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A07693 The co[n]futacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chau[n]cellour of Englonde; Confutacyon of Tyndales answere. Part 1 More, Thomas, Sir, Saint, 1478-1535.; Tyndale, William, d. 1536. Answere unto Sir Thomas Mores dialoge. 1532 (1532) STC 18079; ESTC S114986 309,752 370

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folke wolde so clere haue caste all heresyes out of remembraunce that neyther theym selfe shulde haue neded to wryte therof nor other folke to rede the parte of they re bokes And therfore as I wolde aduyse any man neither to rede these heretykes bokes nor myne but occupy theyr myndes better and standynge fermely by the catholyke faith of this xv C. yere neuer onys muse vppō these newe fangled heresyes so vn the tother syde yf it mysse happe any man to fall in such a fonde affeccyon vayne curiouse mynde that neither parell temporall in brech of hys pryncys proclamacyon the lawes of the realine nor the parell spyrituall in hurtynge of his owne soule nor they both to gether by puttynge hym selfe in daynger to burne both here and in hell can hold his ycchynge fyngers frome they re poysened bokes then wold I coūsayle hym in any wyse to rede therwith such thynges as are wrytten agaynste theym and way theym both at the leste wyse indyfferently and not to fall sodenly so dronke in the newe muste of they re newe●angled neweltyes that the olde holsome wyne with whych good folke haue lyued now this fyften hundred yere offend theyr dronkē taste bycause yt is not so walow swete but drynketh more of the verder Forthermore for as mych as accordynge to the wordes of Cryst Lucae .17 It wyll none otherwyse be but that some stūblyng blokkys wyll allway be by malycyouse folke layed in good peoples way though beste were to stoppe your ●aris vtterly and gyue none herynge to any false euchauntors that wold bywych you wylyly to make you delyte in those bokes yet sith some that be playne symple may fortune to be secretly mysse lede by false wyly shrewes excepte they be well armed before I doute not by godes grace but yf they rede fyrste the thynges that are wrytten agaynste theym they shall theym selfe be able to reiecte and confoūde any deuyll that wolde drawe theym to them And therfore as I am sure that euyl and vngracyouse folke shall euer fynde the meanys that suche bookes shall neuer in some corners lakke wherby good people may be deceyued and corrupted yt ys more thenne necessary that men haue agayne at hande suche bookes as may well arme them to resyste and confute them Of which kynde of good bokes all be it I knowe well there may and dowte not but there shall be many better made then myne and that some such I se alredy yet haue I not so sieyghtly seen vnto myn owne nor shoffled it vp so hastely nor let it so passe vnloked ouer by better men and better lerned also then my selfe but that I truste in god it maye amonge the better stande yet in some good stede And that it so maye to goddes honour and the profyte of some good folke I hertely byseche our lorde wythout the adspiracyon and helpe of whose especyall grace no labour of man can profyte and to whom therfore be all thanke referred whyche lyueth and regneth in eternall glorye To whych as he hath all redy brought many a blessed saynt so mote his mercy brynge with spede the soules that are in purgatory and gyue vs the here lyue in this wretched worlde ayde and helpe of grace by trewe fayth and good workes to folow them the rather by the intercessyon and prayours of all his holy sayntes that are all redy wyth hym A MEN. The preface of Tyndall wyth th● answere vnto the same Tyndall THe grace of our lorde the lyght of his spyryt to se and to iudg● trew repentaunce toward goddes law a fast fayth in the mercyfull ꝓmises that are in our sauyour Cryste feruent loue toward thy neybour after then sample of Cryste and hys sayntes be with the O reder and with all that loue the trouthe and l●nge for the redempcion of goddys elect Amen More TIndall here begynneth wyth an holy salutacyon and so doth Luther to and so doth fre●e huskyne to and id doth euery fonde felow of any of theyr sectys They begynne theyr pystles in suche apostolycall fashyon that a man wold wene yt were wryten from saynt Paule hym self But wolde god they wolde onys rather folow hym truly in fayth and good workes then in symulacion of lyke sancryte wyth theyr holy salutacyons For yf men cōsyder that where