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A13341 Of the markes of the children of God and of their comforts in afflictions. To the faithfull of the Low Countrie. By Iohn Taffin. Ouerseene againe and augmented by the author, and translated out of French by Anne Prowse.; Des marques des enfans de Dieu. English Taffin, Jean, 1529-1602.; Prowse, Anne. 1590 (1590) STC 23652; ESTC S118085 100,800 270

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of kindnes of humility of meeknes of longsuffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarel with another euē as Christ hath forgiuen you Loue one another 1. Ihon 10 as God hath loued you For herein is the difference betwene the children of God and the children of the deuil wherein ye may be knowne to be the true disciples of Christ Ye are al members of one body Iho. 13.35 let there be no diuision or parts-taking among you 1. Cor. 12 25 but feele the afflictions of those that weepe to weepe with them and to comfort them reioyce with those that reioyce to praise God with them If yee be the Citizens of the City Ierusalem wil haue a sure dwelling in it walke in integritie Psal 15 labour to deale iustly speake the truth from your harts keepe you from slandering couetousnes and all other corruption Acknowledge in al men the image of God whereunto you owe honor loue and in your brethren acknowledge the renuing of this image Gala. 6.10 and the brotherly coniunction in Christ in doing good to al men 1. Pet. 4.10 loue honor and help especially those that are of the houshold of faith Ye are debtors to your neighbors of all that ye haue 1. Pet. 4.8 or are able to do to be disposers of it with condition that ye render to God an account Iam. 1.19 Honor the graces of God in your brethren and couer their infirmities by charitie be quicke to heare but slowe to speake and slow to wrath For the wrath of man worketh not that which is righteous in the sight of God Do not desire hope or imagine any other means to prosper by thā by the blessing of God And do not looke that hee stould aduaunce by the ayde of his blessing that which he hath accursed by his mouth So go forward in the amendment of your liues that this day may passe yesterday Seale to the puritie of the doctrine with the holines of your life that the ignorant seing your blameles conuersatiō 1. Pet. 2.12 esteming you by your good workes may glorifie God and imbrace the gospel with you Luke 7.1 when it shall please GOD to call them Haue mind of that great curse pronoūced by the high Iudge 2. Cor. 13 11 against such as offend any of the very least Furthermore reioyce in the Lord indeuour to be perfect be comforted be of one consent liue in peace Phil. 2.13 and the God of loue and peace shall be with you But as it is God which worketh in vs both to will in worke to accomplish according to his good pleasure 6. To pray to God So aboue all thinges imploy your selues to pray feruently continually Prayer saith Chrysostome is the soule of our souls For it also is the soule which quickneth al the actions of the children of God It was the lifting vp of Moses hands to heauen Exo. 17.11 which strengthned Iosuah his army gaue him victorie ouer the Amalckites And in deede without the grace of God the which we obtaine by prayer all that we do is but vanitie Faith is the key that openeth the coffers of the treasures of our God Prayer is the hand to draw it out to inrich our selues Prayer lifteth vp our hearts from earth to heauen it renueth the memorie of the promises of God to confirme vs it assureth vs against all that wee can feare it obtaineth all that we can desire It giueth rest and contentment to our soules It keepeth and strengtheneth the feare to offend God It increaseth the desire to go vnto him whom in praying we feele to be the spring and heape of all good things It ingendreth in vs a stedfast despising of the world and renouncing of the flesh it representeth vnto vs the heauenly and euerlasting felicitie that we may aspire to the inioying of them There is nothing to bee more desired than to be conuersant with him without whome we can not be happy But he that wil alwayes be with GOD he must alwaies eyther pray or reade For when we pray we talke with God and when wee reade Aug. in Psal 85. God talketh with vs. The more we are exercised in prayer to God the more we increase in godlines Therefore also we may not be weary or faint-hearted in prayer although the Lord deferre to make vs feele the fruite of our prayers For we haue a promise of him that can not lie that whatsoeuer we aske of GOD in the name of Iesus Christ it shal be giuen vs. If he deferre for some time to make vs feele the fruit of our praiers it is for our greater benefite Let vs continue still and waight knowing assuredly that he who according to his fatherly loue bounty desireth our good can according to his infinite power giue that which we aske of him and according to his truth will hear vs he also according to his wisdōe knoweth the fittest time as is before said and the meanes most apt to make vs feele the fruite of our praiers When we aske of God saith S. Bernard euen those thinges that concerne this present life our praiers are not so soone gone out of our mouth but they are written in his booke and we ought saith he to be assured that hee will either giue the thing it selfe which we haue asked or other things which hee knoweth to bee more profitable for vs. To conclude Praier is the most mightie and fruitfull worke of charitie seeing by it we helpe our neighbors present absent knowen and vnknowen great and little and that both with spirituall and corporall good things drawing by our praiers the blessing of God vpon them And in this confidence my very deare and worshipfull Brethren I will continue in this dutie and office of charitie earnestlie to pray to God for you and particularlie I will water with my praiers to God this Exhortation which I haue directed vnto you beseeching him with all my heart that beeing comforted and strengthened thereby in the doctrine of the truth which yee haue receiued yee may continue constantly in it sealing it by the works of godlinesse and charitie comforting your selues in the Lord in that yee are his welbeloued Children in Iesus Christ and surmounting al temptations and assaults to the ende that by the power of the holy Ghost departing Conquerors out of all conflicts ye may attaine at the last to the crowne of glorie which God hath prepared to all his childrē 1. Thess 5.23 through Iesus Christ our Lord. Now the GOD of peace sanctifie you throughout and preserue your whole spirit and soule and bodie blamelesse vntill the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ He that hath called you is faithfull who also will doo it I also beseech you my brethren to imploy your seiues more and more in feruent and continuall praiers for the preseruation prosperitie and
