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B15418 Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ... Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1610 (1610) STC 20485; ESTC S1664 417,169 706

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that are there burning for one onely Sinne. Some for one Perjurie others for a dishonest Thought consented vnto and others for some other Sinne of VVorde or of Deede And then I will consider how all these condemned Persons were men aswel as I and many of them as I Christians that enjoyed the same Sacraments and Sacrifices and those Sermons and sacred bookes that I enjoye and were perhaps sometime very holye and highly in fauour with God but by litle and litle they grewe carelesse and came to fall into that mortall Sinne and by the Iust Iudgements of God Deathe attached and set vpon them therein and for it they were most justly condemned Iacob 2.10 For as the Apostle S. Iames saieth VVhosoeuer falleth into one onely Sinne breaking a Commaundement is made guilty of all as hee that breaketh manye for hee offendeth the God of Infinite maiestie who commaundeth them all to bee obserued 2. Then am I to make Comparison of this Sinne with many of minne pondering with how much more reason I deserued to bee in Hell as those Soules are for hauing offended God not once but many times and in other kindes of Sinnes without number O hovv iustly had I deserued that Deathe should haue attached mee in committing my first Sinne and that God should haue giuen mee no time of Repentance VVhat moued thee o my God to expect mee more then these I confesse that I deserued to bee in their Companye but seeing thy Maiestie hath vvith so much mercie expected mee I resolue vvith thy grace to bee very truely and intirely penitent 3. I may also consider that it is no lesse a benefit of God to haue preserued mee from Hell detaining mee from descending to euerlasting Torments then if after I had beene descended he had diliuered mee from them For the which I may say that of Dauid I vvill confesse to thee o Lord my Psal 85.12 God vvith all my Hearte vvill glorifie thy name for euer for thy mercie hath beene very greate towardes mee deliuering my Soule from the deepest Hell And to knowe how to esteeme aright of this merced so repaye it as I ought I am to speake to myselfe saying If God should deliuer one of these Soules out of Hell and giue it a time of repentance vvhat rigourous penance vvould it doe hovv thankefull vvould it bee to God and vvith vvhat feruour vvoult it serue him Thou therefore art to doe the like considering that God hath donne thee so singular a fauour as to deliuer thee from the Daunger before thou didst fall into it The fourthe Pointe Of the greatnesse of our Sinnes by the Paines that Christe our Lord suffered for them THE fourth Pointe shall bee both matter of a sweete Colloquie and of a most deuoute consideration to knowe the greatenesse of Sinne and the dreadefullnesse of Gods Iustice by another example much different from the forepassed but no lesse effectuall then they that is by the Chastizements which the diuine Iustice inflicted vpon Christe IESVS our Lorde not for his owne Sinnes but for mine and for those of the whole VVorlde that I may vnderstand how hee will chastize man loden with his owne Sinnes that so chastized him that bore the burthen of other mens Sinnes and how the guiltye Slaue shal bee handled when the innocent Sonne was so terribly punished Calling to minde that dreadefull Sentence which our Redeemer spake to the Daughters of Ierusalem Luc. 23.31 If in the greene vvood they doe these things in the drye vvhat shall bee donne As if hee should say to mee If I bee treated with such rigour being a greene tree and full of fruite with what rigour shallt thou bee treated that arte a drye tree and without any fruite at all Then I am to set before mine eyes Christe IESVS crucified beholding his Heade crownde with thor●es his Face spit vpon his Eyes obscured his Armes disioincted his Tongue distasted with gall and vineger his Handes and Feete pierced with nailes his Backe and Shoulders torne with whippes and his Side opened with a Launce and then pondering that hee suffereth all this for my Sinnes I shall drawe sundrye Affections from the inwardest parte of my Hearte sometimes trembling at the rigour of Gods Iustice who as the Prophet Zacharias saide vnsheathed his Sworde against the man that was vnited with him in person Zacha. 13.7 sometimes bewailing my Sinnes which were the cause of these Dolours and sometimes animating myselfe to suffer somewhat in satisfaction of my offences Isai 53. seeing Christe our Lord suffered so much to redeeme them And finally I will beg pardon of him for them alledging to him for a reason all his Troubles and Afflictions saying vnto him in an amorous Colloquie Colloquie O my most svveete Redeemer vvhich descendedst from Heauen and ascendedst this Crosse to redeeme men paying their Sinnes vvith thy Dolours I present myselfe before thy Maiestie grieued that my grieuous Sinnes haue beene the cause of thy terrible paines Vpon mee o Lord these Chastizements had beene vvell imployed for I am hee that sinned and not vpon thee that neuer sinnedst Let that Loue that moued thee to put thyselfe vpon the Crosse for mee moue thee to pardon mee vvhat I haue committed against thee By thy Thornes I beseeche the dravve out of my Soule the thornes of my Sinnes by thy Scourging pardon my Theftes By thy Gall and Vinegre pardon my Gluttonyes By the nailes of thy Handes pardon my Euill VVorkes and by those of thy Feete pardon my Euill Steps Psal 83.10 O eternall Father behoulde the face of thy Sonne and seeing in him thou diddest chastize my Sinnes let thy vvrathe vvith these Chastizings bee appeased and vse tovvardes mee thy mercies Michae 7 19. throvving all my VVickednesse into the bottome of the Sea in Vertue of that Bloud that vvas shed for them Amen This point wee shal prosecute largelie in the fourth parte The third Meditation of the multitude of Sinnes and of the grieuousnesse of them for being so many and contrarye to Reason The first Pointe 1. THE first pointe is to call to minde the multitude of Sinnes that in all my former Life I haue committed to which ende I am to runne thorough all the Ages thereof and thorough all the places where I haue liued and thorough the Offices Occupations and Imployments that I haue had regarding how and wherein I haue faulted in euery one of the seuen Sinnes wee commonly call Mortall and in euery one of the Commaundements of the Lawe of God and of his Churche and in euery one of the Lawes and Rules of my Estate and Office To which ende it will helpe mee to knowe the sortes of Sinnes that may bee committed in these matters as they shal bee put in the first pointes of the eighteenth meditation and of the nine following And this Remembrance of Sinnes must not bee drye but moistened with teares full of Confusion and Shame as was that of the
vnworthy of them nay rather of our parte wee are to refuse them with Humillitye because of the Daunger wee may incurre of being deluded by Sathan transfigured into an Angell of Light But when God shall communicate them they are to bee receiued with Humillitye and Thankesgiuing and with greate Cautele In the 19 meditation and Prudence following certaine Aduertisements which wee shall giue in this booke especially in the third parte meditating the miracle wherin Christe was helde for a Phantasme And in the fifth parte meditating the apparitions In the 3 meditation and the resifolovving and reuelations that Christe our Lord made to his Apostles Disciples wherein wee will set downe the signes and effects that are wrought in the Soule by the visitation of God the comming of the holy Spirit to what height of Life hee exalteth by the meanes of his seuen guiftes celestiall Inspiratiōs which is that wee all ought to desire pretende But that wee may haue some Light of these extraordinary and meruailous meanes that God hath to cheare Soules to communicate himselfe vnto them in Mentall Praier I will pointe at some of them wherein also are touched certaine things that passe ordinarily in all and it is good to knowe them for they will helpe to vnderstand an ordinarye forme of Praier by application of the Sences whereof wee are hereafter to treate For declaration whereof I aduertise that as the Bodye hath his fiue exteriour Senses wherewith hee perceiueth the visible and delectable things of this life taketh experience of them so the Spirit with his faculties of Vnderstanding and VVill hath fiue interiour Actes proportioned to these Sences which wee call Seeing Hearing Smelling Tasting and Touching spiritually with the which hee perceiueth the inuisible and delectable things of God and taketh experience of them Ex Cassian collat 12. cap. 13. Ex Gerson 3. p. tract de mistica Theologia cap. 2 de diuinis nominibus from which springeth the experimentall notice or knowledge of God which incomparably exceedeth all the knowledges that proceede of our Discourses as the sweetenesse of Honye is much better knowne by tasting a litle of it then by making greate Discourses to knowe it And so by these Experiences misticall Theologye is obtained which is the sauoury wisdome Science of God in such sorte that S. Dionisius saithe of Diuine Hierotheus that hee had knowledge of Diuine things not onely by the Doctrine of the Apostles nor onely by his Industrye and Discourse but by Affection and Experience of them the which is obtained by meanes of the fiue Interiour Senses of which the saied Scripture maketh much mention Aug. lib. 10. cōfes lib. de spiritu anima c. 9. Bern. lib. de digni natura amoris diuini c. 6. sequentibus Serm. 22 in Cant. Ad Heb. 11.27 and the holy Fathers especially S. Augustine S. Gregory S. Bernard and others whose sayings S. Bonauenture copiously alledgeth in his Treatinge of the seuen wayes to eternitye in the sixt waye from whome I will borrowe somewhat of that which I here shall deliuer presupposing that as the glorious S. Bern. saithe In huiusmodi non capit Intelligētia nisi quantum experiētia attingit In many of these things the Vnderstāding attaineth no more thē that which Experience perceiueth And therefore I will goe also pointing as it were to that which belongeth to all 1. First God our Lord communicateth himselfe sometimes by a spirituall presence with his Illuminations communicating to the Vnderstanding a manner of Light so eleuated that by it like another Moises it beholdeth and regardeth the Inuisible as if it were visible And albeit it rest with the Vertue of Faithe yet it resteth so illustrated and perfected concerning the mysteries thereof that it appeareth another light This sight vseth to goe accompanyed with a kinde of Spirituall Alacritie which is called Iubilie leaping as it were with pleasure and Ioye for the strangenesse of the Diuine Greatenesses that it hath seene according to that which is written in Iob Iob. 33.26 I will make Praier to God and will appease him and I shall see his face with Iubilie To this manner of Contemplation or Interiour beholding our Lord himselfe inuiteth vs saying Vnbusy yourselues Psal 45.11 and see for I am God which is to say Cease from Sinnes and disoccupye yourselues from terrene businesses and attend carefully to the consideration of my VVorkes and you shall come to see with greate light that I onely am God glorious among the nations and exalted ouer the whole Earthe Psal 76.3 96.11 Somewhat hereof our Lord communicatcth very ordinarily to his Seruauntes by certaine sodaine Illustrations which like Lightenings discouer vnto them some Veritie of our holy Faithe after a manner very different from what they perceiued before which allbeeit they passe sodainely yet they leaue the Heart very much Inflamed in manifolde Affections of the Loue of God or Sorrowe for Sinnes according as the Veritie requireth which with that light they haue seene VVith these same Illuminations our Lord God also toucheth Sinners to conuert them discouering vnto them on a sodaine the gratenesse of their Sinnes the Daunger of their Damnation and other like Verities to moue and affectionate them to chaunge their liues which wee shall speake largely of in the fift parte in the twentieninth meditation of the conuersion of S. Paul 2. The second manner of our Lordes communicating himselfe vnto vs is by a Spirituall Hearing speaking within our Soule by his Inspirations certaine interiour liuely and effectuall wordes at times as distinct as those which are heard with our bodily eares with the which hee teacheth some Veritie or discouereth his VVill with such efficacie that it affecteth the fullfilling thereof And at times Cantic 5.6 as the Spouse saieth of herselfe the Soule is mollified waxeth tender and melteth in the Loue of God And that which helde the Hearte sad dismayed frozen and indurate or hardened for spirituall matters with one of these interiour wordes in a moment maketh it joyfull confident inkindled and softned for whatsoeuer God will doe with it And allbeeit these Interiour speakings vse to come after such an extraordinary manner that it is onely knowen to him that heareth them yet after another ordinary manner they passe thorough all and are called Inspirations for as the glorious Doctor S. Augustine saith The Interiour speaking of God our Lord is a secret Inspiration Lib. de triplici habitaculo by the which inuisibly hee discouereth to the Soule his VVill or his Truthe VVith this hee speaketh to the Iust and to Sinners but oftnest to those that are very spirituall whome hee teacheth correcteth reprehendeth or exhorteth comforteth moueth to the workes of Vertue and Perfection And therefore Dauid Psal 84.9 as one well experimented in feeling these Inspirations and diuine Impulsions saide I vvill heare vvhat our Lord God vvill speake in
mee hee saithe likewise Departe from the Hierarchies and Quires of my Angells Departe from my Apostles Martyrs Cōfessors and Virgins and Departe from the sweete companye of my holy mother who would also haut beene yours but you would not haue her I did sufficient to attract you to my seruice and to my house but you thorough your perverse wil seperated yourselues and made yourselues straungers Therefore in punishment heereof Colloquie I by my iust wil doe banishe and separate you from mee and all mine without hope ever to haue any parte in mee or any thing that is mine O my saviour let not such a Punishement fall vpon mee to separate mee from thee for ever Chastize mee vvith vvhat punishement thou vvilt so that vnited vvith thee in loue I may allvvaies beé neere thee Amen Maledicti THe second worde is you cursed with the which beeing very effectuall hee powreth vpon thē all the eternall Maledictiōs and misfortunes that for their sinnes they haue deserved Cursed shall their soule bee and cursed their Bodye Cursed their Powers and cursed their senses Deut. 28 16. deinceps There shall lighte vpon them the Malediction of Hunger and Thirst of sickenesse and Dolour of infamye and Dishonour Cursed in the Cittye where they shall liue in the house where they shall dwell In the Compagnye that they shall keepe and in all things that shall happen vnto them And hee calleth them not Cursed of his Father as hee called the Righteous blessed of his Father that they may vnderstand that Benediction originally springeth from God our Father whoe for his parte would that they also should haue been blessed but Malediction originally springeth from themselues Psalm 108.18 and their sinnes according to that of David Hee loved cursing and it shall come to him and hee vvould not blessing and it shall be far from him And he put on cursing as a garment and it entred as vvater into his invvard partes and as oyle in his bones O how raging and mad will the wretches bee to heare this horrid worde of their eternall malediction O what a raving envye shall pierce their intrailes seeing that God blesleth the Righteous without leaving so much as one onely benediction for them Genes 27.34 If sau seeing his younger Brother Iacob to haue gotte the blessing Irr●gi●t clamers magno Roared out with a greate cry and with remedilesse Teares saide to his Father hast thou not reserued me also a biessing VVhen these Reprobates figured by Esau shall see that the Elect figured by Iacob haue negotiated the benediction of the heauenly Father and that not one onely blessing remaineth for them how lowde will they crye and roare VVith what rage will they confirme their owne Malediction curfing the day wherein they were borne and the milke which they sucked desiring rather never to haue beene bo●ne then to heare such an affrighting Malediction Ad Gala 3.13 O most svvete IESVS vvho ascending the Crosse tookest vpon thee the curse of the Lavve to deliuer vs from the curse of sinne and eternall Paine favour mee vvith thy mercye that vpon mee may not fall so terrible miserye Amen In ignem aeternum THe third worde is Paena sensus Paine of Sense Into fier everlasting In thee which hee condemneth them to the paine which they call of Sense which is fier everlasting as if hee should saye I separate you not from mee that you should retourne to that scope and Libertye of life that you were wont to haue nor that you should liue vpon the face of the Earthe at your pleasure but that you should descende to the obscure Prison of Hell and burne in the terrible fiers that are therein and this not for the space of ten yeares nor ten thousand but for all that time that the fier which is eternall shall last and shall doe his office to torment you thoroughout all eternitie O what affliction shall that dreadefull worde cause in those wretched sinners seeing themselues againe condemned to retourne to the Prison and fier from whence their soule had come vp that the bodye also might burne in those flames wherein the soule burned Qui paratus est THe Iudge addeth that this fier vvas alreadye prepared to reduce to their Memorie that the divine iustice as it prepared a kingdome to rewarde the Righteous so also it prepared a fier to chastize the VVicked which although it were hidden from the eyes of the bodye yet it was so revealed that they might see it with the eyes of faithe and might endeuour to escape it VVith these eyes am I to penetrate the Earthe and to see the terrible fier that at this daye is in the Center thereof prepared for the chastizement of my sinnes Isa 30.33 if I doe not Penance for them remembring that of the Prophet Isaias Praeparata est ab heri Tophet c. The eternall king from yesterday that is very long since and from the beginning of the worlde prepared a horrid profounde and spacious place full of fier and of much wood and the breathe of our Lord like a river of Brimstone is kindling it Hee calleth it Tophet Matth. 5.29 as our Saviour Christ calleth it G●henna which was a place of terrible fiers where the children were burnt that were sacrificed to the I doll Moloch to aduertise vs that by the Furnaces Aetnas and horrible places of fire of smoke and Brimstone that wee see vpon the earthe 4. Reg. 23.10 Nota. Colloquie wee may as it were trace out the Terriblenesse of that fier that God hath prepared vnder it for such as sacrifize their soules to the Divell O eternall king vvhich preparedst Heauen and Hell to cherishe in the one the righteous vvith the gētle Breathe of thy Charitie and to torment the VVicked in the other vvith the burning blast of thy indignation visite mee vvith the breathe of thy divine inspiration that I may allvvaies bee mindefull of these tvvoe places preparing my selfe by thy grace vvith such a manner of life that I may attaine to the one and bee for ever free from the other Amen Diabolo Angelis eius HEe saithe likewise vnto them that this fier is prepared for the Diuel and his Angells that they may vnderstand that they are condemned to the perpetuall compagnye of the Divells matching them with them that whome they imitated in sinne they might imitate in paine and seeing they made themselues of the faction of Lucifer and of his evill Angells they should haue their Punishment with them and by their meanes they being their executioners that were their seducers But hee saieth not to them Goe to the fier prepared for you as hee saieth to the righteous Come to the kingdome that I haut prepared for you to vpbraide them with the greate mercye that hee would haue donne them for hee intended not to make Hell to punishe men if they thenselues had not thorough sinne made themselues worthy of Punishment