Tyndal here prayeth holy +ly for the lyghte of the spyryt to see trew repentaūce he then techeth hym selfe a sodayne sleyghte repentaūce forbedyng both confessyō all doynge of penaūce they shall yf they be good men sett lytle by hys holy salutacyon And when they cōsyder that where he prayeth god sende theym a fast fayth hym selfe techeth a false fayth agaynst the sacramētys and meneth that they shulde be fast in the same there wyll no good crysten man can hym thank for that holy prayour And where he prayeth here ●o holyly for the loue of y● neygh +bour yf men loke on the loue that ys vsed amonge all the maysters of that hole holy secte cōsyder they re lyuyngys and loke vppon frere Luther the very father of theyr hole secte and se hym ronne out of relygyon fallen to flesshe and caryn and lyue in lechery wyth a nūne vnder name of wedloke and all the cheyfe heddys of then late monkys freres and now apostatas lyuynge wyth harlotes vnder the name of wyues he that lokyth on thys and then secth theym and theyr scolers as Tyndale here and suche other come forth and speke so holyly wolde he not wene that yt were a sorte of freres folowynge an abbote of mysrule in a Christemas game that were prykked in blankettes and thē sholde stande vp and preche vppon a stole and make a mowynge sermon And as lewd sermōs as they make in such noughty games wold god that these mēnys ernyst sermons were not yet mych wurse But surely as euyll as the tother be yet is there more harme more dedely poyson to in this one sermone of Tyndalys as ye shall here or yt come at the ende then in an hundred sermons of frere Frappe that fyrste gapeth and then blessyth and loketh holyly and precheth rybauldrye to the peopell that stande aboute For there is not the worste thynge that frere Frappe precheth in a lewde sporte but fader Tyndall here wryteth mych worse in very great ernest mych worse then doth the tother abusyth the scrypture vnto yt The tother when he precheth that men may lawfully go to lcchery he maketh commenly some fonde textes of his owne hed and dare not in such madde matters medle wyth the very scrypture yt selfe But Tyndall teacheth vs in good ernest that freres may walke out and wedde nunnes and is neyther aferd nor ashamed to draw the holy scripture of god vnto the mayntenaūce of abhominabyll synne and seruyce of the deuyll The tother rybawde in hys fonde sermon medleth but with fleshly vyces and worldly wantonnes But Tyndall here with an ernest hyghe professyon of godly
so repent in herte shall neuer do so more wyllyng●● and of purpose syth he that hathe repented 〈◊〉 harte may do so agayne wyllyngly and of purpose to he that dyd 〈…〉 ●sed purpose doth yt yet for all that 〈…〉 he do yt wyllyngly And for cōclusyon though yt may be say●● 〈◊〉 good men of good mynde in exhortacyon in perseueraū●● 〈◊〉 good workes agaynst the 〈◊〉 of such as 〈…〉 agayne that they 〈…〉 lyghtenes geueth 〈…〉 to thynke and saye yet to put ye for a rule and 〈…〉 as Tyndale doth that who so repēteth onys in ha●te ●●all 〈…〉 wyllyngly of purpose that they that synne 〈…〉 lyngly and of purpose dyd neuer repent in harte is very ●alse doctryne a very playne heresye Tyndale And yf I beleued the gospell what god hath done for me in Criste I shold surely loue hym agayne and of loue prepare my selfe vnto his commaundement More It is vndowtely a very good occasyon to moue a man to loue god agayne when he beleueth the loue that god hath to hym and the thynges that of very loue god hath done for hym But yet it is not trew that Tyndale sayth that euery man whyche byleueth thys loue doeth so loue god agayne that of loue he prepareth hym selfe vnto goddys commaundementes I dare say that saynt Peter loued hym well and yet he bothe forsoke hym and forsware hym to But a man that well byleued sholde peraduenture prepare hym to goddys commaundementes yf neyther the worlde the flesshe nor the deuyll drewe hym bakke nor suche heretykes worse yet thē all ●●re 〈◊〉 the r●te of ryght bylefe out of hys harte And 〈◊〉 standen the wordes of Tyndale wyth Luthers holy doctryne whyche he precheth agaynste the lybertye of mannys fre wyll wherof yf man haue none as theyr heresye techeth then how can it be trewe that a man can of loue prepare hym selfe to the commaundementes of god And fynally yf it be trew that Tyndale sayth that is to 〈◊〉 th●● yf he beleued the gospell he sholde surely prepare hym selfe to the cōmaundementes of god and then yf thys be trew 〈◊〉 as in dede it