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A59955 The true Christian's faith and experience briefly declared, concerning God, Christ, the Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, the Gospel, and the doctrines thereof also, the titular Christian's faith and profession try'd, examin'd, and judg'd : written for the confirmation, and consolation of the one, and for the information in order to the restoration and salvation of the other : also, a few words to such who are newly turned in their minds to the light within, & are believers in it / by William Shewen. Shewen, William, 1631?-1695. 1675 (1675) Wing S3424; ESTC R24530 87,397 208

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follows as the Faith and Experience of a True Christian which i● written in True Love and Good-Wi●● to all that have the Vail over their Hearts and the Scales before their Eyes when they are reading the holy Scriptures and professing God Christ Christianity and the Doctrines thereof which are but briefly hinted at or spoaken to in few words in what follows And whether thou art a bare Professor or a real Possessor thou mayest reap Profit hereby if the one thou art in vited to inherit Substance if the other thou art exhorted and Warned to beware lest thou lose thy Inheritance again So to the Light Grace and holy Spirit of God in thee 〈◊〉 thou Professor Prophane or Believer● I do commend thee with it to read and with it to judge by it to be taught g●●ded into a good Understanding and into the true Knowledge of the two great Mysteries of Godliness and Iniquity And that thou mayest truly understand and receive the one and discover and avoid the other is the Desire of him who is a Lover of the Christian-Religion and of all that walk therein and hath Good-will to all men William Shewen Reader THese Scriptures following having a good Esteem in my Mind as Sayings worthy greatly to be noted and weightily considered I have committed them to the Press wishing thou mayest enjoy the End wherefore And this I will assure thee If thou canst understand believe and receive these Divine and Heavenly Sayings Precepts Exhortations Promises and Testimonies in these and other Scriptures mentioned in this brief Declaration of a True Christian's Faith c. thou wilt not stumble at nor reject his Testimony c. but imbrace and have Unity therewith But if thou understandest not nor believest the one neither wilt thou the other for the True Christian bears Testimony to the holy Scriptures and the Scriptures to him and the Titular Christian's Testimony is against them and they are against him because he doth not obey them nor live the Life they call for Eccl. 12.1 2. Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth while the Evil Dayes come not nor the Years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no Pleasure in them while the Sun or the Light or the Moon or the Stars be not darkened nor the Clouds return after the Rain Dearly Beloved Believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God for many False Prophets are gone out into this World 1 John 4. 1 c. Little Children You are of God and have overcome them for greater is he that is in you then he that is in the World Vers 4. Whosoever transgress●th and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God He that continueth in the Doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son 2 John 9th vers If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your House neither bid him God speed Vers 10. To be Carnally-minded is Death but to be Spiritually-minded is Life Peace because the Carnal Mind is Enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be So then they that are in the Flesh cannot please God But ye are not in the Flesh but in the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you Now if any man have not the Spirit of God he is none of his And if Christ be in you the Body is dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Rom. 8.6 7 8 9 10 11. Vnto the Pure all things are pure but unto them that are Defiled and Vnbelieving is nething pure but even their Minds and Consciences are defiled They profess that they know God but by Works they deny him and are abominable and to every good Work Reprobate Tit. 1.15 16. If ye abide in me and my Words abide in you ask what you will and it shall be done unto you John 15.7 And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free Whosoever committeth sin is the Servant of sin John 8.32 34. Verely verely I say unto you If a man keep my Saying he shall never see Death Vers 51. Father I will That they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the Foundation of the World That the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them John 17.24 26. The Disciple is not above his Master but every one that is perfect shall be as his Master Luke 6.40 But