would think now this man should have any need of a Christ but follow him a little and see the change all this must bee denyed cast off and rejected as a thing of naught as filthy polluted things see ver 7 8 9. But what things were gain to mee those I counted losse for Christ that is those things that I once esteemed gain all that confidence that I had in the flesh I see they were all nothing I was content to lose them all for Christ Yea doubtlesse and I account all things but losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the losse of all things that is all that was mine own and doe count them dung that I may win Christ Beloved here is selfe-denyall in a wonderfull measure to account all your own righteousnesse but as dung or filthinesse that you may win Christ and be found in him not having mine own righteousnesse which is of the Law the Apostle exclaims that casts it away but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by faith here is a denying of righteous selfe a rejecting of all his own righteousnesse as nothing nay as very filthinesse and believe it where Christ comes in some measure he teacheth this lesson I confesse this is a very hard lesson flesh and bloud cannot attain it herein lies the great mystery of the Gospel which appears to flesh and bloud to be the greatest folly for a man to deny himselfe his dutles prayers best actions cast them down at the feet of Christ as dung and drosse O it is a hard lesson yet such a lesson as the Saints must learn yea and doe learn it in some measure from Christ See Mat. 25.37 The righteous shall say Lord when saw we thee hungry and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink Note it the Saints dis-own all that ever they have done they take no notice of it they doe not remember it It was not that whereon they built their consolation they looked to the righteousnesse of Christ and there they lay their salvation And note again Christ remembers the good works of the Saints when they doe not remember it themselves O it is a sweet thing to be above these things then Christ will remember them but when men live upon these things and come to remember duties as a ground of comfort then Christ will not remember them see Mat. 22.23 Christ will professe I never knew you Now the want of this grace in this particular it occasions two evils the first and best of them is and that even to the Saints it deprives them of much comfort and spirituall peace the poore soule looking upon its duties seeing the weaknesse the imperfection of them hee is troubled and complains and doubts and questions its condition and all for want of selfe denyall that is not looking for any thing in those duties I dare say that the Saints duties kils them in their own apprehensions more then any other of their sins but if the Lord help you to deny your selves that is not to expect any thing in duty but lay it down at the feet of Christ and to live upon Christ your All in all you shall finde abundance of influence of grace and new manifestations of love and in your duties you shall have more fellowship and communion with God then ever it is your expectation of comfort in your own righteousnesse that deprives you of it and just it is that it should be so nay it is a mercie that it is so for if God should give thee thy desire in duties thou wouldest then live upon them and undoe thy selfe for ever The second evill that flows from hence is that men doe indeed destroy themselves by this means that is it is an instrumentall means by which they destroy themselves as all men are destroyed by some means and that is sin and by this sinne selfe righteous men destroy themselves men living and dying trusting upon their duties destroy themselves and this is that which makes men spiritually proud lifts up men when they have least cause when they live upon their own righteousnesse But Christ teacheth his to deny themselves 3 There is selfe wisdom in every man and woman naturally and this Christ teacheth his to deny all men are naturally too wise for Christ so were the Grecians 1 Cor. 1.22 The Greeks seeke after wisdome There is a great deale of carnall earthly wisdome that naturally dwels in men and this wisdome is enmity against God and Gods wisdome appears foolishnesse unto it see what the Apostle sayth 1 Cor. 3.18 If any man among you seemeth to be wise let him become a fool that he may be wise for the wisdome of the world is faolishnesse with God Here is an exhortation for a Church to take heed of selfe-wisdome you and I have need to learn this wisdome the Lord help us in it to see our selves fools see who is the right foole Prov. 28.26 Who so trusteth in his own heart is a fool The readiest way to attain wisdome is to lay all our own wisdom down at the feet of Christ the Apostle Paul had boundance of humane wisdome and learning yet he abases himselfe he accounts all not onely his righteousnesse but wisdome also but dung and drosse all losse in comparison of the excellencie af the knowledge of Christ Jesus This is true wisdom indeed truly to know God in Christ this is that wisdome which is from above that brings life eternall with it John 17.3 I beseech you consider of it hath Christ taught your souls this lesson is your wisdome heaven-borne wisdome or is it earthly is it your own wisdome I am 3.13 14 15. Who is a wise man and indued with knowledge amongst you let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meeknesse of wisdom but if yee have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glorie not ly not against the truth this wisdome descendeth from above but see ver 19. The wisdome that is from above it is first pure peaceable gentle easie to be intreated full of-mercie and good fruits it is all heavenly like him whose it is but mans wisdome is all earthly sinfull and devilish which Chist teacheth his in some measure to deny 4 There is naturally in every man selfe boasting and selfe glorying in the creatures own wisdome and apprehended selfe excellencie but where Christ teaches he
