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A27387 Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice a divine poem / written by E.B., Esq., several parts thereof set to fit aires by Mr. J. Jenkins. Benlowes, Edward, 1603?-1676.; Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. 1652 (1652) Wing B1879; ESTC R22902 113,211 344

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And Fruits of Glory bud A Glimps of HEAV'N the Place XXIII This the Spring-Garden to spiritual Eyes Which fragrant Scent of Gums out-vies Three Kings had thence their triple mystick Sacrifice XXIV O happi●● Walks where CHRIST and none beside Is Journeies End and Way and Guide Where from the humble Plains are greatest Heights descry'd XXV Heav'nward his Gaze. Here does a Bower display His Bride-room and SCRIPTURIA Her self is Bride Each Morn presents his Marriage-Day XXVI What Ecstasie's in this delicious Grove Th' unwitnest Witnes of his Love What Pow'r so strongly can as flam'd Affections move XXVII The Larks wing'd Travellers that trail the Skie Unsoyl'd with Lusts aloft do fly Warbling SCRIPTURIA SCRIPTURIA on high XXVIII T' have been affected by a Virgin Heir Rich young and chast wise good and fair Was once his first Delight but HEAV'N restrain'd that Care XXIX Thou Providence dist both their Wills restrain Thou mad'st their Losses turn to Gain For Thou gav'st Heav'n to her on him dost Blessings rain XXX But stop pleas'd Thoughts A high'r Love 's here design'd Fit in each Breast to be enshrin'd Bright Angels do admit no Sex nor do's the Minde XXXI To all her Lovers thousand Joyes accrew And Comforts thicker than Mayes Dew Shour down on their rapt Souls as Infinite as new XXXII Her Oracles directing Rules declare Unerring Oracles Truths Square Her Soul-informing Light does Earth for HEAV'N prepare XXXIII All beatizing Sweets as in their Hive At her fair Presence do arrive Which are to drooping Spirits best Restorative XXXIV To whose Sight Eagles paralell'd are blinde Had Argus thousand Eyes he 'd finde Darknesse compar'd with her illuminating Minde XXXV The Sun does glean his Splendor from her Eyes Thence burn we ' in Sweets as Phoenix lies Glowing on Sols Ray-darted Pile of Spiceries XXXVI From pretious Limbeck sacred Loves distill Such Sublimations as do fill Mindes with amazed Raptures of their Chimick Skill XXXVII That such Soul-Elevations still might stay We'd bear and do both vow and pay And serve the LORD of Lords by her directive Way XXXVIII Soon as our Ear drinks in His Command Be 't acted by our Heart and Hand Under his Banner we shall Satans Darts withstand XXXIX May He accept the Musick of our Voice While on his Goodnesse we rejoyce And while each melting Psalm makes on His GRACE its Choice XL. On Feast-Dayes from that Bour to Church we haste Where HEAV'N dissolves into Repast When we Regalios of the mystick BANQUET taste XLI O Deliccaies infinitely pure To Souls best Nutriment and Cure Where Knowledge Faith and Love Beatitude ensure XLII Poor Solomons Provision poor to This Manna Heav'n-dewing Banquet is Who reigns in Heav'n becomes on Earth our Food and Bliss XLIII O Sacramental Cates divinely drest GOD the Feast-maker CHRIST the Feast The HOLY GHOST Inviter and the Soul the Guest XLIV All Ioyes await the blessed Convives knit All Excellencies are in It This overcomes our Spirits overpowr's our Wit XLV For us poor Worms that ●lories SOVERAIGN dy'd O let our fleshly Barks still ride At Anchor in calm Streams of His empierced SIDE XLVI This is Heav'ns Antepast By Vnion He 's One to ●ll and All to One In Loves intrinsick Mystery to Souls alone XLVII Ecstatick Raptures loose our Hearts on high With Joyes Ineffabilitie Exub'rant Sweets orewhelm as Torrents Tongue Eye XLVIII Such Life-infusing Comforts from Above Our Souls with inward Motions move That totally for GOD we quit all Creature Love XLIX Should HE condemn us yet would Love compell Him down with us and we would dwell Rather than without HIM in Heav'n with HIM in Hell L. Soul of my Soul when I a Ioy receive Disjoyn'd from THEE let my Tongue cleave To 's Palate Me of All not of this Feast bereave LI. Not in the winter Solstice of my Years When shivering Snow surrounds deaf Ears And dreary Languishment Deaths gashly Vizard wears LII When they shall tremble that the House defend The Columns which support it bend The Grinders fail the Watch through Casements Objects blend LIII Then shine dear LORD when quivering Winter Dress Is icicled with hoary Tresse VVhen all Streams frozen are but Tears through Loves Excess LIV. VVhen periwig'd with Snow's each bald-pate VVood Bound in Ice-Chains each strugling ●lood VVhen North-Seas bridled are pris'ning their scaly Brood LV. Then let those freezing How're be thaw'd by Pray'r As VVells in VVinter warmer are By Circumsession of refrigerating Air. LVI That nipt with Cold or parcht with Heat resign We may our Will in each to THINE Be 't lesse or more be 't low or high be 't Storm or Shine LVII After Nights Soot smears Heav'n Day gilds its Face Wet April past sweet May takes place And Calm Air smiles when rufling Winds have run their Race LVIII Who hope for Mines scorn Dross Such only get Who lose a Game to win the Set Wordlings He 's rich who 's Above 's his Cabinet LIX To well-tun'd Tempers Things that disagree Have oft some Likenesse thus we see Winde kindles Fire Discord makes Concord Harmony LX. Affliction tunes the Breast to rise or fall Making the whole Man Musicall We may Affliction Christians second Baptism call LXI Who CHRIST for Spouse his Cross for Joynture has His Hand supports where 's Rod doth passe The LORD of Angels He the KING of Suff'rings was LXII Loves Life took Death that Death Loves Life might gain The Soveraign dy'd that Slaves might reign The World can't Books that should be writ of HIM contain LXIII Those have the greatest Cross who Cross nere bore They 'r rich in Want who GOD adore Who do's supply all Emptiness with His full Store LXIV Saint Paul the Gentiles Doctor rich 'bove Kings And high 'bove Oratories Wings Rapt up to HEAV'N had Nothing yet possest all Things LXV The Rav'n of Birds proves Caterer and feasts Elijah so the Lion of Beasts Was Samsons Purveyor Quails to murm'ring Jews were Guests LXVI Midst Thorns environ'd Love sweet Roses findes Steep wayes lie plain t●inamor'd Mindes Love gilds all Chains surpriz'd not thrall'd w th Comfort binds LXVII Then threaten World a Goal shall bolt me in He 's free as Air who serves not Sin VVho 's gather'd in Himself His self is his own Inne LXVI●I Then let fierce Goths their strongest Chains prepare Grim Scythians me their Slave declare My Soul being free those Tyrants in the Face I 'l stare LXIX Man may confine the Bodie but the Minde Like Natures Miracles the VVinde And Dreams do's though secur'd a free enjoyment find LXX Rayes drawn in to'a point more vig'rous beam Joyes more to Saints engoal'd did stream Linnets their Cage to be a Grove Bars Boughs esteem LXXI Burnisht to Glory from Afflictions Flame From Prison to a Scepter●came The lov'd and fear'd ELIZA-Titles vail t' Her Name HAving reformed Religion established Peace reduced Coin to the just value delivered Scotland from the French revenged domestical Rebellion saved France from headlong
making Jars LIII My Soul enlabyrinth'd in Grief spend Years In Sackcloth chamleted with Tears Retir'd to Rocks dark entrals court unwitnest Fears LIV. There passe with Heraclite a gentler Age Free from the sad ACCOUNT of Rage That acts the toilsome World on its tumultuous Stage LV. There sweet RELIGION strings and tunes and skrues The Souls Theorb ' and doth infuse Grave Dorick Epods in th' Enthusiastick MUSE LVI There LOVE turns trumpets into Harps which call Off Sieges from the gun-shot Wall Alluring them to HEAV'N her Seat Imperial LVII Thence came our Ioy and Thence HYMNS eas'd our Grief Of which th' ANGELICAL was chief Glory to GOD Earth Peace Good Will for Mans Relief LVIII Quills pluckt from Venus Doves impresse but shame Then give your Rimes to Vulcans Flame Hee 'l elevate your badger Feet He 's free though lame LIX Things fall and Nothings rise Old VIRTUE fram'd Honour for WISDOM WISDOM fam'd Old VIRTUE Such Times were Wealth then Arts Page was nam'd LX. Lambeth was Oxfords Whetstone Yet above Preferments Pinnacle they mov● Who string the Vniverse and bracelet It for LOVE LXI Virtues magnifick Orb inflames their Zeal By high-rais'd ANTHEMS Plagu●s they heal And threefork'd Thunders in HEAVNS outstretcht Arm repeal LXII Shall Larks with shrill-chirpt Mattens rouze from Bed Of curtain'd Night Sols orient Head And shall quick SOULS lie numb'd as wrapt in Sheets of Lead LXIII Awake from slumbring Lethargie The gay And circling Charioter of Day In 's Progress through the azure Fields sees checks our Stay LXIV Arise and rising emulate the rare Industrious Spinsters who with fair Embroid'ries checker-work the Chambers of the Air. LXV Ascend Sol does on Hills his Gold display And scatt'ring Sweets does spice the Day And shoots delight through Nature with each arrow'd Ray. LXVI The Opal-colour'd Dawns raise Fancie high Hymns ravish those who Pulpets fly Convert dull Lead to active Gold by LOVE-CHYMIE LXVII As Natures prime Confectioner the Bee By her Flow'r-nibling Chymistrie Turns Vert to Or So VERSE gross Prose does rarifie LXVIII Pow'rs cannot Poets as They Pow'rs up-buoy Whose Soul-enliv'ning Charms Decoy Each wrinkled Care to the Pacifick Sea of Joy LXIX As where from Iewels sparkling Lustre darts Those Rayes enstarre the duskie Parts So Beams of Poesie give Light Life Soul to Arts. LXX Rich POESIE Thy more irradiant Gems Give Splendor unto DIADEMS And with coruscant Rayes emblazest HONOURS Stems LXXI Thee MUSE Arts ambient Air Inventions Door The Stage of Wits both Rich and Poor Do court ●A PRINCE may glory to become thy WOOER LXXII POETS ly'entomb'd by KINGS Arts Gums dispence By Rumination bruis'd are thence By VERSE so fir'd that their Perfume ENHEAV'NS the Sense LXXIII It s The'ory makes All wiser yet Few better Practise is Spirit Art the Letter Vse artlesse doth enlarge Art uselesse does but fetter LXXIV