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A14114 A silver watch-bell The sound wherof is able (by the grace of God) to win the most profane worldling, and carelesse liuer, if there be but the least sparke of grace remaining in him, to become a true Christian indeed, that in the end he may obtaine euerlasting saluation. Wherunto is annexed a treatise of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1605 (1605) STC 24421; ESTC S106042 114,862 276

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sée also that the Wine is made of many clusters of grapes yet after it is made is but one onely wine in like sort must the Christians which are many in themselues bée ioyned together throught loue into one body which is the Church whereof Iesus Christ ought to bée the onely head and leader But wée must note that this loue whereunto we are exhorted by so many reasons of the Supper cannot bee where there is enuie brawling contentions rancour debate and diuision and therefore before wée come to the Supper which is a witnes of our agréement as well with Christ as with his congregation if wee haue had any strife and contention with our brethren wée must louinglie reconcile our selues vnto them If any man haue offended vs wée must franckely and fréely forgiue our brethren h Mat. 5.23.44 yea our enemies as wée would that our good GOD should pardon vs and as wée sée how IESVS CHRIST our Lorde hath left vs an example of his loue when he praied to GOD his Father for his enemies which put him to death i Luke 23.34 as wée read also that Saint Stephen did the same k Acts. 7.60 Againe wée must also marke that this loue ought to bee practised in all estates Kings must loue their subiects they must be Nurces l Esai 49.23 of the Churche of GOD louers of common peace they must vse their people with all moderation and clemencie So likewise must the people honor the King m 1. Pet. 2.13 14.15 Ro. 13.2.3 they must pay him their tribute faithfullie they must be obedient to all his Lieftenants and Officers The Pastour must loue his flocke n Acts. 20.28.31 1. Pet. 5.2.3 hée must watch take paines and pray incessantly for it o. Sa. 12.13 So likewise must the shéepe loue their Pastour the fathers their children the children their fathers and mothers the wife the husband and the husband the wife the maisters their seruantes and the seruants their maisters and euery one in his calling must endeuour to exercise loue in that vocation wherevnto God hath called him For otherwise it wil be impossible for vs to doe our dueties faithfully aswel towards God as towards men if the rule of loue doe not guide and gouerne vs in all our doings Other necessarie obseruations for them that will come to the Lordes Table IN the foure Articles aforesaid consisteth the true examining of our selues notwithstanding we must take good héede to these poynts and notes which follow First wée haue to note that wée must not cast our heads and bende our braines to examine curiously another mās life as many do which stretch out and scanne so narrowly the blemishes of their brethren that they forget their owne It is to be wished and wée must procure it as much as lyeth in vs that the Church of God may be maintained in purity without shew of offence But forsomuch as in this world corne shall alwaies be mixed with chaffe wéedes with wheate Mat. 3.12 Mat. 13 24 Mat. 13.47 Mat 10. Mat. 25. good fishe with bad Iudas with true Apostles foolishe Virgins with wise yet none of vs must be affended therefore And moreouer let euery man indeuour to finde that perfection in himselfe which he desireth to bring into an other Secondly we must not thinke that faith repentance giuing of thankes and loue and other vertues which GOD requireth of vs can be perfect here in this worlde for there will be alwaies in vs what regenerate and newe borne soeuer wée be some remnantes of sinne of incredulitie of lacke of repentance of vnthankfulnesse selfe loue which is directly contrary and opposite to the true loue of our neighbour As long as we liue the flesh will fight against the Spirit Rom. Galat. 5.1 1. Pet. 5.8 the Diuel and the worlde will make warre against vs as the life of the Patriarches Prophettes and Apostles doe sufficiently witnesse vnto vs so that euen to the last breath of our life we shall haue néede to craue of our God that he would forgiue vs our sinnes through his sonne Iesus Christ Notwithstanding so farre it is that the imperfections which are in vs should cause vs to drawe backe from God and from this holy banquet that rather so that we are displeased with our selues for them they ought to cause vs to come the sooner to the intent that as poore famished creatures we might more gréedily with greater desire receiue Iesus Christ which is the true shepheard of our soules Thirdly although it be not required of the worthy comming to the Supper to haue a perfect faith perfect repentance perfect giuing of thanks perfect Loue yet must they be notwithstanding true and procéede from the heart and from the spirit Our faith must not be feigned our repentance must not bée counterfeit and painted as that of hipocrites the thanks which we giue to GOD must not come onely from the mouth neither must we loue our brethren in word onely and not in déede but let the whole profession of our faith and Christian life aboue all things bée farre from ostentation and hypocrisie so that we take more paines to be good Christians in déede and before God then to be so counted and taken before men Of those that refuse wilfully BVt as there are many which do amisse in presenting themselues vnworthily to the Communion so there are manie which doe amisse on the contrary side in that they wil by no meanes come nor present themselues to this holie banket for feare of communicating as they say vnwoorthily and so consequently to be culpable of the body and blood of Iesus Christ But let them that abstaine of set purpose from the Lordes holy table knowe that it is no lesse faulte vpon an vnthankfulnesse and contempte to abstaine from the holie and sacred meates which God presenteth to vs at the Supper then to receiue it vnworthily as we see that a Patient which being very sicke maketh no account of the receyte and dyet which the Phisitian hath prescribed is no lesse faultie then hee which abuseth or vseth it not competently as the Phisitian hath appointed Therefore let not this sorte of people flatter themselees as though by this meanes they could be excused doth before God men seeing that it is a most certaine truthe that so hainous an ingratitude is in no wise to be admitted or worthy excuse For first of all such men doe willingly contemne the commandement of Iesus Christ which saith to all his Do this take yee eate yee Secondlie they contemne the blessed remembraunce of the death and Passion of the Sonne of GOD who commaundeth all the faithfull to celebrate the Supper in remembraunce of him Thirdly they contemne the price of their redemption that is to say the precious body and blood of Iesus Christ which are giuen distributed to all faithfull Christians in the Supper according as it is saide This is my body
