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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07572 [Liber festivalis]; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1486 (1486) STC 17958; ESTC S110149 187,701 329

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nostri Ihesu cristi GOod men and wymmen as ye heryn and seyn as hooly churche makyth mynde and mencion of the grete myrthe and me lodye of the blessyd birth of oure lord ihesu crist very god man that was this day borne of his modyr mary in socour of all man kynde But in e speciall for thre causis Firste to yeue pese to man of good wyll and to lyghte hem that were darcke in synne and for to drawe vs with loue to hym Thanne as to the firste cause he was borne to geue men peese of good wyll I may well preue this for whan he was borne angellys songhe thus Gloria in excelsia deo c. Ioye be to god in heuen pese in erth to man kynd of good wyll At midnighte oure lord was borne for be kynde all thyng was in pees reste inshewyng that he was and is Princepa pacia Prince of peese come to make pees be twyxe god and man and be twyxe the angell and man and be twyx man and man And for to be trew mediatour be twyx god and man he toke natur and kynde of bothe and was bothe verray god and man and by his mediacion he knette the loue of god to man so saddely that the fadyr of heuyn sparyd not hym that is his owne but sente hym in to this worlde to bye man kynde with his precious blode thourghe his grete mekenesse to ioye of paradyse that man hadde loste be couetyse of vnbuxsumnes Thus he made pees be twyx god and man and man and man for whanne angeles say her lord wrothe with man for his vnbursumnes for it is a synne that angeles hatyn gretly Ther fore they kepte the gatys of paradyse and wolde lette no soule come ynne tyll they say her lord borne of man kynde Thanne a none for loue of our lord the angels did mankynde worshippe spake goodly to mankynde as to the sheperdys that keptyn her shepe in the countre by They bad hem go to the cite of Bethlem and ther they shuld fynde a childe borne and leyde in a crache and bad hem do hym worshippe and so they dedyn And euer syn angelys haue ben frendely to man and lowly end haue done reuerence to mankynde for the incarnacion of oure lord ihesu criste Thus he made pees betwene angelys man Also he made pees betwene man and man for a yene the tyme that oure lord wolde be borne he made so grete pees that in all the worlde ther as kyngdomes and countreys were in debate and werred eche with othyr on to the tyme of our lordis birthe Than there was so grete pees that a man that was callyd octauian Emperour of rome and he hadde the gouernaunce of the worlde for all the world was subiete to rome and hit dured xxx wynter in so moche that ther was a maūment sente oute from rome in to all the world comaundyng to all maner of people shuld go to the cite that he drew lynage of ley a peny vpon his hede and so offer hit vp in knolechyng that he was sogette to the Emperour of rome Than muste Joseph oure ladyes husbonde nedys go to the cite of Bethleem for to offer with othir peple but for he had no money to offer he toke an oxe with hym to selle at the cite to make money to do his de●te with but for he durste not leue our lady be hynde hym for she was nyghe her tyme. And there fore he sette her vpon an asse and toke her with hym And so whanne they come to the cite of Bethleem hit was so full of people so that Joseph and oure lady myghte haue no logyng but tourned in to a cabon that was made betwyxse two houses there as the people of the countre sette her horses and theyr asses and othir bestis whanne they come in to the towne to the markette and so there they founde a crache with hey And they sette the oxe and the asse ther to and so there they taryed all that nyghte And whanne hit was a lytyll be fore mydnyght oure lady badde Joseph goo in the towne and loke her for a myddewyffe whan the tyme was come she shuld be delyuerid asked her wher ther shulde after hym any be borne that shulde be gretter than he Thanne at myd day Sybill loked in the sonne and there she saye a cercle of gold a boute the sonne Et in medio circuli virgo pulch errima And the myd dys of the cercle a fayre mayden and a childe in her arme with a crowne of gold And whan sibyll had shewid this to the Emperour she seyd to hym this childe shall be gretter than thos arte or euer were or euer shall be and ther fore do hym worshippe and reuerence Than a none the emperour toke ensence and dede worshippe to hym and charged all the people to do the same and to calle the childe her god hym but a man as othir were Thus all cristen people may lerne to do worshippe and seruice to this childe this day And ther fore the thyrde masse this day is seyd at myd day in tokenyng that cristen people shulde come and offer in the worshippe of this childe and his modyr and shewen hym seruaunt and suget to hym and knoleche this childe for his lord and his god and eche man shulde come to hym for loue and not for drede And ther fore the office of the masse this day begynneth thus Puer natus est nohis A childe is borne to vs he seyth and not a man for all cristen people shulde be bolde and not a ferde to come to hym to haue grace for he is full of grace and redy to yeue mercy to hem that askith hit mekely with dewe reuerence he is euer redy to yeue mercy and grace In tokenyng that same day that crist was borne in Bethleem a welle of water in rome tourned and ranne oyle all that day shewyng that the well of grace and mercy was borne that day that shuld yeue mercy and grace to all theym that wolde come to hym and aske mercy and grace and that ye shall here be ensample Narracio we rede of a woman that was defowled in lechery and all moste fill in dispayr of drede for whanne she be thoughte her of the streytenesse of cristes dome and the gre●● horrible peynes of hell that were ordeyned for soche synners as she was ●or● a ferde and be thoughte her of cristes passion what loue he shew de to all cristen people she thoughte she was vnkyn de to hym and he sufferid so sore for h●● And than she be thoughte her how children be they neuer so wrothe and shewe neuer so grete vengeaunce how lyghtly they woll sese and for geue where fore this woman a none cryde to Criste preyng hym for his child he de to for geue her and to haue mercy on her and a none she herde a voyce an high in the eyre and seyd
to make us holy bredern to hym heyres to ye. kyngdom of heven For thys causes all cristen people owen to be ful glad in theyr soules as my ● tyme makyng solempnyte myrthe makyng hem both clene in body soule from all maner of synnes And groundyng them in grete sadnes of love to god and to all cryssten people doynge grete almes to them that have nede But now the more harme is for that hygh and solem pnefes●e is torned into f●llye. synne grete sykenes to the soule as in pryde by dyverse wyse in clothynge in many dyverse gyle usyng into grete covetyse into ●echery ▪ that sueth alway gloten ●● In slewth in god ys servyce as ●apys and vanyte syngyngery baudry spekyng For vanite causeth moche slow the for among suche peple he is most worthy that most charlatry can speke thus thyse solempne and hygh festes yt. were ordeyned to grete worshyp of god and of our lady all the sayntes in heven now ben torned into grete offence to god wherfore our moder holy chircheseying her children in such dyspayre as a moder full of compass yons●r● in her herte for theym thys day leyeth down all●luia and other songs of m●●the melodye and taketh ●raclus that ben songes of mornynge Also for thys holy sacramente of weddyng is moche de●oyled by vanyte of synne therfore it is leyed do●n thys dayes in advente For many that ben now wedded yeveth theym all