Sharp Sentences are Goads to make Deeds go Good Works are Males Words Females show Whose Lives act Presidents prevent the Laws and Do. LXXV So far We know as we obey GOD and HE counts We leave not his Command When as our Interludes but 'twixt our Acts do stand LXXVI Honours brave SOUL is in that Body shrin'd Which floats not with each giddy Winde Fickle as Courtly Dress but WISDOMS Sea does find LXXVII Steering by GRACES Pole-star which is fast In th' APOSTOLLICK Zodiack plac't Whose Course at first four EVANGELICK Pilots trac't LXXVIII The THEANTHROPICK WORD That mystick Glasse Of Revelations That masse Of Oracles That Fu'el of Pray'r That Wall of Brass LXXIX That Print of HEAV'N on Earth That Mercies Treasure And Key That Evidence and Seisure Faiths Card Hopes Anchor Loves full Sail Abyss of Pleasure LXXX Such SAINTS high Tides n'ere ebbe so low to shelf Them on the Quicksand of their self Swallowing Corruption Sin 's the Wrack They fly that Elf. LXXXI Gloomier than West of Death than North of Night Than Nest of Triduan Blacks with Fright Which Egypt scar'd when HE brought Darkness WHO made Light LXXXII Compar'd to whose Storm thund'ring Peals are calm Compar'd to whose Sting Asps yield Balm Compar'd to whose loath'd Charm Death is a Mercy-Psalm LXXXIII Her Snares escap'd soar Muse to HIM whose bright Spirit-illuminating Sight Turns Damps to glorious Dayes turns Fogs to radiant Light LXXXIV RELIGION's Wisdoms Study That display LORD countermand what goes astray And smite the Ass rude Flesh when it does start or bray LXXXV Soul thou art lesse than MERCIES least Three ne're Depart from Sin Shame Guilt and Fear Fear Shame Guilt Sin are Four Yet All in One appear LXXXVI Crest-faln by Sin how wretchedly I stray Me thinks 't is Pride in me to pray HEAV'N aid me strugling under this sad Load of Clay LXXXVII No Man may merit yet did ONE we hold Who most do vant their Zeal are cold Thus Tin for Silver goes with these and Brasse for Gold LXXXVIII Renew my Heart direct my Tongue unseal My Hand inspire my Faith reveal My Hope encrease my Love and my Backslidings heal LXXXIX Let Language Mans choice Glory serve the Minde Thy SPIRIT on Bezaliel shin'd Help BLOUD by Faith apply'd Thy Spittle cur'd the Blinde XC Turn Sense to Spirit Nature's chang'd alone By GRACE THAT is the Chymick-stone And thy all-pow'rful WORD is pure Projection XCI TRUTHS Touchstone surest Rule that ere was fra'md Tradition Mans dark Map 's disclaim'd The Paper burns me not yet I am all inflam'd XCII For as I read such inward Splendor glowes Such Life-renewing Vigour flowes That All what 's known of thy most righteous WILL It showes XCIII Whose Spells make Enochs walk with THEE withhold Corruption and translate e're old All Vaticans are drosse THIS Magisterial Gold XCIV Thus poor numm'd Tartars when th' are brought into Warm Persias Gem-pav'd Court are so Reviv'd that then They live till then half dead w th Snow XCV Good Thoughts from THEE infus'd I do derive Good Words effus'd THOU dost me give Good Works diffus'd by THEE in THEE do live thrive XCVI Nerve-stretching Muse thy Bow 's new strung shoot then Hymns to the BEST from worst of Men Make Arts thy Tributaries twist Heart Tongue Pen. XCVII But how can Eves degenerate Issue bent To Sin in its weak Measures vent Thy PRAISE Unmeasurable and Omnipotent XCVIII Shrubs cannot Cedars nor Wrens Eagles praise Nor purblinde Owls on Sols Orb gaze What is a drop to Seas a Beam to boundlesse Raies XCIX Yet Hope and Love may raise my drooping Flight And Faith in THEE embeam my Night Great LOVE supply Faiths Nerves with winged Hope I WRITE C. My Spirit LORD my Soul my Bodie all My Thoughts Words Works hereafter shall Praise THEE and Sin bemone JESU how lov'dst THOU me Me blessed thy LOVE make Me raised Thy LOVE take JESU my pretious ONE May This LOVES OFFERING be My Heart Tongue Eye Hand bowe● Knee As All came from let All return to THEE NVnc sacra primus habet Finem mea Cura Libellus Iàm
are Hell-proof THEOPHILA'S Soliloquie STANZA 1. WHen Heav'ns LOVE Paramount HIMSELF reveals And to the suppliant Soul her Pardon seals At feard-Hopes doubtful Gate w th trembling fell 2. Who Heav'n-ward sails coasts by the Cape of Hell That Her HE deigns to take She joyes in Woes To have in Labour pass'd the Parturition Throes 3. All Travell-pangs all New-birth Heart-deep Groans All After-births of Penitential Mones Are swallow'd up in living Streams of Bliss 4. When as the Heav'n-born Heir the New-man is By th' quickning SPIRIT of the HIGH'ST reborn Time past hath pas'd her Night present presents her Morn 5. See Ioy in Light See Light in Ioy O see Poor worthless Maid Fruit brought thee from Lifes-Tree By th' SPOUSE SPIRIT Saints sole Supporters Rise 6. Then Hells Apostate and be Heav'nly wise THOU art Lets interpledge our Soul my ONE My ALL though not by UNITIE by Vnion 7. Ineffably mysterious Knot begun Saints mount as Dew allur'd by beckning Sun Loves faithful Friends what parallels your Guard 8. Where Truth is Sentinel and Grace the Ward The Way is Flow'r-strown where the Guide is Love His SPIRIT with you below your Spirit with HIM Above 9. Reciprocal Excesse of Ioy Then soar My Soul to HIM Who Man became Nay more Took Sin it self to cleanse thy fully'd Clay 10. But took it only to take it away O SELF DONATION peerlesse GUIFT unknown Now since that HE is Thine be never Thou thine own 11. O Prodigie of Great and Good Faith sound This LOVES Abysse that do's so strangly bound ALMIGHTINES IT SELF From Whose Veins see 12. Unsluc't LOVES purple Ocean when His Free Red-streaming Life did vanquish Death Hell That thou might'st live HE dy'd That thou might rise HE fell 13. GOD so lov'd Man that Naturalists may deem GOD to set Man before HIMSELFE did seem When Man with seeing blinde 'gainst GOD arose 14. And slew his only FRIEND GOD sav'd his Foes Sol mour'nd in blacks Heav'ns Vice-roy Nature swounded Excess Loves Reason was Immensitie Love bounded 15. Ye Twins of Light as Sun-flow'rs be enclin'd To th' SUN of RIGHTEOUSNES Let Taste refin'd Like nothing as LOVES Heav'nly Manna and 16. Let all but CHRIST feel rough as Esaus Hand Let nought like 's Garment smell Let Ears rejoyce But in expresles Dictates of LOVES whisp'ring Voice 17. HE 'S thy bright Sun 'twixt WHOM and thy Souls Bliss Thy earthie Body interposed is Whereby such dread Eclipses caused are 18. As fam'd Ast●●●omers can ne're declare Yet oft HE shines Then vanish servile Fears Then Heav'n-ward filial Hopes dry up thy trickling Tears 19 Spiritual Light Spirituals clears In HEAV'N Thou 'lt view that full what now by Glimps like Steph'n Thou can●st but spy There shalt thou Face to Face 20. His Light His Ioy His Love His Pow'r His Grace And His ALL-FILLING GLORY clearly see In optick Emanations from ETERNITIE 21 I' th' RING of boundless LUSTER from whose Ray This petty World gleaneth its peep of Day Thou shalt be Crown'd with Wreaths of endless Light 22. Here oft's an Enterview in Heat and Might By Inter-lucidations from ABOVE Twining Embraces with 's ensphearing ARM of LOVE 23 Most blessed Souls to whom He do's appear Folded within your Arms chast Hemisphear O Condescend How 's LIPS shed Love Life Merit 24. He makes his Angels Court of Guard By 's SPIRIT HE crowns you with his Grace So with his BLOOD When HE Redeem'd you and consign'd His FLESH for Food 25 Meat came from th' Eater from the Strong did Dew Sweetnesse when as incomparably true OMNIPOTENCIES SELF did largely shed 26. His mystick Oil of Ioy upon thy● Head Then trample Sin in Babylons golden Cup Treasures away She trifles Trifles treasures up 27 Oyl of this Lamp obsequious Soul lights Thee To thine approaching HEAV'N In Sancti●ie Be actuated then Being up assum●d 28. By this bright Sun with this rich Oyl perfum'd Th' art prepossest with Heav'nly Comforts which With their Soul-chearing Sweets both ravish and enrich 29 Poor panting Heart Loves Seat yearn for Ioys Pith To have thy highest Bliss Communion with The FATHER the SON one SPIRIT with CHRIST 30. And One in THEM as THEY are One Thou fly'st Through Grace to GLORY VISION shall sublime Thy Faith FRUITION Hope ETERNIT● thy Time THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SONG STANZA 31. SELF ô how mean an Harmonie it breeds JESUS All Names this NAME of Names exceeds This Name 's GODS Mercie at full Sea 't is LOVES 32. High Tow'r Ioyes Loadstone This my Spirit moves Hark Rise my Love my Fair One Come away Lingring breeds Losse I am thy Leader Light and Way 33. What Speed Speeds self can make Soul flie withall GREATNES and GOODNES most Magnetical Shoot like a Flashof Fire to th' ruby Wine 34. His precious BLOOD transcendently Divine How poor those costly pearls were drunk by Some My LORD drink Blood to me Let It to th' Worlds Health come 35 All Hope 's unanchor'd but in THAT THOU art 'Bove Indies Womb rich to my Love-sick Heart Flesh-fair Endowments are but Skin-deep Brags 36. Varnisht Corruption Wealth is but Cares Bags The Bag impostom'd choaks Gold Beauty Fame Are sublunary Mysts to SAINTS Seraphick Flame 37 JESUS THIS fans my Fire which has at best But Grains of Incense Pounds of Interest Go Int'rest Take the Principal Thine own 38. Divine LOVE loves thy LOVELINES alone What Flames to THINE proportionable be LORD had'st not first lov'd Man Man could not have lov'd THEE 39 Why lov'st us but because THOU would'st O why For Lepers would the UNDEFILED die That Pen was dipt i' th' Standish of thy Blood 40. Which wrot th' Indenture of our termless Good O LOVE 'bove Wish Never such LOVE enroll'd Who think their utmost Flames enough for THEE are cold 41. Whose HIGHNES did not to be low disdain Yet when at Lowest Highest did remain Who bow'dst HEAV'NS Altitude refresh with Flowrs 42. With JESSES Sov'raign Flow'r my fainting Pow'rs Which sink as shaft-struck Hart embost twixt Grief And Ioy Grief for my Sin Ioy for thy free Relief● 43. Wrackt is with bitter-sweet Extreams my Minde Shell'd sheath'd cag'd coffin'd in her treacherous friend Her always tempting mass of Flesh She bears 44. Her Hopes did they not sprout from Thee were fears HOPE Thou Perfume of LOVERS for thy Sake LOVE'S generous throws at All Life 's but a petty Stake 45 Scarce worth the Prize LOVE makes two Spirits but one Me Counterpart to thy Indenture own I active then as Light tread Air and Flame 46. Without or Wing or Chariot and disclaim All the faint Sweets of Earth Thy SPIRIT views How in Loves torrid Zone thy sweltring Martyr stews 47 Row me ye Dove-wingd Oars whom Hope do's buoy To wisht-for Hav'n flowing with Tides of Ioy Yet wish I not my Joy thy Ioyes Above 48. Meerly for Ioy nor Pleasures of thy LOVE Only for Love of Pleasure No let free Spiritual Languors teem Fruitful yet Virgins be 49 Give give me
