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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03066 Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and the great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in the orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. Severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. With a revivall of the first discoverer of America. Revised and enlarged by the author.; Relation of some yeares travaile Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1638 (1638) STC 13191; ESTC S119691 376,722 394

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contemplative Tertullian cals them gloriae animalia Apollonius sayes they were and were not earthly their thoughts so transcendent as if they were ravisht by the sweetnesse of that harmony the rolling Orbs in an exact diapazan send forth in their forced Motion Their imaginatiō flew beyond nature beleiving that this Fabrick of the inferiour world was created of nothing and made sphericall yet subject to dissolution that it had an efficient cause it being unable to forme it selfe and that that cause is the commander of nature Our byrth to be no other then a quick conception perfected by death which is the true Nativity of the soule and entrance to immortality A Tenent however oppugned by the Stoicks yet by these Bramyns from the Tradition of the Phenix observation of corne and the like was so maintained that from hence arose that magnanimity of Calanus the Bramyn who to injoy it burnt himselfe in sight of Alexander But how they have by overture of their wits and country forgot these and broacht new opinions more fantastick and rediculous I shall gleane a little out of that their masse of confusion and dedicate it to your attent patience Religion of the Bannyans The Bannyan religion at this day is of these Tenents That the whole frame or body of the world had a beginning created by a God of immense power eternall and provident that after he had made man to associate him created woman to simpathize in similitude of body and disposition These be named Pourous and Parcouty a coople so innnocent and contented that they had no ill thoughts but fed only upon herbs and fruits not touching ought had bloud or life in it From this chast couple sprung two couple of boyes the Embleams of the foure complexions Brammon Cuttery Shuddery and Wise Of different constitutions Bramon melancholy Cuttery chollerick Shudddery flegmatick and Wise sanguin Each affecting his severall calling The first a Priest the second a Warrior the third a Merchant the last a Pesant Brammon the Priest from whom the Brahman have their title and not from Abraham and Keturah as Postellus thinketh was commanded sayes their Shaster or booke of lawes to travell East to finde a wife it being revealed to him that God had formed foure women for him and his brethren on whom to propagate for the reason they had no sisters to generate upon was because so pure and holy a race as they should not discend from filthy Incest After long and tedious pilgrimage and much prayer he espies his long lookt for Virgin cloathed with naked innocence her face yellow like gold her hayre and eyes black of a compleat stature who without much courting he won and marryed this Lady Savatree proved the mother of a holy generation Cuttery was sent west to find his mate his sword in 's hand habited after his nature all the while fretting for want of resistance and that his patience was so long trod upon at length he espies a farre off one comming towards him aequally inflamed with impatience without much complement they forthwith assailed each other with such fury and so much bravery that the first dayes fight the victory was not to be decided next day they renew their courage giving and receiving wounds insensibly till in conclusion Cuttery grapled and seiz'd Toddicastree by the tresses of her haire but instead of subjecting her is by the fresh out breaking of her beauty captivated yet after submission and repentance for his rage against such an earthly Angell shee is reconcil'd and from them the West swarmed with a generation of Radiaes and Souldiers Shuddery the third sonne of Pourous and Parcouty travell North in equall hope to find his Mistresse farre he went and many strange adventures passed thorow and saw witnesse that rock of Diamonds he alight on many of which as any other Merchant would have done he carried along with him enamoured of their lustre and sparkling excellencies till at last he also met Visagundah whom he soone woone being of a tractable sweet nature and condition as be all the Bannyan daughters descended from her and of her begot so many sonnes that the North quickly became pregnant and inhabited Now come we to Wyse the simplest of Sir Pourous sonnes a man of much plaine honesty and comportment Southward goes hee having strange intelligence that his female was thereabouts whom after he had passed seven Seas the breadth and way is concealed in the Shaster and built him a faire Mansion whither Iejunogundah his future wife came to admire so rare a structure he saw her not knowing how to court her is o'recome with Loves passion but long time is rejected and thought basely of till by divine providence shee is mollified and made to yeeld upon condition hee should build many Pagods or