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A08884 The third and last part of Palmerin of England Enterlaced with the loues and fortunes of many gallant knights and ladies: a historie full of most choise and sweet varietie. VVritten in Spanish, Italian, and French, and translated into English by A.M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties chamber.; Palmerin of England (Romance). Part 3. English. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; Hurtado, Luis, ca. 1510-ca. 1598, attributed name.; Morais, Francisco de, ca. 1500-1572, attributed name. 1602 (1602) STC 19165; ESTC S113981 380,825 588

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of their kinde wiues companie began to be indifferentlie recouered and now all spake chéerefully one to another CHAP. II. VVhat Targiana did after the Campe was dissolued and the Soldane Albayzar her husband dead TArgiana the Princesse of Armenia when the third daies fight began considering y t in so many battailes not any of the Christians most famous for armes were dead began to perswade themselues that y e Pagan part woulde be ouerthrowne and discomforted where-vppon they with-drew thēselues into a ship which from her Father was thether sent well prouided and wherein likewise were manie of her friendes where hearing the successe of the battaile and the death of Albayzar they lanched out into the maine attended on by some other ships that prepared themselues to returne with her towards Babylon But her vnkinde starres not satis-fied first with her scorning by Prince Florian then to sée her husband baselie led prisoner by Florendos to present him before faire Miragarda as is declared in the second part of this historie and now lastly that he was slaine by the same Florian of whom shee had béene so greatly despised but that nowe a new disgrace ●as prepared for her Wherefore contending inwardlie with her pride of minde where-with her former conceits had alwaies béene ledde when she beheld her selfe to be his widdow who by so many Trophies had renowned her beautie shée nowe sate amazedly mourning at her wonderfull mis-fortunes Hauing sailed on tenne leagues and more they were met with an Armie of twentie shippes guided by Ristorano her Cosin who after the decease of his vnckle the great Turke imagined how hee might signorize ouer that state and taking this to bee his best way prouided himselfe of the afore-said Nauie when comming within an hundred miles of Constantinople hee made stay awayting from time to time what newes hee could heare of Albayzar and his power When he vnderstood of the Pagans discomfiture he set on towards their Campe to disclose some secrets to the vnaduised Albayzar holding for certaintie that if hee were aliue hee was conquered and in great distresse thus with a gentle gale he sailed onward Targianas Nauie béeing surprised that little expected any such fierce encounter and therefore rode on at pleasure were all boorded and seazed on ere they had any libertie to prepare themselues for fight When the prisoners were brought before him and that he behelde Targiana among them he was so ioyfull that he could not dissemble his déep contentment Then began he to scorne the Lady casting in her teeth what she had doone in fauour of the Christians how greeuously shée tooke it when Polendos and the rest were her Fathers prisoners how she fled vnrequested with Florian of the Forrest The Lady who was of a great spirite dismaied not a iote albeit shee was his prisoner of whose intent before hand shée could easilie diuine Wherefore shee aunswered him sternly as one dreadlesse of death for life among so manie losses was not by her regarded Heare me quoth she Ristorano I confesse I haue fauoured the Christians in repaiment of infinite curtesies frō them receiued while I remained in Constantinople not that I did negligently carie my selfe in any thing that might or did displease my husband But for I am assured that in vaine I doe excuse my selfe to thee were all true where-with thou couldest charge me dispose of me as thou wilt but looke for warre from the Christians in regard of the loue they beare mée And though I haue béene absent from my hereditarie kingdome which thou vniustlie séekest to vsurpe yet haue I a childe as is well knowne through all Babylon and those people who for their loue to Albayzar desire to haue his sonne their Soueraigne will chastise thee as thou well deseruest Ristorano who willinglie would haue slaine her the easier to compasse what hee desired considering on her spéeches thought it better to deferre her death till with more security he might effect it and séeming to shew no outward signe of feare with angry lookes thus he replied Thy offences merrite more then a common kinde of death wherfore so lightlie will I not kill thée as I sée thou wishest I would Héere-vpon hee commaunded her with the Armenian Princesse into a priuate roome of the shippe and hee was in a thousand opinions whether he should land and take the Cittie of Constantinople or turne backe into Turkie and rule that kingdome For it was the Citties good hap that Ristorano not hearing what had happened to the principal Knights who had defended the Cittie as the wise Aliart so procured who likewise knewe of this Armies making thitherward but beléeuing that the Christians were conquerers and therefore doubtful of his owne fortune durst not goe on shoare the rather because his owne men were more willing to be gone then tarry So contenting himselfe that Fortune had deliuered Targiana into his hand and hearing by his spials that Brundo sonne to Don Rosiran de la Bronde with foure thousande horse lay before Constantinople expecting if they durst land or no fearing to be taken with all spéede possible he made hast to be gone from thence When Targiana behelde her selfe in his power whom vndoubtedly she knew intended her death albeit her mind was inuincible yet sate shée very pensiue not giuing a word to the Armenian Princesse who likewise gréeued to see her selfe a prisoner neuerthelesse because she expected not death shee laboured her thoughts the better for her escape and turning to Targiana said I remember good Princesse that when I was to depart from Persia a wise Enchauntresse named Drusa Velona gaue me a Ring of such vertue that being sent in a Letter to any Knight whom I should make choyse of for my defence he would presently come to helpe me Thinke then what Knight may be most conuenient for your purpose and I will write the Letter for the Ring is of such force as to wound the hart of any Knight and make him loue ye although before he hated ye neuer so much Targiana right ioyfull to heare Drusa Velonas name whose Art had before auailed her when she conducted her away and enchaunted the Princesse Leonarda began to thinke with her selfe what Knight she should determine on to deliuer her from the hands of Ristorano But among so many opinions not knowing how to resolue the Nauie entred Turkie where Ristorano secretly conuayed her to a Castle accompanying her with certaine Matrones who had charge that she should send no Letters abroade For he feared that if the Turkes should vnderstand howe their Lady Targiana was imprisoned in her owne Kingdome they would stirre in her behalfe This hindered their former desseignment of sending the Letter with the Ring and which by reason of the companie appointed to attend them could not be performed CHAP. III. VVhat they did in Constantinople after the departure of the sage Aliart VEry sorrowfull remained all the Cittizens of Constantinople for the departure of the sage
promises by whose direction he was altogether guided But as we said before Aliarte hauing an eye vppon all her procéedings sent first aduertisement thereof to the Emperour and afterward ordained that the Knight of Fortune should haue newe Armes made him wrought all of Diamonds with sharpe Ponyards sticking foorth quite ouer it the better to breake the Knights blowes when they came to combate and that the Griffon which we spake of before being naturall and not magicall might not so easilie seaze vppon him And because by subtile meanes they must enter the Iland where all the worlds strength would nothing auaile them they made a little Barque séeming to be one whole peece of wood and closed ouer in such sort that Primaleon being in it could no way be offended by the water and when it was lanched into the Sea it appeared not like to the forme of a Barque but rather like a huge vnweldie péece of Timber béeing driuen by the waues violently vpon the Iland where suddenly it opened and Primaleon stept foorth vppon the shoare armed as hath béen alreadie declared and with a kéene edgd Axe in his hand Drusa Velonna hauing espied him imagined herselfe now quite vndone but to let nothing lack of what she could doe she ranne to her spells and raised such a hellish mist or fogge as the Pallace by no meanes could be discerned in which time shee caused the Knights to arme themselues and sent them forth against him perswading them that hee was no man but a huge monstrous enchaunted Hedg-hog Whē Primaleon saw so many armed Knight come against him and all of them well knowne to him by their impreses he grew doubtfull what his successe would sort vnto yet prepared neuerthelesse to assaile them CHAP. LXVII How and what the wizzard Aliarte wrought against the enchauntment of Drusa Velonna and what ensued to Primaleon THe learned Aliarte standing inuisible on the shore of the Iland and perceiuing that these valiant Knights knew not Primaleon whereby might ensue the death of one another threw likewise a Magicall fume vppon the I le which béeing carried by the wind vppon the Knights faces wrought this effect that they discerned him to be a man and not a Hedg-hogge as before he séemed where-upon they went toward him with theyr swordes drawne But Arguto Floraman and Florian suspecting that hee came for the rape of Victoria as by the enchauntments force they were verily perswaded beganne furiously to assaile him and hee well auoyding their blowes with his Axe returned them such sharpe repayments that they finding theyr swords ouer-weake for resistance vsed what skill they could for theyr owne defence Now it happened that Arguto shunning a blow of the Axe ranne vpon Primaleon and giuing him a thrust ful in the sight of his Helmet made it flie open that his face was seene whereupon Florian knowing the Prince and howe déerelie he affected his Daughter desiring to make her his wife in mariage gaue backe offered no more resistance But Arguto and Floraman respecting him as theyr riuall in loue ranne both very violently vpon him and had handled him hardly but that Primaleon passing his sword quite through Floramans Beuer wounded him in the fore-head and the blood running downe into his eyes so hindered his sight as he was constrained to retire and leaue Arguto alone with him hand to hand The battaile betwéene them lasted aboue-two houres with very great disaduantage to Arguto because Primaleon shrewdly mangled his Armour with his Axe and in the end had staine him but that Oliuanto Florian and the rest stept between them causing them to giue ouer the combate when presently they felt themselues freed frō the enchantment which before had restrained them to y e place Whervpon the wise Aliarte beeing still inuisible wrought so by his learned skill that diuers Ships closed immediatly on the Iland and Arguto suddenly would haue stept into one of them in rage spléene to haue parted thence as hee did before at the I le of Carderia but Aliarte perceiuing his enuious intent shewed himselfe to him and suddenly st●yed him when taking him aside from the rest he thus spake to him My Lord you are too froward and malicious and hether am I come onely for your good for by mine Arte I fore-saw that Primaleon would giue end to this aduenture as in right and reason it belongs best to him and that Victoria should loue him beyond all other by whom she enioyeth the benefit of libertie wherfore neuer pursue that obstinately whereto the heauens are no way agréeable B●t because your loue shall receiue some answerable requitall and to continue kindnes between men of so high deseruing Primaleon hath a sister named Concordia of no lesse beautie then her Mother Miragarda whom leaguing your selfe in loue and friendship with Primaleon you may the easier obtaine in mariage Arguto being both wise and valiant and no fault in him but only emulation in matter of honour tooke no little pleasure in Aliartes friendly aduise and albeit his loue to Victoria presently ceased as reason respect thought it most conuenient quickning his desires to see faire Concordia yet prizing his Knightly repute before the weight of affection he returnd him this aunswere Discreete learned father it can be no disparagement to me to accept Primaleons faire sister as my wife but rather therby my state shal be aduanced in being thought worthy of so rich a beauty Neuerthethelesse because Frysoll my grand-father would neuer giue superiority to Palmerin d' Oliua vntil he had made proofe by chiualry which of them deserued to be accoūted worthiest I sée no reason why I may not hold the same opinion concerning him whom I hold as my honorable enemy Therfore graue father vntill I haue tried by euident proofe whether he or I am the ablest man at armes I will not graunt to loue his faire Sister or any other Lady whatsoeuer in which humor I am determined to part hence to expect apt occasion for the combat betwéen vs since Fortune hath fauoured him with the end of this aduenture Aliarte perceiuing the scope of his purpose accompanied him to the Barque where commending him to God Arguto departed much troubled in his minde For albeit hée would not as yet resolue to affect the fayre Concordia yet her beautie and honour caried so generall commendation as he iudgd it no meane grace for him to enioy her in marriage and these thoughts wrought more and more with his stronger purposes in which humour let vs leaue him to his trauaile till more needfull time require to remember him againe The other Knights Florian onely excepted beeing deuoted in their loues to diuers Ladies finding themselues fréed frō the force of the enchauntment after kind thanks to Primaleon Aliarte departed whether themselues best pleased Primaleon staying as reason required behind thē to performe a further seruice depending on the aduenture Drusa Velonna to supply the cast so
with him foorth of the Citty entred a wood neere adioyning where letting her horse run loose on his bridle like one escaped from an enemy shee entred the Citty dissembling extraordinarie feare and comming to the Castell gate where Ristoranos guard gaue their attendance was quickly knowne by them and soone conueyed in at the wicket shee still seeming doubtful of her securitie And comming to Targiana so artificially she continued her feigned feare as shee verily imagined her to bee escaped from Florian. But when time came that they might more safely conuersse together shee then reuealed all whereby Targianaes hope very greatly increased seeing now an entrance to her freedome so soundly begun Florian perceiuing that the Princesse was got into the Castle and hauing with his presence a farre off comforted Targiana armed Turke-like he went and offered his seruice to Sucusano who séeing him so brauely disposed and but young withall would needes haue him sit downe by him but Florian dooing him double reuerence beganne in this manner Most mightie Lord I am sonne to a Turke who serued most faithfully the great Emperour deceassed and thereby receiued of him no meane benefits I that desire to doe you as loyall seruice hearing that my Princesse is imprisoned by Ristorano in the Castell of Tubante and that he would vsurpe the state from her am minded to aduenture my life for her deliuerie Let me then entreat your highnesse to doe some-what for so great a sister as your owne and my Soueraigne wherein beside eternall fame following so glorious an enterprise shée will acknowledge herselfe deeply indebted vnto you when she shall be seated in her kingdoms of Babilon and Turkie And might it please yee but to fauour me in thys enterprise I offer my selfe bodie to bodie against so many as dare maintaine Ristorano to be no traytour trusting more in iustice of the cause then any hardiment or valour in my selfe Sucusano very respectiuely noted Florian all the while he spake and iudging him to be a man very valiant replyed that seeing him so loyally inclined towards his princesse he woulde gladly haue both the Ladies set at libertie because his sister was likewise prisoner with her and therefore hee wished to them both alike Then presently he sent one of his Captaines well accompanied to the citty to Ristorano requesting to haue deliuered him his Sister and Targiana whom he laboured to dispossesse of her estate and if anie of his would iustifie Ristorano not to be a traytor hee shoulde meete a Knight in field who would make it good vpon him by sword and Launce Ristorano offended at this demaund which dissolued all his former dissignes would haue satis-fied Sucusanos Embassadour that he did send him his Sister and knewe not how his purpose was impeached But now his demaunding of both the Ladies droue his sences into such a confusion as hee knew not what to imagine concerning the Armenian Princesse And in regard a Turkish Knight backt by Persians would fight against the Citty and requested combate he intended to prouide for the present perrill lycencing the Embassadour to depart saying His Sister he had already sent him but with Targiana he had not to meddle The Embassador bringing this aunswere to his Lord and Florian beeing aduertised thereof made hast to the field to loose no time and least the Persians mind should hap to be changed hearing that his sister had beene sent him before and taken from the Knights as hath béen before declared Ristorano fearing no lesse the Turkes then the Persians turning him to his Knights said Which of you dare goe combat this companion bring his head to me Many valiant Lords profered themselues in hast and great contention there was who should goe first but the lot falling to the Prince of Tharsus he armed himselfe for the purpose and came so disdainfully forth of y e Citty that without speaking any word to Florian hee ranne against him with his Launce wherewith Florian being mooued met him in the midst of the course the Turkes staffe hitting on his shielde made him loose a stirrop but Florians passed with such force through his breast that he fel downe dead to the earth The Persians seeing a victory so easily obtained both ioyed meruailed thereat Contrariwise they of the citty stood amazed Neuerthelesse the Lord of Antioche a man of great mind and opinion presented himselfe encountring with Florian hurt him a little on the arme albeit himselfe had such a salutation on the pate as he was liker to lie along then keepe his saddle Then Florian determining either to die this day or regaine Targiana smote at him with his sword which lighting on his shoulder cleft him downe to the saddle and cut off his horses head likewise This was such a fearefull astonishment to Ristoranos Knights as no more beeing willing to aduenture themselues they drewe backe into the Citty where Ristorano fearefull of the people sought by what meanes Targiana might be slaine as alwaies before hee aymed thereat but because he knew not who to trust and sawe euery one enclined to fauour their naturall Soueraigne hee resolued with himselfe vppon spéedie flight Then hearing what a great rumor was at the walls the Persians fully perswaded of successe hauing him for their Captaine who had so soone ouer-come two such valiant Turkes hée drew neere with diuers of his trustiest folowers to make head against them going to a false posterne of the Castle caused Targiana to be fetched foorth that he might haue her along with him hoping in extremitie to yeeld her for safegarde of his owne life or else by béeing still possest of her to haue vse and gouernment of the state This could he not performe so secretly but hee was discouered by the people who cryed out with loud voyce that Targiana was led away to death whereon he was pursued by so great multitudes that hee hauing worke enough to doe to escape aliue and knowing howe fewe of his owne people did affect him left Targiana behinde him Some fearing least the Citty should bee taken and spoyled by the Persians hung foorth their flagge of truce and opening the gate receiued in Florian and foure thousand Knights with him according as Sucusano had before appoynted who behaued himselfe on the other side very valiantly But Florian fearing least some disaster shoulde betide Targiana ranne presently to the Castell where he found her in companie of them that Ristorano left her withall who perceiuing the Tyrant fledde laboured to kéepe her from perrill and so were returned backe with her thither againe Of him they grewe all afraide and in danger had they béene but that Targiana knewe him by managing his weapon thē stepping forward Sheath your sword my Lord quoth shee for these Knights are for my safetie and at your seruice Florian séeing his intent accomplished full of ioy tooke Targiana by the hand but shee trembled as shewing the great loue shee bare him from the beginning when he