dubitetur an haec illa vel ista praeit 65. Desuper extat Amor Tibi Mens contermina Coelo Regnat Honor radiat Forma triumphat Amor. 66. Illud es Elixir Chymicâ quod protinùs Arte Mutet in auratas me rude Pondus Opes 67. Igne Cinis fit agente Vitrum micat Igne Metallum Corpus hoc fieri SPIRITUS Igne potest 68. Magneti salit è Ferro celer Ignis Amoris Imò Silex faculas quis putet intus alit 69 Durius at Saxo nil est nil mollius Igne Dura sed ignitus Saxa resolvit AMOR. 70. Haec meditans quis non Facibus soluatur Amoris Tu Charis es Studiis Tu Cynosura meis 71. Gemmula Mentis Ocella Sinûs pia Flammula Cordis Incepi Duce Te Te Duce caepta sequar 72. Sponsa creata DEO Virtutum fulgida Caetu Jus colis Affectus supprimis Acta regis 73. Est Tibi Vita DEUS Pietas Lex Gloria CHRISTUS Expetis HUNC Tibi Qui semper AMORE praeit 74. Quid Te CHRISTE Crucem perferre coegit Amoris Ardor Amaroris Pignus Amoris erat 75. Factus Amans fit Esca DEUS Te nutrit IESUS O BONITAS Quales Hoc in AMANTE Dapes 76. Est mihi CHRISTUS ais Laus Splendor Aroma Triumphus Musica Vina Dapes Fama Corona DEUS 77. Omnia Tu JESUS prae TE nihil Omnia COELUM Exploraturae quàm mihi sordet Humus 78. Orbis es Exilium Mors Ianua Patria COELUM Dux sit Amor Baculus Spes Comes alma Fides 79. Diffluat in Gemmas Oriens in Carmina COELUM Nec Meritis Oriens nec POLUS aequa ferat 80. Fac timeam fac amem Quae Te timet acriùs ardet Nempe tui Cultûs Fons Timor Amnis Amor. 81. Vox tua Norma mihi Tibi Palmes adhaereo VITI Totus es IPSE mihi sim tua tota DEUS 82. Comprecor exaudi patior succurre molestor Auxiliare premor protege flagro fave 83. TE voco laudo rogo colo diligo quaero REDEMPTOR Affectu Prece Re Spe Pietate Fide 84. Si TE contueor liquefio perusta Favillis Ni TE contueor sum glaciata Gelu 85. O Facibus superadde Faces ut Tota liquescam Sim vel Mortis Odor sim vel Amantis Amor. 86. Grata Procella jugum mihi gratum gratus Ignis Me quibus immergit deprimit urit AMOR 87. Non mea sum sed Amore DEI languesco Sorores Me stipate Rosis languet Amore Sinus 88. Nil Animantis habet quae Pectore vivit Amantis Hoc in Amore mihi sit mora nulla mori 79. Unio sit Nobis Animamque liquamur in unam Vnaque Vita Duos stringat Amorque Duos 80. Tu super Omne places Tua sum Tu noster Ambos Mutuus Ardor agit possidet unus Amor. 81. Uror ●o Redamatur Amor Votoque fruiscor Dum quod Amans redamor dum quod Amante fruor 82. O quid Amare Quid est Redamari GAUDIA nacta Tanta stupendo tacet Tanta tacendo stupet 83. Vivo DEO morior Mundo moriendo resurgo Indè catenato Dite triumphat AMOR. 84. Sic amet omnis Amans sic immoriatur Amanti Vt Lyra Lusciniae Vitaque Morsque fuit 85. Si mea Lumen habent si Nomen Carmina Lumen Ex Oculo SPONSI Nomen ab Ore venit 86. Argus eat qui Talpa venit radiatus Amore Vates Sperati fidus Amoris ero 87. Cingant THEIOPHILAE potiùs mea Tempora Lauri Quàm gemmans Capiti sit Diadema meo 88. Nam quid erunt Animae Damno Diademata Mundi Celsa ruunt fugiunt Blandula prava necant 99. Vt praesens novit sic postera noverit Aetas Sivc premamus Humum Sive premamur Humo 100. Finis Fine caret nec Terminus ullus Amantem Terminat Hîc Modus est non habuisse Modum Imus in Albionis Freta per Latialia Littus Siste Britannales Hâc Vice Musa Pedes Anglica num praestent Latiis Briticisve Latina Scire velim Placeant quae magìs Illa dabo THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO IX The RECAPITVLATION And Pourtrait of a Heav'nly breathing Soul Whoso delights to burn in holy Fire Of VIRGIN fair THEOPHILA Joy Salamander in that Flame Thou so Pirausta born may'st like the Phoenix burn That to ETERNITIE thou rise Not losing Life but sowing well the same A holier Ovids smoothed Verse With Eyes of Heart with Heart-all-Eyes behold Such sacred Flames by Adamantine Hand Ought to be plac't in lasting Vrns But 'cause these Writings needed Aid of Pens Virtue than Birds more swift unto the Scribe lend Wing And let the Readers Care more Eyes than Argus bring The PORTICO Love to the Master and the Mate Stirs it self feebly in Lifes lowest Sphear That to our Parent and the Bed More large extends and breathes a Life of Sense That to our Countrey and its Sire Self raises loftier in Reasons Air But That to GOD Ravisht with Ecstasie It self transcends Nor Bounds nor Limits would It own But narrow'd That like Lovers kept apart Warms heats yea boyls boyls up and over Longs for th' Eternal sighs for HIM beyond that Lover THE ARGVMENT Blest Muse the Altar builds where LOVE' 's ador'd And throweth down loose Wit thy Nest abhorr'd She Clytie-like to th' Sun of Glory turns GOD is her Sun with Light of ZEAL She burns Distick 1. MVSE canst be silent when each charmed Grove Harbours a thousand warbling Notes of Loue 2 Art whets the Minde and Hymns set Edge on Art Dart up an Epod ZEAL crown thou the Dart. 3. Hope be thy Bowe thy Hand Love Faith the Shaft Let Hope shoot Faith to GOD with Loves strong Draft 4. Sacred's my Theme may my first Fruits HIM please Faith plants Hope nourishes Love ripens These 5. This World 's the Field GOD sows his WORD the Seed Satan the Thief the Good Corn th' Ill the Weed 6. LORD mount me to the Pitch of Larks on High That I as Birds wing'd Oars may cut the Skie 7. SAINTS would know GOD so as they Good may doe Let me both know this Good and act It too 8. HEAV'NS Love not knowledge doth the Palm acquire Who Heav'nly Knowledge gave will give Desire 9. That Ought I will can am is CHRIST from Thee CHRIST what I am can will accept from me 10. No Light Tast Strength without THEE Thou alone Art Health unto my Soul my Salt my Sun 11. Thou Light Way Life who sees walks liveth by That Flame Path Strength does not fall fail nor die 12. Upon thy Altars let my Verses prove The Victime Heart the Altar the Fire Love 13. Pray'r Frankincense Tears Myrrhe be Gold Souls Health The Minds best Work Hearts Laver Loves Wealth 14. I This Verse Hecatomb to THEE do bring As Solomon his numerous Offering 15. The pious Muse courts HEAV'N when highest Things She soars for still She craves BLEST DOVE thy Wings 16. With active Plumes flye up to th' ANGEL-QUIRE Where Chrysolites
to gild thy Way conspire 17. Love may Them lead by Verse whom Sermons fright Bring Them where Faith comes not into Heav'ns Light 18. O may our Numbers in sweet Musick flow Nor the least Harshnesse of Elisions know 19. Shade me ô LORD I seek not Virgils Tree Hence Springs prophane Glide Siloam by me 20. Trampling vain Labours with loose Wits defil'd The Hallow'd BRAIN brings forth a Spritely Childe 21. What 's Life a Vapour Beauty Ashes Gain An Idol Honour Bubble the World vain 22. Life flits away and Beauty wanes at full Gold cheats and Honour fades the World is dull 23. Life Pleasure's short and Pleasures Life is vain It knowes not highest Blisse GODS LOVE to gain 24. That Torch which flam'd so bright in Hero's Room Did light her lov'd Leander to his Tomb. 25. To Death a thousand Wayes to Life but one For Sin who groans not he for Sin shall groan 26. Arm'd Wrath perfidious Tyrants throwes from high They conquer Right Sin Them Th' AVENGER'S nigh 27. Sinners first Steps Sins Seed and Fruit avoid Many by neer Infection are destroy'd 28. Kill Vice i' th' Egge Iohn Ioseph Robelesse fly Peter Thou stay'st and stay'st but to deny 29 By Night and Day at Home and when Abroad Guilt stings the Soul and thereon layes its Load 30. Of Decalogue Creed Supper of the LORD Though Laws speak loud our Church hath scarce a Word 31. Hence Flocks are pin'd The JUDGE in Time will come Unthought of Neer to Guilt 's the AVENGERS Doom 32. Nor Pray'r nor Price nor Fraud nor Rage nor Art Can help Ah fear then Flames eternal Smart 33. Wet-cheekt how oft I 've moan'd to THEE my DEAR All Night awake alone ô Cure appear 34. Seest THOU and suff'rest Stop Sins Course Birth Let not that Hand bear Arms that sowes the Earth 35. LOVES Pow'r's infus'd from GOD a free-giv'n Grace THEOPHILA from Love takes Name and Race 36. Thou burn'st pierc't THEOPHIL with firie Dart If blessed Heat enflames thy vigorous Heart 37. The more Thou burn'st the more be Bellows still As thy Flames grow Let those Flames Others fill 38. Heat the Luke-warm to Those more hot give Fire Bless GOD Refresh with GRACE enflame Desire 39. The Poets Pharos be that sets forth sail While he steers sheet-fill'd with a holy Gale 40. Pure Wit 's the Sails quick Iudgement Oars Thou th' Star Pilot the Scribe Sea Vein the Ship Hymns are 41. I give Wits Tackling to thy guiding Hands Honour in giving Love in taking stands 42. Binde up what 's loose what 's rash new-mold refell What 's ill lame help smooth rough depress what swell 43. Thou slight'st Earths ratling Squibs with Sulphur fill'd Kingdoms such Nests are as the Birds do build 44. Above all Worldly Wealth thy Riches rise Thy Microcosm the Macrocosm out-vies 45. Thou lay'st out hoarded Gold the Poor to aid So with GODS Love thy Love to GOD's repaid 46. Thy sacred Skill imparted Reverence breeds Thy Worship's Practise and thy Words are Deeds 47. Fiends Hate Saints Prize whence Lyrick Strings sound clear Of spotless Faith pure Minde to th' HIGHEST dear 48. The Emerald-Grove envies thy golden Hair Whose Curls make GRACES blush Themselves more fair 49. As many Ioyes thy starry Beauties shed As Bees in Attis Gems in Skies are spred 50. The Diamond sparkleth Rage at thine Eye-Beams Whose chast Orbs brandish thence their sacred Gleams 51. The Coral Die is blankt at Lips so red And livid Grapes at rosie Cheeks hang head 52. I 'd gaze o' th' Lili'd Cheek and the Lips Rose But ô thy Cheek thy