Idols for Gods worship and adore pictures under greene Trees and under Arbours which to this day his posterity observe ceremoniously Thus from these two the South was filled with mechanick men and such as practize tillage and husbandry When these foure young men had spent some yeares in those contrary quarters of the world whither Fate had directed them All foure becam equally mindfull of their first home desirous to visit their aged parents not onely to propagate there also and furnish that Meditallium of the earth but also to recount their memorable fortunes and adventures After much circumstance and toile they arrived at the place from whence they came each of them attended by a troope of their owne younglins t is in vaine to decipher the joy and mutuall embraces twixt them and their aged Parents revived by this good hap from the benumming Frost of old age as also the reciprocall kindnesse and love amongst the 4 Travellers a dull sense may easily comprehend it was without all mixture of discōtent or malady Notwithstanding to shew no summum bonum can be had in this life in processe of time the issue of these foure multiplying the world began to lose her virgin purity and candor discord pride and rapine mingling amongst them whereby all brotherly love was layd aside and no appearance now but of violence voluptuousnesse Bramon growes idle and carelesse in his devotion Cuttery becomes insolent and aspiring regarding neither the venerable advice admonition of his Parents nor the dignity of Bramon his elder brother Shuddery also invents deceit not regarding justice nor equity but delights in cheating his other brethren Wyse also growes unthrift in a good conscience banishing his innate honesty to entertaine ryot For which his cruell brother Cuttery domineeres and makes an Asse of him imposing such taxes and burdens on that silly Countryman that Wyse is now the object of casheered ryot and the abject of his Lordly brother who also picks a quarell with Shuddery and admits not of any reconciliation till the poore Merchant had satisfied his Avarice with halfe his store so that such hate and feare grew amongst 'em that all their Designes are involv'd
as if the conquest were easie and no way doubled of But the two Eunuchs keepe close in their defended Sconces whiles Radgee Bickermanse at Curroons intreaty begins the churlish play followed by Byrambeg Rustanchan Wazir-chan and Darab whose onset tho it was full of gallant force and fury yet Ethabar-Chan desirous to sacrifice his best endeavours to expresse his loyalty retaliates such entertainment that after three houres triall having lost five hundred men without any prevailing they retreat well beaten and ashamed so that converting their power upon a more hopefull way they draw back and fall a rifling the houses of such Vmbraves as were likely to have booty Byrambeg begins with the house of Mirza Abdull Chan Azems sonne but finds such hot and unexpected welcome that hee was forc't out not without amazement Howbeit Radgee Bickermanse entred with better fortune Assaph-chans which in this tumult found no exception out of which they drew twenty leck of roopees Rustan-chan out of Lascar-chans 16 leck and Darab from Nouradyn Cooly's ten In all about threescore leck of roopees after which base theft as if they had done wonders with great triumph they returned to Fettipore Curroon after three weekes stay about Fettipore finding it impossible by force or subtilty to obtain the treasure and no more prey in those parts resolves to march back and give his Father battell whom hee heard from Assaph-chawn was comming To which end after double allowance to each souldier and protestations of his kind remembrances hee retreats towards Delly in five dayes attaining Pherrybaud ten course from Delly at such time as Iangheer with his Army pitcht three course from the Towne and seven from Curroons trenches Very early next morne Curroon longing to graspe the Diadem commands Radgee Byckermanse to begin the fight with eight thousand horse against whom Iangheer the great Mogull opposes Mahobet-chan Abdul-Chan Ethabar chan Assaph-cawn Godgee Abdel Hussan Zadoc-chan Immirza Mamet Radgee Bertsingh Tzeer-chan Seberdeest-chan and other principall Vmbraves by advice of Mahobet-chan dividing the whole Army into three One part to himselfe and Radgee Bertsingh a second to Sultan Sheryar his yongest sonne and Mahomet-chan the third to Abdul-chan and Zadoc-chawn to all whom hee used many perswasions to fight bravely and with discretion as against exquisite warriours most of which had beene in many conflicts yet such was the justice of the cause each mans particular interest that he knew they needed no exasperating Then to each Commander as they were entring combat he sent some small token of his zeale as remembrances of his love and ingagements upon his victory of great preferment Zaber-deest-chan in the first place carrying Abdulchan his Masters present by mischance falls among five hundred light horse of Curroons and perishes Bickermanse with his large troop of horse charges Bertsingh and the Moguls quarter so furiously that many parted with their lives to expresse their loyalty Whiles Ganganna and Curroon enter pelmell against Mahobet-cawn and Rustan-cawn with T'sossally upon Abdul-cawn all which were Captaines of such valour and