thou mayest at the last obtaine the reward which our Sauiour Christ hath promised Come ye blessed of my Father c. Which Lord for thy mercie sake graunt vs Amen CHAP. III. Concerning the generall day of Doome FOrsomuch as the feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome and al for the most part are restrayned from sinne and wickednes by the feare of punishment paines and are brought to a good mind and purpose they which exclude this feare out of their hearts doe shut vp against themselues the true and wholesome repentance For as the Scripture testifieth the feare of the Lord expelleth sinne and he which is without feare cannot he iustified August in Ioan. Tract 9. The which St. Augustine by a very proper similitude setteth foorth If there be no feare there is no entrance for loue euē as we sée when a man soweth the thréed is brought in with a néedle the néedle first entereth but except the néedle goe out also the thréed followeth not Euen so feare first possesseth the minde but feare remaineth not there alone because it therefore entred to bring in loue Wherefore to awake vs sléeping in sinnes and to ingender feare in our minds the Lord doth oftentimes in the Gospel threaten vtter darknes gnashing of teeth euerlasting fire and other torments of hell that at the leastwise for feare of paines and torments we might bridle our mindes our eyes and our hands from sinne and wickednesse 2 This feare is not onely probable but also very necessarie For if now after so many threatnings of our Creator so fearefull and so greeuous we scarcely forsake our sins what would we do if God did not threaten at all Therefore I holde this that the feare of the Lord is as it were the parent and kéeper of righteousnesse temperance loue and of all vertues 3 But there is nothing that doeth more worke this feare in vs then the remembrāce of that great day wherein al the causes of al men are to be pleaded and their matters determined Insomuch that Saint Augustine affirmeth if Christian men should heare no other Gospel then that wherein the general iudgement is set foorth that one might suffice both to reuoke sinnefull men from their wickednesses and also being reuoked to cōteine them in their dutie 4 Wherefore in this Chapter wée will handle two notable points concerning the iudgement to come The first shal be concerning the greatnes horror of that day and of the fearefull signes that shall go before the same The second shal be concerning the raising vp of the dead bodies and the comming of the Iudge 5 The greatnesse and horror of that last day may be knowen hereby that it is called in holy Scripture a great day and the day of the Lord. And shall it not indéede be a very great day which shal cōprehend all the daies of all ages aswell those that are past as those that are to come For in that day men shall render an account of all the dayes that are past In that day God will poure out that infinite treasure of his wrath and indignation which he hath heaped vp in the space of al the worlds that are past In that day the motions of the heauens shall cease the course of the starres the reuolution of yéeres the vicissitude or returne of moneths and dayes the decay of mortal things al the cogitations of men al their studies al their Artes al their disciplines all their affaires shall rest in eternall silence 6 Also in that day it shal be decréed by the sentence and irreuocable constitution of the most high and eternal Iudge what state and condition euery one of vs shall haue and retaine in al eternitie of worlds 7 And not without cause the holy scriptures haue called it the day of the Lord. For as al the dayes of men going before are called their dayes because men watch in them and do whatsoeuer they will and God beareth suffereth endureth expecteth and after a sort sleepeth resteth in them Euen so then the day of the Lorde shal shine wherein hée shal be continually waking shal do whatsoeuer he wil and we whether we wil or no must suffer and endure 8 Thou now doest adde sin vnto sinnes and ceasest not to offend God dayly God is silent at al these things And why so Because this day is thy day But the day shall come beléeue me the day of the Lorde shall come which shal bring an ende to so long silence and wherein he wil take vengeaunce of all the iniuries that haue béene done vnto him 9 Thus we sée that al Eternitie comprehendeth two dayes onely The one of man the other of God In the one men shal watch and God shal sleepe In the other men shal sleepe and God shal watch 10 How horrible this day shall bée wée cannot plainly vnderstand and yet we may gesse at it by the present calamities For then the hoast of al punishments which their confederate battel of al offences shal assaile vs with maine force 11 But as in the warres of men before the last and general battel there are many excursions and short skirmishes euen so before that great and most fearefull conflict which shal be in the day of the Lorde God is wont with his seueral bands to make certaine excursions and one while to send vpon vs famine another while pestilence another while warre another while earth-quakes another while floods of waters and another while drougth as it were his horsemen to inuade vs who when they haue damnified vs retire and abide in their tents If therefore we so greatly feare pestilence warre famine earth-quakes and such like when as they are but the beginning of sorrowes and short excursions what I pray you wil wée doe when the last and general conflict shal come at what time al tribulations extremities calamities and miseries shal also fight against vs 12 And if wée doe yet more fully desire to know the greatnes and horror of that last day let vs consider those signes which shal a little while come before that day Therefore before the comming of that great day heauē and earth and all the Elements shall giue signes For there shal be signes in the Sun in the Moone and in the stars Luke 21. and vpon the earth trouble among the nations with perplexitie the Sea and waters shal roare and mens heartes shal faile them for feare and for looking after those things which shal come vpon the world 13 For as man which is a litle worlde when he draweth néere to his end the humors in him as certaine Elements are troubled and his eyes which are as the Sunne and Moone are obscured lose their light and the rest of the sences as the lesser Starres do by little little fall and faile and yet his minde and reason as the power of heauen is mooued from his seate wandereth erreth Euen so in the dissolution and fall
poore Christ in pouertie For it cannot bée expressed in wordes how ample and large the way of the Lorde shal be made vnto all them which can set their heart vpon Heauen contemne earthly vanities with great feruencie of minde to cleaue whollie vnto God and which can cut off the desires of vnprofitable things 30 Last of all this may be added also for the explication of our question that the lawe and commandementes of God are a straite way and gate if they be considered by themselues and alone But if the grace and helpe of God be ioyned vnto them they ought not to be called a straite gate but a swéete yoke and a light burthen 31 For this is the difference betwéene the law and the Gospel The law commanded that wee should bée holie but it gaue no grace by which men are sanctified It commanded vs to fight against the deuill but it gaue not vnto vs necessary armor and weapons to fight It commanded vs of carnall to become spiritual but it gaue not the holy Ghost by which we might be made spiritual It commanded vs to goe forward towardes Heauen but it giueth not vnto vs Ladders and steppes by which wée may ascend into Heauen 32 Therefore the Law was a yoke but not a swéete yoke It was a burthen but not a light one But the Gospel commanding the selfe-same things giueth helpe and strength that they may not onely bée done but also that they may be easily done 33 Wherefore the Gospel is a yoke but sweete It is a burthen but light It is also a strait and a broad way it is a sharpe and pleasant way Let vs heare the words of the Prophet saying Because of the words of thy mouth Psal 119. I haue kept hard wayes Beholde a yoke and a burthen a strait and a narrowe way Let vs heare the same Prophet again In the way of thy Commandements I haue had as great delight as in in all manner of riches Againe I haue runne the way of thy commandements when thou hast set my heart at libertie Behold a helpe of grace 4 For then the way is inlarged and the course easily finished when the heart is made spatious voyd with the fire of loue What is the cause that all the saintes did so great and wonderfull workes and wee so small and the same not without the compulsion of law many times Surely there is no other cause but this they were feruent and we are colde Finally they which complaine of the straitnes of the Lordes wayes séeme to mee not to haue knowne as yet