belonging to this enterprise Neuerthelesse turning againe to the beast he was caught within the deuided taile and throwne thrée times about so furiously as his memory failing him he fell to the ground greatly astonied But hée beeing of a very valiant spirit quickly recouered footing againe and offered once more to make proofe of himselfe but the old Woman thus preuented him No more Sir Knight because if well yee vnderstand mée the condition by mée propounded was thus that if anie Knight were ouer-throwne by the Monster hee should be admitted to fight no longer The Emperour perceiuing the olde Womans intent gaue a signe to Dirdan that hee should with-draw himselfe and Don Edward caused Pompides to present himselfe who very boldly assailed y e Monster with his sworde reaching him such a thrust in the flanke as wel neere had made him to tumble ouer But the beast gaue him such a blow on the breast with his foote as made him fall downe backward Whereat each one both greeued and meruailed séeing two so good Knights so soone disabled Dragonalte by Don Edwards licence was the next that assayled the Monster and hee beeing very nimble at all aduantages gaue the beast diuers hurts which by reason of his slothfulnesse hée coulde not shunne But catching at length the sworde betweene his teeth snatcht it out of his hand and made at him so furiously that striking him rudelie against the ground very hardly could hee arise to withdrawe himselfe Floraman hauing receiued his signe from Don Edward deliuered many rough strokes to the Monster but coulde not by anie meanes wounde him and trauersing about to kéepe him foorth of danger still vsing his sword for his best aduantage at length hee was caught betweene the monsters taile which cast him vp the height of a Launce when falling downe he lay as if he had béene dead to the great griefe of euery one who doubted least this strange aduenture would serue as a shame to the Grecian Court. Don Edward fearing this monster would sley some of the Knights called for Palmerin who staying a little to gird on his sword was preuented by Dramusiande who though he stoode before as one amazed meruailing at these strange encounters pricked forward by valour hee sette himselfe against the beast and not séeking how to hurt him otherwise caught fast holde on his great tayle which hee held so strongly as the beast could not recouer it from him for such was the Giants greatnes as hee could neither lift him vp nor cast him downe During this contention to the great paines of Dramusiande who woulde not let goe the tayle neither could haue other kinde of victorie euery one was very pensiue not knowing what issue of these affaires to hope for Dramusiande endeuouring with all his strength to cast the monster became so wearied as he was not able to striue any longer whereupon entring into better aduise with a leape hee threwe himselfe vppon the beasts backe and holding him with his hande at the vauntage of the chaine gaue him such prouokings with his legs as the monster to be disburdened of so great a weight ran to the shoare side at one skip mounted into the Sea where Dramusiande not terrified with feare though hee beheld himselfe but dead as it were kept still his holde vppon the beast as if afterward he should chaunce to leape on shoare againe Arlencea when shée beheld her husband in this danger for whom she had shed so many teares when he was reputed dead fell on her knees at the olde womans féete thus bespake her Sweet Lady if euer thou didst vouchsafe loue to any one I pray thée suffer not my husband to be drowned The olde woman hearing herselfe coniured in thys manner beeing herselfe as you shall heare deeply enamored made a signe and the monster mounted backe with Dramusiande into the Barque which stood ready for purpose at the Land-side Afterward by her arte shee caused the other foure Knights that receiued the foyle to be therein likewise conuayed then entring the Barque herselfe shée launched so far into the Sea as shee could be but heard to speake in this manner My Lord I must haue these Knights with me because I may by good reason claime them and Dramusiande shall beare them company likewise for I am Dorina his Coosin that preserued him as now your selues haue beheld him haue I great occasions to employ in and shortly shall hee returne againe in the same estate as when hee was young and eyghteene yéeres old Then causing him to come vpon the decke with her they were hearde conferre together verie familiarlie to the great liking of all the beholders though loth to haue them thus caried thence Arlencea aboue the rest séeing her husband with such a light Damosell as nowe shée shewed herselfe was almost dead with iealousie but that shee had heard Dramusiande often sweare shée was his Coosin and therefore she had the lesse cause of feare Dorina bidding them adiewe sette sayle and departed The cause of her comming thus and carrying away the Knights with her the sequell of the historie shall make manifest for now we must returne againe to Targiana at Tubante CHAP. XIIII How Sucusano became enamoured of Targiana and knowing Florian to be Nephewe to the Emperour Primaleon layde hold on him suspecting likewise euill betweene him and Targiana ON the next morning when Sucusano was entred Tubante as yee heard before declared Targiana with the Armenian Princesse entred the great Hall shee likewise leading Florian by the hand and so sumptuously was she attyred as the Persian giuen more by nature to martial affaires thē loues wanton allurements seeing her such a princely and beautifull creature became foorth-with enamoured and so much the rather did hee promise successe to his loue in that the supposed Turke which came to him to wit the Prince Florian had by his strength freed her and was nowe in her companie Therefore at the first to make knowne his loue he tooke her by the hand and placing her in her Fathers seate there pronounced her to bee rightfull Queene of which fauour before she had but little hope when it was generally suspected y t Sucusano sought to signorize ouer all Turkie himselfe The Persian made many amourous semblances to Targiana but yet so simply as none of the beholders tooke anie heede thereof except Florian who diligently noted all and ruminating with himselfe what successe was likely to ensue vpon this newe loue grew in some sort fearefull of violence that might be offered him by this Pagan Another while he was surprized with doubts least Targiana mooued by so great a state as the Persian should alter her mind So floting on this varietie of opinions Sucusano embraced his Sister who knowing that Florian was married to Targiana whereby herselfe was disappointed of all hope shee began to conuert her loue into hatred and séeing howe her Brother was likely to growe franticke for Targiana shee imagined this the
best way to trouble this marriage alreadie celebrated with such loue But like one very subtile she dissembled her intent and shewing nothing but chéerefull disposition offered to sitte downe by Targiana who not dreaming at all on her fond affection cōmitted to her trust her neerest secrets A supper of great pompe was prepared whereat Sucusano would sit right before Targiana where-with Florian was so highly offended as many times he thought to haue slaine him and he had doone it but that he knewe not how to defend the Citty from so great an Armie and Targiana béeing so lately seated had no people in readinesse to backe such an enterprise Sucusano not minding Florian reputing him a Turke but of meane quality set downe his rest to enioy Turkie and the Souldanesse of Babylon considering withall that when he was become Lord of such a strength he might be reuenged on the Christians for the death of his Brother Tenne dayes together the feastes and banquetting endured in which time Sucusano courted Targiana to y e proofe as making himselfe assured that shee shoulde be his wife and among other amourous ceremonies placing his rude hand vpon her delicate breast sayd I loue thée and yet am silent The Lady y t abhorred him more then death shewed herselfe so disdainfull as the Persian beganne to perswade himselfe that the Ladies thoughts were else-where addicted Betwéene this loue and disdaine stept in the Armenian Princesse who séeing Targiana so scornful toward her brother knowing also what had past betweene her and Florian her thoughts labouring twixt loue and hatred would and yet she would not declare to Sucusano what Florian was whom hee imagined to be a Turke Continuing in these imaginations a matter hapned that made her enemie with Targiana and thus it was Targiana one day busied about affaires concerning the estate the Armenian Princesse finding Florian alone and pensiue reputing herselfe no way inferiour to Targiana in beautie she came and sate downe by him entring into these speeches Knewe I not that your selfe hath made proofe of loues soueraigne forces I should forbeare to reason with you in amourous discourse but your gentlenes and my hard fortune constrayneth that albeit I know your thoughts are deuoted to Targiana yet must I intreat one graunt of loue yéelding my selfe wholie to your power And as shee deliuered these words a sea of teares streamed from her eyes her hart stil trembling expecting his aunswers Florian ouercome with gréefe for the loue he sawe Sucusano vse toward Targiana made her no reply and shee by his silence conceiuing some hope that hee would loue her threw her armes about his neck when it hapned that Targiana hauing ended her busines suddainly stept in and séeing in her such vnseemely behauiour thus spake Ah shamelesse Damosell whether hath thy luxurious appetite transported thus to insult vppon anothers right And into worser termes would she haue growne but that the Ladie as one confounded without returning any answere stept forth of the Chamber leauing both them so astonished as neither of them well knew what to say especially Florian who considering the great perrill and doubt wherein Targiana stoode at this instant had not the power to comfort her himselfe being oppressed with what he most feared The Princesse of Armenia conceiuing déepe disdaine at Targianas wordes and seeing herselfe despised by Florian went directly to her Brother and there declared that the dissembled Turke who had doone so much for Targiana was Prince Florian of the Forrest termed the Knight of the Sauage man who was maried to Targiana not withstanding y t by his hand her former husband Albayzar was slaine yet had she made a lasciuious choyse of him Sucusano perceiuing within his power the very greatest enemie that Heathenesse had reputed himselfe most happie saying Since Targiana had committed an offence so vnpardonable hee thought her vnwoorthy to be his wife But because he would not loose so rich a bootie hee caused the chamber to be round engirt where Florian was whence Targiana but little before was angerly departed and was busilie talking with certaine of her chiefest Barons howe Sucusano intended to take away her Kingdome from her The Persians beeing entring the Chamber assailed Florian finding him vnarmed but onely with his Rapier nor sought they to kill him but thronged round about him to take him aliue so in the end he was bound carried forcibly to Sucusano Targiana hearing the rumour and noyse ranne to the Chamber and diuers with her whom shee had made to arme themselues but ouer-late was her comming for they had thence conueied her louer and doubting nowe what might become of him attyring herselfe like a man and accompanied with an auncient Knight shee got presently foorth of the Citty Sucusano hauing thus gotten Florian intended a sollemne reuenge for all the iniuries before receiued but yet hee was much offended that he had not Targiana wherefore hée sent to search the Pallace and not finding her hee vnderstood by a Damosell committed to torment that two howres before shee was departed in habite of a man giuing diuers other signes beside whereby she might be soonest knowne Nowe was not the Persian slacke in sending foorth his Knights by sundry wayes to pursue her that they might bring her backe againe vnto him and perceiuing howe the Turkes were addicted in loue to her hee mindid as yet no violence toward her till first hee were fully possesse of her Kingdome then hee concluded to satis-fie his lust with her and afterward to despight her the more to giue her as a spoyle to his very worst boy The Knights posting about euery way toward Sun-setting they found her by a Fountaine where being wearied with riding shée stept aside to refresh herselfe minding to haue ridden all that night When shee beheld herselfe ouertaken by the Persians without any on her behalfe to make resistance shée was so strangly distracted with gréefe as the Knights setting her on horse-backe had carried her more then a mile before shée made any signe of reuiuing but béeing come to herselfe shee vttered y e wofulst lamentations that euer was heard from any Lady The Knights who little knew her case vsed some comfortable spéeches that Sucusano the great Lord of Persia earnestly desired to make her his Wife so that shee had more cause to reioyce then to offende her selfe with greefe and wéeping These reasons little auailed with her afflicted thoughts in that shee well knewe to what end Sucusano sent to take her so recommending all the Christians to God in whose faith shee had firmely promised to continue shée rode on quietly remembring she had often heard some of her Christian slaues say that Christians calling onelie to their God in time of their tribulation receiued helpe by him as likewise she did as shal be declared in the Chapter following CHAP. XV. How Dorina with the foure Knights and Dramusiande arriued at the Cittie of Tubante and deliuered Targiana with whom they entred the
séemed to the Emperor no matter of impossibilitie and therefore hee consented the sooner to Dorinas request whereupon the day following all the young Knights of the Court as also the strangers except Don Rosuell who was falne into such debilitie of sence as his speeches appeared to be silly and peeuish resorted to the place appointed for tryumphs and thether came likewise all the Ladies who mounting vppon the Scaffolds made readie to entertaine thē bringing with them Auriana whose beautie glittered like a bright splendant starre The monster was there already in the fielde and Dorina had taken vp her place to iudge who should accomplish the aduenture and the formost man appoynted was Franardo who made his vaunts to be more nimble in leaping then any foure Knights there present After his reuerence doone to the Emperour he prepared himselfe for the enterprise and cōming so néere the Monster as he thought immediatly to be vppon his backe hee was suddainly cast backward with his héeles ouer his head of which apparant repulse he seemed so ashamed as without vsing any words he went quietly foorth of the Lists Almaroll who was brother-like affected to Franardo presented himselfe to make tryall of his fortune and making an agill offer to be quickly aloft the Monster turning quite side-ward from him gaue the young gallant such a kick with his foote as he was likewise downe and departed disgraced These mishaps made the young Lordes to thinke with themselues that this aduenture would proue of some difficultie in the finishing and whosoeuer should haue the honour of ending it must out-goe all the rest in the height of his good happe Trineus the Almaigne Emperour would gladly haue aduentured but the Emperour Primaleon hauing more respect of his dignitie by no meanes would yéeld that he should attempt it Armindo was so forward to get vpon the Monster that he was cast quite ouer on the other side as though hee had neuer come neere the beast at all which he tooke in no meane scorne I warrant yee Orino performed his attempt in such sort and béeing smitten by the Monster vpon the breast he fell downe very strangely amazed and giddied Gorgoneo King of Romata desirous to essay what luck he should haue procéeded in his attempt quite contrary to the former aduenturers but the Monster catching fast hold on his legge cast him with his head so rudely against the ground that he lay still in a traunce for a great while and so was carried forth of the Lists Fortenbracio would néedes be the next after Gorgoneo but hee was so slightlie cast off by the Monster as though it made him blush yet euery one laughed a good at the conceite Leonato seeing Arguto preparing himselfe was so hastie to be before him that the Monster made a shewe as if hee feared him but when he drew neere him and the young Knight was halfe perswaded he should end the aduenture he gaue him such a fall vpon his back that Polinarda his Mother was thereat much displeased and forsaking the Scaffolde whereon shée stoode shée went to the very entrance of the Lists and there embraced her Sonne in her armes Tamerco was highly pleased at the sight heereof thinking this a happy meanes to compasse his intent for when a man is resolutely bent to commit an offence he wil serue his owne turne with the very slendrest occasions Among the rest Salaman the Persian had the foyle in his tryall and gréeued not a little to bee so disgraced Caro and Belcar sustayned the same mishap and so did Estrellant part without any honour But Arguto whose eye was still fixed on the Knight of Fortune knowing howe well Victoria fauoured him expressing more loue then hee thought conuenient should be bestowed vpon him especially where hee iudged himselfe to be farre more woorthy departed foorth of the fielde deepely discontented for he saue no honour for him to be had by this enterprise but beeing so dis-fauoured by his Mistresse he thought his stay there could no way aduauntage him nor did this departure any iote imbase him by reason his stoute courage was sufficiently knowne to all but none coulde truly gesse y e cause of his leauing the place neyther did any Knight follow to be inquisitiue thereof Béeing entred the Citty he went to the Pallace of Frisoll his Graundfather and deuising what signall he might beare whereby to become famous hee sawe in a lodging hanging on a wall the Shield of the Sunne and hee remembred it to be the very same which was promised him at his enstaulement in Knighthood and had crowned with so much glory the first Frisoll so taking downe the Shield he sent for an excellent Painter to flourish ouer againe the Sunne with his Pensill which he either by skill or chance so well performed that it appeared as fresh and liuelie as flaming fire Arguto had many matters busying his braines what successe might befall him on this his suddaine enterprise and to kéepe him the more from knowledge of any he caused a fayre Ladies face to be likewise painted in his shield with some signe of discontentment in her lookes then armed and well mounted he left the Citty and set on toward Thrace where leaue we him to his trauell till we heare of him againe in such a strange aduenture as will bring perrill to his life and that an vnknowne Knight came to assist him with whom afterward he goeth to battaile Tamerco hauing made his preparation for the rape of Polinarda a Galley béeing likewise readie hard at hand to carry her away the Knight of Fortune came to make proofe of his ability and leapt vpon the Monsters backe so lightly as he had beene a byrd where-uppon the Monster immediatly vanished because no more should afterward meddle with him for such was y e qualitie of the enchauntment that any one Knight hauing béene vppon his backe euery one might then very easily performe as much Miragarda Grydonia all the Princesses greatly ioyed heereat but especially Victoria was not a little pleased so that to such as narrowly noted her behauiour it plainly appeared how earnestly shee affected the Knight of Fortune Nowe in the confused departure of the people the Emperour with the Princes were descended from the Scaffolds to accompany his Nephew with such glory to the Cittie as his happy successe had worthily merrited Tamerco seeing Polynarda withdrawne into a Tent where her Sonne by her comforted had newly left her went suddainly thether with twenty armed Knights and laying his hand on her mouth least she should call for help ripping vp the hinder part of the Tent they stole forth softlie leading along two Damosels whom they found with her and them they threatned with death if they kept not silence They had gotten neere the Sea side when a seruaunt of Leonatos sent from him to his mother about some busines seeing her and her Damosells thus violently hurried cryed out aloude that his Lady Polynarda was carried away
