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A57980 A survey of the spirituall antichrist opening the secrets of familisme and antinomianisme in the antichristian doctrine of John Saltmarsh and Will. Del, the present preachers of the army now in England, and of Robert Town, by Samuel Rutherfurd ... Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661. 1648 (1648) Wing R2394; ESTC R22462 573,971 671

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bloud he washeth us 4. Wee behoved to beleeve from eternity for wee are justified by Faith 5. All the justified have a reall union and interest in Christ to live by faith and wait on God in all their troubles by faith but though their be an union of love in Gods minde from eternity betweene the elect and God yet a compleat union betweene us and Christ without the Spirit and without any faith though it be boldly asserted by Familists is against the Scripture for then might wee bee borne againe and not receive Christ by faith contrary to the Scripture and be united to Christ as branches to the Vine-tree and not abide in Christ have Christ dwelling in our heart and not by faith contrary to Paul so might Christ live in us and we eat and drinke him as the true Manna have the Sonne and yet want faith contrary to the Scriptures All which or most of them prove that wee were not justified when Christ dyed on the crosse 6. All that are justified are unseparably sanctified and called ●nd the blessing of justification hath with it the receiving of the promise of the Spirit through faith and peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ accesse by faith into grace whereby we stand rejoycing in the hope of the glory of God glorying in tribulation patience experience hope but many for whom Christ dyed have none of these till they be justified by Faith the distinction of justification in or before God or to our own sense by faith will not help this for the Scripture no where speaketh of justification but by faith onely the meritorious price of our justification is payed on the Crosse but that is not justification CHAP. XIX Gods love of good will and of good liking a warrantable distinction NOr can wee stand to that Antinomian ground that in Justification there is no change of our state and spirituall condition before God and that God hath the same love to us before and after conversion and that it is a vaine distinction of Gods love of good will called amor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vel benevolentiae and good liking amor complacentiae because God loveth because he loveth and for no cause in the creature not their most eminent works done by the influence of Gospel-grace But if this distinction bee right taken it hath an evident ground in Scripture We teach that the love of benevolence and good will is the liking free delight and choise of the person to glory and to all the meanes even to share in Christs Mediatory love and the fruits of his death in this love he willeth and ordaineth and layeth up good and happinesse for us expecting no payment at our hand the other love is onely denyed by Antinomians but without ground for this love of complacencie is of things not of persons and when we say God loveth his Saints for their inherent holynesse and delighteth in them for it we meane no other thing then that God loves the sparkles of his owne rarest worke his saving grace so farre as to make it a meanes to fulfill the love and gracious decree of good will of free election not that any new immanent act of love arises towards the person loved that was not in God toward that person from eternity but the truth is God first createth a lovely and love-worthy object and then out of that love that createth being and the lovely object hee goeth on to continue the former act of loving and delighting in that object and rendreth it more lovely Creatures cannot create the object of their love but find it created to their hand and expect to have some perfection added to them in an union of love with that excellent thing they love and they are often deceived and ever their love hath a cause and hire and reward in the thing loved Now when it is said that God loveth all that he hath made then he created his owne lover and his owne love 2. When hee loveth the chaines and bracelets about the neck of his Spouse Cant. 4. He there createth in his Christ a new rare piece liker to himselfe then the works of pure and simple creation this is not pure love but a continuation of his creating good will nor doth the creature engage God to love it but as divine love gave being to these ornaments of grace the inherent holinesse in his Bride so that the same love continueth it selfe in delighting in his owne worke 3. So he is said to love his Bride for or because of her excellency and beauty that he putteth on her and still he loveth his owne in Christ for his owne rare workmanship not that the creature was cause or begetter of that love and he crowneth his own gifts not our merits saith Augustine his owne worke not our worke for we are meere vessels to containe grace as grace and meere patients in this love and so he loveth Christs imputed righteousnesse in us and this righteousnesse imputed is not simply eternall but hath its rise in time If then Antinomians say we make our time-holinesse a cause and condition of eternall love they must remove this objection themselves for imputed righteousnesse which they make the cause of eternall love will stand against them more then against us For wee say both imputed and inherent righteousnesse are meere conditions no causes of eternall love and that not simply but as they are protracted and continued to carry us on to glory yea imputed righteousnesse is no more a cause of eternall love being onely a thing temporary and not eternall à parte ante nor inherent righteousnesse so must all these be expounded The Lord loveth the righteous The Lord loveth truth in the inward parts he taketh pleasure in them that feare him The Lord is ravished with one of his Spouses eyes with one chaine of her necke to him she is all faire and not a spot in her All these include not onely inherent holynesse but imputed righteousnesse and both have their use in time but can never prove that our time excellencie whether imputed or inherent is the cause condition reason merit or ground of the Lords eternall immanent and unchangeable love but the fruits thereof and the condition of its continuance And that our Lord loves us with the same love of complacency that is that he driveth on his chariot paved with love in sweet fruits of free election the same way with the same delight But that when the justified person whores swearers kils the innocent denieth the Lord Jesus as did Peter and David God loveth us as much as when they beleeve pray walke in all holy conversation and that God is not a whit displeased with the Saints for these sinnes because all his displeasure or revenging justice was drowned and swallowed up in Christs sufferings is to us abominable CHAP. XX. There
of God to our selves that is the free favour and love of God that is onely grace objectively in God not in us or yet grace inherent We professe before the Lord and his Angels that that is an other Gospel and though an Angel and Paul teach it let him be accursed 2. Let him answer us if any Protestant Divine or if hee himselfe beleeveth his owne penne doth any other but lye when it scribles that the Law-straine and Divinity of the Jewes vnder the Law did worke God down to such an old way as for fasting and praying and other acts of obedience they got some love from God which Christ himselfe had not gotten for them Fasting and praying was never since God had a Church on earth a hire a bribe to free grace n●ither Jew nor Gentile could by doing nay not Adam before his fall nor the Elect Angels could ever buy prize or morgage the free love of God 3. Wee conceive the love of God to bee the sole cause fountaine well-head and adaequate reason why the Lord chuseth some to glory rather then others why the Lord sent his Sonne Christ to die even because God extremely and freely loved the lost world and therefore fasting and praying was never the cause of Gods chusing and electing love either to Jew or Gentile either under the Old or New Testament except they say there was another way of election to glory in the Old Testament and another way in the New and that the love of God was at a dearer rate under the Old nor New it was then for hire and for works but wee had not in Esaiahs daies wine and milke without money and price the Market was dearer then it is at a lower rate now But I perceive Antinomians miserably mistaken in confounding the error of the Jewes and the state of the Jewish Church Paul Rom. 4. saith right down Abraham and David payed not a farthing more for justification and freely imputed righteousnesse then we doe and it was the error and sin of men not the state of the Church in its non-age under Tutors nor the dispensation of God that The Jews followed after the law of righteousnesse but obtained not the Law of righteousnsse Wherefore Because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the Law for they stumbled at the stumbling stone Yea being ignorant then it was their pride and error not their state of non-age of Gods righteousnesse and going about to establish their owne righteousnesse have not submitted themselves to the righteousnesse of God It was never lawfull for the Jewes to dreame they could get or earne Gods free love and undeserved grace by fasting and praying and other acts of obedience no more then it was lawfull for them to stumble at and breake their necke upon Christ the stone laid on Sion it was never lawfull for them to goe about to establish their owne righteousnesse and not to submit to the righteousnesse of God this was their sinne But sure it was not their sinne to bee under Tutors and the Pedagogie of the Law for that was Gods holy and innocent dispensation as the Scripture saith And it was not any Legall justification by works But it was 1 in that they were kept 1. under shaddowes elements of the world Ceremonies representing forth Christ to come and 2 God kept them under a greater terror because of Law-transgressions and 3 a sparer measure and dyet of grace then wee have But 1. it was never lawfull for them or us to seeke justification by works and by fasting and prayer 2. The Lord cryed out against Merit and placing all godlinesse in their new Moones and in saying We have fasted and thou seest it not So there was no Legall straine in getting the love of God by fasting praying c. To the Jewes more then to us 3. It was never a Legall straine nor a way approved of God under the Old Testament that they should serve God for hire which the Devill acknowledgeth to be hypocrisie and that they should pray or rather howle like hungry dogs for corne and wine or follow Christ for loaves 4. Nor was the obeying of God for feare of the curses of the Law and plagues rather then out of love to God as a Father a way of the Old Testament-worship approved of God as Towne imagineth it being a sinne for their duty it was to feare him as a Father no lesse then ours to rejoyce in trembling to feare his goodnesse his mercy to esteeme God rather then his gifts their reward their portion their soules love so were they to love and worship him as a Husband to admire and praise him as God and for his essentiall perfection beauty lovelinesse and all mercenary love and service for feare of punishment not out of love and for hire and rewards was damnable then as now Now what was Gods active dispensation in severe punishing of them for an irreverent looke into the Arke and his hiring them with a good and fertile land and many temporall blessings to serve him was another thing and can never prove it was lawfull for them to serve God for hire and in a mercenary way and that it is a Legall and Old Testament way of serving God now under the New Testament to beleeve that godlinesse hath the promises of this life and of that which is to come and that now under the new Testament yea we may looke to the reward of life eternall as a motive to blow wind in our sayles in our journey to heaven though not as the formall object of our desires in serving God for we are onely and ever now and then to serve God for himselfe not for hire 2. If wee speake comparatively a created Crowne of incorruptible glory is to be laboured for rather then trifles and feathers of corruptible clay and that both to us and to these under the Old Testament 4. How Prayer revealeth the love of God I know not Saltmarsh by the next may expound it Christ saith his Father giver the Holy Ghost to those that pray and seek him and he avengeth the bloud of his Saints and he giveth whatever we aske the Father in his name We pray Lord increase our faith is this nothing but Lord reveale the Holy Ghost to us which wee had before And are these prayers that God should give us no new thing but reveale what we had before So then we desire God would reveale the glory of his justice on the enemies of the Church which he had wrought before and reveale the gift of illumination growth of Faith victory against temptations dayly bread destruction of Satans kingdome the propagating of the Gospel deliverance from warre the pestilence insight in the mystery of the Gospel the Spirit of revelation c. All which things we had before
up by God according to his promises in the most holy service of God under the obedience of his love The Familists of New England and Antinomians professe all of them are Christed with Christ. The Apostles doe not so extoll themselves Towne Assert of Justifica p. 39. So soare●h Keep the Law saith he and works here below on the earth and as Enoch converse in Spirit and walk with God in the alone righteousnesse of Christ apprehended by faith As if a holy conversation and a spirituall walking with God in faith and duties were low base and for men of the earth onely The speciall● errors and Heresies holden by H. Nichol. are such as are for the most part either abominably blasphemous or much like to the errors of Anabaptists David-Georgians Swenskfeldians from whence they sprang as have been and shall be God willing cleared to be the same with Libertines and Antinomian errors 1 H. N●cholas challengeth to himselfe that which is proper to Christ Esa 61. Lu 4. that the Spirit of the Lord is on him to preach glad tydings to the poore The Antino Beacon saith that none can be true preachers but they run unsent that run without the Spirit of sanctification 2 H.N. saith c. 1 Evan. not one man Adam sinned and we in him but man from the beginning to this day was disobedient Hence Adam was no one man 2 Wee have no more sinne from the first Adam then by following the sinnes of all men 3 The story of Adam of the tree and fruit is but an allegory Antinomians turne all in allegories Randal serm a sower went out to sow here is a warrant from parables to expone scriptures by allegories all things of nature are sacraments of Gospell mysteries as doe this in rememberance of me 3 H.N. saith c. 1 All that walked not in the forme of Abel according to the manner and ordinance of Seth were not of the right stocke of Seth. Then righteousnesse commeth by personall imitation of Seth not by the imputed righteousnesse of Christ. 4 Christ to H. N. is head of Abrahams faith not Abrahams flesh which destroyes his humanity for H. N. applyeth these words the power of the most high shall come on thee and overshadow thee by an allegory to all beleevers which had their discent out of the faith of Abraham partakers of the Godly nature and being and according to the will of God are wholly minded with God so Antinomians as Christ was once made flesh so is he now first made flesh in us ere we be carryed to perfection Del. ser. 17 18 19 20. tells us of two meanes of Gospel-reformation 1 The word dwelling in the flesh reformes the flesh and it dwells in us through faith this word is not the word without us then it is not the scripture word but the word within us Jt sheweth us Christ and changeth us into his image The 2 meanes is the Spirit which God promised long before to powre upon all flesh and so to reforme all flesh the Spirit reformes 1 By taking away all evill out of the flesh as pride ●nvy and all errors and false doctrines for the Spirit burnes up all errors as ●ay and stubble I feare Del give us no more for God manifested in the flesh but this not one word of the Scripture or preached Gospell is once mentioned heare fo● feare Enthysiasts offend 2 The Spirit reformes by changing the flesh into its owne likenesse as fire changeth every thing into its selfe so doth the Spirit in the flesh make the flesh spirituall heavenly holy meeke good loving c. Here I desire M. Del to separate from H. N and give a reason of his faith to those that offend at his doctrine 1 How is the Spirit powred on all flesh and so is all flesh reformed p. 19. l. 20. Is he for universall salvation of all the Scripture speaketh not a word of the heart reformation of all This Devill is going abroad in our times Del speaketh like this wandering Spirit 2 How is the inward word which he carefully distinguisheth from the outward word p. 18. l. 3 4. differenced from the Spirit p. 19. for the inward word is the word made effectuall by the working of the Spirit and he saith the word not the letter without the Spirit which is but the dead law saith he and Spirit are alwayes joyned that is the inward word that is faith wrought by the Spirit as I take it is ever joyned with the Spirit who doubts but the Spirit is ever with the Spirit 3 The Spirit takes all evill out of the flesh what is that out of the man out of the soule and body this is a rare expression 4 How dwells the word in our flesh pag. 18. l. 1. God the substantiall word the sonne of God dwells in our flesh that is personally in the nature of man Ioh. 1.14 why does Del speake with hereticks and not explaine himselfe 5 How does the inward word change us into the image of Christ p. 18. he hath not told us of the Spirit all this while p. 19. which only changeth us into the image of Christ. 6. How doth the Spirit change the flesh into its owne likenesse by fl●sh yee meane not corruption so the scripture Rom. 7. Rom. 8. Gal. 5.17 and in many places takes the word flesh Now the Spirit maketh not corruption and sinne spirituall heavenly holy meeke good loving c. then by flesh yee meane the fabrick of the nature of man soule and body Why speaketh not Del with protestant divines and calleth it the mortification of the old man and the vivification of the new but he speakes with H. N. and puts us to request him for the truths sake to expone what a God manifested in the flesh and what a word dwelling in the flesh he acknowledgeth for H.N. grammer rules his pen and tongue not the Holy Ghosts 5 To H. N. Every Godly man partaker of the being of God and Spirit of love is God incarnate and Christ and Christ is not any one man the son of Mary but the condition of all men beleeving and loving and Christ is no where else saith Theo. Ger. p. 22. but he is the same man 6 Gods being is love it selfe The damned apostate should acknowledge his being to be some other thing then love onely as Moses doth Exod. 34.6 The Lord strong gracious slow to anger c. 7 There is no diety belonging to God but love of which mortall men doe pertake in this life so H. N The Lord hath Godded me with God in his Godly being with the Spirit of his love 8 By our obedience of love we become sonnes 9 Love is faith working and doing is faith Whereas faith worketh love and obedience as the cause of love saith the scripture Iam. 2. Heb. 11. 10 Obedience of love and misliking of sinne bringeth us unto the being of Christ cleare
marrow of Antinomianisme that there is no sinne condemned in the Gospel but unbeliefe so there is no command of holy walking and sanctification in the Gospel but onely Faith therefore Saltmarsh saith All these Scriptures that set forth to us sanctification and mortification Christ is made to us sanctification I live not but Christ liveth in me But yee are sanctified but yee are justified we are his workmanship created unto good works I can doe all things through Christ that strengthneth me c. All these Scriptures set forth Christ the sanctification and the fulnesse of his the All in All. Christ hath beleeved perfectly hee hath repented perfectly hee hath sorrowed for sinne perfectly hee hath obeyed perfectly hee hath mortified sinne perfectly and all is ours and wee are Christs and Christ is Gods And so wee are to beleeve our repentance true in Christ who hath repented for us our Mortifying sinne true in him through whom we are more then corquerours our new obedience true in him who hath obeyed for us who is the ende of the Law to every one that beleeveth our change of the whole man true in him who is righeousnesse and true holynesse and thus without faith it is unpossible to please God And this is the divinity of Denne That mortification and vivification are but the living by or through faith and beleeving in him that justifieth the sinner And that learned Divine M r Tho. Gataker saith of one Heyden a follower of Eaton That in a Sermon on 1 Joh. 3.7 He that doth righteousnesse is righteous he expounded that place of our doing righteousnesse in Christ who hath done righteousnesse for us so hee expounded the doing of our heavenly Fathers will the putting on of the New man which is created in righteousnesse and holynesse abounding in the worke of the Lord to be the beleeving of Christs imputed righteousnesse to bee ours So doe Saltmarsh and his fellowes teach us to expound all the Gospel-precepts and exhortations to holynesse to walke in Christ to be aboundant in the worke of the Lord to walke in love to love one another to honour our father and our mother to obey Magistrats and Masters to deale justly with servants to abstaine from fleshly lusts to mortifie our members not to defraud one another not to lye c. to be nothing but beleeve Christ hath done all these for us So as the grace of God and the Gospel layeth on us no tye or obligation in our persons to deny our selves to live holyly justly and soberly in this present world to love one another by vertue of a Commandement for that is Legall saith Saltmarsh and Jewish so as Christ Jesus is made the same very way our imputed sanctification as he is our imputed righteousnesse and so personall holynesse should no more be added by any obligation of command to Christ our sanctification then to Christ our righteousnesse CHAP. L. How we are freed from the Law in regard of Sanctification as of Justification NOr doe wee deny as Antinomians would charge us But we are from under the Law in regard of Sanctification as well as of Justification thus farre that the Apostle saith As many as are Christs are led by the Spirit of Christ and so not under the Law and if yee be led of the Spirit yee are not under the Law But this onely beareth so much that our voluntary free sweet and loving obedience commeth not from the feare of cursings Rom. 8.15 or the Spirit of bondage but yet from the binding and obliging authority of the Law-giver nor is this obliging rule and government of the Law contrary to the sweet cords of gospel-Gospel-love by which the Spirit kindly draweth and gently leadeth the Saints in the way of Sanctification these two are made friends in Christ and jarre not as contraries which is the cardinall and first principle of grosse mistaking in the Antinomian while hee grosely conceiveth there is no awe of love in the Law which commandeth all gracious acts of feare though not from Law-principles for the Law is terrible and causeth Moses feare and quake but it is because it acteth and breatheth out curses on Moses as a sinner and a broken man to chase him in to his surety and the sweet sanctuary of a terrified conscience but the Law demandeth the same awe and feare of love of sinne as sinne and as done against a Father in a covenant of grace It is true when the man is once under sin he cannot pay the debt of lovely awe out of his owne unbroken and sinnelesse nature Yet the Law still craveth as the Law and it craveth the same debt if the broken man pay it out of money borrowed from his suretie that is from the sanctifying Spirit of Christ the Law is the same craver the summe is the same debt now payed in gold though clipped and wanting many graines because of the sinnefulnesse of flesh out of the Kings treasure the fulnesse of Christ and his Spirit of grace the sinner is the same debter that is obliged to the same creditor and Lawgiver onely the bond and the tenor of it is changed grace is in the bond and it is payed now not as Law-debt this doe and live by Law-right and a covenant of works which pre-supposeth neither a bankrupt nor a breach in the debter nor an offence to the creditor nor a surety or Mediator to bee baile for the broken man but it s payed with the same obligation and Law-power and commanding authority but also now from a new principall the summe is better money and in one respect is choiser it is the coyne of a new King and stamped with a new Image of Gospel-grace in another respect it is worse because tainted with sinne Whereas obedience under the covenant of works was to be perfect and sinnelesse or not at all CHAP. LI. Antinomians ignorant of Jewish Law-service and of Gospel-obedience ANtinomians speake evill of that they know not Saltmarsh saith All Gospel-ordinances are onely wayes and meanes for God to reveale his love and grace by the Spirit of adoption not any wayes or meanes of ours for getting some love from God which Christ himselfe hath not gotten for us So there is not now saith he Gospel-teaching and obeying but men now runne in a Legall straine and would worke God downe into his old and former way of revealing himselfe as under the Law when he seemed to be onely in the way to reconciliation and peace rather then pacified and thus in prayer and fasting and other acts of obedience they deale with God as under the Old Testament not considering the glorious love revealed in Christ crucified We cannot but complaine to God of these men who slander our Doctrine and cease not to pervert the right wayes of God For if Saltmarsh meane that we thinke by fasting praying and acts of Evangelick Sanctification to buy the love