loue of our Lord God whatsoeuer shall happen against my liking determining by Gods grace for no such occasiōs to faile in humillitie and patience nor to admitte any thing that may bee a sinne founding this purpose not vpon my owne force but vpon the force that God shall giue mee and vpon some strong reasons that may conuince mee and make mee affectionate to execute it as Christe our redeemer in the garden of gethsemani set before his eyes all the tormēts that the daye following hee was to suffer and accepting them with greate loue In the meditation 22. of the 4. part Collat. 19. cap. 14. wrastled against feares and sorrowes with discourses and praiers as in its place wee shall see 5. And if those who are very zealous will yet passe farther and excell more in vertue they may take the counsaile that a holy Abbot as Cassianus reporteth gaue to those who by liuing in solitarinesse haue no occasions to exercize humillitye and patience that they should imagine terrible dolours iniuries contempts and torments come vpon them by the handes of their enemyes or of their companions vnder the pretext of pietye such as were those which the martyrs and holy confessors haue suffered and to accept them all very heartily yea and to desire that they might bee offered them and to begge them of our celestiall father with those wordes of Dauid Psalm 25.2 Colloquie Proue mee o Lord and trye mee burne my hearte and my reines for thy greate mercye is before mee and therein I trust that thou vvilt avde mee and with this confidence I may say vnto thim O if in this daye some bodye vvould stricke mee vpon one cheeke hovv vvillingly for thy loue vvould I offer him the other Or if any vvould speake vnto mee any iniurious vvorde or beare false vvitnesse against mee hovv heartily vvould I bee silent and suffer it for thy loue O if my prelatet vvould commaunde mee any very sharpe and difificult thinge that I in accomplishing it might shovve the loue that I beare thee VVith such purposes as these vertues are much augmented and the hearte becōmeth strong to resist vices but yet the imperfect and lukewarmee must walke warily in such like meditations leaste perhaps thorough their imbecillitye that which should haue beene a meanes of their good turne into a snare of their temptation The seconde Pointe SEcondly at Noone before dinner setting myselfe in the presence of God and hauing asked of him light to come to the knowledge of my sinnes I will examine those which I haue committed that morning in that particular vice which if they were many I am to bee ashamed that I haue not fullfilled the resolutiō that I made nor kept my worde which I gaue to God accusing my selfe of infidellitye inconstancye and mutabillitye and beeing sorrowfull for my transgressions herein for beeing against a God that is so faithfull and constant in benefitting mee and in accomplishing whatsoeuer hee purposeth to doe for my good I am to reprehend myselfe as Cassianus saieth saying to myselfe Collat. 19. cap. 14. art thou hee that this morning didst purpose such greate matters and offeredst thyselfe to suffer very terrible iniuries then how comes it that so light an occasion hath ouerthrowne thee Thou didst purpose to kill all the enemyes of God and hast thou renderd thyselfe to the leaste of them Bee ashamed of thy cowadize humble thyselfe before God and turne a newe to determine trusting with more viuacitie in his mercie that it may ayde thy greate weakenesse I will likewise examine the cause and occasion of hauiug failed to auoyde it or to preuent it wholely resoluing vpon amendement the rest of the daye 2. I may likewise at this time remember that Christe our Lord was crucified at midday and perseuered a greate parte of the euening suffering most grieuous paines vpon the crosse with greate constancie vntill hee gaue vp the ghost And in thankefullnesse for this benefit I am to purpose to bee very constant in not yeilding to the lust of my fleshe nor to my owne will in that vice that it may dye in mee or I may dye fighting against it vntill I vanquish it Sometimes againe I may call to minde that Christ our Lord likewise at midday ascended aboue all the heauens to enioy the fruite of his labours And with this cōsideratiō I may animate myselfe to fight a newe against my passions and with both considerations I may saye vnto him that of the Canticles O thou beloued of my soule Cant. 1.6 showe vnto mee with thy celestiall light the place where at midday thou reposest and feedest thy sheepe that I may there fixe my hearte and my desires and not goe wandring any more to seeke after vices The third Pointe AT night before I sleepe I will make another examination like that which I made before dinner comparing the times that I sinned in the morning with those that I sinned in the euening and if they were fewer I will giue thankes to God for this amēdement because it hath come from his hande but if they were more I am to confounde myselfe to see that insteede of going forwarde I turne backe but yet I am not to bee dismayed but to purpose anewe a very hearty amendment for with such a like battaile Prouerb 24.16 the victorie is obtained For hereupon saide the holy Ghoste The iust man falleth seuen times a daye and shall rise againe giuing to vnderstand that falling and yet rising againe hee shall come by Gods fauour to stand vpright The same comparison I am to make betweene the sinnes of one daye and those of another according to the counsell of S. Basile Ser. de abdic re rum sermo 10. and betweene those of one weeke and those of another according to the counsell of S. Dorotheus helping my memory by noting them with two lines or strakes for euery daye in the weeke putting in the one line as many prikes as I haue sinned times in the morning and in the other those of the euening It will likewise helpe mee to giue myselfe a stroke on the brest when I fall into this sinne the one to remember the times that I haue sinned by the times that I haue strickē my breste and the other forthwith to moue mee to contrition for my sinne and to obtaine pardon thereof Frouerb 24.16 For in this sense also said the holy Ghoste the iust man falleth seuen times a daye and riseth againe giuing to vnderstand that when hee falleth hee hath light to knowe that hee hath fallen and if hee falleth while it is daye hee stayeth not to rise vp at night rather if hee fall seuen times hee riseth seuen times assoone as hee hath fallen sorrowing for his fall and purposing amendement and in this manner his frequent falling shall bee turned into frequent praying and into good affections and purposes which with newe grace repaire the hurte of the fall Other meanes of
gratefull vnto him for it with the greatest gratitude that possibly wee may applying herein the counsell of the wiseman Suffer not the good daye to passe Et particula boni doni non te praetereat Eccles 14.14 And let not so much as the least parcell of the good guift escape thee but make vse of the good lot that hath befallen thee For as wee much esteeme the leaste parte whatsoeuer of this sacrament for that whole Christe is therein so wee are to esteeme euery litle parte of the day and tyme that wee haue him with in vs seeing in eache parte therof hee his able to doe vs greate fauours if with a deuout and thankefull minde wee dispose ourselues to receiue them especially for that this sacrament as S. Dionisius saieth is the cōsummation De Eccles hi●rar cap. 3. D. Tho. 4. q. 65. art 3. fullfilling and perperfection of all the other and the most effectuall meanes that God hath giuen vs for our perfection And seeing wee haue him present to communicate it vnto vs it is reason to inlarge the vessell of our harte to receiue it To this ende wee are here to exercize with greatest feruour the three actes of thankes giuing that were set downe in the 34. meditation spending the tyme not so much in newe considerations seeing those that are set downe are sufficient as in newe affections and canticles of praise and thankes giuing in this forme ensuing The first Pointe 1. FIrst I am greately to quicken my faithe of the presence of this our lord that is with in me beholding the inuisible as if I did visibly beholde him and breifely pondering that hee is the same Lord of whome I conceiued so greate excellencies when I prepared myselfe to communicate And seeing where the king is there is the court I may imagine as S. Gregorie saieth that hee is Inuironned with thousandes of the courtiers of heauen Lib. 4. Dialogo cap. 58. in whose companie prostrate in spirtte before his feete and admiring that so greate a God is harboured in so humble a place I will breake out first into affections of humilitie of reuerence and of mine owne confusion sometymes saying with S. Peeter Departe from mee o Lord and goe forth from this wretched litle ship for I am a great sinner And sometymes with S. Luc. 5.8 Luc. 1.43 Psalm 8.2 Colloquie Elizabeth I will say vnto him whence is it to mee that my God and my Lord commeth to visite mee O eternall God vvhat is man that the ●art mindefull of him Or the sonne of man that thou visitest him Thou madest him lesse then the angells by beeing clothed vvith vile fleshe and commest thou from heauen accompanied vvith angells to harbour thyselfe vvithin him O our Lord and God hovv admirable is thy name thoroughout all the earthe seeing thou hast made it thy Habitation as vvell as heauen 2. In the Preface Isai 6.3 Then will I breake out into affections of praise and thankes-giuing vsing some canticles of the churche Sometyme I will say as the Seraphins Holy holy holy is the Lord God of hostes that hath humbled himselfe to dwell in this smoky cloudie temple of my soule Sometymes I will crie out with the Hebrewe children that accompanied Christe on Palme-sunday saying Math. 21.15 O king of Israel and Sauiour of the worlde blessed bee hee that that hath come from on high to visit mee I not knowing how to deserue it Daniel 3.52 Other sometymes with the three youthes that were in the furnace in Babilon I will inuite all creatures to praise our Lord for this fauour that hee hath donne mee 3. Or in imitation of this canticle I will make another inuiting to the same ende the nine quires of angells and the quires of the patriarkes and prophets of the apostles and euangelistes of the martirs and doctors bishops and confessours preistes and leuites virgins and widowes Colloquie and all the Sainctes in heauen in this forme May thy Angells Archangells and Principallities blesse thee o Lord may they praise and glorifie thee for euer May thy povvers Vertues and Dominations blesse praise and glorifie thee vvorlde vvithout ende May the Thrones Cherubins and Seraphins blesse thee praise thee c. Blesse our Lord o yee Patriarkes and Prophetes praise him and glorifie him for euer Blesse our Lord o yee Apostles and Euangelistes praise him c. And in this manner I may goe through all the sainctes Psalm 102.1 4. I may likewise with Dauid inuite all faculties and sences and all the cogitations and affections of my harte that all togither may assemble to adore and glorifie this our Lord for the parte that they all haue in this soueraigne benefit May my eies blesse thee o Lorde for they haue seene thee in this sacrament and my lippes for they haue touched thee Colloquis and my tongue and pallate for they haue tasted thee and my brest for hat it is thy habitation Psalm 34.10 and let all my bones say O Lord vvho is like vnto thee Let my memory budde forth thy praises my vnderstanding magnifie thee my vvill loue thee my appetites desire thee and let them all bee dissoued in thy presence singing the glorie of thy Comming The Second Pointe 1 Then am I to recall to my memory the Offices of Christ our lord and the endes that hee had in comming to visite mee beeing glad and iojfull to haue within mee my Redeemer my phisition my maister and all my good and with a greate affection I will spiritually embrace him with the armes of humilitie and charitie speaking that of the Canticles Cāt. 3.4 I haue founde him vvhome my soule loueth I vvill keepe him and not let him goe I will for no cause parte from his sweete Companie and for no labour Ad Gal. 4.26 nor tribulation will I leaue his amitie I will allwaies haue him with mee till hee cary mee to the house of my mother which is the caelestiall Hierusalem where I may enioye him with perfect security 2. Then like Dauid in the presence of this our lord I will powre forth my praier and set before him all my necessities and miseries recounting them as if hee knewe them not because hee delighteth to heare them beseeching him to doe his offices in remedying them seeing this was the ende of his comming and the comming of so greate a prince should not bee in vaine And therefore I may say vnto him I Colloquie o Lord am sicke of grieuous Infirmities and passions pride vvrathe sensuallitie and couetousnesse haue prostrated mee Thou art the Omnipotent phisition and hast come to my soule to cure mee cure mee according to thy povver and leaue mee vvhole say in this entraūce as thou saidest entring into the house of Zacheus Luc. 19.9 Hodie salus huic domui facta est this day saluation is made to this house And because thy saying is doing it shall bee as thou saiest I
thou giuest vs a remedye to obtaine pardon of our Sinnes may the Angells that remaine in Heauen laude thee for this fauour may the men that liue vpon the Earth acknowledge it and make vse of it and may my soule melt it selfe in thy Loue singing the multitude and Greatenesse of thy mercye by the which I beseeche thee to pardon my Sinnes ayding mee that I may neuer more returne vnto them This Consideration I am to applye to myselfe pondering that allbeeit God our Lorde thorough his mercye hath made a Decree to pardon Sinners and effectually pardoneth those that submitte themselues yet to the Rebellious bee vseth his rigorous Iustice condemning them as hee did the Deuills And therefore I am to endeuour not to resist Gods mercye leaste I fall into the handes of his Iustice Then will I ponder the causes that in some sorte mooued the Diuine Mercye to haue Compassion on our miserye One was for that Adam by his Sinne not only indammaged himselfe Rom. 5.12 but allso all that descended of him who were to bee borne Sinners condemned to Deathe and to perpetuall Prison incurring these damages not by their owne personall Will but by that which they had in their first Parent But whereas God was so mercifull that his Clemencye could not permitte that his whole worke for one mans Transgression should perishe without remedye and that all this visible worlde that was created for man should bee frustrate of his ende seruing the sinner hee therefore resolued to finde out the Remedye From whence I will collect two motiues to repose my Confidence in Gods mereye alleaging them as Dauid did for respectes wherefore hee should remedye my miserye Psal 50.7 The one because I was cōceiued in Sinne frō whence originally spring all my miseryes The other for that I am the worke of his handes for the which I am neither to bee contemned nor abhorred seeing hee abhorreth nothing that hee made O most mercifull Father Sapient 11.25 Psal 102.14 seeing thou knowest the masse wheref wee thy Children were formed which issued good from thee and by Adam was made euill haue Compassion on vs remedying the Hurt donne by Adam to reforme the Good donne by thee My handes haue defaced in mee the worke of thy Handes les thine by thy aboundant grace repaire what mine did thorough my greate sinne Another cause was Sapient 2.24 for that man sinned beeing tempted and seduced by the Deuill partely for the enuye that hee had of his good partely for his rage against God ●esiring to reuenge himselfe of the Creator in the Creature who by him was so fauoured and in whome his diuine image was stamped wherevpon God himselfe mooued to Compassion would take to himselfe the cause of man with a determination to remedye him because his Enemye should not remaine for euer victorious And therefore hee saide vnto him Genes 3.15 when Adam had sinned I will put enmityes betweene thee and the VVoman and thy seede and the seede of her and they shall breake thy Heade vanquishing him that vanquished them and triumphing ouer him that triumphed ouer them Whereby hee also putteth mee in hope that hee will haue Compassion on mee and take my cause for his owne seeing the Deuil now persecuteth mee with the like Enuye Psalm 73.22 and Rage and so I may say vnto him with Dauid Arize o Lord Iudge thyne owne cause ayding mee with thy Grace to breake the heade of the Serpent who allwayes persecuteth mee because hee abhorreth thee The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the admirable Decree made by the most sacred Trinitye that the second Person who is the Sonne of God should bee made man to redeeme mankinde lost by the Sinne of Adam pondering the causes that mooued him thereunto some in regarde of our owne greate necessitye miserye and others in regarde of his infinite Bountye and Mercye First I will consider how the most holy Trinitye s●eing in his Eternitye many meanes that hee had to remedye men either by pardoning them by hos sole and pure mercye or by creating another newe man to satisfye for them or by imposing this charge on the Seraphines hee would not make choice of a meane that was more easy nor lesse perfect nor would hee impose the charge of this worke vpon another but chose the best meanes that was possible plotting that the Sonne of God should become man for the remedye of man In such wise that hee coulde not giue vs a better Remedier Ad Rom. 5.20 nor a more powerfull Remedye nor a more copious Redemption willing that where Sinne abounded there Grace should more infinitely abound To ponder this Veritye the more I will consider what the first man did against God and what God doth for man comparing the Thoughtes and Deuises of the one with those of the other Adam plotted with Pride to rebell against God himselfe desiring to vsurpe his Diuinitye and Wisdome and to haue Signorye ouer all things whereby hee deserued that God should abhorre and humble him and should annihilate his peruerted nature But God of his infinite Goodnesse was not only willing to pardon this iniurye but to that ende chose a meanes of the greatest Honour and Proffit for man and of the greatest Humilliation and Trauaile for God for that the Diuine Worde beeing of infinite Greatenesse and Majestye sticked not as S. Psa 137.5 Paul saithe vpon exinaniting and humbling himselfe to take the forme of a Seruant and to Inuest himselfe with the mortall and passible nature of his very Enemye joyning it to himselfe in vnity of Person to drawe him out of that greate misery whereinto hee was fallen thorough Sinne and to exalt him to that high Honour and Happinesse that hee might lay holde vpon by his Grace Phil. 2.6 Ser. 9. de Natiuit For as S. Augustine saieth God made himselfe man to make man God that by the Vertue of God made man men might bee Gods by Participation Finally considering this soueraigne Decree I will with greate Astonishment admire the infinite Bounty and Mercye of God which sometimes with Moyses I will magnifye saying Dominatour Lord God mercifull and clement Exo. 34.6 patient and of much compassion and True which keepest mercye vnto thousands of generations which takest away iniquity and wicked factes and Sinnes and without whome no man of himselfe is Innocent before thee Othertimes with the Seraphines couering with my wings the face and feete of God and adoring this conjunction of his Diuinitye and Humanitye I will crye out saying Holy Isa 6.3 Holy Holy is the Lorde God of Hostes all the Earthe is full of his Glorye thorough the Greatnesse of his mercye And othersometimes I will giue thankes to this our Lorde for this so glorious a benefit saying vnto him O Eternall God Colloquie I most humbly thanke thee for this soueraigne Plot which thou inuentedst for my remedye taking vpon thee my basenesse to
