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A61221 Of happiness wherein it is fully and particularly manifested that the great happiness of this life consisteth in the fear of God and keeping his commandments in opposition to the pleasures of sin or the pretended conveniency of disobdience / by Richard Stafford. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1689 (1689) Wing S5128; ESTC R29533 599,907 686

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4. 7. Have an honourable esteem and good will towards him and his kindness will be discovered to you Whatever hard thoughts arise or are subministred by the Tempter they all proceed from our ignorance and sin some remainders whereof are in good Men though they should labour all they can to have the same done away If any Man love God the same is known of him Many make a shew of much love but if true and sincere it will be manifested by the very nature thereof for if we love God we must be careful to please him above all things as Profit or Pleasure Favour or Good-will of Men. We must be zealous for his Glory contented to suffer Shame Reproach or any Inconvenience for him We are to side with him against the World and the corruption therein a sence of his favour and assurance of his See Exod. 32. 26. reward will make amends for all the seeming disadvantages the other may bring on us All Acts and Offices of Religion are Pleasant and this keeps in all Obedience Love is a constant Principle always abiding on the Soul for it hath a Complacency therein and Dictates at all times to do all things well-pleasing in his sight whom we Love. Take good heed therefore unto your selves that ye Love the Lord your God Else if ye do in any wise go back Josh 23. 11 12. Implying that if this be not in their Minds they would do so This suggests that they can never do too much for God makes them do every thing Willingly and Cheerfully carries them through all the Varieties of this Life sweetens their Enjoyments and for Sickness Pain Loss Affliction this gives that Patience and Resignation that they are as none adversity for they can apply Rom. 8. 28. 1 Cor. 2. 9. Prov. 3. 11 12. The apprehension of a good God above makes every thing Happy unto them As the Father hath loved me so have I loved you continue in my Love John 15. 9. and he that loveth the Son loveth the Father also Glory to God in the highest and on Earth Peace Good-will towards Men was sung at the Birth of Christ our Lord who Of Love to ones Neighbour fulfilled it by that excellent and improved Law he gave unto us Ye have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy Neighbour and hate thine Enemy But I say unto you love your Enemies Mat 5. 43. 44. This seems an unreasonable Command to Flesh and Blood but only as it is corrupt and unbelieving for otherwise it may be justified If thine Enemy be hungry give him bread to Eat and if he be thirsty give him water to drink for thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head and the Lord shall reward thee Prov. 25. 21 22. Thou shalt by this means stop his further Violence and Malice In point of prudence it is better to bear a little Evil then by resisting receive greater and trust to the recompence of God for having obeyed his Command We are obliged to do more then is common to Men to manifest our Faith and Dependance on him as may be seen by what is required Mat. 5. 44 45 46. The Reason is added That ye may be Children of your Father which is in Heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and good and sendeth rain on the iust and unjust God is provoked every day yet he is strong and patient He loadeth Men with Benefits which they make occasion to sin yet more which he suffers to try if his Goodness will lead them to Repentance but if they offend yet worse their Malice doth only hurt themselves but he is highly exalted and looses nothing if all the World were as Stubborn and Rebellious against him as is possible for such small and limited Creatures to be His Glory and Goodness and Happiness is still the same for all the ungodly Deeds and hard Speeches which ungodly Sinners commit and speak against Jud. 15. him His obedient Servant who is but Dust and Ashes a Worm and nothing in Comparison of the Great Lord of Heaven and Earth Who hath and shall receive every thing from him is here in Duty bound to imitate his Maker and all through his Gracious ordering cannot receive the least disadvantage by it By loving Enemies they become reconciled unto him or not I● the first then it is granted by all to be better then revenge But suppose the worst They are still malicious and resolved to do him all the mischief in their Power the whole in the end will fall on themselves and not on him Will they say all manner of Evil of him ●alsly for Christ's sake his Religion and Good Conscience They cannot torment him in this for he applys the Blessing Mat. 5. 11 12. and the Promise Psal 31. 20. He may be just sensible but doth not lie under Vexation and Discomposure The light breath which sends forth evil Words can never make any Wound in his Soul who hath on the Breast-plate of Righteousness Sayings of one another signifie nothing We are all to stand at Gods Judgment Seat and who have assured Evidence of being approved Detraction there doth no harm but increases our reward that we can heartily forgive the Authors thereof Will they do their utmost and persecute him to the Death As they did to the Prophets the Lord Jesus and his Saints yet after they have done that they have no more that they can do They intitle him to a Crown which the Lord hath promised to such so when he comes to suffer he may well say with him Who suffered for us leaving us an Example that we should follow his steps Father forgive them for they know not what they do When by the Eye of Faith he seeth the Heaven opened he may with real Charity and sincere Affection cry out Lord lay not this Sin to their Charge If it be reasonable to love Enemies so it is to love Friends this we do as Men that as Christians A new stone is laid and both are raised above the common pitch A new Commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another John 13 34. from whence the Disciple that leaned on Jesus Bosome makes this necessary inference Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our Lives for the Brethren 1 John 3. 16. To do the highest Act thereof that can be expressed There is nothing more enjoyned in the Gospel then Love. The Primitive Christians who did live exactly according to the Rule given them were remarkable for this See how they love one another was observed by the Heathens concerning them who herein fulfilled that Saying of their Lord and Master By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye have love one to another John 3. 35. But we that are reserved to the dregs of time are
strangely ●egenerated from the Practise of our Fathers living as if there was no such Command How few among us do observe the Royal Law Without are dogs Rev. 22 15. but these would be thought of the Christian Church who bite and devour one another Gal. 5. 15. If restrained by Laws of the Countrey which preserve outward Peace yet still are snarling at one another These go to Prayers as if there was no such Petition Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us which must be begging a Curse and Condemnation instead of Blessing and Pardon These hear the Gospel which saith Be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Eph. 5. 2. One would think there was no such thing as Love mentioned if he were to judge by the Actions of some People This is no slighting Matter or as some would make it a piece of Bravery in that they can live contrary to Rules and Preaching for it will be determined what the end of those must be who obey not the Gospel Hatred is contrary to Christianity as bitter to sweet or is possible for things to be one to another Let one do never so many Acts of Worship and Devotion yet if he liveth in Malice and Revenge Strife and Envying Hatred and Variance he hath the Name and shew of Religion but nothing of the benefit and reward thereof In this the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil Whosoever doth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother 1 John 3. 10. If he saith he is a Christian he is not but of the Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2. 9. the Author of all black and corrupt Principles There should be a greater measure of Love amongst those who have not only the form of Godliness but the Power thereof for they also are found defective in this Duty They love indeed but somewhat of Dissimulation and Partiality goes along with it The first is thought a thing so necessary that the common Saying is He that knows not to dissemble knows not how to live It is esteemed an Act of Prudence what the Apostle calls Fleshly Wisdom but contrary to that simplicity and Godly sincerity and the Grace of God 2 Cor. 1. 