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A04540 A Christian plea conteyning three treatises. I. The first, touching the Anabaptists, & others mainteyning some like errours with them. II. The second, touching such Christians, as now are here, commonly called Remonstrants or Arminians. III. The third, touching the Reformed Churches, with vvhom my self agree in the faith of the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. Made by Francis Iohnson, pastour of the auncient English Church, now sojourning at Amsterdam in the Low Countreyes. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1617 (1617) STC 14661; ESTC S107828 395,581 331

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20 and 23 chap. I could moreover out of this chapter it self compare vvith ” Hos 2.2 vvith v. 13 16. this verse that vvhich is vvritten in the 13 16 verses follovving vvhere it is said I wil visit upon her the dayes of Baalim c. Hos 2 13. And it shal be at that day sayth the Lord that thou shalt 〈◊〉 me Isht and shalt call me no more Baali For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembred by their name Hos 2 16 17. so comparing these together leaue it to the Reader to consider whether the meaning here may not be this agreeable to some things aforesaid Plead vvith your mother that she is not Ishti my vvife and that I am not Isha her husband because she calleth me not Ishi my husband that is doeth not vvorship me synceerly vvithout mixture of Idolatry as she should and as I her husband haue appointed her to doe but calleth me Baali my Lord that is * Like as novv the Papists vvorship God in by their images c. worshippeth me as her Lord or husband in and by Baal and such like Idols c From vvhich hovv ever she vvill not be dravvn vvhiles she remayneth i● this estate yet I shall hereafter cause her to leaue it and to cleaue unto me and serue me in sincerity when I shall by corrections and by my vvord and spirit bring her to repentance and amendement Hos 2 2. vvi●● ver 13 16. c. Where note that the vvord Baali is in it self ” ●xo 21 3 De● 24.4 2 〈◊〉 21 26 vvhere ●●th Jo● and Baal is ●sed to note out the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 3● 23 〈◊〉 8. a good terme signifying my Lord or my husband but because it vvas a vvord not kep● peculiar to husbands but made common to Idols unto vvhich it vvas applie I and abused in Idolatrie therefore vvould not the Lord so be called nor so be vvorshipped vvith a mixt and adulterate kind of service and ●orship c. Neyther doeth the Lord blame punish this onely in Is●●ell but in Iudah also and all the tribes together who vvere likevvise ●uilty of the same transgression of vvorshipping Baal as Israell was As ●ay be seen throughout the Scriptures Iud. 2 13. and 8 33. 2 King 21 3. ● Chron. 24 7. and 28 2. Ier. 2 2 8 23. and 7 9. and 9 14. and 11 13 17. and 19 5. ●●d 23 13 27. and 32 29 35. Zeph. 1 4. Of these things as I said I could in●●st but I vvill proceed to other things following in this Prophecie And here first obserue † Hos 3 ch the next chapter therein the very next pro●hecie of Hoseah following after the other aforesaid Where the Lord ●ovv again giving another type said unto him * v. 1 c. Goe yet loue a vvoman be●●ved of her ” Or husband as it is trāslated Ier. 3 20. friend yet an adulteresse according to the loue of the Lord tovvard the ●●ildren of Israell who look to other Gods and loue flagons of vvine c. Where eve●● sentence of the prophecie is a convictiō of their manifold errors The ●ord had before said to Hoseah “ Hos 1 2 c. Goe take a wife of vvhoredomes c. ch 1. 〈◊〉 2. Now after that vvhereof he spake both in the first second chapter he saith unto him again Goe yet notvvithstanding that thou hast done before in taking a vvife of vvhoredomes c. Goe yet I say and loue a vvo●●n beloved of her husband yet an adulteresse c. And vvho novv is typed out by this vvoman The Lord himself shevveth it is the children of Israell And vvho is this friend or husband that loveth this vvoman He saith expressely ●●s the Lord that loveth the children of Israel What also is this vvomans adulterie He shevveth it likevvise as plainly to be Israels looking to other Gods and loving flagons of wine that is intentiuely vvorshipping idols delightfully frequenting † Exo. 32 5 6. vvith 1 Cor. 10 7. Num. 25 2. vvith Psal 106 28. the banketting feasts that vvere kept in honour of those their Idols And hovv very evident novv are all these particulars If then the Prophet did in deed meane before that Israell being yet 〈◊〉 the land of Canaan was not any way to be esteemed the Lords vvife ●●r he her husband hovv then saith he here that she is yet beloved of ●●e Lord being an idolatresse as the woman that is loved of her husband ●●●ing an adulteresse May we think that the Prophet contradicteth him●●●f as these men usually doe thēselues God forbid Or doeth this type ●●ntradict the former where she is called ‡ Hos 1 2. a vvife of whoredomes Or doth 〈◊〉 contradict the Prophet Ieremie vvho also speaking of Israels idola●●us defection from the Lord saith thus ” Jer. 3 20 Surely as a wife tretcherously de●●●teth from her † Hebr. frend husband so haue you dealt tretcherously with me O house of Israel 〈◊〉 the Lord. Jer. 3 20. Why also doth the Prophet in this same chapter when again he threat●th their exile speak of it in the time to come saying ‡ Hos 3 4. The children of Is●●● shall abide many daies without a King and vvithout a prince and vvithout a sacri●●●● and vvithout an image and vvithout an Ephod and vvithout Teraphim c. Why ●●th he not in the present time The children of Israel doe novv sit without a 〈◊〉 and vvithout a sacrifice c. but that novv he denounced what vvas yet ●●come did not declare what vvas upon them already in this behalf 〈◊〉 as yet they had their king and their sacrifices statutes and Tera●●m c. and so had yet in their ovvne land among themselues the face of a church and common vvealth though adulterate and corrupt Hos 3 4. vvith 1 1. and 9 3. and 2 King 14 23.24 and 15 8 9 17 18 24 27 28. and 17.1 2. Yea * Zachariah Shallum Menahem Pekachiah Pekah Hoshea six kings reigned in Israel after Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash in vvhose dayes Hoseah prophecied Hos 1 1. vvith 2 King 14 29. and 15 8. 13 16 23 27 30. But the time vvas now a comming as here he threatneth vvhen they should be † Hos 9 3.12 15 17. driuen out of the Lords land house and presence and be “ Esa 7 8. so broken as they should not novv be a people but ” Hos 3 4. cease to haue their owne politie and kingdome as hitherto they had enjoyed it in their ovvne land Which accordingly came to passe afterward 2 King 17 ch Finally note here by this occasion whether the latter part of the third verse of this chapter may not be translated thus Thou shalt not be for an other man neyther also vvill I be for thee or vvith thee † ●●dler 〈…〉
‡ Or husband frend yet an adulteresse according to the loue of the Lord toward the children of Israell who look to other Gods and loue flagons of wine c. And many the like might be shevved out of this and the other Prophets In all vvhich vve must alway be carefull so to understand the Prophets if vve will understand them aright as one place may agree with another not imply contradictions For they neither contradict themselues nor one another And it hath alwaies ben a speciall fountaine of error and heresie to take hold of the sound or letter of some words in some places without conferring them vvith other Scriptures or having regard to the circumstances of the place it self not so much as respecting vvhat goeth before or followeth after or the like Finally the Chaldee Paraphrase thus expoundeth that vvhich is writtē in Hos 2 2. ” Ionathae Chald. paraphr in Hos 2 1. Rebuke the congregation of Israell and say unto her that she submitteth not her self to my worship therefore neither doeth ‡ Christ So this Paraphrast often speaketh my word accept of her prayers untill she shall remoue her evil works out of her sight and the worship which shee yeeldeth to idols out of the mids of her cities Thus hath the Chaldee Paraphrase Where marke if their exposition do not agree with the things aforesaid lead us so to understand this Scripture as if it were said Plead with your mother that she is not my wife nor I her husband that is that she doth not demeane cary her self as becometh my vvife in that she submitteth not unto my vvorship vvhich I haue appointed her therefore neither doe I shevv my self tovvards her as her husband to receiue her requests in the time of her need and accordingly to succour and protect her c. And it is not unknovvne among men that sometimes such things and speaches fal out between maried persons when yet notvvithstanding they remayne still man and wife together untill there be a divorce and forsaking one of another Neyther are such maner of phrases in other cases unusuall in the Scriptures and common speaches of men Ioh. 8 39. Iob 17 14. Pro. 7 4. and 12 4. Ier. 2 27. Esa 1 10 21. and 57 3 4. Ezech. 