where he was how louingly he would reprehende my Pride and Vanitye and Curiositye in attire how he would exhorte me to make myselfe a childe and to present and offer myselfe to the seruice of his eternall Father All these wordes I am to receiue to heare beseeching him to inspire them into my spirit with a Determination to fullfill them I will likewise endeuour to heare what the blessed VIRGIN saide and what the holy Spirit saide to Simeon and what Simeon himselfe saide when he sawe his desire accomplished I learning by those wordes to speake such other wordes vnto God The third Pointe THe third pointe is to smell with the interiour smelling the most sweete odour celestiall fragrancye that issueth from this Childe IESVS and from his Vertues meditating how well they smell vnto God vnto the Angells and vnto the Iust and how much honour and glory they are vnto our Lord God and of what edification to his Church And with this odour I am to comfort and animate myselfe to imitate those Vertues To doe this the more effectually I will ponder how the most sweete odour that issued from the workes and Vertues of that Childe did exceedingly recreate the eternall Father Gen. 27.27 who might say as Isaac sayed of his Sonne Iacob The sauour of my Sonne is as the sauour of a plentifull feilde which our Lord hath blessed Then will I ponder how much this odour recreateth the just Soules that smell it Cant. 1.3 as the Spouse that saied we will runne after thee in the odour of thy ointments For the Pouerty of Christ his Humillitye and Meekenesse doe cast from them a fragrancye that vanquisheth the hearte and carrieth it after him to joine it vnto him From hence I will come to contemplate how sweete an odour both to God and vnto men is Obedience and Modestie Humillity Patience and Charitye in any person whatsoeuer that hath them in excellencye and how much it edifieth the Church and his neighbours Whereupon S. 2 Cor. 2.15 Paul saieth of the Iust that they are the good odour of Christ and contrarily what an euill odour both to God and to men is Pride and Disobedience Immodestye and euery other vice pondering how farre this euill odour was from that holy place where the Childe and his mother was and how farre it ought to be from my Soule not to giue any disguste to whome I owe so much dutye O sweete Childe whose Vestements Colloquie which are thy workes are like a feilde of odoriferous flowers clothe me with them that I may smell well to thy eternall Father that for thee hee may giue me the benediction that for them thou didst merit may my Soule resent the fragrancye of thy diuine odours that it may runne after thee imitating thy Vertues vntill it arriue to enioye the rewarde of them Amen The fourth Pointe THe fourth pointe is with the interiour Taste to taste the sweetenesse of that blessed Childe and of his Vertues and how sweete they were to God and to himselfe and are to all those that exercize them in his imitation applying myselfe to proue what the Prophet Dauid sayeth Psa 33.9 Taste ye and see that our Lord is sweete O how it pleased the eternall Father to beholde the Vertues of his Sonne and what pleasure had the Sonne to giue full content to the Father O what a sweetenesse felt this blessed Childe to see himselfe poore contemned layed in a manger among beastes how sweete vnto him were the teares that he shed and how pleasing was it to him absolutely to fullfill the will of his Father much more sauorye without comparison then the milke that he sucked from the brestes of his mother And in imitation of him I will endeuour deepely to resent this sweetenesse that God putteth in Contempts and Afflictions in Pouertye and Teares sweetened with the example of this B. Childe And with this Affection I will prouoke in my Soule a greate hunger to taste of these things and to sauour the pleasing tastes of the Spirit that the sweetenesse of the fleshe may be made vnsauorye vnto mee With this affection I will contemplate the sweetenesse that holy Simeon felt at the presence of the Childe which was so greate that it lothed him to see and taste any thing of this life and sweetened vnto him euen deathe itselfe O eternall God Colloquie Ps 30.20 how greate is the multitude of sweetenesse which thou hast hidden for those that feare thee but how much gerater shall it be to those that loue thee giue me some parte thereof o Lord to prooue that I may with a good will renounce the pleasures of the earthe and take pleasure only in those of Heauen Amen Contrarily I may ponder how much bitternesse lyeth hidden in Vice and in the Soule that followeth her owne will and yeildeth to her owne passions and making reflexion vpon what passeth with myselfe when I sinne I shall taste this bitternesse that I feele in myselfe and shall presently abhorre it and spit it vp with a desire neuer more to taste of it remembring that of the Prophet Hieremias Iere. 2.19 Thy owne malice shall reproue thee and thy owne Sinne shall reprehend thee know thou and see that it is an euill and bitter thing for thee to haue abandoned thy Lord God The fifth Pointe THe fifth pointe is with the interiour Touching spiritually to touche the Vestements of that Childe the haye of that manger the earthe of that stable kissing and embracing it with my Hearte engendring in myselfe a greate estimation price and loue of it all choosing it to myselfe as a thing of greate value and as if I were present at all I am to come to the Childe and to beg leaue of him to touche his feete to kisse and embrace them bewailing my Sinnes and like Mary Magdalen humbly begging remission of them And then with greater Confidence to beg leaue of him to touche his handes to kisse them and to play with them beseeching him to giue me his benediction or like olde holy Simeon I will take him in my armes and embrace him with greate Loue beseeching him to vnite me to himselfe not permitting me to be seperated from him And if I could attaine to the perfection of the Spouse that saied Cant. 1.1 Let him kisse me with the kisse of his mouthe I might aspire to the desier to touche that diuine face and to vnite myselfe to his Deity with the vnion of perfect Loue satiating myselfe with only seeing him and louing him O what sweetenesse is felt in this spirituall touching Cant. 5.4 with the which as the same spouse saide all her bowells were moued mollified desiring to admitte therein her beloued I am likewise to touche the hardenesse of the Childes bed the rigour of the colde that he suffered the straightnesse of those mantles wherein he was wrapped and swadled and to applye myselfe to desier that for our
the benefits which hee had donne to his Soule and to his People Some with a spirit of Contrition to aske him pardon of his Sinnes and other some with a spirit of Affliction joyned with greate Confidence to Implore his ayde in Tribulations And therefore to ruminate them or to say them with proffit wee must clothe ourselues as Cassianus aduertiseth with the same spirit wherewith they were spoken Collat. 10 cap. 10. as if wee ourselues had made them to the same ende And euen Experience teacheth vs that hee that feeleth himselfe cheerefull for the benefits receiued from God sayeth with Deuotion the Psalmes of Ioy as are Benedic anima mea Domino omnia quae intra me sunt nomini sancto eius c. Laudate Dominum de caelis c. And at such time hee findeth not so much juice in the Psalme of Miserere mei Deus And contrarily hee that is afflicted with his Sinnes sayeth with Deuotion the Psalme of Miserere mei and applyeth not himselfe then to the Psalmes of Ioye VVhich wee are to consider that wee may choose for matter of meditation those wordes and Praiers which accord with that Spirit which wee feele and with the ende that wee pretende This second forme of Praying is most proper to those that walke in the Illuminatiue way pretending the knowledge and Vnderstanding of the Verities of Faithe so to encrease in Spirit and of this wee will set downe the practise in the second and third parte meditating in this sorte vpon the Salutation of the Angell vpon the Song of the Virgin vpon the Praier of the Pater noster and vpon certaine Sentences and Praiers of our Lord Christe vpon whose wordes wee will alwaies medltate with more attention because as the Spouse saide His Lippes are distilling the first Mirrhe Cant. 5.13 Ioan. 6.68 Ibidem 63. that is they teache most excellent Vertue the first and most surpassing of all other and as S. Peter saide His wordes are the VVordes of eternall life and our Lord himselfe saieth That his wordes were Spirit Life And therefore whosoeuer meditateth them as is fitting hee shall drawe out aboundance of Spirit and most pure life of Grace by the which hee may bee worthy of life euerlasting 3. The third forme of Praying is by way of Aspirations and Affections which aunswere to the respirations of the bodye procuring that betweene Respiration and Respiration there may breathe out from the inward parte of our Soule some holy Affection or some Groning of the Spirit or some short Praier of those which wee call Iaculatorye spending the whole time that is betweene one respiration and another in the Pondering or Vnderstanding and Spirituall Taste of what wee desire or aske or of the thing for the which wee grone and sigh vnto God This forme is most accomodated to those that walke in the Vnitiue waye aspiring and thirsting for Actuall Vnion with God and with this desire they labour to pray with the greatest continuation and frequencye that they can for Praier is as necessarye for the perfect spirituall life of the Soule as respiration is for the life of the Bodye according to that of Dauid which sayeth Psal 118 131. I opened my mouthe and drevv breath because I desired thy Commaundements And in testimonye heereof as often as they open their mouthe to breathe so often would they praye And now seeing this is not possible thorough our Imbecillitye they take at certaine times some space for this exercize frequenting in this forte the Iaculatory Praiers whereof wee will presently speake casting them vp to Heauen like Dartes or Arrowes which are shotte from the Hearte as from a Bowe with vehement Affection of Loue. Of Contemplation and of the manner how some may vse Mentall Praier without manifoldnesse of Discourse §. 10. BY what hitherto hath beene saide the ordinary formes that are to bee vsed in Mentall Praier are declared which are accomodated to all fortes of Persons that desire to treate with God though all goe not after one manner For some in their Praier haue more discourse and lesse affection others contrarily content themselues with litle discourse and busye themselues most in affections And others haue neede of no more but a single sight of the Truthe and therewith they are moued to all the Actes of Deuotion that haue beene rehearsed and these enjoy that which wee call Contemplation Ex D. Tho. 2.2 q. 180. art 3. which as S. Thomas saieth is a single Viewe of the eternall Veritye without variety of Discourses penetrating it with the Light of Heauen with greate Affections of Admiration and Loue vnto the which ordinarily no man arriueth but by much exercize of meditation discourse In such manner as a VVoman when shee intendeth to marrye with a man spendeth many daies in asking and certifying her selfe what hee is Inquiring of his linage wealthe Condition Healthe Affabilitye Discretion Vertue and other partes discoursing and thinking much vpon them and finding him to bee to her liking shee is content to loue him and takes him for her Spouse but afterwardes when she hath knowen him and taken him for her Husband shee needeth make no newe Discourses but with onely seeing him or remembring him or hearing his name she loueth him and desireth to giue him Content and to bee allwayes in his Companye The like passeth with a Scholler that would make choise of some newe master or with a Seruaunt that intendeth to take a newe Lorde or with one freinde that desireth to make a newe and strict league of Freindship with another Euen in like sorte Principiants in Vertue in the Exercise of Praier had neede to spende much time in meditations and Discourses inquiring what and who God is who is Christe our Sauiour his perfections and Vertues and his meruailous workes mouing themselues with these Considerations to loue him and to take him for their master for their Lorde for their freinde and Spouse of their Soules But after they are much exercised and practized herein it hapneth oftentimes that a single viewe or remembraunce of God without newe discourses is enough to inflame them in his Loue and in the other affections aforesaide Yea there are some that with onely hearing the name of IESVS or Father or with hearing the name of Mortall sinne Hell or Heauen penetrate in a moment what is comprehended therein with greate Assections of Loue or Sorrowe True it is that as our Vnderstanding layeth not much holde on things that it perceiueth not with the Senses it easily looseth the estimation of spirituall and diuine things and forgetteth them and so hath neede often to renewe those meditations and Discourses which it made at the first for otherwise it will finde itselfe much distracted and drye vnlesse it bee when as our Lord by speciall fauour will without them giue light and knowledge enough to inkindle the Affections of Loue communicating the grace of Contemplation By what hath beene saide
God none is Potent nor Strong nor Beautifull but God for hee onely is Goodnesse VVisdome and Omnipotencie it selfe in comparison whereof that which the Creatures haue deserueth not this name Then what wit can vnderstand how a man of so litle Beeing dareth to despise God and to offende him with so many Sinnes O foole what hast thou donne O wretched I that haue beene so audacious O Immense God in comparison of whome I am as if I were not by the infinite excellencie of thy Beeing I beseeche the pardon my Sinnes and illuminate mee to knowe the vilenesse into which by their meanes I am come Graunt mee that I may abhorre and despise myselfe and esteeme myselfe lesse then nothing Iob. 42.6 and that like Iob I may doe penance in Dust and Ashes accounting my selfe for such a one in thy diuine presence The fifth Meditation of the grieuousnesse of Sinnes by the greatnesse of the infinite Maiestie of God against whome they are committed THis meditation which hath most efficacie to moue to perfect Contrition and Sorrowe for Sinne which proceedeth from the loue of God aboue all things pondering the grieuousnesse of Sinne not onely by the Basenesse of the Offender but by the Highnesse of the Offended for by how much greater the Injuried is 1.2 q. 78 art 4. 3. p. q. 1. art 2. ad 2. so much greater is the Injurye and as God is Infinite in his Essence and Perfection so Sinne in this behalfe as S. Thomas saieth is likewise as it werean Infinite Injurie The first Pointe FIrst I am to consider the Infinite Perfections that God hath in himselfe especially those against which Sinne directly fighteth and from whence it receiueth greatest deformitye and heynousnesse 1. And first of all I will ponder the Infinite Goodnesse of God for the which hee is highly to bee beloued of all his Creatures and if another Infinite Loue were possible it were all due vnto him And this Goodnesse is so greate that it is impossible to see it clearely and not highly to loue it as the Blessed doe Now what greater mischiefe can there bee then to abhorre and despise so infinite Goodnesse and what greater Injustice then to Injurye with Hatred him that is worthy of so infinite Loue O infinite goodnesse hovv haue I abhorred Colloquie and despised thee O that I neuer had offended thee My Greife o my God is greater for Sinne then for all else vvhatsoeuer For I desire to loue thee aboue all vvhatsoeuer else that may bee beloued 2. Secondly Note vvell this consideration I will ponder the Immensitie of God togither with his infinite VVisdome by the which hee is really truely present in euery place seeing and contemplating all that is donne and myselfe am to beholde myselfe within this Immensitie full of eyes within the which I committed all my Sinnes passed and doe committe those present prouoking him therewith to Indignation Loathing Abacuc 1.13 Apoc. 3.16 and Vomiting for his eyes as the Scripture saithe are so cleane that they cannot beholde Sinne without loathing and his heart is so pure that VVickednesse maketh him vomitte Now what greater blindenesse can there bee then for me to liue within the Immensenesse of God and in viewe of the VVisdome of God and yet for all this to Injurie him with my Sinnes To what greater height can the Impudencie of the Slaue arriue then to treade vnder foote the VVill and Honour of his Lorde beeing in his presence And what greater audaciousnesse then to doe all this our Lord being powerfull to chastize him as his discourtesy deserueth O Lord hovv hast thou suffered mee to bee neere thee Colloquie and in thy presence Hovv is it that thou hast not annihilated this vnmannered disloyall Slaue Hovv is it that thou hast not turned thyne eyes from mee and vomited and cast mee out of thy mouth for euer I am grieued to the Soule for my Impudencie and Audaciousnesse and I purpose vvith thy grace neuer more heerafter to doe any thing vnvvorthy of thy presence 3. Thirdly I will ponder the Soueraigne Omnipotencie of God by the which hee is in all Creatures giuing them the beeing that they haue and concurring with them in all their workes for without this concurrence of Gods Omnipotencie I can neither see nor heare nor speake nor moue hande nor foote nor vnderstand nor will nor doe any other thing And consequently when I sinne I ayde myselfe with his Diuine Omnipotencie to thinke speake or doe the thing that disgusteth him and such is his goodnesse and mercye that to conserue my Libertie hee denyeth mee not this Concurrence nor denyeth it to the Creatures of which I make vse to offende him hee concurreth with my meate that it may bee sauory to my Taste yea euen when I sinne in eating it and with the Beautye of the Creature that it may recreate my sight although I did sinne in beholding it Then what rashenesse is this for mee to make warre against God with the very power of God And what doth his ayde auaile mee when I conuert it to his Iniurie O Omnipotent Goodnesse Colloquie hovv doest thou so liberally giue thy concurrence to him that so euilly abuseth it VVhy doest thou not employe this Omnipotencie to chastize him that makes no better proffit of it Pardon o Lord this boldenesse vvhich hath beene greater then I can imagine for I am grieued therefore more then I can expresse and yet I vvould that it grieued mee much more O infinite God that shevvest thy Omnipotencie principally in pardoning Ecclesia in Collecta and hauing mercie on a Sinner pardon mee and haue mercie on mee and ayde mee that I may neuer more vse thy infinitt povver vnlesse it bee to serue thee And in this sorte may bee pondered the Attributes of the Mercie Iustice and Charitie of God others that in the following pointe shall bee touched The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the Infinite Benefits of our Lorde and what God hath beene to mee D. Bern. sermo 16 in Cantica comparing it with what I haue beene to him and what an exceeding greate injurie it is to offende an infinite Benefactor 1. First I will ponder the benefits of my Creation Conseruation and Gouernance which include innumerable benefits belonging to the naturall essence and beeing both of bodye and Soule and ayding to the supernaturall beeing of Grace And with this consideration I will procure to bee exceedingly sorrowfull for hauing offended my Creator without whome I had had no beeing my Conseruer without whome I could not haue continued and my Gouernor without whose prouidence I could not liue Deut. 32 6. To this ende it will helpe much to ponder all that which Moyses saide to his People in the Canticle which hee made reproching them with their Sinnes Deut. 32 6. especially in these wordes These things doest thovv render to our Lorde thovv foolish and vnvvise people Is
