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A89272 The vniversallity of God's free-grace in Christ to mankind. Proclaimed and displayed from 1 Tim. 2.6. and Hebr. 2.9. according to their genuine sense. That all might be comforted, encouraged; every one confirmed and assured of the propitiation and death of Christ for the whole race of mankind, and so for himself in particular. / Through urgent importunity, written by Thomas Moore. Moore, Thomas, Senior. 1646 (1646) Wing M2596; Thomason E332_1; ESTC R200737 160,443 208

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Scripture and if the words doe not beare the sense they import who shall tell us what the sense is and what a gap is here to all wickednesse Yet those generall words All men Every Man and the World are not so often found in Scripture in affirmation of any of the forementiontioned particulars As in affirming the death of Christ as the Ransome And surely hee that will not beleeve the same for the testimony the Scripture giveth of it doth not beleeve any of the former for the testimony of Scripture but for some other cause that is moveable If any say what need of Interpreters if the Scriptures have the sense the words thereof import I Answer they are very needfull not to Straighten or take away the sense the words import or to devise another But to open and explaine That sense the words beares and to cleerand evidence out of the words themselves and confirm it by other-like places and so to presse it on us and apply it to us for admonition Instruction Dehortation Exhortation Consolation and so to root out this evill estimate of the Scriptures and evill dealing with it from the hearts and mouthes of all Christians that the Scripture may be esteemed meet to answer words of truth with as is said Prov. 22.21 CHAP. XV. Of Answering a second OBJECTION Objection II. SAint JOHN makes it an infallible marke of the love of CHRIST to them for whom he laid down his life 1 Joh. 3.16 But God hath not loved every man in the World For he hated Esau Rom. 9.13 but his Church and his owne whom he loves to the end Ephes 5.25 Joh. 13.1 Therefore Christ dyed not for Every man ANSWER 1 Joh. 3.1 Being spoken in the first Person and applicatively of perception of love in the Death of Christ propounded for example and motive It is much abused in being cited to this end as may be seen Chap. 3. and 4. and 5. and so the Proposition is of no force for it is a proof of the Love of God to the World That hee sent his Sonne to be the Saviour of the World Joh. 3.16 and 1 Joh. 4.14 and so of the Love of Christ to mankind To give himself a Ransome for all men 1 Tim. 2.6 and yet a proof of more especiall Love To choose and bring any in the perception of this Love to Union and Fellowship with himself Joh. 15.15 16. and Tit. 3.4 7. as in our Types the bringing out of Egypt was a proof of his Love to all so brought out but yet more especiall love to those that hearkened to his Judgements and did them Deut. 7.8 12 13 14. Besides the Apostles doe not there propound the Death of Christ to shew how many he dyed for or as the foundation to bring in unbelievers to beleeve or to shew how many God loves but onely speaking of the perception of Love by Beleevers He sheweth wherein they perceived it and that was in that he laid down his life for us and this was sure when wee were his enemies and so found when he called us also Rom. 5.8 10. Ephes 1.2 4. And that to this end to move us even so to love our Brother who without question is beloved whereas this Objection shuts the door of loving any till or farther then we know his Election Though the Gospel this Objection opposeth giveth a certaine ground for loving all men with Love of Compassion 2 Cor. 5.14 15. Tit. 3.2 3 4. and for Loving Beleevers with Love of delight Psalm 16.2 Coloss 1.4 5. Phil. 1.3 4 5 8 9. This Assumption is full of infidelity and Blasphemy If it had been that God doth not love every man in the World It might have been granted and proved But to say God hath not loved any but his Church and chosen whom he loves to the end is a blasphemy so great that the same may be said of it which is spoken of that Apostacy Jere. 2.10 11 12. For this with one breath both blasphemeth and contradicteth our Saviours affirmation of Gods love of the World some part whereof will notwithstanding perish Joh. 3.16 17 18 19. The Prophets affirmation That the Lord is good to All and his tender mercies are over all his Workes Psalm 145.8 9. and 136.25 Yea the truth and force of all Gods earnest Expostulation Intimation of Love Exhortations and Call to such as refused Deutr. 5.29 Hosea 5. and 7.1 Isa 5.4 Prov. 1.23 24. Luke 19.42 Matth. 23.37 Hos 13.19 Yea the truth and force of our Saviours Exhortation to his Disciples for being like their heavenly Father in Love and mercy to enemies Matth. 5.44.48 The Testimony of Gods goodnesse in all his Works Act. 14.17 Rom. 2.4 Yea this Assumption goeth yet further in that it doth not onely say God doth not now love them while they walk in sin But God hath not loved every man in the World no not any time since Adams fall So as to give any Ransome for them and so denyeth Heb. 2.9 Nay it stops not here except his Elect whom he loves for ever It saith Hee hath not loved any other of mankind no not when he made and beheld them all righteous in Adam as the Publick Person and blessed them and avouched all his workes good Eccl. 7.29 Gen. 1.27 31. It saith God hath not loved but hated them oh fearfull To say that God hateth the Righteous Psal 45.7 and so they could not fall from the love of God in the fall of Adam since his Love was never towards them nor could they fall under the hatred of God by sinne either Originall or Actuall since they were under it before if this Assumption were true for it saith hee hath not loved them and if any should tell them Their sinnes are very great for offending so loving a God for despising so rich a Ransome and refusing the grace offered them in the meanes and giving way to serve sinne that cost Christ Jesus his blood to satisfie for them And that they forsake their owne mercies by following lying vanities And so warne them of the great condemnation that will befall them for the same if they perish in their evills and entreat them by all the Mercies of God and sufferings of Christ for them To hearken to the Gospel Repent and beleeve and turne unto Christ This assumption holds them back and saith It is all Lyes for God hath not loved them Oh whether will this blasphemy reach But to give some satisfying Answer to this Objection Let the Scripture be viewed what it saith of Love or Hatred which there appeares two-fold First the Scripture mentions a divers kind or degree of Love in God towards men shewne in the fruits thereof as to say 1. A Love of Compassion Pitty and Mercy Psal 136.25 and 145.8 9. Such a Love as extendeth it self so farre for the good of man loved in good things afforded That a man is made saveable and so much is done for him and to him That in