his own way will please himself whoever be displeased O how sweetly might the Saints live if the Lord teach them to deny themselves 9 Christ teacheth to deny Self sufficiencie and selfe strength there is a naturall disposition in the creature to think that it hath power in it selfe to act to wards God and those that hold freewill make it a part of their faith that although in word they seem to deny freewill yet indeed they hold it and that the creature acts of his owne strength and may fall from grace or may stand if he will but where Christ comes in power he teaches men to deny this principle John 15.5 Without me you can do nothing and the Apostle that had experience of the workings of God consesseth it 1 Cor. 15.10 I laboured more then they all yet not I but the grace of God in me and Phil. 2 13. It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure 10 And lastly there are self ends also and these Christ teacheth his to deny There is a naturall disposition in the creature to seeke himselfe and his own ends in every thing Phil. 2.21 For all seeke their own and not the things that are Jesus Christs therefore the Apostle exhorts the Corinthians 1 Cor. 10.24 Let no man seeke his own but seeke yee one anothers wealth Christ teacheth his in some measure to lay downe all self ends at his feet and to seeke him and his honour so that now what ever the Christian doth it is for Christ if he preach it is Christ and for Christ 2 Cor. 4.5 We preach not our felves but Christ Jesus the Lord and our selves your servants for Jesus sake All that ever the Saints doe they doe for the honour of Christ 2 Thes 1.11 and why they are not their own they are bought with a price therefore they are to glorifie God in their bodies and spirits 1 Cor. 6.19 20. Quest May not a Christian seeke himselfe in any case may he not seeke his own good Ans Is without question a man may seeke his own good but he may not seeke himselfe 1 He may not seeke himselfe alone but first the glory of God and in seeking to glorifie God he must of necessity seeke his own good for God hath so conjoyn'd his glory and the Saints good together that it is impossible to glorifie the Lord but the good of the Christian must be included in it for this is the Saints rule doe all to the glory of God 1 Cor. 10.31 this is the Saints priviledge All shall work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8.28 There are many base and selfe ends that professors may have in their actions as those John 6. that followed Christ for the loaves more then for love to him so it is possible that men may follow Christ for outward and by-ends although I confesse I see but little ground why men shall now turn Christians for the world for they are like to enjoy least of it as the Scribe that came to Christ and would follow him whither soever he went he thought to gain somthing by Christ Mat. 8.20 but Christ tels him that he was not like to gain what he expected The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the Sonne of man hath not where to rest his head and therefore he had no house of preferment for him It was a good resolution of the Scribe had his end been as good to follow Christ whither soever he went this is the noble resolution indeed of every one that rightly comes to Christ to follow him whither ever he leads him they follow him through good report and bad report through any tribulation to the Kingdome of heaven But those that come to Christ in expectation to gain the world they are likely for all that I know to misse of their ends Some come that they may get heaven and so they pray preach doe all to get heaven by it but they are like to misse of their end Mat. 7.22 Luke 13.26 Some professe that they may be counted Christians amongst others as the Scribes and Pharisees they did what they did to be seen of men Mat. 23.5 But these are not the Saints ends in their duties they seeke Jesus of Natereth a crucified Christ and his glory and therein they glory and rejoyce Gal. 6.14 Thus you see when Christ teacheth effectually he teacheth men to deny themselves and sindeed there is good reason for it that it should be so 1 There is great reason that man should deny his own righteousnesse or else he is like never to partake of Christs righteousnesse Christ will be the alone justifier or elsone justifier he will be all or none at all Gal. 2.16 21. Col. 3.11 Therefore the Apostle Paul who once had as much selfe-righteousnesse as another man he thought himselfe once alive but when Christ came he taught him to lay down all that was his own at the feet of Christ and to suffer the losse of all things that seemed gain to him before that he might win Christ Phil. 3.8 2 There is a necessity for Christians to deny sinful-selfe And that 1 As they stand in relation to Christ who is their justification for is it the naturall property of grace to subdue sin to purge forth iniquity