not hee thy Father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee God that begatte thee thovv hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lorde thy Creator and Redeemer 2. Secondly I will ponder the benefits of my Redemption where enter the Incarnation of the eternall VVorde and all the Labours and Trauailes of the Life Passion and Deathe of our Lord Christe beholding him as our Father Pastor Phisition Master and Sauiour So that with my Sinnes I haue injuried him that holdeth all these Titles with mee And as the Apostle saithe I haue crucifyed IESVS Christe within mee Ad Heb. 6.6 10.29 I haue trodden vpon the Sonne of God I haue trampled vpon his bloud I haue despised his examples I haue troden vnderfoote his Lawes and his Precepts and I haue liued as if no such Redemption for mee had euer passed in the worlde Colloquie Then hovv is it o my Soule that thou meltest not in Toares hauing offended such a Father such a Master such a Pastor and Redeemer Hovv is it that thy Hearte doth not cleaue asunder vvith Griefe for hauing offended vvith thy Sinnes him that dyed to deliuer thee from them O my Redeemer hovv much grieueth it mee to haue offended thee Pardon o Lorde my offences VVashe vvith thy bloud the spots of my Transgressions by vertue vvhereof I purpose vvith thy grace no more to retourne to pollute myselfe vvith them 3. In this sorte I may ponder the benefits of my Sanctification where entreth Baptisme and the rest of the Sacraments especially that of Penance and Eucharist and the Inspirations of the holy Ghoste and other innumerable both manifest and secret Benefits as also the promise of future benefits in the Glorification and Resurrection with all the which I am to charge myselfe and with greate astonishment to admire at myselfe that I haue aunswered so many benefits with so euill seruices holding competencie or sufficiencie with God hee by doing mee fauours and giuing mee greate giftes and I by doing him Injuries and committing grieuous Sinnes considering that euery Sinne after a sorte is an Infinite Ingratitude for beeing against an Infinite Benefactour and against infinite benefits that from his hande I haue receiued giuen with infinite Loue without any merits of mine To exaggerate the more the grieuousnesse of my Sinnes in this respect it shall bee good to profit my selfe of some Histories that make to this purpose as of that of Ioseph Genes 39 9. that it seemed vnto him impossible to sinne with the wife of his Lorde of whome hee had receiued so many benefits And that of Saul 1. Reg. 19 6. who though he were a cruell persecutor of Dauid yet hee grewe meeke when hee heard tell the greate Seruices that hee had donne him And when hee sawe that Dauid killed him not when hee had power to kill him hee had compunction and saide Thou arte Iuster then I 1. Reg. 24 18. for thou hast donne mee good turnes and I haue rendred thee euill O my Soule hovv canst thou sinne against thy God Colloquie and Lord from vvhome thou hast receiued all the Good thou hast O God of my Heart hovv much more iust art thou then I for thou ceasest not to doe mee mercies and I cease not to doe thee offenses Thou hauing povver to take avvaye my Life and my Beeing yet doost it not and I hauing no povver to take avvay thine yet as much as it lyeth in mee I attempt to doe it Thou didst cut of the Heade of the Giant and didst breake the Heade of the Serpent to deliuer mee frem Deathe and I subiect myselfe thereunto by offending thee VVho is it that hauing povver to kill his Enemye killeth him not and yet thou vvilt dye that hee may not dye Pardon o Lord my bestiall Vnthankefullnesse and ayde mee vvith thy abundant grace that I may no more returne to fall into so horrible a miserie The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider what motiue I had to Sinne for doubtlesse it encreaseth the greatenesse of the Injurie when it is donne vpon a very light cause and Occasion For why did I offend God For a Litle VVantonnesse of the Flesh for a Punctillo of Honour for a Small Interest of VVealthe for a slight pleasing of myne owne VVill finally for things most vile that passe like Smoke and are as if they were not in Comparison of God And yet beeing such for them I denyed by my VVorkes the liuing God Ad Titū 1.16 and made of them to myselfe an Idoll and false God esteeming them more then the true God crucifying Christe within mee to giue life vnto Barrabas which is Sinne. O my Lorde Ierem. 2.12 Colloquie vvith greate reason sayest thou to the Heauens that they should bee affrighted and to the gates of Heauen that they should breake and breake vvith amazement for tvvo euils vvhich thy People committed and yet I vvretched Sinner haue committed them infinite times leauing thee that art the fountaine of liuing VVater to dravve vvith Labour out of broken Cisternes that cannot containe VVater O Labour ill employed● O Inconsiderate Chaunge I left the infinite God and the perpetuall Fountaine of infinite and eternall Good for a thing of nothing of Temporall and perishing Good vvhich like a broken Cisterne looseth vnperceaueably the vvater that it holde Gen. 25.34 and remaineth drye O my Soule if the Deede of Esau seeme so vile vnto thee that solde his birth-right for a small Dishe of Pottage Ad Heb. 12. hovv much more vile shall thine bee that sellest thy birt-bright of Heauen for a litle interest of Earthe Hee soulde it to redeeme his Life and thou to sell it incurrest Deathe And if hee founde no place of Repentance to reuoke the sale it vvere very iust that thou also shouldst not finde it seeing thy sinne vvas greater then his But set seeing that Gods mercie is greater approache vnto it vvith Humillitye that hee may defeate by his Grace the euill sale that thou madest by thy Sinne. Finally in this meditation and in the following I am to laye fast holde on this Veritie for it is an incredible follye to beleeue by Faithe what I beleeue and yet to liue in that manner that I liue that is to beleeue that Sinne is so euill as wee haue described it and yet for all this to committe it to beleeue that God is so good and so right a Iusticier and yet notwithstanding to offende him and so in the rest The fourth Pointe THE fourth pointe shall bee to breake out with these Considerations into an exclamation with an Affection vehement and full of Amazemene As that the Creatures haue suffered me I hauing so greiuously offended their Creator and Benefactor Genes 3.24 That the Angells who are the ministers of Gods Iustice haue not vnsheathed their fiery swordes against mee That they haue garded mee and beene the Aduocates of so wicked a man as I. That the Sunne Moone and
will consider the extreamest that may bee truely saide of Sinne which is that though the euills of paine onely which are suffered in Hell are so terrible yet it is Incomparably a greater euill then all they In such sort that if one man should suffer the paines of Hell without Sinne and another should haue but one mortall Sinne onely this last should bee more euill and miserable then the other And if all the paines of Hell deuoyde of Sinne were put on one side on the other side one mortall Sinne onely and that I must of necessity choose one of these two I saith S. Lib. de similitudinibus c. 190. Bern. sermo 35. in Cant. Anselme would choose rather to throwe myselfe into Hell then to committe onely one mortall Sinne. And with holy Eleazar I would say Praemitti velle in infernum That I would rather enter into Hell itselfe without Sinne then remaine with Sinne in the VVorlde for the Deathe of Sinne saieth the VViseman is most wicked and the worst that may be Eccle. 28 25. Colloquie Et vtilis potius Inferus quam illa The graue yea Hell itselfe as touching paine is more profitable then it O Infinite God settle this Truthe in my Hearte that I may feare Sinne much more then Hell seeing in truthe there is no vvorse hell then to bee in Sinne. O my Soule bevvaile bitterly thy Sinnes not onely for Hell vvhich thou hast deserued but much more for the greate euill thou hast committed against God Cease presently to Sinne that God may not strike thee vvith a cruell chastizement and vvith the stripe of an Enemye Ier. 30.14 permitting thee to vvaxe obdurate in thy Sinnes to chastise thee vvith neuer ending paines Concerning this last Ponderation it is to bee considered that it is not set downe because it is needefull to make this Comparison For Hell is neuer without Sinne neither can there bee any case wherein Hell may bee chosen not to committe a Sinne but onely that heereby wee may see how greate an euill Sinne is and how worthy it is to bee much more extreemely abhorred then Hell yea allbeeit there were no Hell at all VVhereupon S. Ambrose saithe Lib. 3. de offic c. 4. 5. That there is no paine more greiuous then the VVounde of Conscience nor no Iudgement more rigorous then the Domesticall where with euery one iudgeth himselfe guilty And though the Iust man saieth hee had Giges ring with the which hee might doe what hee would Inuisible yet would hee not Sinne for hee departeth not from Sinne for feare of Punishment but for the horrour of VVickednesse and Loue of Vertue That which in this meditation hath beene declared in generall shall more manifestly bee seene by that which shall bee declared particularly in the ensuing of the Last things of man and in the speciall Punishments that corresponde to the seuen deadely Sinnes Meditations of our last things to mooue vs to a Detestation of Sinnes THE meditations of the last things of man which are Deathe and the Graue Iudgement particular and Vniuersall Hell Purgatorie and Glorye are of most efficacye to moue vs to a Detestation of our Sinnes and to an effectuall Resolution neuer more to retourne vnto them Heereupon saide the Ecclesiasticus Eccles 7.40 Deut. 32 29. In all thy vvorkes remember thy last ends and thou shallt not Sinne foreuer And for the same reason saide Moyses to his People O that they vvere vvise and vnderstood and vvould prouide for their Last thinges giuing to vnderstand That our true VVisdome Vnderstanding and Prouidence consisteth in well meditating and ruminating those things which are to happen to vs in the ende of ou● Life and to bee prouided therefore And especially the meditation of Deathe as Experience teacheth vs is very proffitable for all those that walke in any of the three wayes Purgatiue Illuminatiue and Vnitiue wherein all men ought often to exercize themselues though with different endes The Principiants to purge themselues of their Sinnes before Deathe assaile them and take them vnprouided The Proficients to make hast to store vp Vertues seeing the Time of meriting is very short and Deathe cuts it of on a sodaine The Perfect to despise all things created with a Desire to vnite themselues by Loue with their Creator And therefore wee will pointe out Considerations that may proffit all but most especially those that aide to the ende of the Purgatine Life whereof at this time wee entreate The seuenth Meditation of the Properties of Deathe IN this meditation wee will consider some Properties of Deathe and what endes our Lorde pretended in them for our Proffit reducing them to three which are the most Principall The first Pointe THe first Propertye of Deathe is to bee most Certaine Ad Heb. 9.27 from the which none can escape in the time that God hath determined 1. VVherein wee are to ponder first That God our Lord from all eternitye hath determined the yeares of our Life Psal 38.6 and assigned the moneth the Day and Hower wherein euery one is to dye so that it is Impossible sayeth Iob to passe one minute thereof Iob. 14.5 neither is there any King nor Monarke that can adde to himselfe nor to any other one moment of Life aboue that which God hath determined So that as I entred into the VVorlde the same Daye that God would and not before so shall I departe out of the VVorlde the same Daye that God will and not afterwardes That by this I may Vnderstand that what daye soeuer I liue I receiue it of Grace and that those I haue liued haue beene of grace for our Lord might haue assigned mee a shorter time of Life as hee assigned to others that died in their Mothers wombe or in their Infancye And seeing my Life so dependeth vpon God there is just cause why I should spend all the time thereof in his Seruice that gaue it mee holding it for a greate Ingratitude to employe one onely moment to offend him 2. Secondly I am to consider that God our Lord in this his Decree shortned or inlarged the dayes that some men according to their naturall Complezion might haue liued for the secret endes of his soueraigne Prouidence For to some either for their owne praiers or for the praiers of other Sainctes hee inlarged the dayes of their Life as to king Ezechias hee added fifteene yeares 4. Reg. 20.6 because with Teares hee required it And the like hath succeeded to the Deade who miraculously haue beene raized to Life To some others hee shortneth the dayes of their life for one of two endes either for their Saluation Sap. 4.11 cutting them off as the VViseman saithe in their youth lest Malice should chaunge their vnderstanding or lest fiction might deceiue their Soule Or contrarily to punish their grieuous Sinnes and to stop their passages that they might not make an addition of greater Psal 54.24 VVhereupon Dauid fayed
Ecclesiasticus is very bitter to him that hath peace with Riches Eccles 41 1. and Dignities and is desirous to liue to enjoy them longer and the Sinnes hee committed in procuring and in abusing them shall augment this bitternesse Gods Iustice so ordaining it that those things which in their life were the Instruments of their vicious Delightes should in their Deathe bee their Executioners and Tormentours Then shall bee fullfilled that which is written in Iob of a Sinner His breade in his belly Iob. 20.14 which hee did eate with much Sauour suallbee turned into the gall of Aspes vvithin him the riches that hee hath deuoured he shall vomite out and God shall dravv them forth out of his belly He shall suck the Heade of the Aspes and the Vipers Tongue shall kill him that is to say his Delightes shall bee turned into Gall his Riches shall make him disgorge but hee shall neither haue Courage to dispose of them nor to leaue them vntill Deathe take them away by force the Serpents and Vipers of Hell tormenting him for hauing gotten and possessed them with Sinne. Secondly in that hower I must forcibly departe from my Parents and Brethren friends and Acquaintance and from all those that I loue whither it bee with a naturall Loue or with a Lawfull or vnlawfull Loue. D. Greg. 1. moral 13. And as wee leaue not without griefe what wee possessed with Loue and by how much the greater the Loue is wherewith it is possessed so much the greater griefe is felt in abandoning it exceeding greate will the Sorrowe bee that I shall feele to departe from so many persons and things that are so fastned to my Hearte And in these Anguishes I shall say with that other king Siccine separat amara mors Doth bitter Deathe thus separate 1. Reg 15 32. Is it possible that I should leaue those whome I so loue And shall I neuer more see them nor enjoy them O cruell Deathe how much doest thou exasperate my Hearte depriuing mee with such Sorowe of what I possessed with such Ioye 3. Lastly in that hower my Soule is to departe from my Bodye with whome it hath helde so strict and auncient Amitye and consequently it is to departe from this VVorlde and from all things therein contained without hope for euer againe to see heare taste or touche them And if the Loue I beare to my Bodye to my Life and to the other things of this visible worlde bee a disordinate Loue of force I must needes feele exceeding greate griefe to departe from them which I may easily make experience of by that sensible feeling I haue when they take from mee my VVealthe my Honour and Fame or exile mee from my Countrey and force mee to liue from my friendes like a Pilgrim among Strangers or cut of some member of my Bodye For all this together in a troope succeedeth in Deathe after another and a more painefull manner which is without hope euer to retourne againe to possesse it in this Life In euery one of these three Considerations pondering a while what is to bee noted I will enter into myselfe examine whither I carry a disordinate Loue to any of these things repeated which if I finde that I doe I will endeuour to vnroote it with the force of this consideration and with the exercize of Mortification for this is to dye in life and with proffit taking as it were by the hande Deathe Sap. 3.1 so not to feele Deathe as Religious men doe that abandon all things for Christe our Lorde whome I am to beseeche to ayde mee herein saying vnto him Colloquie O eternall God in vvhose hande the Soules of the Iust are and vnder vvhose Protection the Torment of Deathe doth not touche them take from my Soule the disordinate Loue of all visible things that in departing from them it may haue no feeling of Torment O my Soule if thou desirest that these three bitternesses of Deathe should not touche thee Loue not those things that Deathe can take from thee for if thou possesst them not vvith Loue thou shalt leaue them in Deathe vvithout Dolour or griefe I am likewise to ponder in these considerations how greate a madnesse it is to offend God and to indanger my eternall Saluation for things that I am so soone to abandon resoluing valourously with myselfe presently to auoyde any person or thing whatsoeuer that may expose mee to this perill dying to it rather then for its cause to dye to God and separating it from mee rather then it should separate mee from God Matt. 10 34. Luc. 12.51 Colloquie Seeing for this saide our Sauiour Christe that hee came to sende the sworde and Diuision vpon Earthe separating from men all Persons and Things that might hinder their Saluation O svveete Redeemer put forthvvith into my hande the svvorde of Mortification that I may separate from mee vvhatsoeuer might separate mee from thee dying to all that is created to liue to thee my Creator vvorlde vvithout ende Amen The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider the greate Affliction and Anguishe that the feare of the Account I am to make with God and of the rigorous Iudgement whereinto I am to enter will cause mee at that hower as also that I know not the Sentence that shall bee pronounced in the businesse of my Saluation VVherein I am to ponder the dreadefullnesse of this feare for three causes First for that the euill that is feared is the Supreme of all euills yea it is an eternall euill and remedilesse and I am now at the gates thereof Secondly for that the Sentence which is to bee giuen is definitiue and irreuocable and at the Instant is to bee executed without resistance Thirdly for that the cause on my side is very doubtfull because the Sinne that I committed is apparent to mee but not the true Penance that I did and my Conscience accuseth mee to haue offended the Iudge but I knowe not whither I haue appeased him Eccl. 9.1 1. Cor. 4.3 For no man knovveth vvhither hee bee vvorthy of Hatzed or Loue and though I finde no Sinnes in myselfe yet it may bee that God will finde them For all these Causes the feare will at that time bee most terrible For if those that haue a Sute in any waighty businesse wherein all their VVealthe their Honour or Life is Interessed haue very greate feare the day that they expect the Sentence how much greater feare shall I haue when I am neete the day wherein the diffinitiue Sentence is to bee giuen of my Saluation or Damnation And if the greatest Saintes are then afraide how much more shall I feare that am a miserable Sinner This Anguish and Feare vseth to bee augmented by the craft Apoc. c. 12.12 and Subtletye of the Diuell who in that hower tempteth most furiously because hee seeth hee hath but a litle time remaining and therefore hee stirreth vp greately all that may prouoke to
thou didst well ponder the terriblenesse of Hell Iob. 10.21 O good Iesus ayde mee to bevvaile bitterly my sinnes that I may not goe to this Tenebrous land couered vvith the shadovve of Deathe the lande of those that are in Despaire The fifth Pointe FIfthly I am to consider the misery wretchednesse and discorde of the Inhabitantes of this place which are Captiues in this prison Pondering how they want all the good respectes that are of Bountye discretion Nobillitie Parentage Frendship and loyalltie and are clothed with all the contrary respectes with straunge abhomination For in Hell are all sortes of Persons some were Angells of seuerall Hierarchies and Quiers beautifull Potent and verie resplendent Others were Emperours kings and Princes with diuerse estates and Titles of nobillitye Others were sage Philosophers eloquent and learned in diuerse sciences Others courteours discreete affable liberall gratefull and well conditioned Others Parents kinsmen and Allyes Fathers and sonnes Brothers or Cosin germanes Others very greate freindes and acquaintance Companions and Neighbours But in entring into Hell they loose all these respectes Iob. 10.22 without hauing as Iob saieth any order or Concorde but confusion and horrour All make themselues mortall enemyes one to another filling themselues with wrathe rancour enuye impatience and rage one against another that one can not endure to see the other nor to giue him a good worde The father abhorreth the sonne and the sonne the Father the Lord his vassall and the vassall his Lord one cursing another and biting themselues with rage And specially those which in this life loued with a disordinate loue and were Companions in sinnes shall much more abhorre one another and their paines shall bee augmented with the rage to see themselues togither For as burning coales when they are togither the one kindleth the other so these infernall Coales kindled with the fier of their wrathes shall adde heate to the ardent heate of their companions Adde to this the most painefull imagination that perforce in despight of them they shall bee eternally togither not being able to flye or diuide themselues one from another For flying from one whome thy much abhorre they light vpon anothere that is worse and so shall they haue a perpetuall and cruell warre hauing no bodye to pacifye nor to comforte them for from the earthe none will goe though hee could nor none shall come from heauen though hee would For none that is good will daigne to entre into so infamous a place Insomuch that Christe our lorde when hee descended into Hell entred not into this place nor gaue them any comfort VVhat will Princes then thinke to see themselues consorted with Plebeyans and entreated by them with such insolencie and hatred what a torment will it bee to liue perforce with my enemyes that actually abhorre mee and curse mee without beeing able either to stoppe their mouthes or myne owne eares what a paine will it bee neuer to see person that wisheth mee well nor is compassionate of my miseries but that rather encreaseth them Cassian collat 16. c. 2. 