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A37483 Tropologia, or, A key to open Scripture metaphors the first book containing sacred philology, or the tropes in Scripture, reduc'd under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each / partly translated and partly compil'd from the works of the learned by T.D. The second and third books containing a practical improvement (parallel-wise) of several of the most frequent and useful metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes of the Old and New Testament / by B.K. De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685.; Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1681 (1681) Wing D895; ESTC R24884 855,682 1,006

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one Heart for Sin and another for him he must have the whole Heart or he will have none of it Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul c. Conscience may be for Christ and his Ways and the Judgment may be much enlightned when the Will may be opposite and the Affections set chiefly upon Sin and the Vanities of this World Their Heart is divided now shall they be found faulty XVIII Jesus Christ met with greater Opposition and fought more sore and fearful Battels than ever any did for the Sinner's sake as witness his Conflict with Satan that strong Man armed with Sin and Wrath and last of all with Death it self over all which Enemies he gloriously triumphed and got a perfect Conquest XIX Jesus Christ will not take into Covenant or make a Contract of Divine Love or Grace with a Person that is not dead to the Law We must see the Insufficiency of that and of our own Righteousness and have no confidence in the Flesh if we would win Christ. Wherefore my Brethren ye also are become dead to the Law that ye should be married to another even to him that is raised from the Dead that we should bring forth Fruit unto God XX. When Jesus Christ by his Word and holy Spirit hath brought over all the Faculties of the Soul unto himself finding the Person dead to Sin Self and to this World and all things being removed which obstructed this happy Contract he then proceeds and takes the Soul into Union with Himself But according to that holy Order and Decree of God no Soul is espoused by Christ but such as is given to him by the Father All that the Father hath given me shall come unto me XXI No sooner is a Sinner converted by Faith united or espoused to Jesus Christ but there is great Joy amongst the Angels of God in Heaven and amongst the Saints of God on Earth Likewise I say unto you there is Joy in Heaven in the presence of the Angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth And so in the case of the Prodigal at his return The Father said to his Servants Bring forth the best Robe and put it upon him and put a Ring on his hand And bring hither the fatted Calf and kill it and let us eat and drink and be merry And they began to be merry XXII Jesus Christ settles upon each Soul he espouses a very great Inheritance he makes over a Jointure of an inestimable value a Kingdom of Glory a Crown that fadeth not away even everlasting Blessedness XXIII Jesus Christ leaves his Church and each believing Soul whom he takes into Union with himself in this World for a while and doth not immediatly take them to himself or carry them to Heaven his own Habitation XXIV Jesus Christ delighteth greatly in his Church and in every sincere Member thereof hence Zion is called Hephzibah And as the Bridegroom rejoyceth over the Bride so shall thy God rejoyce over thee XXV Jesus Christ discharges his Saints and People from all those Debts that bind over to eternal Wrath. Sinners were miserably indebted to the Law and Justice owed ten thousand Talents but had not a Farthing to pay liable every day to Arrests and to be sent to the dark Shades of eternal Night or Prison of utter Darkness under the Wrath of the incensed Majesty having whole Mountains of Sin and Guilt lying upon them running every day into new Scores adding Sin to Sin one heavy Debt upon another O how great is the Guilt of sinful Man and how unable to satisfy Divine Justice How then shall these Debts be paid all these Sins expiated and the Guilt taken away Justice calls for full Payment it 's Language is Pay or perish yet we cannot make the least Reparation nor right God for the Wrong we have done him by offending the Eyes of his Glory But now by a Marriage-Covenant with Jesus Christ all is at once discharged and the Sinner acquitted there being Riches and Worth enough in him who hath fully satisfied the Demands of Law and Justice and by Union with him the Sinner comes to be interested into all He was made Sin for us who knew no Sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him The Lord hath laid on him the Iniquities of us all O how happy is that Soul that is espoused to Jesus Christ XXVI Jesus Christ confers great Honour on those that are espoused to him The Church is called a Queen and how comes that to pass but by means of this Contract and Marriage with Christ Vpon the right hand stands the Queen with Gold of Ophir Believers are called by Christ's Name have the Attendance of his Servants the holy Angels The Angels of the Lord encamp round about them that fear him He hath given his Angels charge concerning thee Saints lie in the Bosom of Christ's Love and Mercy XXVII Jesus Christ supplies all the Wants and makes blessed Provision for his Saints They that fear the Lord shall not lack any good thing Whether it be Grace or Peace either Food or Physick they want they shall have it from him all is in Christ In him all Fulness dwells and in him so as to be let out and communicated to his Saints XXVIII Jesus Christ sympathizes with his Saints In all their Afflictions 't is said he was afflicted And in another place 't is said His Soul was grieved for the Misery of Israel He himself hath suffered Being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted We have not an High-Priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities He that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of mine Eye Cast thy Burthen upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee XXIX Jesus Christ requires Obedience of his Church and of every Member thereof hence Paul saith The Church is subject unto Christ. The Lord Jesus is exalted above all Principalities and Power Might and Dominion and every Name that is named not only in this World but also in that which is to come and is given particularly to be Head over all things to the Church Call ye me Lord saith Christ and do not the things that I say XXX Jesus Christ reproves his Saints for their Evils and Transgressions out of his great Love As many as I love I rebuke and chasten XXXI Jesus Christ covers the Weaknesses and Infirmities of his People He covers our Sins doth not upbraid us with our Faults but forgives our Iniquities and remembers our Sins no more Tho his Saints have many Spots and Blemishes yet he through his great Grace overlooks them all and will not expose them to Reproach here nor hereafter for them XXII Jesus Christ gives Counsel and Instruction to his People I counsel thee c. What heavenly Instruction hath he left in his Word
know their Friend but that they might endeavour to keep up and highly to prize Friendship with him II. What a blessed Union is there between Christ and his Peoples and 't is of his own procuring as the Heart of Jonathan was knit to the Heart of David Even so and much more is the Heart of the Lord Christ united to his People for the Love of Christ doth very much transcend the Love of all other the People of Christ should also have their Hearts knit to him III. Intimate Acquaintance with the Saints Christ doth really delight in and Saints should really delight in it also IV. There 's true Love between Christ and his People which makes those Acts of Friendship very cordial and desirable I. Jesus Christ is a cordial Lover as he loves so he speaks and as he speaks so he loves Christ's Love is an abounding and abundant Love to his he loves freely and heartily and hath given Evidence of it and though his Love be sometimes eclipsed yet 't is not wholly removed He having loved loves to the End II. Christ is the most necessary Friend he is of absolute Necessity 't is possible to live comfortable in the World though a Man hath but few Friends and to dye happily though a Man hath not one Friend in the World having Christ but living and dying without Christ thou art and wilt be miserable Multitudes of earthly Friend and Acquaintance will not cannot save from Hell but if Christ be thy Friend he will III. This is evidently seen in Christ. The Text tells us He did not only sympathize with them but saved them h●● is said to be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities whatever Wrong is done to his People he takes it as done to himself if any raise a Quarrel against them he will engage himself therein IV. Such and much better Friend is Christ. The Members of Christ's Spouse have been stigmatized by the Enemy for Hereticks and many other ways but Christ hath stood up to vindicate their Wrongs and Innocency he hath spoken for them where and when they could not speak for themseves he had his Gamaliel in the Council V. Such a Friend is Christ most desirable one that 's acquainted with Jesus Christ esteems his Friendship So Paul Who accounted all things but Loss for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ c. VI. Even so Christ hath given full and perfect Evidence of his Love and Friendship His Thoughts are about them nay his Words and Works are all for and in behalf of his Spouse VII So Christ Isaiah saith He layeth them in his Bosom He loves to hear from them rejoyceth to see them and indeed a Saint cannot be satisfied short of a room in Christ's Heart John was said to lye in Christ's Bosome VIII Even so doth Christ and 't is according to Promise and Experience To lie in the Bosome of Christ deno●●s Union Intimacy Secrecy this is that which makes Believers so much prize Christ saith God shall I hide from Abraham the things that I doe It is Encouragement to Saints to lay open their Hearts to Christ. IX Herein Christ doth also perform the part of a Friend for he will neither spare Pains nor Cost and hath adventured upon the greatest Hazards and all for the Love he bears to his People nay he has not put them off with bare Promises but will perform them to the utmost he usually out does his Promises X. Even so Christ doth nothing to injure his nor justly to provoke them or purchase their Displeasure the poor Soul is ready sometimes to think such and such things are against him as Jacob did in the Case of Joseph and Benjamin All his actings and out-goings towards his People speaks forth his desire of their Love hence he greatly praises and commends the Love of his Church How fair is thy Love my Sister my Spouse c. XI So Christ loves to be familiar and therefore is frequent in conversing with his people witness his Word This Familiarity is kept up by frequent Converse and Visits and Christ's Visits are as Cordials to the Hearts of his People XII So Christ's desire is to know the State of his People to the end that he may evermore supply them not but that he perfectly knows their State but to make them sensible to declare it as he did to the poor blind Man even so he will not suffer his People to lie under Sin because he knows 't will turn to their Disadvantage XIII Even so Christ will not suffer his People to lie under Sin he knows 't will turn to their Disadvantage O how is he concerned when they are ensnared which doth signifie his great Trouble and therefore gives friendly Reproofs and Admonitions in order to reclaim them and Believers have found his Reproofs to be peculiar Acts of Friendship I know thy works that thou hast a name to live and art dead I have not found thy Works perfect before God c. XIV O how profitable is Christ's Comfort it teacheth them in Prosperity to carry it humbly in Adversity to carry it contentedly in the midst of their Sorrow and Misery it comforts them this is that which above all things asswageth the Believers Grief hence it is that Believers so much prize the Counsel of Jesus Christ. XV. Even so Christ loves to hear from his People and is concerned at their Silence they are always welcome to him he takes their Absence unkindly and afterwards when they come to visit him again with the Acknowledgment of their Miscarriages O how welcome are they such a Meeting is on both sides very sweet and pleasant XVI Even so it is with Christ to see his precious Love slighted Ingratitude is a Sin which is very offensive it being a Sin against Truth and Justice Against Tru●●h for it is in effect a denying of the Kindness received Against Justice which calls for a rendring of something back in token of Thankfulness XVII So Christ he doth not as I may say take up every evil Report the Devil Sin or wicked Men bring against them Christ will not take Measures by their Information but by that perfect Knowledg he hath of them and if they have done amiss he will reprove them but gently for their Profit XVIII Such is the Love and Care of Christ to his People that if any Combination be against them he will give them seasonable Information of it for as much as nothing can escape his Knowledg he being Omniscient c. XIX Christ the Believers Friend doth greatly rejoyce in the Prosperity of his People which is evinced from his Bounty towards them he leaves them not without Counsel without a Guide without Comforts but is large in distributing all means of Help to them as may conduce to their prosperous Supply and he hath a severe
in behalf of the Criminal had the Debtor found the Surety as 't is among Men the Case had been otherwise Secondly The Suretiship of Christ holds forth abundant Grace yea the greatest demonstration of the Love and Goodness of God to Sinners in that he was pleased to dispence with his own Law as to the rigorous exaction of it from Sinners and to take satisfaction from another which he might have exacted from them Thirdly That he might bring about Redemption and Pardon for Man he parted with his own dear Son who laid down his Life to atone and make Reconciliation between him and Sinners Fourthly In that the Blessing and Benefit of Christ's Undertaking as our Surety is given and bestowed freely upon us so that we have no more to do but to fall down on our Knees and humbly acknowledg our Offences and accept of a Pardon through Christ's Mediation and own him to be our Prince and Saviour Fifthly In that he as our Surety gives to us a broken Heart and renews a right Spirit in us gives us the Grace of Believing whereby we come to have an Interest in him through the Atonement made by his Blood from whence it appears 't is not our Faith nor our Acceptance of Christ and the Gospel that makes his Satisfaction so to God tho it is hereby made effectual unto us The Sum of all is this that Christ did not die only nostro bono for our Good and Profit as Socinians affirm but in our Stead and Rome for where one is said to die for another 't is always thus taken Moreover where 't is said Christ bore our Sins c. 't is to be understood of the Punishment due to them for in all places of the Old Testament where 't is said Thou shalt or they shall bear their own Sins 't is meant of the Punishment of them So that if we would be pardoned we must accept it as God is pleased to offer it to us tho a compleat Satisfaction be made for Sin in our Nature to the Father And shall we dislike that way of Forgiveness that God is so much pleased with wherein he doth not only magnify his own Free-Grace and Goodness but his own Justice and Holiness also IV. Christ became Security for his Peoples Debts before ever they were contracted or they themselves born yea he was bound to satisfy for all the Debts of such who do believe in him that at any time of their Lives should be contracted that is to say he bore not only the Punishment due to them for Sins committed before their Calling and Conversion but all their Iniquities afterwards through human Frailties committed tho 't is not alledged they were discharged before committed nor before true Repentance be wrought in them for Repentance and Pardon go together Him hath God exalted on his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance to Israel and Remission of Sins V. Christ never repented his Suretyship instead of its being a Trouble to his Mind he delighted in it I have a Baptism to be baptized with and how am I straitned till it be accomplished I delight to do thy Will O my God He knew the Payment of all would fall upon him and yet he shrinks not from it I lay down my Life freely VI. Christ tho he suffered hard things for his People in becoming their Surety yet was not undone or brought to utter Beggary thereby for tho for a time he became poor to make us rich yet by suffering Death he was crowned with Glory and Honour his Abasement was for his Exaltation he expended not all his Riches in satisfying for our Sins Tho he was cast into Prison viz. brought to the Grave yet he quickly delivered himself out by the Powerfulness of the Godhead which dwelt bodily in him Inferences 1. FRom hence we may perceive what a miserable Condition Mankind had involv'd themselves in by reason of Sin utterly impoverish'd and brought to Beggary Debtors to God's Justice for the Breach of the Law owing ten thousand Talents and not a Farthing to pay and had been cast into the eternal Prison of Darkness had not Jesus stept in and become our Surety 2. What Grace and unspeakable Favour is here How much hath God out-done Mortals He sought out a Surety to satisfy for our Sins who were not only ill-natured Debtors but cursed and most guilty Rebels who deserved nothing but Death and Chains of Darkness Tho he doth not pardon us without a Price yet rather than we should be without Remission his own Son shall be the Ransom 3. Moreover we may admire the great Mystery of our Redemption Let Men take heed how they contemn any part of the Depths of God because they seem to overtop and outdo their depraved Reason 4. Here are Tidings of great Joy to broken and undone Sinners There is a way open for free Commerce and Trading with God again Tho he did not regard us whilst we stood under the old Covenant being miserable Beggars and Bankrupts yet he delights to have Commerce and Dealing with us in a way of Grace through the Compact made with Christ our Surety 5. Let Saints hold up their drooping Heads and Hearts their Debts are paid The Lord hath laid on him the Iniquity of us all There is now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus 6. Why should any think the Conditions of the Gospel are hard or Christ's Commands grievous What you cannot do Christ hath undertaken to help you in and see done by you He hath wrought all our Works in us My God shall supply all your Wants My Grace is sufficient for thee 7. Moreover let us consider what Benefits do accrue to Believers by virtue of Christ's Suretiship First By this means we are delivered from the hands of Justice and Curse of the Law and Wrath of God Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse being made a Curse for us Secondly We owe our Covenant-Relation first unto God's Grace and secondly to Jesus our blessed Surety and Mediator's undertaking I have manifested thy Name to the Men which thou gavest me c. Thirdly This is the Ground of the Saints Support against the Power of Sin and indwelling Corruption Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ c. Fourthly From hence we may groundedly expect Succour in Temptations I have prayed for thee He hath undertook for thee who is mighty to save and who will bruise Satan under your Feet shortly 8. How are we obliged to God our Father and to the Lord Jesus Christ for the Work of our Redemption O let us love God and love Christ and live to their Praise whilst on Earth 9. This also may embolden the Godly to draw near to God they have a Surety or one that hath undertaken for them He is engaged for God to them and for them to God he makes sure the Promises to
of which we stand in need at all times XXXIII Jesus Christ is greatly pleased with his People when they walk as becometh the Gospel Do good and communicate for with such Service the Lord is well-pleased To distribute to the Ministers of Christ is said to be a Sacrifice acceptable and well-pleasing to God Children obey your Parents in all things for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Come my Beloved let us go forth into the Fields let us lodge in the Villages Let us see if the Vine flourish whether the tender Grape appear and the Pomegranates bud forth There will I give thee my Loves He leads me beside the still Waters Metaphor I. A Great and mighty Prince will not set his heart upon nor court a Leper a Creature blind deformed full of running Sores and old Ulcers from the Crown of the Head to the Soal of the Foot II. Much less will a King leave his Crown and Kingdom and deny himself of all his Glory become poor and contemptible not having so much as a small Cottage to dwell in nor Money in his Pocket nay be exposed to as great Miseries as ever any Mortal was and all for the Sake and Love he bore to such a wretched Creature and loathsom Leper blind and deformed a meer Vagabond and contemptible Beggar and yet a Creature that was his Enemy a notorious Rebel and Hater of him III. Other Lovers and Bridegrooms mind their own Advantage and Interest in seeking a Wife IV. The Beauty that another Bridegroom finds in his Spouse is not transmitted from him unto her he can't confer Beauty nor more comely Features if she be hard-favoured deformed and ugly so she must remain V. Some are not very constant in their Love they cool in their Affection and love not always alike nor to the end VI. A Princely Bridegroom provides not the Wedding-Garments for his Bride he is not at the charge of adorning her the Bride doth procure her own Attire her Robes Rings and costly Ornaments VII Other Bridegrooms die and leave their Wives and dear Consorts Widows and their Children Fatherless Disparity I. THe Lord Jesus set his Heart upon the Sinner when cast out to the loathing of his Person in his Blood like a new-born Infant Every Sinner is a Leper in a spiritual sence defiled all over wounded full of Ulcers and stinking Putrefaction as loathsom as a filthy Sepulchre every Faculty of the Soul unclean and the Members of the Body polluted Hence 't is said We have no soundness from the Crown of the Head to the Soal of the Foot Yet when the Sinner was in this Condition that was the Time of Christ's Love II. Jesus Christ left his Kingdom and all that Glory he had with the Father which was infinite and unconceivable shining forth in all the Excellency and Perfections of the Heavenly Majesty with the Attendance of all the Angels of Light those glorious Seraphins and Cherubins who bowed down to worship at his Royal Feet yet he left all this and became poor and a Man of Sorrows exposing himself to greater Pain and Misery than any Mortals are capable to endure and all this for the sake of poor polluted and deformed Mankind who were Enemies to him by wicked Works III. Jesus Christ did all to raise us to Honour There could be no Addition to his Glory and Happiness 't was our Interest and Advantage he sought in all he passed through and endured IV. Jesus Christ finds Sinners very ugly and deformed in Head and Heart in Face and Feature but he transmits or confers his glorious Beauty unto them Hence the Churches Beauty is said to be perfect through that Comeliness the Lord hath put upon her He makes the Soul that was polluted clean that was deformed very beautiful and amiable to look upon V. Jesus Christ is unchangeable in his Love I have loved thee with an Everlasting Love therefore with Loving-kindness have I drawn thee He will rest in his Love Having loved his own that were in the World he loved them unto the end VI. Jesus Christ is at all the Charge of cloathing and adorning the Church and every sincere Believer and Member thereof VII Jesus Christ never dies he was dead but dies no more He ever liveth to make Intercession for us He will never leave Zion a Widow nor her Children Orphans I will not leave you comfortless Inferences I. WE may infer from hence how infinitely Sinners are obliged and beholden unto God in providing such a great and good Match for them Did ever any King manifest such Kindness to vile and wicked Traytors as to send his own Son to die for them that they might be interested in all the Blessings of his Court and Kingdom God propounds Christ to us as a Spouse and Bridegroom II. Moreover how infinitely are we obliged to Jesus Christ for bearing such good-will unto us to pass by the fallen Angels and fix his Eye upon poor fallen Man to come into the World and expose himself to all those base Affronts Shame Sorrow and Death it self that he might accomplish this glorious Design of Love and Marriage-Union with us III. It shews what great Folly and horrid Ingratitude those Sinners are guilty of that slight and contemn this Offer Which may lead you to consider 1. What is your State without Christ If you have not Christ what have you No Life no Light no Pardon no Peace no God no Glory You are without all true Good if you are without God and Christ. Sine summo bono nihil bonum 1. Is it not Folly to prefer Bondage to Sin and Satan before a Marriage-State with Jesus Christ rather be the Devil's Slave and Vassal than Jesus Christ's dearest Consort 2. Is it not great Folly to refuse such an Offer that will make you happy for ever if embraced and when there is no other way of being happy If this Offer be rejected thou art undone and must be damned 3. Is it not great Folly to value the Lusts of the Flesh and Pleasures of this World above Christ to value the greatest Evil above the chiefest Good 2. 'T is great Ingratitude Hath Christ done all this and wilt thou slight him at last Shall he come to thy Door and wilt thou shut him out Is there no room for him in the Inn shall he lie in the Stable Shall Satan command the Heart and Christ only have the Lip 1. Is it not great Ingratitude to pour such contempt upon Christ Do not they that refuse him and slight the Offers of his Grace derogate from him Do not such vilify his Person Do you not say in your Hearts There is no Beauty in him Form nor Comeliness 2. Do you not pour contempt upon his Undertaking and undervalue his Blood and Suffering We read of some that tread under foot the Blood of the Son of God and judg it to be a thing of no worth nor
