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A16081 Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere; Bible. N.T. English. Selections. 1538 (1538) STC 2966.3; ESTC S105508 96,318 158

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sondaye the fyrste pystel of iohn̄ the. iij. chapyter C. MEruayle nat my brethren thoughe the worlde hate you we knowe that we are translated frō deth vnto lyfe bycause we lowe the brethrene He that loueth not his brother abydeth in dethe Uvho soeuer hateth his brother is a mansleer ye know that no mansleer hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym Hereby perseaue we the loue of god in that he gaue his lyfe for vs. And therfore ought we also to gyue oure lyues for our brethrē Uvho soeuer hath this wordes good and seeth his brother haue nede shuttethe vp his cōpassyon frō hym howe dwelleth the loue of god ī hī my babes let vs nat loue ī worde neither ī tōg but in dede and ī verite ¶ The Gospel on the. ij Sōday after Trinite sonday The. xiiij chapiter of Luke D. IEsus put forth a similitude to his discyples sayēge A certayne man ordeyned agreat supper and bad many sente his seruaunte at supper tyme to saye to thē that were byddē● come for all thyngꝭ are nowe redy they all at ones begā to make excuse the fyrst sayd vnto hym I haue boughte a towne and I muste nedes go se it I praye the haue me excused And another sayde I haue bought fyue yoke of oxen I go to proue thē I praye the haue me excused The thyrde sayde I haue maryed a wyfe and therfore I can nat come And that seruaūte wēt brought his mayster word therof Then was the good mā of the house displeased and sayd to his seruaūte Go out quyckely in to the stretes quarters brynge ī hyther the poore the maymed the halte the blynd And the seruaunte sayd lorde it is done as thou cōmaundest yet there is roume And the lorde sayde to the seruaūt go out in to the hye wayes hedges cōpelle thē to come in that my house maye be fylled for I saye vnto you that none of these whiche were bydden shal tast of my supper ¶ The Pystel on the. iij. sonday after trinyte sonday The fyrste pystel of Peter the. v. chap. B. BRethrē submyt your selues vnder the myghty hāde of god that he maye exalte you whē the tyme is cōe cast al your care to hym for he carethe for you Be sobre and watch for your aduersary the dyuel as a rorynge Lyon walketh about sekynge whome he maye deuoure whome resyste stedfast in the fayth remembryng that ye do but fulfyll the same afflyccyons whiche are apoynted to your brethrene that are ī the worlde the god of al grace whiche called you vnto his eternall glorye by Christ ie sus shal his owne self after ye haue suffred a lytel afflyccyō make you ꝑfite shal settle strēgth stablysshe you to hym be glory and dominion for euer whyle the worlde enduret Amen ¶ The Gospell on the thyrde sonday after Trinyte Sonday The. xv chapyter of Luke A. THe Publycanes the synners resorted vnto Iesꝰ to heare him and the Pharyses Scrybes murmured sayeng He receaued to his ꝯpany synners and eateth with thē Them put he forthe this symylytude to them sayenge Uvhat man of you hauyng an hondred shepe Yf he lose one of them dothe nat leaue nynty and nyne in the wyldernes and go after that whiche is lost vntyl hefynde hym And when he hath founde him he putteth hym on his shulders with ioye as sone as he commeth home he calleth togither his louers and neyghbours sayeng vnto thē reioyse with me for I haue foūde my shepe which was loste I saye vnto you that lykewyse ioye shal be ī heuē ouer one synner that repenteth more thē ouer nynethy nyne iuste persones whiche nede no repentaunce Gyther what woman hauynges x. grotes yf she lose one doth nat lyghte a candel swepe the house seke diligently tyl she fynde it And when she hathe founde it she calleth hir louers her neyghbours sayēge Reioyse with me for I haue found the grote whiche I hadde loste lykewyse I saye vnto you ioye is made ī the presēce of the angles of god ouer one synner that repenteth ¶ The Pystel on the. iiij Sondaye after Trinyte sonday the. viij chapiter to the Romayns D. BRethren I suppose that the afflyccyons of this lyfe are nat worthy of the glory to come which shal be shewed vpon vs Also the feruente desyre of the creatures abydeth lokyng when the sones of god shall appere bicause the creatures are subdued to vanite agaynst theyr wyl but for his wyl whiche subdued them in hope for the very creatures shal be delyuered from the bondage of corrupcion in to the gloryous lybertye of the sones of god for we know that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto this tyme nat they onely but euen we also which haue the fyrste fruytes of the spyrite mourne in our selues and wayte for he adopcyon loke for the delyueraunce of our bodyes ¶ The Gospel on the. iiij Sondaye after Trinyte sonday The. vi Chapyter of Luke F. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples be ye merciful as your father is merciful Iudge nat ye shal nat be iudged Cōdemne nat and ye shal nat be condempned Forgyue and ye shal be forgyuen Gyue and it shall be gyuē vnto you good measure pressed downe shaken togyther and runnynge ouer shall men gyue vnto youre bosomes For with what measure ye meate with the sāe shall men mete to you agayne he put fourth a simylytude vnto thē Cā the blynde leade the blynde do they nat both then fal ī to the dyche The dyscyple is nat aboue hys master euery mā shal be ꝑfecte Yf he be as his mayster is Uvhy seyst thou a mote ī thy brothers eye and consydereste nat the beame that is in thyne owne eye eyther howe canst thou saye to thy brother brother let me pull out the mote that is in thyne eye whē thou perceauest nat the beame that is ī thyne owne eye ypocrite cast out the beame out of thyn owne eye fyrste then shalt thou se ꝑfectely to pul out the mote out of thy brothers eye ¶ The Pystel on the. v. Sonday after Trinite sonday the fyrste pystel of Peter and the. iij. chapyter A. BRethrene be ye al of one mynde one suffre with another loue as brethrene be petyfull be courteous nat rendryng euyl for euyl neyther rebuke for rebuke but contrary wyse blesse remēbrynge that ye are therūto called euen that ye shuld be heyers of blessyng Yf any mā lōge after lyfe louethe to se good dayes let hī refrayne hys tonge frō euyl hys lyppes that they speke nat gyle Let hī eschewe euyl do good let hī seke peace and ensue it for the eyes of our lorde are ouer the ryghtuous hys eares are opened vnto theyr prayers but the feare of our lorde beholdeth thē that do euyll Moreouer who is he that wyll har me you yf ye folowe that whiche
as it was spronge vp yt wyddred away bycause it lacked moystnes some fell amonge thornes and the thornes syrong vp with it and choked it And some fell on good grounde and spronge vp and bare fruyt an hōdred folde And as he sayd these thynges he cryed he that hath eares to heare let hym heare his dyscyples asked hym sayenge what maner symylytude this shulde be and he sayd vnto you it is gyuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of god but to other in similitudes that whē they se they shuld nat se whē they hear they shulde nat vnderstande the similitude is this The sede is the worde of god those that are besyde the waye are they that heare and afterwarde commeth the deuyl and taketh a waye the worde oute of theyr heries lest they should byleue and be saued They on the stones are they whiche when they heare the worde receaue it wyth ioye and these haue no rotes which for a whyle byleue ī tyme of tēptacyō goo awayne That whiche fell amonge thornes are they whiche heare go forth and are choked with care and ryches voluptuous lyuing bryng forth no fruyte That ī the good groūde they are which with a good pure hert heare the worde and kepe it and bryng forth fruyte with pacience ¶ The Pystell on the Sonday of l. the fyrste Pystel to the Corynthyans The. xiij chapiter A. BRethrē thoughe I speake with the tonges of men and angels yet had no loue I were euē as soūdyng brasse and as a tynklynge cymball And though I coulde prophesy and vnderstode al secreces and all knowlege ye yf I had all fayth so that I coulde moue mountaynes out of theyr places yet had no loue I were nothynge And though I be ●o wed al my goodes to fede the poore and though I gaue my body euen that I burned and yet haue no loue it profyteth me nothing loue suffreth lōg and is curteous loue enuyeth nat loue doth nat frowardly swelleth nat dealeth nat dyshonestly seketh nat her owne is nat ꝓuoked to angre thīketh nat euyll reioyceth nat in iniquite but reioyceth in the trueth suffreth all thīge byleueth all thīges hopeth all thin ges and endureth in all thynges Though that the ꝓphesyeng fayle other tōges shall cease or knowlege vanysshe away yet loue falleth neuer away for our knowlege is vnparfyte and our prophesieng is vnparfyte but whē that whiche is parfyte is cōe thē that which is vnparfyte shal be done awaye when I was a chylde I spake as a chylde I vnderstode as a chylde I imagyned as a chylde but as sōe as I was a mā I put awaye all childysshenes now we see in a glasse euē ī a darke speakīge but whē shall we see face to face now I know vnparfitly But whā shall I knowe euē as I am knowē nowe abydeth fayth hope loue euē these thre but the chefe of thē is loue ¶ The Gospell on the Sōday of l. The. xviij Chapyter of Luke F. IEsus toke vnto hī the twelue sayde vnto thē beholde we go vp to Ierusalē and all shall be fulylled that are wryttē by the prophetes of the sones of man he shall be delyuered vnto the gentyls shall be mocked and shall be despytefully entreated shall be spetten on when they haue scurged hym they wyll put hym to deth and the thyrd day shall he aryse agayn They vnderstode none of these thynges this sayinge was hyd from thē and they perceyued nat the thynges which were spoken it cā to passe as he was come nye vnto Ierico a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde beggyng and when he herde the people passe by he asked what it meante They sayde vnto hym that Iesus of nazareth went by and he cryed sayeng Iesus the sone of Dauyd haue mercy on me and they whiche went before rebuked hym bycause he shuld hold his peace and he moche the more cryed The sonne of Dauyd haue mercy on me Iesꝰ stod styll and commaūded hym to be brought vnto hym and when he was come nere he asked hym sayenge Uvhat wylt thou that I do vnto the and he sayde lorde that I maye receaue my syght Iesus sayd vnto hym Receaue thy syght thy fayth hath saued the imedyatly he sawe folowed hym praysynge god al the people when they sawe it gaue laude to god ¶ The Pystell on on Asshewednysday The secon de chapyter of Iohel D. OUre lorde sayth turne to me with all your hertes in fastyng and lamentacyon teare your hertes nat youre garmētes and turne vnto the lorde your god for he is full of mercy and compassyō long yer he be angry great in mercy and repenteth whē he is at the poynt to punysshe who can tell whether the lord wyll turne and haue compassyon shall leaue after hī a blyssyng sacryfice and