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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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and heartely desired to eat this Passah with you afore I suffer For I say vnto you that now from hence forth I will not eat of it till it bee fulfilled in the kingdome of God Now as they did eat Iesus tooke the bread gaue thankes and brake it gaue it to his Disciples and said Take eat this is my bodie which shalbe betraied and deliuered for you doe this in remembraunce of mee Likewise also when they had eaten hee tooke the cuppe rendered thankes and gaue vnto them saying Take and diuide among you and drinke ye all thereof This is my bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many to the forgiuenesse of sinnes I say vnto you that from henceforth I shall not drinke of the fruite of the vine vntill the day that I shall drinke it new with you in the kingdome of my Father And they all dranke therof Now followeth the doctrine and meditation HEre should we children of beleefe diligently ponder and consider what Christ hath done for our sakes namely that hee when hee had fulfilled his ministration committed to him of the father and nowe would offer vp himselfe vpon the crosse for the sinnes of the world and with his owne death deliuer mankind frō the captiuity of Satan and from eternall death declared how he loued his owne vntill the end and with what desire he longed to eate the Easter lambe with his disciples before hee suffered Giuing them thereby to vnderstand that he was the true pascal lambe which being slaine for vs shuld take awaie the sinnes of the world that the figures of the olde Testament might bee reduced into the truth That like as the Iews to whom with a prescribed ordinaunce it was commaunded yeerely to eate the Easter lambe did the same for a memoriall of their deliuerance out of Aegypt So we beleeuers also might in the new Testament haue a remembrance and exercise of the gracious redemption whereas we by his death are deliuered from the power of darknes of the deuil of sinne brought to eternall life And to the intent now that the remembrance of such excellent benefits grace and merites of the passion of Christ might euer be fresh and new with his disciples and all beleeuers our Lorde Iesus Christ when he now would go vnto death and paie the ransome for the sinnes of all the world he then did eate the Easter lambe with his Disciples to finish the shadowe of the olde Testament and that he might bee remembred thereby he instituted the bread wine for a sacrament and memoriall of his ho●ie body and bloud Seeing then that wee are cleansed deliuered and redeemed with so deare worthie a treasure namely with the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the vndefiled lambe wee ought neuer to forget such an high benefite but at all times with thankfulnes to remember that Christ our Paschall lambe was slayne and offered vp for vs vpon the crosse that we from hence forth should walke in purenesse singlenes and innocencie of life and that when wee in the Supper by true faith do eate his bodie and drinke his bloud we might through him be so strengthened and fedde to eternall life as to abide and liue in him for euer For he is the bread of life that came downe from heauen to nourish and strengthen our weake and hungrie soules yea to make vs dead to liue againe But then eate we his flesh and then drinke we his bloud when wee through true beleefe do ponder consider what hee hath doone and suffered for our sakes then are we partakers of his supper feast whē we for his sake do liue as he did for his Fathers sake He gaue himselfe whole vnto vs so ought we to giue our selues whole vnto him and to our neighbour To him through beleefe to our neighbour through charitable loue Through faith we abide in him by working loue hee abideth in vs. The more wee loue the more enioy we of this meate the more wee beleeue the more we loue In this shall all men knowe that we are his Disciples if we loue one another God is loue and hee that abideth in loue abideth in God God in him What greater loue can there be than to giue his owne life for vs The death of Christ ought neuer to come out of our heartes that wee may doe and suffer all thinges for his sake that dyed for vs. The second part WHen supper was ended after that the deuil had put in the heart of Iudas Iscarioth Simons son to betray him Iesus knowing that the father had giuen all things into his hands that he was come frō God went to God he rose from Supper and laid aside his vpper garments took a towel girt himselfe After that poured he water into a Bason and began to wash his Disciples feet and to wipe them with the towell wherewith he was girt Then came hee to Simon Peter and Peter said vnto him Lord dost thou wash my feet Iesus answered and said vnto him what I doe thou knowest not now but thou shalt know heereafter Peter said vnto him thou shalt neuer wash my feet Iesus answered him If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me Simon Peter said vnto him Lord not my feet onely but also my hands and my head Iesus said vnto him Hee that is washed needeth not saue to wash his feete but is cleane euery whit and ye are cleane but not all for hee knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not al clean So after he had washed their feete and receiued his clothes and was set downe he said vnto them againe w●t you what I haue done to you Ye call me maister and Lord and ye say well for so I am If I then your Lord and maister haue washed your feet ye also ought to wash one anothers feet for I haue giuen you an ensample that yee should doe as I haue done to you Verely verely I say vnto you The seruaunt is not greater than his maister neyther the messenger greater than he that sent him If yee vnderstand these thinges happie are ye if ye do them Doctrine and fruite HEere ought we diligently to consider the vnspeakeable and feruent loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who vntill the ende leaueth nothing vndone that may serue for our welfare Likewise also should we ponder and regard the meeke lowlines of him in that hee the king of heauen doth humble himselfe euen to wash his Disciples feete which thing is accounted base and vile amongst men yea euen vnto the man that betraied him is not he ashamed neyther refuseth to shew such lowlines and worke of loue By this we learne to declare all workes of charitable loue vnto our neighbor and not to bee ashamed how high soeuer we be meekly to do our neighbor seruice though he be poore base and small in
reputation yea albeit hee hath already hurt and betrayed vs. We ought to learne with Christ our head to doe good not onely to our brethren and friends but also to our aduersaries enemies euill willers and such as loue vs not euen vnto them should wee shewe friendship seruing them being gentle milde and louing vnto them We must pray vnto the Lorde that he wil graunt vs grace to fulfill and do that we heare and read of him Furthermore considering that we daily perceiue in our selues spottes and blemishes of sinne so that our feet that is to say our affections desires while wee walke in the myerie waie are still continually defiled and stayned we ought therefore incessantly to watch and to call vnto God that he with the water of his grace will vouchsafe to make cleane our feete and wash away the mire of earthie and carnall spottes that wee in the purenesse of faith may abide in Christ our head and he in vs. Of the Sermon that Christ made vnto his Disciples after the Supper THen saide Iesus vnto his Disciples This night shall you all bee offended because of me For it is written I shall smite the shepheard and the sheepe of the flock shal be scattered But when I am risen againe I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered and said vnto him And though they all bee offended because of thee yet will not I be so Then said Iesus to him Verely I say vnto thee that this night before the cocke crowe twise thou shalt denie me three times Vpon this spake Peter further Though I should die with thee yet will I not denie thee and so said all the Disciples likewise But Iesus said I speake not of you all I know whom I haue chosen He that eateth bread with me shall lift vp his heele against me This I tell you afore hand ere it come to passe that when it is done ye may beleeue that I am he Verely verelie I say vnto you he that receiueth him whom I send receiueth me who so receiueth me receiueth him that sent me When Iesus had spoken this he was troubled in spirit protested and saide Verely verely I say vnto you one of you shall betray me yea euen he that eateth with me The Disciples looked one vppon another and doubting of whome hee spake they were very sorie and dismaied and began to say one after another Lord is it I Then said Iesus One of the twelue euen he that dippeth his hand with me in the platter he shall betray mee The sonne of man goeth as it is written of him but woe vnto him by whom the sonne of man is betraied Better it were for him that he neuer had been borne Then said Iudas that betraied him Lord is it I Then spake Iesus Thou hast said One whom Iesus loued among the Disciples lay vpon Iesus lappe To him beckened Peter and said Who is he that he speaketh of Now when he leaned on Iesus brest he sayde vnto him Lord who is it Iesus aunswered He it is vnto whom I shall reach the soppe And when hee had dipped in the bread he gaue it vnto Iudas Simon Iscarioth and after the soppe entred the deuill into him And Iesus said vnto him That thou doest doo it quickly None of those that sate at the table perceiued why he spake this Some thought seeing Iudas had the purse that Iesus had commaunded him to buy some thing necessarie at the feast or to giue some thing vnto the poore Now when hee had taken it hee went out immediately and it was night Now when hee was gone foorth Iesus saide Now is the sonne of man glorified and God is glorified in him If God be glorified by him then shall God glorifie him in himselfe and shall straight way glorifie him Little children I am yet a small time with you Ye shall seeke me and as I said vnto the Iewes whither I go ye cannot come And now I say vnto you A new commaundement I giue you to loue one another as I haue loued you that yee euen so loue one another Herein shall all men know and perceiue that yee are my Disciples if ye haue loue among your selues Then saide Simon Peter Lord whither goest thou Iesus aunswered him and said Whither I go thou canst not followe mee now but thou shalt followe me hereafter Then said Peter vnto him Why may not I now follow thee I will ieopard my life for thee Iesus aunswered Wilt thou ieopard thy life for mee Verelie verelie I say vnto thee Afore the cock crow thou shalt deny mee thrise Doctrine and fruite GOod vertuous children should harken most diligently vnto the wordes of their father and fasten them in their hartes but specially those wordes which hee speaketh and committeth vnto them now when hee mindeth by death to departe from them and to take his leaue of them For the same wordes beeing the last pierce verie deepe into the heart and are neuer forgotten Seeing then that we are Gods children and Christ heere nameth vs so to be with his Disciples wee ought verie diligently to ponder and consider all his words and doctrine but specially such as hee vttered vnto them when hee now would goe to his passion For there shal we find an ardent earnest and feruent doctrine full of most excellent godlie and inestimable loue proponed and thrust into their heartes with wordes sweeter than honie In this Oration bringeth hee foorth specially that same which most of all concerneth his Disciples First the eternal wisedome declareth that hee is ignorant of nothing that vnto him there is nothing hid Hee knoweth what shall happen vnto them through weakenesse of the flesh and feare of men albeit our feeblenes and imbecillitie doth alwaies breake foorth presume and brag more than wee euer are able to performe as wee haue example in Peter Such headie rashnesse the Lorde rebuketh admonishing vs of our owne weakenesse and fall Moreouer wee ought to consider in Christ our head and fore-runner how earnestly and louingly he mentioneth and warneth the traytour setting his great offence before his eyes and alwaies touching him to remoue him from his wicked purpose Yet maketh hee mention of him and of the vice in such sort that hee neuer desireth his hurt but onely his conuersion and amendment His desire is that hee were reformed not that hee should be bewrayed or that any harme should happen vnto him by him or others Such lenitie and gentlenes ought wee also to shewe and declare vnto our enemies and those that hurt vs if it only concerne vs we should not be desirous of vengeaunce And though wee all ought sore to mourne in the Church that is to saye in the Christian congregation if there be transgressors and naughty people applying our diligence the best we can that such bee not therein yet whereas their vices be secret and as yet not opened we ought in loue and patience to beare and
ought wee to bring them foorth vnto his honour must they extend Matth. 5.28 For when Gods light doth appeare and shine in our conuersation many folkes thereby are drawn vnto God The father of heauen is honoured his name is hallowed and then are we his disciples For wee haue learned of him howe Christ was obedient vnto the father and sought his glorie in all things so do we likewise Heereunto ought all our praiers to extend that we may bring and winne much vnto Christ Therein is the father praised whē we bring vnto him much fruit but that might wee not if God had giuen vs his sonne that wee might bee his branches and hee our vine Where faith is there is the holy Ghost which teacheth to wishe and praie for that onely which may serue to Gods honour and that is the cause why he that prayeth obtayneth all his desire for GOD may not giue ouer his glorie Who so vndertaketh to further that him doeth hee assist and helpe AS the Father hath loued mee so haue I loued you Continue ye in my loue If ye keep my commandements ye shall abide in my loue as I haue kept my fathers commaundementes and abide in his loue These things haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full This is my commandement that yee loue together as I haue loued you Greater loue than this hath no man that a man bestowe his life for his friendes Yee are my friendes if yee doo whatsoeuer I commaund you Henceforth call I you not seruauntes for the seruant knoweth not what his Lord doth But you haue I called friends for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I opened vnto you Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you and ordained you that ye goe and bring forth fruit and that your fruit remain that whatsoeuer ye ask of the father in my name he may giue it you This command I you that ye loue together one another Doctrine and fruit OH how excellent great consolation is this to vs all which beleeue in Iesus Christ and are vndoubtedly assured in ourselues that Christ loueth vs as his owne children and disciples howsoeuer the world iudge vs to be forsaken of him If this loue came right into our heart oh how earnest and feruent should we be to loue him agayne to further his honour to keepe his commaundementes and in charitable loue to serue our neighbors Then should all good workes and keeping of Gods commaundements flowe out of faith namely when we beleeue that God is fauourable and louing vnto vs yea that he is our father and our sonne Iesus Christ our king head and brother This faith worketh through loue for wee coulde not loue God if hee had not loued vs first His grace loue and mercie preuenteth vs. Therefore doth Christ euer still set forth his loue before vs as a light torch to kindle vs in loue towardes him and our neighbours If wee beleeue this grace committing vs cheerfully vnto his loue which he hath declared cōtinually doth practise towards vs if we still abide therein then shall this faith vpon the loue of God worke great things in vs and by vs and shall moue vs with good will gladly and cheerefullie to obserue his commaundements And if wee keepe his commaundements euerie man shall haue an assured token that wee bee and continue in the loue of God that is that we keepe our selues vnto his loue Seeing then that hee loueth vs exceeding much and we finding the same in our hearts through faith doe comfort our selues thereupon there must needs followe loue to our neighbours ioye peace softnesse of minde gentlenes patience c. Gal. 5. Now that Christ doth not slenderly but most notably loue his Disciple and all in them hee proueth it himselfe diuerse waies First in that hee giueth his life for vs and dyeth for vs vpon the Crosse for greater loue hath no man than to dye for his friend Thus Christ with his death and blood sealeth his loue towards vs. Secondly in that hee counteth and esteemeth vs not as seruants but as deare friendes bretheren and heires with him And the same declareth hee in this that all things which hee hath heard of his father and suckt out of that fatherly heart he openeth them vnto vs and writeth the same through his holy spirit in our hearts All his secret his godly will he giueth vs to vnderstād For we which be in Christ do know through an vndoubted faith feele it also in our hearts that God is our father through Christ that in him he hath admitted chosen vs that he is reconciled with vs through the bloud of his deare Sonne that he loueth preserueth and defendeth vs. Therefore doe wee also paciently and chearefully beare all aduersitie in this time for his sake considering wee knowe that so is the good pleasure of our dearest Father Thirdly Christ declareth his excellent loue towards vs in that he did chuse vs afore the world was created loued vs when we were yet his enemies calling vs by his worde and appointing vs to bring forth fruit vnto him Fourthly in that we obtaine at the fathers hand all that we pray and desire in the name of Iesu Are not these sure tokens of an exceeding loue of God towards vs After that we once haue perceiued such loue ô that we alwayes remained therein Which commeth to passe when wee applie ourselues vnto his commaundements and when wee in obedience and patience are content to bee at his will as hee for our sake was obedient vnto his Father euen vntill the death of the crosse Now that wee might knowe what his commandements be he concludeth them in a short summe and saith Loue yee one another together as I haue loued you As if he would say seeing I haue declared my loue so worthily so notably and with so great faithfulnesse towardes you that I haue nor refused to die for you therefore is it my will and so is it reason also that yee likewise shewe such loue one towards another for I haue giuen you example afore that ye should do as I haue done and follow my foot-steppes This shall not onely bee very seemely vnto you but much profite also and greate honour shall it bring you For like as my Father as yee shall shortlie see shall after my passion bring mee vnto glorie so shall hee also doe vnto you so farre as yee endure stedfast in aduersitie and continue in loue one towards another Like as I with great trauaile and labour haue shewed you the way and will of GOD my Father and therefore goe nowe vnto death to make you liuing so ought yee also to bee minded one towardes another Looke that yee serue one another in loue lead all men vnto God and the grace of God which he giueth vnto
one as much as he can comprehend and kindleth spirituall hearts with greater desire He that nowe increaseth in loue that is who so loueth that whereof God giueth him knowledge and desireth to know that which as yet he knoweth not him doth the spirite leade into al truth For the more that loue groweth the more perfect is knowledge And in this schoole of the loue which the spirit poureth into our hearts the faithfull beleeuer learneth more than all bookes and all men can teach him but the more a man learneth can the more must he acknowledge and confes that he can nothing towards that which we shall know when we shall cleerely and perfectly see God face to face Vnto vs shall it bee inough and sufficient that we in spirit and in the truth knowe Iesus Christ which was crucified that he shine and be glorified in our mortall body in our harts mouth and in our whole life AFter a while ye shall not see me again after a while ye shall see me for I go to the father Then said some of his disciples among themselues What is this that he saith vnto vs After a while ye shal not see me againe after a while ye shal see me that I go to my father They said therfore what is this that he saith after a while We cannot tel what he saith Iesus perceiued that they would aske him and said vnto them This is it that ye enquire off betweene your selues that I said After a while ye shall not see me again after a while ye shal see me Verily verily I say vnto you yee shall weepe and lament but the world shall reioyce yee shall sorrowe but your sorrow shall be turned into ioye A woman when she trauaileth hath sorrow because her houre is come But when she is deliuered of the childe she remembreth no more the anguish for ioye that a man is borne into the world And yee now therefore are in so●rowe but I will see you againe and your heart shall reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you Doctrine and fruite AN excellent comfort doth Christ giue here vnto his Disciples who by reason of his deparparting were in great sorrowe and heauines But like as the Disciples of Christ because of his passion abode for a little season in great combrance feare and trouble and yet receiued great ioye out of the Resurrection when hee shewed himselfe vnto them euen so in aduersity ought not we to be faint-hearted but comfort our selues in this that the Lord doth not long leaue those that are his Though hee hide himselfe for a time he shall shortly shewe vs his gratious countenance againe refresh vs with rich comfort The aduersities of faithful beleeuers are not only short but also they end with vnspeakeable ioy After aduersitie and death foloweth euerlasting ioye and eternall life We are here with Christ our head in trouble and on the crosse where the world laugheth at vs and reioyseth For all this ought not wee to be vnquiet in our selues Very shortly will the matter change and turne vpside downe so that their laughter and ioy shal be altered into weeping and eternall sorrow But our heauinesse shall God shortly end with great fruit and ioye and the same ioy shall no man be able to take from vs when we with Christ our head shall euerlastingly bee gladde and reioyce when all teares shall bee wiped away from our eyes and wee discharged of all trauaile and labour of this time IN that daie shall ye aske me no question Verily verilie I saie vnto you Whatsoeuer yee shall aske the father in my name he will giue it you Hetherto haue ye asked nothing in my name Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be full These things haue I spoken vnto you in Prouerbs but the time will come when I shall no more speak to you in prouerbes but I shall shew you plainly of my father At that day shall ye aske in my name And I saie vnto you that I will praie vnto the father for you for the father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued mee and haue beleeued that I am come out from God I went out from the father and came into the world I leaue the world againe and goe to the father His disciples said vnto him Lo now spekest thou plainly and thou speakest no prouerbe Now are we sure that thou knowest all things and nedest not that anie man should aske thee anie question Therefore beleeue wee that thou camest from God Iesus answered them Now ye do beleeue beholde the houre draweth nigh and is alreadie come that ye shall be scattered euerie man into his owne and shal leaue me alone yet I am not alone for the father is with me These words haue I spoken vnto you that in mee yee might haue peace In the world shall yee haue tribulation but bee of good cheere I haue ouercome the world Doctrine and fruit MAny times doth Christ promise vs whatsoeuer wee praie to obtaine the same of the father of heauen whereby he may stirre vp our hearts faithfully to crie vnto God the gracious and louing father whose loue towardes vs is exceeding great neither can he saie vs nay that hath giuen and bestowed vppon vs his owne sonne yea not onely hath hee sent downe vnto vs his deare and onely begotten sonne to take the nature of man vppon him and to die for vs but hath also into our hearts giuen his holy spirite with whome hee hath sealed vs and certefied vs of his loue pouring the knowledge and loue of Christ into our heartes How can wee then doubt of his loue and faithfulnesse How is it possible that in all our trouble and heauinesse we should not vnto him onely haue recourse seeking helpe and comfort at his hand The sonne for our sake came forth from the father humbled and made himselfe of no reputation tooke all reproch shame and trouble vppon himselfe for our welfare To the father was he obedient vntil the death of the crosse and after that he through his bloud had washed awaie our sinnes and finished the worke of our saluation he arose againe from death through the power might of his father ouercame death for vs and with his ascension opened heauen and prepared an enterance vnto God carrying vp our nature and flesh vnto the honor and glorie which he had from euerlasting giuing vs therein a hope and sure comfort that wee also shal with him haue euerlasting ioy and glory for euer Seeing then that he came out from the father we ought to hearken vnto him and not to despise his word he is the eternall wisedome of God he is the truth no false teacher can he bee forasmuch as hee commeth from God and is his onely begotten son To contemne so deare an embassadour and messenger of God must needs haue great punishment and though we are not able in