to the Admiration of all The Matter being known and related to them that that were concerned he had not only his Life but the Lion also to wait upon him who became a faithful Servant to him Hic est Leo Hospes Hominis hic est Homo Medicus Leonis was that which the People would say when they saw him lead along his Lion through the Streets Here goes the Lion which was the Man's Host and there is the Man who was the Lion's Physician XII No Creatures love their Young as you may percieve by the foregoing Story in part more than the Lions which they further demonstrate in their Defence for they will receive many terrible Blows Slashes and Wounds the one opening the bleeding Body and the other pressing the Blood out of the Wounds standing invincible never yielding till Death as if Death it self were nothing to them saith the Historian so that their young Ones might be safe XIII Lions are full of Clemency to them that prostrate themselves at their feet they will not touch such as do as it were by submission humble themselves to them XIV Out of the dead Carcase of Sampson's Lion came forth Sweetness as in his Riddle XV. None can take away the Prey from an hungry Lion XVI 'T is affirmed that if a Man be anointed all over with the Blood of a Lion he shall never be destroyed by wild Beasts XVII The Blood of a Lion as Naturalists say being rubbed or spread upon a Canker or Sore which is swell'd about the Veins will presently cure the Grief Parallel I. THe Lord Jesus is the King of Kings the Lord of Lords King of the Kings of the Earth II. Jesus Christ is full of Majesty It may be truly said of him that he carries Majesty in his Face Majesty in his Looks Majesty in his Words Majesty in his Walking Christ being our Captain tho we are timerous Creatures is enough to oppose scatter and vanquish the most potent Army that ever the Prince of Darkness or the God of this World could raise against them his Looks and Words affright his Enemies III. Christ is the Power of God He is a mighty Man nay He is a mighty God mighty to save IV. Christ is of superlative Courage of an invincible Mind for he never encountred with any but he was Conqueror He subdued the Devil yea whole Legions of them and rode in Triumph through the Air. He overcame the World trampling it under his Feet He conquered Sin yea Death it self The Woman bringing forth the Lion of the Tribe of Judah portended nothing less than the Conquest of the Devil's Kingdom V. Christ appears in his Dispensations for some time to couch down as it were suffers himself to be abused in his People and seems to lie still as if he were asleep VI. Christ when he is rouzed up by the Cruelties of the Enemies of his Church and the Cries of his People will be very terrible he will come upon Princes as upon Mortar Tho now he seems still and peaceable like a Lamb yet the Day is at hand when he will rise up like a Lion to destroy and devour at once VII When Christ shall utter his Voice at the last Day and come to Judgment he will make the Nations of the World quake Let all the Inhabitants of the Earth tremble for the Day of the Lord cometh for 't is nigh at hand The Lord shall also roar out of Zion and utter his Voice from Jerusalem and the Heaven and Earth shall shake c. VIII There is nothing hid from the Eyes of Christ he sees into the darkest Corners of Mens Hearts and Imaginations the most subtil Sinners cannot escape his Notice There is no secret Place where the Plotters or wicked Men can hide themselves from him He sees all their horrid Designs and Combinations IX Jesus Christ will reward every one according to the Nature of his Works in the great Day and when he comes forth to judg Babylon he will retaliate upon her according as she hath done Thou hast given them Blood to drink for they are worthy for they have shed the Blood of thy Saints and Prophets Reward her as she hath rewarded you X. Christ marks all those that injure him and his People Wherefore doth the Wicked contemn God he saith in his Heart he will not requite it Thou hast seen it for thou beholdest Mischief and Spite to requite it with thy hand I remember that which Amalek did to Israel now go and smite Amalek I will contend with them that contend with thee and I will save thy Children And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own Flesh and they shall be drunken with their own Blood as with sweet Wine XI The Lord Jesus as he avenges the Wrongs and Injuries done to his People so he will requite Kindnesses shewed to them Such as feed the Hungry cloath the Naked visit the Sick and those that are in Prison for Christ's sake shall be rewarded Their Work of Faith and Labour of Love shall not be forgotten yea He that gives but a Cup of cold Water in the Name of a Disciple shall not lose his Reward Which is a Reward of Grace not Merit for there is no proportion between eternal Life and the best of our Performances yet God accepts of them XII The Lord Jesus loveth his People with such a strong and endeared Love that he did not only fight with cruel Enemies in their behalf but freely also received many Lashes and sore Wounds in his Body and stood invincible never yielding till Death He made his Soul an Offering for Sin Yea Death it self was nothing to him so that he might save his poor Church from Wrath and eternal Misery XIII The Lord Jesus is full of Clemency Compassion and Tenderness of Bowels to all that humble themselves at his Feet He resisteth the Proud and will tear them in pieces but giveth Grace to the Humble XIV Sampson's Riddle is unfolded best in the slain Body of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah from thence comes all the Honey the Sweetness of Grace and Glory XV. None can deliver themselves out of Christ's hand when he rises up for the Prey XVI That Person whosoever he be who applieth Christ's Blood by Faith or hath every Faculty of his Soul viz. the whole Man bathed therein shall never be destroyed by the Devil nor the Powers of Darkness XVII The Blood of Christ cures all Wounds Cankers and putrifying Sores of the Soul or inward Man when applied by the hand of Faith Metaphor THe Lion is cruel blood-sucking proud preying stony-hearted malitious a Devourer of Flocks and Herds the very Tyrant of Beasts Disparity THe Lord Jesus is mild merciful tender-hearted forgetting Injuries the Preserver and Saviour of the innocent poor weak and helpless Ones c. Inferences 1. LEt the Ungodly tremble
a Race XXXIV The Sun is of a ripening quality makes all things ready for Harvest it ripens Tares as well as Wheat bad as well as good Fruit. Parallel I. THere is but one Sun of Righteousness God has many adopted Sons but he hath but one begotten Son There is but one Mediator betwixi God and Man the Man Christ Jesus but one Saviour or Redeemer for Mankind wherever they live throughout the whole Universe II. Jesus Christ is Light in himself respecting his Deity the Fountain and Perfection of Light and Glory The Sea is not so full of Water nor the Sun of natural Light as Christ is full of Grace and Divine Light III. Christ is clearer than the Sun therefore much fairer than the Children of Men and needs must this be so he is the Brightness of the Father's Glory O there is such Beauty Purity and Glory in him that in his eternal Being and God-head we cannot behold him but if we look down upon his human Nature where his Glory is vailed he has been seen in the Flesh he was visible yet so as in him was no Spot no Guile was found in his Mouth He is altogether lovely the chiefest among Ten Thousands Before whose Eyes all things are naked all the abominable Thoughts filthy Ways and Works of Men yet he contracts no Stain of Sin nor did he when he conversed with Men in the Days of his Flesh upon Earth IV. Christ hath his Tabernacle in the Heavens at the Father's right hand there to plead and make Intercession for us V. Jesus Christ communicates of his Influences and spiritual Light There is never a day but Christ is ministring and giving forth Light and Goodness to the World especially to his Saints Of his Fulness we all receive and Grace for Grace VI. Jesus Christ rose and came forth out of the Bosom of the Father at God's command He spake not but as he received Commission from the Father he laid down his Life and took it up again and all by the Commandment of the Father VII Jesus Christ is an universal Light good to all I am saith he the Light of the World He enlightens every one that comes into the World either naturally morally or spiritually he holds forth Light and Grace to all What Nation is the Gospel confined to Go unto all Nations preach the Gospel to every Creature VIII Jesus Christ is the great and only Potentate all Rule and Government is committed into his hands 't is He who maketh Day and Night in Souls and Nations God hath made all things subject under his Feet IX Jesus Christ is infinite in Power Wisdom and Goodness his Being and Greatness are unmeasurable respecting his Deity a glorious and immense Being the Fulness of him that filleth all things there are no Bounds nor Limits to his Greatness X. Jesus Christ communicates of his Fulness to the Angels He is the Head of Principalities and Powers c. and to Saints Prophets and Apostles who are called Lights Ye are the Light of the World John Baptist is called a bright and shining Light Yet are Saints but dark Bodies of themselves they have no Light but what they receive from Christ. XI What a dark and dolesom Dungeon what a Babel of Confusion what a worse than Egyptian Slavery would this lower Creation be if God should deprive us of the Light of Christ communicated in the Gospel by his Word and holy Spirit XII Christ is wonderful Angels and Saints for Love admire him the World and Devils with Fear tremble at his Name He has the Admiration of Angels and Saints and Consternation of Devils and wicked Men. The Saints adore and worship him as it is their Duty because he is God and were there ten thousand Suns the Saints would love and admire Christ ten thousand times more than them all He doth so attract and ravish their Hearts by the beaming forth of the Rays of his Love on them that they open when he visits them and shut when he withdraws drooping and languishing in his absence and will not be kissed by any Lips nor embraced by any Arms but his XIII The Motions and Operations of Christ are strong and powerful as when he moves to convert Souls to help and deliver his People or in revenging himself upon his and their Enemies XIV Christ's Motions are swift and speedy He flies on the Wings of the Wind and skips like a young Roe especially when he comes to help and relieve his People XV. Christ's Motions are constant he is never out of action He ever lives to make Intercession He is always moving and working for his Creatures good tho in his Providences because his Footsteps are in the dark we are not able to discern him stir nor move one foot his Motion like the Sun's being certain tho undiscernible XVI Christ's Motions also are regular that is wholly according to his Father's Will that 's the only way he takes and the Line out of which he never goes Not my Will but thine be done XVII Christ is unwearied and indefatigable in all his Movings Workings and Journeyings for the Good of his People His Bounty and Liberality do not waste his everlasting Treasure of Grace nor can his laying out diminish it He is as powerful as rich and glorious as ever See the Metaphor Light XVIII Christ appearing and rising upon the Soul drives away and expells Darkness turns Night into Day and scatters all the Clouds and black Mists of Sin Ignorance and Unbelief in the Soul and not only so but also by the Influences of his Word and glorious Operations of his Gospel he dispells the dark Fogs of Ignorance Error and Confusion in the World XIX The Lord Jesus when he hath scattered and drove away by the glorious and powerful Rayes of his Word and heavenly Doctrine all Error Heresy and Antichristian Darkness will make a lovely and glorious Day in the World as he doth now in the Soul of a Believer XX. The Influences of Christ reach to every Creature there is nothing in Heaven Earth or Hell which he finds not out all things are naked to him because his Eye is every where Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flie from thy Presence If I ascend up to Heaven thou art there and if I make my Bed in Hell behold thou art there c. Tho he be seated in Heaven yet his Hand reaches to the Earth as well as his Eye He is present by his Knowledg and powerful Working in every place and corner of the Earth XXI Christ exhales and dries up the stinking polluted Sinks of Sin and Corruption which else would infect and destroy the Souls of his People He purifies the inward Man always refining it from the Dregs of the Flesh and the Root of Bitterness and is therefore the Soul-Physician
Obedience in our Conversion to God be not the effect of his Grace in us he doth not work in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure 1. The work of Conversion it self and in especial the act of Believing or Faith it self is expresly said to be of God to be wrought in us by him to be freely given unto us from him the Scriptures saith not that God gives us ability or power to believe only Namely such a power as we may make use of if we will or do otherwise but Faith and Conversion themselves are said to be the work and effect of God But it maybe Objected that every thing which is actually accomplished in potentia before There must therefore be in us a power to Believe before we do so actually The Act of God working Faith in us is a creating work for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus And he that is in Christ is a new Creature now the Effects of creating acts are not in potentia any where but in the active Power of God so was the World it self before its actual existence This is termed potentia logica which is no more but a Negation of any Contradiction to existence not potentia physica which includes a disposition unto actual existence Notwithstanding therefore all these preparatory works of the Spirit of God which we allow in this matter there is not by them wrought in the Mind and Wills of men such a next power as they call it as should enable them to believe without further actual grace working Faith it self Wherefore with respect to believing the first act of God is to work in us to will So Phil. 1.13 he worketh in us to will This God worketh in us by that grace which Austin and other Learned men call gratia operans 2. Faith and Repentance 'T is said to be given of God Him hath God exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance unto Israel and remission of sin to you it is given in behalf of Christ not only to believe but to suffer for his sake By Grace ye are saved through faith and that not of your selves it is gift of God Our own ability be it what it will however assisted and excited and Gods gift are contra-distinguished If it be of our selves it is not the gift of God if it be the gift of God it is not of our selves and the manner how God bestows this gift upon us is declared ver 10. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good work And from hence Faith is called the Faith of the operation of God 3. Love that precious prevailing Grace is planted in the Soul by the Spirit causing the Soul with Delight and Complacency to cleave unto God and his wayes the Lord God will Circumcise thine heart to love the Lord Deut. 30.6 Hope maketh not ashamed because the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost Rom. 5.5 The fruit of the spirit is love Gal. 5.22 4. It might be further demonstrated by considering how Conversion with the manner how it is effected is set forth in the holy Scripture The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seed to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart c. What is this but the putting off the Body of Sin Col. 2.11 This is the mediate work of the Spirit of God no man ever Circumcised his own heart A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and will take away the stony heart that is that impotency and enmity which is in our hearts unto Conversion 5. The work of grace upon the Soul is called a vivisication we are by nature dead in Sins and Trespasses in our Deliverance from thence we are said to be quickened The Dead shall hear the voice of the son of God and Live being made alive now no such work can be wrought in us but by an Effectual Communication of a Principle of Spiritual Life and nothing else will deliver us Some think to evade the power of this Argument by saying that all these Expressions are metaphorical and arguing from them are but fulsome Metaphors And 't is well if the whole Gospel be not a Metaphor unto them But if there be not an Impotency in us by nature unto all Acts of spiritual Life like that which is in a Dead man unto acts of Life natural if there be not an alike Power of God required unto our deliverance from that Condition and the working in us a Principle of spiritual Obedience as is required unto the Raising of him that is dead they may as well say that the Scripture speaks not truly as that it speaks metaphorically 6. Believers are said to be begotten and born again of the Spirit by which it appears that our Regeneration is not an Act of our own I mean not so our own as by outward helps and assistance to be educed out of the Principles of our nature Of his own will begot he us by the word of truth c. Born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible c. Which were born not of blood nor of the will of man but of God This being so it behoveth them who plead for Active Interest of the will of Man in Regeneration to produce some Testimonies of Scripture where it is assigned unto it as the Effect unto its proper Cause where is it said that a man is born again or begotten anew by himself and if it be granted as it must be so unless violence be offered not only to the Scripture but Reason and common sence that whatever be our Duty and Power herein yet these Expressions must denote an Act of God and not ours Regeneration being thus proved to be the glorious working and operation of the holy Ghost we shall now proceed to shew further the nature and excellency of grace as it shines forth in the gospel and is experienced by every sincere Christian. 1. Gospel grace is glorious because when received in Truth it delivers the Soul from Bondage it breaks the bonds For the Soul is not set at liberty by the bare shedding of Christs blood without the application of it by the spirit or infusion of grace into the heart 2. The gospel through the grace of it when received in Truth opens blind Eyes it makes them see that never saw in a spiritual sence before it opens their eyes that were born blind how blind was Saul till the gospel grace shone upon him or rather in him 3. The gospel through the grace of it when received in Truth raises the dead Soul to Life 'T is hereby we come to be quickened the flesh profiteth nothing 't is the Spirit that quickeneth that is the Humane nature without the Divine cannot accomplish Salvation for us nor shall any Soul receive any saving
Feet Hissing is attributed to God by which a Divine Call or summons of God for men to gather together and appear in a certain place is noted as Esa. 5.26 and 7.18 For 't is customary with men oftentimes to call certain Beasts to them that way This Hissing of God is used in a good sence Zach. 10.8 I will hiss for them and gather them for I have redeemed them and they shall increase as they have increased which is understood of the gathering of the Church by the voice of the Gospel Breathing is ascribed to God Gen. 2.7 And he Breathed into his Face the breath of Life that is he endued the Body he had formed with a living soul in the Image of God Sometimes it denotes Gods Anger the Metaphor being taken from Angry men who then puff and blow strongly as Evek 21.31 I will pour out mine indignation upon thee I will blow or breath against thee c. See Act. 9.1 Laughing and Deriding are attributed to God Psal. 2.4 He that sitteth in the Heavens shall Laugh the Lord shall have them in Derision Psal. 37 12. The wicked plotteth against the Just and gnasheth upon him with his Teeth Verse 13. The Lord shall laugh at him for he seeth that his day is coming This is spoken by an Anthropopathy the Metaphor being taken from a wise and prudent man who when he sees some heady and inconsiderate undertaker rush on towards his fancied exploits without deliberation or a solid foundation laid and bragging of extraordinary matters has him in contempt and as it were laughing in his sleeve expects an unhappy event that is to say when this Mountain shall bring forth a Mouse as it is vulgarly spoken So men deride an Enemy that threatens when he has no strength or power to execute his menaces But this phrase notes the most wise Providence of God which slights the folly of his Enemies whom he tolerates for a time and to whose malice he hath appointed bounds and at the appointed season confounds tramples on and destroys them As it is said of wicked and stubborn men Prov. 1.26 I will also laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh By which is to be understood the neglect and rejection of the Wicked in their Adversity As if he had said Even as you neglect and despise my wholesome admonitions so will I despise and neglect your applications and reject you when your Calamities comes c. Kissing is ascribed to God when the speech is of the Son of God incarnate as Cant. 1.2 Where the optative words of the Mystical spouse viz. the Church are had let him kiss me with the kisses of his Mouth upon which place the Chaldee says that it is allusive to Gods speaking face to face to the Israelites as a man does to his Friend and kisses him for love But more truly it is to be understood or expounded of the promulgation or publishing of the Gospel by the Son of God made man John 1 17 18. 1 Tim. 1.10 Heb. 1.1 c. Solomon says Prov. 24.26 That every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer which by way of eminency is applicable to him of whom it is said Esa 40.4 The Lord hath given him the Tongue of the learned that he should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary and Psal. 45.2 Into whose lips grace is poured Jehova kissed that is shewed intimate tokens of his love to his people in the Old Testament times by many appearances and by Moses Prophets and Angels employed to make discoveries of him but this came short of this Kiss which the Church under the term of Spouse here desires Let him Kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth that is let him comfort me with a manifestation more eminent then the former viz. of Christs coming into the Flesh and compleating the work of redemption The paraphrase of Origen upon this Text is How long will my Spouse send me Kisses by Moses and the Prophets Now I long to have them personally of himself let him assume my natural shape and Kiss me in the Flesh according to the Prophesies Esa. 7.14 Behold a Virgin shall Conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Emmanuel so that this is a Prayer for the Incarnation of Christ the Blessed Spouse and Bridegroom of our Souls Heb. 1.1 To this Divine Kiss by a mutual relation of Faith answers Cant. 8.1 O that thou wert as my Brother that sucked the brest of my Mother when I should find thee without I would Kiss thee By which the sincere Love of the Church and the unblemished obedience of Faith is understood Psal. 2.12 Kiss the Son lest he be Angry by which the Kings of the Earth and the potents in the World are instructed to yield homage and obedience to the King of Glroy Christ the Son of God being exhibited in the World For in former times subjection was signified by a Kiss as Gen. 41.40 1 Sam. 10.1 1 King 19.18 Hosea 13.2 A Military Clamor or the crying of a Travailing Woman is attributed to God Esa. 42.13 14. By which is noted that his Lenity Patience and Long Forbearance are changed into a severe vengeance Junius and Tremellius do remark from Vegelius that the Roman Souldiers were wont in the beginning of Battle to fall on with a horrible Clamor to daunt the Enemy Also a Travailing Woman though in great pain yet patiently endures it to the utmost extremities of her throws and then being overcome by the violence of her greif Orphans breaks out into Cryes and Vociferation which most elegantly expresses the Patience and Forbearance of God and the extremity of his Wrath when provokt See Psal. 78.65 66. Rom. 2.4 5. Speaking and Speech is attributed to God Where we must note that those places of Scripture wherein God is said to speak or utter certain Words that he might manifest his Divine pleasure to men that way do not belong to this place God sometimes thus spake immediately as to our first Parents Gen. 2.16 and 3.9 To Noah Gen. 6.13 To Abraham Gen. 12.1 chap. 16. and 17. and 18. To Moses Exod. 3.4 5. and the following verses and to Patriarchs Prophets c. in the Old Testament 2. Sometimes God spake mediately by divinely inspired men in whom a mind enlightned by the Spirit of God was formed into words an account of such is found every where in Scripture as also of Angels who are his Ministring spirits now God does not speak thus by way of Anthropopathy or Metaphor but truly and properly although in a far different and excellent manner then men do or can think But that speaking of God which belongs to this figure is 1. When the effectual or efficacious decree of the Divine Will about the Creature and the executions thereof is revealed or expressed after the manner of humane speech as Gen. 1.3