luste and lykynge of the bodyes of fleshely lusle of this world And thynketh full lytyll of the deth yt. is full grevous that cometh too soon after But as it is red by grete clerkes it is more spefull to monnes soule to god to an house there as is a corps wepyng than to go to an house there as is a grete revel moch myrthe for such thynges make a man to foryete hys god hymself bothe but theras is a syght of a corse maketh a man to thynke on his deth that is the specyal thing to putte away synne vanyte of this worlde For Salomon sayth thus to his son ●ili memorare novissima tua ineternum non pec●●bis Sone have in thy mynd that thou shall deye●● thou shal never synne dedely thus holy chirche havyng grete compassyon of her children ordeyneth thre maner of salves to helpe to he le her children that ben to thynke on dethe inwardly to labour besely to chastyse ye. body resonably the fyrst as to thynke on dethe in wardly holy chircheyeveth en sample this day in the offyce of the masse Circumdederunt me The sekenes of deth hath b●●typped me this sayth he techyng every good chyld to have in mynde how hard he is bestad wyth deth on eche syde in soo moche that he ma● not seape noo way but eve● deth sueth hym wyth abow drawen and an arrow eye● therin redy to shote hym he wote never what tyme This is a pryncypall salve to every man yt. taketh it to her t● to putt away all maner ofvamyte vayne myrthe But for to understand thys the better I shew this by ensample Narracio I rede of a kyng yt. ever was in hevy sorowe and he wold never laughe ne make mery ●here but ever was in mornynge in hevyness therefore his mayny all other men were greved ther with they yede ●o ye. kynges brode● prayng hym to speke to the kyng ● sayd he greved alle thoo that were aboute hym w th hys hevy chere and counseled hym to leve it and make ●yght chere in tyme comynge Thenne was thys kyng wyse thought to chastyse his broder by a whyle and wrothly bad hym goo home and doo that he had to doo Thenne was the maner of ye. countrey that whan a man shold be done to dethe shold come trompetts and trompe afore hys gate Thenne sayd the kynge byddyng theym goo trompe afore hys broders gate and men goo wyth theym to arreste hym and brynge hym byfore the kynge And in the meane whyle the kynge called unto hym seven men that he tru● on and bad theym that whan his broder was come to drawe her swerdes and sette theym atte hys breste afore hys herte So whan hys broder was come they dyde as the kynge bad hem than the king commaunded all men to daunce and to make revell all that they coude and so they dyden thenne sayd the ▪ kyng to hys broder why art thou so hevy of chere heve up thy hede and be mery for all this myrthe is made for the Thenne answerd he and sayde How sholde I be mery of chere see here seven swerdes sett to my herte and wote nott who shall be my dethe fyrste Then sayd the kynge put up your swerdis and spake to his broder thus It fareth by me that seven dedly synnes be everredy to reve me of my soule to the herte and this maketh me that I may never be mery and make glad chere but ever am aferde of dethe for my soule that is the ●yf of my body Thenne sayd ye. broder lerye thee mercy for I knew never this tyll now and shall be wyser ever after This I will say boldly he that wyll take this to herte he shall have better wyl to loure than to laugh to sygh than to be glad to wepe than to synge soo that he shall fynde the mynd of deth the pryncy pal salve of all maner of synne also princypally we must have in ne mynde the ▪ peynful deth of our savyour that he suffred for us all of the which is made me●cyon in ye. fyrst chapytre of trenys Attendite videte siest dolor similis sicut dolor meus That other salve is to labour besely in this world of u s ▪ labour speketh St. Poull in the pystle of this day sayth Sic currite ut comprehendatis Renneye soo yt. ye may have the game by this rennyng ye shall understonde yt. he that renne for ye. game enforsyth hymself wyth all hys myght to renne fast and soo must every servant of god enforce hym to labour besely in the degre god hath sette hym in men of holy chirche must labour in studying prayeng to teche ye. people the lawe of god Lord is rentelmen must labour to kepe holy chyrch in reste peas and other comyn peple must labourlogele lyvyng t● thyse other degrees fsorhymself bothe to soule and body And for no man shold excuse hym from this labour Cryste in the gospel yeveth an ensample sayng thus Primomane conducere operarios An husbound man went into hys gardeyn or vyneyard at pryme a yen at undren or myddaye sat even song tyme. And he hyred people to labour by all the tydes of the day This is to understonde all ye-grees of the ▪ worlde For as Iob sayth A man is borne to labour traveyle in thys world as a byrd to flee And saynt Bernard sayth He that wyl
in the wey a yense his comyng And somme sprade her clothis in the wey and songe Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini Blessyd be he that comythe in the name of oure lord kyng of israhel where for hooly churche makyth this day solempne procession in mynde of the procession that was made ayense crist also ioye myrthe of oure resing frō deth to lyue that hath leyne all this yere in dedly syn now y truste to god that they be resyd to god leuyng And for angeles of heuē make moch ioye of your rising out of syn And thus we take palme and flowres in procession as they did and go in procession knelyng to the crosse in the worshi● and mynde of hym that was done one the crosse worshippyng and wel comyng hym with songe in to the chirche as the people ded oure lord in to the cite of iherusalem Thanne iohan bellet askithe a question seith that criste had the grettest worshippe rydyng one the asse that euer he had in this worlde Thā why worshippe we the crosse and not the asse to this question he answerithe hym selfe and seyth that the worship of this world as Salamon seyd All is but a vanite and noughte and makithe to for gete a man his god and hym selfe Ther as grete tribulacione dissese and heuynesse causithe a man to thynke of god ●rye to hym for socoure and helpe and to know hym selfe And ther fo● all cristen people shulde putte a wey all worldely vanitees that bryngythe moche peple to grete my scheue and many to euer lastyng peyne we worshippe the crosse fo● hyt was cause of oure redemption and saluacion and to brynge vs to euer lastyng ioye and blysse that we hopyn all to come to Thanne anone whan criste was come to the cite of iherusalem he wente to the temple and droue oute all byers and sellers that he fonnde ther in seyde Domus mea do mus oracionia vocabitur My house is a house of preyouris and ye make hit a den of theuys Thus oure lord yafe all cristen people en sample to leue byyng sellyng on the holy day and in specyall in churche A nothir hit is why hit is callid palme sonday for be cause that palme be tokenythe victory where all cristē peple shulde bere palme in processione in tokenyng that he hadde foughten with the fende and hath the victorye of hym be shryfte of mouthe satisfactione with dede mekely done his penaunce with grete contricione in his herte and in this wyse ouercome his gostly enemy the fende we rede in the gestis of romayns y● it was the maner summe tyme. that yf there were any lōde that were rebell a yense the Emperour a none the Emperour wolde sende summe worthy knyghte with grete pissa●●● of people to that lond and putte hem downe make hem sogettys to the Emperour of rome And whanne this knyghte hadde done so than shulde he be sette in a ch● re ●ray●d with clothys of golde in the beste wyse and a branche of palme in his honde in tokenyng that he had the victory and with gret worshippe broughte in to rome but whanne he come in to any worthy cite thā