1. Cor. 13.13 O my soule grounde all thy friendshipt vpon true charitie For this onely is eternall and perisheth not and vvithout it all the rest shall perish Haue peace as much vs in thee lyeth vvith all men that thou maiest not enter into the companye of so man vvicked The sixte Pointe SIxtly I am to consider the terriblenesse of those hellish tormentours and executioners First generally in hell euery one of the damned is a Tormenter of all and all are tormenters of one saying and doing things as is abouesaide to torment them Moreouer the diuells are terrible tormenters of men reuenging themselues vpon them for the rage they haue against God and against IESVS Christ And therefore they torment them with affrighting visions with horrible imaginations and with all other meanes that their fierce Cruelty can invent Besides all this the third and the most cruell tormenter is the worme of conscience which biteth and shall eternally bite with terrible crueltye For the damned wretche remembring the sinnes hee hath committed and the inspirations hee had to get out of them and to haue freed himselfe of those torments and yet that thorough the sinne of his owne peruers freewill hee entred into them himselfe will bee his owne torturer and will bite himselfe and would rent himselfe in peices with incredible bitternesse and rage heerein fullfilling that punishement where of S. Augustine speaketeh lib. 1. cōfessionū Thou dist commaunde it o Lord and so it commeth to passe that the disordinatt minde should bee its owne tormente for his sinnes are his tortures and his vnbrideled passions his tormentours so that hee himselfe is most greiuous to himselfe Learne then o my soule Colloquie Mat. 5.26 to hearken to this beating of thy conscience and make peace vvith thy good Aduersarye that priketh thee vvhen thou sinnest for in hell like a madde dogge the vvill barke and bite reuenging the iniurye thou didst her vvhen in this life thou contemnedst her The fourth tormentour will bee the Inuisible hande of God which dischargeth it selfe vpon the dāned sing his omnipotentcie against them who knowing this turne their rage against him breaking out into horrible blasphemyes and desiring that he-might cease to bee Colloquie But all is turned to the increase of their doulour and torment O most heauy hande of the omnipotent vvho can abide thee O vvhat a dreadfull thing is it to fall into the handes of the liuing God beeing offended sunder o Lord very farre from mee this thy hande of Chastizement and touche mee vvith that of thy mercie that beeing freed from these feares I may euer enioye thee vvorld vvithout ende Amen The seuenteenth Meditation of the paines of the Senses and interiour faculties and of the paine of losse or Damnation which is suffered in hell AS the sinner embraceth two greate euills which are to seperate himselfe from God the Fountaine of liuing water Ierem. 2.13 and to turne vnto the creatures to enioye their perishing delightes so in Hell he is punished with two sortes of paines one which they call of Losse or Damnation Paena Damni Paena sensus Hiere 2. for the first euill and another which they call of Sense for the second and with this wee will begin because to haue sense is most easye The first Point 1. FIrst Paena sensus Sapien. 11.17 I am to consider the paine which the Damned doe suffer when they haue a bodie For according to the lawes of Gods iustice Per quae quis peccat per haec torquetur By vvhat things a man sinneth by the same also he is tormented And seeing sinne entreth by the senses in them must bee thee punishement thereof This may bee pondered running thorough all the fiue The Sight shall bee tormented by beholding their Enemies neere them and by suffering horrible visions which the diuells will set before them taking
with the same measure that wee shall mete it shall bee measured to vs againe for our liberallity encreasing towardes our neighbours the liberallitie of God shall encrease towarde vs 2. Cor. 9.6 so that hee that soweth much shall reape much Therefor o my soule bee liberall towardes God and for his loue towardes others God by himselfe and by others willbee liberall towardes thee Prou. 11.24.25 Alij diuidunt propria ditiores fiunt For the soule vvhich blesseth shall bee made fatte that which giueth shall bee inriched and he that inebriateth himselfe also shalll be inebriated receiuing much because it giueth much 3. From hence I will mount to ponder the greate benefits that I shall receiue if I embrace the second waye of mortifing auarice forsaking all things for Christe and giuing them to the poore because as this is a much greater liberallitye towardes God so God shall bee much more liberall towardes mee fullfilling the promise which hee made to giue in this life a hunder folde for what wee giue him and afterwardes life euerlasting with a speciall promise to giue vs at the daye of iudgement thrones of greate glorye to iudge the tribes of Israel Mat. 19.28 Colloquie and the nations of the worlde O happye poueritie that is revvarded vvith so greate riches O blessed liberallitie vvhose guerdon is a measure so abundant O if I could mortifie the loue of terrene riches to obtaine diuine possessing all thinge in God O most svveete IESVS that camest from heauen to earthe to giue vs an example of pouertie by the vvhich vvee may mount from earthe to heauen and madest choise to dye naked vpon a crosse departing the vvorlde vvithout possessing any thing of the vvorld graunt mee to abhorre temporall riches that I may serue thee vvith perfection and obtaine riches euerlasting Amen 4. From these considerations I am to collect a very firme resolution to mortifie auarice in all things that in the first pointe haue beene spoken of obseruing some manner of pouertie conformable to my estate First liuing content with my estate though it bee but meane without coueting what is superfluous or what belongeth to others Secondly in vsing well what I haue and beeing liberall to those that wante Thirdly in taking away the ouergreate loue thereof 1. Cor. 7.30 possessing it as if I possessed it not Fourthly in delighting sometymes to suffer want of some thing to imitate in some thing the pouertie of my redeemer Finally endeuoring to serue him not because hee should giue mee temporall goods but because hee is worthy to bee serued with a hope that hee will giue me goods euerlasting Amen The XXII Meditation of wrathe and Impatience The first Pointe VVrathe is a disordinate appetite of reuenging iniuries D. Th. 2.2 q. 158. 1.2 q. 48. a disordred inflaming of the hearte for things that happen against our liking from whence proceede three sortes of sinnes Some of Thought as are the hatred of our neighbour determining to be reuenged of him desiring some misfortune to him reioycing at his mishaps sorrowing for his good happe and taking delight in reuenge Some sinnes are of the Tongue to witte Vindicatiue and iniurious wordes in presence or murmuring in absence maledictions high and vntuned wordes demonstrating choller contention and peruersenesse in disputations to maintaine a mans owne opinion and other such like Other sinnes there are of Facte contrarye to the fift commaundement as to kill to strike or euilly to entreate our neighbour against reason and iustice or to doe some acte onely to reuenge an iniurie or to require this reuenge of the iudges not for loue of iustice but for rancour and hatred not to pardon him that hath donne the iniurye when hee asketh pardon but giuing exteriour demonstrations of enimitye against him Also discordes processes brawlings schismes factions and warres proceede from wrathe with many other sinnes that accompagnie them 4 Finally with wrathe goeth ioyned Impatience for the euills that happen to vs against our healthe honour or wealthe ouercharging ourselues with heauinesse thorough a vehement and disordinate desire to be deliuered from them from whence vse to proceede many sinnes against God against our neighbour and against our selues Such as are complaintes against our Lord because hee afflicteth vs with appearances of blasphemye litle conformitye to his will Distrustes irksomnesse of life impatient desires of deathe and ragingly to lay violent handes vpon ourselues To bee ill-conditioned rough and intractable towardes others giuing them occasion of indignation and liuing at discorde with those of our owne house beeing angrie euen with the beastes and insensible things Ionae 3.9 as Ionas was angrye with the iuye that withered whē the sunne oppressed it with heate Considering these sinnes and finding myselfe culpable thereof before God I will conuert my wrathe against myselfe onely because I haue sinned beseeching our Lord that hee will assist mee to vanquish it O infinite God vvhose vvrathe is terrible Psalm 4.5 Colloquie but yet iust against those that are angrie vvithout measure cleare the eyes of my soule that considering the terrible chastizements that proceede from thy sacred indignation I may restraine those euill and vehement passions that proceede from mine The second Pointe SEcondly Ex D. Gre. li. 5 moral c. 30. circa illud Iob. 5. Stultū interficit iracūdia I will consider the dammages and chastizements of this vice as well those it bringeth with as those which God of his iustice addeth in this life in the life to come First anger destroieth the likenesse with God whose workes are ful of greate trāquillitie it disquieteth the conscience it stoppeth the fountaine of Gods mercie it strangleth the spirit of deuotion and the consolations of the holy ghoste who dwelleth and reposeth in the humble and meeke hearted Ex D. Basil hom de Ira. and flyeth from the wrathefull in whome the euill spirite inhabiteth For furious wrathe is a frenesye of the soule a short madnesse and a voluntary diuell that prossesseth the spirit with such visages as the diuell maketh when hee possesseth the bodye 2 Besides this as our Lorde is the God of vengeance hee exercizeth it with rigorous iustice against those that wrathfully reuenge themselues by killing or opressing their neighbours For the which sentence was giuen against the two first wrathfull homicides that were in the worlde Genes 4.15 24 Cain and Lamech that of Cain vengeance should bee taken seuen folde and of Lamech that was not warned by Cain seuenty times seuen that is a vengeance so compleate that it comprehendeth all the kindes of torments that are in this life 3 But aboue all I will ponder what Christe our Lord Mat. 5.23 saide in his gospell against this vice vvhosoeuer is angry vvith his brother shall bee in daunger of iudgement And vvhosoeuer shall say to his brother Raca shall bee in daunger of a councell and vvhosoeuer shall say thou foole
innumerable sinnes wee commite against him The first is payed with thankes giuing the second with dolour And it is reason that in the ende of euery daye wee should paye them both beginning with the first debt aswell because it disposeth to pay well the second as also because as sainct Basile saieth when wee goe to prayer De constitutionibus Monasti cis c. 2. wee are not all waies to enter begging by and by for our owne proffit for therein it seemeth wee giue to vnderstand that wee seeke therein principally our own interest but sometimes wee must begin with the praises of God giuing him thankes for the fauours hee hath donne vs for hereby wee giue to vnderstand that wee principally seeke the glorie of God and that wee esteeme it more then all other things 2.2 q. 83. art 17. The same thankesgiuing also will serue vs as S. Thomas saithe for a pretext to obtaine our petitions for God willingly giueth vs what wee aske him when hee seeth that wee are thankefull vnto him for what hee hath giuen vs. 3 Besides this because I am to stirre vp the stinking sinke of my sinnes least they should cause mee such despaire Serm. 11 iu cātic cap. 48.9 and heauinesse as should swallowe and consume mee it is good as S. Bernard saith to preuent mee with the remembrance of Gods benefits praising him for them taking as Isaias saieth this bridle of praise which hee putteth in my mouthe that I bee not throwne downe headlong and perish And all beeit it is truthe as S. In speculo disciplinae p. 2. cap. 6. Bonauenture saithe that it is not allwaies necessarie to obserue this order in the beginning of praier Yet in this present exercize it comes much to the purpose for the reasons declared The first Point THe first pointe shall bee breifely to call to memorie the benefits I haue receiued of our Lorde as well generall as speciall and particularlie those that this very day hee hath donne mee giuing him very hearty thankes for them all acknowleding how greate they are aswell for the greatenesse of him that bestoweth them with so greate loue as for the basenesse of him that receiueth them without meriting them And reckoning them one by one I may say I geue thee thankes o my God for that thou createdst mee of nothing and hast vnto this day preserued my life I thanke thee for that thou redeeme dist mee with thy precious blood and madest mee a christian and a member of thy chruche blessed bee thou for that thou hast this present day fed mee and clothed mee and deliuered mee from greate perills of bodye and soule and giuen mee many good inspirations ayding mee to fullfill some workes of obligation c. All the good that is in mee is thine and to thee belongeth the glorie thereof and for it all the thankes that I can I render vnto thee with the whole affection of my Hearte And I beseech the Quires of angells and all the blessed spirits to praise thee for mee and to giue thee thankes for the fauours thou hast donne mee Of this pointe wee shall speake largely in the sixt parte The second Pointe THe second pointe shall bee to aske of our Lord with greate instancie light to knowe my sinnes and grace to bee contrite for them alledging vnto him thee respectes of my greate necessitie and miserie in this behalfe The first is the greate forgetfullnesse of my memory The second the greate blindenesse of my vnderstanding The third the greate coldnesse of my will From whence it proceedeth that the diuell holdes mee strongly tied with a threefolde corde of my sinnes which hardely I can breake because some sinnes I forget with the same facillitie that I committe them others thorough ignoraunce I knowe not and those which I doe knowe thorough my greate coldnesse I deplore not as I ought Therefore o my God with thy inspiration remedie my forgetfullnesse with thy light illuminate my darkenesse and with thy fier of loue chaze away my coldenesse that I may knowe my sinnes and in such manner bewaile them that I may obtaine pardon of them The third Pointe THis petition beeing made I will lift my heart to God beholding him as a iudge that is to iudge mee with greate rigour Sophon 1.12 searching as Sophonias saith the corners of Hierusalem which is my soule and the faculties thereof with candels discouering al the finnes that are therein bee they neuer so small examining as Dauid saithe not onely my vnrighteousnesse Psalm 74 3. but also my righteousnesse good workes with the which euil circumstances vse to bee mixed VVith this consideration full of a holy feare in the presence of God I will begin to examine all the sinnes which in that daye I haue committed by thought worde and deede and by omission or negligence and I will very attentiuely endeuour to finde out Psalm 18.13 whither I haue any of those which Dauid calleth hidden sinnes hauing committed them thorough ignoraunce or culpable inconsideratenesse or by the illusion and deceite of the deuill holding them for workes of vertue as if I should holde for zeale that which is Anger For this examination that will helpe much that hath beene saide in the first points of the meditations vpon the 7. deadely sinnes and vpon the commaundements senses faculties of the soule for therein all that may bee matter for a very often and diligent examination is set downe The manner of making this examination shall bee diuiding the daye into partes and considering what I did in the two first howers of the daye then in the other two separating the precious from the vile and if I finde any good I will with thankes attribute it to God and the euill I will attribute to my corrupted libertye and of all togither with a very deepe shame and confession I will make an humble confession before God fullfilling that of Dauid I haue saide Psalm 31.5 I wil confesse to our Lord my vnrighteousnes against miselfe that is to say I haue determined to confesse my sinnes before God not to excuse but to accuse myselfe not lightening but aggrauating my sinnes and pondering much the iniustice I did against God in committing them for this is the daye to obtaine pardon of them The fourth Pointe THe fourth Pointe shall bee to procure so greate a dolour for my sinnes that it may come to bee cōtrition sorowing for them principally for beeing offenses against God my summum Bonum whome I desire to loue and doe loue aboue all things for with this so perfect dolour sinnes are remitted hauing a purpose in fit time to confesse them as it happened to Dauid himselfe who in saying Psalm 31.5 I will confesse my vnrighteousnesse against myselfe hee presently addeth And thou didst pardon the impiety of my sinne 2. Reg. 12.27 And hardely had hee before Nathan the Prophet pronounced this word I haue sinned against our Lord when
the Prophet answered him Our Lord likewise hath pardoned thy sinne So that if in the examination at night I say vnto God with all my heart It greiueth mee o my God that I haue offended thee because I loue the aboue all things created and would willingly haue lost them all rather then haue sinned and with thy grace I purpose to confesse all my sinnes with a determination neuer more to retourne vnto them at that very instant I remaine iustifyed And if that night I should dye sodainely without beeing able to confesse mee allbeeit I had committed many mortall sinnes I should not bee condemned for them VVhereby is seene the importaunce of this dolour before my going to bed for if I haue sinned mortally and deathe assault mee in my sleepe as hee hath assaulted many with this dolour I shall bee saued and without it I shall bee damned To prouoke mee to this contrition Ex. D. Greg. lib. 25. Moral c. 26. it is very auaileable to compare that of the first pointe with that of the third that is the greate benefits that in this daye God hath donne mee with the sinnes that I haue committed being ashamed of myselfe for hauing offended so good a God and so liberall a benefactour and greeuing that I haue aunswered such benefits with such offences To which ende serue the meditations ofsinnes which wee haueset downe especially the fifth And that which shall bee declared in the 31. Meditation The fifth Pointe THe fifth pointe is to make a very effectuall purpose by Gods grace to amend the day following and not to fall into the like sinnes Psalm 118.106 with that earnestnesse wherewith the Prophet Dauid saieth I haue sworne and determined to keepe thy commaundements eternally not for a day nor for two but thoroughout all my life and all eternitye And that this purpose may bee such besides that which shall bee declared in the meditation following it is necessaryeto haue examined the occasions that I had to fall by reason of such a place or such a person or such a beesinesse and withall to determine to seperate myselfe from this occasion if I can leaue it and if not to resolue to vse greater circumspectnesse and to enter into it with preuention Ad Phil. 2.13 But because our resolutions are very weake and mutable if our Lord with his grace doe not fortifye and establish them I am to beseche him that seeing hee gaue mee such a purpose hee will likewise giue mee grace to accōplish it and so I will conclude with the praier of the Pater noster making a pause with feeling in the three last petitions thereof forming in this manner an amorous colloquy I acknovvledge o my God Colloquie the tvvo debtes vvherevvith I am charged for thy benefits and for my sinnes all that I haue here donne is but litle to satisfie them for that vvhich vvanteth I offer vnto thee the most precious blood of thy Sonne shed vvith infinite loue and thankefullnesse and vvith excessiue dolour and paine For the vvhich I beseeche thee pardon the debtes of my sinnes and ayde mee that I may no more retourne vnto them permitte mee not to fall into the temptations that shall assaile mee but deliuer mee from all euill for the glorie of thy holy name Amen The XXIX Meditation wherein is set downe another forme of praying at three times of the daye making a particular examination of some one vice to pull it vp by the Rootes BEsides the generall care which wee ought to haue to cleanse the soule of all her vices and sinnes it is very conuenient as the holy fathers say Collat. 5. cap. 14. and specially Cassianus to imploie a particular studie to disroote some one vice of those that vse most to indaunger vs for with this so speciall care it shall bee the more easely vanquished this vanquished wee may take hearte to get the victorie of another vntill wee haue vanquished them all As the 7. nations that were enemies to the Israelites were vanquished by litle and litle and by partes To this end our glorious father Ignatius taught vs a forme of making a particular examinatiō of one vice wherein is included another forme of praying very proffitable diuided into three times of the daye to witte morning noone and night the which are much celebrated in sacred scripture by that which Dauid saieth of himselfe In the euening in the morning and at midday Psalm 54.18 Daniel 6.10 I will recount vnto God my miseries hoping that hee will heare mee and deliuer mee from them And of Daniel the scripture saithe That three times a daye hee fell on his knees and adored God making confession before him of his diuine praises and of his owne sinnes According vnto this wee will diuide this forme of praier into three pointes which may serue for the three times aforesaide The first Pointe FIrst in the morning in clothing mee kneeling on my knees like Daniel and putting myselfe in the presence of God I will adore him giuing him thankes for my life quietnesse and sleepe which hee gaue mee the night passed and for the perills from which hee deliuered mee and by the waye I will likewise examine if since I lay downe sleeping or waking any thing that might bee a sinne hath happned vnto mee and with all my hearte to bee sorry therefore 2. Thē will I make an offer vnto our Lord of all things whatsoeuer that I shall doe that daye ordaining them purely to his honour and glorie requiring of him preseueraunce in this pure intention vntill the ende of the daye and of my life and beseeching him to accept my workes in the vnion of those which his onely beegotten Sonne offered vnto him for mee in this life 3 This donne I will make a valiaunt and determinate resolution that day by Gods grace to seperate myselfe from all kinde of sinne after the manner that Dauid did Psalm 100.8 when hee saide that in the morning hee killed all the sinners of the earthe not with a sworde of steele but with a very steeled and couragious resolution to destroye them all so farre forth as they were aduersaries to God desiring that in the citty of my soule there may nothing liue to offend him But particularly I must most resolutely determine to departe from that vice which I desire to disroote frō my hearte conceiuing against it a holy hatred for the hurt that it doth mee 4. That this purpose may bee effectuall it will helpe mee much not to take thinges by the bulke beeing ignoraunt of their difficulties but to prouide for them with the eyes of prudence and in the morning to imagine all the difficulties vexations contempts and occasions of stumbling that probably may bee offered vnto mee that daye considering the quallitie of my person estate and office and the affaires and persons with whome I am to conuerse VVhich hauing considered I will endeuour willingly to accept for the
