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A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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them that dresse it receaueth blessynge of god But that groūde whiche beareth thornes and bryars is reproued and is nye vnto cursyng whose ende is to be burned God is not vnrighteous that he shuld forgeth your worcke and laboure that procedeth of loue whiche loue ye shew in his name whiche haue ministred vnto the saintes and yet minister The .vii. Chapter TO Melchisedech Abraham gaue tythes of all thynges Melchisedech fyrste is by interpretation Kyng of righteousnes after that he is kynge of Salem that is to saye kynge of peace withoute father without mother without kynne and hath nether begynnyng of his time neyther y●● end of his lyfe but is lykened vnto the sonne of god and continueth a prest for euer And ver●lye those chyldren of Leui whicheth ceaue the offyce of the prestes haue a cōmandement to take accordyng to the law tithes of the people that is to saye of their brethren ye thoughe they sprange out of the loynes of Abraham Leuy him selfe also whiche receaueth tythee payde tithes in Abraham The lawe made no thynge perfecte but was an introduction of a better hope by whyche hope we drawe nye vnto god This manne Christ because he endureth euee hathe an euerlastynge presthoode Wherfore he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto god by hym seynge he euer lyueth to make intercessyon for vs Soche an hye preste it became vs to haue whiche is holy harmlesse vndefiled separate from fynnes made hyar then heauen whiche nedeth not daily as yonder hye-prestes to offer vp sacrifice fyrste for his owne synnes and euen for the peoples synnes for that dyd he once for all when he offered vp hym selfe For the lawe maketh men prides whiche haue infirmitie but the worde of the othe that came sence the lawe maketh the sonne prest whiche is perfecte for euermore The .viii. Chapter AFter those dayes sayth the lord I wyll put my lawes in their myndes and in their hartes I wyll wrytte them and I wyll be their god and they shal be my people And they shall not teache euery manne his neyghbour land euery man his brother sayinge knowe the lord For they shal knowe me from the lest to the moste of them for I wylbe mercifull ouer their vnrighteousnes and on their synnes and on their iniquities The .ix. Chapter THe Prestes went alwayes into the fyrst tabernacle and executed the seruice of god But in the second went the hye preste alone one euery yeare and not without bloude whyche he offred for him selfe and for the ignoraunce of the people But Christ beyng an hye prest of good thinges to come nether be the bloude of goates calues but by his owne bloude he entred in once for all in to the holy place founde eternal redemption Whersoeuer is a testament ther must also be the deathe of him that maketh the teilament for the testamēt taketh auctoritie when mē are dead for it is of no value as long as he the made it is a lyue Christ is not entred into the holye places that are made with handes which are but similitudes of true thinges but is entred into very heauen for to appeare nowe in the sight of god for vs not to offer him selfe often as the hye prest entreth in to the holy place euery yeare with straūge bloude for then muste he haue often suffered sence the worlde began But nowe in the ende of the world hathe he appeared once to put synne to flyght by the offeringe vp of himselfe And as it is apointed vnto menne that they shall once dye and then cō●eth the iudgement euen so christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of manye and vnto them that loke for hym shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluation The .x. Chapter IT is vnpossible that the bloude of oxen and of goates shulde take awaye synnes This is the testament that I wyl make vnto them after those dayes saithe the Lorde I wyll put my lawes in their hartes and in their mynde I wyll wryt them and theyr synnes and iniquities wil I remember no more And where remission of these thinges is there is no more offering for synne Lette vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good wor●kes and that so mothe the more because ye se that the daye draweth nye Yf we synne willyngly after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the truthe there remaineth no more sacrifice for synnes but a feareful loking for iudgement and violente fyre whiche shall deuoure the aduersaries It is a fearfull thinge to fall into the handes of the liuyng god The iuste shall lyue by faithe The .xi. Chapter HAith is a sure confidence of thinges whiche are haped for and a certayntie of thynges whiche are not sene Without faithe it is vnpossible to plaise god By faithe Moses when he was great refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of god then to enioye the pleasures of synne for a reason and estemed the rebuke of Christe greater riches then the treasure of Egypte for he had respecte vnto the rewarde The .xii. Chapter WHom the lorde loueth him he chastened ye he scourgeth euery son that he receaueth No maner chastifyng in the present time semeth to be ioyous but greuous neuerthelesse afterwarde it bringeth the quiet frute of righteousnes vnto them whiche are therin exercised Embrace peace with all men holines without the whiche no man shall se the Lorde Esau for out breake fast solde his byrthright ye knowe howe that afterward when he wolde haue inherited the blessynge he was put by he found no meanes to come thereby agayne no though he desired it with teares Ye are come vnto the mount Sion and to the cytie of the liuynge god the celestiall Ierusalem and to an innumerable sight of aungels and vnto the congregation of the first borne sonnes whiche are wrytten in heauen and to god the iudge of al and to the sprytes of iust and perfecte menne and to Iesus the mediator of the newe testamente to the sprincklyng of bloude that speaketh better then the bloude of Abell Oure god is consumynge fyre The .xiii. Chapter BE not forgetfull to lodge straungers for therby haue dyuers receaued aungels into their houses vnwares Let wedlocke be had in price in all pointes and lette the chamber be vndefiled for whose kepers and aduoutrars god wyll iudge Remembre them whiche haue the ouersyght of you whiche haue declared vnto you the worde of god The ende of whose conuersation se that ye loke vpon and folowe their faithe Be not caryed about with dyuers and straunge learnynge Here we haue no continuyng cytie but we seke one to come To do good and to distribute forgette not for with suche sacrifices god is pleased Ohey them that haue the ouersight of you and submyt youre selues to them for they watche for your soules euen as they that muste geue accountes that they maye do
ye haue honeste conuersation among the gentiles that they which backbite you as euell doers maye se youre good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitation Submit your selues vnto almaner ordinaūce of man for the lordes sake whether it be vnto the kyng as vnto the chiefe heade other vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punishment of euell doers but for the laude of thē that do wel Seruauntes obeye youre maysters with all feare not onelye yf they be good and courteous but also though they be fromward For it is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience towarde god endure grefe suffering wrongfully For what praise is it yf when ye be sufferd for your fautes ye take it paciently but yf when ye do welye suffre wrong and take it pacientlye then is there thankes with God Christe suffred for vs leuing vs an example that we should folow his steppes whiche dyd not synne neither was there gyle foūd in his mouth whiche when he was reuyled reuyled not agayne when he was buffeted he threatened not but cōmitted the cause to him that iudgeth righteously whiche his own selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shoulde be beliuered frō sinne and shoulde liue in righteousnes The .iii. Chapter WEmens apparell shal not be outward with broyded heare and hangyng on of golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but lette the hid in ā of the heart be vncorrupt with a meke and quiet sprite which sprite is before god