skies when they say Lord the desire of our soule is toward thy name Lord our heart is not turned backe neither have our steps declined from thy way c. They knew and were perswaded of a saving worke of grace inherent in them and we doubt not but the Prophets to speake of a case of another nature knew that God spoke to them when Jeremiah upon life and death said of a truth the Lord hath sent me to speake all these words in your eares And Amos The Lord hath spoken who cannot but Prophecie And Abraham did not upon conjectures but upon Faith know God had commanded him to sacrifice his son Now God speaketh to his Saints by his works of grace no lesse then by his word of the Gospel Augustine said By a certaine heavenly tast hee knew a difference betweene the Lord revealing himselfe to him and his owne soule dreaming But say Antinomians When we teach that all our assurance commeth from faith and the testimony of Christ and his owne Spirit speaking to us wee led men to borrow light from the Sunne which can abundantly inlighten them when yee send them to their own good works to borrow their assurance of faith and their interest of Christ yee desire them to fetch light from a candle shining at noone day and yee cause them rest on a fallible guide which may deceive them and at best breed a probable and conjecturall assurance onely not an infallible and undeniable confidence such as Christ rested on by faith breadeth Answ. 1. But the question is as great a doubt to a weake one if he receive Christ and his immediate noone-day irradiation and light for the weake beleevers act of knowing his full interest in Christ from either the immediate light that commeth from Christ or the immediate voice and testimony of the Spirit especially separated from the Word as Antinomians fancie is in him a created act and an inherent quallification and if inherent qualification furnish no infallible evidence to ascertaine me of my interest in Christ how shall I know it is Christ I rest on or his Sunne-shine light and the immediate irradiation of the Spirit speaking to my Spirit more then I know it is Christs spirit assuring me I am translated from death to life because I love the brethren Antinomians say the Sun cannot deceive when it gives light a candle beside the Sunne may deceive But say I a noone-day Devill may interpose and speake and irradiate as the Sunne and it is but a counterfeit Sunne and what know yee that your act of knowing this to be the true Sunne seeing it is but an inherent act of grace in you is a perfect mettall and a true Sunne And that it is Christ that shineth and speaketh to Mary Magdelen not the Gardener more when hee immediatly speaketh and shineth on your soule then when hee speaketh and shineth thorow such a medium as the love of the brethren for the same Spirit that inlighteneth you in the assurance of your translation into Christ and your interest in him upon this objective light because yee love the brethren is he who shineth on you in his immediate noone-shine-irradiation is not the Spirits teaching as sure by one beame of teaching the light of his utterings of grace in us as in his other immediate conveiance of light when the Scripture saith it is the same Spirit that maketh us know the things that are freely or graciously given us of God 1 Cor. 2.12 and beareth immediate witnesse that we are sonnes what ever be the meanes as Abraham was to beleeve hee was to kill his Sonne if God should command him by a Prophet immediatly inspired suppose such a one as Moses to have beene sent with the Mandat no lesse then when God spoke immediatly himselfe and might not Abraham have beene deluded in thinking God was not the true God that immediatly said Abraham take now thy Sonne thy onely Sonne and offer him to me as hee might have doubted if a Moses say hee had then lived sent with the same message was a true and and immediately inspired Prophet and not a counterfeit who ranne and the Lord sent him not When Antinomians loose this knot they answer themselves Asser. 5. First the truth of what the Spirit speaketh dependeth not on the Word but the credence and faith that I owe to the Spirit dependeth on the Word because I know the Spirit by the Word as I know the substance of the body of the Sunne by the light but I know not the Word by the Spi●it as I know not the light by the substance of the body of the Sunne yea now when God hath put his last seale to the Canon of Scripture the word of Prophecie is surer to us then the Fathers voice from heaven 2 Pet. 1. and wee may know the Spirit that biddeth John Becold kill so many innocent beleevers and that saith the man walking in darkenesse and a Pharesee obstinatly going on in killing Christ and his members and regarding iniquity in his heart as he is such is reconciled to God and justified and Christ by faith lodgeth in the same heart with loved and delighted in iniquity can be no true spirit The Spirit of Christ as he cannot bely his owne Word so will hee not take it ill to be tryed by his owne hand-writing and seale and his own works Secondly it is needlesse to make comparisons between assurance resulting from inherent graces and the immediate voice and speaking of the Spirit as if the former were our owne spirits reasoning the latter onely the testimony of the Spirit for we judge both to bee the testimony of the Holy Ghost as it is the same love sealed to the Spouse from the Bridegromes owne word and seale and hand-writing and confirmed to her by his Bracelets Rings Jewels and love-tokens that he sendeth to her nor are there for that two loves two love-tokens two Bridegromes For say that the love-tokens are true not counterfeit and that they carry with them the warme and lovely characters and undenyable expressions of the true Bridegromes soule-love and that they came not from a stranger as Antinomians say they may be bastard and fained love-tokens and come from another lover then Christ Yet the Lord Jesus manifesteth himselfe and gives evidences of his love by them no lesse then by the Spirits immediate testimony But we thinke and can prove the Saints passing even in their speaches prayers and confession to God their judgement of themselves and of their owne sincere walking as is cleare Cant. 5.1 Cant. 3 1 2 3. Cant. 1.5 8. Isai. 26.8 9. Job 23.11 12. chap. 31.1 2 3 4 c. Psal. 18.21 22 23 so Ezechiah holdeth forth his holy walking before God Esai 38.3 and Jeremiah cap. 15.16 17. and Paul 2 Tim. 4.7.8 2 Cor. 1.12 doe certainely know the graces of God in themselves to come from no other principle then the
beleever But the beleever is not and shall not be till his dying day as free of sinne and spotlesse in the sight of God as Christ himselfe and whosoever feareth sinne and beleeveth not that God seeth no sinne in him being once justified robbeth God of his glory and is undoubtedly damned say they for its unpossible God can see sinne where there is none at all say they nor is this our freedome to be freed from the Law that is from the servile feare of eternall wrath or mercenary hope of reward as if the Law of God could command such slavish feare and hireling hope as Towne saith For the Law never did never could command sinne but so to feare or serve God as to seeke him earely when his rod is on us and when he slayeth us when the heart is like a deceitfull bow as Pharaoh did is slavish feare and to serve the Almighty for hire or gaine is sinne to feare the punishment and love the reward more then God is slavish and mercenary Gods holy Law can command no feare no obedience but what is free liberall ingenuous sinlesse sonnely filiall and holy for the Law is spirituall it is holy just and good 6. Christian liberty is not in freedome from subjection and obedience to Magistrates Masters Kings Parliaments for this Peter saith is to use our liberty as a cloake of maliciousnesse and that opened the mouthes of ignorant and foolish heathen who objected this to some peeping-up Antinomians in these daies who said their Christian liberty freed them from that yoake of subjection to lawfull Authority Kings Governours Masters now beside that Antinomians teach that Saints should not serve nor obey those that are not Saints nor beleevers as if Dominion and Civill power were founded on grace as Papists teach They doe not speake out but when they teach that Murthers Adulteries or any thing done against our brethren or to the disturbance of the peace of humane Societies committed by beleevers are no sinnes before God and that there is no more sinne in the children of God then in Christ himselfe and upon this ground God in justice cannot punish yea nor rebuke them for sinne Then say I these Adulteries and Murthers committed by beleevers if they bee no sinnes against God nor his Law they can bee no sinnes before man neither For the Magistrate beareth the sword to take vengeance on evil doers if these bee not sinnes against God even because they are sinnes against our neighbour then the Magistrate doth unjustly punish them 1. The Magistrate is the Vicegerent of God not judging for man but for the Lord and so should not punish but for these ill deeds for the which the Lord himselfe would punish But the Lord judgeth them neither sinnes against his Law nor can in justice punish them say Antinomians Ergo neither can the Lords Vicegerent judge them sinnes for they are against no Law of God nor can he punish them upon the same reason 2. The Law commandeth to Love our neighbour as our selves no lesse then to love God and he that loveth not his brother loveth not God and then who ever sinneth not as an evill doer against God cannot sinne against his brother and the peace of humane Societies and so the Magistrate ought not to draw his sword against him I grant Gods not punishing sinne is not a ground nor rule to the Magistrate not to punish sinne but sure Gods not punishing sinne and his none-displeasure against any thing as no sinne as having lost the nature and being of sinne as being against no Law as all the Adulteries Murtherings Cousonings Cheatings Robbing Stealing false-Witnesse-bearing of beleevers are supposed to bee in regard they are no more sinnes against a Law of God then any thing that Christ doth must be a rule to the Civill Magistrate who may no more strick the innocent who faileth against no Law of God nor he may kill robbe and oppresse Antinomians make a found escape from this they say The Adulteries Murthers lyings of beleevers are sinnes before men not before God or sinnes to their sense and feeling not to their faith and before God or sinnes in conversation not in conscience or sinnes in the flesh not in the Spirit So Towne Saltmarsh Denne Eaton So the Magistrates doe punish men for seeming Adulteries and Murthers fancied to be murthers but are not so indeed nor before God onely the unbeleeving weake conscience and erring sense or flesh taketh them to bee sinnes but they are not any reall injuries to God nor contrary to any Law of God 2. The Magistrate in conscience cannot judge that to bee violence to the life of a brother nor worthy of death which no Law of God can condemne as a sinne nor can hee in justice for imaginary Murther inflict reall death 3. Adultery and Murther must be then true and reall innocencies CHAP. LVIII Antinomians teach beleevers must not walke in their conversation as in the sight of God but must live by faith with God ANtinomians from their mis-understood justification of which they be utterly ignorant with Familists inferre That justified persons must not walke and live blamelesly with men and by sense but must live and have their dayly conversation in the sight and presence of God and so they abandon all sinceritie of holy walking before men and must live by faith up with God without sinne Dr. Tayler strongly proveth the Law to be in force to beleevers because the same sins are forbidden after faith and before faith and so the same holy and sincere doing of the Law by personall strength of free grace is given to us in Christ and Towne answereth him Keepe the Law and works here below on earth and as Enoch converse in spirit and walke with God in the alone righteousnesse of Christ and though justification be one individuall action and not by succession and degrees as inherent holynesse yet the vertue and efficacie of it is to cleare the coast of the conscience from all sinne to keep the unbeleever in everlasting favour peace securitie happinesse though the Jebusite must be in the Land and the prick in the flesh uncessantly forcing us to sinne more or lesse inwardly or outwardly yet Faith banisheth all the vapours that arise from our earthly members The same Saltmarsh hath But this is a subtile way of fleshly living 1. The word requireth sincerity as in the sight of God in our walking and conversing here on earth below with men Servants saith Paul obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye-service as men-pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God Then servants are to serve as beleeving they are under the eye and sight of God and childrens obeying their parents is well-pleasing to God then doth God see and judge our works and Enoches walking with God
for Calvin beside the example of Paul Act. 17. whose Spirit was stirred at the Idolatrous Alter at Athens brings the Testimony of 1 Melancthon who saith Nec tantum interior cultus nec●ssarius est sedetiam externa significatio seu confessio seu professio Mat. 10 qui negav●r●t me coram hominibus negabo eum coram patre coelesti so Mar. Bucerus Peter Martyr and Calvin condemne the same externall observance of popish superstition Calvin excusatio ad Pseu Nicode pag. 521 522. It followeth then that from Beacons way I preaching of the Gospell false opinions of Papists controversies betweene Protestants and Socinians Antinomians Arrians Familists Enthysiasts Brownists Jndependants c. must be but matters externall triviall and circumstantiall in religion 2 the profession of truth since it is an externall outward thing a testimony of Christs truth before men and of Christ before the world then is triviall and so indifferent and free which yet is commanded by Christ and hedged with the greatest reward and threatning in the word Mat. 10.32 3 Yea for outward things and all externalls reading hearing scripture preaching seales praying baptisme the Lords Supper There is no law but the law of love not a law of the soveraigne authority of God the commander contrary to Mat. 28.19 20. and so men sinne not in neglecting a command of God in not observing all things whatsoever Christ hath commanded Mat. 28.20 whereas we conceive the Lord commands not only in the Gospell by the law of love but by his soveraigne authority as God in covenant with us that we doe all whether inward or outward things that he commands 4 So all externalls under the New Testament of being baptised or not baptised hearing or not hearing a sent ministery confessing or not confessing Christ before men are as free and indifferent though expresly commanded of God so as we sinne if we dispise prophecy 1 Thes. 5. and reject the counsell of God as did the Pharisies and Lawyers in not being baptised Luk. 7.29 30. whereas the publicans in obeying these commandements Iustified God They are I say as free triviall and indifferent to Antinomians as eating or not eating meats meerely indifferent in the case 1 Cor. 10. 1 Cor. 8. so if it were not a scandal we may refuse baptisme the Lords Supper the scriptures hearing the word confessing Christ before men teaching and admonishing our brother yea all duties of keeping our body cleane of speaking the truth of not lying not killing for all these are commanded beleevers by no law but by the law of love for say the Antinomians we are under no morall Law else 5 Yea so also we may suspend the use of all outward things by Beacons Antinomian argument we need not heare pray prayse receive Sacraments teach the ignorant comfort the the feeble minded releeve the poore visit the sick c. Why al these are both outward things and are abused most men place all religion in them as in Pauls time Gal. 2. they placed religion in circumcision the Iews placed all holines in them Es. ● Mi. 6. 6 Why then was Christ circumcised for in his time many said they were Abrahams circumcised sonnes and that was enough to save them which was to place all religion in circumcision but though we may suspend the use of things indifferent when religion is placed in them yet may we not neglect commanded externall ordinances because they thinke they are good christians if they be baptised and goe to Church nor doth Paul Gal. 2. thinke circumcision to be nothing but a thing indifferent for that the false Apostles and be witched Galatians thought their Iustification stood in circumcision but Paul saith Gal. 5. Not onely circumcision was not indifferent but damnable and whosoever was circumcised had fallen from Christ. 6 Conseq To Beacon they are all Iewes who judge baptisme the Lords Supper the scriptures read and preached heavenly things It s true they are externall and without the Spirit they availe not but there is a Majesty and divinity in the Scriptures and in the power of God in the foolishnesse of preaching and baptisme also and they are in themselves spirituall ordinances of God and though baptisme be a shadow yet striving about the doctrine of baptisme is in Moses and Paul no token of their unacquai●tednesse with Christ the substance of all ordinances as M. Beacon imagineth 7 This is to turne all orthodox and sound opinions touching Christ free grace redemption worship scriptures over into Septicisme doubtsome bickerings and to leave us doubting and knowing nothing with certainty and full assurance of faith but to halt betweene two in all opinions touching God Christ the Spirit Trinity incarnation free grace scriptures law Gospel resurrection heaven hell as these opinions are professed before men and Angels and this will turne to professed Atheisme to doubt and professe we doubt of all things 5 And to be ever learning and never to come to the knowledge of the truth 8 If they be Iewes who thinke not all things externall all observances and our outward conversation with men which is most externall most indifferent and free then the letter of the written and preached old and N. Testament must be free and indifferent and it must be Iudaisme to read heare or study the scriptures for they are outward things in which carnall men ever have and ever will place all religion 9 We are to contend earnestly for the faith and for every truth of God Jud. 3. Touching baptisme and all the ordinances of God and to consent to wholsome words against all perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth 1 Tim. 6.3 4 5. 2 Tim. 2.14 15 16. nor 10. Can any Antinomian say that Paul was unacquainted with Christ the substance of ceremonies and circumsion when with such Godly animosity he withstood Peter to the face Gal. 2.11 12 13. and so sharpely rebuked the Galatians c. 3. c. 4. for lesser truths then we now contend for But in this Antinomians bewray of what Spirit they are when they professe all religions Popish Protestant Socinian Arrian Arminian Antitrinitarian Antinomian Familisticall to be free and indifferent and if we have love and faith in the heart we are perfect Christians though we live in wickednes disobedience and rebellion against God 16 Our second birth is our saviour Christ and dominion over sin the very son of God said H. Nicholas 17 H. N. His Christ is neither man nor the consubstantiall son of God but a holy disposition or Godlinesse whereas the Lord Jesus himselfe appeales to the senses the eyes and fingers of his disciples even after his resurrection when he was most spirituall and now in some measure entered into glory that he was a speaking man and had flesh and bones and the print of the ●ailes in his hands and sides yea the scripture saith he was the sonne of Adam Abraham Isaack Jacob David Mary 3 hee was like us
in all things sinne excepted Luk 24.39 40. Ioh. 20.26 27. 18 The second birth is the Godhead and Gods true being obtaineth the victory beareth rule with God and bringeth forth the name of Israel or Christ it selfe sect 12. 19 Christ is not true man nor Abrahams seed after the flesh but God only in so far as he followeth Abrahams faith 20 H. Nicholas and all his illuminated Elders are Christ all not of his way the Antichrist so some Antinomians now at Oxford Say 1 That Iesus Christ is not God essentially but in name 2 That his nature was defiled with sin aswel as ours 3 It is as possible for Christ to sin as for any of us 4 The Trinity of the Persons is a fiction 5 The fulnesse of the Godhead doth dwell bodily in the Saints as in Christ and that when this Godhead shall be manifested in them they shall have divine honour and have more power then Christ and doe greater workes then hee 6 The scripture is but a shadow and a fiction now the word saith 1 The father and Christ are one and he thought it no robbery to be equal with the father Phi. 2 and maintained he was the consubstantiall sonne of God Ioh. 7. Ioh. 10 else the Iewes would never have said he blasphemed in calling himselfe the sonne of God by adoption for they knew Godly men to be so the sons of God 2 By him the word the heaven and earth were created Ioh. 1.1 2 3. Col. 1.16 17. now God onely created the World Ier. 10 11 12. Esay 44.24 Gen. 1.1 Psal. 33.6 7 8. 3 Hee was anoynted above his fellowes with grace Psal. 45.2.7 and wee receave out of his fulnesse and light our halfe-penny candles at this sunne of righteousnesse Ioh. 1.14.16 and he giveth the Holy Ghost Ioh. 16.14 And hath received a name above all names Phil. 2 9 10. and God said to none of the Angells farre lesse to any man save to the man Christ sit thou at my right hand Heb. 1. 21 The Familists are perfect in this life and so are Antinomians Towne as p 77 78. Saltm free grace 140. 22 To say the three persons are one God is a foolish making three Gods Antinomians professe that Antitrinitarians Arrians Socinians are their brethren so they beleeve and love God as they doe 23 There is but one Spirit in all creatures and that is essentially God Epist to the the two daughters of Warwicke 24 Love and well doing and good workes are the cause of our re-reconciliation and the very saviours that beares our sins whereas Christ bare our sinnes in his body on the tree Esay 53.6 7 8. 1 Pet. 2.23 24. 25 Christs dying on the Crosse is nothing but H.N. and his illuminated Elders their obeying constantly the doctrine of H. N. so as no suffering could cause them to forsake it 26 Then is Christ put to death when any of the Family of Love is no longer led by the Scripture but by the Spirit of revelation that is as sure as the Scripture so said Mrs. Hutchison Rise reigne p. 61. er 27. 27 Mortification is to H. N· justification and removing of sinnes so doe Antinomians confound these two 28 The resurrection of Christ was but a passing out of the flesh or letter of the law to the spirituall being of illuminated Elders 29 Christ sitteth not in our flesh at the right hand of God but in the spirit 30 The comming of the Holy Ghost in cloven tongues was the comming of Christ againe from heaven in the Spirit 31 Christs ascending to heaven was his comming to heavenly mindednesse and fulnesse of knowledge 32 The resurrection of the body is a rising in this life from sin and wickednesse 33 In H. N. God this present day judgeth the world the family of love are the many thousands of his saints that Judgeth with him even now and reigneth on the earth Evang. c. 1. sect 9.10 34 The Marriages of all not enlightened are unlawfull 35 Men shall marry and have wives at the resurrection 36 The illuminated Elders cannot sin nor pray for forgivenesse of sinnes so Antinomians hony-combe c. 3. pag 25. c. 7 pag. 139 forgiven sin is not or hath no being before God Saltm free grace pag. 44. 37 Heaven and Hell are in this world Antinomians say we are fully and compleatly not in hope onely saved in this life 38 The family of love is under no law 39 All things are the act of God 40 Angels and Devils and wicked men are acted immediately by the Spirit of God 41 The Scripture is a shadow 42 Ordinances are for babes in their family of love only 43 The perfect are to live above all ordinances 44 Jf temptations lay hold on us and force us to sin and we cry to God for helpe and finde no helpe we are as guiltlesse as the maid forced in the field who cryed and had no helpe and is not for that a whore H.N. documentall sentences sect 13. sect 8. It is true the beleever shal not be charged to eternal condemnation for sins of infirmities that are his burthen and affliction aswell as his sin but sins of infirmities are essentially his sinnes who acts them and make him lyable to wrath If God should contend with David for his adultery and murther displeased the Lord but God cannot charge the sinne of whoredome on a maid that is forced and doth cry out if she doe cry out and have no helpe it is no whoredome on the maids part 45 All the scriptures are to be exponed by allegories This makes 1 The Scripture a masse of contradictions and lyes 2 This turnes our faith and knowledg into a phancie for the scripture it selfe cannot be a rule of exponing scripture if the glosse destroy the text 3 The scripture shall not Judge all controversies as Christ referres the gravest question that ever was Whether he be the sonne of God or no to this tribunall Search the Scriptures for they testifie of me Ioh. 5. 4 All the articles touching Christ his birth life death buriall resurrection ascending to heaven sitting at Gods right hand his second comming c. Creation providence histories shall teach nothing an Allegory shall cause scripture say the contrary Antinomians call all their allegories the spirituall sense of Scripture Bread may in an allegory signifie comfort then the love of God dwells in a brother who seeth his poore brother famishing and gives him neither cloathing nor bread but onely faith in good words Brother goe in peace and be warmed and cloathed an● feed for he gives the poore man allegorically bread and cloathing contrary to Iames 2.14 15 16 17. 1 Ioh. 3.17 18. yea so all scripture shall be turned over in lyes dreames and phancies all covenants violated all faith private and publike among Christins may be broken and yet truth kept in an allegoricall sense according to scripture A man may murther his brother and have life eternall Contrary to 1 Io. 3.15
