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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09135 The Iesuites catechisme. Or Examination of their doctrine. Published in French this present yeere 1602. and nowe translated into English. VVith a table at the end, of all the maine poynts that are disputed and handled therein; Catechisme des Jesuites. English Pasquier, Etienne, 1529-1615.; Watson, William, 1559?-1603. 1602 (1602) STC 19449; ESTC S114185 330,940 516

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he vsed And that you may not thinke that this Maxime proceedeth from the pliantnes of their consciences which they restraine or extend as best fitteth their profit their good Father Ignace first taught them this dispensation whereof since they haue made a particular constitution The other holy Fathers founders of diuers orders of Religion established diuers ordinances which they fastened if I may so speake with nailes of Diamond in tombs of brasse which should perpetually be obserued by their Munks and other Religious In the Sect of Iesuits there is nothing so certaine as their vncertaintie as I said of late In the Bull of Pope Paule the third it is written as followeth Et quod possint constitutiones particulares quas ad Societatis huiusmodi finem Iesu Christi Domini nostri gloriam ac proximi vtilitatē conformes esse iudieauerint condere tam hactenus factas quam in posterum faciendas constitutiones ipsas iuxta locorum temporū rerū qua litatem varietatem mutare alterare seu in totum cassare alias de nouo condere possint valeant Quae postea alteratae mutatae seu de nouo conditae fuerint eo ipso Apstolicae sedis authoritate praefata confirmatae censeaniur cadem Apostolica authoritate de speciali gratia indulgemus That they may make saith Pope Paule particular ordinances which they shal iudge fit for the Societie to the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ and the profit of their neighbour And that such as are alreadie made or shall be made hereafter they may chaunge alter or abolish according to the varietie of place time and occasions and in steed of them make new the which so chaunged reuoked or new made we will that they be confirmed by the foresaid authoritie of the Apostolique Sea and by the same authoritie of our speciall grace and fauour we confirme them I haue translated this place word for word and yet when the Bull saith in Latine that the constitutions may be chaunged as shall be fit for the Societie it must be vnderstood for the maintenance and aduancement of the Order Out of this generall constitution they haue drawne one particular which is woorthie to be knowne in the 16. part of their constitutions Chapter 5. the title beginning thus Quod Constitutiones peccati obligationem non inducunt Cum exoptet Societas vniuersas suas Constitutiones declarationes ac viuendi ordinem omnino iuxta nostrum institutum nihil vltraan re declinando obseruari Optet etiam nihilominus suos omnes securos esse vet certè adiuuari ne in laqueum vllius peccati quod ex vi constuationum huiusmodi aut ordinationum proueniat incidant visum est nobis in Domino vt excepto expresso voto quo Societas summo Pontifici pro tempore existente tenetur aec●tribus alijs essentialibus Paupertatis Castitatis Obedientiae nullas Constitutiones declarationes vel ordinem vllum viuends posse obligationem ac peccatum mortale vel veniale inducere Nisi Superior ea in nomine Domini Iesu Christi vel in virtute obedientiae iuberet And a little after Et loco timoris offensae succedat amor desiderium omnis perfectionis vt maior gloria laus Christi creat●ris ac Domini nostri consequatur That the constitutions may not bind any man in conscience sith the Societie desires that all their constitutions declarations and order of life should be without euasion conformable to our direction and also neuerthelesse wisheth to be secured or at least succourd that they be not snared in any sin which may grow by theyr constitutions or ordinances We haue thought good in the Lord exception taken to the expresse vow wherewith the societie is bound to the Pope for the time beeing and the three other essentiall vowes of Pouertie Chastitie and Obedience that no Constitutions declarations or any order of life shall impose any yoake of mortall or veniall sinne vpon them vnlesse their Superiour commaund those thinges in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ or in the vertue of obedience And againe In stedde of feare of offending let loue and desire of all perfection come in place and let the glory praise of Christ our Lord and Maker be the more exalted By the first article it is lawfull for them to change rechange their constitutions at their own pleasure forsooth for their good By the second their constitutions are held in regard of the soule indifferent so that the Iesuit may breake them without committing mortall or veniall sinne A law which their great Law-giuer gaue them to the end that to Gods honour and glory there might be fewer sinners in theyr societie Oh holy soules oh pure consciences Who restrayning their inferiours from sinne take themselues the reines committing all manner of sinne vncontrouled Let vs examine these poynts without passion and let vs consider the scope of these two propositions By the first no Prince shall be assured of his estate and by the second no Prince shal be secure of his person in his own kingdome Concerning the first poynt call to minde howe matters haue beene carried for these 25. or 30. yeeres There hath beene no Nation where they be fostered but they would be tempering with their affaires of state I think they are such honest men as what herein they haue done they haue vndertaken to doe it by vertue of their silent Constitutions which the auncient Romans termed Senatus-Consulta tacita or if they did it by their owne priuate authoritie the Generall vvere vnworthy of his place should he suffer it Further this was forbidden them in the yeere 1593 when they sawe all their plots meere frustrate Admit newe troubles should arise these gallants will cassiere and disanull this last Ordinaunce suffering their companions to intermedle as before This same Pauline will it not breede in them a trouble-state where euer they become ●manuel Sa●n his Apho●ismes of confession Montag cap. 58. But what are their rules in such affaires Marry that it is lawfull to kill a Tyrant That a King breaking and contemning the common lawes of the Land may be depriued of his Crowne by the people That there are other causes for the which Princes and great personages may be slaine In what a miserable condition shall Princes liue if the assurance of theyr Estate shall depend vpon these fellowes Let vs see their newe constitutions of 93. I will that they meddle not at all in affaires of state in generall termes And that particulerly they practise not vpon the person of Princes Are they bound to obey this Nothing lesse Inasmuch as their Lawgiuer chargeth not their consciences but in expresse termes he would otherwise haue charged them by vertue of their blinded obedience And this is the cause that Commolet preaching since this new Statute that there wanted a newe Chud to kill our King and Walpoole furnishing Squire with poyson and instructions to kill the