12. which did give him so much Comfort and not only unto him but to all that will alike observe it Who have Conscience towards God do as in his sight speak unto Men knowing that from him Dissimulation cannot be hid What John saith is observable which he applies to this My little Children let us love not in Word neither 〈◊〉 Tongue but in Deed and in Truth Why so Hereby we know that we are of the Truth and shall assure our Hearts before him for if our Heart condemn us God is Greater then our Hearts and knoweth all things 1 John 3. 18 19 20. A smiling Countenance or flattering Speech is not enough but you must attain unto unfeigned Love of the Brethren and see that ye love one another with a pure Heart fervently 1 Pet. 1. 22. Neither is it to be confined to one particular Sect or Party as if all the Elect of God were comprised in a National Church or such a Congregation While one saith I am of this another saith I am of that ye Hate Reproach and speak Evil of one another 1 Cor. 1. 12. Hatred Variance Emulations Strife Seditions Heresies exclude out of the Kingdom of God Gal. 5. 20 21. and therefore not to be kept up by those who equally hope to be Partakers thereof It would be better if there was no distinguishing Terms or Nick-names Be not ye called Rabbi for one is your Master even Christ and all ye are Brethren Mat. 23. 8. The Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch Acts 11. 26. and ought to have never been called any thing else for Mens Persons seeing that the Apostles refused it should not be had so much in Admiration as to give Denomination to their Followers and assume unto themselves that Honour which is due unto the Son of God only It hath given occasion to Divisions raised Heart-burnings and the utmost Malice among Men to the Destruction of Charity and Luke 10. 29. Peace It is observable that Christ explaining who was Neighbour to him that fell among Thieves instances in a Samaritan and there was Division and separate Meetings between the Jews and Samaritans as among us at this Day so it is the natural and necessary Construction of the great Commandment to shew Mercy and Love to those of a different perswasion We are all Members of one another and ought to be united under Christ our Head. Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together Ps 133. 1 in Vnity Much Happiness arises from true Friendship and there is none comparable to that which is built upon the firm Foundation of Christianity Nothing can be more lasting and sure if upon that alone without the rotten Prop of Worldly and sinister Respects Whatever some pretend to generous Nature or Civility none is like that which results from Goodness and Duty The chiefest Love is to be shewed forth to those of our own Profession but yet to be extended unto all Mat. 5. 45. 1 Tim. 2. 1 3 4. for though at present some are Strangers from the Covenant of Grace yet we know not how soon they may come in however we are to love them as they were made after the similitude Jam. 3 9. of God and are our Fellow Creatures Honour all Men Love the Brotherhood 1 Pet. 2. 17. If it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all Men Rom. 12. 28. What can be more reasonable Hereby a Man is freed from all the torment of malice envying and strife he is not disturbed with thoughts of revenge or knawing reproach of others which are as so many Wracks and Instruments of Cruelty to those who give way to these Sins On the other hand if there be any Satisfaction in Love any Blessing in Peace any good in mutual kindness and affection he enjoys all this In this word Love all the Law is contained and obedience so as a necessary Conclusion from this all manner of Happiness A Second Passion is Fear At first sight it may seem strange Of Fear that this which troubleth and afflicts Man should also conduce towards his Happiness But God having set down such Decrees for our Salvation as expressed in Scripture this is necessary to attain it God was pleased to take this way to be glorified as to the Inhabitants of the Earth to declare his Sovereignty over the work of his hands to set up his Kingdom and Government over us to which are annexed Rewards and Punishments proportionable to the great King who hath prepared them Mal. 1. 14. Ps 95. 43. He may justly forbid a thing upon as severe a Penalty as
will rise up again for we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the thing done in his Body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. We are only proved here how we will behave our selves towards God. It is worth while to look further to consider Man in his several Circumstances State and Condition in this World with some general Heads of Good and Evil that are set before him if he may be stirred up or put in mind of some things for his own Happiness and Safety CHAP. II. Of Man confidered in his threefold Condition Original Corrupted and Restored Of his Thoughts VVords and Actions Infancy Youth Manhood therein of Company and Marriage Of Old Age Body Senses and sensual Pleasure Of the Soul Vnderstanding VVill Affections as Love Fear Joy Sorrow Anger Hope Of Temptations The Close THou hast made Man a little lower then the Angels and hast Crowned him with Glory and Honour Psal 8. 5. One part is of the dust of the ground the other the breath of Life a reasonable Soul in which he hath resemblance to the angelical Nature and is exalted above Beasts His Happiness in the state of Innocency and how it was lost by Transgression is known by every one that reads the Scripture again he was redeemed by our Lord and Savi●ur Jesus Christ Rom. 5. 17 18 19. 1 Pet. 3. 18. If we are not wanting to our selves he hath restored us to as great a Capacity of good as we should have had if our Forefather had not sinned God so loved the World that he gave his only Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life John 3. 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God towards us because he laid down his Life for us and greater love then this hath no Man then to lay down his Life for another 1 John 3. 10. The holy Spirit inspires Grace and good Motions into our hearts whom if we do not resist and so grieve he will Seal us to the day of Redemption We feel the mischievous workings of Original Corrruption and we have the same quality of our first Parent to Lust after forbidden things A coveting after Evil and averseness to Good. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mo●her conceive me Psal 51. 5. It is intermixed and grows up with every part that we all are as prone to Evil as the Sparks to fly upward Indeed goodness doth appear reasonable and lovely yet our Inclinations are backwards to the Practise of it there is a Close hankering after and Preference of the contrary The whole Man is defiled Mark 7. 21 22 23. Gen. 8. 21. Eccles 3. 9. He deviseth iniquity in his Bed he studies to do mischief His Thoughts are vain He takes no delight in Good but rather on Lust Pride and all manner of Concupisence Every mouth speaketh folly Isa 9. 17. Evil Communications Filthiness Deceit Lying and all sorts of Evil proceed out of it With Blasphemies and horrid Oaths he is dishonoured who enabled it to Speak With this Sword it is endeavoured to give our blessed Redeemer more Wounds and to crucifie him afresh The tongue is a fire a World of iniquity so is the tongue amongst our Members that it defileth the whole Body and setteth on fire the course of Nature and is set on fire of Hell. Therewith bless we God even the Father and therewith curse we Men which are made after the simitude of God Jam. 3. 6 9. Our Actions proceeding from the same corrupt Stock are of the like Nature Wise to do evil and forward to put in Execution what our wicked hearts conceive Every Member is wicked and abominably wicked Their inward part is very wickedness Psal 5. 9. and as it is further described Rom. 3. 10. to ver 18. Man is become as sinful as is possible for such a poor Creature to be with short Faculties and Powers they are stretched forth to the utmost he sins till he hath not Ability to sin any more though he hath not wherewithal to vent yet the malicious and corrupt Desire is infinite in a little finite Being The Seeds of Evil came in with the forbidden Fruit. But we must not accuse Ad●m of our Transgression more then is due for it is our own fault if we suffer it to grow forth and improve it to that monstrous height It may be hewn down and destroyed but still the stump of the Dan. 4. 23. Roots is left in the Earth The holy One that came down from Heaven hath got this Priviledge and Power for us The Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the World could even at this present time extirpate it quite Root and Branch but that he is not pleased to do for wise Reasons yet now he puteth in such a Condition and Ability to perform so much as in and through him will be accepted and we shall come to that place where this accursed thing with all its remainders shall utterly be done away If we come unto him and sincerely do what is required under the second Covenant Christs righteousness will supply our defects The filthy Rags Isa 64. 6. Shall be cast away and we shall be arrayed in fine Linnen clean and White For the Fine Linnen is the righteousness of Saints Rev. 21. 