to thinke that thou knowest God the highest goodnes of all if thou hadst not him by whom thou art deliuered from sin and eternall plague Whereas GOD the originall of all goodnesse is knowne and our minde through Christ his Sonne assured of his grace namely that hee is fauourable vnto vs and that hee therefore hath seperated vs out of the world to the intent that by his spirit he might make vs like vnto his sonne righteous and blessed there doth there spring in our hartes a comfortable trust vnto God a loue such ioy as nothing in this world may be compared vnto There also doth arise in vs a diligence to keepe his commandements godly and innocently to liue Thus commeth our health originally out of the grace mercie of our heauenly Father who afore the worlde was created did chuse vs in Christ Iesu his Sonne vnto eternall life and in the booke of life wrote vp our names After the same did the Father graunt vnto vs the Sonne gaue him power ouer all men Nowe that wee are giuen vnto Christ hee openeth vnto vs the name of his Father through the outward worde and through his spirite in the heart When wee beleeue in him which to do cōmeth also of him then increaseth the knowledge of God in vs. Out of that knowledge groweth an assured confidence in God the highest good Of this assured trust commeth loue towards him And when God graunteth vs all this he saueth vs and giueth vs eternall life This is an high worthines and honour of Christ in that the father giueth him all things into his hand that he may giue euerlasting life vnto faithful beleeuers No man can haue life but throgh Christ Who so beleeueth not in Christ remaineth in death and the wrath of God-abideth vppon him But then giueth hee vs eternall life when we receiue his worde and knowe that he came out from God and that the father sent him the Sauiour of the world And when wee thus are become faithfull beleeuers then keepe we his commaundementes for faith studieth and is diligent to please God This honour and dignitie of Christ his power and kingdome are first opened vnto the world after his death and crosse in the resurrection and ascension Of the which honour and glorie wee also in due time shall after our measure bee partakers if we suffer with him For the high Priest who hath prayed for vs is heard of the Father and glorified with eternall honor and glorie Wherefore we may not doubt in the remnant that he praieth for still on our behalfe hee shal be and is for his worthines sake heard and hath his request Of this wee will consider more I Pray for them and pray not for the worlde but for them whome thou hast giuen me for they are thine and al mine are thine and thine are mine I am glorified in them And nowe am I no more in the world but they are in the world and I come to the holy father keep them in thy name whome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as we are When I was with thē in the world I kept them in thy name Those that thou gauest mee haue I kept and none of them is lost but the lost childe that the Scripture might be fulfilled Now come I to thee and these wordes speake I in the world that they might haue my ioy full in them I haue giuen them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world euen as I am not of the worlde I desire not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou keepe them from euill They are not of the world as I am not of the world Sanctifie them with thy truth thy saying is truth As thou sentest mee into the world so haue I sent them into the worlde and for their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the truth I pray not for them alone but for those also which shall beleeue on mee through their preaching that they all may bee one as thou Father art in me and I in thee and that they may bee also one in vs that the worlde may beleeue that thou hast sent me And the glorie that thou gauest mee haue I giuen them that they may be one as we are one I in them thou in me that they may bee made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as thou hast loued me Doctrine and fruite THIS praier of our high Priest and mediatour Christ Iesus is feruent earnest full of the fire of godly loue ful of great secrets and spirituall instructions Herein may we learne to know what hie honor dignitie and power Christ by his obedience and patience hath obtained with his father wherein consisteth our peace ioy welfare What care and loue Christ beareth towardes those that are his and how he committeth them vnto his father First hee praieth for his Disciples whome hee did choose to publish his truth afterward praieth he for all such as should come to the faith by their preaching vntil the worldes end And for asmuch as the Disciples had a great waightie matter in hand full of danger and aduersitie for they must needs procure to themselues great hatred of the world hee first praieth for them that the Father will strengthen comfort and preserue them thorow his power defend them from all euill In this are we taught diligently chiefly and specially to pray for those vnto whome is committed the preaching of the Gospell for a chargeable and great worke carry they vppon their shoulders by meanes whereof among all others they haue speciall neede of the grace helpe assistance of God But our prayer ought we to frame as Christ hath framed his First we must in our praier to God make speciall mention of his owne grace and mercie whereby hee chusing them to such an office hath giuen them vnto Christ his sonne Forasmuch then as they are the Ministers of him and of his Sonne and seeing the Sonne is so deare worthie beloued vnto the Father our prayer must bee that hee for his Sonnes sake will defende and preserue them as in him and by him they are worthie Secondly considering that for his sake and his word which they declare they are persecuted of the worlde it is requisite that God preserue them in his owne worke For great need haue they of his fatherly protection while they yet liue in the weake feeble flesh and are mortall men Thirdly their office serueth to many mens health and welfare their office is necessary and profitable to the whole world which walketh in blindnesse and darknes for they are the light of the world that thorough doctrine and liuing must shine to manie mens life which without the assistance and helpe of God cannot come passe Thus ought wee to praye for
somwhat by experience wherby they haue learned humilitie and nurture The first thing that Christ in his examination requireth of those which must guide the people is a great feruent and notable loue to GOD. Without this loue shall soule shepheardes doo no good This loue to GOD shall bring with it loue towardes the sheepe committed vnto them For as much then as at this day the loue of Christ is so greatly quenched therefore are manie Curates and soule shepheardes so faint and colde to preach and teach Christ They burne not in the loue of God against vice they print not vertue and godlinesse feruently into the people for there is no loue of Gods name in them Seeing then that they haue no heauenly zeale vnto the glorie of GOD and to the amplyfiyng of his name it is no maruaile that their preaching is so cold and vnfruitfull Therfore saith our Sauiour Christ vnto Peter Agapas me Louest thou mee For Agapao among the Greeks signifieth feruently earnestly right hartily to loue yea to loue with a great good will And this word he vseth in the two first questions In the third question he saith Phileis me Louest thou me Phileo signifieth so to loue that one be louing to another shew him friendship therefore doth Peter take the Lorde himselfe to witnesse As for the high excellent loue hee dare not bragge of it but saith Philose which is as much to say as I haue hitherto doone all that becommeth a friend to do If any derogation or hinderance bee done to thy honour and name I am hartily sorie for it as a friend is iustly greeued if his friend be vilely intreated Thus the Lorde with the three questions layeth hard vnto Peter for a notable loue is it that hee requireth of those to whom he committeth his sheepe in his absence Peter had a good conscience knew no falshood or deceite by himselfe but bare a notable and feruent loue vnto Christ yet by reason of his former fall and this oft questioning he was partly out of quiet fearing least peraduenture there laye yet hid in him some secret thing that displeased the Lord or were against him or that happily he should not stand in such fauour with Christ Therefore said he Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest the harts of all men and wotest that I beare thee a good heart and friendly mind which wordes proceed of a meeke feruent hart Christ knoweth better how we loue him than we our selues Thus a shepheard oght to haue an ardent loue vnto Christ and yet not to stand high in his owne conceit or to bragge of himselfe although he loue and bee garnished with vertues more than other men Wherein may it bee perceiued that a soule shepheard loueth Christ and is his friend Verely in louing his sheepe which Christ hath cōmitted to him Therefore saith Christ alway vpon the same Feede my sheep But Christ vseth here two distinct words First he saith Vosce that is feed them pasture them fodder them Secondly he saith Poimene that is bee thou vnto them a heardman take thou care for them as it beseemeth a shepheard be thou a shepheard vnto my sheepe keepe them from the wolfe from al such hurt First he requireth of him a feruent loue then committeth hee his sheepe vnto him a treasur● great deare redeemed bought with the pretious bloud of Christ As if he would say If thou loue me declare the same in care and loue toward my sheep whom I commit to thy charge The sheepe are Christes not the shepheards As forsuch shepheards as keepe them so that they make them hang vpon themselues those loue themselues not Christ They that seeke their owne glorie profit and lucre among them are not faithfull shepheards Against such doth crie the threefold voice of Christ Feed keepe my sheepe mine saith he not thine Feed them oppresse them not flay them not Feede them not thy selfe Seeke my glorie not thine own For some there bee which as Paule with weeping teares complaineth that seeke themselues not the glorie of Iesus Christ Of these spake Paule also afore 2. Timoth. 3. Men shall be louers of themselues couetous c. Where the wicked roote of selfe loue is in a Curate there followe all the vices which hee in the same place maketh mention of Who so nowe will bee a louer of Christ and a faythfull shepheard sciences that they may be fruitfull and comfortable to the whole Christian congregation If this might come to passe then should there be no lacke of wise counsellors and actiue men profitable to be in common authoritie and also amongst christian people there shuld be found men meet to be made ouer-seeers in the ministery of Gods word with which men the people should be wel worthily prouided for Good vertuous teachers bring foorth a vertuous and godlie people And doubtlesse the meaning of those that gaue such goodes to monasteries churches was at the first that they thoght therby to serue God and to doe good vnto the poore If such goods then as heeretofore haue beene euill bestowed bee now profitably and blessedly turned to the honour of God and commoditie of the whole Church then is the last will and meaning of the founders fulfilled They also that must pay such rentes tithes goods will be the readier so to doe if they see that the same is well and profitably bestowed Then shall not they vntruly but faithfully performe and pay all thinges when they consider that they doe seruice vnto God himselfe Graunt vs all O God to harken and be obedient vnto the voice of true shepheards and giue vs hearts to haue in great honour and worthily to esteeme of such faithfull shepheards as vppon earth are thy Ministers and stewards by whome and in whome thou speakest to vs and with vs that wee shewing vnto them all reuerence and honour which they be worthie of for thy sake may giue them honest liuinges and consider howe that Christ thy sonne our Lorde teacheth the same Math. 10. and Paule thy seruaunt 1. Cor. 9. Reason it is seeing they sow spiritual things vnto vs that they of vs reape thinges corporall O Lord remooue away the contempt of thy woorde and ministers for the same neuer escaped without great punishment and harme IESVS said vnto Peter verely verilie I say vnto thee When thou wast young thou girdest thy selfe and wentest whither thou wouldest but when thou art olde thou shalt stretch out thine hand and another shal gird thee and lead thee thither as thou wouldest not This hee said signifyng with what death he should glorifie God And when he had spoken this he said follow me Doctrine and fruite IT is not sufficient to haue begunne except the soul shepheard continue in his office and faithfulnesse For to take the cure and charge of the sheepe bringeth great danger losse trauaile and labour with it Many a time must a faithfull shepheard ieoperd his
testifieth of these things wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true There are also many other things that Iesus did which if they should bee waitten euerie one I suppose the world could not contain the bookes that should be written Doctrine and fruite THE former wordes which Christ spake vnto Peter Follow me were spoken vnto him in this meaning that he should followe the foot-steps and passion of Christ namely with worde and deed to goe the waie that Christ had gone But in asmuch as Peter is a figure of the Church Christ spake those wordes not onely vnto him but vnto all faithful beleeuers For the Church of Christ while shee dwelleth heere temporally in many troubles and afflictions she foloweth Christ her spouse and head who also deliuereth her from all aduersitie Shee loueth Christ and in the behalfe of his truth she striueth vntill the death for seeing Christ dyed for all it is meet that they which are his doo follow his foot-steppes To followe Christ is nothing else than stoutly to suffer and ouercome despite and pouertie in this world for his sake And God truly euen in his wrath which wee with our sinnes deserue cannot forget his mercie Ouer and besides the manifolde comfort and helpe which he otherwise declareth vnto vs he hath giuen vs his own sonne to be our mediator by whom if we put our trust in him we should be saued deliuered from eternall death that we liuing from hence forth still in faith hope and charitable loue as pilgrimes in this world and beeing in all troubles aduersities preserued by the corporall and spirituall comfort of God might walke innocently before his sight in him who is become our way vnto God It is no vile thing to suffer to be put to death for Christ and his truths sake yea a man cannot die a more honorable death than when for the truth innocently he suffereth with a good conscience and with an vpright minde No man in deede ought to put himselfe in daunger arrogantly wilfully or for vaine-glorie Wheras Peter asketh a question concerning the disciple whom the Lord loued what he should doo it is a nicenesse and vnprofitable curiositie that serueth nothing to edification and therefore it pleaseth not the Lord. Whatsoeuer edifieth not that ought not we to desire of Christ Let euery man looke to himselfe waiting vpon his owne businesse and office and not to be curious in another mans matter whatsoeuer is not committed vnto his charge and belongeth not vnto him let him not meddle withal Peter loued Christ so did he them also therefore asked he what should become of him and whether he should remayne styll ot die for hee was verie loth and vnwilling to departe from him And so he passed more vpon Iohn than vppon the precept and commission of Iesus Christ Such curious backe looking doth the Lord rebuke Wee many and sundrie times doo regarde and esteeme more the thing that wee loue than that which God commaundeth and biddeth vs. But such loue is verie hurtfull and especially in those that should be soul shepherds Christs wil is that they haue respect to his worke and commandement and with a feruent loue to perfourme the same not medling with other busines not needfull To enquire curiously of other mens matters bringeth not alway profit but much rather vnquietnes Therefore Christ remoouing Peter from such curious questions draweth his mind vnto a better thing namely to follow him As for that which he desireth to know Christ telleth him that it is no point of his charge as if Christ would say what hast thou to doo with other folkes busines Thou hast heard what I haue commanded thee look that thou faithfully do the same What inquirest thou after other mens matters Thus looking diligently and faithfully to our own charge and expelling the affection of the flesh wee should neither desire curiously to aske any thing beyond the will of God neither to looke vpon any other men but vprightly to follow the Lord. Here also we learne that in the commission and final departure of the faithfull there be manifold differēces Some rest in the Lord blessedly without any speciall heauy affliction but some it pleaseth God to bring through sore trauaile and exceeding trouble laying the greater burthen vpon him according as it was tolde Peter afore hand that he should be crucified but not Iohn They now that are admitted to feede Christ his sheepe prepare themselues and bee alwaies readie without any curiosity to follow the will of God Whereas Iohn in the conclusion of his booke refuteth the erroneous opinion of some it is an euidence of his meeknesse and sinceritie It was not so spoken of the Lorde saith hee that the same Disciple should not die whereby Iohn confessed that he himselfe also was mortall His writing wil he haue credited for he hath written nothing saue onely the truth wherof he may well testifie that which he hath seene Yet saith he hath not written all but only that whereby we may obtaine eternall life as wee haue heard sufficiently afore THE eleuen Disciples went away into Galilee into a mountaine whereas Iesus had appointed them And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted And Iesus saide These are the wordes which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you that all must needs be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalmes Then opened hee their wittes that they might vnderstand the Scriptures and saide vnto them Thus is it written and thus it behooued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from death the third day and that repentance and remission of sinne should be preached in his name among all nations and must begin at Hierusalem And ye are witnesses of these thinges And behold I will send the promise of my Father vppon you But tarrie ye in the Cittie of Hierusalem till ye be endewed with power from on high Doctrine and fruite THE Lorde minding to make his Disciples assured of his Resurrection instructeth them first well in his passion which hee declareth out of the Scripture and printeth it in their hearts He teacheth them that it was necessarie that Christ should suffer and die yea euen thus to die namely vppon a crosse vpon a tree On the tree was the transgression committed vpon the tree behooued it the restitution to bee made vpon the tree was death fetched vpon the tree was life giuen vpon the tree must satisfaction bee made for the lustes of the flesh which on the tree were first conceiued And would God that we rightly knew the passion and crosse of our Lorde Iesu Christ then shoulde the glorie of the resurrection be well knowne and loued of vs. O Iesu graunt vs grace right to consider what wherefore and with what loue and feruentnes thou hast suffered for vs then shall our heart feele profitably enioy the sweete fruite of thy
Fruitfull Lessons VPON THE PASSION BVRIALL RESVRRECTION Ascension and of the sending of the holy Ghost GATHERED OVT OF THE FOVRE Euangelists with a plaine exposition of the same BY MILES COVERDALL IOHN 14.6 I am the waie the truth and the life no man commeth vnto 〈…〉 but by me LONDON Printe● b● Thomas 〈◊〉 ●593 The Author to the Reader SInce our humane imperfections are such as one sinne driueth out another and the frailtie of our natures is so great as hauing touched the brim of the Ocean thereof we neuer cease till we are ouerwhelmed drowned in the bottome of the same since of our selues wee are but graftes of a corruptious tree children of eternall darknesse infidels who bowe the knee to Baal hauing vncircumcised hearts and lying lippes whose mindes are fixed on the world and fastned on Mammon I thought good Christian Reader considering the self loue in vs which haue conuerted the Angels into deuilles which as Augustine witnesseth hath builded the verie Babylon of contempt of God to leuell out a waie for all men to tread a glasse for all men to see an Adamant wherewith all soules may be drawen to the beholding of their vices the loathing of the same and finally the amendement and hartie conuersion for their misdeeds And for that it most euidently appeareth that the iustest man falleth oftentimes a daie and they that discerne errors in themselues and seeing then that they are in the next step to amendement it behoueth vs to consider the weaknesse which is in vs how farre we are fallen and d●o fall from the protection of the iust so that in the end we may in the spring of repentance wash away originall and successive sinnes which haue defiled our soules and cleaning to the 〈◊〉 corner stone wheron our saith should be builded withstand the peri● of perdition which our ghostly enemie hath raised against vs. And ●●r that truth is neuer knowen but by his contrarie and our nakednesse is not disclosed vnlesse our eies be opened let vs examine our selues and we shall find that these are inseparable errours in vs from which the iustest are not exempted namely blindnes and corruptnes of iudgement 〈◊〉 spirit mistrust in GOD to be slacke and wearie in Gods seruice defaming of Gods truth not to haue God before the eies surmising vanitie 〈◊〉 heart curiositie and nicenesse grudging in our heartes against the enemie bitternesse desire of vengeance a mans good intent greedines to be seen and praised vainglorie ambition proper election maintaining of our owne and dis●lainfull false vnfaithfull wicked are and 〈…〉 points and feats wherwith the 〈…〉 the good men that keepe themselues from 〈…〉 These and other innumerable vices shall euery 〈…〉 good so euer he be find in himselfe if he search 〈…〉 vprightly and throughly to the bottome 〈◊〉 then that we finde our selues so vicious altogether 〈◊〉 poisoned and wounded vnto death we ought daie and night without ceasing to complaine and lament before God to watch and pray vnto God for remission of our sins yet should we not despaire of life The true Phisition of our soules came downe from heauen through his passion hath he made vs a plaister for our wounds onely let vs vse it and lay it to the sore The faithfull Samaritane poureth oile and wine into our wounds taketh vs vp to cure and to heale vs onely let vs follow him fashion our selues after his image He is the brasen serpent without sinne whome with the eyes of faith we must behold hanging and lift vp vpon the crosse for vs hee taking our sinnes vppon himselfe giueth vs his owne innocencie If the burthen of sinne now oppresseth and grieueth vs we ought to runne vnto him he shall ease vs giue vs rest for his bloud washeth awaie our sinnes him hath the father giuen vnto vs to be our righteousnesse and redemption Besides this great treasure that God hath giuen vs in Christ he is set foorth vnto vs especially in his passion for a patterne or example whereby we may learne to die from sin and finde a preseruatiue against vices to come For selfeloue and high esteeming of a mans owne selfe is the wel-spring of all vice Consider that Christ was not proude himselfe of his owne highnesse but tooke vpon him the shape of a seruant come to serue vs humbled him most lowly loued not himselfe sought not his owne desired not his honor but the honor of his father all despite and reproch fell vpon him If we ponder this by saith all greedy loue of our selues shall fall away The obedience of Iesu in true beleefe considered expelleth and healeth our disobedience and the idolairie of our owne carnall heart With his obedience couereth he the disobedience of all men so farre as we abide in the obedience of faith that Christ be dearer vnto vs than the whole world for the which cause we freely giue ouer our selues into his obedience suffering all things for his sake Pride and vaine-glorie is healed through Christs humilitie and contempt which he suffered for vs manifolde Learne of me saith he for I am meeke and lowly of heart Why are wee so greadie of temporal things when Christ the Lord of heauen and earth became for vs so poore hanging bare and naked vppon the crosse The chast pure life of Iesus Christ expelleth in vs all vncleannesse of the flesh Also his martirdome anguish and trouble which in his flesh hee suffered for vs quencheth the lust and concupiscence of the flesh O how euill doth it become a beleeuer to be irefull and greedie of vengeance when his fore-runner beeing in most humilitie like vnto a sheepe praied for his enemies Enuie and hatred is highly expelled if we consider the excellent deepe loue of Iesu towards vs. Gluttonie and excesse of life shall fall awaie from vs if we well remember that Christ for vs dranke vineger mixt with gall As it is here shewed in certaine points euen so against all vices and blemishes of the soule there may remedie be● sound in the passion of Christ if it bee rightly vsed in the contemplation of faith The old Adam ought we to lay aside to mortifie the members vppon earth and to put on Christ the Lord as the new wedding garment In the crosse ought to be our exercise our ioy comfort and life Herevnto also helpeth vs our heauenly father who vnto vs his children whom he most entirely loueth suffreth manifold passions afflictions troubles and anguishes sicknesse pouertie and persecution to come to keepe vs vppon the crosse least we as negligent people gape for temporall earthie things And if we will needs follow our owne lusts he hedgeth our waie with thornes nourturing and humbling vs through trouble that we being tried and purified as the gold in the fire may crie and call vnto him and that we may giue our earthly things seeing we finde no quietnesse in them He bringeth vs into the land of promise howbeit through the