a thing muche set by It is better yf the wyl of god ve so that ye suffre for wel doyng then for cuell doyng The .iiii. Chapter HE whiche suffereth in the flesh ceaseth from sinne the he hence forward should liue asmuch tyme as remaynethe in the fleshe not after the lustes of men but after the wyl of god To this purpose was the ghospell preached vnto the dead that they shoulde be condemned of men in the fieshe but shoulde lyue before god in the sprite Aboue al thinges haue feruent loue amonge you for loue couereth the multitude of synnes The .v. Chapter SE that ye fede Christes flock which is amōg you taking the ouersighte of them not as though ye were compelled therto but willinglye not for to desyre filthy lucre but of a good mynd not as though ye were Lordes ouer the parishes but that ye be an ensample to the flocke and whē the chief shepehearde shall appere ye shall receiue an incorruptible croune of glory God resisteth the proude and geueth grace to the humble Be sober watche for your aduersary the deuil as a roatyng lyon walketh aboote sekyng whome he maye deuoure Whome resiste sted faste in the sayth remembring that ye do but fulfyll the same afllictions which are appoynted to your brethrē that are in the worlde ¶ The second Epistel of S. Peter the fyrst Chapter IN your fayth minister vertue and in veriue knowlege and in knowledge temperaunce and in temperaunce pacience in pacience godlynes in godlynes brotherly kindenes in brotherlye kindenes loue For yf these thinges be among you and are plenteous they will make you that ye neither shal be ydle nor vnfruitefull in the knowlege of our Lorde Iesus Christ But he that lacketh these thinges is blynde and gropeth for the waye with his hande and had forgottē that he ws purged from his olde synnes The .ii. Chapter THere were false prophetes amonge the people euē as there shal be false teachers amōg you whiche priuely shall brynge in damnable sectes euen denying the Lorde that hath boughte them and bring vpon themselues swift damnacion and many shall solowe theyr damnable wayes by which the waye of truethe shal be euyll spoken of and through couetousnes shal they with fained wordes make marchaundise of you whose iudgement is not farre of and theyr damnation flepeth not The Lord knoweth howe to deliuer the godly out of the temptation and howe to rescrue the the vniusle vnto the daye of iudgement For to be punished namely thē that walke after the fleshe in the lust of vnclennes and despise the rulers Presumpteous are they and stubburne and feare not to speake euell of them that are in auctoritie Of whome soeuer a man is ouer come vnto the same is he in bondage It hadde bene better for them not to haue knowen the waye of right wisenes then after they haue knowen it to turne from the holy commaun dement geuen vnto them The .iii. Chapter ONe daye is with the Lorde as a thousande yeare and a thousande yeare as one daye The Lord is not slacke to fulfyl his promes as some men count slackenes but is pacient to vs warde and wolde haue noman lost but wolde receyue all men to repentaunce The daye of the Lorde wyl come as a these in the night in the whiche daye the heauens shal perishe with terrible noyse and the elementes shall melte with heate and the earth with the workes that are therein shall burne And suppose ye that the long suffringe of the Lorde is saluation euen as oure dearelye beloued brother Paule accordyng to the wysedome geuen vnto hym wrote to you yea almoste in euerye Epistle speaking of suche thinges among which are many thynges harde to be vnderstonde whiche they that are vnlearned vnstable peruerte as they do other scriptures vnto theyr owne destruction The .i. Epistel of S. Iohn the Apostle the .i. Chapter YF we saye that we haue no synne we deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs. Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faithful and iust to for geue vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes Yf we saye we haue not synned we make him a lyar and his worde is not in vs. The .ii. Chapter IF any manne sinne yet we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ which is righteous and he it is that oblayneth grace for oure synnes not for your sinnes onelye but also for the sinnes of al the world He that sayth I know hym and kepeth not his commaundemetes is a lyar and the veritie is not in him He that sayeth he by deth in hym oughte to walke euen as he walked He that sayth how that he is in the lyghte and yet hateth his brother is in darkenes euen vntill this time He that loueth his brother abydeth in the light there is none occasiō of euelin him He that hateth his brother is in darckenes and walketh in darkenes and cannot tel wyther he goeth because that darcknes hathe blynded his eyes Se that ye loue not the world nether the thinges that are in the worlde Yf any manne loue the worlde the loue of the father is not in him for all that is in the worlde as the lust of the fleshe the luste of the eyes and the pryde of goodes is not of the father but of the worlde And the worlde vanisheth awaye and the luste therof but he that fulfylleth the wyll of god abideth euer The .iii.
wordes with discrecion He hath sparsed abrode and geuen to the poore and his righteousnesse remayneth for euer his horne shal be exalted with honoure The .cxiii. Chapter HE taketh vp the simple out of the duste and lyfteth the poore out of the myre That he maye set hym with the princes euen with the princes of his people The .cxviii. Chapter IT is better to truste in the Lorde then to put any confidence in man It is better to truste in the lorde then to put anye confidence in princes The .cxix. Chapter BLessed are those that be vndefyled in the waye and walke in the waye of the lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies seke him with there hole herte For they whiche do no wyckednesse walke in his wayes It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble that I maye learne thy statutes The lawe of thy mouthe is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde and syluer O howe swete are thy wordes vnto my throte yea swetter then hony vnto my mouthe Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my fete and a lyghte vnto my pathes My soule is alwaye in my hande When thy worde goeth forthe it geueth lyghte and vnderstandyng euen to the symple The .cxx. Chapter What reward shal be geuen vnto the thou false tong euen mighty and sharpe arowes with hoote burnynge coles They that sowe in teares shall repe in ioye he that now goeth in his waye wepyng and beareth forth good seede shall doutles come agayne with ioye and brynge his sheaues with him The .cxxvii. Chapter EXcepte the lorde buylde the house theyr laboure is but lost that buylde it Except the lorde kepeth the cytie the watche manne waketh but in vayne The .cxxxviii. Chapter THoughe the lorde be hye yet hathe he respect vnto the lowlye as for the proude he beholdeth him a farre of The .cxxxix. Chapter WHether shall I go then from the sprete or whether shall I go then from thy presence yf I clyme vp into heauen thou arte there yf I go downe into hell thou arte there also yf I take the wynges of the morenynge and remaine in the vttermoste partes of the sea euen there also shall thy hande leade me thi right hande shal hold me The .cxl. Chapter A Man full of wordes shall not prosper vpon the earthe The .cxli. Chapter SEt a watche O lorde before my mouth and kepe the doore of my lyppes The .cxlii. Chapter I Cried vnto the O lorde and sayd thou art my hope my portion in the lande of liuing The .cxliii. Chapter INter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy syghte shall no manne lyuynge be iustified The .cxlv. Chapter THe lorde is louinge vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer all his worckes The lorde is nye vnto all them that call vpon him yea all suche as call vpon him faithfully The .cxlvi. Chapter O Put not youre truste in princes nor in anye chylde of man for there is no helpe in them The .clxvii. Chapter HE hathe no pleasure in the strengthe of an horse neyther deliteth he in anye mans legges but the lordes delyte is in theym that feare him and put their truste in his mercy ¶ The Prouerbes the fyrst Chapter THe feare of God is the beginning of wysedome but foles