8. What then shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound God forbid Those which make this damnable inference do mistake the Gospel Covenant which requires obedience and good Works Tit. 2. 11 12 13. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Heb. 5. 9. Christ hath brought good tidings and published Peace and brought good tidings of good and published Salvation Isa 52. 7. The same Jesus hath said Those which do iniquity shall be cast into a Furnace of fire Mat. 13. 41 42. Luk. 13. 27 28. He hath proclaimed the acceptable Year of the Lord and the Day of vengeance of our God Isa 61. 2. The Gospel is commonly said to be all mercy yet therein the wrath of God is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men Rom. 1. 18. so 2 Thes 1. 7 8 9. The end of both Law and Gospel is obedience by this we are freed from the Curse Gal. 3. 10 13. We have further the assistance of the holy Spirit to resist Temptations and keep Gods Commandments The stony Heart is taken away and an Heart of flesh is given Whereas the whole Man is corrupted now he is put into a way to be right again if he will use the Grace given him He may run counter to his natural State and be sanctified throughout A good Man out of the good Treasure of the Heart bringeth forth good things Mat. 12. 35. After those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their Hearts Jer. 31. 33. So we may draw near with a true Heart in full assurance of Faith having
excellent in whom is all my delight Psal 16. 3. Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the Land that they may dwell with me Psal 101. 6. The Scoffing World cry out such an one to be of a low Spirit for keeping mean Company who doth aim at as great things as they do and goes as right a way to accomplish them It will be discerned who is wise and who is not and even now they receive a mutual delight and satisfaction equivalent to the greatest Jollity But to answer others Who keeps the meanest Company He that Converses with Hawks Hounds and hath Dogs to feed at his Table Or who Associates with those of the same likeness with himself who are equally made in the image of God Is not a rational Creature better then brute Beasts If thou sayest not thou art a Turk and disparagest thy self besides him who hath created us Patterns of his own Eternity But they are more lovely who have those Beauties of Holiness those Divine impressions of goodness within them which are discerned by the spiritual Eye and more esteemed of then the utmost Bodily perfection They have that Righteousness which endureth for ever and therefore to be preferred before those pompous Titles of worth which shortly shall fail and that Honour which is to be laid in the Dust They are Children and Heirs of God and Joynt-Heirs with Christ Rom. 8. 17. and if we believe these Relations do exceed those of the World it can be no more a Disparagement to Converse with them then the Son and Heir of a Nobleman though as yet he hath not one Farthing of his Fathers Demesnes By this we know that we love the Children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments 1 John 5. 2. And so again if we love God that will be manifested towards his Chosen Ones his Sons his Elect his Servants and whom he vouchsafes to stile by all Expressions of kindness We know that we have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren 1 John 3. 14. Where is love there an Union is desired with the object beloved and accordingly will be had Let none dissemble God knoweth the Heart and for what Reason it is if any neglects his Duty in this particular If he despise the Poor and low Estate of faithful People What shall he do when God riseth up And when he visiteth what shall he answer him Job 31. 14. Let him shew that he doth not by a Christian Conversation with them let him be gentle easie to be entreated use Hospitality without grudging speak Friendly as one Man talketh to another without scornful or ruff Language And let them be advertised from Isa 3. 5. Gal. 2. 2. not to abuse or make an occasion of Contempt anothers Humility and Courteousness for we are in no wise to confound the distinction God hath made amongst mankind The Blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and addeth no Sorrow with it Prov. 10. 22. so in his Word he hath prescribed a most excellent way for their Station and Circumstances by which they are freed from those Miseries others of like Condition are subject unto and then they enjoy the Comforts here in a much better way The Service of God doing good to their Countrey Meditation and Reading the Affairs of humane Life those moderate and innocent Delights do take off from the Irksomeness and Tediousness of time so they live happily and pass through here with more Rest and Quietness then others who take no Care what shall become of them Thus saith the Lord Let not the wise man Glory in his Wisdom neither let the mighty man Glory in his might but let him that Glorieth Glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me Jer. 9. 23 24. 'T is not noble Birth and Extraction but that Relation which the Almighty vouchsafes to have towards mankind which makes them truly Honourable Have we not all one Father hath not one God created us Mal. 2. 10. Nay have we not the same Father after the Flesh Are we not all the Sons of a Gardiner In the most Ancient and illustrious Family if the several mean descents could be traced up those Ancestors would be found out whereof none hath Reason to be proud of What the Prophet saith Ezek. 16. 3 4 5 6. is sufficient to abase any one concerning his Original and should be an inducement not to trust in his own but to seek that Honour which cometh from God only John 5. 44. His Providence hath ordered the several distinctions in the World and hath placed them in several Seats to work out their own Salvation It is no diminishing but encrease of present Happiness to comply with the Good will of God. Wealth and Riches shall be in his House Psal 112. 3. they are already but there is somewhat better nearer within The Satisfaction of a good Conscience He is Clothed well suffers neither Hunger nor Thirst Cold nor Nakedness God hath given him both spiritual and temporal Blessings By the first he doth Love and Honour his Great Benefactor And he doth not set his Heart upon the things that are seen for that is the great danger of Worldly abundance but uses them to Minister only unto his Pilgrimage Being assured that though these are good yet God hath provided better things that when this Happiness which is imperfect and for a time is to be determined he is to arrive at that which is perfect and to endure throughout all Ages When such an one is to be taken away from his fine Habitation Estate Wife Children Servants and all that is esteemed dear amongst Men in the sight of the unbelieving World he may seem to die and his Departure be taken for Loss and Misery Whereas he shall enter into Peace They shall rest in their Beds each one walking in his uprightness Isa 57. 2. Then only his true and uninterrupted Felicity begins which shall never end Wouldst thou be in this Mans Condition Go thou and do likewise CHAP. V. Of the COMMON PEOPLE It is the Duty of all to be in some Calling An Exhortation to serve God Against Ignorance and Vnbelief Some Considerations of living in the World and further drawn from the four last things Of different Communions Of Deceits A Description of the Wicked and Godly in this World. OF this Order they are reputed in the World who do not live of their own but follow some Trade or Employment And here it may not be improper to speak somewhat concerning that and the Obligation all lye under to it As soon as God created Man he was appointed some work to do even in his best Estate of innocency But then was Labour without Sorrow and Tiresomeness for it was after added Gen. 3. 17 19. In Sorrow shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life in the sweat of thy Face shalt thou eat Bread. This was pronounced on him for us all for all have sinned in him and who can plead Freedom