hath shut the doore against this also leaving no way for any to know Christ Dyed for him till hee have some speciall manifestation which in this sense is not first given Joh. 14.17 Nor any hope of this unlesse ones particular Election be knowne and so opens a way for men to look for and be deluded by passionate fancies and Satanicall Enthusiasmes Jere. 2.8 and 8.8 9. 4. For the particular instance of Joh. 17.9 It is also much abused for 1. This Text saith not the world of the wicked and ungodly as the assumption doth but the world and by world it is evident is meant Naturall men unregenerated not yet called by grace and in that heavenly Call given to Christ and so had not received his words and the manifestation of his Fathers Love Power and goodnesse in sending Christ so as to beleeve on him as it is expresse these prayed for vers 9. and vers 6 7 8 9. So that the world world vers 9. includeth all the Elect that were yet in the world and uncalled forth And this also farther appears in that That for the same things he prayes for these that through his Preaching did now beleeve on him vers 6.9 Hee also after prayes for the same for so many as shall through their Preaching beleeve on him vers 20. But all the way from vers 9. to vers 20. no Petition for any thing for any before they beleeve or yet that might bring them to beleeve So that the Assumption rendring the word world for the wicked not Elect opposed to the Elect it makes two sorts of Elect one sort prayed for vers 9. another sort prayed for vers 20. or else it grants a sort of People in the World that are neither of the Elect nor of the world mentioned vers 9. that were prayed for vers 20. And which way soever the Assumption will have it yet it holds forth this falshood That none of the Elect were are or shall be beholding to the Prayer of Christ for all or any of that Patience and goodnesse of God extended before their faith or for the means and grace by which they were brought to beleeve or for their faith it self seeing no such things are here prayed for for any but the World vers 21.23 Even the World opposed to and distinct from these called out of the world both vers 9. and vers 20. 2. This Text saith not hee will not pray for the World as the Assumption saith but in the Present tense in that very time I pray not for the VVorld It 's not in Preterperfect-tense nor in the Future-Tense and surely to any common understanding I doe not I have not done I will not doe are of a various and divers sense Christ saith Joh. 13.18 to his Twelve Disciples I speak not of you All yet in Joh. 6.70 Saying I have chosen you Twelve hee spake of them all and so it is evident That as the Ransome-giver he did pray for such as were none of These prayed for vers 9.6 7 8. nor such as those prayed for vers 20. but even the Transgressours Isa 53.12 and his Crucifiers Luk. 23.34 such as the VVorld vers 24.25 3. The word Not in the Text appeareth not to be so exclusive as the Assumption with the whole Argument would make it to be few can be so ignorant as not to know that either in Scripture or common speech Not doth not signifie not at all in every Place Sentence or Businesse but sometimes only Not so much not so privily and chiefly and this also discernable enough in the Places Sentences in which it is so used Christ of his Ministration on earth which was chiefly and primely for the Jewes Ro. 15.8 Saith to the Woman of Canaan Mar. 15.24 I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and yet he did helpe her And occasionally Preach the Gospel in Samaria also Joh. 4. and not without mission sure so Paul saith 1 Cor. 1.17 Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach c. And yet baptire some he did and surely not without mission also verse 14.16 And it is most like to be in such a sense here that Not is used as appeares vers 21.23 where the world is put in for 4. The things here prayed for from verse 9. to vers 20. as Preservation in their gratious Estates keeping them in the world and from from the evill of the world that hated them and out of which they were chosen Sanctification of them for carrying forth the Gospel to the world and perfecting them in union and Conformity with himself and one another in him and his Father Are of a higher nature then those things we are to pray for the world or any in it Till they be called and chosen out of the world as these were 1 Cor. 1.9 Joh. 14.16 17 21.23 16.14 15. Phil. 2.8 9 10 11. Short of which things are those which wee are to pray for for the World 1 Tim. 2.1.4 6 7 8. as is seen in that which our Saviour doth intimately pray for for the World vers 21.23 5. In this Ioh. 17. our Saviour prayed not onely as a Ransome-giver and Mediatour between God and man as 1 Tim. 2.4 5 6. but also as a Prince and High-Priest over the House of God The Mediatour and Minister of the New Testament for all his Called and Chosen ones such as these prayed for were Heb. 3.1.6 8.1 6. 9.14 15. And his praying here is the same with his Advocation mentioned 1 Joh. 2.1 which is no where said to be for All men and the whole World as his Propitiation is So this Argument crosseth the Scripture in saying Hee Died for no more then he so prayed for or is such an Advocate for Ioh. 1.29 Heb. 3.9 1 Ioh. 2.1 2. As this Argument doth crosse and denie our Saviours gracious End and Intention in this Prayer Ioh. 17. which appeares to be for the furnishing of his chosen Ones to be in his place of Ministration in the World as the light of the World to declare the Gospel to the World vers 11.17 19 20. And this also to this very end That through the grace of God appearing in them and through their Ministration the World might beleeve that God hath sent Christ vers 21. as these prayed for did already beleeve vers 8. And that the World might know that God loveth those that are in Beleeving come in to Christ and made one with him even with such peculiar love as hee loved Christ his Sonne vers 23. That so such as by their Ministration are brought in this sight and Belief To submit to and be one with Christ and with them may partake of this Prayer and all the things here prayed for vers 20. And those that when this light commeth love Darknesse rather shall be left excuselesse and in another day made to see and confesse the same to the glory of God and their own confusion