despise wisedome and instruccion My sonne consent not vnto synners yf they entice thee and saye come with vs. In vayne is the net layd forth before the byrdes eies I haue called and ye refused it I haue stretched out my hande and no man regarded it but all my counsele haue ye despised and set my corrections at naught The .ii. Chapter Walke thou in the waye of suche as be vertuous kepe the pathes of the righteous The .iii. Chapter LEt mercye and faythfulnes neuer go from thee bynde them about thy necke and wryte them in the tables of thy hearte so shalte thou fynde fauoure and good vnderstandynge in the syght of god and men Be not wyse in thyne owne conceyte Whome the lorde loueth hym he chasteneth and yet delyteth in him euen as a father in his owne sonne All the thynges that thou canst desyre are not to be compared vnto wysedome Wythdrawe no good thynge from them that haue nede so long as thyne hande is able to do it Saye not vnto thy neyghboure go thy waye and come agayne to morowe wyll I geue thee where as thou hall nowe to geue hym The .iiii. Chapter THe chiefe poynt of wysedome is that thou be wyllyng to obteyne wysedome and before all thy goodes to get the vnderstandyng Take faste holde of doctrine and let her not go kepe her for she is thy lyfe But awaye from thee a froward mouthe and let the lippes of slaunder be far from the. The .v. Chapter THe lyppes of an harlot are a droppyng hony combe and her throte is more glystering then Oyle But at the laste she is as bitter as wormewood her tonge as sharpe as a two edged swearde The .vi. Chapter Go to the Emmet thou sluggarde consider her wayes and learne to be wyse She hath no guide nor ouersear nor ruler yet in the sommer she prouideth her meate and gathereth her foode togyther in the haruest These syre thynges doth the lorde hate and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth Aproude looke A lying tongue handes that shedde innocente bloude an hearte that goeth aboute with wicked ymaginacion feete that be swift in running to do mischiefe A false witnes that bryngeth vp lyes And suche one as soweth discord among brethrē An harlot wyll make a manne to begge his breade Maye a man take fyre in his bosome and his clothes not be brente Or can one go vpon hoote coales and his feete not be hurte Euen so who so euer goeth into his neyghbours wyfe and toucheth her cannot be vngyltye The .viii. Chapter They that seke me early shall fynde me The .ix. Chapter REproue not a scorner lest he owe the euyll wyll but rebuke a wyse manne and he wyll loue the. Stolen waters are swets and the breade that is priuely eaten hath a good taste The .x. Chapter A Wise sonne maketh a glad father but an vndiscrete son is an heuinesse vnto his mother Treasures that are wyckedly gotten profyte nothing but righteousnes deliuereth from death A wyse man wyll receyue warnynge Loue couereth the multitude of synnes He that refuseth to be refourmed desceyueth him selfe Where moche bablynge is there must nedes be offence and he that refraineth his lyppes is wise An innocent tonge is a noble treasure As vineger is to the tethe and as smoke is vnto the eyes euen so is a slouggyshe person to them that sendeth him forth The .xi. Chapter WHereno good counsayle is there the people decaye but where as many are that can geue coūsayle there is wealthe He that is suretye for a straunger hurteth hym selfe and he that medieth not with suretyshyppe is sure A fayre woman without discrete maners is like a rynge of golde in a swynnes snoute Some man
the laste it byteth like a serpent and stingeth as an adder My sonne thou eatest hony and the swete honye combe because it is good and sweete in thy mouth euen so shall knowledge of wysdome be vnto thy soule assone as thou hast gotten it A iuste man falleth seuen tymes and ryseth vp agayne but the vngodly fall into wickednes Reioyse not thou at the fall of thyne enemye and let not thyne hearte be gladde when he stombleth leste the Lorde when he seeth it be angrye and turne his wrath from hym vnto the. The .xxv. Chapter PUt not forth thy selfe in the presence of the kynge and prese not into the places of great men Better it is that it be sayde vnto the come vp hether then thou to be put lower in the presence of the prince whome thou seest with thyne eyes Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighboures house lest he be wery of the and so abhorre thee Yf thyne enemy honger fede hym yf he thyrst gyue hym drynke for so shalt thou heape coales of fyrste vpon hys heade and the lord shal rewarde the. Lyke as it is not good to eate to moche hony euen so he that wyll searche out hye thynges it shal be to heuy for hym The .xxvi. Chapter Geue not the foole an aunswere after his foolishnes leaste thou become lyke vnto hym but make the foole an answere to his foolishnes lesse he be wyse in his owne conceyte The .xxvii. Chapter LEt a nother man prayse thee and not thyne owne mouth yes other mennes lippes and not thyne An open rebuke is better then a secrete loue Better is a frende at hande then a brother farre of The .xxviii. Chapter HE that by vsury and vniuste gaynes gathereth ryches he shall laye them in store for a man that wyll pitie the poore He that turneth awaye his eare from hearyng the lawe his prayer shall be abhominable He that hydeth his synnes shall not prosper but whoso knowlegeth them and forsaketh them shall haue mercye Lyke as a roarynge Lyon and an hungrye beare euen so is an vngodly prince ouer the poore people Where the prince is without vnderstanding there is greate oppression and wronge but yf he be suche a one as hateth couetousnesse he shall longe raygne He that maketh to muche haste to be ryche shall not be vngylty He that geueth vnto the poore shall not lacke but he that turneth away his eyes from suche as be in necessitie shal suffre great pouertie himself The .xxix. Chapter WYth true iudgement the kynge setteth vp the lande but yf he be a mā that oppresseth the people with gatheringes he turueth it vpside downe When the vngodly come vp wickednes encreaseth but the righteous shall se theyr fall When the worde of god is not preached the people perishe He that delicately bryngeth vp his seruaunt frō a chylde shall make hym his mayster at length The .xxx. Chapter AL the wordes of god be pure and cleane Put thou nothyng vnto hys wordes leaste he reproue thee and thou be founde a lyar Remoue fro me vanitie and lyes geue me neither pouertie nor ryches onelye graunte me a necessarye liuyng least yf I be full I denye the and saye who is the Lorde And leaste I beynge constrayned thorowe pouertie fall vnto stelynge and take the name of my Lorde god in vayne There be three thynges that are neuer satisfyed yea foure thynges sayeth neuer whoo The graue a womans wombe closed and the earthe that hath neuer water ynough As for fyre it sayth neuer whoo There be three thynges to hye for me and as for the fourth that passeth my knowlege The waye of an Egle in the ayer the waye of a serpent ouer a stone the waye of a shippe in the sea and the waye of a man with a yonge woman Thorowe thre thynges the earthe is disquieeted and the fourth maye it not beare Thorowe a seruaunt that beareth rule Thorowe a foole that hath to muche breade Thorow a wyfe worthy hatred when she is maryed And thorowe an handemayden that is heyre to her maystres The .xxxi. Chapter O My beloued sōne geue not ouer thy strēgth and wayes vnto women whiche are the desiruction euen of kynges O ●amuel it is not for kynges it is not I say for kynges to drinke wyne nor princes stronge drinke for there is no secrete where dronkennes raygneth leste they beyng dronken forgette the lawe and peruerte the iudgemente of all poore mennes chyldren Geue strong drinke vnto suche as are condempned to death and wine vnto those that mourne that they maye drynke it and forget their miserye and aduersitie as for fauoure it is discretefull and beautie is a vayne thynge ¶ The booke of the preacher the first Chapter AL floudes runne into the sea and yet is the sea it selfe not fylled for loke vnto what place the waters runne thēce then come the flowe agayne All thynges are so harde to be knowen that no man can expresse them There is no newe thynge vnder the sunne Where muche wysedome is there is also greate trauayle and disquietnes and