drynke offrynge vnto the lord your god Blow a trompet in Syon proclayme fastyng and call a cōgregacyō gather the people to gyther bryng thou the elders to one place gather the yonge chyldrē they that sucke the brestes to gyther let the bryde grome come out of hys chambre the bryde out of her parloure let the preestes that mynyster vnto the lord wepe by twene the porche the alter saye spare lorde thy people and delyuer nat thyne enhery taunce vnto rebuke that the hethen shulde raygne ouerthē why shuld they say amōg the nacyōs where is theyr god And the lorde enuyed for his laudes sake had cōpassyō on his people the lord answered sayde vnto his people behold I sēt you corne newe wyne oyle that ye shal be satisfyed ther with neyther wyll I delyuer you any more vnto the hethen ¶ The Gospell on Asshedwednysday The. vi chapyter of Mathewe B. CHrist sayd vnto hys discyples whē ye faste be nat sad de as the hypocrites are for they dysfygure theyr faces that it myght appere vnto mē that they faste Uerely I saye vnto you they haue theyr rewarde But thou when thou fastest anoynt thyne heed and wass he thy face that it appere nat vnto men how that thou fastest but vnto thy father that is in secret and thy father whiche seythe in secrete shal rewarde the openly Gather nat treasure to gyther on erth where ruste and mothes corrupte and where theues breake through steale but gather the treasure to gyther in heuē where neyther rust nor mothes corrupt wher theues neyther breke vp nor yet steale For wher soeuer youre treasure ys there wyll youre hertes be also ¶ The Pystel on the fyrst Sondaye ī Lent the seconde pystell to the Corynthyans The. vi chapiter A. BRethren we exorte you the ye receaue nat the grace of god in vayne for he sayth I haue herde the in a tyme accepted in the day of saluacyon haue I suckered the. Beholde now is the well accepted tyme beholde now is the daye of
beare the worde of god kepe it ¶ The Pystell on mydlent Sondaye The. iiij Chapyter to the Galathyans C. BRethrē it is wryttē that abrahā had two sones the one by a bōde mayde the other by a fre womā ye he which was of the bond womā was borne after the flesshe but he which was of the free womā was borne by ꝓmyse which thynges betokē mistery for these women are two Testamētes the one from the mounte Syna which gendreth vnto bondage whiche is Agar for moūte Syna is called Agar in Arabia bordreth vpon the cyte whiche is now Ierusalē is in bondage with her chyldren But Ierusalē whiche is aboue is free whiche is the mother of vs all for it is wrytten reioyce thou bareyn that bearest no chryldren breke forth cry thou that trauaylest nat for the desolate hath many mo chyldrene then she whiche hath an husbande Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promyse but as then he that was borne carnally ꝑsecuted hī that was borne spiritually Euē so is it now neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture Cast awaye the bōd womā her sone for the sone of the bōd womā shal nat be heyre with the sone of the free womā So thē brethrē we are nat chyldrene of the boūde womā but of the free woman ¶ The Gospell on mydelēt Sondaye the. vi chapiter of Iohan. A IEsus went his way ouer the see of Galyle nye to a cyte called tiberias and a greate multytude folowed hym bycause they had sene the myracles that he dyd on thē whiche were dyseased Iesus went vp in to a mountayne and there he sate with his discyples Easter a feast of the Iewes was nye Then Iesus lyft vp his eyes and sawe a great company com vnto him and sayd vnto Philyp whēse shall we bye breade that these myght eate This he sayde to proue hym for hī selfe knew what he wold do Phylyp answered hym Two hōdred peny worth of breade are nat sufficient for thē that euery man myght haue a lytell Then sayd vnto hym one of his discyples Andrew Symō peters brother There is a lade here which hath fyue barley loues and two fysshes but what is that amonge so many Iesus sayd make the people to syt downe there was moke haye in the place And the men sate downe ī nombre aboute fyue thousāde Iesus toke the breade gaue tankes And gaue to the discyples And his disciples to thē that were set downe And lykewyse of the fysshes as moche as they wold whē they had eatē ynoughe he sayd vnto his disciples gather vp the broken meate that remayneth that nothyng be last They gathered it togyther and fylled twelue basketes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loues whiche broken meate remayned vnto thē that had eten Thē those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd sayde This is of a trueth the prophet whiche shal come ī to the worlde ¶ The Pystel on passyon Sondaye The. ix chapiter to the Hebrues C. BRethrē Christ being an hye preest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a more ꝑfyte tabernacle nat made with handes that is to say nat of this maner bildyng neyther by the blode of Gotes and Calues but by his owne blode he entred ones for all in to the holy place and foūde eternal redēpcyon for if the blode of Oxen of Gotes and the ashes of an Heyfer when it was spryncled purifyed the vncleane as thouchynge the purifyenge of the fleshe how moche more shal the blode of Chryste which thorowe the eternal sperite offred hī selfe without spot to god pourge oure cōscyēces frō deed workes for to serue the lyuyng god and for this cause is he the medyatoure of the newe Testament that thorow death whiche chaunsed for the redempcyō of those trāsgressyons the were ī the fyrste Testamēt they whiche were