Christ dwels in every justified believing soul and where Christ dwels there cannot be a love unto and a delight in sinne 1 John 3.9 Whosoever is borne of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is borne of God he doth not sin because his seed remaineth in him that is the spirit of grace and of Christ remaineth in him that now he cannot sinne because borne of God that is as he is a man born of grace he cannot sin he cannot sinwith a minde to sin with a delight in sin therefore the Apostle Paul sayth Tit. 2.11 12. The grace of God that brings salvation teacheth men to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts and to live soberly and righteously and godly in this present evill world it is the property of grace to teach men to deny ungodlinesse 2 There is great reason why it should be thus and that 1 With relation to the great contrariety that is between Christ and sin Christ and Satan for all sin is of the devil 1 John 3.8 Hee that committeth sin is of the devill Christ and Satan Christ and sin which is Satans work are one of the effects of his work are open adversaries each to other and sin and Satan are absolute rebels against Christ so that they cannot possible dwell together in one and the same soule that is the reason Christ in the Saints is ever weakning and subduing sin and Satan he ever teacheth the Saints to deny sin it being so contrary to his holy and pure nature they being made partakers of the same divine nature 2 Tim. 1.4 their
Christ constr ains them 2 Cor. 5.14 3 Christ sets up in his Kingdome the Law of meeknesse and humility and that in opposition to the Law of pride and vaineglory Learn of me sayth Christ for I am meeke and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 and this Christ sets up in the hearts of his people for he makes them partakers of his own graces Joh. 1.16 it is a fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.23 and of the Law of Christ set up in the soules of the Saints against which there is no law can prevail It is true there will be a rising somtimes in the spirits of the Saints pride will thrust it selfe in and be ready to life up the creature in the apprehension of some selfe excellencie although there is no cause yet this is a truth I believe it those that have any experience of the Kingdome of Christ or of the working of corruption know it right well pride will be pirking in ready to lift up the creature above measure either somtimes Externally to make a difference betwixt himselfe and others as nobility of birth parents or kinted honour in the world Externall carnall excellencies O how will it worke somtimes upon the heart of a poore creature as if he were sombody above others O is not thy soule sensible of this somtimes dear Christian I cannot but think it is But then comes in Christ with his law of meeknesse of humility and puls down this pride of heart and lays it low and brings the soule again to lay all in the dust what is honour sayth the believing soule what is nobility of birth this is my honour that I am a sonne a daughter of Iesus Christ and so the soule comes down ready to doe any service of love to the meanest Saint and now the Saints come to serve one another in love and now they come again to see that they are all one in Christ Iesus Somtimes Internally or with relation to Internall gifts received although we have nothing but what we receive yet this is the basenesse of mans nature it wil grow proude be ready to be lifted up even with those graces received is it not so with thy heart art thou not naturally proude doth it not presse in upon thee somtimes I know it doth and I dare say it troubles thee that art a Christian But now Christ comes with his law and casts all down to the ground lays low those mountains those strong lusts that exalt themselves thus against the Kingdome of Christ for this pride is absolutely against the Kingdome of Christ he will not have such things in his Kingdom it will thrust it selfe in but the Law of Christ discovers it and vanquisheth it and keeps the soule in an humble lowly meeke condition O consider of it where pride domineers and rules Christ hath no Kingdome in that soule there Christ dwels there he reigns where he hath made the soule humble faith in Christ doth not make men proud and high no no it is the greatest enemy to it in the world a proud heart did never can never believe before brought low in the sense of its own nothingnesse and emptynesse 4 Christ sets up in the hearts of his Saints in his Kingdom the law of patience and contentednesse in opposition to anger impatiencie and discontentednesse Rash anger impatiencic peevishnesse of spirit how will they arise and be striving somtimes in the hearts of Christians for a small matter how will the heart be out of order and distemper what words will be ready to flow forth the heart being in this temper but now in the heart of a Christian Christ puts in execution his law of patience and quietnesse of spirit O sayth Christ to the soule thou must be patient and meeke thou must learn of me didst thou ever read that I was moved to anger and impatiencie to fret and fume no not against mine enemies and then sayth the soule ô what a fool am I thus to fret and then to be angry how unlike to Christ am I and then down coms that proud peevish spirit into the dust and so foolish was I and ignorant I was even a beast before thee and then the soule is turned again into a sweet disposition of