ther shulde stonde one by hym and bete hym in the mouthe with a branche of olyue sayng thus Anotholites this is to sey kowe thy selfe that is to vnderstonde though● thou be grete nowe aud haue the victorye make not to moche of thy selfe for hit may fortuue a nothir tyme thou maiste haue the worse and tourne to moche vylony more than now to worshippe where for ●e not now to proude of thy selfe Thus shulde ye bete youre selfe in the mouthe of youre soule with the branche of olyne that ys with the vertu of mekenesse and so bolde yowe in loue and meke in her te and euer more dreding and feryng lefte he fall a yene in to synne And so leue the worship● that ye haue now For truste this trewly ●●●knesse is that vertu that moste so ●este ouer cometh youre gostely enemy the fende and souneste gaderithe a man to vertuos leuyng that we may haue thys vertu of mekenesse pacience and charite to ouer come oure gostly enemy now and euer Amen GOod frendis ye shall vnderstond that hooly churche vsid these thre dayes and seythe seruice in the euyntyde that is mekenesse where for we call hit tenables But hooly churche callid hit tenebras Than why this seruice is thus done in mekeuesse hooly fadres tellithe for thre causis One is the nyghte before that oure lord ihesu crist was take he wente vn to the mounte of olyuete and preyde thus Pater misipassibile est transeat a me calix iste My fadyr yf it be possible that this bitter passion may passe fro me yf it were the fader is will and else not And for drede fere of that bitter passion that he felde in his sperit he swete bothe blode and watyr A nothir cause is this that a nō aftir myd nyghte come iudas with ● knyghtis and moche othir people to take criste and for hit was myrke and they coude not well knowe hym frome seynte iames he was so like criste there for judas seyde Quem osculatus ●●ero ipsum em̄ tenete For sothe quod he him that I shall kysse it is take ye him for seint iames was so like criste that moche people callid hym cristus brothir and thus iudas be trayed his mastyr and thus was criste take in mekenesse with all the spite that thei cowde do to hym beting hym and spetyng in ●his face The thrydde cause is whan criste was naked on the crosse fete hande hangyng thre ow rys frome vnderyn tyll none Thanne the sonne with drowe her lighte was ●er●e thourghe alle the worlde shewyng that the makyr of lyght was at that tyme payned to dethe for these thre causis the seruice in the nyghte is done in myrkenesse the whiche seruice makyth mynde how iudas betrayed criste and how iewes come as preuely as they ●oude for dre de of the comyn people where for to the seruice is no bell ronge but a sounde made of tre where all cristen p̄eple may haue knoweliche to come to this seruice preuely with oute makyng of any noyse all that the people shuld speke of comyng and goyng shulde sounde of the tree that is the crosse that oure lord was done vpon and of his passion and of the wordys that our● lord spake hāgyng on the crosse and howshe seyde to his modyr Mulier ecce filins tuns w●man see thy sonne and how he cōmaunded his modyr to seint iohan the euangelist in kepyng and what seyde the these that hyng by hym and seyd thus Domine ●nan●o v●neris in reg●um tuum memento me● Lord whanne thou comyste to thy kyngdome haue mynde of me and a none oure lord seyd to hym Hodie me●umeris in paradiso This day thonshalte be with me in paradyse and
frendis ye shall knowe well that this day ys callid in many places god dis sonday ye know well that hit is the maner in euery place of worshipp̄ as this day to do the fyre oute of the halle and the blacke wyntyr brandis and all thynge that is foule with smoke shall be done a wey and there as the fyre was shall be gayly arayde with fayre floures s●rawed with grene ryschys all a boute shewyng a grete ensample to all cristen people Iyke as they make clent her houses to the sighte of the people in the same wyse ye shulde clense you re soules doyng a wey the foule brennyng synne of lechery putte all these a wey and caste oute all this fouly smoky doste strawe in your soules flures of feythe and charite and thus make your soules abyll to receyue your lord god at the feste of Estyr Deponentes omnem maliciam And putte a wey all malice and all sorowe for ryghte as ye wolle suffre no thynge in youre house y● stinkythe and saueryd ille wher with ye may be disceyued Nyght so criste whan he comyth in to the house of youre soules and he fynde there any s●ynche of wrathe enuye or any othir dedly synne he wolle not a byde there but a none he gothe his wey and than comythe the fende in and bydithe there Thanne may that soule be sory that is so for sakyn of god and be take to the feude Thus it is with tho that bene in wrathe and enuye or in any dedly synne and woll not for geue to hem that hathe trespased to hem for no preyoure he shalle no for geuencsse haue foroure lord seythe thus Dimittite et dimit temini ▪ For geue and ye shall haue for geuenesse And there for euery cristen man woman shuld serche well his consciēce and make hym abyll to receyue his sauyour ihesu criste very god and man Narracio There was summe tyme an hooly bishop that preyde ofte besyly to god that he myghte haue grace to see and knowe whiche were worthy to receyue that hooly sacrament and come to goddisbo●d Than on a tyme as he shulde hosell the people he sawe some come with her faces as rede as blode and blode dropyd oute of her mouthis and somme her ●●●es whe ●● as b●a he as any py●he and s●mme were fay●● a●d r●●d and lasty to ●e hote and somme as bryghte as ●●y snowe Than among all he saw ij comyn wymen come and there faces shone as bryghte as the fone than had the bishop grete meruayle of that sight and preyde to god to geue hym reuelacion to wete what all this be tokenyd than ther come to hym an angell and seyde tho that haue blody faces and blode dropithe oute of her mouthy be enu●ous people and wrathfull and woll not amende hem there of and euer they be back bytyng and sclandryng her nepburis be euer redy to swe●e o this ther for her mouthis shall drope blacke blode tyll they come to amendement and tho that haue blacke faces as pyche be lecherous and wolle not leue her syn and be g●●t● synners in many de grees and ▪ woll not amē● hem They that haue her faces ●● whyte as any ●nowethe fe be they that haūe do grete synne and be shryuen ther of and be sory for her synnes for the wypyng of her yen had wa●chyd her soules and made hem clene and so they be in clene lyffe and trewly labour for her leuyng And tho ij comyn wymen that shyne so bryghte passing all othir they were grete synners and were sore a fer de whann e they come to churche and toke a grete repentaūce in her herti● that they made a vow to god preyng him hertely to fake no vetigeaū●e on hem and they wolde for sake her synne and neuer do a mysse more where for god of his grete gra●e mercy hathe for geuen hem her trespace all her synnes and the sorow of her hertis hathe so waschin her soulis that they shyne so bryghte all othir and than the angell wente his wey the bishop kuelyd downe thankid god for his reuelacion And ther fore take ensample ye this ij● comyn wymen be fory for youre synnes repēte yew in youre hert is purpose neuer to tourne ayē to synne And thā trustithe verily ye shall haue grace and mercy so coure to euer lasting ioy blys ▪ wher for take this ● certeyne though ye make hit glofing with wor des for to disceyue youre gostly fadir sey that ye be in charite be not ye be gyle youre selfe trustid trewly ye shall not be gyle god that seeth euery corner of youre hertis And there for disceue not youre ●●ne sowtes for the loue of god be as besy to make youre soules clene to the fighte of god as ye be to make youre houses to the sight of man And as ye