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A16366 A profitable and necessarye doctrine with certayne homelyes adioyned therunto / set forth by the reuerend father in God, Edmunde Byshop of London ... Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569. 1555 (1555) STC 3283.3_PARTIAL; STC 3285.5_PARTIAL; ESTC S212 282,146 561

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our selues dothe soo wyll vs and commaude vs to do The greate clerke Orygen whome also Saynt Hyerome foloweth doth allote or appoynt vnto the fyrste of these two tables 〈◊〉 commaundementes makynge of Non babebis deos 〈◊〉 coram me And of Non facies tibi sculptile two commaundementes as we doo vnderstandynge in the fyrste to be forbydden al Idolatry spyry 〈◊〉 or internall and in the second all Idolatrye externall or bodely And vnto the seconde table he doth allote or appoynte sixe preceptes or commaundemēts knittynge and puttynge together for one precepte or commaundement the prohybytyon of 〈◊〉 the wyfe or Goodes of thy neyghbour But Saynt Augustyne in his seconde booke of 〈◊〉 vpon Exodus in the. lxxi chapyter and as manye as doo folowe Saynt Augustyne do appoynte vnto the fyrste table three preceptes or commaundementes onelye ioyning our two fyrste in one and vnto the Seconde table appoynting vii preceptes or commaundemēts deuydinge 〈◊〉 ten or last commaundement whiche is concernynge the vnlawefull desyre of the wyfe and Goodes of our neyghbour into two special 〈◊〉 dementes it is to wytte Non concupisces 〈◊〉 proximi tui and Nec desiderabis uxorumeius non 〈◊〉 ancillam non bouem non 〈◊〉 ne comniaque illius sunt Whyche dyuysion or order Saynte Augustyne doethe allowe and followe especiallye for that it settethe fourthe 〈◊〉 and representeth very lyuely the mysterye of the holy Trinitie in that that the fyrst commaundement is referred to the father the seconde to the Sonne who is the name and worde of God and the thyrde to the holye Ghost by whose workynge in vs we do kepe a sabboth and do reste from all seruyle workes whyche the fleshe destitute of the spyryte doth ingen 〈◊〉 and bryng forthe in vs. And forasmuche as saynte Augustyne hym selfe euen in the same place before al leged dothe declare that bothe these maners of ioynynge or partynge the two fyrst or the two last commaundementes were vsed and allowed in his tyme. And for that also neyther in the one or in the other maner of deuydynge or reckenynge these tenne commaundementes eyther the sense the worde or anye one 〈◊〉 of the matter is altered no nor yet anye more or lesse in eyther of the sayde ii tables thereby conteyned Therfore no man ought with thys our dyuisyon wherein for certayne good consideratyons we folowe Origene Saint Hierome to be in any wyse offended Folowynge then thys ourorder ye shall note that thys commaundemente Thou shalte haue no straunge Goodes before me as it is the fyrst in order so is it the most cheife and princypall emongest them al for in thys commaundement God requireth of vs these foure thinges in which consisteth his chief and pryncipall honour it is to wytte feare faythe hope and charitie and they to be geuen of vs vnto hym as beynge oure onelye and true God And as concerning the fyrste that is to saye feare howe necessary a part of oure secuyce duety towardes God that is Salomon in the. ix chapiter of his prouerbs playnelye and breifely declareth saying Principium sapientiae timor domini That is to saye The begynnynge of wysedome is the feare of God And of this feare also our sauioure Chryste 〈◊〉 speaketh in the. xii of Luke declaryng there that God chieflye and prin cipallye is to be dred and feared where he sayth thus 〈◊〉 eum qui postque occiderit corpus habet 〈◊〉 mittere in 〈◊〉 hennem I ta dico uobis hunc timete That is to say Feare him who 〈◊〉 that he hathe slayne or kylled the body 〈◊〉 power to put or cast into hel thus I saye vnto you feare hym And thys kynde or sorte of feare is commonlye called seruyle But there is an other kynde or sorte of feare due vnto god wher of the prophete Dauyd in hys xviii Psalme speaketh saying Timor domini sanctus permanet in seculum seculi That is to saye The holy feare of God continueth or abydeth for euermore And as concernyng fayth whiche is the seconde parte of our duetie towarde God there is wryttē of it in the. ii chapter of Ecclesiasticus after thys sorte Qui timetis dominum credite ille non euacuabitur mercis uestra That is to saye 〈◊〉 that feare our Lorde haue fayth in him or geue credite to him and your rewarde shal not be frustrate And to entreate further offayth in god here in thys place we nede not but do referre you to the declaration thereof made before both vpon the acceptions of fayth also vpon the fyrst artycle of the crede And as touchynge the thyrde parte of our bounden duety requyred on our behalfe towarde god which is Hope there is wrytten of it in the sayde seconde chap. of Ecclestasticus after thys sorte Qui 〈◊〉 dominum sperate in illum in oblectationem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to saye 〈◊〉 that feare oure Lord do ye hope in him and his mercye shall come to you to your comforte or delectation And the prophet also in hys 〈◊〉 psal speaking hereof sayeth thus Beneplacitum est domino super timentis eum in eis qui sperant super misericordia eius That is to saye Oure Lorde hathe pleasure vnto them that feare him and in them that do hope vpon hys mercye Of which hope S. Paule in the. v. chapiter of his epi stle to the Romaynes doth say thus Gloriam in spe gloriae filiorum dei That is to say We retoyce or triumphe in the hope of the glorye promised to the chyldren of God But mooste notablye of this hope the same s. Paule speaketh in the. viii cha of the same epi stle to the Romaynes saynge Spe enim salui facti sumus spes autem quae 〈◊〉 non est spes Non quod uidit quis quid sperat si autem quod non uidemus