not require of thee and offer to worke conformity to him in death in being as dead to sinne and to all the life and glory in humane and worldly parts righteousnesse fame riches pleasures friendship and life and submission to be deprived of any of them as Hee and the Gospel shall require That thou mightest finde and receive all thy wisedome righteousnesse and life in and from him Matth. 16.24 25. Phil. 3.3.7 8 9. and doth it not likewise promise in this submission to him and dependance on him Romission of sinnes Peace Righteousnesse and life Acts 10.43 and 13.36 38. and doth not the great love of God testified in his blood-shed sometime move at thy heart to yeeld to all this and let all ●oe to come to him who in this thy obedience to the blood of Christ will by his Spirit sprinckle the same blood in thy heart and thereby speake Peace to thee and purify thee and consolate thy heart and shed abroad his love in thee by his Spirit and so acquint thee with heavenly hope and riches Heb. 12.14 1 Pet. 1.2 Tit. 3.4.7 Rom. 5.15 and till this be Though Christ dyed for thee and life be in him for thee yet thou hast not Life Therefore I pray thee be not deceived say not Thou art rich when thou art yet poor Revel 3.17 but rather seek that which is true riches indeed and seek it of Christ in whom it is and rest not till thou be submitted to him and that he by his Spirit take knowledge of thee enable thee to beleeve and justifie thee Joh. 10.27 1 Pet. 1.21 22. Rom. 3.26 So as thou in some measure experiment that in Rom. 5.1 2. It will bee to thee-ward but a heavy knowledge to stand before him one Day and know that be shed his blood for thee and Redeemed thee that hee might be thy Lord and that true Gospel was Preached to thee when all that blood shed for thee and all the Gospel with all the entreaties of his Servants and motions of his Spirit and all his Patience and Bounty shall be laid to thy charge and come in as witnesse against thee because thou hast not come in to his Regiment and submitted to his Death set forth in his Gospel Rom. 14.9 12. Matth. 11.20.24 Now is the time in which hee is to be found and submitted too and Spirit received from him Hee now offers thee grace 2 Cor. 5.19 20. 6.2 Matth. 25 1 13. Doe not fore-slow till it be too late till the door be shutt for then it will not availe thee to say LORD open unto us wee have eate and drurke in thy Presence and thou hast taught in our streets Remember the Five foolish Virgins Luke 13.2 5 26. Matth. 25.1.13 And deferre not till it be too late which GOD in Mercy prevent but seek in this time of finding which God in mercy grant thee USE III. If thou be one that holdest That Christ dyed and wrought Redemption for All Men and dost desire to Partake of the benifit of his Death and to have Eternall Life with him and for that end makest Images to thy self to put thee in mind of him and makest interceeding Mediatours of Angels and Saints departed to entreat his love for thee and devisest Penitentiall abasements and mortifications as wareing haire garments lying on bare boards or chopt straw going barefoot on Pilgrimage willfull Poverty and usest dilligence in use of humane devises and mens Precepts to Worship God withall and are at labour and cost and usest and dost many Workes of Devotion and of Mercy and Equity to make thy self worthy of Christ and life by him and through all these to make up a Confidence of life to thy selfe I pray thee what wrong should be done thee if one shall charge thee with the sinne of the Heathen in a higher degree then those Rom. 1.18 22. for dost not thou herein hold the Truth in unrighteousnesse and professing to know GOD thou dost not glorifie him as GOD but becommest vaine in thy immaginations and professing thy self to be wise thou becomest most foolish for even in this way wherein thou thinkest to serve and honour him and to have life by him thou dost directly disobey and dishonour him and provokest him to curse thee I pray thee consider and let thy heart answer without stop is this obedience or disobedience to the death and bloodshed of Jesus Christ To be so alive to thy owne wisedome thoughts wayes and workes to choose thy own wayes and put confidence therein See and consider what is said before to such as are not gone a whoring in thy way and what is written Jer. 9.23 24. 1 Cor. 1.29 30 31. 2 Cor. 10.17 18. 1 Joh. 5.20 21. Isai 66.1 2 3. and thou shalt see thy way sinfull is this to honour him or to dishonour him To advance thy self in a Will-worship and in Observation of things that Perish in thousing Coll. 3.18.23 Doth not his blood spiritually applyed to the heart humble and melt mortifie sinne appease the Conscience and purify the heart Zach. 12.10 1 Pet. 1 2. Hebr. 9.14 Why seekest thou this in other things devised by thy self or other men Is not hee full of Spirit to imprint his Word in thy heart and is not his Spirit of devine force and doe not his Words doe good to them that walke uprightly Isai 68.18 Acts 2.32 Heb. 8.1 2 6 10. Jam. 4.5 Mal. 2.7 Joh. 1.14 16 17. Why seekest thou to be minded of him and to serve him by humane devises Is not hee the brightnesse of his Fathers glory and the expresse Image of his Fathers Person Even the Hee that upholds all things by the Word of his Power who when he had by himself purged our sinnes sate downe on the right band of the Majesty on high Hebr. 1.3 Who beareth and seeth all things Hebr. 4.12 13. Whose lippes are full of grace being also the most Excellent in Beauty Psalm 45.2 Cant. 5.10 and who breatheth forth Spirit to reprove to comfort to teach and help to Pray and returne answeres of Prayers Joh. 14.26 and 15.26 and 16.13 15. Romanes 8.26 Psalm 85.8 Why dotest thou then on dead things Images of mens making that can neither heare nor see nor taste nor smell nor speake nor goe nor doe good nor evill but must be borne and so makest thy self in respect of spirituall life like them Psal 115.4 8. If thou say no thou wilt have no Image of God the Father whose Image Christ is but of Christ himselfe as he was Man to mind thee of him sure Thou knowest thou hast no Word of his so to doe and what dishonour doest thou to him who hath promised by his Word and Spirit to be with his to the Worlds end and to manifest himself to such as in beleeving d●e honour and love him and walke in that love Matth. 28.20 Joh. 14.21 22 23. and if thou wilt have Images of him hee hath pointed such as can live and breathe