wolde aray yew in youre beste cle this that ye haue a yense the coming of youre beste frendis so shulde ye aray ●o●● now to ●●●e● ●●e youre beste frende that is youre makir oure lord ihesu crist that this tyme suffered passion and de the to bringe vs to euer lasting lyff This day is callid also a passing day and in speciall for ij causis One is for this day all cristē people in reuerence of god shulde for geue all them that haue tre spasithe to him and be in parfite loue and charite to all cristen people that hathe misse do him all the yere he for this day shulde be amendid with the salue that helithe all sores that is charite Caritas cooperit multitudinem peccatorum Charite couerithe the multitude of synne It is also a passing day for this day shuld all god dis children passe oute of euill leuing in to good leuing out of vices in to ●tuous out of pride in to mekenesse oute of coueti se in to largenesse oute of ●●owthe in to holynesse oute of enuy in to loue charite out of wrathe in to mercy oute of glote●y in to abstinence out of lechery in to chastite out of the fendes clawis in to goddis armes And thus of his grete enmy make his dere frende And he that passithe thus is worthy to come to a good feste the whiche oure lord ihesu crist makithe this day to all the people It is callid also god dis sonday For this day goddis sone rose frō deth to liffe and so gladithe all his seruaūtes with his vp rising where for all holy churche makithe myrthe and melody this day and singithe thus Her est di●s quam fecit dominus exultemus et letemur in ea This is the day that oure lord made Ioye we and gladde we in that all oure hertis for the fadir of heuen with all his angeles makith so grete me lodie of the vp rising of his sone that he makythe to day a passing grete feste and biddithe
all cristen peple ther to as well as tho that be in heuē as tho that be in erthe and they shall be full wellcome that comythe to this feste clothid in goddis leueray that is a good clothyng that is in loue and charite And also euyll shall tho be y● shall come in the fendys leueray clothid in wrathe enuy for as the gospell tellith these shall be ●aste in pryson of hell and than whyle othir laughithe make mery they shall we pe and be sory and while somme ete and drynke at goddis borde they shall grynde with there te the and sey De ve ve quante sūt tenebre wo wo wo howe many derkenes be ther for they shall thynke that they may fele the derkenesse it is so myrke and the peynes of hell shall be so harde for wormes shall kn●we hem for they eton her euen cristen here in erthe ▪ with false bachytyng sdanderyng where fore I charge yow in goddis name that none of yow com thus to goddis bord but yf ye be in parfite loue and charite aud be clene shreuyn in full p●rpose to leue his synne for and I wyste in certayn whiche wher oute of charite and in dedly syn I muste by the lawe of holy churche with a lowde vo●●● sey thus to hem in audience of all the peple I gyue the not thy hosell to thy saluacion but to thy dampnacione tyll thow come to amendement And there fore euery cristen man and woman shulde serche welle his coucience and make hym abyll to reseyue his sauyoure Ihesu criste to helte of his soule that she may come aftyr this fynall lyffe to euer lastyng ioye Amen ●●e youre beste frende that is youre makir oure lord ihesu crist that this tyme suffered passion and de the to bringe vs to euer lasting lyff This day is callid also a passing day and in speciall for ij causis One is for this day all cristē people in reuerence of god shulde for geue all them that haue tre spasithe to him and be in parfite loue and charite to all cristen people that hathe misse do him all the yere be for this day shulde be amendid with the salue that helithe all sores that is charite Ca ritas cooperit multitudinem peccatorum Charite couerithe the multitude of synne It is also a passing day for this day shuld all god dis children passe oute of euill leuing in to good leuing out of vices in to ●tuous out of pride in to mekenesse oute of coueti se in to largenesse oute of ●●owthe in to holynesse oute of enuy in to loue charite out of wrathe in to mercy oute of glote●y in to abstinence out of lechery in to chastite out of the fendes clawis in to goddis armes And thus of his grete enmy make his dere frende And he that passithe thus is worthy to come to a good feste the whiche oure lord ihesu crist makithe this day to all the people It is callid also goddis sonday For this day goddis sone rose frō deth to liffe and so gladithe all his seruaūtes with his vp rising where for all holy churche makithe myrthe and melody this day and singithe thus Her est dies quam fecit dominna exultemus et letemur in ea This is the day that oure lord made Ioye we and gladde we in that all oure hertis for the fadir of heuen with all his angeles makith so grete me lodie of the vp rising of his sone that he makythe to day a passing grete feste and biddithe all cristen peple ther to as well as tho that be in heuē as tho that be in erthe and they shall be full well come that comythe to this feste clothid in goddis leueray that is a good clothyng that is in loue and charite And also euyll shall tho be y● shall come in the fendys leueray clothid in wrathe enuy for as the gospell tellith these shall be ●aste in pryson of hell and than whyle othir laughithe make mery they shall we pe and be sory and while somme ete and drynke at goddis borde they shall grynde with there te the and sey De ve ve quante sūt tenebre wo wo wo howe many derkenes be ther for they shall thynke that they may fele the derkenesse it is so myrke and the peynes of hell shall be so harde for wormes shall kn●we hem for they eton her euen cristen here in erthe ▪ with false bacbytyng s●anderyng where fore I charge yow in goddis name that none of yow com thus to goddis bord but yf ye be in parfite loue and charite and be clene shreuyn in full p●rpose to leue his synne for and I wyste in certayn whiche wher oute of charite and in dedly syn I muste by the lawe of holy churche with a low de voyce sey thus to hem in audience of all the peple I gyue the not thy hosell to thy saluacion but to thy dampnacione tyll thow come to amendement And there fore euery cristen man and woman shulde serche welle his coucience and make hym abyll to reseyue his sauyoure Ihesu criste to helte of his soule that she may come aftyr this fynall lyffe to euer lastyng ioye Amen GOod frendis these iij. dayes that is to sey mōday tewis●ay and wedenesday ye shall faste and go in p●ocellion man womā and seruaūtes for all we be synners and hauenede to prey to god for helpe grace and mercy for they may not excuse hem from the procession that may lawfully be there Than he that with drawe hym selfe from the cōmaūdement of holy chirche wylfully he synnethe full greuously Furste he synneth in pryde for he is vnbuxum also synneth in slewthe that knowithe him selfe in synne woll not doo his diligence to come oute there of and right as he with drawid hym from the peple that beu gaderid to serue god right so woll god putte hym from all the company of heuen and from all the preyoures that be done in hooly churche tyll he come to amendement There for all cristen peple come holly to gedyr and prey these iij. dayes to all the seyntes in heuē to prey to god for vs for we haue synned many tymes in the yere a yenste the commaundement of god end there for these iij. dayes we shall faste prey to god of mercy remission of oure synnes and putte a wey all the power of the fende and kepe vs from all myscheuous parell and dredys that fallyn this tyme of the yere more than any othir tyme for in this tyme many grete thunderis and lightenyng And as Lincolniences seythe there were fendis that fleteryn in the eyre for fere of the blaste of thundyr when that criste come to the hell yates whan he dispoyled hell and so yit whan they here the thundyr in the eyre they be so agaste there of that they fallen downd and than go