called myght receaue the promyse of eternall inherytaunce ¶ The Gospell on Passyō sonday The. viii chapiter of Iohan. F. IEsus sayde vnto the cōpany of the Iewes the hye preestes which of you can rebucke me of synne if I say the trueth why do nat ye byleue me he that is of god heareth goddes wordes ye therfore heare thē nat bycause ye are nat of god Thē answered the Iewes sayd vnto hī say we nat wel that thou arte a samaritane haste the deuyll Iesus answered I haue nat the deuyl but I honour my father ye haue dishonoured me I seke nat myn owne prayse but there is one that seketh iudgeth Uerely verely I saye vnto you yf a man kepe my sayenges he shall neuer se deth Thē sayd the Iewes to hym now know we that thou hast the deuyl Abrahā is deed also the ꝓphetes yet thou sayest yf a mā do kepe my sayen ge he shall neuer taste deth arte thou greater them oure father A brahā whiche is deed the ꝓphetes ar dead whō makest thou thy selfe Iesꝰ answered yf I honour my selfe my honour is nothīge worth it is my father that honoureth me whiche ye say is your god yet haue ye nat knowē hī but I knowe hym and if I shulde say I knowe hym nat I shuld be a lyer lyke vnto you but I knowe hym and kepe his sayenge your father Abrahā was glad to se my daye and he saw it reiorsed Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym Thou art nat yet l. yere olde hast thou sene Abraham Iesus sayd vnto thē Uerely verely I say vnto you yer Abraham was I am Thē toke they vp stones to caste at hym but Iesus hyd hym selfe and went out of the temple ¶ The Pystel on Palme Sondaye The seconde Chapiter to the Phylippians A. BRethren let the same mynd be in you the whiche was in Chryst iesu Uvhiche seynge ī the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equal with god Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacyon toke on hym the shape of a seruaūt and became lyke vnto men was founde in his apparell as a man he humbled hym selfe became obedyent vnto death euē the death of the crosse wherfore god harh exalted hym and gyuen hym a name aboue all names that in the name of iesus shulde euery knee bowe both of thynges in heuē and thynges in erth and thynges vnder erth and that all tonges shulde confesse the iesus Chryst is the lorde vnto the prayse of god the father ¶ The passyon on palme Sonday The. xxvi Chapiter of Mathewe A. Uvhat coulde ye nat watche with me one houre watche and pray that ye al nat in to temptacyon the spiryte is wyllyng but the flesshe is weake He went away ones more prayed sayēg O my father yf this cuppe cam nat passe away from me but that I drynke of it thy wyll be fulfylled he cam founde thē aslepe agayn for theyr eyes were heuy he left them wēt agayne prayed the thyrde
mā of the pha reses named Nichodemꝰ a ruler among the Iewes He came to Iesꝰ by nyght sayd vnto hym Mayster we know that thou arte a teacher whiche art come from god for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest except god were with hym Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Uerely verely I say vnto the except that a man be borne a newe he can nat se the kyngdome of god Nichodemus sayd vnto hym How cā a mā be borne whē he is olde Can he entre in to his mothers wombe be borne agayne Iesus answered Uerely verely I saye vnto she except that a man be borne of water of the spirite he can not entre ī to the kyngdome of god That whiche is borne of the flesshe is fleshe and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite Meruayle nat that I sayde to the ye must be borne a newe The wynd bloweth wher he lysteth thou hearest his sound but thou canst nat tell whense he commeth whyther he goeth So is euery man that is borne of the spirite Nichodemus answered and sayd vnto him how cā the se thynges be Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Arte thou a maister in Israel knowest nat these thynges Uerely verely I say vnto the we speak that we knowe and testifye that we haue sene ye receaue nat our wytnes yf I haue told you erthly thinges ye haue nat byleued how shulde ye byleue if I shal tel you heuenly thynges And no man hath ascended vp to heuen but he that came downe from euen that is to say the sone of mā whiche is in heuen And as moyses lyfted vp the serpent in wyldernes euen so must the sone of man be lyfted vp that no man which byleueth in hym perysh but haue eternal lif ¶ The Pystel on Corpus chryst daye The fyrst pystel to the Corynthyans the. xi chapiter E. BRethren that whiche I gaue vnto you I receaued of the lorde for the lorde Iesus chryst the same nyght in the whiche he was betrayed toke breade and thanked and brake and sayd take ye and eate ye this is my body whiche is broken for you This do ye in the remembraunce of me after the same maner he toke the cup when supper was done sa yenge This cup is the new Testament ī my blode this do as ofte as ye drynke it in the remembraūce of me for as often as ye shal eate this breade drynke of this cuppe ye shal shewe the lordes dethe tyll he come Wherfore who so euer shal eate of this breade or drynke of the cuppe vnworthely shall be gylty of the body blode of the lorde Let a mā therfore examyn him selfe so let him eate of the breade drynke of the cuppe for he that eteth and drinketh vnworthely eateth drynketh his owne dāpnacyō Bycause he makethe no differēce of the lordes body ¶ The Gospell on Corpus christ day The. vi Chapyter of Iohan. F IEsus sayde vnto his discysciples and to the company of the Iewes my flesshe is meate in dede my blode is drynke in dede He