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A57383 A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper by Francis Roberts. Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing R1591; ESTC R28105 135,670 280

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are principally these three viz. 1. A benevolent affection or Good-will to Christ. 2. A fervent desire and longing after Christ. 3. A contented Acquiescence or Delight in Christ. 1. A Benevolent affection or Good-will to Christ is a first degree of love to Christ. Christs excellency and loveliness aright apprehended makes us have high and precious thoughts of him and bear great good-will to him to his Glory to his Truth to his cause to his Ordinances to his church c. to have them ad●anced promoted and exalted every where Yea makes us content to be abased that Christ alone may be exalted to be disgraced that Christ alone may be honoured to be eclipsed that Christ alone may shine to be as nothing that Christ alone may be all Thus Iohn Baptist testified his love and respect to Christ when the Jews came to Iohn and seemed to be troubled that Christ should be so followed Rabbi he that was w●th thee beyond Jordan to whom thou bearest witness behold the same baptizeth and all men come to him Hereupon Iohn answered to this effect That Christs Authority was from Heaven That himself was not the Christ but his Harbinger sent before him That Christ was the Bridegroom and Iohn but the Bridegrooms friend rejoycing greatly at the Bridegrooms voice That Christ must increase himself must decrease That Christ coming from above from heaven is above all himself being of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth Thus Nicodemus though a stranger to the mystery of Regeneration yet having some seeds thereof sown in his heart expresses his benevolent affection to Christ in that he came to Iesus by n●ght acknowledging him to be a Teacher come from God because of his Miracles Thus Paul shewed his good will to Christ counting all his Pharisaical excellencies and perfections losse yea and all things but dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ and for the winning of Christ. 2. A ●ervent desire and longing after Christ is a second degree of true love to Christ. Love pants after enjoyment of the object beloved so lo●e to Christ breaths after union to him and more f●ll communion with him This is called love of union as the former love of benevolence or well-willing Thus the Church of the Jews lo●ing Christ longs for his incarnation and the sweet kisses of his Gospel-Doctrine and dispensation Let him kisse me with the kisses of his mouth for thy love is better then wine And again Oh that thou wert as my Brother that sucked the breasts of my Mother that is O that thou wert my naturall Brother revealed in humane nature And because her love to Christ was impatient of delay and thirsting after full enjoyment of him in Heaven she cries to him Make haste my beloved and be thou like to a Roe on to ● young Hart upon the Mountain of spices Make all haste upon the heavenly Mountains to come and fetch me home to thy self th●t I may ever be with the Lord. And it is the periphra●is of Christs lovers that they love his appearing they love and long for his coming to judgement The spirit and the Bride say come Christ ●aith Surely I come quickly Every true Christian answers in the desires of his soul Amen Even so come Lord Iesus 3. A Contented Complacency and satisfied delight in Christ enjoyed is the third and highest degree of love to him And as the enjoyment of Christ is more or lesse perfect proportionably the complacency or resting satisfied in him is more or lesse compleat There is true delight in Christ enjoyed in Heaven When the Church after a desertion found Christ again how was she contented and satisfied with him she saith I found him whom my soul loveth I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my Mothers house into the chamber of him that conceived me I charge you O ye Daughters of Jerusalem by the Roes by the hindes of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Having regained Christ she holds him fast in the arms of her affections she brings him into the Chambers of more intimate Communion she forbids all disturbance to her enjoyment of him All which expresse her Complacency and sweet contentment in him her restless desires were now stilled and satisfied And after another desertion finding Christ she thus declares her acquiescence in him found I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine As if she had said Now that I have found Christ whom my soul loves I have enough my heart is filled brim full with him I desire no more Hast thou now such A Good-will to Christ Such a fervent restless desire after him that thou mayst enjoy him and such an Acquiescence complacency and satisfying delight in the enjoyment of him how can it be other then sincere love to him 3. Finally the properties of true love to Christ are the best way whereby you may examine your love unto him True love to Christ is 1. Obediential 2. Transcendent 3. Breathing after more evidence and assurance of Christs love 4. Accepting Christs rebukes 5. Sincere And 6. constant 1. Obedential True love to Christ makes obedient to Christs commands in his word yea to all his commands Christ saith If ye love me keep my Commandments And again He that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me And farther If ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my love even as I have kept my Fathers Commandments and abide in his love Ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you What Child can truly love his Father what Servant his Master c. but he will be obedient to him What Christian can truly love Christ but he will chearfully and universally obey Christ The love of Christ constrains us saith the Apostle Both Christs love to us and our love to Christ compel us with a sweet force that we obey him and cannot chuse but obey him Dost thou thus obey Christ and keep all his Commandments then thou truly lovest him But contrariwise they who are not obedient and subject to Christ are farre from loving Christ indeed Christ counts them his enemies that would not have him to raign over them And saith He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings 2. Transcendent True love to Christ transcendeth and surpasseth all other love The love of Father Mother Wife Son Daughter Brother Sister yea and of a mans own life also must give place to this love of Christ. Christ must be loved above them all yea all they must be hated in comparison of Christ. Christ himself saith He that loveth Father or Mother more then me is not worthy of me and he that loveth Son or Daughter more then me is not worthy of me And he that taketh not his crosse and followeth after me is not worthy of me