16 3 35 44. c. And note withall that the case both of all the tribes vvhen they vvere together afterward of Iudah also was often such as the Chaldee paraphrase here speaketh that they submitted not to the vvorship of God but followed idols other Gods vvhereupon the Lord many times refused to heare their prayers and to protect them as formerly he had done and gaue them up into their enemies hand time after time Iud. 2 12. c. 2 Chro. 28 and 33 ch Jer. 2 13. and 7 15 16. and 11 13 14. and 14 10 11 12. Esa 57 3 8. ●5 2 7. Zach. 7 12 13 14. Yet vvere they still the Lords vvife and people and he their God and husband as I think these men themselues will not deny And divers ” Calvin Danaeus c. in Hos 2 2. good interpreters expounding this Scripture doe so understand it as thinking it agreeth with that which is writtē in Esa 50 1. where the Prophet speaketh of Iudah to vvhom the Lord had not giuen a bill of divorce And vvith Ezec. 16 ch spoken of before And ‘ Danaeus ibid. some of them also compare it vvith Ier. 3 8. vvhich speaketh of Israel vvhen they vvere out of the land of Canaan and giuen into the hands of the Assyrians c. Whereof I haue treated here before more particularly To conclude then by that which hath ben said may appeare how in this ‘ Hos 2 ch chapter there is a further explication application of ‡ Both for the judgemēts threatned mercies promised things spoken of in the former chapter and that the several names times of the birth of the children ” Hos 1 4.6 9. there spoken of follovving one after another by degrees and being giuen as types unto Israell doe necessarily shevv that this people came not to be ‡ Not the Lords people Lo-ammi when Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat set up the calues and Israell fell into idolatrie vvith him but a long time aftervvard as hath ben shevved before Moreover that when ” Hos 1 4. with v. 6 and 9. Jezreel vvas borne of Gomer the harlot noting the avenging of the blood of Iezreel upon the house of Iehu vvhich was about tvvo hundred yeres after Ieroboams apostasie then Israell yet vvas Ruchamah and Ammi still And finally that vvhen Israell for their continuance in sinne came to be ‡ Hos 1 6 with ver 8 9. Lo-ruchamah unpittied or not obteyning mercy some of the tribes and cities being delivered up into the hands of Tiglath Pileser c. yet vvere they Ammi still and so continued untill the birth of the next child when Gomer brought out ” Hos 1 8.9 Loammi not my people vvhenas Israel was caryed away by Salmanasser out of the Lords land driuen out of the Lords house cast avvay by the Lord out of his presence and made vvanderers among the heathen nations As hath ben shevved heretofore out of the Prophets and historie compared together And hitherto of this Scripture in Hos 2 2. and of the things that goe before and follovv after in the same Prophecie * 2 King 17. c. the like in other Scriptures concerning the question in hand Of which I haue spoken the more largely desiring that the right and true meaning of this and the other Prophets in these things may be found out and rightly observed Which novv both for my self and others I leaue to further consideration hoping that the right discerning and distinguishing of the things aforesaid vvill giue us great light both to direct us hovv to esteem of churches in apostasie and to keep us from the aberrations that are now so common both on the right hand and on the left whiles some regard not the defection or corruptions of Churches as they should and others by reason thereof would presently and utterly make a nullitie of such Churches or of the ordinances of God yet remayning though corrupted therein Touching Hos 13.1 The next Scripture here alledged is out of the same Prophet Hos 13 1. vvhere the vvords are these Hos 13 1. When Ephraim spake trembling he exalted himself or stirred it up in Israell but when he offended in Baal he dyed Of the diversity of the translation and application of these vvords I vvil not insist Onely for the point in hand obserue these things First that the same terme and phrase is used by Christ speaking of the church of Sardis when he saith to Iohn Vnto the Angell of the church in Sardis write These things saith he that hath the seuen spirits of God and the seuen starres I know thy vvorks that
Zedekiah and the other Ievves that remayned at Ierusalem called naughty figges for whō greater punishment was reserved Ier. 24 1 2 3 5 c. Also Zedechiah is Iechoniahs uncle 2 Kin. 24 17. and his sonne 1 Chro. 3 16. and his brother 2 Chron. 36 10. in divers respects The place of the holy city is called profane Ezec. 48 15. and 42 20. yet the name of the city is The Lord is there Ezech. 48 35. and that place in other respect may be considered as a part of the holy oblation Ezec. 48 8 20. with 45 1. c. as Ierusalem also is called the holy city Neh. 11 1 8. Mat. 4 5. and 27 53. And the faithful city becometh an harlot and yet is still the daughter of Zion the house of Iacob the Church and people of God Esa 1 1 21. with 10 32. and 37 22. Ier 2 4 13. and 5 20 21. Mic. 2 5. and 3 1 9 10. c. And very many such like every where in the Scripture may be observed And hitherto of Rom 11 11 20 23 25 26. vvhich he citeth and of ver 27 28 29. the citation of which verses he omitteth whereas they are specially to be observed for confirmation and assurance of the perpetuity unchaungeablenes of the Lords covenant made vvith the Fathers Abraham Isaac Iacob and their seed for ever Rom. 9.4 Like things may be observed out of the other Scriptures here cited by him as Rom. 9 4. with vvhich he should haue joyned also ver 5. vvhere the Apostle shevveth that to the Iewes apperteyne the adoption covenants promises Esa 59.20 21. 〈…〉 Fathers c. And Esa 59 20 21. vvhere the Prophet teacheth that the Lords covenant is with them and their seed for ever And Ezech. 34 23 30. where the fruits of the Lords eternall covenant vvith his people are largely described euen * 〈…〉 2● 25. vvhen he shall haue punished them for their sinnes and ●avenged the quarrell of his covenant upon them Where also is specially to be observed how he is still called the Lord then God and they his people ver 30. which are the words of the covenant And where moreover vve may learn to put difference between this phrase of the Lord being their God and they his people vvhich is so euen ” Psal 89 30 34. 106 43 44 45. when and vvhiles the Lord doth visit their iniquities with the rod betvveen their knovving of the Lord their God to be vvith them and they to be his people by the enjoying of his mercies and fruits of his favour according to his adoption and eternal covenant ver 30. and 31. Like as there is difference betvveene “ Ezec. 2 3. 33 7. Zac. 1 1. 2 3 4. a Prophets being among them between ‡ Eze. 2 5. 33 33. Zach. 2 9.11 their knowing of this that a Prophet hath ben among thē Finally note here hovv this being the onely place of all those that he alledgeth together vvhere the title of Gods people vvhereof he speaketh is ascribed unto them the Prophet in this place speaketh not simply or onely of their being Gods people but of their knowing and finding by experience that the Lord their God is vvith them and that they are his people Which being well observed as I haue shevved here before is the more against this man himself Like as also is the next and last place which he citeth out of Hos 3 5. Hos 3 5. vvhere it is expressely said that vvhen the children of Israel being put out of the land and punished for their idolatrie and other sinnes shal haue fit many dayes without a king c. then afterward they shall returne and seek the Lord their God which are the vvords of the covenant and David their king and shall feare the Lord and his goodnes in the latter dayes By vvhich it is evident that there is all that time no default on the Lords part but that it is vvholly of themselues vvho in so long a time doe not returne and seek the Lord their God and Christ their king nor fear the Lord and come to his goodnesse all this while And vvhereas he speaketh of this people being called beloved in respect of their estate to come he may see in the beginning of this chapter but three or four verses before that which he citeth that this term of beloved yea beloved of their friend and husband was ascribed unto them by the Lord vvhen Hoseah prophecied notwithstanding their adulterous estate being idolaters and apostates The vvords are these vvhich upon like occasion haue ben treated off before Then said the Lord unto me saith Hoseah Goe yet loue a woman beloved of her † Or husband as Ier. 3 20. friend yet an adulteresse according to the loue of the Lord toward the children of