that eateth my flesshe drynketh my blode dwelleth in me And I in hym as the lyuynge father hathe sēte me euē so lyue I by my father he that eateth me shal lyue by me This is the breade which came frō heuē nat as your fathers haue eaten Māna are deed He that eateth of this breade shallyue euer ¶ The Pystel on the fyrst Sonday after Trinite sōday the. iiij chap̄ of the fyrste Pystel of Iohā B. MOst dere beloued brethren God is loue in this appered the loue of god to vs warde bycause that god sente his only begottē sone ī to the worlde that we myght lyue thorowe hym hereī is loue nat that we loued god but that god loued vs And sent his sone to make agrement for our synnes Derely byloued yf god so loued vs we ought also to lou one another no man hath sene god at any tyme Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs and his loue is parf●te in vs. Hereby knowe we that we dwell ī hym he in vs bycause he hathe gyuen vs of his spiryte And we haue sene and do testyfye that the father sēt his sone whiche is the sauyour of the world who soeuer cōfesseth that Iesus is the sone of god ī hi dwellethe god he ī god And we haue knowē byleued the loue that god hathe to vs. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwellethe in god and god in hym here in is the loue parfyte in vs that we shulde haue truste in the daye of iudgement for as he is euen so are we in this world There is no feare in loue but parfyte loue casteth out all feare for feare hath paynfulnes he that feareth is nat parfyte in loue Uve loue hym for he loueth vs fyrste yf a mā sayd I loue god and yet hateth his brother he is a lyer Howe cane he that loueth nat his brother whom he hath sene loue god whome he had nat sene And this commaundemēt haue we of hym that he whiche loueth god shulde loue his brother also ¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sondaye after Trinyte sondaye The. xvi chapiter of Luke D IEsus put forthe a parable vnto his dyscyples sayeng there was a certayne riche mā whiche was clothed in purple fyne raynes fared dely cyously euery day And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus whiche laye at his gate full of sores desyrynge to be refresshed with the crōmes which fel frō the riche mānes borde Neuer theles that dogges came lycked his sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed was caryed by the angels in to Abraham bosome The ryche man also dyed was buryed and beynge in hell in tormētes he lyft vp his eyes and sawe Abrahā a farre of And Lazarus in his bosome and cryed sayde Father Abraham haue mercy on me and send Lazarꝰ that he maye dyppe the typpe of his fynger in water and cole my tong for I am tormented in this flābe but Abraham sayd vnto hym sone remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receauedest thy pleasures cōtrary wyse Lazarꝰ payne Now therfore is he comforted thou art punysshed beyonde al this bytwene you and vs ther is a greate space set so that they whiche wolde go from hense to you can nat neyther may com frō thens to vs. Then he sayd I pray the therfore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fyue brethrene for to warne them lest they also com in to this place of tourment Abraham sayde vnto hym they haue moyses and the prophetes let them heare thē And he sayd nay father Abraham but yf one came vnto them from the deed they wold repent He sayd vnto hym Yf they here nat Moyses the ꝓphetes neyther wyl they byleue thoughe one rose from deth agayne ¶ The Pystell on the. ij sonday after trinyte
hoole ¶ The Pystel on the. xv Sōdaye after trinite sōday The. v. chapiter to the Galathyans D. BRethrene if we lyue ī the spiryte let vs walke in the spiryte let vs nat be vayne gloryous ꝓuokyng one another enuyēge one another Brethene yfany mā be fallen by chaūce in to any faute ye which are spyrytual helpe to amēde hym ī spirite of mekenes cōsyderyng thy selfe lest thou also be tēpted bere ye one anothers burthen so fulfyl the law of Chryste yfany mā seme to hym selue that he is som what when in dede he is nothynge the same deceauethe hym selfe in his ymaginacyon let euery mā proue his owne worke thē shal be haue reioysyng in his owne selfe nat ī another for euery mā shal beare his owne burthin let him that is taughte in the worde mynister vnto hym that teacheth hym in all good thyng● be nat deceaueth god is nat moched for what soeuer man soweth that shall he reepe He that soweth in his flesshe shal of the flesshe reepe corrupcyō but he that soweth ī the spiryte shal of the spiryte reepe lyfe euerlastyng Let vs nat be wery of well doyng for whē the thyme is come we shall reepe without werynes Uvhyle we haue therfore tyme let vs do good vnto all men specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth ¶ The Gospel on the. xv Sonday after Trinyte sonday The. vi chapyter of Mathewe C Iesus sayd vnto his disciples that no mā can serue two maysters for eyther he shal hate the one loue the other or els he shall leue to the one despyce the other ye cā nat serue god māmon Therfore I say vnto you be nat carefull for youre lyfe what ye shal ea te nor what ye shal drynke nor yet for your body what ye shal put on is nat the lyfe more worth thē meate the body more of value then rayment beholde the foules of the ayre for they sowe nat neyther reape nor yet cary in to the barnes yet your heuēly father fedeth thē are ye nat moche better thē they which of you thoughe he toke though therfore coulde put one cubit vnto his stature why care ye thē for raymēte Cōsyder the