love and union but we crosse and dishonour both In these respects true brotherly love is necessary before we communicate to fit for worthy receiving And therefore it is necessary we try and examine before-hand our Brotherly love 2. The Trial of our true Brotherly love follows True brotherly love hath these excellent properties whereby it may be examined and discovered 1. It ariseth from our love to God 2. It is pure 3. Spiritual 4. Vniversal 5. Sincere 6. Kindly-affectioned 7. Contenting in the society of the Brethren 8. Fervent 9. Constant 1. True Brotherly Love ariseth from and is accompanied with our true love to God Every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him That is he loves the godly for Gods sake the spiritual Child for the Fathers sake But we love him that begat for his own sake And Iohn adds By this we know that we love the Children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments So that make sure thy love to God this makes sure thy love to the Brethren But how shall I know that I truly love God Answ. By thy chearful keeping of all Gods Commandments without grumbling and murmuring For this is the love of God saith Iohn that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not grievous And brotherly love is one of his Commandments And this Commandment have we from him that he who loveth God love his Brother also And how shall I know whether I truly keep Gods Commandments Answ. See formerly in the trial of New Obedience 2. True brotherly love is pure It 's seated in and flowes from a pure heart an heart purified by faith justifying and by the spirit sanctifying Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart So that a carnall unsanctified man can never so remaining truly love the brethren An impure carnal heart can afford no other then impure carnall affections 3. True brotherly love is spiritual It is carried to Gods people in spiritual not in carnal respects To love Gods people for their greatness wealth beauty wisdom learning friendliness kindred and like carnal considerations is but to love them carnally a Reprobate may so love them True love respects them spiritually and for spiritual considerations viz. It loves them 1. As Gods Children Every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him By this we know that we love the children of God Then we love aright when we love the regenerate for their Regenerations sake Gods children for Gods Image in them the godly for their godliness the Saints for their Saintship Christians for their Christianity When we love them principally for God Christ Grace Godliness Holiness c. which we apprehend to be in them And when as their graces grow our love grows also more and more towards them This evidenceth the spiritualness and truth of our love What may we think of them then that most of all hate Gods people for their godliness graces c 2. As Brethren in Christ. There 's a spirituall Brotherhood in Christ wherein all his members relate to one another as Brethren Christ being the first-born among many Brethren Now we have true love to the Brethren when we love them as Brethren for their brotherhood Love the brotherhood Love as Brethren 3. As fellow-members The Apostle at large shews that all the members of Christs mysticall body are also fellow-members to one another And that they are so placed in Christs mystical body that they all have a mutuall dependence upon and need of one another Hence from this relation of member-ship he urged a double act of member-like love viz. 1. Mutuall member-like caring for one another The members should have the same care one for another being mutually aiding and assisting to one another though never so mean as the eye or hand will stoop down to help the foot that 's wounded or pained 2. Mutuall member-like sympathy and compassion to one another And whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honoured all the members rejoyce with it A truly loving member not only rejoyceth with the rejoycing c. but also grieveth with the grieved smarteth with the pained suffereth with the afflicted wanteth with the necessitated is in bonds with the imprison'd c. from this sympathizing dispositiō Is thy love to the brethren such a spirituall love in these spiritual notions considerations 4. True brotherly love is universal To one Christian as well as to another to all as well as to any whether rich poor bond free male or female Philemons love was commended by Paul that it was towards all Saints And upon the same ground the Colossians love was matter of Pauls thankfulness to God We give thanks to God Since we heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of the love which ye have to all the Saints And no wonder for he that loves one person truly for godliness and grace he will love every person wherein grace or godliness appears those most that discover most grace For the like cause will produce the like effect Those then that have the love of the brethren with respect of persons that love the rich Saints with their gold Rings and gay Cloathings but not the poor Saints with their vile raiment c. they deal not sincerely in their love For Christ is as truly precious and amiable for substance in one Christian as in another 5. True brotherly love is sincere The command is Let love be without dissimulation The practice according to this command was in these to whom Peter writes who had purifie themselves unto the unfeigned love of the Brethren The pattern of our sincere love to the Brethren is Christs sincere love to us often urged to this end Now the sincerity of our brotherly love evidenceth it self principally two wayes viz. 1. By the reality of it True brotherly love is not meerly verbal and complemental in words and shows but real and substantial in deed and truth The Hebrews not only loved the Saints but loved them really God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of Love which you have shewed towards his name in that ye have ministred to the Saints and do minister Iohn exhorts to this reality My l●ttle children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth Complementall love may be false love treacherous love Iob offers to kisse Amasa and strikes him under the fifth rib that he died Iudas kissed Christ and thereby betrayed him to be crucified 2. By t●e scope and aime of love True lo●e to the Brethren seeks and intends their good as wel● as our own Love seeketh not her own That is not only not
exclusively so as to shut out our Brethrens good and welfare Look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others When men pretend o●e to the brethren and intend only their own ends and to serve their own turns of them ne●er truly minding their brethrens good they exercise not brotherly love but self-love The world is full of this counterfeit love 6. True brotherly love is kindly affectioned Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love The word here rendred kindly affectioned is very emphatical and originally signifies that dear natural affection that is betwixt Parents and Children as also the loving of that affection It is as much as Be loving-kinde Now this Loving-kindness or kinde affectionateness discovers it self divers wayes viz. 1. In courteousness the Apostle urging divers Acts and expressions of brotherly love saith be courteous The Greek word here used seems to intimate such a sweet disposition as studies and endeavours things grateful acceptable to Gods people and to render it self well-pleasing to them Contrary unto which is churlishness crabbidness and crookedness of disposition 2. In compassionateness Be pittiful Or as the Greek may more exactly be rendred Easily compassionating Or Easily moved to bowels of compassion This implies both a compassionate disposition and a quickness easiness to that compassion When the heart beholding the distresses of brethren is tender over them quickly moved and melted towards them presently bleeds over them 3. In bearing one anothers burdens Bear ye one anothers burdens The Apostle having exhorted spiritual ones to restore a man overtaken in a fault with the spirit of meekness presently adds this of bearing one anothers burdens He seems to intend the slips and frailties even among the spiritual which are a