p̄che well and to sey well but there be fewe that hathe wysedome to do well There be many wyse p̄chorys and techourys but her leuyng is no maner thyng aftyr her prechyng Also ther be many that labourith to haue wytte and connyng but fewe trauelith to come to good leuyng for who so haue wytte● and connyng to gete good with fayre sotyll wordis be they neuer so false he is wyse but wytte of holynesse is not sette by For he that can gete good falsely with knackys and mowus he is a wyse mā but he that for sakyth the wytte of this worlde is ● sole But loke what holy scripture seythe Dominus recitauit nom̄ pa●peris quia ipsū approbauit et nomē eins in libro scriptum fuit Oure lord hathe receyued the name of the pore man for he hath preuyd hym in his pouerte and wretyn his name in the boke of lyffe Sed nomen diuitia tacuit quia ipsū nō approbauit But he lefte the riche man for he hathe not preuyd hym but thoug●● a man be neuer so riche atte the laste he shall be pore For noughte he bryngythe with hym but his good dedis and his badde he that leuythe well and techithe well for a good ensample in leuyng is a good doctryne This grace as this day was yeuen to cristus disciples for they taughte well and leuyd well for they gaue good informacion ●● techyng of good ensample in leuyng sore her techyng and her leuyng is sprad de a bowte in all the worlde Than how the come to this grace ye shall here Post ascensioneml domini Aftyr whan that oure lord ihesu criste was steyed vp in to heuen his disciples were in grete heuynesse mornyng for they had de loste her maystre that they louyd full well and for hym had de loste all ther goodys for his loue and for sake all her frenchipp̄ and sewed hym full pore in hope that they shulde gretely be holpen by hym And thus they were alle heuy and gretely stonyed and sore a ferde to be takyn of the ie●o es and caste in pryson aftyr to be putte to deth This made hem sory that they durste not go a monge the people sore to gete hem mete drynke ▪ but yit as criste badde hem in his ascension they wente in to the Cite of Iherusaleth and there they were in an halle of stage and there they satte to gedyr preyng vn to god with hole herte and one sperite of helpe and socoure and somme comforte in her dissese Than as they were thus preing to gedyr sodenly there was a grete clowde made in the eyre like a blaste of thoundre and euyn ther with the hooly goste come among hem Et apparnerunt illis dispertite liugne tan quam ignis And lyghte come downe amonge hem in likenesse of tōges brennyng and not smertyng warmyng and not hermyng lyghtenyng and not flateryng Et repletisūt omnes spiritu sancto And fillid hem full of gostly witte for as they where to sore but lewde men of sighte and vn let tered and verray Ideottes as of co●yng and nothyng cowde of clergye sodenly they were the wyseste men and the beste clerkes in the worlde And anone they spake all maner langages vndir the sonne and there as before her hertis was colde for drede and for fere of dethe Thanne were they so comfortid with the holy goste in brennyng loue that they wente and prechyd and taught the worde of god sparyng for no drede but redy to take the dethe for cristus sake Thanne at that tyme there were in Iherusalē people of all nacions and drewe in to the temple for grete fere of the blaste of thoundre that was in the eyre and stodyed what hit myghte be Thanne come the posteles in to the temple and prechyd and all maner nacions vndirstode hem and they vndirstode all maner nacions so they p̄chyd the worde of god Thanne were the peple a stoyned whā they herde the posteles speke all maner of langages Than seyde somme these haue dronke so moche muste that they wotte not what they do seye nothir what they mene for they be all dronkyn Than answerde petir and seyde we be not dronke but this was the prophecie of Iohell the prophete how the holy goste shulde be yeuen plenteuous to the peple so that they shulde speke with all tonges that is to p̄che and all in the worlde 's the lawe of criste Thanne the people tuened faste and so with in sewe yeris the seythe was in all the worlde Now hit is to wete why the holy goste more apperyd in to lykenesse of tonges rathir than in any othir party of mannes body why he come to hem sittyng rathir than standyng As to the fursce this is the cause a tonge is the beste membre of a mannes body whan hyt is in ▪ good rewle and well disposed but whan hyt is oute of rewle hit is the worsce Denenum aspidum sub labiis eorum Bitter venemé is vnder the tonges that speakithe euyll seythe Dauid in the sawter And as seint Ieme seythe Acursed tonge is fired with fyre of hell and may not be chastifid while the fyre brennyth hit And also for tonges muste speke wordis of fyre that ys sharpe and sperkelyng to sey trouthe and notte spare in prechyng and techyng to repreue mys dedis for as holy men in olde tyme ouercome and droue a wey the fyre of lyghtenyng with holy wordes and good preyoures with the brennyng loue to god ryghte for the fyre of the holy gost shulde dryue a weye and ouercome the fyre of helle that enuy hath and euyll leuyng that regnyth now in the tonges of moche people and in her herte And for the apostlis othir prechoris that comythe aftyr hem shulde speke brennyng wordis that is neythir to sharpe nothir for drede nor for loue to sey the trouthe to tell the people her defautes and to repreue the synne that regneth in hē in many diuerse wyse and so to do and sey the worde of god and to repreue synne and but they woll leue synne they shall with oute remedy be dāned in to the fyre of hell for thoughe thou shuldiste dye spare not to preche the worde of god and telle the trouthe Item deus ē misericors penitentibus pecca tasua Also god is mercyfull to theym that be sory for her synnes woll leue hem T●m uero confessus fuerit et relinuerit ea misericordia cōse qua tur For thoughe a mā haue do neuer so moche synne and he woll shreyue hym and for sake his synne mercy shall folowe hym and he shall haue for yeuenesse and so come to the bryghte fyre euer lastyng blysse that is the precious loue of god that brennythe amonge angelis and seyntis in heuen Also he comythe in lykenesse of tonges of fyre for it is the kynde of fyre to make lowe that is highe and to warme
that is colde to make softe that is harde and make harde that is softe And also the hooly goste makythe hertis that be high of pride and enuy he makythe hem lowe and warme in loue and charite and also harde hertis that haue be gaderyng and holdyng of worldely goodes the hooly goste makythe hem softe and liberall to yeue and to de le almesse dede for the loue of almyghty god and makythe theym harde also ▪ in sufferyng of harde and streyte leuyng and in doyng of grete penaūce for her synnes Thus the hooly goste is euer redy to make salue ●or to hele all maner of synnes That othir skylle ys why the hooly goste come to the apostles rathir sittyng thanne stondyng for sittyng be to kenythe mekenesse in herte with reste pece and vnyte the whiche any m●ner a man muste nedis haue that woll ●●sceyue the hooly goste for right ●s the drye wode wolle brenne clerely with onte steryng so shulde euery cristen man loue othyr with brennyng loue and charite clerely with oute feynyng of wrathe or enuy or any maner of malice eche with othir and euery man shulde be f●yne of other is welfare and this ma●ythe to haue a good tonge But as sone as the brondes be caste a twynne by desc●nsi●n of malice and enuye a none the fyre of the holy goste quenchith and thanne risithe vp smoke of grete wrathe and enuye betwene