lylyes of the felde how they grow They labour nat neyther spynne yet for al that I say vnto you that euē Salomō in al his royalte was nat araed lyke vnto one of these wherfore yf god so clothed the grasse which is to day ī felde to morowe shal be caste in to the furnesse shall he nat moche more do the same vnto you O ye of lytell fayth Therfore take no thought saig Uvhat shal we eate or what shal we drinke or wher with shall we be clothed after all these thynges seke the gētyls for your heuēly father knoweth that ye haue nede of al these thynges but rather seke ye fyrste the kyngdome of heuē and the ryghtwysnes therof and al these thynges shal be mynystred vnto you ¶ The Pystel on the. xvi Sondaye after Trinyte sonday The. viij chapiter to the Ephesyans B. SAy at Paule wrote vnto the Ephesyās sayēg I desyre you that ye faynte nat bycause of my tribulacyons for your sakes whiche is your prayse for this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our lorde Iesꝰ Chryst which is father ouer al that is called father ī heuē ī heuē ī erth that he wold graūt you accordīg to the ryches of his glory that ye maye be strēgthed with myght by hꝭ spirite ī the inner mā that Chryste maye dwell ī your hertes by fayth that he beyng coted groūded ī loue myght be able to cōprehēde with all saintes what is that bredth lēgth deepth heygth to know what is the loue of christ which loue passeth knowledge that ye myght be fulfylled with al maner of fulnes which cōmeth of god vnto hī that is able to do excedynge haboundauntly aboue all that we are or thynke accordyng to the power that worketh ī vs be prayse ī the congregacyōs by iesus Chryste thorowout all generacyons frō tyme to tyme. Amen ¶ The Gospel on the. xvi Sondaye after Trynyte sonday The. vij chapiter of Luke B. IEsꝰ wēt ī to a cyte called Naim many of his dyscyples wente with hym and moch people whē he came nye vnto the gate of the cytie beholde there was a deed mā caried out whiche was the onely sone of his mother and she was a wydow and moch people of the cytie was with her and when Iesus sawe her he had compassyon on her sayde vnto her wepe not he wente touched the coffyn and they that bare him stode styl and he sayde yonge man I saye vnto the aryse and the deed sate vp and began to speke and he delyuered hī to his mother there came a feare on theym all ●…oryfyed god sayenge a great prophet is rysen among vs and god hathe vysyted his people ¶ The Pystel on the. xvij Sonday after Trinyte sonday The fourth Chapiter to the Ephesyans A. BRethrene I which am in bōdes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called in all humblenes of mynde and mekenes and longe sufferynge for bearinge one another thorow loue and that ye be di ligente to kepe the vnyte of the spirite ī the bōde of peace beynge one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge Let there be but one lord one fayth one baptyme one god and father of al whiche is aboue al thorow al. And in you al which is blessed in the worldes of worldes Amen ¶ The Gospel on the. xvij Sonday after Trinyte sondaye The. xiiij Chapyter of Luke A. UUhen Iesus wente in to the house of one of the cheyfe Pharyses to eate breade on the sabothe day and they watched hym and beholden there was a man before hym whiche had the dropsye and Iesus answered and spake vnto the law yers and Pharyses sayenge it is laufull to hea le on the Saboth day and they helde theyr peace he toke hym healed hym let him go answered them sayeng Uvhiche of you shal haue anAsse or an ore fallē in to apytte wyl not strayte waye pull hī out on the Saboth daye and they coulde nat answere hym agayne to that He put forth a simylytude to the gestes when he marked how they preased that hiest roames sayde vnto thē whē thou arte bydden to a weddyng of any mā sit nat downe ī the hyest rou me lest a more honourable mā thē thou be biddē of hī he that badde both hym the come saye to the gyue this mā roume thou thē begyn with shame to take the lowest roume but rather whē thou arte byddē go syth in the lowest roume the whē he that badde the cōmeth he maye saye vnto the frēde syt vp hyer Thē
of the lāde of the north frō all lādes whether I trust thē they shal dwel ī theyr owne lāde sayth the lord god almyghtye ¶ The Gospel on the next sōdaye before Aduēt sōday The. vi Chapiter of Iohan. A. UUhen Iesꝰ lyfted vp his eyes sawe a greate cōpany come vnto hī sayd vnto Phylyp whence shall we bye breade that these myght eate Thys he sayd to ꝓue hym for he him selfe knewe what he wolde do Philyp answered hym two hondred peny worth of breade are nat sufficient for thē that euery man haue a litel Then sayd vnto hym one of hys dyscyples Andrewe Symon Peters brother There is a chylde here which hath fyue barley loues and two fysshes but what is that amonge so many Iesus sayde make the people to sytte downe there was moche haye in the place and the men satte downe in nomber about fyue thousāde Iesꝰ toke the breade and gaue thākes and gaue to his dyscyples and his dyscyples to them that were set downe lykewyse of the fysshes as moche as they wolde when they had eaten inough he sayd vnto his disciples gather vp the brokē meate that remayneth that nothyng be lost They gathered it togyther fylled twelue baskettes with the brokē meate of the fiue barly loues too fyshes which broken meate remayned vnto thē that hade eatē Thē those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesꝰ dyd sayde This is of a trueth the same prophet whiche shal come in to the worlde ¶ The Pystell