love a compound of patience not easily provoked not easily again stirred to wrath Somtimes in the soule of a Christian is apt to arise perhaps some impatiencie and discontentednesse under afflictions and persecutions hardly can it bear with patience some heart rising this way may arise but then in comes Christ purting in execution the Law of patience and contentednesse and puls downe all those impatient discontented thoughts and then let patience have her perfect worke and the soule is quieted and contented and willingly submits unto the minde of Jesus and then it can say with the Apostle Paul Phil. 4.11 I have learn'd in what estate soever I am therewith to bee content and now the soule is quieted and waits patiently upon the Lord and now the soule sayth ô how unlike am I to Christ 3 he suffered meekly as a lamb dumb before the shearer and opened not his mouth for me a sinner he suffered for me the just for the unjust that hee might bring me to God and shall not I be contented to suffer reproach and shame for him and then come what will come patience possesseth the soule 5 Christ sets up the Law of heavenly mindednesse in the heart of a Christian and indeed it is no wonder for his Kingdom is there heaven is there The Kingdome of heaven is within you Luke 17.21 and therefore needs must Christ set up this Law in his Kingdome and that in opposition to earthly mindednesse sinfulnesse or any thing that is opposite to holynesse and heavenlynesse and you know how the spirits of men nay of Christians are apt to be below the Lord Jesus somtimes on earthly object somtimes vaine proud unprofitable things run in the mind but Christ he comes and scatters those low things and raiseth the heart to himselfe and keeps the heart in such a temper that nothing can satisfie it but himself and when it loseth its heavenly temper its heavenly glory it is presently troubled and it cannot possibly take comfort in any thing beneath the Lord Jesus and here is a continuall combat and conflict between the flesh and the spirit the corrupt nature and the divine nature and certainly here corruption and Satan manytimes brings sadnesse upon the spirits of the Saints in darkning in overshadowing their heavenly enjoyment I meane in way of sense although they can never shake the faith of the soule in whom Christ dwels Mat. 16. The gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it Consider now doe you finde Christs Kingdom Christs laws these set up in your hearts do you find Christ opposing lust and corruption within you or do you not If Christ be there you will finde it in some measure I confesse it that Christ according
to his diversities of operations and workings keeps this law of sin under in some souls more then in other both the workings of it and the guilt of it Rom 8.2 The law of the spirit of life hath made free from the law of sin and death that is free from the power as it comes with authority as a law there Christ subdues although it wil be there as a rebel reigning yet it shal set up no law in the soul where Christ is Consider of it you that were never troubled about your sins but all things are at peace within you it is a sad signe Christ hath not set up his Kingdome there While the strong man the Devill keeps the house all things are at peace all quiet and so the poore creature lives in a fools Paradise and plcases himself in this condition but beleeve it when the Lord Jesus comes He will sit as a refiner and as a purifier hee will purge out the drosse when hee comes Mal. 3.3 But who may abide the day of his comming he will come with the refiners fire and the fullers sope he comes not to bring peace that is with lust and corruption but the Lord cuts them downe corruption dyes when Christ comes Object But perhaps some soul may object I find indeed some stirring within me some to evill and some motions to good how shall I know that this flows from the Kingdome of Christ set up in my soule or from some other principle Answ There is a conflict betweene the law and naturall conscience and there is a conflict between the spirit of Christ his work in the spirit of the Christian and the flesh corrupt nature and Satan 1 There is a conflict betweene naturall conscience and the law or the minde legally enlightned and the law and this may be in a naturall man or an Hypocrite Thus it was with Judas I have sinned in betraying the innocent bloud He saw his sin he had transgressed the law and now hee is troubled not because of his sin as it was a sin but because his conscience now dogs him will not let him rest This conflict may be in the heart of a poor creature and Christ never come there in the way of mercy and the soule deceive and cozen it self thinking Christ is their opposing sin when it is nothing else but the minde of man legally enlightned apprehending wrath and anger from the breach of the law and now walks more circumspectly yeelds more perfectobedience opposes sin as a transgression of the law and so thinks it selfe in a goodly paradise in a fair way for heaven And thus many poor souls deceive themselves and undo their souls everlastingly But perhaps some may say how shall I know the difference between mine one opposing sin from a principall of legall light whether the conflict be betweene naturall conscience and the law or the Kingdome of Christ set up in my soule and sin Answ The conflict betweene naturall conscience and the law it is only from the apprehension of the condemnation