inanimate things in Nature and transferred to God do belong either universally or severally to those things To the former Classe belongs When there is a certain Dimension ascribed to the Infinite and Unmeasurable God and a comparison with this whole Universe whereas betwixt Finite and Infinite there is properly no proportion Job 11.8 It is viz. Jehovah the heights of Heaven The Deeps which is the perfection of God as ver 7. beyond Hell what canst thou know ver 9. The Measure thereof is longer then the Earth and broader then the Sea By which the infiniteness and immensity of God and his Wisdom is intimated of which ver 7. Canst thou by searching find out God others render it canst thou find out the Depth viz. of the Wisdom of God Canst thou find out to the perfection of the Almighty others say canst thou find out the end of Almighty Wisdom To this belongs that Sacred Mathematical expression of Paul speaking of the Love of God and our Saviour Christ Eph. 3.18 That ye may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth the length and depth and heigth viz. Of the Love of Christ as verse 19. Which passeth knowledge shewing by an Anthropopathy the unmeasurableness and immensity of that Love as if he had said it is higher then the Heavens deeper then the Sea larger then the Earth longer then any time enduring even to all Eternity Upon which place Osiander says the sence is I pray God that ye may be able with other sincere Christians after a certain manner to comprehend the unmeasurable Love of Christ towards you which that I may use a Metaphor extends it self to all Dimensions And Hyperius in his Comment very excellently The sence is says he My prayer is that you may have a full certain and absolute knowledge of the Love of Christ in all its parts Geometricians are wont to observe these differences of Dimensions when they inquire into the magnitude of solid Bodies Such therefore as belong to coporeal things the Apostle artificially compares with things incorporeal and spiritual and signifies that he earnestly desires that they should arrive to an equal certainty and perfection in the knowledge of spiritual things chiefly of the Love of Christ as Mathematicians do in the measure of solid bodies c. Here we are to note that when Magnitude is attributed to God not the quantity of a corporeal or bodily size and bigness but the very infiniteness of his Essence and essential proprieties is to be understood Exod. 15.16 and 18.11 Numb 14.19 Deut. 3.24 Exod. 5.8 Psal. 48.1 2. and 147.4 5. Jer. 32.17 18 19. Dan. 2.45 Mal. 1.14 c. Job 33.12 There is a comparison of God with man with respect to greatness whereby the unsearchable Immensity of God is intimated as if he had said God not only in Majesty and Power but also in Truth Justice VVisdom and Mercy infinitely excells all Mortals therefore thy presumption is unjust to contend with him 1 John 3.20 It is said that God is greater then our Hearts when the Speech is of a guilty Conscience as if he had said if Conscience which in many is blind convinces us of Hypocrisie how much will God who is the greatest of all things and infinite in knowledge charge us in his Judgment 1 John 4.4 God is said to be greater then him that is in the World that is Antichrist as ver 3. Whom believers by the power of the infinite and invincible God dwelling by grace in them do overcome John 10.29 God is said to be greater then all that is that he beyond comparison excells the whole Universe in Power and Majesty By the same reason a discretive quantity or plenty is ascribed to God as Psal. 86.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 much or plentiful in Mercy and Truth Psal. 103.8 Great or plentious in Mercy Psal. 130.7 With him is plenteous Redemption by which is noted the infiniteness of God and his attributes as it is described Psal. 147.5 Great is our Lord and of great Power and of his understanding there is no number So the Hebrew See Psal. 36.6 Rom. 11.33 1 Cor. 2.1 In Speaking of things inanimate severally we will distribute them 1. Into things Celestial And 2. Things Elementary To the first kind belongs when God is said to look down from Heaven and sit in or inhabit Heaven as his Throne Of which before Also when God is called Light 1 John 1.5 By which his Majesty Holiness Perfection and Blessedness is noted as when celestial Light is transmitted to us there is nothing Fairer Clearer Purer or more comfortable whence it is said Eccl. 11.7 Truly the Light is sweet and a pleasant thing it is for the Eyes to behold the Sun The Greeks had an Adagy or Proverb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dulce lumen solis sweet is the Light of the Sun 1 Tim. ●● 16 God is said to dwell in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lucem inaccessibilem inaccessible or unapproachable Light or as our English Translation renders it The Light which no man can approach unto that is to act with that Glory Majesty and Felicity which no Creature either can have or comprehend Upon which Chrysostom says The Apostle says that God dwells i●● inaccessible Light which is more then if he had said incomprehensible for that which by inquiry and search we cannot find out we call incomprehensible but that which prohibits all essay of search and to which none can come near we call inaccessible Some with inaccessible Light compare an opposite phrase where the difficulty of fully knowing God in his Majesty and Essence is described by his dwelling in Mists and Clouds for every corporeal Light which for its exceeding brightness cannot be beheld may be truly stiled a Mist and therefore inaccessible c. To this is referred where God Jam. 1.17 is called the Father of Lights with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning in which phrase is denoted his essential Majesty and Immutability in acting Some and very fitly judge that the phrase Father of Lights is a Periphrasis of the Sun attributed to God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or after the manner of men For as that super-celestial Sun is distinguisht from the corporeal and visible Sun it is added that with him is no variableness nor shadow of turning When the Sun is in the opposite Hemisphere it leaves ours darkned and obscure which vicissitude of darkness and light agrees not with God for he is never the Cause of Sin and Death which are noted by the term darkness but always the Authors of Good and Life noted by the term Light and this is the scope of the Apostle as ver 13. Let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God For God cannot be tempted of evils neither tempteth he any man c. Salmeron upon the words says in the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz shadow of turning he alludes to the
kindles the Love of God Holiness and heavenly desires in the Hearts of men to which is referred Jer. 20.9 Luke 24.32 And the appearance of the Holy Spirit in the likeness of Fire Acts 2.3 Matth. 3.11 And lastly its consuming and destroying quality For the Word of Christ shall consume all its adversaries Judge Condemn and Destroy them John 12.48 To which may be reduced Jer. 5.14 and 23.29 To this Divine Fire there seems to be another strange Fire opposed as in the Type Lev. 10.1 viz. of false Doctrine and humane Traditions Esa. 50.11 Behold all ye that kindle a Fire that compass your selves about with sparks walk in the light of your Fire and in the sparks that ye have kindled c. Junius and Tremellius upon the place say That Christ in this place convinces the proud Spirit of the Pharisees and almost the whole Jewish Church of impiety because in their spiritual darkness they went about to kindle lights for themselves neglecting the light of Gods Word and that Gospel illumination which Christ offered them c. They esteemed that a profitable Fire and light which really brought the Fire of divine Wrath and Eternal Damnation upon them 3. Because of its burning quality Fire is attributed to them who bring perdition hurt loss or utter destruction hence Fire is said to be before God the just Judge and avenger of his Enemies Psal. 50.3 and 97.3 Esa. 26.11 and 29.6 and 30.33 and 66.15 16 24. 2 Thes. 1.7 8. But there is no doubt but in these and other places respect is had to Hell-fire of which Illyricus says in the description of Hell and Eternal punishments the Scripture frequently inculcates that there is an Eternal and unquenchable Fire or Brimstone whether there be really any material Fire or that something bitter and direful is metaphorically signifyed is left to inquiry because in this Life there is nothing more violent more tormenting or more terrible then a raging and prevailing Fire But it is far better to endeavour the avoiding of that hellish Fire then in a Spirit of Contention to be too curiously inquisitive into its Nature Hither must be referred those places where by the term Fire we are to understand invading Enemies and desolating Wars Psal. 78.63 Esa. 42.25 Jer. 48.45 and 50.32 Ezek. 21.32 and 30.8 in which place the Chaldee for Fire puts a people strong like fire Amos 1.4 7 10 12 14. and 2.2 5. Some think there may be a Synecdoche because Wars for the most part are managed by Fire and Flame It is also attributed to other things by means of which terror hurt and death are brought upon any as Judg. 9.15 20. Esa. 33.11 12. Obad. ver 18. James 3.5 6. Jude ver 23. See Prov. 26.23 and compare Jer. 51.58 Heb. 2.13 Joel 1.20 together 4. It agrees to this that Fire generally denotes any adversities which are the effects of Divine Wrath as also Calamities and Afflictions as Psal. 66.12 and 140.10 Esa. 9.18 19. and 10.16 and 24.6.15 and 43.2 Lam. 1.13 and 4.11 By which signification sometimes respect is had to the purifying quality of Fire for God tries and cleanses believers by Crosses and Calamities as Gold is tryed in the Fire Zach. 13.9 1 Pet. 4.12 See also Psal. 17.3 and 66.10 1 Pet. 1.6 7. To this also are the two following texts referred Mark 9.49 For every one shall be salted with Fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt The particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kai and is frequently put for as or even as It is therefore an inversed similitude which is to be resolved in this sence As every sacrifice in the Old Testament was wont to be salted with salt by the appointment of God Lev. 2.13 So every man that would avoid sin or offences and Hell-fire the consequence of it as appears by the foregoing verses which have a co-herence with this must be salted with a certain wholesome Fire that is seasoned by Crosses and Afflictions Or this Fire will have the same efficacy on him as salt has on flesh viz. to preserve him from the putrefaction of security in sin Elegantly therefore is salting attributed to Fire and both are joyned to denote the Mystery of the Cross Because there is an agreement betwixt those two both causing pain and both abstracting and consuming that which is corrupt or putrifyed as also because they were joyned together in sacrifices Scaliger in his notes thinks that this should be read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is every sacrifice shall be salted that it may be the same with what follows 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every oblation shall be salted with salt because Lev. 2.13 There is a Repitition of the same The other place is 1 Cor. 3.13 14 15. Upon which Chemnitius thus expresses himself There is a Fire of probation or tryal sent by God either by outward Troubles or inward Temptations or by a clearer manifestation of Truth by the Word that they should not remain in the darkness of Error and Ignorance who hold the fundamental Articles of Truth but that such opinions as are disagreeable to the Foundation shall be purged away either in Life or at the hour of Death Some by the terms Day and Fire understand Truth shining from the Word of God by the Holy Spirit and enlightning the mind Mal. 3.3 But others the Day and Fire of the last Judgment 2 Thes. ●● 8 Of which obscure place we are not concern'd here to treat much But the Reader may peruse Tom. 8. locorum Theolog. Dn. D. Gerhardi de morte Sect. 254. seqq To the Element of Fire belong other things which bear Analogy or Relation to it as well Nouns as Verbs Of Nouns a Flame by a metaphor signifies a bright and shining blade or plate of that form as Judg. 3.22 1 Sam. 17.7 where what we Translate Spearshead is in the Hebrew spears-flame So Job 39.3 The flame of the Spear we Translate it the glittering spear So also a Flame is attributed to the Sword which turned every way with which the Cherubims which were the keepers of Paradise were armed Gen. 3.24 See Esa. 13.8 Cant. 8.6 Love is called the flame of the Lord that is such as the Lord by the light of his Spirit kindles so as that it shall last perpetually And for its continual energy because it always tends upwards and darts its splendor and increases that way what are the properties of a natural Flame of Fire agree also to Love Esa. 47.14 A Flame signifies most heavy punishments inflicted by God Lanthorn Candle and Lamp 1. Denote Prosperity and a happy success of things Job 29.3 Psal. 18.28 Hence the extinction or putting out of a Candle or Lamp signifies approaching adversities Job 21.17 Prov. 13.9 20.20 2. It more especially denotes the happiness of a Kingdom or Government 2 Sam. 21.17 Thou shalt go no more out with us to Battel that thou quench not the Candle or Lamp of Israel the
going over it and the wall being a thicker substance keeps them from passing through his sore and heavy afflictions are but as hedge in a way of mercy to keep his Children from evil the pursuit of which would ruine them XV. The Lord God in seeming absence or distance from his Children never forgets them but has them in continual remembrance as in the case of Ephraim XVI The heavenly Father overlooks the frailties and miscarriages of his Children through Christ for he accepts of a willing mind c. and highly prizes sincerity He is merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities will he remember no more he is free to pardon the penitent and humble Confessor Psal. 32.5 XVII What a lamenting Prosopopoeia does the Lord use by the Prophet Hear O Heavens give ear O Earth I have nourished and brought up Children and they have rebelled against me How great his patience is and how gently he deals with them and how frequent his calls to repentance are the Scriptures noted in the Margent clearly evidence XVIII God the heavenly-Father if his Children be stubborn and perverse visits their transgressions with a Rod and their iniquity with stripes yet takes not his loving kindness from them To be without Chastisement is a note of Bastardy and to be corrected is a certain sign of Gods love for those whom he loves he chastens XIX God the Great Father does the like My bowels saith he are troubled for repenting Ephraim I will surely have mercy upon him In all their afflictions he was afflicted he chastens for our profit and corrects in measure he executes not the fierceness of his anger to destroy Ephraim because he is God and not Man but in love and pity redeems his Saints c. XX. God lays up for his Children he not only distributes plentifully of his good things now but has much more in store and reversion for them O how great is thy goodness says the Psalmist which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee Henceforth saith the Apostle is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness c. METAPHOR I. EArthly Fathers are men subject to passions and may sometimes unjustly harden their hearts and prove cruel to their Children II. Earthly Parents though Kings and Potentates are men of little Dignity and Grandeur in comparison of the Greatness and Glory of the Almighty III. Earthly Fathers may not know the condition of their remote Children or may be unable to help them in straits c. or send seasonable supplies IV. Earthly Parents maybe in a moment made poor and their Children brought to Beggery or by giving may impoverish themselves V. Earthly Parents though they instruct their Children yet cannot convert the heart VI. An Earthly Parent cannot so give his Estate as that all his Children collectively consider'd may possess all and yet every one possess the whole as if no other had a share in it VII Fathers are mortal they are Children of yesterday they pass away and leave their Children Fatherless VIII The best of Fathers are no perfect examples or paterns of goodness for their Children may not only equal but excel them DISPARITY I. OUr heavenly Father is God and not Man and therefore doth whatsoever is good and right never wronging any of his Children In righteousness hast thou afflicted me II. But our heavenly Father has no Superiour in Quality nor Equal in Dignity his Majesty is infinite and his Glory unspeakable ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of Angels wait upon his Throne the least of which excels all the Kings of the Earth III. God knows all the wants of his Children in what place or condition soever they are in and can give them sufficient suitable and seasonable relief though the powers of Hell and wicked men should be set against them IV. God can never be made poor nor is his store the less for distribution his Spiritual Children are beyond all possibility of want V. God speaks to the heart and fastens his Word as a Nail in a sure place he makes the heart of stone to be a heart of flesh he speaks the Word of Grace to them and gives them the Grace of the Word VI. God makes every one of his Children joynt Heirs of the Eternal Inheritance and yet 't is so that every one hath the whole propriety they shall all possess a Crown and Kingdom of joy and glory joyntly and yet so that every one shall have it wholly to himself a whole God to himself a whole Christ to himself a whole Heaven to himself every one has God for his Portion particularly and Christ for a Husband and yet all of them joyntly do enjoy them together VII God is immortal from everlasting to everlasting he is called the living Father the Father of Eternity and so uncapable of any change he is a Spirit and the Father of Spirits and Life VIII But God is a perfect patern to all his Children those Perfections and Excellencies of the Divine Being that are communicable are set before us for our imitation and though we should do our best to be as like him as we can yet when we have done all and gone as high as we are capable to go by the assistance of Grace we shall notwithstanding infinitely fall short of that perfect Copy COROLLARIES 1. FRom the foregoing Parallels we may infer that Believers as such are of the most glorious and Illustrious Extraction in the world for the Almighty God is their Father 2. That this Spiritual Sonship is the greatest and chiefest of Blessings and Priviledges because it gives a Title to an Everlasting Kingdom in Heaven 3. That Saints should be incouraged against doubts dejectedness and dispondency in-affliction because their Father has provided so glorious an Estate in reversion for them and which they shall shortly possess 4. That Saints have cause to be comforted for they have a gracious Father ready to receive all their Applications and in all cases help relieve and defend them 5. That it is the duty of Saints to behave themselves suitable to their quality and not debase their Birth and Pedigree nor stain the glory of their Fathers House by sinful base reproachful actions A sordid imploy and base Society do not become a Kings Son 6. As God is the best of Fathers so let Christians labour to be the best of Children 7. Let them beware how they grieve his Spirit or provoke him to take the Rod. 8. This may support us under the loss of our nearest and best Relations God a Portion PSAL. 16.5 The Lord is the Portion of my Inheritance PSAL. 73.26 But God is the strength of my heart and my Portion for ever See Jer. 51.12 Psal. 112.57 Psal. 142.5 POrtion or Inheritance as the word is read Gen. 31.14 1 King 12.16 and 2 Chron. 10.16 is a Metaphor taken from Earthly Portions or Inheritances which
shall be considered in a fourfold respect Viz. 1. It s Nature 2. It s Extent 3. It s Signification 4. It s Usefulness And under these Considerations it affords matter for the ensuing Parallel METAPHOR I. A Portion or Inheritance is a Gift II. A Portion or Inheritance as it includes Education and provision of future maintainance is the best gift that men can dispose of III. A Portion or Inheritance is given to advance the honour and interest of the person on whom it is bestow'd IV. A Portion or Inheritance as it is the best for quality so the extent and proportion of it is usually commensurate to the Riches and Estate of the Donor a good and great Predecessor Father or Benefactor gives like himself in quantity as well as quality V. Portion or Inheritance implies or supposes Relation Men do not give Portions to Forreign Strangers or Enemies but to Relations that are so Naturally or by Adoption VI. A Portion or Inheritance signifieth love and good will to the Subject Men never give Portions and Inheritances out of hatred and ill will VII The Gift of Portion and Inheriance is bestowed on purpose to fix the Subject to whom it is given in a future settlement of Happiness and Prosperity VIII A Portion or Inheritance frees from that Contempt others are exposed to that have none they that have no Portion are acounted poor beggarly and inconsiderable Persons Men of no Esteem IX A great Portion or Inheritance doth not only free from Contempt but procures many Friends as Solomon speaks the Rich hath many Friends X. A great Portion or Inheritance makes a Man to value himself accordingly he will not joyn in Affinity with any who are not suitable to him or are much below him XI A great Portion frees a Man from fear of want and so elevates his Mind to a more noble and high degree of living than those that have none XII A Man that hath the greatest Portion and Inheritance will not be perswaded to change Estates with other Men. XIII An earthly Man that has a great Portion esteems highly of it as appears by the Young Man in the Gospel and as Christ saith Where your Treasure is there will your Hearts be also XIV A great Portion or Inheritance makes way for Entrance into or Alliance with a great and noble Family XV. A great Portion or Inheritance makes a Man able to do more Good than multitudes of others can he can help those he loves and oftentimes Enemies receive Advantage by him XVI A great Portion or Inheritance furnisheth a Man with whatsoever is good and desirable here below yea with the best of every sort whether for Necessity or to make the Life comfortable a Man lives upon his Portion and reaps whatsoever Good Profit or Pleasure it is capable to afford him PARALLEL I. GOd hath given himself to his people to be their Portion for ever II. God being comprehensive of all spiritual good is the best gift that can be received and when he becomes a Portion to good men he makes them partakers of his Divine Nature gives them his holy Spirit even the wisdom that is above III. God in giving himself unto his people advances their honour and interest and makes them no less than Kings and Princes for when he makes them Heirs of God they then become Joynt-Heirs with Christ Instead of thy Father shall be thy Children whom thou mayst make Princes in all the Earth c. And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests c. IV. God who is the greatest the richest and most liberal Predecessor Father or Benefactor always gives like himself in quantity and proportion Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full Ask what ye will and it shall be done for you c. Even above what you can ask or think He doth not only make them to inherit substance but he fills their Treasury makes all grace to abound towards them and with-holds no good thing from them that walk uprightly V. God is not the Portion of Devils or wicked men who are Enemies and Aliens the proud he knoweth afar off but he is the Portion of the Righteous such as are his Relations by Regeneration or Adoption if Children then Heirs But when he shall appear we shall be like him VI. God when he becometh the portion of any man it is out of love the greatest love and good will that ever was exprest a love that is admired because unmeasurable O the height and length c. What manner of love is this A love that is great large fathomless without end VII So God in becoming the Portion and Inheritance of Saints doth design thereby to fix them in a future settlement of Eternal Happiness and Felicity The pure in Heart shall see God be with him and injoy him for ever Everlasting Joy shall be upon their Heads they shall obtain Joy and Gladness Sorrow and Sighing shall flee away VIII So Saints in having God to be their Portion are delivered from that Reproach and Contempt the Holy Scriptures cast upon others viz. on the Ungodly of the Earth who because they have no Part nor Portion in God are called poor blind and miserable whereas the Saints are called honourable and excellent ones Jabez was more honourable than his Brethren they are Men of Name Princes God's Treasure his beloved Ones his Jewels IX So the Saints having God to be theirs are not only freed from the greatest Contempt and made Honourable Ones but thereby come to have many Friends all the Angels of Heaven are in perfect Bonds of Peace and true Friendship with them as well as all Saints on Earth who bless and pray for them nay many times God makes their very Enemies to be at Peace with them X. So God being a Saint's Portion it makes him value himself upon the best and most worthy grounds in the World 1. Because he is rich 2. Inconceiveably rich 3. Really rich other Men great Men of the World are but seemlying rich 4. His Riches and Portion make him really Honourable truly Noble and renow'd in the sight of God Angels and Saints 5. Because God hath made him so rich and illustrious 6 Because he cannot be made poor by Men nor Devils His Riches are durable XI So when a Saint comes to know that God is his Portion how doth it free him from fear of want others have cause to fear they shall beg at Harvest and have nothing when he knows what Mines of Treasures are laid up for him against that day The Lord is my Shepherd therefore I shall not want yet will I rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my Salvation the Lord is my Portion saith my Soul therefore will I hope in him XII So a Saint knowing God is his Portion will not change his Estate with Kings
we have many means of increase of grace the Lord will expect the fruits of holiness from his people XVIII The Lord loves to visit his vineyard often and delights to behold the flourishing graces of his people He is gone Down into his garden into his beds of spices c. He eats his pleasant fruit he takes pleasure in his Saints and will beautifie the meek with salvation Let us see says he if the vine flourish whether the tender grape appears and the pomegranat●●s bud forth there will I give thee my loves He rejoy●●es to find his people abound with graces which are the blessed fruits of the spirit no Ambrosia so sweet to this heavenly husbandman as the holy performances of his Saints which is the effect of his own cost and labour XIX The Lord expresses great grief when his people bring forth no fruit or which is worse wild fruit he looked that it should bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grap●●s How he complains by the Prophet She viz. the vineyard Jerusalem was plucked up in fury the East wind dri●●d up her fruit Fire hath devoured her fruit this is a lamentation and shall be for a lamentation How it grieves the Lord to the heart when his servants his Ministers return this account we have laboured in vain and spent our strength for nought c. XX. When the Lord finds any barren or withered branch in his husbandry past hope of recovery he cuts them 〈◊〉 every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away Christ cursed the fruitless f●●g tre●● and immediately it was dri●●d up this cutting off may be done by the immediate hand of God ●●ith in Spirituals or Temporals or by the censure and excommunication of the Church XXI God h●●th also many workmen in his Churches divers painf●●l labourers in his harvest Mini●●ers of the Gospel are spiritual harvest men We then as Workers together with you beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain XXII A faithful experienced and laborious Minister the Lord values above thousands of slothful false hearted and self seeking ones who care not for the flock so they have the fleece and if they have the wages care not for the work Moses was faithful in his house and therefore esteemed but Corah and h●●s Company that fain would have been lookt upon as appointed by God like Moses were swallowed up XXIII The Church of God often suffers and is much spoiled by those innumerable swarms of Locusts or Catterpillars that came out of the bottomless pit by which according to the opinion of divers eminent Writers are meant the great swarms of Popish Priests Friars Monks Jesuits and even all the whole tribe of the Romish Hierarchy who are fitly likened to Locusts which as Naturalists say are a little vile kind of vermine that spring out of smoak flying together in vast numbers gnawing eating up or destroying all green things and fruits of the ea●●th being a very slothful and idle creature resembling the Popish Clergy exactly who are bred out of the smoak and darkness of hellish ignorance they are slow bellies living upon the sweat of other mens brows To such Kingdoms or Countries as abound with pleasant plants they flock in swarms where they make havock and lay wast all green things in the Church of God as this and other Nations have felt and still feel infecting thousands with their damnable devices superstitious practices and inventions XXIV When God finds a Church or people without the life and power of grace and religion cold and lukewarm having only the Carkass of external profession and that no calls nor endeavours will reclaim them he withdraws his presence removes his Candlestick takes away the hedge and lays it waste Go to my place in Shilo where I set my name at first and see what I did to it for Israel 's wickedness So Sardis Ephesus Smirna Philadelphia c. and the rest of those once famous Asiatick Churches are become a barren and waste Wilderness XXV The Lord by his word and spirit which is as a fan in his hand severs the chaff and refuse part of his Children that nothing but the pure grain and seed of grace may remain in them and oftentimes by affliction winnows his Church Severing the true Christian from the dross and chaff of hypocrisie I will sift the house of Israel as Corn it sifted in a sieve c. METAPHOR I. SOme husbandmen hire their ground and pay Rent for what they have II. A husbandman maybe dispossest of his farm and turn'd out of all his estate by an enemy or the injustice of a party stronger than himself III. The husbandman thrives or grows poor a●●cording as his husbandry gives good or bad returns IV. Husbandmen often faint and grow weary of working V. Husbandmen know not the success and event of their labour nor the nature of some ground till they try it VI. Husbandmen cannot rain to water their fields 't is God that gives the increase for which their dependance must be upon him VII The husbandman cannot make bad trees bring forth good fruit nor barren trees bear nor some sort of ground good let him do what he can VIII Storms Tempests excessive Rain Snow Heat or Cold often force the husbandman to a cessation of his labour and an enemy may compel him from his work IX A husbandman grows old and dies and leaves his husbandry DISPARITY I. BUt God is the proprietor and proper owner of all the Nations and people of the Earth whatsoever is under the whole heavens saith the Almighty is mine II. God cannot be dispossest or turned out of his inheritance for no strength or power is able to stand before him none can oppress him or take his right from him against his will he can destroy at once all that rise up against him III. God though he lays out very much to cultivate a Nation Church or People is never the poorer his treasure is inexhaustible and can receive no addition nor diminution Can a man be profitable to God My Goodness saith David extends not to thee All that he doth is for his Creatures profit IV. God in a proper sence cannot be weary therefore in Scripture when we read of his being weary 't is spoken by the figure 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 after the manner of men by way of condescention to our capacities after much patience and forbearance and finding no fruit he is said to be weary not properly but as before the everlasting God the Lord the Creator of the ends of the Earth fainteth not neither is weary V. But God knows all things the hearts and spirits of all men he knows what nation or people will prove fruitful or otherwise before his word and spirit are employ'd to cultivate and try them VI. God can cause it to Rain when he pleases externally upon the earth and spiritually