speramus per 〈◊〉 expectamus c. That is Thorugh hope truely we be made safe but the hope which is sene is not hope For wher fore doth one hope or trust for that whiche he doth se but if we hope for that whyche we se not thē do we loke for or tary by 〈◊〉 c Nowe concernyng the fourth poynt or parte of oure duety towardes God it is to wytte Charitie ye shal vnderstād that this is the most excellent soueraigne vertue that belongeth to anye Chrysten man or woman And of this vertue there is wrytten in the foresayde seconde chapiter of Ecclesiasticus where it is sayd Qui timetis dominum diligite illum illuminabuniur corda uestra That is to saye You that feare oure lorde loue ye him and your heartes shal be 〈◊〉 But howe or in what sorte we maye or oughte to perfourme this true loue and charitie towardes god that doth oure Sauioure Chryste hym selfe in the. x. chapter of Saynt Luke teache vs sayinge Diliges 〈◊〉 minum 〈◊〉 tuum ex toto corde tuo ex 〈◊〉 anima tua ex omnibus uiribus tuis ex omni 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to saye Thou shalte loue thy
so sometimes holy women also trusting in God did 〈◊〉 them selues beynge subiecte or obedient to their owne husbandes and Sa ra dyd obeie Abraham callyng hym maister or Lorde Lyke examples are of the godlye couples Isaac and Rebecca Gene xxv Helcana and Anna i. Re. i with sondry other whyche all dyd vse thē selues soo in the state of matrymonye that they continuallye lyued in the feare of God in the chaste loue of wedlocke in the honest affection or mynde towardes the bryngynge furthe of chyldren aud dyd also diligently loke vnto the godlye education of the same And as concernynge the. viii and laste parte of our foresayde diuision it is to wtte of the treasures gyftes and 〈◊〉 of maryage ye shall vnderstande that S. Augustyne in his ix boke vpon the Geneses and the. vii chapyter thereof teacheth vs that matrymonye conteyneth in it three gyftes graces or benefyts it is to wytte a sacramente a fayth and an of sprynge or yssue Concernynge the Sacrament he sayth that thys is speciallye herein to be obserued it is to wytte that betwene the man and the wyfe there be no separatyon and that nether the man or the wyfe beynge eche from other dismised doo marye or couple them selues with any other and soo the vertue of this sacra ment doth consyste properlye and specially in the inse perable or vnbreakeable bonde of the maryage couenaunte whyche as we sayde before is the 〈◊〉 or cheife poynte belongynge to maryage This couenaunt God assysteth and this knot he knittethe and beynge once knytte he makethe it stronge and establysheth it yea and further dothe geue suche grace with it that they whyche abuse not that grace maye be hable to kepe the marryage couenaunte vnuyolated and mutually soo to loue one the other as Chryst hathe loued and dothe loue the churche And by the ayde of the same grace they shall and wyll frankelye truelye and moste louynglye communycat one to an other all thynges accordynge to Goddes lawe and mans lawe and al maner of chaunces good or badde prosperitie or aduersitie they shall moste contentedly and quyetlye receaue beare and vse together tyll death them depart Thys benefyte of thys sacrament doth engendre an assured boldnes or confydence and truste of good consience by the whych both the man and also the wyfe are made sure that the state of matrymonye into the whyche they in the feare of God and for honeste and vertuous respectes onelye haue entred and truelye and holylye obserued of theyr partes is not voyde of the grace of God but that GOD hathe a care ouer them yea and that thys theyr state of Matrimony is also merytorious according where vnto S. Paule to Tymothey i. Epistle 2. Cap. sayth Mulier 〈◊〉 fiet per liberorum generationem si 〈◊〉 in fide That is to saye The wyfe shal be saued by the bryngynge forthe of Chyldren so that 〈◊〉 cōtynue or perseuer in the fayth And agayne in the laste chapiter to the Hebrues he sayeth thus Honorabile connubium in omnibus thorus imaculatus That is to saye Mariage in all is honorable and a bedde vndefiled And saynte Ambrose also in hys seconde booke of the Patryarche Abraham 〈◊〉 in the. ix chapiter dothe saye that a notable gyfte of chastitye wyll folowe maryage 〈◊〉 the persons so maryed do thynke verely that thys maryage where in they are 〈◊〉 is prouided procured and done of God Thys gifte of thys sacramente to them that diligently wyll ponder and consider the same will especyallye edyfye they re consciences to them selues and wyll also kyndle mutually the fyre of chast loue betwene them The second benefite or gyfte of matrimonye Saynt Augustyne sayth is fayth not meanynge that faythe and 〈◊〉 confydence whiche we haue in God but that faythfull true and honest dealynge whyche is required to be betwene man and wyfe in not hauynge carnall knowledge wyth an e other the man not with any other then with his true and laweful wife and the wife not with any other then wyth her true and lawefull husbande whiche synguler gyfte onely God in thys sacramente imparteth and geueth of hys goodnes to them whyche in suche sorte as we haue declared are maryed or els what man or woman is there of many thousandes that beynge as they are 〈◊〉 with the snares 〈◊〉 and alluerments of the worlde the fleshe and the deuyll wolde not offelide and breake that bonde of faythe and fidelitie at the leaste in harte and mynde whyche Chryst hym selfe Math. v iudgeth to be no lesse adulterye then the fylthy and adulterous carnall copulatoin Nowe the thyrd gyfte or benefytte whyche saynete Augustyne say the to be in Matrunonye is islue or ofsprynge for whych cause cheifely matrimonye is contracted wherevnto the man and the 〈◊〉 commynge in the feare of God oughte so to respecte and regarde theyr issue and of sprynge that in chaste and mutuall loue they may be get and brynge forthe