love ye your Enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again and your Reward shall be great and ye shall be the Children of the Highest for he is Kind to the Vnthankful and to the Evil Be ye therefore Merciful as your Father also is Merciful Luke 6.35 36. Ye are my Friends if ye do whatsoever I command you But the Anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you And ye need not that any man teach you but as the same Anointing teacheth you of all things and is Truth and is no Lye And even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him 1 John 2.27 Read the 8th Chapter to the Romans and the Lord give thee Understanding Rom. 10.8 The Word is nigh thee in thy Mouth in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his Commandments He that saith he knoweth him and keepeth not his Commandments is a Lyar and the Truth is not in him But whosoever keepeth his Word in him verely is the Love of God perfected hereby know we that we are in him He that saith He abideth in Him ●ught himself also so to walk even as he walked 1 John 2.3 4 5 6. read to the end of the Chapter Little Children Let no man deceive you He that doth Righteousness is Righteous even as he is Righteous He that committeth Sin is of the Devil for the Devil sinneth from the beginning For this Purpose was the Son of God manifest that he might destroy the Works of the Devil Whosoever is born of God doth not commit Sin for his Seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God In this the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil Whosoever doth not Righteousness is not of God neither he that loves not his Brother We know that we have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren He that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death 1 John Chap. 3. Vers 2. to the 10th and 14th No man hath seen God at any time If we love one another
and hearkening to this and following of this in the particular and in the general is the universal Ground and Root from whence spring all the Diversities of Sects and Erroncous Opinions upon the Face of the Earth and from this ariseth all the Willing Running Self-Righteousness Will-Worship Voluntary Humility and Intrusion into Things which are not seen in the Vision of God but being vainly puffed up in a fleshly Mind Now this thou art to cease from in thy own particular for thou wert not created to sollow thy own Thoughts Conceivings and Imaginations ☞ nor the Motions of the Flesh nor Enticements of the Serpent But another Guide is appointed for thee which all that are ignorant of go astray from their Youth Now this Guide is not far off that thou needest say Who shall ascend or descend or go beyond the Seas to setch it but it s nigh thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart tha● thou mayest hear it and obey it and be guided by it And that thou mayest know its Voice and Teaching and Guidance from all other Voices and Teachings I will in a few words set before thee an Infallible Way and shew thee Certain Marks and Tokens thereof for it s known by its Work and Operation First If thou art as all are before the New Creation is known without Form and Void Darkness being over the Face of the Deep ☞ if thou art as the Waters or one cover'd with Darkness yet the Spirit of God moveth upon the Waters and is ready to work in thee and to form thee into a Comliness and the true Light shines in thee though thou art Darkness in order to shew thee the Way out of it And thou mayest know this holy Spirit that moveth upon the Waters and the Voice of it from thy own Spirit Thoughts and Imaginations and from the Voice of the Serpent * An infallible Mark of the Holy Spirit of God in the Hearts of Men Jew and Gentile because it alwayes moveth against every Appearance of Evil and calls out of it sheweth thee the very secret Thoughts and Intents of thy Heart reproveth and judgeth every vain Thought and wicked Imagination and when thou goest before it and walkest in the Pathes of Darkness Sin and Disobedience thou may'st hear it as a Voice behind thee reproving thee saying This is the Way walk in it And this holy Guide consents to no Evil thou dost but is given of God to lead thee out of it and to bring thee to him that saves from it This is the great Ordinance of God Ae and the Means of Salvation that he hath appointed the which if thou sleight and difregard thou wilt remain without Form Void and Empty of the Heavenly Treasures and never be able to say in Truth as the Primitive Christians did and the True Christians now can viz. God who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our Hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ and so wilt continue ignorant of the New Creation of God and of the Experimental Work of Regeneration profess what thou wilt ☞ and live under what other Ordinances and Means thou wilt and