hinders the Accommodation that it may be taken away and then the business is done It is not to lead People on in a bare outward Profession or a partial Observation of the Law but to bring them over unto universal Obedience And he who either will not or dare not do this is not fit to be a Labourer in the Vineyard But unto the wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant into thy Mouth Psal 50. 16. He had better seek any other way for a Livelihood then to take the oversight of the Flock of God for filthy lucre 1 Pet. 5. 2. and be negligent thereof Why a good Nature cannot endure to disturb but he must when it is to prevent a greater Evil. Who finds fault with a Surgeon that Pricks to let Blood in order to Health which as it is common so most kind and reasonable All the irksomeness that can be to further our everlasting Happiness and hinder alike Misery allowing for the exceeding Greatness thereof will not amount to so much as Men endure and take it patiently in Case of a slight temporal Good or Evil. A●d I beseech you Brethren suffer the VVord of Exhortation for I have written a Letter unto you in few words Heb. 13. 22. There must some ha●sh sayings now and then drop from the Preachers mouth if he doth according to the Apostolical injunction make full Proof of his Ministery 2 Tim. 4. 4. The Hearers must bear them patiently and do thereafter if they intend to be saved They are to receive as Eli did from the Child Samuel who told him every whit and hid nothing from him and he said It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3. 18. Or as Hezekiah heard the Prophets sad Message to his Posterity Good is the VVord of the Lord which thou hast spoken Isa 39. 8. There is an unwillingness to speak of Gods threatnings The Prophets of Old would fain excuse themselves yet they would not be disobedient to the Spirit of God and it was with kindness to the People by first exhorting them to Repentance to prevent the approaching Ruin. And I do not believe any good Man doth love to tyrannize over the Hearts of others by putting them into fear and dread but knowing the terror of the Lord we perswade Men 2 Cor. 5. 11. They do not otherwise declare the whole Counsel of God and they must to keep People from falling under the severity thereof for it would be an odd kind of Mercifulness to let them slide down into Hell because we will not before-hand disturb them a little with the Rumour thereof Doth any one who forewarns another such an Evil or Inconvenience will come upon him unless he hinders it such a way therefore meet with unkindness In no wise but on the contrary all thanks and Good-will There is altogether the like Reason it should be the very same as to the things of God and Eternity Besides it is not he but the Word which doth it No Post or Herald can be justly blamed for publishing what we Fancy severe Edicts and Proclamations for they are Servants and must do what their King Commandeth but if any injury is offered them Mark 12. 4 5 9. He takes it as upon himself and will punish accordingly He that is sent a Minister of Christ's Church did never descend into the deep nor hath he seen any of those dreadful things of the invisible World. He is only to make known and proclaim what he finds in the written Word of God. Who considering his infinite Greatness more then the Ocean is to a single drop over those who are but meer Creatures the Work of his hands hath made righteous Ordinances enforced with sutable Rewards and Punishments notwithstanding the latter may seem hard and grievous to us Yet how great soever they are miserable experience sheweth they are necessary to preserve his Government and to keep us in Subjection and Obedience In Truth we cannot well shew it otherwise then by a reverent Regard and Conformity to his Word No Man hath seen God at any time John 1. 18. Nor doth now hear his Voice In what manner then shall he shew himself subject to this infinite Being Let him shew forth never so much will-Worship Humility or neglecting of the Body think to gratifie with something of his own as corrupt Nature is too fond of its own Inventions yet if he hath not regard to the prescribed Pattern all is esteemed as cutting off a Dogs neck the Reason is added Yea they have chosen their own ways If he offers up never so much or seeks to please Isa 66. 2 3. him that signifies nothing For all these things have been saith the Lord But to this Man will I look even to him that is of a poor and contrite Spirit and trembleth at my VVord If God should shake the Heavens and the Earth the most stout Inhabitants here would tremble and they could not do otherwise But now he sanctifies the Lord and makes him his dread who shews himself awful and pliant at hearing or reading of his revealed Will. If he did roar from Mount Zion or utter his Voice from the Battlements of Heaven then the People would presently cry out after their wonted manner All that the Lord hath spoken we will do But when the noise is gone and the fear is over they would forget that and return to their own ways Now it remains written in a Book that it may not be once but for ever and there is the still Voice of the Spirit which would set it home to our Hearts and by this way he is pleased to try our Obedience And indeed how can it be better shewn forth then by sincere doing according to that which we surely believe to be the very mind of God what he would have us to do Yet alas What strugling and contesting is there against this A manifest Token of that disobedience which lies hid in the heart of Man and puts it self forth by Cavil Distinguishing Evasion or setting themselves against those who keep close to it All this proceeds from that Root of Enmity and unwillingness to comply therewith He that is of God heareth Gods words John 8. 47. VVhen ye received the word of God ye received it not as the word of Men but as it is in Truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe 1 Thes 2. 13. All is but vain and deceitful words which have not Relation to this Rule either by necessary Consequence or Connexion God is Truth and his word is Truth John 17. 17. and if we say we love God we must also in the Apostles Phrase receive the love of the Truth that we may be saved 2 Thes 2. 10. That People may not be left at uncertainty to know what it is it may be discerned by the Touch-stone and also it hath a full
his service as the Ox and Ass ●or ours when he pleased without making any question or dispute concerning it yet he leaves us to our Liberty But how doth he resent it when freely offered and given up unto him Thus saith the Lord I remember thee the kind●ess of thy Youth Jer. 2. 2. see Hos 11. 1. 2. Chron. 34. 3. Mark 10. 21. These are written for the Exhortation and Encouragement of all to come betimes for God hath a pec●liar Favour and doth take notice of them ●or only doing that which is the duty of all to do To follow after him that is the guid● of our youth Jer. 3. 4. The nature of the Christian warfare and state of its Enemies require the chief time of Life to encounter with them When he is Listed at Baptism he takes an Oath to fight manfully against the World the Fle 〈…〉 the Devil The latter is most maliciously set against us Rev. 12. 12. 1 Pet. 5. 8. whom we must Resist stedfast in the Faith by this Shield we shall be able to quen●●h all the siery Darts of the Wicked Eph. 6. 16. The Angel of the bottomless Pit is often transformed into an Angel of Light yet if we are so happy As from Childhood to have known the Scriptures which are able to make wise unto Salvation 2 Tim. 3. 14 15. We shall not be ignorant of his devices no● be beguiled through his subtilty Resist the Devil and he will flee from you Jam. 4. 7. This subdued the next is our own dear s●lf for though none ever hated his own Flesh but loves and cherishes it yet that when too much cockered and luxuriant turns our Enemy When Blood runs warm in the veins the Sences quick and brisk that is rampant and would get Dominion over us The Commands are directed accordingly Flee youthful Lusts 2 Tim. 2. 22. If ye live after the Flesh ye shall die but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Body ye shall live Rom. 8. 13. Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not Provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lust thereof Rom. 13. 14. When overmuch fuel is taken away the fire will do no hurt but serve only for its necessary use Another Enemy is the World which with its pomp and glittering is apt to deceive new and tender minds but if they be seasoned with the Love of God and Knowledge of his Word particularly what is written Jam. 4. 4. 1 John 2. 14 15 16 17. 1 John 5. 4. this will cast out the love of the World Faith overcomes it clearly for what this assures of doth so infinitely exceed Wordly Greatness and Glory that they cannot hold due competition with the heavenly manifest Sence sheweth that we are but Sojourners here and have no continuing City Faith ●eeks one to come so we will hold no correspondence with what we are now in then as furnishing conveniencies for not to hinder ou● Journey All these Foes are more dangerous because they assault in the disguise of Friends making a shew of Happiness but deceive into Misery and do most strongly tempt in our inconstant Age. They act subtilly taking advantage of want of a through and perfect Understanding But fore warned and fore-armed Wherewithall shall a young Man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy Word Ps 119. 9. Which discovers the snare laid for him and he may avoid it in the mid'st of his career if he can duly stop or turn aside I have more understanding then my Teachers because I have learnt thy Word Every thing done in the World is with intention and desire after good and that lays down certain directions for Happiness and avoiding Misery so this kind is most profitable If God did no more regard the Iniquities of Youth then Childhood its Vanities were more allowable as the effect of Mirth and Lightness but there is not the same reason for both Children have no Knowledge between good and evil Deut. 1. 