experience and the armies on either side so irritate for honour and benefit that for three houres the battell continued with rage each part fighting so bravely that no advantage could be discovered till victory at last inclines to Curroon when Radjea Byckermanse after a terrible slaughter of the Moguls squadron in despight of his guard enters sternly dyde in blood Iangheers royall Tent and arrested him as his prisoner but he had scarcely meditated the greatnesse and excellency of his prize when grim death directs the battle axe of a Mancebdar then in presence Radjea Bickermanse slaine which fell so sore so sure that downe hee fell with a curse breathing out his unwilling soule and such terror into the hearts of his followers that without any remembrance of their conquest they all fled and gave the Moguls part fresh advantage to re-inforce the victory Curroon amazedly perceives upon the sudden his overthrow and by and by has the reason of it He does all hee can to alter their cowardize he perswades threats opposes and cries aloud that he was living yea a hundred Captaines as good as Byckermanse were in the Army but in vaine for such was their preposterous feare and disorder that he sees it impossible to revoke them so that vollying one a thousand curses expressing all symptomes of rage and frenzie he rides to and fro not knowing whither he had better here put a period by his death to all future misfortune or to fly and hope for better afterwards at last by Ganganna's advice he hasts away but leaves his men and treasure to the mercy of his enemies and after long and swift flight with few of his freinds attaines the desolate and high Mountaines of Mewat in whose solitary rocks hee ruminates his misery and the justice of God upon his high rebellion Sultan Perwees with a glad heart meets his victorious Father at Balzol after which the Seralios are freed and the Castle gates opened as fearlesse of any more opposall And now the old Mogul cheeres up his late drooping spirits and solaces himselfe with Noormal the light of his eyes and the best object of his devotion his delight and jocundities gave a faire occasion to Assaph-cawn and Ganganna to mediate a reconciliation for Curroon and which the old man also inclined to so that from Asmeer letters of peace and pardon are dispacht unto the rebellious Prince who reads them with no small joy and prepares for his submission with Ganganna Abdul cawn Darab cawn Beyram beg and other Umbraves of quality hee descends the Mountaines of Mewat and through Bassawer Hambyer and Lael-sod unable to forbeare piltring all the way at last hee came to Azmeer Curroon it pardoned but rebells afresh where he throws himselfe at 's Fathers feet and upon his repentance and oath never more to fly out is pardoned but his submission as by the sequell appeared counterfeit and upon this occasion So soone as Rajea Bickermanse was slaine Curroon in his place made Abdul-cawn Governor of Gusurat Amadavad and Cambaya Abdul-cawn though glad of so high preferment delays his journey both in regard of his desire to see Curroon freed from his troubles and to enjoy the command and gain he every day got in Curroons depredations and obteyning leave to stay a while he sends his Eunuch Baffadur-cawn as his deputy to represent his person and to prepare things the better against his comming The Eunuch in good equipage travels thither-ward and by the inhabitants of Amadabat is received with much state and ceremonie but beholding himselfe mounted so high incircled with such rayes of Majesty roabed with so much honour his former vassalage is forgotten and his genius so transcendently efflated with pride and ambition that he beholds his equals with disdaine and anger his inferiors with a squint and supercilious eye of scorne and tyranny yet such as knew his feathers were but borrowed and that
Phorcys Neptunes sonne here lived and by the transcendent excellencie of their beauties their yellow haires curling like Snakes and deshevelling about their naked shoulders turn'd the beholders into a stupid admiration and by Perseus his report of that their faculty gave Poets some ground whereon to build their fiction Leaving those wee steered Westward and past by many parts of the New found world as some men call it Guiana Florida Virginia Nova Anglia parts of Norumbega and the gulph of Mexico where I have seated my selfe a while and will defraud the Reader of some patience by travelling to find out the first Discoverer a Question not a little controverted Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth discovered America above three hundred yeeres before COLUMBUS ALbeit I have formerly in a line or two vindicated the honour of our Country lost in the greater part by protract of malitious time and wane of well-willers to defend it I desire to speak more largely here and give you the ground of my conjecture That Madoc sonne of Owyn Gwyneth discovered the Westerne world now call'd America three hundred and odd yeares before Columbus not to detract from that mans worth but that the truth may prevaile and the memory of our Heroick Country-man revive having gaspt too long in hatefull ignorance and oblivion for if analogie of language and authority of good Authors may be credited it may peradventure be accepted of yea amongst Critticks gaine entertainment In the