hear what other Teachers thou wilt and follow what other Guides thou wilt if thou learnest not of the Grace of God within which hath appeared to thee and all men if thou walkest not in the Light which shines within and art not guided by the good Spirit of God which was the Saints Guide in all Ages thy Profession is vain and thy Religion a Lye and thou deceivest thy own Soul in Sin thou livest and in Sin thou wilt dye and where Christ is thou canst not come This is the Experience of him that hath tryed the Traditions of Men the Teachings and Inventions of Men Books and studied Sermons and Carnal Ordinances and hath found them not able to lead one Step in the Narrow Way or give perfect Victory over one Sin neither is all the Wisdom Understanding Prudence and Knowledge among all the Children of men that are Strangers to the New Creation Work of Regeneration wrought by the Spirit of God within themselves ☞ able to direct or bring any so much as to the Gate or Entrance of true Wisdom Life and Immortality but rather hedgeth up the Way and leadeth more and more astray from it This is the Wisdom and Knowledge which the Righteous in former Ages testified against which is of this World Fleshly and Foolish Earthly and Sensual and whoever encreaseth in it encrea●eth in that which brings Sorrow for as the Fool so dyeth this Wise Ma● And whosoever sets himself up 〈◊〉 this Wisdom ☞ as a Teacher of th● Ignorant and as a Guide to the Blin● though allowed by the Universiti● or general Schools he runs befo●● he is sent and doth not profit t● People at all but is as the Bli● which leadeth the Blind and they b● fall into the Ditch together out which there is no Redemption 〈◊〉 by the Knowledge of the Effect Working of the holy Spirit and Son of God in thee to open thy Eye that thou mayest see where thou art and beget a Desire in thee and a Cry in thee for Deliverance and minister Strength unto thee and to pull thy Feet out of the Mire and Clay and to set them upon a Rock and be as a Light unto thee to guide thee in thy Way that thou stumblest not again all which I testifie he is ready and willing to do for thee and all that love his Appearance ☞ And those only love his Appearance that love the Spirit of Truth in them and believe in it and receive it which reproveth them of Sin of Righteousness and of Judgment and this is an Infallible Proof that People love this Spirit believe in it and receive it A True Proof that People love the Spirit when they walk in it and obey it and bring forth the Fruits of it and are led by it out of Sin and that Righteousness and Judgment which it did reprove them of while they lived therein and are led by it into that Holiness and Everlasting Righteousness through true Judgment which is the White Rayment Fine Linnen and Cloathing of the True Christian who is come to know the same holy Spirit of Truth which once convinced reproved and judged him for Sin and Ungodliness to make him free from it and become his Comforter and Leader into all Truth according to the Promise of Christ Jesus Joh. 16. the which to possess and enjoy The Sum of Christian-Religion is the End Sum and Substance of the Christian-Religion and the End of all Hearing Reading Preaching and Believing And that thou mayest know whether thou art a Possessor hereof or whether thou only talkest of it and professest it I in th● Bowels of Love intreat and beseec● thee seriously to weigh read and confider what
Ignorance will advance them with Lip-Honour beyond what they testifie of themselves and above what they are for they are not the Word of God but proceeded from it and bear witness thereof which Word is sharp powerful sharper then any Two edged Sword dividing in the inward Parts this Word is in the Mouth and in the Heart to be heard there and obeyed there And they call Christ the Word of God which Word was in the beginning before the Scriptures were written And all that understand not the Voice of this Word this inward and spiritual Speaking Word are wholely ignorant of the Words of God and Good Men recorded in the holy Scriptures and is no true Honourer nor Believer of them notwithstanding his Verbal Traditional Notional Profession and high Titles he gives them he only therein shews his Blindness and Folly in taking the History and Description or Declaration of a thing for the thing it self They are not the Everlasting Rule Touch-stone and Tryer of Spirits but declare and testifie of him that is as Christ said to the Jews speaking of the Scriptures They are they that testifie of me but you will not come to me that you may have Life IIII. The True Christian's Faith and Experience concerning the Doctrine of Repentance THE True Christian believeth the Doctrines and Teachings of Christ and his Apostels recorded in the Holy Scriptures and that it is not only his Duty but his Practice to obey them and live according