burden to them They must help one another to bear these burdens not by encouraging them countenancing or conniving at them this were to burden them more but by helping them to get rid of their burdensom corruptions by wise kind meek loving reproofs admonitions instructions exhortations having tender compassion over them 7. True brotherly love is best contented in the godly society of the brethren David was a c●mpanion of all them that feared God and kept his Commandments He counted the Saints the excellent on earth in them was all his delight Such as truly love the godly above all people desire to live with the godly above all people Contenting Society is hardly dissembled But such as are weary of the company of the gracious and delight more in the Society of the carnal they are strangers to true brotherly love 8. True brotherly love is or ought to be servent See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently And Iohn intimates so fervently as if need require not only to part with our goods to the brethren but when we have a just call to part with our lives for the brethren Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren This is the highest expression of love this is fervent love indeed fervent love may have many inferiour degrees Generally there is such coldness and frozen-heartedness towards Gods dear children that it 's evident there 's little true love to them in the world 9. Finally True brotherly love is constant and continuing so ought to be Let brotherly love continue charity never faileth but whether there be Prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease c. True love is not like Ionas his Gourd suddenly springing and as suddenly dying but like Cedar or heart of Oak long-lasting yea ever-living Love of the brethren will continue till death yea beyond death in heaven Then the Saints shall love one another perfectly without all disaffection or corruption and they shall joyntly be swallowed up in the love of God to all eternity Thus try the truth of thy brotherly love And having found it in thy self abound and persevere therein This it that which the Apostle so pathetically urgeth upon his Philippians and in them upon us This that excellent Grace which he so commends above all gifts to the Corinthians And this is that which Christ himself so earnestly commends to his Apostles as the very badge and character of his Disciples A new Commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye have love to one another VI. THANKFVLNES is a farther qualification necessarily required to fit and prepare us for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper And touching which consequently we are to examine our selves Here understand that thankfulness which peculiarly respects C●rist his Death his new covenant and his Supper Now consider 1. The Necessity 2. The Discovery of this thankfulness 1. The necessity of true thankfulness for Christ his death his new Covenant and Sacrament peculiarly to fit us for worthy rece●ving of the Lords Supper is evident upon these grounds 1. Thankfulness was used and expressed by Christ at his institution of the Lords Supper And he took the bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my body which is given for you This do in remembrance of me Likewise also the C●p after supper saying This cup is the new Testament in my blood which is shed for you That he gave thanks is clear What was the matter or form of his thanksgiving is not evident Yet it 's most likely that Christ who did all things properly gave thanks with reference to the Action in hand viz. not onely for the outward Elements but especially for the inward mysteries to be represented by them that now his death approached wherein his body was to be broken his blood shed for the life of the world for the nourishment of his Elect which he delighted to accomplish And the Lords Supper from Christs giving thanks at the institution is denominated by the Greek Fathers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Eucharist That is The Thanksgiving It being the Christians eminent Thank-offering Now if Christ gave thanks at the first institution proportionably we are still to give thanks in all after-Administrations of the Lords Supper especially because Christ saith Do this in reference to the whole Action 2. The matter of the Lords Supper eminently calls for thankfulness viz. 1. The Inward matter signified and sealed Christ body and blood That is Christ crucified together with all the vertues benefits victories Purchases and Priviledges of his Death This the inward matter and mystery of the Lords Supper Oh wh●● matter of thankfulness is this Think how ●●●ellent Christ is Gods onely Son The Son of his love yea God himself therefore farre beyond ten thousand worlds Think what his death
sense The more knowledge we have of spirituals the more we love them because the more we know them the more we know their excellency and amiablenesse But the more we know temporals the more we contemn them because the more we know them the more we know their emptinesse and despicablenesse Who can know Christ aright in his person offices excellencies sufferings love pardons power truth comforts graces priviledges c. which indeed passe knowledge and not to be enamoured with him When the Churth had described Christ to the daughters of Ierusalem who were afore ignorant of his excellencies how are their affections stirred af●er him and they enquire Whether is thy beloved gone O thou fairest among women whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee After Paul came once truly to know Christ he counts all things losse and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Iesus Christ his Lord. And he determined to know nothing among his Corinthians but Iesus Christ and him crucified Looking breeds liking Knowledge is the inlet to love We so far love as we know what we know not we love not This holds especially true in spirituals knowledge of them sweetly scrues and raps up the heart unto them yea transports it with surpassing delight and contentment in them Doth thy knowledge thus affect thine heart 6. A spiritualized knowledge True sanctified knowledge is a spark of heavenly not of earthly light It 's elevated above the pitch of nature flesh and blood and is of a divine spiritual temper Looks upon all things both in this and the world to come especially spirituals not carnally but spiritually Doth not judge and value persons or things according to outward carnal respects as beauty wealth honour wit learning countrey c. which commend not to God but according to inward spiritual respects of grace holinesse c. yea knows not Christ in carnal respects Henceforth know we no man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more Not as wicked Servetus denied Christ to have true flesh But we know not Christ according to outward carnall respects and relations as they did who conversed with him when once on earth but according to his spiritual and heavenly state now in Heaven This knowledge spiritually discerns spirituals and spirituallizeth carnals Yea it dives and pierceth into the kernel pith marrow mystery of the things of God To you its given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery There 's a secret mystery in Christ Covenant Justification Adoption Godliness c. which no eye but a piersing spiritual eye can discern Contrariwise unsound knowledge is carnal earthly natural c. as the person knowing is and it apprehends all things even those that are most spiritual carnally yea and it looks upon the