and heare and speake whom though thou may not worship yet thou maist shew thy Love to him in loving and doing good to them men and women of the same flesh and blood with thee who are his Creature made in his Image Jam. 3.9 and some of these that are Partakers of his grace and Spirit and thereby conformed to him in some measure and shew forth his vertues 2 Cor. 3.3 1 Pet. 2.9 and these are lively Images and representations of him on these look for these be at cost to Pitty and helpe them to feed the hungry and cloath the naked for whom Christ dyed doing good to all especially to them of the houshold of Faith and this done for Christ's sake is to feed Christ and to cloathe Christ c. Gal. 3.8 9 10. Matt. 25.40 and these hath hee left with us to this end Joh. 12.8 doe not so dishonour him to lay out thy cost on mens livelesse Images Is not he that only Mediatour and High Priest that by his owne blood hath entered into the holy of holyes and opened the way for us to approch with holy boldnesse remaining himself there as our Advocate with the Father who hath wrought redemption for us and is the Propitiation for our sinnes having left his Promise for that according to his will wee aske in his Name Heb. 9.12 24. and 10 19 20. 1 Joh. 2.1 2. 5.14 15. Joh. 16.23 24. And why turnest thou aside to others to mediate for thee and do him that dishonour But if thou sayest no thou seekest no Mediatour between God and thee but Jesus Christ but Angels and Saints departed to enterceed to Christ for thee I aske where hath he will'd thee so to doe Nay hee hath bid thee Seek the Prayers of the Church and the Saints that thou knowest To whom thou may'st make knowne thy griefes and that are here on the Earth James 6.13.18 And not to them that have no Portion in the things done under the Sunne Eccles 9.5 6 10. Isa 63.16 who can neither heare nor answer thee Is not hee the great Prophet and Teacher of his Church and hath hee not left his Spirit and Word therewith to teach the same and sealed his care thereof and love there to by his blood-shed Isa 55.4 Acts 3.22 Matth. 28.20 Isai 59.21 2 Pet. 3.2 Joh. 10.15 Ephes 5.22 25. and can any Worship be pleasing to him but that which is through Faith in him confidence in his blood and guidance of his Spirit according to his Word Jam. 1.6 Heb. 10.19 24. Rom. 8.26 1 Pet. 1.21 25. and 2.1 3. 1 Joh. 5.20.21 and thinkest thou hee wanted Wisedome Love or care why then followest thou Humane Devises in Worshipping him Againe is this the way to Life or Death to serve and feare and worship him after thy owne or other mens devises according to the Doctrines and Precepts of men Hath not himselfe said It is in vain so to worship him Mat. 15.9 and hee will chuse delusions for such Isai 66 3 4. and that hee will blast and curse them Isai 27.13 14 15. As thou therefore esteemest the blood of CHRIST shed for thee and his Love testified therein as thou heedest his honour and tenderest thy owne Life Turn from these deceivable follyes and abominations and submit to the Gospel and Spirit of Christ therein and seek him as thon art thereby directed and there is hope of Pardon and life to be mett with for thee As for those that are enamoured with the Golden Cup that is in the hand of the Whore and so given up through desire of her beauty riches honour to Worship the Beast I am not here lead to speak to them they may heare and see what is said of them Revel 14.9.10 11. be not deceived by them USE IV. If thou be one that hast never yet experimented any Spirituall discoveries of the Preciousnesse of the blood of Christ shed for thee so as through the Gospel to be therewith convinced of thy being under sinne for not beleeving in Christ and through the grace righteousnesse and good will of Christ appearing therein bowed to Repentance and overcome to beleeve in him but only having heard that Christ Dyed for sinners and thou not knowing for which nor how many of them but as thou supposest Sure onely for the Elect and not knowing who these Elect are Thou hast found in the Scriptures set forth a holy righteous Law of Precepts discovering such righteousnesse as is verily due from Man the Creature of God to be performed to God his Creator and each to other for Gods sake and to the keepers and fulfillers of this Law thou findest a promise of Life and to the Transgressors thereof a threatning of death and curse and upon this ground thou hast studied the Law and seriously attended good Sermons and read good Bookes Commenting on the same thereby to find out what sinne is and what righteousnesse is and so to escape death and that Life might be attained and by motives from the Law so urged haste endeavoured to worke sorrow upon thy heart for thy sinnes by this Law discovered in thee and to doe thy utmost to avoid every sinne that by the Law thou knowest to be sinne to worke thy heart to likement of every good duty thou knowest the Law to require of thee and to doe thy utmost to performe the same and where thou against thy will commest short to confesse it to be thy sinne and aske Pardon and strive to doe better and then from some attainements in affections and conversation Perceivest in thy selfe a change of Judgement Affection and Conversation from what thou wert to what thou art and from what the most of other men are to that thy self and some few others are and desires to encrease in the same still and from this thy change and desire of Perseverance therein and the approbation of others so changed of the truth and goodnesse of this thy Conversation and Conversion thou gatherest Peace in thy heart and countest thy self more holy and much better then others not so changed and thereupon conceivest thy self to be Elected and so one of those for whom Christ dyed and therefore restest perswading thy self that thou art justifyed by his Blood and one of the Children of God that shall be saved from wrath through him Now it being thus with thee I must needs cleer thee from that grosse bypocrisie and those appearing evills of those that pretend the same Conversion and Conversation and boost of the same Confidence who yet are found to make sport of the ignorance Profanness open sinnes and follyes of others in rymes jeasts and scoffes which they cannot but know to be evill Prov. 13.9 and who are found to slander their Brethren and to speak faire and pretend Love to their faces and to lay waite to catch them and to traduce and cast false aspertions on them behind their backs Psal 35.11 16. who can raile equivocate and dispense with known