wildernesse through much trauell and labour Blessed are they that in patience without murmuring suffer the Lorde to worke and doo faithfully follow him All this and more than I can saie ought to be the consideration and exercise when we celebrate the supper of the Lord Iesu that wee so sprinkle the bloud of Christ in our heartes and drinke it into vs that it may worke in vs and bring forth fruit Our eies and hearts we ought to lift vp in to heauen and consider what the bread and wine pointeth vs vnto namely vnto the bodie of Christ that was offered vp vpon the crosse for our sinnes and to his bloud that was shed for the washing awaie of our offences and that we fashion our selues vnto his image and practise also such loue one towardes another This is the proofe that Paul speaketh of with the which a faithfull beleeuer ought to exercise himself before and in the Lords supper examining well his faith and loue which out of the loue of God towards vs is kindled and increased First ought a man to consider the excellent loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who so loued vs that he died for vs. And seeing that he biddeth vs to so high a feast of his grace we ought also to ponder the same in such sorte that wee bee thankfull vnto him and prepare our selues thereafter Saint Paul saith that there is a feeding with milke and a feeding with strong meate which is to bee obserued according to the nature and propertie of those that receiue the meate And in the Church of God there be three sortes of men as the same by the high illuminated goodwise teacher Augustine and by others is written First there be men which hauing spent their former time past in pastime and wantonnesse of the world and considering the carefull end thereof as they be inwardly moued by the grace of God haue vndertaken to cease and refraine from sinne and from all occasions of sinne in most diligent wise as neere as they can with the assistance grace and helpe of God to be circumspect and warie thereof albeit they are yet weake and haue not so strong a spirite as to laie aside and despise all worldly things out of hand And these are the right true beginners of repentant and penitent persons though they be not new beginners yet are they vnto God the Lord so deare that all things cannot sufficiently commend and praise it This is witnessed vnto vs by the holy Gospell of the vnthriftie sonne who when with shamefull riot hee had wantonly consumed his inheritance did in time of his extreame hunger conuert and turne againe to his louing Father and receiued not onely gracious forgiuenesse of his trespasse but also speciall tokens of his fathers loue as the garment the kisse the fat calfe the sweete minstrelsie and melodie This is the first anker of true repentance This is the first state concerning the blessed swineheard who forsaking the hogges wiih the coddes draffe or swillinges that hee sometimes greedily filled his belly withall and returning to his louing father is now in his first comming againe to his mercifull father graciously taken vp receiued and rewarded Who so now with this vnthriftie sonne forsaketh his sinnes and comming agayne in true and heartie repentance vnto God his most louing and gracious Father saith meekely O Father I am not worthie to bee called thy sonne for I haue sinned against heauen and before thee O make nice one of thy hired seruants To him shall the father denie nothing Who so nowe with an vnfained heart and mouth may speake this vnto God and truely and vnfainedly seeketh Iesus assuredly hee findeth him and hath with him a cheerefull supper Looke vnto whom God in his great mercie giueth such a tast of his geace let him render thanks and praise vnto almightie GOD let him nowe looke for it that the Father who hath receiued him will also nourture him in his owne schoole and through manifolde aduersities furnish him prepare him and make him more perfect Hee hath beene fedde with the milke hee must learne also to knowe what harde meate meaneth Through aduersitie and trouble some chaunces hee must bee tempted and proued whether hee haue ought in him of the blessed seede that groweth vpwardes vnto eternall life Which thing shall well appeare and bee made manifest if in time of temptation and troubles hee bee not choaked with the thornes nor troden downe by the high waie side nor withered among the stones but founde fruitfull in a good and fertill ground Other men there bee which are called reformers to whome belongeth somewhat more than there doth vnto the other For like as it appertaineth to the first repentant or prnitent persons that they continually and feruently with the confession of their sinnes vnto God with sorrowe and lamentation with praier watching and chastising of the the bodie doo breake out a waie from theyr olde sinnes harnessing and arming themselues agaynst others for to come and earnestly withstanding and forsaking their owne euill and naughtie customes if they minde to bring foorth fruite and not to fall awaie againe Euen so the reformers in the seconde order and manner after the harde rooting out of vice and wickednesse must still exercise them selues in the will of God and in good works seeking diligently experience thereof in holy Scripture and of those teachers who by reason of long practise and by the Scriptures can declare and teach the same waie When these men in such a stedfast purpose to walke and practise themselues in the will of God with his grace and power doe goe vnto the supper of the Lord they inwardly with ioy and fruit of the godly feast are nourished and refreshed For who so desireth to cleaue vnto vertue and to a godly life shall no where find the same so euidently and plaine as in Christs passion whereof hee is mindfull at the supper with faith and thankesgiuing The third sort of men are ●●lled perfect not that anie man here in time may be perfect as to lacke nothing or to haue no sinne in him but therefore are they named perfect because theyr exercise is such that after long accustomate doing of vertuous deeds after many spiritual fruits brought forth by them in patience after many temptations which they with the help of God haue ouercome They haue so wholy humbled and cast downe themselues before God being reconciled with him that they are become one spirite with Christ their head whom they cleaue vnto whose crosse and holy passion they follow without fainting so farre as theyr wit and power may suffer being dead from the world the flesh following onely the Lord Iesu Christ suffering with him and liuing with him These with their minds harts step somwhat higher than the others hauing their dwelling in heauen in the sweet contemplation beholding of Gods Almightinesse wisedome and goodnes with feruent deuotion Which men also by inioying of the said feast
the world through me publish ye vnto all men though yee must loose your life therefore IF the world hate you yee know that it hated mee before it hated you If yee were of the worlde the world would loue his owne Howbeit because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Remember the word that I said vnto you the seruaunt is not greater than the Lord. If they haue persecuted mee so will they persecute you If they haue kept my sayings they will also keepe yours But all these things will they do vnto you for my names sake because they knowe not him that sent mee If I had not come and spoken vnto them they should not haue had sinne but now haue they nothing to cloake their sinne withall Hee that hateth mee hateth my Father also If I had not doone workes amongst them which none other man did they had not had sinne but nowe haue they seene and haue hated both mee and also my Father euen that the saying might bee fulfilled which is written in theyr owne lawe They haue hated mee without anie cause Doctrine and fruite LIke as Christ in the aforesaid words hath giuen vnto his Disciples and to vs that beleeue in him an excellent consolation in his loue which is infinite great towardes vs so dooth he now comfort vs against such trouble and aduersitie to come as outwardly happeneth vnto vs and against the hate and persecution wherewith the children of the world recompence vs for our loue and well dooing Loue ought wee to haue towards all men such godly loue shall moue vs earnestly to further Gods glorie to bring all men to the knowledge and loue of God and to withdraw them from fleshly lustes and worldly vices When wee now of a godly zeale beginne thus to rebuke vice and to reprehend the carnall lustes of the children of the world then they that are drowned in the shamefull vices of the world and the flesh may not suffer it but hate trouble and vexe vs molest persecute vs and put vs vnto death contemning and despising the worde which wee offer them from GOD whereby they might bee saued and going about by all meanes to roote it out But all this ought not to driue vs backe or discourage vs For in this world must we seeke no high honour nor praise but willingly humble and submit our selues vnder the rebuke and crosse with Christ our head Christ also exhorteth vs to folow his footsteppes and to doe after his example and not to forsake the truth and loue of our neighbour for theyr hatred but constantly to proceed and do our best to guid all men vnto God And if for such our vnfaithfulnes and loue there happen reproach and trouble to vs we ought to reioice that God dooth vs so great honour as to graunt vs to suffer somewhat for his name sake If we liued as do the children of the world wee should not bee hated of them and happily wee needed to feare but little daunger But Christ hath taken vs from the world and chosen and called vs to good works and to innocencie of life Nothing hath he omitted that might serue to our welfare faithfully therefore ought we to follow his vocation not do as the vnthankfull Iewes that despise his doctrine and workes He talketh yet daily with vs prouoketh and calleth vs therefore ought we to cease from sin and not to fashion our selues after the world For if we would liue to please the world to serue it and to hunt after the fauour and praise of it wee should not be faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ We ought not to look for worldly honor but to haue respect to the eternall glorie which wee shall haue with Christ our head yea so farre as we suffer rebuke and dishonour with him When he liued in this time and practised the truth against the Pharisies hee was reuiled put to shame and death The same happeneth also vnto vs for we are not aboue the Lorde An euill token were it if the world loued vs. Paciently therefore and with ioy ought we to beare such rebuke and shame as happeneth vnto vs for his name sake by those that hate the truth For our honor and reward is great in heauen but after our trouble shall the same be first opened as it happened also vnto Christ our head first after the crosse BVt when the comforter is come whom I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth of the father he shall testifie of me And yee are witnesses also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning These things haue I saide vnto you that ye should not be offended They shall thrust you out of their synagogues excommunicate you yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you will thinke that he doth seruice vnto God And such thinges shall they doo vnto you because they knowe not the father neither me But these things haue I told you that when the houre is come yee may remember that I tolde you These thinges said I not vnto you at the beginning because I was with you But now I go my way to him that sent me none of you asketh mee Whither goest thou But because I haue said such things vnto you your harts are full of sorrow But I tell you the truth It is expedient for you that I goe awaie For if I go not away that comforter will not come vnto you But if I depart I will send him vnto you Doctrine and fruite FOr as much as it is our bounden duetie to beare witnesse vnto Christ with our mouth and life yet our weake flesh feareth the hatred and resistance of the worlde Christ therefore promiseth vs heere that hee will sende vs strength from heauen namely the holy Ghost first in our harts to bear witnesse vnto Christ and then to open our mouthes that we may testifie the Lord Christ and his trueth manfully and without feare Certaine it is that all they which will liue here godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution But seeing that to suffer such aduersitie our flesh is farre too slow colde and feeble God giueth vs the spirit of his son to mooue strengthen and preserue vs in all goodnes This spirit poureth out loue into our hartes expelleth all feare and terror as we see in Peter on Whitsonday maketh vs to ouercome all aduersitie We are braunches in Christ the true vine albeit as yet verie weake and tender soone blowne awaie with the winde or smitten downe other waies but for as much as out of Christ wee receiue yet the sap and vertue of spirite and life wee are in life preserued that wee wither not away Of this now must we bee mindfull in all aduersitie so that without ceasing we pray vnto GOD for his holie spirite who is our instructer comforter and
teacher Wee ought to haue respect vnto our fore-goer and finisher of our faith remembring that wee suffer not as theeues and euill dooers but for his sake yea and that of the wicked This shall make our aduersitie and crosse the more easie and light when wee feele the comfort of the spirite and beholde how shamefull a death Christ suffered for vs. Therfore should there no feare make vs to shrinke from the confession of Christ and his trueth Wee are not they that speake but it is the spirite of the Father which speaketh in vs. Wee maye not feare those that kill the bodie we may not bee ashamed of him so shall hee also knowledge vs and make vs honourable in his fathers sight The honour of this world should not bee dearer vnto vs than the glorie of God And though wee die for it yet ought we not to shrinke or stirre from the confession of the trueth This ingendreth manie times much heauines and feare in vs that wee consider onely that which is present little regarding that which is to come and euerlasting And because wee thinke that when GOD thrusteth vs into aduersitie he is farre from vs whereas hee then is most of all with vs by his grace comfort and strength and tryeth vs through the crosse standing behinde the wall and looking through the grate vppon our conflict and battaile yea helping vs to fight and to ouercome Therefore must we not alwayes bee children wee must not hang still at the brest seeking milke as children doo but growe to a perfect age learning to knowe Christ the Lord after the spirite as hee now gouerneth and is a mightie king vnder whose banner wee must fight valiantly and indure the crosse vnto the death throwing behind vs all thinges in this worlde and lifting vp our eyes and harts into heauen whence our helpe commeth and into the which Christ is gone to prepare for vs an euerlasting dwelling ANd when the spirit is come he will rebuke the worlde of sinne and of righteousnes and of iudgment Of sin because they beleeue not on me of righteousnesse because I go to my father and ye shall see me no more of iudgment because the prince of this world is iudged alreadie I haue yet many thinges to say vnto you but yee cannot heare them now Howbeit when hee is come which is the spirite of truth he will lead you into all truth For he shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake and he will shew you thinges to come Hee shall glorifie mee for he shal receiue of mine and shal shew vnto you All things that the Father hath are mine Therefore said I that he shal take of mine and shew vnto you Doctrine and fruite IN these wordes doth Christ shew vs the office of the holy Ghost and what he worketh by his disciples and by all faithfull beleeuers in the worlde The whole world is sette vpon wickednesse and iniquitie and when that is rebuked it hateth and persecuteth those that rebuke it Whereout it followeth oftentimes that through imbecillitie and weakenesse of the flesh we cease from rebuking of vice and sinne Now when we find it to be thus that the infirmitie of our flesh and the terrible threatening of the world will hinder vs or vtterly drawe vs backe from the free rebuking of vice wee ought to praye vnto God our Father for to giue vs the spirit of his sonne that he may powre out loue into our hearts and expell all feare that with stoute stomacks and wordes we may reprehend the vyces of the world and valiantly resist them This spirit shall teach vs the thing that neither our flesh nor the world is instructed in All we of nature doe erre and euery one wandreth his owne waie that is euery one foloweth his owne purpose and intent and if we beleeue not in Christ we perish in our sinnes And this is the greatest sin of all wherein the world is wrapt afore it receiue the truth Not to beleeue in Christ is a sinne out of the which all vyce and wickednes dooth grow● How great this sinne is no man is able to knowe onely the spirit of God openeth it therefore the spirite teacheth vs how farre we goe astray And if we come to Christ from this erronius waie of vnbeliefe all sinnes are forgiuen vs through Christ and not imputed vs to our damnation Neither is it enough to knowe that wee haue erred or doe yet erre but wee must know also which is the right waie wherein when error is forsaken wee must walke to attaine vnto godlines and blisse This right waie doth the spirit also shewe to be euen Christ who is our waie our righteousnes and goodnes which waie neuertheles the world will not goe To beleeue in Christ is the true way to attaine vnto righteousnes and saluation who so now departeth not from the erroneous waie of vnbeliefe and vice and will not walke in Christ the way of all vertue and goodnes which all the world alas so abhorreth the same is conuict that the iudgement of eternall paine doth righteously fall vpon him seeing the light is set before him and he will rather abide perish in darknesse But is not this a iust iudgement that the world should perish in sinne and be punished for euer considering that God hath graciously sent vnto them his owne sonne promising euerlasting lyfe and saluation in him who with his bloud hath washed awaie our sinnes mightily ouercome death sin and the prince of this worlde deliuered vs out of his power and heauie yoake and taken possession of the kingdome and glorie with his father And yet they will not know receiue nor honour Christ as theyr chiefe king and Lord but still serue the prince of this world in vice sin not submit themselues vnder the easie yoake of Christ of his loue and vertues O deare children let vs departe out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome of Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs regarde his word with diligence let vs hearken what God speaketh in vs and though there bee many things that as yet we knowe not many that we do not vnderstand and perceiue we will earnestly praie vnto God for his spirite who is the right schoolmaster and teacher Hee shall lead vs into all truth he shall renue vs in the spirite of our minde and teach vs to vnderstand what the good acceptable and perfect will of God is He shall plant and roote vs in loue that we may comprehend with all Saints what is the length the breadth the height and deapth that wee may also knowe the exceeding loue of the knowledge of Christ that we might bee filled in all godly perfectnes Thus the spirite teacheth vs all truth when he poureth loue into our harts This schoolmaster teacheth all beleeuers here in time euerie