the flesh with the lusts thereof to the wicked that they may feel sin and be humbled 3. Hee will have the law as it condemnes to bee the only law that is opposed to grace and so meaneth the Apostle Rom. 7.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. Luther Lex docenda promiscue impiis ut territi agnoscant peccatum suum humilientur Piis ut admoneantur carnem suam crucifigere cum concupiscentiis Luther Qui legem damnantem negat Docendam esse reipsa legem simpliciter negat ac siquid de lege docet velamen Mosi non faciem clarem ac veram id est carnaliter intellectum docet Lex non damnans est Lex ficta picta sicut Chimera trag●laphus Nec politica ac naturalis Lex quicquam est nisi sit damnans terrens peccatores Ro. 3. Luther the law condemning is to be preached promiscuously to the wicked that they may feel sin and wrath and be humbled and to the godly that they may crucifie the flesh and the lusts thereof Those that deny the condemning law should be preached Deny absolutely the Law as Paul opposeth the Law to the Gospell the Law not condemning is a fancied and painted Law a chimera for the civill and naturall Law is nothing if it be not a Law condemning and terrifying sinners 1. It is cleare both that the Law as the Law and as it s opposed to the Gospell and as it condemneth all the world is abolished to the beleever as we teach with Paul and all our Divines 2. That Paul in this notion compareth Law and Gospel as opposite and so we with him teach that beleevers are not under the Law in its rigor exaction and condemnation but under grace 3. Yet is the Law not made void but established by grace in that the sinner is justified by Christs passive obedience to the Law not in any sort by his owne active and personall obedience And so his justification is to him passive for both the Law is a meere patient to justifie the beleever for it condemneth him but justifieth him not and he is a meere patient in being justified by the Law for he never doth nor can by his owne holinesse active and personall be justified for that holinesse is contrary to and swerveth from the perfect and spirituall Law of God 4. It is evident that Paul that Luther Calvin and our Divines following Paul teach that beleevers are under the Law as a rule and a commanding and obligeing Law laying on them a necessity of living according to the Law 5. Conclusion In regard of the strict union between Christ and a beleever Luther hath many pithy and hyperbolick expressions that made Antinomians as they pervert Scripture to their own distruction to perverr Luthers doctrine to say a beleever is Godded with God and Christed with Christ and that God is manned and huma●ized by a beleever It s necessary to set downe some of Luthers expressions and the reasons why he speaketh so and both out of his own writings Luth. Re vera quicquid de Christo ipso dicitur mox de quolibet ejus membro vivo proprio dicitur Luth. Vita Christiani non est ipsius sed Christi in eo viventis Christianus est filius Dei heres regni frater Christi socius Angelo rum dominus mundi particeps divinae natura Luth. Christianus non vivit non loquitur non operatur non patitur sed Christus in eo omnia opera ejus sunt opera Christi tam inestimabilis est gratia fidei Luther Tunc fiunt bona opera quando Deus ipse solus ac totaliter ea facit in nobis ut operis nulla pars ad nos pertineat Christus ergo inquit Paulus sic inhaerens conglutinatus mihi hanc vitam quam ego vivit in m● imo vita qua sic vivo est Christus ipse itaque Christus ego jam unum in hac parte sumus Luther Fide homo fit Deus 2. Pet. 1. Verum est hominem Dei gratia adiutum plus quiddam Augustiorem esse quam hominem atque adeo gratia Dei ipsum deiformem reddit quasi deificat ut Scriptura ipsum dominum Dei filium vocet Luther What ever is said of Christ may be said of every living and true member of his so every Christian is a Lambe just holy a rocke a foundation The life of a Christian or a beleever is not his owne but the life of Christ living in him A Christian is the Sonne of God heire of the Kingdome brother of Christ a fellow of Angels Lord of the world pertaker of the divine nature Luth. The Christian man liveth not speaketh not acteth nothing suffereth nothing but Christ in him all his workes are the works of Christ so invaluable and incomparable is the grace of faith Then are good works done when God himselfe only and wholly doth them in us so that no part of them belongeth to us Christ therefore saith paul so remaining in and glewed to me liveth in me the life that I live yea the life by which I live is Christ himselfe therefore Christ and I am one in this part or respect then we are not one simply A man by beleeving becommeth God 2 Pet 1. It is true a man helped by the grace of God is more yea and more excellent then a man and therefore the grace of God maketh him of the forme of God and as it were Goddeth him so as the Scripture calleth him the Lord and Sonne of God Such hyperbolick and Rhetoricall passages in Luther which he softned with a quasi and a ut ita loquar that I may so speak as Catachresticall and hard sounding speeches have driven blasphemous Familists to think and say as the Bright Starre Theologia Germanica Hen. Nicholas Dav. Georgius say Christ incarnate or God manifested in the flesh is nothing but a beleever doing by grace greater workes then Christ and that the Saints have by love and faith communicated to them the being essence and nature of God that H. Nicholas that so was Godded with the being of God That every Saint hath a more excellent Spirit of grace then Christ as is maintained of late in Oxford by a Socinian Sectary so the Familists of new England say the holy Ghost is turned in the place and stead of the naturall faculties of the soule of understanding conscience will memory 2. That love is the Holy Ghost himself 3. That the new creature or new man is Christ himself That by love and the Armour of God is meant Christ. That Christ is made flesh in the Saints That the living Christ worketh in a man in Christ as in a dead passive creature so speaketh a Familist in a blasphemous pamphlet That there is no inherent grace in the Saints but
come we by faith in Christ come suffering glorified Luther saith tom 1. p. 529. Non facta sed fidem patrum imitemur let us follow not the deeds but the faith of the Fathers Luther burnt offerings were not for justification but a sacrificed Oxe was a witnesse of grace and to speak so a working voyce of thankfulnesse or an handy or manuall gratitude by which the hand powred out thankfulnesse by reall words They beleeved in Christ to come we know he is come and gone to the father to prepare dwelling places for us Luther Abraham saw Christs day in faith and the spirit onely Luther the same Christ the same faith from Ab●l to the end of the world and did reigne in divers ages of the world Antinomians as Den Crisp Saltmarsh Del deny any heart-Reformation true conversion to God actuall remission of sins and of all sins or free justification by free grace in a Gospel-way to the Jews under Moses as we are justified and saved under the Messiah and make the promises and covenant of grace with Papists and S●●inians to differ in substance and nature from our Gospel-promises and free covenant as if their law tutory Gal. 4. had varied the way of Justification and salvation to them and to us CHAP. XII Of Christian Liberty and of sense true and false 10 Conclusion Antinomians have not Luther for them in the Doctrine of Christian Liberty Luther Vnusquisque Christianus sciat s● per Christum constitutum esse in conscientia dominum legis peccati mortis contra sc●at quoque hanc servitutem externam corpori suo impositam ut per charitatem serviat p●oprio Qui autem aliter intelligunt libertatem c. Luther Omnia sunt libera nobis per fid●m omnia serva per charitatem ut simul stet servitus libertatis et libertas servitutis Libertas Evangelii non tollit res corpora debit● nominum sed conscientias liberat a vinculis spiritualibus Luther Christianus in conscientia debet esse medicus in externis moribus debet esse asinus Per fidem Christi non sumus liberi ab operibus sed ab opinionibus operum id est a stultâ praesumptione justitiae per opera quesitae Let every Christian know that by Christ he is made in his conscience as he beleeveth in Christ the Lord of law sin death so that these have no power over him On the contrary let him know that this externall servitude is laid on the outward man that by love he is to serve his neighbour Those who otherwise understand Christian liberty as Antinomians who think they owe no obedience to the Law they enjoy the gaine of the Gospel to their owne destruction and are worse Idolators under the name of Christians then they were in Popery All things are free to us by Faith yet all things are under obligation of Law in regard of charity that so the servitude of liberty and the liberty of servitude might stand together The liberty of the Gospel takes not away things bodies nor duties of men but freeth the consciences from spirituall bands of wicked opinions Th● Christian in his conscience should be a physitian but without in externall conversation an Asse to beare the burthen of Brethren Luther meaneth in things indifferent that are without the case of scandall as hee exponeth himself Tom. 1 472.528 and clearly To. 1. In Christum credentibus omnia munda indifferentia licita sunt quaecunque vel praecipiuntur vel prohibentur externis ceremoniis c. and Tom. 2.154 155 156 158. Through faith in Christ wee are not free from works but from opinions of works that is from a foolish presumption of righteousnesse to come by works Now by opinion of good works Luther meaneth conscience and the resting of the conscience on good works as our righteousnesse hence so often saith Luther the Law hath nothing to doe with the conscience the Law hath no power over the conscience the Law ought not to reigne over the conscience And so 2. he placeth our Christian liberty not only in freedom from the Judiciall Law Tom. 4 on 1 Pet. 2. Rom. 13. and from the Ceremonies of the Law of Moses Tom. 4. fol. 145. But also from the condemnation of the Morall Law As is clear Luther That Christian liberty which Christ hath purchased is not so easily beleeved as spoken if it could be apprehended by a sure and firme faith no fury nor terror of the world of law sin death and the devill could be so great which would not be swallowed up as a little spark of fire by the great sea Libertas illa quam nobis Christus peperit non tam cito creditur quam nominatur Si certa ac firmâ fide apprehendi posset nullus furor aut terror mundi legis peccati mortis et diaboli tam magu● esse posset qui non 〈◊〉 seu scintilla a mari ab ea absorberetur Then Luther evidently thinketh our Christian Liberty is not from duties commanded in the Law but from the terrors accusation and condemning power of the Law after wee have sinned against the Law Luther Verba illa libertas ab ira Dei lege peccato morte c. Dictu facilia sunt sed Magnitu dinem hujus libertatis sentire fructum ejus in certamine in agone conscientiae applicare hoc plus quā dici potest difficile est Luther In carne nulla debet esse libertas Debemus enim subjecti esse parentibus Magistratibus in summâ omnium servi esse sed in Spiritu conscientiâ Liberrimi ab omni servitute ibi nulli credimus nulli confidimus nullum timemus nisi solum Christum qui regnat inter medias afflictiones cum gaudio laetitia inter media peccata cum virtute fortitudine These words Liberty from the wrath of God law sin death c. are soon said but to finde the greatnesse of this liberty and the fruite thereof in a conflict and agony of conscience and apply it practically is more hard then can be spoken So he expresly clearely this Liberty in the flesh that is in sinning there ought to be no liberty for we ought to be subject to Parents Magistrates and finally the servants of all but in the spirit and conscience we are most free from all servitude for there we beleeve none trust in none feare none but onely Christ who reignes in the midst of afflictions with joy and gladnesse in the midst of sins with strength and courage It s clear by the flesh Luther cannot mean as Antinomians and Papists with Libertines doe the sensitive part which they call the Asse contradistinguished from the minde will and conscience as if the renewed man in whole sinned not with will affection reason conscience for the reason that Luther giveth is contrary to that for saith
Popery or what else is or shall be by law established without once promise of obedience in the Lord and according to the rule of holy Scripture They well knew that Puritans were hatefull to King James and all such as were non-conform to Prelacy and Ceremonies in either Kingdoms and therefore to ingr●tiate themselves into the Kings favour they raile in their fleshly manner against all the godly in England for which cause the Prelates did overlook them partly because they made work of controversies for the times and diverted many from eye-ing and considering the corruptions of Prelates partly because Prelates and they were common enemies to those that were truely godly and unjustly called Puritans and what shall we think of those that went for Puritans in England not many years agoe who now turn Famili●ts as many now adaies doe 2. They defy all to object any thing against them except disobedient Puritans who maliced them these 25 years and what marvell for Hen. Nichol. saith prophet of the Spirit c. 13. § 8. He can no more erre in what he saith than could the Prophets of God or Apostles of Christ He saith § 9. Almost all of his way were an uncleane whorish covetous and fleshly company 3 They acknowledge their obedience to Ceremonies sacraments and the Kings supremacie Y●t amongst them are neither Kings nor Masters H. Nicho. Spirit c. 34. Sect. 8. But are equall in all degrees among themselves as they say 4 Th●y say onely right gracious Soveraigne wee have read certaine bookes brought forth by a German Authour under the Characters of H. N. out of ●hich service or writings we be taught all dutifull obe●ience towards God and a Magistrate and to live a godly and honest life and to love God above all things and our Neighbour as our selves agreing therein with all the Holy Scriptures as wee understand them But nothing of the blessed Trinity is here nothing of the Gospel of Christ God man of the justification of the ungodly by faith and the rest of our Articles of faith but only of a mere legall way to heaven as if they were in the state of innocencie So they extoll fleshly Henry Nicholas and his doctrine that disclaimes all the protestant faith 2. They will not have the scriptures a rule of faith but as they understand them 5 They complaine that H. Nicho. is shamefully slandred and his disciples traduced persecuted and imprisoned 6 That nothing could ever bee proved against them But that was because they hold it lawfull to deny Christ and their religion before men what then could bee proved against them 7. They intreat the King to read H.N. his books and commit to learned men the examining of them and promise they will bring over some disciples out of Germanie who knew H Nicho. while hee lived to resolve the K. of hard phrases in his writings 8 That they maintaine no errors willfully 9 They desire inlargement upon baile out of prison Yet the Puritans maintaine errour willfully But the truth was the Prelats because the Familist● bowed to their Baal of conformity and hated Puritans and counted any religion indifferent fostered them and would neither refute them nor suffer any others to refute them which is the cause of all the fects this day in England they lay under warme prelacie spake nothing against their domination and now in this time of liberty they come out to the sunne and day-light CHAP. XV. Of the Familists and Antinomians of New England ABout the yeare 1630. The Christians of England who could not beare the Antichristian yoake of prelacy nor submit to the Popish Ceremonies and new inventions of infamous Laud the late persecuting Antichrist of Canterburie who for his Tyranny to soules and treason against the state dyed by the hand of the Hang-man on the Tower-hill of London were forced to remove from England and to plant themselves among the wild Americans with no intention as godly ministers informed me to pitch on a Church-government either that of Independencie or of the stricter Separation or any other different from the reformed Churches but only to injoy the ordinances of Christ in purity and power and to be freed of Prelatical Monarchy a plant never planted in the Lords Viniard by our heavenly Father they were not well established in New England when Antinomians sprang up among them for the Church cannot be long without enemies These were Libertines Familists Antinomians and Enthusiasts who had brought these wicked opinions out of Old England with them where they grew under prelacie I heard at London that godly preachers were in danger of being persecuted by Laud for striving to reclaime some Antinomians They held these wicked tenets especially that follow as may be gathered out of the storie of the Rise Reign and Ruine of the Antinomians and libertines that infected the Churches of New England penned as I am informed by M. Winthrope Governour a faithfull witnes and approved by M.T. Weld in his preface to the book 1 In the conversion of a sinner the faculties and workings of the soule on things pertaining to God are destroyed and instead of them the holy Ghost comes in and taketh place just as the faculties of the humane Nature of Christ doth 2 Love in the Saints is the very holy Ghost 3. As Christ was God manifested in the flesh so is he incarnate and made flesh in every Saint So saith Saltmarsh sparkles of glory opposing the Protestants p. 255. Others say Familists in opposition to Protestants as he cleareth p. 254. Christ in us is when we are made the anoynted of God which is the Christ or the whole intire Christ as one sp●rituall new man 1 Cor. 12.12 and that the Image of Christ ●n us is Christ manifested in our flesh as to sufferings and death whereby the flesh is crucified in the power of God and of the Spirit and the outward man or the flesh is dying now Christ in the flesh 1 Cor. 12 12. is the mysticall body of Christ his Church and this is to Saltmarsh and Familists God manifested in the flesh 4. The New Creature or new man Love or the armour of God Ephes. 6. is not meant of grace but of Christ himself 5. The whole letter of the Scripture holdeth forth a Covenant of works By which beleevers under grace are not to hear or read the Scriptures nor to search them so Saltmarsh Sparkles of glory p. 247 268 269. 6. The Faith that justifieth hath not any actual● beeing out of Christ it is Christ beleeving in us 7 The due search and knowledge of holy Scripture is not a safe way of searching and finding Christ So also Saltmarsh Sparkles of glory p. 244 245. 8 The Law and preaching of it is of no use to drive men to Christ Salt● Spark of glory p. 235.236 237 238. 9. All Covenants to God expressed in words are legall Saltmar Spark p. 244. 10 A Christian is not bound to the Law as a rule
sutable to H. Nicholas his Spirit and to the Enthysiasmes of Swenckefield and to John Waldesso a piece that M. Beacon highly extols p. 138. Catechi who saith Consideration 3. p. 8. That beleevers make use of some rules of Scripture to preserve the health of their soules as they doe for the health of their body rather to conforme themselves outwardly with the sons of Adam then because they feel themselves to stand in need of such observations forasmuch us they being governed by God alone observe the will of God and wholly depend on it And the same Popish Author Cons. 32. p. 107 108. maketh crucifixes Images and the holy Scriptures Alphabets of Christian Piety for beginners M. Beacon who commends this superstitious Famil●sticall book must alwayes judge Images unlawfull so as a Christian having first saith Waldesso p. 108. served himself with holy Scriptures as with an Alphabet he afterward leaves them to serve for the same effect to beginners he attending to the inward inspirations having for his proper Master the Spirit of God and serving himselfe with holy Scriptures as with an holy conversation and which causeth refreshment unto him altogether putting from himselfe all these writings which are written by an humane Spirit So they judge Scripture to be written by an human spirit contrary to 2 Pet. 1.19 20 21. 2 Tim. 3.16 8 Its folly to conclude of certainty of Scripture and not of infallibility in the interpretation thereof So M. Saltmarsh and M. Dell deny the Scripture to be an obliging rule to the Saints but onely the word written in the heart Hence as the Holy Ghost dited the Scripture so also dited be the exposition of Scripture to the Familists and their exposition is as infallible as the Scripture because the same Spirit speaks in both for the same spirit that dites the word must expone it Answ. Then must the writing of H Nicholas and the uncle●n house of Love and of Antinomians be as infallible as the writings of the Prophets and Apostles who were immediately inspired Horrible blasphemy Men and holy men may erre in their Expositions but the Word of God is infallible truth 2. The Scripture is our rule by which all other Truths Doctrines Spirits Revelations must be tryed and if they be not according to the Law and the Testimony there is no light in them Esa. 8.19 20. Luk. 16.30 31. Psa. 119.130.105 Luk. 4.17 18 19 20 21. Joh. 5.39 2 Tim. 3.16 Act. 26.22 3 No marvell that Antinomians be Anti-scripturians and deny Scripture to be the Word of God affirming it to be a dead letter a humane thing of Inke and that what the Spirit speaks to the soule is onely the word of God and no other thing contained in the Old and New Testament 9 Faith justifying is no fiduciall recumbency on Christ God and Man Nor doe we eat his flesh and drink his blood spiritually by beleeving in Christ crucified but by acts of humility seeing our self to be flesh and nothing and Christ to be in us blood that is the spirit life and power of God as if we were Goded with him 10. God and man united in one eate the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood or man as Goded and God as humanized p. 111 11 The reasonings and dictates of our spirit are translated into the 〈◊〉 and dictates of the Spirit of God and so the writing 〈◊〉 and arguments become Divine and eternall not humane and ●empora●y Wind-mils and phanacies must they be bigge 〈◊〉 who leave the Scriptures and imagine that God onely acts understands wills loves feares hopes c. and doth 〈◊〉 in the Saints 12 Swearing at all though before a Judge is unlawfull Simpl. Defenc. p. 22. 13. While you tell the people say they to the godly in New-England that by sorrow compunction and anxiety of Spirit and woulde of minde they communicate in the sufferings of Christ it is nothing else but to conclude the Son of God to be Beliel 14 Baptisme is unlawfull except it be conjoyned with the crosse and sufferings of Christ ●o Saltmarsh Sparkles of glory p. 30 31. denyeth all Baptisme 15 As every Saint ought to hear the word so ought he to preach it Calling of Ministers is groundlesse so p. 66.67 so the An●●nom Beacon Catechi p 7.8 and Saltmarsh Spark p. 131. 16 They are Idoll Shepherds of Rome who cannot preach to the people but in a way of so much study and ease not labouring with their hands for their bread p. 67. 17 If I preach the Gospel willingly say they I have a reward 1 Cor. 9.17 that is if I doe it out of any ability skill or will of mine owne gotten or acquired by any paines or industry as men doe attain to Arts and Trades wherein they are to be preferred before and above others then I have a reward that is something to be attributed and contributed to me for the same then I goe about to deprive my Lord of his right shewing my selfe an unfaithfull Steward ● Simpl. Defen P. 68. then was Gorton unfaithfull in writing this book for pains of art he must have taken in writing in consulting by reading the Scripture to set down Chapter and Verse but all this is the Enthysiasticall gang of Divinity in which Antinomians in praying beleeving loving bereave us of the use of minde will reason affections and make the Holy Ghost and Christ in his person united to us to doe all 18 To preach for stipend or contribution is to give unto God and unlawfull contrary to 1 Tim. 5.17 18 19. which I grant if stipends be the preachers designe and end 19. None is to forethink of what text or subject he is to preach on but as Gods Spirit for the time casteth in his minde p. 75. that is he is to speak phancies without sense method or intention to edifie which thing the Prophets Christ and Apostles did not in their preachings But of this before and somewhat hereafter 20 He denies the resurrection exponing these words My flesh shall rest in hope that is my weaknesse and tyred out condition hath rest and strength in another though not in my self for hope that is seen is no hope This place Psal 16. is exponed Act. 2.26 30 31 32. of the hope of the resurrection of Christ and of ours in him who is the first begotten of the dead but Gor●on p. 106. wresteth it most foolishly to another sense as if it were metaphoricall flesh and buriall and so an allegoricall and spirituall resurrection onely 21 He most corruptly and unsoundly turneth all the Scripture in childish Allegories as is to be seen p. 96 97 98. In the following Treatise you have other Antinomian conceits holden by Ro. Towne who coldly refuteth Doctor Taylor and by M. Eaton in his Honey comb and Saltmarsh of late falne off conformity to Antinomianisme and Tob. Crisp a godly man as is thought But Melancholions who having builded much on
