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A92141 Influences of the life of grace. Or, A practical treatise concerning the way, manner, and means of having and improving of spiritual dispositions, and quickning influences from Christ the resurrection and the life. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinity in the Vniversity of St. Andrews in Scotland. Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661. 1659 (1659) Wing R2380; Thomason E971_1; ESTC R207742 387,780 467

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that be said by Isa 40. 13. Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord or being his counsellour hath taught him Ver. 14. With whom took he counsell who instructed him and taught him in the path of judgement and taught him knowledge and shewed him the way of understanding Or what needs that Job 21. 22. Shall any teach God knowledge seeing he judgeth things that are high What a God is an unknowing God who needs a lesson from the creature or from some higher God and then who taught that other God who is supposed to be higher then the most high what a carnal mind is this that chaseth the Almighty God out of the world 4. What doe they who curse the day the stars the twilight the birth as Job chap. 3. A gracious heart saith let the Lord be the Lord and closes with all the attributes of God and with all the influences of Omnipotency wisedome goodness and justice on men and of love mercy grace bounty forbearance to the Saints and to their own soul this is to sing mercy and to sing judgement whereas its a note of Atheisme to wish and vote out of the world God his attributes and all the acting and influences of mercy justice truth grace soveraignty and to say It s not the Lord the Lord can neither doe good neither can be doe evil Zeph. 1. 8. So would we beware to fight with the Lord's dispensations of grace he is Lord and Soveraign disposer of his own comforts whether we look upon comforts as duties commanded 2 Thes 5. 17. Jer. 31. 15. or as a reward of duties from the Lord Rom. 15. 4. Psal 27. 14. 2 Thes 2. 16. Isa 66. 13 14. he is the Lord of all influences to work in us to will and to doe and Master of his own rewards The Lord is Master of his own love-visits and is neither debtor to the man Christ nor to the elect Angels yea the Lord 's saving influences go along with his free decree of Election and look as the Lord of nature preserves the speces of Roses of Vine-trees though this or that individual rose or vine-tree may wither and be blasted so he holds on the work of believing praying of hoping and persevering to the end though there may be a miscarrying in this or that particular act of faith and some deadness in praying hic nunc And as in a great work of a water-mill some one of the wheels may be broken and yet the Mill is kept a going and the Ship still under sayl though some instrument or other be wanting and laid aside for a while So when there is a withdrawing of feeling of a presence in praying as Cantic 5. 6. I called him but he answered me not yet influences flow in another duty of praising ver 10. My Beloved is white and ruddy and the chief among ten thousand And when there are withdraw-drawings of God as touching vigourousness of believing Why art thou disquieted O my soul c. yet are there very large outlettings of God in love-sickness and strong desires after the Lord Psal 42. 2. My soul thirsteth for God for the living God So is it that some River which floweth a far other way in a new cutted out Channel the former being dried up So the bloud runs in another vein and still furnisheth strength to the body nor is there cause to complain as if all strength were gone for when the afflicted man eats ashes for bread and drinks tears the heart is withered as grass and the mans bones are burnt as an hearth Psal 102. the flood breaks out in another corner Ver. 12. But thou O Lord shalt endure for ever and thy remembrance unto all generations V. 19. He looks down from Heaven 20. To hear the groaning of the Prisoner to loose them that are appointed for death There is some spiritual compensation in the Lord 's forbidding the wind to blow in one earth when it strongly blows in another Some deadned deserted ones are much meekned and made to speak out of the dust and fed and fatned also with hunger yea if it were but lying at the gate of Christ and knocking though no answer at all be returned it hath much of Christ in it in other considerations deadness may be on and want of holy vigorous acting of faith and yet spiritual complainings yea and with the complainings fervent praying Psal 119. 25. My soul cleaveth unto the dust quicken thou me according to thy word Ver. 28. My soul melteth for heaviness strengthen me according to thy word Ye would judge righteously of the Lord and see whether or no ye complain without cause for though there be fainting yet there is hoping Psal 119. 81. My soul fainteth for thy salvation but I hope in thy word Some children are always malecontent and still weeping nothing in the house can please them it s the fault of some greedy wretches who have abundance and yet still complain of want It were good to turn our censuring of the Lord's providence into complaining of our own evil hearts it follows humble and diligent obedience that hath sweetness of submission Psal 119. 165. Great peace have they that keep thy Law and nothing shall offend or as the word is stumble their feet There is a heart-covenanting with God when the man saith God shall doe nothing that shall stumble me his killing of me his casting me out of his presence into hell shall not offend me Job 1. 22. 2 Sam. 16. 10. The man Christ could be broken or offended at nothing whether the traytor sell him or the disciples forsake him or the Jews apprehend him or the souldiers spit on his face or Pilate condemn him or the people nod the head shoot out the lip and mock him there is nothing can break Christ but the Scriptures must be fulfilled in Christ's sufferings If the Lord slay Aaron's sons Aaron holds his peace Let me be rained upon with showres of influences from Heaven or let my fleece be dry and let me be a bottle in the smoke yet there is no unrighteousness with God and in him is no darkness Ah I am dead but the Lord guides well ah he is a Lion to me and a Leopard but the Lord is good to the soul that waits for him The man that stumbles least at the sins of others and their falls is the man nearest to God's heart Psal 18. 18. They prevented me in the day of my calamity They wronged me ver 25. But I kept my self from my iniquity and what can ye say against his withdrawings will ye make it a quarrel that he hides his face there is a deep of soveraignty between the Lord 's withdrawing from Hezekiah and Hezekiah's pride God hardens Pharaoh's heart and Pharaoh hardens his own heart Joshua 11. 19 20. Isaiah 57. 17. Psalm 81. 11 12. Qu. But what shall be done under deadness Ans 1. If there be any life life helps life the one
the influence by which David should have been guarded against the tempration to adultery and murder the Lord may withdraw such influences that the fallen Saints may know that they stand by grace and therefore from the Lords withdrawings hic nunc let us not conclude we are out of Christ yet we are not to be slack but in trembling and godly fear to keep near to Christ and censure not the Lord for withdrawing of his influences since he stands obliged by his holy covenant not to deny the substantial and fundamental influences by which we shall be saved and persevere to the end 9. Divis There be some influences in which the Lord concurrs with the actings of saving grace as of faith love hope and other influences in which the Lord concurres with the actings of a meer gift or other principles possibly the flesh custome c. and it were good to know the difference betwixt the one and the other Psal 57. 8. Awake my glory awake psaltery and harp and so he speaks to the gift of musick to awake and be concurrent in the praising of God and stirs up the grace of God in himself to praise when he sayes I my self will awake early he teacheth that gift and grace should concur and be stirred up in spiritual duties of praying and praising hence how we may know when we act from a gift and when we act from saving grace these Assertions following Assert 1. Some sinful sleepiness of the flesh may concur in both the acting of the gift and of the grace for David bidding both his harp and so the gift of musick awake and himself awake teacheth some sinful dulness was upon both one and the other So when David excites his soul and all that is within him to bless the Lord Psal 103. 1. he insinuates that in praising of God fleshly dulness may come upon all that is within him both the powers of the soul and the habit of grace and gift and the skill of singing it 's much to get the fountain made clean in our actings 2. How condescending is his mercy who denies not his influences of grace to us though the flesh be acting often and retarding the spirit in our actings Assert 2. We are to take heed that we knock not at the wrong door we may pray and preach from a gift of praying and humane eloquence and a civilized and well-skilled fancy and a literal mind versed in the letter of the Scripture when we think that we are praying from the spirit of adoption and the gracious habit of praying So the like may be said of Preaching and singing praises how many prophecied and cast out Devils from a meer gift and die in that deluded condition and are possessed with that habitual mistake which is never tried that they prophecied and cast out Devils from a sanctified principle read Matth. 7. 22 23 24. Luke 13. 25. Matth. 25. 11 12. If any say May not sound believers also blow at the wrong harthstone and think the like Answ There may be a particular mistake in this or that act but not an habitual deluded condition all their life as sometimes the believer may pray from meer custome when there is little stirring of the spirit Assert 3. It 's not enough to doe the same that heathens doe for if ye love them that love you what reward have ye and if ye salute your brethren only not your enemies also what do ye more then others So Christ Matth. 5. to the multitude and to the disciples Matth. 5. 1 46. Believers then should not stint themselves to only publicans and heathens duties Samuel speaks as a man as Samuel when he calls Eliah the Lords anointed 1 Sam. 16. and supposeth that he speaks as a Prophet so doth Nathan 1 Sam. 16. 6 7. 2 Sam. 7. 3. There is a vast difference betwixt thus saith the Prophet by the Lord and thus saith the man and therefore where are we when our righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees The devils believe there is one God and they doe well James 2. 19. and we fooles say in our hearts there is no God Psal 14. 1. and do we well in so saying The devils do tremble when they believe there is one God ah Satan believes in sad earnest when he believes We sport yea doe not we laugh and mock at a Godhead or at the word of a hell The faith conveyed with godly trembling were good Ah that we know not the influences of God conjoyned with the out-lettings of a gift and of a temporary faith and the influences that goe along with the out-letting of saving grace as touching the matter Assert 4. Hardly can the use of a gift ascend above it self to intend God and his glory for the glory of God is graces end not gifts end Zech. 7. 5. When ye fasted did ye at all fast unto me 6. And when ye did eat and when ye did drink did ye not eat for your selves and did not ye drink for your selves Heb. did not ye your selves eat as carnal men did ye not eat and drink and feast and fast He meanes the spirit of grace in them did not keep these religious fasts and feasts but their own spirit and custome and self and did ye fast for me at all and he doubles the word that so he may the more convince them even for me So the Lord might say to the Pharisees who prayed in the streets Did ye at all pray to me even to me or did the gift and vain-glory in you or the spirit in you So he may say to us Doe ye preach hear swear a covenant for me at all Saving grace must sanctifie the gift in its use and end that it be for God but a gift can never sanctifie saving grace in its use and end As grace which is above nature sanctifies nature and heightens nature in its actings principles and end but nature that is below grace can never sanctisie and heighten grace in its actings principles and ends Assert 5. The same sun the same air and heaven send the same influences on the true and natural olive and on the wild olive the same clouds and rain act upon the vine-tree and the thorn-tree upon the rose and the briar and the nettle and so the same word comes to the ears of both elect and reprobate but not the same quickning influences of grace upon both Saul governes and leads the Armies of the Lord by a gift and David governes feeds and leads the Armies of the Lord by the grace of God and the same word of command layes an obligation upon both false Apostles preach Christ from a gift and labour by a gift but Paul labours not as Paul but the grace of God in him The virgins are drawn and run Cant. 1. and John is drawn and runneth but the same lively influences act not upon the one and other it is
his actings from a gift to be actings from grace but 1. An habitual delusion such as was in the five foolish virgins all their life and until the market of buying oyle was spent and over cannot fall into a regenerate man for the Lord reveals his state to him 2. A child of God may all his life not put a distinct difference between the gift of preaching in Judas and the grace of preaching for there is no certainty of faith of the saving grace of others as touching particular men 3. There is in the Saints a spiritual sense of discerning Christs voice and here two things are to be distinguished 1. The actings of sense 2. The objects of sense and spiritual discerning the acts of sense in order to others are not infallible either in the habit or the act the eleven may all their life mistake Judas But as touching the object the saving influences and actings of God have them in some singular and peculiar thing by which actu primo and in themselves they may be discerned As Christs preaching had such grace in it never man spake like him Pauls preaching in the evidence and demonstration and power of the Spirit 1 Cor. 2. had something that a spiritual discerning might take up the garden flower and the wild flower that grows in the mountains are like other yet the senses of seeing and smelling find a difference It 's dreadful when Christs preaching and the Apostles speaking and praying in the holy Ghost brings forth mocking and persecution and the miracles of Christ that were done by the power of God are fathered upon the Prince of devils it 's hard to perswade men of the naughtiness of their own heart What comes from self comes from grace the heart because it is the mans own is good to God the prayers are the mans own and good the lamps they are our own and they shine and therefore the shining is from the oyl of grace within and yet the lamp is empty 2. As to others hardly see we what condition they are in and because the smell of dead bones comes not through marble-stones in the Tomb therefore the paintry of a profession satisfies us yet it was not want of charity that made Micah 7. 2. say The good man is perished out of the earth and there is none upright among men they lie in wait for blood As now it 's called morosity rash judgment to say that the generality of Ministers and too many time-covenanters know little of any work of the Spirit on their hearts 10 Divis There are influences proper to the way to the Country and influences proper to the end and to the Country or influences of grace and influences of glory Influences for the way though they come from Christ our life yet for the most part they come by some meanes the word the seals prayer faith in the promises what influences they have who never heard the Gospel but have the law of nature within and book of creation and of providence without by which they may read and spell a Godhead and duties they owe to God Creator is harder to determine But they shall be witnesses to judge us and shall justifie Sodom Matth. 10. 15. But did we read more meditate more the covenant of grace we should have more of the influences of grace the influences of glory are the immediate and eternal out-lettings of God without word or faith or praying The tree of life hath growing on it apples of life all the moments of the year that is a long summer and a long year the tree is ever green ever blossoming eternally bearing fruit and the inhabitants eternally feasting on the fruit The river of life runnes for ever and ever flowes eternally and never ebbs they eternally drink in life and joy from him which sits upon the Throne and the Lamb. So many millions of glorified ones as there are so many eternal and immediate dependencies and living beames of glory united to the Son of righteousness because Christ is our life Col. 3. 4. therefore must heaven be a life of immediate influences of grace in the first glorious conserving power of God in preserving bodies of clay in a being of 1. Incorruption and immortality beyond sickness cold pain old age and death 2. In a state of glory free of shame 3. In a state of bodily strength power and activity free of weakness 4. In a state of spirituality free of a necessity of earthly helps eating drinking sleeping 1 Cor. 15. 42 43 44. 2. It must be an immediate out-letting of God in the fourth life of eternal blessedness and glory above the life of nature 2. The life intellectual of reason 3. The life of grace in the vision of the face of God 1 John 3. 2. Rev. 22. 4. Job 19. 26. knowing him 4. In the influences of fulness of joy and delights or pleasures and that so long as Christ-God shall live for evermore Now these three 1. Fruition of God as the last end and satisfaction in him onely seeking no other lover but God in Christ 2. Loving and adhering to God there being no room for faith and hope 1 Cor. 13. 13. whence comes filling of the concupiscible part desire delight 3. Praising him eternally and the Lamb. These three I say have both the consideration of duties and of a reward in both considerations the Lord lets out his immediate influences on that blessed company in all these 1. We are sick of love after our prison here rather then for our choisest life 2. We seek not the earnest and first fruits of this life CHAP. II. The nature of the habit of grace that there is 2. Such a habit is clear in the word 3. It 's purchased by Christs merit 4. Hath supernatural actings flowing from it 5. Influences without this habit are but delusions 6. Differences betwixt the habit of grace and other habits 7. Resolutions must be followed with prayer 2. Godly trembling 3. Faith 8. The stronger the habit of grace is the stronger and and more connatural are the acts flowing from it THe third particular is how the Saints may fetch the holy breathings of the Spirit by supernatural habits And touching this we shall speak to these 1. What the habit of grace is 2. How it is the seed of influences of grace 1. What necessity there is of the connexion betwixt the habit of grace and how we may fetch breathings of the Spirit from the habit of grace As to the first The habit of grace is a fixed disposition infused in the soul by the Lord purchased by Christs merit of his death by which we perform supernatural duties 1. A habit is a heavenly disposition or quality gracious by which the man even sleeping is denominated a convert a believer a translated man from darkness to light Col. 1. 13. Acts 2. 44. Acts 4. 4. 1 John 3. 14. 2. It is a fixed quality different from a spiritual disposition as