counsels and wayes of God as foolishness riddles paradoxes The Gospel is sealed up and hid from them that are lost 7. A pure knowledge Sound sanctified knowledge is a sin-purging knowledge It will not suffer a man habitually to wallow in the puddle of any known sin but puts a man upon denying mortifying and abhorring of all filthiness The wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable c. And the Apostle Iohn is very positive Whosoever sinneth viz. habitually and as carnal men sin hath not seen him neither known him And no wonder for true knowledge discovers the odious sinfulness of sin the severe justice of God against it the manifold mischief of it c. and so sets the soul against it But men of meer carnal knowledge continue in their sin notwithstanding that knowledge Who knowing the judgement of God that they who commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them 8. Finally A true sanctified Knowledge is obediential practical and fruitful in all good works Iames saith The wisdom that is from above is full of mercy and good works Iohn makes obedience a sure character of true knowledge indeed Hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his Commandements He that saith I know him and keepth not his Commandements is a liar and the truth is not in him Again We are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us Christ saith The sheep follow the good Shepherd for they know his voice And he intimates elsewhere that it 's onely the practicall knowledge that renders happy If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them And David commends to us the excellency of his knowledge by the uprightnesse of his obedience Thou through thy Commandements hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are ever with me I have more understanding then all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation I understand more then the Ancie●ts because I keep thy Precepts The doing Christian is the knowing Christian He knows best that obeys best He that obeyes not knowes nothing as he ought to know though he seem to know never so much Yea He is a liar that saith he knows God and yet is not obedient to him True knowledge cannot chuse but make obedient For 1. Knowledge of God and his wayes fills with love to them And love sweetly compells to obedience 2. True knowledge discovers the excellency of the spiritual path wherein we are to walk and that moves to obedience 3. True knowledge considers the excellency of Gods commands being holy just and good and this makes us delight in them 4. True knowledge discerns that in keeping Gods statutes there shall be great reward and this quickens to the observance of them Consider now is thy knowledge resolved into obedience that 's right knowledge indeed A disobedient non-practising knowledge is no knowledge at all Hitherto of the tryal of knowledge 1. By the particular Points of it 2. By the Properties of it Such knowledge comfortably fits for worthy communicating II. FAITH This the next grace fitting for worthy communicating whereof every Communicant is to examine himself Touching faith Consider 1. What faith this is 2. How necessary this faith is to worthy communicating 3. How this faith may be tryed and examined 1. What faith this is about which we are to examine our selves before communicating Answ. This may be resolved Negatively and Affirmatively Negatively 1. It is not a meer Historicall faith whereby a man barely assents to the truth of Scripture-History that every thing in Scripture is true Such a faith Agrippa had the Devils have 2. It is not a Faith of Miracles or Miracle-working faith whereby a man believes without doubting the particular concurrence of God with him to bring to passe some extraordinary effect beyond the ordinary power and activity of natural causes Iudas
in his veins but shed and actually severed from his body and these represented under the familiar elements of bread broken and wine severed from the bread and all this for us sinners What greater love can be imagined then to die for sinners The benefits intended us by this ordinance also speak love abundantly For why was it appointed but for nourishing our faith and all the graces of the inward man for assuring us of the remission of our sins for stablishing our interest in the New Testament and all its promi●es and priviledges for endearing us more and more to Christ and to one another in spiritual Communion and for perpetuating the memorial of Christ's death and love to us till his second coming O what a torrent of love flows towards us from Jesus Christ in this sacred channel of the Lords Supper Now shall we come to a Banquet of love a true love-feast and have no love Shall Christ come to ●eal such love to us and shall not we reciprocally seal love to him Surely then we shall be but dissemblers and Iudas's when we come to his Table Thus of the Necessity of our true love to Christ for worthy communicating 2. The tryall and Examination of the truth of our love to Christ may be dispatched 1. By the grounds 2. By the degrees 3. By the properties of true love to Christ. 1. The grounds and causes of our true love to Christ are especially these three viz. 1. Christ A●●ablenesse 2. Faith in him 3. Experience of him 1. The Amiableness and Lovelinesse of Christ is that attractive loadstone that draws the hearts and affections of his people after him Christ is most lovely both in his person offices and the benefits of his offices He is fairer then the sons of men grace is poured into his lips As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood so is Christ among the Sons He is the Rose of Sharon the sweetest The Lilly of the valleys the fairest He is white and ruddy the chief among ten thousand See there how admirably the Church paints him our and concludes with the●e words as if all particulars came short of him His mouth is sweetnesses yea whole He is delights as the Hebrew phrase signifies This is my beloved and this is my friend O daughters of Jerusalem Now as lovlinesse breeds and inciteth love ●o Christ's most of all Because his lovlinesse surpasseth all No sooner had t●e Church described and laid open Christs beauty and lovelinesse to the daughters of Ierusalem but presently they are taken and enflamed with him and they enquire after him Whither is thy beloved gone O thou fairest among women whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee Dost thou love Christ for his lo●eliness not for his loaves or for his bag or for the worldly advantages thou may●t ha●e by him but for his excellency beauty amiableness c. This is to lo●e Christ aright for this is to love Christ for Christ this is to love Christ for himself 2. Faith in Christ is another cause of true love to Christ. Peter speaking of Christ ●aith Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye re●oyce with ●oy unspeakable and full of glory Seeing breeds loving but here 's a lo●ing without corporal seeing A loving of Christ which ariseth from believing in him And such a loving as increaseth to rejoycing and that rejoycing both unspeakable and g●orious Faith sees not at all and yet best of all Not at all corporally best of all sp●ritually Faith sees Christ enthroned at Gods right hand sending down his Spirit ruling all things for his Churches good preparing heaven for us and hastening to come to judgement and fetch his Church and members home to himself to be e●er with the Lord. Christ was alwayes lo●e●y even in his humiliation but thrice so lo●ely now in his exaltation Faith eyes this in●isible lo●eline●s