what the Gospel signifieth For what doth the gospel signifie what grace what the Law of loue what the holy Ghost what Christ what Iesus and what a deliuer but a deliuerance but libertie and charitie but swéetnesse and facilitie 35 What this gate is wherof the Lorde speaketh why it is called straite wée haue hitherto shewed now these words are to bée considered Because many I say vnto you shall seeke to enter in and cannot 36 There are thrée sorts of men which shal séeke to enter in and yet notwithstanding cannot and there is also a fourth kinde which doe not so much as séeke to enter in 37 There are some therefore which séeke to enter into the kingdom of heauen but they do not therefore enter because they doe not séeke to passe and enter by the straite gate but by the broad way And of this sort are the Mahometans the Iewes Heretickes Papists Sectaries and all Infidels The Mahometans seeke to ender and to be saued but therefore they enter not and cannot be saued because they enter not by the strait gate Christ but by the broad gate Mahomet For when Mahomet saw the straitnesse of Christian Religion hée opened a certaine other gate broad and wide which leadeth the direct way vnto hell 38 Behold and sée what a wide gate Mahomet hath set open he hath taught nothing to bee beléeued which excéedeth mans vnderstanding no Trinitie no Incarnation no death or resurrection of the Sonne of God Also hee hath taught to hope for nothing which the eye séeth not and the eare heareth not but floods of milke honey and wine fulnesse of venerie and fulfilling of lusts multitude of seruants continuall sportes and banquets this he would haue to be the felicitie of the blessed 39 The Papistes also set open a very wide gate when they teach men to merite heauen by workes to purchase vnto themselues with mony pardon for their sins past to come to redéeme their soules out of Purgatory fire by purchasing infinite Masses Dirges with money to be sung after their death to haue absolution of their sinnes by confessiō to a Priest with diuers other points of like sort which maketh the way very broad and open for rich men but straite and narrow for the poore 40 In like manner al Heretikes Scismatickes which cannot endure and abide the straits of this gate doe open euery one to himselfe a proper gate The Family of Loue hath a peculiar gate the Anabaptists Libertines a wide gate and the Brownists and Barrowists at this time a fantasticall gate all which séeke an equalitie of states and persons a common participation of other mens portions a sacrilegious spoyle of the Lordes treasurie and sanctuary with Athalia whereby they open the broad way of disorder and confusion and a libertie to all sinne and wickednes and yet by these gates which stand so wide open a great multitude of men doe dayly enter 41 All which the Lord calleth back with these words Striue ye to enter in at the strait gate for many I say vnto you haue sought to enter namely into life and cannot because they enter not in by the straite gate which onelie leadeth vnto life 42 Let not the largenes of the gate moue you What doth it profite to enter easily and not by the straits if ye enter into Hell Nay rather if ye be wise suspect and stand in feare of the broadnes of the gate and of the facility of faith Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth vnto life And that is true Christian faith which for the déepnes and excellencie of her mysteries requireth this that vnderstanding be captiued of will 43 There are yet another sort which desire to enter in by the straite gate but they come too late and therfore séeking to enter in cannot Hee that stept not in quickly and at the first into the water of the poole Bethesda after the Angell had stirred the same Io●● ● lost the benefite of healing and great were the liberties and priuiledges which the Israelites had in that great yeere of Iubile which was euery fifty yéere and he that chalenged not his fréedome in this time afterwares lost it Euen so now is the time of health wherein the Archangell Christ Iesus maketh the water of life effectuall to our saluation now also is that great Iubile wherein we
their own saluation and the saluation of their brethren but rather to make themselues greater in their goods and honours and to satisfie their owne affections And therefore it commeth to passe that as soone as the diuell lifteth vp his hornes against the Church of God and persecutions be at hand they melt away by and by in afflictions as doth waxe before the fire they are offended and parched with the Sunne of the crosse they are sorie for the good they haue done they repent themselues that they were so hasty to confesse the name of our Lord Iesus Christ in the assembly of the faithful they wish they had neuer known GOD nor his word nor his Church nor his Ministers because they make greater account as Esau did of one messe of pottage q Ge. 25.38 than of the birth-right and blessing of the heauenly father But let such manner of persons knowe that it shall no more profit them that they made a faire beginning and iolly holding vp of their buckler then it did Cain Esau Saule Iudas For séeing that sentence is generall that whosoeuer continueth vnto the end he shall be saued it followeth by the contrary that all they which doe not continue constantly in the confession of the sonne of God are hindered by their goods and honours loue of the world ease of their flesh to set forth and declare with a continuall traine the benefit of our redemption it followeth I say that such persons shal goe to ruine and euerlasting destruction Last of all this acknowledging must not onely be priuate but publike in the face and presence of the whole Church and therefore as Dauid saith r Psa 116 12.13.14 What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefites towardes me I wil take the cuppe of saluation and cal vpon the name of the Lord. I wil pay my vowes vnto the Lord euen now in the presence of all his people ſ Psal 40.9.10 And againe I haue declared thy righteousnesse in the great congregation Loe I haue not refrained my lips O Lord thou knowest I haue not hid thy righteousnesse within my heart but I haue declared thy truth and thy saluation I haue not concealed thy mercy thy truth from the great congregation So then this ought to be wel printed in the heart of the weake those that are ashamed to confesse and praise openly our Lord Iesus Christ For séeing that God doeth auouch vs openly for his people and giueth himselfe fréely vnto vs and to our children in the person of his welbeloued Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ wee can doe no lesse then auouche him publikely for our God and Sauiour in the person of that same his welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. 4. Of Loue. FAith Repentance and Acknowledging of GODS benefits cannot haue place in vs and in vaine are we called Christians or that we bragge of our selues for the practise of the Commandements of the first Table which concerne the seruice of God before mentioned vnlesse we shew the effects by the kéeping of the Cōmandements of the second Table which concerne the loue of our neighbor without which wée cānot worthily present our selues to the holy Table of Iesus Christ our Lord. And therefore it is that Iesus Christ himselfe in the Sermon of the Supper which he made to his Apostles the same night that he was betrayed and deliueuered to death for vs did diligently beat this point into their heads saying By this shall all men knowe that yee are my Disciples a Iohn 13 35. if yee haue loue one to another b Iho. And againe This is my commandement that yee loue one another as I haue loued you Greater loue than this hath no man when any man bestoweth his life for his friendes Yee are my friendes if yee doe whatsoeuer I commaunde you To this same ende tendeth also that that the same night IESVS CHRIST washed the féete of the Apostles c Ihon. 15. after which washing hée said vnto them Knowe yee what I haue done to you yee call mee Maister and Lorde