chyldren and in the saythe feare and relygion of God brynge vp and instructe the same And in soo doyng matrymonye not onely is voyde and cleare from all maner of faulte but also hathe hys certayne merite at Goddes handes These three gyftes concurrynge in matrymonye and causynge the accompanyenge of man and woman together in carnall knowledge to be by thys meanes without sinne yea and well vsed to be meritorious to howe greate a grace then is annexed to thys sacramente of Matrymony of whyche hytherto we haue intreated And here to conclude this counsell semeth good to be gyuen to those that hereafter shal be minded and disposed to marye that they do chuse to them suche a mate as neyther Godes Iawe nor mannes lawe doo prohibite them to take and with whome they maye conceyue good hope that they beynge ioyned in matrymonye shall leade an holye Godlye and comelye lyfe euer to contynue inseperablye durynge theyr lyues whiche is lyke they shall dooe when they not rashelye and indeliberatlye but with good aduyse cōsideringe equalitie and vertue more then eyther carnall luste worldly honoure or pryuate respectes doo in the feare of God enter into this honest state of matrymonye entendynge thereby to serue God there countrye and frendes lyuing also them selues in honestie iustice and temperaunce and finallye bryngynge vp their chyldren and gouernynge there famylye in vertue and Godlynes FINIS ¶ Of the sacrament of extreme vnction and thexposition or deciaration thereof HAuinge intreated sufficientlye of syxe of the sacramentes vsed in the catholyke churche and none of them remaynynge indiscussed sauynge one whiche is the sacramente of extreme vnction we wyll nowe of it beynge the laste in number and order speake lastely breifely And thoughe it be laste in number and order as is a foresayde and also commonlye is called the extreme vnction that is to saye the laste vnction yet ye shall not vnderstand thereby that this sacrament can not be ministred at any tyme but when a man is cleane withoute hope of lyfe and shall in
Apostles were conuersaunt and ther learne the truth in that controuersy ye what yf the Apostles had lefte behynde thē no writyng at al must we then not haue folowed the order of tradition delyuered by them to such as they committid the churches vnto to which tradition manye barbarous nations beleuing in christ do giue credite with out any other wrytyng then that which is in their hartes wrytten Al this wryteth Irene us and within a lytle after he sayeth Yf to these barbarous nations any man 〈◊〉 preach in their owne language these inuentiōs of heretikes by and by they would stope their eares and 〈◊〉 as farre as they could frō him and not once here hys blasphemous talke thus sayth S. 〈◊〉 Now yf christen people at this 〈◊〉 would folow this trad which this blessed 〈◊〉 here speaketh of thē should no mārunne into heresy but al men shold cleue fast vnto that wholsome doctryne of the catholike churche abhor and detest whatsoeuer any precher would vtter to thē contrary to the same For whosoeuer precheth any doctrine not agreable to that general 〈◊〉 doctrie in the open knowen church he it is such as be like to him of whō our 〈◊〉 biddeth vs to 〈◊〉 sa yng in yt. vii of Mathewe Beware of false prophets which com to you in shepes clothing but inwardly they are rauenyng wolues Our sauior calleth them wolues for that they deuoure that soules of so many as giue credite vnto thē he sayeth farder of them that they come in lambes skins because they pretend the woord of God and therewith bleare the eyes of pore simple men and make them beleue that it is as they saye where in 〈◊〉 whatsoeuer is taught contraty to that that al 〈◊〉 openly teacheth and from tyme to tyme hath taught is false and cannot possible be true 〈◊〉 les we wold 〈◊〉 that christ hun selfe wer not true For he promyseth that hym selfe wil be for euer with the church and that the holy ghost shal for euer gouerne the same Forasmuch than as there is no other schole on the earth for men to learne theyr duety towards god and the worlde but the catholyke church nor no other doctrine auay leable to eternall lyfe but that which the catholyke church teacheth therefore all christē people are required to make a solēpne vow at theyr baptisme to beleue the catholyke churche And he that so doeth is in an assured trade 〈◊〉 saluation if in his conuersation he folowe the same but contrary wyse he that 〈◊〉 it not is in a moste certayne estate of euerlastyng dampnation 〈◊〉 that youe maye knowe what the 〈◊〉 churche dothe in all poyntes beleue there shal be hereafter particulerly set forth vnto you the seuerall matters requisite to be beleued practised of all Chrysten people that no man may haue iuste cause hereafter to pretende ignoraunce but al men beyng sufficiently instructed maye by folowynge such doctryne attayne to euerlasting lyfe whyche send vnto vs all the blessed 〈◊〉 the father the Sonne and the holy 〈◊〉 to whom be all honoure and glory 〈◊〉 without ende Amen Io. Harpesfelde sacrae theologiae professor Arch London ¶ An homely of Christian loue or Charitie FOrasmuch as that pith and summe of al things which be contemed either in the lawe or in the prophets doth stād and cōsist in the loue of God and in the loue of 〈◊〉 neyghbour as our 〈◊〉 Christ doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stifye in the. xxii Chapiter of saint Mathewe sayinge 〈◊〉 of the Pharises beyng a doctour of the lawe tēping did aske him and say maister what is the great cōman̄demēt in the law Jesus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto him Thou 〈◊〉 loue thy 〈◊〉 God with al thy harte wyth all thy soule and with althy hole minde this is sayeth he the greateste and firste 〈◊〉 And the seconde is like vnto it Thou 〈◊〉 loue thy neig hboure as thy selfe and of these two commaundements al the lawe doth 〈◊〉 and the Prophetes And