most perfection to vnderstand his doctrine truth and loue for heere in this time is our knowledge vnperfect yet shuld we consider that the father loueth vs and faithfully ought we to crie and praie vnto him for his spirite that shal teach vs all truth so much as is necessarie and profitable for vs which knowledge from daie to daie shall increase till we shal see him face to face and haue the perfect knowledge of him Our nature is weake and feeble the nature diuine is high and incomprehensible we are full of darknes God is the cleere farre passing light but when our darke mist is taken away then in cleere brightnesse shall the godly light open vnto vs. Some first fruits and beginnings of Gods knowledge haue we receiued alreadie God hath cast and planted a litle seed of knowledge in our harts which through his grace and moisture shall daily grow increase and prosper Of such knowledge as we haue of God we may not presume neither of our weak faith nor yet ascribe too much vnto our own strength He that standeth let him looke that he fall not We think many times that we are verie strong in faith but aduersitie sheweth how feeble we bee and how soone we shrinke Therefore in all trouble and distresse of this world we ought to comfort our selues and trust onely in the grace and strength of Christ In him shal we finde peace and quietnesse in him shall we ouercome all our enemies for his ouercomming is our victorie his power is our strength The world is not able to hurt and plague vs more than of our gracious father is permitted vnto them for our wealth While we liue here we are in miserie affliction distresse but seeing the head hath ouercome the members ought not to doubt of the victorie Let vs with stedfast beleefe looke vnto Christ the fountaine of life our foregoer and finisher of our faith let vs stoutly step forth after him let vs go the waie that he is gone and hath troden made before Afflictions shall serue vs vnto high honor as they serued Christ the Lord vnto glorie In Christ we finde the peace rest of our consciences and soules in him we knowe and find the goodnes loue of God the father out of him receiue we power strength comfort eternall life only let vs loke that we turne not the eies of our heart faith away from him Our welfare consisteth in the stedfast beleefe and loue of Iesus Christ the sonne of God Though we many times stumble fall and be proued by sundry temptations and afflictions yet is the same good and profitable for vs that we may the better learn to know our own weaknes and againe the strength and grace of God If it were not profitable for vs Christ had not suffered his Disciples to fall so greeuously But in all distresse he putteth his hand vnder vs and in aduersitie he leaueth vs not alone as hee also left not his owne Sonne alone Though all men flie away from vs yet haue we God with vs. THese wordes spake Iesus and lift vp his eyes to heauen and said Father the houre is come glorifie thy Sonne that thy Sonne also may glorifie thee as thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh that he should giue eternall life to as manie as thou hast giuen him This is life eternall that they know thee the onely very true God whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ I haue glorified thee on the earth I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doo And now glorifie me thou Father with thine owne selfe with the glorie which I had with thee ere the worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto the men which thou gauest me out of the world Thine they were and thou gauest them mee and they haue kept thy sayings Now they knowe that all thinges whatsoeuer thou hast giuen me are of thee for I haue giuen vnto them the words which thou gauest me and they haue receiued them and know surely that I came out from thee do beleeue that thou didst send me Doctrine and fruite CHrist the true onely chiefe Priest who now would offer vp himselfe to the father vpon the crosse for our sins after that hee had loued his owne vnto the end comforting and strengthening them turneth nowe himselfe in an earnest and feruent praier vnto his heauenly father for an ensample and doctrine to his Disciples and all faithfull beleeuers that they in all temptations and afflictions should with an earnest and feruent praier haue recourse vnto the Father of heauen That he taught afore in wordes the same declareth hee nowe in the deede shewing not onely what but also how and after what sort wee ought to pray not onely for our selues but also for those that are giuen and committed vnto vs of God and whom we haue comforted and exhorted Our eyes and handes ought we to lift vp vnto heauen from whence our helpe commeth which doing is a token of a deuout humble lowly mind Yea the eyes not onely of the body but also of the hart and beleefe But vnto this ende principally ought all our prayers to be directed that the heauenly father may bee glorified The deuil the prince of this world throgh his adherents causeth the name and trueth of Christ his doctrine and knowledge to be rooted out despised Seeing then that wee are Gods children wee should in nothing bee so earnest as in sauing the honour of our father in furthering his glory Which thing commeth to passe when we notifie to men vpon earth his grace faithfulnes loue great mercy which he by his only begotten deare son hath declared shewed vnto mankind when we lead men vnto God from earthly vices false Gods seruice when we direct al things to his glorie Thus is Christ also honored and glorified by vs when wee through the Gospell doe publish vnto all men his power and goodnes his honor and glorie when we know that he is our sauiour our righteousnes and sanctifiing when we know that the father hath giuen all things into his power that to those whom the father hath granted to him hee may giue euerlasting life Which life euerlasting consisteth in this that wee knowe the liuing God his sonne Iesus Christ whom he sent into this world For God the father cānot be known without Christ Iesus his sonne neither is there any mo Gods but only one on whom wee hope trust The way to God is Christ whom God therfore sent downe that by him the mercie and grace of the Father might be opened and appeare vnto vs. Wherefore if we wil haue eternal life that is the knowledge of God we must beleeue in Christ and knowe him and by him as the way and mediator we must know God the father Who so refuseth Christ cannot haue the Father What should it helpe thee
the worlde also hath not knowen thee but I haue knowen thee these haue knowen that thou hast sent me And I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Doctrine and fruite AFter that Christ had committed his vnto the father that he will care for them defend keepe them while they liue in the world he desireth now that it will please him finally also to saue them and to take them to himself into his kingdome With the which praier he giueth a great consolation to his disciples and all faithfull beleeuers that we might be the more cheerefull to serue him considering the high reward that is prepared for vs that for his sake we should ioyfully and stoutly beare all aduersitie seeing he will make vs yea hath made vs alredy partakers of his glory and of his kingdome Oh the great grace and incomprehensible loue of God towards vs who through his mercie and great loue whereas wee were children of wrath and damnation hath made vs his own children elect and beloued and when wee were dead in sinne hath with his son raised vs vp from death reuiued vs made vs sit with him among those of heauen in Christ Iesu to declare vnto the ages to come the riches of his grace in kindnes and loue to vs ward through Iesus Christ Forasmuch nowe as God hath caused the lyght of his glorie euen Christ to shine into our harts and through the light of faith hath kindled and purified our hearts it is meete that in this time we liue as children of light to the intent that men may see the brightnes of those good workes which proceede of faith to the praise of our heauenly father And thogh we be not as yet bodily with Christ yet our heartes and mindes are alwaies aboue there as Christ sitteth at the right hand of God our conuersation and being is in heauen albeit wee are yet in corporall miserie with heart we desire to die and to be with Christ Wee are sure if this earthly house were fallen and broken downe that we haue one euerlasting in heauen Wee are dead but our life is reserued with Christ in GOD. It is not euident yet what wee be but when Christ our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall wee also appeare with him in glorie euen when wee shall rise vp and bee taken vp in the ayre and bee with him for euer and see his honour and glorie which the Angelles delight to see and beholde Oh how great pleasure and ioy is it to beholde the eternall light that neuer quencheth in the which no darknesse hath place from the which shall bee expelled and cast out all they that woulde not receiue and know the light which God hath sent into the world to illuminate them but are blinded by the Prince of this world least the the light of the Gospel should shine vpon them No wrong doth the righteous father vnto them when hee plagueth them and taketh the light from them A righteous and iust iudgement is it seeing the gracious Father so mercifully sent them the light of the truth and they yet so maliciously and stubbornly haue despised and refused it yea reason it is that they perish in vntruth in lies in euerlasting blindnes for asmuch as they wold receiue darknes rather than the light lies rather than the truth And considering that they haue forsaken the brightnes of the truth and of the son of God they must needes be cast into vtter darkenes and neuer enioy the light O gracious Father graunt vnto vs which thorow thy sonne haue known thy name that in such knowledge and light of the truth wee may increase more and more that the loue wherewith thou louest thy deare sonne may bee and remaine in vs and that thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our head may in vs his members continue still worke liue and bring forth fruit acceptable vnto thee AND when Iesus had spoken these words he went out with his Disciples as hee was woont ouer the brooke Cedron vnto mount Oliuet into a village called Gethsemani wheras was a garden into the which Iesus went with his disciples Iudas nowe who betrayed him knewe also the place for Iesus vsed oft to come thether with his disciples Iesus sayd vnto his Disciples Sit ye heere till I go yonder and pray And he tooke vnto him Peter and the two sonnes of Zebede and began to be heauy and sony And a feare and terrour came vppon him Thus said he vnto them my soule is heauie vnto the death tarrie ye heere and watch with me And hee went from them as farre as a stones cast Then fell he downe vppon his face to the ground and praied that if it were possible that houre might depart from him And thus hee praied O father vnto thee are all thinges possible take this cuppe from mee howbeit not my will but thy will bee done Doctrine and fruite AFter that Iesus hath established his Disciples in faith and loue comforting and strengthening them against aduersitie and trouble to come in this world promising also vnto them the spirit loue defence and protection of his father hee goeth now to meet his traitour and enemies and beginneth the worke of our redemption Awake vp nowe O thou faithfull and deuout soule and go after thy redemer followe his foot-steps gather vp diligently the drops of his bloud and sprinckle them with a true faith in thine heart take vp the bundle of mirrhe and lay it at thy breast O thou noble bride and spouse of Christ his passion that he suffereth for thee write then in thy minde learne to die from all sinne from thy selfe and from the world that thou maiest bee crucified vnto the world and the world vnto thee Death is vgsome and very terrible vnto the flesh but ioyfull and welcome is it vnto all such as are instructed in the secrete science of God namely that death vnto faithfull beleeuers is an ende of all trouble an enteraunce into a better and eternall lyfe Christ in that he goeth forth to meete death declareth that he wil suffer not of compulsion but willingly whereby he comforteth vs. But whereas he is heauie and trembleth before his disciples and confesseth howe hee feareth death the same is done for our wealth to declare vnto vs the weaknesse and feeblenesse that our flesh receiueth at the sight of aduersitie for in all things sinne except it was his good pleasure to become lyke vnto vs his brethren hee would take vpon him a true man who felte our aduersitie in his owne flesh and so coulde haue compassion on vs. Besides this hee sheweth also to whom our weaknesse ought to resort for comfort and helpe in aduersitie namely to our father in heauen before whome wee must fall downe with deuout and feruent praier and vnto him disclose and open our anguish
and trouble To this praier he seeketh and chooseth out a place meete and conuenient for the same for prayer is a lifting vp of the minde in GOD which among the multitude of men and confusion of worldly matters cannot well bee done Therefore Christ sheweth vs what greate diligence wee ought to vse in prayer when the enemie falleth in that the minde maye cleaue vnto GOD constantly and without shrinking and what iesture the bodie ought to shewe in praier Christ also declareth in that hee falleth downe to the earth vppon his face and praieth with the voyce and words God hath no need of our praier but vnto vs is nothing more profitable and better than oft and feruently to pray And the greater the aduersitie is the more ardent and earnest should the praier bee as we see heere in Christ our head whose passion is verie great in bodie and in minde for the which cause also as a verie true man he sheweth the fame his passion and heauines to his Disciples The strongest of all is weake and the comforter of all harts hath need of comfort himselfe hee that expelleth all terror and feare doth himselfe feare and tremble But al this cōmeth to passe for our learning that whē we be in temptations we should not doubt in the helpe of God and that none of vs beeing in daunger and aduersitie and feeling himselfe loth to suffer or pensiue and slow to tame the motions and wickednes of the flesh should therefore shrinke and bee faint harted but with a constant faith to resorte vnto God complaining to him of his trouble with hartie praier that he will bring the hard and painful beginning to a blessed and ioyfull ende that in all aduersitie we may consider as well the excellent and great fruit which proceedeth thereof as also the gratious good will of our heauenly Father to whom we ought wholly and perfectly to giue ouer and offer vp our selues that neither through the multitude of sinnes neither through the greatnes of aduersitie we despaire nor fall away but with his helpe and assistance manfully to go through IEsus came againe to his Disciples and founde them sleeping Then saide hee vnto Peter Simon sleepest thou Couldest thou not watch with mee one houre Watch yee and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit is willing but the flesh is weake Doctrine and fruite THE loue of Christ towardes vs is feruent earnest and great but our flesh is so weake that we not onely consider it not but are also so slow that wee sleepe and feele not for whose sakes Christ hath suffered so great things Oft times is there in vs a ready will to take great matters in hande as Peter and the other Disciples did but at the last wee misse and haue many a sore fall Therefore Christ who knoweth vs better than we our selues willing to expell frō vs all pride and presumptuousnes teacheth vs to bee lowly minded and humble to bee euer watching with continual praier to cleaue only vnto him without whom we are able to do nothing and in whome we may do all things and euen so doth he also in his feeblenes which assaulted him as a very true man to the intent that wee alway remembring our owne weaknes might vnderstand how to tame the rebellious flesh in no case to trust it and that wee might bee carefull and vigilaunt least the subtill enemie in temptations come behind vs fall vppon vs and oppresse vs. It is no time to sleepe the battaile is yet a fighting the enemie is yet aliue and as yet beseegeth hee our castle that Christ hath in keeping All is full of snares and dangers which no man is able to escape saue onely hee which in feruent beleefe and prayer doth earnestly watch and stoutly fight yea and that continually vnto the end Neither the present anguish and trouble nor yet Christes exhortation can bring so much to passe in the Disciples as to keepe them from sleepe so little it helpeth where the spirite giueth not life Neuerthelesse Christes talke and admonition vnto his Disciples is not vtterly vnprofitable for that they nowe vnderstand not the same afterwardes when the spirite commeth is made playne and euident vnto them and then are they feruent and earnest in godly prayer Wherefore wee should neuer cease from comforting and exhorting the feeble and weake for though it helpe not at this present the houre shall come that the spirite will make it to haue life and to be fruitfull in them HE went foorth the second time and praied like as afore My father if this cup may not passe except I drinke it thy wil be done Then came he againe and found them sleeping for their eies were heauie they knew not what answere to make him So he left them againe and went and praied the third time like as afore and kneeled downe and said Father if thou wilt take away this cuppe from me Neuerthelesse not my will but thine be done And there appeared vnto him an Angell from heauen comforting him and when he was in the agonie distresse and conflict he praied the longer and his sweat was like droppes of bloud trickling downe to the ground And when he rose vp from praier and came to his Disciples hee found them sleeping for heauines and hee said vnto them What Sleepe ye Sleepe on now and take your rest It is enough vppe and pray that ye enter not into temptation Behold the houre approcheth and the son of man is betraied and giuen into the hands of sinners Vp let vs goe beholde hee that betraieth me is at hand Doctrine and fruite IN the perfect example and mirrour of our life Christ Iesus we find an earnest feruent loue a doctrine how wee ought to behaue our selues in aduersitie First wee see that Christ of an exceeding great loue taketh vpon himself al infirmities of mankinde and becommeth like vnto his brethren in all thinges sinne except beeing a very true man hee is therfore not ashamed before his disciples to acknowledge his infirmitie sorrow heauines and feare and to complaine thereof vnto his father A feare by reason of the death and passion hee receiueth as a verie man for not to feele trouble is not the nature of mā and passion is no passion if it smart not if it bee not felt Christ therefore both in his mind and body feeleth the passion hee feeleth the conflict of death albeit in wrastling withall he ouerthroweth it Oh the exceeding feruent loue of our head and foregoer Iesus Christ who for our helth commeth into so great an agonie and trouble that aboue naturall moysture through the fearefull conflict of the passion death he sheddeth his bloud and sweateth it but with hartie desire runneth he to his heauenly father to him complaineth he of his weaknes and distresse to him giueth he ouer himselfe in al obedience and contentation of mind of him also receiueth he comfort and strength In the
meane season he forgetteth not his Disciples but commeth to them exhorteth them to watch and pray hath great compassion with their feeblenes and slouth If we now be the disciples and schollers of Christ Iesu and haue surrendered our selues vppe into the schoole of the heauenly Schoolmaister we ought diligently to looke what Christ here in him selfe doth teach and prescribe vnto vs that wee learning the same of him and following his foot-steppes when temptations of sinne and conflicts of aduersitie troble and death fall in vpon vs may know how to order and frame our selues therein First that wee know our selues to be poore full of faultes mortall men and sinners hauing nothing of our owne but feeblenes So when the temptation of sinne and of the flesh assault vs we must not be ashamed to open such our faults and conflicts vnto God our heauenly Father and to complaine vnto him of them God hath not made vs to bee vtterly without temptation but hath suffered the same to remaine in the flesh that we therby might be exercised prouoked to seeke helpe at him and to learne in how miserable a case we should be if he withdrew his hande from vs When we now feele that the spirit is willing and the flesh weake and that the law of the members withstandeth the law of God in vs that the flesh fighteth and striueth against the spirit we must not be ashamed to confesse our feeblenes before our heuenly Father yea though of weakenes wee had lyen vnder in the battaile already desiring his helpe that we may rise againe and valiauntly to fight it out Thus must wee also doe when the crosse and hatred of the world for Christes sake or that is contrary to our nature falleth vpon vs. The cuppe which the father hath filled in that we shoulde drinke it the same ought wee willingly to drinke and if there growe in our flesh a terrour and feare to tast it we must not be ashamed to complaine thereof vnto our Father forasmuch as we see heere that Christ for our sakes beeing in such heauines and feare did not yet for all that steppe aside from his Fathers will The patience therefore of Christians standeth not in this that they feele no passion or bee not feareful heauy or sorie but in this that no crosse bee so great as to bee able to driue them away from Christ Yea the more the crosse that God the Father hath laid vpon them doth make them to smart the more it presseth them so that they yet beare it the more pretious and more excellent is their patience which patience we ought to declare but not as they that suffer or feele no passion at all For heere wee are instructed and certified of the kindnes of our louing Father that hee is not angrie neyther taketh it in euill part when we complaine to him of our present trouble so that we giue ouer our will vnto his All they therefore that be in afflictions aduersitie and temptations must set this example of the Lorde directly before their eyes and ponder it in their harts Not only is the father not angry when wee complaine vnto him in our necessitie but in all trouble hee sendeth vs his owne helpe and comfort either by his Angell or inwardly by his spirit or outwardly by some other meane he sendeth vs strength giueth vs his hande draweth vs deliuereth vs suffereth vs not to be tempted aboue our power or else in the middest of our aduersitie he giueth vs consolation and strength to ouercome it O how great comfort bringeth this vnto vs in our afflictions in life and death if we ponder weigh and consider the exceeding loue of GOD our heauenly Father who giueth his deare Sonne into so greate trouble that wee might bee deliuered from eternall aduersitie and sorrow If we also remember the loue of our Lorde Iesus towards vs who for our sakes taketh vppon himselfe so great a feare and passion how cannot wee looke for all good thinges at his hande What thing is so great that wee his members would not suffer for his sake if wee behold the head in such anguish and trouble And for as much as hee suffereth all this for the satisfaction of our sins we ought to applie great diligence that we fall not againe into sinne for the which Christ suffered this and from the which Christ with so great a passion hath deliuered and cleansed vs. Wee learne heere also to loue our neighboures to care for them to pittie them if they bee impotent and slowe to pray for their infirmitie seeing wee are all weake and feeble and vnto such weaknesse must we so haue respect that we bee not arrogant nor hold much of our selues when wee see that Peter and others are so full of sleepe sluggishnes that all the admonitions and exhortations of Christ could at that time do little with them But euer in humblenes of minde and in the feare of God ought wee to stand to ascribe all good thinges vnto him to be carefull and watch least the Deuill draw vs into his temptations O mercifull Father giue vs grace with feruent hartes to consider the vnspeakeable loue of thee and of thy Sonne and neuer to forget the same that our fayth and trust in thee may bee strengthened that loue in vs towards thee and our neighbour may bee kindled that aboue all thinges wee may loue thee the welspring of all goodnesse that wee may serue our neighbours in loue care for them and doe them good according to the loue that thy deare Son hath bestowed vppon vs O giue vs patience and stedfastnes in aduersitie strengthen our weaknesse comfort vs in trouble and distresse helpe vs to fight Graunt vnto vs that in true obedience and contentation of mind wee may giue ouer our owne willes vnto thee our Father in all thinges according to the example of thy beloued sonne that in aduersitie we grudge not but offer vp our selues vnto thee without contradiction Giue vs strength constantly to subdue the rebellious and stubborne flesh and to make it obedient vnto the spirit to castaway al temporall and carnall feare to resort oft vnto prayer to bee earnest and feruent therein to mortifie all our owne wils and lustes and vtterly to giue them their leaue O giue vs a willing and cheerefull minde that vvee may gladly suffer and beare all thinges for thy sake SO when Iudas had gotten him a companie of souldiers of the high Priests and of the Pharesies ministers hee came thether with lanthornes linkes and weapons yea the same Iudas Iscarioth one of the twelue as Iesus yet talked with his disciples and with him a great heape of people with swoords staues sent from the high Priests scribes and elders of the people Now had the traitor giuen them a token saying Whom so euer I doo kisse the same is he take him and bring him warily So Iudas went before them and came neere vnto