of Chr●st clearly and drawes the heart to love him entirely 3 Experience of Christ or experimental acquaintance with him enkindleth true love unto him A spirituall savour of Christs fragrancy a spirituall taste of his sweetnesse is enough to ravish the soul with him Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth therefore do the Virgins love thee Christs good ointments are the graces and gifts of the Spirit wherewith as Mediator he was anointed above all his fellows which oyle of gladness in some sort runs down to all his members yea to the very border of his garment His Name is either his doctrine or any other attributes titles c. of Christ whereby he makes himself known as a man is known by his name Now these ointments poured forth made known do send abroad such a sweet sent and savour of Christ that all who experimentally savour them indeed cannot chuse but love Christ with a chaste Virgin-love The Church saith I sate down under his shadow with great del●ght and his fruit was sweet unto my taste He brought me to the banquetting-house and his banner over me was love Here 's her heavenly experiences of Christ. Stay me with Flaggons comfort me with Apples for I am sick of love Here 's her love to Christ flowing from that experience Yea she is so tran●ported with lo●e to him that she calls hastily for cordials to keep her from ●ainting and wouning being love-sick for Christ. Thus the Penitent woman in the Gospel had much experience of Christs rich grace and mercy to her in pardoning her many sins therefore she loved him much and she testified it most affectionately she stood at his feet behinde him weeping and began to wash his feet with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with oyntment But the Pharisee that at that time had invited Christ having no such spiritual experience of Christ testified no such love to Christ. Christ saith to him Simon seest thou this woman I entred into thine house thou gavest me no water for my feet but she hath washed my feet with teares and wiped them with the hairs of her head Thou gavest me no kisse but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kisse my feet Mine head with oyle thou didst not anno●nt but this woman hath annointed my feet with oyntment Wherefore I say to thee her sins which are many are forgiven For she loved much Without spirituall experience of Christ who can love him And who can chu●e but love him that have true experience of him Doth thy love to Christ arise from these grounds Thou lovest Christ because he is lovely because thou believest in him because thou hast such experience of him This is well-grounded love to Christ. 2. The Degrees or Gradual steps by which our true love to Christ riseth and by which it may be tryed
And elsewhere If any man come to me and hate not his Father and Mother and Wife and Children and Brethren and Sisters yea and his own life also he cannot be my Disciple And whosoever doth not bear his Crosse and come af●●● me cannot be my Disciple Not that we must properly hate our allies and li●● but comparatively we must hate them That is we must love them lesse then Christ. Christ must sit in the throne of our hearts and affections and all these must sit below at his foot-stool Thus those Martyrs are commended that for the love of Jesus They loved not their lives unto the Death Excellently Ignatius Now begin I to be a Disciple I ●eal●●sly affect nothing of visibles or invisibles that I may obtain Iesus Christ. Let fire and the Crosse and the joynt-rising up of wild● beasts the dissections separations dissipa●ions of my bones cuttings in pieces of my members dissolution of my whole body and the punishment of the Devil come upon me only that I may win Iesus Christ. Notably Paul 〈◊〉 ready not to be bound only bu●●lso to die at Ierusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus Dost thou bear such fervent transcendent warm affection to Christ that thou wouldst be content to part wi●h all rather then part with him 3. True love to Christ breaths after more assurance and evidence of Christs love to the Soul They who dearly love Christ long to have Christs love more confirmed sealed and manifested to them A true taste thereof is so sweet and pleasant they desire a full draught A glimps of it is so delectable they desire still a fuller view and manifestation The more they love Christ the more they desire to be loved of Christ. And they have a kinde of holy jealousie le●t Christ should not love them so as they desire Love is a greedy affection still covering after more love thus the Church saith to Christ Set me as a Seal upon thine heart as a Seal upon thine arme for love is strong as death jealousie is cruel as the grave The coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame Here 's her request and the reason of it Her request To be set as a Seal upon his heart and arme Sealing is for ratification confirmation or sure making of any thing Setting the Church as a Seal upon Christs Heart and Arm seems to imply a confirming and stablishing of her in Christs inward affection and his outward expression or manifestation thereof to her This probably alludes to the High Priest of old who did bear the names of Israel engraven on Stones upon his heart and shoulder for a m●morial before the Lord. She desires that she may be deeply engraven in Christs heart in Christs love and may be assured hereof also by the expression of his lo●e to her Here 's her request The reason of her request is drawn from the vehemency of her love to Christ ready to overcome her as death to swallow her up as the grave and to consume her as a burning flame if Christ do not support and comfort her with his love bring her closer to his heart and manifest his affection to her She should even die and perish through love if she might not be beloved Dost thou thus long to be set as a Seal upon Christs heart and arm through thy love unto him 4. True love to Christ accepts of his Rebukes Peter had thrice denyed Christ a little before his death Christ appearing to his Disciples after his Resurrection thrice asks Peter Lovest thou me By this threefold question secretly as it were reproving Peter his triple denial and giving Peter occasion to testifie his repentance by his thrice professing his love to Christ whom he had thrice professedly denied As Augustine saith A threefold Confession is added to his threefold denial that his tongue might not lesse serve his love then his fear He was puffed up by presuming cast down by denying purged by weeping proved by confessing and crowned by suffering Now Peter thus proved and tacitely reproved yet hates not Christ reproving but loves him and thrice professes his love to him twice appealing to Christ who knew his heart in these professions Thus he accepts his rebukes but they that cannot bear Christs rebukes thereby they testifie their hatred to Christ. Christ said to his unbelieving Brethren The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testifie of it that the works thereof are evill 5. Sincere True love to Christ is upright without guil dissimulation or hypocrisie The Virgins love thee They love Christ with chaste undefiled undivided Virgin-affections And again The upright love thee Hebr. uprightness love thee Vprightnesses being put for upright ones the abstract for the concrete Or they love thee in uprightnesses that is most uprightly As the Hebrew may bear and the margin in our English Bibles intimateth Thus Peter evidenced the integrity of his love to Christ when he even appealed to Christ himself that