forasmuch also as we can not loue God well excepte we doo loue our neyghboure in a due order ne yet loue our neyghboure well excepte we doo 〈◊〉 God in that due order that we oughte to doo Sainct Jhon the euangelist so testifyeng and declaryng in the thyrde and fourthe Chapiters of his fyrst canonical Epistle And finally forasmuche as he that loueth not after this sorte is by the testimonye of the sayde sainct John in the sayd thyrd Chapiter iudged to be in death therfore it is ryght expediente and necessarye to haue alwyes thys loue whiche nowe in oure vulgare tonge and common talke is ofte named by the name of Charitie but ve ry megerly and coldely practised and set fourthe in dede as it shoulde be And of truthe yf we woulde iudge vpryghtly and well we ought to saye that of all thinges that be good to be taught vnto Christen people there is no thing more necessarye to be spoken of and daylye called vpon then charitie as wel for that al maner of woorkes of righteousnes be cōteyned in it as also that the decaye thereof is the 〈◊〉 of the world the banysh ement of vertue and the cause of all vice And forasmuch as almost euery mā maketh frāeth to hym selfe a charity after hys owne appetyte and how 〈◊〉 so euer his lyfe be bothe vnto God and man yet he perswadeth with hymselfe styll that he hathe chatitye Therefore you shall here nowe a true and playne descryption of charity not of mens ymagination but of the very woordes and example of our sauioure Jesus Christe In whyche description euerye man as it were in a glasse may consider him selfe and see plai nely without error whether he be in the true Charitye or not charitie is to loue God with al oure harte withall our life with al our powers with al our strength Wyth all our harte that is to say that our hartes mynde studie be set to 〈◊〉 his woorde to trust in hym and to loue him aboue all other thynges whyche we doo loue best in heauen or in earthe Wyth all oure lyfe that is to saye that our chief ioye and delite be sette vpon him and his honoure and our hole lyfe gyuen vnto the seruyce of hym aboue al thynges wyth hym to lyue and wyth 〈◊〉 to dye yea and to forsake all other thynges rather then hym For he that loueth hys father or mother sonne or doughter house or lād more 〈◊〉 me saith Christ is not worthy to haue me 〈◊〉 all oure powers that is to say that with our handes and feet wyth our eyes and eares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and tongues and wyth all other parts powers both of body and of soule we shoulde be gyuen to the 〈◊〉 pynge and fulfyllyng of hys commaundementes This is is the fyrst and the principal part of chariti but it is not the whole For charitie is also to 〈◊〉 euery man good and 〈◊〉 frende and fooe And 〈◊〉 cause be gyuen to the contrary yet
are disobedient seditious scismatike and verye wicked people as more at large shal be declared in some homelies to be specially made therevpon ¶ Thexposition or declaration of the tenthe article of the Crede whiche is The communion of saynctes The forgeuenes of synnes IN this article be taughte two speciall fruites and benefites whiche all men called of God and obeyinge to the same callinge in their wyll and workes doe obtayne by Goddes grace in the sayd Catholyke churche that is to say The communion of saintes and forgyuenes of synnes And here is to be noted that although this worde Sainctes in oure Englyshe toungue signifieth properly them that be departed this life and be established with glorye in Chryst. 〈◊〉 the same worde Sainctes whereby in thys article we expresse the Latyn word Sanctorum is here extended to signifye not onely those that be so departed this life and established but also such as beyng in lyfe here in earth be called into this holy assēble and Churche and be sanctyfyed in oure Sauyoure Iesu Chryste Accordyuge wherevnto S. Paule in sondry hys epystles to the Roma 12. to the Epher to the Philip. 4 to the Colos. 1. and to the 〈◊〉 14. vseth the sayd worde Sayntes and so doth he in dynerse other places els And as touchyng the fyrst of the sayd ii frutes or benefites whiche is The cōmunion of saintes That is to saye the mutual participation of saynctes ye shall vnderstande that lyke as al the 〈◊〉 parts and members of the naturall body of man do naturally communicate and be participante of one spirit or soule which gouerne the sayde bodye and euerye lyuelye parte thereof euen so doe all good Chrysten men participate of one holy ghost whyche alwayes gouerneth the catholyke churche and allyuely mem bres of the same and doth geue to sondrye members sondry spirituall giftes to the intent the whole body should therby be edified accordyng to the sayinge of S. Paule in the xii Chapter of his fyrste Epystle to the Corynthians where he sayeth in thys maner Vnicuique autem datur manifestatio spiritus ad utilitatem Alis quidem per spiritum datur sermo 〈◊〉 alijautem sermo 〈◊〉 secundū eun dem spiritum Alteri fides in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alij gratia sanit at um in eodem spiritu aly operatio uirtutum alii prophetia alii discreto spiritum alii generalinguarum alii interpretatio sermonum Hec autem omniaoperas tur unus a que idem spiritus diui dens singulis prout uult That is The gyftes of the holye ghoste are geuen to euery man to profyte other wythall to one is geuen throughe 〈◊〉 spirite the vtteraunce of wisedome To another is geuen the vttetaunce of 〈◊〉 by the same spyryte to another fayth by the same spirite to another the gifte of healinge by the same spyryte to another power to doe miracles to another prophecye to another iudgement to discerne spirites to another dyuerse tongues to another interpretation of sayinges And al these thinges worketh the selfe same spirite deuydinge to euerye man as he wyll By which place of Saynt Paule it is euident that al the lyuelye members of the Churche doe