and yee say well for so I am If I then your Lorde and Maister haue washed your feete yee also ought to wash one anothers feete For I haue giuen you an example that yee should doe euen as I haue done to you Wee must therefore according to the commaundement and example of the Sonne of GOD be furnished with true and hote loue that we may worthily present our selues to the Lordes Table If wée will haue a true description of this loue wée must take it of Saint Paule which painteth it out in liuely colours writing to the Corinthians in this sorte d 1. Co 13 4. Loue saith hée suffreth long and is bountifull Loue enuyeth not loue doeth not boast it selfe it is not puffed vp it disdaineth not it seeketh not her owne things it is not prouoked to Anger it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquitie but reioyceth in the trueth It suffereth all things it beleeueth all things it hopeth all things it endureth all things Sée what manner of loue ours ought to bee euerie one of vs must endeuour that all the partes of this description may rightly agree vnto vs. Wée are many wayes and in sundrie sortes exhorted to this loue and brotherly concorde in the holy Supper of our Lorde Iesus Christ First in that that wée must waite one for another e 1. Cor. 1.35 and that it is not lawful for euery one of vs to celebrate the Supper particularlie and aparte but when the whole congregation is assembled together all the faithfull together must take eate and drinke the Bread and Wine of the Supper according to the commandement of Iesus Christ f Mat. 26.26 Mark 14.21 Luk. 22.19 1. Cor. 11 14. Take yee eat yee and drinke yee all of thit It is a true figure anst testimonie of the vanitie that ought to bee among vs. Moreouer in that that wée béeing all gathered togeather in one house of God which is his Church wée do there all call vpon one selfe same father which is in Heauen wée haue all one selfe same heade Aduocate and intercessour g Mat. 12. Iohn 11.17 1. Tim. 2. 1. Iohn 2. which is Iesus Christ We are all quickened with his holy Spirit which dwelleth in vs in that that we all haue one selfe same Word of God in that that we all eate of one selfe same Spiritual meate and drinke all of the selfesame spirituall drinke in that also that we all pretend as brethren to one selfesame inheritance which is the kingdome of heauen ought not this to enflame vs with true and hote loue Finally the making of the bread and Wine of the Supper doth teach vs also what vnitie and concord we ought to haue one with another for as we sée that the bread is made of many cornes and yet notwithstanding afterwardes is but one selfe same lumpe of bread as wée
A SILVER Watch-bell The sound wherof is able by the grace of God to win the most profane worldling and carelesse liuer if there be but the least spark of grace remaining in him to become a true Christian indeed that in the end he may obtaine euerlasting saluation Whereunto is annexed a Treatise of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper 1. Cor. 11. Be ye followers of me euen as I am of Christ 1. Cor. 13. Though I speake with the tongues of men and Angels and haue not loue I am as sounding bra●●e or a tinckling Cimball Imprinted at London by T.C. for William Cotton and are to be sold at his shop adioyning to Ludgate 1605. TO ALL WEAKE Christians that haue a desire to be saued IT is a necessary rule in pollicie dearely beloued in our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ that those cities shuld be garded round which are besieged round and it was Cambices counsell too that Citizens which would keepe their Cities in safety flourishing esta●● should euer bee watchfull as if the enemies were approching As this is good pollicie for Cities or Garrison townes so also Christ Iesus in the Gospell knowing that his Church should haue manie enemies and foreseeing the danger that might come vnto it by securitie cōmendeth cōmaundeth watchfulnes to his Disciples seruants for security hath euer greatly endāmaged Gods church Security made Bethel Bethauen the sweet valley a valley of salt Syon a den for Foxes Hierusalem Hieruschica that is a most homely vnpleasant place And who seeth not that the greater number of men at this day are so lulled a sleepe in the chaire of securitie by the loue of the world by the sinfull delights of the flesh and by the subtile suggestions of Sathan which they suspect not that they can as hardly be awaked as Endymion from his endlesse sleepe In the one eare Security sounding It is not yet time In the other eare presumption singing It will be time still And thus with the Dolphin they swim in delights when destruction is nearest till at the last Desperation the handmaide of Securitie plaieth her part sheweth them the houre-glasse and wofully telleth them the time is past The consideration hereof moued me Christian reader according to my simple art and skill to frame this booke as a Watch-bell to sounde in the eares of all men not one stroke alone but twelue in twelue seuerall Chapters which may serue as the wheeles of a Watch-bell to inforce it to yeeld forth the more shrill sound thereby to awake the most drowsie harted sinners from their security carelesse liuing to enter into a consideratiō how their case standeth with God finding themselues by their forepassed wicked life not worthy of the least of Gods mercies they may reforme their liues and seeke speedily to be reconciled vnto Christ And I doe hartily wish that this labour of mine may be vnto all those which desire to be heires of the euerlasting kingdome of Christ so sweet a creation in soule as were the 12. fountaines of water in Elim to the people of Israel Num. 3.3 and that it may yeelde a healing plaster to euery wounded soule no lesse effectuall then the leaues of the tree of life which bare 12. seueral fruites to heale the nations Apoc. 22. Reade it therefote diligently and with a single hart and I doubt not but in the ende thou wilt praise God both for the booke and the Author as some wel disposed haue done who haue confessed that it was the first meanes vnder God that wrought their conuersion and haue bene importunate suters for reprinting of the same wherein I haue done my endeuour and commend the successe vnto God and to him I will euermore pray that it may worke the like effect in many that the number of his Church may be daily encreased Amen Errata Page 9. lin 8. For neither are gouerned with a certaine violent motion read neither are gouerned with reason and counsell but are carried with c. page 44. lin 11. for imbraced read numbred page 63. lin 3 for fron read from pa. 62. lin 11. for if read it pa. 106. lin 24. for the read he page 100. lin 6. for houre read Chapter page 173. lin 12. for likewise read like wise men A SILVER Watch-bell CHAP. I. Of the shortnesse frailtie and miseries of mans life THis present transitorie life in the Scriptures is called a Pilgrimage Gen. 47. Sirac 40. Psal 1. a Trauaile and a Waye bicause it cōtinually plieth to an ende For as they which are carried in Coaches or sayle in shippes do finish their voyage though they sit stil and sléepe euen so euery one of vs albeit we be busied about other matters and perceiue not how the course of our life passeth away being sometime at rest sometime idle and sometime in sport and dalliance yet our life alway wasteth and we in poasting spéede hasten toward our ende 2 The wayfaring man trauelleth apace and leaueth many things behind him In his way he seeth stately Bowers and buildings he beholdeth them awhile he admireth them and so passeth from them Afterwards he séeeth fields medowe flourishing pastures and goodly vineyards Vpon these also he looketh a while he wondreth at the sight and so passeth by Then he méeteth with fruitfull Orchards gréene Forrests sweete Riuers with siluer streames and behaueth himselfe as before At the length he méeteth with desarts hard waies rough and vnpleasant foule and ouergrowne with briers and thornes héere also he is enforced for a time to stay He laboureth sweateth