frindged with gold and such were the hangings about the Chamber in signe of chéerefull ioy and gladnes Into the richest bedde was Florian layde and his wounds right carefully drest by the Lady who was strangely altered frō her former condition when at first shee fought against the Prince for she appeared now to be of incomparable beautie and also of right royall behauiour Soone after were the dog and Monster brought likewise into the same chamber where before theyr eyes they both suddenly changed the Monster to a man of forty yeres age and the dogge to a youthfull gallant about foure and twentie the one wounded in the throate the other in the breast and both so féeble that they began to lye downe The Lady expressed no pitty at all toward them albeit the olde man called her Daughter and the youth Louer but bending all her care to the cure of Florian cheered him kindly with hope of his health and made no account of the two other at all CHAP. LV. VVhat and who the Monster the dogge the wounded Knight and Lady were and how the enchauntment was fully concluded THE day ensuing Florian felt his hurts lesse painfull to him and the Lady with the Knight standing by his bed holding familiar discourse with him hee earnestly entreated them that they would tell him of whence they were and the reason of the strange estate wherein he found them The Lady béeing desirous to doo him any honourable seruice saide Stay my Lord a little And going to a corner of the Chamber opened there a little doore out of which came a Serpent some fiue foote long of a very fresh gréene colour and when it drew nere the bedde it leapt vpon it putting the head therof néere to Florians face thinking to terrifie affright him but hée who was neuer capable of feare mooued not at it but taking it to be some house Serpent began to stroke it with his hand and looke where his hand had toucht the Serpents skinne immediatly fell off and humane flesh beganne to appeare so that by passing all thorowe his hand the Serpent altered to a very beautifull Lady but younger then the other yet very like in countenaunce to her No sooner was this strange mutation made but the first Lady thus beganne Understand thou perfect mirrour of honour and Armes that I and this my Sister are daughters to the King of Carpatia which is the olde man that lieth there and by our guilty destenie it was appointed that we should both become enamoured my selfe of this Knight named Cauno and my Sister of him lying by my father called Spinalo folly loue and ignorance so farre preuailing with vs that to them wee were not sparing of our honour and persons Two yéeres together our practise continued but with such secrecie as no eye could blab our sweete felicity till Fortune the common enemie to happy quiet made Spinalo grow regardlesse of my Sister and with such fierie temper become affected to me that he sought all meanes possible to compasse his desires I who had dedicated my whole loue to Cauno and held it as woorse then abhorred sacriledge that one man should haue knowledge of two naturall Sisters with discontented lookes and thoughts as spléenfull thus aunswered him Thou shouldst Spinalo remember how furtherous I haue beene vnto thée in the silent possession of my Sisters loue of whom beyonde opinion thou didst séeme enamoured but now I see thée so farre different from thy selfe that contrary to all law of honour and respect thou labourest to make me turne traytour to mine owne déere-reckoned delight distast not thy reputed good iudgement with such inciuilitie nor suffer thy earst-moderate temper to be swayed by so base and vnmanlike behauiour but kéepe thy faith vnstaind to my Sister Silinga whose esteeme of thée is beyond my weake ability to expresse so shalt thou iustly performe the office of manhood we without impeach still enioy the benefits of that which Fortune priuately hath enriched vs withall These honest and effectuall perswasions might haue remooued him from so vile a sinne if but with discretion hee had ballaunced his owne woorth or ours but they rather spurd him on to a more violent prosecution exceeding the limits of any respect at all so that turning to me with an ill-appearing countenance he sayde Imagine not that thou canst escape me so or that my desseignes will brooke this anticipation rather will I aduenture the King thy fathers indignation by beeing the trumpet of our secret stolne pleasures to inflict the heauier punishment on thee and Cauno Now thinke gentle Knight what extreames assayled me eyther I must doo a déede of damnation or loose louer life and honour together héere-vpon I flung from him and went to acquaint Silingo with these vnwelcom newes appoynting time place and apt conuenience when her owne eares twixt him and me should drinke this balefull potion When shee too euidently perceaued howe farre Spinalo was become estraunged from her hauing hid her selfe in a litle thicket while thus the traytor assaild my cōstancie he gone she issued forth and came vnto me with a minde so shaken as very little differd she from the pale Image of death One conclusion was to aduertise Cauno thereof that hee might the better forestall his perill but this course of ours prooued as for the most part womens counsels doo woorse and woorse for Cauno who in his Loues priuation could cary no patience made his iustly-conceaued displeasure knowne to Spinalo charging him to desist from so vnhonourable a pursuite But he who aymed still at his purpose with me made no outward note of any such prohibitiō but goes and works with my Sister Silinga that she should labour me on his behalfe vowing neuer to forget so great a kindnesse protesting withall it was but a capricious humour that thus ouer-ruled him which if but for once onely hee might enioy he would neuer mooue it after any more where contrariwise if shee could not winne me to affoorde him this grace he would publish our stolne sports to the King our father The miserable young Mayden beset on each side with such weighty oppression promised to vndergoe so vnkinde an office and awayting fit opportunity prooued so preuayling an Oratour alleadging the vnauoydable perill wherin we both stoode that as heauen knowes with mighty vnwillingnes I yéelded to her importunate perswasions Behold into what state loose loue now brought me my Sister gaue intelligence to Spinalo that at her entreates I had condiscended and he not a little proud thereof thought euery minute a moneth till the time which was concluded to be the morning following when Cauno had appointed to ride on hunting The houre being come a most vnhappy houre for vs she brought Spinalo by an vnusuall passage being a priuate way thorowe my Garden and then Silinga whose loue I know not how iustly to tearme that for his sake would so highly thus offend her selfe hauing likewise accompanied me to the
now at some aduantage quickly conduct me into the Castell that I may sette the young Lady Argentina at libertie Velonna fearefullie trembling by teares and intreates laboured to haue him kisse her promising then to performe whatsoeuer hee commaunded but Dorina comming at the instant cryed out vnto him Kisse her not Knight for then she kills thee neyther trust any of the damned Witches promises beware beside thou goe not into the Castell for then thou canst neuer returne backe againe but commaund her that Argentina and some other Ladies enclosed with her may be brought foorth hether then take the chayne-girdle from about her and binde her hands strongly therewith that she be not able to get away from thée Florian commaunded her to haue Argentina and the other Ladies brought foorth which Velonna in very humble manner performed then issued faire Argentina out of the Castell and diuers other Ladies in company with her on whom she had wrought her damnable trecherie they beeing come before the Prince Dorina put her hand into Velonnas bosome and tooke out a booke which was the very deerest iewell for maintenaunce of her Arte wherat she was euen readie to die with sorrow And because this dangerous Castell might be guiltie of no more harme Florian entreated Dorina by helpe of the Booke she had taken from Velonna to confound it in such sort as no other Nigromancer euer after should be possessed thereof Which beeing doone accordingly hee desired Dorina that shee would goe and aduertise Targiana of his fortunate successe in gayning the libertie of faire Argentina and to certifie her withall that he was gone in companie of the young Lady to Constantinople so taking his leaue of her he went to a neere adioyning port of the Sea where finding a Shippe ready for his purpose both he Argentina and Velonna went presentlie aboord CHAP. LXXXII VVhat the Emperour Palmerin and the other Knights did when they founde that Candida was gone away with Leonato ON the next morrowe when Candida was not séene in the Court on whom the Emperor Palmerin hetherto had helde a strict eye now doubting some deceit and she being last séene in Leonatoes companie as also now generally noised abroade how déerely she affected Leonato they must needes gather that shee was gone away with him Hereat y e Emperour shewed himselfe to be highly offended and culloured this discontentment to be in regard of the true zeale he euer bare her Father and Mother and his passions grew to such extremitie as in all hast he called for his Armour and he would follow to recouer her againe But Palmerin no lesse fired with rage though more cunning in kéeping it from publique note being come into the Emperours presence said It is not méet dread Lord that you in person should pursue such an enterprise least giddie-headed censurers thereby coniecture that rather wanton follie induced you thereto then the awfull respect which ought to be in an Emperour This hee spake because himselfe intended to follow them and recouer the young Ladie from Leonato neuer remembring that a Father in such a case should be more mindfull both of his owne honor and his sonnes but it is no rare noueltie when the very wisest men are thus transported with amourous passions Tarnaes perceiuing Palmerin made no hast in giuing him his daughter Fior-nouella thought with himselfe that his best meanes for soonest obtayning her was to hinder Leonato from passing into England whether likewise if Palmerin and his daughter should post after then his loues hope might be vtterly frustrate wherefore very secretely he armed himselfe tooke the way that directed to England Palmerin also purposing to ride after his sonne went and put on his Armour but beeing prettily quipt and taunted by his wife for so manifest appearance of vnmanly behauiour not knowing with what modestie well to excuse it he was not ouer-hastie in arming himselfe Aliarte who likewise was enamoured of faire Candida but made no outward publication thereof beeing alone in the Emperours presence priuately told him that the Empresse Grydonia full well perceiued his fond loue to Candida in these decrepite yéeres when a shéete for the graue were more néedfull to be thought on then such ill-séeming young desires in so olde a body yet had shee borne it with more patience then a womans heated blood is commonlie capable of so that except shee were the sooner visited comforted y e danger of her life stood desperately vpon it These spéeches made the Emperor in a very strange taking whē he heard the weake estate of his Empresse and contrariwise his loue did mightilie torment him but because Aliarte should not repute him as a man quite reasonlesse hee went presently to her chamber and finding her in a verie contagious agonie hee spake to her meruailous kindly when she opening her eyes and looking right sadly vppon him said Goe goe my Lord to the young beautie that hath bewitched your age and leaue mee poore old Woman here drownde in mine owne teares yet you might remember some of your knightly deedes done for my sake when you made me fond credulous foole to beléeue that neuer could any other Lady haue power of your thoughts These words made such a deepe impression in his mind as he presently resolued to shake off this vnbeséeming humour and embraced the Empresse with such signes of true affection that her former dispayring thoughts were confidently reuocated with absolute perswasion that henceforth all such folly in him would be quite abandoned Nor did hee hold any longer spleene against Leonato but the very next day repealed his banishment vnder this promise that hee had doone no act of villanie to Candida When Aliart sawe the Emperours doating loue so well reclaimed he immediatly prouided that Palmerin should no further pursue Leonato and caused a Post to bring a Letter as if it had been written by Leonato himselfe the summe whereof in briefe thus followeth The Letter brought by the supposed Poast to Constantinople as written from Leonato to his Father Palmerin ¶ The superscription To his most noble Lord and Father Palmerin the right royall Prince of England at Constantinople or wheresoeuer GRacious Lord and Father your wonted kind and honorable fauour standing betweene me and my loue-fault committed in the true duty of a sonne I humbly salute you Giuing you to vnderstand that in a mutuall simpathy of our soules desires I haue espoused the beautiful Lady Candida whose loue before I leaue or can endure any riuall in I haue rated it at the deerest droppe of my blood I humbly craue pardon of my Lord the Emperour in my so bold neglect of his sacred worth and please his Highnesse but to remember that it was loues rash presumption and no vnciuill rudenes in Leonato his wrong will the easier be repayred and my trespasse pardoned I am now bound for England to visite my royall Grand-father King Edward and in his Court to celebrate my marriage So with my
space he grew so wearie as nothing was to be expected but death if enamored Dorina who had no power to kill him had not at his departure intended especiall care of him And albeit by her arte shée vnderstoode what effect the Letter and Ring had wrought as also that Florian afresh sollicited by his former loue borne to Targiana endeuoured greatly for her deliuerance notwithstanding all hope of euer enioying him the more resolued and soundly grewe her affection to loue him Now seeing in what perrill he was to loose his life by rescuing the Armenian Princesse from the Turkes handes shee changed her selfe into the shape of Palmerin of England his brother prouided of horse and armour accordingly and aloude shée cryed to Florian saying Feare not Brother I am come hether for thy defence so placing herselfe by him performed such deedes of valour as the Turkes began to retyre as resolued that thys Knight would be the death of them all But because Florian had lost much blood she gaue helpe to mount himselfe vpon his horse that he sate behind toward the crupper and so the Armenian Princesse was placed before him and she was so suddainly carried thence into a wood as the Turkish Knights stoode in amazement thereat Dorina when shée had Florian safe from his enemies shewed her selfe to him what she was and perceiuing that hée affected not the Armenian Princesse without any regard of her shee thus spake to him Most gentle Knight loue that hath made mee altogether yours enforceth an opinion contrary to all hope of ioy when no likelihood is that euer it will be for I knowe yee to be enamoured of a Ladie who strictly by enchauntment bindes ye to loue her when perhaps her beautie might faile in other meanes of preuailing all which makes me the more desirous of yee and to witnesse my inward inflamed loue sée heere the wound I gaue on this breast with my knife as willing to haue slaine my selfe vpon your vnkinde departure The Lady was young and beautifull her wordes likewise vttered so effectually as Florian woulde haue yeelded her loue if the other enchauntment had béene no let thereto But he vnable to vse any mercie to her and the Ladie béeing wise considering all this was occasioned by the Ring determined to awaite fitter opportunitie till Florian should be released from that enchauntment and taking order that one of her Damosels should cure his wounds shée thus beganne againe Thou canst not let me from louing thee for euer albeit thou takest no pitty on mine affliction and so she departed Florian without regarding her speeches suffered what soeuer was applyed for his recouerie and by reason Dorina holpe him by her arte in foure daies he was able to sitte his horse againe Then conferring with the Armenian princesse he excused what had béene done in hindering her from her brother Sucusano disclosing likewise what he was as also to what end this iniurie was offered her as not able by any meanes else to redéeme Targiana It displeased the Princesse that thus her returne into Persia was fore-stalled but when shee knew him to be the Prince Florian so farre famed and noted withall his gentle behauiour she accounted her selfe indebted to Fortune for letting her fal thus into his hands with whose loue she felt herselfe suddenly amated Then remembring that she sent the ring in Targianaes name she had little hope of winning him to her loue so long as that enchantment lasted wherfore she pacified herselfe and Florian desirous to returne toward Tubante had newe Armour and horses for conduct of the Princesse all right after the Tartarian manner And this was doone by Dorina that Florian might goe backe to Tubante and was not knowne to be he that fought with the Turkes in rescue of the Princesse whose habite was likewise in such sort trans-formed as none in all the cittie could know her Thus béeing in Tubante often times hee shewed himselfe to Targiana by meanes of his greene plume but hee could no further preuaile because of the watchfull guard appointed by Ristorano for which good Lady shée was euen ready to die And the Armenian princesse so curbd in her gréefe that she might not enioy the benefit of Florians loue as day and night she offered to sléepe by him yet would hee mooue towards her no more then a stone CHAP. XII VVhat Sucusano did when he heard that the Armenian Princesse was forcibly rescued from them that had charge of conducting her to him And further concerning the Prince Florian. THe Turkes that had fought in this manner with the Knight of the Sauage man seeing they had gotten them-selues so farre onward as they needed not to stande in feare of their enemie because they had lost y e Armenian Princesse they made no hast of returning to Ristorano but intended their iourney to Sucusano to let him vnderstand what had happened them in pursuite so to excuse their Lorde who had sent him his Sister Béeing come to his Armie and newes spread that the princesse came not with them it was expected that they should all presently die but yet on more deliberation they were admitted to his royall Pauillion Sucusano séeing them without his Sister with sterne countenaunce demaunded from whom they came They fearefully falling on theyr knees reported their whole successe and in what sort shée was taken from them But it seemed so disagréeing with truth that one Knight alone shoulde performe so much in taking the Lady frō them though néedlesse another came at length to helpe him as it was méerely scoft at but for better assurance héerein he sent many of his owne men to the place where the Turkes declared that their Captaine lay slaine Dorina who marked all these procéedings to binde her louer to her so much as might bee hoping one day the enchauntment should be dissolued and then hee woulde take compassion on her by her arte conuaied all the dead bodies thence yea all signes that any fighting had béene there at all Where-vpon the Persians returned to Sucusano saying they found no shew of any such matter as the Turkes had told him when hee starting vp furiously without admitting any more wordes commaunded them all immediatlie to be hanged and raysing his Campe consisting of an hundred thousand braue Souldiers beside a most gallant troupe of Infanterie went and assailed Tubante so suddenly as they could not prouide themselues of victuals to withstand the siedge though otherwise the Citty of it selfe was strong enough When Florian saw what he desired to take such effect he earnestly intreated the Princesse of Armenia that faining her selfe to be escaped from the Knight who tooke her from the Turkes shee would get into the Castle where Targiana was so might she be out of danger of her owne life and a meane likewise of Targianas libertie The Princesse séeing her brother so neere to deliuer her and louing Florian so earnestly as she did was well contented to performe his request so slipping