party and party and also grete greuaunce and heuynesse for the soule and causithe it to fayle grace that it may haue no consideracion to reson than anon the wickyd spirites bene redy ryse vp smoke in the same mannes herte that is for to say grete wrathe and enuy and euyll will that hit may haue no maner reste but euer stodyyng and thynkyng also howe he may auenge hym and doo vengeaunre vn to his enemyes and so is a man euer tro●blid and besy in cursid ded is and like to be dampned body and soule in hell to euerlasty●g p●yne but yf he haue socoure and helpe of the hooly gos●e and alle soche thynges that may come of cursid and wicked tonges There for the hooly goste comythe in the lykenesse of tonges of fyre to brenne oute the malyce enuye and anoynte hem with swetenesse of grace loue and charite And therefor we shall prey to the hooly goste to yeue vs grace so to tempre oure tonges that we may euer more speke good that oure hertys may be fedde with mekenesse that we may be abyll to be fedde with the hooly goste As seynt Gregor was whanne he expouned the prophecie he toke to him his dekon seint Petyr to wryte as he expouned and made drawe betwene hym for petyr schulde not se how he dyde in his stodyyngg Thanne as Gregor satte in his chair stodyyng holdyng vp his hond●● and his eyen to he uenward the holy goste come lyke a whyte downe with fote and bill brennyng golde and satte on Gregor right shu●dre and putte her bill in Gregoris mouthe and whanne he with drewe it than he bad Petyr wryte and so continued till he hadde made an ende but he expowned the gospell so boldely that Petyr hadde meruayle ther of and preuely made an hole in the clothe y● was betwene gregor and hym and sawe how the holy goste fedde hym And a none the holy goste shew de Gr●gor howe Petyr hadde done Than Eregor blamyd Petyr and chargid him that he shulde neuer sey no thyng whyle he leued But whanne gregor was dede an eretike wolde haue brēned his bokys that this holy mā made than Petyr with stode hym and seyde nay and tolde all how the holy goste hadde done to hym whyle he expowned the prophecie and so sauyd his bokys vnbrennyd that he hadde made by the grace of god and yifte of the holy goste the whiche yeue vs grace to be fedde of hym here in oure leuyng that we may haue the blysse that neuer shal haue ende Amen In die s●ncte trinitatis GOod men and wymmen thys day ys an highe and a solempne feste in holy churche for it is of the hooly Trinite For as holy churche at wytsontyde makith mencion how the hooly goste come vn to cristus disciples Now at this tyme is made mencion of all iij. pers●nes that is for to say Pater filiue et spiritus Fadyr and sone and holy goste thre persones and one god in trinite where for we be bounde to d●● all the reuerence and worshippe that we can or may to this holy trinite Also ye shall vnderstonde whye howe and what the cause that this f●ste was ordeyned This hooly feste was worshippid for the trinite fedyng for heretikes confoundyng and fore the trinite worshippyng Furste hitwas ordeyned for the forme of the trinite fyndyng And a grete clerke Iohan Bellet tellith that forme trinite was in the furste mā adā onre forme fadyr that come of the erthe one persone and Eue of Adam the seconnde persone of hem bothe come the iij. persones as her childe Thus the trinite was founde in man where fore man shulde haue mynde to doo worshippe to the hooly trinite For hooly churche ordeyned that in weddyng of man and woman to gedyr so that the masse of the trynyte is songon and atte hys dethe one belle shalle be ronge in worshipp̄ of the Trinite where for all cristen peple be bounde gretely to worshippe the holy Trinite The secounde cause is that feste is ordeyned in confoundyng of heretikes and of lolleris for to distroye theym and theyr false opynyones that they hadde a yenste the hooly trinite fore ryghte as he retikes in the be gynnyg of the feythe with her swete wordes and false opynynes where a boute to distroye the feythe of the hooly Trinite in the same wyse lolleris nowe a dayes with her false spece of gyle be a boute also to with drawe the people from the trewe beleue and feythe of the holy trinite and the beleue and feythe of hooly chirche 〈◊〉 marteres and confessoures to the dethe Ryghte so now this lolleris pursewithe men of hooly churche and be a boute in all maner weyes that they can and may fynde to distroye and vndo hem so that they myghte haue her purpose And thus they shewe opynly that they be not godd is seruaūtes for they be oute of charite and he that is oute of charite ys fer from god but he that suffered tribulacion persecucion and dissese fore the loue of almyȝty god and prey for his enemyes and wolle not do no vengeaunce but putte all in god almyghty and he wolle quyte hem full well in euer lasting blisse for oure lorde seyde thus Michi vindictam ego retri●●am Putte all thyng to me and I shall quyte euery man aftyr his deseruyng for thoughe god suffer hooly churche to be pursewid by soche mysse and prowde leueris but at the laste he ordeyned soche a remedye that holy chirche is holpyn and her enmyes
make clene his righte syde and to couer it with a fayre clothe of sendell and ley god dis body there on And seyd thus to the oste lord thou knowiste that I loue the with all my here and wolde fayne resteyue the with my mouthe and I durste and therfor that I may notte I ley the on that place that is nexte to my herte and so I shewe the all the loue of my herte that I can and may where for y beseche the good lord haue mercy on me an● euyn ther with in sig●● of all the people that ●●●re aboute hym his sydde openyd and the Oste wente there in to his sydde And thanne his sydde closed a yene And soo● none aftyr he dyde departid out of thi● world So lette vs loue the sacrament in oure liffe and do it reuerence and worshippe and thanne at oure laste ende whā we shall dye passe oute of this world hit will socoure vs and brynge vs to euerlastyng blysse Thus the sacrament is vsid for grete mede getyng to all that beleue there ynne for thoughe it haue the likenesse of brede and the taste hit is flesche and semythe brede it is quicke and semythe dede ye mo●e beleue verely that it is goddis blessyd body that toke flesche and blode of the virgyne mary and after dyde on the crosse and rose from dethe to lyue and styed vp in to heuen and now sittithe on his faderis rigthe honde and shall come a yene at the day of dome to deme the quicke and the dede and he that resceyuith it here and beleued verely ther vpon shall haue euer lastyng lyffe in the kyngdome of heuen as the gospell seythe Qui manducat hūc panē viuet in eternum Who so etith of this brede shall leue euer and neuer be dede and he that resceyuith hit and beleuith not thus Renaerit in iudicio at the day of dome he shall be dampned in to euer lastyng payne Augustinus in person● xpristi Manducas me non mutabis me inte sed ●n mutabis in me Seynte Austyn seythe in the persone of criste Ete me but y shall not tourne and chaunce in to the but thou shalte tourne and chaunge in to me Narracio We rede that there was a Iewe that went wi●h a cristen man a felowe of his in to a churche of cristen people and her●e masse Et post misi● dixit indeua And oftyr whan masse wa●d●● the iewe seyde to the cristen man Si ego tantum edissem quantūtu comedisti no●esuriem ut puto in tribus diehus yf I hadde eton as moche as thou haste eton I shulde not be an hungered as I trowe in many dayes And thanne seyde cristen man Dere nichil comedie For southe quod he I ete no mete this day thanne seyde the ●●we Ego uidi te cōedere puerum pulcherrimum qua●ē sacerdos eleranit ad altare I sawe the ete a childe the whiche the preste helde vp at the auter Et tūc uenit pulcherrimus bomobabena multos pueros in gremio