Israell who look to other Gods and loue flagons of vvine Hos 3 1. Which Scripture being vvell considered and compared vvith the other Scriptures aforesaid doeth so evidently convince this mans erroneous assertions and abuse of Scriptures as it may suffice for answer and refutation of all that he hath throughout his treatise about the matters aforesaid And hitherto of these objections concerning the circumcision estate of Israell Some other things moe of like sort doth this man and others except hereabout vvhich I need not novv stand upon By that vvhich hath ben said the discreet Reader wil find how to answer any other objections which they bring hereabout And in the things aforesaid I haue vvritten more largely then I purposed that so I might vvith one labour both more convince them and better informe the Reader concerning these things Yet there being another objection or tvvo that are much urged about this matter I vvill novv also in particular annex somewhat further thereabout and then God vvilling proceed to other matters vvhich are novv likewise much called in question OBIECTION VI. But if Israel now were the church and people of God then ought none to haue left them it had ben schisme so to doe c. ANSWER 1. Nay the same Prophets that acknovvledged them to be the people of the Lord yet taught all to leaue and forsake their sinfull estate false vvorship vvhereinto they vvere fallen being novv become idolaters apostates schismaticks that had divided themselues from Iudah c. Hos 4 15 16 17. and 5 2 3 11. and 11 12. Amos 4 4 5. and 5 4 5. with Mic. 1 5 13. 2 5. and 6 16. 2. Euen in Iudah also it may be observed that both in the time of Manasseh vvhen he set up a grauen image in the Temple of God and caused Iudah to sinne vvith his idols as also in the dayes of Iehojakim long after in the time of the Machabees vvhen Antiochus set up his idoll and other profanations in the Lords sanctuarie then the faithfull syncere vvorshippers of God refused to communicate vvith them
A CHRISTIAN PLEA Conteyning three Treatises I. The first touching the Anabaptists others mainteyning some like errours with them II. The second touching such Christians as now are here commonly called Remonstrants or Arminians III. The third touching the Reformed Churches with vvhom my self agree in the faith of the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ Made by FRANCIS IOHNSON Pastour of the auncient English Church now sojourning at Amsterdam in the Low Countreyes Esa 50.5.6 The Lord hath opened myne eare and I was not rebellious neyther turned away back I gaue my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the haire I hid not my face from shame spitting Ier. 15 19. Thus saith the Lord If thou returne then wil I bring thee againe thou shalt stand before me if thou take forth the precious from the evill thou shalt be as my mouth let them returne unto thee but returne not thou unto them 2 Tim. 4 7 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the Faith Henceforth there is layd up for me a crown of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but unto them also that loue his appearing PRINTED In the yeere of our Lord 1617. To the Christian Reader Grace mercy and peace be multiplied in Iesus Christ. CHristian Reader I do here present unto thee three Treatises joyned together in one book which I wish may proue as profitable to the Church and people of God as they are needful for this age estate of things wherein we liue Whereabout there are some few things that I would advertise thee before thou come to read the treatises thēselues 1. That thou wouldest obserue how our Lord Iesus Christ giving ordinances to his Church under the Gospel hath derived them from the practise particulars had among the Iewes of old varying therefrō as litle as might be in such a different estate For example as they had their Synagogues so haue we our particular churches and assemblies Psal 74 8. Mat. 4.23 9.35 with Act. 20.28 Col. 4.16 Rev. 2.1 c. They had in their Synagogues the ministration of the word of God and prayer so likewise haue we Act. 13.14.15 15.21 16.13 with Act. 2.42 1 Cor. 1 Tim. 2.1 4.13 They had for ordinarie Sacraments seales of Gods covenant Circumcisiō the Passeover See M. Brought on Dan. 9.25 26 27. with that he alledgeth out of R. Moses ben Maym. in Asure biah perek 13. And Ioseph de bel Iud. 6. cap. 31. And Paulus Burgens in Psal 112. Tremell Scaliger de emendat tempor l. 6. And Beza on Matt. 26.20 we haue likewise baptisme the Lords supper answering thereunto Touching baptisme also our Lord took it as some haue observed frō the Jewes baptizing of Proselytes washing of thēselues frō uncleannes which was knowen usual among thē And the Lords supper likewise frō a custome observed among the Iewes at the Passeover at the end of the celebration wherof the fathers of families were woont to take a cake of bread after the blessing thereof to break distribute it to the cōmunicāts as also after that a cup of wine in like sort Whereunto that may haue reference which David speaketh saying What shal I rēder to the Lord for all his benefits towards me I vvil take the cup of salvation and cal on the name of the Lord. Psa 116.12 13. They had Sacrifices which led thē to Christ who was then to come to dye for our sinnes we haue in stead thereof the Lords supper which cōfirmeth unto us that Christ now is come hath dyed for our transgressions the memorial whereof we doe stil obserue shewing forth his death til he come againe at that great day Lev. 1. c. Esa 53.7 10. Dan. with Ioh. 1.29 1 Cor. 5.7 10.16 11.23 c. They had the Sabbaths and Feast dayes for the solemne worship of God in stead whereof we haue the Lords day Exo. 20.8 Lev. 23. ch Esa 66.23 Zac. 14.16 19. with Act. 20.6.7 Rev. 1.10 They had Priests for offering the Sacrifices that were types of Christs death we haue Pastours for celebration of the Lords supper a memorial of his death passion now performed and still thankfully to be remembred Exod. 28. Lev. 1. Num. 16. 2 Chron. 35.1 Ezech. 43 44. 45. 46 c. with 1 Cor. 10. 16. 11.23 Ephes 4.11.12 Col. 4.17 They had Priests Levites we Pastours and Teachers for the work of the Ministerie Num. 18. Deut. 33.8 11. 2 Chro. 35 ch Esa 66.21 with Ephe. 4.11.12 Rom. 12.7.8 They had for government besides Priests and Levites Ruling Elders also of the chief of the Fathers of Families among them and we haue for government besides the Pastours and Teachers the Ruling Elders also taken out of the people in that behalf And so as they had a Synedrion or Consistorie of Elders consisting of Priests Levites and Fathers of Families of the people among thē so haue we a Presbyterie or company of Elders consisting likewise of Pastours Teachers and Ruling Elders chosen out of the people for the churches government Deu. 19.17 2 Chro. 19.8 Jer. 19.1 with 1 Tim. 5.17 Rom. 12.7.8 1 Cor. 12 28. Act. 20.17.28 Heb. They had for the Treasurie the Leviticall treasurers other the like to whō that busines was committed we haue the Deacons for that use service in that church 1 Chro. 26.20 28. 2 Chron. 31.12 c. Neh. 13 13. with Act. 6. 1 6. 1 Tim. 3. 8 13. They had for censures Niddui Cherem and Schammatha Seclusion Cutting off utter devoting to judgment till the Lords comming at that day We also haue the use of Suspension of Excommunication of Anathema Maranatha Num. 19 ch Esa 66.5 Iude v. 14 22.23 Luke 6.22 2 Thes 1 Tim. 1.20 1 Cor. 16.22 Finally they had Ierusalem where God set his name and the Temple where he dwelt among them whither he required them to come with their sacrifices c. Which typed out unto us not onely the Vniversall church but the particular churches also of Christians where the Lord setteth his name dwelleth among us by his spirit calling us thither to eate at his Table and in all things to worship serue him according to his word Deu. 12.5 6.7 16.2 Psa 26.6 7 8. 27.4 36.8 9. 65.4 132. Esa 27.13 66.23 Dan. 8 11.13.14 11 31. with Mat. 28.19.20 1 Cor. 3. 16.17 2 Cor. 6.16 2 Thes 2.4 Rev. 3. 12. 21. 2. c. By this may also appear how M. Ainsw in his plea against M. Smyth about the Ministerie worship government of the Church wrote once well if he could haue kept unto it whē he asked him saying What one thing haue we in the worship of God which