whom by good right we should loue more than our selues See then more than a sea of ioy proceeding from the happines of the seruants of God Let vs now vnderstand the great deapth of ioy which we shall feele entering into the ioye of our Lord. The cause why wee should loue God saith Saint Bernard is God him selfe Bernard in tract de diligendo deo And the measure which wee ought to keepe in this loue is to loue him without measure and so infinitlie But according to that wee knowe him 1. Cor. 13.12 we loue him But now we knowe him but in part and as it were in darknes euen so very little and obscure is the loue which we beare him But when wee shall knowe him as he is wee shall loue him according as he is What shall our loue bee towards him then 1. Cor. 15.24 when Iesus Christ hauing giuen ouer his kingdome to God his Father God the Father the Sonne and the Holie ghost one onlie God 1. Cor. 15.28 shall bee all things in this man Iesus Christ and in vs and when wee shall knowe him as hee is beholding the brightnes of his face and his Godhead then raigning immediatly in vs filling vs with all happines Without doubt this contemplation of the glory of the diuine maiestie shal bring forth in vs an infinite loue towards God Now to returne to the meditation of Saint Augustine if according to that we loue each one wee should reioyce of his happines Then as in this blessed felicitie each one of vs shall loue God without comparison more than himselfe and more than all the Angels and elect with vs so shall we feele more ioy without comparison of the blessednes and glorie of God than of our owne or of al the Angels and the elect with vs. And if then wee shall loue God with all our heart with all our soule with all our vnderstanding yet so as al our hart al our vnderstanding and all our soule shall not be capable of the excellencie of this loue Surelie wee shall so feele ioy with all our heart with all our vnderstanding and with all our soule as yet all our heart al our vnderstanding and all our soule shall not bee able to comprehend the fulnes of this ioye Howsoeuer it bee then that this full ioy yea more than full through the greatnes of it whereof all our heart all our vnderstanding all our soule shall not be capable cannot enter into vs It shall remaine that we filled with the sea of ioye of the felicitie of the Angels and of all the elect shall enter into this great deapth of ioye proceeding from the contemplation of the glorie of our God And this shal be the ioy of the Lord Matth. 25.21 into which all his faithfull seruants shall enter Now when this felicitie so great and ioy incomprehensible shall indure so manie yeares as there bee drops of water in the sea Of the eternitie of the life to come or graines of sand in the whole earth yet should not this be a perfect happines For howsoeuer the continuance shall seeme to vs infinite yet the end will once come And indeed the drops of water and the graines of the sand are numbred before God But this our felicitie and ioy shal last without end Such shall bee the life euerlasting As also Saint John saith Apoc. 22.5 1. Tim. 1.17 we shall raigne in heauen world without end We shall bee the kingdome of that immortall king whom Esai calleth the father of eternitie Esai 9.6 who hath promised life and immortalitie to those that shall beleeue the Gospell 2. Tim. 1.10 Also death shall then bee swallowed vp into victorie The author and prince of life 1. Cor. 15.45 hauing vanquished the diuell Act. 3.15 who had the rule ouer death shall make vs partakers of the life that is euerlasting And as we shall be vnited to the fountaine of life Heb. 2.14 Apoc. 21.6 so shall it run in vs eternallie For as the fountain of this life which we shall inioy hath no beginning so the life that procedeth from it shall haue no end The mercie of GOD saith S. Bernard is from eternitie to eternitie vppon those that feare him from eternitie because of the predestination to eternitie because of the glorification The one hath no beginning the other hath no ending This therefore shall be a happines incomprehensible for the greatnes and infinite for the eternitie of it Behold also how we shall then inioy a ful and perfectioy Ioh. 16.22 which shal neuer be taken away from vs. Now this life is promised and assured to all the children of God in as much as they are heires of God the fountaine of life Rom. 8.17 Psal 36.10 Ioh. 14.6 Ioh. 3.15 coheires and members of Iesus Christ who is the way the trueth and the life who also hath so oftē protested that whosoeuer beleeueth in him he hath life euerlasting Ioh. 6. Let vs conclude then that the children of God are truelie and onlie blessed being assured to inioye this great and incomprehēsible happines of life euerlasting which is purchased promised and kept for them in Iesus Christ our Lord. How we shall knowe that we are the children of God CAP. 2. OF this conclusion it followeth that there is no greater ioy or contentmēt in this present life or any thing more sure or more necessarie for the happie ouercomming the difficulties of it thā to knowe and feele that wee are the children of God For this foundation being laid wee ought to bee assured that whatsoeuer shall happen vnto vs can bee none other than the blessing of a father and so consequentlie a meane aide and way disposed by his prouidence either to leade vs vnto life euerlasting or to increase our glorie in it True it is that GOD onelie knoweth his owne 2. Tim. 2.19 whom hee hath chosen before the foundation of the world to bee his children 2. markes of our adoption Yet there are two principall meanes by which he giueth vs to vnderstand who are his children the one is outward by markes visible vnto men the other is inward by testimonies which he that is the child of GOD feeleth in himselfe The outward marke lieth in this Of the outward mark that we be mēbers of the church of Christ Now wee call that the church of Christ in which the word of God is trulie preached the Sacramēts are purelie ministred and one onelie God is called vpon in the name of his onelie sonne Iesus Christ Matth. 