39. but Youth hath or may have which is the same thing God expects when we know his Will we should do it otherwise we Sin and are liable to his Indignation It would be impertinent for the Psalmist to cry out O Lord remember not the Sins of my Youth Ps 25. 7. If God would never have imputed them And Righteous Job would have falsly expostulated Thou writest bitter things against me and makest me to possess the Iniquities of my Youth Job 13. 26. so Jer. 31. 19. The just Judge of all the earth calls to account for those Transgressions as of succeeding years Good Men have been guilty of some Extravagancies at that time of Life which are not written for presumption and licence to Sin but for the Hope and Comfort of those who Repent as they did and for those who are not yet defiled with Wickedness to keep their innocency By their Examples it appears that however sweet in commission yet they are exceeding bitter in remembrance Many secret heavy doubtful and disturbed Thoughts did arise as often as they did look back upon them the pleasure whereof was vanished as if it had never been All things considered he consults most for Gods Glory and is wisest for his own Peace who remembers his Creator in the days of his Youth It is said A young Saint an old Devil Which pestilent Proverb sprange frome him the Father of Lies who will suffer himself to be abused for the advancement of his own Kingdom There can be no suspition or danger in the word of Truth which requires To bring up Children in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord Ep. 6 4. The wise Man renders a Reason for it Prov. 22. 6. This Age will gadly receive the impr●ssions of good which are as acceptable as those of Sin and Evil. If they grow up and consent with them they become more customary natural and delightful then unlawful Pleasures are to others The sincerity of Youth tasts of the good Word of God and powers of the World to come which have their due influence on such a mind The simplicity thereof doth highly approve the works of Righteousness which cannot be otherwise thought of except by Corruption and Wrong Would God these youthful qualifications might be still retained which in these and other instances are very advantageous for the things pertaining to him This the Enemy of mankind knows though he doth cunningly whisper to the contrary for he uses endeavour to get the first Possession into our Hearts He will try to hinder our Sons from being As Plants growing up in their Youth And as far as the divine permission extends will graft into tender Stocks the wild Olive-Tree that it may become fruitless hewn down and cast into the fire He shews forth many alluring baits and fair promises to beguil foolish nature to himself If he gets young Souls he hath half done his work When he hath them in invincible clutches he instils a dislike of
sufficient to do what is required of them Some hence take occasion to live habitually in gross sin and others in all manner of Wickedness but the great judge of all Men will be no more put off with such kind of tricks then themselves will be by such sayings from their servants and it is strange that they should be such Deceivers of themselves as willfully to keep off from what would bring them to Obedience and Happiness the way to which is not to do our own will but the will of him that sent us into this place of Tryal Let none accuse God as an hard Master for though the unprofitable servant will be apt to lay the blame upon him to excuse his own Sluggishness yet he doth not reap where he doth not sow neither will he require the improving of a Talent but according to what he hath given See I have set before thee this day Life and Good Death and Evil Deut. 30. 15. Some may think this last sad thing is but not the other We cannot come nor be perswaded to that why the prophet Moses for further assurance repeats it vers 19. with the most solemn Testimony I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you that I have set before you Life and Death Blessing and Cursing therefore choose Life The affections have much influence over the will to move it Of the Affections and Passions this or that way these have been likewise tainted with original corruption which hath infected the whole Man. To speak of their irregularity and abuse is referred to some distinct Chapters hereafter the present design is to shew that God hath ingrafted them into our Nature and what is their right end how they are to be ordered towards Happiness as they are governed by the everlasting Gospel The Passions are a Torment to the Wicked and occasion of Evil so unto the Righteous are a comfort and instrument of good The one pervert these manage them aright but considered abstractedly in their own Nature are not only useful but necessary to accomplish the great end To begin with the most noble Affection Love which is the fulfilling of the Law. The first of all the Commandments is Hear Of Love. O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Strength and with all thy mind This is the first Commandment And the second is like namely this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self Mark. 12. 30 31. For this thou shalt not commit Adultery thou shalt not Kill thou shalt not Steal thou shalt not bear false Witness thou shalt not Covet it is briefly comprehended in his saying Rom. 13. 9. Love to God and ones Neighbour is the Whole Duty of Man That keeps from offending the Most High and also from doing the least injury to our fellow Creature for self-love cannot endure any should be done to our selves Saith the beloved Disciple who makes good the denomination by inculcating and repeating this word over to the utmost delight This is the Love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not grievous 1 John 5. 3. By these two general judge of all that come under them there is no Torment in Love but all Happiness and Satisfaction it receives greater degrees according to its object And then how exceeding must that be which arises from the infinite God The joy of that Soul is unexpressible who perfectly love him That strangers may conceive somewhat thereof and come over to partake of it if they would be fully convinced in the Heart what every one will own with the Mouth it is requisite to lay down particularly there is all the reason in the world that we should love God yea the very same why we love any thing This is either the excellency of the thing it self or the kindness and actual good it doth unto us upon all which God deserves our utmost and whole affection He is the excellent One the Sum of all perfection Speak of him as much as you can and yet you will come short for he doth exceed The Lord is great and greatly to be praised ●sal 96. 4 It is not possible for any flattery and complement that is only for poor imperfect Creatures to be used towards him for we cannot say more then really he is nor attribute more Good Glory and Honour then doth belong and is in him We love a single Man for his Goodness Wisdom Uprightness Beauty now they are but shadows and little in the Creature but he is the Original and Fountain of all much more then all then the Ocean is to a single drop All lovely perfections that can be thought of or named or are any where to us unknown as there are millions yet come from him who is the Author of all with whom all fulness and eminency dwells As for the relation he humbleth himself to have towards us there is a jealousie in the heart of the Natural Man to that And if here should be used fine expressions the greatest Wit and smooth Language to assure Men of Gods goodness towards them they would suspect it more under a flourish of words and therefore cannot be directed any where better then to his revealed Will in Scripture which speaketh plainly John 3. 16. Rom. 5. 6 7 8. 1 John 3. 16. Psal 63. 3. Psal 73. 1. Deut. 7. 9. Psal 145. 20. Jer. 29. 11. Jer. 31. 3. Psal 68. 19. Look upon his whole Book that excellent Law he hath given that Love and Grace manifested by Jesus Christ Examine it altogether consider throughly the design of the whole He will have all Men to be saved 1 Tim. 2. 4. Even Heathens and those without He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9. This is said as to the Scoffers mentioned vers 3. and the worst of Men Reflect further on those good and comfortable things he hath given us to enjoy He doth good and give us rain from Heaven and fruitful Seasons filling our hearts with food and gladness so much for the use and delight of our outward Man and then it is certain he never designed the misery of that He hath done the same equally extensive Isa 55. 1 John 7. 37. as to our better part which appears by the Frame Powers and Tendency thereof All things are established for the present contentment and Eternal Happiness of us all both Body and Soul and Spirit to bring us to the greatest Glory and Exaltation we are capable of If we would suffer our selves to be throughly made sensible God hath a love to us the enmity in our nature would be taken away and we should be reconciled unto him as will appear more and more by a full knowledge of his ways and our doing according to them Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you Jam.