Lip surpasseth those 53. Grace pours sweet-flowing Words from charming Lips Sparkling 'bove Nectar which i' th' Crystal skips 54. Rare PSALTRESSE with Heav'n-drops inebriate What Sweets to Mouth and Ear dost Thou create 55. Sweet Violets Saffron Balm Myrrhe from Thee flowes Bdell Incense Cedar Cinn'amon Nard the Rose 56. The Rose Swains Spice Such Heav'n-dew'd Verse dost frame As sweet as Honey-comb as bright as Flame 57. While Combs and Flames divine from THEE are cast I 'm fed as fir'd Ev'n Flames do nurse my Taste 58. The Swan pines at thy Neck This Milkie Way Doth Steps begun to th' Holy LAMB display 59. There fals on thine Alp-Breasts a lasting Snow To which Snow's black Swans foul the Goose a Crow 60. The hoary Frost turns Durt vi'd with thy Hand And where thy Fooot does tread it prides the Land 61. On Lilies Milk on Violets Purple throw On Saffron Gold Scarlet o' th' Rose bestow 62. Wreaths worthy Thee fair Flora ne're can weave Nor can our highest Strains THEE higher heave 63. With all-bred Flowr's glitt'ring Buds THOU beam'st As if t' have cropt all Paradise THOU seem'st 64. Each Vertue 's in thy Life so pois'd so fine What 's first This That or T'other since All shine 65. Love to thy Soul deriv'd is from Above Where Honour reigns sparks Beauty triumphs Love 66. In Chymick Art Thou my Elixir be Convert to Gold the worthlesse Dross in me 67. Fire makes of Ashes Glass makes Metals shine This Fire my Body may to Spirit calcine 68. Enamour'd Ir'on does to the Magnet flie Yea Sparks in hardest Flints concealed lie 69. Nothing more hard than Stone more soft than Fire Yet Stones are melted by inflam'd Desire 70. Is 't so who 'd not dissolve in Flames of Love Be THOU the Grace Thou my Thoughts Loadstar prove 71. Mindes Gemme Eyes Apple Hearts intenser Flame THOU shew'dst the Way I 'll prosecute the Same 72. For GOD created bright in VIRTUES Train Weigh'st Right quell'st Passions o're Deeds dost reign 73. GOD is thy Life Law Virtue Glorie CHRIST HIM who leads Thee by Love Thou lov'st HIM high'st 74. CHRIST to endure the Cross what did THEE move The Pledge of Bitterness was Pledge of LOVE 75. IS GOD both Meat and Lover CHRIST thy Food What Banquet is This LOVER As Sweet as Good 76. CHRIST's Spice Thou say'st Light Triumph Praise to me Musick Wine Feast Fame Crown GOD All to Thee 77. LORD Thou art All in All Thou lost All 's nought How base seems muddy Earth where HEAV'N is sought 78. Earth's Exile Death the Gate my Home's Above My Staff's Hope Faith Companion Leader Love 79. Turn Indie into Iewels HEAV'N to Verse Nor Indie can thy Worth nor HEAV'N reherse 80. Let me Thee fear and love Fear Loves Heat blowes Fear is DEVOTIONS Fount whence LOVE o'reflowes 81. Thy Word 's my Rule I cleave to THEE my Vine LORD Thou art All to me I 'm wholly Thine 82. O hear my Pray'r my Suff'rings bear my Task Take off redresse my Wrongs grant what I ask 83. With Pray'r Desire Faith Zeal Hope Deed I call Laud seek love pray worship THEE All in All. 84. If I behold THEE I 'm all flaming Spice If not behold THEE I 'm congeal'd to Ice 85. Adde Flames to Flames that I may melt away Be I belov'd of THEE or else Deaths Prey 86. Sweet Seas light
Ruine by Civil Warre supported Belg●a overthrown the Spanish invincible Navie expelled the Spaniards out of Ireland received the Irish into Mercie enriched England by her most prudent Government 45 Years Elizabeth a vertuous and triumphant Queen in the 70th year of her Age in most happy and peaceable manner departed this Life leaving here her mortal parts until by the last Trump she shall rise immortal LXXII She past the Furnace to be more refin'd From Flames drew Purity of Minde Not heat of Passion hence being try'd She brighter shin'd LXXIII Here wound here lance me LORD thy Austin cries Dissect me here for Paradise The Cross the Altar be so Love be Sacrifice LXXIV Imprint thy LOVE so deep into my Heart That neither Hunger Thirst nor Smart Gain Losse nor Thraldom Life nor Death Us ever part LXXV Should Foes rip up my Breast with piercing Blade My Soul would but have Passage made Through which to HEAV'N she might in Purple Riv'lets wade LXXVI Forbid the Banes 'twixt Soul and Body joyn'd The Corps but falls to be refin'd And re-espous'd unto the Glorifi'd high Minde LXXVII Who makes th' ALMIGHTY his Delight He goes To Martyrdom as to Repose The Red Sea leads to PALESTINE where all Ioy flowes LXXVIII Steel'd 'gainst Afflictions Anvel let 's become Proud of the Worlds severest Doom No Majestie on Earth is like to Martyrdome LXXIX Enter into thy Masters Ioy ' s so great This Thought is with such Flames repleat That from th' High Court of Mercy Souls all Deaths defeat LXXX Who saith Fear not HIM must we fear alone Blest whom no Fear makes Faith be gone How many must they fear who fear not only ONE LXXXI We are but once to our Graves Port brought in To which from Birth w' have sailing bin It matters not what Way so we scape Rocks of Sin LXXXII But hark 't is late the Whislers knock from Plough The droyling Swineheards Drum beats now Maids have their Cursies made to th' spungy-teated Cow LXXXIII Larks roosted are the folded Flocks are pent In hu●dled Grates the tir'd Ox sent In loose Trace home now Hesper lights his Torch 〈◊〉 Tent. LXXXIV See glimmering Light the Pharos of our Cot By Innocence protected not By Guards we thither tend where Ev'n-song's not forgot LXXXV O Pray'r Thou Anchor through the Worldly Sea Thou sov'raign Rhet'rick 'bove the Plea Of Flesh that feed'st the fainting Soul thou art 〈◊〉 Key LXXXVI Blest Season when Dayes Eye is clos'd to win Our Heart to clear th' Account when Sin Has past the Audit Ravishments of Soul begin LXXXVII Who never wake to meditate or weep Shall ●ure be sentenc'd for their Sleep Night to forepassed Day should still strict Centrie keep LXXXVIII O let them perish midst their flaring Clay Who value Treasures with a Day Devoutly spent FAITH' 's the true Gem the World a Gay LXXXIX So wastful Vs●rer as thy self there 's None Who 〈◊〉 three true Gems for one 〈…〉 Thy Rest Fam● Soul for ever gone XC When 〈◊〉 Mists our Hemisphear invade Of all the Air when one Blot's made 〈…〉 XCI Then for an Hour Elixir of Delight We Heav'n beleag'ring pray and write When every Eye is lockt but those that watch the Night XCII Saints fight on bended Knees their Weapons are Defensive Patience Tears and Pray'r Their Valour most when without Witness Hell do's scare XCIII May whiter Wishes wing'd with Zeal appear Lovely unto Thy purest Ear Where nothing is accepted but what 's chast and clear XCIV Lifes hectick Fits finde Cordials in Pray'rs Hive Transcendently Restorative Which might our Iron Age to its first Gold retrive XCV See listning Time runs back to fetch the Age Of Gold when Pray'r does Heav'n engage Devotion is Religions Life-blood 't is Gods Page XCVI Who brings rich Bliss by Bills of sure Exchange The Blessings that the Poor arrange For Alms receiv'd that Day beatifies our Grange XCVII Dance Nabals with large Sails on smiling Tides Till the black Storm against you rides Whose pitchie Rains interminable Vengeance guides XCVIII But LORD let Charitie our Table spread Let Vnity adorn our Bed And may soft Love be Pillow underneath our Head XCIX Enricht le ts darn up Want what Fortune can Or give or take away from Man We prize not much HEAV'N payes the good Samaritan C. Thus Life still blessing and still blest we spend Thus entertain we Death as Friend To disapparel us for GLORIES endlesse End CI. Who thus forgot in Graces growes as Years Loves cherisht Pray'r unwitnest Tears Rescu'd from monstrous Men no other Monster fears CII They who their dwelling in Abdera had Did think Democritus was mad He knew t was so of them The Application's sad CIII Knew but the World what COMFORTS tiding on Flow to such Recollection It would run mad with Envie be with Rage undone CIV O Sequestration Rich to Worldlings Shame A Life 's our Object not a Name Herostratus did sail like Witch i' th' Air of Fame CV Get long-breath'd Chronicles ye need such Alms Sue from Diurnal Breefs for Palms Injurious Grandeur for its frantick Pride wants Balms CVI. In Aery Flatt'ries Rumour not Fame lies Inconstancie Times Mistresse cries It up which soon by arguing Time Truths Parent dies CVII Fames Plant takes Root from Vertue grows thereby Pure Souls though Fortune-trod stand high When mundane shallow-searching Breath It self shall die CVIII O frail Applause of Flesh swoln Bubbles passe Turf-fire more Smoak than Splendor has What Bulwark firm on Sand What shell for Pearl may passe CIX But Saints with an attentive Hope from High On HEAV'NS Paroll do live and die Passing from Lifes short Night to Dayes ETERNITIE CX Wh● blessedly so breathe and leave their Breath Of dying Life make living Death Each Day spent like the last does act a HEAV'N beneath CX● Death's one long Sleep and humane Life no more Than one short Watch an Hour before World after thy mad Tempest 't is the landing Shore CXII Mid point betwixt the Lives of Losse and Gain The Path to boundlesse Ioy or Pain Saints Birth-day Natures Dread GRACE doth this Bandog chain CXIII When Moses from high Pisgahs Top descry'd Fair Canaan Type o' th' HEAV'NLY B●IDE He breath'd out his Joy-ravisht Soul so sweetly dy'd CXIV To IMMORTALITIE the Grave 's a Womb We passe into a Glorious Room Thorough the gloomie Entry of a narrow Tomb. CXV LORD as THOU mad'st most pow'rful ONE in THREE The World of nothing so let me Make nothing of the World but make my All in THEE CXVI Pardon the By-steps that my Soul has trod Most Great Good Glorious Gratious GOD Seal THOU the Bill of my Divorse to Earths dull clod CXVII Thy boundlesse Sourse of GRACE the scarlet Spot Scour'd white as Wool that first did blot Th' Original in Man that was so fairly wrot CXVIII Check not my Hope but spurre my Fear to THEE Virtue to court and Vice to flee Love lend thou me thy Spurre Fear thou my Bridle be CXIX