and is gréeued but when he hath gone a while he ouercommeth these difficulties and remembreth no more the former griefes 3 Euen so it fareth with vs One while we méet with pleasant delightfull things another while with sorrowfull and gréeuous crosses But they all in a moment passe away 4 In like manner some one is cast into prison the same is tormented vexed and afflicted he is now in the brambles and troublesome place but he shal quickly come forth againe and then hée will forget all his misery 5 Furthermore in highwaies and foote-paths this commonly we see that where one hath set his foote there soone after another taketh his steppe a third defaceth the print of his predecessors foot and then another doth the like neither is there any which long time holdeth his place And is not mans life such Aske saith Basil thy fieldes and possessions how many names they haue now changed In former age they were saide to be such a mans then his afterward anothers Now they are saide to be this mans and in short time to come they shall be called I cannot tell whose possessions And why so Because mans life is a certaine way wherin one succéedeth and expelleth another 6 Beholde the seates of States and Potentates of Emperors Kings how many in euery age haue aspired to these dignities and when they haue attained them after long labors
happie yet they all are no wher else to be found but in God For then at the last we shal be happy and blessed when we shal be like vnto God which by nature is blessed And wée shal bee like vnto God when we shal sée him as hée is As the Euangelist Saint Iohn testifieth saying Dearely beloued Iohn 3. wee are now the sonnes of God and it hath not yet appeared what wee shall be and we knowe that when we shall appeare wee shall bee like him for wee shall see him as hee is Saint Paul also putteth our felicity in séeing God face to face And therefore Saint Austine saith 1. Cor. 13. This onely sight of God is our happinesse 12 For as God is hereof blessed because he séeth and beholdeth himselfe being the first and the chiefe truth euen so wée also shal be blessed and like vnto God according to our measure namely when we shal beholde and see him as hée is the first and most principal trueth 13 Furthermore if the Moone and Stars doe receiue their light and are made like vnto the Sunne when they are opposite vnto him and doe after a sort behold him howe much more shall the pure mindes of the blessed receiue the diuine light and be made like vnto God when as they shal no more in a glasse or darke spéech but face to face behold the vncreated sunne and light of righteousnesse 14 O what a ioye shal it bée when at one view wée behold the most high and hidden mistery of the inseperable Trinity and of the loue of God therein towards vs and when wée shal see all things whatsoeuer in God For what shal not he sée who seeth him that seeth all things Then shal mans minde haue perpetual rest and peace neither shal it desire any further vnderstanding when he hath all before his eyes that may be vnderstood Then shal mans wil bée quiet when he enioyeth that felicitie wherein al other good things as in the fountaine Ocean of all happinesse are contained Then shal faith haue her perfect worke hope shal enioy that which she long desired but charity shal abide for euer Then shal be sung continual praises vnto the Lambe and the song although it be alwaies sung yet it shal be euer new 15 Therefore our true and onely blessednes consisteth in the sight of God as our Lord Christ hath testified Mat. 5. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God This is life euerlasting Iohn 17. that men knowe thee the true God and Iesus Christ whome thou hast sent 16 This blessednesse though it be but one simple thing yet hath it riches power pleasure In this worlde no man is rich no man is satisfied for the heart of man is greater then all the worlde can content But in that most blessed life the soules of the blessed shal be rich and satisfied with God whom it shal possesse This abundance of all things the Lord promised saying Luke 6. Good measure and running ouer and pressed down shall men giue into your bosomes And in another place Mat. 24. Verily verily I say vnto you he shall make him ruler ouer all his substance 17 The blessed soules also shall haue their honour and power For if they shal be Princes if Kings if the sonnes of God and petty Gods and if they shall sitte in Gods throne how can it be but that they shall bee most mighty and glorious For thus saith God in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn To him that ouercommeth Apoc. 3. will I graunt to sit with me in my throne euen as I ouercame and sitte with my father in his throne O incredible glorie what labours and sorrowes wil not they forget which shall be inuested into Gods throne and haue palmes of victory put into their handes and crowns set vpon their heads by Gods owne hands before all the Princes of heauen Therefore the Apostle Paul most truely crieth out saying Rom. 8. The afflictions of this life are nothing in comparison of the glory that shall be shewed vpon vs. 2. Cor. 4. And againe Our tribulation which is momentany and light prepareth an exceeding ioy waight of glory vnto vs. c. 18 The ioy and pleasure that the soules of the blessed shall haue cannot be expressed especially when soule and body shall be vnited againe in the resurrection O ioy aboue all ioyes surmounting all ioyes and without the which there is no ioy when shall I enter into thée saith Saint Augustine when shal I enioy thee to see my God that dwelleth in thée 35 solilo quiorum O euerlasting kingdome O kingdome of all eternities O light without end O peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding in which the souls of saints do rest with thée and euerlasting ioy is vpon their heads they possesse ioy and gladnes and all paine and sorrow is fled from them O how glorious a kingdome is thine O Lord wherin all saints doe raigne with thée adorned with light as with apparell and hauing crownes of precious stones vpon their heads O kingdom of euerlasting blisse where thou O Lord the hope of all saints art and the ●adem of their perpetuall glory reioycing them on euery side with thy blessed sight In this kingdome of thine there is infinit ioy and mirth without sadnes health without sorrow life without labour light without darkenes felicity without ceasing all goodnesse without any euill Where youth florisheth that neuer waxeth old life that knoweth no end beauty that neuer fadeth loue that neuer vanisheth health that neuer diminisheth ioy that neuer endeth Wher sorrow is neuer felt complaint neuer heard matter of sadnesse is neuer séene nor euill successe is euer feared Because they possesse thée O Lord which art the perfection of their felicity 19 Let vs enter into these godly meditations with this holy mā let vs not neglect so great felicity for the loue of transitorie things which are meere vanity why doe we so earnestly labour for things of no moment and haue that most happy and blessed life offered vnto vs wherein all felicity consisteth Thebrotus when hée had read the booke of Plato of the immortality of the soule was so moued therewith that immediately hée cast downe himselfe headlong from a high wall Shall Platos heathen Philosophy so much preuaile with an Ethnicke which had no féeling of this felicitie that in hope of immortality he bereft himselfe of life and shall not the swéete and most comfortable promises of the Gospell much more perswade vs which haue the true knowledge of Christ and his heauenly kingdom to forsake these vanities and delights and pleasures of the world Remember often that worthy sentence Hoc momentum vnde pendet aeternitas that is This life is a moment of time whereof al eternity of death or life to come dependeth If it be a moment the ioyes thereof must needs be momentany and miserable is that ioy which hath
