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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08206 The plea of the innocent wherein is auerred; that the ministers & people falslie termed puritanes, are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the state. Published for the common good of the Church and common wealth of this realme of England as a countermure against all sycophantising papsts, statising priestes, neutralising atheistes, and satanising scorners of all godlinesse, trueth and honestie. Written: by Iosias Nichols, a faithfull minister of the Ghospell of Christ: and an humble seruant, of the English Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18541; ESTC S101326 105,186 267

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same For seeing the chiefest cause of their trouble and reproach is their carefull and zealous following of Gods holie vvorde and their tender conscience in offending of God hovv strange and contrarie to reason shoulde it bee that they coulde but thinke anye one euill thought against the holie ordinance of God and the higher powers ordained of him to vvhome they ought to submitte themselues for conscience sake And when the blind man vvho can not see a farre of if he haue anie the leaste discretion muste needes perceaue that in the peace and prosperitie of her Maiestie and of this Realme euerie way consisteth their peace their ioy and happienes Hovv farre shoulde they bee vvithout all grace and feare of God how contrarie to them selues enemies to their ovvne apparant good if they shoulde be enemies to the present state of her Maiesties most Christian and godlie gouernement 2 And here I thank God I can speak boldlie and with the cheerefull testimonie of a good conscience euen in the sight of God For God knovveth and vve humblie acknowledge vvith thanksgiuing to his holye and diuine Maiestie that our gracious Ladie and deare Soueraigne Elizabeth in the tyme of her sister the late Queene Marie Queene Elizabeth persecuted for the Ghospell suffered endured great trobles and reproach and endeuouring to preserue a good conscience and to keepe her selfe a chaste pure Virgine vnto the Lorde Iesus Christ her blessed Sauiour shee was in greate daunger And this not so much in regarde of her owne person as much more as that she was the onelie hope vnder God which all honest good Christians had by whose prayers it pleased his heauenlie goodnes in cōpassion to his poore distressed Church to preserue her sacred person in his due tyme to set her at libertie and to raise her vp to establish her Kingdome to be an hauen of rest and an heauen of ioye to the deare children of God who euerie daye were in a great affliction counted as sheepe readie for the slaughter And this all the world knoweth to be so that god hath made his name glorious by her deliuerance He hath chosen his seruant Elizabeth and taken her out of the iawes of the Lyons made her a ioyfull blessed noursemother to seed the people of his Church and to foster his inheritance By her wee enioy our country our liues our wiues our children our goods our peace prosperitie by her we are garded against enemies a broad inuasions cruell warre and against all domesticall iniuries and wronges at home which euill and vngodly men would bring vpon vs. We sit quietlie euerie man vnder his vine ioyfully reape the fruites of a plentifull land vnder the happie and assured protection of her most blessed gouernement Merueilous great blessings by her Maiesties raigne By her we are deliuered out of the spirituall thraldome and bondage of that proud Prelate of Rome from all Antichristian slauerie of ignorance superstition idolatrie and our shoulders are eased from that moste grieuous burden and importable By her we haue the holie foode of our soules the life of our life the sacred word of God By her we enioy the pleasures of Gods house and enter into his tabernacles with ioye beholding the beautie of God and the glorie of hi● power By her our minds and our bodies are made secure our mouthe are filled with laughter we cheerfullie sing the new songe of all Gods Saintes Halelu-Iah Saluation and glorie and honour and power to the Lord our God God euen our God the mightie and holie one hath loued her and in the loue honour wherewithall he hath made her name renoumed amongst the mightie nations of the earth hee hath made his greate loue and rich mercie to vs his poore people to bee knowne and admired He hath established her throne in righteousnes made her mountaine most strong against all her our enemies So that she hath bene nowe these 40 and 3 yeares an hiding place for the wind and a refuge for the tempest as riuers of waters in a drie land as the shadow of a great rock in a wearie land The remembrance of her is our comfort her ioy health and honour our glorie her faithfulnes and constancie in religion and godlines our exceeding treasure In one word she is the light of eies the breath of our nostrels the very marrow of our bones and the assured pledge of our reioysing For who knoweth not but that as by her most Christian and godlie raigne we enioye that which is more of price vnto vs then all that we haue yea then our owne liues So when so euer God shal take