communycate and participate of one common spiryte And this participation beinge one of the hygheeste benefites that men receaue in the Catholyke Churche is comprehended in this article of the communion of Saynctes Of whyche communyon the Prophet Dauid in his cxviii psalmedoth also speake sayinge Particeps ego sum omnium timentium te et 〈◊〉 man data tua That is to say I am partaker wyth all suche as feare the and kepe thy 〈◊〉 But besides this foresayd participation or communion of the holy ghost beyng commune to all the liuelye members of the Churche there is also an other communion comprehended lykewyse in thys article whiche is the 〈◊〉 or vnion that all good christen men haue with Chryste who is the heade of the churche and who hath for his mystycall bodye the whole churche And of this kynde of communion of Saynctes S. Paule lykewyse speaketh in the foresayd twelth chapiter of hys fyrst epystle to the Corynthyans saying In uno spiritu omnes nos in 〈◊〉 pus baptizati sumus siue dei siue gentiles siue serui siue liberi omnes in uno spiritu potati sumus That is to saye In one spyrite are we all baptyzed to make one bodie whether we be Iewes or Gentils free or bonde and haue all dronke of one spyryte And lykewise doth he in the fifte to the Ephesians where spea kyng of the same he sayeth 〈◊〉 sumus corporis eius de car ne cius et de ossibus cius That is to saye We are membres of his bodye meanyng of the body of Christ and of his fleshe and of his bones And forasmuch as the moste blessed sacrament of the aulter wherein by the myghtye operatyon of Goddes worde is really present in the fourmes of breade and wyne the naturall lyuynge bodye and bloude of oure sauyoure and redemer Iesu Chryste doeth increase and worke in all them that worthelye doe receaue it the communion and coniunction in bodye soule of them to Chryste and of Chryst to them with a mutuall coniunctyon also in loue and charytye of eche good man in Christ to other Therefore the sayd Sacrament may also worthely be called the commu nion of Sayntes And so hathe the fyrst parte of this article been by good deuoute and learned menne expounded longe ago Nowe touchy nge the seconde fruite or benefite in thys article whyche is the remission of synnes you shall vnderstand that onely in the catholyke church and no where els the remissiō of synnes is to be had And there vndoubtedlye it is to be had and that by two meanes that is to wytte by baptisme and after baptisme by due penaunce and 〈◊〉 of the keyes geuen vnto the churche And as for baptisme it washeth cleane awaye al the former synnes as well actuall as originall so that they shall neuer after that be imputed vnto vs. But in case after baptisme we fall into synne then the remedy must be by the wholsome sacramente of Penaunce whiche sacrament is of so greate forse and vertue that howe heynous so euer oure synnes and offenses be yet by the meane of the same the sayde synnes maye be and are released forgeuen vnto vs. And for to take away all doutyng on our behalfe herein and that no man shoulde nede to dispayre oure Sauioure Chryste openlye and by expresse wordes in the twentye of Sayncte Iohn af ter he had breathed vpon hys Disciples sayde vnto them and generallye to they re Successours 〈◊〉 the holy ghost whose synnes ye release or forgeue they are forgeuen or released vnto them and whose ye withholde or reteyne they are withholden or reteyned And also with a special 〈◊〉 assygned vnto Saynct Peter gaue vnto hym and hys lawfull successours the full 〈◊〉 of releasyng and withholdyng of synnes saiyng vnto hym as it is
deus noster benignissimus remissione peccatorum mihi gratis largiatur quam ob causam historias imaginum illcrum honoro palā adoro hoc enim nobis a sanctis apostolis traditum nō est prohibendum sed in omnibus ecclesijs nostris eorum historias erigimus That is to saye Euen as we haue receyued of GOD oure Christian and inculpable faith as it were by right of inheritaunce so do I confesse it and abyde in the same I verelye do beleue in one God almyghtye God the father GOD the sonne and GOD the holy ghost these three beynge one God I adore and gloryfye I cōfesse also the hole dispensation of Chryste in carnate and next the holye virgin Marye of whome Christ toke fleshe and was borne I callyng her mother of God I reuerence also the holy Apostles prophetes and martyres whiche do make intercession to God for me that thorough their mediation oure mooste benigne god may be merciful frely graunte vnto me remissyon of sinnes For whyche cause I do honoure and openlye adore also theyr Images for this thinge beinge of the holy apostles deliuered vnto vs is not to be letten or bydden but in all oure churches we erecte or set vp their Images Besydes all these there was in the sayde 〈◊〉 generall counsayle alledged the aucthoritie of Germanus patriarche of Cōstantinople who sayde thus Non offendat quenquā quod ante sanctorum imagines lumina 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 accendūtur Simbolice enim ista fieri nō lignis aut 〈◊〉 bus sed in honorem illorum opinandum est quorum cum Christo requies quorum honor adipsum recurrit hoc ipsum testante sapiente Basilio quod ergo conseruos bonos honor erga ipsum dominum commune 〈◊〉 signum exhibet Sensibilia enim lumina 〈◊〉 sunt immateriales illius 〈◊〉 a deo datiluminis Aromatum autem incensio sincerum totum sancti spiritus afflatum in replitionem significat That is to saye Let it offende no man that before the ymages of Sainctes Candels and 〈◊〉 sauoutyng encence are brent For we must thynke that these thynges are done mysticallye not vnto the very wode or stones but in and for the honoure of thē whose reste is with Christ the honoure of whiche sainctes repaireth or commeth agayne vnto Christe the sage Basyll testifiynge the same and saying that the honour done to oure fellowe seruaunces being good doth geue