Iesus to kisse him And when he came he stept vnto him and sayd All haile master and with that kissed him Iesus sayd vnto him Friend whereto art thou come Iudas betrayest thou the sonne of man with a kisse Iesus knowing all things that were to come vpon himselfe went forth and sayd vnto them Whom seeke ye They said Iesus of Nazareth Then sayd he vnto them I am he And Iudas that betraied him stood with them Now when Iesus sayd I am hee they went backeward and fell to the ground Then Iesus asked them againe whome seeke ye They said Iesus of Nazareth Then answered Iesus and said I haue tolde you that I am hee If ye seeke me then let these depart that the saying which he spake might bee fulfilled Of them whome thou gauest me I haue lost none Doctrine and fruit CHrist the worthy and strong Captaine when he hath whollie giuen ouer himselfe steppeth forth weaponed going manfully and stedfastlie against the prince of this world and his ministers yeelding and offering himselfe willingly to suffer for vs as Esay saith quia voluit for so was it his will No man had beene able to take him or put him to death if hee had not so willed himselfe for hee had power to leaue his owne life Many times afore did hee giue place to their fury and got himselfe out of the way but when the houre apointed of the father was come he goeth himselfe willingly meeteth death by the way Heere ought we also to learne willingly and stoutly to goe into aduersity if it bee the will of our father if Gods honour and our neighbours welfare so require For like as the father suffreth not his son to die till the houre of death come euen so standeth our life in his hand The limits that hee hath set vnto vs may we neither preuent nor ouer passe neither lieth it in the power of our enemies to kill vs when they will themselues Christ careth for those that are his the enemies are able to doe vs no harme at all no neither in bodie nor goods till the Father giue them leaue Therfore he sayth Let these go The father according to his greate mercie and gracious will thrusteth vs into aduersitie with Christ his deare beloued sonne in such wise so much and at what time he will himselfe Against his will ought we not to striue but patiently and with obedience submit our selues wholy vnto it Oh what an vnspeakable great loue is heere The shepheard dieth to saue the lyfe of the poore sheepe the Lorde goeth vnto death to the intent that the seruants should not die the creator spareth not himselfe to saue his creature If the sonne of God nowe doeth not abhorre to suffer death for vs why would wee then bee ashamed to suffer and die for hys sake And though he be verie God and sheweth his enemies the brightnes of his godly strength in that he so throweth them to the grounde yet will not he in the same houre vse such his diuine power to deliuer himself albeit he admonisheth them therby to cease from their conceiued mallice for his godly strength casteth them downe his mercie grace lifteth them vp again Out of the which great myracle they shuld haue learned not to laie hande on him malitiously they shoulde haue considered that if it had beene his pleasure hee might well haue escaped their handes so that they had not beene able to holde him but the vnbeleeuing rable are blinded indurate and hardned that neither myracle nor kindnes can moue them Oh the high maiestie of Christ how shall vnbeleeuers be able to stand before him when he shal appeare in the iudgement whereas before his weaknesse and humilitie when hee was now to bee iudged himselfe they were not able to stand If his louing voice wherewith hee speaketh so gentlie vnto them and saith I am hee dooth so feare them and throw them down What wil then the horrible voice of the Iudge doe when hee shall say depart yee cursed into euerlasting fire O how innocently and godly ought we to liue before him who is among vs and in vs heareth all our words seeth all our workes sercheth and looketh thorow all our thoughts howe secret so euer they be Christ at this time withdrew his high power and in weaknes of the flesh and in wonderfull high patience stept he forth to suffer By his ensample must wee learne not to take vs to our high estate but with patience and humblenes of mind to meet the enemie Like patience and gentlenes vseth he also towards his traitour whome hee goeth to meet not speaking rough wordes vnto him brawleth not with him rateth him not as he was well worthy but receiueth him with all softnes of mind and gentlenes whereas yet hee came to deliuer betray him into the hands of the wicked and vnto death Neither dooth the Lorde denie him so much as the kisse the token of friendship but louingly also talketh he with him albeit he also maketh mention of his vnfeined and dissembling friendship telling him of it admonishing him if he had not bene hardened to cease from his conceaued treason Wherefore we also must learne of Christ so far as concerneth our owne person and estimation with all mildnesse softnesse of mind patience and greatest loue to meete those that hate vs and betray vs if peraduenture with such loue and gentlenes of minde wee may bring them away from their malice and wickednes Heere also with great feare dread ought we to consider of the iudgement God in Iudas that he being one of the twelue and elect Disciples dooth betray and sell the Lord Iesus his gratious louing Maister Whereby wee are taught how that amongst all men there is nothing throughly perfect and whole seeing that in so holy and small number there is one man so greatly stuffed with wickednesse Therefore he that standeth let him looke that he fall not Lette couetousnes blind no man let the desire of temporall good possesse and rule no mans heart for out of couetousnes the roote of all vice groweth nothing but treason and despaire No righteousnesse no fidelity no truth no honesty can be in that hart wherin greedie couetousnes hath taken root Iudas for verie greedines of money giueth ouer God all loue and hee that afore was a fellowe and companion of the holy congregation of Gods children is become a mate companion and Captaine of the wicked vnbeleeuers hee that was chosen to the preaching of the Gospell is become an enemie persecutor and traitour against the truth O from how high great honour to what shame dishonestie and vile state falleth Iudas who hauing woluish conditions vnder sheepes cloathing doth vnder the token of loue practise treason against the trueth From Iesus the true health hee seperateth himselfe to the children of the Deuill hee getteth him amongst the bloud-thirstie yea euen he that hitherto in outward appearaunce had
God who giueth strength and power vnto those that are his Item it serueth to our commoditie and profite in that we see a good godly man fall and sinne and afterward rise vp againe and amend least we should saie Alas I am lost I haue done this and I haue done that but forasmuch as wee see that Peter by repentance weeping and conuerting agayne doeth obtaine grace it is meete and conuenient that wee acknowledge our offences vnto GOD desire grace weepe and complayne of our sinnes before GOD. For both are heere set before vs the fall and the repentaunce and this ensample is good and profitable to those that are in the right waie of godlynesse and also vnto sinners The godly iust and righteous learne by this to bee circumspect and not to presume Sinners by occasion of this doo learne immediatly to rise vp againe from theyr fall and not in anie wise to despayre Yea our owne fall learne we to knowe by Peters fal but alasse our fall is much more grieuous greater than Peters Peter sinned through weaknesse many a time doe wee sinne wilfully and aduisedly hee once we daily he was constrained thorow feare we many a time thorowe light occasions fall from the way of truth and righteousnes hee riseth vp againe forth-with we seldome and slowlie he wept bitterly we scarce doe confesse and knowledge the sinne Yea bitterlie wept he which thing al the electought to doe if they haue sinned There should nothing greeue vs more than to haue sinned against GOD than to haue displeased God This doe not wilfull sinners which passe little or nothing vpon sinne and when they come into the deepenes thereof care not for it neither confesse nor acknowledge their sinne vntill afterwarde with dispaire as it is to see in Iudas But Peter bewailing the greeuous fall and wickednesse of his deniall without further falling away into horrible desperation is preserued thorow the goodnes of God in the confidence of gods oft prooued and accustomed mercie is hee lift vp vnto blessed repentance and so healed Christs looke the true Phisitian is vnto him as much as a worde or speech Wherein wee may learne to knowe the vnspeakeable loue of GOD who euen in the middest of sinne forgetteth not his own forsaketh them not but graciously looketh vppon them with the eyes of his mercie admonisheth them speaketh vnto them through the outward and inward worde with the which gratious countenance he diswadeth them frō sinne and calleth them againe to himselfe prouoking them to sorrowe and mourning lamentation weeping Hee spreadeth out his armes and lappe of his mercie and graciously taketh vs vp againe receiueth vs with the lost sonne Therfore let vs knowledge repent and bitterly bewaile our sinnes let vs wash them away with teares and endeuor our selues with great diligence that negligently we fall not into them againe let vs runne to the bottomlesse well of the mercie of God and pray O merciful God giue vs the wel of blessed teares that from the bottome of our harts we may with Peter bewa●le our sinnes O with how great and greeuous sinnes are we laden and entangled O suffer vs not to lie vnder the heauie burden lette vs not sinke downe in heauines and desperation Set thou vs vp againe and conuert vs throughly send grace of thy holie repentaunce into our heart wash away all our sinnes and negligence graunt vs the light of newe graces and giftes let not the soules perish for whom thou diddest submit thy selfe into so many paines rebukes and at the last diddest suffer the terrible bitter death of the crosse Amen THE high Priest asked Iesus of his Disciples and of his doctrine Iesus answered him I haue openly spoken vnto the world I haue alwaies taught in the Synagogue and in the temple there as all the Iewes resort together in corners haue I taught nothing Why askest thou me Aske them that heard me what I said vnto them Behold they can tell what I said When he had thus spoken one of the ministers that stood by smote Iesus vpon his cheek said Answerest thou the high Priest so Then Iesus answered him said If I haue spoken euil then bear record of the euil but if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me Doctrine and fruite HEere in the high Priest wee see an example of those malicious persons that take in hand to ouerthrow and condemne the truth afore they heare it Great is the arrogancie of man who dare presume to make him selfe a Iudge of Gods trueth whereas of more right the truth and woorde of God should iudge our words and workes The vnderstanding of man of the flesh perceiueth not the thing that concerneth God and therefore hee refuseth it and iudgeth it vnright and so giueth sentence afore he know what the matter is This the more pitie do al they that seeke their own profit and estimation and not the honour of God Nowe in such a false and temerarious sentence gaue him buffets vpon the chocke and 〈…〉 and then asked him Area● who hath smitten thee And the seruants stroke him vpon the face and did him 〈◊〉 ●ther villany Doctrine and fruit O How vniust people come togither against the fountaine of righteousnes What false witnesse and sentence goeth against the tru●th And yet all their shifting is that their malice and hatred may haue an appearance of iustice They preuent him with false witnes they presse him with perlous and subtill questions and go about to vndermine and supplant the eternall wisedome The enemies are accusers witnesses and Iudges And whereas they reuile and blaspheme Gods sonne to the vttermost they will be seene to be the men that are sorie and displeased when God is dishonoured But as much as they seeke in the innocent lambe yet finde they nothing no not so much as any suspicion of euill so pure and sincere is all his life so true and constant are his words This example ought all faithfull beleeuers to set before their eies learning thereby so to direct their life that the enemies not onely find no vice in them but also no suspicion of euill that vnto the euill speaker there be giuen no occasion nor cause to slander and that the name of Christ thorow them be not blasphemed But whereas the honour of God so requireth wee must openly speake and confesse the truth before the vngodly although they bee angry and offended according as in this place we hear of Christ who telleth them of his glorious comming in Maiestie and power although they take it for a blasphemie Heere ought wee also diligently and deuoutlie to consider what Christ suffereth for vs what ignominie and reproch hee taketh vpon himselfe for our sakes how vilelie he is reputed and how shamefullie in his bodie and in all the parts thereof he is beaten And yet in all this how blessedly hee behaueth and sheweth him selfe to the intent that it should not greeue vs for
Iesus who being refused of wicked men vpon earth but chosen of God the Father is crowned with eternall glorie and godly honour in heauen No euill saying or curse ought to ouercome vs considering that for the same there is so exceeding ioy prepared for vs of God THen Pilate took Iesus therfore scourged him the souldiers wound a crowne of thorns and put it on his head And they did on him a purple garment and came vnto him and said haile king of the Iewes and they smote him on the face Pilate went foorth againe and said vnto them Behold I bring him forth to you that you may know that I finde no fault in him Then came Iesus foorth wearing a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple And he saieth vnto them Beholde the man When the high Priestes therefore and ministers saw him they cried saying crucifie him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them Take ye him and crucifie him for I finde no cause in him The Iewes aunswered and said vnto him Wee haue a lawe and by our law hee ought to die because hee made himselfe the sonne of GOD. When Pilate heard that saying hee was the more afraid and went againe into the iudgement hall and sayth vnto Iesus Whence art thou But Iesus gaue him no aunswere Then said Pilate vnto him Speakest thou not vnto mee Knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee and haue power to let thee loose Iesus aunswered thou couldest haue no power at all against me except it were giuen thee from aboue Therefore he that deliuered me vnto thee hath the more sin And from thence forth sou●ht Pilate meanes to loose him but the Iewes cryed saying If thou let him go thou art not the Emperours friend for whosoeuer maketh himselfe king is against the Emperour Doctrine and fruite HEre in Pilate we learne how hurtful it is when euery one in his office and vocation looketh not diligently about him but slenderly letteth the thing slippe and passe that he earnestly ought to bring to effect Pilate was the deputie of a countrey and knew that Christ had wrong wherof he himself also many times beareth him witnesse with his owne mouth Seeing then that he was a Iudge it appertaineth to his office to iudg right not to suffer the innocent to die For though Pilate doth as if he would discharge Christ yet he mindeth it not earnestly Hee goeth about to let Christ loose neuertheles so farre as hee displease not the Iewes and the Emperour so farre as hee loose not the fauour and friendshippe of men While Pilate now fainteth in the righteousnesse that hee knoweth and is sure of and holdeth not on stoutly as he should to deliuer Christ God suffereth him still to fall till he come to this point that he condemneth the innocent to death against his own conscience Thus goeth it with al those that for the grace of GOD lent vnto them are vnthankfull vnfaithfull in the little It is the part of a righteous Iudge to maintaine iustice and to defend the innocent thogh it should cost him body honour and goods The pride also of Pilate that presumed by reason of his authoritie is brought downe with the wordes of the Lorde there is no power but from aboue therefore should it bee godly vsed the higher powers are Goddes Ministers In the which wordes of Christ the faithfull beleeuers that bee in aduersitie are comforted knowing that no man hath authoritie nor power ouer them except it bee giuen him of God Christ is bound to deliuer vs from the bandes of our sinnes and to place vs in eternall freedome Hee is scourged to take from vs the stripes that we should suffer by reason of our sins yea to heale our wounds is hee sore wounded himselfe Altogether suffereth hee for our sakes thorow his stripes are wee made whole His backe as Esay saith Esay 50. offereth he to the smiters and his cheeks to the nippers to purge vs from all filthinesse of sinne Hee became without beautie as a leper despised spitted vppon and mocked to deliuer vs from eternall shame punishment Wee had deserued all this hee did nothing worthie thereof wee are the cause of his martyrdome Oh the great burthen of our sinnes that the Sonne of the eternall GOD must suffer so sore stripes and cruell payne for vs to reconcile vs with his Father Oh the exceeding great loue which he declareth vnto vs in that hee taketh all rebuke vppon himselfe for vs Oh that wee considered this with true deuotion so that wee might say with Christ and Dauid I am readie to bee scourged and my plague is alwaies before mee O Iesu kindle vs with the fire of thy exceeding loue which thou in so much aduersitie hast well tryed towardes vs. Graunt vs the helpe of thy grace to the strengthening of our weakenesse when the heauie burdens of aduersities fall vppon vs that thorow the terrible ouercharge of them wee be not opprest and throwne downe Giue vs grace so to chasten and subdue our body and flesh that it maye bee subiect vnto the spirite and obedient vnto thy will in all things WHen Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Iesus and sate downe to giue sentence in the place that is called the Pauement but in the Hebrue tong Gabatha It was the preparing of the Easter about the sixt houre And he saith vnto the Iewes Behold your king They cried away with him away with him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them shall I crucifie your king The high Priests aunswered We haue no king but the Emperour And the high Priestes with the Elders of the people accused him in many things but he gaue no answere Pilate asked him further and said makest thou no answere Seest thou not in how many and great thinges they accuse thee But Iesus moreouer gaue no answer so that the deputie maruelled sore at it At the feast he had a custome to let one vnto them loose whom they would desire Now while the people pres●ed on Pilate began to aske them as hee alwaies did said Whom will yee that I let loose vnto you Barabas or Iesus who is called Christ While Pilate sate in iudgement his wife sent to him said Haue thou nothing to doo with that iust man for this night in sleepe haue I suffered much for him But the high Priests the Elders perswaded the people inticed them that they should aske Barrabas require Iesus vnto death Then answered Pilate and said vnto them whom will ye of these two that I shall let go loose vnto you They said Barrabas Then said Pilate vnto them What shall I then do with Iesus who is called Christ Then said they al let him be crucified The deputie said What euill then hath he done Neuertheles they cried yet more let him be crucified When Pilate saw that he profited nothing but that the vprore was greater he tooke water and washed his hands before the people
a bone of him And againe another Scripture saith They shall looke on him whom they pierced Doctrine and fruite OVt of the side of him that sleeepeth vpon the crosse runneth the fountain of wholsom water with the which our vncleannes is washed away and the whole world sprinkled purified and cleansed therewith The heart is opened and wounded loue floweth out the bloud gusheth forth to the washing away of all our sins This is the true stonie rocke which being smitten vpon giueth water vnto our thirstie soules like as Eue was taken fashioned out of the rib side of her husband that slept so is the holie Church the spouse of Christ shapen out of the side of her husband This gate is opened wide to all faithfull beleeuers hee that hideth himselfe in this hole is sure from all hurt and harme Of this holie and godly fountaine who so drinketh once or taketh a draught of the holie loue dooth forthwith forget all his aduersities and griefes and shall bee whole from all wicked heate of temporall lustes and bodilie prouocations feruently shall hee bee kindled in loue and desire of eternall thinges and shall bee replenished with the vnspeakable goodnesse of the holie Ghost and in him shall bee a fountaine and well of liuing water flowing into eternall life By this creepeth the poore sinner into the louing heart of Iesus Christ which with exceeding great kindnes is pierced through and there findeth hee rest and quietnes in the stony rocke Here are opened the conduites and well pipes of life the way of our health wherein we finde rest vnto our soules shadow for heate and trauaile this fountaine of grace is neuer dried vp This is the well of the godly 〈◊〉 that floweth out of the middest of paradise to wate● the whole earth to moysture the drie hearts to wash away sinne Out of this plentifull well ought wee with great desire to draw and drinke that from henceforth wee liue not in our selues but in him who for our sakes was wounded so deep Our hart must we giue whollie vnto him that hath opened his heart so wide His heart and ours must bee all one Nothing requireth he of vs but the heart Sonne saith he giue mee thy heart Our hart must we giue to the Lord not to the world to eternall wisedome not to lightnes There do the true heardmans sheepe find pasture there are the water brookes of life there may they goe in and out Nothing is there vppon earth that so kindleth draweth and pierceth the heart of man as dooth Christes loue declared vppon the crosse When wee thus surrender our heart vnto the Lorde when wee thus wholly and fully giue ouer our heart into the Lordes hands that hee may keepe and possesse it for euer then haue we blessed peace O Lord Iesu Christ drawe thou our hearts vnto thee ioyne them together in vnseparable loue that they may feruently burne that wee may abide in thee thou in vs that the euerlasting couenant betweene vs may stand sure for euer O wound our hearts with the fiery darts of thy pearcing loue Let them pierce through all our slouthfull members and inward powers that wee beeing happily wounded may so become whole and sound Let vs haue no louer but thy selfe alone lette vs seeke no ioy nor comfort but onely in thee Thus haue we the passion and death of our Lord and redeemer Iesus Christ Now as Paule saith let vs go foorth of the tentes vnto him that for our sake is despitefully crucified without the Citie of Hierusalem and lette vs helpe him to beare his rebuke giuing him thankes and praise for his great loue In his death standeth our life for in his death is our death slaine the sting of death and firme is taken awaye Heere finde wee true life and eternall saluation here sinne is forgiuen and pardon graunted A poena culpa heere mercie is denyed vnto no man for the vertue and merites of the Lordes holie passion is bottomlesse Through his shame commeth eternall honour and glorie vnto vs. His passion is the wholesome playster for all woundes his crosse the ouerthrow of all enemies and victorie against all vice From our whole heartes therefore ought wee to reioyce in the great and blessed fruites of thy holie passion O Lorde Iesu whilest wee are in this feeble life graunt vs so to liue that wee maye direct all our workes desires and intentes according to thy godlie will and pleasure that this our temporall course may bee founde and finished in thy grace that after the ouercomming of all temptations and carefull things we may come to the reward of eternall saluation Teach thou vs dayly to die and by the spirit to subdue the flesh that when the flesh corrupteth the spirit may be taken to eternall rest Graunt vs grace chearefully and continually to cleaue vnto thy holy crosse O giue vs blessed teares of true repentance while the doore of grace standeth open graunt that we may stedfastly blessedly finish the thing which commendably is begun Let our daily exercise bee in the confideration of the passion of Christ let him be our mirrour continually let vs not shrinke from the crosse but indure with Christ in life death with him on the crosse with him in the graue and death so shal we continue in rest peace and quietnesse that when Christ our life shall appeare we may rise vp with him in glorie God the Father Sonne and holie Ghost grant this vnto vs all Amen THE BVRIALL OF IESVS CHRIST OVT of the holie Euangelists NOW when it was late for as much as it was the day of preparation afore the Sabaoth there came a rich man of Arimathia named Ioseph such a principall famous Senatour as was iust and righteous The same had not consented to their counsaile and doings for he also was one of those that waited for the kingdome of God a disciple of Iesu but secretly for feare of the Iewes Boldly went he in vnto Pilate and begged the bodie of Iesu But Pilate wondered if he were now dead alreadie And when hee had learned of the Captaine that it was he graunted him the bodie of Iesu and commended it to bee giuen him Ioseph had bought a white linnen cloth and tooke downe the bodie of Iesus and wrapt it in the faire linnen cloth There came also Nicodemus who was come to the Lord afore by night brought mirrhe and Aloes vppon an hundred pound mixt together So taking the body of Iesu they wound it with clothes and prepared it with sweet ointments according as the maner of the Iewes was to burie And by the place where Iesus was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre There Ioseph laid Iesus in his owne new sepulchre which he had caused to be hewen out of a rocke into the which no man had yet been laid Forasmuch then as it was the Iewes day of preparing the