of Platoes Schollers that both their diet and their apparel was alwayes like vnto that of their Masters And the Heathen could say that the perfection of a man is to be like Iupiter So in like manner Christians must doe all things after the example of Christ because the perfection of Christianitie is to bée like Christ 2 But let no man be afraid or troubled Let no man say with dispaire how can it be that men which are made of dust shoulde imitate GOD that we which are a masse or lumpe of sinne shoulde bee like the vnspotted lambe of God For we are not commanded to immitate and followe Christ in that glory and maiesty wherein he sitteth in heauen at the right hand of his Father nor yet in that power vertue by which he gouerneth the whole world and worketh signs and woonders but onely in that patterne of holines which hee set before vs in our fleshe when he was here on earth 3 For thou shalt neuer finde these precepts in Scripture hée which walketh not vpon the sea is not worthy of me he that doth not daily raise vp dead men vnto life cannot be my disciple and blessed is hée which foresheweth things to come and is mighty in signes and woonders because to such belongeth the kingdome of heauen These are not the things that we are commanded to follow in Christ but these rather Learne of me for I am meeke and humble in hart Mat. 11. Christi exemplum saith Saint Augustine est medicament●m vn●rum c. The example of Christ is a remedy to amend wickednes in vs but especially it is saith hee a medicine for pride and a paterne of humility For both his doctrine and his whole life was nothing els but an example of méekenes and humilitie what man bearing the name of a Christian is not ashamed to sée Christ so humble and méeke and himselfe so proud Math. 10. Againe hée saith Hee that taketh not vppe his Crosse and followeth mee is not worthy of mee Also blessed are the meeke Math. 5. blessed are the poore in spirite blessed are they which mourne blessed are the mercyfull blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of Heauen 4 This thing our Captaines and guides the Apostles very wel vnderstoode who albeit they spake the languages of all nations and were moste famous in working of miracles knowing themselues to bée the teachers of the whole world yet herein alone they reioyced that they were counted worthie to suffer contumelie for the name of Iesus And the blessed Apostle Paul beside those things which hée had in common with the other Apostles béeing rapt vp into the third heauens heard certaine things which are secrete and yet for all that hee iudged not himselfe any whit the more like or neare vnto Christ but for those things onely which hée rehearseth in the latter Epistle to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 12. they saith he are minsters of Christ I speake as a foole I am more In labours more abundant In stripes aboue measure in prison more plentiously In death often 5 These are the things which we are to imitate in our great Commaunder and captaine namely in aduersitie patience In hard matters fortitude In all perill and labour constancie What heart is so cold and cowardly which considering the inestimable greatnesse of the gift that God hath bestowed vpon vs in giuing vnto vs his owne so well beloued Sonne with all his perfection is not enflamed with an excéeding earnest desire to becom like vnto him in good works especially séeing the Father hath giuen him vnto vs for an example whereon we must continually looke framing our life after such a sort as it may be a true counterpaine of the life of Iesus Christ as saith saint Peter For as much as Christ hath suffered for vs 1. Tet. 2. leauing vs an example to the end that we shoulde followe his foote-steps Out of this consideration followeth the whole frame and fashioning of our selues like vnto him in all his déedes words and thoughts leauing our former wicked life and decking our selues with the new life that is to witte with the life of Christ By reason wherof Saint Paul saith Let vs cast away the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of life not in feasting nor in drunkennesse nor in chambering and wantonnesse nor in strife but put you on the Lorde Iesus Christ and make no preparation for the flesh nor for the lusts therof 6 Hereuppon the true Christian béeing in loue with Iesus Christ saith in himselfe Sith that Iesus Christ not hauing any néede of me hath redéemed me with his own bloud and is become poore to inrich mée I wil likewise giue my goods yea and my very life for the loue and welfare of my neighbour Hée that hath not this affection is no true Christian For hée cannot say that hée loueth Iesus Christ if he loue not his members and if we loue not our neighbour for whose sake Christ hath shed his bloud we cannot truely say that we loue Iesus Christ who being equal with God was obedient to his Father euen to the death of the crosse and hath loued and redéemed vs giuing himselfe vnto vs with all that euer he hath After the same maner wee being rich and hauing aboundance of good things at Christs hand must also bée obedient vnto God to offer and giue our workes and al that we haue yea and euen our selues to our neighbours and brethren in Iesus Christ seruing them and helping them at their néede and being vnto them as another Christ 7 And as Iesus Christ hath endured all the persecutions and spites of the world for the glory of God so must wée with al patientnes chéerfully beare the persecutions and reproaches that are done by false Christians to all such as wil liue faithfullie in Iesus Christ who gaue his life for his enemies and prayed for them vppon the Crosse And this is to followe Christes steppes according to Saint Peters saying 8 But now turne thy eyes a while vnto thy selfe and diligentlie beholde and see what thou doest imitate and followe in the life of Christ Thou delightest in sumptuous wardroabes and in many suites of costlie apparell But Christ in the most colde time of Winter was layed naked in a Manger Thou spendest howers and dayes in feasting and banquetting amidst thy daintie dishes talking and seruing thy bellie and the Son of God afflicted his moste innocent bodie with hunger and thirst Thou liuest in peace and pleasure in recreations in playes in pastimes and art delighted in idlenes passing thy time in singing laughing and sporting And the Sonne of God came down from heauen for our saluation that we might not perish eternally and for this cause was a pilgrim preached labored tooke no rest and spent whole nights in prayer for vs. Thou earth ashes canst not digest the least iniurie of wordes without displeasure
Lord 28. Let a man therefore examine himselfe and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this Cup. 29. For he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnatiō because he discerneth not the Lords body c. Here the Apostle sheweth vs the danger of the vnworthy receiuing the Lordes body and blood and also the meanes how we may bée worthy receiuers of the same namely by examining our selues which examinatiō consisteth chiefly in foure pointes That is to say in Faith Kepentance Giuing of thanks to God and loue towards our neighbours First we must haue Faith that is to say a certaine and infallible assurance and firme perswasion that God is a mercifull Father vnto vs in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord whom he deliuered to death for vs. Yea euery sinner must apply Christ his merites particularly vnto himselfe This Faith commeth not of vs neither is it grounded vpon vs or vpon any thing that is in vs but it commeth from God and is grounded vpon God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and vpon the promises of the Gospell confirmed inwardly within vs by the working of the holy Ghost which cryeth in our hearts Abba Rom. 8 15 Gal. 4.6 that is to say Father Furthermore this faith is nourished confirmed and increased in vs by the holy Sacraments For in the Supper God as a good father after that he had once brought vs into his Church by Baptisme nourisheth vs spiritually with the proper substance of his Sonne Iesus Christ applying and making proper