Account given of one of the greatest Battles fought that ever was between Man and Man between Man and Hell between God and Man yet Job went away with Victory True Grace is often assaulted yet never was nor ever shall be overthrown or conquered 4. God brings his Jobs under this severe Dispensation and then runs upon them like a Giant that he might convince and reprove Satan and all wicked Men that continually slander vilify and reproach the Godly saying They serve the Lord for their own Ends and follow him for Loaves that they attend upon him for an Estate or for vain Glory the pleasant and good Things of this World Doth Job serve God saith Satan for nought He is a very Hypocrite tho he now seem so godly No such Zealot as he but he hath a base and selfish End and Design in all he doth If God do but run upon him like a Giant and strip him of all these worldly Comforts which he enjoys you will then see what becomes of his Religion He will curse God to his face The Lord did on purpose cause these things to be acted and to come upon Job for ever to stop the Mouth of Satan and his Servants to shew that his Children follow him for the Love they bear to him and for the Excellency they find in him and in his Ways and from that Bond and Duty that is incumbent upon them Tho he strip them naked of all they have yet they will cleave to him 5. God ran thus upon his Servant Job that he might become an Example of Patience and Sufferings to future Generations and that God's People might hence have wherewith to sustain themselves under killing severe Dispensations and not faint when they are rebuked of God For if God thus deals with his beloved Jobs let no Soul give up their Hope or utterly despair who are under the sorest and most amazing Dispensations of the Almighty Whatsoever was written afore-time was written for our Instruction that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have Hope Take my Brethren the Prophets saith the Apostle who have spoken unto you in the Name of the Lord for an Example of suffering Affliction and of Patience 6. God thus deals with his dear Children in this World to increase and add to their Glory in the World to come Afflictions here will not go without their Reward hereafter No Believer shall lose by suffering hard things according to the Will of God He doth it not simply for his own Pleasure but for our Profit that we might be Partakers of his Holiness Though at present no Affliction seemeth joyous but grievous nevertheless afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness to them that are exercised thereby And hence Paul saith Our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory The Inferences are these 1. Terror 2. Counsel 3. Comfort 1. Terror Let all ungodly Men and Women hence tremble for if God breaks his own dear Children thus to pieces and runneth upon them like a Giant how will he come forth in Wrath and Vengeance upon them Their only way is to submit themselves at his Foot whilst there is Mercy For when once he is risen up and awaketh as one out of Sleep like a Giant or mighty Man that shouteth by reason of Wine He will break their Bones in pieces and put them to perpetual Reproach Wo●●to that Man that God stirs up all his Strength and Wrath against when his absolute Design and Purpose is to kill and utterly destroy God is ●●ngry ●●ith the Wicked every day If he return not he will whet his Sword he hath bent his Bow and made it ready He hath prepared for them the Instruments of Death 2. Counsel to you that are the Enemies of the dreadful Majesty Bless God you are not cut off that you are not ground to Pouder and before now amongst the Damned And let me advise you in Love to your Souls not to adventure one step further in a way of Sin and Rebellion against God lest he tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver Therefore God's Counsel is Kiss the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the Way when once his Wrath is kindled but a little Blessed are all they that put their Trust in him God is now ready to treat with you from the Mercy-Seat but the Time is near when he will get upon the Seat and Throne of Judgment and then it will be to late 3. Comfort to you that are Saints and under Afflictions This may administer much Consolation unto you You see God deals no otherwise with you than he did with blessed Job nay what are all thy Sufferings compared with Job's Sufferings And you have heard that God in his severest Dispensations designs your Good and that he will make you Gainers by all at last and if he lays an heavy Burthen upon you he will give you Strength to undergo it Wait therefore patiently upon the Lord and be humbled under his mighty Hand How did Job behave himself when God did all this to him Did he oppose did he strive with his Maker No no Job knew that was in vain bu●● he tells us He put Sackloth upon his Loins and defiled his Horn in the Dust My Face saith he is foul with Weeping and on my Eye-l●●ds is the Shadow of Death The only way under the heavy Strokes of the Almighty is to prostrate our Souls at his Foot When God lets out visible Tokens of his afflicting Hand upon us we should let out visible Tokens of our Humiliation under his Hand when we are greatly afflicted we should be greatly affected when God seems angry we should be troubled when he runs on us in a way of Affliction we should fall down before him in a way of Contrition Ephraim's Sighs and Moans were Musick in God's Ears Ephraim did not murmur against God but mourned before God The way to have God's Rod removed is to be sensible of the Rod and who hath appointed it If we would be free from Affliction we must be humbled for our Sin if we are humbled under the Cross God will soon exalt us upon the Throne God compared to a Lion Hosea 13.7 I will be unto them as a Lion as a Leopard will I observe them I will meet them as a Bear bereaved of her Whelps And I will rent the Caul of their Heart and then will I devour them like a Lion WE have here a threefold Simile which sheweth the fearful State of a wicked and provoking People 1. I will be unto them as a Lion I will devour them like a Lion 2. As a Leopard I will observe them 3. I will meet them as a Bear bereaved of her Whelps Doct. 1. God in his breaking in upon a wicked and rebellious People in a way of Wrath and Judgment will be unto them
as a Lion The Scope of this Text being to set forth the Anger and Wrath of the Incensed Majesty of GOD with the consequent Destruction of the Wicked and Impenitent we shall illustrate the Similitude in the following Parallels Simile I. THe Lion is a most terrible Creature If the Lion roars all the Beasts of the Forrest tremble Naturalists observe That tho other Creatures are swifter on foot than the Lion yet when he roareth they lie down II. A Lion when enraged especially hath a majestical fierce and an amazing Look and how ready are all to run and shift for their Lives when he rises up to the Prey III. None can take away the Prey from a Lion as the Prophet sheweth us who if he goeth through a Flock of Sheep both treadeth down and teareth in pieces and none can deliver IV. A Lion is strong and crushes the whole Compages of a Man's Bones at one Crush he rends the Body of Man to pieces And Naturalists tell us That when the Lion hath torn the Body asunder he loves to suck the Blood that is about the Heart and as for other Parts of the Body except he be very hungry he leaves them to other Beasts to prey upon but the Heart the Blood and the Fat that is about the Heart the Lion loves to suck V. The Lion is a Creature as Naturalists observe that seems much for Justice No Creature more fixed or constant in their Love and Friendship or more ready to revenge the Breach of Amity than is a Lion which is further demonstrated by a great Historian citing a Passage of Eudemus who writeth of a certain young Man that nourished together many Years a Dog a Bear and a Lion who lived in perfect Peace and Concord without Breach Snarling or appearance of Anger But on a day as the Dog and the Bear played together and biting one another gently it happened that the poor Dog fastened his Teeth in sport deeper than the Bear could digest and thereupon he presently fell upon him and with his Claws tore out the soft part of his Belly whereof he presently died The Lion sitting by and seeing this Cruelty and Breach of Love Amity and Concord that had been amongst them was inflamed to revenge that Perfidy and like a true King of Beasts measured the same measure to the Bear as he had done to the Dog and served him with the same Sauce tearing him instantly in pieces If a Lion be harmed by a Man with a Stone or Dart according to the Merit of their Hurt they frame their Revenge VI. 'T is observed of the Lion that he will narrowly mark any one that wounds him And tho there are hundreds of Men together and but one wound him or shoot at him or any ways hurt or injure him he will observe and mark that Man and keep the Wrong in his Mind a long time VII Moreover 't is observed of the Lion that he sleeps but little and with his Eyes open or as some others note he having great Eyes and so small Eye-lids they cannot wholly cover his Eyes VIII The Lion will fall upon no Creature except he be in Hunger or is greatly provoked IX The Lion as Pliny observes cannot endure to be look'd asquint upon by any X. Again of all wild Beasts it is observed that the Lion if one do fall down and prostrate himself before him as it were and petition for his Life he will spare him Take Pliny's own Words The Lion alone of all wild Beasts is gentle to those that humble themselves unto him and will not touch any such upon Submission but spareth what Creature soever lieth prostrate before him XI A Lion as Pliny and divers other great Naturalists tell us is a great Enemy to Apes and Wolves Parallel I. THat God that cometh forth in a way of Judgment against the Wicked is a terrible God Hence it is said He shall roar out of Sion The Threatnings of God are as the Roaring of a Lion and terrify the Wicked as a Lion doth the more impotent Animals II. When the Face of God is set against a Soul or Nation or he be moved to Frowns Indignation and Wrath against them let all stand clear How ready are all to fly when God rises up to the Prey that is to be avenged on the Ungodly III. None can deliver themselves out of God's hands when he comes forth against them as an hungry Lion God tells us He will arise to the Prey and all the Earth shall be devoured with the Fire of his Jealousy There is none can deliver out of his hand neither Power nor Policy Craft nor outward Force will signify any thing IV. The dreadful God when Sinners fall into his hands will crush them as a Lion Consider this ye that forget God lest he tear you in pieces I will arise and devour at once I will rent the Caul of their Heart and there will I devour like a Lion A Reverend Divine hath an excellent Note upon this place The Lord will do as a Lion doth He more immediatly will strike out their Hearts and punish them with spiritual Plagues and Judgments And as for their Estates and Bodies he will leave them to other Beasts and they shall plague them that way Their Hearts were grown fat they had a Film about their Hearts and Instruction could not get to their Hearts but God will tear that Caul that Film from off their Hearts Mr. Burroughs hath noted further That it denotes the sending Plagues upon the Hearts of wicked Men and to leave their Estates c. to the Assyrians confirming Luther's Observation and for a further Confirmation cites Arius Montanus V. The holy God is just in all he doth Just and righteous are thy Judgments O Lord. The right Hand of the Lord is full of Righteousness Yet he delights to live in Love Concord and real Friendship with all his Creatures and O how fix'd and constant is he therein and how loth that any should move him to Anger But when once the Covenant of Peace and Amity is broken and nought but Cruelty and Injustice appears amongst Men and the great Ones of the Earth prove Tyrants and tear in pieces and devour the Poor how is God thereby enraged or stirred up to revenge the Breach of his Law For the Oppression of the Poor saith God will I arise And he will retaliate upon the Wicked according to the Nature of the Evils they have done Rob not the Poor because they are poor neither oppress the Afflicted in the Gate For the Lord will plead their Cause and spoil the Soul of those that spoiled them And I heard the Angel of the Water say Thou art righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast judged thus for they have shed the Blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them Blood to
and Defence it defends them that are within and offends them that are without V. A Wall of Fire is most amazing dreadful and terrible to an Enemy VI. A Wall of Fire is dangerous to attack or approach unto no devouring and cruel Beasts dare come near it the Lions tremble at the Sight thereof VII Those that are environ'd round about with a Wall of Fire are very safe in the midst of the greatest Multitudes of evil Beasts VIII Nothing will keep off as Naturalists observe cruel and devouring Beasts but a Wall of Fire IX Those that are environ'd round by a Wall of Fire are not only safe from Enemies but are also thereby kept warm from piercing Cold. X. Those that see they are compassed about with a Wall of Fire are made very fearless and couragious thereby Parallel I. GOD is the Defence and Security of his People from the Devil that roaring Lion and old red Dragon and from wicked Men who for their cruel brutish devouring and merciless Dispositions are compared to Lions Bears c. II. God is a Wall of Fire or such a Defence and Security to his People whilst they remain in the howling Wilderness of this World where their Danger is very great there being Multitudes of brutish and devouring Men or rather Beasts nay Monsters Devils in the shape of Men ready to destroy them III. God is a Wall of Fire and Defence unto his People there being no other Security for them I looked and there was none to help therefore my own Arm brought Salvation and my Fury it upheld me IV. God is a Defence to his Church and 't is He who offends and discomfits their Enemies I will undo them that afflict thee c. V. God in being a Defence or Wall of Fire to his People greatly amazeth and terrifieth the ungodly and brutish Persecutors how terrible was God to Pharaoh when he was a Wall of Fire to Israel VI. It is a very dangerous thing for any to make Attempts upon God Who is able to stand before such a Wall of flaming and devouring Fire Wicked Men are compared to Briars and Thorns and who would set them saith God against me in Battel The Devils themselves tremble before his Sacred Majesty VII Those that are surrounded about on every side by the Power Wisdom and merciful Providences of the Almighty God this great Wall of Fire need not fear Devils nor brutish Men tho never so cruel and bloody VIII Nothing can keep off cruel and merciless Men from making a Spoil of God's Church but God himself Conscience cannot the Cry of the Widow and fatherless Children no nor the Fear of Hell Therefore God walls his People round about in a wonderful manner that Men cannot find nor come at them IX Those that have God for a Wall of Fire are secured from all the cold Blasts of Sin and Temptation are sweetly refreshed and comforted for such is the property of this Wall of Fire also unto them X. Those that see they have God as a Wall of Fire round about them are thereby made very valiant and couragious saying I will not fear what Man can do unto me c. Metaphor I. A Wall of Fire is made of outward Materials viz. Wood or such like Fuel II. A Wall of Fire properly is to secure the Body from ravenous wild and devouring Beasts III. A Wall of Fire may be quenched or for want of Fuel go out and so those that were secured by it may be exposed and laid open to the Rage of cruel and merciless Beasts Disparity I. GOD who is said to be a Wall of Fire for defence of his People is the Maker of all things By him all things were made c. II. God is a Wall or Defence to keep safe and secure both Body and Soul not only from wild Beasts but also from cursed Men and Devils III. This Wall of Fire can never be quenched nor go out whilst there be any wild Beasts and devouring and bloody Persecutors in the World This Fire will burn and be a Wall to the Godly let the Devil and Rome do what they can the Church of Christ shall never be left to the Rage of Papal Fury Inferences 1. FRom hence we may note an Use of Terror to wicked Men Their cruel Attempts upon the Church of God will prove their Ruin they will get nothing thereby but a feared and wounded Conscience this Fire will devour them 2. We may see how God is pleased to represent wicked Men doth he not intimate to us by this Metaphor that they are no better than ravenous Beasts 3. What great Folly doth this demonstrate to be in the Hearts of the Adversaries Will they who are but Briars and Thorns set themselves against the Great God who is a consuming Fire 4. It also shews the infinite Love and Care of God to his Saints 5. In what Safety do the Godly dwell Let the Beasts roar and tear and goar one another whilst God's People are thus defended and preserved from their Rage and Cruelty But some may object and say How is God said to be a Wall of Fire to the Church c. It may have respect to his Divine Attributes as Wisdom Power Goodness Truth Faithfulness Justice by which he preserves his Church and People through his glorious Providences in this World as thereby he defeats their Enemies God a Iudg. Gen. 18.10 25. Shall not the Judg of all the Earth do Right Psal. 58.11 Verily he is a God that judgeth in the Earth Psal. 82.1 God standeth in the Congregation of the Righteous he judgeth among the Gods GOD is really and properly a Judg for he is the Judg of all the World and therefore he is not brought here under the Notion of a Metaphorical Judg But in regard this Term seems to be allusive to Earthly Judges we think it may not be unprofitable to draw a Parallel for the Edification of the Reader As there is nothing more frequently attributed to Almighty God in the Holy Scriptures than the Title of Judg so there is scarce any Attribute or Action of the Most High grounded upon more Reason Of which take this following Account 1. There is in the World viz. on the whole Earth a great and mighty People for Number like to the Stars of Heaven or Sands by the Sea-Shore 2. There this numerous People are almost as various in their Humors as they are in their Numbers Ages Sizes and Complections 'T is very rare if not impossible to find two that in all Points do exactly accord 3. That this numberless Multitude are all addicted to run byass to a particular thing call'd Self-love and this too from an indissoluble Principle or Impression of Nature 'T is natural for all Men to love themselves 4. That after they are grown up to some degree of Ripeness and Maturity they have ready prepared to their Eyes the bad Examples of ill-living Souls which too often have
him and coming into the World Secondly by those hard things he met with in this Life for our sakes Thirdly by shedding of his Blood Fourthly he commends his Love by the continual Motions of his Spirit upon our Hearts and by those inward Checks of Conscience besides those blessed Offers and Tenders of Grace which dropp'd from his gracious Lips If any Man thirst let him come unto me and drink Look unto me and be saved all ye Ends of the Earth Come to me all ye that are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you Rest. Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in unto him and sup with him and he with me IX Jesus Christ loves poor Sinners not for any thing he sees in them not for Beauty Riches c. For naturally Mankind hath nothing that may render them any way desirable in Christ's eye he might see enough in them to loath them but nothing to love them X. Jesus Christ sues hard is very importunate uses many powerful and weighty Arguments to prevail with Sinners to accept of the Terms of Grace and join in an holy Contract of Love with him 1. One is taken from the Dignity of his Person being the Root and Off-spring of David David's Lord as well as David's Son I saith he and my Father are one 2. From that early Love and good Will he bore to them When there were no Depths was I brought forth When he gave the Sea his Decree Then was I by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his Delight rejoycing always before him Rejoycing in the habitable Parts of the Earth and my Delights were with the Sons of Men. And in another place I have loved thee with an everlasting Love therefore with Loving-kindness have I drawn thee 3. From the Intention or Purpose of his coming so long a Journey I am come that ye might have Life Not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance Come to seek and to save that which was lost 4. His great Abasement and Condescension 5. From his Suffering I lay down my Life for my Sheep Can there be a greater Argument than this 6. He argues with Sinners from the Consideration of their own Misery and that absolute Necessity there is of closing with him and the blessed Effects of it He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the Wrath of God abideth on him XI Jesus Christ waits long and hath much Patience before he doth desist his Suit and leave Sinners to perish in their Iniquities How long did infinite Patience wait upon the old World was it not one hundred and twenty Years and forty Years upon Israel in the Wilderness I have saith he spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious People But if he prevails at last he thinks nothing too much that he has suffered for Sinners He waits at the Door of his Spouse until his Head is wet with Dew and his Locks with the Drops of the Night yet does he not think all too much XII Jesus Christ doth express and manifest great Love to Sinners which he intends to take into Covenant-Relation with himself His Love like Nilus overflows all Banks and Bounds his Grace is without Limits beyond the Love of Jonathan to David What doth the Gospel shew or express more plainly than the Strength of Christ's Love to Sinners Christ express'd such Love that never any other had in laying down his Life for his Enemies for such that were Rebels to him and his Father There is Depth Heighth Length and Breadth in it it passeth Knowledg XIII Jesus Christ is greatly troubled at the ungrateful Repulses he meets with from Sinners which appears 1. By his being grieved He was grieved because of the Hardness of their Hearts When he drew near to Jerusalem he wept over it perceiving how basely they had slighted and rejected him 2. By condoling and bewailing their miserable State and Obstinacy Israel will have none of me O Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thy Children together as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings and ye would not 3. By hiding of his Face and bringing Afflictions upon them I will go and return to my place till they acknowledg their Offences and seek my Face In their Afflictions they will seek me early XIV Jesus Christ notwithstanding all the Unkindnesses of Sinners hath afforded them his Word wherein is expressed his good Will and Desire to them nay and more than this sends many a kind Message to them by the sweet Motions of his Spirit to awaken their Consciences before he leaves them finally Thus he strove with the old World XV. Jesus Christ sends his faithful Ministers who are as Spokesmen for their Master I have saith Paul espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chast Virgin to Christ. I have espoused you the meaning is I have been employed as an Instrument sent and commissionated by the Lord Jesus to do it Many Arguments they use to bring poor Sinners to accept of the Offers of Grace and receive Jesus Christ as 1. They like Abraham's Servant set forth the Greatness and Riches of their Master The Lord saith he hath blessed my Master greatly and he is become great he hath given him Flocks and Herds Silver and Gold c. And Sarah my Master's Wife bare a Son to my Master when she was old and to him hath he given all that he hath God is very great all things in Heaven and Earth are his the Cattel upon a thousand Hills and saith the Servant of God he hath given unto Christ all that he hath All things are delivered unto me of my Father Christ is very rich the Heir of all things 2. They set not out only the Greatness and Riches of Christ but his excellent Beauty also Thou art fairer than the Children of Men. 3. The Power of Christ. 4. His Wisdom 5. His Love and rich Bounty 6. They set before Sinners what the Promises are if they receive him and what Glory they shall be raised to 7. The Wofulness of their present State and what it will be in the end if they do refuse him Knowing therefore the Terror of the Lord we persuade Men. XVI Jesus Christ sends tokens of his gracious Love to all such that he intends to marry and betroth unto himself for ever he gives them a Cabinet of costly Jewels the Graces of the Spirit to adorn them They shall be an Ornament of Grace unto thy Head and Chains about thy Neck Grace is like a Box of precious Ointment whose odoriferous Smell perfumes the Hearts and Lives of Believers XVII Jesus Christ cannot endure that the Heart of-a Professor should be divided or that a Man or Woman should have