which were before you Mat. 5 11 12 A Table of some principal things conteyned in these Treatises The first Trtatise Touching the Anabaptists CHAP. I. OF the baptising of children pag. 1 Objection 1. That there is not in the Nevv Testament mention of any child so baptised pag. 4 Object 2. out of Act. 16.32.34 that the Iaylour with his household beleeved in God pag. 7 Object 3. out of Mat. 28 18 19. that Christ commanded the Apostles first to teach and then to baptise pag. 8 Object 4. Of the reasoning from circumcision to baptisme pag. 11 Object 5. Of the difference between the Iewes estate ours their ministration of circumcision to the males onely and on the eight day c. pag. 13. Object 6. Of the Iewes and Proselytes that were both circumcised and baptised pag. 20. Object 7. That Christ was not baptized till he was about thirty yere old pag. 21 Object 8. That children understand not the mysterie of Baptisme pag. 23 CHAP. II. Touching Originall sinne in children p. 23 CHAP. III. That Baptisme received in the church of Rome or other apostatical churches is not to be repeated pag. 27 Object 1. That it is not true baptisme but an Idoll and lying signe c. pag. 30 Object 2. Of the corrupt ministration thereof and erroneous opinions held therabout pag. 37 Object 3. That there are divers sorts of Idols and both kinds in the popish baptisme pag. 41 Object 4. That Israell in their apostasie were not the Church and people of God but divorced from him having the covenant also brokē on the Lords part c. Where also are handled the Scriptures alledged hereabout 2 Chro. 15.3 Ier. 3 8. Hos 2 2. and 13 1. Numb 23 1. c. p. 57 c. Object 5. That Israel are called the people of God because they had ben so before though now they were not so in their apostasie c. where also is treated of the Scriptures here alledged Hos 1.9 and 2 Chron. 15.3 Mic. 2.7.8 Ioh. 10.16 c. p. 97 c. Object 6. That if Israel were the church and people of God then none might leaue them but they should fall into schisme pag. 116 Object 7. That the Church of Rome is not the church of God nor under his covenant neyther hath any of the Lords posts and ordinances left in it but is divorced from the Lord c. where also is treated of 2 Thes 2.3.4 and Rev. 11.1.2 and of the Temple of God there spoken off and of Iudah and Antiochus c. pag. 119. c. CHAP. IIII. Replies and Answers concerning churches in apostasie and more particularly touching the church of Rome c. pag. 139 Where again 2 Thes 2.3.4 the Temple of God is further treated off pag. 142 Also of the Beast the great City Babylon c. spoken of Rev. 11. and 13. 17. c. pag. 152 Of Gods people in Babylon spokē of Rev. 18 4. where also is treated of the Baptisme had in the Church of Rome c. pag. 166 Of Israell heretofore and Christian churches synce being in defection pag. 171 Of a double regard to be had of Churches in apostasie pag. 176 183. c. Of M. Iunius his judgment touching the Church of Rome pag. 182 Testimonies of older and later Writers touching Antichrists sitting in the Temple of God spoken of 2 Thes 2 3 4. pag. 211 Touching the Church of England in particular pag. 215 The second Treatise Touching the Remonstrants called Arminians Of the decree of Gods Electiō ch 1. p. 221 Of Gods decree of Reprobatiō ch 2. p. 224 Touching generall redemption ch 3. p. 229 Of free will or power in our selues unto good since the fall ch 4. pag. 233 Of the Saints perseverance ch 5. pag. 240 The third Treatise Concerning the Protestants and Reformed Churches Touching book prayer chap. 1. pag. 245 Of the constitution of particular churches chap. 2. pag. 249 Of the right and power of particular churches chap. 3. pag. 252 Of the Pastors other Officers administration chap. 4. pag. 255 Of the distinction of the Pastors and Teachers Offices chap. 5. pag. 259 Of the having of one or moe Pastors in particular churches also of Diocesan Provincial Bishops c. chap. 6. pag. 261 Of the Teachers Ministers of the word in generall c. chap. 7. pag. 278 Touching the exercise of prophecy pag. 281 Of the ministration of the Sacraments to al persons generally chap. 9. p. 282 Touching the maner of administratiō of the Sacraments where also touching the crosse in Baptisme and kneeling at the Lords supper c. chap 10. pag. 284 Of the disposing blessing breaking distributing of the bread wine ch 11. p. 285 Of the Ministers cōmunicating with the rest of the church chap. 12. pag. 286 Of the Ruling Elders Deacons or common people ministring the sacraments p. 287 Touching the often celebrating the Lords supper And of the time of the day whether morning or euening ch 14. p. 289 Touching having of a Fast the Lords supper together on one day ch 15. p 292 Of Loue Feasts chap. 16. pag. 293. Of the observation of other Holy daies besides the Lords day where also of Christmas and Easter c. ch 17. pag. 294 Of dealing with sinners for their reclayming or censuring where also is treated of Suspension Excōmunicatiō c. p. 300 Of the exposition of those words of Christ Tel the church Mat. 18. ch 19. p. 306 Of the maintenance of the Ministers and other officers of the church ch 20. p. 316. Touching the remnants and monuments of Idolatrie chap. 21. pag. 318 Touching the solēnizatiō of mariage p. 319 Of the generall duety of all churches and people touching religion ch 23 pag. 320 THE FIRST TREATISE Of some questions concerning the Anabaptists CHAPTER I. Whether Baptisme is to be administred to Infants being the children of the faythfull or not THE Anabaptists misunderstanding some Scriptures and not finding in the New Testament mention of any children by name that were baptized hold therefore that infants are not to be baptized though they be the children of such as doe beleeue The errour of which opinion appeareth by these Scriptures and reasons deduced from them other the like Gen. Exo. 12.48.49 Zach. 2.11 Eph. 3.6 with Act. 2 38 39. 3 25. and 16 15 31 33. 1 Cor. 1 16. and 7 14. and 10 1 2. Rom. 4 11 16 17. 15 4 8 9 10. Gal. 3 8 29. Eph. 4 4 5 6. Col. 2 8 12. Psal 22 30 31. Esa 54 10. Zach. 13 1. Mar. 10 13 16. I. Because it is the ordinance commandement of God to giue the signe and seale of his covenant of grace to his people and their seed in their infancie throughout their generations Gen. 17 7 12 13 14. Exo. 12 48 49. with Act. 2 38 39. 3 25. 16 15. Col. 2 10 11 12. Which ordinance of the Lords
dayes of Ahaz as Hoseah also did he limiteth the time expressely from that day forward saying Within threescore and fiue yeres shall Ephraim be broken that it be not a people Esa 7 1 8. with Hos 1 1 9. and 3 4. and with Deut. 32 21. So yet then it was not done Which Hoseah also often shewed both by the types before spoken off more expressely when speaking of Israel he saith in plain termes speaking of the time yet to come ” Hos 9 17. My God will cast them avvay because they did not hearken unto him and they shall be wanderers among the nations Where there is a denunciation of exile rejecting of them by the Lord as had ben before in the first second and third chapters of this Prophecy So plainly signifying that as yet it vvas not done seing that yet they were not cast away by the Lord nor made wanderers among the nations but were yet still dwelling in the Lords land vvhere and when Hoseah thus prophecyed unto them Which is made evident yet further vvhen the Prophet in the same chapter threatneth also for time to come saying ” Hos 9 3. They shall not dwell in the Lords land but Ephraim shall returne to Egypt and they shall eat uncleane things in Assyria c. And † ver 12. Woe unto them vvhen I depart from them And moreover again ‡ ver 15. For the vvickednes of their doings I vvill driue them out of myne house I wil loue them no more So then hitherto the Lord had loved them and was not departed from them but shewed compassion upon them and kept them in his ovvn land as in his house and presence had not yet driuen them from thence to be vvanderers in other lands c. Which when the Lord afterward brought upon them then was the bill of divorce giuen whereof ‡ Ier. 3 8. Ieremie speaketh vvhich was also thus foretold by Hoseah and the other Prophets as is aforesaid But what is this to the point of the question in hand vvhich is not touching the condition aftervvard but concerning their circumcision estate from the time af Ieroboams apostasie whiles they were yet in the kind as in the Lords house and presence and so in deed before the bill of divorce was giuen them and they cast out of the Lords house and presence In vvhich time how graciously the Lord dealt with them and respected his covenant towards thē how the Prophets esteemed them and dealt vvith them as vvith the people of God the Scripture every where shevveth as we haue here before specified Which how these men vvill ever make to accord vvith their assertions let the time manifest and such as are judicious obserue And novv that I am here speaking of the Prophets I could also note out of Ezekiel how the Lord bade him lye on his side Ezec. 4 4 5 6. and beare the iniquitie of Israell three hundred and ninety dayes that is reckning a day for a yere 390 yeres the Lord so noting out his long sufferance and bearing with his people notwithstanding their idolatrie before he cast them off Ezec. 4 4 5 6. But hovv should this be verifyed if the Lord himself brake covenant with them and cast them off vvhen they fell into Idolatry vvith Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat Nay seeing these yeres