her from vs vnto his heauenlie glorious kingdome which we pray may not bee till she hath had that fulnes of daies which may make her Crowne perfect in the world to come and the ioy of Christs Church firme stable in this world who shall then lament weep waile and who shall haue cause to greeue sigh and mourne their mother their nourse and faithfull comforter but euen all those Ministers and Christian people who nowe desire that those honourable and holie workes which God hath begun brought to a great perfection by her ministrie might by her also be made absolute entire and fullie compleat Therefore we are so farre from thinking the leaste euill vnto her sacred person that we pray hartely and wish vnfainedly Confounded be all they which desire her hurt and God euen the mightie God strike thorow the loynes of al them that rise vp against her binde thou vp ô mercifull God her soule in the bundell of life with the Lord our God cast out the soule of all her enemies as out of he midle of a slinge and let all faithfull subiects say Amen 3 Next vnto vnder her most royall Maiestie The Lords of counsell greatly to be respected we think vpon the Lords of her Maiesties most honorable coūsell Heere we haue also great matter to moue vs vnto all ioyfull thankfulnes First that they haue wiselie and Christianlie managed the generall state sway of the common wealth principallie for their carefull prudent watch ouer her Maiesties most sacred person in all these most deuilish treacheries and wicked designements of all traiterous Papistes and Popish Seminarie Priestes Iesuites and desperate murdering wretches in all the hidden plottes shameles villenies deuised contriued by our mortall enemies abroad and by all factious Espaniolized and Italianized heads at home That God hath bene with them and prospered them in all their godly counsell foresight Secondly we can not but praise God that their honorable table is and alwaies hath bene a place of refuge a seate of great iustice equitie clemencie to all men howsoeuer otherwise wrongfullie oppressed And tha● vvhich we most of all reioyce of vv● blesse our Lord Christ for their constant perseuering in
and supreame dignitie of the. Prince If our state in the orderinge of Ministers ordaine them to preach are we enemies if we would haue none tolerated but such as can and will preach if our state say the absence of the Pastor from his flock is a pernicious thing in it selfe are we disturbers of the peace if we desire such pernitious thinges to bee abolished altogether And if wee finde that the power to commaunde Ministers and to direct orders of the Church commeth from the statutes of the land made in her Maiesties gracious raigne namelie that they commaund a kinde of subscription giuing authoritie to the Bishoppes and Ordinaries to depriue and keepe out men from Ecclesiasticall promotions who will not so subscribe shall we bee enemies to the state if offering so subscribe according to the statute we humblie craue to be free so farre as the lawes statutes doe free vs And that the reuerend Bishops content themselues with that power which her Maiestie the lawes of the Realme doe giue vnto them If we submitte our selues to that subscription which the lawe commandeth are we disobedient and enemies If we meeklie beseech them not to bee molested for such a subscription as the law and statute doth not commaunde And if the Ecclesiasticall state call vs vnto sermons to sing Psalmes reuerentlie in the feare of God to common about the word of God alas are we Puritanes and vile Precisians conuenticlers schismatikes wicked people if we doe the same I desire therefore all the reuerend Fathers and all other good Christian subiectes to consider of our cause as it is and to take pittie vpon vs and to vse vs as the truth of our cause requireth let them not spare if in deed they find any of vs trulie schismaticall a trobler of the church and an enemie to the state 6 Lastlie let it be examined what hath bin our doings and proceedings from the first great storme that rose against vs The cariage of the Ministers people verie dutifull and peaceable which was about the 10 yeare of her Maiesties raigne when the Papistes begann to aduaunce themselues in their treacherous platformes and euer since that tyme wee haue had more or lesse at one time or another some tryales and namelie verie great was that of subscription and since that time a great while together was there euer any of vs that went about anye treacherous practise had we intelligence with anye other nation against her Maiestie or the state Was not all our doings by humble supplications honest Christian Apologeticall writing and by lowlie and earnest suing and intreating by our friends Neuer did wee iustifie any man neither yet doe if either by word or writing he pas the bonds of comely modestie and not with a meek and quiet spirit constantlie perseuer in following of this good cause And I my selfe should bee right sorie if vnwittinglie I shoulde in this treatise let fall any thing which might be an vniust and vncharitable disgrace to any mans person which vnfainedlie fauour the present state and gouernement And that I may end this chapt with words of peace I meeklie humblie desire