subdued Now this is not in this life 5 That Saltmarsh and his Spiritualists should stay under the ministration of Ordinances of preaching praying beleeving hearing reading or that they should preach is as unlawfull as for Lot to remaine in Sodome But when is there a ministration that Peter Paul and beleevers in this life should pray no more when they are to pray continually to heare and read no more when John saith they are blessed who read and Christ that they are blessed who heare and doe and they are to watch to the end to grow in grace CHAP. XX. Of the ceasing of Ordinances since the Apostles dyed as Saltmarsh teacheth SInce Antichrist now reigneth and Prophets Apostles Evangelists are no more there is no warrant to labour a reformation like the Ap●stolicke times God hath no where said hee will have them restored but he aimes at a pure spiritual worship more glorious than that of the Apostles when there shall be no Temple nor Ordinances ●nd that place Ephes. 4 Till we all meet in the unity of Faith is till hee fill all things 1 ●or who 〈◊〉 perfect the Saints but Christ Apostles cannot doe it and we 〈◊〉 no Apostles now nor any of the pure gifts of the holy Ghost Doth the scripture any where speak of Apostles Evangelists Prophets only for the first age and Pastors and teachers onely for the ages after And that of Matth. 28. Lo I am with you to the end of the world is if more clearely translated to the finishing of the age or that age of ministration pag. 108 109 110 111. Answ. It cannot bee denyed but Antichrist reigneth but where in false Doctrine in the Protestant Churches It is most false Wee have separated from Babylon Nor is it true that Saltmarsh saith locall separation is Legall and Jewish and hath begotten strife and abated love p. 53. For separation out of Babylon cannot be Jewish when the Lord hath expresly commanded the Christians come out of her my people and a Church-separation where there is nothing found as to come out from the unclean Family of Love is Christian not Jewish except we should communicate with the unfruitfull workes of darkenesse and not care to defile our garments And Familists separation from Protestant Churches upon their owne ground must be fleshly legall and Jewish and hath begotten much 〈◊〉 and abated love But any outward performance or duty done out of conscience of a command even not to goe to Masse not to worship Jdols is legall to Familists if wee doe it not upon the impulsion of the Spirit separated from the command as for corruption in conversation if that be the reigne of Antichrist our separation I confesse is to scarce then must he reigne more in Familists the uncleanest of sects then in the truely godly who hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans 2 Familists and Seekers would have no Churches reformed according to the Apostlick paterne because they think the Apostles legall and Jewish men and they judge all externals and outward Ordinances as hearing baptisme praying to bee Jewish and legall and hold that love is all And another commandement there ought not to be Upon this ground I judge Antinomians say this is the only gospel-worke and way to beleeve and there is no sinne but unbeliefe adultery murther sodomy covenant-breach perjury treacherie of Arm●es Servants to Masters are sinnes before men onely but not against God and in these we are obliged by no Law but to please one another in love adultery is against no obligation of command Saltmarsh free grace 193 74.14● 154. Town 39.40 Honey-combe 95.37 Den sermon of the man of sin 9 10. 3 Another more pure and spirituall and more glorious Ministration where love all spirit reignes then is warranted by the Doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles wee know not Yet Saltmarsh pag. 194 195. condemneth the Assembly of Divines the seven Churches of the Anabaptists their confession and reformation because they indevour a Reformation only in some outward Ordinances and not any purer or more glorious discoveries of God or union with the spirit or glory Why and what cause is there For these new discoveries and new lights of a more pure and glorious spirit are either warranted by the Word of God in the Old and New Testament or they are not warranted If the first be said the Assembly and Reformed Churches Calvin and Luther whom Saltmarsh carpeth at as p. 107. darke legall and Jewish reformers because they loved not the Spirit of the Family of Love ought to have gone no further on to reform or measure the Temple then according to the golden Reed of the word of God But Saltmarsh cannot away with any reformation but such as setteth up a firmament of new lights especially of Antinomian and Familisticall wild-fire to shine to men and we confesse we indeavour no new discoveries of that kinde for they are not known to the Apostles such as that the justified cannot sinne their Adultery is no Adultery they are as free of any indwelling sin as Jesus Christ. 2 They are not to be touched in Conscience for sin 3 Nor to crave pardon 4 Nor to doe any duty because commanded in the Law 5 Nor to beleeve that Christ died for sinners rose for their righteousnesse 6 Or to pray continually 7 To heare 8 To be baptized with Water c. Answ. 1. Paul saith 1 Cor. 2.1 He determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified then Paul knew no discovery or new light nor any more spirituall way that is all spirit and a dispensation beyond the Law and that of the Prophets and beyond the Gospel which is that of the Spirit all spirit and pure spirit For Paul would have no doubt desired to know it yea all other things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what-ever they bee are dung and losse to him in comparison of the super-excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord Phil. 3.2 John the Apostle who saw so many Divine revelations and discoveries of the spirit if any man else must bee above Law and Gospel and up at this highest and most spiritual discovery But John even in his actual visions and spiritual ravishments Revel 1.10 was never beyond sinning and a capacity of exhortations consolations and rebukes for Idolatry as is cleare Revel 1.16 17. Revel 19.10 Revel 22.8 9. Then there can be no such pure and spiritual dispensation to the Saints in this life as is beyond all ordinances of exhortation consolation rebukes for the Holy ghost telleth us that John in the discoveries of God that are most spiritual had need of these Feare not I am the first and the last and see thou doe it not I am thy fellow-servant worship God 2 It will be found that the anoynting and the holy spirit that leads in truth leadeth by no other meanes then by the word preached Rom. 10.14 Esa. 59.19 20 21. But if these new discoveries be not warranted
as well as we know one another by voyce features statures of the outward man then must the light of this new spirit be as certaine as our knowledge by sense why then are we bidden try the spirits and beleeve not every spirit Peter sayth he pag. 150 151 152. walked in his fleshly appearance with his sword not knowing God was to call him out of that dispensation of the flesh to more glory into the same glory he had with God before the world was Eye for eye and wars are from the Law and legal principles Ans. Peter was not called to the glory that Christ had with his father before the world was in this life so long as his flesh needed the defence of a sword except heaven and the resurrection be in this life while we are clothed with flesh as Familists teach 2 Sinlesse Gallesse selfe-defence and defensive warres without malice desire of revenge are perpetuall morall duties under the Gospel oblieging the most spirituall man by the sixt Commandement thou shalt not murther to defend his owne and brothers life from unjust violence Eph. 5.28 1 Chro. 1 Sam. 26.2 2 Kings 6.32 1 Sam 14.44 Pro. 24.11 So Fortunius Garcias Comment in l. ut vim vi ff de justit jure So the Law l. Gener. c. de decur l. 10. l. si alius § bellissime ubique gloss in vers c. Ferdin Vasquez illustr question l. 1. c. 8.11.18 the Gospel the spirit looseth no man from the Law of nature thou shalt not murther 2 Eye for eye was a judicial Law falsly exponed by the Pharisees to maintatne hatred of our enemie and private revenge which both Law and Gospel forbids 3 If because we are clothed with flesh we may not in an innocent way defend our selves as the wormes and all beasts doe but the Gospel must forbid this the Gospel must forbid to eat drink sleepe cloth our selves 4 Saltmarsh in this condemneth Christians and Familists to beare armes or to be Magistrats the contrary of which is their daily practice preserve thy selfe and deny thy selfe are nor contrary as Saltmarsh imagineth pag. 160. nor did God ever command contraries in Law and Gospel CHAP. XXII The highest discovery Familists have of Christ to wit that he is a man only figuratively not true man OF the highest last discovery of God to man saith Saltm 201. They say speakinge of Familists Adam was a way by which God preached first to man and was not the first man in whom all stood and fell but a way by which this mystery of God was made to appeare first to the creation and Adam held forth nature or a part of this creation in communion with God as to grace and love while hee stood and another part of the creation or nature out of communion with God as to love and grace he should say as to no love no grace but in communion or union to God as to Law and Justice thus they interpret these scriptures of mans first glory fall lesse in the very letter and more in the mystery and in this twofold state were all the rest Cain and Abel c. They say the Gospel or fulnesse of time of the clearer discoverie of this mystery was the Lor● Jesus himselfe or God manifested in the flesh or as in one man a figure of the whole mystery as to grace and love or God in flesh or in his or of God in that other part of his creation his Church or Saints And all that Christ did from his childhood to his crucifing death and crosse was a discovery of God by this figure in the whole mystery how God is in all his how he works hath his times of law and of graces and gospel of crucifing and offering up all to death through the eternall spirit which is the blood of the everlasting Covenant or Seale whereby God witnesseth to his people that he is their God and they his people by killing all the strength and life and power of the first creation and carrying it up into a more excellent life his own Spirit And so all Christs birth growing submitting to ordinanecs crucifying death buriall resurrection ascension were so many discoveries as to us in the flesh of the whole mystery of God in the Saints made out in these parts and degrees and severall ages and conditions to shew how God weakens and brings to nothing the life of nature or of this creation in which he will dwell and make his Tabernacle and carry it up into a higher and more excellent life even himselfe and his own glory So as they say all that is spoken of Christ as in that person that was born of a virgin who was crucified dead and buried risen and ascended is spoken in figure in a myst●ry an ●llegory not in Christ as a true reall man of the 〈…〉 into which God enters or is born into the world and so 〈…〉 along with him through severall admini●trations into 〈◊〉 Answ. In all this observe a greater and higher mystery of Familists then in Antinomians though they be birds of the same nest Saltmarsh speakes of them in the third person that he may seem not to own them but they are his own Sparkles of vain glory while as he would speake his Antinomianisme and Familisme in so high mysterious su●lime a strain so farre above and beyond the L●tter and written Scripture that Mr. Gattaker and those whom he calleth Legali●ts doe not understand him page 320 3●1 The same very thing saith Calvin of Libertines They used stra●ge and dark language so prating of Spirituall things that they could not be understood Instruct. adve●s Libertinos cap 3. in Opus● p 435. Caeterum obscuro peregrino sermone utebantur ut de rebus spiritualibus ob●annientes minimè intelligi possent Libertini But lest this high and last discovery of the Spirit should not be known to all the Familists of England he will reveale it them and in print too to all Legalists whereas before we heard Familists reveale their secrets but to some few of the perfect●●● of their own Tribe So H. Nicholas tels us Exhor 1. c. 6. Sect. 5.7 8 9. And in his Elidad Sect. 5. But 1. there is nothing of the first Adams sinne imputed to us that is plainly denied They say Adam was a way that is a figure mystery or example by which God preached first to man Law Justice and Wrath and was not the first man in whom all stood and fell What then He was not a materiall man at all it was no tree no fruit no eating materiall or bodily For all that is according to the Familists way to expone the word in the letter and fl●sh not in the Spirit For saith he thus they interpret 〈◊〉 Scriptures of mans first glory and fall lesse in the very Letter and more in the mystery So to expone all the histories of the first Adam and of Christ not in the
Historicall Literall and Grammaticall sense but in the Mysterious Allegoricall and Spirituall sense is the way of Legalists who say they follow the Letter and know nothing of the Spirit but the Letter killeth and the Spirit quickneth Read Philosophy dissected and the peeces called Theologia Germanica and the Bright Star and H. Nicholas his Exhortations and Documentals and you shall find strange Allegories And Saltmarsh is as Monkish in Allegories as they 2. Antinomians tell us often of imputed righteousnesse which supposeth Christ was a true reall Man and God-Man in one person and that we are saved by the merit an satisfaction of his obedience and death imputed to us But Saltmarsh and Familists her● tell us Christ is a meere figure sampler document or example onely in which God discovers to us grace and love And all that is spoken of Christ as in that person not in that person really but figuratively as in that person that was borne of a virgin who was circumcised c. is spoken in figure of the whole nature What Was not Christ reall and very Man our only surety Mediator High Priest who offered a reall sacrifice for us Is he nothing but a figure and if Adam was not the first man in whom all stood and fell so that all have sinned in him neither can Christ be the second Man in whom all his sonnes are justified redeemed and saved But Familists deny that Adam was the first man in whom all stood and fell as Saltmarsh told us before and therefore Familists deny that doctrine of the first and second Adam Rom. 5. and 1 Cor 15. 3. It is a mystery that all that Christ did from his childhood to his crucifying death and crosse was a discove●y of God by this Figure in the whole mystery how God is in all his and works and hath his times of Law-crucifying c. Was his crucifying but a discovery or a document of God by this figure The Scripture riseth higher He was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our peace was upon him with his stripes we are healed Esai 53. And him that knew no sinne God made sinne for us that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him as it is 2 Cor. 5.21 And in his own selfe on the tree he bare our sinnes 1 Pet. 2.24 The Familists make Christ a discovery and a teaching figure not a true Man The Socinians make him a Man but a meere example of patient suffering if we follow him his example will save us but they denyed he payed a reall satisfactory ransome to Gods justice for us 4. By Christs death say they God witnesseth to his people that he is their God and they his people by killing all their strength and life and power of the first creation and carrying it up to a more excellent and glorious life his own Spirit How killed Christ the strength life and power of the first creation Christ is but a figure and Christ but suffers sayth Gortine and dies in us when we who beare his Image For Man saith Saltmarsh p. 3 4. is created according to the Image of God which was Jesus Christ doe suffer and die for God cannot die And to this agreeth well what Saltmarsh saith p. 288. Others say he himselfe and Familists in opposition to Protestants who make Gospel-administration to stand in repentance faith sanctification justification 285 286. the mystery of salvation is no other then Immanuel or God with us Christ being no more but an anointed one and that anointed one is our nature or weaknesse anointed with the Spirit even God himselfe who is strength And this mystery of great and exceeding glory is revealed in peeces and parts and after the manner of men according to the infirmity of our flesh within the Christian in graces c. and in the Scriptures or expressions and formes without the Christian then is Christ crucified nothing but a beleever graced within with Gods Image And p. 283. he saith O how doth the pure appearance of God powre shame upon all flesh and fleshly glory Either by letter or by graces the day of the Lord will be upon all our Cedars and Okes. Now a Saint anointed is God manifested in the flesh to Saltmarsh and will the Lord powre shame on God manifested in the flesh or is the day of the Lord against Christ ●evealed within the Christian in graces and in the Scriptures without the Christian Then is Gods wrath kindled against grace within and Scripture without brave Divinity The Scripture saith not that Christ on the Crosse killed the strength life and power of the first creation that is Gospel-grace beleeving and God manifested in the Saints that is the new creature in them and the first creation that is as they say the natu●rall faculties of knowing willing nilling so as the holy Ghost and the Lord Jesus must come in place of these faculties and in us love feare beleeve rejoyce and we all our powers that we had in creation must be dead passive organs Industry Arts Sciences Tongues Labouring acting of Duties quite removed as flesh and corruption and we turned in all spirit See Rise reign Er. 1 2. For Saltm saith Sparkles of Glory 230 231. all other askings or seekings of God which are not thus in Spirit or in the will or mind of God in some evidence or pure work of the Spirit is but the askings of creatures as creatures All exhortations in Scripture to this duty as Seek yee my face Pray continually are onely then rightly effectually and properly applied and obeyed when the Spirit of God doth it in the Christian when the Spirit of God breathes in and reveals the will of God and acts in the duty or expressions and the Christian speakes in himselfe or the presence of others that mind of God and so the Spirit of God cloathes it selfe in flesh or letter or expressions as to the outward man If by a pure work of the Spirit Saltmarsh mean that the Spirit acteth as the principall determining moving acting cause carrying on the work so as our Spirit and naturall faculties of mind will affection have their own subordinate and inferiour active influence in the work the holy Ghost helping our infirmities it is good but this is no new light nor Familisticall secret of all Spirit but that which Protestants teach against Den and other Arminians old liers and new lights But ● feare a pure work of the Spirit is as much as the Spirit acts purely wholly only in praying and all supernaturall acts and the naturall faculties strength power and life of the first creation are destroyed and annihilated so as we are dead passive Organs doing nothing but the Spirit doth all as Libertines say Second causes work nothing but God as the soul of all worketh all in all creatures This is the secret and so the praying and all the supernaturall duties of beleevers are pure
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. he never once saith Christ the Sonne of God was made true and very man in all things like unto us sinne excepted or the second person of the Trinity assumed the nature of man in the unity of his person or Christ was the true Sonne of David borne of a woman c. as Scripture and Divines speak but by the contrary only in this appearance of flesh he was a figure of God whose designe it is to make his Saints his temple his tabernacle his body and God thus manifested in the flesh that is God by his Spirit giving us faith and a new birth to be the Sonnes of God in whom he dwells by faith is the Immanuel God with us that is all the God-man or God incarnate which this spirit of the Antichrist will yeeld to us is nothing but every Saint anointed is Christ and Immanuel now the Father and Spirit both make the Saints the Temple of God the new creation the body of Christ thus and so the Son is no more God incarnate then the Father and God is thus manifested in the flesh in making us his dwelling house and Temple and body by faith as Saltmarsh is sure not to speak against but with the heretickes who denyed Christ to have a true body or to be true man but only to be a figure or appearance of a man or a man in representation in forme in meer shape not truly and really so as the Discipl●s heard saw with their eyes and looked on and their hands handled the Lord of life 1 Joh. 1.1 of him they said He is not here he is risen againe except ye beleeve that I am he yee shall dye in your sinnes And in his crucifying saith Saltmarsh p. 13.14 all his first glory in which he appeared revealed that old designe of God that mystery hid from ages and now made manifest to the Saints nayling all the flesh of his Saints to the same crosse and being lifted up drawes all men to him which is the mystery of the Gospel or Christ crucified H. Nicholas document c. 3. sen. 5. to be borne of the Virgin Mary out of the seed of David after the flesh is to be borne of the pure doctrine of H.N. out of the seed of love How Christ nailed all the flesh of his Saints to the crosse except mystically and figuratively and in a spirituall sense I know not but this is all Christs dying on the crosse except Familists say that Christ dyed not really and truly but only in a figure or they say Christ as an extraordinary holy man was God manifested in the flesh and that he was not the consubstantiall Son of God but being a man Godded with the holy being of love dyed as an example of singular love and patience and most submissive obedience and so nailed to his crosse all the flesh of his Saints exemplary that we should follow him as the Socinians teach and so his death must be no reall no true satisfaction nor any satisfactory ransome to justice for us but that God forgave all men their sinnes without a price or ransome of blood and Christ gave not himselfe as a reall ransome price or satisfaction for our sinnes but dyed as a rule and patterne of holinesse that we should imitate him and without his but by our owne personall merits wee might be saved as we were saved by following the godly lives of other holy men The Scripture saith he nailed his owne flesh to the crosse for so it is 1 Pet. 2 24. Who his own selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree And Act. 13.28 Though they found no cause of death in him yet desired they Pilate that he should be slaine 29. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him they tooke him downe from the tree and laid him in a sepulcher but God raised him from the dead Now the man Christ that was nailed to a tree and buried in the grave of Joseph of Arimathea that same man God raised from the dead but Christ nailed not the Saints flesh and the bodies of beleevers of Saltmarsh and others really to the crosse nor were their bodyes really laid in Josephs new tombe nor did God truly and really raise them from the dead only in a spirituall meaning we dyed are buried with Christ and partakers of his resurrection But saith Peter Act. 5.30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree But Saltmarsh saith the Christ crucifying and nailing all the flesh of his Saints to the same crosse and being lifted up drawes all men to him is the mystery of the Gospel or Christ crucified But Christ crucifying the flesh and sinfull corruption of beleevers in the same crosse is Christ mystically and spiritually and by the merit of his bloody death mortifying sin in the Saints and the sufferings of the Saints are not satisfactory to divine justice as Christs sufferings were but castigatorie to deaden them to the lusts of the flesh and the Saints sufferings are not Christ crucified nor Christ on the crosse drawing all men to him For Christ died and was but once really and truly in his blessed flesh and humane nature crucified Heb. 9.26 27 28. Matth. 27.34 35. Marke 14.24 Luke 23. v. 33 34. Joh. 19.23 on Mount Calvarie But the Saints were not really crucified with him for many of them were not borne when he dyed I have observed before that Gortyn and H. Nicholas make the Saints who beare the image of God suffering and persecuted in the world to be Christ crucified and nothing else because saith Gortyn Christ being the Lord of life cannot dye nor suffer in himselfe and therefore hee suffers in his Saints and so every suffering Saint is all the crucified Christ that these men grant Yea H. N. never confesseth Christ to be true God and very man but sometime the sabbaoth is Christ Evang. c. 2. s. 15. or the service of love is Christ. Exhor 14. s. 1. or the godly being in men is Christ Evang. 13. s. 16. or the eldest Elder of the family of love is Christ that is H.N. or a godly life is Chri●t so are we saved by our owne good works And Saltmarsh saith p. 14. Now all this of this new or second creation as they are spirituall and heavenly are only in and through the same Spirit and discerned in the same Spirit Hence a Christ of flesh and blood who is true man and dyed for us is but Christ in the letter and the Protestant legall Christ that as a killing letter killeth and perfecteth nothing and cannot give life but the true Christ is a Spirit and spirituall and discerned in the Spirit that is to say only the family of love knoweth by the Spirit abstracted from Scripture and from all flesh and letter the true God manifested in the flesh of every Saint and crucified in beleevers and disclaimeth the