13. First this Church is often called the kingdome of heauen because that by it wee enter in thether so that it is as it were the suburbs or the gate of it Whereof it followeth that being the true members of the Church we are in the way and forwardnes to enter make our abode in heauen Mat. 21.13 It is also
be the child of God getting to themselues hereby such sorowes and anguishes as none are able to comprehend but those that haue themselues felt and tried them To helpe then to the consolation of the soules so daungerouslie and so mightelie afflicted first it is to be noted that this disease cōmeth to many of this that they pretend to resolue themselues of their saluation examining themselues whether they be worthie to be the children of God or no. And as there is none that is or can bee worthie so this is at the last to turne doubts into despaire Other discourse whether they bee of the number of the elect and whether their names bee written in the booke of life to wit if God loue them and hold them for his children But it is not so high that we must mount but in the doctrine of the Gospell it is where we should search the reuelation hereof and resolue our selues if God hath loued vs if he doo loue vs and will hold vs for his childrē in Iesus Christ For as a man if he be of credite maketh the hid thoughts of his heart to bee knowne by speaking euen so God who is the trueth it selfe reuealeth vnto vs by the preaching of the Gospell his counsell and his will touching our adoption saluation and confirmeth this reuelation by the vse of the holie Sacraments But we must note that this reuelation of the will of God in the Gospel comprehēdeth first two poynts to wit that there is perfect entire saluation in one only Iesus Christ and that the meane to obtaine it is to beleeue in him Moreouer when this Gospell is preached vnto vs GOD reuealeth vnto vs yet two poynts more first that he will make vs partakers of this saluation in Christ Secondlie that he will haue vs to beleeue the testimonie that he hath giuen vs of this his will to the end that we might bee saued Now the difficultie of beleeuing lieth in the perswasiō of these two last points which notwithstanding are certaine and true Behold saith S. Iohn 1. Ioh. 5.11 the testimonie of God which he hath giuen vs of euerlasting life and this life is in his sonne he saith not onelie that the life is in his sonne but saith further that he giueth vs this life that the Gospell is the witnes And hauing protested a little before that he which beleeueth not this testimonie of God 1. Ioh. 5.10 maketh him a lier he sheweth sufficientlie that he will that wee should beleeue it The Apostle to the Hebrues passeth further saith that God Heb. 6.17 willing to shew the immutable stablenes of his counsell to the heires of the promise interposeth himselfe by an oth that by two things immutable in which it is impossible that God should lie wee might haue firme consolation wee I say who haue our refuge to the hope that is set before vs the which we hold as the ancker of the soule sure stable pearcing euen into the sanctuarie of heauen where Iesus Christ our forerunner is entered for vs. By this he teacheth vs first that when we heare the Gospell wee ought to hold for certaine that the counsell of God which was hid in his heart touching his will to saue vs and to take vs for his children is there made manifest vnto vs. Secondly that he will that wee beleeue it seeing he confirmeth it by two things immutable in which he cannot lie to wit his word and his oth to the end that wee might haue firme consolation which cannot bee in vs if we beleeue not Moreouer he calleth the reuelation of his counsell the hope set before vs. Speaking then to vs he would that we should haue hope yea and he will that this reuealing of his counsell should be vnto vs a sure anchor of the soule to shewe that as a ship is held fast by the anchor that it might not be carried away of the wind so God would that this reuealing of his coūsell by the doctrine of the Gospell should hold vs fast assure vs against all doubts of our adoption yea and to pearce euen into the verie heauens with assurance whereof our forerunner Iesus Christ hath taken possession both for himselfe and for vs. See then one place shewing very expreslie that when thou hearest the Gospell God declareth and reuealeth vnto thee that it is his will to saue thee by his sonne Iesus Christ And to this end he will further that thou beleeue it And indeed when S. Paule saith Ro. 10.17 that faith commeth by hearing the Gospell he sheweth that thou canst not beleeue except that thou heare Now faith is a knowledge and certaintie that it is the will of God to saue thee to take thee for his welbeloued child in Iesus Christ Then it followeth that the Gospell which is preached vnto thee and which thou hearest conteineth the reuealing and testimonie first that it is the will of God to saue thee by Christ secondlie that thou shouldest beleeue this testimonie which he giueth thee that thou maiest haue euerlasting life Who now is he that ought or can doubt Seeing also he is not content to say in generall Ioh. 3.36 