the reuerend Fathers and all other good men to iudge whether wee haue not done as good Ministers and Christian subiectes ought to doe when we haue quietlie borne such punishments as haue bene inflicted vpon vs till by great sure and tract of tyme we haue respit or deliueraunce And diuers honest men haue changed their dwellings from vnder vnable and vnpreaching Ministers because they and their families found not that comforte which they did in other places that by this meanes with great losse they might cut a way occasion from them which desired to count them disquiet persons and troublers of the Church And if we be called Puritans for suing to the honourable house of Parliament or the Lords of her Maiesties Councill for any case of our greeuances then may all men of all sortes bee so accounted Let them yeeld vs the libertie of Christians grant vs that freedome which other subiectes haue and there will be but little matter left to make any good ground whereby we should bee called or reputed troublers or enemies to the State Cap. 5. This teacheth that the renowned Fathers and other Prelates of the Church of England standing for conformitie such as vnfainedlie doe fauour the present estate of the Church and doe faithfullie hold and beleeue the true religion and faith of Christ maintained by publike authoritie among vs are one and the same with the godlie Ministers people who desire reformation of some things in the Ecclesiasticall state 1. Because they may disagree in some things and yet be faithfull brethrē 2. This life afoordeth not absolute vnchangeable vnitie 3. They agree in all substantiall pointes of our Church as it agreeth with holie Scripture 4. God by persecution can make them indeed to appeare to be one THIS argument seemeth to bee a strange paradoxe a matter not to be beleeued or hoped for if we remember how greatlie mens affections haue bene alienated and their countenances estranged and now more then euer 1. How be it it is also a false position to say Faithfull brethren may disagree that hote discord should not light sometime betweene friends Who more neerlie ioyned in christian faith and loue then Paule and Barnabas Act. 15 37.3● and I thinke no man will aduenture to say that they were not alwaies of one faith and loue in Christ Iesus and in their ioynt laboures to further the Ghospell yet fell there out an hotte contention betweene them where neither yeelding to other they separated one from another Yet to declare their vnseparable vnitie Saint Paule doeth giue honourable testimonie of Barnabas 2. Cor. 9 6. Gal. 2.9 concerning their vnited office and laboure in the Ghospell So doe I finde that all our best learned writers doe prooue the vnion of all the reformed Churches although in some things there be happelie some difference betweene them And namelie in this presēt cause I remember Maister D. Fulk hath these words Also the contention of those whome hee calleth Puritanes in Englande is not so great nor about so great matters that anye such deuision is to bee feared which might cause disolation of the kingdom In his reten again Bristow mot 47 in 50. deman Pag. 129. Adde hereunto that Bristow said in the 40. motiue that the Protestants in England be in a maner in heart al Puritans whereby he confesseth against himselfe that there can bee no deadlie contention betweene them that in hart are all one Therefore I hope as that reuerend Father Bb. Iewell calleth Luther and Zuinglius worthie members and learned Fathers of Christs church Reply to Harding Artic. 8. of adoring deuis 17. pag. 396. who disagreeing of the maner of Christes presence in the Sacrament He affirmeth that otherwise their whole he artes were ioyned and bent
trespasse in the excommunicate thing when this was doone secretlie by one man called Achan Ioshua 7. and if for that one mans fault the wrath of God was iustly kindled against all Israell so that they could not stande before their enemies Howe much more may we thinke The sinne of one man may defile the whole land that the sinnes of our land haue caused the Lords wrath against vs when we see so many of our worthie Fathers godlie Ministers to be greatly smitten by this ciuill diuision When Iob lost his goodes by diuers meanes his oxen taken by the Sabeans Iob. 1. his sheepe burnt by fier from heauen his camells caried away by the Chaldeans his sonns and daughters slaine by the falling of an house he cast his eyes vpon God saying The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh So if we could haue seen the hand of God and that thereby we had bene humbled I verilie think that this grieuous soare had not runne so long nor encreased so much as it hath Sometime the counsell of the Lord by such a thing is to trie the people Deut 13. whether they loue God with all their harts Ezech. 