a Signet The Son in himself is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the likeness of God II. Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Image of God representing him unto Men he manifesteth God unto us He is said to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Image of the Invisible God because partaking of the Nature of the Father the Goodness Power Holiness Grace and all other glorious Properties of God do shine forth or are represented declared and expressed to us III. Christ represents God the Father to Believers in his true Form Character or Likeness whom we see not as he is in himself nor can see he dwelling in inaccessible Light at an infinite distance of Divine Nature and manner of Being from our Apprehensions and Conceptions No Man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the Bosom of the Father he hath declared him IV. Christ respecting his Essence is the same God with the Father but the Subsistences or Persons of the Father and Son are different and so not the same V. Christ being the express Image of the Father brings into our Minds what kind or manner of God the Almighty is his Excellencies and glorious Perfections are hereby presented as it were to our view By which means we are taken up into holy Meditations and Contemplations of him whom by reason of Sin we had forgotten and lost the true knowledg of VI. Christ being the express Image of God the Father who is the blessed and only Potentate and the glorious King of Heaven and Earth who hath dear and tender Love to us his poor Creatures who is our Friend Husband Father gracious and chief Benefactor causes all true Believers greatly to prize love and esteem the Lord Jesus not only for his own sake but for the sake of him whom he doth resemble and represent VII Christ God-Man in one Person or God manifested in the Flesh the glorious Representation of the Father to Sinners is the Admiration of Saints and Angels 't is a great Mystery and comprehends the Depths of God That the Glory of God should shine forth in the Nature of Man is and will be the Wonder of both Worlds t is judg'd by all the Godly to be the Master-piece of Divine Wisdom Metaphor I. AMong Men the Substance of a Thing hath the precedency or is before the Sign or Image of it the Person and then the Picture or Emblem of it II. An Image Figure or Character among Men cannot fully and perfectly in every thing express or represent the Person 't is made for it differs in Matter Life and Motion c. III. 'T is gross Idolatry to worship Images or the Likeness of any Thing in Heaven above or the Earth beneath IV. Other Images are soon marr'd and pass away Disparity I. THat which is said of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being or existing and subsisting in the Form of God that is being so essentially for there is no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Form in the Deity but what is essential unto it This Christ was absolutely antecedently to his Incarnation the whole Nature of God being in him and consequently he being in the Son of God II. Christ is a lively perfect and compleat Image Character and Representation of all the glorious Attributes Excellencies and Perfections of the Father the Fulness of the Godhead dwelling bodily in him Were it not so he could not gloriously represent unto us the Person of the Father nor could we by contemplation of him be led to an Acquaintance with the Person of the Father 1. The Father is from Everlasting so is the Son 2. The Father is a perfect Divine Person or Subsistence so is the Son 3. The Father hath Life in himself so hath the Son Life in himself 4. The Father created the World so did the Son 5. The Father upholds all things by the Word of his Power so doth the Son 6. All things were made for the Father so all things were made for the Son 7. The Father is to be worshipped so is the Son 8. The Father knows all things and searches the Heart so doth the Son 9. The Father is in the Son so is the Son in the Father The Father is in me and I in him The Father being thus in the Son and the Son in the Father all the glorious Properties of the one shine forth in the other The Order and Oeconomy of the Blessed Trinity in Subsistence and Operation requires that the Manifestation and Communication of the Father to us be through the Son 10. All other Perfections of the Father shine forth in Christ 't is he that makes them manifest to us according to that of the Apostle For God who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our Hearts to give the Light of the Knowledg of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. The Wisdom of the Father is great and infinite many ways but wherein doth it shine more gloriously than in the Son 's working about our Redemption in reconciling Justice and Mercy in punishing Sin and pardoning the Sinner To the intent that now unto the Principalities and Powers in heavenly Places might be made known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God 11. The Father is still of Goodness and Love to Man this appears in his making of him Supreme over all Creatures on Earth But what is this Favour and Goodness to that which is manifested in and by Christ in raising him up when a Rebel and vile Traitor to the Honour and Dignity of a Son and to accomplish this to give his only begotten Son to die in his stead He made him to be Sin for us who knew no Sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us There was much Favour and Love in the Blessings and Privileges of Creation but in Redemption Mercy is magnified likewise to admiration and shines in equal Glory 12. God the Father is infinitely holy just and righteous His Holiness and Justice appeared in casting off the fallen Angels and by executing his Severity upon our first Parents and by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah and the Cities about them and in several other respects Yet how much more abundantly doth his Holiness and Justice shine forth in the Son the Image of the Father when he came forth to redeem Mankind in that he made his Soul an Offering for Sin God letting out his Wrath upon him sparing him not when he stood in the place of the Sinner For the Transgressions of my People was he stricken As Mr. Burroughs observes there is nothing sets out God's Justice Holiness and infinite Hatred of Sin like this c. Our Nature is united to the Divine Nature of God that so by that mystical Union Grace and Holiness might be communicated in a
that have Interest in him or can lay claim to this Lamb and his Righteousness is for our Cloathing No Money will pass for currant as it were with God but Jesus Christ. He is the Saints Treasure their Estate and Inheritance lies in Christ But of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness c. X. Christ made himself of no reputation In respect of his Humanity he is called a Worm as Annotators expound that in the Psalmist Psal. 22.6 I am a Worm and no Man a Reproach of Men and despised of the People He was small and despised in the eyes of the great Heroes of the Earth There are several great Disparities between Christ and a Lamb but we shall pass by them and only take notice of two or three Inferences I. IF the Lord Jesus was such an harmless innocent silent and delightful Lamb how doth this set out and aggravate the horrid Sin of the Jews and others who put him to death II. And how doth it magnify the Love and Pity of God to us that he should be pleased to part with this precious Lamb out of his Bosom to be made a Sacrifice for our Sins III. From hence also we may learn how to carry it in the World not to be high-minded and seek great things for our selves he did not so Let the same Mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus c. IV. Let us make him our Example when under Suffering and in the hands of wicked Men who when he was reviled reviled not again let us not seek Revenge nor render Evil for Evil to any Man V. Moreover let us be contented as He was whatever it pleaseth the Father to exercise us under or in what Pasture soever he sees good to put us VI. And since he suffered so willingly for us let us labour when called thereunto to lay down our Lives for his holy Name-sake Christ the Pearl of great Price Mat. 13.45 46. And when he had found one Pearl of great Price he sold all that he had and bought it Metaphor I. PEarls as Naturalists tell us have a strange Birth and Original 't is the wonderful Geniture of a Shell-Fish congealed into a diaphanous Stone The Shell which is called the Mother of Pearl at a certain time of the Year opens it self and takes in a certain moist Dew as Seed after which they grow big till they bring forth the Pearl II. Those that would find Pearls must search curiously for them and resolve to run through many Dangers among those huge and terrible Monsters of the Sea saith Pliny III. 'T is not an easy thing to find Pearl very few know where to seek for it it lying usually at the bottom of very deep Waters IV. Pearls are things of very great worth The richest Merchandize of all and the most Sovereign Commodity throughout the whole World are these Pearls saith Pliny Moreover he tells us of one Pearl that Cleopatra had which was valued at six hundred thousand Sestertii hence Men will part with all for Pearl V. Yet notwithstanding many Men and Women do not know the Worth and Value of Pearls and hence they through Ignorance esteem them not above Pebbles Swine tread them under their feet they value Pease above Pearls VI. Pearls have a hidden Virtue in them tho for bulk but small yet in Efficacy they are very great VII Pearls are of a splendid and oriental Brightness for which reason the Greeks call them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à nitore splendente their Beauty is as much within as without VIII A Pearl is round which is an Emblem of Eternity it hath no end IX Pearls are firm strong and well-compact so as Fire cannot consume them nor ordinary Strength break them X. They need no other Riches that find a Pearl of great Price and Value they are made for ever as the Proverb is in respect of this World XI Pearls are a rich Ornament Such as have precious Pearls in their Ears or rich Strings of them about their Necks are look'd upon as honourable Persons XII Pearl is a very rich and Sovereign Cordial and is of excellent use and virtue to prevent Poyson to preserve natural Strength and purge Melancholy XIII Pearls are called Vniones by the Latins because they are found one by one quòd conjunctim nulli reperiantur Parallel I. THe Original and Birth of Christ is wonderful God manifested in the Flesh is the Admiration of Angels A Virgin the Mother of this Pearl according to the Flesh being over-shadowed with the holy Spirit which is compared to Dew conceived and when her Time was come travailed and brought forth Christ the Pearl of great Price And the Angel said unto her The Holy-Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee c. II. Those that would find the Pearl of great Price must search and seek after him diligently as for hid Treasure and must resolve to pass through all the Troubles and Difficulties that attend the Way of true Piety and Godliness III. 'T is no easy thing to find Christ and obtain an Interest in Him many seek him where he is not to be found in the broad Way and by the Merit of their own Performances few they be that find this precious Pearl IV. Christ is of an inestimable value may well be called the Pearl of great Price The Worth Excellency of Christ far exceeds the Riches of both Indies He is the rarest Jewel the Father hath in Heaven and Earth more precious unto Believers than Rubies and all that can be desired cannot be compared unto Him No mention shall be made of Pearl Hence the Saints part with all for him and do account the best of earthly things but Dung that they may win Christ. V. The Lord Jesus tho in himself he is so precious and prized above all by the Godly yet wicked and carnal Persons by reason of that sordid Ignorance and Blindness that is upon their Understandings esteem him not above the perishing things of this World nay some swinish Men prize their own beastly Lusts above Christ. VI. Christ hath an hidden Virtue most excellent in Nature tho He seem weak small and despised in the Eyes of the carnal World yet he is the Power of God to Salvation VII Christ is beautiful fair and shining his Oriental Brightness is far above the glorious Splendor and Brightness of the Sun shining in his Strength He is the Brightness of the Fathers Glory and the express Image of his Person Christ's Beauty is as much within as without VIII Christ in respect of his Divinity is from Eternity to Eternity without beginning and without end IX Christ is called a Stone a tried Stone and sure Foundation there is no Fire can consume him nor can all the Powers of Hell break or mar him X. They
that find Christ have enough they need no more Riches they are not only made happy here but also to Eternity and may say with Jacob they have all XI Christ is the Saints richest Ornament Those that are grac'd and adorn'd with this Pearl are the most renowned and honourable Ones in the World The Righteous are more excellent than their Neighbours XII There is no Cordial to a disconsolate and drooping Spirit like Christ the Virtue of his Blood and the Comforts of his Spirit revive immediatly the sick and fainting Soul 'T is he that keeps us from the Poyson and venemous Sting of the old Serpent that strengthens us and purges out all our Corruptions XIII Christ is singular there is but one Christ one Mediator between God and Man Metaphor I. PEarls are of an earthly Original II. Pearls are of a very small dimension for tho they be very considerable in value yet are the least of all precious Stones III. Men may find a rich and precious Pearl and yet be miserable in divers respects and that cannot help them IV. Men that find precious Pearls may sell them if they please and sin not nor injure themselves thereby V. Other Pearls are of a perishing Nature they may be defaced broken dissolved and come to nothing Disparity I. JEsus Christ is the Lord from Heaven II. Christ is infinite in respect of his Deity without measure filling Heaven and Earth with his Presence He is in Heaven and yet with his People on Earth to the end of the World III. He that finds this Pearl of great Price can never be miserable Christ supplies all the Wants and Necessities of Believers IV. No Man can sell Christ nor part with him but he sins thereby and ruins himself as Judas did V. Christ is durable this Pearl of Price can never be spoiled or dissolved nor diminish or lose his Beauty Inferences 1. Happy are they that find this Pearl 2. They are Fools who will not adventure the Loss of all for Him 3. Esteem highly of Christ you can never overvalue Him 4. Bless God for bestowing his chiefest and best Pearl upon you The Name of Christ like to Precious Ointment Cant. 1.3 Thy Name is as Ointment poured forth c. THe Spouse knows not how to set out the Transcendent Excellencies of the Lord Jesus Christ. Before she saith His Love is better than Wine and here she compares his Name to Ointment poured forth c. The Words are a Proposition in which you have two Parts 1. The Subject 2. The Predicate 1. By the Name of Christ some understand the Doctrine of Christ declared in the Gospel others by his Name his Person Illyricus in locum Ye shall be hated of all Nations for my Name-sake I will shew him how great things he shall suffer for my Name that is for my Sake 2. Christ hath several sweet Names or Appellations given him in the Holy Scripture that may be compared to Precious Ointment as first his Name Jesus Emanuel the Lord our Righteousness Prince of Peace c. Simile I. OIntment is of a fragrant and odoriferous Scent Precious Ointment yields a very sweet Smell the Box of Ointment which was poured upon Christ the Text says the whole House was fill'd with the Odour thereof II. Ointment hath an exhilarating Virtue it chears elevates and makes the Heart glad Ointment and Perfume rejoyce the Heart hence the Antients in their Banquetings and joyful Feastings used choice and precious Ointments III. Oil hath a drawing and cleansing Quality in it it is powerful in attracting or drawing Pollution or noxious Matter out of Wounds or Sores in the Body IV. Ointment hath a mollifying and suppling Virtue it will soften any hard Tumor or Swelling in the Body the Lord alludes to this They have not been mollified with Ointment V. Ointment is of a beautifying Nature David tells us it makes the Face to shine Naturalists says there is a sort of Ointment that will fetch out Wrinkles VI. Some Ointments are of great Worth and Value as appears not only by Historians but by what is said of that Box Mary bestowed upon our blessed Saviour VII Ointments are of a healing Nature VIII Some Ointments are of a strengthening Nature the Joynts being weak and benum'd or parts of the Body anointed therewith it recovers their Strength IX Ointment being poured forth denotes the use of it 't is of little Profit whilst it is kept close shut up in the Box nor doth it yield that fragrant Smell till poured forth X. Ointment poured forth denotes Plenty as one observes upon the place as also a free Communication of it Parallel I. THe Lord Jesus is very sweet and of a fragrant Smell to Believers as hath been shewed upon divers Metaphors nay he makes their Persons Prayers and all their Performances as sweet Odours in the Nostrils of God Christ perfumes as it were all Persons and Places where he cometh the Person Example Passion Intercession Word Promises Ordinances of Christ are of a sweet Savour II. Jesus Christ and the Spirit that flows or proceeds from him is of a glading refreshing and comforting Nature he anoints his Saints gives the Sorrowful the Oil of Gladness for the Spirit of Heaviness Thou hast put Gladness in my Heart more than in the time when their Corn and their Wine increased III. Christ draws the Soul when his Name is poured out so that the Soul feels the nature of his Sovereign Love and Grace out of the World and the Kingdom of Satan and from all Uncleanness of the Heart and Life to himself Saith Christ And if I be lifted up from the Earth I will draw all Men unto me With loving Kindness have I drawn thee Draw me and I will run after thee Christ draws the Soul from Sin and Sin from the Soul and so cleanseth it thereby IV. Christ's Name poured forth viz. his Perfections and Excellencies made known to a Sinner presently softens his hard Adamant-like Heart all the Hearts of Sinners that have been broken and made tender it hath been done by the Virtue of this precious mollifying Ointment V. This Spiritual Ointment will fetch out all the Stains and Spots of Sin all those Blemishes and Wrinkles of the Soul of which the Apostle speaks that so we may be presented amiable in the sight of God Believers have no Beauty but what they have from Christ. VI. The Lord Jesus Christ is of an inestimable Worth who is able to account the value of this Box of precious Ointment Wisdom is the principal thing Christ is the Wisdome of God its price is above Rubies VII Christ heales the Soul he is not only the Physician but his Blood and the precious Graces of his Spirit is the Balm or Ointment that cures all our Sores VIII All Spiritual Strength is from Christ 't is he only that confirms and strengthens the Feebleness and the Hands that hang
gather there drive away Darkness and clear the Sight And further saith Quid possit Vitis alia quae fundit sermone explicare nemo potest that no Tongue could sufficiently tell the Virtues of the Vine the like says Pliny Parallel I. JEsus Christ in his state of Humiliation did not appear in that outward Glory Pomp and Magnificence which the proud Grandees of the Earth glitter in he was not entertained with the Royalties of Imperial Palaces for his Kingdom was not of this World He was look'd upon in comparison of the Mighty Men who are compared to the Cedars of Lebanon and Oaks of Bashan as a poor mean and contemptible Shrub as the Prophet foretold He shall grow up before him as a Tender Plant and as a Root out of a dry Ground he hath no Form nor Comliness and when we shall see him there is no Beauty that we should desire him II. Jesus Christ hath a Name above every Name he infinitely excels whatsoever is good great and glorious in Angels Saints and Men. The spendor and Stateliness of Monarchs Courts is nothing in comparison of that unexpressible Lustre and Majesty that surrounds him The Heavenly Luminaries are dim to him he is the Royal Ofspring of Heaven of the sublimest Extraction When he bringeth the first begotten into the World he saith and let all the Angels of God worship him III. Christ when in his young and tender Age grew much in favour both with God and Man and when he was twelve years old disputed with the Learned Doctors hearing them and asking them Questions and all that heard him were astonished at his Vnderstanding and Answers c. IV. J●●sus Christ is full of Life and Divine Vertue the Treasuries of his communicable Graces are immense and unspeakable All Wisdom and Knowledg are hid in him In him all Fulness dwells his People mystically united to him are his Branches them he supplies with spiritual Quickning Nourishment and Growth and though scattered over many Kingdoms and Nations his Protection environs them round about provides a sufficient Supply for their spiritual Wants which is to be found no where else If a Man abide not in me saith he he is cast forth as a Branch that is withered c. V. Christ the Spiritual Vine is not only a green spreading and flourishing Plant but also exceeding fruitful he was so in his Life going up and down doing good both to the Bodies and Souls of Men fruitful in his Death In that Cluster there is much choice Fruit as Atonement Reconciliation Redemption Victory over Sin and Satan the abolishing of the Law and establishing the everlasting Righteousness he was fruitful in his Resurrection Ascention Intercession c. The Graces of the Spirit Holy Ordinances and Promises of Eternal Life are all Fruits of this heavenly Vine from him is all our Fruit found See Metaphor Light VI. The Lord Jesus brings forth the most pleasant and most desirable Fruit. I sate down under his Shadow with great delight saith the Spouse and his Fruit was pleasant to my Taste No Cup so refreshing as the Cup of Divine Consolation No Wine nourishes or quickens the Body so much as the Love of Christ Peace with God Reconciliation Pardon of Sin Justification Adoption c. These Blessed Fruits of this mystical Vine do chear feed and enliven a Drooping and Languishing Soul VII The Lord Jesus yields Fruit every way profitable All the Good that Soul or Body is capable to receive flows from him and is the Fruit of his Love purchased by his Death and communicated by his Word and Holy Spirit It warms supports and strengthens the Souls of his People His Grace is of a healing quickning and vivifying nature See Metaphor Wine and Ointment c. VIII Jesus Christ is a Shadow to his Church a hiding-place from the Wind and a Cover from the Tempest as the Shadow of a great Rock in a weary Land He defends from the Rage of Satan from Sin from the Fury of Man in the heat of Persecution yea from the wrath of God by which were it not for the interposition of this blessed Skreen or Shade we should be scorched burnt yea utterly consumed See Rock Apple-Tree c. IX Christ the Spiritual Vine being affronted rejected and abused by the rebellious obstinate and unbelieving Jews when he approached and beheld the City He wept over it was grieved for the hardness of their Hearts but more especially when he came under the execution of Divine Wrath for Mans sake and in his stead which he did willingly undergo how did his bruised and abused Body sweat as it were great drops of Blood until he yielded up his blessed Life and precious Spirit for us X. The Grace of Christ the Spiritual Vine is precious Eye-Salve which removes those thick Clouds of Darkness and Ignorance that are upon the Understanding by which a Soul spiritually comes to have a clear Prospect of those never-fading Glories of the other World and plainly discerns the gilded Follies and transitory Vanities of all things here below In a word no Tongue can sufficiently exalt the transcendent Virtues of this ever-blessed Vine Metaphor I. THe Vine is a Plant of an earthly Extract the choicest and goodliest are only the Plantation of Men. II. The Vine is not always green the Leaves fall off in Winter You may look for Fruit when the Vintage is gathered and find none III. The Fruit of the Vine taken to excess is offensive to God hurts and injures the Soul breeds Diseases and destructive Humours in the Body bereaves Men of Reason intoxicates the Brain c. IV. The Fruit of the Vine diminishes by gathering Cluster after Cluster you may soon strip it off all V. The Fruit of the Vine is only good for the Body VI. The Vine wants Support unless it be underpropt it falls being not able to bear the weight of its own Branches Disparity I. CHrist is of an heavenly Original and Extraction a Vine of God's own planting who prepared a Body for him and appointed him to the work of Redemption He is the true Vine and God the Father is the Husbandman no other could plant so Noble a Vine as Christ is II. Christ the Spiritual Vine perpetually flourishes always abounds with Fruit and knows no Winter he is the same from Generation to Generation yesterday to day and for ever without variation or shadow of turning there 's always a full Vintage that never diminishes withers nor decays never grows old but ever remains in its full growth and absolute Perfection III. The Fruit of Christ the Spiritual Vine never hurts any no danger of Surfeit here the more you eat and drink the better 't is here 's no fear of Excess The Wine of Consolation neither gluts nor inflames nor intoxicates but nourishes and feeds the Soul