THE VNIVERSALLITY OF GOD'S FREE-GRACE IN CHRIST TO MANKIND PROCLAIMED and DISPLAYED From 1 Tim. 2.6 and Hebr. 2.9 according to their genuine sense THAT ALL MIGHT BE COMFORTED Encouraged every one confirmed and assured of the Propitiation and Death of Christ for the whole Race of Mankind and so for himself in particular Through urgent importunity Written by Thomas Moore Joh. 3.14 15 16. And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wildernesse Even so must the Sonne of Man be lifted up that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have Everlasting life Heb. 2.9 But we see JESUS who was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of Death crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste Death for Every Man LONDON Printed in the Yeer of the Patience and Forbearance of our Lord. 1646. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER Christian Reader IF wee beleeve the great love of GOD to Mankind fallen into sinne and enmity against him manifested in the gift of his Son to be the Saviour of the World who by the grace of God tasted death for Every man And became the Propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world and the fruits hereof so great for all men that they extend as large as the heaven and the earth bearing forth their Testimony with more brightnesse then the Sunne and working on every mans sense to lead to Repentance Psal 19.1 7. Rom. 10.18 Acts 14.17 Rom. 2.4 and so precious in those to whom through the Gospel it spiritually appeareth That it converteth and bringeth in to Christ and also teacheth to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts and to live soberly righteously and godly in this present life c. Tit. 3.4.5 and 2.11 12 13. Then I hope thou wilt not count it strange if some be heartily grieved when in a Church where this great Love is testified And set forth in the authorized Doctrine thereof many professing themselves zealous to see them 1. So denying and blaspheming this great love of God to mankind in Scripture affirmed Joh. 3.16 17. 1 Joh. 4.14 as if God ever and from all eternity hated the greatest number of men so as they neither are beholden to him for any good will or love nor have any doore of Repentance or meanes of life opened and afforded by him in truth for them 2. So contradicting and blaspheming the plain sayings of the Gospel of Christ as that he gave himself a Ransome for All Men 1 Tim. 2.6 and by the grace of God tasted death for Every Man Heb. 2.9 as to affirme plainly and directly contrary as That Jesus Christ did not die or sh●d his blood for every man 3. Calling the Expression in the Doctrin of the Church of England that saith Jesus Christ God the Sonne hath Redemed me and all mankind a flat lye affirming the truth to be hee hath redeemed none but the Elect. 4. Running into so many long agoe condemned evill and Papisticall wayes and arguings to maintaine their Contradictions of Truth Yea I suppose it would be grievous to thee also to perceive the same Neither I am perswaded wilt thou count it strange that this Love of God beleeved should constraine the Beleever in love to beare forth the testimony thereof and also maintaine it against opposition yea and when to the godly and sober-minded the same is plainly testifyed and the testimony subscribed and yet by others in heat and rashnes traduced Then on the importune request of many to permit it to more open view that it may be rightly knowne and so tryed and either approved or the errours found therein discovered and confuted which done in love and by faire dealing with the Scripture will be lovingly accepted though the fury of such as have no way but by incensing Authority with false suggestions and evill Reports however garnish'd to overcome those they oppose cannot be justified as Christian Wherefore Christian and Juditious Reader if thou conceivest me to erre I hope thy love will leade thee in a Christian way to shew it me by the Scripture which I will thankfully imbrace and if thou wilt endeavour the same I then entreat but these foure things of thee which I know the grace of Christ beleeved and heeded will teach thee not to denie mee And they are these First that thou answer to the businesse about the matter affirmed as namely about the Redemption Reconciliation and Propitiation wrought by Christ in his owne body for men distinct from that he by his Spirit in application thereof worketh in men and so according to the distinction the Scripture maketh and ●●ntioned in the five first Chapters of this ensuing Treatise Secondly that thou adde not to that I have affirmed of the Death of Christ for All Men such things as I neither affirme nor by any necessary or reasonable consequence can be said to be included in or to arise from my Affirmation as some have done As that Christ should die for all men alike or that all men shall be Eternally saved or that all or any man hath by Nature Free-will to that which is spiritually good or that all that beleeve Christ dyed for All Men shall be saved all which the Truth affirmed and the Treatise every where condemneth Thirdly that in answering thou be pleased to use spiritual weapons and right Arguing from plain places of Scripture compared with other like places and so forbea● those carnall and Popish wayes and manner of Reasonnings faulted by so many Worthies in this Church As 1. Pretending insufficiency in the Scripture to be the determiner of all matters of Faith but that how plainly soever the Scripture affirmes yet the matter is but sub judice without some other determination 2. Pretending darknesse in the Scripture yea in Fundamentalls and that of themselves however compared with other-like places they are full of obscurity 3. Use of carnall Reasons to frame absurdities to follow if the truth the plain sayings of Scripture import be received and professed 4. Imposing strange senses on plaine sayings of Scripture without proof 5. Devising wayes to maintaine such senses that they might appeare as if they were proved by Scripture as to instance the most common of these wayes 1. To restraine a generall sense to be meant only of a particular as the Papists have done in some places to maintaine the supremacy of the Pope and the Socinians or new Arrians have restrained those generall words of all things and the world made by Christ to be meant only of a new Creation And all things to be only all the Elect And the world to mean the Church or a World of Beleevers thereby to denie the being of Christ before he took flesh and so his being God also 2. To avoid places speaking of the same businesse to invent reasons against the true sense and frame another sense out of Places treating of another business as some have done to deny the Resurrection and others to deny their Brethren