Fortresse THe Knights that had the charge of Targiana not suspecting anie thing rode on disorderly iesting among themselues to delight the Ladie But Dorina who knew the successe of all that had happened qualified her course of nauigation in such sort as she made choyce of time for deliuerance of Targiana And this she did to the end Sucusano might not prooue the marriage by her testimonie that she had taken Florian to her husband for the Persian by this accusation might lawfully depriue her of her kingdome and put Florian to death as he had determined though the Turkes knew nothing what he was before his taking Afterward when they vnderstood more of him in regard of the seruice hee had doone their Soueraigne they would not consent that hee should bee slaine but rather instantly desired he might safely be sent into Christendome because they had receiued certaine tydings from Constantinople that the Emperour Primaleon with all the most famous men at Armes were aliue and recouered But when it was tolde that Targiana their Quéene had made thys Knight her husband with promise likewise to refuse her fayth they would presently haue both him and her torne in a thousand peeces Dorina then that Florian might not perrish by this occasion bethought her on these Knights suspecting what danger was like to ensue brought them as you haue heard from the Perilous I le conducting them on to the rest of the enterprise And hauing particulerlie conferred with Dramusiande knowing the especiall loue he bare to Florian who had aduentured many perrills for him shee would not disclose that he had married Targiana but laboured him with earnest perswasions that nowe hee would stand her louer in some steede euen as hee had anie pittie of her shewing him likewise the wounde shee gaue her selfe when Florian so vngentlie departed from her Castell Dramusiande who well knew how intirely she affected the Prince had compassion on her and promised his vttermost on her behalfe but in his opinion it would very little auaile her such was his conceit for losse of the Princesse Leonarda after whose death desperatly hee left the Perilous I le So bringing her Barque on shoare shee mounted all the Knights disguising them after the Turkish manner to the end they might without suspition fall in companie of Targiana From midnight rode on these fiue Knights till morning appeared and then they ouertooke the Persians as they were entring at a secrete gate of the Castell that Targiana might not publiquely be seene of the Turkes Dramusiande getting neere Targiana lifting vp his beuer spake to her in the Greeke tongue which shée very well vnderstoode by meanes of her aboade in the Emperours Court Feare not Lady for héere is come in your defence Dramusiande with these foure Knights of Constantinople Court so taking her by the arme set her before him on his saddle The Persians seeing onely fiue Knights take the Ladie from them ranne all to assaile Dramusiande on whom they had bestowed manie Launces but that they feared to kill Targiana whom they had speciall charge to bring backe aliue yet receiued shée a little hurt on her backe Floraman Pompides Dragonalte and Dirdan circkling her about defended her all the way toward the Castel killing with forcible strokes many Persians The croude was so great that very hardly coulde they get onward yet getting neerer the Castell side one of the Guarde who sometime had beene Page to Targiana knew her by her habite and crying Behold our Princesse without longer stay let downe the Bridge when Dramusiande and his foure companions though well neere wearied with vsing their weapons got themselues vppon it and Dorina by her arte hauing the gate readie open permitted them entrance but aboue an hundred Persians entred with them who standing in feare of theyr Lord Sucusano if they did not bring back Targiana with them cōcluded to regaine her aliue or dead for ere long an infinite number more would come to assist them because all the Persian Campe was hereon in an vproare Dramusiande hauing gotten in the Princesse returned on the Bridge with a mightie Mace in his hand which hée found by chaunce at the entrance of the gate and dealing his blowes about him so many hee sent headlong into the Ditch that the rest beholding their manifest perrill were gladde to giue backe so the Bridge was drawne vp euen as Sucusano hearing of these newes came thether with the flower of all his Armie Dirdan and the other Knights with the men of the Castell gaue such entertainement to the Persians which got in with them as they dispatcht them all not leauing one aliue Targiana when shee had considered with herselfe that thorowe want of victuals shee could not keepe long in that Castell shee went to the gate next to the Cittie where causing a Trumpet to be sounded great concourse of people was immediatly assembled and shee comming herselfe vpon the Porte spake to them in thys manner You see my faythfull friendes and louing Countrimen howe Sucusano vrging false slaunders against mee hath sought to inflict sharpe torments on mee to make mée confesse what neuer entred into my thoughts and afterward by that excuse vniustlie to defeate mee of my lawful right and kingdome and to enioy it himselfe I am certaine that you would not willingly be vnder the Persian gouernment and my selfe doubting you shoulde bee in subiection to forraine rule will rather yeeld the kingdome to Ristorano who is of the royall progenie of your owne Princes Now seeing in what estate I am if you respect my life haue care of me and of these Knights who haue aduentured themselues for defence of my libertie and because ye are likewise beholding to Florian who onely mooued by his owne gentle nature put himselfe into so many perrils to deliuer me from imprisonment goe therefore with your power to the Pallace so soone as ye shall be conducted the way and frée him from prison that enfranchised your Quéene By chaunce there was then present in hearing heereof a great Signior of Antioch beeing subiect to the Crowne of Turkie who bearing some affection to Targiana and imagining by accomplishing a seruice of such import it was the readiest way to attaine her loue forth-with hee called together a very sufficient troope and to the Pallace they went where they could not finde Florian because the Persians doubtful of maintaining themselues in the Citty had secretly led him with them to their Campe. Which tidings greatly displeased Targiana and the Knights but especially Dramusiande who was ready to die with conceit of greefe Now because the Persians had forsaken the Cittie they issued foorth of the Castell leauing Targiana Floraman still to keepe it so running to the Pallace they gaue order for defence of the walls intending likewise to aduertise the Emperour of these affaires thus happening in Turkie but by reason of the multitude of Persian horesemen as yet they knew not how to compasse the meanes
reasonable spéeches for all the young Lordes longed to bee exercising armes wearied with practizing vsuall feates of defence began to murmure that they were thus long hindered and hoping the best of theyr towardly forwardnes forth-with commaunded a ship to be made in readines and sending all the young Princes aboard with prouision conuenient for such a voyage vnder the conduct of Argentao and with licence of their mothers though loath to leaue them they were thence dismissed Dorina who woulde not goe to Constantinople dealt so subtilly as she made her Monster to appeare euen as Primaleon the second was ready to step into the shyp whereof hee béeing desirous to haue a further sight without anie longer tarrying leapt into the Barque which suddenlie was seene to put off from the shoare and got more then halfe a leagues distance ere they coulde see what was become of Primaleon and afterward it sayled so swiftlie that quickly had they lost the sight of it altogether The Shyp with the young Lords made on for Constantinople and in meete place shall be shewen what after became of them Dorina was not a little gladde shee had got this young Prince made him promise of horse and Armour and afterward he should vndertake an aduenture which although it would prooue dangerous yet he should accomplish it and attaine to as great glorie and renowne as euer had the Emperour Primaleon Don Edward or Florendos his Father Primaleon who had mind on nothing else but horse Armour and knighthood made liberall promise of his lyfes hazard in any attempt what soeuer as thinking it a death most glorious to be afterward eternized famous So sayling on the Barque at length put in at an Iland which seemed rather a receptacle for wilde beastes then any habitation for ciuill people there hee forsaking the Barque stepping foorth on Land walked a little along by himselfe and hauing not béene accustomed to such accidents the vncouthnes of the place some-what dismaied him But afterward making better remembrance of himselfe considering also what Dorina had sayd vnto him doubting least shée should discerne any deiected spirit in him hee entred a wood neere adioyning and not farre had hee paced along therein but hee had a glimpse of bright Armour hanging there on a high trée and beeing not a little glad that hée had found what he sought for he hied him to the place cōming so neere to it that hee might easily take it downe with his hand which as hee made offer to doe intending to arme himselfe therewith hee felt a forcible strength to restraine him from it whereat meruayling in his minde and somewhat offended that hee could not arme himselfe so soone as he would haue done he made a more violent proffer when suddenly hee hearde a voyce from the trée saying Fond youth since thou though●st to haue this Armour so easilie thou must knowe thou art deceiued therein for this is the Tree dedicated to Fortune and who soeuer will haue this Armour must sweare and vow to proceede without anie feare or distrust in all such actions as Fortune shall assigne vnto him All which attempts shall make him much more famous then any that hath sprung from the familie of Palmerin d' Oliua and shall likewise bestow on him the fayrest Ladie that in all ages past hath beene seene to this day Primaleon who thought there was no occasion so perrilous but by his courage hee shoulde out-goe it tooke his oath immediatly and protesting the same with strict asseuerations to sée what further might thereon ensue hee beheld the Armour to be taken from the trée and the tree to extend it selfe into such largenes as by little and little it formed it selfe into a goodly Pallace after the shape resemblance of a Theater In the midst whereof appeared a seat royall and thereon sate a Quéene very maiestically with fayre goodly tresses of haire before but all bald behind afterward shee tooke a wheele vnto her whereon there seemed to be many men and women who changed from place to place as often as the wheele turned about There were alwayes some though very fewe entreated as fauorites that stoode neere the footesteps of the state and other so neere as they might easily touch it but at no time durst any make offer of dooing it nor hold they this happines for any long continuaunce but euer as they grew proude of th●se graces by Fortune shée whéeled them about into farre more lowlines The place was figured foorth in very liuely cullers where might be discerned the foure Monarchies in theyr first flower and beautie afterward how the three alreadie ruined and destroyed fell into their ouerthrow and the fourth to wit the Romaine tossed vp and downe by the whéeles turnings now aloft then as lowe was yet still in the warie eye of Fortune There were infinite Kings and Princes together on a heape striuing and contending for her fauouring countenaunce but all their labor was in vaine for the more they stroue the lesse she respected them The young Prince Primaleon who had care of nothing else but how to compasse the Armour made no regarde of all these apparitions but pressing on a little more hee behelde Fortune to discend from her seate and shewing him very kinde lookes as to one whom shée especially fauoured by her owne hands he was armed Knight-like in all respects with such loude applause of all the other by-standers as it appeared hee held no meane roome in her grace which afterward altred into some shewes of enuie because he alone was regarded and they helde as neglected then thus she spake to him Henceforth be thou called Fortunes Knight and verie aptly art thou so entiteled because thy desires shall neuer aime at any thing but for euery drop of sweat thou spendest therein thou shalt haue infinites of fame and glorie and my selfe alwaies to be thy soueraigne Patronesse Primaleon who onely thirsted after honour as also to reach the height of his hope in loue thought this as well hee might a blessing beyond all other to be thus armed and fauoured by Fortune then gaue shée him her forelockes to hold in her hand as a signe that by such progression was his likeliest way of preuailing So taking her seate againe she made a signe of his departure when presently all vanished the trée closed again and the wood appeared as it had doone before whereat hée meruailing not a little saw a goodly horse cōming toward him with a faire shielde fastned at the saddle-bowe the horse gently cōming to his hand he mounted on his back and looking on the shielde hee behelde a Knight portrayed thereon holding Fortune in the habite of a beautifull woman by the forelocks So pleasing was this deuise vnto him as now he concluded to call himselfe the Knight of Fortune and looking somewhat lower vpon the sheelde he perceiued the face of a Lady but couered with a vaile in such manner as hee could not apprehend the forme
should be respectiuely cured for Forcino sonne to the King of Nauara not remembred before in the calender of their names borne in the Perilous I le had receiued a dangerous hurt in his flancke Beeing come to the Castell a Sister to the Giant who was named Grandonia hauing heard of the death of the other twaine and fearing least her Brother should likewise follow them was now not a little glad to see him returned and entertaining them very curteously caused them to be vnarmed taking Forcino first to dresse his wound assured them that none of his entrailes were touched Afterward shee dressed the other two Knights but when shee came to tooke on Franardos hurts shee felt a worser wound strike her to the verie hart for the young gallant though the shape and members of his body were as a Giants yet had hee a very gracious and amiable aspect and knew withall so well howe to demeane himselfe as might incite a setled oppinion to grow amorous of him but himselfe hauing not as yet made experience of any loue cases let slip all such occasions in a dreame as it were The Giant Forzato who beganne to affect Franardo in his very soule and grew desirous of accompanying him to the Emperours Court left nothing vnattempted that best might honour him and shewed himselfe very seruiceable to the thrée other Knights likewise vnderstanding that they were Princes of very royall discent Eyght dayes were thus spent in phisicke Surgerie in which time the young Giantesse vsed kinde cherrishings to Franardo and beeing one day alone with him spake in this manner I knowe not Sir Knight what to conceite of my selfe or howe to take this strange alteration of my thoughts except it be thus that Fortune hath béene your conduct to this place onely to make mee so much yours as I can no longer be mine owne Franardos d●ll conceits were so wakened with these words that seeing her to be of so goodly a shape and withall so deepely enamoured of him he began to consider with himselfe that when his Father applyed himselfe to marriage he could finde no other Giantesse then Arlencea and when he should intend to take the same course hee knewe not what fortune might betide him if he should now make no estimation of her who he beheld to affect him with such seruencie of loue whereupon he thus replied Lady you are young and I vnwoorthy yet of the estate of marriage not hauing doone any thing worthy the name of a Knight as my Father did before he was married But because you shall not loose the hope of enioying me as your owne if I may remaine as assured of you I promise you héere vppon my faith neuer to match with any other woman then your selfe and taking her by the hand contented himselfe onely with a kisse which perhaps was not so pleasing to the Lady who might expect other kindnes from him for the beginning of loue is neuer firmely suffised without the efficient cause that makes both parties best contented The Lady returned to her lodging gladde of this good fortune since it succéeded no further and Franardo in like manner whose thoughts hammered on the aduenture propounded by Forzato seeing the Knights were now in state to were shortly their Armour tooke his leaue of them and the Lady beeing departed thence before they had ridden any great distance of ground the Giant began thus My Lord Franardo the aduenture whereunto I am your guide is in the Iland of Carderia which the famous King Polendos of Thessalie conquered to obtaine the faire Princesse Francellina but to him remained no more then what onelie serued for purchase of the Lady Nowe concerning this matter of honour reserued for you let me tell you that it is a wondrous enchauntment wrought by a wise Enchauntresse second to none for her excellent Arte and one of the Fairies of the Mount Arteferia but withall so dreadfull and horrid in effecting that many Knights haue lost their liues in triall of the aduenture and if any haue hapned to returne backe aliue hee hath béene so forgetfull of what soeuer he there sawe as hée could giue no information at all of dangers nature therefore such as are minded to try it by their vertue must goe without direction of what may betide them Franardo whose bolde hope perswaded him able to finish the greatest aduenture made no reckoning at all of the Giants spéeches and ryding on foure dayes together at last they came in sight of the I le Carderia to the high contentment of Franardo for vnexperienced young men are fearelesse of perrills but when they haue passed thorowe some proofe of such cases they then are content to proceede more considerately let it then suffise that his late arriual there allowed him no other lodging then vnder a trée for that night expecting what might befall him in the morning CHAP. XXIX Howe Arguto arriued at the I le of Carderia and combatted with Franardo and how they were seazed on by an enchaunted Knight NOt long had the faire morning saluted the worlde before an armed Knight mounted vppon a pied-roane Courser came riding toward the Giant and saluting him curteously receiued backe from him the like forme of kindnes demaūding afterward what they did in that place When Franardo hearing with what humanitie hee mooued the question returned him this aunswere Sir Knight for lesse you cannot be by your outward appearance this place is called y e Iland of Carderia where is said to be a very perrillous enchauntment and hether came I to make proofe of my courage That shall not you doo replyed the Knight because I intend my selfe to aduenture it first By reason quoth Franardo hee shoulde be first that first was possessour of the place Words aunswered the other serue not to try that lawe by but weapons and they will quickly discide thys controuersie While thus they parled together the day grewe out brighter so that they had knowledge of one another which was as much as nothing because in disputation and strife for honour a priuate Knight respects neither King nor Emperour whereon béeing both mounted they gaue the carrire and met together Arguto who was the other new-come Knight beeing some-what disdainfull failde in the encounter but Franardos Launce met him so stronglie on the breast as he was tumbled ouer the crupper of his horse and had not his Shield béene impenitrable this encounter had slaine him Arguto highly displeased with this bad successe came vpon him quickly with his sword drawne and wounded Franardo in one of his armes but hee whéeling about his ouer-long weapon glided in such sort downe his Shield as lighting vpon his pouldrous it made a little entrance and slightly hurt him When each of them had felt the waightie strokes of his aduersary they began to order themselues with more discretion managing the fight with such regard as they might the better vndertake the aduenture of the Iland yet held the battell