he loved him Thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee The Elect love Christ for himself for his odoriferous oyntments for his fragrant name therefore they love him sincerely The love that carnall men bear to Christ is for carnall respects for his loaves c. or they love him only in word and tongue in form and complement as Iudas when he kissed him but they love him not really and cordially in deed and in truth 6. Finally Constant. True love to Christ is a long-lasting ever-living and continuing love Not like Ionas his gourd that comes up in a night and vanishes in a night but like heart of Oak or Cedar not subject to putrefaction Gra●e be with all the● that love the Lord Iesus Christ in incorruption For so the Greek word may as Beza observes be more exactly translated then In s●●●●rity Whereby the Apostle intimates that true love to Christ is not liable to corruption putrefaction or decay but still continues constant Yea the flames of true love to Christ are so hot that no waters of affliction can quench it no floods of persecution can drown it The coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame Many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it Persecutors have taken away the M●rtyrs lives for Christ but could never destroy the M●rtyrs loves to Christ. Therefore that love to Christ that fadeth and ●ieth especially when trouble and persecution ariseth because of the Gospel like the withering affection of the s●ony ground he●rers is but a counterfeit love a meer empty shadow that vanisheth ●way By thes● properties thou mayst discover ●hy love to Christ. II. Love to Christians is another branch of that love which is requisite as a previous qualification fitting persons for worthy ●eceiving of the Lords Supper and t● that end to be examined before we come Touching this
and whilest in that wretched state Whilest yet without strength when sinners whilest enemies whilest enmity it self against God when they were dead in trespasses and sins in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity Even then when there was nothing but unworthiness and abominableness in them was Christ given for them And this whilst Christ was not given for the Reprobates of the world for whom Christ would not so much as Pray much lesse die yet these in no worse condition by nature then those for whom Christ died How doth this heighten the mercy 4. The motive or impulsive why Christ was bestowed was not any thing at all in the creature but meerly the free Grace and Love of God Vpon these and like considerations what estimation hast thou of Christ 2. Dost thou esteem Christs Death The Mystery of the Lords Supper Christ is the matter but how Christ as crucified as Broken as slain for us in that respect Christ is the matter his Death therefore is the Mystery of it How dost value Christs Death Dost thou estimate it according to the true valuableness of it viz. 1. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the love evidenced in it Greater love then this hath no man then that a man lay down his life for his friends But greater then this Christ shewed in laying down his life for enemies Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us Was ever love like this love The Apostle prayes for the Ephesians and his expressions are admirable That they may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and heighth and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge He measures Christs love by 4 Dimensions Philosophy knows but three Length Breadth and Depth Divinity adds a fourth Heighth intimating that Christs love is far beyond all ordinary measures and dimensions There 's Depth in it without bottom Heighth in it without top Breadth in it without side and Length in it without end Yea it utterly passeth knowledge Christs warmest love to sinners flowed with his blood out of all his wounds Esteemest thou his Death according to Christs love in dying 2. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the sufficiency of it Christs death was an Odour of a sweet smell most acceptable to God He by once offering up of himself hath for ever perfected them that are sanctified So that there needs now no more Sacrifice for sins The infinite dignity of his person so infinitely dignified his passion Hence Christ by his short suffering prevailed more for our salvation then all men on earth or Angels in Heaven could have done if they should have suffered to eternity 3. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the many inestimable benefits of it Hereby Sinners are justified sins purged away Hereby Enemies to God are reconciled Hereby death he that had the power of death the Devil with all Principalities and powers are subdued Hereby eternal Redemption from spiritual thraldom is obtained In a word hereby we have accesse with boldnesse and entrance into the Holiest of all Heaven it self Christs blood is Heavens Key Oh what soul can truly taste these saving purchases of Christs death and not admire it 3. Finally doest thou aright esteem the Lords Supper it self It deserves high estimation 1. For the mysteries in it Christs death and all the benefits of it The New Covenant and all the promises of it Communion with Christ and all the comforts of it 2. For the familiarity of it Herein Christ deals familiarly with his members He stoops to their senses below that their senses may lift up their faith to him above He represents highest mysteries under meanest elements and actions Thus he condescends to our earthliness that we may aseend to his heavenlinesse 3. For the Firmnesse of it In right use the Lords Supper doth as surely signifie seale and exhibit Christ crucified and all his benefits to us as we partake the outward elements there being such a Sacramental union betwixt signes and things signified Do these and like considerations raise up thy thoughts to an high estimation of this Ordinance 3. Retribution or rendring again according to the benefit received acknowledged and esteemed is the third and highest act or degree of thankfulnesse When David was most enlarged unto thankfulnesse he saith What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me And because King Hezekiah recovered of his ●●knesse at his prayer rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him therefore there was wrath upon him and upon Judah and Jerusalem If non-rendring be ●o dangerous then how dangerous is it to render to God evil for good But what can we or ought we to render again for Christ for his Death for his Supper which are the eminent benefits that immediately call for thankful returns or rendrings when we communicate Answ. What should we not render again for these benefits All we can render is farre too little We should r●nder 1 Triumphant praises Thus David resolved to render I will take up the cup of salvations and call on the name of the Lord. That is I will take up the Cup of Thanksgivings for Gods salvations and deliverances and will pray and praise God or preach abroad Gods mercies For Israel offered for mercies receied Thank-offerings eating thereof with joy before the Lord and in their eating were wont to take up the Cup of wine and blesse God to this custome David alludes In like sort we should be much in Praises and Thanksgivings for Christ his death c. As Paul notably thanks Christ not only for calling him to the Apostolical Ministery but also and especially for coming into the world to save sinners and himselfe chief of sinners making him a pattern of his grace to all that after should believe 2 Indeared affections Christ pardons the womans many sinnes this was one fruit of his Death Hereupon She loved him much and testified the same by washing his feet with her teares wiping them with the hairs of her head kissing them and anointing them with oyntment She hath nothing too good nothing good enough for Christ. Hath Christ loved thee and given himself for thee leaving this Sacrament as a legacy of his love Oh how should'st thou love him again that thus loved thee first 3 True hearted repentance and reformation Christ came into Zacheus's house to dine with him yea rather into Zacheus his heart there spiritually to feast his soul presently Zacheus the Arch-publican penitentially reformes Behold Lord the halfe of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation I restore him fourefold And Christ testifies This day is salvation come to this house forasmuch as he also is the sonne of Abraham S●ul