he that beleeueth hath euerlasting life but he commandeth thee to beleeue Beleeue saith he the Gospell Mar. 1.15 Also This is his commandement saith S. Iohn 1. Ioh. 3.23 that wee beleeue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ Now to beleeue the Gospell or in the name of Iesus Christ is not onelie to beleeue that there is saluation in Christ and that he that beleeueth in him hath life euerlasting For the diuell himselfe beleeueth that and yet he beleeueth not the Gospell neither in the name of Iesus Christ But this is to beleeue that he hath saluation in Christ for thee as Esai saith A child is borne to vs a sonne is giuen to vs. Esay 9.5 And so speaketh the Angell to the shepheards This day is borne vnto you a sauiour Also Luk. 2.11 that it is the will of God that thou shouldest be his child and thou shouldest beleeue it so The which thing the diuell cānot beleeue for himselfe neither is the Gospell offered vnto him Now when GOD reuealeth vnto thee his good will and loue towards thee wherefore doubtest thou He is true he neither will nor can either lie or deceiue And whē he commaundeth thee to beleeue it must thou examine thy selfe whether thou bee worthie or no Thou art bound to obey so to beleeue that he doth loue thee and that thou art his child by Christ Call to mind that which is writtē Ioh. 3.16 whosoeuer beleeueth what manner a one or whosoeuer it be he hath life euerlasting Neither is it presumption so to beleeue and that constantly but it is to him obedience most acceptable And indeed it is an honour that he requireth of thee to beleeue his word and so to put to thy seale that he is
vs to leane vpon Now our God takeing away these vayles and carnall leaning stocks maketh vs to feele the weakneise of our faith to humble vs and to constraine vs to looke vnto him with a pure eye to cleaue vnto him alone and wholly to depende vppon him According to that Saint Paule saith That hee had receiued the sentence of death in himself 2. Cor. 1.9 that he might haue no confidence in the sleth but in him that raiseth vp againe the dead This is it also which Saint Peter teacheth by the similitude which hee proposeth in the first chapters of his first Epistle and the seauenth verse comparing the afflictions to fire faith to the golde for as golde is put into the fining pot and furnace not to consume it but to trie and purifie it so our faith is tried and purified in the fire of tribulations For as it hapneth to him that is quiet and at his ease that he falleth soone asleepe and hauing an apple or anie other thing in his hand it falleth or is easely takē frō him so the ease of the flesh bringeth vs a sleep in the world causeth vs to leese the spiritual good things and to suffer them to fall to the ground On the contrarie side the more one forceth to take away a staffe which I holde in my hand while I am awake so much the faster I shut it in hold it the harder that it may not be taken away from me Euen so the more the diuell indeuoureth to take faith from vs by tribulations so much the more doo wee meditate on the promises of God to holde it fast and the more he thrusteth at vs to ouerturn vs so much the more strongly we leane vpon the staffe of faith to ouercome his assaults 4. In Inuocation and praiers From hence also proceedeth this excellent fruite of inuocation of the name of God And surelie in the time of prosperitie when we are at our ease wee pray not ordinarilie but of custome and for fashion but being pressed with necessitie being assailed on all sides finding no comfort in the earth and feeling that we perish if God doo not strengthen aide and deliuer vs Then it is that with all our hearts wee crie vnto the Lord that wee protest that he is our father and sauiour and that our trust is in him as the feeling of our diseases is it that maketh vs runne to the Phisition The historie of the booke of Iudges sheweth by manie examples that the people of Israel being in peace grewe corrupt but after beeing afflicted they had recourse to GOD asking of him deliuerance When God slewe them saith Dauid then they sought him Psal 78.34 turned them selues and rose earlie in the morning to seeke after God and then they remembred that God was their rocke and that the high and mightie GOD was their redeemer Ose 5.15 7.1 I will goe saith the Lord by his Prophet Osee and returne to my place vntill they confesse their fault and seeke my face They shal seeke me diligentlie in their trouble saying Come let vs returne vnto the Lord for it is he that hath spoiled vs and he wil heale vs he hath striken vs and he will cure vs. So long as the prodigall sonne had meanes Iuk 15.11 he continued in his disorders but beeing brought to extreame pouertie he remembred his fathers house and returned vnto him Furthermore our patience is prooued and augmented by troubles 5. In patience and hope Rom. 5.3 as S. Paule teacheth and by the experience of GOD his assistance our hope groweth in so much as making vs in the time of need to feele his goodnes his power and his trueth in strengthning and sustaining vs in assaults and conflicts and in deliuering vs out of our afflictions he sealeth in vs the assurance of this his promise Ioel. 2.32 that whosoeuer calleth vpon him shall be saued And he that shall put his trust in him shall neuer be cōfounded Ro. 10.13 For this cause S. Paule teacheth vs to reioyce in our tribulatiōs adding that tribulation bringeth patience Ro. 10.11 Rom. 5.3 and patience experience and experience hope And S. Iames exhorteth vs to compt temptations for matter of great ioy Iam. 1.2 forasmuch as the triall of our faith ingendreth patiēce By the same meanes he trieth our obedience and fashioneth vs. For when God intertaineth vs in prosperitie according to the flesh 6. In obedience because he that afflicteth vs is first our creatour it is easie to submit our selues to so sweete handling and to frame our selues according to his will with acknowledging of his goodnes and loue towards vs. But when he afflicteth vs with sicknes pouertie reproach