contented alone in such base sort to repulse mee gaue out in euery eare howe much I had importunde him Nowe I doubt not faire Knight but thou very well knowest that the loue is very vrgent which makes a woman become a suppliant to a man which vnhappy condition falling to my lot and I noting his daily frequented luxuries reproouing him for them with all modest demeanor yet all this returning no benefite to mee neuer Serpent sweld with more venim in his bowels then will a woman so extraordinarily iniuried Wherefore without any thought of after repentance I wrought in such manner by mine arte which is with mee in highest perfection as by one of my Damosels I made him to be brought into this Forrest where trayning him into a circkle I neuer ceased by my Carracters and iuyce of fatall hearbes the heauenly influence béeing likewise very liberall in assisting that from the shape of man I brought him into this forme but left him so much vnderstanding withall as hourely to remember how much he had wronged me But for my selfe so extreamely was I bent in disdaine against him as rather then I woulde consent to let him haue his former shape againe I could haue cast my selfe headlong into the Sea yet loues passion at length appeased this choller and I became so sad to see him in this ougly forme as no rest could take hold of me especially when by his pittifull gestures I noted howe truly penitent he was become Whereuppon not to throw by all hope of enioying his shape again by arte I framed a great vault or Caue whose depth doth stretch vnder the bottome of the Sea and therein I enclosed foure Giants in such sort as no mans power can hinder them from turning a wheele which continually there they must keepe going till such a one chaunce to happen thether whose good fortune shall manifest apparantly vnto him in what thing consisteth the force of the enchauntment and such a one easily shall conclude it but all others else remaine there dead If nowe thy courage serue thée to vndertake such a danger I will be thy guyde thether for no meanes else is left or can be found whereby this wretched man shall euer recouer his former shape againe The Knight of the Sword who made no reckoning of any perrill offered himselfe very readily and riding on the way before they had past halfe a league in the wood they heard a noyse of swords clattring vpon Armour and drawing somewhat neerer they saw two Knights fighting very fiercely together but neither as yet wounded because each stoode vpon his best defence onely to attempt the aduenture of the Vaulte the fame whereof was greatly noysed through that country The Lady entreated the Knight to step betwéene them for they were of the Court of Constantinople whereon Leonato thrusting in betwéene them said My Lords I dare be so bolde as to stay your combate because ye are my déere and best estéemed friends The Knights who had not their proper deuises on theyr Shields which partly was the cause of their quarrell immediatly knew noble Palmerins Sonne and each raising his Beuer became better acquainted the one beeing Caro the Prince of Fraunce the other Estrellant the Prince of Durace all right ioyfull of méeting in that place declaring the reason why they combatted together which was for supremacie in attempting the aduenture of the vault which when the Lady heard she said Knights it auailes not who is first or second in triall of the case for fortune with valour is more necessarily required therefore let vs all ride on together for my minde perswades mee that one of you will prooue famous by this aduenture This made the Knights much more desirous of attayning their iourneyes end and ryding on a pace they suddenly heard a Knight call to them who with like enflamed zeale of this great enterprise made hast to be there as soone as they but by reason his Beuer was not closed they had the sooner knowledge of him to be Don Rosuell the father of Estrellant who though hee was well stept into yeeres could not content himselfe with the déedes he had done but béeing in good estate of health and hearing in Constantinople the fame of an aduenture called the Vault would needes goe thether to prooue his vallour The gladnes of this encounter was great on all sides especially in Estrellant who very dutiously expressed his loue to his Father the rather because it had before past in cōmon opinion y t he would neuer be able to beare armes any more So riding on discoursing kindly together they came at last within hearing the noyse of the whéele which was of such a dreadfull nature as it was able to affright a very bold resolue yet failed it of y t power in these Knights who when they receiued their order of Knight-hood made a full opposition of their liues to all perrils whatsoeuer especially where honour was to be expected Drawing néerer and neerer vnto the Vault on the right hand side they heard the footing of a horse and staying a while to sée who it was they beheld a Giant whose Armor resembled an Ashe-couller the deuise of his Shield was a whéele broken in péeces because hee came with a resolued intent to breake the enchaunted whéele but when hée beheld the Knights hee cryed out aloude to them Let no man to venture a foote before mée for I am the man that must and will breake the Whéele As some of them prepared to aunswer him Don Rosuell who alwaies vsed to beare him company during the time of both their weake estates knewe him presently by his voice and saide My Lord Almaroll neuer menace them that are your true intire friends So lifting vp his Helmet Almaroll came embraced him and did the like to all the other Knights then rode they on toward the vault togeather And béeing come thether Estrellant entreated his Father that he would permit him to be the first and without any tarrying to attend his aunswere through his ouer forwardnes in desire to finish the aduenture before hee came neere it by a stones cast one of the Giants that turned the whéele was come forth of the Vault armed in bright shining yron bearing a white Sickle in a blacke Shield for his deuise and hauing neither Mace nor Sword but a very long rope made all of sinnewes The Knight meruailing at this kinde of fight gaue his horse the spurres and smote the Giant with his Launce in such sort vpon the head as made him stagger somewhat amazedly but in his passage by the Giant casting his corde abroade by a sleight bound it so fast about him as lifting him lightly from beside his horse in his armes thus carried him into the Vault Don Rosuell séeing his Sonne thus made a prisoner would needes be the next in triall of his fortune and another Giant in like Armour came forth against him but the couller of his Shield was
the noyse they made The Kings companie hearing the hounds at a bay made hast to the place where Primaleon couching his Launce against Garnides who knew not him pierced quite through his Armour into his shoulder and cast him quite beside his horse The King thus wounded and layd on the ground so amazed all his other followers that séeing Trasino come vppon them with his twentie Knights they betooke themselues to flight leauing their King behinde them who béeing taken by Trasino and bound vpon his owne horse they conducted him safely to his Castell where béeing committed to his daughters custodie for care and dressing of the hurt hee had receiued they would afterward determine what was to be done with him CHAP. XLIII Howe Primaleon caused Laurea to be married to Trasino making him King of the Morning Ilands gaue Filenia likewise to Garnides GArnides séeing hee should be detained as a prisoner in Trasinos Castell to whom he had doone innumerable iniuries thought verily nowe there was no way but death with him but when hee was committed to his daughters custodie hée conceiued the better hope of life importuning her verie often earnestlie to intreate the Knight for safetie of his life The Lady desirous to shielde her Father from death albeit he had most worthily deserued it at night first shewed Filenias Letter to Primaleon wherein was set downe all the treason deuised by her against him and afterward sollicited him very instantlie to spare the life of the King her Father This Letter was highly welcommed to Primaleon as béeing an especiall meanes to further his purpose and to quittance both the Traytors in theyr due kinde euen with such chastisement as hee déemed most conuenient Neuerthelesse hee caused Laurea to dissemble with her Father that he must suffer death according to his treasons deserts The next morning he wrote vnto Filenia that she shoulde come to Trasinos where he held Garnides as a Traytour these newes were nothing pleasing to the Ladie yet imagining that Primaleon knewe nothing of her plotted trecherie and hoping to repossesse her Kingdome againe shée iournied thether securing herselfe with her Lyons but they were no sooner out of y e Castel when presently the Lyons forsooke and left her in regard shee was become a traytresse and broken her princely faith and like entertainement found she there at her arriuall béeing shutte vp like an offendour in a close Chamber and vsed as if she had beene a prisoner Now in the time of ordering these occasions and the Ladies expectation for repossession of her kingdome when Garnides was indifferently recouered Primaleon taking Trasino with him and Laurea with Filenia who gaue the other many a scornfull and iealous looke in regarde of her former loue to the Knight of Fortune they all entred the Chamber of Garnides where suddenly he became so full of gréefe to beholde them in that all his cruell hopes were so crost and ouerthrowne as his sences failing him hee fell downe in a swoune Laurea beeing present at this gréeuous spectacle moued with naturall compassion of her Father went recouered him preuailing so well with diuersitie of good arguments as shée pacified his perturbations in very reasonable manner when Primaleon taking Garnides by the bosome and Filenia by the hand thus spake Let me now tell yee that like two Traytors you ought to be dismembred aliue which the rather I should consent vnto more for obseruation of iustice then any reuenge of mine owne iniuries but confessing my selfe in some sorte obliged to Filenia for her good aduise in the enchaunted Castell of Bernuccio makes me the more willing to saue her life and the debt I confesse as due to Laurea for so kind deliuering me from imprisonment commaunds that I likewise pardon her Fathers life Neuerthelesse because neither of the trecheries may passe without some punishment this is the sentence that I impose on Garnides heere doe I disgrade him of his title and kingdome because hee neuer held possession thereof by any iust claime or right and the like award set I downe for Filenia for in practising to destroy his life who with no meane perrill thereof laboured to regaine it for her shee hath made herselfe vtterly vnworthy of any such dignitie But because in her Letter which he then tooke foorth and openly read shee hath elected Garnides to be her husband shée shall haue her desire and both of them enioy the Castell which was enchaunted by Bernuccio paying yéerely homage to the King of the Morning Ilands Filenia was hardly contented with this deuision but séeing how her liues perrill stoode on vrging the contrarie she willingly condiscended the like did Garnides who thought his desperate aduenture had made a happy returne in gaining faire Filenia whom he déerely loued Héereupon they were immediatly espoused together and sent to the Castell which he had assigned them all which beeing finished hée called Laurea to him saying I will neuer deny but that my life is a due debter to you in any occurrences whatsoeuer but because I cannot satis-fie your harts desire which in plainer termes is to be your husband and a reason of importance doth directly stand against it namely my bounden and dutiful seruice to a Lady long since engaged wherin though hetherto my deserts haue beene slender yet since my fortune is no better I must rest content there-with Notwithstanding because I would acknowledge in part though vtterly vnable to come néere your merrit my forward readines to doe you seruice let me intreat you to accept a person more worthy then my selfe the noble Countie Trasino discended of the royall progenie and for his loyall fayth kept to King Frisoll his Lorde farre better beseeming you then any other with him shall you enioy the faire kingdome of the Morning Ilands and holde me in dutious seruice euer as your Knight so farre as I offende not my gracious Lady and Mistresse Laurea who little expected such an aunswere with the teares in her eyes said My Lorde you haue such power and soueraigntie ouer mee as not daring to deny whatsoeuer you commaunde I rest satis-fied with your appoyntment and albeit your promise gaue me greater hope I will burie all in silence For I know by experience of my owne loues fire that you cannot easily giue ouer affection where the chaine of especiall liking hath intirely lincked you keepe this then in memory that héereafter I may boldly call you my Knight Primaleon was exceedingly contented hearing the Ladie so kindlie to accept his offer because he should now wel reward the Countie Trasino to whom as yet hee had not made this knowne for all the fauour and good wil he had found by him and hauing Garnides his Ring wherby all the Forts should bee surrendred vp they leuied two thousand men with whom they went from Iland to Iland hauing Laurea likewise in their company the people dooing great honours to her because there was neither Citty nor Castell but helde firme remembrance
that might haue vndertaken to cleare this doubt crauing licence of the Emperour went presentlie and armed him selfe because he was enamoured of faire Argentina the Infant of Spaine and returning againe to them after he had taken farewell of all the other Princesses and Ladies he came and fell on his knee before her and requesting her hand to kisse spake in this manner Madame my spéeches to you must be after the blunt Allmaigne fashion such is your beauty as it giues mee courage to maintaine against any that dare denie it that you are the very fairest Lady this day liuing and worthy the seruice of all other whatsoeuer grace me then with so much fauour that I may entitle my selfe by the name of your Knight onlie to add luster to the first enterprise that I shall vndertake wherein I doubt not but being armed with your gracious regard I shall gaine immortall renowne all which you may iustly claime as your owne because it was atchieued vnder the vertue of your name The Infant in the déepe reach of her owne discretion perceauing the young Emperour to eye her with affectionate regarding began to dispose her thoughts to the like as well in respect of his faire and gentle demeanour as also to reach the height of an Empresse for women are ambitious by nature and often times doo striue to out-goe others in beauty and rich ornaments rather then in discréete and vertuous reputation but returning to Argentina thus shee replied My Lord Trineus vnwoorthy is my beauty to be respected and by so great a personage as your selfe but séeing you please to confesse it of such estéeme as it merrits in your eye an affectionate opinion and in your selfe more then any other I were no Lady of ciuill demeanour if I should not accept you as my Knight whereof that you may haue the more chearefull assurance taking a Diamond that hung bound in her tresses with foure great pearles thereto pendant I giue you this iewell But thus farre vnderstand me that I will not endanger any iote of mine honour by whatsoeuer courtesie I vse to you at this instant for all my fortune remaines in the hands of the Emperour Primaleon and the sacred maiestie of the King my Father This her most honest and courteous behauiour was generally commended and the other Ladyes who had expressed little kindnesse to their amourous seruants disposed them selues to a more gentle humour after this especially respecting the care of their honours Trineus departed highly pleased and embarqued him selfe with a thousand followers men ready to aduenture on any occasion but leaue we him to his iourney and returne to Florendos who after he saw the Serpent was caried away grewe full of doubtfull suspitions but not knowing what to think of it followed his voyage and arriued soone after in the port at Tubante CHAP. XLV How the Christian Armie departed from Tubante and what happened to them by the way in their going toward the Kingdome of Niquea DIrdan otherwise named Eduardan for the loue which Maiortes the graund Cane alwayes bare to the Prince Don Edward after hee fled from Tubante went first of all to his Kingdome of Paraz where in the place of his father hee was created the great Cane a title onely belonging to those Kings and setting the state in firme condition hee mustered together fiftéene thousand men and had likewise a younger brother of his with him named Cagnino With these men he ariued in the Realme of Niquea where by Tirrena who had the generall fauour of the people he was receaued into the Citty which kindnesse was the sooner affoorded him because he had renounced his Christian faith a Religion which in all those parts was greatly abhorred So Dirdan espousing the Lady and ruling ouer the whole state enioyed the same peaceably for two moneths space albeit he daily expected warre for resistance whereof hee made all prouision possible And that he might haue some other good Knights in his company hee wrote to a Gyant called Palurdan who was King of Turben and his Cosen sonne to Brondione the Giant that was brother to his father Maiortes entreating him to come in his assistance remembring him beside what slauerie his kindred had endured by the Grecian Empire and that now in recompence of their blood shed as also his owne father slaine in their seruice the very chéefest of the Empires Caualierie was comming vpon him to depriue him of a Kingdome which not onely his good fortune but likewise the loue of a beautifull Lady had enriched him withall Further aduertisements he thereto annexed as to be forward in his ayde to his vttermost least him selfe should chaunce to repent it for if they ouercame him meaning him selfe yet could they not but account him also as their enemie because he stoode as a neuter and leaned to neither side in assistance which yet would returne him but slender aduantage because the Christians being naturally foes to Pagans if they should once be possest of Paraz they would hardly be drawne to pardon Turben Palurdan who was further entred into yéeres then Dirdan considered with him selfe iudicially on this motion but the true kindnesse of the Christians more preuailing with him then the alliance of Dirdan made him resolue to send him no ayde at all Notwithstanding by reason hee kept the Letter in no greater secrecie two stearne and moodie Giants his sonnes the one named Lanfranco the other Broco all on fire in their thoughts till they were séene in armes whether their father would or no prouided them selues of ten thousand Souldiours all in hast they would goe ayde their Vnckle But first they aduertised a bastard sonne of the Giant Gataru called Gargante who tooke possession of his fathers Signeuries after that Cardigea was married to Almaroll Hee and three thousand of his followers ioyned with them and with this strength they came to Niquea where Dirdan very gladly entertained them not doubting but by the valour of these thrée Giants boldly to withstand the Christian forces Neuerthelesse remembring that there was Palmerin Florian Florendos and Dramusiande of especiall courage among the other braue gallants hee thought it requisite to be fore-guarded by a strong enchauntment wherein if they found some intricate labour he might finish his hopes with the lesse contention Héere-vpon bethinking him selfe of Drusa Velonna the same Enchauntresse that set the magicall spells for carrying away the Princesse Leonard● where Florian notwithstanding the wise Aliarts helpe sweated sufficiently ere he could get her thence as is declared in the second part of this History he wrought such meanes as he preuailed for her comming to Niquea Now because it was a fruitlesse labour to offer her riches or treasure in regard shée made no reckoning thereof as beeing able by her Arte to store herselfe sufficiently when she pleased he promised her what she much more estéemed to wit to keepe her in his Court secure from all perrill so that shee would prouide him
right ioyfully met him onely Arguto excepted who had rather haue ended his life there in prison then to acknowledge any such benefite at the hand of his enemie therefore very sadly he kept behind the rest and while they were busie in their salutations and embraces hee slipt by ouer the Bridge and so departed thence These newes were highly displeasing to Primaleon and in all hast he would haue followed him but for his Father Florendos and his Brother Oliuanto who forcibly kept him backe with mightie perswasions Florian Forzato Franardo Almaroll and the rest could neuer enough expresse theyr kindnesse to him but béeing all conducted to a ready prepared Table Don Rosuell who was next in yeeres to Florendos desired the Enchauntresse to acquaint them with the originall of this enchauntment which had so distracted the Emperour Primaleons thoughts and left his Court emptie of so many gallants to which request she aunswered as followeth héereafter CHAP. LX. The reason why this enchauntment was first framed And how Primaleon going to set the VVizzard Aliarte at libertie entred the combate with Palmerin of England and howe they were parted by Dramusiande THE Enchauntresse hauing assumed her Fayerie shape againe abandoning nowe her spells and exorcismes turning to her knight who was Lorde of the Iland said Let it not séeme offensiue to you if I discouer the secretes of this soyle to this Knight whose honour and vertue so woorthily deserues it beyond all other that yet haue come hether so sitting downe with the two young Ladies shée commaunded the elder of them to tell y e whole storie whereto she obeying began in this manner Sir Knight the hard allotted destenie to this Damosell my Sister whom you deliuered out of the Temple hath beene the cause of your so late-passed trauaile to frée her frō the I le of Francelina which albeit in some sort it was wel procéeded in when Polendos gaue beginning to the enterprise yet neither did his worth extend so farre nor her fortune merrite so much happines as that all his paines could conclude a matter so important such was the weight of her transgression and such the penaltie thereon imposed For her ouer-fond transgression in neglect of her honour first gaue beginning to the enchauntment as briefely I wil tel you the manner how The Knight whom you beheld in the shape of a Beare became so deepely enamoured of her that in hope of friendlie aduise and furtherance he disclosed his affection to another Knight béeing the same with whom you lately combatted During the progresse of this amourous purpose wherto my Sister gaue kind cōsenting the second Knight that knew his friends election in loue neuer minding the faith and obliged dutie in such a case required became himselfe extreamely affected toward my Sister and because he was better practised in loues negotiations and could handle queint dalliances with more pregnancie then his friende he preuailed so farre that shée like a light-headed wench as for the most part young Damosells are no other wanting the experience in so dangerous a kind of traffique left off her first Louer and gaue entertainement to the second Héere now Sir is a little leysure admitted ye to spend some smal yet néedfull consideration in imagining the iust griefe of the Knight reiected hauing before receiued so manie faire promises and goodly instances of her loyall meaning that now the day of marriage beeing appointed for farre were his thoughts from any other base purpose to behold his hopes so apparantly abused his intire affect despised his true meaning bafled and his choyce now so readie at anothers commaund euen his in whose trust he had reposed his loue and life gesse I say but the sorrow of so highly a wrongd soule Yet neuerthelesse bearing all this with more then manly patience he dissembled his distemper and kept outward appearance of his loue as earnest as euer onely to sée what it would sort vnto The other false and periurd Knight his ayme was onely at base lubricitie contaminating the fayre and spotlesse chéeke of chastitie without regard of my Sisters honour or any due respect to his owne life Shee continuing in this haplesse kinde of course affecting earnestly the one and feigning cunningly with the other vppon a certaine day when the Enchauntresse had betooke herselfe to reposed thoughts after some former serious imployment my Sister went with her Louer into a little thicket where being set downe together and shee crowning his temples with a flourie chaplet they fell to amourous purposes pursuites and enterchange of faith beeing equally plighted action confirming theyr former arguing the first Knight chaunced to steale vpon them where seeing his simplicity so haynously iniuried in a violent fury he would haue slaine them both but the false Knight escaped with a hurt in his breast onely and she making away so fast as she could was narrowly pursued by him with his Rapier drawne The people knowing her to be their liedge Lords Daughter arose in her defence and while they layd hold on the Knight she got with safety into the Castell Now did the rude multitude so threaten the Knight with death y t he more ouer-come with true sence of his wrong then any terrour of theirs could any way else mooue him fell mad and franticke byting euery one that held hand vpon him and they likewise became mad by ranckling of his byting The rumour of my Sisters feare and the Knights madnes awaked the sléeping Sorceresse and she comming foorth at the gate of the Castell euen as my Sister was passing by commaunding her to stay woulde néedes know of her the cause why she fledde which she either could not or would not manifest as lothe to blabbe her owne shame or else ouer-poysed with so desperate an affrightment Whereupon the Enchauntresse going in with her caused the frantique Knight to be brought before her beeing strongly fettered with cordes manacles least any more should be bitten by him there did hee reueale his true loue to my Sister and how immodestly hee found her with the false Knight to whom hee had imparted his affection and said though not so sufficiently reuenged as he could haue wished himselfe yet had hee left him wounded to death in the Garden No sooner had hee thus spoken but the wounded false Knight was brought before the Sorceresse and to appease the confusion of iudgements in this case to three distinct seperate places the offenders were appointed vntil the morning of the next day ensuing which beeing come the Enchauntresse pronounced this sentence folowing First that my Sister for hauing no more respect to her female dignitie should be confined to burne in a quenchlesse fire as a iust punishment to the heate of her loosenes and her wounded false Louer should so continue without any cure As for the poore wronged and distracted Knight who mooued by the méere iustice of his loyaltie was falne into this miserable frenzie past any present recouerie because his