or exhibit a common 〈◊〉 or signe of beneuolence to oure Lorde or maister hym selfe For the sensible lyghtes or candels are a sygne of that pure and immaterial lyght geuen of God And the burnynge of frankencense dothe sygnifye the pure and the ful or hole inspiration and 〈◊〉 of the holye ghost There was also in the saide assemble or counsayle an other testimonye or sayinge of the sayde patryarche Germanus and that is thys Deūsepe 〈◊〉 designasse mi racula hominibus qui admonitione imaginum argente ergadeum sanctos eius affectu commoti fuerint That is to say God oftentymes 〈◊〉 haue wrought or shewed wonderfull myracles to men who by the contemplation of Images haue with an ardent affectyon or loue to God and hys saintes bene moued and styrred And the sayde patryarche Germanus amongest very many myracles there by hym recyted both saye that in the ecclesiasticall hystorye of Eusebyus it is wrytten howe that in the 〈◊〉 Panneada called in the Gospell Cesarea Philyppi before the doore of that woman which had the bloudye 〈◊〉 was cured thereof by touchyng the hem of our sauiours garmet as Marke in hys v. chap. wytnesseth there was an ymage of brasse erected which was made according to the fourme and shape of Chryst wearynge a longe garment and that before the same ymage was sette direct ye the ymage of the sayde womā knelynge deuoutely and humblye holdynge vp her handes to the sayd ymage of Chryst and that at the fete of Chrystes ymage a certen vnknowen herbe of a straunge forme dyd growe and that euer as it came in growing to touche the hem of the sayde longe garmente of Chryst then had it the power and vertue to cure and remedy all maner of diseases Further the fathers at the sayde seuenth counsayle assembled doo in the actes and recordes of the sayde counsayle testify and re corde that thys matter of ymages was entreated of and debated in the syxt generall counsayle kepte and holden at Constantinople declarynge howe that in the sayde syxt generall counsayle it was defyned and determined that it was a chrysten vsage to haue the Image of the crucifixe to the intente that hereby we shoulde be broughte in remembraunce of Chryste whych toke awaye the synnes of the worlde And at length the sayde seuenthe generall counsayle concludyng doth saye that the honour and reuerence geuen to Images is not that kynde of honoure which is cal led Latria That is to saye Godes honoure whyche onely is due to God and muste of vs creatures be geuen to none other but onelye to our creature but it is another kynde of honoure done in remembraunce of theyr vertues godlynes and conuersation and for other godlye respectes before expressed And thys determination as concernyng Images wyth all other thynges then and there agreed vpon was of all and euery of the Patryarches and catholyke byshoppes then and there beynge aswell of the Greke as of the Latyne Churche beynge in all aboue three C. Bysshoppes besydes other degrees of the clergye wyth an vniforme consent well allowed gladelye receyued and earnestly and obedientlye obserued 〈◊〉 these premysses duely consydered and wayed al men oughte to conforme them selues to the vse of the Catholyke Churche herein and to folowe the rule and counsayle of Saynte Paule in hys thyrde chapyter of hys epystle to the Collossenses where he sayeth thus Omne 〈◊〉 facit is in uerbo aut in opere 〈◊〉 in nomine domini 〈◊〉 stri 〈◊〉 Christi gratias agentes deo patriper ipsum That is to saye Euerye thynge whatsoeuer ye doo in worde or in dede do ye all thynges in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste gyuynge thankes to GOD and the rather by or throughe Chryste Whiche rule who that foloweth in the vse of these Images as the hole Catholyke Churche heretofore hath and no we doth can not iustlye nor ought not to be reprehēded or misliked nor rekoned to haue don a mysse or to breake thys seconde commaūdement For by the very wordes therein conteyned we be not forbydden to make or to haue similytudes or Images but onelye we be forbydden to make 〈◊〉 to haue them to the intente to gyue Goddes honoure vnto them or to take them as Godes as it appeareth in the. xxvi Chapyter of Leuiticus And therefore although Images of Chryste and hys saynctes be the workes of mennes handes yet they be not so prohibited but that they may be hadde and sette vp bothe in churches and in other places to the intente that we in beholdyng and lokynge vpon them as
whiche arte in heauen hallowed be thy name WE cannot comprehend in our mynde the great goodnes of God towardes vs in that he hath taughte vs here in the begynnyuge of oure prayer to cal hym Oure father Of truthe this was not vsed in the tyme of the olde testamente amongeste the Iewes for they lyued vnder the bondage of Moyses lawe as seruauntes and durste not call God theyr father but Lorde whych is a 〈◊〉 of maiestye and power but we Chrysten men are taughte by oure Sauioure Chryste hymselfe the author and maker of thys prayer boldelye to call God oure father whyche is a name of be 〈◊〉 mercy gentlenes and greate loue And yf the holy pa triarche Abraham who was called the frend of god dyd call GOD his Lord whan he made hys prayer vnto hym sayinge in the. xviii of Genesys Shall I speake to my Lorde seynge I am but dust and 〈◊〉 Howe muche lesse durste we haue called God our father except that he had so taught vs and commaunded vs to 〈◊〉 In why the hys doynge he hath gyuen vs ryghte great cause to put our hole con fidence in hym and to loke and truste for all good at his hande But ye wyll percase aske howe hathe almyghtye God made hym selfe to be oure father Trulye it is not by natural generation for after that sorte he onelye is father vnto Iesus Chryste but he hath made hymselfe to be our father by adoptinge vs 〈◊〉 hym throughe faythe in Chryste Iesus whych thyng he doth in the tyme of oure baptysme accordyng as it is wrytten