vnto euery one of vs the merit of his death and passion To this ende and purpose is it that Iesus Christ himselfe giueth vs the Bread and Wine that he commandeth vs Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.21 Luke 22.19 1. Cor 11.14 to eate and drinke it that he saith that the Bread is his body which is giuen for vs and that the Wine is his blood which is shed for the remission of our sinnes by which words he giueth himselfe wholly vnto vs he will be out nourishment and spirituall life he wil dwell in vs by his holy Spirit and will that we abide in him by faith that through beliefe we may not perish but haue eternall life Iohn 3 36.18 Psal 8.7 Mat. 11. Heb. 1.2 Iohn 17.12.27 and 28. whereof he is the onely heyre and giuer In like sort the breaking of the Bread of the Supper serueth to the confirmation of our Faith and sure warranting of our saluation insomuch as it assureth vs and causeth vs to see with spirituall eyes that Iesus Christ was once broken with the paines of death in Hierusalem to deliuer vs from the same and to get vs eternall life Also in that that by the Commandement of Christ Iesus we take the Bread in our hands and then the Cup moreouer in that that we eate the Bread and drinke the Wine which turne into the nourishment of our bodies we are certified that by the hands of Faith we take and imbrace Iesus Christ our Lorde for our onely Sauiour and Redéemer and that by the same Faith we eate his body spiritually and drinke his blood to the hope of eternall life Nowe euery one of vs must liue by his owne faith according as wée may make our Confession in the Beliefe which is called the Apostles in that euery man saith by himselfe I beleeue in God and saith not Wée beléeue We must not here cast our braines or thinke vpon the beléeuing or vnbeléeuing vpon the worthynesse or vnworthynesse of an other man but vpon our owne For S. Paul doth not teach vs to examine other men or that other men should examine vs but he saith namely Let a man examine himselfe Therefore let euery one of vs for his owne part be assured in his heart that Iesus Christ the true Messias is come into the world to saue sinners amongst whom hée ought to account estéeme himselfe by the example of S. Paul the chiefest Let him beleeue that Iesus Christ came downe from Heauen into earth to lift him vp from earth to heauen that he was made the Sonne of man to make him the child of God that hée was conceyued by the holy Ghost and that he was borne of the Virgin Marie to purifie and cleanse his wicked conception and birth .. Let him perswade himselfe that the Sonne of God hath ourcome the Diuel to deliuer him from the tyranny and slauish subiection of the Diuell that he hath fulfilled all the Lawe louing God his Father with all his heart strength and might and his neighbour as himselfe to get him iustice that hée appeared before Pilate an earthly Iudge and receiued as an euill doer sentence of condemnation for this life to exempt him frō appearing before the terrible iudgement seate of Gods iustice to receiue sentence of death and euerlasting damnation for that he had offended one eternal and euerlasting God Let him assure himselfe Psal 22.1 that the same Iesus Christ went downe to Hell for him that is to say that hée suffered the sorrowes and terrours of the second death and of the sincere wrath of God to deliuer him that hée died a death accursed of God in that hée was hanged on the Crosse to purchase him life and blessing before God that hée rose againe for a gage and assurance of his resurrection that he ascended into Heauen for a certaine token that hée also shall ascend thither that hée sitteth on the right hand of God his Father to be for him an euerlasting Priest Teacher King defender reconciler and aduocate to be short that he shall come at his last comming for his comfort and full redemption We must also euery one of vs for his owne part make proper vnto our selues yea and make ours all the goodnesse and all the riches that is in Iesus Christ because that in giuing himselfe to vs he giueth vs also his benefits So then in that that Iesus Christ is God it is to make vs partakers of his Diuinitie in that that he is heyre and Lord of the world it is to make vs partakers of his Lordship and inheritance and that we recouer in him the gouernment of all things which we lost in Adam in that that he is well beloued of his Father it is that we may be acceptable vnto him in that that he is rich it is to make vs partakers of his riches in that that he hath all power against the Diuel Sinne Hell Antichrist the Worlde and all our enemies it is to defend and shield vs in that that he is iust and good it is to iustifie vs and make vs good in that that he is happy and immortall it is to make vs partakers of his blessednesse and immortalitie When we shall thus particularly apply all the actions and benefites of Iesus Christ our Lord and also all his essentiall qualities vnto our selues putting our whole trust in him and in his promises and distrusting
Iesus in the supper in that we are made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones in that we liue by his holy spirit ought not this vpon good cause to exhort vs to conforme our selues to the Image and likenesse of the holines of our Lord Iesus Christ Can he dwel in vs nourish vs with his own substance quicken vs with his holy spirit ioyne vs vnto himself by the bond of Faith yet so that he his holy spirit and faith bring not forth in vs good holy works Moreouer for so much as he doth not giue himselfe vnto vs halfemeale and destitute of his qualities and riches accompanied with all spirituall giftes and blessings adorned with righteousnesse and perfection accompanied with innocencie sanctification how can we receiue Iesus Christ enriched with all his graces that the righteousnesse of our head may not shine in vs which are members yea shine in all our parts as well inward as outward Must it needs be that the two partes of our soule that is to say our mind and heart which ought to apprehende and take hold of the promises of God which ought to receiue by faith the body and blood of our lord Iesus Christ that is to say whole Iesus Christ true God equal in euery respect to God his father and true man made of humane body and soule that this minde heart I say must be applyed to the meditation and loue of worldly and wicked things being destitute of the knowledge and loue of God and of the loue of our neighbour Doth it behoue our body which is the temple of God to be prophaned That our eares which were created of God to heare his voice shuld be stopped against it and be opened to vanities wanton talke vnchast worldly songes Doth it behooue our tongue which is bound by the right of creation to sing the praises of God and by the right of redemption to shew forth the Lords death till he come h That this tongue which is so proper an instrument of the glory of God should be mute to goodnesse incessantly occupied in backbiting slaundering blaspheming or at the least in speaking idle words whereof one day wée shal yéeld an account before the throne of the Maiesty of God i Mat. 12.36 Doeth it behoue our mouth which ought to receiue the blessed signe of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus to suppresse the benefit of our redemption and to haue adders poyson in it Doeth it behooue our hands which ought to take at the supper the assured gage of the loue of God the infallible pledges of his league with vs the earnest penny of our saluation to be voide of goodnesse beside that be giuen to extortion theft murther oppression violence Doth it behooue our féete which ought to runne and make hast to goodnesse to be ready and light to runne to mischiefe No surely but as he which calleth vs is holy so likewise must we also be wholy holy as he hath brought vs by holy Baptisme into his holy house which is his Church the Cōmunion of Saints Euen so likewise must we lead therein a good holy conuersation as he hath washed vs from our sinnes by the precious blood of his