first place it may be asked whence Madock's resolution came I answer From an innate desire to travell and to avoid domestique broiles he put that in action which some old prophetique sayings gave him light and encouraged him in 'T is very like he had read Plato for what part of the world has ever more affected learning than the Britians who in his Dialogue 'twixt Tymeus and Cricius discourses of a great vast I le West from the Atlantique Ocean and named ATLAS as bigg as Asia and Africa put together Some Humination hee had also out of Aristotle and Theophrastus their Books of Rarities writ two thousand yeares agoe relating how some Merchants passing thorow the Straits of Gibralter were by tempest driven whither wind and Sea compelled them so farre West that they finally discried land but un inhabited It may be 't was some of the Azores but what ere it was it proved a Magnet of encouragement to illure future Ages to discover Westward and doubtlesse was a prime cause of finding out the Westerne Continent Hanno also is supposed to have landed there Questionlessed he adventured farre far in regard they had no Compasse to returne by into the Atlantique Seas but which way he sail'd is disputable West some say some say Southward Pomponius Mele and Lampridus affirme the land was South from Carthage hee discovered if South then no part of the West-Indies the Canary Iles perhaps the Atlantiades the Gorgades Ascention or Saint Helens who though they carry not the Epithite of Great yet the Novelty considered and the Distance the word great may be affected Some but I beleeve them not carry him to Madagascar if that hee discovered a great I le indeed But then sure he would have found out the Red Sea not comparable to the dangers he had past in doubling Cape Tormentoso and made his journey home lesse dangerous Virgil the best of Latine Poets from some varicinating Notion seemes to point at it in the 6. lib. Aenead where hee prophesies vast extent of Caesar's Dominions Iacet extra sydera Tellus Extra Anni Solisque vias ubi coeliser Atlas Axem humero torquet Stellis ardentibus aptum A Land beyond the Stars dothly And the Sunnes way Atlas that beares the Sky The fire fit Star-fraught Pole doth wheel therby Which though Servius understand of the Sunne-burnt Aethiops others otherwise interpret it inconsiderat Laudinus is one of them who cannot be perswaded that any part of Aethiopia exceeds the Tropicks an idle conceit and which in fol. 15. I have refuted but see his reason for it the word extra he moderates to pene extra a witty comment But Donatus parodically takes Solem pro Die and Annum pro Nocte the Sun for Day the Yeare for Night which granted Virgil has neither prophecie nor wonder The truth is as Lod. de la Cerda notes the Poet meanes thus Augustus Caesar should conquer beyond Mount Atlas a famous part of Afrique Morocco now of old Mauritania not included within the burning Zone out of which Apollo never wanders Extra sydera nimirum Zodiaci whence we gather that Virgil meant not of America But in a more perfect way Seneca Nero's Master fore-tells the discovery he conceales the place in his Medaean Tragedy The Time will one day be Guided by providence whom you shall see The liquid Ocean to enlarge her bounds And pay the Earth a tribute of more grounds In a inplest measure for the Sea gods then Shall shew new worlds and rarities to men Yea by his leave who all great acts commands See Thule lesse North by farre than other lands Venient Annis Secula seris quibus Oceanus Vinculd rerum laxet ingens Pateat Tellus Typhisque novos Detegrat orbes nec sit terris Vltima Thulè Madoc from these lights discerned it And least any may thinck the man to whon we erect a Trophy of so great honour an obscure or illiterate man not worth a memory let 's in a line or two speak his discent and quality and then the particulars of his vovage He was brother to Prince David sonnes of that famous Owen Gwynedd Prince of Wales who for above thirty yeeres governed wisely with great courage and good fortune his Father was Gruffith ap Conan that did homage for some lands in England to William the Conquerour at S. Davids and descended lineally from King Rodri Mawr or Roderic the great glorious in many conflicts and victories against the savage Saxon in those foure great battells especially at Berthem Bangelu Monegid and Anglesea in the yeere from Adam 4820 from the nativity of our Blessed Saviour 846. such time as Burchred King of Mercia Athelwolfe King of the West-Saysses Meiric and other valiant Princes by sad tryall found him fortunate which suffice to illustrate Madock's quality every way exceeding honourable It followes why they put to Sea upon discovery The Annalls of those times to this day happily preserved tell us That so soone as Owen Gwynedd or Venedotia was dead the custome of Gavelkind which has confounded Wales became a Subject of implacable hate amongst his sonnes Iorwerth or Edward sirnamed Dwryndwn from his broken nose Howel and David whose peculiar ambition banisht all generall kinds of love due amongst friends and brethren Iorwerth albeit he was eldest was held incapable of the Crowne in respect of his lamenesse and other deformities Howel also was thought unworthy by reason his Mother was an Irish Lady with which Nation they had then some difference David had least right