sno Thanne come a fayre man that had many children in his armys Et dedit unicuique ue●irum unum puerū●alem qua●ē sacerdos ●●medit An● yafeche criston a childe soch as the preste ete yit to sharpe youre be leue the more to this hooly sacramēt I woll tell you this ensample Narracio We rede in seynte Gregorius tyme there was a woman that highte laciua and she made brede for the pope and othyr prestys to singe with and for to hosell with the peple Also whan the pope come to this womā to yeue her hosell and seyde take here goddis body than this woman smylid and laughed thanne the pope with drewe his hōde and leyde the oste vpon the auter and tourned to this woman laciua and seyde to her whismylest thow whan thou shuldeste resceyue cristus body and she seyde why call●ste thow that cristus body that I made with myne owne hondis Thā was Gregor the pope sory for her mys●e beleue badde all the people prey to god to shewe somme miracle for this womannes helpe and whan they hadde preyde longe Gregor wente to the auter a yene and founde the oste tourned in to reed flesch and blode bledyng and he shewde hit to this woman Than she cryed seyde lord now I crye the mercy I beleue that thou arte verray god man and goddis sone of heuen in forme of brede Thanne badde Gregor the peple prey a yen that hit shulde tourne a yene to bredis likenesse and so hit dede and with the same oste he hoselid this woman lacina and therfor late vs do all the worshipp̄ that we may to the sacrament that we can or may and be in no mysbeleue Narracio Also we fynde that in deuynchere be syde exbrigge was a woman lay sike and was nye dede and sente aftyr a hooly person abowte mydnyghte to haue her rightis than this man in all the haste that he myghte he a rose and wente to churche toke goddis body in A box of yuery and putte hit in to his bosome and wēte forthe towarde this woman And as he wēte thourghe a foreste in a fayre mede that was his nexte wey it happid that his box fill oute of his bosome to the grounde and he wente forthe and woste hit not and come to this woman and herde her confession And than he askid her yf she wolde be hoselid and she seyde y● sere than he putte his honde in his bosome and soughte the box and whan he founde hit noughte he was full sory and sadde and seyde dame in woll go aftyr goddys body and come a none a yene to yow and so wente forthe sore wepyng for his simpulnesse and so as he come to a ●elow tree he made ther of a rodde and strypyd hymselfe all nakyd and to bete hymselfe that the blode rāne doune by his sydys and seyde thus to hymselfe O thow simple man why haste thow loste thy lord god thy maker thy former thy creatour And whanne he hadde thus bete hymselfe he dede on his clothis and wente forthe And than he was ware of pilour of fyre that laste from erthe to heuen and he was all asto yned thereof yithe blessed and wente ther to and there lay the sacrament fallyn oute of the bore into the grasse and the pilour schon as bryghte as any sonne and la styd from goddis body to heuyn and all the be stys of the foreste were come aboute goddis body stode in compas rounde aboute hit all knelid on foure knees saue on blake horse that knelyd but on that on knee Than seyde he yf thow be any beste that may speke I charge the in goddis name here presente in forme brede tell me why thow kneliste but on thy one knee Thanne seyde he I am a fende of hell wolle not knele y my ghte but I am made a yense my wyll for hit is wreton
to the feythe be fre wyll of hem selfe and whan they were all cristo ned than wente Eracli us with both ostis to the olde kyng Cosdre as he satte in his trone seyd to him thus For because thou haste do worshippe to the holy crosse thou shalte chese yf thou wolte be cri stoned haue thy kyngdome a yen for a litill tri bute in reste pese or else to be dede he for soke to be cristoned than a non Eraclius smote of his he de right there made a cry that his tre four shulde be dalte a monge his men ●cious stones othir iewles shulde be kepte to restore the chirchis that were distroyed toke the crosse wente to iherusalem And whan he come to the mounte of oliuete towardes the cite of iherusalem ryding one a trapped ho●se he wolde haue rydyn in to the cite of iherusalem ●ut sodenly the yati●●●● to ge dir was playn wall thā was he gretly a stoyned meruelyd gretely of y● vengeaunce made a grete mone Than come an angell stode on the ya tis seyde Quādo●rex noster whan the kyng of heuen come this wey thourghe these yati● to wardes his passion he rode on no trapped horse nor in no clothe of golde but mekely one a simple asse y●uy●g ensample of mekenesse to all people than the angell wente his wey Thā the kyng with all deuocion that coude myght a none did of his clothis vn to his shirte bare fote Than the yate ope●●d he wente ynne to the yate of iherusalem so in to the temple offered the crosse a yene as hit was to fore Thā for the grete ioye that the peple had of this crosse ●o●● the grete miracles y● gode shewed hit was more 〈◊〉 ●ft●r thā hit 〈◊〉 to ●●re the ●●● shippe of the crosse that was caste downe aftyr was lifte vp where this this day is callid the ●●altacion of the crosse ●●re as seint Austeyn seythe the crosse that was furste of so grete spite velony now is of grete worship that Emperours kinges worshippe hit we ●●de in legenda aurea that aie we come to a churche for de●aute that no man was in the chirche he wē te to the rode for g●●t en uye that he had to cri●●● he cutte the rodis throte a none the blode sterte oute one his clothis so his clothis were alle rede blode And than he hid the rode in a preuy place as he wente home a cristen man mete him sey de to him thou haste slay ne somme mā where haste thou done him the iewe seyd nay hit was not so the cristen man seyd thy clothis be alle blody of him Than this iewe knelid downe seyde for sothe the god that this cristen people be leue vpon is of grete vertu myght tolde him how he had doue cryde mercy with all his herte so he was cristoned an holy mā●uer aftyr so wente to ●uer lasting ioye blysse to the whiche god brynge vs all to Amen De quatuor temporum GOod frēdis this weke ye shall haue ymbre deyes that is wedenysday fryday satirday the whiche dayes calixte the pope ordey ned iiij tymes in the yere to all y● bethe of couenable age for certeyn cau ses as ye shall here Oure olde faderis fastid foure tymes in the yere a yense foure highe solempne fe stis if we woll shew vs good children we muste faste folowe the same rewle that they vsid and there fore we faste iiij ty mes Furste in marche The secounde at witson tyde The iij. bytwix her ueste sede tyme And the iiij be fore cristemas Marche is a tyme that dryethe vp the moystenes that is in the erth whe re for we faste that tyme to drye the erthe of oure body of humerus that be full nedefull to the body to the soule For that tyme the humurus of le chery temptith a mā mo ste of any tyme of the ye re Also we falte at witfontyde fore to gete grace of the holy goste that we may be in per●ite loue charite to god to all the worlde Caritaa cooperit multitudiuē peccatorū Charite co uerith the multitude of synnes Also we faste to haue mekenes in oure her t is to put a wey all pry de that reynith in vs. Al so we faste betwene herueste sedtyme for to haue grace to gedir frutes of good werkis in to the house of oure conscience so be ensample of good leuyng a monge the people that we comyn with bothe riche pore Also we faste in wynter fore y● sleith all stinkyng wedis of synne fowle erthe of fleschly lustes that makid good angelis good peple to with drawe hem from vs For right as net tell b●●nnith rosis othir flowres that be nye hit in the same wyse a vicious man or woman sterith settith on fyre hem that bi●h in her cōpany And for these causes we ●aste iiij tymes in the yere and euery tyme iij. dayes that be tokenith iij. speciall y● tues that he lpith a mā to grace that is fasting deuoute preyng almesse dede doyng And be opinion of moche people these dayes be callid ymbre dayes because that ou re elder faderis wolde one these dayes ete noo brede but cakis made vnder as kis so be the etyng of that they reducid in to theyr minde that they were but askes shulde tourne ayē wyste not how sone by that they tourned a wey from all delicius me tis drynkys toke noo hede so that they had esy ●ustinaunce this causithe hem to thinke on dethe that wyll cause a man to desyre no more thā he ne dith absteyne him selfe from all maner of bodely lustes to encrese in ver tue●be the which we may come to euer lasting blys De festo sacti ma thei GOod frend is so ●he a day ye shall haue seint mathe u●●ay the whiche was ●●●●tus apostle ye shall f●●ste the euyn come to holy chirche in worshipp̄ of god seint mathew he is gretly cōmendid in holy churche for certeyn● holy vertues that he had Hewas obedient to criste at the firste calling he prechid the gospell with oute faynyng he suffered passion mekely with oute any deuyyng Furste he was obedient to criste at the firste calling for he satte in a certeyn place besy to gete good cris● c●me that wey lokyd on him bad him come go with him Thann he caste so grete loue to cris● that he left all his goodi● that he had sewed criste forthe full simple and full pore Also he fedde criste gladly for on a day he preyde Criste to ete with him made criste a grete feste not in delicat● metis drynkys
quicke and the dede euery man aftir his deseruyng So this perfite beleue all cristen people shall be armed and made stronge to withstōde the fendes that wol come and a sayle at the departyng betwene the body and the soule for thāne fendes come besely to brynge hym oute of the beleue thāne shall the sacrament that a mā hath resceyued in his lyffe make him myghty strong that he shall sette all the fendes at noughte so ouer come hem A nothir skyll that the sacrament is broughte to a mā to aske mercy of criste remission of his synnes hauyng full truste beleue that criste is euer redy to for yeue all them y● woll aske mercy with ● meke herte As Dauid seythe Cor contritū et bumiliatū deus non despicies A contrite hert a meke oure lord shall neuer despise that we may see ensample whan he hunge vpon the crosse betwene ij theuys that were men of cursid leuyng And therefor they where ordeyned to be dede and that one askid mercy with a meke herte ad seyde Domine dum veneria in regnum tumn memento mei Lorde qd he whan thon comyste in to thy kyngdome haue mynde on me and anon at his firste askyng he yaue hym mercy more ouer he seyd to him thus Hodie mecum eria in paradiso This day thou shalt be with me in paradise And that othyr theffewolde aske no mercy in no wyse for pryde ● he had in his herte and therfor he was dampned in to hell Thus oure lord ●hesu criste shedde his blode on the crosse in helthe to all mankynde so in the masse euery day he shewith his blode in grete socour helpe and saluacion to all mankynde and the same flescht and blode is shewid euery day in the masse for we shulde beleue stedefastely ther one And he that beleuyth not ther on verily that it is so shall not be sauid at the day of dome Narracio Therefor I tell yow this ensample that is in the lyffe of wode the bishope of canterbury this bishoppe had with him clerkys that beleuyth not perfitly in the sacramēt of the auter seyde they myght not beleue that the body blode of Criste myghte be ministret in the masse Thanne was this bishoppe sory and prayde to god besely for her amendement And so on a day whan he was at the masse hadde made the fractione he sawe the blode drope from the oste in to the chalyse thā he made a signe vn to hē that beleued not to come ne●● him to se and whā they sawe his fingeris blody the blode rāne from the oste in to the chalisse a none for grete fere they cryde seyde O thou blessid mā that haste this grace to holde cristus body in thyne hondis that dropped blode in to the chalisse we beleue verely ther vpon we besech the to prey to him for vs that thou haste in thy hondis that he take no vengeaunce on vs ▪ for oure missebeleue and we crye mekely mercy And a none the oste tourned in to the forme of brede as hit was be fore thā they wer perfite men of beleue eueraftir Anothir skille is that the sacrament is made in the Auter to make a mā be oftyn sighte there of the soner to haue mynde on cristes passion to haue it in mynde for hit is the beste defence a yenst tamptacion of the fende For seint Austyn seyth the minde of cristus passion puttith awey all temptaciones the power of all wickid spiritis And for this cause rodi● and ymag ● be sette on high in the churches for as sone as a man comythe in to the churche he shulde se hit haue hit in his myde thinke on cristus passion where for crosses othir ymages be full necessary nedefull what somme euer these ●ollers seyne for hit hadde not be full profitable holy faderis wolde haue destroyed hem may yeris a gone For righte as the people do worshipp̄ to the kinges seal not for lou● of the seale but for reuerence of the kynge that it comythe fro So rodis and ymages be s●●●e for the kinges seale of heuē and othir semtes in the same wyse for Images belewde people is ●ok●● And ▪ as ●ohan bellet seyth ther be many thou sandes of people that cannot ymagyn in her h●●tis how criste was done on the crosse but as they ▪ se by ymages in chirches and in othir places theras they be And to haue the betyr mynde on cristus passion I tell yowe this ensample Narracio Ther was a cristen man of Englond that wente in to the hooly lōde and hyred an hethyn man to be his gyde and as he come in to a fayre foreste and sawe many fayre thynges but this cristen man meruelyd gretely that he herde no noyse of byrddus and there of he hadde grete meruayle and seyde to this hethyn mā I meruayle moche that ther is no songe of byrddus in this wode than seyde this he thyn mā this is the woke that ye calle passiō woke that youre grete prophete dyed y●●● where for on sonday that laste was that ye calle palme sonday all the fowles of this wode dye for sorow and all this woke shall lye as dede But on sonday nexte comyth that ye calle Estyr day they quicke a yene and all the yere aftyr make melodye where for loke vp in to the trees and see than he sawe euery bowe of the treeslye full of birdus as fladde as they had be sprede on the crosse Thanne sethe birddus haue mynde one cristus passion and make ●oche mornyng sorowe mo●h● more cause hathe mā kynde that were boughte from euer lastyng dampnacion to euer lastyng saluacion by his passione The thridde cause is why the sacramēt is vsidin the auter for a mā shulde by the sighte there of thynke on oure lord ihe sulcriste fadyr of heuene that hathe but oon sone that he louithe passyng all thyng but he sparid not to sende hym downe in to this worlde to suffre passion and dethe and to shede his precious blode for māknde to by him oute of the fendes boundes and to write a chartour with his owne precious blode of fredome for euer more to all man kynde so that a man forfete not his chartour by dedely synne but he that louithe god woll kepe his chartour for god askithe of a man but loue where he seythe thus Damichi cor tuum et sufficit michi Sone yeue me thy herte and hit is y now for me Thanne take hede of this ensample Narracio There was an Erle of venys was callid syre Ambryghte that louyd the sacrament in the aut●r passyng wele and did hit all the worshippe and reuerence that he cowde and myghte So whan that he lay syke and shulde be dede he myghte not resceyue the sacramēt forcastyng than was he sory and made dole and thaune he lette