thy son make me as one of thy hired servants 3. Is not spiritual hunger humble David had a great room in the house and was a type of the chief cornerston and prepared in abundance for the building of the house and was a man according to Gods heart but when he was banished ah how happy was a door keeper in his house Psal 84. 3. The room of a sparrow or a swallownest beside his Altar is a Kings inheritance v. 4. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will be still praising thee saith David at such a time Qu. But are not love-dispositions now under desertion and the Lords withdrawing the stronger and more powerful in Christ 1. The very withdrawing of Christ as touching his end is mercy and requires strong missing Christs hard pulling to be away suites strong holding on our part I will not let thee goe for there is strength and bones in love to resist a contrary 2. Dispositions heavenly in the affections make a huge deal of noise and tumult as here there is pathetick charging to tell Christ her love-sickness under desertion and it 's good when desires for Christ under absence are strongest that faith humbly and submissively waiting on in hope is stronger also when it makes least noise and tumult as the deepest river without rumbling runs quietly down the banks But 1. Learn to husband well love-feasts of nearer and sweeter presence believe for the time to come pray for the time to come hear and observe for the time to come lay up love in store for times of spiritual scarcity Ah we waste dispensations of the love of Christ and swallow them over without humble believing and godly watching and fear and waste prodigally feasts of love we then learn to grow in experimental knowledge in solidity of believing sense is wanton and feeds it self and we neglect faith and the growth thereof 2. Be submissive when influences are withdrawn examine whether they have been abused and if you might not have made five ten and had a richer stock if you had been spiritually diligent and if so mourn for the abuse of these showres for Paul tells that the Lords working in us to will and to doe which is showring of influences of grace is the great teaching argument that lays bands on us to will and to doe and the Lords teaching David wisdome in the hidden part Psal 51. 6. which was holy breathings and inspirations of the spirit to make the letter of the word effectual is an argument of heightning his sin of adultery and murther and he layes bonds on his own heart to improve influences Psal 119. 33 Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it to the end Certainly the Lords sending the first and latter rain on his garden of red wine and watering it every moment must lay bands on his people to be plants of righteousness and his blowing with the North and South wind of his spirit upon his garden requires the duty of the flowing of the spices and their thriving and the spirit of the Fathers purging calls for bringing forth of more fruit and the spirits leading requires that we should willingly follow such a guide and the Spirits teaching requires that we be docile and spiritual and the Spirits convincing that we bow and yield to his conviction The Spouse then under the withdrawing of Christ v. 6. is here put to see her poverty and speak by others her case to Christ when she neglected to speak to Christ when he was nearer to her then now If you find him tell him There is then some spiritual capacity without which the daughters of Jerusalem cannot pray and that is if they find him not Christ cannot be prayed unto and if the faith meet not with him as Immanuel Paul saith well Rom. 10. 13. How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed 2. Can one call on God or cry to him Abba Father who never laid hold on him as a Father Know then that unbelief is an iron door betwixt Christ and many who pray or rather cry to him for many pray to an unknown Christ Could Jacob wrestle with an unfound and farre-off God Hos 12. 4. He wept and made supplication to him he found him in Bethel and there he spake with us Can any knock and neither find the right door nor 2. know the King and the Lord of the house within ye never went into the Kings chamber nor to his house of wine and how can ye speak to him Obj. 1. You lay much weight on the quality and worth of prayer when you say we must first find Christ before we can pray to him Answ Praying must have some spiritual quality in it since it●s a work of the Spirit for speaking of words is not praying The legion of devils in the possessed man Mat. 8. spake words and made a suit to Christ but they prayed not Davids enemies cry even to the Lord Psal 18. 41. but pray not The damned in hell speak words to God but they blaspheme and quarrel with holy justice but pray not 2. The lowest discernable breathing out of a sigh through the holy Ghost hath as well the nature of prayer as an eighth part of an ounce of gold partaketh of the nature of gold no less then a mountain of gold 3. The groaning of the Spirit of the Lord is in every praying and therefore let none be beguiled who are destitute of the Spirit for no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12. 3. It 's not want of charity nor unnecessary discouraging of any to say a thistle is a thistle and not a rose a thorn is a thorn and not a vine-tree Where the spirit of grace joynes no influences of saving grace can you call that speaking to God a work of saving grace It were good men were not permitted to treasure up pieces of brass and copper and suffered to dream they have a treasure of gold 4. Sense of deadness in prayer oftner speaks the life of prayer and a godly sense of blindness is a large measure of seeing John 9. 41. Obj. 2. Then must we not pray till me first find Christ Answ Not so neither for praying fitteth for praying Stirring of the birth brings and increaseth lively heat better mar praying especially if you dare not dissemble then restrain or omit praying Obj. 3. I cry and I am not heard Answ The godly man may move the same doubt Job 19. 7. Psal 22. 2. 2. There are degrees of discerning an answer and degrees of the Lords opening to the knocking of faith it were sit yet Magus prayed more Acts 8. 22. and that he went about means with more sense of deadness If you find my beloved The Spouses withdrawing beloved v. 6. is her beloved Christ is a seeking yet sayes she he is my beloved The interest in Christ is moral or in
the solemn marriage betwixt Christ and the Bride the Lambs wife without parting for ever Rev. 22. 12. Behold I come quickly 17. And the Spirit and the Bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come And v. 20. Surely I come quickly Amen even so come Lord Jesus These five comes speak loves desire upon the Bridegrooms side and upon the Brides side in love-sickness 1. How sweet is it when pain it self makes prayers to Christ and want speaks to riches death and deadness to him who is the resurrection and the life 2. Yet sense alone speaking often mistakes and chides yea impatient sense mistaking the wise and holy dispensation of God for Christs absence is wise but not unkind and void of love he does not ever absent himself because he is angry or hates such from whom he withdraws his influences but to increase hunger and lively desire And 3. Holy missing of Christ 2. Careful seeking Cant. 3. 1 2 3 4. Cant. 5. 6 7 8. And 3. Strong desires of love-sickness are more solid and edifying graces then feeling sense and comfort of his presence as we use them and these are often stronger when Christ is absent then present and so the influences of the spirit that accompany missing of Christ 2. Seeking of him 3. And impatient longing for him are more useful then influences that accompanies sense See how lively they are in David when he wants Sanctuary-presence Psal 42. 1 2. Psal 63. 1 2. Psal 84. 1 2 3 4. In the Spouse Cant. 3. 1 2 3 4. Cant. 5. 6 7 8. compared with v. 10 11 12 13 c. Sense never brings forth such a love-song so highly extolling Christ as faith under absence 3. Strong believing and resting upon the promises when the Lord hides himself under love-sickness and apprehended wrath fetch sweeter influences then sense of presence as may be clear in the godly who 1. move questions yet so as love and faith encline most to the edifying conclusion and to faiths side rather then to the judgement of sense Psalm 71. 7. Will the Lord cast off for ever faith under a cloud believeth he will not cast off for ever and will he be favourable no more 8. Is his mercy clean gone for ever doth his promise fail for evermore 9. Hath God forgotton to be gracious hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies In these questions the flesh and unbelieving sense have a great hand the question in sense includes this Is the Lord the Lord and pure faith never moves such a question as that but the aim and scope of faith is to beat down such questions and the sense of faith in these is the Lord hath not cast off for ever the Lord will not leave off to be gracious for ever and ever his mercy is not clean gone his promise and covenant is everlasting and fails not 2. Under the sense of wrath faith eying the nature of God revealed in his word corrects sense Lam. 3. 8. When I cry and shout he shutteth out my prayers Ah no v. 25. The Lord is good to them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh him that is a harbour in place of a rock 2. He was unto me as a Bear lying in wait and as a Lion in secret places Ah not so v. 24. The Lord is my portion saith my soul therefore I will hope in him These are strong and edifying influences of grace under absence 9. What is thy beloved more then another beloved This is not the speech of enemies for they discern her to be the fairest among women and see heavenly beauty and grace in the Spouse 2. They are daughters of Jerusalem professors that seek the beloved with her c. 6. v. 1. yet they are less spiritual and more carnal then the Spouse For 1. They perceive her in a passion and they meet her with a sort of passion What is your Beloved whereof is your Christ made of more then ours either enemies or believers in so far as they are carnal or apt to mistake a spiritual state so must the world say of Noah who was just in his time sure the world thought him too just he 'll build an Ark and he 'll have all the world to be drowned but himself and his house Hence Jeroboams word 1 Kings 12. 28. It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem Why and the Lord commanded them doth God command too much is the Lord too strict So Satan Gen. 3. 1. yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden that is a strict Law-giver who laies bands on your eating of fruit which he hath created to be eaten The believing disciples Matth. 15. 23. Send her away 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 she cries and troubles us with her prayers Were there not some godly who might think Daniel needed not cry his prayers out at his window he might pray and not blow a trumpet There is an Idol called discretion and moderation pray profess Christ leisurely we think to be saved and come to heaven as well as you O what precise lips were Davids I will not name Baal with my lips Psal 16. 4. It 's too great Morosity for Moses to say to a King Not a hoof shall bide in Egypt What matter of cowes if the Church of God be brought out of the house of bondage what if there were not one Israelites four-footed beast breathing on earth so the Church live And 1. Men that find fault with too much zeal and cry moderation look to that walk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 5. 15. strictly precisely numbring all your foot-steps then shall we be called heady precise fools Nay walk as wise men not as fools 2. Moderate professors stint themselves this I le do and no more it shall do my business Ah speak of influences of grace the ebbing and flowing of spirits the breathings of Christ the Kings chambers the house of wine these are imaginations preach fundamentals faith and repentance what should more such truths as are beyond fundamentals are not necessary obliterate them out of the Scripture that eight souls were saved in the Ark sure it is not fundamental many are saved who know it not yet if any say its not necessary necessitate praecepti he is like a man who pulls off the covering off the house and saith what aileth you I touch not any foundation-stone of the house I hurt not the building What is thy Beloved All professors see not with one measure of light the Spouse is a wonder to many professors not so acquainted with Christ some are led to heaven through much love-sickness and pain and others with stronger influences of grace upon the soul then others it rebukes such as are censorious and uncharitable to others because they have not thronged through the same needle-eye with themselves Ah! 1. How many cast we out that Christ receives in Rom. 14. 3. Luke 7. 39. 2. We look to
obey the Scripture is clear and though we cannot give a natural and philosophick reason no matter 18. If we should distinguish betwixt thoughts and conquering and victorious thoughts 2. Betwixt fixed and wanton carelesly feeling thoughts 3. Betwixt guarded and well watched hearts and masterless hearts we should know that we hinder and obstruct influences though Soveraignty dispense gracious influences by sinful thoughts the thoughts being the wings of the soul can influences have a seat on thoughts marred by us surely no more then a bird can flie with broken wings and the God of nature doth not joyn his influences with causes impossible to act he concurs not with the bird to flie when the wings are broken nor the running of a dead horse though one should ride on a carrion and use spur and rod. But when the thoughts are seasoned with the heavenly disposition of a renewed heart as the buds and blossoms of the vine-tree are in a neerest way to receive influences from the God of nature to become excellent wine-berries and the most refined earth neer to be turned into gold and to receive influences for that effect so a heart gratified with heavenly dispositions must be a subject for heavenly thoughts and if there be a holy heart heavenly meditations come out in the night Psal 63. 6 7. Psalm 139. 17. Phil. 3. 19 20. 2. The Lord contempereth the actings of the spirit to the subject being a moral agent and all our gracious actings run through the channel of a spiritual judgement as running the race in Christ came from known and well considered joy set before him Heb. 12. 1. Moses chose Saints suffering more then Court-honour for heaven or the recompense of reward looked with another face and representation on the understanding then a poor time Court of clay did the superexcellent knowledge of Jesus Christ is so praised by Paul as his heavenly understanding looks on it as his all yea his only all and his all things beside are stated to his mind as loss and dung So to Abraham's mind a tent that shepheards sleep in is judged good enough and the world a bottomless lodging because there stands in the eye of his mind a rightly considered City that hath a foundation whose maker and builder is God Heb. 11. 18. And the cause of Christs bearing patiently the cross was his sanctified judgement of injuries and spitting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he under-judged and in his mind under-prised shame and reproach Heb. 12. 2. as a-very shaddow of a shaddow and as nothing and the glory of his Father in a redeemed and ransomed people looked braid and fair and great on his understanding Know and consider well 1. God an infinite fair transcendent God and the silly poor nothing and kindless nature 2. Judge rightly of time and how nothing yesterday and the last year is and weigh in your understanding vast high and braid and deep and long eternity if you have ballance with scales that can bear eternity 3. Understand well obedience faith the weight of the love of Christ never quenched with many floods and sin hatred of Christ and the horror thereof 4. Take a right view of heaven how it lies in length and bredth and a right impression of the fire that is never quenched and the habitual knowledge of the Lords name wants not influences for trusting in God Psalm 9. 10. knowledge where to find God in Christ hath actings of the Spirit to live and dwell with him to hold him Cant. 1. 7. Cant. 3. 1 2 3 4. Joh. 4. 10. to pray to come to him Joh. 6. 45. a so●l in darkness and the gross ignorance of God is not capable of influences of grace as the centre and bowels of the earth and deep pits receive no Sun-light We can draw on sinful dispositions yea we created these dry clouds that are above our withered hearts by making our inordinate affections Stewards and Caterers to lay in provision for our flesh Rom. 13. 14. 2. We can ask leave at our flesh to take a little sleep and excuse it Prov. 6. 10. Yet a little flumber 3. Under drowsiness and security we can refuse to open and let Christ in Cant. 5. 3. and that brings on sad withdrawings of the actings of the Spirit v. 6. 4. Violence done to sweet dispositions when they give warning of our debt may draw to a wronging of the holy Ghost who is dreadfully jealous if we counter-work the actings and breathings of the spirit and react against the out-lettings and flowings of the anointing and of the well within springing up to eternal life he puts in his hand by the hole of the door the Spouse is convinced that it is Christ the beloveds voice and his knock and his very words and no other yet he is not yielded unto but resisted 2. We keep not the oyl clean that it may shine more clearly in the lamp inky blackness defaces the beauty of the white rose and the lilly the dustiness and filth of lusts dimness darkens the precious stone that it loseth lustre and colour when a judicial darkness even on a believer it covereth the habit of grace and darkens the spiritual strain the sin of the spirit is out of measure sinful the spirit judicially sleeping sees and hears less in the Prophet Jonah then carnal reason in the Heathen Mariners for Jonah sleeps the Heathen men do wake and fear when wrath from Heaven blows on their ship the lesser habit of grace that is young and green in the repenting theif doth more in adhering to Christ because actual breathing of the spirit is stronger and more vigorous then the more rooted and experienced habit of grace in the Apostles when it is now overwhelmed with the base fear of suffering for he confesses him to be a King on the Cross the Disciples fleeing forsake him and the Lord preaches that we are more debtors to the Spirit of Christ then to the habit of grace praying praising believing hoping loving joying as acts of kin to the Spirit gladden the Spirit what should we then do to fetch the wind grieve not the Spirit but keep the fountain pure and clean from the muddiness of lusts for in the light of the Spirit you see your own spots 1 Joh. 3. 3. He that hath this hope in him purifies himself as he also is pure 2. Yield not to indispositions complain of them to God and pray them away as Psalm 61. 2. Psalm 31. 22. Psalm 102. 3 4 5. Lam. 1. 2 3 4 5 c. 22 23. Obj. But it is easie so to say Be strong in the Lord I am at huge distance from the Lord Answ 1. The Lord speaks to believers as to moral agents the actings of faith is in us both moral and also physical or real though moral acting in some sense be real and not imaginary as the fowler with sweet songs works in a manner morally or by way of