onely bread and wine these the least matters But also Christs body and blood and all the benefits thereof So that we must here take A lively memorial of Christs death A rich banquet for our inward man A sealed pardon of our sins A blessed bond of our communion with Christ crucified A sensible ratification of the New Testament with all its promises and priviledges These things we must take eat and drink in the Lords Supper and wherewith shall they possibly be thus taken and applied but by true saving Faith alone 4. Finally faith is necessary for enabling us duely to walk after communicating This Sacrament affords heavenly nourishment Con●equently after it we should walk as nourished strengthened comforted enlivened c. Now it 's faith especially that acts moves rule●+ doth all in a Christian from Christ assisting Faith in Christ being the very L●fe of a Christian. Thus of the necessity of faith before communicating ● How this saving faith thus necessary may be typed and examined before we come to the Lords Supper This is the last branch to be considered touching Faith We may try and examine whether we have true saving faith or no Partly by the former description of true saving faith See if thou hast such a faith Partly by these ensuing properties and qualities of faith 1. True saving faith notably softens supples and melts the heart It thawes and dissolves the most stony hard adamantine spirit into streams and floods of penitential sorrow I w●ll pour upon the house of David the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced there 's faith and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his onely son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitternesse for his first-born In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon c. The Spirit of grace shall make men look upon Christ by faith as Israel looked upon the type of Christ the brazen Serpent in the wilderness and looking shall melt them make them mourn How mourn Mourn with a witness for their sins whereby they pierced Christ They shall mourn they shall be in bitterness there shall be a great mourning As for an only Son As for a first-born as for that peerelesse King Iosiah in Hadadrimmon Emphaticall expressions Naturally mans heart is closed up as a compacted Rock of Flint or Marble Faith comes as another Moses smites this Rock and brings forth Rivers of waters Faith brings the soul to Christ crucified sets him as it were with Mary under his Crosse in Golthotha makes him view the transcendent anguish agonies bitterness and torments of his sufferings and all this for our sins his thy my sins in particular For he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities c. The Lord hath made to meet on him the iniquities of us all He was made sin for us who knew no sin Oh how this strikes to the believers heart How this makes him sigh with Christ lament with him smart with him bleed with him cry out with him as it were die with him nothing melts the heart so kindly as faith looking on Christ pierced for our sins particularly Here faith reads the intolerable sinfulness of sin that could not be expiated but at so dear a rate Here in Christs sufferings faith reads the sinners doom If this befell the surety what was due to the principal If sin imputed be so plagued what might have been expected for sin inherent If this be done to the green tree what would have be fallen the dry Here faith reads the boundless Ocean of Gods matchless love in Christ What such a God give sitch a Jewel as his only Son to such a death and that for such worthless loveless hopeless godless sinners Greater love then this hath no man Oh the breadth and length and depth and height of Christs love passing knowledge Oh how do these and like considerations of faith pierce the heart break the spirit imprint contrition and overcome the soul 2. True saving faith having pierced the heart purifies the heart Purifying their hearts by faith Faith cleanses not only the outward but the inward man not onely the actions but the fountain of those actions the heart and affections washes not onely the outside but the inside of the cup and platter makes a man forbear not only outward grosse acts of sin but inward imaginations and impure inclinations to sin A true believer as truly makes conscience of and laments for the vileness of his heart and thoughts in the sight of God as the enormity of his life and actions in the sight of men But how doth faith cleanse and purifie the heart Answ. 1. By Augmentation from the word against sin which discerns the odiousness and danger of sin How shall I do this wickedness which God so forbids and abhors c. In this respect the Word hath a sanctifying efficacy Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth 2. By application of Christs blood and death Christs blood is that Fountain opened for sin and for uncleannesse to wash in And faith is that hand which puts us into this Fountain applies Christs death and makes us conformable thereunto That as Christ died for sin so we die to sin 3. By inward efficacy and operation Faith is not only an Instrument of Justification but an eminent part of Sanctification and so doth of its own nature purge out sin as wine works out the Dregs Honey the Drosse or as fire purifieth unwholsome aire Shew now thy faith by thy purity A faithfull soul cannot have a foul heart As that soul that by faith looks upon Christ pierced for his sins cannot chuse but be wounded and pierced with Christ so that soul that 's pierced for piercing Christ by sin cannot but abandon and abhorre all those sins for which Christ was pierced Faith having endeared the heart to Christ embitters the heart against sin Sin being the Iudas that betrayed Christ the Pilate that condemned him the Crown of Thorns nails and spear that pierced him 3. True saving faith makes a man sincerely obedient and fruitful in good works This is a duty charged upon the faithful This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works This is an intrinsecal property of faith To work by love and Love is the fulfilling of the Law therefore the nursing-Mother of all good works And that faith that is without works is dead as a body without a soul. A workless faith is a worthless faith And this the faithful in all ages have practised the alacrity of their obedience hath born witness to the integrity of their faith as in