and other calamities Then to feele that he loueth vs to like this handling to subiect our selues to this his will herein consisteth true obedience Then Rom. 12.1 he afflicteth vs to trie vs and to fashion vs in this obedience in as much as working in vs his children by his spirit he maketh vs to cōmit our selues to his gouernment to depend vpon him to suffer our selues to be guided by his hand offring our selues as a liuing sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God considering that it is reasonable that wee being his by right of creation and redemption he may dispose of vs as it pleaseth him And herein there are two things to be considered First in as much as hee is our creatour wee ought to practise that which Dauid saith Psal 39.10 Lord I haue held my peace and haue not opened my mouth because it is thou that hast done it shewing thereby that whether he tie vs to our bed by sicknes or bring vs to pouertie or driuing vs from place to place he bring vs to many discommodities or euen make vs to languish in prison or passe through the sword or fire we must thinke and say Lord I hold my peace and will not murmure against thee but render thee obedience because it is thou that hast done it for thou hast all authoritie ouer me in as much as I am thy creature And indeed if after the similitude of a potter who is able to make of the selfe same lumpe of earth some vessells of honor and others of dishonor Saint Paule sheweth that God hath authoritie to chuse some to saluation Rom. 9.20 and to reiect others so as they that are reiected to be damned eternallie haue no cause to replie or murmur how much more ought wee to hold our peace obey when he disposeth that we shall be afflicted but for a little time and that in the bodie onelie But that in this obedience wee may feele indeed that we are happie 2. Because he is our father and redeemer we must marke an other poynt that he which doth afflict vs is not onelie our creatour but also our redeemer not only God but also our GOD and father And that same assureth
haue beleeued wee are sealed by the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest penie of our inheritance Ephe. 1.13 vntill the redemption of the possession purchased to the praise of his glorie First he sheweth there that faith is as it were the seale whereby the Holie ghost imprinteth in our hearts for our assurance that wee are the children of God Furthermore as in a thing that is bought there is somtimes giuen an earnest penie to wit some part of the monie agreed on as well for the beginning of the paimēt as by consequent for the assurance that the bargaine shall be held firme so the holie ghost who by faith ingēdreth peace and ioye in the hearts of the faithfull is the earnest penie assuring vs by this beginning of the spirituall blessings which God promiseth to his children that he holdeth vs for his possession purchased to the praise of his glorie and that at the length he will gather vs into the full inioying of the inheritāce of heauen Hereunto it is also that goodly gradatiō leadeth vs which is proposed of the same Apostle Rom. 8.28 saying Those whō God hath before knowne those hee hath also predestinate to be made like vnto the image of Iesus Christ and those whō he hath predestinate he hath also called and those whom he hath called he hath also iustified and those whō he hath iustified those he hath also glorified For all will confesse that those that are elected and predestinated to be made like vnto the image of Iesus Christ are the children of God as also they who in his eternall counsel and decree are glorified Now they who being lightened with the knowledge of the Gospell beleeue that their sinnes are washed away by the bloud of Iesus Christ through his satisfaction and so are called and iustified are elected and glorified before God as S. Paule teacheth here it followeth then that they are the children of God And this is so certaine that the Apostle opposing the will power of GOD against all impediments addeth If GOD bee on our side who shall bee against vs Rom 8.30 Bern. ser 5. in dedica templi S Bernard teacheth the selfe same thing verie aptlie saying we are certain of the power of God to saue vs but what shall we say of his will who is he that knoweth whether he bee worthie of hate or of loue who is he that hath knowne the will of the Lord or who hath bin his counseller It behoueth that herein faith helpe vs and that trueth succour vs. That that which is hid concerning vs in the heart of the father may bee reuealed vnto vs by the spirit and his spirit testifying vnto vs may perswade vs that wee are the childrē of God that he perswade it vs I say in calling and iustifying vs freelie by faith which is as it were a meane or passage from the predestination of GOD to the glorie of the life euerlasting The same thing is it which S Augustine meaneth saying Aug Hom. in Ioan. 35. Wee are come into the way of faith let vs hold it constantlie it shall leade vs from degree to degree euen vnto the chamber of the heauenlie King where all the treasures of knowledge and wisedome beeing hid wee may learne and behold the reuelation of our election From hence proceedeth yet another fruite seruing vs for a marke to assure vs more more that we are the children of God when we loue God and our neighbours for his sake whereof also followeth the hatred of euill and an earnest desite to render obedience to God For if it be so as Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 4.19 that our loue to God commeth of this that he hath first loued vs The loue that we beare vnto him is a testimonie that he loueth vs. As also Iesus Christ maintaineth and sheweth that by the signes of loue Luk. 7.47 which the sinful woman gaue him God loued her greatly and had forgiuen her manie sinnes So the brightnes of the Moone is a certaine argument that the Sunne ministreth whollie to her for otherwise she hath no brightnes at all And in sommer the heate that is felt in the stones set against the Sunne is a signe that the Sunne