the crosse all the naturall faculties power and excellencies that the Creator gave to us when we were created and nailing these to the crosse was Christs crucifying of the flesh and we are the same way crucified with Christ as so many joynt Saviours with him by suffering afflictions and in place of this crucified flesh all the Saints have the Spirit to act in them and our conversion to God or restauration in the second Adam is in that we are made againe in Christ partakers of the divine nature and of the substantiall being of God or godded with the new heavenly being of God in love and Christed with Christ and turned when we are perfectly renewed into all spirit Saltmarsh Sparkles of glory pag. 71. And the naturall faculties of our soule mind will affections are in our conversion removed and in place of them comes the very Holy Ghost in person and very Christ himselfe acts in us Rise Reigne Ruine of Antino art 1. art 2. pag. 1. and lives in us not by faith and created grace but substantially and personally and for this they alledge Gal. 2.20 I live not but Christ lives in me and so neither our naturall power or any thing nor is created grace any thing but Christ is all in all CHAP. XXX Familists will have all externals indifferent 2. SAltm saith Christians should live in the unity of the Spirit under their severall formes and attaintments Now by forms and attaintments he meanes Prelacie Presbyterie Independencie yea Poperie and all outward worship and ordinances of which he saith there is no forme nor model in the letter of the Scriptures and so he maketh the Scriptures as unperfect as the Papists doe the one dreaming of a Spirit in the breast of the Pope and cursed Clergie to be the master of our faith the other an Anabaptisticall Spirit of unwritten revelations to be our leader and they reproach the word of God as formes characters figures a faith Ceremoniall and figurative services out of the knowledge of the Scripture as H.N. saith Evang. ch 34. sent 10. And by Christians he meanes Saints of divers and contrary sects wayes Religions such as is the Chaos of a Church in the Sectaries Army in which there are Arrians that say Christ was but a mere godly man Antitrinitarians Socinians Arminians Seekers Anabaptists most of them all being Arminians Familists Antinomians Enthysiasts and all these should agree in the unity of the Spirit and as he saith after pag. 20. in these outward things they ought to please one another to edification Rom. 13.10 Rom. 8.2 Col. 2.20 the Law of love and spirit or life being more royall and excellent then any worldly rudiments whatsoever Now it is cleare that his meaning is they should keep the unity of the Spirit and please one another in all outward things as Rom. 15.1.2 so I thinke he should cite the place that is doe as Anabaptists among Anabaptists be a Presbyterian among Presbyterians an Independent among Independents Prelaticall among Prelaticall men that we offend not one another because the Law of loving our neighbour is above being baptised or not baptised and using of the signe of the crosse or not using it and all the five Popish bastard Sacraments are lesse then loving our brother upon this ground Familists make all externalls free and indifferent and so doth Oliver Crumwell in his letter to the House of Commons 1645. which I set downe here that many in both Kingdomes who looked on him as a godly man may be satisfied toward him whether he favour Familisme or no for it smelleth rankly of that fleshly sect it was printed before by Authority Presbyterians Independents all have here the same Spirit of faith and prayer the same presence and answer they agree here know no names of difference pity it is it should be otherwise any where All that beleeve have the reall unity which is most glorious because inward and spirituall in the body and to the head for being united in formes commonly called uniformity every Christian will for peace sake study and doe as far as conscience will permit and from Brethren in things of the minde we looke for no compulsion but that of light and reason in other things God hath put the sword in the Parliaments hands for the terror of evill doers and the praise of them that doe well if any plead exemption from it he knows not the Gospell if any would wring it out of your hands or steale it from you under what pretence soever I hope they shall doe it without effect that God will maintaine it in your hand and direct you in the use thereof is the prayer of Now because this Letter was publickly Printed and containes doctrine unsound and scandalous to me and many other every Christian is obliged to be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason of the hope that is in him with meeknesse and fear 1 Pet. 3.15 especially when he giveth a publick scandall of unsoundnesse in the faith I thought my selfe tyed in conscience and others are debters to me for the same freedome of conscience in the truth which they crave to themselves in errors and here●ies to shew how scandalous and unsound this Letter is Pres●yterians Independents all have the same Spirit of faith and prayer the same presence and answ●r Answ. This is no just enumeration to prove the inward and spirituall unity in the Army which he intends for there bee in the Army Socinians Arminians Anabaptists and by name Jo. Saltmarsh Mr. Del and Seekers who in Print disclaime both Presbyterians and Independents and to my knowledge there is not this day in England any that is a mere Independent which maintaineth nothing but Independencie with mo●t of these of N. England and does not hold other unsound and corrupt tenets especially that of Liberty of conscience which bordereth with Atheisme Scepticisme and with all faiths and no faith 2. I am not of the Authors minde that Presbyterians and Independents as now they are can have the same spirit of faith and prayer except we say with H Nicholas the first Elder of the family of love that all externalls in Religion Presbyterians Independents Popes Cardinals Bishops Priests Deacons Sextons Services Ceremonies yea and the Church of Rome till contentions arose about these as H N. Evangelie c. 32. c. 33. saith are indifferent and no wayes unlawfull H. N. saith his followers are subject to no Gods no Lawes or Ceremonies but only to the Lord their God and to his most holy service of love they are not likewise subject in bondage unto the creatures neither yet to any created thing but only to the Creator c all their life minde and delight only is in God and God himselfe likewise with his mind life or Spirit is in them and they are even so of one conformity or substance with each other namely God and his people of peace Spirit l. and c. 55. l. 9. No
unity but imaginary unity because outward and in visible formes before men not inward not spirituall not most glorious so are whoring lying chambering sinnes in the justified only before men and done by the flesh not sinnes before God nor against any Law all that preach duties and against such sinnes to our Familists are literall outside carnall and legall preachers to H. Nicholas Evang. c. 4. s. 4. unilluminated unregenerated unrenewed ungodded unsent all because they are Scripture-learned and to these men the Scripture is but as formes and outward things and so no sin to neglect it there is no unity of professing hearing speaking the same truth of walking as the Redeemed of the Lord. Love in the heart is all H. Nich. 1 Exhor c. 16. s. 2. calleth all Ordinances and Chri●tian walking in Christ false exercises or usages which beare a godly shew 1. The Author will have no reall unity but inward and spirituall What then is become of all outward Ordinances that have an outside by Christs appointment answering to an inside and these two united make but one and the same spirituall Ordinance for the body followeth the soule and both follow the Spirit of Jesus according to the written word and the vocall praying the preaching the hearing visibly acted by a beleever in the outward is no lesse spirituall when inside and outside both joyne with the word and Spirit then the inward acts of the minde transacted only within the soule This Author following H. Nicholas and Mr. Del and Saltmarsh would exclude all unity in the body to the head that consists in outward Ordinances as if Christ were not the head of the body visible and of the true visible Church as well as of the invisible Church and as if Christ as the head of the Church did not command and appoint there should bee a visible Ministery an externall Church-government which is spirituall and outward Ordinances of hearing preaching praying Sacraments written word of the old and new Testament but had left all these free to men therefore H Nicholas condemns all knowledge of the Scriptures as Ceremoniall false literall and fleshly wisdome So his Epist. to the two daughters of Warwicke speakes and Evangel ch 34. he rejects the figurative services and Ceremonies that arise from the knowledge of the Scriptures as contrary to the spirituall and inward service of the holy being of God in love and godly wisdome Therefore these Authors call the word of God and externall Ordinances nothing but formes the letter characters figures flesh or externall fleshly Ordinances that perish with the using and are no better then the Ceremonies of Moses Law that are gone and buried and may not be used Saltmars Sparkles of glory p 293.287 288 243 244 245 246 247. Del uniformity examined pag. 7.8 wee know Familists and especially Mr. Dels Sermon before the House of Commons p. 7 8 9 10 18 19 c. cryes downe all Reformation but that which is of the heart and inward and spirituall So Saltmarsh Sparkles p. 217. And this Antichrist is one who denyes Christ comming in the flesh or God in his people who is comming and comming that is ever flowing out in fresh and glorious discoveries and manifestations of himselfe forbidding all beyond them as new lights and false revelations and fixing God and his appearances in their conceptions votes and results and councels and consequents and Lawes of worship In which you see these are one and the same denying Christ comming in the flesh and denying his comming in fresh and glorious discoveries of himselfe then must God incarnate and manifested in the flesh and borne of a woman and of the seed of David be nothing but God by his Spirit opening a new light of Familisme as H. N. taught every spirituall man was Christ and there was not another second Adam and every sinning man the first Adam 2. Christ in the flesh is but a forme and flesh and to bee under his heavenly and spirituall teaching as he preacheth Matth. 13. Joh. 13. Joh. 15 16 17. c. is to bee under the Law and the bondage thereof as under a more legall Christ then that of all Spirit and pure and glorious Spirit It is most considerable that Familists and Antinomians who make every Saint to be Godded and Christed with the godly being make every beleever to be God manifested in the flesh And as Papists make as many hosts as many Christs in their dreame of Transubstantiation so only Familists and Papists multiply many Christs to us and no doubt Christ had an eye to both but specially to Familists Matth. 24.23 then if any man say unto you Loe here is Christ or loe there is Christ beleeve it not 24. For there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets c. 3. The forbidding of new lights and new discoveries of God beyond what is revealed in the Scripture to which under pain of a curse we may not adde Rev. 22.17.18 is unlawfull because the scripture to Saltmarsh is but a forme that perisheth with the using and to Familists a fixing of God Idolatrously w●thin created formes Vnion in formes commonly called Vniformity every Christian for peace sake will study Why should the Authour speake of Uniformity with such an estranging and detestable expression for with his hand lifted up to the most high God he swears to endeavour to bring the Church●s of God in the three Kingdomes to the nearest Vniformity in Religion confession of faith forme of Church government Now by uniformity we understand not figures words characters which we tye no man too so they speake not as Hereticks and Familists who tell us of an incarnating of God in every Saint or a Godding a Christing of a Creature see H. Nicholas Evange c. 34. Nor doe we meane union in time places persons as Mr. Del ignorantly phancies in his Vniformity examined he may examine his owne examination for he speakes he knowes not what by Vniformity we meane union in the things and in the true Doctrine and substantial practises of faith worship government of the Church in the fundamentals But the Arguments of Del and other Familists prove that the Saints are not to be taught by any ordinances preaching reading hearing I should be glad this Authour were neither of the faith of Del nor Saltmarsh but h●s letter smell●th rankly of them Yea by this way all England are licenced 〈◊〉 doe what they list on the Lords day and the Booke of spo●●s licencing all Plays and pasttimes from morning till night on the Lords day must be called for aga●ne which 〈…〉 Bishops were ashamed of for Vniformity of all Christians and Churches to ●e●pe the Lords day is but a form and no spirituall worship to Familists Del saith the spirituall Church is taught by the anoynting the carnall Church by councels By this the Familists d●ny all Oathes and Covenants and abjuration of false Doctrine under the new Testament in which they will
love have no heads nor Kings which are borne of the flesh and bloud of sin And c. 37. s. 7. It is well-pleasing of God that one man of God lordeth not over the other neither that the one be the others bond-servant c. 38. s. 4. A King is the scum of ignorance Then the Saints cannot returne to that carnall dispensations to bee under Magistrates but Familists by their principles have leave to say one thing and beleeve the contrary So doth H.N. teach Epist. to the two daughters of Warwick M. Bowls for ungratitude a monster of men if he be the Author of that lying Pamphlet called Manifest truths could have witnessed more against the sense of this letter but he defending it betrayeth the truth the Covenant of God as too many like him doe now for he casts a covering over this letter and passeth it in a word and boldly asserteth for truths many grosse lyes and spake never one word in Print of the heresies and foule tenets which he heard as an eare-witnesse in the Army though his charge was to be a preacher To conclude I know none that would wring the sword out of the Parliaments hand but these that force the Parliament by the terror of twenty thousand armed men either to grant their unjust demands by Thursday at night next or they will take some extraordinary course with them So Beacon in his Familisticall Catechisme p. 189. would prove the truth of this that all externalls are indifferent by Gal. 6.15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but a new creature and 1 Cor. 10.29 Now by outward things Familists must meane all outward worship or Idolatry and why not acts of saving or destroying our brother the taking or not taking of your neighbours wife to please her in love for the Law of love of Spirit and life is more Royall and excellent then committing Idolatry or not committing Idolatry then murther adultery perjury c. or not doing of these outward things because the Law of love is the cause and generall Commandement of the whole Law and above externalls but if these be indifferent so as we must for love and the unity of the Spirit do them or not doe them then Peter was not to be blamed by Paul Gal. 2. for he pleased the Jews in that he did but Paul saith in Judaizing in a lesse matter he was to be blamed and looked awry to the Gospel Nor can Familists say in externals in the first table we are to do or not do as the Law of love in pleasing one another shall permit but in matters of the second Table before men we are not to murther or not murther whore or not whore because the Law of love cannot stand with murthering whoring stealing Ans. I see not but the indifferency upon the Familists ground is the same as touching both Tables of the Law 1. Because if Christ free us from the Law as a rule of life he freeth us from the Commandements of the second Table as a rule of life as from these of the first Table because the Gospel-liberty is alike from all and every part of the Law except we say Christ leaves us under condemnation as touching sinnes against the second Table but freeth us from condemnation as touching Idolatry perjury blasphemy Atheisme unbeleefe which is absurd 2. We are to please one another in love Rom. 15. especially in acts of charity between man and man in eating or not eating Rom. 14. and why not in acts of adultery and murther he that said Thou shalt not worship false Gods said Thou shalt doe no murther 3. The Law of loving God which is more worthy then the Law of loving our neighbour makes the keeping of the first Table as strong a band to please God in loving him and in keeping all his Commandements as the Law of loving of our neighbour if it be true that we must obey God rather then man 4. But here is the mystery there is no sinne in relation to God can be committed by a pardoned man because pardon makes him he cannot sin but for scandals sake he must not displease his brother 2. If we must in outward things please all in love and the unity of the Spirit then doth the Law of love oblige us to contradictory observances at one and the same time which is unpossible for to be circumcised offended Paul and beleevers of the Gentiles and not to be circumcised offended the Jewes then doe what yee can yee must fail against the Law of love and the vnity of the Spirit And then Saltmarsh and Beacon among Jewes must bee circumcised and Paul saith that is to fall from Christ then may wee whore or not whore murther or not murther to please one another in love and professe or deny Christ before men to please one another 3. The law of God and command of Christ that must flow from the law of love for love is a fullfilling of the law doth command the Apostles to teach and baptize and command the people to heare and be baptized and to eate and drinke till the Lords second comming in remembrance of Christ crucified then except we sinne against the love of God we cannot wholly omit these outward things 4 Upon this ground Saltmarsh and Beacon doe preach writ Books pray which are outward things yet they cannot but displease their brethren the Seekers and the most spirituall or rather most carnall of the Family of love in so doing for they breake the unity of the Spirit in these outward things when they ought in love to please one another and not writ any thing which they thinke and professe to bee a ly The place Gal 6. hath this sense neither circumcision of the Jews nor want of circumcision in the Gentiles of themselves and separated from a divine commanding Authority and inward renovation can save a man but a new Creature by faith only Or rather neither the Jew called circumcision nor the Gentiles called uncircumcision as in Gal. 2.7 is any thing nor are men saved because Jews or because Gentiles but as new Creatures in Christ as Gal. 6.28 29. There is neither Jew nor Greeke in Christ c. as the ver 16. cleareth as many as walke according to this rule c. Then it maketh nothing for the indifferency of circumcision which to use at that time was to runne in vaine and to fall from Christ Gal. 5. and for Rom. 15. Paul speaketh of meats at that time indifferent in the which we are to please one another in love but not but according to the rules of love and charity yea we are to displease one another rather ere we displease God and murther our brothers soule Paul would not please Peter in Judaizing Yea if an Antinomian or a Familist a Socinian an Arrian or any false teacher come to us he not bringing this doctrine of the Gospel we are not to please him in love though
preaching another doctrine be an outward thing yea we are not to receive him unto our house nor to bid him God speed for he that bids him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds and we are never bidd●n keep the unity of the spirit with false teachers 5 It is true love is more then outward things and the greatest commandement next to the love of God But loves excellency stands not in this that we must breake any Commandement of God to please our Brethren in love Christ should have the preheminence in all things above our Brother 6. Saltmarsh hath no warrant to call the Commandements of Christ in outward things such as to read and search the Scriptures to preach the Gospel to heare the preaching of faith to be baptised worldly rudiments which name Gal. 4.9 and worse yea the name of weake and beggarly rudiment Paul giveth to Jewish Ceremonies that were then in their use unlawfull Christ speaketh more honourably of the Commandements of the New Testament Mat. 28.20 teaching them to observe all whatsoever I have commanded you Joh. 15.14 You are my friends if you doe whatsoever I command you Joh. 13.17 If yee know these things happy are yee if yee do them Mat. 12.50 whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven the same is my brother my sister and my mother Mat. 7.21 Not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is heaven I well remember that H. Nicholas Evang. c. 31. s. 1.2 and s. 23. Calleth the Church of Rome the communion of all Christians the Pope the chiefe anointed the most holy father the Cardinals most holy and famous and next to the most ancient and holy father the Pope in most holy Religion and understanding no doubt because there is no sinne no Idolatry in externall worship if love be in the heart The Familists repute all personall morfication and sanctification done in the strength of Grace worldly rudiments and all outward things killing or not killing whoring or not whoring pleasing our neighbour or sister in whoring or not whoring hearing the word or not hearing praying or not praying Prelacie and Popery or the contrary as they please or displease men indifferent and nothing to one that is in Christ Jesus This is a faire way for John of Leyden to take fifteen wives and for plurality of wives and promiscuous lusts robberies and the world of David George to act all villanies externall for the Familists and Saltmarsh say the outer man cannot sinne and in all externalls we are to please one another in love and not to count a rush or a straw of pleasing or displeasing of the Lord our God if there be familisticall love or Antinomian faith in the heart all is well 3. I doe not saith Saltmarsh undervalue other attaintments or lessen them he meanes Prelacy Popery Presbytery Independency though he bee in words against them all being now turned Seeker but if they bee unlawfull as you judge them yee should not only undervalue them but hate them as spots of the flesh have no communion with them as being unfruitfull works of darknesse but rather reprove them Ephes. 5.11 as meere will-worship and lies spoken in hypocrisie but all that is contrary to true sanctification is but trifles to Familists 4. In severall dispensations Christians are not to hasten out of any till the Lord himselfe say come up hither This come up hither is a call of the Spirit effectually moving and drawing men from Prelacy Popery the way of Legalists for these are the attaintments he speaketh of up to higher attaintments to a Gospell way of Antinomianisme to a higher way of all Spirit and pure Spirit which now Saltmarsh hath found out though H. Nicholas David George Munc●r and Becold of Leyden have saved him a great deale of labour For H. Nicholas proverbs ch 3. s. 12. divised sundry orbes or severall out-breakings of light 1 From Adam to Noah 2 Then from Noah till Abraham 3 Till Moses 4. Till Samuel and David 5 Till Zorobabel 6 Till Christ. 7 Till cursed H. N. But if these lower attaintments of Popery Prelacy c. be sinfull and unlawfull way●s and if the state of Law-bondage be a denying that Christ is come in the flesh and the attaintment of Presbytery that teacheth the Magistrate should use the sword again●t wolves and false teachers be to Sal●m persecution then must Christians not hasten out of that dispensation of Popery and persecution of the Saints but must sleep in Sodome as being obliged by no letter of a commandement to has●en out till the Spirit inwardly call Come up hither as John was in a rapture and vision called to come up hither Rev. 4.1 So then 1. We must beare one anothers burthens of Popery and persecution so doth Saltmarsh countenance a bloody War against the Presbyterians that for Liberty of conscience this is to beare our corps in a wet and bloody winding sheet to the grave in waiting for raptures of the Spirit 2. Then are we not obliged to come out of any sinne or way of Popery Presbytery or persecution till by a vision and rapture of the Spirit God speake effectually to the heart and say Come up hither 3. Then we doe nothing against a Law obligation till the Spirit move us So the Spirit not moving shall be the cause of all sinne and not the sinner for he doth nothing against an obliging rule because the Spirit saying Come up hither is the only obliging rule of men not the letter of any Commandement say they Saltmarsh Sparkles p. 243. 4. Saltmarsh but the last yeare said Free grace pa. 97.98 Wee cannot too hastily beleeve in Jesus Christ and hasten from out of the inthralling law now this yeare he will have men staying under any dispensation and not hasten out till God say Come up hither 5. All men must please themselves in the false religions and know its Gods will they hasten not out of Sodome till a Rapture say Come up hither and if that never come they are contentedly and submissively unto Gods revealed will to sit still there in a sinfull and unlawfull worship for this is Gods will so to doe ● I am not against the Law saith he nor repentance nor duties nor ordinances so as all flow from the right principles Ans. But I never knew a controversie between Antinomians Protestants whether repentance duties flow from the principles of Free grace and the in-dwelling Spirit of Jesus if Antinomians move this question their Arminians and Pelagians of which divers are with them not we are their adversaries 2. For the right principle of ordinances we know none but the Spirit speaking in the word Familists will have no ordinances but the Law written in the heart this wee disclaime But 3. The question is touching our obligation to repentance and duties they say to sorrow