still begetting a sharper Appetite for more IV. All the Believers in the World may partake plentifully of the Fruit of the Spiritual Vine the Lord Jesus every day yea every moment there 's enough for Millions and to be taken freely yet the Store is never the less How many have been nourished thereby since the beginning yet 't is as full as ever and so will ever be V. This Fruit is good for the Soul it comforts and revives the Inward Man VI. Christ the Spiritual Vine is of excellent Strength and Ability to support his spiritual Branches the Saints and needs no help from any another Corollaries I. FRom this Metaphor we may learn what an infinite Blessing and unspeakable Mercy the Lord Jesus Christ is to his Church and all true Believers how helpless Saints are of themselves for the Branches cannot stand without his Divine Support nor bear Fruit unless this blessed Root communicates Sap and Nourishment to them II. It shews what a sweet and blessed Union there is between Christ and Believers such a Relation as is betwixt the Root and Branches 't is a Mystical yet the nearest and most real Union III. It shews That our whole Dependence ought to be on Christ for he only can uphold us as the Root does the Branches Without him we can do nothing we can neither grow bear Fruit nor stand firm in a boysterous and tempestuous Season nor suffer for his Name but with his help we can do all IV. It shews That Christ is very sensible of all the Wrongs Injuries and Outrages that are done to his Saints They that lay hold on and offer Violence to the Branches come very near the Tree such touch the Apple of his Eye And let Believers be sweetly comforted from hence That under all their Decays and want of more Grace there is abundance of more Sap and Spiritual Nourishment in the Root and Body of this Blessed Vine which according to the nature of the Metaphor shall in due time be communicated to all the Branches that are truly grafted in him which shall revive them and make them flourish both with Leaves and Fruit to the Glory of God and their own Eternal Happiness This Humble Plant calls for our Imitation This Noble Plant deserves our Adoration It s early Fruit provides us early Food Its Plenty stores us with what 's rich and good Its pleasing Sweetness gratifies our Taste Its Profit fills us without fear of Waste Its Shadow shelters from Extreams of Heat Circling the Church His choicest Cabinet A Tender Plant How can we then abuse him An Eye-Salve healing all the Blind that use him Christ the Lilly of the Vallies Cant. 2.1 I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the Vallies MOst Expositors agree that these fore-going Words are the Words of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the Vallies Wherein he expresseth his own Excellencies to draw allure and enamour the Souls of those that love and long after him how fitly he may be compared to a Rose we have shewed in this Book in some other Place to which we refer you And as there is great and lovely Beauty and Amiableness set forth by a Rose so here I shall by his Assistance endeavour to set forth his Delicious Qualifications by a Lilly the Lilly of the Vallies Metaphor I. A Lilly is a sweet and a fragrant Flower yea of such a strong and odoriferous Scent that a Mans Senses Naturalists say will be easily over-turn'd with the sweet Savour thereof II. A Lilly is white and very beautiful within it are seven Grains or Seeds of the colour of Gold so amiable that our Saviour saith Solomon in all his Glory was not adorn'd like one of these for Whiteness it exceeds all Flowers III. It is observed that the Lilly is exceeding fruitful Vna Radice quinquagenos saepe emittente bubbos one Root puts forth fifty Bubbs or Colours IV. Pliny saith The Lilly is the tallest of Flowers yet hangs down its Head V. The Lilly is a Flower that hath many medicinal Virtues the distilled Water of a Lilly is good to restore a lost Voice it helps Faintness good for the Liver helps the Dropsie and the Oil of it is good for divers Maladies Inquit Galen Parallel I. THe Lord Jesus Christ may very fitly be compared to the Lilly whose Savour and spiritual Sweetness very much excels and transcends the Sweetest of any Odours that can be mentioned the Hony and the Hony-Comb are sweet to the smell and sweeter to the taste O then how sweet is the precious Savour of our blessed Saviour See Rose of Sharon II. Whiteness denotes Holiness 't is said of the Bride the Lamb's Wife to her was granted that she should be cloathed in White And of those few Names in Sardis which had not defiled their Garments these saith Christ shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Purity is essential originally perfectly and absolutely inherent in Christ he is Holiness it self his Glory is infinite within and without every way glorious the Perfection of Beauty III. Jesus Christ is exceeding fruitful from this Root for so is he call'd how many Lillies or holy and heavenly Churches have there sprung yea from this Blessed Lilly many thousands of holy and sanctified Christians See the Metaphor of the Vine IV. Jesus Christ is higher than the Mighty Princes Kings and Emperours of the Earth higher than Heaven or Angels and yet humble and lowly in Heart Therefore he is compared to the Lilly of the Valley in his Exaltations as God very high but in his Humiliation he seems to hang down his Head V. The great and incomparable Virtue that is in the Lord Jesus Christ is excellently good to cure all the Diseases and Maladies of the Soul it cures Spiritual Blindness it softens an hard Heart it cures Stubbornness and Obstinacy by his blessed Infusion of Grace in a word there is no Malady too hard for this Spiritual Physician See Physician and Heart And for other Properties of the Lilly see more where the Church is compared to it For the Disparity See Rose of Sharon Application FRom hence we may seasonably learn to be humble seeing the Lilly which is said to be of a tall growth yet hangeth down its Head As Christ is humble so Holiness and Humility are the glorious Ornaments of a Christian. That Christian that hath most Holiness hath most Humility The Ear of Wheat which is well kern'd and fullest hangs down its Head most Christ under the Similitude of an Apple-Tree Cant. 2.3 As the Apple-Tree amongst the Trees of the Wood so is my beloved amongst the Sons I sate down under his Shadow with great Delight and his Fruit was sweet unto my Taste AS Christ sets forth the Praise of his Church in the second Verse She excelling all the Daughters as the Lilly did Thorns so the Church sets
seals the Covenant between them for which cause he is called The Mediator of the New Covenant Heb. 12.24 See Mediator IX Christ hath discovered Flaws in Evidences to undeceive those that have been mistaken about their Right to the Heavenly Inheritance Thou sayest I am rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and poor and blind and miserable and naked Rev. 3.17 Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God John 3.3 X. So Christ is of general use to Men since the nature of Mortals hath been so generally corrupted by the Fall by which means there is a necessity of him not only as a Priest to offer Sacrifice for us but also as a Prophet or Counsellour to expound the obligations to Holiness and the spirituality of the Laws of God to us for want of which many go on in their Errors till they forfeit all Priviledges fall under the strokes and penalties of the Law and become miserable for ever through ignorance unbelief and disobedience XI Jesus Christ is a Pleader of Causes which is none of the least part of his work for which see Advocate opened There are many Disparities Christ excels all other Counsellors in many respects See Advocate Inferences 1. SInners may learn from hence whither to go in all doubtful Cases for Counsel in all Cases relating to their spiritual condition 2. If thou dost not know the way to Heaven go to Christ by Prayer and take the directions of his Word 3. If thou dost not know how matters stand between God and thy Soul go to Christ read his Word that will inform thee whether thy Condition be good or b●●d if any Sin is lodged in thee or be loved and spared by thee He tells thee thou wilt miscary for ever 4. If thou refusest to take his Counsel but rather followest the Counsel of thine own Heart or the Counsel of wicked Relations Neighbours or great Ones of the Earth who labour to draw thy Heart from God and from following the Counsel of Christ thou art undone 5. Take heed when thou knowest what Christ's Counsel is thou dost not reject it like the Pharisees who refused to be baptized with the Baptism of John 6. Happy are all such who take the Counsel of Christ. Christ gives Soul-Counsel wise Counsel right Counsel early Counsel needful Counsel chief Counsel safe Counsel Counsel that will inrich the Souls of Men Counsel that will make them good great and renown'd and happy for ever say then with David Thou shall guide me by thy Counsel and afterwards receive me to Glory Psal. 73.24 The Compassion of Christ to Sinners under the Similitude of a Hen. Mat. 23.37 How often would I have gathered thy Children together as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings and ye would not THE Lord Jesus shews by these words his great Compassion and Affection to the Jews who refused the offers of his Love and infinite Favour Three things are considerable in the Text. 1. Christ's Grace and good Intention to them How often would I have gathered thy Children together c. 2. The way or manner which he took in order to the accomplishing of his gracious Design and Purpose touching them as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings 3. The Jews Obstinacy Ye would not The Lord condescends very low in making this Simile of a Hen the nature and property of which Creature take as follows so far as it will hold Parallel to the Case in hand Simile I. NVllum enim Animal circa pullos suos tanta Compassione movetur c. Saith Bernard There is no Creature that is moved with so much Compassion towards her young ones as the Hen. II. The Hen is observed to fly in the very face of such ravenous Birds as strive to destroy her Chickens she strives to save and defend them with all her might tho with the utmost hazard of her life III. Such is the Hens care of and affection towards her Chickens that she for their sakes is made weak in all her members and brought to extream faintness Hoc genus animantis magnum affectum in filios habet ita ut eorum infirmitate affecta c. saith Austin this Creature shews great affection towards her young ones that being affected with their weakness she also is made weak IV. The Hen clocks often and with a mournful voice as it were calls her Chickens to her when she perceives they are in danger by the Kite or any other enemy to be destroyed V. The Hen stands ready prepared to receive her Chickens under her Wings to defend them against all Violence that may happen to them VI. The Hen is very desirous to gather all her Chickens together and cover them with her Wings she would not have one of them wanting VII The Hen gathers her Chickens to her and that they may have Food as well as Nourishment and Shelter she looks about and scratches to get them Meat VIII The Hen succors refreshes and makes lively such Chickens that are weak and hang down their Wings and can scarce go she soon recovers them when she gets them under her Wings IX The Hen 't is observed if she finds any Crumbs Corn or any other good thing she gives it to her Chickens though she wants it her self she spares out of her own Mouth and puts it into theirs Parallel I. THe Lord Jesus was moved with the greatest Compassion imaginable towards the poor Jews and Jerusalem which he was first sent to and came to seek and to save This is signified abundantly by that wonderful Passion that seized upon his Spirit when he came near the City and by his Expressions in the Text c. 't is said he wept over it c. and cryed out with a mournful Voice O Jerusalem Jerusalem c. II. The Lord Jesus Christ to save and defend the Off-spring of Israel and the poor Sinners of the Gentiles did not refuse to encounter with the greatest of their Enemies He resisted the Devil who sought to make a prey of them c. No Enemy that strove to devour us but Christ endeavoured to defend us from him III. Christ that he might save poor perishing Sinners by taking Man's nature upon him was made weak in the same sence as 't is said he became poor such was the greatness of his Love and Affection towards us that he bare our sickness and carried our sorrows To what extremity of faintness was he brought when he sweat as it were great drops of Blood and when the ponderous Cross was laid upon him as they led him to Golgotha 't is said he fainted He was touched with the feeling of our infirmities being made like to us in all things sin only excepted IV. Christ calls to poor helpless and impenitent Sinners very often with a mournfull Voice and Tears in his Eyes O that that hadst known in this thy
for fit for his own Use and Eternal Life This way he makes us meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light Col. 1.12 As Heaven is prepared for us so Christ is preparing us for Heaven VIII This may support and comfort us under Affliction for tho no Chastening seems joyous at present but grievous yet nevertheless afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness unto them that are exercised thereby Christ compared to an Eagle Exod. 19.4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bore you on Eagles Wings and brought you unto my self Deut. 32.11 12. As an Eagle stirreth up her Nest fluttereth over her Young spreadeth her Wings looketh to them beareth them on her Wings so the Lord did lead him c. Rev. 12.14 And to the Woman were given two Wings of a great Eagle that she might flie into the Wilderness c. SOme say that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aquila an Eagle is derived of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be carried violently Others from an intensive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies a Year because it is lively from whence came the Proverb Vivacior Aquilâ livelier than an Eagle Others say That the Latin Aquila is derived ab aquilo colore from its dun colour For its swiftness and seldom returning Job says chap. 9.26 My days pass away as the Eagle c. that is swiftly and never to return Because of its velocity and forcible flight it denotes the quick invasion of an Enemy Jer. 48.40 49.22 Hos. 8.1 Micha 1.16 which describes the greatness of the Calamity Exod. 19.4 I have born you on Eagles Wings that is the Lord hath lovingly supported and cherished you as Eagles do their young who bear them safe over craggy and dangerous places See Jer. 4.13 Lam. 4.19 It 's said Psal. 103.5 Thy youth is renewed like the Eagles that is he hath strengthned thee so as to go through all Difficulties c. Galatinus saith that the Messiah is called an Eagle Prov. 30.19 c. But in the Texts alledged viz. Deut. 32.12 Exod. 19.4 c. the Lord is compared to an Eagle with respect to the Protection and Safety of his People the Swiftness of his Deliverances and his tender Care and Affection to them The great Eagle Annotators tell us signifieth the Lord Jesus and it seems to be an Allusion to that Flight of the Church from Egypt to Canaan which she undertook not by her own Counsel but by the Lord's Command and performed not by her own Strength but by the Lord's As the Church of Israel fled from the Dragon Pharaoh as he is called Ezek. 29.3 So the Christian Church fled from the Serpent or Dragon here with two Wings of a great Eagle Now tho I deny not but these Scriptures refer to God the Father yet may they as safely and in the Judgment of some more properly refer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Stephen speaking of Christ saith This was he that was with the Fathers in the Wilderness which spake to them in Mount Sinai c. Simile I. THe Eagle is a Royal Bird the Princess or Queen of all the Birds of the Air. II. The Eagle is a very strong Fowl Naturalists speak much of the Eagle in this respect Eagles carry the Prize saith Pliny both for Honour and Strength III. The Eagle mounts up exceeding high out of the reach or sight of Men. IV. The Eagle hath a very piercing Eye when she is on high can see down to the Earth nay behold the small Fish in the Sea V. The Eagle is a mighty swift Creature My Days are swifter than an Eagle She is swift in pursuit of her Prey VI. The Eagle Historians tell us fights with Dragons and Serpents and overcomes them VII The Eagle hath strong and long Wings which she easily spreads forth for the succor and help of her young VIII The Eagle bears and carries her young upon her Wings she spreads abroad her Wings takes them beareth them upon her Wings IX The Eagle hides her Young in high and mighty Rocks where her Nest is even in the same ragged place of inaccessible Rocks X. The Eagles Voice Naturalists tell us is so terrible that when he is angry he makes all living Creatures to be afraid Dracones audito etangore Aquilarum fugerunt in speluncas The Dragons when they hear the angry Voice of the Eagles flie into the Dens to hide themselves XI The Eagles way in the Air cannot be known XII Historians say the Eagle can look on the Sun in its brightest Splendor without being dazled She tries her young Ones the same way to see whether they be her true Off-spring for if they cannot behold the Sun but wink or their Eyes water they turn them out of their Nest and disown them as Degenerates or Bastards XIII The Eagle trains up her Young to be like her self and to mount up as she mounts XIV The Eagle is very careful and tender of her Young XV. Naturalists tell us the Eagle gives her Young Ones of her own Blood when she cannot get other Blood for them to drink XVI The Eagle is very long-liv'd The Greeks express her by a word signifying Longevity And some give the Reason not only from the excellent Temperament of her Body but because she lives in such a pure Air free from all evil Vapours and noisom Smells Parallel I. JEsus Christ is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth King of Kings and Lord of Lords As the Eagle among Birds so Christ both amongst Men and Angels hath the preheminence II. The Lord Jesus Christ is called the Mighty God I have laid help on one that is mighty For Strength he is compared to a Lion What is all human and natural Power to the Strength and Power of Jesus Christ III. The Lord Jesus after his Resurrection mounted up exceeding high into the highest Heavens far out of the sight of Man's natural Eye where he cannot be reached by wicked Men or Devils IV. Jesus Christ hath a wonderful piercing Eye seeth not only from the highest Clouds whither the Eagle mounts but from the highest Heaven can look into the Secrets of every Man's Heart even into the Hell of wicked Mens diabolical Counsels and can throughly see their bloody Purposes and Contrivances altho they dig never so deep yet they cannot hide themselves from his Omniscience for he sees what they are doing V. The Lord Jesus is swift when he comes to fight against the Enemies of his Church he is swift in the executing of his Judgments swift to deliver and help his People See Metaph. Sun Hart c. VI. Jesus Christ the spiritual Eagle fought with that great red Dragon the Devil and hath bruised the head of the Dragon VII The Lord Jesus hath strong Love enlarged and great
and Opposition are broken in pieces by it When it once blows briskly upon the Soul it presently cries out Lord what wouldest thou have me to do Immediatly saith Saul I conferred not with Flesh and Blood XII The Spirit dissolving the Clouds of Iniquity waters the Heart with Tears of Repentance and Godly Sorrow XIII The Blowings or Operations of the holy Spirit ought carefully to be observed with the access and recess thereof for a Christian can make no Earnest of the Duties of Religion unless these Winds blow Moreover there are certain Signs whereby a Man may know which way the Spirit blows 1. If the Desires of the Soul are after God and Holiness it is one sign the Wind is in a right Point 2. If the Understanding be enlightned and Clouds of Ignorance scattered the Affections changed so that heavenly Objects are principally delighted in if the Will is brought to yield and readily to submit to the Will of God the Spirit blows the right way 3. If a Man leaves his old and evil Courses and Company if that which was once pleasant to him is now become grievous to him if his Discourse be savoury and his Life holy you may know which way the Wind blows They that are after the Spirit do mind the things of the Spirit 4. If there be new Habits wrought in the Soul so that altho a Man may sometimes be obstructed in his way and hindred in his course Heaven-ward yet immediatly as it were by a natural or divine Instinct he falls into his former Way and Course of Grace and Holiness again 't is a sign which way the Wind blows You know the Wind is sometimes obstructed or stopped in its usual course by Houses or Trees c. so that you can hardly discern by Vanes or Smoak c. which way it is so it may be with a Christian. Besides sometimes you can scarcely perceive any Wind to blow at all no more can you the Operations of the Spirit XIV The Spirit of God blowing upon the Soul of a Sinner causes his Pride and external Glory to fade away which is compared to the Flower of the Field The Rod hath blossomed Pride hath budded All Flesh is Grass and the Goodliness thereof is as the Flower of the Field The Grass withereth the Flower fadeth because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it XV. The holy Spirit tho it be invisible and its Operations mysterious and not to be discern'd by many Men yet they may see and hear the Effects of it they may perceive what Alteration and Changes it makes in this and that Man such as were very vicious and ungodly are by the Workings of the Spirit formed into another likeness and become pious and truly religious that Tongue that was wont to blaspheme God they now hear to praise and admire him c. And Believers themselves clearly feel and experience the blessed Effects and Operations thereof in their own Souls XVI The Spirit of God causes the Saints to grow in Grace and in the Knowledg of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit moves upon the Affections and every other Faculty of the Heart and by that means causes the Seed of Grace to take the deeper Root The Ground or Spirit of a Christian must be broken and loosened from the World and from the Love of sensual things more and more by the Wind of the Spirit or he will not be fruitful in Grace and good Works XVII Unless the Spirit blows upon the Soul or upon the Church they lie becalmed and cannot sail towards the Haven of eternal Happiness no Duty or Service performed in publick or private can avail any thing we get not a Bit of Ground nor any real Advantage by them unless they are performed by the Help and Influence of the Spirit God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth XVIII The holy Spirit winnows and fans God's People who are compared to Wheat and good Grain 'T is said of Christ His Fan is in his Hand and he will throughly purge his Floor How doth Christ fan and purge his People but by his Word and Spirit 't is that which cleanses and makes them pure from the Dross and Pollutions of Sin and Wickedness as the Apostle observes 1 Cor. 6.11 XIX The Spirit of God sometimes comes on a sudden upon a Soul and by its powerful Operation in a short space makes a great and wonderful Change as appears in the Case of Saul but at other times it riseth and worketh upon some Mens Hearts gradually XX. The holy Spirit when it gets into the Heart of a Man by its powerful Operation it makes him tremble and shakes him to pieces as it were causing strange tho glorious Workings in the inward Man This he doth by setting the Evil of Sin before his Eyes and his woful Condition thereby A Man never trembles as he should till the Spirit enters into him Saul was taken with such a trembling when the Spirit entred into him and began to work that he could not stand upon his Feet METAPHOR SOme Winds are sent in Judgment to destroy and overthrow which many times blow down Houses and Trees and make great Desolation witness that prodigious Wind in the Year 1661. II. Some Winds are of a blasting Nature and cause the Fruit to fall before it be ripe III. There hath been a Wind in which the Lord hath not appeared IV. Some Winds are compared to Words and Speeches of one that is desperate V. Sometimes Wind is made use of to set forth that which is vain and empty VI. Some Winds are without Rain Whoso boasteth himself of a false Gift is like Clouds and Wind without Water VII If some Winds be observed Men must not plow nor sow their Seed He that observeth the Wind shall not sow and he that regardeth the Clouds shall not reap VIII Man's Iniquity is compared unto the Wind. Disparity BUt the Spirit being the great Promise of the Father and the Fruit and Effect of Christ's Ascension is sent in Mercy to strengthen and establish and is so far from destroying or overthrowing as that it causeth the Church in general or a Christian in particular to take the more firm Root and stand the faster II. But the Spirit as compared to the North and South Winds ripeneth a Christian in Grace and causeth the Spices thereof to flow forth Grace ripeneth and fitteth for Glory III. But there is no greater Demonstration of the Lord's presence with his People or with a Soul than by the Indwelling of his Spirit Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I saith Christ. IV. But no Man speaking by the Spirit calleth Jesus accursed Men are by the Spirit brought into their right Minds witness the Prodigal V. But where-ever the holy Scriptures make mention of the holy Spirit it is to set forth