and humbly to subiect mee to vndergoe what penaunce soeuer that reason shall dictate and the Confessor shall impose vpon mee And dolour as an executioner is to torment mee breaking Psal 4.5 and shiuering my hearte for the offences I haue donne to my creator These foure Iudiciall actes am ●to doe within the hall of my hearte quickening them with the considerations which to this ende are ordained Iob. 23.4 35.14 Isai 43.26 and much more with the remembraunce of the presence of God the iudge of the quicke of the deade whom I am to beholde seated in the Throne of his maiestie as in the 9. Meditation hath beene declared for that the viewe of this most righteous Iudge will bee a cause to make mee doe it with greater diligence The first Pointe FIrst I am to consider D. Tho. 3. p. q. 90. act 2. that our Lord Christ would that our owne actes should bee partes of this sacrament to witte contrition confession and satisfaction which aunswere to the three sortes of sinning by thought worde and deede that I myselfe might concurre to the grace of my Iustification and that seeing I sinned with my actes with the same I might dispose myselfe to receiue my pardon And now that it hath beene the good pleasure of our Lorde to ennoble my actes making them the Instruments of his grace it is reason that I should exercise them with the greatest excellencie that I may Eccles 33 23. labouring as the VViseman saithe to bee in them superexcellent requiring of the three Persons of the Godheade particular fauour for euery one of them Of the holy Spirit to whome is attributed Charity I will begge contrition of hearte beseeching him that hee will kindle in my soule the fier of his loue from the which may proceede such a dolour as may consume all the drosse of my sinnes Of the Sōne of God who is the word of the eternal Father to whome is attribued wisdome I will begge light to knowe my sinnes and such humble wordes to cōfesse them that I may bee purified and cleansed of of them Of the eternall Father to whome is attributed Power I will begge force for the workes of satisfaction with perseueraunce vntill I haue paide all the paines that I owe for my sinnes Colloquie O most blessed Trinitie assist in my hearte in my lippes that I may vvorthily confesse all my sinnes and obtaine compleate remission of them Amen Then am I to consider all that is necessarie to exercize these three actes with greate perfection discoursing of euery one of them The Second Pointe 1. AS cōcerning the first acte Of Contrition which is sorrowe for sinnes I am to procure to haue it the most perfect that may bee not contenting myselfe with an imperfect sorrowe which they call Attrition proceeding from feare of the paines of hell but procuring the perfect sorrowe which they cal Contritiō and procedeth from the loue of God aboue all things as before hath beene saide And this sorrowe must bee the greatest that possiblie may bee because it is the measure of the grace that is giuen in this sacrament So that if the sorrowe bee imperfect and little the grace shall bee litle if it bee perfect and greate the grace shall bee greate for looke as sorrowe encreaseth so shall grace and if there bee no sorrowe no grace shall bee giuen And therefore the principall parte of this preparation consisteth in the perfectiō of sorrowe vnto the which I am to mooue myselfe with the cōsiderations that were set downe in the fift Meditation and with some similitudes deduced out of holy scripture to mooue vs vnto the teares of loue 2. Of the teares of loue Hierem. 6.26 Sometymes it telleth mee that I should weepe bitterly as a mother weepeth for the deathe of her onely begothen vpon whome shee had laied all her loue and repose so will I weepe for the spirituall deathe of my soule which is my onely one and by reason is much to bee loued yet I myselfe haue cruelly slaine her by sinne and subiected her to deathe euerlasting And seeing I haue so greate a feeling of the losse of those things that I loue a much greater feeling am I to haue of this because it is the greatest of all and herein teares are well employed For a mother let her weepe neuer so much shee shall not giue life to her sonne that is deade but I with the teares of Contrition shall obtaine life for my deade soule O infinite God Colloquie I am very much greaued for the iniurie I hune donne thee by killing vvith sinne the soule that thou gauest mee and seeing it is more thine then mine haue mercie vpon it Deliuer my soule from the svvorde of death Psalm 21.21 my only one from the dogg of Hell that I may liue to thee and confesse thy holy name amen 2 I will likewise weepe for my sinnes because with them I haue killed the only begotten Sonne Zacha. 12.10 Ad Heb. 6.6 who through excellencie meriteth this name Christ Iesus my Lord whome within myselfe I haue crucified againe and haue as much as lieth in me giuen occasion that he should die O only begoten Sonne of the Father I am exceedingly sorroufull for my sinnes Colloquie for hauing binne thereby a cause of thy death returne a Lord to liue in my soule vvith thy grace seeing thou dydst die to giue it life 3 Othersometimes it telleth mee that I should weepe like a Bride that hath by death lost her beloued spouse vpon whome depended her whole remedie and reliefe thereby remaining a widowe poore and abandoned And so will I weepe for my sinnes by the which I haue lost God the spouse of my soule and with him haue lost the iewells of his grace and Charitie and the giftes that he had giuen me remaining like a widowe not able to engender children of good workes merittes of life euerlasting but abandoned Colloquie and left dessolate without the protectiō of so sweete a spouse O if my harte vvould shiuer and breake vvith the force of dolour for hauing lost such a spouse such Ievvells and such amiable protection And yet notwithstanding if I perceiue that my harte is still hardned and melteth not with the considerations of loue Ex D. Bern. serm 16. in Cant. I will make vse of those of feare before mentioned that feare as S Barnard saieth may quickne me and open the dore to loue excitetur vt excitet Let feare be awakned that it may awake me Feare o my soule the face of the Iudge whome the powers of heauen doe feare the wrathe of the Omnipotent the face of his furie the noise of the worlde that shall perish the fire that shall burne it the voice of the Archangell and the most rigorous wordes of the finall sentence Feare the teeth of the Dragō the belly of Hell the roating of fierce beastes that stand readie to
it with mentation of grace and glory 4 Finaly I am to make another most effectuall resolution to amend my life and no more to returne to the sinnes that I haue committed For if this purpose be wanting the Contrition is fained the Confession sacrilegious the satisfaction litle auailable and the absolution of no effect for his sinnes are not remitted to him that hath a purpose to returne vnto them and though it were but a veniall sinne it shall not be pardoned vnlesse there bee a purpose of amendment of it 1. VVith this preparation conseruing these holy Affections and purposes I may securely come to this holy saerament putting in practise what I haue determined with a defire to renew my life to make a great change therein Hierem. 31. iuxta 70. D. Hier. ibi cogitationes operibus tunge imagining that that of the Prophet Hieremie is spoken to me Get thee vp to a watch tower set before thee thy bitternesses bewailing bitterlie thy sinnes direct thy harte in the right way wherein thou wast wont to walke da cor tuum super humeros tuos And put thy haite vpon thy shoulders taking with loue the yoke of obedience to fulfill what God and his ministers shall commande me The xxxii Meditation of Thankes-giuing after Confession Hauing ended the Confessiō of my sinnes receled Absolutiō it is very cōueniēt to giue some litle time to the Confession of praises for the fauour that God hath donne me for both Coufessions our Lord exacteth of vs according to the saying of the Prophet Oseas Oseae 14.3 Turne o Israel to the Lord thy God seeing thou hast fallen thorough thine owne Iniquitye take wordes with you and conuert you to our Lord saying vnto him Take from vs o Lord all our sinne receiue our good Intention for wee offer vnto thee the calues of ourlippes that is in steede of the ealues which of olde they offered thee in sacrifize wee offer vnto thee now the calues of wordes confessing our sinnes that that thou maiest remitte them and confessing thy mercyes when thou hast remitted them Psalm 49.23 This sacrifize of praise as Dauid saithe honoreth God much and in it consisteth the waye and meanes to obtaine perfect healthe which is cōfirmed thereby to the gratefull is ordinarily much debilitated in the ingratefull Luc. 17.17 To this ende it will helpe to consider how much our Lord Christe was pleased with the leprous Samaritan who going to present himselfe to the preist was cured as hee went of his leprofie and forth with returned backe to giue thankes for the health that was giuen him contrarily how much hee was displeased with his other nine companions who hauing receiued the like benefit retourned not to acknowledge it and to giue vnto God the Glory which thy owed him as wee shall farther consider in the meditation of this miracle Therefore hauing ended my Confession I will recollect myselfe in the Churche before the most blessed Sacrament or in some other conuenient place where beeing set in the presence of the euer-liuing God I will reuiue the Faithe of the fauour hee hath donne mee wherein with my bodily eares I haue heard that fauorable sentence and most sweete word I absolue thee Psalm ●0 10 D. Thom. 2.2 quasti● 107 art 2. A worde powerfull to doe what it signifieth to giue ioye to my eares and gladnesse to my humbled bones And so trusting in the goodnesse and mercye of God that hee hath made good and ratified this sentence I will endeuour to exercize three actes of thankes giuing which are to acknowledge the benefit to praise God for it and to offer vnto him some seruice The first Pointe FIrst I will ponder in my heart the manifolde benefits that in this holy sacrament I haue receiued of the which the prophet Dauid made a breife catalogue by waye of praise in the 102. Psalme Psalm 102. and they may bee reduced vnto sixe The 1. is to pardon mee all my sinnes not onely the confessed but also the forgotten sinnes and those which without my fault I could not haue knowledge of The 2. is to heale the spirituall Infirmities of my soule as are vices and passions heauinesse and feares and other afflictions putting a moderation in all according to reason The 3. is to deliuer mee from the eternall Deathe whereunto I was condemned by my sinne and from the most bitter deathe which the priuation of Gods grace bringeth with it The 4. is to crowne mee with mercye and the workes of mercye fauoring mee to gaine the victorie of temptations wherwith I haue beene and shall bee combated delinering mee from other innumerable miseries and offering mee his ayde that I may no more retourne to them The 5. is to fill my desier with good things giuing mee his grace and Charity with the rest of the vertues or newe augmentation ther of The 6. is to renewe my youth like the eagle vnclothing mee of the workes and customes of the olde man clothing mee with those of the newe man and restoring vnto mee the first feruour-of spirit with newe gladnesse of my hearte to exercize newe workes of vertue with greate perfection These benefits our lord for his parte graunteth to those that confesse themselues as they ought Ex D. Tho. 1.2 q. 106. act 2. And so much the greater are the benefits by how much more freely they are giuen without any merit of ours and in this behalfe the true penitent ought to bee the more gratefull And with this spirit I will greately exagerrate the infinite liberalitie of God towardes mee and with a silence of admiration I will yeilde myselfe vanquished thereby The second Pointe THen will I breake out into a canticle of praise with greate affection saying the wordes of this Psalme Psalm 102. Blesse our Lord o my soule and all that is within mee praise his holy name blesse our lord o my soule and bee not forgetfull of the fauour that hee hath donne thee hee remitteth all thy sinnes and healeth all thy Infirmities hee redeemeth thy life from deathe and crowneth thee with mercy and mercifull workes hee filleth with good things thy desire and like an eagle reneweth thy youth hee hath not chastized mee according to my sinnes nor inflicted on mee that punishment that my iniquities deserued as farre as the east is distant from the west so fare hath hee put from mee all my Impieties as the father hath compassion of his children so our lord hath compassion of those that feare him for hee well knoweth our weakenesse and the masse wherof we were formed Colloquie O God of my soule if the mercies are so greate that thou hast donne mee vvhat shall I doe not to hee behinde kande in thankes giuings I desire to procure vvith thy Aide that vvhich thou hast begun in mee by thy mercy and seeing thou hast pardoned my sinnes I vvill neuer more retourne vnto them Seeing thou hast deliuered
fower things 9.10.11 The order of mentall praier according to S. Augustine 14. Two principall ends of mentall praier 14.17 How in it we may haue conference with our owne soule with our B. Ladie Angels and other Saincte 19. what vertues accompanie mentall praier and the excellencie thereof 21 23. VVhat the matter of mentall praier is 23. How it is reduced to there orders fit for three estates of those that meditate 24. Entrance in to praier how it ought to be made 29. How we may aide our selues with our imaginations tongue and other faculties for mentall praier 40. The examination of praier ended and the fruites thereof 43. Diuers formes of praier in diuers matters accommodated to sundry persons times 46. How mentall praier may be vsed of some without manifoldnes of discourses 52.53 Formes ordinary extraordinary of mentall praier and how diuersly God communicateth himselfe therein Presence The presence of God necessarie to be had by vs in praier 20. Pride The acts and punishments of it 233.235 Profit Spirituall profit and aduancement is gotten by dooing and suffering 26. Prouidence That of God towards such as resigne them selues to him 86. Psalmes Interiour psalmes what they be 15. Punishments Punishment of the Angels that sinned 89. Of our first parents 92. Of anie mortall sinne 94.116 That which Christ suffered for sinnes 96. Punishments of pride 235. Of gluttonie 240. Of luxurie 245. Of auarice 154. Of Of wrath 259. Of enuie 295. Of slothe 270. Of those that breake Gods comaundements 279. See paines Purgatorie The terriblenes of it with other circunstances of the soules that be therein 35● How godly a thing it is pray for the soules that be there 358.359 Puritie Purenes of heart is the end of the purgatiue way 75. Purposes Good purposes and determinations how they ought to bee made by vs in the morning at praier time 308. Reading In reading of good bookes God speaketh vnto vs. 70. It is the first steppe of the spirituall ladder 74. Religion It with three waies thereof is a spirituall imitation of death 157. Resignation That which we ought to haue in the vse of thinges created 85 Resurrection The generall of all men with many circumstances 183. Reuerence That which is due to God in praier 31. Satisfaction Of that which we must make for our sinnes and meanes to stire vs vp vnto it 326. Scripture Holiescripture the principall fruite of spirituall science pag. 7. Seeing How God is seene spirituallie and what is seene in him 57.58 Senses Sinnes of our corporall exteriour senses and their chastisements 287. Mortification of them 291. Internall spirituall senses 56. Sinne. It is most contrarie to ou● last end 87. The griuousnes of it by diuers examples 88. By the paines that Christ endured for them 96. By the multitude of them and for the being against reason 100. By the basenes of them that committeth them 104. by the greatnes of God against whome they are committed 108. By the vile motiue that induceth to sinne 115. By compari●on betwixt the temporall and eternall paines thereof 116. It is worse then all the euils of paine laide together that are suffered in hell 123. Of the seauen called deadlie sinnes by order 230. Sinnes against the commaundements of God 273. Senses and sinnes of them and of the tongue 287. Sinnes of the vnderstanding 293. Those of our owne selfewill 296. How much veniall sinnes is to bee abhorred for feare of purgatorie 352. Sloth what it is the acts and harmes and chastisement thereof 268. The reward of him that mortifieth it 272. Smelling How we doe spiritually smell God 60. Sorovve Sorowe for sinnes some riseth of loue 322. Some of feare preparing vs to that other sorowe of loue 323. Speeches Colloquies or speeches how they must bee made in praier with God 11.17 with ourselues with our B. Lady Angels and Saintes 19. Talke How we may talke with God in mental prayer 14. Talke with God cause of greate good 21. Talke of God with vs what it is and what it woorketh 22.59 See Speeches T●st How wee doe tast God spirituallie 61 Teares Those of loue and feare how they are obtained 322. Temperance See Abstinence Tentations Those that be against praier and their remedies 39. Thankesgiuing VVhat they are 16. The acts thereof and how to bee practised after Confession 328. How euerie day in the examination of our consience 302. How after communion 345. Thinges The last thinges of man mouing vs effectuallie to detest sinne 125. Tongue The sinnes thereof and the manner how to mortifie it 288.291 Touchinge How wee doe and may touch God with vnion of loue 62. Vaine glory The acts and hurtes thereof 233. Vertues They ar not obtained by consideration only but by mortification of our vices 231. Vices See Sinnes Virginitie See Chastitie Vnion Diuers formes and manners of it pertaining to contemplatiue life 62. VVayes Three wayes Purgatiue Illuminatiue and Vnitiue accommodated to three states of persons ●4 VVill Selfe will what acts it hath the harmes and punishments thereof and meanes how to mortifie it 295.296 VVoorde That of God with what spirit to be ruminated 48. VVrath See Anger Faultes escaped in the printing Pag. 52. contended reade contented p. 53. then them p. 51. him hir p. 172. the thee p. 194 wich with p. 195. regaled recaled ibid. vould would ibid. out our p. 196. perfocre perforce ibid. accumsemee accuse mee ibid. the them p. 202. whosoeuet whosoeuer ibid. mother mother ibid. haut haue p. 203. peruersc peruerse p. 204. thee the. p. 206. haut haue p. 207. danmed damned ibid. neighbout neighbour ibid. hec her p. 210. might night ibid. on wicked on the wicked p. 212. his this ibid. Cod God p. 213. fuffer suffer ibid se so p. 215. deliuee deliuer p. 220. vs as ibid. man many p. 122. which the damned which the exteriour senses of the damned p. 224. ane and. p. 225. and and. p. 227. from all from all this p. 234. these there p. 235. shall shalt p. 296. puritie purifie ibid. bening being ibid fillowing following p. 297. in good in the good p. 299. thee the p. 230. thee there Good Reader if thou finde any other which I haue ommitted I pray thee of thy curtesie to correct them MEDITATIONS VPPON THE MYSTERIES OF OVR HOLY FAITH WITH the practise of mental praier touching the same 〈…〉 Composed in Spanish by the R. F. LVYS DE LA PVENTE of the Societie of IESVS natiue of Valladolid AND Translated into English by F. RICH. GIBBONS of the same Societie THE SECOND PART The contents of this woorke are to be seene in the page folowing SIT NOMEN DOMINIBENEDICTUM IHS Printed with priuiledge M.DC.X. THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORKE These Meditations goe diuided into six partes which be correspondent to the three wayes PVRGATIVE ILLVMINATIVE VNITIVE the first two parts for Principiants in Vertue the other two for those that Go● for●●●●d and the two last for 〈…〉 And all six doe