to them As first the Doctrine of Repentance from Dead Works or a turning from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God this is the Gate of the Kingdom or the first Step towards Christianity this is the Door at which the True Christian entereth if any miss this Way they strive to enter in vain without Repenting which is changing or turning from Evil to Good from the Way of Death to the Way of Life from Darkness it self to Light it self from the Power and Service of Sin and Satan to the Power Service of God Righteousness This is the Nature and Effect of true Repentance and without this no Man hath a true Title in Christ nor Christianity let his Profession of it be never so high for Death reigned over all Men from the Fall of Adam till Moses and all Men have therein come short of the Glory of God and in that faln Nature are the Children of Wrath dead in Sins and Trespasses and God hath concluded all in Unbelief Rom. 11.32 that he might have Mercy upon all And now the Call of God is to all Men every where to Repent Acts 17.30 and none but those that answer this Call finds the Mercy this Call of God is more universally inward and immediate then outward and mediate the which if People slight disregard and neglect to obey the outward Instruments and Means avail not Now the true Christian gives Testimony that he believes and obeys the Doctrine of Repentance in manner following First-Whereas his Mind and Heart was running after and captivated with the Sight of the Eye the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life that are in that World which lies in Wickedness now his Mind and Heart is not only stopped but also turned from them and weaned from the Delight and Pleasure he had in them and not only so but by the Shining of the Light in his Heart is made to see the exceeding Sinfulness of them and to feel the Weight and Burthen thereof which while he was dead in Sins and Trespasses he could not feel nor be sensible of but now being quickned by the Voice of God which calls to Repentance he cryes out with Paul O wretched Man who shall deliver me c and this is the Cry which the Lord is ready to hear and to answer with the Manifestation of his Love and Power and with the Joy of his Salvation and now is his Face Sion-ward and his Travail towards the Holy City is begun and this True Christian right wel knows that his Repentance or turning from and out of the broad Way of Sin Satan and setting his Foot into the strait and narrow Way was not of himself nor effected in his own Will and Power but by the Virtue of the free Gift of God and Operation of his free-Grace and that he daily and momentarily needs the Divine Assistance of the same to lead guide and assist him every Step of his Journey to the End of the same And now he is a living Witness of the Truth of Christ's Saying when he said Verely verely I say unto you John 5.25 the Hour is coming and now is when the Dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live This is the first distinguishing Work of the powerful Voice of God and the true hearing of it the World hears its convincing Voice but not regarding nor obeying it are not made alive nor converted by it nothing is able nor sufficient nor appointed of God to give Repentance unto Life but the hearing of this Voice of the Son he hath formerly or in Times past heard many Voices Lo here and lo there and hath made many Repentances and Turnings from one Way and Opinion to another but till he heard and obeyed the Voice of the Son of God never knew that Repentance which is never to be repented of And then 2dly when this Christian hath heard and obeyed this Voice and is turned out of the broad Way and begins to walk in the straight and narrow Way and to have no Fellowship with the Unfruitful Works of Darkness but rather reprove them then he became a Wonder a By-Word and a Taunt and his former Companions who thought it strange that he run not with them into the same Excess of Riot but makes strait Steps to his Feet and measured all his Goings by the Line of Righteousness Rom. 2.4 which the Goodness of God that leadeth to Repentance hath brought him to now he appeared like an Owl in the Desart and like a Pelican in the Wilderness and like a Sparrow upon the House-Top Now his great Tryals Temptations and Exercises begin both within and without here he sees his Enemies about him like Bees when they swarm which till now he had no Sight nor Sense of the strong Man keeping the House all his Goods were at Peace and the House being Dark and his Eye Dim did not perceive nor discover the Enemies of his Soul that lodged therein nor could not judge nor discern the Nature of the Goods with which his House was furnished that old Deceiver having Power to transform himself like unto an Angel of God and to imitate the Furniture of his Temple but now he having heard the Voice of the Son of God and being quickned by his mighty Power and the Eye of his Mind opened fastened upon the same then the Devil rageth knowing he hath but a