Number as in Dan. 12.2 Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake Rom. 15.19 Through the offence of one many be dead by one mans disibedience many were made sinners and in other places where many cannot nor is by any Christian understood for lesse then All men 2. This Reason is equivocall subtill and fraudulent seeing where All men and Every man is affirmed of The Death of Christ as the Ransome and Propitiation and the fruits thereof onely is affirmed for them But where the word many is in any place used in this businesse there are more ends of the Death of Christ then this one affirmed of as before is shewne at large in Chap. 2. and 3. 3. This Reason is false and ungodly for it is no where in Scripture said That Christ dyed or gave himself a Ransome but for many or onely for many or onely for his Sheep and it is ungodlinesse to adde to or diminish from the Words of GOD in SCRIPTVRE 4. This Reason is deceitfull and erroneous for the Scripture doth no where say Those many he dyed for are his Sheep much lesse his Elect as the Reason intends it As for the place Joh. 10.15 usually instanced to this end it 's therein much abused for our Saviour Joh. 10. Did not set forth the difference between such as he dyed for and such as he dyed not for or such as he dyed for so and so and not so and so but the difference between those that beleeve on him and those that beleeve not on him vers 4 5 14 26 27. one heare his voice and follow him the other not Nor did our Saviour here set forth the priviledges of All he dyed for or for whom he dyed for so and so but of those that beleeve on him through the Ministration of the Gospel and so to know him and approach to God and enter the Kingdome by him vers 3 4 9.27 Nor was our Saviour here setting forth the excellency of those for whom hee dyed or dyed for so and so onely wherein they are preferred before others but the excellency of his owne love with the fruits thereof to those not onely that he dyed for but also that are brought in by his Ministration to beleeve on him vers 11.27 Nor was our Saviour here treating so much of his Ransome giving and Propitiation making as of his Ministration of the Gospel and so of his love and faithfulnesse therein wherein hee laid downe his life for those ministred too and therein gave us example not to make Propitiation for sinne but to testify Love in suffering Besides the opposition appeares here to be not so much between Elect and Not-Elect as between Jewes called and Gentiles uncalled Besides there is in Scripture great difference between sheep and sheep of his flock and pasture of which he here speaketh vers 4 5 11 15 16. Besides sheep vers 4.5 11 15. are not mentioned as all those for whom he dyed but as those that by his ministration are brought in to beleeve and enjoy the benefit of his death and to whom hee ministreth and communicateth spirit vers 3 4 27. like that John 17.6 7 8. Besides here is more ends of his death mentioned then Ransom or Propitiation onely and yet it is not said onely for his sheep and when the Ransome or Propitiation is onely mentioned It is said for all men so that this reason appeares weak fraudulent ungodly and erroneous 4. For the Affirmation that there was great reason that such generall words as All men Every man and the World should be used in those times when Christ and his Apostles were upon the earth when they meant but some even Gods Elect and chosen among All Nations This is as evill as all the Reasons before and as grosse as the Objection it self for though there be a holy and spirituall wisedome and Prudence to be observed in speeches and carriages in respect of the evilnesse of some times Amos 5.13 Mic. 7.5 7. Matt. 3.13.16 Yet the holy Scripture doth furnish us hereto for all times and is able through Faith to make the Beleever wise unto Salvation and the man of God perfect to every good worke 2 Tim. 3.15 17. But that any other doctrine or contrary Words should be necessary to deliver the Gospel within these times Is monstrous to affirme and expresly contradictory to the Scripture Commands Besides according as it is written Those whose faith wee are to follow are such whose word and Conversation hath this end To hold forth in the Gospel JESUS CHRIST the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13.7 8. And as Jesus Christ is that Essentiall Word of God which endureth for ever for is the Word of the Gospel which came forth of the mouth of God and declareth Christ That created and instrumentall Word of God which in the truth plainnesse certainty and goodnesse of it endureth for ever 1 Pet. 1.23 25. And though this Gospel came forth lesse largely and cleerly at the first Genes 3.15 1 Joh. 1.1 2. yet after more fully and clearly to Abraham Genes 12. and 15. and 17. Gal. 3.8 And then more cleerly still to Mases Deutr. 18.18 19. and 30.11 15. Acts 3.22 26. Rom. 10.6 10. and so more cleerly still to Isaiah and the residue of the Prophets Isai 53. and 55. Acts 2.16 36. Rom. 10.13 c. and yet still more cleerly by John Baptist Luk. 1.76 79. Matth. 11.9 10 11. But still more and most fully and cleerly by JESUS CHRIST and his Apostles Ioh. 1.16 17. and 3.15.17 Ephes 3.5 which Apostles of Jesus Christ in respect of Christ being come and having dyed and being risen and ascended and filled with spirit and for whom and to what end and what he is become for all men and what to and for those that beleeve on him They have laid the foundation and other foundation can no man lay then that which is by them laid 1 Cor. 3.11 Ephes 2.20 And this is done by them also in words of Wisedome 1 Cor. 2.4.7 And he that addeth to the words Christ hath already revealed by them God will adde to him all the Plagues recorded in that Book and he that taketh away from those words God will take away his part out of the Book of life Revel 22.18 19. And if any man or Apostle or Angel from heaven shall preach any other Gospel then that they have preached wee are to hold him accursed Gal. 1.8 9. And what shall we then account of this Reason Doth not the words of Christ and his Apostles express their meaning Or did their words serve but for those times Are they not necessary now have any of us found out fitter words to expresse the Gospel in these times now Christ and his Apostles are not upon the Earth shall mortall man be more just then God Shall a man be more pure then his Maker Job 4.17 shall any direct the spirit of the Lord and be his