by the rod of God the Asyrians Job spoiled by the Caldeans and Sabeans Christ Jesus crucified by Herod Pilate and the Jews Otherwise the Lord could yield no comfort in his word to the godly when oppressed by the wicked but the like Comfort not your selves my dear people under persecutions from the wicked for I permitted these evils but these calamities befal you before I knew them contrary to my will and holy determination I cannot without forcing of wicked will hinder them or safely and indeclinably secure and save you therefore stay your prayers to me and believe not that I can avert these evils Here is a most cursed necessity which our adversaries lay on God while as they would eschew an holy harmless and most wise necessity of providence Ob. 2. But by the adversaries way it follows that there is a foregoing reason why the will of Adam made choice of that sinful act because God predeterminated the will thereunto and the reason of the first omission or not consideration in Adam or his sleepiness is ob defectum praedeterminationis divina because of the defect of divine praedetermination Therefore because 2. God withdrew his actual influence of praedetermination it was no more in the dependent power of Adam to obey that Eat not then the Sun can move when God draws away his actual influence so must the original of sin be reduced on God So strange Answ 1. A reason ratio why any man sins is in good Grammer a moral motive inducing a man to sin and that works by way of perswasion Let not the Reader be perswaded that we teach that the real influence of God or that his holy concourse any way is a moral motive of obedience or of sin as if Adam had been perswaded to sin because he saw and felt the Lord did first withdraw his concourse or influence whither it praedeterminate or move by praedetermination or collateral joyning therefore Adam was morally induced to sin this is a goodly dream 2. Ratio a reason here must be taken for a physical and a reall not a morall cause now the adversary abstained from the word cause And 1. we say Adam not through defect or want of the Lords holy praedetermination as if therefore ideo for that cause he sinned because the Lord did withdraw his influences but the adequate culpable moral cause of Adams sinning and of his chosing of a vitious action for Adam in sinning is only and properly a moral cause under a law is his own free-will freely declining from the rule there is no defect or moral want of Gods praedetermination because the soveraign Lord who is above a law was not obliged to joyn his praedeterminating influence to Adam but rather obliged to withdraw his praedetermination from the man who in the same moment of time was willing to want that praedetermination for God out of holy soveraignty withdraws in the same moment his influence in which Adam sinfully rejects the same influence 3. This Adversary if he would turne the word ratio reason into the word cause or concurrence would see himself at a loss it will follow that the cause why Adam sinned is because God denied his causative concurrence and so the Argument shall hurt his cause for the concurrence of God is causative then must the Lords withdrawing of his concurring influence be the collateral cause of Adams sinning except he say that man hath in his power the concurrence of God and if so Adam and all mens free-will must be Lord of omnipotency and omnipotent concurrences and then why but God must rather make prayers and requests to our free-will to incline and move his omnipotency to concur to acts of obedience then free-will should make prayers to God that he should by his grace incline our hearts to his testimonies 2. Must not the created free-will of man by this be placed in the royal seat and throne of divine providence to domineer over and dispose of all free acts of obedience and disobedience as it seems good to the Creature And 3. so must the soveraign King be Lord of all free acts at the second hand with the good leave of created free-will And 4. the number of all free actings of final obedience and disobedience and of the saved and damned must be in the hand of created free-will and that primarily and so in the crea●tures power must be the Book of Life first by way of free determination and with the Lord and the Lamb the Book of Life is but as a second copy and a conditional roll containing so many as the creature first determines 5. And so must our Immanuel God manifested in the flesh ere he can get entrance in the world have a pass subscribed by free-will and God shall come in the flesh and be Mediator and King absolutely as man will it 's not then eternal love who fore-ordained the medicine and the Physitian before ever the man was sick and if free-will had so pleased Christ God man should have been holden out of the world and the gates for ever closed on him so as knock as he pleaseth free-will might have refused to open and let him in 6. Experimental grace and pardoning mercy might have stood afar off and lost man never have tasted thereof yea such riches of grace should never have been in the world 7. Mans free-will if it be the only determiner of it self and his own free acts and if the strong dominion of grace for fear of strangling of liberty created had no determining power might well have sent that saving Redeemer back to heaven again to his Father and none of mankind should ever have received Christ tasted of his precious love his sweet promises and the offered salvation for created free-will is such as may nill will refuse let God decree and allure draw move determine as he can or will yet omnipotency of grace cannot ravish free-will 8. Yea such is free-wills nature that by its independent self-determination the holy Ghost in all his sweetest attractions in the emanations and flowings of love which is stronger then death his strong and powerful breathings and mighty drawings by a power not inferiour to that which raised Christ from the dead may be frustrate and broken for free-will may stand out as a rock of iron and adamant against the strong actings of omnipotent grace and be not a whit moved at the perfume and sweet smelling ointments of Christ his beauty the refreshments of the house of wine his tenderest consolations 9. For if free-will say not Amen though Christ work compleatly his work make his soul an offering for sin yet shall not Christ see his seed nor be satisfied with his wages for free-will may refuse to yield the redeemed over to God as captives overcomed by his soul delighting and powerful drawings 10. Nor shall it be in the power of the Almighty to be faithfull and true in fulfilling his promise of giving a new heart to the elect
I say not inherently or personally for Christ's satisfaction is not a meer dying nor meer suffering for beasts may die and suffer much But such a dying and such a suffering for 1. Christ's dying and satisfying hath an excellency from the subject God-man who dyed Act. 20. 28. 2. It hath an excellent qualification from the patience submission willingness of God-man the like wherof could be in no simple Man in no Angel in no Creature for the personal influence of God was in him his obedience As for the damned in Hell their satisfaction is of another nature different from Christ's is only satispassion and pure torment not holy willing suffering as the Law requires sinless sufferings as contradistinguished from active obedience How be it the Law moral doth require patient and submissive suffering without dispairing or blaspheming in any reasonable Creature for the holy Law cannot but condemn sin and blasphemy adhering either to our acting or suffering Nor 6. Let it be said to the undervaluing of the righteousness of God through faith that inherent righteousness is the full end of Christ's bloud when in the state of glory there shal be no more pardoning of sin but perfect inherent holiness For 1. that inherent holiness in the estate of glory is not perfect legal holiness nor the formal cause of our justification in glory because all the glorified once sinned and so for eternity are such as have violated the Law 2. Our righteousness from the time forward shall not only be inherent for the righteousness of God is an everlasting righteousness Dan. 9. 24. and how that robe of Christ's surety-righteousness shall in the state of glory be laid by as an old useless garment and the robe of inherent righteousness in lieu of it put on for ever The Scripture does not speak What men without Scripture speak we care not 3. Nor is our inherent righteousness only either the adequate end of Christ's bloud or of faith and labours as if God intended as his only end to make us eternally Law-righteous whereas he shall eternally delight in us and lead us in glory as those that are freely redeemed in the bloud of the Lamb for the Lamb shall be the everlasting righteousness of all crowned with glory Rev. 4. 8 9 10. Rev. 5. 11 12 13. Rev. 7. 14 15 16. 3. Soveraignty challengeth submission to the will of God in doing and in suffering because it is his obliging will we fail not a little in the former when we pray because the Mast of the Ship is broken and death is at the bedside and we hear the Word because it is the fashion and abstain from fornication and from other works of darkness and put on a sort of holiness not because it is the will of God even our sanctification as for eating drinking sleeping waking they are spiritually minded who doe not these things for nature and lust but as wel-pleasing to the Lord and find a convincing and perswading reason in the holy commanding will of the Soveraign Lord why they ought to be done upon a spiritual account and the other is no less spiritual for many are sick and die many are poor and persecuted for weldoing because they cannot chuse but so it must be not because as Peter saith 1 Pet. 3 17. So is the well of God in a spiritual account to them for when holy Soveraignty hath laid on the necessity of dying of sickness and pain and a gracious spirit shall close with that this is spiritual patience 4. Because the Lord hath a dominion over second causes and as it were a strong lock upon all Creatures to open and s●ut at his pleasure and he puts a seal upon Sun and Stars Job 9. 7 8 9. that they cease and shine or shine not or go down we are to put our Amen and Seal to Soveraignties decrees I rise early and there is no bread ah Lord I lay in a soft bed and there is no sleep in the night but pain Say Amen Lord the Fig-tree blossoms not this year yet I will rejoyce in the Lord Hab. 3. 16 17. Soveraignty hath so appointed there is nothing but rolling of garments in bloud and captivity and spoils yet pray thy will be done in the Earth as it is done in the Heaven CHAP. VIII Divers Particulars in which Soveraignty appears 1. SOveraignty and the glorious liberty of God appears in 1. His Decrees 2. The Works of God especially 1. Of Creation 2. Of common Providence 3. Works of more special Providence 1. Works of Justice 2. Works of Free-grace The Soveraignty of his Decrees is 1. In these two solemn and celebrious Decrees of Election and Reprobation He loved Jacob and hated Esau before ever the children had done good or evil Rom. 9. this is a humbling thought to clay graciously disposed which dare not contradict the Soveraign potter The Lord might have appointed my chair before the Throne and my eternal crown to Judas and to Pharaoh and the same Lord might so have ordered as the furnace of the traitor Judas in Hell should have been my furnace in Hell 2. O what depth of love did the King chuse me or did he once name my name and write me for life eternal This is a hardning thought in the fallen Angels and reprobate men that they strive against and hate the providence permitting their fall and sin but doe neither strive against nor hate their permitted fall and sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 why doth he yet notwithstanding of his irresistible Decree find fault with our sin why doth he not blame his own Decree who hath resisted his will a graceless soul will flee upon eternal Decrees and Events that belong to God but is never humbled for sin and remission of duties The gracious soul is much upon these thoughts O the freedome of the eternal emanations of free grace and the depth of the outgoings of Soveraign justice and does mournfully complain of its own sinful actings Psal 51. 1 2 3 4 5. we are to say Amen to his way Soveraignty is not our Rule clay is not to watch over the Lord's acts of holy Soveraignty but in point of submitting to the opened and revealed Decrees but is to eye the rule watch over the heart in point of duties 2. All things to be and never to be are written in his book Psal 139. 16. the number of David's members all the hairs of the head are numbred Matth. 10. 30. all the piles of dust and sand all the drops of dew rain hail snow all the drops of the sea rivers lakes fountains of the Earth Isa 40. 12. Pro. 30. 4. all the ounces and dram weights of the hills and mountains are exactly weighed as in ballances and numbred by holy Soveraignty all the blasts of wind gathered in his fists Prov. 30. 4. he knows how many inches and spans are in the Earth from East to West and in the compass and circle of
to me And so hate men the Lord in his influences of the word rebuking them Isa 30. 11. Cause the holy One of Israel to cease from before us And so this Objector O that he would give me the double of David's grace is an empty wish as if hot fire would say O that I were quenched with cold water a lover of grace must be a gracious man As to the Objection it self 1. It is false If I had grace I should improve it to gracious actings For you improve not nature and the endowments and parts of nature to natural actings and upon the same account he who improves not grace of three degrees would not better improve grace of six degrees Natural wisedom is not used for Christ but against him and the Gospel and is mispended in plotting laying of snares for the godly in taking crafty counsel against the Israel of God in gathering and heaping together riches in painting and busking lies against the truth and a thousand ways of that kind whereas that wisedom might have been profitable for building of the house of God and in edifying a mans own soul and the souls of others 2. In relations of a Master a Head of a family a Parent the power hath been used against God not for him Would God I were Judge of the Land I would doe justice to every man And when Absalom was made a piece of a King he did no justice in lying with and defiling his own father's wives then Absalom if he had had triple more power he would not have used it better 3. In the matter of age Were I old and grave I would use the power of grace I have to repent walk softly and be holy Who told you that grace or parts not improved for God shall grow and suppose they grow who can promise except he give free will surety that he shall improve grace except by the help of grace and though grace help grace yet cannot free will engage for the time to come to set a dyet and term-day for turning to God the next year and when you are old when as ye are obliged while it is to day not to harden your heart and presently to repent this is to make repentance a tree which bears not fruit while some scores of years after its planting a holy heart doth fear and tremble under the present hardness and deadness 4. In the point of instruments of doing good If I had much riches I would build Churches Bridges Hospitals entertain many Poor erect Schools and Colledges Now have the loyns of the poor and naked blessed you for any you have cloathed even according to what you have God seeks of no man above that he hath or according to what he hath not and if you fail in what you have what can you say for what you have not the formal cause of the charity is the pouring or drawing out of the soul to the hungry Isa 58. 10. in faith in lending to God and casting your bread on the waters Eccles 11. 1 2. Prov. 19. 17. Psal 37. 26. Now a house full of Gold cannot add a dram-weight to your mercifulness and your trusting in God but you are so much the richer that you have a stock in Heaven then if thou hadst a great venture at Sea and so much Gold and so many Jewels comming home to you from West-India nor can plenty of gold give you more grace 5. Had I more grace I would not deny Christ for fear of men nor sell Christ for money as did Peter and Judas Now just so spake the Scribes and Pharisees Matth. 23. 30. If we had been in the days of our fathers we would not have been partakers with them in the bloud of the Prophets and yet they slew the Apostles and beat the Prophets and killed the precious heir Christ Matth. 21. 33 38 33. Would ye have washed Christ's feet with tears and wiped them with the hair of your head would ye have kissed his feet would ye have forsaken all and followed him your own heart must be dear and precious to you when you undertake so much in its name and yet many that so speak in our age persecute godliness and hate Christ in his members and many go off that way many miles on the North side and the South side of the Cross when the holy Ghost saith there is not a Bridge over this River but we mnst wade and swim through at the nearest and the road-way is that through much tribulation we must enter into the Kingdome of God Acts 14. 22. 6. Yet if I had the grace of David I would not do as many doe what is that ye would not have committed adultery and bloudshed could you have commanded the influences of God and warded off an evil hour of a sad desertion so vain men have their own middle science the new scientia media that Jesuits have put upon God the man foresees he could make a world of his own for they say as the men Jam. 4. 13 14 15. who eye not God in all their ways say if we go to such a City and buy and sell we shall get gain and say not if God will if we live so many had I a stronger habit of grace I would not use self and I and free will as Adam did but know it is a badder self and a more wicked I then was in Adam for the self so speaking is the flesh and the unrenewed part and there was no unrenewed self no such flesh in Adam while he was yet endued with the image of God So is this the ordinary discourse and language of this woulder and wisher by God's grace I should walk more closely with God then Noah sure more sincerely then he I would not have been drunken with wine as he but believe you that God who gave the habit of grace to Noah to Moses to Dauid to Hezekiah would have given you all the actual influences to eschew the slips of infirmities which these men committed and except you suppose this you must lean upon the habit of grace which is but a creature and so must not have the room of God Now if you have not any such habit your hope must be a broken Tree and you leaning on a Cypher and upon nothing 7. The affections of desire love joy sorrow fear faith hope anger which remain in unrenewed men lustered over with some remainders of the image of God are wasted profusely in the service of sin and these affections might serve much in a way of honouring God And it s a pity that woulding and wishing is the All of many mens religion had I more grace I would more honour God Which is retorted 1. Had I more habitual grace and a richer talent I would more dishonour God Some have a great stock and sin more terribly against the received mercy of habitual grace 2. It s retorted Had I more of nature and of natural