similitude of his death we shall assuredly also be partakers of his resurrection knowing this that our olde man is crucified with him that the bodie of sin might be emptied and that we should serue sinne no more for he that is dead is made righteous from sin if we now be dead with Christ we beleeue that wee shall also liue with him Looke vpon the whole sixte Chapter to the Romanes We must die from the world and from our owne flesh that the world may be crucified and dead vnto vs as we vnto the world The olde Adam who in vs did liue and rule must bee subdued and mortified that Christ onely may liue and raigne in vs. We must burie our bodies with mirrhe and Aloes that is with lamentation and sorow for our sinnes with weeping with fasting and with abstinence which workes of repentance are bitter vnto the bodie But lyke as those bitter things Aloes and mirrhe doe keepe the bodie from corruption so the crosse and aduersitie sent of God and borne for his sake preserueth our flesh from sinne If we thus die with Christ from the world bee buried in his death we shall rise againe to a new life here and in the world to come so as for death we need not be afraid of it For the sepulchre is new and lieth in the garden which noteth vnto vs the return to the pleasant garden of paradise which is opened vs through the death of Christ for hee as a guide is entered in before vs Iohn 14. Heb. 9.10 that we also after a new sort might escape from death and rise againe to a new life For in the death of Christ is death killed ouercome and wholy nenued and as much as altered into a sleepe For we liue vnto God and our bodyes as the Scripture testifieth shall also liue againe And this is the cause that the Scripture affirmeth those which are dead in Christ to be asleep Esay 26. 1. Thess 4. Afore time had death mightily and openly raigned euen ouer those also that had not sinned like vnto Adam yet had they put on Adams image were therefore subdued vnto the curse but when the second Adam namely Christ appeared purchased lyfe agayne for mankind through the death of his flesh destroying the dominion of death and rising from death againe Then was death renued changed and became like vnto a sleepe for it destroyeth vs not for euer but is a gate and enterance into a better and eternall life therfore haue we a much more perfect hope of the resurrection in Christ than they of olde which therefore buried the bodies so costly and honorably because they hoped in the resurrection to come As for vs wee must bestowe such cost vpon Christ in his members clothing feeding the poore and being ready also to loose all things for his sake Graunt vnto vs O God that as concerning the world and the olde life wee may die with thy sonne our head and be truly buried in his death that with him and in him we may rise againe to a new life that we weak and feeble may with Ioseph and Nichodemu● grow in vertue and stedfastnes daily laying somwhat to the heape of godly exercises being euer still renued in the spirit that we in our hearts laying vp Christ who dyed for our sakes may so in thankfull remembrance burie him to the intent that our soule bodie may still remaine pure and vnspotted vntill the comming of our Lord Amen MArie Magdalene and Mary Ioses sitting ouer against the sepulchre beheld where Iesus was laide For certaine women there were which comming with him from Galilee and following him beheld the sepulchre and how his bodie was laide Those returned back and prepared sweet odors but vpon the saboth they rested because of the commandement The next daie after the daie of preparation the high Priests and Pharesies came vnto Pilate and said Sir we remember that this deceuer said while he was yet aliue that after three daies hee should rise againe Cause therefore the graue to be kept vntill the third daie least his disciples happily come and steale him awaie and saie vnto the people that he is risen from the dead and so shall the last error bee worse than the first Pilate said vnto them Yee haue watchmen go and keepe it as ye know They went and kept prouided the sepulchre with watchmen and sealed the stone Doctrine and fruite HEre we learne to haue an earnest diligent and feruent loue vnto Christ hearing with what zeale and feruentnes that deuout women 〈◊〉 vnto him and serue him in life and death Him whome they loued in life will they not forsake in death but cheerefully with constant mindes they ieopard their lyfe and goods What auaileth vs then that we cannot shew friendship loue and seruice vnto Christ as well as these women Seeing we haue not Christ alwayes bodily with vs who nowe beeing in his kingdome needeth no corporall ministration seruice we ought to bestow the same vppon his poore ones whom we haue alwaies with vs. Heerein ought wee to spare neither goods nor money to serue please Christ who vnto death did ieopard and giue his body and lyfe for vs. But like as in the women there was a deuout gesture good mind toward Christ so in the Iewish priests and pharesies there was found a great malice and hatred against Christ They were not satisfied in persecuting him while he was aliue but vndertooke also to hinder his resurrection Yet God by his wisdome vseth their wickednesse to the glorie of Christ that euen the enemies themselues albeit against their wil must beare record of his buriall and resurrection in that they keepe the graue with watch men and seale the stone The truth is immortall the more it is opprest the more it breaketh forth Therfore ought we to beware that wee neuer goe about to hinder the truth for if we should so doo we should both labor in vaine procure vnto our selues euerlasting hurt THE RESVRRECTION OF IESVS CHRIST out of the holie Euangelists AND when the Sabbaoth was now past euen the Sabaoth day at euen Marie Magdalene Marie Iames and Salome bought sweete spices that they might come and annoint Iesus The euening when the sabaoth is ended and the first day dawneth after the Sabaoth namely the first day of the weeke while it was yet darke and the Sun brake forth and began to arise the women came to the Sepulchre to see it But there happened first a great earthquake for the Angell of the Lord came downe from heauen and went and rolled backe the stone from the mouth of the sepulchre and sate vpon it His countenance was like the lightening and his raiment white as snow And for feare of him the keepers were astonied and became as dead men And behold some of them that had watched the sepulchre came into the Citie and told the high Priests all
stande in death with Christ in subduing of the flesh in mortifying of the body in abiding of the crosse For while they bee in aduersitie vnder the crosse and buried with Christ the greatnesse of the trouble causeth them to thinke that Christ is not risen againe that is they haue nothing but heauines and sorrowe Notwithstanding Christ appeareth vnto them comforteth and refresheth them and maketh them partakers of his resurrection and ioy Heere may wee perceiue and see a great desire and loue vnto Christ in the disciples that runne but specially in Marie Magdalene for seeing that much 〈◊〉 forgiuen her therefore was her loue exceeding 〈◊〉 Peter also and Iohn which were more feruent 〈◊〉 others in the loue of Christ and drew nee● 〈◊〉 others did when the Lorde was taken although the one fled and the other denied him therfore vnto them as to the principall was this opened before others Marie loued Christ verie feruently for many sinnes were forgiuen her many deuils vices were driuen out of her therefore vnto her dyd Christ first appeare The crosse and trouble was not able to bring Christ out of her heart it could not quench her loue vnto Christ the seede of faith was in her heart it had taken roote although it were not yet ripe Verie earnestly and with great diligence seeketh shee him whome shee loueth declaring her feruentnesse by her weeping and her zeale by tarrying still at the sepulchre when the two Apostles were gone awaie alreadie The Lorde therefore forsaketh her not but instructeth her and comforteth her by the Angell appeareth vnto her vnknowen at last talketh with her and maketh himselfe knowen vnto her The Angels which are ministers for the wealth of the elect disswade her from weeping and mourning and bring her tidinges of great ioy for herein nowe is no iust cause to weepe but rather to reioyce seeing that Christ hath ouercome death for vs deliuering and setting vs free from the power thereof and placing vs in eternall lyfe Lyke as the Aungels at the birth of Christ in this mortall life did bring tidinges of ioy so doe they heere also when Christ is risen againe into an immortall life And hervnto also serueth the brightnes of the countenance and whitenes of the clothes for all such are tokens of ioy But some man might maruaile why Christ will not suffer Marie to touch him saying hee would afterward bee touched of the other women of the Disciples and of Thomas yea he prouoketh Thomas and the Disciples thereto It seemeth that Marie with the ointment which she brought with her thought to annoint the bodie of Christ as she did afore in his life time and to reuerence him and to deale with him as with a mortall man which thing Christ forbad her to do Hereafter shall wee heare how hee offreth vnto his Disciples his hands feete and side willing them to touch him But with this inhibition and that commandement he hath respect to one onely thing namelie to deliuer Marie and the Disciples from vnbeliefe from weake faith and doubting Vnto Marie hee will say Touch mee not of a carnall deuocion as though thou wouldst anoint me I need it no more As for such corporall seruice it is not necessary to do it vnto my body any more The cause why I became man was not that yee should alway hang vppon my corporall flesh and honour me with bodely seruice Thou shalt now shortly vnderstand that I haue like power with the father I am in thy heart not yet ascended vp vnto the father That is Thou hast as yet no right knowledge of my Godhead therefore canst thou not now rightly touch me Thus learne wee also to knowe and honour Christ nowe no more after the flesh and to shew no corporall outward seruice vnto his person In spirite will he be worshipped with the faith and loue of the inward minde If anie thing bodily be done of vs the same should be done vnto the poore to the neighbour that hath need thereof Thus may faith loue well vse some outwarde thinges not to doo seruice therewith vnto God but vnto our selues or to our neighbour As when we take and minister bread and wine about in the supper distributing and eating it the same is not done principally to the intent to declare a seruice vnto God but somewhat to prouoke our outward senses and flesh by the exteriour signes that wee may the better consider and ponder the grace of God declared vnto vs in the death of Iesus Christ and that wee may lifte vp our mindes vnto Christ the heauenly foode and liuing bread which inwardly feedeth vs with his flesh and nourisheth vs with his bloud Thereto also hath our sauiour Christ instituted the figuratiue tokens and sacraments of his grace to helpe our infirmitie for Sacraments are gracious euidences of the faith that men haue or shoulde haue to God In the which they comfortably exercise and practise themselues towards Gods promises wherein also they declare the obedience of theyr inwarde saith and that they faithfully beleeue the words and promises of almightie God For the token without beleefe is nothing profitable but rather hurtfull All bodyly seruice that the flesh imagineth pleaseth not God Hee sitteth at the right hande of GOD there ought we to touch him with the lifting vp of a faithfull heart and with the worship which hee through his spirite worketh and directeth into vs for therefore he dyed rose againe and ascended vp into heauen that hee might fulfill all things and raigne truely and spiritually in our heartes Our heartes must wee lifte vp there as Christ sitteth at the right hande of God and our conuersation ought to bee in heauen Whereas the Lorde willed his disciples to touch him it was done to banish theyr doubtfulnesse and to strengthen theyr weake faith Which touching was not required of them as a worshippe but that theyr flesh through the outward handling of his bodie might bee quieted stilled and so is it a proofe and testimonie that hee verily rose with the former bodie rather than a worshipping or seruice Christ dyd not therefore take vppon him his flesh that we should alwaie hang and depend thereon but that we by his humanitie should ascend vp to his godhead for when wee knowe the high and holy mysterie of his Passion and Resurrection with the which hee hath serued our turne wee ought to stirre vp our mindes to knowe the Godhead wherein he is lyke vnto the father Therefore vnto Marie Magdalene also doeth Christ speake of ascending vp to the Father which thing he commandeth to shew the Apostles as if he would say now shortly beginneth mine honor that I as concerning the humanitie receiued shall be taken vp to the glorie which I haue had from euerlasting that is the flesh which I haue taken vpon me for your sakes shall sitte at the right hande of my Father Oh how great a grace is this Oh
howe high is the glorie that heere is promised vnto vs in CHRIST The onely begotten sonne of God descended and became man for vs that wee so much as were possible for our nature shoulde ascend vp vnto his Godhead Hee descended downe lowe that when wee are humbled hee might receiue and exalte vs to his owne promotion Hee that of nature is the Lorde tooke vppon him the shape of a seruaunt that of vs which naturally were bond seruauntes hee might make vs Gods children Forasmuch then as hee became man to make vs Gods and children of godly grace Hee tooke vpon him that which is ours to giue vs and to parte with vs that which is his Therefore calleth hee vs brethren and maketh his owne father common vnto vs so that hee is also our Father and our God that same which hee hath of nature doeth hee of grace giue vnto vs. For his spirite beareth recorde vnto our spirite that wee are the children of GOD for wee haue not receiued the spirite of bondage to feare but the spirit of adoption in the which wee cry Father Father Christ also calleth those that bee his not seruants but friends and brethren he will be our God and wee his people our father we his children and his couenant which he hath made with vs shall bee euerlasting for it is sealed and confirmed with the bloud of his onely begotten sonne Now haue wee fellowshippe and companie with God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost But such grace and glorie is inwardly seene with the eyes of faith and felte in the spirite beeing hidde heere in time vnder the shape of the crosse For Christ doth not straight waie by and by declare himselfe openly vnto Marie Magdalene as hee is in his glorie but standeth there as a gardener and speaketh vnto hir by the which voice she knoweth him he long deferreth the comfort permitting her a good while to weepe and lament that the ioy and consolation afterward may bee the greater But the cause why he so long delaieth his helpe and comfort from these that bee his owne is that their inward desires may bee the more feruent and earnest and that hee may stirre vp and kindle their faith Now when the fire is kindled inough then commeth hee with his comfort as it is euident heere in Marie Magdalene and in the woman of Cananee Matthew 26. Moreouer hee sendeth Marie Magdalene from him to bring the Apostles tidings of this glorious exaltation whereas shee doubtlesse had rather haue beene longer with him and to haue had the comfortable fruition of the sight of him Howbeit hee directeth her forth to declare that felicitie and poynteth her to the work of charitable loue to the seruice of her neighbour For here in time wee cannot as yet come to the beholding sight of God face to face it shall first begin after this time Now while we liue heere wee must serue our neighbour in charitable loue and do him good O God strengthen thou our weake faith in the resurrection of thy beloued son that by it our consciences being examined may well answere Illuminate our mindes and expell out of vs all darkenesse thorow the light and brightnes of the glorious resurrection O strengthen our weaknes throgh the power of thy spirite Raise vs from the death of sinne in the same spirite and power wherein thou hast raised vp thy son from the dead Comfort and strengthen vs in aduersitie and make vs constaunt therein that we may preasse through the same in steadfast hope to the ioyfull and blessed resurrection Kindle in vs the fire of thy godly loue that with earnest and feruent desire wee may seeke and finde thee through Christ Withdraw our hearts from all earthly loue of creatures and from filthines vp to heauen-ward where Christ sitteth at thy right hand that wee may lead a godly and heauenly life vpon earth Set vp the spirituall kingdome of Christ Iesu in our hearts that in vs thy name may be sanctified and thy will performed that wee may become thy vertuous children and neuer displease thee our gracious father that we continuing stil in thy mercifull couenant doe neuer fall away from the companie and fellowship of thee and thy sonne And where as thou hast giuen vs such knowledge grace and vnderstanding graunt that we may make the same knowne vnto many beeing alway readie through charitable loue to serue our brethren Amen It followeth now further in the historie how the women that first were with Marie Magdalene at the sepulchre and being afraid fled away no man saying ought vnto them returned now more stoutlie boldly to the sepulchre to see what would come of that wonderfull terrible matter WHen the women came to the sepulchre found not the bodie of Iesu they were sore troubled in their minds And behold two men stoode by them in shining garments And as the women were afraide bowed down their faces to the earth they said vnto them Why seeke ye the liuing among the dead He is not heere he is risen Remember how hee spake vnto you when he was yes in Galilee saying that the sonne of man must bee deliuered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day rise againe And they remembred the wordes of Iesu returned from the sepulchre and told all these thinges vnto those eleuen and to all the remnant And as they went to tell his disciples behold Iesus met them saying All haile And they came and helde him by the feete and worshipped him Then said Iesus vnto them Bee not afraide Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me But when the women namely Mary Magdalene Ioanna and Mary Iacob and other that were with them told these things vnto the Apostles their words seemed vnto them fained things neither beleeued they them Doctrine and fruite LOne is not idle but diligent zealous which thing may well bee perceiued in these women that ran againe to the sepulchre although they had found it empty afore Gladly would they haue found the body and done reuerence to their Lorde whom they loued This feruent zeale of the women confoundeth our coldnes vnmercifulnes towards the poore Oft times do they seeke him that is absent and that with great diligence wee receiue him not when in the poore he commeth vnto vs. No trauel labour nor cost greeueth them as for vs we pitie our substance when wee shoulde distribute to the poore which are Christs O that we could rightly consider how pretious a treasure we gather vnto our selues in heauen when we giue of our goods into the hands of the poore lending the same vnto Christ Then should not wee garnish and build timber and stone but the liuing temples of God keeping them from wind and raine and from decay namely that they suffer no extreme pouertie nor be destitute of helpe Such a
these things and so to enter into his glorie And hee began at Moses and all the Prophets and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were written of him And they drewe nigh to the towne that they went vnto and he made as though he would haue gone further And they constrained him saying Abide with vs for it draweth toward night and the day is far passed and he went in to tarrie with them And it came to passe as he sate at meate with them he tooke bread and blessed it and brake and gaue to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight And they said betweene themselues did not our heartes burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures And they rose vp the same houre and returned againe to Hierusalem and found the eleuen gathered together and them that were with them saying The Lorde is risen indeed and hath appeared vnto Simon And they told what things were done in the way and how they knewe him in breaking of bread Doctrine and fruite CHRIST sayth Iohn 5. Search the Scriptures 〈◊〉 they testifie of mee Also If yee beleeued Moses ye should beleeue me for he hath written of me Christ therefore willing to strengthen the weake and to teach the vnlearned expoundeth vnto them the Scriptures beginning at Moses and so thorough out all the Prophets For whatsoeuer is written in the Scripture concerning the mercie goodnes and wisedome of God the washing awaie of sinne and satisfieng for the same it belongeth properly to Christ For so worthily and euidently haue they described the passion glory of Christ that one would thinke them not to write of a matter which were to come but done alreadie as it is plaine in the Psalmes and Prophets Psa 22. Esa 53. 1. Pet. 1. c. Thus out of the Scripture we learne partlie the testimonies of the passion and resurrection of Christ partly by what waie Christ came to so high honour and glorie of his father that wee first beleeuing that Chri●t dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnesse might by his resurrection be sure of a good conscience and consolation of the lyfe to come Secondly that wee in patience and obedience might learne to be obedient to our heauenly father to take vp our crosse and to follow our Lord IESVS Christ if wee will haue ioy with him wee must also suffer and trauaile with him Our head goeth to eternall ioy through aduersitie and trouble and will we enter into it through the pleasure of the worlde and lust of the flesh It passeth the boundes of all ●nitie and comlynesse and honestie for 〈…〉 to bee sluggish and slouthfull when the 〈◊〉 ●keth vppon him such trauell and paine 〈…〉 narrowe gate that wee must enter in at for thorough many tribulations vexations and miseryes must wee come into the euerlasting kingdome of heauen and all they that will liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution in this world He that will possesse an inheritance must beare and suffer all the charges belonging to the same The eternall inheritance is appointed vs of our heauenly father thorough Christ but with this addition that we receiue the possession of it in such sort as the son hath done namely with and through the crosse and trouble Blessed are they whome God the father maketh partakers of the passion of his onely begotten sonne for who so is a companion with him in suffering shall haue his eternal fellowship in heauen and inioy with him euerlasting blisse and rest Hee that vnderstandeth not this is a foole and slowe of heart to beleeue the Scriptures let that man beseech God to open the Scripture vnto him and to make him vnderstand it Where that commeth to passe ignoraunce vanisheth awaie and the heart is feruent and receiueth vnderstanding for the Lorde is the right and perfect schoole-master that toucheth the hart and pearceth it through with the arrowes of his words and ardent loue In breaking of the bread they knowe the Lorde 〈…〉 life time when he nowe woulde goe 〈…〉 and death tooke bread rendered 〈…〉 it and gaue it them admonishing 〈…〉 ●bit as they dyd the same they shoulde 〈…〉 remembrance of him Whereby they now ●hin●●ng on the same wordes and beeing admonished of the act remember that it is hee Thus the breaking of the bread before our eyes in the supper is an admonishing token that Christs body was broken and dyed for vs on the crosse and the drinke an admonishing token that his bloud was shedde for the washing awaie of our sinnes And so when wee breake the bread and drinke the drinke wee ought thereby to knowe the Lorde thanking him for his death which is our life being mindfull of him and following his great loue wherein hee dyed for our sinnes AS they thus spake it was verie late the same daie which was the first daie in the weeke and where the disciples assembled together the doores were shut for feare of the Iewes Iesus came while they sate at the table and stoode in the middest among them and sayde vnto them Peace bee with you But the disciples were afraid thinking that they had seene a spirite Then sayde Iesus vnto them Why are yee troubled And why doo thoughts arise in your head And hee sayde yet agayne vnto them Peace bee with you And with that shewed he them his hands feet and side and said Behold my hands and feete that it is euen I my selfe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue The 〈…〉 when they had seene the Lord. And 〈…〉 ●●leeued not for ioy and wondered he sayd 〈…〉 ye anie thing to eate So they offered him a 〈…〉 fish and an honie combe The same hee took● 〈…〉 before them casting in their teeth their vnbeleefe 〈◊〉 ●nes of heart because they beleeued not them which 〈…〉 that he was risen againe from the dead Doctrine and fruite IN that the Euangelists describe the true resurrection of Christ they declare withal vnto whom such a high mystery was opened and shewed For when we heare how the disciples were minded and behaued themselues we learne therby what becommeth vs that we also may beleeue that Christ is truly risen againe yea not only to acknowledge the same with the mouth but also to proue and feele it in the tast of the spirite So haue wee heard afore what the desire ardent loue which God stirred vp in Mary Magdalene dyd bring to passe and what good came of the feruentnesse and diligence of Peter This we see now here for God hath a plesure to stir vp our desire when hee will open himselfe vnto vs. And therefore all the same daie from morning early vntill nyght were the disciples still more and more endued with new ioy that the desire to see Christ might be kindled more and more in them And as they were assembled