in the fyrste of S. Iohn 〈◊〉 eis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dei fierihijs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to saye 〈◊〉 He Chryst gaue vnto them power to be made the sonnes of God to thē who beleue in hys name And in the. viii to the Bomaynes S. Paule sayeth 〈◊〉 haue receiued the 〈◊〉 of Adoption to be the sonnes of God in whych 〈◊〉 we doo crye Abba father And in the 〈◊〉 to the Ephesyans S. Paule sayeth Be ye folowers of God as mooste dearelye beloued sonnes and walke in loue as Chryst hath loued 〈◊〉 And in the fyft of Mathew our sauiour Christ saieth Be ye perfit as youre heauenlye father is perfit And here is to be noted a lesson that as 〈◊〉 worde father doth declare the greate 〈◊〉 mercy and loue of GOD towardes vs as well in creation as also in the redemption of man so it 〈◊〉 sheth vs agayne of oure duetye towardes hym and howe we be bound to shew agayne vnto hym our hole harte loue obedience and redynes to fulfyll with all gladenes and humilitye all hys preceptes and commaundementes And therefore whosoeuer presumeth to come to God with this prayer and to call hym father and yet hathe not full intente and purpose to vse hym selfe in all thynges lyke a kynde and an obedyente Sonne he commeth to him as Iudas came to Christ wyth a kysse pretendyng to be his frende and hys ser uaunte in callynge hym mayster and yet he was in dede a traytoure to hym and a deadelye enemye And for thys consideration euerye chrysten man that intendeth to make thys prayer ought inwardly and throughly to searche and examyne hym selfe and yf he fynde in hymselfe anye notable cryme for the whiche he oughte to be ashamed to cal GOD his father let hym accuse hym selfe therefore to God and recognyse hys vn worthynes saying as the prodygal sonne sayde father I haue offended the I am not worthye to be called thy sonne And wyth due repentaunce 〈◊〉 purpose and intente to amende hys naughtye lyfe let hym lyte vppe hys harte to God and callynge for hys grace of reconciliation let hym humbly say Oure father c. Neyther is it wythoute greate cause that oure sauyour Chryste teacheth vs to saye Oure father and not My father For thereby he geuethe vs clerly to vnderstande that as we our selues be the sōnes and chyldren of God by adoption throughe faythe so are all other Chrysten men and women the chyldren of GOD by the same faythe and therefore we ought to loue them all with perfecte loue and charytye as brethen and systers in God Oure heauenlye doctoure in thys worde doeth geue vs instruction of vnitye concorde and peace and to praye to God for all chrysten people knowen and vnknowen for and frende And for that purpose and effecte he hath not learned vs to saye My father whiche art in hea uen but he hath taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen Lykewyse we saye not gyue me thys daye my daylye breade but Giue vs thys daye oure daylye breade nor we say not forgiue me my synnes and trespasses but forgyue vs oure synnes and trespasses Lykewyse we saye not delyuer me from euyll but Delyuer vs from euyll To sygnyfye that throughe faythe in Iesus Christe we are all the sonnes of God and therefore shoulde not the gentleman dyspyse the yoman nor the ryche the poore Malachye Malach. 2. doth saye Nunqui non pater unus omnium nostrum 〈◊〉 non unns deus creauit nos quare ergo unusquisque nostrum despicit fratrem suum That is to saye Haue not we all one father hathe not one God made vs all wherefore than doth euerye one of vs dyspise hys brother The prayer in dede that the proude Pharisey made Luke 18 〈◊〉 not acceptable vnto God bycause he dispised hys neighboure the publican Let vs al 〈◊〉 knowe our selues to be brethren in god through sayth equally to be hys chyldren And as concerninge these wordes whych art in heauen we maye not by theym vnderstande that God is conteyned and included wythin the heauenes as the aungelles and holy sayntes are for as Salomon sayeth in the thyrd booke of the kynges and the eyght chapyter The heauens of heauens doo not comprehende or include hym But in thys respecte he is sayde to be in heauen because he by hys almyghtye power doth conteyne kepe holde vp and mayntayne all the heauens and also all other creatures whyche are enclosed and shutte vnder the cope or compasse of heauen accordynge as S. Paule sayeth Collos. i. Omnia in ipso constant That is to saye All thynges in hym haue theyr beynge And therefore vnto god onelye we doo saye whyche arte in heauen Bycause that god onely as he hath made heauen and all thynges vnder heauen so he onely is in all the heauens and wyth hys almyghtye power conserueth and kepethe them in all theyr beyng And here must we note that we maye not thynke that god is so in heauen that thereby he can not be or is not in earth also as shall please hym selfe For truelye he is in all places by hys essence by hys presence and by hys power accordynge as he sayethe Hieremye xxiii Nonne coelum terram ego impleo That is to saye Doo not I fyll heauen and earth and he is sayde specyally to be in heauen for as muche as in heauen he