that sent me draw him Then are we enclined to make war with God because he will not give us drawing influences and bestows them upon some Hence these Disciples gave over all use of means ver 66. Went back and walked no more with Jesus What then shall they doe they cannot force God to draw them if the Lord will save us it s good if not we cannot mend it we 'l follow Christ and his new-Gospel no more 4. Is it to you fools so approved a course to give over means so blessed of God If it can be made out that the influences of God do so serve in a manner the instustry of men then are ordinances and means not to be neglected 1. Means used are the Lord's way of comming to us and our way of coming to him whether in the word preached Acts 2. 36 37. Acts 4. 4. Acts 10. 44. Acts 16. 14. John 4. 9 10 29 30 39 40 41 John 4. 50 51. or in miracles or any other lawful way 2. Because to some certain using of means in faith there is a promise of an effectual blessing made Pro. 2. My son if thou wilt receive my words and hide my Commandments with thee Ver. 2. So that thou encline thine ear unto wisedome Ver. 5. Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God Prov. 8. 17. I love them that love me and they that seek me early shall find me John 3. 18. 36. John 5. 24. John 11. 25 26 27. Prov. 3. 1 2. Prov. 4. 20 21 22. 3. Neglect of means is dreadfully punished of God Prov 1. 24 25 26 27. Prov. 5. 12. Prov. 6. 9 10 11. Luke 14. 16 17 18 19. 10. 24. Hence the killing of the Prophets and of the heir is plagued with being cast out of the Vineyard and the removal of the word of the Kingdom 4. The assiduous using of means and Jacob's wrestling in prayer all the night until day-light receiveth the influence of a blessing and of the hearing of the prayer in faith and feeling Gen. 32. 26. 29. and it puts the soul in a nearest capacity to receive influences from God love-sickness near the throne is near to influences of grace glory as sweet smelled herbs are near to such influences so as presently they yield honey Some refined earth curiously hardened by the influences of the Sun is near to be turned unto fine gold or choice silver when we go about earthly business with half a heart or godly indifferency and with a distance from the Creature we grow more heavenly and more disposed to receive the influences of God But such a promise as this made to an unrenewed man yet in nature this doe and ye shall be converted I read not or let nature doe and grace follow or let common grace begin and the special grace of conversion shall follow It cannot be proved by the word which Mr. Baxter saith Appendix to his Aphorismes answer to Obj. 10 11. pag. 260. That men would not accept Christ and so believe for remission before their lives be reformed and that Reformation of life must go before the belief or knowledge of pardon though not before justifying faith For 1. This is to bid men keep a distance from holy Jesus and not come at him or touch him by faith though the soul be humbly trembling before him as the woman Luk. 8. 47 48. Mark 5. 33 34. until they be holy and righteous It is very like to this come not within sight of the Physician by faith until first you be healed and reformed or come not to buy the fine linnen and the righteousness of the Saints until first you be well cloathed with your own inherent righteousnesse But who shall heal the sick and cloath the naked sinner if it be not Christ Now Christ not believed in for pardon is he at so huge a distance from a sinner that he cannot heal if never seen and never touched by faith 2. This is to bring in an inherent physical pardoning and justification by works the Scripture knoweth not of any justification but one and that is through the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus 3. What is meant by Reformation whether halfe or whole whether begun or compleat reformation of life who le and compleat reformation there is none while the end and departure out of this life and so no man is to believe remission of sins until they be going out of the body This is the comfortless doctrine of Papists never to know and be assured of the graces freely given us of God as in 1 Cor. 2. 12. and that Christ is in us except we be reprobates 2 Cor. 13. 5. and never to know that we have life eternal and never to know that God hears us and that we are of God contrary to 1 John 5. 13 14 15 19. until we be going out of the world as if Paul and John did write onely to comfort dying Corinthians and believers and none could be of good cheer and love Christ much knowing their sins were forgiven none could have hope joy unspeakable and full of glory and know they know God and are translated from death to life because they love the Brethren until they be expiring contrary to Mark 5. 24. Matth. 9. 1 2. Luk. 7. 47 48 50. Rom. 5. 2. Rom. 8. 18 24. Col. 1. 5 27. 1 Pet. 1. 5 6. Matth. 5. 11 12. 1 John 2. 3. 1 John 3. 14. as if the holy Ghost should comfort us and bid us rejoyce at fancies and at Moon shines which we have to day and may loose to morrow If he mean half and begun Reformation it must be begun justification begun regeneration begun conversion and believing savingly begun but not compleat Now men cannot reform their life until they please God Heb. 11. 5 6. nor can Enoch reform his life and walk with God till he believe and believing necessarily is a laying hold of Christ for pardon Acts 10. 43. Luk. 7. 50. Matth. 9. 1. 4. Nor can there be a continued tract of repentance and begun reformation of life which is a work of the Gospel and New Covenant not of the Law except there be a hopeful mourning for sin and a looking to him by faith whom we have pierced Zech. 12. 10. nor is it godly sorrow working repentance to salvation never to be repented of as 2 Cor. 7. 10 11. which wants faith of salvation and faith of salvation in Christ without faith of pardon yea or begun justification without faith of pardon is unpossible Nor can there be a bringing forth fruit in Christ as implanted in the Vine-tree which is only reformation of life acceptable to God while men be first by faith engrafted in Christ as branches growing in him John 15. 1 2 3 4 5. nor walking in God's Commandments while first the heart of stone be removed and a new heart and a new spirit given as Ezech. 36. 26 27. Isa 44. 1
wounded in his sleep and many moneths and days after the wounds bleed O what trembling at holy soveraignty why deadness to duties should come on David not on Asa On David at this time not at another time Hence a case may be Whether absence of the Lord in his influences may be meer and only love sickness for him whom the soul loves or also absence with conscience of sin Ans The predominant may be sickness only for the want of Christ as in the Spouse Cant. 2. and in Magdalen Joh. 20. I say the predominant because we cannot say that God withdraws in his outlettings of grace but there is guiltiness in the Spouse so made sick because of his absence and with Magdalen's sickness for Christ there appeareth a doting too much on the man Christ Joh. 20. 13. I know not where they have laid him Ver. 15. I will take him away Ver. 17. Touch me not When we are too bent upon Christ as a Comforter not as Christ its just with God we be pained and sick with the want of him and that we seek him and find him not so spiritual ought we to be under the pain of absence 2. But it s cleer in the man Christ there is paining with drawing and forsaking on the Lord's part Why hast thou forsaken me and neither sin nor conscience of sin nor any hazard of love-sickness after God's near embracings but upon the due account for Christ could not idolize God as comforting Q. What may we doe to wrestle out from under desertions Ans Distinguish these three 1. Gracious withdrawing from whence cometh sin and unlelief 2. The frowning of God and hiding of his face 3. The penal sorrow and smarting under his absence As to the First It s lawful to plead and pray against withdrawings as they necessarily bring in sin the more gracious the temper is we shall pray more earnestly against the least sin then against the most fiery hell As to the Second which is the frowning of God 1. The nature of a child saith its lawful to weep when the Father is angry 2. Inherent grace and the sparkles of the image of God cannot endure well that eternal favour should be hid 3. The nature of faith and of love to God will say that the man should be saddened when the love of God is either hid or provoked 4. The practice of the Saints saith so much Job 13. 24. Wherefore hidest thou thy face Psal 13. 1. How long wilt thou hide thy face from me 5. His shining is desirable O send day light Psal 31. 16. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant Psal 80. 3 7 19. 6. It s lawful to deprecate the anger of God Psal 79. 5. How long Lord wilt thou be angry for ever and especially a gracious heart is sadned most at the outgoings of wrath against prayer Psal 80. 4. in which the Mediator and the precious name of God in a manner seem to suffer Psal 42. 3 10. Psal 83. 1 2 3. Isa 52. 5. Exod. 32. 11 12. Josh 7 8 9. 7. Hardly can a natural spirit lay to heart yea or know that God is angry as a child of God can doe as it s all one to a man in a dark pit under the earth whether it be day-light or mid-night the one doth not comfort him nor the other sadden him As to the Third It s a great deceit that we more penally smart at the absence of the Paradise of comforting presence then at the want of real communion with God this should calm the heart notwithstanding the pain of the absence of God as a comforter that we believe his unfelt love and care as a God in Covenant Mic. 7. 7. I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my salvation my God shall hear me Ver. 8. When I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me 2. The Lord as is elsewhere said in a course of soveraignty deserting will not come until his own time come as some Feavers must have their own course of natural motion so that the man shall sweat out of the tertian Ague by length of time if you should use all the medicine of the Earth yet this forbids not art and industry altogether to help nature So Christ under the stroke of soveraign justice prays and was heard in that which he feared Heb. 5. 7. believed hoped and so overcame Rev. 3. 21. And because Soveraignty hath a special hand in temptations we are to take heed to temptations to weaken us in duties as Master pity thy self 2. Sometime Satan tempts to duties to pray when we should hear 3. Sometime to gross carnal sins fall down and worship me and sometimes to spiritual fins If thou be the Son of God command these stones to be made bread 4. Sometimes to duties in the excess as for Timothy to drink water the incestuous man to mourn until he be swallowed up of grief 2 Cor. 2. 5. Sometimes Satan tempts himself to goe out that he may more tempt and return with seven divels worse then himself 6. Sometimes he tempts by a boysterous imperious usurpation Job is mine he serves God for hire All hypocrites are Satan's Job 1. 7. Sometime he tempts to lawful liberties to ear setting the Law of nature in opposition to the divine positive-law Gen. 3. The tree is good for meat then God and Nature ordained it for food In all which holy Soveraignty gives influences natural to the tempter nor will he have us to question his Soveraignty 2. Nor would he have us to make either his giving or his withdrawing of influences our rule And 3. In all our actings he would have us to tremble What if providence put a cross bensil or byas on the heart what can influences not doe to hasten a Judas to his place though the holy Lord remains spotless and free 4. There is much need of that lead us not into temptation 5. Had the Gold will and reason it oweth thanks to the Goldsmith though he burn and melt it because he removes the drosse It s true the Physician lames and wounds particular nature when he opens a vein but he saves the whole body thereby and the sick person ows him thanks Were there no more but these excellent influences that act in temptations as to their precious fruits to wit the humbling of the tempted sinner the discovery of latent corruption of the wiles of Satan the praise and glory of his grace who knows how to counter-work in a manner his own influences and doth invisibly uphold his own children under these temptations the Lord is here to be loved and adored as wonderfull in counsel and excellent in working CHAP. XIII 1. Of striving against Soveraignty 2. Some striving is lawful 3. A gracious behaviour it is to be woe at God's forsaking 4. To repine at Soveraignty in hearing or not hearing of prayer 5. Contradicting 6. Murmuring 7. Counter-working
a contradiction that such as have once sinned and fallen from Law-righteousness should ever after even for eternity be justified by that Law-righteousness which once they lost or that they should be justified both by grace or by the redemption that is in Jesus without works Rom. 3. 15. Rom. 4. 1 2 3. and also should be justified by debt and hire and by works as Paul opposeth the one to the other Rom. 4. and no doubt all the glorified were once justified by grace without works even Abraham David and all like them how then can they be justified by works for ever and ever in Heaven see Rom. 11. 6. Qu. What then requires the Lord in these believe ye in Christ make you a new heart except we say we have strength natural to obey and that by natures law many were saved Ans 1. He requires the free act of believing but withall he requires what is our duty and moral obligation but not what is our physical strength to perform 2. He shews our impotency to wrestle out of the pit of misery except he give us Evangelick strength to escape nor is it the Lord's intention or decree that such as have fallen in the first Adam should rise again by the first Adam or their own strength or should pay of their own the money that they wasted in Adam Or 3. That they should have or get again the same individual sanctified power which they lost in Adam Or 4. That they should have these influences of God they once lost Object They are either condemned because they believe not by their own strength or because they believe not by a supernatural grace but both are physically impossible Now we can all keep the Law whole our selves justifie our selves live without sin Ans 1. They are condemned because they believe not through a supernatural power which power all are obliged to have for it was once a concreated and gifted power and the want of the power of believing is a culpable and sinful want of that image of God which man is obliged to have Rom. 3. 23. 2. Whatever principle and power of believing be the ground of Gospel-unbelief which condemns men the sons of Adam love that want and such as are within the visible Church are condemned for their voluntary unbelief John 5. 24. and John 5. 40. Ye will not come to me that ye may be saved 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As for the want of the power of believing it is common to all mankind to such as hear the Gospel and to all the Heathen and therefore cannot be the nearest formal principle of that Gospel-unbelief for which they are condemned who being within the visible Church do not believe And upon the same ground the culpable want of the power of believing as of the rest of the parts of the image of God must be a sin against the covenant of works common to all mankind now such as never heard the Gospel cannot be guilty of a sin proper to the covenant of grace Qu. What then is that a just command that the Lord should charge under the highest pain even of the second death the blind to see that is that the natural man believe and in the mean time God judicially puts out his eyes and out of his absolute freedome refuses to restore to him the faculty of seeing Ans Suppose 1. That the want of soul power to see is both a sin the contrary of it being moral goodness a part of original righteousnesse and of the concreated image of God to wit of righteousness and holiness Ephes 4. 23 24. Colos 3. 10. which makes a man lovely to God as also a punishment inflicted as Pharaoh's obstinate hardness is both a hainous sin and also judicially afflicted for former sins And then the holy Law may as well charge men to be holy and able to believe though they be judicially blind As God may charge Pharaoh's heart to be soft and moved with rods and to yield to the command Let my people go when God judicially hardens the heart 2. Suppose that man loves willingly to be blind as all love their native blindnesse 3. Suppose the blind man to be under the moral debt of having his seeing faculty even the compleat image of God and of loving not hating his Physitian Christ when revealed and preached who only can restore his faculty of seeing Now man remaining after the Fall a reasonable creature is obliged by the first command to believe God in all he saith and to love Christ God incarnate or not incarnate He from whom the eyes are plucked cannot be under a moral obligation to see because the eye seeth not by freedome that is inherent in the eye But a man within the visible Church is obliged to perform all free obedience of believing in Christ revealed whether habitual or actual which his Creator commands so the comparison halts widely 4. Suppose the man does first with his own hand put out his own eyes as we did in Adam and that the relation of penalty follows this blindnesse by the will of the just Creator as it s here 5. Suppose the blind man gave virtual consent to the voluntarily loved want of the lovely and gracious art of the onely Physician who can restore his sight as the case is here 6. Suppose that the Creator of eyes hath once given the facultie of seeing and that he is not obliged to restore it ever when the man casts it away and that the man a thousand times winks and shuts his eyes and hates to be anointed and you shall see there is no ground to quarrel with the just and holy Lord. Q. Whereas the contrary opinion that denies original fin to be sin as Pelagians Arminians Socinians 1. Contradicts Scripture which calls it both sin and iniquity Psal 51. 5. Vncleannesse Job 14. 4. The frame of the heart evil 2. Only evil 3. Continually 4. From the wombe Gen. 6. 5. Gen. 8. 21. Offence Rom. 5. 15 17 18. Disobedience by which many are made sinners 19. Indwelling sin even when Paul is justified A body of sin Rom. 7. 17. 23 24. The sin that doth so easily beset us Heb. 12. 1. Shall we teach the Lord to speak 2. The Lord saith it is an offence by which many be dead Rom. 5. 15. By which the judgment is by one unto condemnation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is the condemnation to the first and second death from which we are delivered in Jesus Christ Rom. 5. 16. Rom. 8. 1. It 's an offence by which death reigned as a King Now if this death be but a temporary death how is it opposed to the reigning in life by one Jesus Christ Rom. 5. 17 And as sin reigned unto death even so grace reigns through righteousnesse unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 5. 21. Now except the Scripture had taught us that there is one sort of sin that deserves temporal