the more knowlege a man hath the more is his care The .ii. Chapter The wyse manne dyeth as wel as the foole What gathereth a manne of all the laboure and trauayle of his mynde that he taketh vnder the sunne but heuinesse and sorowe and disquietnesse all the dayes of his lyfe The .iii. Chapter SO I yet ceyued that there is nothyng better for a man then to be merye and to do well as long as he lyueth The .iiii. Chapter I Iudged those that are deade more happye then those that be a lyue yea hym that is yet vnborne to be better at ease then they bothe because he seeth not the miserable workes that are done vnder the sunne Woo is hym that is a lone for yf he fal he hath not another to helpe hym vp The .v. Chapter IF thou make a vowe vnto god be not slacke to performe it Is for folyshe vowes he hathe no pleasure in them Yf thou promyse any thinge paye it for better it is that thou make no vowe then that thou shuldest promise and 〈◊〉 He that loueth money wyll neuer be satisfyed with mo●●… And who so delyteth in riches shall haue no profyte therof Like as he came naked out of his mothers wōbe so go the he thether againe and carieth nothynge awaye with him of all his laboure ¶ The .vii. Chapter A Good name is more worthe then precious oyntement It is better to go into an house of mournynge then into an banckettyng house Better it is to consydre the ende of a thyng then the begynning Vse well the tyme of prosperite and remember the tyme of mysfortune Be thou neither to righteous nor ouer wyse that thou perishe not be neither to vnrighteous also nor to foolishe least thou dye before thy time There is not one iust vpon earth that doeth good and synneth not The .viii. Chapter BEcause that euell worckes are not hastelye punished the hearte of manne
couple herselfe with another man she shal be counted a wedlock breaker But yf the mā be dead she is free from the lawe so that she is no wedlock breaker though she couple her selfe with another man I know that in me dwelleth no good thinge To wyll is present with me but I fynde no meanes to perfourme that whiche is good For I do not that good thyng which I wolde but that euill do I whiche I would not I delyte in the lawe of god concerning the inner man but I se another lawe in my membres rebellyng agaynst the lawe of my minde and subduyng me vnto the lawe of synne whiche is in my membres O wretched man that I am who shall delyuer me from this bodye of death The .viii. Chapter THey that are carnall are carnally mynded but they that are spiritual are ghostly minded to be carnally mynded is death but to be spiritually mynded is lyfe and peace because that the fleshly mynde is enemy against god for it is not obedient to the lawe of god neither can be So thē they that are geuen to the fleshe cannot please god Yf ye lyue after the fleshe ye muste dye but yf ye mortifye the dedes of the body by the helpe of the spirite ye shall lyue For as many as are led by the spirite of god they are the sonnes of god For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage to feare any more but ye haue receaued the spirite of adopcion whereby we crye Abba father I suppose that the afflictions of this lyfe are not worthye of the glorye shal be shewed vpon vs. The spirite maketh intercession mightely for vs with groninges whiche cannot be expressed with tounge Yf god be on ouresyde who can be againsts vs I am sure that neither death neither life nether aungels nor rule nether power nether thinges presēt neither thinges to come neither heighth neither loweth neither any other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of god shewed in Christ Iesu our lorde The .ix. Chapter THey which are the chyldren of the fleshe are not the children of god He hath mercy on whome he will and whom he will he maketh harde hearted God willing to shewe his wrath and to make his power knowen suffered with longe pacience the vessels of wrathe ordayned to damnacion that he might declare the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercye which he had prepared vnto glory that is to saye vs whiche he called not of the Iewes onely but also of the Gentiles The .x. Chapter THe belefe of the harte iustifieth and to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe for the scripture sayth whosoeuer beleueth on hym shall not be ashamed Whosoeuer shall on the name of the lord shal be safe The .xi. Chapter EVen so at this tyme is there a remnaunte lefte thorowe the election of grace Yf it be of grace then it is not of workes For then were grace no more grace Yf it be of workes then is it no grace For then were deseruing no lenger deseruing God hath wrapped al nations in vnbelefe the he myght haue mercy on all O the depnes of the aboundaunt wysedome and knowledge of god howe vnsearcheable are his iudgemētes and his wayes past fyndyng out for who hath knowen the mynde of the lorde or who was his counseler other who hathe geuen vnto him firste that he mighte be recompensed againe For of hym and thorowe him and for him are all thinges to him be glory for euer The .xii. Chapter I Beseche you brethren by the mercifulnes of god that ye make youre bodies a quicke sacrifice holye and acceptable vnto god whiche is youre reasonable seruing of god and fasshion not your selues lyke vnto this worlde but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renuyng of your wittes that ye maye fele what thinge that good that acceptable and perfecte wil of god is For I saye thorow the grace that vnto me geuē is to euery man amonge you that no man esteme of hymselfe more then it becōmeth him to esteme but that he discretely iudge of himselfe according as god hath beaste to euery man the measure of fayth Let loue be without dissimulation Be kynd one to another with brotherly loue Applye youre selues to the tyme. Blesse them whiche persecute you blesse but curse not Be of like affection one towardes another Be not hye mynded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sorte Be not wise in your owne opinions Recompence to no man euell for euell Yf it be possible howebeit of your parte haue peace withall men Yf thyne enemie honger fede hym Yf he thirst geue him drinke For in so doyng thou shalt heape coales of fyre on his heade Be not ouerrome of euill but ouercome euel with goodnes The .xiii. Chapter LEtte euery soule submitte himselfe vnto the auctorite of the hier powers For there is no power of god The powers that be are ordeyned of god Whosoeuer therfore relisteth power resysteth the ordinaunce of god And they that resiste shall receaue to them selfes damnation Ye must nedes obey not for feare of vengeaūce onely but also because of conscience Owe nothing to any man but loue one another Loue hurteth not his neyghboure Therfore loue is the fulfyllynge of the lawe Lette vs walke houestly as it were in the daye lyghte not in eatynge and drinckynge neither in chamburyng and wantonnes nether in strife and enu●ynge but put ye on the Lorde Iesus christ And make not prouision for the fleshe to fulfil the lustes of it The .xiiii. Chapter ONe beleueth that he maye eate all thynge another whiche is weake eateth earbes Let not him that eateth despyse hym that eateth not And lette not hym whyche eateth not iudge hym that eateth This manne putteth difference betwene daye and daye Another manne counteth all dayes a lyke Se that no man wauer in his dicu meanyng He that obserueth one daye more then another doth it for the lordes pleasur And he that obserueth one day more than other doth it to please the lord also He that eateth doth it to please the lorde for be geueth god thanckes And he that eateth not cateth not to please the lorde with all and geueth god thankes Christ therfore dyed and rose againe and reuyued that he might be lorde both of dead quicke Euery one of vs shall gyue accomytes of hym klie to god Yf thy brother be greued with thy meate now walkest thou not charitablye Destroye not hym with thy meate for whome christ dyed The kyngdom of god is not meate nor drincke But righteousnes peace and ioye in the holy ghost All thynges are pure but it is euyll for that man whiche eateth with the hurt of his cōscience It is good nether to eate fleshe nether to drincke wyne nether any thing wherby thy brother ston● bleth eyther falleth or is made weake The .xv. Chapter WE whyche are stronge oughte to beare the frailnes of them whiche are weake and