is that he that doeth as Tindale doeth enfeete hys neyghbours wyth dedely poysened heresyes agaynst the blessed sacramentes therby maketh theyr bodyes be burned in erthe wyth hys bokes and theyr soul ys burned in helle wyth hys heresyes is the most tray●●rouse 〈◊〉 of goddys commaundementes that can be 〈…〉 very clerely that Tindale byleueth not 〈◊〉 gospell 〈◊〉 all and surely no more he doeth And now cometh he and sayth that I knowe that all y● 〈…〉 for hys defence in the chaunge of chyrch preste 〈…〉 penaunce and suche other is trew bycause 〈…〉 as he ●ayth the greke afore hym where as I by 〈…〉 knowledge as I haue of greke latyn and of our owne 〈…〉 tonge togyther knowe hys defence dothe 〈…〉 And that haue I so clerely proue● that to the 〈…〉 of bothe hys 〈◊〉 and hys ●oly there shall not greately nede y● knowlege of th●● tonges nor twayne neyther but an indyfferent reader that vnderstandeth englysshe and hath in hys hed any reason or naturall wyt For all be it that the more lernynge the reder hath the more madnesse he shall perceyue in Tyndales defence of these thynges afore remembred yet he that hath wyt and no lernyng at all shall clerely perceyue inough● And to that entent onely haue I taken the labour 〈◊〉 answere hys defence to make it open to lerned and vnlerned bothe that he bryngeth to the mater after hys two 〈◊〉 musynge thereuppon ●eyther insyghte of any substancyall lernynge nor yet any profe of reason or naturall wytte but onely a rasshe malyciouse frantyke brayde furnysshed with a bare bolde assercyon and affyrmacyon of false poysoned heresyes For sauynge to make thys appere I neded not to touche those poyntes at all For euery man well knoweth y● the entent and purpose of my dyaloge was none other but to make the people perceyue that Tyndale chaunged in his translacyon the comen knowen wordes to th entēt to 〈◊〉 a chaūge in the fayth As for ensample that he chaūged the worde chyrche in to thys worde congregacyon bycause he wolde brynge it in questyon whyche were the chyrche an● set forth Luthers heresye that the chyrch whyche we sholde byleue and obaye is not the comen knowen body of all crysten reames remaynynge in the fayth of Cryste not falle● of nor cut of wyth heresyes as Boheme is and some parte● of Germany but that the chyrche whyche we sholde byleue and obay were some secrete vnknowē sorte of euyll lyuyng and worse byleuyng heretykes And that he chaūged preste into senior bycause he entēded to set forth Luthers heresye techynge that presthed is no sacrament but the 〈◊〉 of a laye man or a laye woman appoynted by the people to preche And that he chaūged penaūce into 〈…〉 he wolde set forth Luthers heresye techyng that penaūce is no sacrament Lo thys beyng y● onely purpose entent of 〈…〉 Tyndale cometh now and expressely 〈◊〉 the same thynge that I purposed to shew For he 〈◊〉 wryteth openly those false heresyes in dede that I ●●yed then ●●teded after to do so that hy● selfe sheweth now that I 〈◊〉 then shew● the people trewth th●●●eded I to make 〈◊〉 answere syth hys owne wrytyng sheweth that he made his translacyon to the entent to set forth suche heresyes as I sayed he dyd For as for that that Tyndale calleth them none heresyes but the very fayth forceth me but lytle for so hath euery he retyque called his owne heresyes syns crystēdome fyrste byganne But for all that the deuyll wyll be the deuyll though Tyndale wolde call hym god And I made my boke to good crysten people that know such heresyes for heresyes to gyue thē warnynge that by scripture of his owne false forgynge for so is his false translacyon and not the scrypture of god he sholde not bygyle them and make them wene the thynge were otherwyse then yt is in dede For as for such as are so madde all redy to take those heresyes for other then heresyes and are thereby them selfe no faythfull folke but heretyques yf they lyst not to lerne and leue of but longe to lye styll in theyr false bylyefe yt were all in vayne to gyue them warnynge thereof For when theyr wyllys be bent thereto and theyr hertys set thereon there wyll no warnynge serue them And therfore syth Tyndale hath here confessed in his defence that he made suche chaunges for the settynge forth of suche thynges as I sayed yt is inough for good cristen men that know those thynges for heresyes to abhorre and burne vppe his bokes and the lykers of them wyth them so that as I say I neded none answere to all his defence at all sauynge to make as I haue done both lerned and vnlerned folke perceyue hym for an vnlerned fole And yet defendynge hym self so fondely and teachyng open heresyes so shamefully he