of the Law the law saith thou shalt not sin if thou do'st it thou must suffer thou must be condemned conscience enlightned seeing this is cast down and perhaps is much perplexed for sin sets against sin opposeth it with might and mayn and resolves to sin no more and anon sin presents it self and the Law presents it self and then out of doors sin must but why because of the law not because of Christ the law will give it no rest no peace there now to illustrate this by a comparison in these days of war I do not question but there are many in this countrey that are turned Paliamenteers for feare lest the Law seize upon their goods and persons and so they loose all their mindes are so far enlightned that they see it is good to sleepe in a whole skin as they say and hence they can perhaps talk somtimes and do for the Parliament when indeed their mindes are contrary well there comes one whose minde is not so farre enlightned as to seeke their owne externall good while he is here one whom this man loves and could gladly entertain him but for fear of the law he shall be counted and taken for an enemy to the State out of doores this man go none dares entertain him but why not for want of love but for feare beloved I have known the truth of this on the otherside enow And thus it is with this man perhaps the poore creature could be content to entertaine sinne in his bosome lust anger pride c. but no sooner doth sin appeare but the law that appeares conscience that is troubled out must the sin else conscience cannot be quier and so beloved for the quietnesse of conscience who fears eternall flames Esay 33.14 out sin must and an externall conformity follows and so the man is become a Christian It is as a man that hath a loving friend hee brings him to his houfe but the wife will not be satisfied she scolds out must the man else there will be no peace so sin would finde welcome perhaps and kinde entertainment with the man but naturall conscience from the apprehension of the law scolds and threatens and out must the beloved lust else there will be no peace I feare mee many a poore soule split themselves upon this rock But when Christ comes and sets up his Kingdome in the soul he presently writes his law in the heart makes them partakers of the divine nature makes them awilling people and now the conflict is not between the mind and the law but between the spirit and sin were there no law that matters not with the gracious soule it sees such a great disproportion and distance betweene its beloved and sin that there ariseth a bitter enmity between sin and the law of love in the soule of the Saints that the every appearance the very motions of sin as it is sin not as it brings condemnation but as it is filthy polluting contrary to the minde of Christ O the soule hath a continuall loathing of it and thus hee that is born of God sinneth not gives not the least allowance to sin in the very thought the very thought of it is bitter Quest. But what are the effects of this Kingdom of Christ in the souls of the Saints Answ First is the utter subversion and destruction of the Kingdom of Satan and sin for all sin is of the Devill and he that is borne of God sinneth not as you have heard 2 Is the continuall possessing of the soule with the enjoyment of God Christ always dwelling in the heart of the Saints for it is his Kingdom and the presence of Christ makes it heaven 3 Is joy and peace Rom. 15.13 The God of hope fill you with joy and peace through believing And the kingdome of heaven consisteth not in meat and drinke but in righteousnesse and peace and joy in the holy spirit Joy unspeakable and full
day of the Lord Jesus the day Jesus comes in to doe good unto him for when ever the Lord Jesus takes an oportunity to doe good to a sinner that is the day of the Lord or the Lords day when he manifests mercie see Psal 110.3 2 Cor. 6.2 Thus Christ rules by his Law generally in the Assembly of Saints But 2 He manifests his Kingly power in ordaining officers with their gifts and callings which the Scripture seems in the strictest and most refined sense to call Elders and Deacons or Bishops and Deacons 1 Tim. 3.1 2 3 c. Of Bishops or Elders are two sorts or a different administration with relation to their gifts ruling and teaching these although they ought not to seeke it for they are the Churches servants yet by the Church are to be accounted worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5.17 and in things partaining to Christ are to be obeyed for they watch for soules Heb. 13.17 Quest But what power hath Christ committed to his Church wherein his Kingly office appears Answer Hee hath given power to his Church 1 To Judge 2 To Determine 3 To Passe sentence 1 To Iudge and this under a twofold consideration 1 Of the faith of members that are to be received 2 Of proceedings within the same body 1 Of the faith of members that are to bee admitted This belongs to the Church or some appointed thereunto by the Church For if faith be required of those that are to be admitted then faith is to be manifested in those received to those that receive it this is a truth generally held forth in Scripture Act. 2.38 with the 41. and Act. 8.37 and 19.17 18. And likewise there seems to bee somthing to this purpose in that Scripture Mat. 16.19 I will give unto thee the keyes of the Kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth shall be bound in heaven Whatsoever the Church of Christ concludes