enioyed his full fréedome and libertie in lesse then foure houres shee conuayed herselfe to the Perillous I le where shée beheld him to be newly arriued with Primaleon who hauing put off his Armour because his hurts were greatly offensiue to him by Aliarte hée was layd in a sumptuous Litter and so carried along toward the Citty Velonna to crosse them in theyr course and to kéepe Aliarte from comming where his bookes were wrought a very strange stratageme for shee slung a certaine powder among the people which droue them into an immediat error of oppinion that Aliarte and Primaleon were two huge fierce Giants and came trechorously to take seazure on the Iland which made them fall to furious resistance there they had béene murthered among them but that Serasto the Sonne of Argentao who with diuers other that had felt none of this hellish powder and therefore were frée from so grosse a conceit came and appeased theyr violence shutting vp many of them in a new erected Tower and safelie conuaying the other from them When Drusa Velonna sawe her last hope thus frustrated fearing least Aliarte should seaze vpon her shée speedily fledde thence to Paraz where shée attended for the Childes creation in the Kingdome shee béeing thus gone thence the enchauntment of the powder ceassed and the people plainly perceiuing theyr errour humbly desired pardon of theyr Lord who well vnderstanding what had béene done could not but hold them iustly excused Primaleon béeing brought to the Cittie such soueraigne medicines were applyed to his woundes as within tenne dayes he was perfectly cured in all which time Aliarte intreated him right nobly and kindly knowing how helpfull his valour would prooue to all Christendome During these dayes of theyr repose Aliarte perusing his Bookes of arte vsed a little more circumspection then before hée had doone and perceiuing that Primaleon desired nothing more then his help in the fréedome of his faire loue Victoria hee resolued to assist him but hée did not remember that the time yet was contrary to such an attempt which should with greater care haue béene respected But leaue we them awhile and come nowe to Floraman who intending to worke wonders for the loue of Clariana became on a sudden quite changed and altered CHAP. LXIIII. Howe Floraman seeing himselfe but slenderly regarded by Clariana became enamoured of the fayre Princesse Victoria concluding to goe deliuer her out of the enchaunted Pallace FLoraman hauing recouered at one instant both his hurts receiued in the fore-remembred battailes and also forgetfulnes of his fruitlesse loue to Altea perceiuing him-selfe to be despised by Clariana who was alreadie married to Guarino became as a man méerly desperate and suddenly departed with Dragonalte from Constantinople but vsed not one word all the way as he rode whereat Dragonalte meruailing not a little and wearie of so vnsociable a companion letting him alone for the first day in this sullen humour the next morning he began with him in this manner Lord Floraman what the reason may be of your mindes molestation I can neither gesse nor doo couet to knowe onely this I am certaine of that if any amourous passion haue surprizde yée another mans company will scarce be pleasing to yee therefore when it shall seeme good to you to trauaile alone I will shape my course some other way as lothe to impeach your amourous priuacies Floraman because he would not be offensiue to his friend hauing vnwillingly endured the King of Nauaraes companie so long returned him this aunswere Royall Lord my hard fortune is such as I cannot kéepe euen quarter of kindnesse with my friendes onely through an inward secrete vexation therefore not to be burdenous to you or my selfe you may at your pleasure dispose of your owne trauaile and let me and melancholly wander alone together Dragonalte being of good apprehension quickly conceaued the intent of Floraman where-vpon turning his Horse and bidding him very kindly adiewe he rode away from him crossing many Countries and Prouinces without any accident worthy rehearsall till at length he came home to his owne Kingdome of Nauara Floraman seeing him selfe left thus alone alighted from his Horse and sitting downe vnder a faire spreading Oake commaunding his Squire to walke aloofe off he began to meditate with him selfe by what meanes he might soonest compasse his owne death but with some high and apparant example that his fatall hap grewe onely by loue Among infinite various discoursings with him selfe at last his capricious humour thus resolued to become enamoured of the faire young Lady Victoria not with any hope of euer compassing his affection but to hasten the spéedier occasion of his death For right well he knew how déerely the second Primaleon loued her and Arguto likewise as vehement in his choise both of which beeing so famous for Armes hee might the sooner be slaine by one of them Vpon this determination he returned secretly to Constantinople where in the Garden belonging to the Princesse Flerida hung the liuely counterfeite of Victoria which he earnestly gazing vpon grew so déepely enamoured of as his former intent of death was quite abandoned and his loue to her so addicted that now in hope of enioying her he more especially desired to liue Thus turmoyld in loues labourinth he closely departed the Citty againe and riding along through vnfrequented Plaines and Forrests at last he came to the Sea side where he espied a small Barque dauncing on the billowes as if it purposely stayed there in expectation of him His melancholly thoughts still guiding him on hee sawe a Lady standing on the Ships beake head whose lookes much resembled his Altea but hee hauing nowe let passe her remembrance séeing her wafting him toward her with her hand made what hast he could thether which shée beholding immediatlie vanished Floraman somewhat abashed at this strange augurie began to imagine that he was called thether to die but his amorous passions transporting him with desire to finde out Victoria quickly rid his braine of this suspition Where vpon aduauncing him selfe néerer to the Barque he stept into it when presently it launched off from the shoare with an easie gentle gale of winde and so struck vp into the maine Sea Then suddainely happened a violent tempest which made him euery minute in daunger of perishing but his minde despising all perill whatsoeuer cheared his hope in the very sharpest agony and the Barque ioyned at length close to a vast mountaine Where stepping forth armed as he was he went on foote vp such an high ascending hill that slipping oftentimes vpon the smooth stones hee slid downe often backward made very slender riddance of his way This kind of labour lasted him all that day with much vexation but to little purpose as séeming that he should neuer attaine the height of the hill so night ouer-taking him he made a better supper of sad conceites then any other viands which could content him his mind still ayming at nothing
voice within it speaking vnto him after this manner Alas Sir Knight what meane you thus to disquiet my rest Depart hence I beseech you because all your labour will prooue but in vaine These words made such a wide breach in the former hopes of Primaleon as if he had not set downe his sword for spéedie stay to him he had suncke downe and falne on the ground but as hee stoode thus right sad and pensiue hee saw the wise Aliarte enter the Chamber who comming to him said Bee not dismaied faire Knight for the young Lady Victoria is not dead nor yet enclosed within this Tombe yet must this Tombe of necessitie be opened because you can neuer recouer her frō this enchauntment while her statue of Marble remaines héere enclosed but all the strength in the world auailes not to open the Tombe without mine Arte after some vse whereof performed by mee then must your vertue conclude the rest So he entring into a little studie wherein Prince Florian neuer came at such time as he deliuered the Princesse Leonarda there he found a little booke of strange written Carracters which some-time belonged to Quéene Melia and onely serued to finish the enchauntment Not long had he read vppon the booke but all the roome began to tremble and the ayre became so wondrous darke as they not séeing one another heard diuers horrid voyces which gaue a signe of very serious imployment And as it thus continued the space of halfe an houre from the roofe of the chamber fell downe a great stone which lighting vppon the couering of the Tombe brake it through the midst when presently the day wexing cleere againe they might see in the Tombe the faire young Lady Victorias statue whereupon Primaleon immediatly coniectured that the enchauntment now was fully accomplished But suddenly arose from vnderneath the Tombe a Centaure all armed holding in either hand a greate Mace where-with hee florished about him so swiftly and nimbly as it dazzeld the eyes of them to looke on him My Lord quoth Aliarte haue what care you can to this Centaures Maces for hee must and will smite you with them and if you meane to kill him it must be with your hand without any weapon which wordes were no sooner spoken but Aliarte vanished againe Primaleon séeing himselfe in the very procinct of recouering his Lady thought now if he were naked yet he was able to accomplish a far more difficult enterprise casting by his Gauntlets went toward the Centaure with his sword prepared onely to beare off the blowes of his Maces whereof at first hee failed and was shrewdly smitten with them both at once but he stepping back for a more ample opportunitie smote with such fiercenes at both the Maces that one of them presently fell to the ground and so did the other in short while after Now began the Centaure to be more violent and leaping vppon Primaleon had almost prest him to the earth with his heauie weight but hee catching him fast by the legge threw him mainly against the ground and then setting his foote vpon him quickly ●ntied his arming girdle purposing to binde fast his hands there-with but the Centaure was so quicke and readie with them that hee coulde lay no hold vpon them til at last he gaue him thrée or foure good buffets on the face which tamed him in such sort as first he bound the one arme and afterward y e other though with much adoe before hee could compasse it and as hee stroue to raise the Centaure vpon his feete he suddenly died and as suddenly did the whole Pallace vanish with whatsoeuer hee had beheld in it except the Images of the Pagane Princes the huge mettall Serpent and the faire Lady Victoria who stood as amazed at so strange an accident Then came Florian and the wise Aliarte to Primaleon who was nowe with Victoria to comfort her in her wandering oppinions and Aliarte spake 〈◊〉 him in this maner Braue Knight well maist thou be called the darling of Fortune in receiuing from her such inexpressable fauours but least we be further troubled by Velonna before our departure let mee aduise you to prepare presently for Constantinople So leaue we them to their intended iourney and nowe let vs speake of a dangerous combate which happened betweene Leonato and Tarnaes as they and the rest returned from this Iland CHAP. LXX How Leonato and Tarnaes came to combate together for the loue of faire Candida and vppon what condition they were parted by Palmerin of England HEeretofore hath béene tolde you how Leonato and Tarnaes were both enamoured of faire Candida y e daughter to noble Belyfart yet neither of them knowing the others affection and being both among others entred a Barque together Leonato dreadlesse of any danger whatsoeuer declared to Tarnaes that hee woulde nowe saile home to Constantinople onely to compasse his loue to faire Candida Tarnaes looking sternly vpon him saide Thou canst not goe thether for that occasion so long as this weapon will hold in my hand Leonato was as ready with his sword and presently they would there haue falne to the combate but Oliuanto and Floraman being in companie stept betweene them with these spéeches This is no place Gentlemen for quarrell contention forbeare then wée pray you till wee come to Land where either of you may maintaine his argument of loue and valour These reasonable spéeches pacified the Knights but for no longer time then they should be landed so the Barque sayling on as wind and weather pleased at last it brought them into Macedonia where Oliuanto and Floraman earnestly laboured to appease them but all was to no end for they had coniurd them to graunt them one request they not remembring their sterne resolution consented vnto it whatsoeuer it were The boone quoth Tarnaes which we vrge yée to grant is that now wee are héere landed you would folow your best intended courses and leaue vs to try the effect of our contention Greatly it displeased Oliuanto and Floraman that they had so rashly passed such a promise but because honour tyed them strictly to their word they left them and parted toward Constantinople Oliuanto to see his Auriana and Floraman to expect the wished arriuall of Victoria Leonato and Tarnaes thus left by themselues with their swords ready drawne and couered with theyr Shieldes they fought together with such arte skilfulnes as aboue two houres were spent and yet they had not wounded one another but when their Shields were sliced in péeces that they were faine to receiue the strokes vppon their armes and wheresoeuer els they lighted on their bodies then was true manhood indeed to be plainly discerned for after many breathings and reenforcements of the fight they stoode still so boldly against each other as either of them was resolued to die or be a conquerour This equalitie in courage so long continued that wound for wound was readily deliuered their bodies and Armour pittifully
mangled but yet the hurts not déeply entring by reason their dexteritie and skill much holpe them which is a matter of great consequence in a combate triall where both parts are of equall valour and knowledge Til about mid-day thus lasted the difference their bloode in manie places altering the cullour of their Armour when at last Tarnaes thus spake to Leonato You see Sir in what estate we are both brought yet neither of vs certaine who shall haue the victory therefore so please you wée le pause awhile and putting off our Armour wee shall soone make proofe of the worthier person and let him be renowned according to his merrit Leonato who neuer was capable of any feare or dismay quickly replied that he was well contented with this motion so either of them stepping aside to his Squire in very short while they were both disarmed Then after they had walked and breathed a space they came againe together but in a contrary maner from their first kinde of fight for each opposing the right side of his bodie to his aduersary made defence of his left side breaking many desperate blowes thrusts according as they were diuers times dangerously offered When the Squires beheld their Lordes in so apparant perrill of their liues they intended to make out vnto the roade wayes in hope to find some Knight that might come to pacifie them and pursuing their purpose they were no sooner entred vpon the high-way but they sawe a Knight come riding toward them seeming answerable in courage to either of theyr Maisters to him thus spake one of the Squires Neuer was a Knight met in a more needfull time vouchsafe Sir to goe with vs helpe to saue the liues of two honourable Knights then whom there liues none better in the worlde The Knight who was Palmerin of England imagining that they belonged to the Court of Constantinople went hastily with them and beeing come to the Combattants lifting vp the ●euer of his Helmet hee stept betwéene them saying What fury faire Knights hath made you so cruell and vnkinde to one another let me intreate ye to hold awhile and answere me Leonato knowing it was his Father that spake retired backe and so did Tarnaes where-vpon Palmerin thus began againe Tell me Leonato the cause of your quarrell which I am much afrayde is grounded vpon loue if so or howsoeuer else it be so please you to referre it to my iudgement I doubt not but to satis-fie you both right nobly Leonato declared to his Father that their strife was for the loue they both bare to faire Candida and Tarnaes likewise confirmed the same whereto Palmerin thus presently replied Why my friends you knowe it is a matter meerelie impossible that the Lady should be wife to you both let me then so farre preuaile in your patience that I may nominate wiues for you both such as I dare warrant to eyther of your contentment Palmerin was of such honour estéeme among all such Knights as had knowledge of him as these young gallants could not well gain-say his noble offer but referring themselues to his discretion he thus procéeded My Lord Tarnaes if your thoughts were as agréeable as mine there is a Lady that I could wish to be your wife namely my daughter called Fior-nouel●a who although she be ouer-young as yet for marriage yet goes she● beyond Miragarda in beautie the reason why I vse these spéeches is that I wish you a wife of greater degrée then shee i● whom my so●ee Leonato affects therefore because she is lesse worthy then your selfe let him enioy Candida of mean● qualitie repayring that want onely by your kinde brother-hoode Tarnaes perceiuing the honourable minde of Palmerin though it much displeased him to alter his affection yet cōsidering hee impaired not but rather augmented his reputation especially in regard of Fior-nouellas beautie beside great hopes of further aduauncement accepted Palmerins gentle offer and so did Leonato who loued Candida with such intire zeale as her pouertie coulde not be any hinderance thereof her birth and faire vertues onely made his election of her Vpon this agreement Palmerin and they mounted presently on horsebacke and he conducted them to a neere adioyning village where their hurts ●ere well regarded and so soone as they were thorowly recouered they iournied all thrée to Constantinople CHAP. LXXI How Primaleon and Arguto fought together neere to Constantinople and how no man could part them but the Emperour Primaleon AFter that the learned Aliarte had prepared all things in readines hee called Primaleon aside and spake thus to him Thou truly valiant and worthily renowned Knight of Fortune right well I wote that your heart nowe trauailes with no other thoughts but onely how to espouse the faire Victoria whom you haue with such honour and déere paines deserued Yet fauour me to tell you that in respect you are Nephewe to my Lord the Emperour it is necessary that he should bestow so great a gift on you for neither dare her Father nor I deale in the matrimoniall contract before his highnes pleasure be first vnderstood Neuerthelesse assure your selfe that no Knight but you onely shall enioy her albeit she will cost you dearer then as yet she hath done in a matter which you can by no meanes escape wherefore let me perswade ye that hauing taken leaue of her and her father you trauaile alone to Constantinople where it shall not be long before we will méete you there performe your long desired nuptiall Primaleon though but young yet being wise discreete allowed the wizzards counsaile to be sound and good and therefore without dwelling vpon any other doubts he went to the Prince Florian who was reasoning with his daughter concerning Primaleons valour and vertues to tempt and try her disposition toward him because already he had determined in his owne minde frankly to bestow her vpon him in marriage Primaleon being come to him spake in this manner My Lord Florian I am desirous to followe some priuate intent of mine owne which happily may guide me I know not whether but gladly would I encounter some aduenture of woorth before I would be seene in the Emperours presence for hee in his youth ranne through many rare fortunes enough for me to admire at without any vaine opinion of equalling therefore I craue your fauour for my departure and commend all my highest hopes to the gracious regard of this beautifull Princesse When the Lady Victoria heard his kinde spéeches a crimson blush leapt vp into her chéekes and so well as shee could her affliction of mind held excused for his so suddaine departure she formed a pretty kind of wandring discourse intermedled with broken sighes and faint smiles the raine in her eyes being readier then her tongue yet forgot shee not to thanke him for deliuering her from that hellish enchauntment promising to be as mindfull therof as so great a benefit did iustly deserue So Primaleon leauing them went aboorde a