spyrytuall doctryne teacheth vs a fals fayth many mortall heresyes and wolde with scrypture destroye the scrypture and amyd dys hys ernest holynes falleth in to mokkes and mowes maketh madde apysshe iestynge agaynste the holy cerimonyes and blessyd sacramētys of● our sauyour Chryste the thynges sanctyfyed wyth the blessyd blode of oure sauyour Tyndall turneth in to scorne Neuer was there any scoffynge frere Frappe prechyng vpon a stole that durste play the knauyshe foole on suche a fasshyon as ye shall se Tyndall do here For yf any sholde his audyēce were they neuer so wanton wold yet at suche wordes yf any sparke of christen ●●●e remayned in theyr hartys pull downe the rybawld by th●●●rte and breke the stole vppon his hed And ●ow where as he saluteth vs wyth the lyght of the spyryte and entendeth to brynge vs in darkenes of the deuyll where he speketh of trewe repentaunce and then wolde put awaye two partes thereof that is to wyt bothe confessyon and satysfacyon and where he speketh of faste fayth and thē teacheth a false presumptuouse faythe wy●h such truste put in fayth alone that he rekeneth all good workes fruteles and vnprofytable and that fayth alone suffyseth to saluacyon how dyuelyshely that any man lyue besyde we may well ꝑceyue that these tha● so teache be wyth theyr holly salutacyons the false ydle prophetes of whome the blessyd apostle Pawle wryteth vnto the Romayns Rom. 16 that by theyr swete blessynges waste oute and emptye the poore wydowes houses For by such holy salutacyon as by swete blessynge praynge for them so good thynges as they seme to do they wynne theyr hartys to assent after to theyr heresyes and so expell and kyll trew fayth in theyr hartes and god so taken from them they make thē wydows so waste and emptye oute the substancyall vertues of theyr soules But nowe when he speketh of feruēt loue after the ensample of Cryste and his saintes as ernest as the matter is who can forbere laughynge when he seeth the lecherouse fleshly loue of those freres and theyr nunnes wherof tyll Tyndall can tell vs some lyke ensamples of Chryste and his sayntis that any of them were wonte to breke theyr vowes of chastyte and fall to suche fylthy lechery tyll he can tell vs that we may well tell hym that hys holy prayer of feruent loue here in his prologe goeth quyte agaynste his purpose and shameth all his hole boke after wherfore good Cristen reders who so shall happē to rede his pernycyous boke take wysdome wyth you as I dowte not but ye wyll and be not so ledde wyth a few paynted holy wordes as yt were wyth the beholdynge of a pekokkes tayle but that ye regarde therwyth his fowle fete also and loke well whyther he walketh and to what ende he speketh and consyder hym by the hed maysters and archherityques of hys vngracyous secte whych when they haue spoken as relygiousely as he yet haue as ye see well shamefully shewed them selues open incestuouse harlottes and that of the moste abhominable sorte deflowrynge relygyous women And Tyndall hym selfe which thynge is worse then the dede doynge maynteyneth in hys boke theyr dede for well done Tyndall ☞ Oure sauyour Iesus in the .xvj. chapter of Iohn̄ at his laste souper whē he toke his leaue of his disciples warned them sayeng the holy goost s●all come and rebuke the worlde of iudgement Tyndale 〈◊〉 now y● 〈◊〉 goste sent ●owne from heuen to ●e●uke y● iugement of all crystendome thys ●v C. yere passed that is he shall rebuke the worlde for lacke of trew iudgement and dyscrecion to iudge and shall proue that the taste of theyr mouthes is corrupte so that they iudge swete to be sowre and sowre to be swete and theyr yees to be blynde so that they thynke that to be very seruyce of god which is but a blynde superstycyon for zele of whiche yet they persecute the true seruice of god and that they iudge to be the law of god whyche is but a false imaginacyon of a corrupte iudgement for blynde affeccyon of whiche yet they persecute the true law of god and them that kepe yt More How sone myght a pore symple soule be ledde to thynke that all those that beleue not as Tyndall doth were in a wronge way and in a false belyeff when he heryth Tyndall here lay agaynst them the wordes of our sauyour hym selfe spoken vnto his dysciples in his laste soupper But nowe they that be lerned and know the place in the gospell ꝑceyue very