Life to come which yet the Apostle Heb. 6.1 2. maketh fundamentals of salvation though the Chapter tells us in the Title of the last discovery and highest concerning the whole mystery of God to men But in that Chapter 1. He denieth the Trinity and maketh the three persons as Mr. Beacon doth in his Catechisme also p. 47 48 49 50 51. but manifestations of God Thus God being infinitly one yet in a three-fold manifestation saith he to us of Father Son and Spirit c. a person is not a manifestation but hath need to be manifested to us and denying the personall union of the second person with the Man Christ he makes it but God present with men and Angels in the manifestation of grace and salvation and with Devills and wicked men in the manifestation of Law and Justice So God is no more united to our nature in the man Christ then he is united to Angels and Devills and to elect men and the wicked and the reprobate and Christ is no more God-man in one person then he is God-Angel or God-Devill I tremble to speake it in one person and Christ is just God-man the Sonne of Mary born of a woman and of the seed of David as he is God-Peter God-Paul God Cain God-Judas Iscariot for saith he p. 199. God makes out himself in an image in this creation or nature therefore he takes to himself one part of it into union to himselfe according to one way of manifestation called in the Scripture light love grace salvation Father Bridegroome glory and that part which injoyes God in this manifestation is called the Angels the Saints the elect the Sonne the Tabernacle of God the new Jerusalem the Temple the Spouse he taketh to himselfe the other part of the creation and there he is present but not in this way of grace and light but of another manifestation called Law justice wrath everlasting burning and these are called devills wicked men flesh which live in God and subsist in him as creatures in their being Now the Scripture cals this the great mystery of godlinesse God manifested in the flesh Saltmarsh maketh this as great a mystery God manifested in the Devill to cast him into hell And as the new Jerusalem the Spouse is Christ or God in the flesh of the Saints and Angels by grace and salvation and Christ liveth in Paul and Paul is by grace Godded and Christed and the Angel Gabriel Godded and Christed so Christ lives in Cain Judas Beelzebub by justice and condemnation and the union of God is neither personall in the son of Mary nor in Sathan but only in the effects of grace and salvation in all the elect and by Law and justice in all the damned Angels and men and here is the mystery God is all that part of the creation that commeth under the name of reasonable creatures men and Angels and all the Angels and men created of God were crucified with Christ and all are the Lord of glory by union so that as Libertines made God the soule forme and life of all things men and devills and said that God wrought all good all ill in the creatures and no creature was to be praised for doing well nor to be blamed or punished for ill doing because God is the Author of righteousnesse and sinne so the Familists say that Christ is the form and soul of men elect and reprobate of Angels elect reprobate and that God works in them is united to them and they are meer passive organs in all good or ill So I beleeve Saltm and the Familists do subvert the whole faith and hold nothing with us but doubt of all But I returne to that I said there is a twofold infallibility now though beleevers have not that infallibility proper to Prophets and Apostles in prophesying and writing Scripture yet must we not runne to the other extremity and say as these that fight for Liberty of conscience that there is not since the Prophets and Apostles fell asleep any infallible perswasion and certainty of faith but all our knowledge is conjecturall and a meere fluctuation and fleeting opinion and a faith for a yeare a month or an houre which wee may lay aside the next month and that anointing even the Spirit of God infuseth in us opinions of God contrary among themselves and false and true which is the present judgement of our minde which we are to stand to and to suffer for or to deny as we see the times goe For 1. The Scripture tells us of a sure perswasion of things beleeved Luke 1.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Luke holdeth forth to Theophilus a certainty of knowledge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that thou mayest know the certainty of these things whereof thou hast been instructed So the word imports a certainty Act. 5.23 Act. 21.34 Act. 22.30 Act. 25.26 Act. 2.36 Let all the house of Israel know 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 assuredly A full and certaine perswasion excludeth all doubting and deception or mistake and this the Saints have and may have Col. 2.2 That their hearts might bee comforted unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Thess. 1.5 The Gospel came not to you in word only but in much assurance Rom. 4.21 being fully perswaded This was the perswasion of a faith and such a faith as by which wee are justified without workes Rom. 14.5 Let every one be fully perswaded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in his owne minde 2 Tim. 4.17 That by me the preaching might bee fully knowne Nor is that perswasion of Pauls Apostolicke or by revelation extraordinarily but common to all Christians Rom. 8.38 For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels c. shall be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord 2 Tim. 1.12 I know in whom I have beleeved and I am perswaded that hee is able to keepe that which I have committed to him against that day This certaine perswasion must bee certaine and infallible both to themselves and grounded upon the promise and truth of God who cannot lye Tit. 1.2 Yea and our Divines with good warrant say the Catholicke in visible Church is thus farre infallible that in 1 fundamentalls 2 necessary for salvation they cannot 3 finally and totally erre and fall from the faith But all our Divines and your owne confession of the Assembly at Westminster saith ch 31. Art 4. All Councells generall or particular since the Apostles times may erre and many have erred To which I answer No Councells nay nor the whole invisible Church is infallible in the sense that the Apostles are infallible both in beleeving and teaching by immediate inspiration and so their word is not a rule of faith 2. A Generall Councell conveened in Councell may erre in particular Synodicall acts that is for a time and in some points as the Synod meaneth but it followeth
5.3 4. but b●ptizing is commanded Matth. 28.19 20. By this argument Saltmarsh should not preach nor write books nor bow his knee nor pray nor read Scripture because true preaching to the heart is God teaching without a mans tongue and true writing is God writing his Law in the inward parts without inke or paper and true praying in the Spirit is without knee tongue or lifting up eyes or hands c. by such arguments H. Nicholas and Enthusiasts abolish all ordinances Jesus Christ is the Prophet whom we are to heare and they shall be all taught of God ergo no ministery by the letter can destroy the Antichrist p. 49. Ans. It followeth not for when the Antichrist is revealed to men to be the Antichrist he is destroyed otherwise the Antichrist must be converted to the faith by this way Christ is perfected and entered into glory Luke 24. that is all Christs body and Saints are made Ministers and preachers Sparkles p. 51. and a pure Spirit without all ordinances Ans. Saltmarsh with H. Nicholas turne Christ dying and entring into glory over into a Christ spirituall that is God living by grace in the Saints then as many Saints as many Christs crucified and rising againe 1 Cor. 8. We know that an Idoll is nothing nor an Idol Temple then outward formes and orders are only a supplement to the absence of the Spirit of God and to order the outward man amongst men to their fellow-Saints or the world while the Law of the Spirit of life is not in them shining and conforming them in Spirit and love to the image of Christ then preaching and ordinances are but characters of bondage to the unregenerate and while they see darkly and in a glasse and not face to face 1 Cor. 13. Ans. The meaning of that an Idol is nothing is or is vanity as the Prophets say an Idoll is of no force or power to hallow or pollute meats that of themselves are indi●ferent yet the things sacrificed to Idolls should not be eaten before the weake and if they be eaten in the Idoll Temple we partake of the devills Temple and that is nothing what ever Familists imagine Then we are to abstaine from Popish Idols and to ab●●aine from murther and to walke in love according to the rule of the Gospel and Law commanding good forbidding ill only while we are unrenewed men Ordinances are as the horne-booke to children come to the family of love that are old men in Christ and need no Ordinances an Idoll is nothing but an indifferent thing to them all the Scripture is but to order our walking before men and the world not before God nor to lay any obligation of conscience on a Saint or Familist so as hee should sinne in kneeling to or praying before an Idoll or abstaine therefrom The Serpent Gen. 3. was fleshly wisdome the espousalls of the woman the weaknesse of creation p. 57. Ans. Then the story of Adam Paradise serpent trees eating man woman marriage are no reall histories but meere allegories and metaphors and mysticall things which only can be expounded by the spirit of Familists and Antinomians and this is the only spirituall preaching praying and expounding of Scripture that Saltmarsh giveth us Saltmarsh Sparkles p. 64.65 By meeknesse of the Saints only shall the Jelousie and enmity of their enemies be allayed Revel 14. here is the patience of the Saints Ans. There is not in the text one jot of overcomming the enemies with meeknesse here is matter of ground for the patience of the Saints as chap. 13.10 and with as good ground he may say the keeping of the Commandements of God and of the faith of Jesus is that which allayeth the hatred of the world contrary to 1 Joh. 3.12 Joh. 15.19.22 Matth. 5.11.12 for the enemies doe expound Christs meeknesse and silence to be guiltinesse they wonder that Christ answered nothing the world hate and malice the meeknesse of the Saints though an eminent grace as they doe all other shinings of Christ in them and yet by dying they strengthen the faith of others Rev. 12.13 Joh. 3.30 He must increase I must decrease that is my ministration by word and water must be gone and another more spirituall must succeed and as the fire from heaven licked up the foure barrells of water so the baptisme of the Spirit as fire was to licke up this of water 1 King 18.34 to .38 p. 60. A. But. John speaketh not so much of his Ministery which was in the same doctrine and Sacrament to continue to the end as of Johns evanishing in his person and as the day star at the rising of the Sunne for Iohn was to be gone and to dye and his time of actuall service to expire though the doctrine liveth till this day and in his graces the fulnesse whereof was in Christ and that Elijahs sacrifice was a type of the Spirit Baals of John Baptists Ministery is a Monkes dream the Spirit of God never intended such a thing for we are still builded upon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ being the chiefe corner stone Eph. 2.20 21 22. and so an habitation of God through the Spirit and so the same doctrine of the Prophets and of the Baptist must continue but this is to deprive us of all the old Testament as the Anabaptists doe Eye for eye and tooth for tooth was the Law Matth. 5.39 And love your neighbour but there is a higher ministration of the Spirit in the Apostles time Love your enemies avenge not Ans. The Spirit never meant that under the old Testament we might revenge our selves and hate our enemies the contrary is evident Deut. 32.35 Prov. 20.22 Prov. 25.21 22. and this was long before Christ came in the flesh this is Socinianisme and Popery if Saltmarsh understand either of the two Blessed are the meeke Christ prophesied of a ministration in the Spirit by meeknesse and patience of the Saints Revel 14.12 and Heb. 4. there remaineth a rest to the people of God Ans. This meeknesse and patient suffering of injuries and heavenly Sabboths was in the old as well as in the New Testament Ps. 37.7.8 v. 11. Ps. 34.2 Heb. 11.33 34 35 36 37 38. I saw no Temple there then in this life the Saints shall be without ordinances and the Kingdome shall be delivered up to the Father he that can receive it let him receive it p. 65.66 This ministration is not only done upon the whole body of Christ at last but is fulfilled in its particular accomplishments and mystery of Spirit here Answ. 1. There is no more ground for such a ministration in this life then there is for no death no crying no sorrow no paine in this life Rev. 21.4 no Sunne nor Moone v. 23. no uncleane thing no sinne v. 27. and no more warrant for delivering up the Kingdome in this life 1 Cor. 15. then for the resurrection of the dead 23.37
envying striving and schisme till the Lord say come up hither whereas he sharply rebuketh them for their envying and schismes Now if for envying and schisme the Corinthians bee carnall as no doubt they were carnall in so far and if therefore under the ministration of Christ in the flesh and not under all Spirit upon some other considerations they must have been spirituall and so under the all-Spirit or pure glorious spirit of M. Saltmarsh for as they are called carnall so also spirituall 1 Cor. 1.10 11 12 13 14. washen justified sanctified in the name of our Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God temples of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. changed into the same spirit from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 espoused to one husband Christ 2 Cor. 11.2 let Saltmar answer if none of these were converts that are called carnall for their envying 2. whether one part of this Church were under Johns and Christs Ministery some under all-spirit 1 Cor. 1. Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach Then hee baptised according to his spirituall liberty to the Jew he was a Jew p. 82. Ans. Hee sent not Paul to baptise rather then to preach for Paul baptised 1 Cor. 14.16 then he did it as sent but it is a tricke of Familists to comply with all Religions and deny the true Religion where there is hazard as H. Nicholas said Epist. to the two daughters of Warwick and call that compliance the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free 2. Then baptizing with water was a part of Pauls Ministery which Saltmarsh denyes The spirits of just men made perfect or the true Christian in spirit are these true spirituall Elders in the New Testament Ans. The spirits made perfect are the glorified in heaven associated with the Angels Heb. 12.22 But Saltmarsh will have life eternall confined within this life only to the Elders of the New Testament that is as I conceive Elders of the family of love The true triall of the gifts is when the spirits of Prophets are subject to the Prophets that is when the gift by which any one speakes of Jesus Christ is manifested in the hearts or spirits of the Saints when they see the truths they minister as they are in Jesus and in themselves and in them that are spirituall and truly anointed by the same Spirit 91 92. Ans. Such a subjection to the Prophets hath no warrant in the Text for it supposeth none to be Prophets but those that are inwardly anointed and manifest their spirit of Prophesie to the anointed only as if the anointed may not take him for an anointed Prophet who is only gifted and void of saving grace So H. Nich. Exhor 1. c. 16. No man can rightly according to the truth of the holy Scripture or according to the spirituall understanding of the godly wisdome deale in or use the true Gods service nor should take in hand to busie himselfe therein but only the illuminated Elders in the godly wisdome which walke in the house of love c. 〈…〉 nothing in this triall of his aptnesse to teach 〈…〉 in the Scriptures 〈◊〉 p 272 They did all drinke the same spirituall drinke that is the Ordinances of the Old Testament were as much spirituall as these of the New and signified Christ in the flesh But he concludes be not yee Idolaters that is idolize not outward formes the rocke baptisme 271. these both of Old and New Testament are alike outward letter visible and perish with the using Ans. The Ordinances of the Old Testament are called carnall in opposition to endlesse life Heb. 7.16 and because weake and they could not though bloody take away sins Heb. 7.18 19. Heb. 10.1 2. for the new Covenant promises in Christ the true better eternall Mediator doe all these then it is against Scripture that the Ordinances of both were alike carnall though without the Spirit neither availed 2. The Idolatry of outward Ordinances is condemned as trusting in lying words The temple of the Lord sacrifices new Moones c. Jer. 7.8.9 Esa. 1. But it was never in the minde of the Holy Ghost that Israel worshipped Manna water Passeover or that the Corinthians did adore preaching baptising for their Idolatry 1 Cor. 10.7 is the worshiping not of the Passeover Manna water but of the golden calfe Exo. 32.6 when they feasted and played Saltm then deviseth an Idolatry the Holy Ghost never intended So here 1 Cor. 10. hee disswades from Idoll feasts in Idoll temples 18 19 20. And never did Paul intend 1 Cor. 10. to charge the Corinthians with that sinne of idolizing or worshiping baptisme written Scripture figures letters or outward Ordinances but of sitting at the Idolls table which was to be partakers of the table cup of devils and the Holy Ghost would in the Old Testament have told us of some such adoring of Manna water Passeover but Salm. his new Spirit devised it to reproach all Ordinances Scripture Sacraments Prayer Church c. Lord teach us to pray as John taught his Disciples Then they were under a forme and rule of prayer they saw little more of Christ then his fleshly presence and miracles they loved him and clave to him but had very few discoveries of him in the Spirit except some few at his transfiguration Answ. No Prelate nor Priest nor any I know say Christs Disciples during their conversing with him in the flesh were under a forme and stinted liturgy so that they prayed only the Lords prayer 2 It is cleare the revelation of Christ in the Spirit wee now have the Disciples had the same for Christ Mat. 16 17. Declareth Peter to be blessed because that the Father that is the Spirit of the Father had revealed that to him which flesh and blood had not revealed and Mat. 11. Christ thanketh his Father 25. for revealing to Babes his Disciples and others the Mysteries of the Kingdome and to none other though Worldly wise and great Mat. 13.11 12 13. The Mysteries of the Kingdome are revealed to them not to others who are judicially blinded and Iohn 1.11 12. Iohn saith they have the priviledge of Sonnes and so the spirit of adoption Rom. 8.14 and so have the seale and witnesse within them 15 16 17 26 27 28. who beleeve in him which faith undoutedly the Disciples had And for the discovery of God at the transfiguration it was rather an extraordinary rapture not bestowed on men in this life as beleevers as Familists would live upon raptures of spirit without the word but an extraordinary revelation bestowed of speciall favour on three Disciples Peter Iames and Iohn who were to be Apostles and Pen-men of Scripture as the Prophets were 2 Pet. 1.16 17 18 19 20 21. If Familists be all Organs and Pen-men of scripture immediatly inspired by the Holy Ghost we say no more they are seene to others as well as to us to be Impostors
the Ordinances and hearing untill the day-starre the saving light of the Spirit that goeth before the Sunne and day-light of the vision of glory shine in the heart to make the word effectuall for though candle-light and sunne-light cannot concurre to make one light because the lesser light evanisheth and disappeareth at the comming of the greater light and the moon-light or starre-light of faith cannot be mixt with the noonday-light of glory 1 Cor. 13.11 12. no more then the knowledge of a young child and of the same come to be an aged man can be in one and the same man yet the light of the Scripture the light of the Spirit may and must necessarily be together and are no more contrary as Waldesso and Familists vainely suppose then the light of the Sunne without in the aire is contrary to the visible faculty of seeing within in the eyes the Spirit is by a metaphor called the day-starre for the Spirit is not formally light but effectually only for it is that faculty by which the eyes of the understanding are strengthened to perceive the things of God and therefore called the spirit of Revelation Eph. 1.17 the eye-salve is not properly the light that makes colours visible though I may say to a dim sighted man when I give him an excellent eye-salve see I give you the light of your eyes When I give him but that by which his seeing faculty is strengthened to see perfectly that Scripture is not to be layed aside upon pretended sufficient light of the Spirit without the Scripture light is cleare Rom. 15.4 2. Because the perfectest beleevers have patience and comfort in the Scripture meditating in it day and night Ps. 1. and are strengthened through reading againe and againe the premises lest they faint Ps. 119.49 3. Because the Scripture to every new reading and hearing suggesteth some new thing of God as a fountaine that can never goe dry Ps. 119.96.92 93.72 2 Pet. 1.13 14 15. Phil. 3.1 8. That saying The more of the letter the lesse of the Spirit hath truth as touching the only and meere letter rested on and confided in but is not simply true that the more of the knowledge of the letter the lesse of the Spirit but the more rather of the Spirit 9. The nearer to glory when we shall be all-spirit and have nothing of a Temple and of Ordinances and of the mirror or glasse of the word the lesse literall we are that is we repose the lesse on the letter and are the more spirituall as the nearer to the morning the lesse of starre-light 2 Pet. 1.19 1 Cor. 13.10 11 12 13. But it followeth not that the nearer beleevers are to an immediate vision of glory the lesse knowledge they have of the letter of the Scripture though this knowledge of the letter shall fully be abolished at the dawning of that morning for the nearer it bee to the full harvest the more abundance of the first fruits and yet when the full harvest commeth the first fruits cease and give place to the harvest and the more of the morning twilight the nearer day though the morning twilight evanish when the perfect day commeth yea the nearer that the dawning of the morning face of God shine in at the windowes of our soule when we are in the child-birth paine of eternity the more of the knowledge of the will of God we have in regard we are 1 Pet. 3.14 to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and this knowledge doth include not exclude the knowledge of the letter The Spirit is not a part of the rule of faith or of the word the Spirit is not the word the word is not the Spirit but the Spirit is that which maketh lively and effectuall application of the word to our soules as the Mason is not the art of building but he is regulated by the precepts of art and reason and tyes himselfe to the following of art in all the workes of building the word is that which tyeth us as our guide rule conduct but the Spirit goeth along in a reall uniting of our hearts to Christ as it were enclosed in the word and in applying the word to our heart and so is called the anointing 10. The spiritualty of our soules is in a sort of dominion over the letter of the word when our soules are transformed into the things contained in the Gospell and we are changed into the spiritualnesse of the word so Rom. 6.17 the Gospell is called a forme a mould a signet for looke what letters and characters are in the signet of silver or brasse these same characters in length and breadth and just proportion are instamped on the wax or the paper the Gospell containes the Lord Jesus his image the lineaments of Christ in a new minde new will renewed affections knowledge love meeknesse patience lowlinesse c. it is a morall containing of Christ as the signe containeth the thing that is signified by the signe the Spirit instamps and forms as it were another Christ that is his living spirituall image in our soule Gal. 4.19 a new ingraving of the new worke and new creation of the second Adam 2 Cor. 5.17 on our hearts which is called the Law in the inward parts when wee have the same stampe and image of Christ and are changed over into the Gospel not into the letters of the Gospel or into the externall words but are new-moulded into the Spirit and new spirituall nature of the second Adam and are borne of the Spirit Joh. 3.5 6. the word is called the seed 1 Pet. 1.23 the tree is vertually in the seed the new birth and new Spirit we receive in regeneration is in the word vertually as the thing signified in the signe so are we said 2 Cor. 3.18 to bee changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. And the Spirit lookes to his copy or sampler and looke what lineaments legs limbs proportion of members are in the second Adam these same the Spirit by the word preached draws and frames in us now the second Adam the man Christ in his spirituals is the first borne of every creature Col. 1.15 Christ is the master peece the flower and glory of the Acts of God in creating new creatures after the second creation and there is framed on him holinesse lowlinesse meeknesse humility patience heavenly mindednesse and the spirit according to this glorious mould draws the legges armes and all the severall limbes and members of the new creature in the Saints and he makes efficaciously good that part of the word Learne of me that I am meek and lowly Mat. 11.29 let him take up his crosse and follow me Matth. 16.24 let this minde be in you that was also in Christ Jesus Phil. 2.5 so doth the Spirit change us unto al Spirit and this is the right Christing of the Saints when