Greatness and the strict Account to be given for All O then give me an undaunted Fortitude an elevated Course of Contemplation a Resignation of Spirit and a sincere Desire of thy Glory Adde O LORD to the Cheerfulness of my Obedience the Assurance of Faith and to the Confidence of my Hope the Joyes of Love O THOU who art the Fountain of my Faith the Object of my Ioy and the Rock of my Confidence guide my Passion by Reason my Reason by Religion my Religion by Faith my Faith by thy Word be pleased to improve thy Word by thy SPIRIT that so being established by Faith confirmed in Hope and rooted in Charitie I may be only ambitious of THEE prizing THEE above the Delights of Men Love of Women and Treasures of the World Nothing being so pretious as thy Favour so dreadfull as thy Displeasure so hateful as Sin so desirable as thy Grace Let my Heart be alwayes fixt upon Thee possessed by Thee established in Thee true unto Thee upright toward Thee and entire for Thee that being thus inebriated with the sweet and pure streams of thy Sanctuary I may serve Thee to the utmost of each Faculty with all the Extension of my Will and Intension of my Affections till my Love shall ascend from Earth to HEAVEN from small Beginnings to the Consummati●n of a well-regulated and never ceasing Charitie O GOD who art no lesse infinite in Wisdom than in Goodness let me where I cannot rightly know Thee there reverently admire Thee that in Transcendencies my very Ignorance may honour Thee Let thy Holy SPIRIT inflame my Zeal inform my Judgement conform my Will reform my Affections and transform me wholly into the Image and Imitation of Thy Onely SON Grant that I may improve my Talent to thy Glory who art the Imparter of the Guift the Blesser of the Action and the Assister of the Designe So that having sowen to the Spirit I may by thy Mercies and Thy SONS Merits who is the SON of thy Love the Anchor of my Hope and the Finisher of my Faith reap Life everlasting And now in his only Name vouchsafe to accept from dust and ashes the Oblation of this weak yet willing Service and secure the Possession to THY SELF that Sin may neither pollute the Sacrifice divide the Guift nor question the Title Fill my Mouth with Praises for these happy Opportunities of Contemplation the managing of publick Actions lesse agreeing with my Disposition and though my Body be retir'd yet let my Soul be enlarged like an uncaptiv'd Bird to soar in the Speculation of Divine Mysteries O be praysed for that in this general Combustion of Christendom THOU hast vouchsafed me a little Zoar as Refuge in which my Soul doth yet live to magnifie Thee But above All for my Redemption from the Execution of thy Wrath by the Execration of the SON of thy Love having made Innocence to become guilty to make the guilty innocent and the Sun of Righteousness to suffer a total Eclipse to expiate the Deeds of Darkness Be THOU exalted for the Myriads of thy Mercies in my Travells through Europ as far transcending my Computation as Compensation But chiefly for the Hope Thou hast given me that when I have served Thee inhumbly-strict Obedience to the Glorie of thy Name THOU art pleased that I shall enter into the GLORY of my LORD to all Eternitie where I shall behold THEE in thy Majesty CHRIST thy SON in his Glory the SPIRIT in his Sanctity the Hierarchy of Heaven in their Excellencie and the Saints in their Rest in which Rest there is perfect Tranquillitie and in this Tranquillity Ioy and in this Ioy Variety and in this Variety Security and in this Security Immortality with Thee Who reignest in the Excellencies of Transcendencie and in the infinite Durations of a blessed Eternitie To WHOM with the IMAGE of thy GOODNESSE and the BREATH of thy LOVE ô most glorious TRINITY and ineffable UNITIE be all Sanctitie and Adoration sacrificed now and for evermore Amen Amen INto the most Holy TREASVRIE Of the ever-glorious PRAISES Of the MEDIATOR between GOD Man CHRIST JESUS The Empyraean Flame of the DIVINITY Indefinible Interminable Ineffable The Immaculate Earth of the HUMANITY Inseparable Inconfusible Inconvertible Mysterious in an Hypostaticall UNION WHO is The true LIGHT enlightning the World The ETERNAL WORD By ENERGIE Incarnated Embrightning our knowledge Enlivening our FAITH Quickning our HOPE Enflaming our LOVE Prostrated dust and ashes With an adoring Awfulness trembling Veneration To his INFINITE MAJESTIE Doth humbly cast this Mite Acknowledging from GOD all Opportunities of Good to be improved by His GRACE to His GLORY THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO II. The Humiliation ARGUMENT Vnde superbit Homo cujus Conceptio Culpa Nasci Poena Labor Vita necesse mor● Totus homo pravus Caro Mens Natura Voluntas Coelicus act Hominis Crimina tollit AMOR. The Deiform'd Soul deform'd by Sin repents In Pray'rs and Tears her Grief She vents And till Faith cheer her by CHISTS Love Life Death laments STANZA I. ALMIGHTY POWER Who did'st All Souls Create Who did'st Redeem their faln Estate Who still dost Sanctifie and them Redintegrate II. Sourse River Ocean of all Blisse instill Spring-tides into my low-ebb'd Quill Each graceful Work flowes from what works all Grace Thy Will III. LORD Thou before Time Matter Form or Place Wast All E're Natures mortal Race Thy SELF Host Guest and Palace Natures total Space IV. When yet though not discern'd in that Abysse CREATOR WORD and SPIRIT of Blisse In UNITY the TRINE one GOD adored is V. E're THOU the Chrystal-mantled HEAV'N didst rear Or did the Earth Sols Bride appear First Race of Intellectuals mad'st THEE to revere VI. Praise best doth Inexpressibles expresse Soul Th' ARCHITECT of Wonders blesse Whose All-creating WORD embirth'd a Nothingnesse VII Who brooding on the Deep Production Dispos'd then call'd out Light which on The formless Worlds rude Face was all dispers'dly thrown VIII When callow Nature pluckt from out her Nest Of Causes was awak'd from Rest Her shapeless Lump with fledg'd effects He trimly drest IX Then new-born Day HE gilt with glittering Sun Contracted Light with changing Moon He Night adorn'd and hung up Lamps like spangled Bullion X. The Earth with Water mixt HE separates Earth Plants brought forth and Beasts All Mates The Waters Fowl and Fish to yield Man delicates XI Then did of th' El'ements Dust Mans Bodie frame A perfect Microcosm the Same He quickned with a sparkle of Pneumatick Flame XII More Heav'nly specify'd by Life from th' WORD That Nature doth This Grace afford And Glory from the SPIRIT design'd as threefold Cord. XIII Man ere a Childe by ' Infusion wise though He Was of yet not for Earth though free Chanc'lour install'd of Edens Universitie XIV His Virgin-Sister-Wife i' th Grove He woo'd Heav'ns Nursery new Fruit his Food Skin was his Robe Clouds washt Winds swept his Floor All good XV. Envie that GOD should so love Man
best by Tears is woo'd LXV THOU Who one Shoarless Sea of All did'st make Except one floating Isle to take Vengeance on Guilt My Salt Flood rais'd drown Sin i' th' Lake LXVI O how these Words Arise to Judgement quell On Wheels in Torments broke I 'd dwell So as by Grace I might be sav'd from endlesse Hell LXVII To Angel-Intercessor I 'm forbid To pray Yet pray to ONE that did Pray to ANOTHER for HIMSELF when 's Blood-drops slid LXVIII FATHER Perfections Self in CHRIST does shine Thy Justice then in HIM confine Through 's Merits make thy Mercies both are endless mine LXIX See not but through's abstersive Blood my Sin By which I being cleans'd within Adde Perseverance 'T is as hard to hold as win LXX Her Eyes are Centinels to Pray'r to Moans Her Ears her Nose courts Charnel-bones Her Hands Breast-hammers are her constant Food is Groans LXXI Her Heart is hung with Blacks with Dust she cloyes Her golden Tresses Weds Annoyes Breeds Sighs bears Grief which Ibis-like Sin-snakes destroyes LXXII Thus mounts she drizling Olivet the Plains Of Iericho she leaves While Rains The Farmer wet they fully swell his earing Graines LXXIII She her own Farmer stockt from HEAV'N is bent To thrive Care 'bout the Pay-day's spent Stange She alone is Farmer Farm and Stock and Rent LXXIV The Porcupine so 's Quiver Bow and Darts To ' her self alon●e has all Wars Arts Her own Artillery needs no Aid from forreign Parts LXXV Sad Votaresse thy Earth of late oregrown With Weeds is plough'd till'd harrow'd sown The Seed of Grace sprouts up when Nature is kept down LXXVI Thy Glebe is melow'd with Faith-quickning Juice The Furrows thence Hope-blades produce Thy Valley cloth'd with LOVE will Harvest Joyes diffuse LXXVII Live Phenix from Self-death I' th' Morn who dies To Sin does but immortalize Who studie Death ere dead ere th' Resurrection rise LXXVIII Rachel thy Children Goal and Crown have won Ere they had Skill or Will to run Blest who their whole Dayes Work in their Lifes Morn have done LXXIX Like misty Morn She rose in Dew so found She ne're was till this Sicknesse sound Till Sin in Sorrows flowing Issue Tears lay drownd LXXX Souls Life-blood Tears prevailing Pleaders tame Such Rebels as by Eve did shame Mans Glory only These the old faln World new frame LXXXI Lust causeth Sin Sin Shame Shame bids repent Repentance weeps Tears Sorrow vent Sorrow shews Faith Faith Hope Hope Love Love Souls Content LXXXII Thus from bruis'd Spiceries of her Breast doth rise Incense sweet-smelling Sacrifice Whilst she lifts up to HEAV'N her Heart her Hand her Eyes LXXXIII I 'm sick with trembling sunk with mourning blasted With sinning and with sighing wasted New Life begins to breath O Ioy too long untasted LXXXIV Twice did'st new Life by Breath by Death bestow On Man prevaricating Who By yielding to a Woman made Man yield to Woe LXXXV Then did'st his Soul restore as first inspire With second Grace renewing Fire Whence He hath part again in thy Coelestial Quire LXXXVI Once more for this Heav'n-Denison did'st get A never-fading Coronet Which was with two bright Iewels Grace and Glory set LXXXVII 'T was at my bloud-stain'd Birth Thy Love said Live Links of Thy praevious Chain revive Ev'n crumbled Dust So Thou my Soul from Death reprive LXXXVIII CHRIST Th' Vnction art Salvation IESVS in Thy Death Redemption Blood for Sin Gives Satisfaction Thy Ascension Hope does winne LXXXIX Thy Session Comfort Though I did offend LORD Fears disband give Grace t' amend That Hope which reaps not shame may rise Peace