bothe in body and also in sprete But she that is maryed careth for the thynges of the world how she may please her husband The wyfe is bound to the law assong as her husband lyueth yf her husband slepe she is at libettr to mary which whou● she will onely in the lord But she is happiar if she do abide in my iugemēt The .viii. Chapter MEat maketh not vs acceptable to god Nether ther yf we eate are we the better Neither yf we eate not are we the worsse But take hede that your liberte cause not the weake to fall Yf meat hur emy brother I wyll eare no fleshe whyll the worlde standeth because I wyll not hurte my brother The .ix. Chapter WHo goeth a warfarre any tyme at his owne coste Who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the frute who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thinges is it a greate thing yf we reape your carnall thinges Do ye not vnderstande howe that they whyche minister in the temple haue theyr fyndynge of the temple And they whyche wayte as the aulter are partakers withe the aultar Guen so also dyd the lorde ordayne that they whyche preache the gospell shulde lyue of the gospell Wo is to me yf I preache not the gospell They whiche run in a course run all yet one receaueth the reward So run the ye may obtaine I came my body and brynge it into subiection leaste after that I haue preached to other I my selft shulde be caste awaye The .x. Chapter FEtte hym that thynketh he standeth take hede least he tall But god is faithfull whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted adoue your strength but shall in the myddes of temptation make awaye to escape our Is not the cuppe of blessynge whiche we blesse partakyng of the oloude of christe is not the breade which we breake partakyng of the body of christe because that we though we be many yet are one breade one bodye in asmuche as we all are parts takers of one breade Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the Lorde and of the cup of the deuyls Ye can not be partakers of the lordes table and of the table of deuyls All thinges are lawfull vnto me but all thynges are not expedient All thynges are laufull to me but al thinges ediffy not Let no man seke his owne proffyt but let euery manne seke anothers welthe Whether ye eate or dryncke or whatsoeuerye do do all to the praise of god The .xi. Chapter I Wolde ye knewe that Christe is the heads of euery manne And the manne is the womans head And god is christes head A manne ought not to couer his heade for asmocke as he is the ymage and glorye of god The womanne is the glory of the manne for the manne is not of the woman but the woman of the man Nether was the man created for the womās sake but the womā for the mās sake For this cause ought the womā to haue power in her head for the angels sakes Yf there be anye among you that lusteth to striue lette him knowe that we no suche custome nether the congregacions of god There muste be sectes amonge you that they whiche are perfecte among you might be knowen The Lorde Iesus the same nyght in whiche he was betrayed toke bread and thanked and brake and sayde Lake ye and eate ye this is my bodye whiche is broken for you This do ye in the remēbraunce of me After the same maner he toke the cuppe when supper was done sayenge This do as ofte as ye dryncke it in the remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this breade and dryncke this cuppe ye shall shewe the Lordes deathe tyll he come Wherefore whosoeuer shall eate of this breade or drinke of the cuppe vnworthely shall be giltie of the bodye and bloude of the LORDE Let a man therfore examine himselfe and so let him eate of the breade and drinke of the cup. For he that eateth or drinketh vnworthelye eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordes body For this cause many are weake and sycke amonge you and many stepe Yf we had truly iudged our selues we shuld not haue bene iudged The .xii. Chapter I Declare vnto you that no man speakinge in the spirite of god defieth Iesus Also no man can saye that Iesus is the lorde but by the holy ghost And yf one member suffer all suffer with him yf one member be had in honour all members be glad also The .xiii. Chapter THough I had al faith so that I could moue mountaynes out of there places and yet had no loue I were nothinge When that whiche is perfect is come then that whiche is vnperfect shal be done awaye Now we se in a glasse euen in a darke speaking but then shal wese face to face Now I know vnperfectfy but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen Now abydeth fayth hope and loue euen these thre but the chiefe of these is loue The .xiiii. Chapter BRethren be not chyldren in wit Howe be it as concernyng maliciousnes be chyldren But in witte be perfect Let your wiues kepe silence in the congregations For it is not permitted vnto the to speake but let thē be vnder obedience Yf they wil learn● any thyng let them are there husbandes at home For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the congregacion The .xv. Chapter BY the grace of god I am that I am and his grace whiche is in me was not in vayne but I laboured more abundantly then they al yet not I but the grace of god which is with me By a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam al dye euen so by Christ shall all be made alyue and euery man in his owne order Malicious speakinges corrupt good maners The body is sowen in corrupcion and ryseth in incorruption It is sowen in dishonour and ryseth in honour It is sowen in weaknes and riseth in power It is sowen a naturall body and ryseth a spirituall bodye Fleshe and bloude cannot inherite the kyngdome of god Neither dothe corruption inherite vncorruption Beholde I shewe you a mistery We shall not all slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a moment and in the twinklynge of an eye at the sounde of the last trompe For the trōpe shall blowe and the deade shall ryse incorruptible and we shall be chaunged For this corruptible must put on inc rruptibilite and this mortal must put on immortalitie The .xvi. Chapter WAtche ye sionde fast in the fayth quyte you lyke men and be stronge Let all your busynes be done in loue ¶ The .ii. Epistle to the Corinthians the first Chap. FOr as the afflicciōs of Christ are plenteous in vs euē so is our consolacion plenteous by Christe Oure reioysinge is this the testimony of our consciēce that in singlenes and
the promes by the faythe of Iesus Christe should be geuen vnto them that beleue The .iiii. Chapter IT is good alwayes to be feruent so it be in a good thynge The .v. Chapter IN Iesu Christ neither is circūcisiō anithing worth neither yet vncircumcision but faith which by loue is mighty in operacion All the law is fulfilled in one word which is this thou shalt loue thyne neighbour as thyselfe Yf pebyte and deuoure one another take hede least ye de consumed one of another The fleshe lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the fleshe These are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot doe that whiche ye woulde But and yf ye be ledde of the spirite then are ye not vnder the lawe The dedes of the fleshs are manifest whiche are these aduoutry fornicacion vnclennes wantonnes ydolatrie witcheceafte hatred variaunce ●ele wrathe strife sedicion sectes enuyinge murther dronkennes glutteny and suche lyke of the whiche I tell you before as I haue tolde you in tyme past that they whiche commit suche thynges shal not inhertte the kyngdome of god The fruite of the spirite is loue ioye peace long suffering gentlenes goodnes faithefulnesse mekenes temperance Against suche thereis no lawe They that are Christes haue crucified the fleshe with the appetites and lustes Yf we lyue in the spirite let vs walke in the spirite Let vs not be vayne glorious prouokyng one another and enuying one another The .vi. Chapter BRethren yf any man be fallen by chaunce in to any faute ye whiche are spirituall helpe to amend hym in the spirite of mekenes considering thy selfe lest thou also be tempted Beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfill the lawe of Christ Yf any man seme to himself that he is sumwhat when he is in dede nothing the same deceaueth himselfe in his