planted in Christ and committed to his husbandry 2. We could not in the other first providence which was before sin entred into the world have claimed to influences of glory from the fulness of the anointing that is in Christ for Christ then was not the publick good and communicable treasure of his redeemed he was not our God nor our Emmanuel nor our Goel or Kinsman-redeemer but a reserved and estranged God to be made our God by our own earning and law-merit 3. The Lord Jesus was infinite God and the fountain as large as now but he was not our own fountain nor the influences and waterings due to in our witherings as now 4. Christ is made the new great Lord Factor and publick Agent for his Church to rule all for their good and salvation and heaven and earth and the world and life and death and things present and things to come are put over in Christs hands the morrow the next years deliverance the believers outgoing in death are all made over to Christ and then in Christ all things are ours 1 Cor. 3. 21. and the watering of my witheredness and the quickning of my deadness hic nunc in this same moment of time is first Christs and I got it seasonably from him in a better time and way then according to my time and way Object Many things fall out which may be well otherwise Answ Not so one godly husbandman prayers for rain to his ground another godly husbandman prayes for drought as more useful for his field for he hath rain enough Now is it not good that there is a wise providence in Christ which fits both their prayers and does the business well A number of believers are to fail to such a land they pray for a North-east-wind another number of believers are to sail to another land they suit from the Lord a South-west-wind is it not best that Christ in his new spiritual providence take a course to hear both their prayers to deny both the winds they suit and to bring both in his own way to their desired harbours Object 2. It were better God should hear the prayers of his people in their straits Answ The Lord neither casteth off his foreknown people nor their prayers though visible Israel externally called be rejected 2. God heares wicked mens prayers and grants them not in a way of promise but in his wrath 1 Sam. 8. 22. 1 Sam. 12. 13. Hos 13. 11. Psal 78. 20 24 27 28 29 30. 3. God heares the prayers of his people in way of promise which is better then simple hearing See the judicious Treatise of the servant of God Mr. Gee Obj 3. Many wicked men are green and flourishing that they may swallow Jacob. Answ Nor is it evil that the Lords fire in Sion be hot and fierce that he may remove the dross though the coals that melt the gold be digged out of hell and their flaming against his people sinful and cruel it is not only in relation to him who is above his laws binding Angels and men not evil but equally done in wisedome and righteousness for as much may be said by carnal reason in the Lords efficacious permission of sin which he may hinder in the reprobate as well as some way he hindered it in the elect Angels and in chosen heirs of glory 1. Against the wisedome 2. goodness 3. soveraignty 4. righteousness 5. and love of God as Jesuits Arminians Socinians and others say against the holiness of God No earthly Father but he should fail both against natural love goodness and wisedome should he permit if he could hinder his children to commit sins which shall procure their eternal misery and woe Let all flesh be silent here is holy dominion 8. Divis Some influences of Christ are fundamental and simply necessar● and principally promised some not fundamental and less necessary As 1. The influences by which the Lord gives a circumcised Deut. 30. 6. an one and single Ezek. 11. 19 20. a soft and a new heart and spirit Ezek. 36. 26. Zech. 12. 10. Isa 54. 13. John 6. 45. Isa 44. 1 2 3. These are simply necessary 2. These in●uences are also fundamental in which the Lord promiseth and doth put in act the habit of grace for the persevering of believers Ezek. 36. 27. Isa 54. 10. Isa 59. 21. Psal 1. 3 4. Psal 89. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35. John 10. 27 28 29. John 15. 1 2. If Christ plant his planting layes on him some necessity so far to give watering-influences as not to suffer his planted trees to dry up by the roots and to wither root and branch and Christ so builds on a rock his people and believers never to be prevailed against by the ports of hell as he must watch the city that it be not surprised nor the living stones hammered to nothing and removed off the rock and the foundation Christ Christ so buyes with a price his own that he carries them on to the purchased glory and bringeth them actually to the fruition of life eternal for Christ is an established high Priest to intercede for his own and the intercession of Christ is nothing but a continual showring down upon the redeemed ones new vigorous influences as the head so long as it lives night and day sleeping and waking sends down influences of life to the members ever-living and ever-interceding Christ is the fountain running along through the roots of the Lords planting so that they are ever green ever blooming and budding and in old age bring forth fruit John 14. 19. Isa 27. 3. Christ interceding is that live fire on the Altar Isa 6. ever sending forth live flamings and heat of life through his live coals to all his John 14. 19. Because I live ye shall live also Now there is no interruption of Christs living by sickness sleeping or death and so he lives alwayes Just as the Sun-beams and rayes of light and heat are kept in their being by the presence of the body of the Sun casting out these influences and the darting out of heat and warmness and light and the flamings are kept in being by the presence of the fire which by new fuel is continued still in the act of flaming so are the Saints kept still in a spiritual living being by Christ issuing out his influences upon them So sweet is the union of dependency daily and momently upon Christ that blessed root of Jesse Ah if we knew what it were to live in Christ to breath in Christ pray in him love in him rejoyce in him suffer and triumph in him praise in him wait in him for the Lord but our actings separated from Christ and his influences of life not known to be such through our unwatchfulness are dreadful Now there be some single influences hic nunc that the Saints may want and be saved as the influence necessary for Peters confessing of Christ when he denied him
to praise to submit to God to adore to walk humbly to walk circumspectly and tenderly and such like but most of them may be reduced to these NOw to speak of the burning of the heart the place Luke 24. 32. is clear The two disciples having parted with Christ now risen from the dead and not knowing him to be Christ 32. they say one to another Did not our hearts burn within us when he spake to us in the way and opened to us the Scriptures In which words the nature of heavenly heart-burning in the causes and properties thereof is laid open and the differences between the heat natural from natural influences from the lively heat spiritual In the words these particulars are to be observed 1. When the heat is gone and past 1. they perceive it they said one to another when he is gone our heart did burn in the past or preterite time 2. They accuse their own stupidity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 did not our heart burn were we sleeping when he burnt us 3. The Author speaking Christ while he spake to us in the way 4. The fewel that made the fire and the burning coals the Scripture opened by Christ 5. The object of the burning or the subject recipient our heart was burning as an oven or a furnace They said one to another The coal of fire which Christ cast into the heart and is now smoaking among the fire-wood and on the heart leaves two things behind it 1. Telling of their experiences one to another 2. The feeling and perceiving of the heavenly heart-burning better when it 's gone then when it was on Then the heart-working of Christ will leave histories behind it as what is much of Solomons Song but a Narration of the daughters and virgins one to another of Christs actings upon the soul or a chronicle of Christs love and the Spouses sin as 1. Of Christs dispensation in withdrawing Cant. 3. I sought him but I found him not Cant. 5. 6. I opened to my beloved and my beloved had withdrawn himself 2. She tells his saving actings upon the soule be like to the virgins Cant. 1. 4. The King hath brought me unto his chambers Cant. 2. 4. He brought me into his banquetting-house and love was his banner over me 3. She tells over songs of Christs loveliness and excellency Cant. 5. 10 11 12. of the savouriness of his name of the memory of his love Cant. 1. 3 4. of the seat and room that Christ hath in her heart and betwixt her breasts Cant. 1. 13. all the night 4. She tells of her carnal drowsiness of her sinful refusing to open and let in Christ to the heart So does Jeremiah tell a sad experience of his own he had quit the prophecying trade and would speak no more in the name of the Lord and he was burnt with a fire in his breast he could not get the word housed in his heart but it did come abroad This shall be the first difference betwixt spiritual heart-burnings and the influences that the Spirit leaves and the natural heat The literal burning leaves no work upon the heart nor any impression of heavenly experiences Jehu his heat against Achab and Baal left no impression of God on him to hate the golden calves or the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin He did cleave to that way 2 Kings 10. 28 30. Let fiery professors shew any influence of a gratious work in the heart the flaming of thorns under a pot and the flashes of heat from burning straw leave no fire but ashes and much cold behind them in the cold winter frost and the generality of dead professors can say nothing to one another but I have long heard the Gospel and yet am without God and without Christ 2. I am convinced of the excellence of Christ and there yet is no fire or coal of heart-love to Christ in me and it were good such a missing there were 2. Did not our hearts burn This is convinced to be a disposition spiritual rather then a habit it s a burning of heart while Christ speakes that had a cooling before though they were believing Disciples But here observe they feel not so the burning of heart in the mean time as afterward when v. 31. Christ was vanished out of their sight and gone now they take special notice in a feeling way of the warmness of heart they felt while he opened the Scriptures to them The Lord preaches in a ladder reaching from earth to heaven Jacob sleeps and can give no judgement in the mean time but Gen. 28. 16. when the sweet vision and preaching is e●ded Jacob awaked out of his sleep and he said Surely the Lord was in this place and I knew not A strong impression of the presence and glory of God sometimes comes on after the Lord is away David desires and thirsts Psalm 63. 2. saith he in the wilderness of Judah that I may see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee The enjoying of Zion and Zions songs while the people is at home in their own land hath not such influence on their spirit as when the Sancturies glory is removed then Psalm 137. 1. By the rivers of Babel there we sate down yea we wept when we remembred Zion While one is in a fever they may be ignorant that they are in a fever but when the cooling of health comes then he well remembers he was sick of a fever When there is a fever of glory on Peter he speaks he knows not what Mark 9. 6. yet after 2 Pet. 1. 16 17. he makes sweet comfortable use of that glory of Christ on the mount when the Lord waters the sown seed and sends down new influences of grace then doth it appear what warming hath been in the soul this is a second difference betwixt literal heat and spiritual burning of heart literal heat hath most sense when it is a dowing there are no spiritual reflexions upon that burning when it is gone and over except the Lord give repentance and that is accidental to all sinful fairds and flaming of the flesh or of a moral gift it dies with its flaming as fired powder that endures not long whereas its useful to call to mind the gracious burnings of heart yea or any of the Lords ancient paths according to that Psalm 119. 52. I remembred thy judgement of old and have comforted my self and its good to receive and lay up influences of heart warmings of Christ Isa 42. 23. Who among you will ●ear this who will hearken and hear for the time to come Did not our hearts burn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The godly reprove their not knowing and not discerning of Christ in his heart flamings of love godly and spiritual sense ●●lengeth self-dulness Cant. 5. 6. I opened to my be●●ved but my beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone This is a sense of Christs withdrawing
in that hour it shall be given you it is not ye that speake but the spirit of your Father speakes in you Enthusiasts spirit suggests night-works to be done in day light and many unseasonable actions contrary to godly prudence as to read godly Treatises when they should hear the Word preached the spirit that suggesteth this is not of God for the spirit of God cannot counter-work himself 11. The spirit of God acts the soul and the man within his own orb and sphere of grace Nature acts not upon the Moon to move it up to the sphere of the Sun nor could it be called a kindly and connatural motion for the Sun to move down in the orb of the Moon It 's not the spirit of the Lord which acts the plow-man to move out of his element in the throne or in another calling in which God hath not placed him for it is not from the motion of the spirit of sanctification for David to go out of his element of grace and move in Satans orb of uncleanness and blood-shed the spirit of holiness is a friend to the holy Law of God all influences and actings of the spirit are to be tried by the same rules by which the spirit is tried some influences to Scriptural duties are from God and his spirit other influences from the Scriptureless spirit of Satan or corrupt man himself every stirring and impulsion must not be fathered upon the spirit of grace The fourth particular is the subject or seat of burning and its the heart did not our hearts burn within us the heart is the only seat of heavenly burnings not simply as the heart of man which is evil and only evil by nature in all its out-goings Gen. 6. 6. Gen. 8. 21. and supplanted and wicked Jer. 17. 9. But the new heart of man Ezek. 36. 26 27. the heart in which the love of God as a flood is spread abroad by the holy Ghost Rom. 5. 5. the heart and soul that loves the beloved Christ Cant. 3. 1 2 3. as for the unrenewed heart it is no more a hearth-stone or a seat to kindle this fire upon nor will it burn in this heart then if you would kindle a fire of coals and fewel and dry timber upon the superfice of the ocean sea for the heart of the unrenewed man would eat up and quench all this fire and the spirit does no more give influences for the heavenly burnings in the heart of an unrenewed man then he gives influences to the water to burn and cast out flamings as a huge fire doth or to the midnight darkness to shine as the Moon or Sun and this is the sixt difference The renewed heart is only the seat of this fire that comes down from heaven the natural heart is not capable thereof Q. Is there not an heart warmness in the natural and unrenewed man Answ Such as is the heart such is the heat such as is the hearth-stone such is the fire and the fewel that but as on it But the differences be these 1. The heat of the unrenewed man is strong and cannot be commanded they hasten as mad men after their idols who run after other gods Psalm 16. 4. And Paul says of his heat in persecuting the Saints Acts 26. 11. I compelled them to blaspheme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I was abundantly and exceedingly mad and phrentick out of my wit in burning malice against them now the mad man can hardly command his madness yet upon other sinful and mad grounds Paul could have been perswaded on the contrary as the Pharisees were mad against Christ yet the fear of the people and of their own ●●ns restrained them long from doing violence to him and in matters which neerly concern God the hear of ●n ●●renewed man may be quenched as a man that counterfeitech himself to be mad can command his madness and 〈◊〉 who fains himself to be sick can command his sickness out one who is really possessed with a Divel and mad and one who is really sick of a raging fever cannot command either madness or sickness hypocrisie hath some dominion and empire over its own cursed heat and 〈…〉 ●ut say mountains on the love of Christ love breathes and lives under it devise torments lent burning quick 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 or in a see●●ing Caldron to the Mar●●rs of Christ in ten days out off the ten singers one by one and so the rest of the members in diver● days or some 〈…〉 devise hellith 〈◊〉 the witnesse of Jesus 〈…〉 and bounded hand and foo● as the word 〈…〉 is made use of by the commanding 〈◊〉 sweetly 〈◊〉 love of Christ to die an hundred deaths 〈…〉 rather 〈◊〉 deny Christ for such as so love not 〈◊〉 lives to 〈◊〉 are not their own nor hath a believer 〈…〉 his 〈◊〉 not can the word if 〈◊〉 could 〈…〉 and an ●●rth of the gold of 〈…〉 of Christ and the strong in●●ence thereof So true is that Cant. 8. 7. Many waters cannot quench love That is a strong fire which all the waters in the Sea cannot quench Nor can the floods drown it If a man would give all the substance of his house for love it would utterly be contemned Then drowning and burning death fair allurements and gifts cannot counter-work the love of Christ What and are loves coales so hot yea he spoke to that v. 6. Love is strong as death jealousie is cruel as the grave the coals thereof are coals of fire which have a most vehement flame the flame of God But natural men for all their heat in the matters of God can let out and let in and stretch out the truth for all their heart-burnings as if it were kid-leather and they may take and give and borrow and lend upon Christs matters whereas the Saints are awed with that Buy the truth and sell it not Let indifferent and cold men who never felt the influences of loves fiery coals know this Ah the interests of Christ have been looked on in Scotland too indifferently and coldly the coales of self-interest burn strongly 2. The bare letter of the Gospel wins not in upon the heart it warmes the skin and not the heart whereas Christs speaking and opening the Scriptures with his Spirit and the key of David casteth not fire upon the heart the heat is all upon the letter and externals and upon Sacrifices New Moons Solemn Assemblies formes without taste All Pauls heat is about Christ and the hope of the resurrection the Jewes his adversaries heat could be nothing of this heart-burning but for Moses Law in the letter circumcision and other ceremonies now wanting their life Christ For Christ had now 1. removed from the letter of the ceremonial law and there is no life there as touching the observance thereof But Christ hath 2. not departed from and gone out of the ceremonial law as touching the doctrinal teaching thereof to lead us to Christ and therefore that law should be read preached
judge it fit for their humiliation and the promoting of the work of their salvation and especially for the glory of holy Soveraignty they are to believe that the Lord shall absolutely confer upon them fundamental and amply necessary influences of grace but not that he shall bestow on them absolutely non-fundamental influences Assert 4. It s not lawful to engage to run the ways of the Lords commandments leaning to the habit of grace and the stock within the Believer Peter relied on this I am ready 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nothing habitual grace and faith to go with thee to prison and to death Luke 22. 33. and John 13. 37. Peter is angry because Christ lesseneth his stock and habit of grace and strength of faith Lord why can I not follow thee now 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This habit of grace is not Christ neither the Spirit and therefore the enlarging of the heart upon the supposal whereof David engageth to run the way of the Lords commandments is not the only habitual enlarging of the heart but he supposeth also that the Lord must add his actual breathings and influences of grace else he cannot run nor move at all in the way of God John 15. 5. 1. Cor. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 3. 3. Assert 5. Far less can we engage to run the way of the Lord upon our own strength For 1. The Apostle James rebukes such as say they shall go to such a City and buy and sell and say not if God will James 4. 10 11. far less can we engage to spiritual duties on our own strength 2. This is carnal presumption for men to lay wagers on their own strength and to say with Peter and the Disciples they 'l do wonders 3. Men believe not the wickedness of their own hearts nor see they to the bottome of soveraignty the depth of sin original 4. It s contrary to godly watchfulness and an hardning of the heart as Prov. 28. 14. Blessed is the man who fears always but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischiefe 5. It s atheism to suppose that influences of saving grace are as due and connatural to men now fallen in sin as influences natural are some way due to the falling of rain the rising and going down of the Sun the growing of trees the ebbing and flowing of the sea and that we have dominion of free-will over the saving breathings of the holy Ghost Whereas 6. The Gospel bids us pray and by faith rely on the Lord for influences of grace and give the glory and praise of the breathings of the Spirit to God 7. It s against that humble self-denial and godly trembling and humble despairing of our own strength that should be in us in our undertakings of obedience So an huge deal of pride 2. want of mortification to self must be lurking in our undertakings Assert 6. It s not lawful to blame the Lord for our sinful omissions for that is to father our sin upon the holy Lord nor is that Isa 63. 17. O Lord why hast thou made us to erre from thy ways and hardened our hearts from thy fear a complaining against God It s 1. a tacit complaining of themselves that they are grosse matter and the dunghil on which the Sun with his beams stirs up a stinking smell which is not the Suns fault 2. As Gods active hardning of us is a punishment of sin the Church may lawfully complain of it to God and deprecate that and all the like sad evils of punishment yet it shall never follow that God is the author or the cause of the sins of our being passively hardned of God or of active hardening of our selves 3. It s a prayer for softning and grace not to erre return for thy servants sake v. 16. thou O Lord art our Father our Redeemer thy Name is from everlasting 2. None of the Saints yielding to temptations do blame the Lords withdrawing but blame themselves and clear the Lord. Psalm 51. Against thee thee only have I sinned thou hast taught me wisedom in the inward parts here is a clearing of the Lord. Isa 64. 6. We are all as an unclean thing v. 4. since the beginning of the world men have not perceived a God beside thee 5 8. So Lam. 3. 34. Assert 7. A Believer may undertake in the strength of God Psalm 119. 33. Cant. 14. Draw me we will run Grace and the Spirit in his sweet breathings being undertakers one may undertake for a journey when Christ engages for such a chariot the midst whereof is paved with love O be humble and lay not great wagers upon self ye know not sin original as a sin but ye know it as a meer punishment What we are sinners by nature and we can do no otherwise Pharaoh and Judas knew it so CHAP. VIII Q. 4. Is there no running except God enlarge the heart what then can we do ASsert 1. Without some enlargement of heart there is no running the negative is true none come to Christ except such as the father draws John 6. 44. John 15. 5. and the affirmative is true all that are drawn and have heard and learned of the Father do run and come apace Cant. 1. 4. John 6. 44. There is a spiritual riches in heavenly and spiritual suppositions O for more of Christ to ern his praises with a shout which might waken Angels and Men all men in this side and in the other side of the Sun and that all creatures might hear and put to their seal and cry Amen to the Psalm Assert 2. The use we are to make of our sinful weakness is not to sit still he loves death who says I cannot heal my self art and skill must only do it therefore I le seek to no Physitian if the Lord will not do it let me die The husbandman were mad who would say my plowing sowing early rising and late labouring can never make the corn to grow except God give the increase therefore I le fold my hands and take the other sleep and if another say God only creates the wind therefore I le never set my foot in a ship so is it here what can the dead and the sick sinner do if the Physitian Christ will neither quicken nor cure his influences of life are above my reach therefore I le never make out to Christ nor ask for the Gospel if Christ will not heal us we must pine away in our sins how then shall we live this is to tempt Christ and to bring him under a new miraculous way to heal and save the sinner in his dream without hearing the Gospel which is that God should bring bread and cloathing to the sleeping mans bed-side The contrary is Phil. 2. 13. work because he works Cant. 1. Draw and we will run the Spouse saith not Lord draw that we may sleep 2. Our impotency leads us to turn sinful wickedness in mournful confession and godly complaining as the Saints