in loue vniformitie for those two things please God wel Christ commeth and appeareth vnro them He openeth himselfe vnto those that longing after him are coupled in loue and vniformitie being assembled doo hold themselues together for where loue is there is God where discord is and diuision there is the deuill O deare brethren let vs regard charitable loue let vs care for our brethren that the brotherhood be not broken and that loue be not spotted for els farewel saith No man needeth to boast himselfe of faith that hath not charitable loue but stirreth vp and seeketh diuision Moreouer we see here that the disciples of Christ stood in great danger of their bodies and life for when the Iewes had no more power to rage agaynst Christ they raged agaynst his disciples Looke what men are partakers of the crosse and passion of Christ they verily shall vnderstand the high mysterie of his resurrection For vndoubtedly God with his owne consolation shall visite and comfort those that suffer anie danger harme for his names sake Forasmuch then as the good disciples of Christ must still bee in conflict and battel with the Iewes the Lord speaketh vnto them with this comfortable worde Peace bee with you as if he shuld saie be of good cheere your matter shal stand in good case in mee yee shal haue peace be safe quiet how hard so euer it go outwardly Feare not be not afraid howsoeuer the Iews doo rage ye shall doo right well This salutation was common among the Iewes therefore doeth Christ also vse it Such a charge gaue hee lykewise vnto his Disciples when hee sent them to preach that entering into an house they should saie Peace be to this house And though the disciples were somewhat amazed and afraide at the first blush yet was theyr gladnesse great when they were throughly instructed that it was the Lorde Now was fulfilled that which Christ had said and promised vnto them afore Io. 16 Yee shall mourne and the world shall reioyce but I will see you againe Your sorrow shall be turned into gladnesse your heart shall reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you For the ioye of a faythfull beleeuing heart is constant and endureth If the resurrection of Iesus Christ were truely and rightly beleeued and the same ioye comprehended as it ought to bee all sorrowe must needs vanish all hurt and aduersitie must needes bee little regarded For what can bee grieuous vnto a man when by faith hope hee is assured that hee in a glorified immortall bodie shall arise agayne with Christ his head and haue euerlasting ioy with him And this is the cause that Christ appeareth so ofte vnto his disciples instructing them so much and so perfectly of his resurrection euen to make them steadfast in this faith and to assure them of this ioy Therefore sheweth hee them his bodie and giueth it them to handle The palpable bodie certifieth them that it is a true bodie the immortall bodie sheweth that it is glorified and of highest honor the printes of the woundes declare that it is euen the selfe same bodie that it was afore Hee sheweth them the tokens of victorie as a mighty ouercommer of death and so doth hee the woundes that hee had gotten for them in the battell and likewise the side that was opened declaring his great loue His woundes sheweth he to them to heale the wounds of theyr vnbeleefe As if hee would say looke vppon mee and fight manfullie Without a battaile shall no man bee crowned But vnto him that ouercommeth in the conflict will I graunt to eate of the bread of Heauen and will crowne him for euer Where as hee eateth before them it is done for the probation of the true humaine nature and not for the great necessitie of the bodie To them was it verie needfull not vnto Christ Euen so we knowing howe to further our neighboures faith must and ought manie times to doe somewhat and to leaue somewhat vndone that for our selues wee need not O GOD graunt vs true loue and vniformitie Take from vs all Scisme and diuision gather vs togeather through thy holie spirite remooue all discord and variaunce out of thy holie Churche Giue vs patience in aduersitie sende thy godlie comforte and ioye vnto all such as bee in distresse and trouble for thy names sake Strengthen the weake lift vppe the feeble establish the doubtfull and in the battaile helpe those which bee thine owne that they lie not vnder but that in thee they may ouercome all daunger and harme Amen THomas one of the twelue which was called Didimus was not with them when Iesus came The other disciples therefore sayd vnto him We haue seene the Lord. But he said vnto them Except I see in his handes the print of the nailes and put my finger into the print of the nailes thrust my hand into his side I will not beleeue And after eight daies again his disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the doores were shut and stoode in the midst and saide Peace bee vnto you And after that sayd he to Thomas Bring thy finger hether and see my hands and reach hether thy hand thrust it into my side and be not faithles but beleeuing Thomas answered and said vnto him My Lord and my God Iesus saith vnto him Thomas because thou hast seene mee thou hast beleeued Blessed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued Doctrine and fruit THat which was spoken afore is heere euident and plaine namely that Christ openeth himselfe vnto those which are desirous of him and long after him associating themselues together one with another in true loue and being partakers of the passion crosse Forasmuch then as Thomas is lesse feruent and therefore absent from the rest hee sawe not Christ with the other disciples but when he obtained a desire to see Christ was assotiate and ioyned to the other he became also partaker of the ioye that they had And here we learne the nature and condition of true beleefe which is an illumination of the grace of God yea a verie godly propertie that he maketh others partakers of his holy and glorious ioyes and that through loue which seeketh not her owne profit neither is disdainefull to the intent that the glorie of God may be preferred among all men Therefore the Disciples of the Lord make Thomas their companion partaker of such gladnesse as they had receiued of Christs Resurrection opened vnto them for hee was verie faithlesse and too stiffe in his owne opinion Which vnbeliefe God suffered to happen vnto him and to continue somewhat the longer that his slacknes and lacke of faith might serue to our commoditie that through his vnbeliefe wee might bee prouoked vnto faith for as much as we heare that he so perfectly proouing seeing and feeling the thing came so to an vndoubted faith that wee also might beleeue that the
Peter couereth himselfe being naked we learne nurture and shamefastnesse to walke dwell with all honestie in the sight of men specially in the presence of our superiours and gouernors In the corporall workes and deedes of Christ there is nothing in vaine nothing without effect Besides the outward appearance of the worke there is described somewhat more excellent where unto a faithful beleeuer ought to direct the eies of his mind as when he maketh the blind to see it is an outwarde act and a declaration of his godly power an alteration there is outwardly in the eyes of the blinde in that his fight is restored vnto him againe neuerthelesse ouer and besides the outward worke there is giuen vs to vnderstand that Christ is the true lyght of the whole world which driueth awaie the blindnes of our hart and illuminateth the eyes of our mind according to the Scriptures Isay 42.49 Iohn 1.9.12 c. Christ taking bread and wine giueth the same to his disciples to eate and drinke This as no man can denie was an outward act and they commaunded outwardly to doo it albeit in the remembraunce of him Besides and aboue the outward eating drinking the faithfull beleeuer must lift vp his heart and looke with the eyes of faith vnto that which is spiritual namely how that Christ is the true liuing bread which feedeth our soules to eternall life how his bodie was broken for vs vpon the crosse how we thorough his death are made liuing and washed awaie from our sinnes by his bloud In this is set forth vnto vs the highest loue of all namely that Christ gaue himselfe vnto the death for vs whereby wee are admonished of his grace yea not onely in this described vnto vs but also the holy Ghost doeth mightily land fruitfully worke the same in the heartes of the true beleeuers which in faith at the supper receyue the true body and bloud of Christ whereby theyr heartes are kindled in loue towardes God and their neighbor so that they dwel in Christ he in them c. So heere likewise the outward fishing representeth a fishing spirituall Like as in fishing it lyeth not in the fishers power or wit to take many or few but 〈◊〉 the power and blessing of God And as the labor of the disciples is in vaine afore Christ commandeth them but when they haue his commandement and cast out the net vpon the same they drawe vp a multi●●on of fishes euen so commeth it to passe at this present day that we bring forth no fruit so lōg as the holie ghost worketh not with vs inwardly But when Christ biddeth cast out the net that is when hee giueth his spirite wee are able to draw vp many men and to winne them vnto Christ For all the night long had they taken nothing till Christ came vnto them Euen so can we doe nothing if Christ bee not with vs by his spirite On Whit-sonday when the spirite came vpon his Disciples they brought foorth much fruit and drue many men vnto Christ Heereby declareth Christ vnto them in this taking of fish how it should go in their office and how the time was now at hand that they should shortlie drawe many men out of the sea of this worlde vnto him and that they should prosper and haue good successe therein The world is this wilde raging sea the shore is the quietnes of eternall life that we haue in Christ vnto whome we make hast with Peter and the other Disciples neither doe wee bring men vnto our selues but vnto Christ and to the hauen of euerlasting life Faith is not idle but is alwaies occupied in the Lords businesse causing vs to contemne all perrils and to speede vs a pace vnto Christ with the cloathing of vertues especially with fayth the wedding garment that wee appearing not naked may make hast vnto the land of the liuyng where Christ is the conquerour of death For the faythfull beleeuers are not far from the land when their conuersation is in heauen Without Christ wee must begynne nothing without fayth may no man please God In the nyght of sinne our labour is vayne and vnprofitable yea whatsoeuer is not of fayth is sinne Vpon the right hand must the net be cast out That is in the office of preaching must respect bee had to the onely glorie of God and edefiyng of the church and not to our owne profit or preferment Christ hungreth after our health this is the meat which he desireth that we doe the will of his heauenly father that wee put our trust in him and loue one another that wee lead a iust and innocent life that wee keepe our selues from the filthinesse of the world bring much people vnto God Such meat is brought vnto Christ by the Apostles when they through their teaching doe catche men and bring them vnto God Therefore doth he aske them whether they haue any thing to eat They said nay for afore the receiuing of the spirite they could doe nothing but when he came they brought many profitable things to passe The haruest was so great that they must needs haue many workmen So when God helpeth the faithfull ministers of the worde that they in the ministerie of preaching haue prosperous successe so that they draw vp many men through the nette of the Gospell and finde much fruite Then the Disciples whome Christ loueth and which loue him againe doe know that it is the Lorde and that the same commeth not of their owne virtue but of the power of God And heereof then groweth there in them a great desire to come vnto Christ and to be with him The office therfore of Apostles of all ministers of the word is this that when they do what Christ commandeth them they turne them to Christ againe and ascribe the honour vnto him And if ought would let or hinder them to come vnto Christ they ought to refuse all the same and to hast vnto him with the losse of their life Iohn knoweth Christ afore Peter but Peter commeth to the Lord before him whereby we may note the diuersitie of ministrations and giftes in the Church Though Peter bee more feruent yet is hee not ashamed to learne of Iohn The fishers come with the fish vnto Christ the shepheards with the sheepe to one manner of saluation for they are not carefull onely for themselues how they may be saued but also for those whome they haue caught to bring the same with them vnto the shore of eternall rest It is our saluation when we become Christs meat yea when Christ is our foode and sustenance For they that in the sea of this world doe faithfully labour to drawe the fishe vnto the Hauen shall obtaine great fruit and enioy an eternall banquet at Christs table in his kingdome For Christ prepared them a dinner wherein hee set foorth vnto the ministers of the worde what they ought to doe namely to feed the people
they might not think What should we poore simple bodies doe against so many learned wise men Who wil arme vs against those that are so mightie Therfore he breatheth vpon them saith Receyue the holie Ghost whome hee there giueth them and therewith strengtheneth them inwardly but with much more power and might vpon Whitsonday whereupon he commandeth them to wait at Hietusalem where he will send them the promise of the Father cloathing the weake with heauenlie strength as with a garment and arming them as with a shield What good thing then can hee lacke or what euill thing can hurt him which is his messenger that hath all power in heauen and in earth and with whome such a king is euer abiding But when Christ would send out his disciples he saith vnto them As my father hath sent me so send I you Whereunto did the father send his sonne into the world Euen that hee should open the glorie of the father vnto the world that he should declare the will of the heauenly Father that hee shoulde offer health vnto the worlde This to doe Christ also sent foorth his Disciples He sent them not to seeke after vaine-glorie after power and riches after bodilie pleasure and worldly pompe but to do as he himself did Christ sought the lost sheepe brought men vnto the knowledge and loue of the true liuing GOD taught them to lead a vertuous and honest life Hee was a Phisition went to the sicke helped them and healed them he was not come to do his owne will but the will of his Father hee was not come to condemne the world but to saue it In all this ought the ministers of the worde to followe Christ and to do as he did Vnto this new heauenly and godlie life and worke Christ giueth them the holie Ghost For like as hee himselfe was risen into a newe life Euen so through his holie spirite will hee graunt and giue a newe life vnto those that are his Therefore breatheth hee vppon them to declare that it is hee who at the beginning made man and nowe by his death had quickened him and renewed him and that euen he is the fountaine and giuer of the spirite Thus vnto his Disciples he gaue the firstlinges of the promised spirite and with it a taste of more and greater perfection as an earnest pennie All this declareth what belongeth to true Apostles and Ministers of the worde which are sent of Christ for no man sendeth himselfe what their office is and that they which seeke the pleasures of the bodie honor praise and riches are not followers of Christ and successors of the Apostles Wherefore most diligently ought wee to pray vnto GOD that he will giue vs faithfull Ministers of the worde which looking truelie to the worke of Christ maye leade vs vnto God But forasmuch as without the holy Ghost nothing can be fruitfully done we must neuerthelesse praie for his holy spirite who may in vs stirre vp holy thoughts and deuout desires directing and mouing our will and so giuing power and strength to accomplish the works of God and steadfastly therin to continue and that the same holy spirit may illuminate and kindle our minds and prouoke them vnto all good and godly works Considering then that the keies which were promised vnto Peter in him to the whole Church Matthew 16. are heere giuen of Christ wee will also intreate somewhat thereof These keyes are nothing else than the Gospell Christ now deduceth his oration from the common custome of men Like as things corporal are shut and opened with the key so be the consciences of men shut or bound with the Gospell Thus are these the keies which Christ giueth vnto the Apostles vnburdening of consciences and souls And that commeth to passe when the holy Ghost illuminateth the mind that it vnderstandeth the misteries of Christ committeth it selfe therevnto To bee discharged or vnbound is when the minde that hath despaired of health or saluation is lifte vp to an assured and vndoubted hope To binde is to leaue the obstinate vnbeleeuing minde vnto it selfe Iesus therefore sendeth foorth his disciples to publish this health vnto the whole world and to exclude separate no man from this grace But first he giueth them the holy Ghost as Iohn sayth that is he openeth their mindes that they may vnderstand the Scriptures as Luke saith for what is it else to open the vnderstanding but to giue the holy Ghost Meete is it also and conuenient that they which by the Gospell should beare Christ throughout the whole world should receiue the holy ghost For if they should preach Christ it was necessarie they had Christs spirit seeing that Christ they had one manner of thing in hand as Christ was sent of God so were they sent of Christ Without fruit verily should the ministers of the word preach the gospel if they were not endued illuminated and inspired with the holy Ghost Preach saith he the gospel that is the key wherewith the gate of heauen is opened Who so beleeueth the Gospell when hee heareth it preached and vnderstandeth it feeleth comfort in his conscience that he is deliuered from sinne Now doth the Gospell set before vs not onely the grace of God by Christ throgh the which grace our sinnes are forgiuen vs but also it teacheth and requireth a new life Neyther doth anie man begin a new life vnles he first be ashamed of the former old and wicked life Therefore saith Luke that Christ opened the mindes and vnderstanding of the disciples that they might perceiue the Scriptures namely that he might thus and thus suffer and rise again and that in his name that is in his commandement and power conuersion of life and forgiuenesse of sinnes should bee preached and declared among all people Therefore when the poore sinner through the preaching of the holy Ghost heareth his wicked and sinfull life for the holy gospel rebuketh the world of sinne he beginneth to knowe himselfe a sinner and to be displeased repentant and sorrie for his sinnes he considereth also that he is well worthie of eternal punishment and damnation By meanes whereof through the multitude and greatnesse of his sinnes he vtterly dispaireth in his owne power and righteousnesse and eternall saluation But therewithall he heareth also that Christ by reason of his sins came downe from heauen and dyed for him vppon the crosse washed away al his sinnes with his bloud hath reconciled him with God made him Gods child an eternall inheritour of his kingdome And this he stedfastly beleeueth I pray you doth not such a mans heart leape for ioy when hee heareth that thorough Christ he is discharged of all the sinnes that so sore pressed him The keies therefore are the pure word of God which teacheth men to know themselues and to put their trust in God through Christ With that word with those keies do the ministers of the worde open