shineth vppon them Of our owne nature and first generation we are vnprofitable to all goodnes and inclined to al euill Rom. 3.10 as Saint Paule very largelie setteth forth vnto vs writing to the Romanes If then on the contrarie wee walke in the feare God giuing our selues to his seruice and occupying our selues in all good works is not such a chaunge a testimonie of our regeneration and consequentlie of our adoption The tree is knowne by his fruit saith Iesus Christ Matt 7.17 If then wee beare the fruit of iustice holines and of charitie wee are trees planted in the garden of God by his holie spirit and so consequentlie the childen of God Charitie saith Saint Iohn 1. Ioh. 4.7 is of God and he that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God As then the heate and light of a coale is a signe that it hath fire and as the moouing and actions of the bodie are certaine signes that it liueth that the soule is within it so the testimonie of the holie ghost in our hearts the peace quietnes of our consciences before GOD feeling our selues iustified by faith this loue towards God and our neighbour this chaunge of our life and desire to walke in the feare and obedience of God are assured tokens of our adoption as also this that we are members of the Church of Christ hearing his word participating with the holie Sacraments and calling vppon God in the name of Iesus Christ are testimonies that wee are the children and houshold seruants of God and heires of eternall life How euerie member of the Church ought to applie vnto himselfe the tokens of it to assure himselfe of his adoption and saluation CAP. 3. NOw although the tokens before mentioned are certaine to assure vs that wee are the children of God yet there are two sorts of temptations which aboue all other tend to shake vs. The one proceedeth of our selues either for lacke of applying to our selues the testimonies which God giueth to the members of his Church to assure them of their saluation or through the feeling of a want as wee thinke but rather of the smalnes or weaknes of those tokens of adoption here aboue alledged The other temptation commeth vnto vs frō some other where and cōsisteth speciallie in two points To wit in the reuolt of some hauing made profession of the true religion and in the grieuous and long afflictions which are ordinarie to those that followe the doctrine of the Gospell Now as there is nothing of greater importance than the saluation of the soule so there is nothing that doth more grieuouslie afflict and trouble the tender consciences desirous of eternall life than the doubts feares not to
feruent desire of this benefite what ought wee to feele in our selues who are yet so ignorant so weake so corrupt in the middest of so manie dangers Say then from the heart with the same Dauid Psal 26.8 O Lord I loue the habitation of thy house the place where thine honour dwelleth And that good God and almightie father who hath care to nourish our bodies yea and prouideth for the nourishment of the little birds will without doubt heare your desire and wil prouide for the nourishment of your soules Moreouer accomplishing his promise made by Esay Esay 44. of powring out of waters vpon the drie ground hee will make you to growe as the grasse and as the willowes by the riuer sides for the ioye and comfort wherof one shall say I am the Lords another shall call himselfe by the name of Iacob an other shall subscribe with his hande I am the Lords and shall call himselfe by the name of Israel 5. To walk in the feare of God But vnderstād farther that the Gospel wherof ye make profession is a doctrine not to flie about in the vnderstāding but to take seate in the hart not in the tongue to talk onlie but in the life and holie works Then be ye doers of the word not onlie hearers deceauing your selues God hath adopted you for his children Iam. 1.22 but on this condition that the image of Christ may shine in you God hath chosen and called you to be his Temples and to dwell in you by his holie spirit 1. Cor. 6.19 1. Cor. 3.16 Remember yee that the temple of God is holie and that it is not lawfull to defile it nor to put holie things to prophane vses God hath created you for his glorie and Christ hath redeemed you that ye might be his Remember then that you must bee consecrated and dedicated vnto God neither to thinke say nor doo anie thing but to his glorie Ye are dead to sinne Rom. 6. but liuing to GOD by Iesus Christ Applie not then your members to bee instruments of of iniquitie to sinne but applie you vnto God as being of dead made aliue and your members to be instrumēts of righteousnesse to God Rom. 6.18 Yee are made free from sinne by Christ but it is to bee seruants to righteousnes Remember that which S. Paul saith that if ye liue according to the flesh ye shal dy Rom. 8.13 but if by the spirit ye mortefie the deeds of the flesh ye shal liue they that are of christ Gal. 5.24 haue crucified the flesh with the concupiscēces of it If ye liue in the spirit walke also in the spirite Gal. 5.25 As out of fire proceedeth inseperablie heate and brightnes in like manner if ye haue receiued Christ for iustification ye must haue him also for sanctification If yee haue hope to see Christ as hee is 1. Cor. 1.30 1. Iho. 3.2 3 Heb. 12.14 purifie your selues as he is pure following peace with al men and holinesse without which none shall see God Remember what the faithful soule saith I haue washed my feete Can. 5.3 how shall I file them againe The band betweene GOD and vs is holinesse inasmuch as it appertaineth to his glorie that hee which is holie haue no acquaintance with iniquitie and vncleannes 1. Pet. 1.15 2. Cor. 6 Be ye then holie for I am holie saith the Lord. What participation is there saith Saint Paule of righteousnesse with vnrighteousnes what fellowship hath light with darkenesse what agreement hath Christ with Belial or what part hath the beleeuing with the infidel or what agreement hath the Temple of GOD with Idolls For yee are the Temple of the liuing God wherefore depart from