thorn-tree brings forth a thorn-tree and the thistle-seed a thistle it 's clear in Cain the Pharisees So gracious dispositions produce acts of love faith hope godly sorrow works of righteousnesse and mercy As wine-grapes grow out of the vinetree and the Lord fits influences of grace for such dispositions like sowing like harvest and here also men gather not figs of thistles the vessel smells of good or sour wine Some must foam out their own shame and all wonder at the gracious words that proceed out of Christs mouth For dispositions in Christ were strong habits of grace and the running-over fountain and fulnesse of the holy Ghost the savour of the breath of the anointing and the dispositions that accompany the fulnesse of the holy Ghost is a very garden and a heaven and here there is some truth in that Cant. 2. 13. The vines with the tender grapes give a good smell Cant. 5. 8 9 10 11. Psal 45. 1 2 3 4. 2. Psal 119. 136. Rivers of teares run down mine eyes because they keep not thy Law Some fountaines that are lesse have small streams and ebb-brooks other large fountains have mighty rivers and floods issuing from them we may judg what a fountain both of habits dispositions are within where there comes out joy unspeakable and full of glory leaping for joy fulness of assurance like a ship with full sails and full wind As fulnesse of love and of all spiritual dispositions of tendernesse must be in the bowels and heart of Christ who sends out acts of enduring pain blood shame death horrour of wrath and the curse of a revenging God for sin The love of Christ needs no exhortation to acts of love nor is there need of earnest request and intreaties to the fire to cast out heat and the Sun to give light need you exhort an extreme pined-away sick man to be pained and weak or request the Sunne to shine How mighty and strong are the acts of longing and languishing after Christ that flow from love-sicknesse and then what suitable influences of grace must goe along with these actings what pullings of strength to pluck up mighty cedars what an influence of love in God to bear up all things and so to bear mountaines to bear torments to bear new deaths O what a mighty arm of omnipotent grace Col. 1. 11. Strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness A power above all that we think or ask Thoughts even of men can goe far and far in apprehending of power and strength ever that can remove out of their place as many millions of mountains and whole earths as Angels and men can write on the outmost and highest heavens East West South and North. Suppose they were all paper and double and treble and multiply them again to millions of millions of heavens and writ new figures of signes and excellencies on them yet the power of grace furnishing influences is above these acts of thinking and counting and yet the short thinkings of unbelief are at this can he help me to spit at fame glory riches and a whole earth of pleasures know ye his strength and his mighty puls that have translated many 3. When the disposition of grace is on a small object brings forth suitable actings Christ lets out one cast of his eye upon Peter and he went out and wept bitterly a small shake of the tree brings down ripe apples they fall of their own accord a gentle quiet gale of wind will cause a light swift vessel to make twice as much way as a huge ship a rent in the garment of a deadly enemy seemes a small transgression but to David it hath a mighty smiting of heart We are afraid to come under the pull of Christs arm as if it were pain and death to be loved and translated by Christ John 5. 40. Isa 30. 10. Jer. 51. 9. Ezek. 24. 13. Some will not be cured and are averse from being drawn to come to Christ and be saved and an hating of meanes is a virtual hating of the sweet and special alluring attractions of grace and we value actings of grace at so low a rate as if we could doe all our alone by pure nature I my self will awake early What was David sleeping or his tongue sleeping or his harp sleeping yea even when the heart is prepared and strongly fixed to praise there is some sleepinesse on the man I insist not on this that none run so swiftly for the price and wager of glory but a cramp or a stitch may come on so as they need a spur and turn dull and slow But the 5th Property of a heavenly disposition is to cause the man reflect upon himself and his own sleepinesse 8 my self will awake early What if tongue and voice awake what if harp and the gift of musick wake if mans heart sleep 1. Grace hath an immanent working and a reflect acting on it self and the mans own heart as well as a transient and a direct acting the vessel of honour or the chosen man purgeth himself 2 Tim. 2. 21. And every man that hath this hope purifies himself even as he also is pure 1 John 3. 3. Jude exhorts so v. 10. Building up your selves on your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost Some think if the holy Ghost act pray sigh believe praise in them they need to doe nothing the holy Ghost prayes in me and in my stead Nay but Jude wills you to edifie your self the actings and influences of the holy Ghost are not given to this end that we should sleep and sport and play 21. Keep your selves in the love of God Will not the love of God keep the man in the love of God Shall not Christ in you the hope of glory keep Christ himself in you nay what need were there then of watching Watch thou in all things 1 Tim. 4. 16. Take heed to thy self and to thy doctrine Then may one take heed to reading and not take heed to himself Acts 20. 28. Paul to the Elders of Ephesus Take heed to your selves and to the flock They shall not heedfully watch over the flock who doe not carefully watch over themselves Is this right that men should doubt of the influences of God and fear that God forgets himself and his own begun work of grace and never fear their own lazy back-drawing Why but we should be on our wings and waken our selves and crow more loudly It 's a gracious complaint Cant. 1. 6. My mothers children were angry with me they made me the keeper of the vineyards but mine own vineyard have I not kept Ask hourly what your own heart does how the husbandry at home thrives The Spirit of the Lord was in Jehoshaphat without doubt but 2 Chro. 20. 3. When he heard of the host coming against him he feared and set himself to seek the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord came
young should it not be ill with the health of many Some cures are worse then the diseases there is a sickly and unnatural thirst on some persons sick of a feaver it would be ill with them if either abundance of wine or a fountain of water were at their bed-side the choise and elective faculty of the sick mans mind is often as sick as his body Let me not then be my own comforter but let the Spirit of infinite wisedome enjoy his own office and be the other comforter whom the Father sends in Christs name Q. May not such as are sick of love pray for sense and comfort Answ There are some relative mercies that the Saints may pray for and if they be denied praise and blesse the Lord for the denial of them because we often pray for sense comfort full assurance not as they are acts of gracious duties which were good but as they are taking and alluring rewards and wages before we doe our work Q. 2. Is not languishing pain in love-sickness after Christ an evil to be prayed against Answ No question we may pray against swooning and fainting of the life of God and may pray for the contrary comfort but with submission to infinite wisedom Some diseases are so diseases as some fluxes and some fevers as they are also medicinal helps of health and healthy and lively diseases The Lord and nature under the Lord gives excellent medicine who knows but Hezekiah's running botch which was otherwise deadly was a natural help to his fifteen yeares health and life which followed Look not on the holy Lord when he is acting as a Physitian as if he were acting as a Judge Want with good will the sense and comfort that the Lord would have you want in his infinite wisedome Obj. But whatever we pray for we are to pray for it with submission and a reserve to holy soveraignty as well as we are to pray for sense and comfort Answ It is a doubt and a great one whether with alike submission we are to pray for that which is bonum honestum and a gracious duty as we are to pray for bonum jucundum that which is pleasant or the reward of a duty Hence the question Whether it be lawful to pray for saving influences of grace and how far whether conditionally or absolutely Hence the first Assertion Assert 1. Whatever the clay suites from the potter it should be suited 1. With that general submission or rather subjection which all creatures as creatures owe to their Creator Hence the clay cannot contradict the potter though but a sinful man and say why hast thou made me thus Rom. 9. 20. 2. A negative submission is far required as the contrary to wit a chiding and contending with the Lord in any case whether he give or deny influences is unlawful it 's sin to reply on the contrary to judge or misjudge God v. 20. Isa 45. 9. Woe to him that strives with his Maker See the word in the Hebrew Assert 2. It is most lawful to seek influences of grace for duties at all times 1. The Saints doe pray for influences Psalm 119. 25. Quicken me according to thy word 27. Make me understand the way of thy precepts 29. Grant me thy law graciously 33. Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes 35. Make me to goe in the paths of thy commandements Cant. 1. 4. Draw me 2. We may pray that God would withdraw his influences from sinful actings Psalm 119. 29. Remove from me the way of lying Psalm 141. 4. Incline not my heart to any evil thing to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity Matth. 6. 13. Lead us not into temptation 3. Influences to will and to doe are promised in the covenant of grace Deut. 30. 6. Jer. 32. 39 40. Ezek. 36. 27. and so doth Christ promise the Spirit and his teaching John 14. 26. convincing John 16. 7. guiding v. 13. Then we may suit from God what he promises to give 4. Our will is to be conform to the holy will of God in his law Rom. 12. 2. 1 Thess 4. 3. 1 Pet. 2. 5. Then may we seek necessary helps for these actings 5. Christ commends praying for the Spirit Luke 11. 13. Matth. 6. 9. John 16. 23. and James is clear in it Jam. 16. 6. and therefore he commands also praying for the saving operations of the Spirit and his influences Assert 3. There is a two-fold contradicting of the Lords will One by way of replying striving and challenging the Lord as doing unequally This is condemned in the cited places Rom. 9. 10. Isa 45. 9. There is another humble contradicting in the woman of Canaan Matth. 15. 26 27. In wrestling Jacob when the Lord sayes Let me goe Gen. 32. 26. In Moses interceding Exod. 32. 10 11 12. Yea when Christ commands the disciples to watch and in order to watching citeth the Prophecie of Zechariah c. 13. who foretold that the flock should be scattered and that they should sinfully forsake and deny their Master he also charges them to contradict that permissive will and decree of God by which it was ordained that the Lord shall withdraw his influences from Peter and the rest of the disciples that their sinful weaknesse might appear therefore suppose the Lord say it 's my decree and will to deny influences of grace to us in such particular actings it 's the Lords mind that we should humbly contradict that holy will and desire and pray in the contrary nor can the Lord command the reasonable creature to will or not to desire saving grace for so the holy Lord should command sin yea to desire and pray for grace is our duty commanded in the Law and by Christ Matth. 6. 12 13. Luke 11. 13. even when we pray that the Lords name may be hallowed his kingdome come and his will to be done by us and others cheerfully Matth. 6. 9 10 11 12. we desire to be kept from sin and to have grace in all things to obey the Lord though we know that he denies his saving influences to us and to many others Assert 4. With this holy contradicting of the Lord will is conjoyned an humble submitting to the Lords denying of saving influences without a sinful counter-working of his holy will now revealed or without charging folly or unequal dealing upon the Lord. For 1. His own grace is his own grace and he is free of all debt and obligation to give gracious influences to Angels or men as also grace to use the measure of grace given is rather to be sought then a large measure 2. There is in love-sicknesse for Christ a weakness of the soul and a fainting for the want of Christ and this may come from the apprehended curse and anger of God for sin which is a disease after conversion that the child of God may be sick of So David Psal 6. 1. Lord rebuke me not in thine anger
meet with the Lord 's wrathful rebuke then with his softening and pitying mercy CHAP. II. The Lord keeps an order in sending influences 2. He maketh short work on some 3. There is a confluence of influences at one time and in one work 4. Despising of the Word 5. Refusing of Ordinances 6. Persecuting of the Prophets 7. Resisting of the operations of the spirit do all obstruct influences 8. Praying and praising promove influences 9. Hardening of the heart 10. Not profiting by means 11. Remaining in nature 12. Actings in wrath rancor malice bitternesse and inordinate passion obstruct influences 13. Keep the oyl of the spirit clean if ye would have influences 14. We are to act morally and physically with the spirit 15. Prayers obstruct not soveraigntys acting THe Lord 's ordinary way of working is here to be observing the spirit confers not upon Peter's hearers Acts 2. influences of faith and of gladly receiving of the word v. 41. at the first before he bestow influences to the pricking of the heart for sin v. 37. nor does the spirit act upon Saul Acts 9. and the Jayler Acts 16. for their rejoycing in the Holy Ghost and believing and applying Christ and the promises at the first until first a law-spirit humble and make the proud to tremble Then the spirit must use divers instruments and shoot arrowes and influences of law and wrath and wound the heart with arrows of love as the Artist the Carpenter useth sundry tools according to the diversity of timber that he works on and the Lord here accommodates his influences according to the nature of the soyl It 's like Christs spirit made shorter and more expedite work on the hearts of James John for when Christ said unto them Follow me Matth. 4. 19 22. they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 straigthway or immediately leave their nets and their father and follow him It 's as little time betwixt Christs word to the man sick of the palsie Arise take up thy bed and walk and his walking Mark 2. 12. for immediately 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he took up his bed and went forth before them all It 's like Matthew's conversion is of the same nature Matth. 9. 9. Luke 5. 27 28. in which the Lord gives proof that as some Castles fall at the first shooting of the Canon so there is no standing out nor resisting of Christ for when he adds strength of omnipotency the work of humiliation of conviction of saving faith or repenting are all quickly done as if tilling sowing and harvest were all in one day or one hour 2. We see also that gracious influences are threeded as it were upon gracious influences every beating of the smiths hammer brings forth at once many sparkles of fire and a shour of rain is the falling of millions and hosts of drops of rain at once So in fervent prayer there must be a cluster of gracious influences in every sigh and groan there is an acting of the spirit Rom. 8. 26. The work of the spirit must be maimed imperfect if godly watching 2. Prayer 3 Fervent desire 4. Humble sense of unworthiness 5. Faith on the promise 6. Love to our Father have not every one their several influences of grace When the seven stars arise above the Horizon if six ascend the seventh must also ascend in all which the poor sinner is far below the influences of grace they are sent out as soveraignty thinks fit and here the Lord rains down showrs of grace and a showre is made up of a multitude of drops yet in the general may sinners counter-work and restrain as it were the influences of grace they may resist the word Zech. 7. 12. They made their hearts like an Adamant stone lest they should hear the Law Now the Lord cannot give influences out with the preached word where men turn away their ears from the Law Prov. 28. 9. and Act. 7. 57. they stop their ears Wicked men cannot be avenged on the Spirit in his person or in his several operations of saving grace yet they avenge themselves on the message and break in pieces the chariot that carries the Spirits operations and trample upon his word be in love with the word to count it your heritage Sweeter then the honey and the honey-comb and you as David upon suit shall have influences to be kept from presumptuous sins Psal 19. 7 8 9. compared with v. 13. and Psalm 119. 40. Behold I have longed after thy precepts therefore Quicken me in thy righteousness 2. Men can refuse to come and partake of Ordinances and to be Baptized as the Pharisees do Luke 7. 29 30. and so reject the counsel of God and refusing to be among the golden Candlesticks and the Assembly of his Saints comes neer to trampling on the blood of the Covenant doing despite to the Spirit of grace Heb. 10. 25 26 29. Rejoyce to stand within Jerusalem Psal 122. for the Church is his vineyard love a room in his Church for it lies neer to the Sun and is under the watering and showres of grace So Christ speaks to the Spirit Cant. 4. 16. Awake O North-wind and come thou South blow upon my garden that the spices thereof may flow out So there is a commission given that the Spirit in its efficacy blow upon the plants and flowers that grow there the Church is also his garden of red wine which he waters every moment Isa 27. 3. Acts 7. 51. Ye do alway resist the holy Ghost then must they obstruct the gracious actings of the holy Ghost this proves it to be true that Steven said that they resisted the holy Ghost Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of that just one of whom ye are murtherers saith he they who cast down the lodging they injure the indweller the godly prophet is the house and lodging of the holy Ghost 2 Chro. 36. 12. Zedekiah humbled not himself before Jeremiah the Prophet speaking from the mouth of the Lord. Now the Spirit acted on the Prophets when they spoke 2 Pet. 1. 12. then esteem the feet of the messengers of God to be pleasant upon the mountains for they bring glad tidings of peace and that they only do who have these gifts of the Spirit to pray and believe Rom. 10. 14 15. 4. The speaking against the manifest operations of the Spirit of the Lord by which Christ cast out divels draws so deep as the sin against the holy Ghost Matth. 12. and such are deprived of pardon of faith to lay hold on pardon and such having done despite to the spirit of grace must indite war against the Spirit and all his operations therefore cherish and obey the Spirits actings be willing to be led by him close with the counsels and breathings of the Spirit speak to edification that which ministers grace to the hearers and that cherishes the