little Pynace which by Aliartes appointment set saile for Constantinople and in fewe dayes he came within foure miles of the Citty when because it was night he tooke vp his lodging in the neighbouring village Arguto making certaine account that Primaleon would come with Florian and Victoria vsed often to stray abroad from Constantinople hauing still a care what Shippes tooke landing because he longed to encounter Primaleon for the vtmost proofe of his ability in Armes So it happened that as Primaleon came from his Inne in the morning Arguto met him and knowing him by reason he wore not his helmet he spake as followeth Sir Knight put on your helmet and that speedily for I am to try the combate with you Primaleon mused a little to himselfe returning no aunswere because he knew not the man that challenged him for Arguto had couered his Shéelde of the Sunne because hee would by no meanes be knowne but at last without speaking any word at all hauing laced on his helmet hee turned his horse for the course so did Arguto with a minde full of furious desire to wound his contrary the other being nothing so much mooued because he knew not with whom hee should encounter which made Arguto to receaue the greater aduantage in the shock in being not stird a iote by his aduersaries Launce but Primaleon lost one of his stirropes This séemed somewhat strange to him and made him forgetfull of his former patience his imagination presently apprehending that doubtlesse his enemie was Arguto whose enuious nature toward him excéeded all manlie compasse wherefore now he purposed verily his death to be rid of such a riuall both in his loue and honour and taking another Launce prepared to the second encounter whereof Arguto made no refusall but met him with such a furious disdaine that he was cast out of his saddle on the crooper of his Horse very hardly escaping the fall and Primaleon was set vpon his Horse buttocks but not in perrill of any fall so both recouering their seates againe they charged a fresh for the third triall Now met they together with such maine violence that the girtes of Argutoes saddle breaking hee tumbled backward to the ground being shrewdly brused with the fall but Primaleons Horse by ouer-great mishap brake his two fore legges and falling to the earth chaunced to stampe one of his hinde féete vppon his Maisters foote so that both were faine to lie a while and rest them selues But hauing recouered footing they came together with their swordes drawne Primaleon féeling his foote somewhat stonned with the tread which his Horse had giuen him vpon it yet did he carrie him selfe with such sprightly agilitie that his enemie discerned not any impediment at all Now flew their weapons so nimbly about them that in their carelesse regard of defence they were both wounded Arguto in the right side and Primaleon vppon the left legge neuerthelesse the battaile endured in such sort as if they had but instantly begun the same and they that came to be beholders thereof iudged Arguto to be the fiercer because Primaleon séemed to limpe a little onely by the paine he felt of his foot So long lasted this combate that their armour beeing hewen in peeces from about them and their bodies wounded in many places a multitude of people flocking thether to sée the ouent and admiring the stearne resolution in eyther coniectured as well they might that if they were not the sooner sundered the liues of them both perforce must miscarie where-vpon diuers ranne and galloped to Constantinople carrying such newes héereof to the Pallace that Palmerin Florendos Floraman Leonato Tarnaes who were all there the day before arriued presently armed them selues and departed thence with all possible speede to saue the liues of two such hardy Knights No sooner were they come thether but they vnderstoode immediatly that one of them was Primaleon the sonne of Florendos and to know the other Palmerin called vnto Argutoes Squire and prayed him for safety of his Maisters life to let him vnderstand of whence he was The Squire beeing honest and wise knowing hee would haue intelligence of his Lord though not by him tolde him that his Maisters name was Arguto Greatly did it gréeue both him and the rest to sée Lords of one Court in such furie thus hand to hand so that they stept betwéene and laboured to appease them but they without any respect to the others friendly endeuour by no meanes would be pacified but striking at them to get foorth from amongst them séemed tenne times more violent against each other then before and all the others honest labour prooued but in vaine When they perceaued that they might not preuaile with them and their lauish expence of blood deliuered apparant daunger of their liues they concluded that Leonato should poast to the Emperour to entreate him for safety of Arguto and his Nephewe Primaleons life he would come thether with all hast possible When the Emperour heard these tidings immediatly he descended the steps of the Pallace and mounting vpon an easie Ambler in lesse then halfe an houre he came to the Combattants whose extremitie of fury was indifferently qualified because both wearinesse and losse of blood had so weakened them as their blowes nowe did but very little harme The Emperour riding in betwéene them spake in this manner I halfe perswaded my selfe that you young Knights woulde maintaine the royall reputation of my Court but nowe I see that you rather endeuour to ouerthrow it in séeking so cruelly to violence one another Let me vnderstand the cause of your contention and I will so order and accomodate the case as neither of your honours shall thereby be impaired Primaleon hearing his Grandfather speake reuerently gaue backe saying Trust me my Lord I know not the least particle of any cause wherefore this Knight should thus combate with me for I am vtterly ignorant what he is onely it pleased him to take knowledge of me and prouoke me to the fight with chalenging tearmes neuer yeelding me any reason of his discontentment or how or wherin I haue offended him Then the Emperour turned to Arguto to knowe whence the cause of this presumptuous quarrell grew when he more in reuerence to so great a commaund then otherwise declared all at large howe in respect of the loue he bare to the faire Lady Victoria he had borne a long enuious spléen to Primaleon but more especially how duly he had awaited this opportunity to try which of them two was the ablest man at Armes The Emperour loth to hold them there in such euident perill promised to carrie such an euen hand in this cause of their difference as each of them should be wel satisfied therewith both in enioying wiues to eithers good liking also in this scrupulous case of their valour wherein neither was reputed inferiour to the other by their late ouer-bold and hazardous triall But quoth he I am lately
it pleaseth my Lord the Emperor and my noble Father that hereafter I must be yours in marriage I accept you not so much for my Knight as for my Lorde and chiefe Commaunder But Concordia béeing slenderly skild in loues affaires knew not what to answere but that she was contented and if her worth might make him glorious she told him plainly he should one day haue it Now because these young and amourous bloods thought time neuer long enough in these kind of purposes y e Knight with whom they were to depart clapping each of them vppon the shoulder said Young Lords so important is the busines which I must bring you to that it will put yée past the remembrance of these faire Ladies The Knights thus awaked from their louely traunce presently arose and taking their leaue went to put on their Armour returning in short while right gallantly appointed Then did y e Knight cause a Ship of Christall to floate about the Hall whereinto he conducted seuerally the Knights presently it mounted vp into the ayre fléeting away with such wonderfull swiftnes as all of them had quickly left the sight of it to the great admiration of the Emperour and extreame griefe of poore Victoria who rather could haue wished with al her hart that her Knight had staied to effect her marriage The Ship in two houres space was gone so farre that the Knights thought they were brought to the furthest part of the worlde when suddenly the Ship falling downe on a great stone séemed as if it was shiuerd all in peeces and they thought themselues likewise to be broken in the same manner whereat the strange Knight laughed hartilie because he knew it was but a vaine apparition So mightie was the fall of the Ship on the stone as if it had béen made of the hardest yron it had béen sufficient to haue broken it but the enchauntment beeing of greater power made it stand whole and sound vpright on the stone when they issuing foorth followed the Knight and he being theyr guide some small distance thence went downe into a Caue that séemed very darke beckning to Primaleon that he should follow him and Arguto to stay till he returned It was not long before he came backe againe and then went toward a huge thicke Wood whereinto hee wafted him with his hand to enter and so Arguto very resolutely did CHAP. LXXIIII Of a strange aduenture which hapned to Primaleon in the Caue vnder ground whereinto the strange Knight had conducted him PRimaleon being thus within the Caue went downward aboue a mile by estimation not discerning any light all the way hee had gone till at last hee came to certaine high windowes whereby some small glimmering entred into the Caue Still past he on along till at length hee espied a Wall which was built with the bones of dead men and beasts and therein was a gate made all with the heads of men serpents horses and Griffons in a cunning diuersitie mingled together whereby he gathered that it had béen the handy-worke of men Boldly stept Primaleon in at this gate but afterward he was sorry he had aduentured so farre for hee saw it was a spacious square plot being round about enclosed with that wall at the further side whereof hee sawe a higher gate where there stoode a beast greater then any Elephant putting his head directly toward him and feeding on diuers mangled bodies which were sliced into so many péeces that he could not gesse whether they were men or beastes No sooner had hee stept a little forward but this hideous beast as if he were extremely hunger-starued came mainly against him when Primaleon as loth to be deuoured by so rauenous a Monster hauing his sworde ready drawne gaue him a mightie blow vppon the head but the sword rebounded back againe vnto him as if he had smitten vppon a hard stone Then lifted y e beast vp suddenly one of his forefeete before Primaleon had sufficiently retired and fastning hold vpon his pouldron rent it quite away mist verie little of wresting the sword from forth of his hand This graspe of the Monster gaue him plainly to vnderstand that hee must not receiue such another gripe from him except hee meant to part with life and all wherefore keeping him off with his weapon so well as he could he gaue the Monster diuers wounds in the midst of his body and albeit the hurts were soundly giuen indeede yet was the beast of such a wonderful grossenes as they pierced not into any of the vitall parts While the battaile thus continued he noated a matter most admirable to be reported for of the blood which issued foorth of the Monsters woundes arose vp sundry strange mishapen beasts beeing some of them which he had before deuoured and they went aside into an angle of the roome menacing Primaleon with their lookes and howlings as if they intended some mischiefe toward him By this time was our Champion so ouer-toyled that being almost out of breath he was glad to shift from place to place yet with a héedfull eye to the Monster inuoking inwardly the helpe of heauen to strengthen him in so great an extreamitie in which meditation of minde hee beheld the Knight which had cōducted him thether enter in at the gate with the hooked Bill on his back and opposed himselfe against the Monster which presently left Primaleon as bearing deadly hatred to the Knight turned furiously vpon him So dexteriously did the Knight handle his bill that he wounded the Monster in many places therwith and stil as blood streamed from him arose sundry kindes of strange beasts all which at one loude groane giuen by y e Monster ran furiously vpon the Knight rent him in innumerable péeces which were al afterward suddenly swalowed by the monster himselfe the bil only left lying on the groūd This sudden death deuouring of the Knight droue Primaleon to some little amazement and perceiuing the monster now to make a fresh toward him bethought him of the bill wherewith the Knight had fought so nimbly and giuen diuers shrewd hurts to the beast that some vertue touching the enchauntment might remaine in it Quickly he caught it vp in his hand and although he had no great skill in the vse of such a weapon because it nothing appertained to Knighthoode yet hee made it to serue his turne in such sort as at euery blow he drew blood from the beast and happening at last to wounde him in the bellie he perceaued the hurt to open so wide that the Knight leapt foorth vpon his féete aliue and well and hee wresting again forcibly the Bill from Primaleon gaue a fresh charge vppon the Monster whose belly immediatly was become whole and sound The other beasts which still rose vp out of the Monsters blood as they had done before tore him againe in péeces and the Monster quickly swallowed him vp when Primaleon recouering the Bill once more defended him selfe there-with
would redound to mine own shame when her death should be reported to happen by my meanes the nature of her offence neuer heard or known They hauing certaine precious confectious about them and wine of rich and soueraigne power by my consent went to her chamber where first cherishing her faintnes with those necessary helpes and addition of apparant likelihoode that my grace and fauour might againe be recouered they won from her the sum of all both by what meanes she came into the Wood and how in that sort she was left there naked which they perceauing to happen onely through fond loues simplicity returned againe to me and tolde me the whole storie of my daughters mis-fortune Then grew I incensed against this trothlesse man calming my kindled rage somewhat toward my daughter considering that a young Ladies first offence should not be so seuerely chastised especially when earnestly one was the cause of her trespasse where-vpon I faithfully promised the Knights that I would not procéede in any further rigour against her But sitting all alone by my selfe I began to practise how I might be sufficiently reuenged on the Knight by whose villanie I was so hainously iniuried and making many plat-formes in my braine thus I concluded that Rosella by writing should certifie Brunoro howe I lay sicke at the point of death so that if he would then come to her he should enioy my money and goods and likewise be possessour of all my bookes whereof a long while he had béene very desirous and offered large summes of money to haue them as for his leauing her so vnkindly naked in the depth of her loue she had buried that blame by no meanes tooke it as any fact of his but rather of some slauish vnciuill seruant who vpon a malicious inclination toward her had contrary to his knowledge so mis-entreated her and hee no doubt in great heauines for lack of her company My purpose heerein was that vppon his comming I might be possest of him and afterward to vse him as I saw occasion so with a Letter or transcript drawne to this effect I entred into my daughters chamber where giuing her good lookes and taking her by the hand thus I began Although the iniurie I haue receaued by thée hath made a large passage thorow my hart yet am I willing to forgiue and forget it so thou wilt pleasure me but in one only matter which shall yeelde contentment both to thée and mee I will doe quoth she whatsoeuer it shall please you to commaund in recompence of the great grace I receaue from you so vnworthily My will is quoth I that thou write this Letter vnto Brunoro and there-vpon I gaue it her to reade The shalow witted Girle whose doating affection would not let her looke into the vnrepairable wrong shee had receaued by Brunoro suddainly thus replied Oh God forbid déere father that I should prooue such a traytresse to him whom more then mine owne soule I loue and estéeme and no sooner had she thus saide but suddainly would haue cast her selfe out at the casement of her window because she would not be guilty of writing such a Letter I who knew too well her firme resolution immediatly became so furiously discontented as had not the Knights stept in suddainly vpon me questionlesse she had there perished by my hand but beeing by them with-helde from my purpose I tolde them the wilfull folly of the wench and how foolish loue quite blinded her iudgement and made her still doat on him that had so vilely abused her The Knights spent some little while in perswading me to more moderation because shee had confidently aunswered that shee woulde endure all tormentes whatsoeuer rather then bee wone to betray Brunoro and they well noting her setled purpose held it necessary that shee should haue her minde I to pardon her cloathe her againe in her owne habite and let her goe at liberty but with a farre stricter eye of care of her then before had béene vsed All which I yéelded to and she as impiercible as the diamond could be drawne to no other beléefe but that Brunoro right déerely affected her whereon she compast the meanes to acquaint him with my determination writing vnto him what I had entended and which was most to my preiudice that my Art failed me and could at this instant doo me no seruice Brunoro being at that time the very arrogantest Knight in all this Countrey grew proude and disdainfull against me and hearing that I practised his death did not determine the like by me but how to bring me into a most wretched condition of life and perceauing it was publiquely bruted abroad what wrong he had done to me my daughter he deuised with him selfe to lay a fresh affliction on me and by trayning her once againe from my house to abuse her more villainously then hee had done before neuer remembring that so rare loue and fidelity in a woman deserued to be matcht with the greatest Prince in the worlde Vpon this vile determination both against her and me hee wrote to Rosella that the third night following hee would come and confer with her in the garden and at the appointed houre the vnfortunate Damosell perceauing him there went simply to him where taking her vp againe behinde him on his Horse vnséene of any one he caried her away They had not ridden aboue two leagues but like a cunning traytour faigning that hee would make amendes for his passed discourtesie he caused her to dismount then giuing her counterfaited kinde kisses and embraces and glutting his lust againe with her dishonour his brutish heate was no sooner alayed but then he manifested his damnable purpose and dragging her along by the haire of the head sayd that he purposed there to kill her Shée silly soule ruing too late her fond credulity entreated him for Gods sake to spare her life whereto he yéelded on this condition that she would procure his entraunce into my Castell and make him Lord of all that was mine The miserable Lady not knowing how otherwise to ransome her life made him promise to performe it and returning with him back to my Castell with thirty attendants all well prouided through the Garden she conducted them into my great Hall where making their passage forward with engines of yron the noyse quickly awaking me I presently conceited who they were and stepping immediatly into my study I found that a Christian wizzard called the Sage Aliarte of the obscure valley had all this while béene the hinderer of my Magick spelles but hauing done what him pleased I was now againe at liberty Héere-vpon out of my chamber window I threw a certaine powder which smote Brunoro blinde all that were with him so that except I pleased to release them they could neuer haue the benefit of sight any more Then stepping downe my selfe among them in a dissembled voyce I tolde them how easily they might come by my treasure and opening