odious and hatefull to God That no Sacrifices no Ransome nor Workes no Blood nor anything lesse then the Precious Blood of the Sonne of God could p●ease his wrath and satisfie his Justice and that the Punishment and Curse suffered for thy sinne was so great as to make such a Mighty One to be in an Agony and to sweat great drops of Blood and to cry out upon the Crosse because of the wrath that was executed on him yea to Die also and even thy sinnes also with the rest of us the Thornes the Speares the Nailes that pierced him the Mallady that caused him to sweat such drops of Blood and the very cause for which he suffered all these Stripes Behold what a share thou hast what a hand thou hast had in the shedding of the Blood of the Sonne of God In which Sufferings hee yet willingly did die and so gave himself a Ransome to God for thee to save and deliver thee from the Wrath of God and the Snare of the Devill and that himself might be thy Lord And shall neither the Blood he hath shed nor the Love hee hath Testifyed thereby melt and gaine in thy heart towards him Did he shed his Blood to satisfie for thy sinnes and wilt thou still goe on in sinne Canst thou delight and allow thy self in those sinnes for which the Lord Jesus was so wounded and suffered so much Did hee become under the Law for thee and for thy Debt Die and Rise that thou might'st come under his Government and wilt thou still yeeld to continue in servitude of sinne and Satan Is there through his blood so much Patience and Bounty vouchsafed to lead thee to Repentance and wilt thou still persist in impenitency wilt thou slight the meanes hee by his blood hath Procured to invite thee to Repentance Wilt thou make thy members which he by his blood hath purchased the Servants of sinne that drew forth his blood Wilt thou oppresse or defraud People purchased by his Blood Wilt thou abuse to gluttony Drunkennesse Wantonnesse or Pride those Creatures the liberty of Sober and moderate use whereof was purchased by his blood Wilt thou still passe on thy time securely without seeing the Peace and Life that is in him and was procured by his blood Is all the Sufferings and Death and Blood-shed of JESUS CHRIST of no more esteeme with thee Canst thou so contemne and tread under foot and cast as farthest off and least in thy thoughts the Precious blood of JESUS CHRIST shed for thy sinnes And wilt thou not suffer the application and beliefe thereof to rest and worke upon thy heart to melt thee and wash thee from thy sinnes to fill thy heart with sorrow for and loathing of thy sinnes to Crucifie the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof and to turne thee in to Christ whose blood would speak Peace to thee and purify thee Wilt thou so Persist Oh what wilt thou say or how wilt thou be able to endure when thou shalt be brought before this thy Lord that so dyed for thee and have his Precious Blood and all his Sufferings with all the Mercies extended therethrough to thee and all thy contempt and abuse thereof laid to thy Charge and then to be Judged by him that so dearly bought thee and thou would'st none of his Government but set light by all his Sufferings and Councells Oh that thou wert wise and wouldest consider thy latter End and who it is that Calleth thee to Repentance And is it not hee that dyed for thee and paid thy Debt That hath waited for thee and forborne thee so long that hee might be gracious to thee That hath Pardon and Peace and Life to bestow upon thee and that by all his mercies given thee and meanes he used toward thee and calleth on thee to forsake thy owne way and thoughts and turne to him and hee will have mercy on thee and aboundantly Pardon Isai 35.6 7. doth hee not complaine of it as that which is a new Piercing to him that thou wilt goe on still Pressing him with thy sinnes and not come in to him that thou mightst have Life Isa 43.24 Ioh. 5.39 40. Surely he came to save sinners hee dyed for the ungodly Say not therefore There is no hope in him for thee and therefore thou wilt doe as thou hast done and so refuse his Call Jer. 2.25 Neither say thou Seeing hee dyed for mee I shall have Peace Though I walke after the stubbornnesse of my owne heart for though he dyed for the Sinners Vnjust Vngodly and his enemies yet such shall not inherit his kingdome and have Eternall Life with him they that would enjoy this Life must suffer his Blood through his Word and Spirit to cleanse renew and bring them in and conforme them to himself therefore be not deceived God will not be mocked 1 Cor. 6.9 Ephes 5 6. his word is already gone forth that he that so turneth his Grace into wantonnesse and will persist in his evill way and still say hee shall have Peace notwithstanding The Lord will not be mercifull to such a one but all the Plagues written in his Book shall light upon such a man Deut. 29.19 20 21. and the Lord Jesus is a Righteous Judge and will wound the head of such as when this grace of his is made knowne will goe on still in their Trespasses Psal 63.21 Wherefore I beseech thee let the blood of Christ shed for thee and his love testified therein plevaile with thee to soften thy heart and to turne thee from all thy evill wayes into JESVS CHRIST And seek the Lord while he may be found turne and live for there is Mercy in him for thee It is no lying fable that is tould thee 2 Pet. 1.16 Hee hath sworne hee hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that the wicked turne from his way and Live Ezek. 33.11 and 18.23.32 Oh turne thee turne thee and Live why wilt thou die when hee delighteth not to have it so Behold hee hath given himself a Ransome for thee and received Spirit to send forth in the meanes Hee hath procueed Salvation and made thee saveable and calleth thee to Repentance and faith that thou mightest be saved And all this Treatise hath been to Prove the doore of Life open for thee How long wilt thou now deferre and stand out against so great grace wilt thou not be made cleane When shall it once be Jere. 13.27 Follow not lying vanities to the losse of thy owne mercies Jonah 2.8 Loose not thy owne soule now he hath Purchased it Doe not destroy thy selfe now hee hath wrought Redemption for thee Oh refuse not to accept his grace and submit to his government that hath so deerly bought thee Doe not denie him or despise his Councell Doe no longer persist in thy ownewayes least thou Provoke him to give thee up and so an irrecoverable downfall come upon thee 2 Pet. 2.1 2. which yet may be