cannot a soul filled with hellish and divelish sorrow such as was the case of wakened Judas receive influences of the Spirit to see a pierced Lord and to be in bitterness as one is for his only son Zech. 12. 10. but must despair and receive influences of hell for hardness and impenitency Obj. But we see the Church lament 3. very unbelievingly quarrelling with God v. 8. When I shout and cry he shutteth out my prayer 10. He was unto me as a Bear lying in wait and as a Lion in secret places And v. 18. I said my strength and my hope is perished from the Lord. Yet verse 24. The Lord is my portion saith my soul therefore will I hope in him then doth not unbelief and sorrow of sad and half despairing so incapacitate and deaden the soul to receive influences of believing Answ There is a far other consideration of a soul under prevailing corruption that is either yet not converted and of a converted man under a strong prevailing temptation when two contrary champions the flesh and the spirit are standing in battel array in the fields each one enemy attending the motions of another as in the former consideration there is a great difference betwixt green timber dry withered fewel or betwixt dry fire-wood fewel though dry yet soaked some days in water in this ease influences of the spirit from heaven influences of the flesh from hell do not so quickly exchange lodgings and go and come to and from divers subjects neither an unrenewed man nor a David under prevailing lust are such fitly disposed fields for showres of influences as in a moment they can cast off deadness and put on a spiritual disposition to receive influences of grace though there be an active celerity on the Spirits part for he can go and come quickly and this is to be seen in a soul under spiritual exercise even now there is a sad complaining I said in my haste I am ●ast out from before thy face and yet with the same breath nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplication Then under sense of being cast out of Gods favour there are also influences to pray and to pray in faith and when the Christian fainting saith My strength and my hope is perished from the Lord Lam. 3. 18. she also saith The Lord is my portion saith my soul v. 24. It 's clear then that fainting and feeling are neer to other and so influences for the one and for the other are neer to other the quickness and celerity of influences is evident in the suddain ups and downs of the soul as the shining of the Sun in March and the showring of the clouds are so neer to other he comes in his shinings as a fire-flaught in the midst of our sad louring and dumpish deadness and when the Lord pleaseth his visits are speedy and swift CHAP. III. How the soul is under plenty of means and dispositions heavenly and yet under scarcity of influences 2. Praying and love to the word according to the will of precept all along through Psalm 119. 3. Delighting in the word reading and meditating thereon fetch heavenly influences 4. Hence 18. obstructions of influences 1. Hardness and blindness 2. Vnbelief 3. Deadness 4. Security 5. Irreligious prophaness and Atheism 6. Vnconstancy 7. Deceitfulness 8. Pride 9. Worldly-mindedness 10. Fiery preposterous zeal 11. Vncleanness 12. Malice and bitterness 13. Worldly sorrow 14. False joy 15. Self-love 16. Wilful ignorance of the Gospel and hatred of Christ 17. Impatient fretting against providences the contraries of all which help to fetch heavenly influences Lasty the Lords manner of contributing his influences makes us not passive lumps and blocks the word shews that God lays a holy necessity on our will so that we are most willing and free agents in spiritual actings 18. Vain and wanton thoughts obstruct influences THe heart as including will and mind and affections is the publick Inne and lodging that receives all influences 1. There is a sweet proportion betwixt the influences of the spirit and the new heart Quest How is it then that the soul is under sweet dispositions and plenty of means and yet wants influences Answ This is to shew the absolute freedom of grace as Cant. 1. the Spouse is in a sweet condition Let him kisse me with the kisses of his mouth for his love is better then wine 3. Because of the savour of thy good oyntments thy name is oyntment poured out therefore do the virgins love thee 4. The King brought me into his chambers yet she stands in need of a pull draw me v. 7. Tell thou me O thou whom my soul loves where thou feedest where thou makest thy flocks to rest at noon-day Here is a soul in love longing to be embraced and kissed smelling Christs precious oyntments taken in to the Kings chamber yet the prayer to be drawn and to be instructed where to find him teacheth that some are at the well-head and yet thirsty and in Christs banqueting house and yet the praying of such to be drawn speaks want of influences and hunger for more except Christ intimately apply his influences to will and to do Cant. 2. 4. He brought me into his banqueting house his banner over me was love 6. His left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me What is here wanting is not this paradise come down from heaven but the prayer v. 5. Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples for I am sick of love is a strong evidence that the Spouse even in Christs arms and in his house of wine where are all the refreshments of heaven is not sick only but fallen into a deep swoon if Christ hold not up the head and stay the soul with quickning influences what then could you make of heaven it self and of Christs sweetest embracements if he teach not how to improve the fulness of this free love in sweetest actings of heavenly duties When John is in heaven and sees heavens glory yet if the present actings of the spirit go not betwixt him and Angel-worship he roves influences must then make Christ to be Christ and heaven to be heaven and the Spirit must open and let out upon the withered soul streams of the well of life otherwise there is the banqueting house of wine and there is yet the hungry and swooning Spouse there is heaven and fulness of glory and there is yet miscarrying John grace must make it self our grace and he will have us to know to whom we owe the thanks both of Christ and of the outletting and emanations of free grace and of the well of life and of the flowings and streamings of that fountain and so the created habit of grace is not to be rested on but Christ acting in his free grace is all in all 2. The Lord gives influences according to his will of pleasure but we must stir and pray and act according to
and then must you be dry and withered in all your actings whereas influences and manifestations are promised to the lovers of Christ Joh. 14. 21. he that hath my commandements and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and manifest my selfe to him These sure are the revelations and manifestations of the Spirit John 15. 24. Christ puts a strong wall of difference between the hating world and the disciples v. 24. now they have both seene and hated both me and my Father but not so ye v. 26. when the comforter is come whom J will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me v. 27. and ye also shall beare witnesse because ye have been with me from the beginning Here are actings of the spirit in the disciples who love the father and Christ that the spirit acteth them to bear witness of him to the world upon all hazards even to death and torment We see what workes and actings of the spirit is in the Spouse sick of love for Christ which are in that song of songs to be seen comparing Cant. 2. 5. Cant. 5. 8. with other places of the song these works of the spirit are seen 1. A desire to be kissed with the kisses of his mouth Cant. 1. 2. 2. A spirituall smelling of his good oyntments Cant. 13. 3. A prayer to be drawn and a vow to run being drawn Cant. 1. 4. 4. A resolution to rejoyce in his love with all the virgins and chaste followers of Christ Cant. 1. 4. to rejoyce more in his love then in wine 5. A desire to be where Christ dwelleth in the tents of the Shepherds a sound Ministry Cant. 1. 7. 6. A profession of intimate love to Christ so as he lies as a bundle of myrrhe betwixt her brests all the night Cant. 1. 13 16. an extolling of Christ as the apple-tree among all the trees of the forrest Cant. 2. 3. and a delighting to taste the fruits of his love 7. A spiritual feeling in being taken into his celler-house of wine Cant. 2. 4. a desire to be refreshed and established with the promises and comforts of the preached Gospel Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with flagons and comfort me with apples for I am sick of love 8. The feeling of his love-imbracements when they are on v. 6. His left hand is under my head and his right hand embraceth me 9. Because the whole song is a song of love there is a charge given not to offend Christ v. 7. 10. An eying of him by faith in his approaches in the delivery of his people in his coming in the flesh to save the world in the preached Gospel in all which his coming leaping over the mountains and skipping over the hills saith That no impediment of the enemies and the powers of hell and no evil deserving of sin can obstruct his gracious motions to save and comfort his own v. 8 9. 11. The discerning of Christ's calling us in the Gospel v. 10 11 12. My Beloved spake and said unto me Rise up my love my fair one and come away 12. The discerning of his desire of our worship of the Churches praying doctrine and discipline v. 14 15. O my dove let me see thy countenance let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy vice c. 13. The Churches claiming of interest mutual betwixt Christ and his Spouse v. 16. My Beloved is mine and I am his 14. The observing where Christ is his feeding among the lillies in his Church which is clean and comely by his beauty 16. He feedeth among the lillies 17. untill the day breake c. 15. The Spouses desire of his company v. 17. Turn my Beloved and be thou like a Roe or a young Hart upon the mountains of Bether a desire of being with him for ever in glory as Rev. 22. v. 17 20. 16. The Spouses careful seeking of Christ and spiritual restlesness till she find him Cant. 3. 1 2 3 4. I sought him whom my soul loved I sought him but I found him not c. 17. The sweet spiritual smell of the so loved Church v. 6 c. 18. Chap. 5. The Spouses discerning of his knock and voice though she sleep 2. The acknowledging of her sinful denying to let him in 3. The Spirit of Christs acting upon her heart till the bowels of love were stirred in her v. 4. 4. The opening to him 5. The smell of her obedience which she felt like dropping myrrhe v. 5. 19. The Spouses swooning and falling dead at his departure 20. The Spouses praying and seeking him when now he had withdrawn himself and the missing of the sweet actings of the spirit to her sense v. 6. 21. Her seeking of him at the watchmen 1 6 7. 22. Her desire that other professors the daughters of Jerusalem may in prayer hold forth to Christ her spiritual state of love-sickness v. 8. 23. Her preferring of Christ to all other beloveds in Heaven or Earth v. 9. 14. The Spouses high exalting of Christ in all his parts endowments graces and lowliness My Beloved is white and ruddy v. 10 11 12 c. all these and many others the like teach that the spirit in such excellent operations and graces hath his dwelling and seat in an heart strongly filled with the love of Christ But who hates Christ 1. All persecuters of his members John 15. 18. If the world hate you ye know that it hated me before you And it is exponed v. 20. If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you And whoever loves not the Brethren are not translated 1 John 3. 14. and they who love them not hate them 1 John 3. 14. compared with v. 15. how carnal lust and the love of glory from men hindereth influences of the Spirit to love Christ See John 8. 42. If God were your father ye would love me 44. Ye are of your father the Divel the lusts of your father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning v. 50. I seek not mine own glory The strong love of Christ in the heart is a chamber and a house for the Spirit to act in 2. Not desiring of God but an abhorring or a soul abhorring of God hinders influences of the Spirit 1. Are there any who abhor God such a sad word is spoken of the Jews Zech. 11. 8. Three Shepherds also I cut off in one month and my soul loathed them and their soul also abhorred me Departing from God as a whorish woman forsakes her huband is charged upon the confederat people harlotry upon every high hill and under every green tree Jer. 2. 20. even when they said We will not transgress Hos 4. 12. The spirit of whoredom hath caused them to erre and they have gone a whoring from under their God 13. And can the holy spirit
joyn strong and vehement actings of ours High-bended and fervent acts of obedience come not but from strong habits of grace but here I speak of mighty stirrings of influences here we would beware of straining affectation of shouting and expression of delight some bring more out then is within when literal crying and shouting does exceed the inward impulsion of the Spirit it 's dreadful to lye of the Holy Ghost and of his impulsions but to the point Our actings would be proportioned to the Spirits stirring Mighty rivers come from a huge arm of the Sea some streams flowing from little small fountaines run scarce the fourth part of a mile 1 Cor. 15. 10. Strong labouring c●mes from strong and abundant grace I laboured more abundantly then they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me A strong influence of the Spirit calls for a strong virtual consent especially when the Spirits impulsion of joy is strong Cant. 1. 12. While the King sitteth at his table and feasts the Spouse with quickening influences and satisfies her soul as with marrow and fatness my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof The spikenard is here the precious oyl or oyntment of spikenard John 12. 1 2 3. that is the smell of her actings of joy delight love were strong and exceeding savoury as his table was a Kings table and fat and the actings of his spirit strong then followes a suitable strong expression of delight v. 13. A bundle of myrrhe is my beloved unto me he shall lie or lodge all night betwixt my breasts And Cant. 2. 4. the King brought me into his house of wine that is into the chamber of the most spiritual and soul-delighting consolations of the Gospel that rejoyce and cheer the heart as excellent wine doth one that is fainting as Psal 104. 15. Prov. 31. 6 7. compared with 2 Cor. 1. 6. 2 Thess 2. 18 19. And the Spouse joynes to this a most vehement disposition of soul-sickness of love for Christ v. 5. Stay me with flagons and comfort me with apples for I am sick of love As also godly sorrow for sinne 2 Cor. 7. 10 11 15. a special work of the Spirit and princely and kingly gift of his Spirit who was raised from the dead to act this sorrow in us Acts 5. 31. as also swoooning and dying at the absence and withdrawing of Christ the beloved Cant. 5. 6. is a fruit of the Spirit and to sleep and eat and drink and rejoyce when the holy Spirit is sa●ned and when he withdraws his actings is a dismal and sad token though there may some influence of corruption be in sorrowing because the Spirits actings are suspended as they are our comforts or apples to delight children and not as duties that we owe for Christs love to us and conscience of his command which saith Phil. 4. 4. Rejoyce alwayes in the Lord c. and here we would beware of worldly sorrow that causeth death Sorrow and heart-breaking because of the breaking of created comforts as if God were not the soules portion and the Saints all in all should be eschewed this sorrow blunts and deadens the soul from drinking in influences of glory as far Luke 9. v. 32. also Law-sadness dumpish servile down-casting because it deadens and kills as the Law doth must be eschewed indeed sadness that Evangelically mortifies and deadens to created spiritual comforts may quicken the believer to a more vigorous delighting in Christ himself who is more then comfort Psal 119. My soul droppeth away for heaviness and that puts fire in the soul to pray Strengthen thou me according to thy word It appears to be spiritual sorrow that breaks out in prayer Matth. 26. 38 39. Psal 18. 4 5 6. Psal 61. 2. Psal 102. 4. There are in the fourth Class two affections hope and audacity or fool-hardiness which would be taken heed unto Now with hope which looks to good to come and hardly attained we must take in faith one of the fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5. 22. Sometimes one affection in its carnality will counterwork another Luke 24. 41. The disciples believe not for joy and wondering But the special ground is unbelief the wide desire of unbelief thinks God cannot be so abundantly good as to restore to them Christ from the dead and the carnal reasoning of wondring contradicts a possibility of the resurrection over-acting of one affection to wit of joy when it 's literal counter-works the actings of the Spirit in the faith of the promises Hence must Christ soften the heart with swasory actings before the man believe and consider what Christ does morally Luke 24. He opens the Scriptures to the two disciples Luke 24. 27. He rebukes their unbelief v. 25. and as to his own disciples he sent them word with eye-witnesses who saw him that he was risen again but their words seem idle tales to them Luke 24. 11. And he upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart Mark 16. 14. 3. He appeared and spake to them 4. He made their senses witnesses by causing them see and touch his hands and feet 5. He did eat with them which was an action of life 6. He wrought a miracle of bringing multitudes of fish to their net but all is to little purpose until he take a real and effectual way by the working of the Spirit Luke 24. 45. Then opened he their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures Then the opening of the Scriptures though in the mouth of Christ avail little to faith except the Spirit of Christ open another lock even the heart This is one of the first works of the Spirit to convincethe conscience of unbelief John 16. 8 9. and when the Spirit hath taken that castle and brought the soul to be sensible of unbelief he can easily take in the rest of the works frequent casting to of new oyl to the lamp keeps it shining and new fewel causes the fire to flame Frequent repeated acts of believing bring the disciples to get the grace to doe greater works then Christ did because Christ went to the Father John 14. 14. Believe influences of grace and have influences of grace abundantly furnished to you ask the Spirit in faith and the Father is as willing to give the Spirit as a Father is to give bread to his hungry child so here faith makes a fair wind Luke 11. 9 10 11 12 13. It is not so in nature the husbandmans natural faith that it shall be a sweet warm fruitful Summer makes not a fruitful Summer The Sea-mans natural faith believing fair winds and no storms at all makes it not to be so for often faith here is but fancy but faith acting dayly upon the precious promises of the word brings strong gales and summer-influences of heart warmness of the Spirit and in a manner creates new blowings of the North and South-wind fainting under the breathings and knocking 's of