14. sometime when the people set vp idols in their hartes God sendeth them false Prophets to deceaue them and sometyme there must bee heresies in the Church 1. Cor. 11.19 The true causes of our Church troubles that they which be approued may be knowne Therefore there is a further thing to bee looked into then either the persons or the things which hath happened in our Church Who knoweth not how much blood of Gods Saintes was spilte in former ages and how many houses were guilty of blood And when did this land seriouslie and sincerelie humble it selfe and by open repentance make reconciliation for the same Nay rather how many thousandes repined at the happie raigne of her Maiestie for the casting out of the idolatrous and superstitious worshipp of God and for the establishing of the true seruice of his holy name and the libertie of the preaching of the Ghospell And who were they that picked quarrelles against the godlye learned Ministers and caused this diuision but the ignorant and malicious Papist Atheist and Libertines Therefore it is the iust iudgement of God that as we doe but slightlie regard the sinnes of our fore-fathers and contend mightelie for idolatrie and wickednes and light being offered wee loue darknesse more then light so God shoulde giue vs ouer to our owne foolishnes by withholding his blessing and peace among his Ministers For the wicked Papistes and vngodly sinners are glad and take pleasure in the troubles and reproaches of the ministrie Therefore in them is fulfilled that which is written As they regarded not to knowe God so God gaue them ouer too a reprobate minde Rom. 1 2● And may it not be iustlie said that because we haue not bene more zealous in Gods cause but haue made Mariages with Papistes and Atheistes and done manye other thinges after the course of this worlde shewing a verie cold loue vnto the Ghospell the Papistes and Atheistes haue bene made by this meanes a snare vnto vs a whip vnto our sides and thornes vnto our eies And I assuredly beleeue that had it not bene the wonderfull goodnesse and mercie of God to his poore afflicted Saintes his loue to his elect and that hee woulde make his annointed hande-maide Elizabeth our Queene a most gra●ious instrument of his saluation glorie in the midst of his church and glorifie him selfe in and by her in the eies of all nations we had felt more grieuous and palpable darknesse and cruell bitternes then wee haue done we had not now come halfe so farre in the knowledge and practise of his most blessed Ghospell idolatrie and superstition shoulde not haue bene so well purged out of this lande nor the pure doctrine of Christ soo rightlye taught Therefore we must thinke that our sinnes and vnthankfulnesse is the cause of our wantes and Gods righteous iudgementes haue brought these things to passe Euen as it came of the Lord 1. King 12. that Rehoboam followed the coūsell of the yong men that for the sinnes of the people idolatrie in Salomons daies the kingdome might be diuided Giue me heere a spirituall eie and behold with me Looke vpon the Bishops with a spirituall eie sorrow vvith me that the Lord our God for our sinnes shuld so hold the eies of the reuerend fathers on the one side that although in their iudgement they were perswaded that the thinges they vrged their brethren vnto were but verie trifles and there●ore not worthie that any one Parish shoulde bee so greatlye punished for them as to leese their faithfull learned and painfull Pastour yet did not onlie enforce the ceremonies vpon them but also not considering the difference of good mens iudgements about such things pressed vpon them to subscribe and for not yeelding to their mindes suspended depriued and imprisoned their learned and godly brethren and in the meane time preferred the triflyng ceremonies beefore the waightie worke of preaching So that as Maister Calfill sayeth Auns to the treatis of ●he crosse artic 5. The people of God be sometime oppressed with traditions and ceremonies and for outward solemnities the inwarde true seruice of God is neglected Let the spirituall eie iudge I say whether it was not a merueilous iudgement of God that they coulde not see all this this while any one thing amisse no not so much as the vnlearned ministrie or non-residencie but defende all and maintaine all to the vtmost And although they had euerie Parliament complaintes of all the Realme humble supplications diuers times made vnto them by their brethren and so many yeares experience of the inconueniencie if not of the vnlawfulnesse of these things that neither the peace of the Church nor the pittie of the congregations nor the loue of so many learned and godlye brethren coulde moue them but that euen nowe fortie three yeare they holde out not reforming any one point On the other side let the spirituall man iudge Looke vpon the Ministers with a spirituall eie what a iudgement of God it was vppon the godlie Ministers that they so fearcelie with so hard and bitter termes in their first admonitions and in manie phrases of their apologeticall writtings did incense and moue vnto wrath the reuerend Fathers that they esteemed them as wayward froward and peeuish persones ioynt enimies of the Church with Papistes and that when that most wicked and blasphemous libeller Martin did most scornfullie abuse manye worthie persons and thrust in him selfe by an vngodlie insinuation that there was no publike instrument on our side so farre as euer I could heare to shew our dislike but that both sides did wink and suffer most filthie and lewd calumniations and slaunders O how were our eies blinded that we saw not howe vncomelie these thinges were for vs and