well that Tyndall here synfully doth abuse the holy wordes of Chryste and manyfestly mystorneth the mynde and sentence of our sauyour folowynge thexample of the deuyll that alleged the scrypture vnto Chryste in deserte For as the dyuell there falsely wrested the scrypture of god and leyd yt agaynste god so dothe Tyndall here wreste the worde of our sauyour agaynst hym self and his hole chyrch I say his hole chyrche not the clergye onely but the hole cōgregacyon of all crysten people For yt is well knowen that Chryste spake those wordes agaynst the Iewes and Paynyms that refused him and his true fayth shewynge that the holy goost at his comyng shold reproue theyr false iudgemēt and theyr vnsauery taste that iudged swete sowre sowre swete and that he shold teache his chyrche and his congregacyon the very truthe and lede them in to all trueth that sholde be necessarye for they re saluacyon And this promyse hathe oure sauiour bothe made in the gospell and also fulfylled in dede For the holy goost hathe not fayled to teache his chyrch all such kinde of truthe from the begynnynge hytherto nor neuer shall ceace so to do as well by his owne holy secrete worde vnwrytten in the scrypture and yet by hym selfe wrytten in chrysten mennys hartys as by his holy scripture eyther wrytē in tables of stone or in bestes skynnes accordynge to his owne wordes spokē as well by the mouth of the prophete Ezechiel Ezech. 11. as of the blessyd apostle saynt Paule These truthes had the apostles the martyrs the confessours the holy doctours of Crystis chyrche and the comen crysten people of euery age from Chrystes dethe hytherto And in this comen knowē chyrche of christendome excepte suche as at sondry tymes haue fallen there from as Arrius Pelagius Donatus wyclyff and Husse such other and now Luther and Tyndall and frere Huskyn and theyr felowes hath euer the true iudgement remayned the ryght sauored taste and neuer loste any of those heretyques these necessarye truthes tyll the dyuell hadde thorow pryde enuye and malyce made them set naught by the chyrche And then dyd he caste them forthe wyth in suche a feuer that they clene loste theyr taste and then dyd they as Tyndall dothe nowe iudge swete that all chrystendome iudged sowre And by those truthes and thys fayth alwaye from the begynnynge kept in Chrystes chyrche be we now very
nedys myssetruste hym in the chaunge● And now I saye that euyn of hys owne wordes spoken here ye maye in hys trans●acyons perceyue hys cancred mynde For he sayth that Demetrius had gathered a company agaynst Paule for prechynge agaynste ymages Here may the crysten reader well ꝑceyue the poyson of thys serpēt It is to no man vnknowen that all good crysten people do bothe abhorre the Idols of the false Paynyme goddes and honour also the ymages of Cryste and oure lady and other holy sayntes And as they call the tone sort ymagys so call they the tother sorte Idollys Now where as saynte Paule preched there agaynste idols cometh thys good man and sayth he preched agaynste ymages And as he sp●keth here euyn so he translateth For in y● fyfte chapyter of saynte Paule to the Corynthyes where saynte Paule sayth I haue wryten to you that ye company not togyther yf any that is called a broder be a fornycatour or couetouse or a worshypper of idols there trāslated Tyndale or a worshypper of ymages bycause he wolde haue it seme that the apostle had in that place forbodē crysten men to worshyppe any ymages and that who so worshypped any ymages men sholde not company wyth hym Here ye maye se the synceryte and playne menynge of the mannes translacyone Now seeth he well inough that saynte Paule spake not of ymages but of idols and he perceyued both that he so dyd and also wherfore he so dyd by hys other wordes wryten in the tenth chapyter of the same pystle where saynt Paule spekynge of the meate offred vnto idols whyche he wolde y● crysten men sholde forbere sayth in thys wyse what say I then that the idoll is any thynge or that it whyche is offred to idols is any thynge Nay but I saye that those thynges whyche the Paynyms offer they offer to deuyls and not to god and I wolde not that ye sholde haue any felysshyppe wyth deuyls Thys onely texte of saynte Paule is inough to answere all the hole hepe of heretyques that barke agaynste holy ymagys that good men honour for goddys sake For saynt Paule here sheweth that the cause why the worshyppynge of idols was vnlefull amonge the gentyles or Paynyms was bycause