descend XC My Pardon signe The Spear pierct THEE 's the Pen Thy Bloud the Ink Thy Gospel then The Standish is O let my Soul be Paper clean XCI Kinde angry LORD since Thou dost wound yet cure I 'l bear the Yoak the Crosse endure Lament and Love and when set free keep Conscience pure XCII Thus mourns she and in mourning thus she joyes Ev'n that adds Comfort which annoyes Sighs turn to Songs Tears to Wine Fear Fear destroies XCIII As holy Flame did from her Heart arise Dropt holy Water from her Eyes While Pray'r her Incense was LOVE her SACRIFICE XCIV Arm Arm She breaks in with strong ZEAL The Place Sin quitts now garison'd by GRACE Illustrious Triumphs do the Steps of Victors trace XCV When the loud Volleyes of her Pray'rs begin To make a Breach they soon take in The Parapets Redouts and Counterscarps of Sin XCVI At once she works and fights With Lamp she waits Midst Virgins at the BRIDEGROOMS Gates With HIM to feast Her with his BRIDAL DELICATES XCVII To HEAV'N now goes she on her Knees which cry Loud as her Tongue much speaks her Eye HEAV'N storm'd by Violence yields Eyes Tongue and Knees scale high XCVIII My Last crave Pardon for my First Extreams Be prais'd who crown'st my Morn with Beams Converted Age sees Visions erring Youth dreamt Dreams XCIX RELIGION's its own Lustre Who This shun Night-founder'd grope at midday Sun Rebellion is its own self-tort'ring Dungeon C. Mans restlesse Minde GODS Image can't be blest Till of this ONE This ALL possest THOU our Souls Center art our everlasting REST Pars superata Freti Lucem praebentibus Astris Longior at nostrae Pars superanda Viae Da DEUS ut Cursus suscepti nostra propinquet Meta laboranti grata futura Rati Magnificat Anima mea DOMINUM THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO III. The Restauration ARGUMENT Laetior una Dies IESV tua SACRA Canenti Quàm sine TE melicis Secula mille Lyris Vt paveam Scelus omne petam super Omnia COELUM Da mihi Fraena TIMOR Da mihi Calcar AMOR The Authors Rapture GRACE is prais'd a Flood Of Tears is pour'd for Albions Blood Shed in a Mist for smot Micaiahs PEACE is woo'd STANZA I. MUSE twang the pow'rful Harp brush each String O' th' warbling Lute and Canzons sing May ravish Earth and thence to HEAV'N in Triumph spring II. Noble Du-bartas in a high-flown Trance Observ'd to start from 's Bed and dance Said Thus by me shall caper all the Realm of France III. As viscous Meteors fram'd of earthy Slime By Motion fir'd like Stars do clime The woolly-curdled Clouds there blaze out their Time IV. Streaming with burnisht Flames yet Those but ray To spend Themselves and light our Way And panting Windes to cool ours not their own Lungs play V. So my enliv'ned Spirits ascend the Skies Wasting to make the Simple wise Who bears the Torch himself shades lightens others Eyes VI. As Lust for Hell ZEAL sweats to build for HEAV'N When fervent Aspirations driv'n By all the Souls quick Pow'rs to that high Search are giv'n VII High is the Sphear on which FAITHS Poles are hing'd Pure Knowledge Thou art not restring'd Thy Flames enfire the bushie Heart yet leave 't unsing'd VIII Suburbs of PARADISE Thou Saintly Land Of Visions Woo'd by WISDOMS Band By dull Mules in gold-trappings
how do'st sleighted stand IX Whose World 's a frantick Sea more crosse Windes fly Than Sailers Compasse knows SAINTS ply Their Sails through airy Waves anchor still on HIGH X. 'T is HOLINES lands there where None distasted Rave with Guilts Dread nor with Rage wasted Nor Beauty-dazled Eyes with Femal Wantons blasted XI No childish Toyes no boyling Youths wilde Thirst No ripe Ambition no accurst Old griping Avarice no doting Sloth there 's nurst XII No Glutt'nies Maw-worm nor the Itch of Lust No Tympanie of Pride nor Rust Of Envie no Wraths Spleen nor Obdurations Crust XIII No Canker of Self-Love nor Cramp of Cares No Schism-Vertigo nor night-Mares Of inward Stings affright here lurk no penal Snares XIV Hence Earth a dim Spot showes where Mortals toil For shot-bruis'd Mud-walls childish broil For pot-gun-cracks 'gainst Ant-hill-works ô what a Coil XV. Where Glutt'ny is full gorg'd where Lust still spawns Where Wrath takes Blood and Avarice pawns Where Envy frets Pride struts and dull Remisness yawns XVI Where Mars th' Ascendant's How Realms shatter'd lie With scatter'd Courts beneath mine Eye Which shew like atoms chac'd by Windes Inconstancie XVII Here th' Vniverse in NATURES Frame doth stand Upheld by TRUTH and WISDOMS Hand Zanzūmims shew from hence as Dwarfs on Pigmy land XVIII How vile's the World Fancie keep up thy Wings Ruffled in Bussle of low Things Toss'd in the common Throng then acquiesce 'bove Kings XIX Thus Thou being rapt and struck with Enthean Fire In SKIES Star-chamber strike thy Lyre Proud Rome not all thy Caesars could thus high aspire XX. Mans spirit'ual State enlarg'd still widening flowes As th' Helix doth A Circle showes Mans nat'ral Life which Death soon from its Zenith throwes XXI HEAV'NS Perspective is over-reas'ning FAITH Which Soul-entrancing VISIONS hath Truths Beacon fir'd by Love Ioyes Empire open lay'th XXII This All-enforming LIGHT i' th pregnant Minde The Babe THEOPHILA enshrin'd GRACE dawns when Nature sets Dawn for fair Day design'd XXIII Breathe in thy dainty Bud sweet Rose 'T is Time Makes Thee to ripened VIRTUES clime When as the SUN of GRACE shall spread Thee to thy Prime XXIV When her Lifes-Clock struck twelve Hopes Noon so bright She beam'd that Queen admir'd her Sight Viewing through Beauties Lantern her intrinsick Light XXV As when fair Tapers burn in Crystal Frame The Case seems fairer by the Flame So do's HEAV'NS brighter LOVE brighten this lovely Dame XXVI Her Soul the Pearl her Shell out-whites the Snow Or Streams that from stretcht Udders flow Her Lips Rock-rubies and her Veins wrought Saphyrs show XXVII Attractive Graces dance about her Lips Spice from those scarlet Portals skips Thence Gileads mystick Balm Griefs sov●ragin Balsam slips XXVIII Such precious Fume the incens'd ALTAR vents So Gums in Air breath Compliments So Roses damaskt Robe prankt with green Ribbons sents XXIX Her Eyes amaze the Viewers and inspire To Hearts a warm yet chast Desire As Sol heats all yet feel they in Themselves no Fire XXX Those Lights the radiant Windows of her Minde Who would pourtray as soon may finde A way to paint the viewless poise the weightless Winde XXXI But might we her sweet Breast LOVES Eden see On those Snow mountlets Apples be May cure those Mischiefs wrought by the forbidden Tree XXXII Her Hands are soft as swannie Down and much More white whose temperate Warmth is such As when ripe Gold and quickning Sun-beams inly touch XXXIII Ye Syrens of the Groves who pearcht on high Tune gutt'ral Sweets Air-Minstrels why From your Bough-Cradles rockt with Windes to HER d' ye flie XXXIV See Lilies gown'd in Tissue simper by Her With Marigolds in flaming Tire Green sattin'd Bayes with Primrose fring'd seem all on Fire XXXV Th' art silver-voic'd Teeth pearl'd thy Head 's gold-thatcht Natures Reviver Flora's patcht Though trickt in Mayes new Raiment when with Thee She 's matcht XXXVI THOU chast as fair Eve ere she blusht From Thee The Libe'ral Arts in Capite The Virtues by Knight-service Graces hold in Fee XXXVII A gratious Soul figur'd in Beauty is Best Pourtrayture of Heavenly Bliss Drawn to the Life Wit-feign'd Pandora vails to This. XXXVIII So Cynthia seems Star-chambers President With crescent Splendor from Sol lent Rallying her starrie Troop to guard her glittering Tent. XXXIX Pearl'd Dews add Stars yet Earths Shade shuts up soon Her Shop of Beams Whose Cone doth run 'Bove th' horned Moon beneath the golden-tressed Sun XL. Wh ' on Skie Clouds Seas Earth Rocks doth Raies disperse Stars Rainbows Pearls Fruits Diamonds pierce The Worlds Eye Sourse of Light Soul of the Universe XLI Who glowes like Carbuncles when winged Hours Dandle the Infant-Morn which scours Dame Luna with her twinkling Spies from azure Tow'rs XLII Thee THEOPHIL Dayes sparkling Eye we call Thy Faith 's the Lid thy Love the Ball Beautying thy graceful Mein with Form ANGELICAL XLIII That Lady-Prioress of the cloyster'd Skie Coacht with her spangled Vestalls nigh Vails to this Constellation from DIVINITIE XLIV Vertue ' s her Spring of Honour her Allies Are Saints Guard Angels HEAV'N her Prize Whose Modestie looks down while thus her Graces rise XLV Eugenia Wit Paidia Art affords Eusebia Truth for Her uphords Poets have Legislative Pow'r of making Words XLVI Her Heart 's a Court her richly-temper'd Breast A Chappel for Loves regent GUEST Here feasts She sacred Poets SHE Herself a Feast XLVII Ye Bay-crown'd Lords Who dig from Wisdoms Pits The Oar of Arts and with your Wits Refine't who prop the doa●●ng World in stagg'ring Fits XLVIII And in Fames Court raise Obelisks divine Such Symphonies do ye combine As may inspirit Flesh with your Soul-ravishing Wine XLIX While Winter Autumn Summer clasps the Spring While tenter'd Time shall Paeans sing Your Eagle-plumes that others waste shall ymp Fames Wing L. The rampant Juice of Teneriffe recruits Wildely the routed Spirits So Lutes Harps Viols Organs ah and Trumpets Drums Flutes LI. Though Art should humour grumbling Bases still Tortring the deep-mouth'd Catlins till Hoarse-thundring Diapasons should the whole Room fill LII Yet those But string this LADIES Harp She 'l trie Each Chords tun'd Pulse till She descry Where mosts harmonious Musicks mystick Soul do's lie LIII Now Grace with Language chimes Thrice blest who tast Their HEAV'N on Earth in Lifes Book grac't Who leaving Sense with Sense their Spirit with SPIRITS have plac't LIV. With those divine Patritians who being not Eclips't with Sense or Bodies Spot Are in the Spring of living FLAME Seraphick hot LV. One TASTE gives Joyes Joyes at which Words but rove Schools purblinde grope at Things Above Cymmerian-like on whose Suns brow Clouds darkly move LVI HEAV'NS Paths are traceless by Excess of Light O're-fulgent Beams daz'd Fyes benight Say Ephata and Clay ' s Collyrium for my Sight LVII Transported in this Extasie befriend Me like the Stagirite to end My Thoughts in That Euripus None can comprehend LVIII This mystick Chain ô lengthen't still imparts Links fett'ring 'bove all