on the dedycacyō daye the. xxi Chapiter of the reuelacyon of saynt Iohan. A. IOhn̄ saw the holy city new Ierusalē cōe downe frō god out of heuē p̄pared as a brid garnished for her husbād I herd a greate voyce frō the trone sayēg behold the tabernacle of god is with mē he wyl dwell with thē they shall be his people god hī selfe shall be with thē be theyr god god shall wipe awaye all teares frō theyr eyes and there shall be no more dethe neyther sorowe neyther cryēg neyther shall there be any more payne for the olde thynges are gone he that sate vpon the seate sayde beholde I wyll make all thynges newe ¶ The Gospell on the Dedicacyon day The. xix chapyter of Luke A. IEsus entred ī and wēt thorowe Ierico beholde there was a mā named zacheus he was a ruler amōg the Publycās and ryche also and he made meanes to se Iesꝰ what he shuld be he coulde nat for the preace because he was of a low stature Uvherfore he ran before and ascended vp in to a wylde fygge tre to se hym for he wolde com that same waye whē Iesꝰ came to the place he loked vp and sawe hym sayd vnto hym zache hastely come downe for to day I must abyde at thy house quicly he came downe receaued hym ioyfully whē they sawe that they all grutched sayenge he is gone in to Tary with a mā that is a synner zache stode forth sayde vnto the lorde Beholde lorde the halfe of my goodes I gyue to the poore if I haue done any mā wrong I wyl restore hym foure folde Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym this daye is helth come vnto this house for as moche as this same house is be come the chylde of Abraham for the sone of man is come to seke and to saue that whiche was loost ¶ Here endeth the Pystels an● Gospels of the Sondayes ¶ Here begynneth The Pystels and Gospels of the Sayntes ¶ The Pystel on saynt Andrewes daye The. x. chapiter to the. Romaynes C BRothre the belefe of the herte iustifieth to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe For the scrypture sayth who soeuer beleueth on hym shall nat be ashamed There is no difference bytwene the Iewe the Gentyle For one is lorde of al which is ryche vnto all that cal vnto hym For who so euer shal cal on the name of the lorde shal be safe Howe shal they cal on hym on whom they by leued nat Howe shal they byleue on hym of whome they haue nat herde Howe shall they heare without a preacher and howe shall they preach except they be sent As it is written howe beuteful are the fete of thē whiche brynge glade tyndynges of poas And brynge gladde tydynges of good thynges but they haue nat all obeyed to the gospel For Esaias sayth lord who shall byleue our seyinges So thē faythe cōmeth by hearyng hearyng cōmeth by the worde of god But I aske haue they nat hearde No doubte theyr soūde wēt out ī to all lādes theyr worldes ī to the wordes in to the endes of the worlde ¶ The Gospell on saynt Andrewes day the fourthe cha of Mathew C AS Iesꝰ walked by the see of galile he sawe two brothren Symon whiche was called Peter and Andrew his brother castynge a nette ī to the see● for they were fyshers he sayde vnto thē folow me I wyll make you fysshers of men And they strayght waye left theyr nettes folowed hym And he went forth frō thence sawe other two brothren Iames the sōne of zebede Iohn̄ his brother in the shyp with zebede theyr father mendynge theyr nettes called thē they with out taryēg lefte the nettes and theyr father and folowed hym ¶ The Pystel on Saint Nicolas day Ecclia xliiij BEholde an excelent preest which is in his dayes pleased god and was founde ryghteous and ī tyme of wrathe made an atonemente lyke to hym there is nat founde that kept the lawe of the most hyest And he was in couenaunt with hym in his fleshe he wrote the couenaunte in tyme of tēptacyon he was foūde faythfull Therfore he made hym a couenaunte with an othe that nacyons shulde be blyssed in his syght that he shulde be multipled as the duste of the erth he knewe hym in his blyssynges gaue hym an inherytaunce and he kept hym thorowe his mercy that he foūde grace in the eyes of god An euerlastynge couenaunte dyd he make hym gaue hym the office of the hye preest he made hī happy in glory in fayth ī softnes he made hym holy chose hī out of all f●eshe ¶ The Gospel on Saynt Nicolas day the. xxv cha of Mathew B IEsus sayde vnto his discyples A certayne man redy to take his iourney to astraunge countre called his seruauntes to hym and delyuered to thē his goodes vnto one he gaue v. talētes to another ij to another one to euery mā after his abilyte strayte waye departed Then he that had receaued the. v. talētes wēt bestowed thē wan other v. lykewyse he that receaued ij gayned other ij but he that receaued one wēt dygged a pytte ī the erth hyd his maysters money After a lōge seasō the lord of those seruaūtes came rekened with thē Thē cā he that had receaued v. talētes