of Gods long sufferance began with Ieroboams reigne and falling into apostasie as ‘ Mr. Brought Consent of Scripture some reckon them or about the seuen and tvventieth yere of Salomons reigne when he declined to idolatrie 1 Kin. 11.4 as ” M. Junius annot Ezec. 4 4 5. others think and ended with the last captivitie and carying avvay of the Iewes by Nebuchadnezer this doth directly confirme the particulars vvhich I haue here before alledged against the objections aforesaid Besides that this same Prophet ‘ Ezec. 16 and 23 ch othervvhere sheweth as I haue noted ‡ Pag. 74 c. here before that Iudah by her idolatrie and iniquitie justified her sister Israel So as if by their idolatrie the covenant vvas also broken on Gods part and circumcision among them become a lying signe and detestable sacrament then must it likewise be in Iudah And vvhere then was the Church of God and his ordinance of circumcision if it was neyther with Israell nor Iudah But Ieremy saith that Israel was not forsaken nor Iudah of his God of the Lord of hosts though their land was filled with sinne against the holy one of Israel And Hoseah no doubt contradicteth not the other Prophets So as then vve must still remember to distinguish betvveene the breach of the covenant on the peoples part together with the speaches of the Prophets that are spoken in that respect and between the breaking regarding of the covenant on the Lords part and the things spoken by the Prophets in that behalf When Israell played the harlot and brake the covenant on their part yet the Lord bare vvith them a long time shewed compassion upon them respecting the covenant on his owne part which he in mercy had made with thē as novv we haue seen out of the historie Prophets aforesaid It is also a commō thing vvith the Prophets to speak of things to come as if they vvere already done because of the certainty of the fulfilling of them accordingly As when Hoseah saith ‡ Hos 8 8. Israell is swallowed up now † Meaning they shall be As the Translations haue it usually they haue ben or are among the Gentiles as a vessell wherein is no pleasure vvhen as yet they dwelt in the Lords land uncast out from thence as he shevveth in the next chapter and throughout his prophecie Hos 9 3 11 12 13 c. Hoseah moreover was one of the last Prophets that prophecyed to Israell before their finall captivitie and continued prophecying from the dayes of Vzziah unto the raigne of Hezekiah in the sixt yere of whose raigne Israell vvas captived by Salmanassar king of Assyria So he might now vvell speak of things as already done which vvere so shortly certainly to be fulfilled And namely of the things signified by the children aforesaid succeding one after another Jezreel Lo-ruchamah Lo-ammi With the last vvhereof Lo-ammi not my people may that also agree that she is not my wife nor I her husband Hos 2 2. with 1 9. Yet himself that in the first chapter thus foresheweth their estate by the child named Lo-ammi not my people doth notvvithstanding afterward stil cal thē Ammi my people throughout his Prophecie so teaching us hovv to esteem to them until that was performed in deed vvhich was thus foreshevved in figure And again the Lord that by the Prophet saith in the second Chapter Plead with your mother that she is not my wife nor I her husband doth aftervvard in the third chapter say to the same Prophet Goe yet loue a woman beloved of her
Latimer c. latter Angels vvitnesses that follovved after called others and vvere called themselues to separate from that estate and to returne to the auncient faith and vvay wherein the churches were set of old Which also hath ben yet is performed by degrees As vve find that Luther Calvin Latimer Bradford the godly vvith them vvent further then John Wickliff John Hus Jerome of Prage and others before them Also that the Church of England goeth further in many things then the Lutherans And that the other reformed churches proceed further then the church of England though yet al the corruptions of the apostasie be not vvholly taken avvay and the churches brought to that heauenly synceritie wherein they vvere planted by the Apostles at the first vvhereunto vve ought all earnestly to striue what in us is knovving that this estate is not atteyned all at once and that those churches which are most freed from the corruptions aforesaid come nearest to the auncient integrity of the vvay of God are the most partakers of this grace and heauenly blessing of the Lord. IX That furthermore by the consideration of the Temple with the severall parts places and uses thereof we may obserue a double consideration of the estate and communion of the Church and people of God The one here on earth the other in heauen And that vvhich is on earth to be also tvvo fould the one outward and visible the other more invisible and inward The outvvard and visible signified by the Court of the Temple vvhich was outward vvhither all Israell came noting the churches outward estate and communion vvith God in the visible assemblies thereof The inward and invisible signified by the sanctuarie and holy place which were inward whither the Priests onely had accesse noting the more invisible estate and communion vvhich the elect and faithfull haue vvith God in spirit and trueth being made Priests unto God in Iesus Christ And lastly the estate cōmunion had vvith God in heauen signified by the most holy place where God dwelt between the Cherubims * Hebr. 9 7 24. whither onely the high Priest came once a yere not vvithout blood ‡ Exo. 28.6 29. carying on his brest and shoulders the names of the tribes of Israell graved in precious stones and so presented them before the Lord noting ” Hebr. 3 1. and 9 24. and 10 19 20 21. Ioh. 14 2 3. our accesse to God in heauen by Iesus Christ the high Priest of our profession who appeareth before God for us hath many mansions prepared in heauen for us that where he is there may we be also X. Finally that as they vvhich vvent into the inner parts of the Temple did passe as I noted before through the outvvard Court and yet not all that come to the outvvard Court did or might passe to the places of the Temple that were more inward Sal. Song 1 7 8. Act. 2 47. so they that vvould be partakers of Gods heauenly favours and blessings here and for ever should what in them is use the meanes and benefit of the outvvard estate and communion of the Church of God on earth and yet also not all vvho enjoy the benefit of the churches visible estate are partakers of the invisible graces and eternall salvation of God but onely the elect and those that are truely godly Yea that the outvvard Court and City to be troden upon is subject to be giuen unto apostates and persecuters that for a long time together vvhen yet all this time the elect and faithfull passing through these to vvithin being sanctified and approved of God are still preserved and protected by him and in the end are called from earth up into heauen These novv are the things vvhich I thought here to note by this occasion Which are likewise for the most of them observed and acknowledged by the best of the Protestant vvriters generally Yea also some of these men themselues vvith vvhom we haue to deale do thus understand and apply that vvhich is here spoken of the Court and holy City as in their ovvne vvritings may be seen And because the point is of waight for the matter in hand I vvill here therefore before I proceed further note downe their owne words wishing the Reader vvell to obserue them as follovveth When M. Sm. in a treatise of his wrote thus ‘ M. Sm. diffe p. 20. and 21. As the holy place with the Altar and Priests did properly signify the Church worship and Saints Rev. 11 1. 1 Pet. 2 5. under the nevv testament so the court without the holy place whither al the people came and the typicall service performed there did signify the confused assemblies of Antichristian persecuters and their ceremoniall worship Rev. 11 2. which the spirit in that place calleth Gentiles or heathen in those respects M. Ainsw answering him after he had shewed some misconceits of his about the Tabernacle and things perteyning thereunto proceedeth then further in his answer on this sort saying * M. Ain defence of Script p. 12 13 14 15. His eye sight fayled not so much in the shadovv as his heart vvas blynded in the shadowed thing For he maketh the tabernacle altar and Priests to signifie the church worship and Saints under the new Testament the court of the Tabernacle he will haue to signifie the assemblies of Antichrist the Israelites there assembling to signifie the Antichristian persecurers c. Behold unto what great iniquity he abuseth the word of God ‡ Note how M. A. speaketh of Israel here The body of the Church of Israell † Exo. 4 22 the son and first borne of the Lord ” Psal 135 4. his chosen and chief treasure “ Deu. 7 6 7. precious unto him aboue all peoples of the earth on vvhom he set his loue † Deu. 33.26 riding upon the heauens for their help and on the clouds in his glory a people ” vers 29. blessed saved by the Lord the shield of their help and sword of their glorie this people he maketh to signifie the Antichristian persecuters hated of God children of the Divel for whose overthrow confusion Christ ‘ Rev. 19 11 21. rideth on the heauens in his glory with a garment dipt in blood and a sword for to slay them and fill all the foules of the ayer vvith their flesh c. The Lords ‡ Lev. 6 16 holy Courts wherein they that dwelt “ Psa 65 4 were blessed for which the soules of the Saincts “ Psal 84.2 10. longed and fainted counting one day there better then a thousand othervvhere is now made to signify the Synagogue of Sathan and place vvhere the Divell dwelleth c But what may we thin● induced M. Sm. to this impietie Euen Satan deceived him by one place of Scripture which † Pag. 21. he citeth in his book viz Rev. 11.2 where Iohn was willed in a vision to