we know an Idol is nothing hath another sense as before I cleared 16. Another speciall signe of a spirituall condition is mortification which is not merely and onely in a totall abstinence from sin or hat●red of the world Heathens void of the spirit of Jesus upon morall principles of their moralizing Phylosophy of Plato Socrates Seneca ●an goe farre on this way But when a beleever seeth him selfe and his life incorporated in Christ and his crosse Gal. 2.20 I live not but Christ lives in me not because his deadnesse to the creature cometh without being procured as Waldess● consider .92.345 saith or sought with human industery for though human industery it 's alone yea or helped with supernaturall Gospell-truths or some common grace can neuer produce any but a bastard mortification Yet acts of sanctified reason and Industery spiritualized with the infused life of Christ and informed with the pure light of f●i●h beholding Christ crucified doe worke mortification But then our Spirit must be as dead to these acts as acts as if they were not in us in the poynt of reffect feeling and confiding in them not I but grace not I but Christ in me 2 The powers of the body or outward man by the soule-redoundance of actings stand or lye dead to sin Rom. 8.9 But yea are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the sp●irit of God dwell in you i d And if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin or for sin but the Spirit is life because of Righteousnesse The body is a part of the flesh and in so farre as it is renewed with the soule there is not that fire and fervour in bodily actings of sinne as in a man void of the spirit because though flesh and body both act too strongly in sin yet are these powers blunted and the senses doe not so welcome lusts as once they did but the spirit is life or lively as touching righteousnesse both to be acted and laid hold on by faith so the renewed man is in a manner greived that he must satisfie his naturall life yea so that he could rejoyce if he were deprived of his senses or at least were freed from extreame quicknesse of fervor in his senses apprehending their delighting objects hence cometh in the mortified a sort of holy challenging of his liberty as a servant made free can tell his old Master he now owes him no service so the spirituall man saith Rom. 8.12 Therefore brethren we are debters not to the flesh to live after the flesh we hold now of a new Lord and are vassals to the Spirit of Jesus 3 If the soul be much spiritualized and have much of Christs life in it the man is much satisfied with the active mortifying defrauding of his lusts and fleshly pleasures and there is much will and so much life of God in subduing the body in Covenanting with the eyes in bearing downe and subduing the flesh 1 Cor. 9.27 But I keepe under my body but how As those that runne a race for a Crowne there is much will in such a running sweating for the garland and much consent and eagernesse of mind that the flesh body musecls and loco-motive power pay for it so doe spirituall runners for the incorruptible Garland this argues deadnesse to that flesh which loves to sleep lye rather then to sweat for a ●ools birds-nest that it sees not and in so doing he deadly suspects his owne will of selfe-seeking which is a singular note of deadnesse for he trembles for feare that selfe came in with the spirit and cry halfe mine 1. Cor. 9.25 every one that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things Temperance of the mind is much affraid of vaine-gloriation 4 There is much will also in joyning consent with suffering Gods wil so rejoycing in suffering argues that Paul desired much that the power of Christ might rest on him 2 Cor. 12.10 therefore I take pleasure here is much deadness● of will to satisfie flesh and selfe and much life of will to joyne actively with God in suffering in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christs sake but he suspectes himselfe in this deadnesse ver 11. I am become a foole in glorying he checkes himselfe that he may suffer for Christs sake not for his owne sake and the more dead the wil● is the more mortification and the more mortification the mo●● o● the spirit and the lesse of the flesh is in the man Rom. 8.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. Reader thou hast here though I intended it should have been printed with the rise of Henry Nicholas but it came later to my hand a Petition or Protestation of the Familists which was printed and spread in England an 1604. and is said to have been presented to King James To the Kings most Excellent Majesty James the first by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. The Family of love an 1604. MOst Gracious Sovereigne Lord where there is published in a booke written by your Highnesse as an instruction to your most noble Sonne whom Almighty God blesse with much honour happinesse and long life of a people that are of a vile sect among the Anabaptists called the Family of love who doe hold and maintaine many proud uncharitable unchristian and most absurd opinions unto whom your Highnesse doth also give the name of Puritanes affirming in the said booke that divers of them as Browne Penry and others doe accord with them in their foule errours heady and phantasticall opinions which are there set downe at large by your Majesty advising your royall Sonne as is most meet to punish them if they refuse to obey the Law and will not cease to stir up rebellion Now most gracious Sovereigne because it is meet that your Highnesse should understand by their supplication and declaration of the truth herein by themselves of whom your Majesty hath been thus informed prostrate at your Princely feet as true faithfull loyall and obedient Subjects to all your Laws and Ordinances civill politique spirituall and temporall they with humble hearts doe beseech your Princely Majesty to understand that the people of the family of love or of God doe utterly disclaime and detest all the said absurd and selfe-conceited opinions and disobedient and erroneous sorts of the Anabaptists Browne Penry Puritans and all other proud minded sects and heresies whatsoever protesting upon paine of our lives that wee are not consenting nor agreeing with any such braine-sicke preachers nor their rebellious and disobedient sects whatsoever but have been and ever will be truly obedient to your Highnesse and your Laws to the effusion of our blood and expences of our goods and lands in your Majesties service highly lauding Almighty God who hath so graciously and
the great Idol the bosome and breast-God brought up with us from our youth and warmed with us in Aegypt with our first life-heat 6. That imputed righteousnesse is a way too high for a foole from the wombe while grace casts us in a new mould 7. That litterall and morall preaching of dead and letter-works too Seneca-like is farre from the Gospel-free-Spirit and the subduing of corruption that Morall Philosophie of vertues and vices cannot draw bloud of a wounded conscience 8. That Antinomians vainely argue from the strength the Law giveth to obey which is as good as nothing of it selfe without the Spirit to disanull all binding power of the Law 9. Beware of licence to the flesh under the coat of liberty of the Spirit and let none thinke that Law-curses looseth us from all Law-obedience or that Christ hath cryed downe the tenne Commandements and that Gospel-liberty is a dispensation for Law-loosenesse or that free grace is a lawlesse Pope Grace is active dutifull in acting thankfull holy solicitous in doing as if there were not a Gospel free fearelesse bold as if there were not a cursing Law tender of the honour of the Law-giver and of Gospel-glory due to him who justifies the ungodly CHAP. XXVIII Strict and precise walking a necessarie and commanded Gospel-dutie THe quitting of our owne righteousnesse is scarce a toe or an inch of that large body of strict precise and accurate walking in all manner of godly conversation so farre is the strait and narrow way from being nothing as Antinomians say but onely beleeving and disclaiming our owne righteousnesse Nor did the Spirit of God speake that for want of the knowledge of love we walked very uncomfortably spending our time in fasting weeping mourning praying reading and hearing and in performance of other duties and all to get Christ. Suppose that heat be naturall holy fire from a right principle Rom. 12.15 in a right object Gal. 4.18 in a right manner and due end Numb 25.15 yee cannot bee too holy except God be too holy 1 Pet. 1.15 16. if the path be hell-ward the fervor of the pace makes it worse If it were to merit Christ and make purchase of him I should say this weake man saith right and Towne also who saith away with your strict injunctions as if he would nick-name Gospel-grace to be a sowre and uncomfortable Puritane But 1. sure the needles eye is a strict way 2. Travellers must sell all and buy the pearle hate father and mother yea and their owne life so runne that they may obtaine strive for the mastery resist unto bloud As strangers and Pilgrimes abstaine from fleshly lusts this is more then lusting after self-righteousnesse that warr against the soule fight indure hardnesse overcome die in the cause and warre your mothers sonne on walke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 accuratly Puritanically beware of the ●east spot of the flesh and of the very wrong use of the lip or glimpse of the eye 3. Many seeke to enter in and shall not be able and the righteous shall scarsely be saved Antinomians say we are Pharisees in all this and that God ever intended to man a pleasant and a comfortable life he meaneth loosed from the soure life of a Precisian But Antinomians shall wish to die Puritans Matth. 5.47 what over-banck or singular thing doe you CHAP. XXIX God is truely angry with the sinnes of elect and beleevers ANtinomians hold that God cannot be angry at the sinnes of the justified because they are done away and abolished in Christ. Anger is in God saith Saltmarsh onely by way of allusion and Allegory God is not angry at the sinnes of the elect saith Towne and Eaton It s true of anger flowing from justice which Christ hath fully satisfied and removed but not true of Anger and displeasure against the sinnes of the justified both to hate rebuke and correct their sinnes though God hate not their persons 1. Because then God should be angry at no sinnes comitted by the elect before their effectuall conversion as well as after for both these sorts of sinnes are abolished in Christs bloud ere they bee committed 2. The Adultery and murther committed by David when he is justified by Christs imputed righteousnesse the same way that wee are displeased the Lord. The Lord covered Zion with a cloud in his anger How long Lord wilt thou be angry for ever How long wilt thou bee angry against the prayer of thy people all our daies are passed away in thy wrath The Lord was angry with mee saith Moses for your sake The Lord was very angry with Aaron Though thou wast angry with mee saith the Spouse of CHRIST thine anger is turned away and thou comfortedst mee And in the New Testament Christ rebuketh Peter in Anger Get thee behinde me Satan for thou art an offence to me Doe we provoke the Lord to jealousie Are we stronger then he 3. The command laid upon beleevers Thou shalt not Murther cannot not be an Allegoricall command nor was it a figurative sword that followed Davids house for his sinne nor doth the Lord speake by figures after the manner of men when he saith to beleeving Ephesians Honor thy Father and thy Mother And the Lords hatred of and displeasure at the sinnes of a sonne may well stand with love to his person except the Adultery of the justified bee no Adultery CHAP. XXX The justified countable to God for sinne ANtinomians hold that the justified are not countable to God for sinne It s true they are not thus farre to bee countable for sinne that they must suffer eternall wrath and answer the Law-suit and plea of sinne-revenging iustice which Christ answered but they are so countable for their sinnes as if they receive five talents they sinne if they gaine not tenne 2. They are to feare sinne before it be committed as being under the Law and to looke for the rod of men and temporary corrections after it 3. Nor can Antinomians deny but temporall punishments as well as eternall are threatned in the law CHAP. XXXI God punisheth sinne in beleevers SO doth the Lord inflict temporary punishments and spirituall on unbeleevers though David for his Adultery felt not the stroak of revenging justice yet sure it was Evangelike justice that he who tooke another mans wife secretly that lay in his bosome and killed the innocent husband with the sword of strangers that another should take his wives openly and lye with them before the Sunne and that the sword in his owne house should persue him and the one brother kill the other and it was just that Peter who proudly trusted in his own strength should fall on his own weight and deny the Lord. And these that eat unworthyly should eat judgement and for this cause many among the Corinthians were weake many
that Job David Heman Jonah say they are cast off of God yet at the same season Psalm 42. Davids heart was toward the Saints with whom he went to the house of God 2. Many we see dying who doubted for a time if ever they beleeved or were in Christ and yet were convinced that they loved the Saints but because they loved the Saints they could not make an actuall inference ergo they were translated from death to life because that actuall inference requireth the actuall blowing of the Holy Ghost a Saint in naturall Logick may be forced to yeeld an antecedent and the necessary consequence because both must be the cleere Word of God as 1 Joh. 3.14 I yeeld I love the Brethren and ergo I am translated from death to life But because hee seeth both the truth of the Antecedent and Consequence by the sparks of a meere naturall light he may be farre enough from faith and a supernaturall evidence of the Spirit to make him to beleeve it for his owne inward peace comfort and quieting of his soule and this deceiveth Antinomians that they thinke the knowing of their spirituall condition by marks being convincing and strong in a naturall way is presently the supernaturall evidence of the Spirit which it is not and 2. they inferre that it is to trust in their owne righteousnesse and stand on their owne legges if men come by assurance of a spirituall interest in Christ by their own inherent righteousnesse and then must they be justified saith Cornwell by works Yea 3. the New England Libertines say A man cannot evidence his justification by his sanctification but he must needs build upon his sanctification and trust to it And M. Towne saith The Saints are to forget and never remember their own holy walking So say they That true poverty of Spirit doth kill and take away the sight of grace But all the three consequences are false for a naturall evidence of my being in Christ cannot quiet my soule with the assurance of peace and for the other two wee are to forget our holy walking yea and as Towne saith to judge it losse and dung in the matter of our righteousnesse before God and thus to forget it so as we trust not in it is poverty of Spirit but simply to forget all our love to the Saints so as wee doe not remember it for the strengthening of assurance and our comfort is contrary to the whole Epistles of John and a begging of the question For sure it is damnable pride to trust in our own righteousnesse in that regard Paul may say I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not thereby justified And so also we are to cast all behind us as losse and dung but it is utterly unlawfull and contrary to spirituall poverty to make no use at all wholly to forget and not to strengthen our faith and our assurance and comfort in any holy walking at all For Ezechiah dying comforteth himselfe in this Remember now O Lord how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And David I have kept the waies of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God all his judgements were before me And Job My foot hath held his steps his way have I kept and not declined neither have I gone back from the Commandement of his lips I have esteemed the words of his mouth more then my necessary food And Jeremiah Thy words were sound and I did eat them c. And the Church I am comely In my bed by night I sought him whom my soule loveth c. My heart waked In the way of thy judgements Lord we have waited for thee the desire of our soule is to thy name c Nor can a Legall Pedagogie be objected for spirituall poverty was injoyned confidence in our own righteousnesse condemned in the Old Testament as well as in the new and Paul hath the same in the New Testament Asser. 4. What ever objections Crisp Saltmarsh Towne and others have to prove that all the marks of sincerity love universal obedience agree to hypocrites and so can be no certain evidences of our faith and assured interest in Christ are 1. such as Papists bring to prove None can have undoubted assurance they are in the state of grace 2. The arguments that prove these marks may be counterfeit because they may be such in hypocrits We conclude also that the Faith of the Saints and their bro●d Seale and immediate Testimony of the Spirit may be in hypocrits A white Devill and a noone-day Angel may interpose himselfe in a bastard voice counterfeiting the tongue of the immediate speaking-Spirits and the faith of the Elect and there can be nothing that Saints can rejoyce in no worke of grace in themselves by the in-dwelling Spirit and Christ may as well dwell in the heart of an hypocrite by faith as of a Saint contrary to Eph. 3.17 Hypocrites may be filled with all the fulnesse of God as the Saints and have the seed of God remaining in them The annointing abiding in them which teacheth them all things and need not any to teach them And the Holy Spirit in them and abiding with them The Father and the Sonne making their abode with them A new heart in the midst of them and the stony heart removed A circumcised heart the law in their inward parts All these are as doubtfull and litigious evidendences of interest in Christ and the counterfeits of these in hypocrits as universall obedience sinceritie love to the brethren and any inherent qualifications that are in beleevers for saith Crispe All these may be in hypocrits But it s true there is not a living man or beast or bird in nature but a painter can counterfeit the like by Art nor a rose or flower in the garden but there a is wild flower and rose in the mountaines like it The Devill is an exact painter But this wil not prove but that he that hath a new heart and the annointing dwelling in him and inherent quallifications of the Spirit of Christ knoweth with a full perswasion that these are not counterfeits or such as may be in hypocrits nor doth it follow as Papists and Antinomians argue a mad man or a sleeping man knoweth not that he is mad or sleeping for madnesse and sleepe remove all reflect acts of knowledge that therefore a sober man and a waking man knoweth not that he is sober Paul was not in a golden transe nor in a pleasant night-dreame when he said For this is our rejoycing the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdome but by the grace of God we had our conversation in the world and more aboundantly to you-wards Nor doe the Saints speake to God wild-fire and windmills in the
the East and the West together as make the place speak any such thing Vatablus saith The Lord threatneth judgment that their owne fire and idolatrous wayes shall yeeld them sorrow and a tormenting conscience in the day of wrath and no comfort 7. To be humbled and sorrow and heare and then beleeve if yee judge your selfe worthy of ten hells notwithstanding of all these and yet come trembling and touch the hemme of Christs garment is not seeking of righteousnesse in your selfe nor any refusing to have all in Christ but a sure way to Christ. CHAP. LXIII We need Law-directions the Law and the Spirit are subordinate not contrary ANtinomians denying holynesse to bee now fashioned by the Law of outward Commandement but by the preaching of Faith will not have us to borrow so much as light and direction from the Law because 1. The Law is the beame the light in the first day of Creation the candle the Sream and the Word is made flesh and dwells amongst us and he the Sunne the true light the day light the fountaine and Christ will not be beholding to any of the light on Moses his face But the place 2 Cor. 3. that Saltmarsh alludeth to is the light of a convinced conscience by which a man seeth himselfe condemned by the Law-ministration of wrath this light and glory is done away where the Spirit of Jesus is but the light of teaching direction to know our dutie and how we are to order our walking in Gospel-holinesse which the Spirit borroweth from the ten Commandements delivered by Moses is established and taught by Christ and not removed for if Gospel-grace extirpate this light of the Morall Law either out of our heart or out of the written Commandements and writings of Moses then surely Christ is come to dissolve the Law and to teach men neither to doe nor obey Law-commandements seeing it is essentiall to the Law as a Sunne shining whether hell and Antinomians will or not till Christs second comming to give light and shew what is our dutie Psal. 19.7 8.9 Math. 5.1 2 3 c. 19.20 And 2. if the light of direction that the Law yeeldeth be removed and lay no obliging power on us more then a candle serveth to give us light in day-light or the light created the first day of the creation which is gone now when Sunne and Moone are created I see not how we sinne not in worshipping God in abstaining from Idol-worship blasphemie swearing in loving and honouring our Parents and in loving our neighbour as our selfe for wee have no warranting light to doe these but that Law of Moses which Christ expresly said he came not to destroy in the personall practise of his Saints yea these beames in all their smallest titles must stand firmer then heaven or earth Math. 5.17 18 19 20. and therefore the spirit of Satan devised a combate and contrariety between the directing light of the Law and the Gospel and betweene Moses and Christ in this sense as if Sanctification by the light of the Law and the grace of the Gospel which are sweetly subordinate were contrary one to another as fire and water eternall fire must be their portion that so teach except they repent 3. Saltmarsh citeth these The word is made flesh We saw his glory c. to prove that the Law is now not in the Letter but in the Spirit and wee need not the Law the Spirit sanctifieth Just so did Henry Nicholas and the Familists say God incarnate was Christ manifested by love and a vision of God in the hearts of their perfect ones and the incarnation was but every holy Saint Godded and Christed in H. Nichol and such like and God manned by the Saints and the Familists of New England say As Christ was once made flesh so he is now first made flesh in us ere we be carried to perfection The Word of God speaketh but of one incarnation for the Lords comming in the flesh may prove a fuller measure of grace but it never proveth that 1. The Law is now in the Spirit 2. That the ten Commandements under Moses are removed 3. That all their directing light is quite gone and as uselesse now as a candle in day light I should wish Saltmarsh would come from under his veiles and speake truth and feare not to owne Familists if they bee his and renounce Protestant Legalists as he speaketh CHAP. LXIV Antinomian differences between the Law and the Gospel confuted WEe cannot be satisfied with the Antinomian differences betweene Law and Gospel The Law say they ●ommands us to obey to love to feare to be holy that God may be our God and wee his people the Gospel commands us to obey and love because we are the people of such a God Answ. The Law never neither before nor after the fall of Man did command obedience as a merit and deserving cause of having God to bee our God for so Antinomians speake of all Law-obedience that it hireth God and of all our Gospel-obedience that it putteth God in our debt as if we were hirelings and God a Master obliged in a Legall way and in termes of buying and selling to pay us our wages 2. How will Saltmarsh prove God was not Adams God till he should worke out his dayes worke of Legall service perfectly and winne his wages without a slip or sinne This is a conjecture I would conceive by creation the Lord was Adams God and the indenture or paction to reward his obedience with eternall life was to goe on that Adam should have his other reward of life by doing according as hee kept the Law But I take it thus God could not require Law-obedience at all of Adam but he was first his God but God was to remaine his God no longer then Adam should perfectly serve God 3. None of us whom Saltmarsh would if he could confute doe teach That we are to obey and doe Gods Commandements according to the Gospel-grace and strength from Christ to the end that God may be our God else if we faile he is not our God Now this Gospel-service he must say we teach if he refute us Diff. 2. The Law saith Saltmarsh commands us in the power of God as a Law-giver and tutor or Minister the Gospel in the power of a Father Answ. When Saltmarsh shall make these two contrary to command as a Law-giver and as a Father as wrath and love we shall say Amen to this difference But Antinomians thinke to command as a Law-giver cannot be except God command under the paine of an eternall curse for say they The Law not condemning is not Law So the Law-giver not cursing and condemning must be no Law-giver But this is a false principle God commandeth as a Law-giver in the Gospel all that eternall righteousnesse which hee commandeth in the Law for neither the Gospel nor Christ dissolveth one tittle or jot of the eternall Morall