Children or I die LOVE rest Thy Head upon the Pillows of my Breast When me THOU shalt impregn'd with Vertues make 50. A fruitful Eden All the Frutage take Thy Passion Ionathan below did move Rapt SPIRITS in high Excess flame with intensest Love 51 My Life is hid with THEE in GOD Descry THY SELF ô THOU my plighted SPOUSE that I May ever glorious be That my joy'd Soul 52. With THEE may make up Marriage and my whole Self THEE for Bridegroom have My Hope still sends Up Come that I may enter with thy feasted Friends 53. O That long-long'd for COME ô COME mine Eyes LOVES Sentinels watch like officious Spies Strike Sparks of JOY t'enflame LOVES Tinder make 54. The Exile view her Home the Dreamer wake Tears raise the Fire of LOVE Ease Sighs of Air Fires Passion watry Tears and earthy self Despair 55. My Sighs condens'd to Drops compute Hours spent Cancell the Lease of my Clay-Tenement Which payes deer Rent of Groans ô grant a Writ 56. Of Ease I languish out not live Permit A Passe to SIONS MOUNT But I resigne My green-sick Will though sick of LOVE to that of Thine 57. Waitings which ripen Hopes are not Delayes Presence how great how true's LOVE Absence saies While Lungs my Breath shall organ I 'l press still 58. Th' Exinanition of my o'regrown Will Behold I quickly come O're-joyd I'm here O Come Till then each Day 's an Age each Hour a Year 59. JESU That NAME' 's Ioyes Essence hasten on Throng amorous Sighs for Dissolution Fastidious Earth avant With Love-plumes soar 60. My Soul to meet thy SPOUSE Can'st wish for more Only Come give a RING Re-eccho then O Come Even so LORD IESV Come Amen Amen LXI Who 's this Inamor'd VOT'RESSE Like the Morn From Mountain unto Mountain born Who first with Night-drops dew'd seem'd Turtle Dove forlorn LXII But now e're warped Body neer Decay Stands Bow-like bent to shoot away Her Soul Ere prone Looks kiss her Grave e're her last Day LXIII She LOVE-fill'd wants no Mate has rather one Body too much I' th' SPIRITS Throne CHRISTS Peace is fullest Quire Such Loneness least alone LXIV When soft-flying Sleep Deaths Sister Wings do's spread Over that curtain'd Grave her Bed Then with prophetick Dreams the HIGHEST crowns her Head LXV Behold a comely PERSON clad in white The all-inlightning Sun lesse bright Than that illustrious FACE of HIS which blest her Sight LXVI To Her in MAJESTIE His Way HE broke And softly thus to Her HE spoke Come Come away My JESUS saies She. So She woke LXVII Her Pray'rs more passionate than witty rise As Sols Postilion bright her Eyes Wrastling with GOD for GRACE bedew Loves Paradise LXVIII Betimes when keen breath'd Winds with frosty Cream Peri'wig bald Trees glaze tatling Stream For May-games past white-sheet peccavi is Winters Theme LXIX Those Day-breaks give good Morrows which she takes With Thanks so doubly Good them makes Who in GODS Promise rests in GODS Remembrance wakes LXX SAINTS nothing more SAINTS nothing lesse regard Than LOVES SELF than self-Love unscar'd Though rackt into an Anagram their Souls being spar'd LXXI Through Vertuous Self-mistrust They acted move Like Needle toucht by th' Stone of Love Blest Magnet which attracts and Souls directs ABOVE LXXII Were She but mortal She were satisfy'd So GOD liv'd in Her till She dy'd His WORD her Deed his WILL her Warrant BOTH her Guide LXXIII Thus this DEVOTA breaths out yerning Cries Let not Dust blinde my sensual Eyes When as my Spirits Energie transcends the Skies LXXIV VIRTUES raise Souls All 's FILIAL to ABOVE Low'st Step is Mercenary Love Fraternal are the Sides that SAINTS Ascent improve LXXV Manna to my enamour'd Soul art THOU The SPIRIT of Heav'n distill'd do's flow From thy ASPECT By That from Brutes we ANGELS grow LXXVI Had I ô had I many Lives as Years As many Loves as Love hath Fears All All were THINE had I as many Hearts as Hairs LXXVII From THEE my JOY-EXTENSIONS spreading flow Dilating as Leaf-gold be n't slow O THOU my All and more Love-lorn THEE still I woo LXXVIII The Widow press'd till THEE to grant She bound The VIRGIN sought THEE till she found The Publican did knock till opening knocking crown'd LXXIX Though nought but dross I in my self can spie Yet melted with THY beaming EYE My Refuse turns to Gold by mystick Alchymie LXXX Then whet thy blunt Sythe Time and wing thy Feet Life not in Length but Use is sweet Come Death the Body brought a bed o' th' SOUL Come fleet LXXXI Be Pulse my passing-Bell be Skin my Herse Nights sable Curtains that disperse The Rayes of Day be Shroud Dews weep my funeral Verse LXXXII Pittie me Love-sick Virgins Then She swound O'recome with Zeal She sunk to th' Ground Darts of intolerable Sweets her Soul did wound LXXXIII She lay with flaming LOVE empierc't to th' Heart Wak't As She bled She kist the Dart Then sigh'd Take all I am or have All All THOU art LXXXIV Then sunk again Reviv'd LOVES BOW She bent And marry'd String to Shaft and sent Ejaculations which the Skies like Lightning rent LXXXV Piercing Them through feather'd with Sighs to show She little pay'd yet much did owe The Feathers sung and fir'd as they did upward go LXXXVI No ice-fring'd Cloud may quench LOVES soaring Flame LOVE is more strong then Death or Shame Grown up all Soul the Flesh sinks in a triple Qualm LXXXVII I charge ye SION VIRGINS let Her still Enjoy her disencloystred Fill In These high Extasies of UNION and WILL. LXXXVIII Do not with Claps of Hands or noise of Feet Awake Her from what is more sweet Till the bright rising Day-star light Her to HEAV'NS Street LXXXIX Yeeld Her what her unfetter'd Rapture gives Since She 's more where She loves than lives Transanimations scaling HEAV'N break carnal Gyves XC In LOVES triumphant Chariot plac't She is Concentrick are her JOYES with HIS Encharioted in Fire her Spirit HEAV'N-ripe for Blisse XCI They 're only sound who Thus are lost in Trance Transported to the High'st Advance With Him who was in Spirit rapt to ' expreffeles Glance XCII Return'd She cry'd O slay me thus again Ne're lives she who thus ne're is slain How sweet the Wounds of LOVE No Pleasure to LOVES pain XCIII In furnac't Pyrausta-like I fry To live is Faith 't is Gain to die One Life 's enough for Two THOU liv'st in me not I XCIV How mid'st Regalios of LOVES Banquet I Dissolve in Sweets Extremitie O Languors Thus to live is in pure Flames to die XCV Three Kings three Gifts to th' KING of Kings did bring Myrrhe Incense Gold to Man GOD King For Myrrhe Tears Incense Pray'rs Gold take Loves Offering XCVI O take Loves Hecatomb Then through her Eyes Did LOVE inamoring Passions rise HIGH'ST GLORY crowns THEOPHILA's Love-Sacrifice XCVII Not She Mortality alone did die Death's but Translation to the Skie All Virtues fir'd in her pure BREAST their Spicerie
regain the Field XXXVI●I The SPIRIT is true GOD from Ever HE Did reign with BOTH The TRINITIE COEQUAL COETERNAL COESSENTIAL be XXXIX The FATHER 's full though th' SON hath All engrost Nor yet is ought of this All lost Though th' FATHER give HIM SELF to th' SON by th'H●LY GHOST XL. For though HE freely thus give All his STORE Yet hath He INF'INITE as before Conceive for Glimps●some ●some endless Spring or Mine of Ore XLI What Soul will have this TRIAD for his Book With Faith must on the Back-parts look For with HIS glorious FACE blind are ev'n SERAPHS strook XLII By Speculation from Sols Substance● we The FATHER from its Splendor see The SON from 's Heat the HOLY GHOST Here One is Three XLIII The Intellect the Memory the Will Resemblance make o' th' TRINE These fill One Soul yet are distinct in outward Workings still XLIV Thus to restore from Fall we may descrie THE TRINITY in UNITY Inscrutable ABYSSE rebates our weaker Eye XLV Be Ever-Ever-Ever blest ô TRINE Ever UNITEDNESSE divine WHO dost as well in Ants as in ARCHANGELS shine XLVI The Principats Thrones Dominations all Archangels Pow'rs Coelestial Are Ministers attending on thy SOVERAIGN CALL XLVII The Government 'bove Star-embroidred Hall Thus truly is Monarchicall Where All are Kings and yet one KING does rule Them All XLVIII Lesse then the thousand Part I have exprest Mans Weaknesse cannot bear the Rest. For thy Expresselesse NATURE LORD be ever blest XLIX SOUL of all Sweets my Love Life Joy and Bliss To ' enjoy THEE'S Heav'n Hell THEE to misse What 's Earths Ev'n Heav'n hath its Beatitude from THIS L. Remove the Needle from the Pole-Star and 'T is still with trembling mot●on fann'd Till it returns No Fixure but in GOD does stand LI. To Saints all other Objects prizelesse be In GOD the ALL of All we see Feast to the Taste all Beauty to the Sight is HE LII Musick to th' Ear and Those whom HE unites Partake with HIM in high'st DELIGHTS Spring-tides of Pleasures over-whelm their ravisht Sprites LIII But Contraries when opposite best show As Foils set Diamonds off we know See Hell where Caitives pine yet still their Tortures grow L●V As Metals fierie Waves in Furnace swell That Founders run to cast each Bell This not endur'd more Rage ten thousand Times is Hell LV. Where Souls still rave adust with horrid Pain They tug they tear but all in vain For them from raging Smart HOPE never shall unchain LVI O that for trash these Esaus sold their BLISSE For Sin that worse than Nothing is This desperates their Rage How they blaspheme at This LVII This Viper clings corrodes 'gainst which no Ward GODS BEATIFICK SIGHT debarr'd Renders their Case 'bove all the Pains of Sense more hard LVIII O never-sated Worm unpity'd Woes Unintermitted what Sin owes Hell payes The Damn'd are Anvils to relentless Blowes LIX Fiends forfeit not their Energie There Cain Fries but for one Lamb by him slain O what Flames then shall Butchers of CHRISTS Flock sustain LX. Earths fatal Mischief prosp'rous Thief that Thunder Which tore the Nations all asunder Whom Just Fate flew i' th' Worlds Revenge that conqu'ring Wonder LXI That Ghost of Philips hot-brain'd Son may tell Heart-breaking Stories of his Hell Too late He findes one Soul did his whole World excel LXII There curs'd Oppressors dreadful Rackings feel Whose Hearts were Rocks and Bowels Steel O scorching