sonne Iesus Christ so must we dye to them liue in righteousnesse as he hath called vs to the the incorruptible hope of the blessed resurrection eternal life so must we lift vp our harts on high and not be buried like Moles in this fraile and transitorie earth To be short séeing that the grace of God is set before vs euery day and his holy word soundeth in our eares l Tit. 2.11 12.13.14 to this onely end that it may be saluation vnto vs and that renouncing all vngodlinesse worldly desires we should liue soberly iustly and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mighty God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ We must pray vnto this good God that he would giue vs grace so to behaue our selues towardes him in liuing godly so towards our neighbours in liuing iustly so towards the poore in reléeuing them charitably so towards our selues in liuing soberly that we may be found at the day irreprehensible by the meanes of that his wel beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ 3 Thirdly Of thankes giuing we must giue thanks to this good God for the benefit of our redemption for this cause it is that the Auncients called the holy supper Eucharistia that is to say gratefulnesse good grace giuing of thankes For if so be that our ordinary food and daily bread which GOD giueth vs for the nourishmēt of our bodies ought to be sanctified by the word receiued with thankesgiuing ought we not much more to thanke God for the heauenly bread for the nourishment of our soules which is offered vnto vs really giuen vs in the holy Supper of Iesus Christ And we sée also how Iesus Christ himselfe sheweth vs an example hereof For when he tooke the bread of the Supper S Matthewe and S. Marke say that Iesus Christ blessed And S. Luke expoundeth this word to blesse when he saith that he gaue thankes Now then séeing that we sée that Iesus Christ when he tooke the bread of the supper gaue thankes to God his father as he did also when he tooke the cup that for the redemption of mākind it is our duty to do the like And that we may be the better moued to giue thanks to God we haue to consider the greatnesse of the benefit of our redemption and the excellency of the gift which God giueth vs at his holy table which cannot bée done vnlesse we consider our miserable condition which was before figured by the temporall captiuitie of Egypt We see there how Pharaoh was strong and mighty how he knew not the generall how he went about to kill all the séede of the Israelites Exe 1.3 by the suppression and death of their men children we sée also how excessiuely he caused the Israelites to worke without any hope of wages how he would not suffer them by any meanes to sacrifice to the Lord nor to goe forth of the land of Egypt Which thing continued not for one yeare or two but for the space of foure hundred and thirtie f Exo. 12.30 yeares Here may we liuely beholde a draught of our misery We were all lost and destroyed in Adam Wee were holden captiues in the helly Egypt vnder the Tyranny of a spirituall Pharaoh which is the Diuell This Tyrant was strong and mighty hee suffered vs not to serue our GOD. He made vs to labour incessantly in slauish and vnfruitfull workes of sinne to the establishment of his owne kingdome He slew not onely our men children but he led vs all indifferently to vtter ruine and destruction And this Tyranny had not onely continued for a certaine time but had béene eternall and
which is giuen for you This is my blood which is shed for the remission of your sinnes Finally they despise the church and the vnity thereof and willingly excommunicate themselues from the communion which the faithfull haue in the Supper as well with Iesus Christ as one with another Wée sée therefore how fondely these contemners of the Lordes holy Supper doe fall and are vtterly inexcusable And therefore let vs take good héede that wée followe them not if wee will not bée punished with them which for their Oxen a Mat. 12.7 Luke 14.22 Farmes Wiues and Trafficque of Marchaundize refused is come to the marriage in the Gospel Contrariwise of them which come vnwoorthily to the holie Supper of the Lorde or ought not to be thervnto admitted AL Atheistes that is suche as are without GOD These haue not faith misbeleeuers ignoraunt of God and his worde all heretiques and false Prophetes all Magicians Idolaters and superstitious which are partakers of the table of Diuels likewise all they which haue but an hystorical faith all the adherents ministers of the Romish Antichrist and they that establishe by any manner whatsoeuer his kingdome or depende thereon also all they which haue not yéelded themselues to the Churche of God and haue not made profession of their faith Finally all they that customably sweare eyther by the name of God or by their faith and applie it to vaine matters and causes of no value all these ought to abstaine from the Lords table for so much as they haue not a true trust in God without the which wée cannot be members of Iesus Christe nor consequently be apte and méete to receiue life of him which is the onely head of the true fatthfull These haue not repentance AL they which liue slaunderously all impenitentes and vnthriftes al contemners of God of his worde and of his holy assemblies al blasphemers and denyers of the name of God al despisers of correction and Ecclesiastical Discipline they also that haunt and frequent ordinarilie euill companie which walke in the counsel of the wicked a Psal 1.1 which stand in the way of sinners which sit in the seate of the scorneful To be shorte they in whome appeereth no amendement of life no regeneration and they that committe heynous and infamous vices and suche as are to bee punished by the Magistrate all these after that they are knowne to be suche ought not to be admitted to the Supper and if they present themselues vnto it they ought not to be receiued least that that is holy bée giuen to dogges and Swyne b Mat. 7.6 to the great dishonour of GOD and slaunder of his Churche Of them which sinne against the third Article which consisteth in giuing of thankes VVIthout true faith and repentance These are not thankful to God wée can not be méete to set foorth the praises of GOD who wil not bée praised by the mouth of the wicked a Psal 50.16 and therefore al Infidels Ignorants and Impenitents sinne also against this Article and ought not to be receiued to the Lordes Supper Also they that are madde or fooles either by nature or some other accident They also which by reason that they be vnder age as little children cannot shew forth neither the Lords death fit he come nor are capable of the Supper of the Lord. Finally they which by fragilitie vnkindnesse and contempt in time of persecution did forsake Gods cause and renounce the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe ought not also to bée admitted thither vnlesse that they doe first make open confession of their faulte and be reconciled to the Church of God Of them which sinne against the fourth Article which consisteth in loue towardes our Neighbour THe disobedience to father and mother These are voyde of loue to the Magistrate and to al superiours the seditious conspiratours fighters murderers and such as beare malice and hatred against their neighbours they that are carried away with the fire of reuengement whoremongers adulterers incontinent buggerers Drunkards Gluttons Deceiuers Théeues and Vsurers Backebyters Mockers False witnesses Lyers and common periured Persons and in summe all they which make an Arte of the breache of Loue towarde their Neighbours conteined in the second Table of the Lawe of GOD ought not to bée receiued to the Supper For séeing that the Scripture pronounceth thus that such sort of men haue none acquaintance of God are shut out of the kingdome of Heauen a Eph. 5.5 Psal 15. and shall not dwell in the Lordes holy Mountaine they ought of right to bée shutte out from the sacred signes wherby the faithfull are ioyned to IESVS CHRIST and made possessors of eternall life FINIS