these things the Titular Christian deceives himself and indeed hath no Part in the one nor in the other in the true Figure nor in the Substance And notwithstanding his outward Mouth eats and drinks outward Bread and Wine which comes from beneath and is the Fruit of the Earth his Inward Man pines and hungers for want of partaking of that Living Bread which comes down from Heaven and is wholely a Stranger to that Flesh which is Meat indeed and to that Blood which is Drink indeed and puts the Coming of the Lord far off and is wholely ignorant not only of him but of the Manner of his Coming also and of the very Door of Conscience at which he stands knocking and so doth not open unto him but openeth to a Stranger and entertaineth his Enemy and giveth Place and Obedience to that which occasioned all his Sufferings to wit Sin and the Author of it ☞ this is to sit at the Table of Devils eating of the Forbidden Fruit in this State he hath no Part in the Precious Promises no Right nor Title in Christ nor his Ordinances much being to do before all things are prepared ☞ and made ready for the Last Supper And before this Titular Christian is made fit to fit at the Table with him or stand upright in his Presence and before he knows him tomake his abode with him and to sup with him as he hath promised and as the True Christian in former Ages and now in this Age enjoyeth who did and doth witness Eternal Life abiding in him Read John 6.53 54 55 56 57 58. For he that eateth his Flesh and drinketh his Blood hath Eternal Life and dwelleth in him and he in him c. This the Titular Christian cannot receive nor understand no more then the Jews did this he stumbleth at and goeth backward murmureth and taketh Offence as some of old did when Christ was speaking of the Bread which came down from Heaven which who eat of should live forever many of his own Disciples said This is a Hard Saying who can hear it and so murmured and went backward walked no more with him ☞ These though they heard his many Gracious Words and saw his Mighty Works and Miracles wrought before their Carnal Eyes and Ears yet they saw not him as he was the Mighty Power of God nor heard him as Peter did who said when he asked the Twelve Will ye leave me also Master To whom shall we go Thou hast the Words of Eternal Life and we believe and know thou ●rt Christ the Son of the Living God This Knowledge Christ said was revealed unto him not by Flesh and Blood but by his Heavenly Father Now the Titular Christian denyes Revelation the only Means of all true Knowledge and so in his Carnal Imaginations and exalted Mind above the Cross of Christ glories in the Flesh and prides himself with what Flesh and Blood hath taught him and revealed unto him and cryes up Natural Bread and Natural Wine ☞ and a Natural Supper which feeds the Natural Man and remains a Stranger to that Bread which cometh down from Heaven and to the Wine of the Kingdom and to the Supper of the Lord and to his Table which is richly spread and hates and derides the True Christian who possesseth and enjoyeth these things And this is the Cause that notwithstanding the Titular Christian eats never so often of this Outward Bread and drinks this Outward Cup which he in his Ignorance calls The Supper of the Lord he hungers and thirsts again ☞ even after the Forbidden Fruit and after the Wine of Sodom and Egypt and drinks down Iniquity as the Ox drinketh Water And so in the End notwithstanding his Notions and Profession of the Supper of the Lord and Eating at his Table his Soul is hard bestead with Hunger and pines for Thirst and labours for very Vanity soweth the Wind and reaps the Whirle-wind of the Wrath of God This is the State of all the Titular Christians upon the Face of the Earth of what Name or Sect soever X. The True Christian 's Faith and Experience concerning the Universal Love of God towards all Mankind THe True Christian believes that the Love of God is universal unto all Mankind and that his Grace which bringeth Salvation hath and doth appear unto all men and that he hath given a manifestation of his Spirit to every man to profit withal and that he hath and doth give his Good Spirit and Gifts to the Rebellious and that God so loved the World that he hath given his only begotten Son that * None excluded from Salvation in Christ by any Decree who soever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life and that he is the true Light that lighteth every man coming into the World ☞ and that this Light is saving and sufficient to lead all Mankind that love it and walk in it to him from whence it comes where they may inherit Life and Salvation and God wills not the Death of him that dyes neither doth he desire the Death of