at his feet and he laid his Right hand upon me saying I am the first and the last Seventhly The gospel declares that Spiritual Worship or Divine Adoration doth appertain or belong to Jesus Christ which proves undeniably he is God Eternal and from Everlasting for that 't is Idolatry spiritually to adore and worship a Creature That Christ was and ought to be worshipped with the same worship that is due to the Father see Mat. 8.2 chap. 28.17 Luk. 24.52 Joh. 9.38 chap. 5.23 And again when he bringeth his first begotten into the world he saith and let all the Angels of God worship him Eighthly The gospel shews Jesus Christ hath power to forgive Sins none have power to forgive Sins but God Ergo Jesus Christ is God Ninthly He to whom the Saints ought and do Pray is the most high God but the gospel shews the Saints do and ought to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ therefore he is the most high God Tenthly The gospel shews that Jesus Christ had not only power to lay down his own life but also to take it up again destroy this Temple and in three dayes I will raise it up again but he spake of the Temple of his body This proves clearly his Divinity for who besides him that was God could give Resurrection to himself Eleventhly He that was in the form of God and thought it no Robbery to be equal with God and whom the Scripture calls Gods Fellow must needs be God blessed for ever but Jesus Christ was in the form of God and thought it no Robbery to be equal with God and is called Gods Fellow therefore he is God Twelfthly He that is the Object Author and Finisher of the true Believers Faith is God Eternal Blessed for ever Amen But Christ is the Object Author and Finisher of true Believers Faith Ergo. Thirteenthly He that hath Power to Baptize with and give the holy Spirit and the saving graces thereof is God But the Lord Jesus Christ hath power to Baptize with and give the holy Spirit Ergo He shall baptize you with the holy Spirit and Fire when he ascended up on high he gave gifts to men c. Fourteenthly He who can in his own Name and by his own Power and Authority give power or priviledge to others to become the Sons of God must needs be God But the gospel shews that this power the Lord Jesus Christ hath Ergo He came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as Received him to them gave HE power to become the Sons of God even to them that believed in his name He Adopts Regenerates and makes men and women Gods Children by the effectual workings of his own blessed Spirit in their hearts by which they are Interessed into all the Priviledges Promises and Blessings of the Covenant of Grace which none can do but God alone Fifteenth He that is the Believers life is God but Jesus Christ is the Believers Life therefore God Sixteen He that is Omnipresent must be God but the gospel shews the Lord Jesus is Omnipresent who can go out of Christs Presence Lo I am with you always to the end of the world Seventeen He that sees all things or before whom all things are naked and bare and hears all the Cryes and Prayers of his People in what place or corner of the earth soever they live is God But all this the gospel shews to be true of the Lord Jesus Christ Ergo. Eighteen He that is the Saviour of all the Elect and Chosen People of the Lord is God but Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all such and therefore God How often is he called our Saviour Neither is there salvation in any other His name shall be called Jesus Nineteen He that can and will Raise the Dead by his own power at the Last Day is God But Jesus Christ will raise the Dead by his own power at the last Day Ergo No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth c. Thus we have briefly shewed the gospel is glorious in respect of the Revelation that is made therein of the Lord Jesus First In respect of the excellency of his Person which we have shewed appears by his being Man Secondly By his being God which has been evinced Thirdly His glory and excellency consisteth in his being both God and Man truly Man and truly God in one Person Can Heaven and Earth make a Lovely and an Admirable Beauty O then Christ is he He is David's Root and David's Off-spring David's Lord and David's Son See Metaphor Branch and Root What Kind of Beauty and Perfections is the Beauty and are the perfections of our Lord Jesus Christ You have heard 't is the beauty of God the beauty of Man the perfection of those Beauties which are in God and Man But to answer this Question more distinctly 1. He is the original of all Beauties and Perfections of Beauty that is in Angels the Soul the Body the Face of a Man the Sun the Stars the Firmament c. 2. His Beauty is a desirable Beauty saw ye him whom my Soul loveth with my soul have I desired thee in the night One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord for ever that I may behold the Beauty of the Lord and inquire in his Temple And hence he is called the desire of all Nations 3. 'T is holy and chast beauty there is no snare nor pollution in it Joseph was a beautiful Person but it was attended with a Snare here you may look and love and fear no danger 4. It is a Real beauty not a seeming beauty a paint on a wall What 's humane beauty to the beauty of the Son of God 5. Christs beauty is a soul ingaging beauty how did it make Moses to leave all Peter and John leave all who ever saw him and could forbear to Love him neglect all and follow him 6. It is a Communicative beauty he can transmit his beauty to the making others beautiful and thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty for it was perfect through the comeliness which I put upon thee c. 7. It is satisfying and delighting beauty it fills and contents each Soul to the full who beholds it 8. It is a mystical and hidden beauty carnal eyes can't see it they behold no beauty nor comliness in him to desire him 9. It is an admirable and wonderful beauty Angels in Heaven and Saints on Earth are amazed and stand astonished at the sight thereof 10. 'T is a lasting and never fading beauty The beauty of Mortals is like a
diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all 2 Cor. 13.14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and communion of the holy Spirit be with you all Acts 20.28 Take heed to the Flock over which the holy Ghost hath made you Overseers Mat. 12.31 All manner of Sin and Blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men Psal. 139.7 Whether shall I go from thy Spirit Joh. 14.26 But the Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things Luke 12.12 The holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say Acts 13.3 And as they ministred to the Lord and fasted the holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Paul for the work whereunto I have called them Ver. 4. They being sent forth by the holy spirit departed c. 'T is evident upon consideration that there is not any thing which we believe concerning the holy Ghost but that it is plainly revealed and declared in these Testimonies He is directly called God Act. 5.3 which the Socinians will not say is by vertue of an exaltation unto an Office or Authority as they say of the Son that he is an Intelligent voluntary Divine Person he knoweth he worketh as he will which things if in their frequent repetition they are not sufficient to evince an Intelligent Agent a Personal subsistance that hath Being Life Will We must confess that the Scripture was written on purpose to lead us into mistakes and misapprehensions of that we are under penalty of eternal Ruine rightly to apprehend and believe It declareth also that he is the Author worker of all sorts of Divine operations requiring Immensity Omnipotency Omnisciency and all other Divine excellencies unto their working and effecting Moreover it is revealed that he is peculiarly to be believed in and may be sinned against Also that he together with the Father and the Son created the World the spirit of God hath made me that he is the Author of all grace in Believers and order in the Churches The sum is that the holy Ghost is a Divine Distinct Person and neither meerly the power or vertue of God nor any created Spirit whatsoever This plainly appears from what is Revealed concerning him for he who is placed in the same series or order with Divine Persons without the least note of difference or distinction from them as to an Interest in Personality who hath the names proper to a Divine Person only and is frequently and directly called by them who also hath Personal Properties and is the Voluntary Author of Personal Divine Properties and the proper Object of Divine VVorship he is a Distinct Divine Person And if these things be not a sufficient Evidence and Demonstration of a Divine Intelligent Substance I shall as was said before despair to understand any thing that is expressed and declared by words But now thus 't is with the Holy spirit according to the Revelation made thereof in the word and gospel of God One Consideration which hath in part been before proposed I shall premise to free the subject of our Argument from ambiguity And this is that this word or name Spirit is used sometimes to denote the Spirit of God himself and sometimes his gifts and graces the Effects of his operation on the Souls of men and this our Adversaries in this cause are forced to confess and thereon in all their writings distinguish between the holy spirit and his Effects This alone being supposed I say it is impossible to prove the Father to be a Person or the Son to be so both which are not acknowledged any other way than we may and do prove the holy Ghost to be so For he to whom all Personal Properties Attributes Adjuncts Acts and Operations are ascribed and unto whom they do belong and to whom nothing is or can be truly and properly ascribed but what may and doth belong unto a Person he is a Person and him are we taught to believe so to be So know we the Father to be a Person as also the Son For our knowledge of things is more by their properties and operations then by their Essential forms especially is this so with respect to the Nature Being and Existence of God which are in themselves absolutely incomprehensible Now I shall not confirm the Assumption of this Argument with reference unto the holy Ghost from this or that particular Testimony nor from the assignation of any single Personal property unto him but from the constant uniform tenor of the Scriptures in ascribing all those properties unto him And we may add hereunto that things are so ordered in the wisdom of God that there is no personal property that may be found in an Infinite Divine Nature but it is in one place or other ascribed unto him First He is placed in the same rank and order without any note of Difference or Distinction as to a distinct Interest in the Divine Nature that is as we shall see personality with other Divine Persons Mat. 28.19 Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost 1 Joh 5.7 There be three that bear witness in Heaven the Father the Son and the Spirit and these three are one 1 Cor. 12.3 4 5 6. No man can say the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost Now there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same Lord and there are diversities of operation but it is the same God which worketh all in all Neither doth a denial of his Divine Being and distinct Existence leave any tolerable sence unto these expressions For read the words of the first place from the Mind of the Socinians and see what it is can be gathered from them Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the vertue or efficacy of the Father Can any thing be more absonant from Faith and Reason than this absurd expression and yet is it the direct sence if it be any that those Men put upon the words To joyn a quality with acknowledged Persons and that in such things and cases as wherein they are proposed under a Personal Consideration is a strange kind of Mystery and the like may be manifested concerning the other places Secondly He also hath the Names proper to a Divine Person only For he is expresly called God Act. 5. He who is termed the holy Ghost ver 3. and the Spirit of the Lord ver 9. is called also God ver 4. Now this is the name of a Divine Person on one account or other The Socinians would not allow Christ to be called God were he not a Divine Person though not by Nature yet by Office and Authority And I suppose they will not find out an Office
for the Holy Ghost whereunto he might be exalted on the account whereof he might become God seeing this would acknowledge him to be a Person which they deny So he is called the Comforter Joh. 16 7. A Personal Appellation this is also and because he is the Comforter of all Gods People it can be the name of none but a Divine Person In the same place also it is frequently affirmed that He shall come that he shall and will do such and such things all of them declare him to be a Person Thirdly He hath Personal properties assigned unto him as a VVill. He divideth to every man severally as he will and understanding the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God As also the actings that are ascribed unto him are all of them such as undeniably affirm Personal Properties in their Principle and Agent For Fourthly He is the voluntary Author of Divine operations he of old cherished the Creation the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters He formed and garnished the Heavens he Inspired Acted and Spake in and by the Prophets well spake the holy Ghost by Isaiah the Prophet unto our Fathers The Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost He Regenerateth Enlighteneth Sanctifieth Comforteth Instructeth Leadeth Guideth all the Disciples of Christ as the Scriptures every where testifie Now all these are Personal Operations and cannot with any pretence of Sobriety or consistency with Reason be constantly and uniformly assigned unto a quality or vertue He is as the Father and Son God with the Properties of Omniscience and Omnipotence of Life Understanding and VVill and by these Properties workes acts and produceth effects according to VVisdom Choice and Power Fifthly The same regard is had to him in Faith VVorship and Obedience as unto the other Persons of the Father and Son For our being Baptized into his name is our solemn engagement to believe in him to yield obedience to him and to worship him as it puts the same obligation upon us to the Father and the Son So also in reference unto the worship of the Church he Commands that the Ministers of it be separated unto himself The holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them Acts 13.2 ver 4. So they being sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed VVhich is comprehensive of all Religious VVorship of the Church And on the same account is he sinned against as Act. 5.3 4 9. for there is the same Reason of Sin and Obedience Against whom a man may sin formally and ultimately him he is bound to Obey VVorship and believe in And this can be no quality but God himself for what may be the sence of this expression thou hast lyed to the efficacy of God in his operations or how can we be formally obliged unto Obedience to a quality There must then an antecedent unto Faith Trust and Religious Obedience be supposed as the ground of rendering a Person capable of being guilty of Sin towards any For Sin is but a failure in Faith Obedience or VVorship These therefore are due unto the holy Ghost or a man could not sin against him so signally and fatally as some are said to do in the foregoing Testimonies I say therefore unto this part of our Cause as unto the other that unless we will cast off all Reverence of God and in a kind of Atheism which as I suppose the prevailing wickedness of this Age hath not yet arrived unto say that the Scriptures were written on purpose to decieve us and to lead us into mistakes about and misapprehensions of what it proposeth unto us we must acknowledge the holy Ghost to be a Substance a Person God yet distinct from the Father and the Son For to tell us that he will be our Comforter that he will Teach us Lead us Guide us that he spoke of old in and by the Prophets that they were moved by him acted by him that he searcheth the deep things of God works as he will that he appointeth to himself Ministers in the Church In a word to declare in places innumerable what he hath done what he doth what he sayes and speaks how he acts and proceeds what his will is and to warn us that we grieve him not sin not against him with things innumerable of the like nature and all this while to oblige us to believe that he is not a Person an Helper a Comforter a Searcher a Willer but a quality in some especial operations of God or his power and vertue in them were to distract men not to Instruct them and leave them no certain conclusion but this that there is nothing certain in the whole book of God And of no other Tendency are these and the like immaginations of our Adversaries in this matter Dr. Owen Secondly The Gospel is glorious in respect of the Revelation made therein of the Spirit touching his glorious Works and Operations 1. The framing forming and miraculous Conception of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Womb of the Blessed Virgin was the peculiar and special work of the Holy Ghost This work I acknowledge in respect of designation and the Athoritative disposal of things is ascribed unto the Father for so the Lord Christ speaketh unto him A body hast thou prepared me Heb. 10.6 but this preparation doth not signifie the Actual Forming and making Ready of that body but the eternal designation of it was prepared in the Council and Love of the Father As to the voluntary assumption it is ascribed to the Son himself Heb. 2.14 For as much as the Children were partakers of flesh and blood he himself partook of the same He took unto him a Body and Soul entire humane nature as the Children or all Believers the same Synedochically expressed by flesh and blood ver 16. He took on him the Seed of Abraham But immediate Divine Efficiency in this matter was the peculiar work of the Holy Ghost Mat. 1.18 VVhen his Mother Mary was Espoused to Joseph before they came together she was found to be with Child of the holy Ghost Luk. 1.35 The Angel answered and said unto her the holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God 1. The Person working is the holy Ghost he is the wonderful Operator in this glorious work and therein the power of the most high was exerted For the Power of the most High is neither explicatory of the former expression the holy Ghost as though he were only the power of the most High Nor is it adjoyning of a distinct Agent or Cause unto him as tho' the holy Spirit and the power of the most High were distinct Agents in this matter Only
so to be and cry mightily that he would be pleased never to take it away from this poor Nation nor suffer its Glory and Brightness to be Eclipsed by letting in Popish darkness again amongst us If we once lose the Gospel we may all cry Ichabod the glory is departed from England and with the Church of Old say the Crown is fallen from our heads wo to us that we have sinned But some may say why doth Satan endeavour to hide the Gospel 1. It is because he is such an implacable Enemy to Mankind he cannot endure the light himself and he would not such is his hatred to us have the light of the Gospel shine upon us 2. Because of that Malice he bears to the Lord Jesus he would fain keep men ignorant of a Saviour Not only out of hatred to man but also out of implacable enmity to the Lord Christ that so he may as much as ly's in him hinder our Saviours chief design and intention in coming into the VVorld which was to bring men out of Darkness into the Light 3. Because he knows whilst he can keep men ignorant of the Gospel he hath them fast enough what Profession soever they make of Religion tho' they hear read pray give Almes nay and in many things reform their lives yet if they see not the way of Salvation as it is revealed in the Gospel he matters it not they still remain his Captives 4. Because it is hereby his Kingdom is like to fa●● 't is the light of the Gospel that tends to the utter overthrow and ruine of the Kingdom of darkness What wonderful things hath the Gospel done in the World and what Power is there in it by the help of the Holy Spirit to dis-Throne Satan and break all his Chains to pieces therefore he bestirs himself to hinder the breaking out of Light and Knowledg in every Nation and causes fierce opposition to be made against those who endeavour to sup-plant him and lay open his grand designs This informs us how it comes about there is so much Ignorance and gross Darkness in the World not only in Popish Countreys but also where the Gospel is Preached Though Men hear it Preached every day yet O how Blind and Ignorant are many Sinners Men rest satisfied with the bare notion of Things and Name of Christians never minding Religion in good earnest but in a most fearful manner are grown so fool-hardy and venturous as to hazard and expose their Souls unto eternal ruine The Devil hath blinded their minds this also shews us from whence it is there are and formerly have been so many false and detestable Opinions Errors and cursed Heresies in the world Alas the Devil this way endeavours to obstruct and hinder the Gospel from being received he has indeed strove a long time wholly to overthrow the very foundation of the Christian Religion and to bring in another Gospel he strives to cheat Men of the true Saviour and in his stead to Preach another of whom the Scripture is wholly ignorant how have many Impudently asserted the Light in all men to be the true Christ and Saviour of the Word He doth not only strive to take away his glorious Soveraignity and set up another Universal Head who hath power to make Laws and repeat them in matters of Religion at his pleasure as the Followers of the Beast affirm But now of late endeavours to take away the very Person of the Holy Jesus Also to change the Ordinances or wholly to deny them hath been and is another of his Stratagems which witness to the true Christ his Death Burial and Resurrection And lastly Satan hath alwaies endeavoured also to bring into contempt the Ministers of the Gospel or else raise up Persecution upon them and all these things he doth to hinder the Gospel from shining or obstruct the promulgation thereof The Kisses of Christ's Mouth Cant. 1.2 Let him kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth for thy Love is better than Wine LEt him that is Christ kiss me By these Expressions saith Ainsworth and others the Church desireth to have Christ manifested in the Flesh. Others by Kisses understand most friendly familiar and sensible Manifestations of Love for they are so amongst Friends as 't was betwixt Jonathan and David and so 't is between Husband and Wife It is evident that Kisses are mentioned on sundry Occasions used for divers Ends and signifying several Things 1. We read of a Kiss of Salutation 1 Sam. 20.41 1 Thess. 5.26 2. A Kiss of Valediction Ruth 2.9 3. A Kiss of Reconciliation 2 Sam. 14.33 4. A Kiss of Subjection Psal. 2.12 5. A Kiss of Approbation Prov. 2.4 6. A Kiss of Adoration 1 Kings 19.18 7. A trayterous Kiss Mat. 26.49 8. A Kiss of Affection Gen. 45.15 And since the Church desires in the Plural Number Kisses of Christ's Mouth it may refer 1. To a Kiss of Reconciliation or Manifestation of Peace Unity and Friendship 2. A Kiss of Affection which is very sweet to have Christ express or manifest his gracious Love to her 3. A Kiss of Approbation which is saith Mr. Guild sweetest of all The Text is purely Allegorical as the whole Song is acknowledged to be by all Divines METAPHOR KIsses betoken Love and Good-Will to the Party they are given to II. They betoken a hearty Conjunction and cordial Union of two Parties III. They betoken such a Friendship as allows a Liberty of Access and Communication at all times IV. They leave such Impressions as engage the Affections to a future Remembrance of the Object V. They oblige the Giver to shew further Favours and Acts of Love and Kindness to the Party he bestows them on VI. They are a Confirmation of the endeared Love and Reality we profess VII They are the Privilege and Right in a more peculiar manner of Covenant-Relations as Husband and Wife c. VIII In Reconciliation after a seeming Breach between dear Relations they are highly prized and longed for by the Party offending IX A Kiss is look'd upon as a very high Honour when received by an inferior Person from a great King or Prince and begets in others a longing after the like Manifestation of Sovereign Grace and Favour X. They are very sweet and comfortable to very dear Friends after long absence XI They are the first Ceremony or Initiation of kind and comfortable Entertainment as in the case of the profuse and extravagant Prodigal XII To be admitted to kiss the hand of a Prince is a great Honour because of his Royalty and Grandure but to kiss his Mouth is extraordinary and only allowed to great Favourites Parallel THe Spouse in the Text desires of the Lord Jesus Tokens or further Manifestations of his Love and Good-Will to her II. The Church desires further Tokens and Assurances of that blessed Conjunction and Union that is between her self and the Lord Jesus Christ. III. Gracious Souls desire a more near Access
unto Christ and spiritual Intimacy and Communion with him O when wilt thou come unto me 'T is the Voice of my Beloved that knocketh With my Soul have I desired thee in the Night IV. The Spouse desires such Favour and Manifestations of Christ's Love and Grace that she may never forget his Love We will remember his Love more than Wine V. The Spouse desires as doth every gracious Soul that Christ would lay himself under such Obligations of Love and Friendship to her that he may never forget her The Death of Christ is the greatest Expression of his Affection to his Elect. Let him seal up his Love to us by the Kisses of his Mouth viz. by his gracious Promises and we are sure enough VI. The Spouse desires the greatest Confirmation of Christ's Love and gratious Affection to her to have clear Evidence of her Union with him and eternal Life VII Manifestations of Christ's Love do belong properly to the Church and covenanted People of God Hence the Spouse presumes to speak thus unto her Beloved Let him kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth I have the Liberty and Privilege to request it of him VIII Manifestations of Christ's Love are greatly prized by gracious Persons after there hath been a seeming Strangeness or Breach in their Apprehension between them knowing they were wholly in the fault and the only Cause of the Breach IX The Love-Tokens or Expressions of Christ's blessed Favour to the Spouse make the Daughters of Jerusalem to long after Christ's Love and Favour as well as she Whither is thy Beloved gone O thou fairest among Women that we may seek him with thee This was after she had declared His Mouth is most sweet he is altogether lovely X. How sweet and exceeding comfortable are the Kisses of Christ's Mouth or Evidences of his Love after a long time of spiritual Desertion XI Manifestations of Christ's and the Father's Love are glorious Tokens or Acts of Acceptance of poor Sinners who having been very vile and rebellious return home at last to their Father's House and embrace a precious Saviour XII The Kisses of Christ's Mouth who is the only King and blessed Potentate of Heaven and Earth are an infinite Honour can a poor Creature be more eminently dignified Let him kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth BY Mouth Annotators generally understand is meant his holy Word or his own lovely and gracious Doctrine that is Let me have expressions or give evidence of thy Love to me from thy Word Kiss me with the Kisses of thy Mouth by a Metonymy of the Cause viz. Cum causa organica sive sermonis formandi instrumentum pro ipso sermone sive loquelâ ponitur That is when the Organical Cause or the Instrument that forms Speech is put for the Speech it self as the Mouth is put for Testimony Deut. 17.6 15.19 Mat. 18.16 which is expounded John 8.17 It is also written in your Law that the Testimony of two Men is true The Mouth is also put for a Command or Appointment as Gen. 45.21 where the Mouth of Pharaoh so 't is in the Hebrew signifies the Command of Pharaoh So the Mouth of the Lord is put for his Command Word and Appointment Exod. 17.1 Numb 3.16 39. 20.24 27.14 Deut. 1.26 43. 34.5 Where the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 juxta Os Domini at the Mouth of the Lord with us translated Word is by the Targum attributed to Jonath Vziel rendred 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ad osculum Verbi Domini To the Kiss of the Word of the Lord. Lying Lips do not become a Prince that is lying Words Now the Reason why the Church desires Kisses of Christ's Mouth may be as followeth METAPHOR KIsses of the Mouth are Expressions of high Favour much more than to kiss the Hand II. Kisses of the Mouth have Virtue in them they tend to encrease Love in the Object or beget more ardent Affection III. Kisses of the Mouth are plain and visible Evidences of cordial Affections and many times put a Person out of doubt about the Reality of the Giver's Love IV. The Mouth is the Instrument or Medium to convey the inward Conceptions of the Heart and Mind whether it respects Thoughts or Actions to the Knowledg and Understanding of others Parallel CHrist in a high manner expresses his Favour and exceeding great Affection unto his People in his Word I lay down my Life for my Sheep Greater Love than this hath no Man II. Evidences of Christ's Love from his Word and gracious Promises are full of Life and Virtue they wonderfully draw out the Soul in Love and Longings after Christ. How did that sweet Word or Kiss of Christ to Mary endear her to the Lord Jesus Woman thy Sins are forgiven thee III. Evidences or Manifestations of Christ's Love to a believing Soul are clear Demonstrations of Christ's real Affection When a Promise is set home and imprinted upon the Soul or Spirit of a doubting Christian it causes all his Fears to flie away Remember thy Word unto thy Servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope IV. The Word of Christ is the Way or glorious Medium he makes use of to convey or make known those gracious high and eternal Conceptions of his Heart and Mind to his Elect also hereby he opens and explains to us the End of his Coming into the World and his Design in dying and in all things he did which otherwise would have been hard to us to have found out METAPHOR OThers many times kiss them they do not love out of Complement II. Others give sometimes a flattering and dissembling Kiss like that of Absalom's kissing the People thinking thereby to steal away their Hearts from David his Father III. Others salute Persons oftentimes with an unchast and wanton Kiss IV. Others kiss when they design to murther Thus Joab kissed Abner and slew him Judas our Saviour and thereby betrayed him Disparity CHrist never vouchsafes any the Kisses of his Mouth but to those that he dearly loves II. Christ always when he vouchsafes his gracious Favour to any Soul doth it in all Simplicity and Integrity of Heart in his Heart is no Guile or Deceit III. All Christ's Kisses are holy chast heavenly harmless and innocent IV. Christ's design is to save those whom he kisses He came to seek and to save that which was lost I come that ye might have Life Inferences FRom hence we may perceive what a vast difference there is betwixt the Godly and the Wicked The one have their Hearts set upon heavenly Objects the other on carnal the Desires of the one are holy heavenly and spiritual the Desires of the other are fleshly earthly and sensual II. If the Kisses of a Saviour or Evidences of his Love are so sweet methinks this should stir up all to desire Kisses of Christ's Mouth III. It may be some Souls are ready to enquire How may I come to