Beleeve and be saved Yet must we not fancie that the way is shorter then Christ hath made it and that it is not a puzling worke to flesh and bloud Saltmarsh with his Antinomians maketh it but one step at the very next doore I rather beleeve Christ who saith it is a way of many miles strait narrow and thorny The meritorious way to us is easie beleeve by the grace of Christ but the way of a Christian conversation whether Antinomians will or no lyeth through duties doing the will of God it s not words Lord Lord but working sweating running wrestling fighting bleeding suffering abounding in the worke Sowing Selling all the sweetest delights many tribulations night-watching which yet all are honyed and sugared with the love of Christ so as his yoake is easie and his Commandements not grievous yet not so easie as that the onely naked bare act of beleeving should be the only Gospel-worke and yee might lye in an yvory bed and sleepe and be carried into an Antinomian fancied Paradice being under no Law no obligation of doing no danger of sinning and incurring the rodde of men and the fatherly and sad displeasure of God for sinnes no broken bones no terrors no sense of our sorrow for sinne no progresse in personall repentance and mortification no care of watchfull walking to perfect holinesse in the feare of God no abstaining from worldly lusts no strictnesse of blamelesnesse of conversation for feare of sin onely beleeve that as Christ hath suffered for all sinne and so you are as cleane as Christ from all sinne originall and actuall and Christ hath done all these for you and beleeve hee hath repented for you mortified lusts for you walked strictly and holily for you this is an easie worke and no puzling businesse and there is an end Object 2. Saltmarsh It s the Gospel-way of dispensation to assure and passe over salvation in Christ to any that will beleeve Answ. True But wilt thou know ô vaine man that faith without works is dead and faith is effectuall by love See the Scriptures laying other Commandements on us under the Gospel then beleeving onely and threatning disobeyers Object 3. Saltm There needs no more on our sides to worke or warrant salvation to us but to bee perswaded that Jesus Christ dyed for us because Christ hath suffered and God is satisfied Now suffering and satisfaction is that great worke of salvation Answ. Here is the worke of salvation abridged to a narrower compasse to onely suffering at least Saltmarsh was wont to take in the actions of Christ and to will us to beleeve that Christ beleeved repented and mortified sinne for us and that is all our beliefe repentance mortification Object 4.5 They onely are justified who beleeve Rom. 1.17 Acts 13.39 We are justified by grace not of workes Rom. 3.24 Answ. And who denies that but Papists and Antinomians Antinomians say from eternity and from the wombe wee are justified and from Christs time of dying on the Crosse and sure the date of our beleeving is not from eternitie or from the wombe or from 160. yeares agone when Christ dyed then they onely cannot bee justified who beleeve for so thousands who beleeve not are justified 2. Wee are justified by faith without works True Ergo Wee are carried to heaven being once justified under no comand of God to doe good works or to eschew evill and so as wee cannot sinne it followeth not CHAP. LXXI The Justified obey not God by necessitie of nature as the fire burneth as Antinomians fancie ANtinomians say the justified cannot sin they obey God necessarily as it is the nature and quality of fire to burn the grounds of the New-England Libertines are 1. The Holy Ghost comming in the place of naturall faculties of understanding will and affections doth all the works of these naturall faculties and Christ and grace working all the supernaturall works of beleeving repenting and that immediatly the free will must have lesse liberty in loving God and beleeving then the Sunne hath to give light and the fire to cast forth heat for fire and Sun are thought to be agents in their naturall actions but free will is a meere patient in these 2. None are to be exhorted to beleeve say they but such whom wee know to be elect or to have the Spirit in them effectually and there is neither inherent righteousnesse nor grace inherent in the Saints but Christ immediatly and onely worketh all their works in them so all the faculties of the soule lye as dead passive creatures and powers void of freedome and action and Christ immediatly as the humane nature and the faculties thereof doth act and worke in the Saints as Christ is made flesh and incarnate in the Saints and doth in them beleeve repent rejoice love and beleevers have neither freedome nor action at all more then blocks in their actions Hence say they all the beleevers activitie is to act sinne So saith the Libertine If Christ will let mee sinne let him looke to it upon his honour be it But 1. there remaineth true liberty in the regenerate man his free will is not destroyed If the Sonne make you free then are yee free indeed But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sinne but yee have obeyed from the heart that forme of doctrine which was delivered you being then made free from in yee became the servants of righteousnesse Now the Lord is a Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty I will walke at liberty for I seeke thy precepts Hence rejoycing in God delight in his Law rejoycing in his word choosing of God above all other lovers and his testimonies argue a sanctified elective power of free will in the soule 2. The justified can sinne otherwise they should no more be capable of exhortations to walke in Christ and grow in grace and of dehortations from sinne then the fire and the Sunne can be requested or exhorted to cast out heate and light 3. This foolish opinion is bottomed on this conceit That a beleever as a beleever walketh by faith perpetually is admitted saith Towne to live and abide for ever by sense and sight in the kingdome of glory And wants nothing of heaven saith Saltmarsh but to beleeve hee is in heaven is as cleane from sinne saith Eaton as Christ himselfe Nothing sinneth in the regenerate but sense the flesh the members of the body of sinne or the Asse nor is it more sinne that they doe before God then the burning of the fire or the illumination that commeth from the Sunne for they are no more under any commanding or restraining Law of God then the fire or the Sunne 4. The immediate rapt and pull of the Holy Ghost removeth all freedome reason
in heaven The kingdome of God is the Spirit of Jesus Christ and that Christ would have shortly a glorious kingdome and that Paradise heaven and hell were within men and that heaven was the gifts of the minde the earth the goods of the bodie and their use which shortly should come to the Saints Another false Christ was Henry Nicholas who called himselfe as Ainsworth saith The Father of the Family of Love who saith of himselfe God hath wrought a wonderfull worke on the earth and raised up me Henry Nicholas the least among the holy ones of God which lay altogether dead and without breath and life among the dead and made me alive through Christ as also annointed me with his godly being Manned himselfe with mee and Goded me with him to be a living tabernacle or house for his dwelling and a seat of his Christ the seed of David And Behold and consider my beloved how wonderfully God worketh in his holy ones and how that now in this day or light of the love the judgement seat of Christ is revealed and declared unto us the household of love out of heaven to a righteous judgement upon earth from the right hand of God And how that on the same judgement seat of Christ that the Scriptures might be fullfilled there sitteth one now in truth the wretched impostor H. Nicholas in the habitation of David which judgeth uprightly thinketh upon equity and requireth righteousnesse And againe Behold in this present day is the Scripture fulfilled and according to the Testimony of the Scripture the raising up and the Resurrection of the Lords dead commeth also to passe presently in this same day through the appearing of the comming of Christ in his Majestie hee meaneth the false Christ Henry Nicholas which Resurrection of the dead seeing that the same is come to us To Henry Nicholas and the Family or Elders of Love from Gods grace wee doe likewise in this present day to an Evangelike or joyfull Message of the Kingdome of God and Christ publish in all the world under the obedience of love Sent. 9. In which Resurrection of the dead God sheweth unto us that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead that are fallen asleepe in the Lord rise up in this day of his judgement and appeare unto us in godly glory which shall also from henceforth live in us H. N. and the Family of Love everlastingly with Christ and raigne upon the earth wherein the Scripture becommeth fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written thereof The Lord shall judge his people c. One of the hearers of Randel a preaching Familist at London was asked If he beleeved the bodies of men dead and buried in the earth should be raised to life Answered I know not For Familists Mistresse Hutchison and hers say That the soules of men are by generation mortall like the beasts Eccles. 3.8 But in regard of Christs purchase immortall and that those who are united to Christ in this life have new bodies and two bodies 1 Cor. 6.19 These who have union with Christ shall not rise with the same fleshly bodies 1 Cor. 15.44 And that the Resurrection spoken of 1 Cor. 15. and John 5.28 is not meant of the resurrection of the body but of our union here and after this life with Christ. That there is no kingdome of heaven in Scripture but onely Christ. So said Hymeneus and Philetus and the Libertines who made the resurrection a spirituall communion with Christ. Antinomians have never shewen their mind of the resurrection and the life to come and have never contradicted the Libertines and Familists in these and yet own their other opinions Yea Saltmarsh to me owneth no heaven but that which is in this life if a naked opinion were added to it For saith he The Spirit of Christ sets a beleever as free from hell the Law and bondage here on earth as if he were in heaven nor wants he any thing to make him so but to make him beleeve he is so So he wants nothing of heaven but beleeve he is in heaven and he is in heaven hee will not except the resurrection of and the glorifying of the body Phil. 3.19 20. nor the rooting out of originall sinne nor the immortality of the whole man nor freedome from sinning immunitie from sorrow sadnesse perfect joy pleasures for ever more seeing of God and injoying of him face to face the perfecting of love and of grace with glory all which he wanteth of heaven and hath here onely the first fruits of the Spirit and is absent from the Lord and sigheth in this tabernacle and since Saltmarsh professeth a finer free grace and a further revealing of the Gospel in its glory liberty c. Why doth he not once in all his Treatises mention the last and perfecting act of Free grace and Gospel-freedome that Christ will raise up the beleever at the last day 2. While Antinomians cleare us touching their mind of the sense the flesh sinning before men not in regard of faith or in Gods sight or account I must conceive they meane with Mistresse Hutchison and other Familists a sinning in the old body not in the new and in the old soule they have by generation not in the new soule or in the conscience as M. Denne saith which they have by Redemption I therefore attest them to cleare themselves in that distinction and either black the Familists or owne them as their owne 3. Calvin saith from Paul Wee are in this life saved in hope we have not heaven and life eternall in perfection and compleatly here we doe but wait for our full and finall redemption of soule and body at Christs comming whereas Libertines said we were compleatly saved in this life So say Saltmarsh and M. Towne who are angry that Protestant Divines say We are saved by right and in hope and really in Christ our head but they will have us fully compleatly perfectly saved in this very life though we have not the sense and feeling of it and we want nothing of eternall life but beleeve wee have it compleatly as the glorifyed and wee have it CHAP. LXXXIII Familists Libertines Anabaptists goe before Antinomians in denying all externall worship and obedience Paral. XV. HEnry Nich. called love the Being and Godhead of Christ which we received through the power of the Holy Ghost and that love within was all and that all externall obedience from the Letter of the Word was fleshly and Ceremoniall Just as Master Dell Ser. 19. rejecting all external Reformation calleth it hypocritical and carnal and refusing the Scriptures either Law or Gospel as meere carnall Letters devoles all on the Spirit and acknowledgeth no Lawes at all in Christs kingdome but the Law of nature 2. The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ which is the Spirit himselfe in
his working 3. And the law of Love the Spirit of Christ. And Henry Nicholas forbiddeth all his to boast of any righteousnesse or take on the same either to salvation or condemnation before a man be in the Spirit of Christ and bee renewed not saith hee that I meane in the Elementish Ceremoniall righteousnesse which the man setteth forth or occupieth in his owne prudencie but I meane in that righteousnesse which according to the heavenly truth is in the being of Christ and is set forth through the Spirit of God and the Christ of God and the Christ of God is not yet declared to you according to the heavenly truth but weell according to mans wisdome or industrie which to the litterall Scripture adde their own prudencie and even so goe forth or occupie their own righteousnesse without the Spirit of Christ which is a miserable doctrine being taught without the Spirit of Christ. Henry Nicholas Sect. 5. Epist. These that are not taught by the Spirit of life expound the Scriptures upon an earthy or Elementish foundation where-through the man cannot attaine any renewing of the heart Sect. 17. They that are Baptized to Christ have put on Christ. But I would gladly aske of these that say They have put on the Christianlike Baptisme how or after what manner Christ hath a shape or fashion in them they shall find themselves not mighty in the being of Christ that is in love by which they become God incarnarnate and that they haue received not the Baptisme of Christ but their owne The like he saith of the Lords Supper Sect. 19. Sect. 20. Sect. 21. When the Scripture saith we must forsake our lives for Christs sake understand I doe meane of the forsaking of our owne life When God had created the man then was the man in subjection to the life of God and not to his own life for thereunto God had created the Man that he should be of one life and being one Spirit and of one nature with God but when the man desired in his heart to love some other thing beside the life of God namely the concupiscence of the sinne then went he into his owne life and contention and forsooke the life of God and lived even so his owne life and the life of the Devill Sect. 23. The whiles now that the office of Christ hath its Ministration for to bring the man againe to God so cannot Christ bring the man to the Father unlesse that the man forsake his owne life which he hath lived so long to the Devil and to himselfe which is all the same wherein he hath lived so long to himselfe Sect. 24. Is not this now a great overshooting or mis-understanding that the children of men can say and teach that Christ meant hereby the naturall or Elementish man Sect. 25. We our selves have not made the naturall man therefore he cannot belong unto us Sect. 26. What then shall the man forsake that he might be reconciled unto God Not any thing else but his owne life that is the man of sinn which hath so long lyen hid in the heart of man which is the Temple of God and hath said that he was God 2 Thess. 2.27 they are grosely deceived who apply this to the Pope the Antichrist therefore he forbids the two Daughters to suffer for or confesse Christ and highly extolleth erring Sect. 10. Sect. 14.15.16 cap. 31. Bishops as Pastors of the Sheep and Lambs of Christ Parish Priests or Curats as signifying Leviticall Priests Pastors and Elders as the holy understanding Sect. 28. Oh what a slight and earthly understanding is this that God should be appeased with an Elementish body even like as though God were fleshly even as an vnregenerate man So M. Del Ser. p. 6. The Kingdome of Christ is Spirituall so all things that belong to it are also spirituall So David Georgius in the end finding many of his to be killed discharged all his to suffer in the body or goods or name any thing for his Christ and truth but willed them in externall profession to be of any Religion all Gospel-reformation was in the heart As Bullinger in the same place sheweth us that the ninth kind of Anabaptists in his time that were called Liberi Anabaptistae said That Baptizing of Infants Magistracie oathes swearing were things free and indifferent that the faithfull may use or not use at their pleasure they esteemed nothing of the preaching of the Word and the assemblies of the people of God because that the Saints were all taught of God and that there was no need that one should teach another and that Sacraments were needelesse and had little fruit for when they had the Spirit they needed not externall signes and that it was free to confesse the truth of Christ or not to confesse it as perils for the Gospel might carry men on that God delighted not that men should be tormented or die for him it was enough if they kept God in their heart Now you see Henry Nicholas held 1. That the externall written Word was Ceremoniall fleshly Elementish that the Spirit was all 2. All externall obedience and Reformation was fleshly and the being Goded and Christed with love and the lovely being of God was Christ was the being and nature of God in the Saints and regeneration 3. That by love and the works of righteousnesse which we doe we are regenerated and reconciled to God 4. That Christ seemed to die but dyed not but onely in an Allegoricall Figurative and Exemplary way he suffered as a patterne and copie for us that we might reconcile our selves to God as sonnes of the house of love after his example but as Socinus so the Nicholaitans taught That Christ really satisfied not the justice of God nor obtained everlasting righteousnesse for us any other way but in a figure coppie and good example 5. That Christ incarnate was nothing but H. Nicholas Godded and manned by Christ or God in the lovely being of God and that every one that is inhabited by love was renewed and made partaker of the substance and nature of God and that a childe of the Family of love was the very Christ and God manifested in the flesh and incarnate 6. That the regenerated in England of which number M. Ainsworth saith were the two daughters of Warwicke that H. Nicholas wrot to and all the godly in England not of his way were regenerated onely according to the litterall Scripture not according to the being of God in love and the Spirit or as the Familists of New England say That some are so converted that they may and doe attaine the same righteousnesse for truth that Adam had in innocency And Saltmarsh his Legall converts who may eternally bee damned are of the same size if yee diligently compare the tract of his dangerous booke together and with the principles of Familists and H. Nicholas 7. That the Word and the Spirit are
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I know I find I see rebellion and sinne in me were words that came from the light of Faith not from lying sense And Faith and a sight of God can discover more corruption to Esaiah Job to Paul to the woman that washed Christs feet with teares then reason can reveale to them 2. Faith doth not stupifie the conscience to blot out all sense of sinne out of it its true the Libertine Pocquius spake in the stile of Eaton● now we are quickned in the second Adam Christ through seeing sinne in our selves no more because it is dead But the second Adam commeth in the soule with a candle to make us see and know and feele by the light of Faith sinne which was hidden before 3. The Antinomian dead faith is against confession of sin because we must know and beleeve we have sinne if we confesse it this was Gods challenge to a heardned people Yet thou sayest because I am innocent surely his anger shall turne from me Behold I will plead with thee because thou saist I have not sinned This is that which the Lord commandeth onely acknowledge thine iniquity Antinomians say lying sense and corrupt reason knoweth iniquity but Faith is as blind as a Mole and seeth no sinne in the beleever 4 This faith of Antinomians is repugnant to the godly shame confusion and selfe-indignation that the justified man in Scripture beareth against himselfe for sinne The want whereof is the Whores forehead that cannot blush and therefore must Faith see and know sinnes that are the cause of shame 5. This lying faith is to beleeve that Adultery and Lying to come as well as the past sinnes are pardoned and abolished and so that they are no sinnes before ever they bee committed what feare then what holy care what challenges of conscience can be required to an Antinomian lying faith to eschew and feare these sinnes ere they be committed For its the act of lying sense say Antinomians to apprehend them as sinnes then sure they cannot lawfully be apprehended as ills to bee feared and eschewed if it bee a lying apprehension to thinke that that is a snare to my feet which is no snare at all but a boggle to affright a childe it must be a lying apprehension to conceive that a fancied snare to be an evill to bee shunned and declined If the Whore be no Whore the Antinomian needs not eschew the going neere her house for feare the house fall on him as Salomon intimateth Prov. chap. 5. And surely the justified Antinomian may goe on in Adulteries and blouds before he act them and feed his lusts without feare for if he conceive these to be sinnes it is his lying sense and deceiving reason for faith is to beleeve the just contrary that they are no sinnes and so not to bee eschewed as sinnes because an antedated pardon doth no lesse abolish their being and nature before they bee committed in which case they are remitted and so nullities and shaddowes before God then a pardon doth utterly abolish their being when they are committed in the Antinomian way CHAP. XC Antinomians free all converted or non-converted from obligation of obedience or practise of Christian duties ANtinomians cry out against Preaching of duties as a Legall way and destructive to Gospel-preaching of Christ and Faith 1. Because there bee no acts of Sanctification commanded in the Gospel so as the beleever sinneth either in omitting these duties or in doing contrary to them I appeale to all their writings for any such Commands either of Law or Gospel 2. They cry out against Preaching of duties as Legall preaching without any limitation wee cry out as much as they against this Preaching in an unjust way 1. If duties be preached without Christ and not issuing from the grace of Christ. 2. If they bee more Preached then Gospel-grace and free Redemption in Christ. 3. If duties as conditions of the Covenant of Works as parts conditions or causes of our justification are fellow-saviours with Christ be pressed 3. It will be found they free the unconverted from all doing or eschewing of sinne because they can doe nothing out of faith and out of saving principles of grace So Saltmarsh adviseth the troubled in spirit onely to beleeve immediatly everlasting love without any foregoing humiliation desire of the Physitian sense of sinne or setting on any duties Much like the Familists of New England who say that the Spirit acts most in the Saints when they indeavour least as if our doings desire sense of sinne going before conversion did so much the more hinder conversion 2 Nor can our impotency to doe good without the grace of God loose us from an obligation of doing our dutie seeing the omitting of these duties in the substance of their acts is a greater sinne then the doing of them for so the unconverted should not sinne in not giving to the poore because they cannot give it for God nor in abstaining from murther because they cannot abstain out of sonly feare or in not praying because they cannot pray in faith whereas Peter Act. 8. commandeth Simon Magus to pray though being in the gall of bitternesse hee could not pray in faith 3. The converted so should be under no obligation to pray heare beleeve but when the Spirit wrought actually in them to will and to doe for without such an actuall influence they can doe nothing CHAP. XCI How and for whom Christ intercedeth in Heaven ANtinomians hold that Christ advocateth at the right hand of God for the unbeleeving and unconverted elect as well as for beleevers onely Christ intercedeth not say they for the manifestation of the purchased Redemption to the elect not converted It s true the purchased Redemption and bloud-shed of Christ is for the elect as well not converted as converted But Antinomians goe on another ground that sinners are justified and pardoned before they be converted and beleeve But the Scripture knoweth not any intercession of Christ but for applycation of the purchased Redemption 1. Because Christ liveth againe that hee may bestow the blessings of his Testament actually upon his friends Christ confirmeth his owne Testament which no other dead friend doth and the goods of his Testament are peace Joh. 14.27 The sprinkling of the Conscience from dead works to serve the living God Heb. 9.14 15 16 17 18 19 20. As Moses sprinkled the booke and the people the Tabernacle the vessels 19.20 So that Christ as our high priest is entred into heaven as a sprinkler Now he is no sprinkler to the unconverted 2. The thing he prayeth for as intercessor is the not failing of the faith of the Saints and he liveth to save the commers to God through him that is the beleevers and is touched with our infirmities and that we should hold fast our profession and by him as intercessor We have boldnesse