brittle vessels Of our selues we be crabbe trees that can bryng furth no Aples we be of our selues of such earth as can bryng furth but weedes nettels brambles bryers cocle and darnell Our fruytes 〈◊〉 declared in the fyfte chapter to the Galathians We haue neitherfayth Charitie hope pacience chastitie nor any thinge els that good is but of God and therefore these vertues be called there the fruytes of the holy ghoste and not the frutes of man Let vs therefore acknowledge our selues before God as we be in dede miserable and wretched synners And let vs earnestly repent and humble oure selues hartely to cry to God for mercye Lette vs all confesse wyth mouth and harte that we be full of imperfections Let vs knowe our owne workes of what imperfection they be and then we shall not stande folyshly and arrogantly in our owne conceytes For truely ther is imperfections in our best 〈◊〉 we doo not loue God so muche as we are bounde to doo with all our harte mynde and power we doo not feare God so muche as we ought to doo we doo not pray to God but wyth great and many imperfections We geue forgeue beleue loue and hope vnper fectlye we speake thinke and doo vnperfectly we fyght agaynst the deuyll the worlde and the fleshe vnperfectly Let vs therefore not be ashamed to cō fesse playnely oure 〈◊〉 of imperfection yea let vs not be ashamed to confesse imperfection euen in al our workes Let none of vs be ashamed to sai with holy S Peter I am a synfull man Let vs all saye with the holy prophete Dauid We haue sin ned with our fathers we haue done amisse and dealt wyckedlye Let vs all make confession with the prodigall sonne to oure father and say with hym We haue synned agaynst heauē and be fore thee O father we are not worthy to be called thy sonnes Lette vs all saye wyth holye Baruche O lord our God to vs is worthely ascribed shame and confusion and to the righteousnes We haue sinned we haue don wicked ly we haue behaued our selues vngodly in all thy rightousnes Let vs al saye with the holy prophet Danyell O Lorde rightuousnes belongeth to thee vnto vs beldngeth cōfusion We haue synned we haue bene naugh tie we haue offended we haue fled frō the wee haue gone backe from all thy precepts and iudgementes So we learne of al good men in holy scripture to humble our selues and to exalte extoll prayse magnifye and glorifye God Thus ye haue hearde howe euill we be of our selus how of our selues by our selues we haue no good nes helpe nor saluation but contrary wyse synne dampnation and deathe euerlastynge whyche yf wee depely weyghe and consyder we shall the bet ter vnderstande the great mercy of God and how our saluation commeth onely b y Chyst for in our selues as of our selues we fynde nothyng whereby we may be delyuered from this miserable capti uitie into 〈◊〉 whyche we were cast throughe the enuye of the deuyll by transgression of Godes commaundement in our fyrst parente Adam We are al become vncleane but we al of our selues are not hable to clēse our selues nor to make one an other of vs cleane We are by nature the chyldren of Gods wrathe we are not hable of oure selues to make vs the chyldren and inheritours of Gods glorye We are shepe that 〈◊〉 astray we cānot without goddes grace and helpe come agayne to the shepefolde so greate is our imperfection and weakenes In our selues therefore maye not we glorye which of oure selues are nothyng but synnefull neyther maye we bragge of oure workes that we doo whyche all be so vnperfecte and vnpure that they are not of them selues hable to stande before the ryghteous throne of GOD as the holye Prophete Dauyd sayeth Enter not into iudgemente wyth thy seruaunte O Lorde for no man that lyuethe shal be founde ryghtuous in thy syghte To God therefore must wee stye or els shall we neuer fynde peace rest and quyetnes of conscience in oure hartes For he is the father of mercyes and God of all consolation he is the Lorde with whom is plen teouse redemption He is the God whiche of hys owne mercy saueth vs and setteth oute his charitie and exceading loue towards vs in that of his owne voluntary goodnes when we were peryshed he saued vs and prouyded an euerlastyuge kyngedome for vs. And all these heauenly treasures are giuē vs of hys mere mercy freelye And for whose sake Trulye for Iesus Christes sake that pure and 〈◊〉 Lambe of God He is that dearely beloued sonne for whose sake God is fullye pacifyed satisfyed and set at one with man He is the Lambe of God whyche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde of whome it maye be truely spoken that he dyd all thinges wel and in his mouthe was founde no crafte nor subtyltye Lykewyse he maye saye the prynce of the worlde came and in me hath nothinge He maye saye also which of you shall reproue me of anye faulte He is that hyghe and euerlastynge preiste whyche hathe offered him selfe to God whē he instituted the sacrament of the Aultar and once for all in a bloudye sacryfyce doone vpon the crosse with which oblatyon he hath made perfecte for euermore theym that are sanctified He is the mediatoure betwene God and man which payed our raunsome to God wyth hys owne bloude and wyth that hathe clensed vs from synne He is the Phisition whych healeth all our dyseases He is that sauioure whiche saueth the people from all theyr synnes To be short he is that flowing and most plenteous fountayne of whose fulnes all we haue receyued For in him are all the tresures of the wysedome and knowledge of God hydden And in hym and by him haue we from God the father al good thinges perteyning eyther to the bodye or to the soule O howe much then are we bounde to this oure heauenlye father for these his greate mercyes whiche he hath so plenteouslye declared vnto vs in Chryst Iesu oure Lorde and sauiourer What thankes worthy and sufficiente can we giue to him Let vs all wyth one accord burst oute wyth ioyfull voices euer praysynge and magnifying this Lord of mercy for hys tender kindenes shewed to vs in his dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Chryst our Lord. Let vs nowe iearne to knowe our selues our frailtie and weakenes withoute anye ostentation or vnastynge of our owne good dedes and merytes Let vs also knowledge the exceadynge mercye of God towarde vs and confesse that as of our selues commeth all euyll and dampnation so lykewyse of hym commeth all goodnes and saluation as God hym selfe saith by the Prophet Oze O Israel thy destruction commeth of thy selfe but in me onely is thy helpe and comforte If wee thus humbly submytte our selues in the sight of God we may be sure that in the time of his visitatyō he wil 〈◊〉 vs vp into the kyngedome of his derely beloued