ymaginacion Let euery man proue his owne worde and then shall he haue reioysyng in his owne selfe and not in another For euery man shall beare his owne burthen Whatsoeuer a man soweth that shal he repe he that soweth in his fleshe shall or that fleshe repe corruption But he that soweth in the spryte shall of the spryte repe lyfe euerlastyng Lette vs not be wery of well doynge For when the time is come we shall reape without weatines Whyll we haue therfore tyme lette vs do good vnto all men and speciallye vnto them whiche are of the housholde of faythe God forbydde that I shulde reioyce but in the crosse of oure lorde Iesu christ wherby the world is crucified as touchyng me and I as concerning the worlde ¶ The Epistle of S. Paule to the Ephesians the fyrste Chapter BLessed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ whiche hathe blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessynges in heauenlye thynges by Christ accordyng as he had chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world was layde that we shuld be saynctes without blame before him throughe loue And ordeyned vs before throughe Iesus Christe to be heyres vnto hym selfe accordynge to the pleasure of hys grace wherwith he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued The .ii. Chapter BY grace are ye made safe through fayth and that not of your selues for it is the gyfte of god and commeth not of workes lest anye manne shulde boste him selfe For we are his worckemanshyp created in Christ Iesu vnto good worckes vnto the whiche god ordeined vs before that we shulde walke in them But nowe in christ Iesu ye whiche a while ago were farre of are made nye by the bloude of christ Nowe ye are no more straungers and foreners but citesyns with the sainctes of the housholde of god and are bylte vpon the foundation of the Apostles and prophetes Iesus Christ beynge the head corner stone in whom euery bilding coupled together groweth vnto an holy temple in the lord in whome ye also are bylt together and made an habitation for god in the sprete The .iiii. Chapter I Exhorte you that ye walke worthye of the vocation wherwith ye are called in all humblends of mynde meakenes and long sufferyng forhearing one another through loue and that ye be diligent to kepe the vnitie of the sprete in the bonde of peace beying one body one sprete euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge To euery one of vs is geuen grace accordyng to the measure of the gyfte of Christ Hence forthe be no more chyldren wauerynge and caryed with euerye wynde of doctrine by the wylynes of menne and craftines wherby they lay awayte for vs to deceyue vs. But lette vs folowe the truth in loue and in all thinges growe in him whiche is the head that is to saye christ As concernynge the conuersation in time paste laye frō you that olde man which is corrupt thorow the deceuable lustes and be ye renued in the spret of youre myndes put on that newe man whiche after the ymage of god is shapen in righteousnes and true holynes Be angrye but synne not lette not the sunne go downe vpon your wrathe Let no fylthy cōmunicatiō procede out of your mouthes but that whiche is good to edify with al whē nede is that it maye haue fauour with the hearers The .v. Chapter THis ye knowe that no whoremonger ether vnclene person or couetous person whiche is the worshypper of ydolles hathe any inheritaunce in the kyngdome of christ and of god Take hede that ye walke circumspectly not as fooles but as wyse redemynge the tyme for the dayes are euyll Be not droncke with wyne wherin is excesse Wemen submytte your selues vnto youre owne husbandes as vnto the lorde For the husband is the wyues head euen as christe is the heade of the congregation Husbandes loue your wyues euen as christ loued the congregatyon and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifye it c. Let the wyfe se that she feare her husbande The .vi. Chapter FAthers moue not youre chyldren to wrathe but brynge them vp with the nourtour and information of the lorde Remember that whatsoeuer good thynge anye man doeth that shall he receaue againe of the lord whether he be bounde or fre Put on the armour of god that ye maye stande stedfast againste the crafty assautes of the deuyll For we wrestle not against fleshe and bloude but against rule against power and againste worldely rulers of the darcknes of this worlde against spirituall wyckednes for heauenly thinges ¶ The Epistell to the Philippians the fyrste Chapter SO that christ be preached all manner waies whether it be by occasiō or of true meaning I therin ioye ye and wyllioye Christ is to me life death is to me auauntage I desire to be lowsed to be with christ whiche thinge is best of all The .ii. Chapter LOke ye drawe one waye hauynge one loue beynge of one accorde of one mynde that nothynge be done thorowe strese or vayne glorye but that in mekenes of mynde euerye man esteme other better them
him selfe And loke not euerye manne on his owne thinges but euery man on the thinges of other menne God hath exalted him geuē him a name aboue al names that in that name of Iesus should euerye knee bowe both of thinges in heauen and thynges in earthe and thinges vnder the earth that all tounges shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the lorde vnto the praise of god the father It is god whiche worketh in you both the wyll and also the dede of good wyll All other seke their owne and not that whyche is Iesus christes The .iii. Chapter BEware of dogges beware of euyl workers beware of dissention For we are circumcision whiche worshyp god in the sprete reioice in christ Iesu and haue no confidence in the fleshe I do iudge all thinges but donge that I might wynne christ myght be found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnes whiche is of the law but that whiche springeth of the faith whiche is in christ Brethren he folowers of me and loke on them whiche walke euen so as ye haue vs for an ensample For many walke of whome I haue tolde you often and now tell you wepyng that they are the enemies of the crosse of christ whose ende is damnation whose god is their bely and whose glorye is their shame whiche are wordelye mynded But oure conuersation is in heauen frome whense we loke for a sauyour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ whyche shall chaunge oure vyle bodyes that they maye be fasshioned lyke vnto his gloryous bodye accordynge to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto him selfe The .iiii. Chapter BE not careful but in all thinges shewe your peticion vnto god in prayer and supplicatiō with geuyng of thankes I haue learned in whatsoeuerestate I am therwith to be content Euerye where and in all thynges I am instructed bothe to be full and to be gungrye to haue plentye and to suffer nede I can do all thynges thoroughe the helpe of christ whiche strengthned me ¶ The Epistell of S. Paul to the Collossians the fyrst Chapter BY hym were all thynges created thynges that are in heauen and thynges that are in earth thinges visible and thinges inuisible whether they be maieste or lorde shyppe eyther rule or power All thinges are created by hym and in him and he is before all thinges and in him all thinges haue theyr beynge The .ii. Chapter IN christ dwelleth all the fulnesse of the god hede bodely ye are complete in him whiche is the heade of all rule and power in whome also we are circumcised with circūcision made without handes by putting of the sinfull body of the fleshe throughe the circumcision that is in christ in that ye are buried with him throughe baptime in whō ye are also risen againe thorough faith the is wrought by the operatiō of god which raised him frō death The .iii. Chapter Yf ye be then rysen againe with christ seke those thinges whiche are aboue where christ sytteth on the tyghte hande of god Set youre affection on thynges that are aboue and not on thynges whiche are on the earthe Mortify your membres whiche are on the erth fornication vnclennes vnnatural lust euyl concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is worshippyng of ydolles For whiche thinges sake the wrath of god commeth on the chyldren of vnbelefe And all thinges whatsoeuer ye do in worde or dede do in the name of the lorde Iesu geuynge thankes to god the father by