may Of Ange● and ●eal become instrumental of obedience and productive of good When conversant about holy and divine things it is Zeal the nature whereof may be understood from Mark 3. 5. John 2. 17. Psal 69. 9. 119. 139. Acts 18. 25. Mat. 24. 12. Lev. 20. 4. It doth arise from the love of God causing a vexation of mind and indignation at those who dishonour him He is revealed in those several relations of King Father and Master so his Subjects Children and Servants are bound to stand up for his Glory and Honour when any thing is done that seems contrary thereto If this Duty were not mentioned or required in Scripture as it is Tit. 2. 13 14. Rev. 3. 15 16 17. and by many Examples yet manifest reason teacheth it Where is love Num. 25. 11. 13. of God there must be Zeal Which shakes off Negligence and Sluggis●ness of Spirit and raises a Joy in doing his Will this holy Fire warms Devotion and utterly banishes all carelessness and contempt in Spiritual Duties The Man is pleased and doth give thanks when he sees God glorified and although there is a grief to behold the contrary Psal 119. 158. Acts 17. 16. Ezek. 9. 4. that will be abundantly rewarded by the Most High he shall not suffer for what others do yet he cannot cease to pray for them to mourn in secret for their sins Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy brother and not suffer sin upon him Lev. 19. 17. Charity and Love obligeth to admonish him to come out of the paths leading unto Death A reasonable Creature cannot justly take this ill yet sometimes Hatred and Reproaches are returned for this best kind of Civility and Friendship however the one hath done his Duty and what the other will one day wish he had hearkened unto the Satisfaction of a good Conscience requites for all evil intreaty in the mean while If they Curse him who stands up for Gods cause he takes it patiently knowing the time will come when the Lord will arise and maintain it himself Those who are the off-scouring and filth of the World the contemptible ones of the Earth yet when God cometh with his Holy Angels the Scene will change and themselves will be the 1 Cor. 6. 2 3. same who think and would make these so now Indeed Zeal doth draw on Reproach Contempt and Evil Sayings and therefore some would not have it be used because of these inconveniences But surely they do not consider or not believe the Promises as particularly Luke 6. 22. Who have made Conscience to serve God in all Duty were in past Generations esteemed Fools simple and ignorant People despised defamed evil intreated under the Law They had tryal of cruel Mockings and Scourges Heb. 11. 36 37 38. Our Lord himself was despised and rejected of Men he was despised and we esteemed him not Isa 53. 3. The like also happened to the first Christians And now we are fallen into those perillous times Where they receive his Name but do not obey his Doctrine make so much outward Profession as to intitle them unto Having a form of Godliness but denying the Power thereof They do not only rest here but according to the Apostles Prophecy which this day is fulfilled They are despisers of those that are good 2 Tim. 3. 3 5. These say they have hopes of going to Heaven but what should they do in the Holy of Holies the pure and sanctified place above who cannot endure what hath a resemblance to it here It is alledged they do not condemn or speak against the good Actions of others but their way of doing they cannot approve of that forward indiscreet zeal it is their own Phrase and making so great Pretences in the Eye of the World for say they Men may be good Christians and yet not seem so outwardly If it were sufficient to be a Christian only within this would take away the Crown from the Martyrs and accuse them of Folly for according to this supposal they might have believed on Christ and have kept their Faith to themselves and so have escaped cruel Torments and Death But this they did not knowing what was written Mat. 10. 32 33. Rom. 10. 9 10. 'T is replyed the Case now is altered We do not live amongst Heathens but in a Christian Countrey it is taken for granted that every one believes Jesus to be the Son of God what need of so much Profession But are we not amongst Infidels in heart Prophane Ungodly Wicked half Christians Who in heart and mouth set themselves against God and Christ as the Gentile World did What mean those bitter Words and Railings Witty Jests and Drolls against those who are careful to serve God in sincerity but to discourage and make them ashamed of so doing This hath been the usual Practise of the World the Prophet doth arm those of his own and succeeding times Hearken unto me ye that know righteousness the People in whose heart is my Law this is a peculiar manner of expressing Gods Sincere and faithful Servants Fear ye not the reproach of men neither be ye afraid of their revilings Isa 51. 7. Our Lord Christ doth severely threaten his Followers if this device of the wicked should take effect upon them Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful Generation of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of the Father with the holy Angels Mark 8. 38. It is said Words indefinitely and therefore extends to his Doctrine and Commandments and so it is not called Jewish or Heathen but the same Character which belongs to our present Age. He is ashamed or afraid of his Religion that will not own it If he shrinks back and would not be thought Godly when he is so secretly this proceeds from Pride and sinful Modesty When the Name of God is blasphemed or taken in vain the way of truth evil spoken of Wickedness commended every one that feareth God is obliged to speak out in Reproof Vindication and Contradiction Zeal was typified by the Fire that shall ever burn upon the Altar it shall never go out Lev. 6. 13. Can that be and yet not seen Is any zealous for God hating Corruption whe●ever he sees it who yet doth not appear so to others The same Jesus who hath Commanded to take heed of the leaven of the Pharis●es which is Hypocrisie Luke 12. 1. that We do not our Alms before men to pray in secret Mat. 6. hath also said Ye are the Light of the World. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your good Works and Glorifie your Father which is in Heaven Mat. 5. 14 16. If ye are a peculiar People you will be taken notice of if zealous of good Works they will be known If you do not
sound a Trumpet and blaze them abroad your selves but ●●ey praise you in the Gates you cannot help that your reward is still with the most High as long as you are careful to approve your selves in his sight and not as unto Men. None should refrain from doing good because others may come to bear of it no more then forsake the assembling of our selves together because others see us go to Church Neither as the manner of some is this to be done only on the Lords-day but as we have opportunity on every day for so they did in the first Ages of Christianity Luke 24. 53. Acts 2. 42 46. The Pastors were then an Ensample to the Flock Acts 3. 1. However strange or precise it seems now to go to publick Worship on a Week day it was as unusual then to neglect it Who considers the Relation we stand in towards the Great God of the World must think it a reasonable Service to pay our Homage and Praise him from every rising of the Sun unto the going down thereof Nor are we to avoid good and edifying Discourse because that will be likewise heard but the Obligation is greater from Psal 37. 30 31. Mat. 12. 34 35. If the heart be good good things will come forth God alone is the discerner of the Thoughts and they do not appear yet Words and Actions will. If they are good and just it is impossible but they must be discovered to be so But let it be cautioned from Isa 42. 2. Mat. 12. 16 18 19. against making too much outward shew There is a good and middle way between too much Affectation on the one hand sinful Shame and Lukewarmness on the other Both extreams are to be avoided but indeed the first is safe if the heart be sincere throughly purged from all Hypocrisie and Pride It is much better to be too zealous if that can be for there are no limits set in Scripture then of a careless and indifferent Temper for that is always spoken against But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing Gal. 4. 18. And if out of a good intention God knows the unfeigned love in the heart from whence it proceeds and so may approve thereof So there is no such Reason why that which is called a forward indiscreet Zeal should be hated and spoken against Every thing which doth exceed the ordinary and fashionable Godliness of the multitude is termed so We have seen that of our Saviour fulfilled Because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold Mat. 24. 12. The judgment of God being different from that of Men perhaps he may judge that to be true and prudent which they thus call Those Opinions and Excuses in Religion which are vulgarly received are as commonly false But admit some were over Zealous Yet Charity envieth not thinketh no evil believeth all things hopeth all things 1 Cor. 13. 4 5 7. And here will make a good Construction that such is well meaning and therefore this takes off from prejudice and evil surmizings against him If some are more diligent in the Worship and Service of God we ought the more to rejoyce and glorifie God on his behalf But to hate a Man for no other cause but his well-doing is not what all but only the worse sort of wicked do Neither do thou too rashly condemn thy poor Brother for whom Christ died of Superstition that hath been so termed which in the Language of the Holy Ghost is to fear the Lord greatly 1 Kings 18. 3. But how knowest thou his heart It may be he doth what is Commanded or thinks to be plainly inferred from the Word If he is mistaken thou art rather to rightly instruct then malign or envy him but in no wise to laugh and make sport that cannot be justified on Fellow Christians It is sufficient to bear Reproach from those without but it is more grievous when it comes from the same Houshold of Faith. However Grace and Wisdom will despise the Shame and enable to take Pleasure in infirmities in Reproaches in Necessities in Persecutions in Distresses for Christ● sake 2 Cor. 12. 10. Great heed is to be taken that Zeal be according to Knowledge for where blind and mis-guided it hath done much mischief to the World by horrid Cruelties Massacres Rebellions Persecutions The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that That of Isa 11. 9. is observable for the reason there added he doth God service And these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor Me John 16 2 3. Said our Lord to his Disciples and Followers which hath been fulfilled to a Witness Some have pretended for God and his Christ and their Sword hath made many Fatherless and Widows have after the most strange manner tormented to Death Women and Children ript up Infants out of the Mothers Belly shed the Blood of the Saints like water throughout Christendom All this and more hath been done by those who in their own Opinion Luke 9. 