moreover it be not good needful in such cases to obserue how the Scripture speaketh diversly of things in divers respects vvhereof I gaue sundrie instances Against vvhich though he vvould seem to except what he can yet he doth directly yeeld unto it and that so as himself affirmeth here † Pag. 96. that things are often in the Scriptures spoken in divers respects without observing whereof men shal erre infinitely Which vvhether he haue not done in his plea about the Baptisme and Church of Rome let himself consider and others judge 14 Whereas for a conclusion I inferred that if the things aforesaid the like about apostate churches and the mixture of mans inventions with Gods ordinances in apostasie be distinctly and carefully regarded they may be through the mercy of God some good meanes to stay people from Anabaptistrie and other yll courses by the consideration of the things that are to be observed on the one hand and to bring men more soundly to separation from the apostasie of Antichrist by the consideration of the things to be observed on the other hand Advertis pag. 65. this he ‘ Pag. 92 97. passeth by which both he and his followers had need to regard othervvise then hitherto they haue done if they vvil walk soundly syncerely in the truth as they ought to doe 15. And whereas I noted that I had observed and written somewhat tending this vvay long since as may be seen in the Answer to M. Ja. p. 7. where I spake of a double consideration of Christians in one respect true and in another false c. himself knoweth that then both he and his followers could well like of this manner of speach distinction touching the same persons in divers respects vvhereas novv if like speach be used in some other respect or occasion they can make no end of their outcries evil dealing by word ” P. 76 to 97. besides his letters c. vvriting thereabout If there were no other thing in them but this their dealing they might hereby consider with themselues that somevvhat doubtles is amisse vvith them novv othervvise then heretofore But they know we are acquainted with other things besides concerning thē 16. Moreover vvhereas I noted that in the book aforesaid I had also vvritten of salvation now had in the church of Rome Pag. 13 Pag. 97. and 47. which necessarily implyeth the people of God and his covenant to be there because that whosoever are saved they are the people of God and under his covenant in Christ he fynding no ansvver or cavill hereabout saith now here that they deny not but there may be of the elect in all false Churches euen as Sathan hath his reprobates in the true churches And that he holds it presumption for any to limit God by how smal meanes or measure of faith and knowledge he will saue a man Yet here before he hath often affirmed again and again that the church of Rome hath not ‘ P. 70 71 72 80 81 95 96 c the covenant of God the covenant of grace the people of God the baptisme of Christ the signe and seale of forgiuenes of sinnes and life eternall c. And hovv then should salvation be had in that church seeing there is no salvation to any that are out of the covenant of grace no salvation but to the people of God no salvation without remission of sinnes Doth he not novv then eyther contradict himself or fall in deed into that presumption vvhich he disclaymeth in vvords And mark vvithall that though I speak expresly of the Church of Rome and of the people of God his covenant to be there yet he doth not thus speak or acknovvledge particularly of that church but useth some generall words about the salvation of Gods elect whether for an evasion hereafter or for that already he perceiveth if he should so speak and acknovvledge it in particular concerning that Church his contradiction vvould be more evident unto al or for vvhat other cause himself knoweth best and time may manifest more 17. Neither is this to be omitted Pag. 97. that to haue the more colour evasion he saith God expressely said when he made Israell his peculiar people that yet ” Exod. 19 5. al the earth was his which are the words saith he of the covenant * Ezech. 16 8. generally And for this he citeth Ezech. 16 8. with Exod. 19 5. But vvhat now is it that he meaneth hereby If by the covenant he meane the covenant of grace for salvation whereof we treat and think that all people of the world in all ages and places of the earth are under it vvhat differeth this from the opinion of the Anabaptists and of the Arminians also touching generall redemption If he speak not of the covenant of grace vvhich is for salvation all may perceiue he speaketh not to the point in hand 18. And finally how he useth or rather abuseth the Scripture hereabout vvho can not discerne The Lord by the Prophet in the place which he citeth saith to Ierusalem when I passed by thee and looked upon thee behold the time was the time of loue that is the time of mariage and I spread my skirt over thee taking thee to be my wife under my protection and I covered thy nakednes yea I sware unto thee and entred into a covenant vvith thee to wit the covenant of mariage saith the Lord God and thou becamest myne that is my wife Ezech. 16 8. Thus also the Lord hath dealt vvith the church of Rome Rom. 1 7. as himself acknowledgeth divers times in this Treatise Animad p. 84. and 98. c. But is this novv the case and estate of all the earth with the Lord Are al in the world become the Lords wife church and people in the covenant of mariage c. Or vvas all the earth so and did the Lord so intend it vvhen he said to Israell all the earth vvas his Exod. 19 5. Othervvhere the Lord saith that * Deu. 10 14. Psal 115 16. the heauen and the heauen of heauens is the Lords and that ‘ Psal 50 10 11 12. every beast of the forest is his and the cattell upon a thousand hils that the vvild beasts of the field are his yea that the world is his and the fulnes thereof Shall vve therefore think that the heauens vvild beasts cattell and vvhole vvorld are the vvife and church of God in the covenant of mariage with him as Ezekiel speaketh of the Ievves in the place vvhich here he alledgeth and by vvhich he vvould perswade us that these are the vvords of the covenant generally But I vvill not follovv this any further neyther the abuse that he hath of other Scriptures every where which vvere endles to prosecute in particular Onely let him consider with himself how sinfull a thing it is thus to abuse the vvord of God and to take his name in
corporall injurie of their furious mother then being ashamed of her shamefulnes and resting silent they betooke themselues into their fathers bosome and his inner roome albeit that she pursued them outragiously least they being ashamed of her should be said to shame her as stumpets are usually woont to doe For vvhich causes I doe humbly beseech God the Father of our Lord Iesus that he would both by his saving calling informe direct and care for his church and whatsoever belongeth to his church that he would also teach every one that is in it his truth the truth of his church and that he would so work as they wisely absteyning from all evils especially from those which the sonne of perdition and author of the apostasie hath brought in and taking heed of the spirit of lyes and the efficacie of his errour they may religiously cleaue unto the Father and his good things in everie of them to their mother next after the father or so far as she accordeth with the Father that increasing in his truth pietie saith and loue they may bestow employ al their studies to the edification of the church the salvation of all and the glorie of that our heauenly Father c. God the Father and the Lord Iesus Christ by that eternall spirit of his eternall truth bring to passe that the wiles of Sathan being driuen away we may al grow dayly in Christ in the church and in the truth of Christ and the Church and that we may more and more confirme one another in loue unfayned to his glory and the common salvation of us all Amen Hitherto M. Iunius who though he be dead yet liveth and speaketh sufficient in this writing for the point in hand Which vvhiles M. Ainsw would seem to ansvver it is straunge but good to be observed how many things of waight he passeth over besides that sometimes he picketh out a sentence here and a sentence there leaveth out vvhat commeth betvven which should help the Reader and more cleare the matter thus being injurious herein both to the living the dead not to speak of the unspeakable abuse of Scripture also into vvhich he falleth still more and more which the Reader shall doe vvell to obserue though I insist not upon the particulars which would be endles and being now purposed here onely to note a fevve things moe vvhich he hath that are merely Anabaptisticall and full of glosing deceit 21. Speaking of the Church of Rome vvhereas he should distinguish betvveen the Temple of God and Man of sinne spoken off 2 Thes 2 4. Animadv p. 98-102 c. he eyther regards not to obserue it or confounds them together as one without distinction or so speaketh of Gods Temple church there as if it were no other then the Divels spoken off Rev. 18 2 3. 