a Sinner but rather that he would turn and live and his Call is to all men every where to Repent and there is a Possibility that all men may hear his Voice and Repent and may partake of his Universal Love and be saved by his Grace which hath appeared and profit by the Manifestation which he hath given The Gifts Graces and Spirit of God are given to all men yea to the Rebellious Sloathful and Disobedient to lead them out of those things and be guided out of Rebellion by his Good Spirit and to believe in him which saves from perishing and gives Everlasting Life These things are call'd for exhorted to throughout the Holy Scriptures and there is a Possibility to obey them otherwise all is in vain the Call to all in vain the Appearance of Grace to all in vain the Gift and Manifestation of the Spirit to every one in vain and the Shining of the Light in vain if Men may not obey it ☞ and walk in it So Man's Destruction is of himself and his Sores remain uncured and his Soul unredeemed not because there is no Balm in Gilead or because the Arm of the Lord is shortened or his Love abated nor not because he hath decreed any man's Destruction from Eternity but because men will not make use of the Balm nor be gathered by his Arm that is stretched out all the Day long even to the Rebellious to save them nor receive that Love that daily is tendered Their Eye is blind and their Souls poor miserable and naked not because he hath not Eye-Salve Fine Linnen and Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge to furnish them withal but because men are taken up with other things and have no mind to purchase Gold tryed in the Fire nor White Raiment to be cloathed The Forbidden Fruit seems more beautiful and lovely to desire the
and to know of himself but Death Misery and Ignorance followed and Shame Fear and Guilt appeared and many Inventions and Contrivances how to cover the Nakedness and Shame and excuse the Guilt was invented This was the Work of Transgressing Man in the Beginning and is the same at this day among all the Children of Men of what Nation Name or Sect soever who abide in the transgressing State of the First Adam Now the State of Perfection that the Children of the Second Adam do attain unto while in the Body is a True Self-denyal and Resignation into the Will of God throughout all Tryals ☞ and over all Temptations he is a Perfect Man in Christ who is not only Restored and Redeemed by him into a State of Innocency Harmlesness and Uprightness but also in this State is resigned and given up in his Mind Will Thoughts and Desires into the Will of God as clearly knowing it so that his Mind being the Mind of Christ ☞ is eying his Heavenly Father and his Mind is stay'd upon him where the perfect Peace is And his Will Thoughts and Desires though Harmless as Christ's were yet subject to his Father truly saying as Christ did Not my will but thine In this State of true Resignation unto and Unity with the Father's Will stands the True Christian's Safety and Perfection and that which preserveth him in the same is the Power of God that throughly debaseth Self subjecteth Man's Will and saves to the uttermost through Faith in it And in this State of Perfection as he lives and remains he is cloathed with the Spirit of Glory and Humil●ty the greater his Attainments are and the higher the Heavenly Place is he fits in the lower is his Mind and the lesser he is in his own Eyes the greater he is in the Kingdom of God the more he is replenisht with true Love Goodness Humility here the greatest is the Servant a Helper of others the highest the lowest here the Servant is as his Lord and the Lord as him that serveth And among these True Christians there is no Strife nor Dispute ☞ who shall be Greatest though they are Elders and have Crowns upon their Heads yet they throw them down at the Feet of him that sits upon the Throne and give Glory to him forever Rev. 4.10 11. XX. A Few Words by Way of Advice Counsel and Exhortation to such as are newly turned in their Minds from Darkness within to Light within from the Power of Satan within to the Power of God within whereby the Work of Regeneration is begun within that such may not miscarry in the same nor sit down by the Way short of the Mark of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus is what follows written seriously to be Read Weighed and Considered TEnder Friend who art turned to this Light and Power and art a Believer in it and desirest to hear and obey the Word in thy Mouth and in thy Heart to this Light thou dost well to take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark Place and as a Voice that calleth unto thee saying Come up hither and I will shew thee the Bride the Lamb's Wife In Order thereto thou must understand and regard the End of the precious Appearance of the Light within though it be and appear unto thee but as Light