profest fathers but onely of the simple vow he procured letters dimissorie as you haue heard wherein though it be said for iust cause yet if you talke with him he will tell you that there was no other but onely this hee would continue with them no longer as I haue learned of himselfe and you see it was at his owne request that he came away and not at the motion of the Superiour And surely sith Clemēt du Puits vsed the matter thus I assure my selfe he might doe it by some mysterie that is kept secret amongst them without seeking the authoritie of the Generall and if he might I doubt not but the like authority is graunted to all the other Prouincials Good God what a discipline is this What respect and obedience sheweth it to the holy Sea The General may now defend himselfe by the Gregorian Bull of 1594. but in what Buls will the Prouincials find that this power is graunted them If that vpon the importunitie of an inferiour he may dismisse him to the preiudice of the 3. religious ordinary vowes of all substantial orders Pouertie Chastitie and Obedience What a Religion is this wherein all things are permitted him against our Religion Are not all these iolly Maisters verie coozners liuing in the midst of vs But you shall find other manner of stuffe in the rest of their vowes if it please you to giue me audience as hitherto you haue done CHAP. 14. ¶ How the Fathers Iesuits voning pouertie by their great and third vow make a mocke of God YOu haue vnderstood of the Father Iesuit here present that after the simple vow they make a solemne vow by which they adde nothing to the former but onely that by making this second they cannot any more inherit nor be dismist by their Generall There remaines now the third which is the vowe of three steps by which besides Pouertie Chastitie and Obedience vowed by them they make a particular vow of Mission to our holy Father the Pope which is to goe to the Indies and Turkie for the winning of soules if they be commanded by his holines But aboue all I make great account of that precise Pouertie which is enioyned them by their constitutions Runne through all the orders of religion there is not one of them in which Pouertie is so recommended as among the Capuchins which liue from hand to mouth and put ouer the care for to morrow to the onely goodnes of God Buls of the yeere 1540. and 1550. The foundation of the profest which are the Iesuits of the great vow is to vow pouertie as well ingenerall as in particular as it is in all the orders of begging Friers But because their pouertie had need to be expounded let vs see the commentaries they bring vs by their constitutions Part. 3. constit ca. 1. Art 27. They haue three sorts of houses one for their Nouices another for their religious bound by their solemne vowes which they call the house where there Church is and another which they call a Colledge for the religious that are bound only by the simple vow wherof some are schollers probationers others coadiutors some spiritual some temporall In domibus vel ecclesiis quae à Societate ad auxilium animarum admittentur redditus nulli ne Sacristiae quidem aut fabricae applicati haberi possunt sed nec vlla alia ratione Part. 6. constit ca. 2. Art 2. ita vt penel Societatem eorum sit vlla dispensatio sed in solo Deo cui per ipsius gratiam ea inseruit fiducia constituatur sine reditibus vllis ip sum nobis profecturum de rebus omnibus conuenientibus ad ipsius maicrem laudem gloriam Professi viuant ex eleemosynis in domibus cum aliquò non mittuntur nec officium Rectorum ordinarium in Collegiis Art 3 vel vniuersitatibus Societatis habeant nisi ipsarū necessitas vel magna vtilitas exigeret nec reditibus aorum in Domibus vtantur Parati sint ad mendicandum ostiatim Art 10. quando vel obedientia vel necessitas id exiget Et sit vnus vel plures ad elecmosinas petendas quibus personae societatis sustententur destinati quas eleemosinas simpliciter amore Domini nostri petent Non solum redditus sed nec possessiones habeant in particulari Art 5. nec in communi Domus vel Ecclesie That is to say In those houses and Churches which the Societie shall accept of for the saluation of soules there shall be no reuenewes proper eyther to be applied to the vestrie or to the frame and buildings or for any other purpose whatsoeuer That the Societie may haue nothing to dispose of but onely depend vpon God whom by his grace they serue trusting that without reuenewes he will prouide things necessarie for vs to his praise and honour They that are professed that is men of the last great solemne vow shal liue by almes in their houses when they are not sent forth to any countrey nor take the ordinarie charge of Rectors of Colledges or Vniuersities except it be vpon necessitie or vrgent vtilitie require it neither shall they vse the Colledges reuenewes in their houses They shall be readie to begge from doore to doore when obedience or necessitie requires it And to this purpose let there be one or two or more appointed to craue almes for the sustenance of the Societie which shal begge the almes simply For the loue of our Sauiour Iesus The houses and Churches of the Societie shall not onely haue no rents or reuenewes but no possessions or inheritance in generall or particular Gather all these particulars together was there euer pouertie more obstinately vowed then this And therefore it was that first Pius 5. and after Gregorie 13. ordained that this Societie should be placed among the orders of Mendicants If they would obserue that which heere is enioyned them I would excuse them with all my heart of the heresie of their first vow And that because that after they had a long time enioyed goods during the time of theyr simple vowe at the last to make satisfaction to GOD for it being come to the period of their great vow by reason whereof they haue the name of Fathers aboue the other religious yet not onely they vow from thence forwards a beggery but also so themselues to become treasurers thereof I would honour them as the true followers of S. Peters repentance after he had denied his maister would esteeme them aboue all the other orders of Mendicants But when saw you thē goe with a wallet vp and down the towne For all this they liue richly and plentifully not with the Manna of God for they are not children of Israel but by a notable poynt of Sophistrie see how By the Bul of Pau. 3. 1540. and that of Iulius 1550. The houses where these holy Fathers dwell are not permitted to haue any goods