16 14. then Sodome Egypt Babylon Rev. 11 8. and 16 19. the lothed of God delivered to Sathan to be seduced deluded damned 2 Thes 4 8.9 11 12. And hovv then is there the people of God the Temple of God the baptisme of God the covenant of God the salvation of God to any in that Church c. Betvveene these things there is no just proportion for what concord hath Christ vvith Beliall or the Temple of God vvith idols or divels 2 Cor. 6 15 16. 22. Speaking of the congregation of Saints that was at Rome in Pauls time he saith not as he might that it is since corrupted adulterate or fallen into defection c. but he saith absolutely it is gone long since and the man of sinne with his worshippers come in the place Pag. 98. So then here againe let him tell us vvhether he thinketh these be the Temple of God the people of God under the covenant of God having the baptisme of God which the Lord hath ordeyned and giuen to his Church or vvhether there be no such there at all though corrupted and abused c. 23. Whereas ‘ See here before pa. 183. M. Iunius spake of Gods church being euen at Rome at this day by the mercy of God because he trusted that there is God calling persons called the calling it self yet in her the meeting of which things together in one giveth being to a church c. M. Ains not having vvhat to ansvver hereunto Animadv p. 98 99 doth very boldly without limitation or restreynt deny that God is there calling as in his church but that the man of sinne sits there as God calling all to worship him and that his calling is by the working of Satan and in all deceiueablenes of unrighteousnes among them that perish 2 Thes 2 9 10 11. All vvhich together saith he giveth being to Antichrists church but not to Christs Animadv p. 98 99. Thus after his manner still he termeth that Antichrists church which the Apostle calleth the Temple of God But omitting this if it be as here he saith hovv then hath there ben or can there be salvation to any in that church since the man of sin sate there vvhich himself thinketh vvas sone after Pauls time Pag. 84. How also should any of that church become Martyrs vvitnesses of the Christian faith against the professed enemies thereof And how should any Ievves or Pagans be converted to the faith of Christ by any of them Or doth he think that no such thing is had or done at all by them Besides if novv an Anabaptist take up M. Ains own vvords and where he speaketh of calling apply it to baptisme had in the church of Rome saying thus as M. Ains doth here I deny that God is there baptizing as in his church but the Man of sin sits there as God baptising all that vvorship him and his baptising is by the vvorking of Sathan and in all deceiueablenes of unrighteousnes among them that perish and the persons baptized are deluded to beleeue lyes 2 Thes 2 9 10 11. All which together giue being to Antichrists baptisme but not to Christs what now wil M. Ainsvv ansvver hereunto but that eyther he shall contradict himself or fall into more errour hereabout to the further hardening of the Anabaptists in their erroneous opinions and courses Pag. 99. 24. That which M. Iunius applieth and fitly to the popish Hierarchie M. Ainsvv applieth to the church of Rome and the whole church there Yea though himself aftervvard acknowledg that the popish ecclesiastical hierarchie consisteth of Bishops Priests and ministers pag. 100. besides whom there are the people as himself also noteth in the other page aforesaid Pag. 99. 25. When ‘ See here before p. 183. M. Iunius for more clearing of the point purposely distinguished between the papacie and the Church shevving the difference between them both in their generall kind and in their peculiar difference namely that the papacie is an order or estate humane evill the church a companie or assemblie Animadv p. 99 c. divine and by
those in whom Christ delighteth that is to the Saints that are great excellent and noble being made the sonnes of God in Christ ver 3. vvith 1 Ioh. 3 1. Joh. 1 12. For whom Christ dyed and rose again from the dead is set in glorie at the right hand of God vvhere are pleasures for evermore Psal 16. And that thus we may understand and apply this Psalme unto Christ and to the work of his redemption and mediation vve may learne by the Apostles themselues so alledging applying it other psalmes accordingly Act. 2 25 36. compared with Psal 16 8 11. and 110 1. 132 11. 9. They whom Christ hath redeemed by his death haue remission of sinnes through the blood of his crosse receiue the spirit of adoption of sonnes are sanctified renewed and made conformable to the image of Christ are never separated from the loue of God vvhich is in Christ Iesus become members of that body vvhereof Christ is the head and Saviour are the Saints of the High ones or of the high places and haue the Angels sent forth to minister for them as being the heires of salvation Ephes 1 7. Col. 1 12 14. Rom. 8 15 39. Gal. 4 4 7. Exod. 29 36 37. and Ezec. 43 13 27. with Heb. 13 10 12. and 2 9 11. and 10 14 19 20. Tit. 3 4 7. Phil. 3 10. Ephes 1 3 23. and 5 23 27. Dan. 7 13 14 18 25 27. with chapt 9 24 27. Psal 91 11 16. Mat. 18 10 11. Heb. 1 3 13 14. Of vvhich graces and benefits seeing all are not partakers but the elect and beleevers onely therefore also the Redemption of Christ and the fruit thereof perteyneth to these onely not to all in the vvorld whosoever 10. Christ at his first comming vvas once offered to beare the sinnes of the Many unto vvhom expecting him he shall appear the second time vvithout sinne unto salvation Heb. 9 28. Which second appearance of his seeing it shall not be unto all for salvation but onely to the many spoken off who are the heires of salvation as may be seen in 1 Pet. 1 2 5. Matth. 25 31 46. 1 Thes 1 10. and 2 Thes 1 6 10. Tit. 2 11 14. 1 Ioh. 1 2 3. in the other Scriptures aforesaid therefore also Christ was offered to beare the sinnes onely of them and not of all in the vvorld whosoever whatsoever they be Herevvith also accord sundry speaches of auncient writers As vvhen Ambrose saith God knovveth vvhat the Spirit desireth Rom. 8 26 27. and vvhat is the mynd of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints as it is written because euen the Spirit maketh intercession for us For they for whom Christ suffered and whom he hath cleansed with his blood for them doth the spirit also make intercession Ambros tom 2. libr. 5. epist 23. And Augustine The Donatists vvould not agree that by the name of the World the church could be signified contrarie to the words of the Apostle who saith 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and contrarie to the words of the Lord himself who said The sonne of man came not to judge the world Ioh. 3 17. 