on on earth is approved of in heaven while they walke according to rule although I believe the great mystry couched under these words is another thing to wit the power Christ gives to the faith of Peter all that obtain like precious faith whatsoever is bound on earth that is whosoever believes on earth that is bound in heaven whosoever believeth not on earth looseth all it is loosed in heaven for it is to Peters faith Christ commits the keyes 2 There is power to judge of things in the Church and this every member ought to make use of in looking to the wayes of each other Phil. 2.4 Look not every one to his own things but every one to the things of one another Mat. 18.17 18. Thus all the body ought to watch over each other and to judge the actions of each other thus the Elder is to watch over the body and to judge the actions and to reprove rebuke exhort with patience and love where is occasion and thus may nay and ought the whole Church to watch over and if occasion be reprove admonish c. the Elder Thus is the Kingly office of Christ carryed along sweeetly in the Church of Christ 1 Tim. 5.19 20. When all watch over each other when all are subject each to other 1 Pet. 5.5 2 Christ hath given power as to Judge so to Determine of things and this for the good of the body for the order of the Church of Christ 3 And also It to passe sentence I mean spirituall by way of excommunication as you heard before I conceive the Church and state of the Jews who was Abrahams naturall seed was a type of the Church of the Gospel the spirituall seed of Christ Gal. 3.26 They had laws and statutes so hath the Church of Christ now onely theirs carnall ours spirituall for that Church was more carnall then Spirituall for that was the naturall seed this the spirituall they were to admit none but those that were naturally or bodily circumcised we none but those that are spirituall Rom. 2. ult They were not to touch any thing whereupon was any externall uncleannesse wee are not to touch the spirituall unclean thing that is Sin or sinfull worships or fellowships 1 Cor. 6.15 16 17. They were to put offenders that were grosse to death bodily the Church of Christ spiritually by excommunication Thus is the Kingly office of Christ carried along in the Kingdom in the Church of Christ under the Gospel and you see both Church and Laws are spirituall 3 The executions of the Churches Laws are spirituall but this I have opened already in my foregoing discourse therefore I passe 4 The ends of it are spirituall namely as you have heard 1 The good of the body the edifying of the body of Christ see Ephes 4.11 And 2 The glory of Jesus the execution of the Laws of Christ as it tends to the Saints good so Christs glory Yee call me Lord sayth Christ but where is mine honour This should be the end as of all the Saints Church actions so of all civill actions the glory of God 1 Cor. 10.23 Thus you see Christ is King and he hath a spirituall Kingdome and he rules by his Scepter in this Kingdom and there is good reason for it 1 He was borne King he hath a right to it by birth it is his birthright Mat. 2.2 Where is he that is borne King of the Iews He is a Iew that is one inwardly and it is Christs birthright to reigne over them and those who take the rule the Kingdom from Christ are no lesse then enemies and traitors to the royall crowne and dignity of the Lord Jesus and he will take them alive one day and cast them into the lake of fire Revel 19.20 2 He is thereunto appointed by the Father God the Father hath committed all judgement to the Sonne Iohn 10.22 For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Son ver 27. And hee hath given him authority to execute judgement because he is the Son of God God the father hath given up the Kingdom to the Son and all government rule and dominion is in the hand of Christ as he is man as well as God Act. 17.31 He hath appointed a day in which he will judge the World by that man whom he hath ordained Mat. 28.18 All power is given to me both in heaven and in earth c. Thus you see power and authority is given to the Lord Jesus and he is to exercise it and not man farther then hee hath appointed for the good of his Church 3 He hath purchased this Kingdom with his own bloud and therefore good reason he should reigne in it and over it Act. 20.28 He hath purchased his Church with his own bloud is it not reason then that Christ should reigne over those whom he hath purchased those who were lost and undone children of wrath as well as others Christ having redeemed them out of the hands of all their enemies and now rules-over them in love
for their good the end wherefore he hath saved them That he might have a people to serve him in holinesse and righteousnesse Luke 1.74.75 So that the Saints are not their own They are bought with a price 1 Cor. 6.19 20. Therefore glorifie God in your bodies and in your spirits which are Gods They are Gods own by purchase and he purchased them That they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that dyed for them and rose again 2 Cor. 10.11 Thus you see there is good reason that Christ should be King of Saints He was borne to it He is thereunto appointed He hath purchased them for that end and purpose Use A word of information if it be so that Christ be the King of his people and he alone ought to rule in all spirituall things then 1 Those that get in to the throne of Christ beare rule where Christ should are no friends to him He who