due to him Gracious influences are not due to a Judas nor such a guide as the Spirit to any reprobate man therefore they cannot misse such a gracious guide 2. It teaches us to be willing to be led as to 1. Deny our will and wisedome as the blind man should not contend with his leader and guide as if he did see better then his guide Slack your high-bended will and deny it and cavil not with the Spirit this way I must goe whether my guide will or not Let your will be as dead and no will at all and let the Spirit in his will and wisedome reign in you 2. Spread out the sails and give them to the wind resign the heart to the Spirit obey that My son give me thy heart Give Christ your loves as Cant. 7. 12. Keep none of your heart or love to your self but quit fully both to the leading Spirit of Jesus Your love and your heart according to the Gospel-dispensation is not your own or at your disposing whatever property naturall by law you have over your self for the law buyes you not We are less our own and more Christs by the Gospel and more our own by the Law Many profess themselves sons and so to be led by the Spirit yet they have not given eyes wisedome will and love to the Spirit they keep a great piece of their heart and their love to themselves and have an inward reluctancy and wrestling against the wayes of the Spirit as yet remaining debtors to the flesh to pay the debt of service to the flesh Rom. 8. 12 13 14. 5. This is comfortable that Christ makes it the travail of his soul Isa 53. 11. and his soul-satisfaction to see his seed and to bring many children to glory Heb. 2. 10. So his soules work is upon keeping such as are given to him and guiding on his flock John 10. 3 4. in going before his own sheep in calling them by name and in leading them 2. He keeps such as come and raiseth them up at the last day John 6. 37 40. 3. He guides them with prayers John 14. 16. intercedes for them to reduce them when they goe out of the way Heb. 5. 1 2. and all this with soul-satisfaction and delight to get all his off-spring and children which the Lord hath given to him fairly landed and set in the other side of the sea beyond temptations and hazards beyond sin and death as he hath a fellow-feeling and compassion his bowels being moved even now in heaven with our infirmities Heb. 4. 14 15. so far as is suitable to his glorified state as our great High-Priest which hath passed into the heavens So his other affections of desire as our head and natural and kindly care to have all his members guided safe in at the gates of heaven and he must have much soul delight and satisfaction that his own be led with his holy arm and gathered in Isa 40. 10 11. We have a loose faith the head shall care and watch for us though we sleep that is Christ is graciously careful to give influences whether we sleep or wake pray or pray not our care can adde nothing to his care if he will fail in his trust and sleep and let us perish let him see to his own glory two cares one in the head and another in the members are needless nay but his love and care as head sends down influences of godly fear and trembling to the members that they may work with him Jer. 32. 40. 2. Our weakness of faith errs in the other extremity Ah can my deadness and hardness be ever subdued If Christ once sighed for the hardness of sinners hearts and wept over the slain of Jerusalem and counted it meat and drink to bring in the Samaritans to the Gospel John 4. 34. Now when Christ is glorified and the affections of love compassion care are perfected in glory not destroyed should our unbelief say he now cares not for the hard heart and obstinacy of his redeemed ones If thy unbelief must take all the care off Christ and our unbelieving care must doe all let Christ sleep 3. There is a proportion betwixt head and members the soul-travel of the head in heaven and the soul-travel of the members on earth in the use of all meanes hearing pra●ing praising goe together Awaking head and sleeping members are unsutable He watches prays and watch ye with him and pray FINIS Joan. Strangius de voluntate actionibus dei circa peccatum l. 2. c. 9. p. 211. Sequitur dari priorem actionem cur voluntas Adam elegerit primum actum vitiosum quecunque ille sit nempe quia deus cum praemovit ac praedeterminavit ad istam electionem aut Actionem c. See Rivetn in Cath. orthodoxo tom 2. Q 6. tract 4. n 33. Meratins tom 1. tract de bonitate mal hum acta dispu 11. sc 7. n. 4. Strangius Stranguis ib. Strangius de vol. Act. dei circa p. l. 2. Strangius ib. Strangius de voluntate actio dei circa peccata l. 2. c. 9. p. 214. 2 2. cedit tertia necessitas ex eorum sententia qui dicunt prius ratione nam Deus decreverit condere ante citra peccati eorum praevisionē aut considerationem Deum ad manifestandam gloriam justitiae misericordiae craedestinasse ex angelis hominibus alios ad faelicitatem aeternam alios autem improbasse aeternis poenis adjudicandos non potuit fieri ut hoc decretum ex equeretur ex equitur enim Deus quicquid decrevit Non Potuit autem exequi si nullum fuisset peccatum hominum aut Angelorum omnio enim decreta dei sam● libera sed ex hypothesi unius decreti fit ut aliud necessario ponendum sit ex vi ergo hujus decreti necesse erat ut homo angeli aliqui peccarent God intended that no man should be saved by the law True liberty Grace loves to be restrained from doing evil That the first Adam was to pray for perseverance is not clear Adam was to rely on God for perseverance but as promised by the covenant of works Our grace in the second Adam choicer then that in the first The Lords influences in all Divers write and assert there is not such a thing imaginable as the Lord 's invincible predetermination of second causes but it s but a simple denial of the conclusion Let any man show me how the Lord 's soveraign dominion in procuring all the actings of Angels and Men and of natural causes to be or not to be as pleaseth the Soveraign Lord who doth what he will in Heaven and Earth can stand unhurt and stand it must if ye remove the Lords insuperable predeterminating thereof or some act like this by which all must come to passe or not come to passe as holy Soveraignity will and I shall be silent the arguments for his Dominion being
his will of precept Hence all along Psal 119. praying and influences of grace are woven through other ver 25. My soul cleaveth to the dust that is a work of the Lords gracious will of pleasure Quicken me according to thy word that is a duty of praying according to his will of precept 2. His gracious dealing of his will of pleasure is brought in as an argument to ingage the heart to pray for grace to a duty of the holy will of command 73. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments v. 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee O let me not wander from thy commandments 3. The acting of a duty according to the gracious will of precept is made an argument why the Lord should bestow saving influences according to his will of pleasure to promote us in duties Psal 119. 40. Behold I have longed after thy precepts quicken me in thy righteousness 58. I intreated thy favour with my whole heart be mercifull to me according to thy word v. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheepe seeke thy servant for I doe not forget thy commandements 4. Grace prayed for according to the will of pleasure kindles fire for an ingaged heart to do a duty according to the Lord 's holy will in his word 33. Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keepe it to the end 34. Give me understanding and I shall keepe thy Law Yea I shall observe it with my whole heart That is Lord lend me grace and by that grace I shall repay duty borrowed grace makes the soule a debter for duties 32. I will run the way of thy commandements when thou shalt enlarge my heart 5. It 's comfortable for strengthening of faith to lay before the Lord the victory of his grace and the strength of the temptation broken by going on a duty Hence a temptation 23. Princes did sit and speake against me but an influence of grace to do the duty broke the temptation But thy servant did meditate in thy statutes 69. The proud have forged a lie against me A strong temptation but it s broken but I shall keepe thy precepts with my whole heart 81. My soule fainteth for thy salvation but I hope in thy word So all along learn 1. That our free and voluntary trading with grace bringeth home new ships of gold and there is no danger of miscarrying and shipwrack 2. Being once by grace breathed on we are to hold the wheels a going grace puts the believer in a holy circle and running begets more running and the motion ends at us and begins at free grace 3. The nearest purchaser of influences is prayer ver 35. Make me to go in the path of thy Commandments 36. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies 4. Grace given is a strong argument to get more grace as gold buyes more gold 5. Though grace begin and prevene us yet the Lord having once given the stock spiritual want comes from spiritual sluggishnesse we are willing to lose the tyde and complain without cause of the seas motion 6. The ordinary chariot and ship that carrieth the influences of grace is the Word of grace David Psal 119. is sick of love with the Word Law Testimonies ver 47. And I will delight my self in thy Commandments which I have loved 72. The law of thy mouth is better to me then thousands of silver and gold 97. O how love I thy law it is my meditation all the day 103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter then honey to my mouth ver 11 20 24 46 50 52 54 70 86 92 93 96 111 113 105 159 160 c. and in that Psalm the influences of the spirit go all along in every verse in a practical loving delightful panting lifting of the hands to the Commandments v. 32. I le run the ways of thy commandments 34. Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart 45. I will walk at liberty for I seek thy precepts 44. I le keep thy law continually 60. I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandments 66. I have believed thy Commandments 74. I have hoped in thy Word 77. Thy Law is my delight 81. My soul fainteth for thy salvation but I hope in thy Word 83. I forget not thy statutes 87. I forsook not thy precepts 93. I will never forget thy precepts for with them thou hast quickned me c. all which hold forth if you would have showrs of influences of grace be in love with the Word and let it dwell plentifully in you for look as influences of vigour and life and heat upon roses flowrs herbs grasse apple-trees vines corn go along with light and shining of the Sun so do the influences of the spirit and the spirit in his lively actings delights to be carried in the chariot of the Word Cant. 4. 11. Thy lips O my soul drop as the honey-comb honey and milk are under thy tongue in regard of the precious promises of the Gospel in the sound ministry of the Church and the savoury influences of the spirit that go along therewith therefore he adds the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon Cant. 7. 9. And the roof of thy mouth is like the best wine for my beloved that goeth down sweetly causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak influences of the spirit of grace must go along with speaking such as are ignorant of the Word and loath the precious Gospel and stumble at the Word cannot receive influences of the spirit 7. There is some admirable nearness of the word to influences Psal 119. 11. Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee The word in the letter can keep no man from sinning against God For it is 1. common to all and if not received by saith convinces and condemns Nor 2. can the habit of grace in the heart prevent sinning except sinning unto death but not such sinning as David might or could yea or did fall unto adultery and murther of which he was most afraid Nor 3. can the literal memory of the word hinder sinning and yielding to dreadful temptations though it be treasured up in the memory Nor 4. speaks he of the spirit and inward word of the Swenckefieldians Libertines and the like who forsake the rule of faith the word and depend upon wicked inspirations but by the word hidden in the heart he must mean the Word of God and the engraven Law of God Psal 40. 8. Jer. 31. 33. not simply but as it includes the word dwelling in the heart plentifully Coloss 3. 16. loved Psal 116. 97 103. esteemed and prized highly Psal 119. 72 128. and believed 92 42 43. and so seldomeo ●never have any an high esteem or an habitual love and faith and hope in and to the word
but influences to keep from sin go along with that word so hidden in the heart that look as the heavens clouds sun fail not to joyn their influences to the seed of vine-trees roses plants of fig-trees and nature goes along with birds to cherish and to warm eggs for the bringing forth of young birds so in some infallible way by promise God concurs with the so hidden word to produce faith and love and all acts of obedience how much then does it concern these that move the question what shall we doe to fetch the wind and to purchase influences of grace to read hear consider love praise believe and chose the Word as a treasure 8. Overcomed temptations have influences sutable to graces victory Psal 119. 23. Princes also did sit and speak against me but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes v. 83 69 161 141. 9. Felt deliverances from the oppression of man v. 134. sense of the loveliness and excellency of God want not influences v. 68 132 133. 3 As the earth and the things that grow thereon receive the Sun's influences so doth the heart qualified with the habit of grace lodge heavenly influences and the well-tuned string of the Harp and Viol closes sweetly with the smiting of the pulse or hand of the Musician but the mistuned string stricken on makes discord and receives no concord of musick the savoury and gracious heart welcomes the breathings of God when the Spirit can no more act by his influences on a gracelesse spirit then a Musician can play harmoniously on a broken Harp or a mistuned Reed Hence these evils of the heart obstruct the influences of grace 1. Hardness and blindness 2. Vnbelief 3. Deadnesse 4. Security 5. Irreligious prophaneness and Atheisme 6. Vnconstancy 7. Deceitfulnesse 8. Pride 9. Worldly-mindednesse 10. Fiery zeal 11. Vncleanenesse 12. Malice and hatred 13. Worldly sorrow 14. False joy 15. Self-love 16. Wilfull ignorance of the Gospel hatred of Christ 17. Impatient fretting against Providence 18. Disordered thoughts and ignorance of God in Christ 1. Blindness and hardening of the heart and Pharaoh's not setting his heart Exod. 7. 23. on the miracle of turning the water of the river to blood so that the fish in the river dyed and the river stank hinders influences of obedience to let the people go Exod. 8. 1 2 3. Matth. 13. 15. Their eyes have they closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them as if they were afraid for the saving influences of the saving grace of conversion so men keep strong forts and imaginations against God besieging them by the preached Gospel 2 Cor. 10. 5. 6. and will not have their thoughts led captives to the obedience of Christ Whereas softnesse and tendernesse in Josiah 2 Kings 22. 19 20. brings stooping and self-humiliation and receives influences for repenting weeping and renting the cloths before God for what impressions of grace can the stone or rock and such is the heart hardened Ezech. 36. 26. or the Adamant receive Zech. 7. 12 temptations signs and wonders do nothing at all to bring down the heart Deut. 29. 3. keep thy heart in some softnesse and tendernesse and then shall it receive smitings from God for the very renting of the lap of the garment of an enemy the not despising of the cause of a servant whom the master may easily bear down or the not warming of the loyns of the fatherlesse with the fleece of the flock Job 31. 13 20. in David and in Job have abundant influences of grace going along with them and this seems an innocent negative and when such small fins so they appear to men leave an impression of remorse the heart is like melted wax that easily admits a figure and the print of an image of a man or a Lion Influences are some way due to softness of heart as grace to the lowly rain and dew to meadows in the valley Jam. 4. 6. 1 Pet. 5. 5. Psal 25. 9. 2. As the light of faith leads every thought captive to the obedience of Christ 2 Cor. 10. 5 6. so doth unbelief dull the heart The news of Christ risen again are idle tales to the Apostles Luke 24. 11. Unbelievers are men who cannot be perswaded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Gospel leaves as little impression on the heart as a ship on the Sea or an Eagle in the Air where the light of faith leaves not a spiritual capacity for receiving the impressions of the Spirit of grace and where unbelief reigns and since unbelief hath conjoyned softnesse and a fainting at the face of great affliction so as the heart is moved as the trees of the wood Isa 7. 2. there is not a seat in it under such softness to receive influences for the noble and high actings of the courage of faith in withstanding Kings and Princes Priests Prophets and People in subduing of Kingdoms and in the believers godly hardening of himself as a wall of brasse and a fenced City against all these yea against death and the grave Jer. 1. 18. Cant. 8. 6 7. Ezech. 3. 8 9. Rom. 8. 35. This is carefully to be observed that the influence of actual grace finds either in the habit of grace or frames and makes in the heart a gracious aptnesse and capacity to receive actual influences sutable to the duties in hand either of believing patient and joyful suffering for the Lord and such like As the Lord in his common influences with the Sun rising and going down the wind blowing the Sea ebbing and flowing straineth not nor forceth the nature of second causes nor draws them as passive lumps to act against the particular inclination of nature but carrieth along the natural active principles of the Sun Wind Sea and such like natural causes so neither doth the Spirit of grace by his actual influences carry along the rational powers of knowing believing willing as meer dead and passive blocks as the Carpenter hewing lifteth an Axe and shaketh and moveth the Saw but the Lord makes the sutable active concurrences of sinlesse nature and of grace stirring in its influences to joyn together and accord friendly connaturally and without jarring or violence done to nature and so carries on the supernatural and gracious actings of obedience And therefore as this point with all getting get wisedom Prov. 4. 5 6. Prov. 2. Incline the ear apply the heart cry lift up the voice for knowledge dig for wisedom as for silver and hid treasures and then look for influences v. 9. then shalt thou understand by way of practise which cannot want influences of grace righteousness and judgement and equity yea every good path And there is much in the walking by faith the light of faith being the star-light and the day-light ordering the motion and beside which no objective light can doe it