and likewise prepared to obserue thy Counsells I offer myselfe for thy Loue to followe thee in Pouertye and Chastitye abandoning my Libertye and all whatsoeuer I haue for thy Glorye if thou willt but daigne to call mee to such a kinde of Life To these three kindes of Persons may bee added a fourth which is of those that are called by this celestiall king not only to imitate him in Pouertye Chastitye and Obedience but also to bee his instruments to call others and by his fauour to fight not only against their owne Enemyes but also against the Enemves of their neighbours ayding them to their Saluation and inuiting them as VVisdome sayeth to mount vp to the Fortresse Prou. 9.3 and to the Walles of the Citty that is to the highest of Christian Perfection In this kinde enter those Religious whose ende is in imitation of the Apostles to attende not only to their owne Saluation and Perfection but also to that of others and such is the ende of our Society of IESVS for wee that are the Religious thereof profisse to bee the Cōpanions of IESVS in this enterprize and those which in this manner are called ought to bee exceedingly contented with their Vocation considering the highnesse thereof and to giue many thankes to him that called them offering themselues with greate Courage to vndertake whatsoeuer Trauailes and Peregrinations whither among Christians or Infidells euen vnto the shedding of their blood if neede bee for the Glorye of God and for the Saluation of their Soules vsing those wordes of the Prophet Isaias Isa 6.8 Beholde mee here o Lord send mee whither thou willt and how thou willt for I am readye to doe whatsoeuer thou commaundest mee The Conclusion of what hath beene saide By what hath beene saide in this meditation I Inferre with what spirit wee are to enter into the Meditations ensuing euery one endeuouring to imitate Christ our Lord most perfectly conformable to the Estate that hee hath chosen If hee bee a Religious man following his proper Institution with Perfection If hee holde an Estate of Continencye or Preisthood full filling all his obligations with integritye And if hee bee a married man dispoiling his hearte of disordinate Affections to the things that hee possesseth according to the rule of the Apostle which sayeth 1 Cor. 7.29 Those which haue wiues let them bee as if they had none those which buye and possesse as if they possessed not and those which vse this VVorlde as if they vsed if not doing all things in such sorte that for them they neither loose Christ nor growe colde in his loue and seruice But those which haue not yet taken an Estate and desire to make choice of that which is most conuenient for their Saluation and Perfection their ende must bee to regarde what our Lord Christ doth Inspire them to imitate him in that degree of Perfection where vnto they shall finde they are moued wherein they shall bee ayded by the 6.7 and 8. meditation of the third Parte The first Meditation Of the Decree made by the most holy TRINITY that the Second Person of the Deity should become Man for the redemption of Mankinde lost by the Sinne of Adam IN the Entrance of this meditation and of those ensuing which treate of this mysterie it shall not bee amisse to imagine God our Lōrd Three and One seated in a Throne of infinite Majestye Apoc. 4.3 inuironed as S. Iohn sawe him with the bowe of Heauen the Symbole of his infinite Mercye with the three Colours of his infinite Goodnesse Wisdome and Omnipotencye wherewith hee gouerneth all things and hath both Will Knowledge and Abillitye to remedye our miseries Then wil I imagine all mankinde and myselfe among them thorough the sinne of Adam Luc. 10.30 prostrate vpon the Earthe dispoiled wounded and halfe deade as was that poore man who in the waye of Iericho fell among theeues And the three Persons of the Deitye beholding them taking compassion on them and entring into Counsell what meanes they should take for their Remedye With this holy representation prostrate in Spirit before this Throne and adoring the most blessed Trinitye I wil humbly beseeche him to illuminate mee with his diuine Light that I may knowe to depth of the Counsell that hee tooke for our remedye in such sorte as may proffit mee And the louely veiwe of his coelestiall Bow shall encourage mee to approache as S. Heb. 4.16 Paule saieth with greate Confidence to the Throne of his Grace hoping to obtaine mercye and ayde in time conuenient as is this time of Praier The first Pointe THe first Pointe Ex D. Th. 3. p. q. 1. art 1. 2 q. 4. art 1. and the Foundation of those that followe shall bee to consider the Decree that God our Lord made in his Eternitye for the Remedye of mankinde that was lost by the Sinne of Adam pondering the causes that moued him therevnto some in the behalfe of his infinite Mercye and others in the behalfe of our owne Miserye and of the lamentable meanes whereby wee incurred it First Heb. 1.16 Nō Angelos apprehēdit sed semen Abrahae I wil consider that our Lord hauing created two sortes of Creatures to his owne image and likenesse to serue and to praise him to witte Angells and Men Angells in the Empyrean heauen and men in the terrestriall Paradise and hauing seene that a greate parte of the Angells sinned and so likewise the men hee determined to demonstrate the terriblenesse of his rigorous Iustice by chastizing the Angells 1. Petr. 2.4 bending against them the rigorous Bow of his Indignation and throwing them immediately From Heauen into Hell not giuing them any time of Repentance But to men though they deserued the same punishment hee was desirous to shewe the Riches of his infinite mercye determining to remedye them and to drawe them out of those miseries into which they had fallen by giuing them meanes to obtaine pardon of their sinne For in nothing is the mercye of God so resplendent Sap. 11.10 12.1 as in pardoning Sinnes and taking Compassion on his very Enemyes neither were it reason that mercy should omitte to shewe it selfe in a thing that so greately doth magnifye it And thus did hee with men according to that of S. Paul Ad Tit. 3.3 The Benignitye and Kindnes toward man of our Sauiour God h●th appeared in that hee hath saued vs not by the workes of Iustice which wee did but according to his infinite mercye For the which euery one of vs ought to giue infinite thankes to this our Lord considering that wee beeing creatures so vile that wee deserued to bee vnprotected by his Iustice Yet hee tooke vs vnder the protection of his mercye reiecting the Angells that were much more noble then wee Colloquie O eternall God true Father of mercye wherewith shall wee repay thee so soueraigne a benefit as this that without any merit of ours
consider that God our Lord assoone as Adam and Eua had sinned was willing to reueale vnto them the mysterye of the Incarnation for the Remedye of their Sinne and of the Punishment that therefore they had deserued to demonstrate heerein the greatenesse of his Charitye and mercye towardes men This was resplendent in that comming as a Iudge to take accoumpt of Adam and Eua for their Disobedience and to denounce vnto them the Sentence of Deathe which thereby they had incurred withall as a mercifull Father hee promiseth them not only to make himselfe man for them but also to dye to deliuer them from Deathe pretending heerein that by their Faithe in this Redeemer they should not distrust the Diuine mercye nor of the pardon of their Sinne but that they should forthwith procure it by Penance greiuing to haue offended him that had shewed them so much Loue. So that when God cast our first Parents and all their Posteritye out of the terrestriall Paradise hee then promiseth them him that shall open the Gates of the Celestiall Paradise And when hee chargeth them with Maledictions for Sinne hee offereth them of his meere Grace the Author of all Heauenly Benedictions And when they are vanquished by the Diuell hee assureth them that there shall bee borne of them a man that shall free them from his Tirannye O Father of Mercyes and God of all Consolation Colloquie I humbly thanke thee for that in the middest of thy Wrathe thou art mindefull of thy infinite mercye Abac. 3.2 And when all men by the first Adam deserued to bee accursed thou didst promise vs the second Adam by whome wee should bee blessed Shewe o● Lord this thy mercye to mee deliuering mee from the Maledictions which I deserue thorough my Sinnes replenishing mee with the Benedictions which thy Sonne gained by his Merites O Sonne of the euer liuing God Apoc. 13. Lambe that wast slaine from the beginning of the VVorlde for then was published thy Slaughter and true Life was giuen to men that sinned I humbly thanke thee for this fauour that thou diddest vs for the which I beseeche thee to applye vnto mee the f●●ite thereof that beeing free from the Deathe of Sinne I may obtaine by thee Life of Grace Amen I will likewise ponder the Infinite mercye of God in not deferring this promise of our Redemption many Dayes nor yet many Howers but euen the selfe same day that Adam sinned hee came to giue him aduise both of his Transgression of his Remedye for that hee greately desireth that the Sinner allbeeit hee sinne thorough frailtye should not detaine himselfe so much as one day in his Sinne for the greate Hurt that thereof redoundeth vnto him but should presently bee conuerted and doe Penance All this I am to applye to myselfe considering that many times our Lord when I haue sinned in steede of chastizing mee with Iustice preuenteth mee with Inspirations offering mee pardon with mercye For the which I ought humbly to render vnto him many thankes procuring the selfe same day that I sinne to raize vp myselfe presently thorough Penance So that as S. Ephes 4.16 Paul saieth the Sun goe not downe without taking from mee Anger and Pride and euery other Sinne whatsoeuer The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the Conuenience of the Time that God chose to execute the Decree of his Incarnation to the ende to make his infinite Mercye the more eminent Heerevpon I am to beholde in what state the Worlde stood when God came to redeeme it running thorough the Thoughtes Wordes and Deedes of men and comparing them with those of God Isa 55.9 the which as the Prophet Isaias saieth were as different as Heauen and Earthe are distant First I will lift vp my Eyes to Heauen and beholde the most B. TRINITYE in the Throne of his Glorye considering what Thoughtes hee had and what plots hee was then laying to remedye man by the meanes of the Incarnation of the Diuine Worde And as the three Persons of the Deitye when they would create Adam Cant. 1.26 saide Let vs make man to our owne Image and Likenesse so now they sayed Let vs remedye man vhome wee created repairing the Image and Likenesse that wee gaue him O how greate Pleasure had they in this Discourse What Alacritye to beholde the time arriued of executing their Determination And what Ioy had eache Person to prepare themselues for what belonged vnto them in this Worke The Father to sende his Sonne into the Worlde The Sonne to come to vnite his Diuine Person with our nature And the holy Spirit to worke this so soueraigne an Vnion I thanke thee o most blessed TRINITYE Colloquie for that thou hadst pleasure to treate of my Remedye O that I might treate with much Delight of all that belongeth to thy seruice Then will I abase my Eyes to see what then passed in the Worlde considering how it was then arriued to the Abysme of Iniquitye The Gentiles were growen to such a Heigth in their Idolatries that they caused themselues to bee adored as Gods The Iewes were full of Hypocrisies Auarices Ambitions and other innumerable Sinnes The Earthe was wholely drowned with a Deluge of Vncleane-nesses and Carnallities one Waue of Blood as saith the Prophet Oseas ouertaking another Oscae 4.2 All this was God beholding from Heauen for from him nothing is hidden and though this so greate multitude of Sinnes prouoked him to greate furye yet were they no cause to make him deferre his Determination Rather this most mercifull God Abac. 3.2 as saide the Prophet Abacuch when hee had most occasion to shewe his wrathe was then mindefull to doe vs the greatest mercye and in steede of drowning the Worlde againe with another Deluge or burning it with fier like Sodome hee would drowne it with abundance of mercies and burne it with the fier of his Loue giuing it his owne Sonne to remedye it and his Sonne comming to redeeme it Cant. 8.7 O Infinite Charitye whose Flames could not bee quenched with the many Waters of the Riuers of innumerable Sinnes but rather increased with greater Demonstrations of Loue doing the greatest of all fauours to vs that euery day made ourselues more vnworthy thereof I giue thee thankes o most louing and mercifull Lord for this Loue which thou didst shewe vs for the which I beseeche thee though I as a wicked VVretche deserue thy Indignation yet that thou as a good God cease not to fauour mee with the Greatenesse of thy Mercye This Consideration I am likewise to applye to myselfe pondering how it hath many times happened that when I was actually offending God by my Workes then was God doing mee greate Benefits and deuising yet to doe mee greater as to drawe mee out of the Worlde into Religion or such other like for the which I am to giue him many Thankes From hence I may likewise ascende to ponder how much the Infinite Mercye of
to giue them an example of all Vertue thou bee borne in a poore manger thou bee circumcized and persecuted by Herod and the Iewes and that thou bee taken whipped crowned with Thornes and dye vpon a Crosse with greate Dolour and Contempt Therefore seeing thou louest mee for my Loue and for the good of thy Bretheren Ioan. 10.18 14.31 accept these Afflictions To this Will of the Father which our Lord Christ calleth the Commaundement and precept of his Deathe hee readily aunswered offering himselfe with a prompt and ready will to suffer all whatsoeuer and then was fullfilled that saying of S. Heb. 12.2 Paule That abandoning the Ioye of this Life and contemplating the eternall Ioye of the other hee embraced the Crosse not regarding that it was very Ignominious Then allso with an effectuall Will hee dranke the bitter chalice of his Passion and was baptized with the Baptisme of his Ignominies Mar. 10.39 and Dolours perseuering as hee himselfe saide in the bitternesse of this Drinke and of this Baptisme all the dayes of his Life vntill in the ende thereof hee effectually dranke it accomplishing all that his Father had ordained him But his Charitye and Obedience passed yet farther for that allthough that was so much that hee was to suffer yet not contented heerewith with a most generous Hearte and most ardent Thirst hee offered himselfe to suffer much more if his Father would ordaine it and that it might bee needefull for our good Act. 21.13 for if S. Paule when the Prophet Agabus tolde him that hee was to bee bounde Prisoner in Hierusalem aunswered that hee was readye not only to bee bounde but to dye also for the name of our Lord IESVS how much more would our sweete Lord IESVS when his Father related vnto him the Afflictions of his Life and Deathe immediately aunswere that hee was prepared not only to suffer those afflictions but others also much greater for his Loue. And that I may perceiue how much I am indebted to this our Lorde I am to consider how in that instant hee presented vnto his memory all mankinde and myselfe among them and offered himselfe to suffer all this for euery one in particular and for mee myselfe as if I alone had stoode in neede of his Remedye So that then was fullfilled that saying of S. Paul Gal 2.20 Hee that loued mee and deliuered himselfe for mee to Deathe offering himselfe thereunto for my Loue. O tender Babe and valorous Gyaunt Colloquie wherewith shall I repaye thee the Affection with which thou this day offerest thyselfe to runne thy Carreere Psal 18.6 accepting withall all those Afflictions which in the course thereof thou art to endure May the Angells praise thee for this singular fauour that thou hast donne vnto men and may my Soule glorifye thee for the Loue that then thou diddest beare mee for the which I offer myselfe to suffer whatsoeuer shall happen vnto mee in the Carreere of my Life thou fauouring mee with thy grace that therein I may not faile The eleuenth Meditation Of the Iourney which the eternall VVorde Incarnate made in his Mothers VVombe to the House of Zacharias to sanctifye his Forerunner S. Iohn the Baptist The first Pointe FIrst I will consider Luc. 1.44 how the Worde made fleshe beeing yet in the Wombe of his blessed mother with the exceeding greate desire hee had to saue men presently fixed his eyes vpon Iohn who was in the Belly of S. Elizabeth and was to bee his Fore-runner and seeing him to bee in Originall Sinne hee was greiued thereat and determined with himselfe forthwith to free him from that miserye and to sanctifye him taking possession of his Office of Redeemer which was giuen him in charge And to this ende hee effectually inspired his mother speedily to goe visit her Cosin that hee thereby might effect this his Worke. Wherein I am to ponder First the greate Desier that this our Lorde hath of our Saluation thanking him therefore and confounding myselfe for the litle Desier that I haue of mine As also how carefull hee is of the good of his elected and how vigilant in exercizing his office of Redeemer seeing hee began it from the Wombe of his mother not desiring to bee Idle any moment I will likewise ponder what a greiuous euill Sinne is and how much our Lord is displeased that his elect should bee in Sinne but a moment seeing for this cause hee inspired his mother so hastily to vndertake that iourney to free from Sinne his chosen Iohn Baptist O Diuine VVorde that madest thyselfe man to deliuer vs from Sinne Colloquie and deriuedst to enact this office with such speede Isa 8.1 that thou tookest for thy Surname Make speede hasten robbe and take Spoyles seeing thy names are not emptye but full come Lord with speede to free mee from my Sinnes make haste to sanctifye mee with thy Grace robbe my Hearte for thy Seruice and take it for the Spoyle of thy Victorye that from hence forth I may begin feruently to serue thee The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider how our Lord hauing power to sanctifye the Baptist from the place where hee was would notwithstanding inspire his mother to carrye him to the house of S. Elizabeth and there to worke this miraculous sanctification for causes very admirable and proffitable for our instruction First to giue newe Demonstrations of his Humillitye and Charitye For as these Vertues mooued him to come downe from Heauen and to come into the Worlde to visite it Luc. 1.79 Beda ibid. and to drawe it out of the Darkenesse and Shadowe of Deathe wheerein it stood so likewise they mooued him to come from Nazareth to visite Iohn and to drawe him out of Sinne the greater comming to visite the lesser to honour him and the Phisicion the Sicke to cure him The second cause was that his most blessed Mother might haue a share in this Action taking her for the Instrument of the first sanctification that hee wrought in this Worlde iustifying by her meanes the Childe Iohn that was in Sinne and replenishing with the holy Spirit his mother that was just to the ende that wee Sinners might vnderstand that to obtaine Pardon of our Sinnes the blessed Virgin was to be our Mediatrix that the Righteous might vnderstande that by her meanes they were to obtaine fullnesse of the holy Spirit and of his grace with the vertues and giftes that descende from Heauen and that therefore all might endeuour to loue and serue her and to be much deuoted vnto her O soueraigne VIRGIN Colloquie seeing to day togither with thy Sonne thou takest possession of the office giuen thee for our benefit prosecute it this day with mee obtaining for mee pardon of my Sinnes and abundance of spirituall Craces Amen The third cause was Inspirations of our Sauiour Christ for that it is the propertye of our Sauiour Christe in entring into a Soule to