12 47. but that the world through him might be saved For the world cannot be reconciled to God and saved by him unlesse that by the name of the World the church be understood which onely being reconciled by him is saved August tom 7. lib. contra Donatist And again He that spared not his owne sonne Rom. 8 32 33. with ver 29.30 but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely giue all things unto us But to whom To us that are foreknowne and predestinated justified glorified of whom it followeth Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect August tom 9 tractat 45. in Iohan. Again also Hovv then said he unto these ye are not of my sheep Because he saw they were predestinate to eternal destruction Ioh. 10.26 not ordeyned or purchased to eternall life by the raunsome of his blood Ibid. tractat 48. in Iohan. And Cyrill likewise Christ is novv also subject to the Father Hebr. 9.14 1 Pet. 1 19 20 21. yet not for all but onely for them that beleeue in him for whom he offered himself as a lambe without ●●ot unto the Father that he might offer them unto God being freed from all sinne Cyrill Thesauri lib. 10. cap. 8. CHAPTER IIII. Touching freewill or power in our selues unto good since the fall VVHether true conversion unto God saving faith in Iesus Christ be not the free gift of God and the vvork of his grace powerfully vvrought in us to his praise and glorie And is not of our selues or in the povver of our freevvill as grace is offered to receiue or to refuse it to beleeue or not to beleeue as we will our selues but is vvholly the free gracious and povverfull work of God in us as is aforesaid Eph. 1 ch and 2 1 8 9 10. Phil. 1 29. and 2 13. Col. 1 12 13 21. 2 Thes 1 3 11 12. Ioh. 1 5 11.12 13. and 3 3 6 27. and 6 44 65. Act. 16 14. and 26 15 18. Gen. 6 3 5. Deut. 30 6. Job 15 16. Psal 51 5. and 100 3. Prov. 27 22. Ier. 31 18 33. Ezech. 11 19 20. and 16 6. Iam. 1 17 18. 1 Ioh. 3 1. Heb. 12 2. and 13 20 21. 1. Because saving faith holynes is a fruit of Gods election of grace and therefore is the vvork of his grace povver in us to his praise Act. 13 48. Ephes 1 3 4. and 2 8 9. Tit. 1 1. Of vvhich see here before pag. 222. 2. It is God that maketh us and not we our selues to be his people the sheep of his pasture Psal 100 3. Ioh. 10 16 27 29. Heb. 13 20 21. 1 Pet. 2 25. It is Gods vvork alone vvho as he created us at first according to his owne image and likenes so also createth regenerateth renevveth us againe by his Spirit in Christ according to his image in righteousnes holynes of truth Gen. 1 26 27. vvith Ephes 4 24. Col. 3 10. Ier. 31 18. Lam. 5 21. Euen the heathens themselues acknovvledge for our naturall life that vve are the generation of God in vvhom vve liue and moue and haue our being as the Apostle alledgeth out of their ovvne vvritings Act. 17 28. And should not then Christians much more acknowledge for our spirituall life that our new birth and regeneration is of God that as our first generation for our naturall life is not of our ovvne selues nor in our ovvn power to vvork or hinder it so neyther our regeneration or new birth but is the good powerful vvork of God in us by his Spirit through Iesus Christ to whom he giveth us and out of vvhose hands none is able to take us Psal
vvere not excluded but might come heare except assent vvitnesse execute c. And that therefore the Elders sate publikely in the gates Councill houses Synagogues c. For which see the Scriptures cited before in this and the former chapter 2. That in these cases the Scripture useth diversity of words as sometimes Elders Judges Governours Overseers c. Deu. 1 16. and 16 18. and 19.17 and 21 19. and 22.15 2 Chron. 19 5. Act. 20 17.28 Rom. 12 8. 1 Cor. 12 28. 1 Tim. 5 17. Heb. 13 17. 1 Pet. 5 1. sometimes the Synedrion or sitting of the Elders the Presbyterie or company of Elders c. Mat. 5 22. Luke 22.66 Act. 22 5 30. and 23 1 6 15 28. and 24 20. 1 Tim. 4 14. and 5 17. sometimes the church the congregation the assembly the Synagogues c. Iosh 20 3 4. Num. 35 12 24 25. Deu. 23 1 2 3 8. Psal 26 4 5. and 82 1. Prov. 26 26. Mat. 10 17. with 18 17. 3. That the people in Israell executed and inflicted punishment on those whom the Governours by the Lavv of God adjudged to death scourging banishment c. Lev. 74 14 23. Num. 15 33 36. Deu. 17 7 12. and 19 16 19. and 21 18 21. and 22 15 21. and 25.1 2 3 9. 1 King 21 11 12 13. Ezra 7 25 26. vvherevvith also note and compare 1 Cor. 5 3 4 5 6 11 12 13. 4. That in cases vvhere things are expresly referred to the judgment of the Elders as in Deu. 25 5 7 c. yet in the practise and observation thereof vve find the people also to be present and according to the present occasions to assent and beare witnesse c. Ruth 4 2 9.10.11 c. 5. That the Apostle wrote to the church of Corinth concerning the incestious person how he had judged in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ when they vvere gathered together and his spirit vvith the povver of our Lord Iesus Christ to deliver him unto Sathan 1 Cor. 5 3 4 5. And vvhen he vvas rebuked by many upon his repentance also to forgiue him and comfort him and confirme their loue unto him c. 2 Cor. 2 6 7 8. c. 6. That neyther the authoritie of the Elders should abridge the libertie of the people nor the libertie of the people disanull or vveaken the authoritie of the Elders but that both should be preserved and caried in good sort For vvhich see the Scriptures here before alledged 7. And finally that all things of publike nature apperteyning to the publike be orderly and according to the nature of them publikly caried and handled and duely also made knowen unto all reserving and leaueing to every one both Governours and people their right power interest duty liberty about the hearing examining judging vvitnessing assenting excepting approving executing c. so as is meet and right according to the vvord of God as was in Israell and the Primitiue churches heretofore Thus vvhether the vvords aforesaid be understood of the Ievves Church or of the Christians since or both vvhether of the Assembly of the Elders not hindring or infringing any right or libertie of the people or of the Congregation of Elders and people so it be according to good order and the rules of government M. Clift Advertis pag. 96. it cometh to a like end being rightly understood as upon occasion hath els vvhere ben shewed heretofore And this clause of being rightly understood is very needfull to be annexed observed because divers of good judgment think that these words are not to be understood of the whole Congregation as by some of the testimonies † Pag. 312 313. here before alledged may appear also because it should wel be considered hovv these vvords may fitly so be understood or could so be in Israel in such cases as here is spoken off about hearing complaints and judging of cases of sinne between brother and brother c. and specially because that othervvise if they be not rightly understood with due caution and limitation carefully divers errours abuses and erroneous courses * M. Ains M. Rob. M. Jacob. M. Smith c. by divers haue ben gathered received pleaded for and urged ernestly hereabout As namely 1. that this speach of Christ may not be understood of the Ievves Synedrion nor of the Christian Presbyterie or Congregation of Elders novv but that so to understand it is errour sinne 2. That an Elder cannot with good conscience governe and performe his duety in a church that is perswaded so to vvalk Their errours abuses sinfull courses c. 3. That it taketh avvay the power of the Church 4. That it is to be understood of men women and children in their owne persons that can sorrow rejoyce who are also bound in their owne persons to be present to hear judge of causes and controversies between brother and brother 5. And that the people are to haue voyces in excommunications and in judging of causes and persons as in election of their Officers 6. That in a controversie the sentence is to goe out according to the number of the voyces of the greater part of the people though al the Elders and other brethren be against them 7. That the greater part of the people is the church here spoken off though they be in errour and though that al the Elders other brethren be against them therein as is aforesaid 8. That the members of any one church are to haue voyces in every Church vvhere they come in the elections and excommunications thereof c. 9. That the government is popular by the multitude 10 That the kingdome of heauen is a terme peculiar onely to the churches of the Gospel and not perteining to the church of the Iewes Contrary to Mat. 22.2 21.43 8.12 c. That the Elders may not admonish a sinner though obstinate in transgression whereupon to proceed against him without first taking the peoples consent so to admonish and proceed vvith him 11. That it is a nevv rule which could not be kept in Israel when Christ spake it 12. That the people now haue more povver in the government of the Church then they had in Israell heretofore 13. That they could not in Israel forgiue one anothers sinne as vve can now 14. That the people novv are ansvverable to the Elders of Israell then 15. That cases of sinne and controversie between man man are to be heard and judged by the church on the Lords day and as a part of Gods vvorship vvhich † M. Ains Defence of Script pag. 10. with his Annot. on Exo. 20 10. themselues graunt was not so in Israell 16. That the churches government is not Aristocraticall 17. That the Elders may not heare and determine the cases aforesaid unlesse the people be present although the parties and vvitnesses be there ready to haue their matters heard judged 18. That the raynes of government in