55. were zealous for the Prince of Peace He came to save mens lives but these have made it their business to kill and destroy The Disciples were reproved concerning the Samaritans Ye know not of what Spirit ye are of which plainly manifested that he allowed not of the murder of Men though for his own Honour the best of ends His whole Gospel Commands Love Peace Gentleness Meekness and forbids whatever is contrary to them But this Doctrine hath been concealed from some who have given up themselves to blind Teachers those Sanguinary Priests and Jesuites they have obtruded the Doctrine of Devils for that of the Holy Jesus and have put off for the Commandments of Christ the Dictates of their Blood-thirsty minds The silly People laden with Sins and perhaps willing to make Atonement by murdering of Hereticks which did increase their Guilt by slaying the Lords Heritage were taught ignorance makes the better Christians They might have so much used their own natural Reason as to have considered that Christ's Laws cannot be obeyed unless they are known and therefore they must search the Scriptures which he Commands John 5. 39. to see what they are or have them from honest Teachers But if they had done the first they would have found Ministers of Satan transformed as the Ministers of Righteousness 2 Cor. 11. 15. And they would have known them by this kind of Suggestions which come from none but the Destroyer for what seems hateful and cruel to us as we are Men can never be thought to have been delivered by him who came into the World to perfect not deprave Humane Nature The many sad Effects of wilde destructive Zeal have proceeded from their wilful Ignorance of the Law he gave us for they had been all prevented if Men had only acted according to the Directions of the New Testament Some on the other hand have read the Scriptures but through mis-interpretation or
have abundance and Variety of Meat Drink and Raiment Go thy way eat thy bread with joy and drink thy wine with a merry heart for God accepteth thy Works Eccles 9. 7. Whatever thy Fare be take it with a contented mind for he is well-pleased with thy doings feed on with Comfort for he sanctifieth it to thee Is thy Bread course Thou hast an healthy good Stomach and be satisfied for a little while Thou art called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev. 19. 9. Is thy Liquor small Yet quench thy thirst therewith at present For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you Deut. 12. 9. Thou shalt drink new Wine in his Kingdom Thou shalt eat the labour of thine hand happy shalt th●u be and it shall be well with thee Thy wife shall be as a fruitful Vine by the side of thine House thy Children like Olive Branches round about thy Table Psal 128. 2 3. There is unexpressible comfort in conjugal Love when others in unlawful Mixtures meet with nothing Ezek. 16. 45. but Repentance and Loathsomeness and then his Children are more dear to him then the seed of the Adul●erer Sons of Whoredom or of those vilest Men who are without natural affection Rom. 1. 31. Who is thus blessed at Home doth not so much resort forth to the Ale-House He doth not wring tears from his Family least he should bring them to a morsel of Bread neither doth he spend that for himself which they want indeed he hath as much liberty and right to good Drink as others which he accordingly receives with Moderation and so hath more enjoyment of it for he hath all the pleasure but none of the sin and inconvenience which attend those who add Drunkenness to Thirst They for the time forget then cares and misery which are either regrets of Conscience or misfortunes of the World but our good Man hath not the first as for the latter he can comfort and remedy himself a better way He can trust in God have recourse to his Word pacifie himself with faith and hope of better things to come look upon the example of Saints heretofore from hence springs up greater and more enduring comfort then from the sparklings of Wine or heaviness of Ale. He hath an excellent end to himself in what he doth for he labours to eat and he eats to live and he lives to know and serve the Lord which tends toward the receiving according to his gracious Promises Eternal Glory and Reward If he doth now find weariness in work it shall not be so always the times of refreshing will come This life was not given to follow after ease and pleasure and though the practice of several seems to the contrary yet they may come to affirm it would have been better for them if they had taken the same honest pains as themselves saw others did God will not forget the labour and care of some who had just food and raiment or not consider the Jollity and Wantonness of others who did neither Sow nor Spin ●et devoured the fatness of the Earth and were arrayed in the best apparel All things will be set aright at the last the very reflection or looking back if nothing more be added when they are both past will set them equal for what difference is between him who had a pleasant or troublesome Voyage when over It will be an addition to the happiness of Heaven the more tribulation one comes out of from the World. Let the mean person be sure to abound in love and zeal for God it shall go as well with him at last as with his rich Neighbours there is not such a vast difference as some would be apt to think between his and their present contentment if any exceeding upon the strict survey it may be found of his side That Man is most happy who is so at the end Every Sun-setting sets him one step further to Day more then Yesterday to Morrow he comes yet more nigh He goes on from Sabbath to Sabbath from one Festival to another towards the place of Eternal Rest and Rejoycing He confesses himself to be a Stranger and Pilgrim upon Earth and declares plainly that he seeks a Country Heb. 11. 13 14. Not that which he is in already for he must not continue herein and therefore desires a more lasting Country let others do what they will for his part he will make it the greatest and only business of his life to get thither The bare hopes whereof do yield him mighty support under the most heavy and wearisome labours these will be ended and the Angels shall carry him into Abraham Bosome a place of sweet repose When he comes upon the Bed of last Sickness he shall rest thereon Being assured he is going into a better State he can lye down in quietness and have rejoycing within when the outward Man is giving up the Ghost That God whom he hath sincerely served throughout his life will deal bountifully with him at last Well done good and faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. What were his past services to be so highly commended by our God His only Son was pleased to say Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit John 15. 8. Lord thou hast but what is thine own from thee alone did proceed what thou graciously vouchsafest to accept He gives grace to enable us here and rewards with glory hereafter Who can sufficiently admire his love and goodness He might have commanded us to go through Fire and Water to have done some hard thing before we should arrive at his Kingdom but he hath brought us into a wealthy place where we enjoyed inward peace of mind and had all things necessary for our bodies where we did meet with but little evil and hardship not worthy to be accounted so What is become of that light affliction which was for a Moment now we are possest of the exceeding and eternal weight of Glory How slender a matter is the denial of a lust or crossing a corrupt inclination seeing we are entred into life and enjoy as great Happiness as the powers of Soul are capable of receiving Truly God is good to Israel even to such as are of a clean heart Psal 73. 1. He is loving to every Man but the greatest part did reject his goodness What Enemies were they to themselves But blessed are those who did not forsake their God as the wicked do Whither should we have went but unto him who then held forth the Words of Eternal Life and now gives the thing it self When we were in the Wilderness he was our Guide and Comfort in the Wa● Others catcht at every thing they found there and could not be satisfied whilst we used it as we passed through did thank our God he made it so commodious to sojourn in but
right before thee Jer. 17. 16. They are bound to believe and speak ●orth Gods Truth but yet far from wishing the Misery of those who are Flesh of their Flesh and Bone of their Bone of the same common stock and likeness with themselves However they must love God more then Man and be more zealous for his Glory Truth and Justice then the welfare of others They had rather that wicked Men turn and live They would have such part with d●cei●ful Lusts for true Happiness and do use their utmost endeavours to accomplish this blessed Work but if they continue still in an hard impenitent heart If they persist to hate provoke and despise the most Lovely Excellent Glorious One who hath not in the least deserved it from them If they abuse his Goodness and Long-suffering which at length is worn out and their day is past Let God arise and let his Enemies be scattered let them also that hate him flee before him As smoke is driven away so drive them away As Wax melteth before the Fire so let the wicked perish at the Presence of God. But let the righteous be glad let them rejoyce before God yea let them exceedingly rejoyce Psal 68. 1 2 3. They will be pleased when they behold God glorified in his Justice upon the wicked as in his Mercy on themselves Even they will fully acknowledge the Lord is righteous he hath dealt with them accordingly to their deservings they had the●r Choice and he did all things to bring them to Heaven and avoid the evil but they maliciously refused the one and did run blindly into the other If now they would lay aside prejudice and false judgings and debate the Matter seriously in their minds they must Confess the Goodness and Justice of God in the Government of the World as to future Rewards and Punishments though we are now in the Flesh and have not so very clear a discovery of things much more will it appear when we shall be stript and dispossessed of all when the Judge himself shall testifie against us Psal 50. 6 7. And plead with the Inhabitants of the Earth give a large Account of what he hath done for his Vineyard and leave us to judge what he could do more that he hath not done Isa 5. that every mouth may be stopped and all the World become Guilty before God Rom. 3. 