attain this great Happiness and Honour to be embraced in the Arms of the Lord Jesus 1. Wouldest thou have the Kisses of his Mouth Thou must with Mary Magdalen fall down and first kiss his Feet and bedew them with the Tears of a broken Heart be humbled for thy Sin 2. If thou wouldest have him give thee a Kiss of Reconciliation and Affection do thou kiss him with a Kiss of Subjection Kiss the Son lest he be angry If thou wantest Motives take these following 1. The Father presents his Son the Lord Jesus Christ before your Eyes in the Gospel as he doth the like himself as a Person every way deserving your Love and Affection to see whether you will respect him or not 2. The Father highly honoureth the Son he hath given all things into his hand he is his Heir 3. The Father hath sent him into the World to seek himself a Spouse 4. He became Flesh that he might be a fit Object for Sinners 5. Christ hath a great desire to give himself unto you and so become yours for ever 6. He hath abundance of Love great and strong Affection 7. Christ left his Glory and came into the World in a low and contemptible condition and denied himself for thy sake and wilt not thou accept of him 8. Shall he die and come through a Sea of Blood to engage thy Affection and wilt not thou yield him a Kiss of Subjection 9. Shall he send his Ministers as Spokes-men to entreat you and will you say Nay 10. Shall he move you by the Motions of his Spirit and Checks of Conscience and will you still refuse to close in with him 11. Shall he knock loud and long and cry continually to you and can you still stand it out against him 12. VVill not your Gain and Preferment be great what Honour and Dignity excelling Union with Christ can you think to meet withal 13. Are not you like to be miserable at last if you die before you have an Interest in him If any love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha IV. But some may say How comes it to pass the Spouse is so bold and thus familiarly speaks to Christ Let him kiss me Should not Fervor of Affection have with it Humility of Reverenee To this says Bernard Nè causamini presumptionem ubi affectio urget reclamat pudor s●●d urget am●●r qui nec consilio temperatur nec pudore fraenatur Be not presumptuous where Affection presses forward be neither kept back by Advice nor restrained by B●●shfulness in your Approaches to Christ. Besides Saints who truly love Christ may boldly come to Christ. Tokens of Love and Evidences of Divine Favour are the proper Rights and Privileges of Believers they may be bold with their dearest Friend The Word of God compared to a Net Mat. 13.47 Again the Kingdom of God is like a Net cast into the Sea SOme understand by the Net and Kingdom of Heaven that our Saviour intends the Church others the Gospel It may have respect to both but in my Understanding it is more clearly applicable to the Gospel Parable A Net is made or prepared as a convenient thing to catch Fish II. A Net is made use of by skilful Fishers it requires Wisdom rightly to use it to the End it is appointed A Fisher uses oft-times much Policy and Craft in putting in and drawing of his Net III. A Net is cast into a Multitude of Waters at an Adventure the Fisherman not knowing whether it may catch many or few or any at all IV. A Fisherman works hard with his Net sometimes a great while together and catcheth nothing V. A Net takes Fish of every sort some great Ones and some little Ones some good and some bad as 't is express'd in this Parable VI. A Net takes Fishes out of their own natural Element and as soon as they are taken out of the Water they dy VII A Net takes or compasses sometimes a Multitude of Fishes at once When Simon Peter put in his Net at the special Command of Jesus Christ he enclosed a great Multitude of Fishes VIII A Net tho it be cast into the Sea and has taken many Fishes yet 't is not known of what kind or sort they be until the Net is drawn up IX After the Fisherman hath drawn his Net about so long that he concludes it hath taken all it is like to enclose and compass in he then draws it to the Shore and severs the Good from the Bad the Good he puts into Vessels and the Bad he throws away Parallel THe Gospel or Word of God is appointed to catch or convert the Souls of Men Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch Men. II. The Word of God is made use of by skilful and able Ministers and it requires much spiritual Wisdom rightly to use it for the Conversion of Sinners Paul being crafty tells the Corinthians He took or catched them with Guile III. The Gospel is preached by a faithful Minister to a Multitude of People who are compared to Waters in many Places of Scripture and yet he knows not when he preaches or casteth his Net in whether he shall take many or few Souls nay whether one Sinner shall be reached or converted thereby or not IV. So a Minister sometimes labours a long while together and takes much Pains in preaching the Gospel and yet converts not one Soul Who hath believed our Report c. They may sometimes say with Peter We have laboured all Night and have taken nothing V. So the Gospel-Net takes hold of some of every sort and degree of Men Some great and honourable rich and mighty in the World tho not many such some little Ones such as are mean and poor in the World Again some great and notorious Sinners are taken such as Mary Magdalen and Paul were before converted and some that are not such great and capital Offenders For tho every Man is a great Sinner in a proper sence yet comparatively some are greater or more guilty and prophane than others And there was a Woman in the City that was a Sinner Not but that all the Women in the City were Sinners but this Woman was a notorious one or one noted and eminent for Wickedness Also the Gospel and Church of God takes some bad Professors and counterfeit Christians as well as such as are sincere VI. The Gospel or Word of God the spiritual Net takes Sinners out of their natural Element and as soon as they are savingly taken thereby they die to Sin and to all sensual Objects and carnal Delights of the Flesh and this World and to their own Righteousness Rom. 6.2 6 11. VII The Gospel-Net also sometimes takes hold of or encloseth many Sinners at one Cast. At one Sermon three thousand Souls were converted by that glorious Preacher and famous Fisher of Men the Apostle Peter VIII So the Gospel and Church of God tho
God's People VII The Word of God is durable All the Endeavours of wicked Men from time to time have been to destroy the Word it hath been in many Fires as I may say and yet it remains and abides the same Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my Word shall not pass away All Flesh is Grass and all the Glory of Man as the Flower of the Field The Grass withereth and the Flower thereof fadeth away But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever and this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached to you VIII The Word of God is of a Soul-enriching Nature it enriches the Mind with the Wisdom and glorious Knowledg of Jesus Christ and blessed Experience of his rich Love and Grace Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all Wisdom No Treasure is like to the Treasure of God's Word We have this Treasure in earthen Vessels See Metaphor Treasure David hid it and Mary as a precious Treasure laid it up in her Heart IX So those that would be enriched with the Word of God have much of it in their Heads and Hearts must take Pains they must dig in these Golden Mines as it were for it Search the Scriptures saith Christ. It is a Word taken from Miners such as seek for Gold they must do it carefully vigorously and resolvedly If they would find the Power Virtue and Excellency of the Word so as to make it their own they must seek for it as for hidden Treasure X. The Word of God is called a tried Word it has been tried by many thousand Christians and found to be what it is taken to be viz. pure Gold sacred Truth yea and sweeter than the Honey or the Honey-Comb It never failed them that trusted to it As for God his Way is perfect The Words of the Lord are pure Words as Silver is tried in a Furnace of Earth purified seven times XI Those People or particular Souls that do possess and enjoy much of the glorious Word of God are in danger of being set upon by spiritual Thieves and Robbers Satan and many other his Emissaries will be sure to assault such What experience hath England had of this for many Years but more especially of late How is it beset by bold impudent and bloody Romish Thieves What is the reason Why England is rich it hath got much Gold in it much of the Word of God Here are a rich People many rich Churches rich Souls and therefore this grand Thief hath consulted with many of his Company to set upon us and rob us of all our Treasure And hence it is we take or ought to take such Care to secure the Word of God and our selves from being undone by losing it XII So the Word of God is by all true Christians known and by common Experience found to be a most Sovereign Cordial for the Soul to revive and comfort a desponding and drooping Spirit excellent good to cure inward Distempers METAPHOR GOld and earthly Treasures are by the permission of God at the Will and Command of Men. Daniel tells us that the vile Person shall have Power over the Treasures of Gold and Silver c. They may take away and dispossess us of the best of earthly things II. Gold may canker and corrupt Your Gold and Silver is canker'd and the Rust of them shall be a Witness against you III. Tho Gold will do many things for the Body yet it cannot profit the Soul it will beautify and enrich the outward Man but it cannot beautify purge or enrich the inward Man IV. Gold and Silver will not satisfy or fill the craving Desires of Man Neither is his Eye satisfied with Riches He that loveth Silver shall not be satisfied therewith Disparity THe Word of God received into the Heart viz. into the Affection and Understanding c. no Man can take it from us it is not in their Power to rob and dispossess us of this sacred Gold They may take away our Bibles out of our hands but cannot take the Word of God out of our Hearts as it is engraven upon the fleshly Tables thereof II. The Word of God is incorruptible so pure that it can never canker neither lose any of its excellent Glory Beauty and Virtue it admits not of any Rust or Pollution Being born again not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever III. The Word of God enriches beautifies and purges the Soul Now are you clean through the Word that I have spoken unto you He is spiritually the richest Man that hath most of the Word of God abiding in him who hath store of precious Promises laid up against a Time of Need. IV. The Word of God received in Truth is of a Soul-satisfying Nature The Fear of the Lord tendeth to Life and he that hath it shall abide satisfied c. This is that Water of Life that whosoever drinketh thereof shall thirst no more have no more an inordinate and unsatiable desire after worldly things See Water Inferences 1. FRom hence you may see who are the richest Men in the VVorld 2. It reproves them that desire Gold above the VVord and that labour for it above the Blessings of the Word and grieve more for the Loss of it and of other earthly Treasure than for the Loss of the Word and other spiritual good things 3. It may also stir up all to hold fast the Word and every part and parcel of it Let the Saints of God in England consider of the Worth of the Word and that it is more precious than Gold How will Men expose themselves before they will be robbed of Thousands of Gold and Silver 4. Esteem of the Precepts and Promises and of every Jot and Tittle of God's Word above Gold Be not careless of it nor throw it by but lay it up as carefully as you lay up Gold hide it in your Hearts The Word of God called Milk 1 Pet. 2.2 As new-born Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word that they may grow thereby Heb. 5.13 For every one that useth Milk is unskilful in the Word of Righteousness for he is a Babe BY Milk here we must understand the Doctrine of the Gospel which is easily taught unto the Capacities of such as are Children in Understanding METAPHOR MIlk is good to nourish the Body and Physicians tell us Where it is well digested it maketh good Blood II. Milk is proper Food for Children and new-born Babes it nourisheth them exceedingly they grow and thrive thereby tho they have nothing else to feed upon III. New-born Babes greatly desire and long after the Milk of the Breast IV. Milk is a Restorative excellent good in Consumptions or for them that be lean V. Milk was one of those choice Blessings that Canaan did abound withal 'T is called a Land flowing with Milk and Honey as much as
Word of God is and may be fitly compared to Fire METAPHOR FIre is of an illuminating or inlightning Quality II. Fire is of a warming and heating Quality there is not only Illumination but Calefaction III. Fire will burn any combustable matter it can seize upon separating Metal from Rust and Dross it discovers whether Metals be of a currant or counterfeit and base allay Whatever Fire seizes effectually upon it converts it into a Flame IV. Fire is of an ascending Quality greedily mounting to its proper Seat and will not rest till it incorporates with its own Elements Earth and Water incline to their own Centers though sometimes artificially made to ascend V. Fire is of a melting and softning Quality Iron and other Metals are made pliable by it and fit to receive any Figure whatsoever as Wax keeps the Impression of the Seal VI. Fire hath a vivifying inlivening and quickning Quality it refreshes and restores that Heat and Warmth which the prevailing Cold deprives us of VII Fire is of a comforting and consolating Quality or Nature VIII Fire is of a penetrating or piercing Nature there is no pore or secret Passage of the Body thrown into it but it pierces it IX Fire is of an assimilating Quality that is it changes all Materials into its own Nature or sets them on fire X. Fire is a very profitable Element there is a necessity of it many Trades cannot be followed without it nor can Men and Women live without it XI Fire is oft-times quenched and in a great measure put out to the damage of those for whom it was kindled Parallel THe Word and Spirit is Light The Commandment is a Lamp and the Law is Light inlightning the Eyes Psal. 19.8 The Entrance of it gives Light Psal. 119.130 By it the Eyes of our Vnderstanding are inlightned By which we know the Riches of his Glory See Metaphor Light II. The Word and Spirit of God give Heat and Warmth to the benum'd Soul of a poor Sinner they give Zeal and Fervency that is Heat of Spirit to serve the Lord. III. The Word and Spirit of God burns and consumes all that 's fit Fuel for it when throughly kindled upon the Souls and Consciences of Men it destroys the Hay Stubble Wood Chaff c. of Sin and Corruption and leaves no Metals in the Building unconsum'd save what is built upon the Foundation Jesus Christ who like Gold Silver and precious Stones will endure the Fire it also causes the Soul to burn in Love to Christ to be lifted up with transported Ardency of Affection after him and desiring to be united to him also All Men are to be tried whether with respect to Doctrines or Practices by God's Word and what disagrees with this Standard or will not bear touch with this Touch-stone is to be rejected as counterfeit and of no value IV. The word of God when it hath by the Spirit kindled the Soul of a Sinner it immediately causes his Affections and Desires to ascend and mount up to Heaven as to its Center and only Place of Satisfaction leaving as the Fire only leaves Ashes his dreggy and impure Part behind the Soul seems to be then on the Wing wholly for Heaven too pure and ●●enned for Communion with corrupt things They shall dwell on high c. Isa. 33.16 V. The Word by the Spirit softens the hard and stony Heart and makes it a Heart of Flesh disposes the Soul and makes him fit to receive or take the Seal or heavenly Impression and Image of God See Zeal VI. The Word and Spirit quickens the Soul of a Sinner nay raises to Li●●e those who have been in a spiritual Sence dead in Sins and Trespasses 'T is the Spirit that quickenns the Flesh profits nothing The Law kills but the Spirits gives Life VII The Spirit of God called the Comforter administers the greatest nay the only Consolation to the Soul of Believers O what Comforts have some poor deject Christians received from the gracious Promises of God's Word VIII The Word and Spirit of God searches all the Faculties and Powers of the Soul it penetrates not only the Head but the Heart Judgment Affections Conscience Will c. It leaves no Corner unvisited nor secret Place undiscern'd IX The Word and Spirit of God makes the Soul spiritual transforms the carnal Mind and makes it partaker of its own divine Nature it sets it in a flame of Love and spiritual Zeal for Christ and his blessed Truth X. The Word and Spirit of God is of such absolute necessity that Saints cannot live one Moment without it Hence the Spirit of Christ is called The Spirit of Life Moreover the Word of God was esteemed by Job above his necessary Food and by David above thousands of Gold and Silver Man lives not by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Mat. 4.4 A Christian can perform no Duty aright acceptable to God without the Divine Help and Influences of the Spirit of God XI So is the Divine Fire many times quenched and put out in a great measure to the hurt and damage of Christians Quench not the Spirit 1 Thes. 5.19 METAPHOR FIre is an external Element and only useful for the Profit and Comfort of the outward Man II. Fire is a bad Master when it has got to a head and violently breaks out it doth much Mischief and destroys wonderfully Disparity THe Spirit of God and his Word are divine sacred and heavenly profitable to the Soul of Man II. The Word and Spirit of God never hurts or injures those that it gets the Mastery and Victory over if it destroys 't is only Sin and such things that would ruine and spoil the Soul happy are those in whom the Word of God and his Spirit doth raign and predominate Inferences IF this be so take heed you do not quench the Word or Spirit of God which you may be said to do 1. By a bating of the Spirit 's Heat in its Operations or by diminishing or lessening the Graces and good Motions thereof when the Spirit loses the vigor of his Operations as when Zeal decays Convictions wear off and Affections die this is like slacking the Heat and lessening the Burning of the Fire 2. When Men do not only diminish and lessen the Burnings and Operations of the Spirit in the Graces Influences and Motions thereof but yield to Sin and the Devil so far as to put the Fire quite out The common Motions and Operations of the Spirit may be quite extinguished Give us of your Oil for our Lamps are gone out We read of some twice dead pluck'd up by the Roots Quest. Which way may the Spirit and the Word of God be quenched Answ. 1. By witholding of Fuel Where no Wood is the Fire goes out We feed that Fire which we would not have extinguished we labour to add fit matter to it that we may
Christ opened in 10 Particulars 92 93 The difference of Christ's Suretyship and Suretyship amongst Men shewed in six Partic. 94 95 T. Teacher THe Spirit of God a sacred Teacher opened in eleven Partic. 324 325 The Saints chief Teacher 325 Who have the Spirits Teaching ibid. Better lose all other Teachers than lose the Spirit ibid. Terrible Christ terrible as a Judg in a three-fold manner Met. Par. 10. 283 Testator Christ a Testator opened in fifteen Particulars 119 to 121 Wherein Christ exceeds all other Testators 122 A five-fold Testimony to Christ as a Testator ibid Thief Christ's coming is compared to a Thief in the Night in 6 Partic. 279 280 Traffick All heavenly Commerce and Traffick is by the Spirit 314 Tree Christ under the similitude of an Apple Tree opened in eleven Partic. 229 230 Trinity The Persons of the Trinity made known by Christ six manner of ways 110 V. Vessels SAints earthen Vessels God very careful of his choice Vessels par 7 63 Vine Christ the true Vine opened in ten Particulars 223 to 225 Wherein Christ exceeds all other Vines in six things 225 Union The present Time to be improved to obtain it 257 Universe The happy State of the whole Universe when Christ shall take unto him his great Power Infer 6. 148 Utichian Utichian Heresy detected 165 166 W. Wall GOD a Wall of Fire about his People 76 77 Want God as a Portion frees the Soul from fear of Want par 13. 7 Want of Christ will occasion violent Motions par 15. 213 Water The Nature of Water 319 The Spirit compared to Water opened in ten Partic. 319 320 The excellent Nature of this sacred Water shewed 320 321 Water of Life free to all 321 War The Cause why God proclaims War against a People par 9. 24 God excells all other Warriors shewed in ten Partic. 25 26 God gives warning before he makes War Dispar 5. 25 Way Christ the Way opened in ten Particulars 167 168 Way made plain to the City of Refuge Met. 7. 168 In what respect Christ is called the Way to the Father answered in four Particulars 169 What kind of Way Christ is answered in 10 Partic. 169 Wedding The Wedding-Garment 270 Whore The great Whore shall be burned with Fire 68 Wicked Wicked Men compared to wild Beasts 76 Wind. The Property thereof shewed 297 The Spirit compared to the Wind in twenty Partic. 298 299 How to know which way the Wind of the Spirit blows Par. 13. 299 Witness Christ a Witness opened in ten Particulars 235 to 237 Witness in the Day of Judgment who and what par 8. 283 The Spirit a Witness opened in eight Partic. 321 322 Two Witnesses necessary for a Christian 322 World This World had a beginning par 1. 55 This World a Wilderness abounding with wild Beasts 76 77 Works Christ's undoubted Right to all the Works of God's hands shewed in 5 Partic. Infer 1. 148 Wrath. Wrath of God terrible par 1. 65 66 67 AN Alphabetical Table OF The Principal Things Contained in the THIRD BOOK A. Attributes ATtributes of God shine forth in the Gospel Page 10 13 21 22 23 B. Baptism Baptism and the Lord's Supper glorious Ordinances 33 Beauty Beauty of Christ opened in 10 Partic. 16 Book The Gospel called a Book 9 What kind of Book shewed in 8 things 9 C. Christ. CHrist's Person glorious 13 Christ very beautiful 16 Christ's Love wonderful 17 18 Christ very rich 18 Counsel The Gospel-Covenant the Contrivance of God●●s eternal Counsel 9 D. Deity THe Deity of Christ proved by 19 Arguments 14 Deity of the Holy-Ghost proved 23 Design What God's Design was in sending Christ shewed in six Partic. 11 Dew The Word of God compared to the Dew of Heaven in five Partic. 73 F. Father THe Glory of the Father shines forth in the Gospel 10 Fire The Word of God compared to Fire 53 G. Glass THe Word of God compared to Glass in 8 Partic. 62 63 64 Gold The Word of God compared to Gold in 12 Partic. 47 Gospel Glorious Gospel largely opened 4 5 6 Gospel glorious in respect of the Author in respect of the Law in respect of its self 4 Gospel excells the Law shewed in 14 Partic. Gospel glorious in respect of the Names and Epithetes given to it shewed in fourteen Partic. 8 9 Gospel glorious in respect of the Time when contrived 9 Gospel glorious in respect of the Revelation made therein of the Blessed Trinity 10 Gospel glorious in respect of the Manifestation made therein of the Father 40 Gospel glorious in respect of the Revelation made therein of Christ 13 14 15 Gospel glorious as it respects the Holy●●Ghost 21 Gospel glorious in respect of Grace and powerful Operations of it upon the Heart of Men. 29 Gospel glorious in respect of the Offers and Tenders of it 30 Gospel Reconciliation glorious Reconciliation 30 31 Gospel glorious in respect of the Ordinances of it 33 Gospel glorious in respect of Pardon of Sin 33 Gospel glorious in respect of Peace 33 Gospel glorious in respect of the Promises 33 34 Why Satan endeavours to binder the Gospel 40 Grace The excellent Nature of true Grace shewed in 16 Partic. 28 29 H. Hammer THe Word of God compared to a Hammer in 4 Partic. 58 History History of the Gospel a glorious History Holy Holy-Ghost a Divine Person 22 23 I. Justice GOD's Justice must be satisfied 11 No Man or Angel can satisfy God's Justice for his Sin 11 God's Justice only satisfied by a Sacrifice 11 K. Kingdom THe Church called the Kingdom of God 8 Why the Gospel is called the Gospel of the Kingdom 8 Kiss The Word Kiss as mentioned in Scripture opened in 12 Parric 41 42 Kisses of Christ's Mouth opened in four Partic. 43 L. Leaven THe Word of God compared to Leaven 61 62 Light The Word of God compared to Light opened in 8 Partic. 2 3 4 The various Acceptations of the Word Light 1 Love Christ's glorious Love opened in 10 Partic. 17 18 M. Meat THe Word of God campared to strong Meat 51 Mercy God will not save Men in a way of Mercy to the wronging of his Justice 11 Milk The Word of God compared to Milk in five Particulars 50 Moral Moral Persuasions not sufficient to turn a Sinner to God 26 27 N. Net THe Word of God compared to a Net in nine Partic. 45 46 O. Operation OPerations of the Holy Spirit glorious 24 P. Peace PEace of Conscience a glorious Blessing 33 Pelagianism refuted 26 Plough The Word of God compared to a Plough in ten Particulars 65 66 Priesthood Christ's Priesthood excells the Priesthood of Aaron shewed in nine Partic. 5 Promise Promises of the Gospel glorious Promises 33 Gospel Promises glorious in respect of Him through whom and in whose Name they are made 34 Gospel Promises glorious in respect of the Firmness of them shewed in 5 Partic. 35 36 Gospel Promises glorious above the Promise of the Law 36 Gospel Promises glorious