amongst them and separate your selues sayth the Lorde and touch not anie vncleane thing The ende of our regeneration is that there may appeare in our life an holy melodie and consent betweene the righteousnesse of GOD and our obedience Yee haue vnderstoode here before that the desire of the heart to consecrate your selues to God is a marke of your election and adoption But see yee that this desire may shew it selfe by the workes of godlines and charitie If you make profession that ye know Christ Ephe. 4.20 know ye according to the doctrine of S. Paul that yee haue not knowne him as ye ought if ye mortifie not the olde man Col. 2.13 and put on the newe walking in righteousnesse and true holinesse God hath drawne you out of the power of darkenesse and hath transported you into the kingdom of his beloued Sonne Walke ye then as the children of light Renounce this cursed boudage of Sathan Shew that ye are faithfull and not traytours to Iesus Christ Be ye without reproch and single harted The children I say Phil. 2.15 of God vnreproueable in the midst of this crooked and peruerse nation Among whom ye shine as lightes in the worlde which beare before you the worde of life Tit. 2.11 Shew your selues to feele the wholsome grace of God which teacheth you to renounce all infidelitie and worldlie lusts to liue soberly iustly and godly Thinke in your selues that the friendship of the world is enmity to God And that ye cannot be friendes to the world Iam. 4.4 but that yee must needes be enemies to God Eph. 5.11 Haue no fellowship with the vnfruitful works of darknes but rather reproue them so as your holy conuersation may serue for a reproofe and checke to such as walk disorderly Iob. 28.28 Remember what God said to man The feare of the Lord is true wisdom Esay 33.6 to depart from euil is vnderstanding Let the fauour of God be our treasure walke as it were before him Gen. 17.1 as he cōmanded Abraham Think that ye are not your own to liue for your selues according to your owne wisdome pleasure but that ye appertaine vnto God that ye might liue vnto him and according to his wisdome and will reuealed vnto vs in his word That man hath much profited who knowing that he is not his owne hath taken away from himselfe and his owne reason all lordship dominion to resigne it to God to suffer himselfe quietlie to be guided according to his pleasure There is no vice more common more pernicious or more hard to cure than the loue of our selues and therefore there is no lesson more necessary than it which Iesus Christ taught his apostles That to be of the nūber of his disciples Mat. 16.14 we must renounce our selues Renouncing then your selues hate ye that which is euill and cleaue vnto that which is good inclined by brotherly charity to loue one another Procure things that are good Col. 3.12 not onely before God but also before men If it be possible so much as in you lieth haue peace with al men Be yee as the elect of God holy and beloued clad with the bowells of compassiō
punish vs yet more rigorouslie than hetherto thou hast done that for one stripe wee should receiue an hundred If thou shouldest transport the kingdome of thy sonne from vs to the Turkes and the Iewes If thou shouldest send such a famine of thy word as running through the forrests to haue some refreshing and finding none our soules should faint Yea Lord if thou shouldest throw vs down into hell we confesse that it were verie right and yeeld our selues guiltie acknowledging that we haue well deserued it Notwithstanding O good God and father there is mercie with thee yea thy mercies are infinite to swallowe vp the multitude and grieuousnes of our sinnes Thou art a God gracious pitifull slowe vnto wrath abounding in mercie and trueth keeping mercie for thousands pardoning iniquitie transgression sinne Thou hast said that thou wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that hee turne and liue Conuert vs then O Lord that we may be conuerted and that we may liue before thee We are poore sinners we confesse it but yet thy sonne Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners Behold vs then O Lord not in our selues for wee are vnworthy of thy grace but behold vs in the face of thy sonne Iesus Christ and for his sake bee at tone with vs and be mercifull and fauourable vnto vs that in the multitude of our sinnes the greatnes of thy grace may shine if thou regard our iniquities who is he that is able to stand before thee Wee haue been vnfaithfull but thou remainest still faithfull Thou canst not renounce thy mercie and goodnes we haueforsaken thee but thou hast promised not to forsake vs. Wee haue forgotten thee but thou hast said that though a mother should forget her childe yet wouldst not thou forget vs. Thou hast made a couenant with vs wherein thou hast promised to pardon our sinnes and to remember our iniquities no more Thou hast promised that though our sins were as red as scarlet thou wouldest make them as white as wooll if they were as red as crimson that they should be made as white as snowe We are heauie laden and labour with our iniquities But Iesus Christ hath called vs to him and hath promised to refresh vs. Haue pitie thē on vs O Lord haue pitie vpon vs. Let our miseries moue the bowells of thy mercie Forgiue vs O our GOD forgiue vs for thine owne sake for the glorie of thy name and for thy sonne Iesus Christs sake Impute vnto vs the goodnes that is in him that the euill that is in vs may not be imputed Thou hast pumshed the iust that thou mightest pardon the wicked Accept thou the merites of his death and passion for satissaction of all that is in vs worthie of thy wrath and indignation and make vs to feele the fruites of our reconciliation with thee If thou wilt afflict our bodies haue yet pitie of our soules If thou wilt impourish vs on the earth depriue vs not yet of the riches of heauen If thou wilt take away the bread of our bodies yet leaue vs the spirituall bread of our soules Though wee bee in reproach among our enemies yet let not thy name be blasphemed