that breaketh forth before the Day dawn within or before the Day-star arise in thy Heart yet the End of its Appearance and Shining in thee is that thou shouldst fix the Eye of Faith upon it and keep thy Mind towards it till the Day dawn and the Day-star arise within and this is the Star of the Messias and the Angel of the Lord that will lead thee to the Inn where the Virgin is delivered of a Son and where the Babe of Glory lyes swadled in a Manger unregarded by all the Guests thereof and thou following this Star and finding him wilt not spare thy Cold Incense and Mirth but offer up thy precious Things unto him as the Wise Men did And when the Light within the Day-star within hath led thee thus far thou must not think within thy self that thou hast now attained to the Mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus because thy Eye seeth the Salvation which God hath prepared before the Face of all People think not with thy self that thou presently possessest and enjoyest the same because of the Joy Delight and Pleasure that accompanies the Sight thereof yet take thou heed of sitting down in the Appearance of Light and Heavenly Discoveries and in the bare Sight and Knowledge of the Man-Child that 's born but wait thou and walk in the same Light within which will discover unto thee that Spirit that secks its Life within thy self even after it is born ☞ under the Pretence of worshipping of it as Herod did and in it thou wilt receive Wisdom and Counsel to cherish and preserve it till the Death of its Enemies as J●seph did in the Light thou mayst come to read and understand those Things which are written for thy Learning Now whatsoever makes manifest is Light Darkness and the Works of it is and hath been wrought within the Light that expels the Darkness and the Power that destroyes the Works of it is also to be known within None walk in the Light further then they bring their Thoughts Words and Works to the Light to be proved and tryed whether they proceed from or are wrought in God or no Joh. 3.21 thou must believe continue walking in the Light that thou mayest become a Child of it and abide with the Power that thou mayest know witness the Work of it within thy self proceeding in Order from the first Day to the seventh or Sabbath of Rest And thou mayst understand that thou dost not become a Child of Light so soon as thou seest the Shining of it and begins to believe and walk in it thou must not only have Faith but thou must add unto thy Faith Patience c. for thou hast as much need as some of old had which Paul wrote to when he said You had need have Patience that after you have done the Will of God you may wait to receive the Promise and it was after they believed that the Primitive Christians were sealed with the Spirit of Promise the End of Faith is not soon attained unto ☞ he that believes must not make hast neither must he will nor run but in Patience wait in the Faith without Doubt and Wavering till he receives the End of it as some of old did viz. the Salvation of their Souls And so thou wilt know as in the Light thou waitest Salvation come nearer and nearer one Day then another unto thee and wilt witness to the Truth of what the Apostle wrote when he said Now is Salvation nearer then when you first believed Now tender Friend I have this principally to advise thee of that
God dwelleth in us and his Love is perfected in us Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit And we have seen and doe testifie That the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World 1 John 4.12 read to the end of the Chapter I counsel thee to buy of me Gold tryed in the Fire that thou mayest be Rich and White Rayment that thou mayst be cloathed and that the Shame of thy Nakedness do not appear and anoint thy Eyes with Eye-salve that thou mayst see As many as I love I rebuke and chasten be Zealous therefore and Repent Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am sate down with my Father in his Throne He that hath an Ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches Rev. 3.18 19 20 21 22. To him that Overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna and will give him a White Stone and in the Stone a New Name written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it Rev. 2.17 He that believes hath the Witness in himself He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son But the Fearful and Vnbelieving and the Abominable and Murderer and Whoremongers and Sorcerers and Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their Part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone which is the Second Death Rev. 21.7 8. Thus I have here transcribed and set before thee these Scriptures before being very Divine and Heavenly Sayings greatly worthy of thy reading over and over again and in that Light and Grace which shines and appears in