the place where Christ our Lord and king raignneth at the right hand of God from whence he shall come and take vs vnto himselfe At all times therefore ought we to watch and wait for his comming that we may ioyfully receiue him and bee partakers with him in eternall blisse Heere also we learne how faithfull beleeuers vse themselues in the outward Sacraments They that being moued by the inspiration of the holy Ghost in theyr hearts doo heare the eternall word preached giuing credite vnto it gladly receiuing it these doo not afterward despise the outward Sacraments which GOD hath instituted for the welfare of his Church but vse the same with all obedience good will and reuerence To vse the Sacraments without faith profiteth not but rather hurteth to be loth to vse them declareth a compulsion and vnbeleefe For though the water in baptisme be an outward thing and cannot cleanse the soule from sinne yet the faithfull doo know right well that Christ the eternall wisedome in whom they beleeue did not institute it in vaine and therefore will not they contemne or leaue vnexercised the ordinance of theyr head to whome they as members are incorporated by faith For they knowe that Christ with these outwarde tokens thought to couple and knit together the members of his holy Church in obedience and loue one towards another whereby they knowing one another among themselues might by such exteriour things stirre and prouoke one another to loue and godlynesse They know also that the sacraments are euidences of the promise grace of God which they after a visible and palpable manner do set forth declare and represent vnto vs. These tokens of grace doth no man vse more deuoutly and with more reuerence than he that in himselfe is certified and assured of the gracious fauour of God as we see in Cornelius in Paul and in Queene Candaces chamberlaine What fruite followeth the preaching of the Gospell it is heere euidently seene for in one daie at Peters preaching by the working of the holy Ghost there came three thousand men to the Church of God God suffereth not his word to passe voide and vnfruitfull Verie earnest therefore diligent ought we to be and to spare no trauell cost and labor that the pure and sincere Gospell the word of truth may euerie where be preached by good and faithful men not doubting God wil giue blessed successe thereto that the seed sowen by the minister shall bring forth fruit AND they continued in the Apostles doctrine in the fellowship in the breaking of bread and in praiers Doctrine and fruite TO indure crowneth and rewardeth all workes who so indureth vnto the end shall bee saued without continuance may no good thing bee brought to end and fruit Therefore is it now declared how the word preached in the Church of God bringeth fruit and what the same fruites be wherein faithfull beleeuers do exercise themselues Saint Luke mencioneth foure thinges that proceed out of the faith in Christ for faith is not voide nor idle but worketh without ceasing in them that beleeue Therefore here we finde a patterne myrrour how it ought to goe in the Church of Christ for where these foure things bee there is Christes Church First the Church of Christ which is the felowship of all Saintes and faithfull beleeuers indureth abideth and continueth in the doctrine of the Apostles for euerie thing is preserued with that out of the which it is borne now is the Church of God borne first of the word of truth therfore in the word of truth also must it indure and be kept daily must it be planted nourished and watered with the worde and doctrine the successe the increase doth God giue The doctrine of the Apostles is nothing else but the boly Gospell which the sonne of God committed vnto them which they receued of him which also the Prophets before Christ spake of by the holy Ghost What Gospel was preached by the Apostles it is easie to perceiue by the aforesayd Sermon of Peter and of others in the Acts by the Euangelists and Epistles of the Apostles namely that God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten Sonne for it that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue eternall life Also he dyed for vs rose agayne from death ascended vp to heauen and sitteth there at the right hand of God being king and high Priest for euer in whose name all knees must bow without whom there is none other name giuen vnto men in whome wee must bee saued than the onely name of Iesus whose bloud washeth awaie our sins and he is the onely perpetuall mediation betweene God and vs. In this doctrine continueth the Church beeing builded vpon the sure rocke Iesus Christ and is not moued or driuen awaie by euerie winde of strange and inconstant doctrine Shee hearkneth not to the voice of anie other but of Iesus her shepheard In the doctrine of the Apostles there is no deceit no guile no poison And in this doctrine is found none of those things which certayne yeres after the Apostles were brought in by Romish Bishops as Masses Diriges Cloisters worshipping of Idols setting vp of Images buying of pardons forbidding of this or that meate First now doth faith in Christ bring forth this fruit in the Church namely in faithfull beleeuers that it draweth them to the doctrine of the truth by the which they became beleeuers and in the same it maketh them to continue that they neyther hearken nor giue credite to anie false errronious doctrine for they do verie assuredly know that such doctrines are not wholesome but venimous and hurtfull But in the Gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ and in the doctrine of the holie Apostles they are sure to finde the truth which nourisheth and preserueth them vnto eternall lyfe The Church of God abhorreth all vntruth for she knoweth it is of the deuill but of the trueth is she desirous for she knoweth that the same commeth of God and bringeth vnto GOD againe This Euangelicall truth and doctrine of the Apostles in the which the Church of God and all the members of Christ must continue hath beene of long time euen from the beginning comprehended in certayne Articles which wee call the Creede whereof there is sufficient mention made in the Catechisme Among the true children and seruauntes of God also there is no schisme doubt nor diuision concerning the head and chiefe Articles in the which they are well and firmely established fully perswaded and of one minde and consent And whereas there be some men which ouer-reach and goe beyond this marke willing other men and compelling Christians as farre as in them lyeth thereto teaching those to bee heretikes and damned that cleaue to the onely doctrine of the Apostles The same commeth and proceedeth of the presumptuous arrogancie of flesh who esteemeth his owne inuention more than that which God speaketh As when they saie
that wee will not once regard or thinke anie such thing whereby wee might the sooner forsake the diuision and stiffenesse of our heart and in friendly vnitie and brotherly loue to doe good one vnto another Christ therefore the restorer of our decayed nature and the onely true and eternall light came into this worlde to illuminate and lighten our blinde eyes to crie with his voyce vnto vs that bee dumbe and to sette that agayne before our eyes which wee our selues haue made darke and dimme Hee cryeth vnto vs in his Gospell with a loude voyce so that no man canne saie hee hath not heard it Hee is the heauenly schoolemaster the eternall wisedome the fountayne of all knowledge the onely and true teac●●● the whole building of his Church the foundation and roofe the beginning and ende of all his commaundementes hath hee sette and comprehended in onely loue exhorting vs to loue vnitie and friendshippe and saying that men heereby shall knowe vs to bee his disciples if we loue ●hem vnto that which faith inwardly considereth and looketh vpon These tokens are instituted to signifie and represent vnto vs high and greate things to gather together and vnite the Church that beeing dispearsed euerie where ouer the face of the whole earth might gather together into one communion and fellowshippe in Christ and bee made partakers of his promises and inioye those comfortable blessings which hee hath promised from the beginning namely such as bee faithfull and true beleeuers and that the exteriour and outwarde sense might from all corporall thinges bee withdrawen to that which is spirituall for the eyes see the bread which representeth the bodie of Christ they see as the bread is broken so was the bodie of Christ broken vpon the crosse for our sinnes and that as the wine is poured in and out so was the precious bloud of Iesus Christ shedde to wash awaie all our sinnes The eares doe heare Christes wordes spoken by the Minister in the person of Christ Iesus by the which the promise is renewed by which meanes those that are his and of his Church are by a certaine feeling and comfort in their soules and consciences refreshed The tast vppon the tongue the smell in the nose and lykewise the handling and so each other member in his seuerall office euerie one of them hath his delight and operation in confessing acknowledging and dooing his seruice vnto saith But for what cause our sauiour Christ dyd specially vse bread and wine before anie other corporall things to signifie his death and shedding of his bloud it may well and easily bee perceiued by the nature of faith With bread is the bodie fedde and sustayned with wine are mennes heartes made merrie Forasmuch then as faith the life of our soules through the flesh of Christ spiritually eaten is nourished and sustained and seeing our minde is moistened and refreshed with true and perfect ioy thorough the bloud of Christ shedde for vs there was nothing more meere nothing more expedient nothing more necessarie for this Sacrament than bread and wine Moreouer through the bloud of Christ are all other oblations and sacrifices cleane layde aside and therefore Christ minding to finish the high sacrifice vppon the crosse testified and declared before hand that his bodie beeing offered vp and his bloud shed shoulde bee sufficient to wash awaie all mens sinnes and that from thence forth there shoulde not neede anie other sinne offering in the which there must bloud bee shedde Therefore woulde hee with euident and plaine wordes testifie and saie This is my bodie which is giuen for you doo this in remembrance of mee This is the cuppe of the new Testament in my bloud which shall bee shedde for many to the forgiuenesse of sinnes To the inten● th●n that this excellent and worthie propitiation and sacrifice should not out of theyr eyes and heartes he added visible signes not bare signes but seales of his couenant as was the Circumcision and Passah and common tokens of loue and friendshippe amongst men euen bread and wine which haue no bloud to declare that all bloud for sinne is onely in Iesus Christ Christs minde was also in one bodie to couple and knit together in one bodie the whole multitude of his Church To signifie this that there was nothing more apt and sit than wine and bread for like as out of many cornes is made one paste and one bread and like as out of many grapes one wine floweth together euen so by faith and loue become they all one bodie that eate of one bread and drinke of one cup. And euen from the beginning of the world it hath alwnyes beene the vse among men that with breade and wine they haue made and confirmed great friendshippe and league And euen so Christ with the distributing of the bread among his disciples would establish an euerlasting friendship with them The fourth thing now in the Church of Christ is prayer namely as Christ taught them to praie vnto the father of heauen that the kingdome of his Sonne might still growe and increase that his glory might arise and spread it selfe throughout all the worlde that his name might bee hallowed and his will fulfilled c. This is the necessariest thing of all and if we lacke this in vaine are all our good workes in vaine are all the honest actions of a ciuill lyfe in vaine are all godly exercises nothing prospereth wee goe about no oblation is sanctified all is impuritie that wee eyther doo or thinke the holy Apostle Paule willeth vs to praie continually God graunteth not the presence of his spirite to anie thing but vnto praier Without the presence of Gods spirite vnprofitable is the worde preached vnprofitable are the Sacraments ministred vnprofitable shall all thinges bee vnto vs so that praier is most requisite Let vs therefore praie vnto almightie God to increase in vs the spirite of Prayer that with our soule and spirite wee may praie continually for spirituall giftes that they may dayly increase in vs to his glorie Graunt this the great giuer of all good giftes for his mercie sake To whom bee all honour glorie power dominion and thankes for euer and euer Amen A Praier O Mercifull God preserue our heartes from pride from vaineglorie and from shamefull couetousnesse giue vs grace to abide in thy holy vocation and to be thankfull for thy grace that the fall of thine Apostle beeing alwayes before our eies we may walke in thy feare before thee For if we stand we must take heed that we fall not neither despise those that as yet doo not stand Make vs to continue thy grace for nothing haue wee sauing onely tha● which we haue receued of thee And if of weaknesse we fall put thy hand vnder vs O Lorde and suffer vs not to despaire in sinne but cause vs with repentance and sorow for our offence to resort vnto thee Oh keepe vs that we neither despaire nor betraie thy dearely beloued sonne whome
the ministers of the word to desire that God throgh his holy name power will defend strength comfort and preserue them in all aduersitie but principally that hee will giue them grace to bee one coupled together in the band of peace loue and vniformitie that they may be of one spirite and of one mind that in one spirite they may further and plant the honour of God that like as Christ neither spake nor did anie thing but that which was acceptable and wel pleasing vnto the father they also in their sayinges and dooinges may haue respect vnto Gods glorie and that they being rooted and fortified in loue bee not vanquished nor ouercome of the pleasures or threateninges of this world Secondly that in all their labour and trauaile in al aduersitie and persecutions hee will put into theyr hartes his owne comfort and spirituall ioy For the worlde hath manifolde mirthes pastimes and pleasures much bragging and wilfulnesse vseth it in the riches and fleshly voluptuousnes thereof But the true Ministers of Christ seeing hee hath seuered them from the worlde must and ought to refraine and absent themselues from all worldly ioy and voluptuousnes yea it is they that ought to diswade the worlde from such wantonnesse and vanitie by meanes of whose faithfull admonition there falleth much hatred and trouble vpon them Neither were it to the furtheraunce of Gods honour and our commoditie to haue them vtterlye taken away out of this worlde Therefore dooth Christ desire and so must wee with him that from euill namely from the Deuill the Prince of this worlde who stirreth the world against them they may of the father in the world be defended and kept Thirdly that he will sanctifie and cleanse them afore other men that they may be holy and pure vessels in the house and temple that is in the Church of God for they are means instruments by whō God ministereth his grace and truth vnto men therfore is it also conuenient that they be pure and holy This commeth throgh the truth that God putteth in their mouth and heart by the holy Ghost which inwardly purifieth them But then are they holy when they teach truth and liue godly Into the worlde hath Christ sent thē as the father sent him into the world The father sent Christ into the world that he should destroy the kingdome of the deuill and of the world that he should declare vnto the world the grace and mercie of God towardes mankinde that he shoulde bring men from sinne and from false idolatrish faith to the true liuing God and to a vertuous conuersation that he with the light of truth should shine vpon those which sate in darknes that he should bring the knowledge of God into the world exhort men to the amendement of life Euen this hath Christ giuen in commission to his Apostles and to all ministers of the worde to doo This is their office this is their ministration vnto this haue they greate neede of the grace power and assistance of God therefore ought we most earnestly to praie for them for if they fail or fal it hurteth the whole Church yea out of the same there groweth slaunder vnto the name of God in the sight of the vnbeleeuers and an occasion of falling to such as are weake of faith Therefore Christ also offered himselfe to the father for them and sanctified them that they might bee pure and holy not in outward apparance but from the heart and in the truth that through their vniformity loue through the word of truth which they preach through the holynes of their doctrine and liuing all men and the whole world might know and vnderstand that God hath sent them yea that God sent his son Christ into the world vnto whome they with mouth and life beare record and who also euery where shineth out of them with wordes and deeds Not onely for them hath Christ praied but also for vs as many as hearken and beleeue the worde of truth preached by them Wherein first wee may perceiue and see the loue faithfulnes and great care of Christ for vs how earnestly the trustie shepheard of our soules committeth his poore sheepe into his fathers protection how faithfully our mediatour and aduocate praieth for vs whereby also he setteth forth a doctrine vnto vs how and what we shal pray of the heauenly father First that he will make vs one by his holy spirite in the truth in the vnitie of faith and in loue vnseparable that we all may be of one mind one body and one spirit in Christ Iesu our head and to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace that we all being illuminated by his spirit may in word and deed yea in our whole life seeke and further the glorie of our heauenly father that we all may bee one among our selues with God whereby all the worlde may spie see and perceiue that we are Gods children and Christs disciples Secondly that of his fatherly goodnes he will defend saue preserue vs his own poore sheep which be in the midst among wolues manifold dangers And seeing we being yet in the world do not liue after the world that it will please him to keepe vs from the euill namely frō the prince of of this world that thogh the same our enemie doth tempt plague vs he neuer yet haue power to preuaile against vs. Thirdly that inasmuch as we being in sin conceiued and borne haue hetherto liued in sinne seeing that albeit we are cleansed alreadie by his word and faith yet the vncleannes of the flesh and of the world doth daily defile vs it wil please him throgh his truth to purge and sanctifie our bodies our soules and our whole life that wee may become an holy temple of his grace pure cleane holy vessels consecrated sanctified to Gods own vse He hath once purified hallowed vs through the bloud of his son and vnto the father hath Christ sanctified and offered vp himselfe an holy acceptable sacrifice for our sins but the deuill the world and our flesh is euer busie to lead vs away againe from God from true holines Therefore must wee daily pray vnto him that through his holy spirit through his holy truth he wil continually purge clense sanctifie vs that we be not dissēbling hypocrites but godly and vnfained euen from our harts that we be not stained in the filthines of this world but to refraine from all vncleannes thorogh the assistāce of his grace that we may also offer vp our bodies an holy acceptable sacrifice to ●od the Lord as he offered vp himselfe vppon the crosse for our sakes FAther I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may see my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the making of the world O righteous father
resurrection then shall our lyfe become new and of another sort if we take vpon vs true pennance beeing sorie for our sinnes conuerting vs vnto thee amending and chaunging our conuersation Which with the gratious forgiuenesse of our sinnes is declared and promised vnto vs in the Gospell according to thy commaundement O what a ioyfull message is this that such greate grace should out of Sion bee shewed vnto vs which come of the heathen From this grace is no man shut out it is common vnto euerie man vnlesse the vnthankfull exclude himselfe as doo they that loue darknesse more than the light and they that disdainfully inclose thy grace and hedge in thy Church which thou by the preaching of repentance and forgiuenes of sinnes hast commaunded to bee gathered vnto thy selfe in the whole world not only at Hierusalem but also in Samaria and Galilee euen vnto the ende of the world O God suffer vs not to be subiect vnto vain-glorie and headines remoue all contention and strife out of thy holie Church Preserue vs from scismes and all dissention knitte vs together in vniforme loue which is an vndoubted token of thy children It behooued Iesus Christ to suffer not for himselfe but for our sakes to become the sacrifice for our sinnes that hee so satisfiyng the iustice of GOD might make amends for our trespasse and deliuer vs from death It behooued him also to ryse agayne that hee by his power might rayse vs vp from the death of sin to a new life by his own resurrection to make vs assured of ours and of immortall life IEsus came to his Disciples and said vnto them To me is giuen all power in heauen in earth As my father hath sent mee so send I you And when hee had thus spoken hee breathed vppon them and sayde Receiue ye the holy Ghost Whose sinnes yee forgiue they are forgiuen and whose sinnes yee reteyne they are reteyned Goe therefore and teach all people baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghost teaching them to obserue all thinges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you And beholde I am with you euerie day vntill the ende of the worlde Goe yee therefore into the whole worlde and preach the Gospell vnto all creatures Who so beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shall be condemned The tokens which shall follow those that beleeue are these In my name they shall cast out deuils They shall speake with new tongues They shall take away serpentes And if they drinke anie venemous thing it shall not hurt them They shall lay handes vppon the sicke and they shall be whole Doctrine and fruit WHEN Iesus with manie euidences had certified his Disciples of his Resurrection he sheweth them now to what excellent glorie and how high power his heauenly father hath brought him wherby their hearts might be stablished and how that all thinges are iustly subdued vnto him who through the crosse hath ouercome gotten a glorious victorie and suppressed the Prince of this world And though some now declare themselues contrary to his kingdome and are not obedient vnto his power but persecute and kill him in his members saying Wee will not haue him to raigne ouer vs resisting and gathering themselues together against God and his annointed king how mightie soeuer they be yet shall he bruise them with an iron rodde and as an earthen vessell all to breake them yea they must become his foot-stoole and hee shall raigne for euer As if he would say In most perfect humilitie in highest patience and beeing in greatest contumelie I haue hitherto serued you and all mankinde but now is the time come that the Father will glorifie mee and bring me to high honor which I had afore the worlde was made that in my name all knees should bowe for I am sette aboue all power and dominion hauing all thinges in my hande From henceforth shall I bee worshipped and honoured of the Angels in heauen and of all men vppon earth And forasmuch as I haue receyued a whole power ouer all flesh I sende you not onelie vnto the Iewes as afore but vnto all nations in the whole worlde for in my selfe haue I sanctified the whole nature of man Looke therefore that yee declare this ioyfull and gratious message vnto all men and plant them in with baptisme vnto the Father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost And those whom ye baptize see that ye teach to obserue and keepe all that ye haue receyued of mee Ye must also bee stout and not faint harted Many afflictions much euill will great persecution shal happen vnto you but consider how mightie a Lord ye haue vnto whom is giuen all power in heauen and earth hee is able enough to defend and saue you from all enemies And albeit that I goe nowe from you as touching corporall habitation yet will I bee still remayning with you with my power grace woorking and protection vntil the end of the worlde Wherefore goe your way sette your whole delight in mee keepe your selues vnto me alone so can ye not miscarrie O how excellent and great consolation is this vnto all faithfull and beleeuing hearts O how mightie a strength is it in all aduersities and daungers of this worlde to heare and consider that all power in heauen and earth is giuen vnto Christ our Lorde and king vnder whose protection and winges wee are safe and well preserued And who cannot vnderstand that this promise reacheth not onely vnto the twelue Disciples vnto whom it was then made but vnto all faithfull beleeuers which through their doctrine are come vnto Christ For those twelue did not continue in this life vntill the ende of the worlde and yet hee sayth I will be with you vntill the end of the world Wherefore wee may well perceiue that Christ vntill the end of the world will be with all faithfull beleeuers that is to say with his holie church to instruct teach strengthen comfort defend and deliuer it against all malitious violence of this world In his hand they are safe and well kept no man is able to plucke them out of his hande Although the worlde rage and the deuill the prince of the world sette all his power as great as it is against the Church of Christ yet are not the gates of hel able to doe anie thing against it for it is founded and strongly builded vpon Christ the rocke and he that is with it vnto the end of the world is mightier than all enemies Now forasmuch as the disciples of Christ should bring the heauenly doctrine throughout the whole world man being yet of himselfe vnable to comprehend the doings of God he therefore first expounded and declared the Scriptures vnto them as Luke mentioneth and seeing they were simple vnlearned men hee opened to them their vnderstanding But to the intent