Fire cryes Dives for one Drop I kneel LXIII Oblig'd is Man GODS Steward to supply Brethren in CHRIST Coheirs who lie Gasping in stiff'ning Frosts no Cov'ring but the Skie LXIV Whose wither'd Skins fear as the saplesse Wood Cleave to their Bones for want of food Seem Natures Monsters thrown a Shoar by Mis'ries Flood LXV Though all their Physick's but a Diet spare Have no more Earth than what they are Nor more o' th' World than Graves yet in Heav'ns Love they share LXVI Inestimable LOVE from None bereav'n HEAV'N sunk to Earth Earth mounts to HEAV'N Just JUDGE to Dives Hell to Laz'rus Heav'n is giv'n LXVII LOVE Disengage us of our selves LOVE has Nor Bi● nor Reins Rich 'bove Earths Mass Fixt in Idaeas of LOVES Soul-inliv'ning GRACE LXVIII O LOVE ô HEIGHT above all Height to THINE Thy FAVOUR did to Foes encline Unmeasurable MEASURE endlesse END of Line LXIX LOVE darts all Thoughts to its BELOV'D doth place All BLISSE in waiting on His GRACE It languisheth with Hope to view HIM Face to Face LXX And ushers in that BEATIFICK LOVE Which so divinely flames Above And doth to VISION UNION and FRUITION move LXXI Ice is a thing distinct from th' Ocean wide But melted by the Sun does glide Into 't becomes one with 't and so shall e're abide LXXII Desire 's a Tree whose Fruit is Love the Show'rs That ripen it are Tears the Flow'rs Are Languors Leaves Afflictions Blossoms Pray'r-spent How'rs LXXIII O Mental PRAY'R thy Ioyes are high Resort By Thee 's to GOD Thou art the Port Of inward Peace from Storms The Path to SIONS Court LXXIV By Pray'r GOD's serv'd betimes Remember Who The Blessing got by Wrastling so Who early pray they healthy holy happy grow LXXV Then pray before Lights rosie Blush displayes I' th' Orient Sols enchearing Rayes When He from 's Opall East to West oblikely strayes LXXVI Before the Cock Lights Herald Day-break sings To 's Feathr'ie Dames ere roost Lark springs Morns Vsher when the Dawn its mungrell hour forth brings● LXXVII PRAY'R Thou art Lifes best Act Souls silent Speech The Gate of GRACE Saints GOD beseech By Prayer but joyn'd with Alms Fasts they HIM besiege LXXVIII Fasting the Souls delicious Banquet can Adde Strength to PRAY'R feast th' inner Man And throw up to ETERNITY the Bodies Span LXXIX Fasts sackcloth ashes groveling on the ground SAINTS study'd have with Pain and found VVith Ioy that what degrades the Sense in HEAV'N is crow'nd LXXX Prize FAITH the Shield of Martyrs Ioyes Confection Souls Light the PROPHETS sure Direction Hopes Guide Salvations Path the Pledge of all Perfection LXXXI In Faiths mysterious EDEN make abode VVith Iacobs Staff and Aarons Rod Frequents its Grove where none are but the LOV'D of GOD LXXXII The Radiations of FAITHS Lamp excite Such a Colosse of sparkling Light That Saints through worldly Waves may steer Lifes Course aright LXXXIII Being in not of this World They Comforts rear Above the Pitch of servile Fear Terrestrial Blossoms first must die ere Fruit They bear● LXXXIV No clogging Fetters of impris'ning Clay No wry-mouth squint-ey'd Scoff can stay Their swift Progression soaring in their HEAV'NLY Way LXXXV Thoughts on the endlesse Weight of GLORY shall Render ev'n Crowns as Dung and all Afflictions light as Chaffe chas'd on Earths empty Ball. LXXXVI The Torch that shines in Night as Eye of Noon Is but as Darkenesse to the Sun Run after Shades they fly fly after Shades they run LXXXVII All worldly Gayes are Reeds without Support Fitly with Rain-bow gleames they
their Crimes display LXVIII Giants of Earth Aviso's may you tell That though with envy'd State you swell Yet soon within Corruptions Charnel-house you 'l dwell LXIX Scepters are frail as Reeds who had no Bound Are claspt within six foot of Ground Whose Epitaphs next Age will be Oblivion found LXX Such Yesterday as would have been their Slave To day may tread upon their Grave That flats the Nose Best Lectures dust-seel'd Pulpets LXXI Who tost the Ball of Earth in dark Vaults rest All what that Gen'rall once possest Was but a Shirt in 's Tomb who vanquisht all the East LXXII Invading Cyrus in a Tub of Gore Might quaff his Fill who evermore Had thirsted Blood Him timeless Fate midst Triumphs tore LXXIII Weigh Life's frail Pomp vain remember Paul The way to rise will be to fall In 's high Commission low in 's low Conversion tall LXXIV Soul w'udst aspire to th' High'st clip Tumors Wing To th' Test of HEAV'N thy Axioms bring Best Polit'ick David was Who conquers Sin 's the King LXXV Let raised Elijah-like aspire To be encharioted in Fire Faith Love Joy Peace the Wheels to Saints sublime Desire LXXVI Avaro cite as void of Grace as stor'd With Gold the GOD his Soul ador'd Wealth twins with Fear Why start'st Unlock thy unsunn'd Hord LXXVII I 'l treble't by the Philosophick Stone This makes thee stare Why thus 't is done To Passives Actives joyn in due Proportion LXXVIII Behold vast Sums unown'd Thou hutch-cram'd Chink Art made as Nothing with a Wink Thou bred from Hell with Hell-deeds Souls to Hell dost sink LXXIX Gold is the Fautress of all civil Jarres Treasons Reward the Nerve of Wars Nurse of Prophaneness suckling Rage that Kingdoms marres LXXX Thou potent Devil how dost thou bewitch The dreggy Soul spott'st it with Itch This Slave to thee his slave was never poor till rich LXXXI Now chest th' all worshipt Ore with rev'rend Awe Sols Gold and Luna's Silver draw Should Hell have these 't would plunder'd be to sate thy Maw LXXXII While Gripes of Famine mutiny within And tan like Hides the shrivel'd Skin O' th' Poor whose pining Want can not thy Pitty win LXXXIII Having their Gravestones underneath their Feet Breath out their Woes to All they meet While thou to them are flintier than their Bed the Street LXXXIV Blinded with Tears with crying hoarse forlorn They seem to be of All but Scorn Death than Delay Wants bloudless Wound is easier born LXXXV Thy Dropsie breeds Consumption in thine Heir Who thus t' himself I 'l ease your Care Measure not Grounds but your own Earth Die now to spare LXXXVI What 's rak'd by Wrong and kept by Fear when mine Shall spread as I 'm Then brood the Shine Penurious Wretch till thou by empty Fulnesse pine LXXXVII Thy Care 's to lessen Cost how slow thy Payes How quick Receipts Lov'st Fasting-Dayes But 't is to save thus starv'st in Store thee Plenty slayes LXXXVIII When shall I rifle every Trunk and Shelf Of this old muckie wretched Elf Who turns as Chymists do all that he scrapes to Pelf LXXXIX O sordid Phrenzie Anxious Maze of Care O gripple Covetize to spare And dream of Gold The Misers Heav'n the Indians Snare XC Oppression is the Bloud-shot in their Eyes Bribes blanch Gehesa till he dies Fool read this Night Death may thy dunghil Soul surprize XCI Think not for whom thou dost thy Soul deceive And injur'd Nature so bereave But still thy knotty Brain with wedg-like Anguish cleave XCII Sruck blinde with Gold brood on thy Rapines till Thou hatch up stinging Cares to th' fill The heaviest Curse on this side Hell 's to thrive in Ill. XCIII Go venture for 't with Sharks haste Miser old To th' Hook because the Bait is Gold Pawn thy Soul for 't as Iudas did when 's LORD he sold. XCIV Possessors are as Saul possest who crosse HEAV'NS Law Gain got by Guile proves Losse Getting begits more Itch Lusts specious Ore is drosse XCV Who sowe to Sin shall reap to Iudgement Train To Hell is Idolized Gain Canst Death or Vengeance bribe If not dread ceaseless Pain XCVI Why so fast poasted by thy strugling Cares And Self-slaying Fraud with all their Snares Stay view thy self Destruction her crackt Glass prepares XCVII His pursie Conscience opens now I 've run On Rocks he houls too late to shun Lost Vse and Principle Gold I 'm by Thee undone XCVIII If to exhort be not too late attend The wholsom Counsel of a Friend Renounce thy Idol and prevent thy wretched End XCIX Sound for Faiths Bottom with Hopes anch'ring Cord Repent Restore large Alms afford The dismall Fraught of sinking Sins cast over-board C. He who returns to 's Avarice left his Sore Growes desp'rate Deadlier than before His Hopes of HEAV'N much lesse his Fears of Hell much more Oceani Monstrum natat infraenabile Lingua Naves saepè pias haec Echeneis habet Cui paro Naumachiam Freta conturbata pererrans Sit Remoque meo Lis Remoraeque tuae Spes rebus affixa fugacibus uno Frangitur Afflatu THE VANITIE OF THE VVORLD CANTO XI The Disincantation ARGUMENT Crispulus hic nulli Nugarum Laude secundus Cui Mens Lucisinops Stulta Ruina Domûs Qui Cereri Bromioque litat Luxuque liquescit Huic ne putrescat pro Sale Vita datur Volupto crown'd with Blisse of Fools is bent To Wine Feasts Gauds loose Merriment Runs on in Lusts Career till Grace stops-with Repent STANZA I. O Headlesse heady Age O giddy Toyes As humble Cots yield quiet Joyes So prouder Palaces are Drums of restlesse Noise II. 'T was in the blooming Verdure of the Yeer When through the Twins Sol's Course did steer That a spruce Gallant did on Summons strait appear III. Glitt'ring in Brav'ry like the Knight o' th' Sun Whose Nags in Hide-park Races run This Ev'n 'T is sure Volupto old Avaros Son IV. Hot showes the Day by th' Dust upon his Head And all his Clothes so loosely spread He 's so untrust as if it were not long to Bed V. His Hands keep Time to th' Tune of 's Feet his Pace Is danced Measures and 't is Grace Enough ore's Shoulder to afford a quarter-face VI. Act 'bove French Monkies Antimasks he might Before the Apes Spectators right Such Dops Shrugs Puppet-playes shew best by Candle-light VII How mimick hum'rous Garbs in various kinde Do checquer Whimsies in the Minde As diff'ring Flow'rs on Peru's Wonder Gardners finde VIII Hast thou black Patches too for Shame forbear Smooth Chins should not have Spots but Hair But thou art modish and canst vapour drink swear IX How blazing Tapers waste Lifes blink away In Socket of their mouldring Clay How powder'd Curls do sin-polluted Dust bewray X. As Prudence fram'd Art to be Natures Ape So Pride forms Nature to Arts Shape Corrupted Wine is worst that 's prest from richest Grape XI Wilt Reasons Sense dissolve in senselesse Wine And sing while Youths frail Gem does shine Come