thy Heart and is able to remove the Covering and take away the Vail from off the same I desire thee to weigh and consider them and measure and try thy self thereby Had I not the Remembrance still upon my Mind how I often read those Scriptures and many the like while my Understanding was clouded and the Vail over my Heart and did not understand what I read nor receive the Comfort of them nor witness the Truth thereof in my self I say were it not for this Remembrance and the Knowledge of the true Light that now shineth out of Darkness I should admire and wonder how the Titular Christian who readeth and professeth the holy plain Testimonies Precepts Exhortations and Glorious Promises recorded in the Holy Scriptures and lived in and born witness to by divers true Christians now in this Age should oppose and gain-say the fame and understand nothing thereof Though he professeth them to be 〈◊〉 he is so far from being ruled by 〈◊〉 Ru●● that he hates and persecutes those that are and that have received the good things they testifie of And were it not that the holy Scriptures had a great Esteem in the Affections of the People of those Nations called Christendom and that they did bear so plain Evidence to the Truth of the Doctrines taught and Heavenly Estates now professed and enjoyed by the True Christian he would be more hated persecuted and cryed out against then he is So for this Reason and divers more he hath great Cause to praise God that the Scriptures have been preserved and the holy divine Sayings and Testimonies of the Righteous delivered down to this Age so clear true and plain as they are for he alone enjoyes the Benefit Priviledge and Comfort of them by the Virtue and Operation of the Light Love and Spirit of God which they testifie of working in his Inward Man And except this be known the Scriptures and all Heavenly things are as a sealed Book to thee let thy Natural Parts Wisdom and Acquired Attainments be never so great Therefore thy Duty is above all things To hearken to and obey the Voice of God and regard the Inspiration of the Almighty which gives Understanding that thou mayest learn his Heavenly Precepts and understand his Divine Mysteries and enjoy his Glorious Promises and be made wise unto Salvation and so inherit Everlasting Life Peace and Glory and know an Entrance ministred into the Joy of the Lord. And at least an Earnest of all these things thou art to know revealed felt and enjoy within thy self before thou go hence and be no more among men Therefore put not the Day of the Lor● afar off nor say in thy Heart The Lor● delayes his Coming for he waits to shew himself gracious unto thee and is come nigh unto Judgment and standeth even at th● Door Read Proverbs 8. and appeareth at the Gate Entrance of thy Hearth and his Appearance thou may 〈◊〉 infallibly know from all other Appearances because it judgeth every Appearance of Evil● and not only so but if thou openest th● Gate and entertainest him in thy Heart h● will furnish thee with Power and Strength against it and fill thy Temple with his Heavenly Treasures of Wisdom and Glory S● shalt thou not only read and hear of Goo● Things but understand possess and enjoy them and be able to obey this Exhortatio●● Abstain from every Appearance of Evil. And this Saying once spoaken to Cain the First-born after Transgression universally concerns thee and all Mankind and is sounded daily in their Ears If thou dost well shalt thou not be accepted But if thou dost Evil Sin lies at thy Door Gen. 4.3 And Tribulation and Anguish attends every Soul of Man that doth Evil let him profess what he will Rom. 2.9 Something by Way of Caution and Warning to the Titular Christian to whose Hand this following Treatise may come I Have some Sence upon my Mind that thou wilt upon thy reading thereof be ready to censure and judge those Things thou understandest not nor hast had any Experience of and also to deride and mock at the frequent Testimonies and Exhortations to the Light within Grace within Spirit within Power of God within Word of God within Law within c. Consider what thou dost and against what and whom thou openest thy Mouth and dread the living God whom in Words only thou professest to be a Spirit Infinite Omnipresent and Almighty which Spirit searcheth thy Heart and judgeth thy Wayes though thou at present be Ignorant and Unbelieving concerning him and his being so near thee and also consider within thy self how that if thou knowest not Light shining within and a walking in it thou art no Child of it but Darkness abounds in thee and thou knowest not whither thou goest nor at what thou stumblest if Grace thou knowest not to rule and reign within thee Sin ruleth and Death the Wages thereof is present with thee if the Spirit of God thou knowest not teaching and ruling in thy Heart and sitting upon the Throne thereof the Spirit of Satan