19. The Righteous will say If thou Lord hadst been extream to mark iniquity who might abide it Even they would be Condemned But they fled to him who was set forth for an Advocate and Propitiation for our Sins they entred into that Covenant of Grace which was made through him between God and Man and sincerely performed the Conditions thereof O what magnifying will there then be of the Mercy of the Father in sending him and his Love in doing so great things for mankind But for those his Enemies who would not have him Reign over them who did Call him Lord Lord but did not the things he said who did mock and trifle with him these shall find to be true what is written 2 Thes 1. 7 8 9. Rev. 2. 23. The Secrets of all Hearts will be manifested all Tricks and Evasions will vanish and themselves will really assent to the Truth and uprightness of Gods proceeding against them They will be forced to know these things when knowledge will do them no good but to aggravate their own Folly that they would not know them before-hand that they were willingly ignorant 2 Pet. 3. 5. Who are now of a different Opinion from the Godly and so exasperated against them will find those things to be true they told them of and will wish they had hearkened to them In the Word of God is such abundant Conviction for all sorts of wicked Men but especially the worst sort of Persecutors that when they hear these things the former must be pricked in their Heart Acts 2. 37. and so bring them to Repentance the others cut to the Heart Acts 7. 54. which would stop the way of them But if they are desperately resolved and gnash with their Teeth then they must Cry with a loud voice and stop their Ears Verse 57. and run upon mischief Making the outward noise to silence the Cries within them Be sure not to hear what can be said against their wicked Designs for then they could not do them They must violently rush on for they cannot go soft deliberate and do this They hasten on with hurry and Passion for let them take sober Councel they will never Act such things If they take advice from Scripture they will be found mad and Enemies to themselves If by Reason that will pronounce them to be Fools and cruel to others And therefore if their Hearts are fully set in them to do evil they must consult with neither And this is the very Reason why they go on in their Course as is generally of a wicked Life to resolve first to hear nothing to the contrary But if one was throughly bent to commit Theft Robbery Treason and thereupon think himself safe because he would not know the Kings Laws should we think him so He would be hanged for all that In like manner God hath published his Word to the World and whether Men will take notice of the Truths of it or no they only lie dormant for a while but he will judge and condemn by it and their ignorance will not excuse but aggravate their Guilt because it was malicious and wilful They might have known in this their Day the things which belong to their Peace but when they are hid from their Eyes they will be plagued that they did not know them and what they now account a Priviledge will be one degree more of their Torment Let others have a Care how they become the Authors of Reproach and Persecution which begins by the steps of Malice and Ill-will Our Lord himself laid open the unreasonableness thereof for having before shewed why they should not he s●i●h Yet they both hated me and my Father but this comes to pass ●hat the word might be fulfilled which was written in their Law they hated me without a Cause John 15. 25. He told his Disciples that they also would be hated and so it hath appeared of his true Followers in all Ages ever since But why shouldst thou Labour so much in this Point Seeing those who are Hated Slandered and Pers●cuted are Par●ak●rs of the Blessing and obtain a Reward for it and consequently it is better for them to be so intreated This is a right Julian Scoff yet we have our Saviour for an Example in vindicating himself and the ●oly Ap●stles maintaining their Innocency and shewing the u●reasonable●ess of their Adversaries rage against them However God is pleased to ●urn the Sufferings of his Servants into good recompence them with Comfort here and Glory hereafter yet they are to be put in mind not presently to suff●r without using all law●ul
and Instruction Prov. 1. 7. These also are in direct term called Fools for notwithstanding their own self conceit they might thus apprehend that there is yet more to be known and put in mind of as there was before they had learned and gathered what they now seem to know None will own openly though some may be found not to follow it that there is no need of good counsel and circumspect action as to the things of this World. Many confine it all here but think Wisdom avails not to any thing beyond In a Christian Co●ntrey few will proclaim their Unbelief yet the secret imaginations of Thousands are to this purpose That Religion is a res●rve and a thing of doubt What may befall hereafter in another place they see it not or it is decreed one way or another the fewer thoughts they have of it the better but however j●st so many as will serve turn Such is the reasoning in their minds when it is half way but stretch it up higher and it will dictate thus much There is not one thing under the Sun wherein Reason is not necessary one way or another and will if made use of throughly find help But first of all it leads out of this labyrinth and perplexity of things here below and looks up unto God who made all things and hath established a course of things Who giveth grass to the Eater and ministreth seed to the So●er for Cattel which cannot use the means the Earth brings forth of it self but not Corn unto Man without his right way of Labour To whom he hath given skill to improve nature that she shall bring forth her increase more abundantly Those which cannot Spin nor Sow have Food and Raiment without but Man who knoweth both must be Naked and Famish if he doth not so the Wisdom God hath endued him withall continues his Life see Isa 28. 24 25 26 27 28 29. And then he being in a frail Body what instinct is to brutes that is reason to him if he would act according to the best of it to preserve from Sickness and outward evil Accidents When they befall there his understanding would do somewhat towards remedy by looking unto and removing the cause of disorder and after all that which is weak and mortal must sicken and die The Body is purely natural we neither made so we do not preserve it which breaths and moves when we neither know nor consider nor take care but increases and decreases of it self yet under the Protector above a right understanding helps towards the well-being of that during the time appointed If it doth to this which is subject to nature and necessity that it cannot always relieve much more would it as to that part of us which is both free and immortal God having made it so which hath knowledge of good and evil given unto her and also power to embrace the one and flie from the other The Body forgets what is past being only for the present and knows not what is to come but the Soul remembers the things that have been casts a transitory glance on the present and knows the things afar of which pertain to her She believes him faithful who hath promised and true who hath fore-warned The Prophets in old time were called Seers for having their Knowledge from God of what was to come they saw it as if then actually before their Eyes And we have as great certainty of the things to come as they had of their particular Messages This one capacity of knowing before hand would render mankind safe and secure if they would give way and act according to it It is evident that the things before us are temporal and do pass away It is a folly to fix up a rest where we do not continue a meer deceit and disappointment to place Happiness in what doth not satisfie It is reasonable to take care about the things eternal and where we are to live for ever as we make a great stir to have somewhat a longer and better Passage through this World. This Life will as certainly have an end as it did begin and therefore thought should be taken about that which will follow and always endure as concerning that now which draws on towards its end By Faith and Consideration the invisible and future things of the other World are seen and also present then the Man acts to them as to the things before us By what hath been already fulfilled and now is he concludes that it shall still be by what is evident and certain already he may prepare for those things which are no otherwise uncertain then as to come and in another place He must be so great a Fool that one would think a reasonable Creature cannot be who believes the Gospel and considers and yet doth not live accordingly To do both is not in the power of any and therefore the last is neglected But can they judge any evil the less which happens upon them through their own inconsideration Is not this a stinging aggravation thereof and so will be much more when there is no possibility of redress as such are the concerns of Eternity The Ungodly and Sinner expose themselves to a real and intolerable danger without any hope or design having no security or preservative against it There are many wise considerations which move people when they are afar off to come unto God but when they approach somewhat nearer in his Word there is such power and demonstration of the Spirit that the obstinate cannot gainsay The first makes to be Religious in general to be almost a Christian The last doth it particularly and altogether And hence Satan who deceives every way will suffer Men thus far but tryes to keep off from the Scriptures which are able to make wise unto Salvation The first may bring to the outward Worship of God a moral Conversation but all upon selfish Principles the last raises that excellent foundation of Faith and Love teaches to Worship in Spirit and Truth ends in all Obedience and good Works Let them be advertised that whose Religion is built only upon Prudential motives though this is a good preparatory to go further yet they alone are not sufficient to Salvation for without Faith it is impossible to please God Heb. 11. 6. it must be done in order to him and not meerly out of respect had to ones safety or providing for the uncertainty And how can it be expected God should reward Men for that which they do with no intention to him They serve God in a careless indifferent way just to save their own Souls and no more They do such things out of respect to themselves and not out of Love and Duty to God. Their Principle is Wise Caution but not Faith. The mistake is they rest in that and do not come up to the other whereas true discretion would bring them on to those means of obtaining and confirming Faith if they would