him Husbandes loue your wyues and be not bytter vnto them Seruauntes be obedient vnto your bodely masters in all thinges not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of harte fearyng god Ye masters do vnto youre seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall seynge ye knowe that ye haue also a master in heauen The .iiii. Chapter LEt youre speache be alwayes well fauoured and powdred with salt that ye maye knowe howe to answere euery manne ¶ The fyrst Epistell to the Thessalonians the fyrste Chapter OVr exhortation was not to bryng you to erroure nor yet to vnclennes neyther was it with gyle but as we were alowed of god that the gospell shulde be commytted vnto vs euen so we speake not as thoughe we entended to please men but god whiche trieth oure hartes Neyther was our conuersation at any time with flattering wordes as ye well knowe nether in cloked couetousnes god is recorde nether soughte we prayse of menne nether of you nor yet of any other c. For what is our hope or ioye or corwne of reioysyr●ge are not ye it in the presence of our lorde Iesus christ at his commynge yes ye are our glorye and ioye The .iiii. Chapter THis is the wyll of god euen that ye shulde be holy and that yeshoulde abstayne frome fornication that euery one of you shoulde knowe howe to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure and not in the lust of concupiscence as do the hethen whiche knowe not god That no man go to farre and defraude his brother in bargaynynge because the lorde is a venger of all suche thinges as we tolde you before tyme and testified For god hathe not called vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holynes He that therfore despiseth despiseth not manne but god whyche hathe sent hys holye spryte amonge you I wolde not brethren haue you ygnoraunt concernynge them whiche are fallen a slepe that ye forowe not as other do whiche haue no hope For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayne euen so then also whiche slepe by Iesus wyll god brynge agayne with him The .v. Chapter OF the times and seasons brethren ye haue no nede that I wryte vnto you for ye your selues knowe perfectlye that the daye of the lorde shall come euen as a these in the nyght When they shall saye peace and no danger then commeth on them soden destruction as the trauaylynge of a womanne with chylde and they shall not scape Let vs not slepe as do other but let vs watche and besober for they that slepe slepe in the night and they that be droncken are droncken in the night But lette vs whyche are of the daye be sober atmed with the brest place of faith and loue with hope of saluation as an helmet For god hath not apointed ve vnto wrath but to optaine saluatiō by the meanes of oure lorde Iesu Christe whiche dyed for vs that whether we wake or sleape we shulde lyue cogyder with him ¶ The second Epistel to the Thessalonians the fyrst Chapter WE oure selues reioyce of you in the congregations of god ouer your pacience fayth in all youre persecutions and tribulations that ye suffre whiche is a token of the ryghteous indgement of god that ye are counted worthye of the kyngdome of god for whiche ye also suffre The .ii. Chapter Let no man deceaue you by any meanes for the lorde commethe not excepte there come a departyng fyrs●e and that that synfull man be opened the son of
Chapter WHosoeuer cōmitteth syn cōmitteth vnryghteousnes also for synne is vnrighteousnes whosoeuer doeth not righteousnes is not of god nether he that loueth not his brother He that loueth not his brother abydeth in beathe Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manne flear and ye knowe that no man flear hathe eternall lyfe abydynge in him Whosoeuer hath this worldes good and syeth his brother haue neade shutteth vp his cōpassiō from him howe dwelleth the loue of god in him Lette vs not loue in worde neyther in tounge but with the dede in verite for therby we know that we are of the verite can before hym quiete our bertes He that kepeth goddes commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him therby we know that there abydeth in vs of the sprete whyche he gaue vs. The .iiii. Chapter BEleue not euery spirite but proue whether they are of God ornot In this appered the loue of god to vs ward because that God sent his onelye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue thorow him Herein is loue not that we loued god but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make agrement for oure synnes Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs. and his loue is perfect in vs. Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of god in him dwelleth god and he in god There is no feare in loue but parsecte loue cafleth out all feare for feare hath painfulnes he the reateth is not perfecte in loue Yf a man saye I loue god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar For howe can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath sene loue god whō he hath not sene The.v. Chapter GOds commaundementes are not greuous This is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen oure fay the who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God There are thre which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holy ghost and these thre are one There are thre whiche beare recorde in carth the sprete and water and bloud and these thre are one This is the trust that we haue in god that yf we are any thyng accordyng to his will he heareth vs. And yf we knowe that he heare vs what soeuer we are we knowe that we shal haue the peticions that we desyre of hym Yf any man se his brother synne a synne that is nor vnto death lette him are and he shall geue him life for them that sinne not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death for whiche saye I not that a man should pray All vnrighteousnes is sinne and there is sinne not vnto death The worlde is all together sette on wyckednesse ¶ The seconde Epistell of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAd nowe beseche I the lady not as though I wrote a newe commaundement vnto the but that same whiche we harde frome the begynnynge that we shulde loue one another and this is the loue that we shoulde walke after his commaundementes The .ii. Chapter WHosoeuer transgresseth and bydeth not in the doctrine of christ hath not god He that endureth in the doctrine of christe hath bothe the father and the sonne yf there come any vnto you and brynge not his learnynge him receaue not to house nether byd him god spede for he that byd hym god spede is partaker of his euyl dedes ¶ The Epistel of S. Iude the fyrste Chapter BEholde the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saynetes to geue iudgement againste all menne and to rebuke all that are vngodlye amonge them of all theyr vngodlye dedes whiche they haue vngodlye committed and of all theyr truell speakynges whiche vngodlye synuers haue spoken against him ¶ The Reuelation of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAppy is he that redeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe the thinges which are writtē therin for the time is at hād Beholde he commeth with cloudes and all eyes shall se him and they also whiche persed hym I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the endynge saith the Lorde almyghty whiche is and whiche was and whiche is to come The .ii. Chapter TO hym that ouer commeth wyll I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe which is in the middes of the paradise of god To him that ouercommeth wyll I geue to eate Manna that is hydde and wyll geue hym a white stone and in the stone a new name wrytten whiche no manne knoweth sauynge he that receaueth it I wyll geue vnto euery one of you accordynge vnto your worches To him that overcōmeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende I wyll geue power ouer nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shall he brake them to sheuers The .iii. Chapter Yf thou shalt not watche I wyll come on the as a these and thou shalte not knowe what houre I wyll come vpon the. He that ouercommeth shal be clothed in whyt araye and I wyll confesse his name before my father and before his angels I know thy worches that thou art nether colde not hote I wolde thou were colde or hote So then