ever he be That exalts himselfe above all that is called God and sits in the seat of God is the Antichrist 2 Thess 2.4 8. Whom Christ will take as his enemy and destroy him with the breath of his mouth and the brightnesse of his comming 2 Those are enemies who will not have Christ to reign over them who resolve to submit to the power of man in the things of God they are no friends to Christ but enemies and so he will take them and so he will deal with them Luke 19 27. But those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring them hither and slay them before mee c. Acts 3.23 And he that will not he are this Prophet shall be cut off from amongst his people 3 If the kingdom of Christ be spirituall not of this World then those are no friends to Christ that turn the World into Church I mean by a humane Law and Ordinance Let men turn the World into Church by preaching as fast as they can or as Christ will but to compell all to bring in earthly ignorant carnall men into the Church of Christ is not as according to the mind of Christ Ezek. 44.7 to the 14. and this is none of Christs Church but the Synagogue of Satan the World and not the Church And truly I am apt to conceive from that fore-mentioned Scripture that those that have been chiefe in this businesse who are godly amongst them shall never be honoured with doing much in the work of God but they shal come in last they shall be the meanest and the lowest I mean with relation to gifts in the house of God This may seeme strange to some but a truth for God will have none to glory in their own present gifts or excellency but that hee that gloryeth may glory in the Lord. Use 2. If the Kingdome of Christ be spirituall then here is a word of exhortation to stirre up spirituall people spirituall men and women to submit to Christ to come under the government of Christ to walk with to have fellowship with the spirituall people of Christ Beloved it is a sad thing to see spirituall people to walk with the World to joyn in the Worlds fellowship in the Worlds worship What communion hath light with darknesse What fellowship hath Christ with Beliall What part hath the believer with the unbeliever ô that the exhortation might take place in your souls Come out from amongst them and be yee separate and I will receive you 2 Cor. 6.17 The Lords people are a holy people and the Lords ways are holy ways Holinesse becomes thy house ô Lord for ever Use 3. A word of consolation and joy for the Saints the Church the kingdome of Christ you have cause of joy and cause of rejoycing First that you have such a king a great king above all gods hee that is the Lord of Lords and the king of kings hee is our king he is the king of Saints the Saints have such a king who is able to defend them able to save them from all their enemies and he will save them he is able to dash all his and his Saints enemies in peeces like a potters vessell and he will he shall do it Psal 2.9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron and dash them in peeces like a potters vessel Be wise now therefore ô ye Kings and be instructed yee judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling kisse the Son least he be angry c. But let the Saints rejoyce in the Lord let Israel rejoyce in him that made him let the children of Sion be joyfull in their King Psal 149.2 2 The Saints have cause to rejoyce and to be comforted they are all made Kings to the Lord. They are Kings and they shall reign they reign already over sin and lust over Satan Rom. 6.12 Sin shall not have dominion over you others are slaves to sin and Satan sin reigns in and over them but the Saints reign over sin they have a Kingdom already within them without them the Church which is both Christs and the Saints Kingdom where Christ and the Christian solace themselves together and they shall have a Kingdom although they are now rejected and reproached of men Servants ride on horseback and Princes walke as servants on the ground Ecles 10.7 but they shall rule and have dominion they shall reign for they are made Kings Rev. 1.6 chap. 5.10 They shall rule their enemies those that perhaps formerly have ruled them Rev. 2.26 27. To him that overcommeth and keepeth my words to the end to him will I give power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my Father Thus Christ shall judge thus the Saints shall judge Psal 149.5 6. A wonderfull comfort for the Saints but a sad word for the enemies both of Christ and Christians Let the Saints be joyfull in glory let them sing aloud upon their beds let the high praises of God be in their mouthes and a two edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance upon the Heathen and punishment upon the people to binde their Kings in chains and their Nobles in fetters of iron to execute upon them the judgement written this honour have all the Saints praise the Lord Thus the Saints are made Kings you see and shall have dominion and rule and a Kingdom although they are rejected and slighted and counted the off-scouring of all things here by the men of the world yet they are Kings and shall have a kingdom A great joy for Christians Dan. 7.27 Luke 12.32 Lastly this should stir up the Saints to walk humbly to walk holily as becommeth the subjects of the spirituall kingdome of Iesus Christ that as Christ hath called them out of this world so they should no longer fashion themselves like unto this world but walk as becomes Christians professing godlines