a doore fit for my purpose I sayde Followe mee Gentlemen and I will make you all rich for euer they entring where I bad them were all by me lockt vp in a close prison but my daughter I conuayed to her former place of restraint Early the next morning I sent for my friends the two fore-remembred Knights shewing them howe well I had hunted and what a booty I had caught yet neuer issued forth of my Castell whereat a while they stood somewhat amazed but most of all at the mad and inconsiderate loue which my daughter still bare to so false a tretcher I vrged their aduise whether thus blinde they should die there in prison or haue their heads smitten off for so manifest villanie The Knights studying how to saue Rosellaes life in regard of her wonderfull error in loue after some little conference had together one of them thus spake In our opinion Sir you should not put them to death thus blinde in prison for wanting the sight of their owne misery they shall also giue no example of so monstrous an ingratitude toward a true louing Lady beside they should not escape with losse of their heads onely because a fault of such great quality iustlie deserues an aunswerable punishment Wee rather déeme it more conuenient that discharging all the rest you enchaunt Brunoro and your daughter in two seuerall places with such varietie of chastisements inflicted vpon them as should neuer cease or they be frée from till two of the best Knights in the worlde wrought theyr deliueraunce This sentence pleased me excéedingly so that setting all the rest at liberty I caused Brunoro to be brought bound before me where restoring his sight againe and reproouing his base ingratitude to so loyall a Lady I adiudged him to remaine within the Tower vntill such a Knight should come to redéeme him and there should he continually be hunted by two shée Beares and my selfe to féede mine eyes sufficiently with his affliction enchaunted my owne abiding in the same Tower where you my Lord Primaleon happened to finde me My daughters doome was within the Wood where shee lost the bright beauty of her virgine honour there should a murderous villaine daily cut her throate and afterward she was to liue in the vncouered Tower feeding onely vppon the bounty of the ayre aunswerable to her miserie in the Wood where she was rauished and left so inhumanely naked At these words he began to looke about him and perceauing it wexed late hee would not trouble them with anie further discourse so the Knights prepared to take their rest with intent to pacifie this discontentment and procuring the olde man to be more friendly to the Knight Brunoro CHAP. LXXVII How Primaleon and Arguto caused the mariage to be sollemnized betweene Brunoro and Rosella and afterward iourneyed toward Babylon NExt morning ensuing Primaleon and Arguto hauing cōcluded to quallifie this heauie case of discord came downe into the Hall where they founde the auncient Magitian holding his daughter by the hand and chyding Brunoro for his rigorous crueltie So the Knights giuing them all the mornings salutation tooke Brunoro aside with them and plainly told him that he had verie highly wronged the young Lady knowing her loue so truly addicted to him therefore if he would make amends for his passed transgressions hee must accept her in marriage for her vertues did merrit one of greater woorth then hee Brunoro who by this long time of chastisement had alayed his proud stomack sayde That it was in vaine for him to offer any such attonement when her discontented Father would no way be wonne thereto Then the two Knights tooke the olde man betwéene them shewing him how hee might in one instant make firme his daughters lost honour and his owne by graunting to a conuenable marriage betwéene her and Brunoro who had now entertained a more milde and obedient spirit and by the feeling sence of his passed miseries had hūbled his proud thoughts to a more gentle temper The aged Magitian confidently crediting what they said and that they would not report it except it were so indeede was contented to giue his daughter in marriage to Brunoro but first he desired to see some proofe of him for the better clearing of all doubtes to come where-with the Knights could finde no mislike wherefore they called him before the olde man and thus Primaleon spake in the presence of Rosella Brunoro this auncient Lord is very well pleased that this faithfull Lady his daughter shall be your wife prouided you doo vndertake some glorious enterprise which may wipe out the scandale of your passed offences I will performe quoth Brunoro what soeuer it shall please him or you to commaund me although I were assured to loose my life which truely in iustice I haue woorthily deserued This aunswere was of such powerfull efficacie that the aged Magitian as one sufficiently perswaded already would haue him to aduenture on no further perill but Brunoro to let the Knights sée his forwardnes and valour would néeds performe what he had intended When he was armed and mounted on horse-backe Primaleon loth to make any longer aboade there caused him to be called when to the good liking of the aged man but much more of Rosella they ascended the staires and Primaleon holding the Lady by one hand and Brunoro by the other crauing fauour of the Magitian began as followeth Your present behauiour Sir Brunoro with no doubt of your after progression in all honour hath made Rosellaes father to forget all former dislikes giues you his dearest daughter as your wife with absolute promise that after his death his wealth and possessions remaine wholy yours as a dowrie in mariage with his beloued child Then causing a religious Priest to bee called which liued secretly among some fewe Christians in that Countrey he prayed the olde man that Rosella and Brunoro might be baptized as Christians according as he promised him when he brought him forth of the Tower The Nigromancer beeing somewhat obstinate in his owne errour would gladly haue denied it but not daring to contradict Primaleon in any thing expressed an outward willingnes so being baptized they were then espoused together and sollemne feasting was there performed such as the time and place could affoord When our Knights had remained there two whole daies they called the old Magitian aside and demaunded of him a plaine information concerning the procéedings of Albayzars sonne that they might the better prouide for any harme to ensue Of him they vnderstood how this Prince had stird vp the Soldane of Persia sonne to him that dyed before Constantinople with the Kings of Tartaria and Armenia the Emperour of Trebisonde and other Princes with them also was a younger Brother of Ristoranoes The reason why hee gathered such a puissant strength together was to be possessed of so many of the best Christian Knights as he could come by not to put them to death but as hoping to
loue and dutie generally to all I end Your louing Sonne Leonato Aliarte managed this busines so cunningly that the Letter was deliuered the Princesse Polynarda being by who hearing this Letter to come from her sonne was the more desirous to reade it and hauing thorowly perused it she said My Lord and husband I pray yee much rather for faire Candidaes sake then for our noble sonnes that you would forbeare to follow him to the end no greater disaster may betide the silly Lady but if you will needes be so forward then I pray yée take me along with yée that I may be respectiue of the Ladies honour whatsoeuer happen to our sonne Leonato When Palmerin saw he could by no means recouer Candida without manifest note of being enamoured of her he would giue his Lady no aunswere but a messenger comming for him he went presently to the Emperour and Polynarda not knowing her fathers change from his former affection went after her husband onely to be the hinderance of his iourney Being come into his presence the graue olde Emperour with a smiling countenance spake as followeth Lord Palmerin if both you and I had not committed some errour in our loue I would haue appointed a very seuere prosecution against Leonato but when I call to minde how many seuerall dangers I opposed my selfe against to gaine the loue of my Empresse Grydonia I can but count it iustice hauing my selfe wrongd the péerelesse vertue of her loue to pardon the light transgression of an amourous young man Therefore I will that our sentence of banishment stand no longer vpon Leonato or any of our Court to follow in pursute of him only let it be thus if he demeane not him selfe like an honourable Knight to the Lady a punishment accordingly shal be inflicted on him forbeare then to vndertake such needelesse trauaile and let vs sende for Tarnaes to bestow on him according to our passed promise the beautifull Fior-nouella in mariage These words did wound Palmerin to the very hart especially being spoken in the presence of his wife who marked well his alteration of countenance and there-with gaue Leonatoes Letter to the Emperour which when he had reade and perceaued that Leonato had espoused the Lady he wexed very ioyfull séeing his idle desseigne in loue so well disappointed and his thoughts quite discharged of their former tormentes for should his vaine opinion still haue continued hee sawe no meanes left of euer attaining it When Aliarte behelde all thinges in so good an order for Leonato he purposed to let his owne fond loue neuer be discouered brake off all fruitlesse expectation that way since two so great Princes had brideled their affections And for the more certainty that no mishap might befall faire Candida he wrought in such manner by his Arte that a Squire ouer-tooke Tarnaes in his trauaile and riding a while with him told him that Leonato was returned to Constantinople where by the honourable meanes of Polynarda his mother he had espoused Candida beside quoth he I heard the Emperour make earnest enquirie for a Nephewe of his who was sonne to king Platir of Lacedemonia on whom he meant to bestowe in mariage the daughter of noble Palmerin of England but the Knights name I doo not well remember Tarnaes highly ioyed with these so pleasing and happy newes began to conceaue that if he returnd not the sooner to Constantinople some suspect might be gathered that hee was not willing to accept the Lady as his wife wherefore parting from the Squire pretending to him a very farre iourney he repaired speedily to Constantinople and no sooner was he entred the Pallace but he met with the Princesse Polynarda who taking him very kindly by the hand sayde My Lord Tarnaes your presence hath greatly beene desired in this Court that a royall promise made you might be accomplished Madame quoth Tarnaes I am héere ready at your highnes seruice and some other speeches of courtesie passing betweene them Tarnaes priuatly went to his chamber right glad of the newes he heard by the Princesse Polynarda CHAP. LXXXIII Howe Prince Florian arriued at Constantinople with the faire Lady Argentina and the subtill Enchauntresse Drusa Velonna Heere likewise is declared how Leonato lost his beloued Candida and afterward by what meanes he recouered her againe PAlmerin hauing intelligence that Tarnaes was returned to Court againe hee obtayned a solemne conference with the Emperour Primaleon and his wife Polynarda about the bestowing of Fior-nouella on him in mariage and the espousall beeing fully agréed vppon the learned Aliarte came into the Emperors presence saying Great Maiestie and you the rest héere graciously assembled in performing your passed promises concerning Tarnaes and the faire Fior-nouella it is a case both iust and honourable yet let me tell yée there ought to be no such ceremonious rites performed till first those weightier espousalls be finished of Primaleon with Victoria and Arguto with the swéete young Lady Concordia which once accomplished there are other inamoratoes of this Court that look to haue like grace extended them These spéeches were very pleasing to the Emperour and all the rest in presence and as they further discoursed thereon tidings entred the Hall that Florian was arriued in the Port with faire Argentina and Drusa Velonna as his prisoner which newes were gracde with a generall welcom for all the Lords Ladies gaue a present testimony therof by being at an instant mounted on their Palfrayes riding in comly equipage down to the Port where they found Argentina newly come forth of the Ship whom after they had seuerally kist and embraced she was seated likewise on a gallant proude Iennet and Drusa Velonna bound to her good behauiour vpon an other Thus with Prince Florian rode they along in great state to the Court where being alighted and ascended the great Hall the Emperour gaue them most royall entertainment but when he vnderstood how Velonna had behaued her selfe toward Prince Florian with a frowning countenance he saide vnto her Thou ill naturde woman could not thy secret escape suffice thée in contempt of all our gracious fauours toward thée but still thou must aime thy malice at vs and our Court a more warie respect héereafter shall attend thée and because his words should be sealed with déedes he presently commaunded that she should be enclosed in y e same yron Cage which Palmerin d'Oliua kept his witching enemie in Which being done they sate pleasantly conferring in other matters the Emperour holding Florian by one hand and Argentina by an other highly extolling the Prince for his magnanimous spirit and the woorthy aduentures by him performed But leaue we them in Court thus gladly disposed and come againe to Leonato who hauing trauailed ten dayes together came at last into an euen champaigne soyle very much heated and scorched by the Sunnes power there met he neither with man or woman nor could happen on any water to coole his thirst Thus rode
through many perrillous aduentures calls me to discourse of them awhile Oliuanto who left Constantinople when his Father Florendos and he seuerally intended to trauaile in the recouerie of the faire Argentina trauailed through diuers strange Countries without stay or contradiction in any part til at length he happened to the place where the Adamant Castle some-time stoode and because that Field was vnfurnished of trées the Sunne at mid-day shone so hotely on him as it scalded him through his Armour Heereupon hee alighted from his horse and shadowing himselfe among the stones of the ruined Castell hee found himselfe drawne and knit thereto with such violence as hee could by no meanes get from thence whereat he meruailing not a little stroue to créepe from the stones by his vtmost strength but he found himselfe bound thereto the faster Béeing vexed in minde at this strange accident and studying how he should accomplish the rest of his intended trauaile a Swaine of the country passing that way when he sawe the Knight fastened to the stones in such sort with his Mattocke on his necke hee came to him saying Sir Knight you can neuer part hence except yee put off your Armour for this is the Adamant stone which drawes all kinde of yron to it Now was his griefe far greater then before when hée heard that he must needes leaue his Armour behind him which was to sted him in all perrils whatsoeuer and looking better on the place he perceiued that the same tower or Castell had stoode there wherein desiring the Peazant further to resolue him he told him Howe Drusa Velonna by magicall arte had built a Castell there on a Rocke of Adamant and kept therein a Lady of the Grecian Court whom a Knight of the same Court had deliuered and borne thence Héereby Oliuanto conceiued that doubtlesse the Ladie was Argentina for he knew of the fréedom of the other two before but he could not imagine who the Knight should be and séeing he must néedes part with the losse of his armour he asked the Country-man if there were no way to gette loose without losse of his Armes At that very instant one of the Ladies who had beene prisoner in the Castell with Argentina riding by the place and séeing the Knight so fastened by his Armour trotted her Palfrey thether saying The curtesie of Prince Florian in fréeing me and other Ladies out of this ruined Tower where wee were enchaunted with faire Argentina bindes mee to lend yee such assistance as you shall follow your knightly affaires and yet not leaue your Armour héere So alighting frō her horse shee tooke a Crimosine Mantle which was wrapt about her and spreading it ouer Oliuanto and his Squire the Adamant immediatly yéelded and lost his vertue whereby they were at their former libertie As they rode thence in company of the Lady shee told Oliuanto at large in what manner Florian had ended the aduenture and because his thoughts were altogether addicted to sée his déere affected Auriana who gladly would haue stayed him from pursuing this aduenture but that hée presently told her how a Knight should shunne no occasion whatsoeuer whereby to rancke him-selfe among those of greatest merrit séeing the Lady ready to ride from him at a crosse-parting way right curteously he tooke his farewel of her with hartie thanks for stedding him in so vrgent an necessitie And béeing come to the Sea-side he was soone prouided of shipping sayling in short while to Constantinople where he was honourably welcommed especially by his Ladie Auriana as one right ioyfull of his high good fortunes and hoping of spéedie attainement of their long desired ioyes In this time of generall contentation the Emperor had sent tidings through most parts of the world to aduertise his Knights that the thrée Ladies stolne from the Courte by Drusa Velonna were againe recouered and therefore they should repayre to his Court because hee would haue none absent at such a meete time of ioying wherby it happened that many were come in againe in very short while The first was Berolde King of Spayne who hearing of his Daughters deliuerance poasted with spéede toward Constantinople meeting by the way with Caro and Armindo who had lost much labour in search of the Princesse hearing now such gladsome tydings returned with Berolde without staying any where till they came at Constantinople Berolde reioycing not a little at the sight of his Daughter Soone after came newes how in one Ship were come together Don Rosuell Francian Fortenbracio and Orino but because Don Rosuell was of especiall estéeme in the Court many Lords Knights rode to welcome him bringing him to the Pallace very honorably As they were entring the gate they beheld a Knight who had come by Land and staying to be further resolued who he was when he came neerer them his Caske being open they knew him to be Forcino the sonne of Dragonalte who by his owne guiltie destenie was the amourous seruaunt to faire Spina of Fraunce but shee beeing proude and curious would neuer acknowledge any of his knightly seruices wherefore he liued in very desperate estate for her loue These youthful gallants being thus come to y e Court the Emperours ioyes excéedingly encreased to sée them in this noble manner about him whom they loued as if hee had beene their Father While the Court was in this ouer-flow of pleasure one day as they sate in the Hall together there entred a Damosell attended on by two comely Squires who hauing doone dutious reuerence to the Emperour deliuered him a Letter which beeing read by Palmerin appeared to come from Don Edward the King of England importing a further message to be deliuered by the Damosell the Emperour commaunded her to speake her minde where-vppon she began in this manner High and mightie Lord King Edward of England in loue salutes yée with all this gallant and knightly assembly entreating your Maiestie to pardon the offence of his graund-sonne Leonato in presuming to beare hence the beautifull Candida toward whom he hath demeaned himselfe like a vertuous Knight married her in the presence of King Edward and his Quéene The Emperour who since the comming of Aliarts Letter had heard no other tydings of this matter but doubted least some mishap might betide Candida though not by Leonato of whose honour and good cariage he neuer doubted yet by some other sinister meanes when he heard of their happy beeing in England and that King Edward spake in theyr behalfe whom he could not with honour any way contradict he thus replied Say to our louing Lord friend that Leonato may returne to Constantinople safely at his good pleasure since his behauiour hath béen so noble and knightly assuring him we are no way displeased with him wherefore we commit you Lady to your good rest allowing your returne to England when it shall please your selfe I desire no rest at all quoth the Damosell till I haue deliuered in your