fulfill all righteousnesse even all the Law requireth and freely carries to more Love holinesse and services of Love then in thy understanding the Law required and then and so far thou art free indeed Ro. 8.1 2 13 14. and 5.1.5 and 13.9 10. Joh. 8.36 But if without this Thou make thy self free thy freedome is but an abuse of Liberty for an occasion to the fl●sh Gal. 5.13 and a turning the Grace of God into lasciviousnesse Jude 4. No better then that boasted of 2 Pet. 3.18 19. Remember and take heed thou be not of that Generation that is lofty Prov. 30.13 And let the Grace and Blood-shed of Jesus Christ prevaile with thee to Repent and Submitt and turne into him Which Grace if submitted unto will teach thee to denie all ungodlinesse and worldly Luste and to live soberly righteously and Godly c. Tit. 2.11 12 13. And till thou by this grace be brought hereto I know no Liberty thou hast from God either for thy glorying of thy faith or for thy so much Speakings and Declaration of the Gospel for the charge is that none presume above the Grace received or speake beyond the measure of Faith that God hath dealt to him Rom. 12.6.13 and how wilt thou avoide that heavy Challenge What hast thou to doe to declare my Statutes Or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth Seeing thou hatest Instruction and castest my words behind thee Psal 50.16 17. Surely through thee the Name and Doctrine of Christ is by many blasphemed and many that have their Life and Teaching from Christ are heavily slandered Doe not say thou beleevest rightly and wouldest but canst live no better for is the Spirit of the Lord straightned are these his doings Doe not his words dee good to them that walke uprightly Mich. 2.7 Stand no longer out against his grace therefore but humble thy self and seek him in truth and that in time Vse 8. If thou be one that in the Perception of the greatnesse of Gods love in Christ and the Propitiation made by his death and the fulnesse of grace and truth that is in him art drawne to loath thy self thy sinne thy self-wrought righteousnesse with worldly Pomps and allurements and by that grace of his spiritually discovered in the Gospel to thee overcome to submit to Christ Crucifyed and to depend on him for Righteousnesse Life and Spirituall Guidance and there through hath experimented Peace and newnesse of heart and art carried to glorifie him in walking suitable to his grace and seeking for the union and fellowship with and conformity to Christ with desire of the good of others in compassion to the ignorant and hearty love to beleevers But yet dost not see and so not beleeve the largenesse of the extent of the death of Christ and the ransome given and Propitiation made by him that it should be for All men for the world for the whole world and Every man as it is possible that through the many oppositions in these latter times against the same thou maist be darkened therein as some were about the free Communication of the Gospel to the Gentiles without undering them to the Jewes Observances in the Apostles times yet notwithstanding I both acknowledge and thanke God for his love so graciously made knowne to thee and for thy unfained faith and his good worke begun in thee and I pray God increase and perfect this worke in thee more and more and I kindly accept even thy Prayers for the same in me also and in love and for his sake that hath loved us I pray thee without prejudice consider the Answers to this businesse in this Trea●●e and though thou dost not receive them yet whereto wee have already attained let us walke by the same Rule of faith and loves in Christ as we have received him Col. 2.6 and minde the same things for the glory of Christ and good of others with our owne even perfection in Union with injoyment of Conformity to Christ in his Death and Resurrection and Spirit and if either of us be in this matter of the extent of the Ransom otherwise minded then is right God will also in due season reveale even this unto us Phil. 3.7.15 26. for which let us waite in love and in the meane time let me request this of thee That for the love and Reverence thou bearest to the Gospel in which Christ was made knowne to thee and to the Scriptures in which this Gospel is set forth That thou doe not oppose nor set thy reason awork to finde absurdities in that which is often in many places with joynt consent plainly affirmed in the Scriptures nor prefer humane glosses before the plaine sayings often affirmed therein but rather beleeve the Testimony of them in Prov. 8.8 9. 22.21 nor let this be a stumble to thee that multitudes of all sorts doe beleeve that Jesus Christ dyed for All Men in comparison of those few that beleeve hee onely dyed for his Elect ones for this rather shews the glory and victory of the truth that begets a kind of Credence in those that yet obey it not in this as it doth in other parts of truth that are fundamentall as to instance that there is a God is by his Power in his workes so manifest That all Nations are constrained to acknowledge it and though many know not who and what a one this God is yet in this knowledge that there is a God they fancy some This Some That to be He and in their errours devise similitudes to worship him by and those grosse Atheists that conceit no God to bee are yery few to be found in any age or among any Nations againe That this GOD is one is generally held where any face of a Christian Church is whether true or false and few if any will be found among these multitudes to hold a Plurallity of Gods againe that this one God is the Creator of the heaven and the Earth and Sea and all Creatures contained in them is held by all both good and bad among us I suppose I should not say few but none holding the contrary opinion Againe That this one God is distinct in three Persons the Father Sonne and holy-Ghost is beleeved of us all even multiudes and very few of some sort of familists that hold this to be a humane device and that there is no such thing again that the second Person in the holy Trinity did take mans Nature and not the Father or the Holy-Ghost and suffered and dyed for our sinnes and rose againe and ascended to heaven and from thence shall come againe to judge is beleeved generally among all professed Christians and very few of some sorts of familists that are of another opinion again That Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary that was borne in Bethlehem in Judea in the dayes of Herod the King when Augustus was Emperour of Rome is the very Christ the Saviour of the World is generally