because thou arte betwene both and nether colde nor hot I wyll spewe the out of my mouth because thou art riche and increased with goodes and hast uede of nothynge and knowest not howe thou arte wretched and miserable poore blynde and na●ed I counsel the to bye of me golde tried in the fyre that thou mayst be riche and whyt rayment that thou mayste be clothed that thy fylthy nakednes do not a●pere and annoynte thyne eyes with eye salue that thou mayste see As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be seruent therfore and repent Beholde I stande at the dore and knocke yf anye man heare my voyce and open the dore I wyll come in vnto hym and wyll suppe with him and he with me To hym that ouercommeth wyll I graunt to syt with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sytten with my father in his seate The .iiii. Chapter THe fyrste beste was lyke a lyon the seconde best lyke a calfe and the thyrde best hadde a face as a manne and the fourthe beste was lyke a ●yinge egle The .v. Chapter ANd when he had taken the booke the foure bestes the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe hauyng harpes and golden vialles full of odoures whiche are the prayers of saintes and they songe a newe songe saynge thou art worthy to take the boke and to open the seales therof for thou wast kylled hast redemed vs by thy bloude out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nations and haste made vs vnto our god kynges and prestes and we shall raigne on the exche The .vi. Chapter I Sawe vnder the aulter the soules of thē that were kylled for the worde of god and for the testimonye whiche they had And they cried with ● loude voyce sayeng howe lang cariest thou lord
are the baren Luc .xxiii. Haruest is greate but fewe labourers Math .ix. Hate father mother and folowe christ Luc .xiiii. Hate thy lyfe and kepe it Iohn .xii. Hate me and hate my father Iohn .xv. Hatred bringeth darcknes .i. Iohn .ii. Hearde of swyne Mat .viii. Marke .v. Luc .viii. Heauen must be taken by violence Math .xi. Heauenly wysdome Iaco .iii. He that hath shall haue more Math .xiii. xxv Mar .iiii. Luc .viii. xix He that is leest shal be greatest Luc .ix. He loueth god that kepeth his commaundementes Iohn .xiiii. He that say the that he is without synne Iohn .i. He that hateth his brother is a man slear .i. Io .iii. Here and then be doynge Luc .vi. Heauens reioyse at the repentaunce of a synner Luc .xv. Hyd and close thinges shal be knowen Math .x. Hyred seruauntes Iohn x. House of god is a house of prayer Math .xxi. Mar .xi. Luc .xix. Hospitalite Heb .xiii. How man shulde loue is lorde god marcke .xii Humble thy selfe and be exalted Luc .xiiii. Howe mans body shall ryse .i. Cor .xv. Husbans loue your wyues Ephe .v. Collo .iii. I Iesus the mediator of the newe testament he .ii. I am the true way Iohn .xv. Idle wordes Math .xii. Iesus a sauiour Math .i. Iesus fyrst sermon Math .iiii. Iesus was baptised of Iohn mar .i. Iesus after Iohn was taken began c. Mark .i Iesus the sonne of the hyest Luc .i. Iesus meate Iohn .iiii. Ierusalem Math .v. Iesus is our aduocate .i. Iohn .ii. Iohn the baptiste Mat .iii. xi mar .i. Luc .i. Iohn left his father to folow christ mat 4. mar .i Iohns garmentes meate and dryncke mar .i. Iohn was fylled with the holy spirite Luc .i. Iohn for ioy sprange in his mothers bely Luc .i. Iohn the prophete of the hyest Luc .i. Iohns preachyng Luc .iii. Iohn baptised with water christ with fyre luc 3. Iohn .i. Act .i. Iohn goddes messanger Luc .vii. Ionas math .xii. Ioseph a manne of perfection math .i. Ioseph fulfylleth the angels commaunde math .i. Ioseph ruler of all Egypte Actes .vii. If an angell from heauen do preache c. Gala .i. Inner man delyte in the loue of god Roma .vii. Ipocrites praye openly and to be sene Math .vi. It is not geuen to euery man to knowe the secretes of heauen Math .xiii. Lu .viii Iewes maye not company with alienes Act .x. Iudge not Math .vii. Rom .xiiii. Iudge not afte the vtter apperaunce Iohn .vii. Iudge thy selfe truly .i. Cor .xi. Iudgement mercyles Iaco .ii. Iudas hanged him selfe Actes .i. Iustemen shall shyne lyke the sonne Math .xiii. K Kyngdome of heauen is at hande math .x. Kyngdome of god Roma .xiiii. i. Cor .iiii. Kynges thre the starre with their offerynges mat .ii. Keyes of heauen math .xvi. Kynge Herode eaten with wormes Actes .xii. Keye of knowledge Luc .xi. Kepe your vessell in holynes .i. Thes .iiii. L. Laboure for the eternall meate Iohn .vi. Labourer is worthy of his rewarde lucke .x. Lambe of god Iohn .i. Laye from you that olde man Ephe .iiii. Lazarus luc .xvi. Lawe of god shall neuer perishe Luc .xvi. Leest and the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen Math .v. Lende but loke for no gayne Lucke .vi. Leper must shew him selfe to the prest mar .i. iii. v. Lette slepe your nettes Luc .v. Lette not synne raygne in your bodyes Roma .vi. Lette there be no dissention among you .i. cor .i. Letter and the sprete differ .ii. Cor .iii. Let your wordes be poudred with salt Col .iiii. Let the righteous be more righteous Apo .xxi. Leue wordly thinges possesse heauen luc .xviii. Leuytes payd tithes Hebre .vii. Lybette is where the sprete of god is .ii. Cor .iii. Lyfe eternall Iohn .xvii. Lyue after the fleshe and dye Roma .viii. Lyke pleasure lyke paine Apo .xviii. Lyght of the worlde Math .v. Lye vnto the holy ghost Actes .vi Locke not backe Luc .ix. Lorde go from me Luc .v. Lose thy lyfe and saue it Luc .xvii. Lot fyl on Mathias Actes .i. Loue youre enemyes Math .v. Luc .vi. Loue declareth christes disciples Iohn .xiii. Loue fulfylleth the lawe Roma .xiii. Loue excelleth fayth and hope .i. Cor .xiii. Loue couereth synne .i. Pet .iiii. Loue bryngeth lyght .i. Iohn .ii. Loue not the worlde .i. Iohn .ii. Loue in dede and verite .i. Iohn .iii. Loue casteth out feare .i. Iohn .iiii. Loue one another .ii. Iohn .i. M. Make frendes of the wycked mammon Luc .xvi. Magdalen wrought a good worcke vpon christe Math .xxvi. mar .xiiii. Iohn .xii. Magdalens synnes are forgeuen Luc .vii. Man liueth be the worde of god mat 4. Luc. 4. Man is knowen be his dedes mat .vii. Manne be another mans faythe maye be holpen Math .ix. Luc .v. Manne can not seperate that god hathe coupled Mar .x. Man to abyde with his wyfe shall leue all thinge Marcke .x. Manne yf he wylbe saued must be borne of water and the sprite Iohn .iii. Manne is goddes temple .i. Cor. iii. vi ii Cor .vi. Man is the womans head .i. Cor .xi. Ephe .v. Man is the glory of god .i. Cor .xi. Man ought not to couer his heade .i. Cor .xi. Manne shal be rewarded after the worckes of his bodye .ii. Cor .v. Manne was created vnto good worckes Ephe .ii Man wrestleth against the deuyll Ephe .vi. Man shall once dye Heb .ix. Man shall vanyshe awaye as the floure of grasse Iaco .i. Manna Apo .ii. Mannes angell beholdeth the face of god mat 18. Mannes conscience and though shall beare witnes with him or against him Roma .ii. Mans wyll is accepted according to that he hath .ii. Cor .viii. Mans ende shal be according to his dede .ii. cor .xi. Mans lyfe Iaco .iiii. Many and dyuers walkers Phil .iii. Mathen or leuy the customer mar .ii. Luc .v. Martha martha Luc .x. Melchisedech Hebre .vii. Membres that are noysome must be caste awaye math .v. Many are called and fewe chosen mat .xxii. Men loue darcknes more then lyght Iohn .iii. Meate doth not make manne acceptable to god .i. Cor .viii. Manye menne peruert Paules seynges to theyr owne destruction .ii. Pet .iii. Mortify your membres Col .iii. Mortifye the dedes of the body liue Rom .viii. Moses and Helias in the monte and wherof they spake Luc .ix. Moses learnyng Act .vii. Mouth doth speake of the abundance of the hart math .xii. Muche people and fewe preachers math .ix. N Name of Iesus Phi .ii. Name of Iesus the name of saluation Act .iiii. Nazareth a citie of galile marcke .i. Newe wyne in newe vessels math .ix. marcke .ii. Lucke v. No man can serue two masters Mat .vi. luc .xvi. No man without synne Iohn .vii. No manne knoweth the sonne nor yet the father Lucke x. No manne commeth to the father but by Christe Iohn .xiiii. No manne doth good Roma .iii. No manne can tame the tounge Iaco .iii. Nothing so hyd but it shal be knowen luc viii xii Nothynge can departe manne frome the loue of god Roma .viii. O. Obey the