that the worshyppe y● was done to those idols was done to deuylys And why but for bycause that it was done to those idols for the loue and honour that they bare to those deuyls whom they called goddes and whom those idols represented But so it is on the tother syde that good folke whyche worshyppe ymages of Cryste and hys sayntes do worshyp therby Cryste and hys sayntes whome those ymagys represente wherfore it foloweth that lyke wyse as the p●●●yms worshyppers of idols dyd euyll in the worshyppynge of them bycause that in the worshyppynge of them they worshypped deuyls ryght so do the crysten men well in y● worshyppynge of ymages bycause th●t in the worshyppyng of ymages they worshyppe Cryste and hys holy sayntes And now ye se good crysten readers that thys one place of say●● Paule so playnly reproueth all these heretykes that 〈◊〉 agaynst ymagys that sauyng they be ●hamelesse they shold neuer loke any man in the face for shame But Tyndale to blynde the reader wyth hath corrupted in his translacyon all this place of saynte Paule also and hathe in euery place put oute idole and sette in ymage to make the reader wene that saynte Paule speke all this agaynste ymages whych he so speketh agaynst y● paynyms idoles that his reason which he maketh agaynst them doth op●nly commende and conforme the crysten wurshyppynge of holy sayntes ymages And here maye ye se what a trewe translacyon Tyndales is and for what purpose he translateth yt false and god prouydeth that the scrypture which he falsyfyeth openly fyghteth agaynste hym This pageaunt hath he played also shamefully falsyfyenge saynt Paule in the secunde chapyter to the Romayns where sait Paule sayth to y● Iewes Thou abhorrest idols and robbest god of his honour meanyng that though they abhorted the paynem idoles wolde not worshyppe theyr false goddes that were deuyls yet for all that they by the brekynge of goddes law wyth theyr euyll lyuyng they toke away the honour fro god i● causynge hym and his law to be dyshonorably spoken of amonge the paynyms Now commeth me Tyndale and in dyspyght of holy ymages he hath translated that place in this wyse Thou abhorrest ymages and takest from god his honour Here ye se Tyndales trewth lo. Dyd saynte Paule say so dyd saynt Paule meane so dyd the Iewes abhorre ymages they abhorted idoles but not ymages They abhorred not in y● arch the images of the angeles● though the abhorted abrode the idoles of deuyls But Tyndales translacyon of this place may meruelousely well be sayed vn hym selfe Thou abhorrest ymages Tyndale and takeste the honour fro god for thou woldest haue vs set Crystes ymage at nought whiche wythout goddes disho●our we can not do what shyft shall Tyndale fynde now wyll he saye that idoles and ymages be all one bycause that idoles be a kynd of ymages and ymage is a terme indyfferent to good and badde For a man may saye and image of the deuyll as well as an ymage of god Tyndale shall I thynke fynde no reader so slē●erly wytted to su●●er hym skape so For though idoles be of y● kynde of ymages yet syth they be such a specyall kynde as alway to crysten mēnys eares do sygnyfy euyll ymages deuelyshe he maye not in trāslacyon change the name into the generall wherby yt may not be ꝑceyued of which kynd he speketh For this were very nought if he dyd it in fauour of the worse kynd to make mē wene it were better And now whē he doth it in hatered of y● better kynd to make mē wene it worse the is to wit in dispyght of the images of god incarnate of his holy sayntes to make thē seme idoles he doth an hūdred tymes worse For he were not so wreched by an hōdred fold as wreched as he were the nedys wolde in his fonde fashyon loue god the deuyll to gether as he the wold loue neyther nother And if the Tyndale wold styffely stykke in this poynt abide ther by that his trāslacyon of idole in to ymage is good inough because idols be images thē syth the deuils be angels as in dede they be by nature euyll angels be angels styll Tyndale maye at his pleasure trāslate the deuyl in to angell without any other addiciō where so euer he fynd hym thorow out all the bible And then shall he do theri as dyd a lyke lerned pste the thorow out all the gospels scraped out diabolus wrote Iesus Cristus bycause he thought the deuyls name was not mete to stande in so good a place And thus I thynke that euery child may now ꝑceyue with how litle lernyng lesse wit leste trewth Tyndale hath translated this word ecclesia in to congregaciō