euen vntill deathe Pouertye Contempt Dolours Psa 87.16 and Afflictions and in all these thinges he suffered a thousand kindes of Afflictions electing such a manner of Life contrary to that of the Worlde to discouer by his example the Deceites and Errours of worldelings that doe followe it For as S. Bernard saieth It is a matter very euident that the worlde erreth choosing for his Companions Riches Honours and Delicacies when as Christ the Infinite wisdome who can neither deceiue himselfe nor beguile vs chooseth the contrarye With this Consideration I am to confounde myselfe in the presence of this most blessed Babe seeing how contrarily I haue liued to that which he teacheth purposing to imitate him from hence forwarde choosing to suffer what he suffereth and beseeching him to make me worthy to suffer with him and as he not of necessity but acceptably and willingly for his Loue. O soueraigne Childe Colloquie 2 Reg. 23.8 who like another Dauid art the wisest Prince among three for of the three diuine Persons thou art the second to whome wisdome is attributed what doest thou seated here in this chaire of the maunger being silent without speaking vnto vs Thou art the most tender litle worme of the wood that violently killest eight hundred for with the Contempt and Humilliation that thou hast in the worme-eaten wood of thy poore harbour thou killest with the violence of thy diuine Loue the innumerable violences of the Loue of the worlde O most wise and most valiant Prince which silently instructest and silently killest teache me to followe with silence thy Contemptes and kill in my Hearte worldely Affections that making myselfe a Worme in imitation of thee I may merit to ascende to beholde thee in the throne of thy Glorye Amen The eightenth Meditation Luc. 2.9 D. Th. 3. p. q. 36. Of the Ioye of the Angels at the Natiuitye of the Sonne of God and of the newes which they tolde to the Shepheardes The first Pointe FIrst I will consider what passed in Heauen at such time as our Sauiour Christe was borne on Earthe For the Hierarchies of the Angells as they clearely behelde the infinite maiestie and greatenesse of God and on the other side sawe him so humbled so thrust vp into a corner and so vnknowne among men they extremely admired this so greate Humillitye and being very carefull that he should bee honored and reuerenced by all desired if God would giue them leaue to come downe into the Worlde to manifest him make him knowne Then did the eternall Father giue that commaundement vnto all which the Apostle S. Heb. 1.6 Paule pondereth Et cum iterum introducit primogenitum in orbem terrarum dicit adorent eum omnes Angeli eius And when againe he bringeth in the first begotten into the Worlde hee sayth And let all the Angells of God adore him he saieth all not excepting any one And all of them from Heauen adored with high reuerence this Babe who being on Earthe behelde what they did The Seraphines inflamed in Loue beholding him helde themselues as frozen and with profounde Humillitye acknowledged him for their God The Cherubins full of knowledge in presence of this Childe esteemed themselues as Ignorant and with greate trembling adored him and reuerenced him as their Lord And the like did the other Quires of the Angells I reioice o all my Good Colloquie to see thee adored by thy Angells and it greiueth me greately to see thee so forgotten and vnknowne among men I o Lord adore thee togither with these blessed Spirits and doe heartily desire that all men might knowe and adore thee and if it lye in my power to giue them netice heereof Ecce ego mitte me Beholde me here Isa 6.8 send me For if thou sendest me I will flye with those wings which thou shalt giue me and like the Seraphines I will crye out thorough the Worlde saying Holye Holye Holy art thou Lord God of Hostes the earthe is full of thy glorye albeit with the smoke of the Humilliation which thou hast in this poore Stable it seemeth to be obscured The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider how the eternall Father would manifest the birth of his Sonne to the Shepheardes that were neere about Bethlehem watching and keeping their flocke sending to this ende an Angell which as it is thought was S. Gabriel inuested with a resplendent Bodye who inuironing them with a celestiall light sayed vnto them Luc. 2.10 Beholde I euangelize to you greate Ioy that shall bee to all the People because this day is borne to you a Sauiour which is Christe our Lord in the Citye of Dauid And this shal be a signe to you you shall finde the Infant swadled in clothes and la●ed in a manger Vpon this passage I will consider first how God would not manifest this mysterye nor send this Angell to the Sages of Bethlehem for they were prowde nor to the Riche for they were couetous nor to the noble for they were pampered but to the Shepheardes because they were poore humble labouring men that were watching and attending their office for such dispositions as these God requireth in those to whome he imparteth his mysteries and if he Imparteth them not with me it is because I want such a disposition seeing it was for this that he saied that he hideth these things from the wise Matt. 11.25 and prudent and reuealeth them to the litle ones that are humble and lowely Secondly I will consider that it is a matter of very greate Ioy that a Sauiour is borne to vs. He is not borne to himselfe for he commeth not to saue himselfe nor he is not borne to the Angels for he commeth not to saue them but to men and to me for he commeth to saue me For me he is borne and circumcized and all whatsoeuer he did and suffered it is all for me And that which passeth in the manger is all to pardon my Sinnes to inflame me in the Loue of Vertues and to inriche me with those merits O sweete IESVS Colloquie that which to thee is matter of Dolour is to me matter of Ioye I reioice that thou art so good that thou embracest my Dolours to giue mee thy Ioyes let not me o Lord be so vnhappye that thou being borne for the good of all men I should liue as if thou hadst not beene borne for the good of mee hunting prowdely after greatenesse and forgettyng thy lewelinesse and Humillitye Thirdly I will ponder how the signes to finde out the Sauiour that is borne are Infancye Swadling Cloutes and a maunger O infinite Greatenesse of God Colloquie who would euer haue imagined that things so base should be the signes to finde out and to knowe the God of maiestie but I now knowe o Lord that thou art delighted with these debasings and that thou art in the middest of them to moue me to procure them teaching me by the waye that
perill they might put themselues vnto of being put to deathe by Herod for asking in his Countrey and Courte for another king yet for all this they entred not hiddenly nor demaunded secretly in Corners but publikely and in his owne pallace O heroicall Confidence o couragious Portitude inspired by this newe-borne king who though he hidde from these Sages the light of the visible Starre he hid not from them the inuisible light of faithe by whose power the Sainctes ouercome kingdomes Heb. 11.33 worke Iustice and obtaine the fullfilling of all their promises Colloquie O my Soule haue a liuely Faithe in thy God for by his power thou shalt breake Walles Psal 17.30 animate thyselfe to breake thorough difficulties feare not to set vpon Daungers for he will protect thee and set thee at liberty from them From this Faithe and Fortitude of these Sages it proceeded that albeit at the hearing of this demaunde Herod was troubled and all Hierusalem with him yet they themselues were not troubled Wherein I will ponder how Herod was troubled because he was a Tirant and ambitious and so feared leaste he that was borne might depriue him of his kingdome But that which is most to be admired is that the Iewes also were troubled at that for which they should rather haue rejoiced attending more to flatter and to giue Contentment to a Tyrant king then to the king of Heauen that was promised vnto them Whereby I may learne how perillous a thing it is to entertaine strict amitye with potent and vicious Personages which are easily troubled with Passions of Hatred Anger Reuenge and Ambition for they being troubled I may also be troubled with them But if I trust in God as did the Sages I shall not be troubled though all others be troubled rather I shall say with the Prophet Dauid Psal 26.1 c. Our Lord is my Lighte my Healthe whome shall I feare Our Lord is the Protector of my life who shall make me tremble If Armyes of enemies come against me my Heart shall not feare and though they make greate warre against me I will not be dismayed but will hope in our Lord. The fourth Pointe FOurthly I am to consider how Herod hauing heard this demaunde consulted thereupon with the high Preistes and the Scribes of the People who aunswering him that this king should bee borne in Bethlehem of Iuda for that it was so foretalde by Micheas the Prophet Mich. 3.2 he saide vnto the Sages that they should there inquire seeke for the Childe whome hauing founde they should giue him aduise thereof Wherein the prouidence of God is many waies resplendent First in that he maketh vse of the wiched to fauour the intentions of those that are good as he made vse of Herod to discouer vnto the Sages the place of the birth of our Sauiour fullfilling that which is written Pro. 11.29 Rom. 8.28 and to them that loue God all things cooperate to their good Secondly it is resplendent in that by meanes of his ministers although they are wicked he discouereth the Veritye of holy Scripture to those that desier to knowe it for their proffit as in this case he consented not that the high Preistes and Teachers of the Lawe should conceale this Veritye from the Sages And if I with a good zeale desier to knowe the Will of God God will discouer it vnto me by the meanes of his ministers Mala. 2.7 of whome he saieth by a Prophet that their Lippes keepe knowledge which they holde as it were in a cheste of truste to teache the doubtefull things of the Lawe to those that demaunde them for they are the Angells and messengers of our Lord and the manifesters of his will The Prouidence of God is likewise resplendent in hauing giuen vs the diuine Scriptures wherein there is most sufficient light to knowe Christ to seeke and to finde him without hauing neede of any miraculous Starre or newe reuelation but only feruent Praier and profounde meditation according to that which our Sauiour Christ sayed vnto the Iewes Searche the Scriptures Ioan. 5.39 for you thinke in them to haue life euerlasting and the same are they that giue testimonye of me O sweete IESVS that saydest Aske Colloquie and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde illuminate me that I may seeke thee in thy sacred Scriptures so that I may finde thee and that I may searche out the eternall life contained in them in such sorte that I may obtaine it Finally the secret iudgements of God resplendent in this case may affright me and make my haire stande on ende for that the Gentiles comming from Countreys so farre distant and with so greate labour and trauell to seeke Christ the Iewes who so many yeares had expected him being so neere him yet mooued not to seeke him And though they aduised the Sages where they might finde him yet they tooke not this aduise to themselues that the veritye of that might be manifested which was afterwardes spoken by this our Lord Ioa. 6.44 No man can come vnto me vnlesse the Father that sent me drawe him But these wretches were not drawen by the Father for they delighted more in pleasing a Tyrant and deferring their going till the Sages were retourned they neuer performed it Wherefore taking warning by other mens harmes I will remoue all impediments that may any waies hinder the eternall Father from calling me by his inspirations and joyning me with Christ not deferring to another time to obey those which he shall giue me for delaye may be peraduenture the cause of my perdition O eternall Father Colloquie Psal 65.5 whose iudgements vpon the Sonnes of men are terrible but yet iust by that Loue which thou bearest to thy Sonne I beseeche thee that seeing thou hast so greate a desier that he should bee knowen and adored by all men cast me not of thorough my owne Sinne and slackenesse leauing me ouerwhelmed therein but with efficacye pull and drawe me vnto thee that I may seeke and finde him knowe and adore him worlde without ende to thy Glorye Amen The XXIII Meditation Matt. 2.9 Of the departure of the Sages from Hierusalem and their entrance into the Inne at Bethlehem and what happened there The first Pointe THe Sages hauing heard Herods aunswere departed from Hierusalem the waye of Bethlehem in quest of the newe borne king and at that very instant the Starre againe discouered it selfe vnto them at whose sight they reioiced with exceeding greate ioye Gauisi sunt gaudio magno valde Heere I am to ponder first the Care of these kings in prosecuting their intention for assoone as they had knowledge of what they desired they departed from Hierusalem and from the Courte of king Herod flying from the noise and vnquietnesse thereof whereby they teache vs how puntually we ought to applye ourselues to the businesse of our Saluation departing from the noise of the Worlde and flying to
is set downe a forme of Prayer applying the interiour faculties of the Soule to the contemplation of the mysteries that haue beene meditated IN the eleuenth § of the Introduction of this booke I made mention of a forme of Praier by application of the Senses vpon the mysteries of our faithe and it is a forme rather of Contemplation then of meditation for as there it is saide in the tenth § Meditation runneth from one thing to another seeking out bidden verities as hitherto hath beene donne but Contemplation is a simple beholding of the Truthe without varietye of Discourse with greate affections of Admiration and Loue and as regularly it is obtained after meditation so after we haue meditated these mysteries of our Sauiour Christ it shall not be amisse to runne ouer eache of them againe with this manner of affectuous Contemplation which wee call Application of the faculties for as the exteriour faculties doe very breifely without the windings of discourses perceiue their objects and are delighted and pleased in them so in this Contemplation the interiour senses of the Soule which are her owne interiour faculties with the variety of their Actes without newe discourses presupposing those which haue beene donne at other times per ceiue these Verities and collect from thence meruailous affections of Deuotion our Lord preuenting them with his especiall grace without the which we shall erre in entring into this manner of Contemplation as in the place before cited hath beene saide Allbeit we for our parte may somewhat ayde ourselues in this manner that followeth The first Pointe THe first pointe shall be to beholde with the interiour eye of the Soule be it the Imaginatiue or the Intellectuall all such persons as were in the Inne at Bethlehem or in the Temple of Hierusalem and what they doe with the circumstances which are the object of the Sight collecting from them Affections of Admiration and Loue of Ioye or Compassion or Imitation and if from these there happen to proceede any newe ponderations and meditations as our Lord vseth to communicate in these cases I am to admitte them detaining myselfe in them all the time that the light shall continue that was giuen me The practize is this beholding God-man layed in a Stable with Beastes I will shrinke vp my shoulders with admiration and astonishment of so profounde Humillitye to be resplendent in a Lorde of so greate majestie Beholding him made a tender Babe to make himselfe more amiable because Babes ordinarily are amiable I will melt myselfe in the Loue of so precious and beautifull a Babe wantonning with him as with my elder brother the heire of my father and so much mine that he is borne for me and for my benefit Beholding the Hearte of the Childe burning in Loue and in Desier of my Saluation shedding teares of Sorrowe for my Sinnes and offring himselfe for them to the eternall Father I will joyne my Heart vnto his that he may fasten vnto it that Loue and that Sorrowe entring into Discourse with him that he may joyne me vnto himselfe So likewise beholding his Vertues his Pouertye Humillitye Meekenesse and Patience I am to collect them to my owne vse as one that gathereth a nosegay of mirrhe to weare before his brest and to joyne it to his Hearte saying vnto him with greate tendernesse Cano. 1.12 My beloued shall be to me as a bundle of myrrhe I will alwaies haue him in my eye that I may neuer loose the sight of him nor neuer forget him The like may be donne contemplating our blessed LADYE the VIRGIN and Mother with affections of admiration contemplating with what Modestye Deuotion and Reuerence she standeth before the Childe with a Desier to imitate her and beholding what compassion she hath of the Teares of the Childe with a spitit to accompanye her and to be compassionate with her Beholding likewise S. Ioseph or holy Simeon and the feruour and Spirit resplendent in them I will admire at the giftes that God hath giuen them with a desier to imitate them in all that I ought or am able according to my abilitie The Second Pointe THe second Pointe is to heare with the eares of the Soule the wordes that are there spoken attending to hearken vnto the interiour Wordes and Inspirations that God shall speake vnto my Hearte Wherein it is to be considered that not only in this pointe but for any other forme whatsoeuer of mentall or vocall Praier that as was pointed at in the third § of the Introduction of this booke being placed before God and contemplating these mysteries it is good for a while to staye with reuerence as one that attendeth to heare what is saied or to receiue the almes that is vsually giuen him placing himselfe as the Woman of Chanaan saide Matt. 15.27 like a whelpe that standeth at the table fixing his eyes vpon those that eate hoping they will cast him some small morsell of breade Psa 122.2 Or as the Prophet Dauid sayeth like the good Seruant that hath his eyes fixed vpon the handes of his Lord attending what he commaundeth him as did the Prophet Abacuch when he sayed Abac. 2.1 I will stand vpon my watche and fixe ●●y steppe vpon the munition and I will behold to see what may be said to me and what I may aunswere to him that rebuketh me Which is to say Seated in my Contemplation I will hearken what God inspireth into me what he speaketh within my hearte either reprehending and correcting me for the euill that I haue committed or comforting and exhorting me to the good that I ought to doe or giuing me some interiour aunswere to what I desier as the holy Spirit did the like in praier to S. Simeon And hauing continued a while in this silence if I feele not some Inspiration of our Lorde I am not to stand Idle but to prouoke him to speake vnto mee I speaking vnto him and saying with Samuel 1 Reg. 3.9 Cant. 2.14 Speake Lord for thy Seruant heareth Or as he himselfe sayed to the Spouse Let thy Voice sounde in my eares for thy Voice is very sweete vnto mee O eternall God that saidest by thy Prophet Colloquie I will lead her into the wildernes and will speake vnto her hearte Ose 2.14 cause in my Spirit an interiour solitude of wandering Cogitations that thou only maiest speake vnto me with thy Inspirations and that I may heare and fullfill what therein thou commaundest mee Then putting myselfe in the presence of the Childe IESVS I will with the eare of my Soule hearken vnto the wordes which he speaketh to his eternall Father and vnto the amorous colloquies he holdeth with him vpon the businesse of our Saluation rejoicing to heare them and making my proffit of them I will also hearken vnto the exteriour Lamentations that he maketh and will learne to lament my sinnes I will heare what this Childe would say vnto mee if he should speake to me there