Dauid he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacobe for euer of his kyngdom shal be none ende Thē sayde mary vnto the angel how shal this be seynge that I knowe nat a man the angell answered sayd vnto her the holy ghost shall come vpō the the power of the hyest shal ouer shadow the. Therfore also that holy thīge which shal be borne shall be called the sone of god and marke thy cosyn Elizabeth she hath also conceaued a sone in her olde age this is the. vi monethe to her which was called baraine for with god shall nothynge be vnyossyble Mary sayde Beholde the hande maydē of the lorde be it vnto me euen as thou haste sayde ¶ The Pystel on saynt Georges daye The fyrst chapiter of Iames. A MY brethrene count it excedyng ioye whē ye fall in to dīuers temptacyos for as moche as ye knowe that the tryeng of your fayth bryngeth paciēce and let pacience haue her perfecte worke that ye maye be perfecte and soūde that nothyng be lackynge vnto you yf any that is amōg you lacke wisdome let hym aske of god which gyuethe to all mē in differently castethe no man ī the teeth and it shall be gyuē hym but let hym aske in faythe and wauer nat for he that doubtethe is lyke the waues of the see toste of the wynde and caryed with vyolence Neyther let that man thynke that he shal receyue any thynge of god A wauerynge mynded mā is vnstable ī al his wayes let the brother of lowe degre reioyce ī that he is exalted and the riche in that he is made lowe for euen as the floure of the grasse shal he vanysshe awaye The Sonne rysethe with heate the grasse widdereth and his floures fauleth away the beaute of the fassyon of it peryssheth euen so shall the ryche man perysshe with his haboundaūce Happy is the mā that endureth in temptacyon for when he is tryed he shall receaue the crowe of lyfe which the lorde hath promysed to then that loue hym ¶ The Gospel on saynt Georges daye The xv chapiter of Iohan. A. IEsus sayd vnto his discyples I am the true vyne my father is an housbande man euery braunche that bearethe nat fruite in me he wyl take away and euery braunche the beareth fruyte wyl he pourge that it may brīg more fruyte Nowe are ye cleane by the meanes of the wordes wiche I haue spoken vnto you byde yn me let me byde ī you as the braūche can nat beare fruyte of it selfe excepte it byde in the vyne no more can ye excepte ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are the braunches hethat abydeth in me I in hym the same bryngeth forthe moche fruythe for without me can ye do nothynge yfa mā byde nat ī me he is cast forth as braunche is wyddred men gather it caste it in to the fyre and it burnethe yf ye abyde in me my wordes also bide in you aske what ye wyl it shal be gyuē to you ¶ The Pystel on saynt Marke the Euangelystes daye The. iiij chapiter to the Ephesyans B. BRethren vnto euery one of vs is gyuē grace accordynge to the measure of the gyfte of Chryste wherfore he saythe he is gone vp an hye and hath ledde captyuete captyue and hathe gyuen gyftes vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also discended fyrst in to the lowest partyes of the erthe He that discended is euen the same also that ascended vp euē aboue al heuyns to fulfyl al thynges and the very same made some Apostles some ꝓphetes some Euāgelyst some shepherdes some teachers that the sayntes myght haue al thīges necessarye to worke mynystre withal to the edyfiēge of the body of chryst til we euery chone in the vnite of fayth knowledge of the sone of god growe vp vnto a ꝑfyte man after the measure of age of the fulnes of Chryst ¶ The Gospel on saynt Marke the euāgelystes day The. xv cha of Ioh. A IAm the true vyne c. as it is wrtten worde by word ī the Gospel of saīt Georges daye fo lxi ¶ The Pystel on Phylyp Iames daye Sapi. v. THen shal the ryghteous stāde with greate constaunce agaynst thē that vexed thē and toke away that they hadde laboured for when the wycked shall se that they shal be troubled with horrible fere and shal wounder at the sodayne vnloked for victorye and shall saye in them selues repentynge sorowyng for anguysshe of herte These be they whiche we some time mocked and iested on we were out of oure wyttes thought theyr lyuyng madnes theyr ende to be without honour but behold howe they are coūted amonge the chyldren of god and haue theyr enherytaunce among the sayntes ¶ The Gospel on saynt Phylyp and Iames day The. xiiii chapiter of Iohan. A. IEsꝰ sayde to his disciples let not your hertes be troubled byleue in god byleue ye in me In my fathers house are many māsyons Yf it were nat so I wold haue tolde you I go to p̄pare a place for you yf I go to prepare a place for you I wyll come agayne receaue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also whether I go ye know the waye ye know Thomas sayd vnto hym Lord we know nat whither thou goeste Also howe is it possyble for vs to know the way Iesus sayde vnto hym I am the way the verite the lyfe No mā cōmeth vnto the father but by me if ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And now ye knowe hī ye haue sene hym Phylyp sayde vnto hym Lorde shewe vs the father it suffyseth vs. Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym haue I ben so long tyme with you yet haste thou nat knowē me Phylyp he that hath sene me hath sene the father how sayest thou them shewe vs the father byleueste thou nat that I am in the father the father in me The wordes that I speake vnto you I speake nat of my self but the father dwellyng ī me is he that dothe the workes byleue me that I am the father the father ī me at the leest byleue me for the verye workes sake Uerely verely I say vnto yo● who so euer byleueth on me the workes that I do the same shall he do and greater workes thē these shall he do bycause I go vnto my father and what soeuer ye aske in my name that wyll I do ¶ The Pystel on the inuencyō of the Crosse the. v. Chapiter to the Galathyans B. BRothren I haue trust towarde you in god that ye wyll be none other wyse mynded He that troubleth you shall be are hꝭ iudgemēt what soeuer he be brothrē if I yet preache cir cuncision why do I thē yet suffer ꝑsecucyō for thē had the offēce which the crosse gyueth ceased I wolde to god they were sondred from you