Though we bee accursed of the world yet let vs bee blessed of thee Though the world hate vs yet let thy loue abide vpon vs. O Lord we are thine forsake vs not Thou hast saide I am the Eternall this is my name I will not giue my glorie vnto Images nor my praise vnto another For thine owne sake then euen for thine owne sake haue mercie vpon vs. For why shall thy name bee blasphemed for our sakes Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue glorie and honour in shewing foorth the riches of thy graces of thy truth and of thy might Thou art the God of glorie sanctifie thy name in drawing light out of our darknes and lift out of death making perfect thy power in our infirmitie and thy great grace in our vnworthines to thy praise and glorie Heare the blasphemies of thine enemies boasting them selues in their counsels and their forces triumphing and reioycing in our confusion as if we were not thy people thy children thy Church as if wee were cast off of thee as if thou were not able to helpe or keepe vs. Neuerthelesse thou art our creatour and wee are the worke of thy hands Thou art our shepheard wee are thy flocke Thou art our father wee are thy children Thou art our God wee are thine inheritance Thou art our redeemer wee are the people whome thou hast bought It is thou also O our God who by thy word alone hast created the heauen and the earth the sea and al that is in them it is by thee that all things liue be and haue their mouing it is of thee by thee and for thee that all things are It is thou which dooest whatsoeuer thou wilt And there is neither counsell wisedome nor strength against thee Represse then O Lord the rage and furie of thine enemies breake their forces dissipate their counsels confound them in the bold enterprises which they haue taken in hand against thee and thy sonne lesus Christ Maintaine the rest of thy flocke which thou hast kept vntill this day Establish againe the Churches that are ruined and dispersed Suffer not the memorie of thy name to be abolished from the earth rather let thy word sound and thy Gospell bee preached where it hath not yet been heard to gather thine elect vnto thee and to magnifie thy name And that so wee may see it florish more more and the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord to bee aduanced for euer more Amen The necessitie and benefite of affliction GReat trouble and vexation the righteous shall sustains By Gods determination whilest heere they doo remaine Which grieuous is and irksome both for flesh and bloud to beare Because by nature we are loath to want our pleasure heere And eke because our enemie that auncieat deadly foe Satan with cruell tyrannie the worker of our woe Doth still prouoke the wicked sort in sinne which doo delight To please themselues make great sport to vexe vs with despite Yet doo the righteous by the crosse moe blessed things obtaine Than anie waie can be the losse the dolor or the paine The losse is that which in few daies would passe fade and decay Euen of it selfe the gaine alwaies can no man take away All earthly estimation the crosse may cleane deface But heauenlie consolation the soule dooth then imbrace Afflictions worldly pleasures will abandon out of minde Then is the soule more earnest still the ioyes of heauen to finde These worldly riches goods and wealth by troubles may depart Then inward ioyes and sauing health may wholly rule the heart In trouble friends doo start aside as cloudes doo with the winde But Gods assistance doth abide to cheare the troubled minde Jfwe should feele these losses all at once by sudden change We may not be dismaid withall though it seeme verie strange Iob lost his frends he lost his wealth and comfort of his wife He lost his children and his health yea all but wretched life When all was gone the Lord aboue did still with him remaine With mercie kindnes and with loue asswaging all his paine Teaching him by experience that all things fickle be Which subiect are to humane sence and yeeld all miserie But godlinesse within the heart remaineth euer sure In wealth and woe it is her part true comfort to procure Affliction turn'th these worldly ioyes to greater paine and woe Because the loue was linck'd with toyes religion is not so For when mans heart doth most delight in pleasure wealth and pride Religion then will take her flight she may not there abide Where by our soules in wofull plight continually remaine Yet haue not we the grace or might from such lusts to refraine In which estate mest willingly though tending right to hell We compt our chiefe felicitie and loue therein to dwell Therefore the Lord which is aboue regarding vs below With mercie pitie grace and loue that alwases from him flow Doth mix with griefe these earthly things wherein we doo delight Which to our soules all sorow brings or else remoou'th them quite Then dooth the holie word of God most comfortable seeme Which we before we felt the rod mere follie did esteeme The world which earst most pleasant was now loathsome seem'th to be It doth appeare as in a glasse all fraught with miserie Then feare we hell then flie we sinne then seeke we heauen the more To vse good meanes we then begin which we despisde before Then can we pray then can we call to God for strength and grace Which things before might not at all with vs haue anie place Then heare we with attentiuenes then read we with all care Then pray we with great feruentnes no trauaile then we spare Then shall we see feele and confesse the state wherein we dwelt To be nothing but wretchednes though worldly ioyes we felt Because the soule by godlinesse more comfort doth receaue In one day than by worldlinesse for euer it can haue Then we with Dauid shall confesse that God from heauen aboue By humbling vs doth well expresse his mercie and his loue For ere we felt the scourging rod we er'de and went astray But now we keepe the law of God and waite thereon alway Then forreligion loue the crosse though it doo bring some paine The ioy is great small is the losse but infinite the gaine FINIS