that cloud of witnesses Try now thy faith by thy gracious works and sincere obedience But how shall I discover the truth of my faith by mine obedience Answ. Make tryal in these particulars 1. Doth faith make thee so obedient to the Word of God that it makes thee faithfully to cleave to the sincere and powerful Ministery of it though mocked despised opposed by the wicked multitude Some mocked howbeit certain men clave unto him and believed 2. Doth faith make thee set upon the strangest and hardest tasks when imposed by God As Noah upon building of his Ark which he was one hundred and twenty years in building By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an Ark. 3. Doth faith incline and bow thine heart so unto obedience as to make thee deny thine earthly friends outward priviledges and carnal affections rather then foregoe thine obedience Abraham through faith so obeyed God as to leave his own Countrey and follow God not knowing whether he went yea as to offer up his Isaac his onely begotten Son 4. Doth faith make thee perform all thine obedience to God sweetly chearfully lovingly loving God his commands and his obedience Faith worketh by love Faith puts upon all duties and services to God in love without whimpering or murmuring 4. True saving Faith wonderfully loosens and unglues the heart of a Christian from the world and all earthly felicities By Faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in tents It had been much patiently to sojourn in a strange Land but to sojourn in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey was excellent They had not fixed Houses but moving Tents They were not dwellers but sojourners in their own inheritance because in and beyond Canaan Faith eyed and expected Heaven By Faith also Moses though a great Courtier in Egypt and the supposed son of King Pharaoh's Daughter yet preferred suffering affliction with Gods people beyond enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season And esteemed the reproach of Christ greater ●iches then the treasures in Egypt How did Moses esteem Christs riches that so esteemed Christs reproaches And no wonder that Faith thus disobligeth the heart from the World For Faith beholds in Christ the Covenant and promises Treasures beyond ten thousand Worlds Redemption Righteousnesse Adoption Holinesse Communion with God Co-operation of all things for good yea in summe Grace and Glory and upon view thereof how easily doth she slight and despise honours riches pleasures gold silver houses lands and all such low muddy perishable unsatisfying things How self-denyingly doth she desire them use them and part with them when there is occasion Doth thy faith thus make thine heart sit loose from the world 5. True saving faith is a quickening enlivening Grace yea the very life of a Christian The just shall live by his faith And Paul saith God! As the body lives by the Soul So the Soul lives by Faith Faith by the Promise and by Christ the marrow and kernel of the Promise But of this life of Faith elsewhere Dost thou live by Faith 6. True Faith is ●●tended with Sense of its own infirmity with a Spirit of Prayer and with Divine Peace 1. With a true Sense of its own infirmity This made the man in the Gospel say I believe Lord help min● unbelief And the Apostles say Lord increase our faith It s a sign of life to be sensible of weaknesses the dead body feels no infirmity Art thou sensible of thy doubts c. 2. With a Spirit of Prayer Believing in God puts upon praying to God I beleived therefore have I spoken Contrariwise No Faith no Prayer How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed Canst thou pray with groans that cannot be uttered this argues true Faith 3. With a Divine Peace Faith justifies us Justification pacifies us Being justified by faith we have peace with Go● But there is no Peace saith the LORD to the wicked 7. True saving Faith is mightily puissant and victorious It fetches strength from Christ and conquers all a believers spiritual enemies 1. Faith conquers the world The world fights against us with the Smiles of Prosperity and with the Frowns of Adversity Faith overcomes both This is the victory that overcometh the world even our Faith 2. Faith conquers the flesh For Faith purifies the Heart Every one that hath this hope in himself purifieth ●●m self even as he is pure Now Faith and Hope are Twin-graces and act alike 3. Faith overcomes the Devill We are commanded to resist the Devil stedfast in the Faith And for our encouragement herein we have this Promise Resist the Devil and he will flee from you Yea Faith is the Christians Buck●er and Shield A Shield like a door that will shelter him from top to toe whereby he quencheth all the fiery darts of the Devill Satans sudden temptations are his fierie Darts Faith quenches them all in Christs blood which is the Christians Apology against all temptations and accusations whatsoever 8. True saving Faith upholds the believers spirit from sinking and fainting under heaviest pressures and extremities of trouble The Lord propounds this to the Jewes as a support against the Babylonish 70. yeers Captivity That the just should live by his faith and this was to uphold them under all Iob was in a deep Sea of calamities and yet in midst of all as it were li●ts up his head above the waves with this triumphant expression Though he Slay me yet will I trust in him He also shall be my Salvation And again after a dolefull recapitulation of his miseries I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth And though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reins be consumed within me Yea Faith is of such masculine strength that it makes believers even Glory in Tribulation Yea enables them to endure tortures not accepting of deliverance We read of Martyrs so farre upheld by Faith as to smile at the Prison-doors sing in chains kisse the stake embrace the faggots and triumphantly clap their hands in flames as having gotten the victory What support and stay now hath thy faith yeelded thee in thy plunges and extremities Canst thou wait upon God though he hide his face from thee Canst thou say with Paul Troubled on every side but not distressed Perplexed but not in despaire 9. Finally True saving Faith is daily growing and constantly persevering Faith lives but because its life is imperfect it stil grows and increaseth It is said that the Righteousnesse of God is revealed in the Gospel from Faith
or death for obedience shall deter and fright them from their obedience Paul professes to worship God according to the way of Christianity though it was reproached with the brand of Heresie The Holy-Ghost in every city witnessed that bonds and afflictions abode Paul yet saith he None of these things move me neither count I my life dear unto my self so that I might finish my course with joy and the Ministery which I have received And when for fear of bonds Paul was importuned with tears not to go up to Ierusalem He answered What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart for I am ready not to be bound o●ly but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus And when those three heroick-spirited Jews were threatned by King Nebuchadnezzer to be cast alive into the burning furnace seven times hotter then usual if they would not worship his golden image they answer Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand O King But if not be it known unto thee O King that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up Their bodies shall rather burne to ashes then they will contrary to Gods command bow to his Idols Hast thou now such a well-resolved obedience 5. True obedience is compleate It 's complete two wayes viz. 1. Partly in re●pect of the subject or heart obeying A man truly obedient obeys with an entire heart and perfect spirit I will keep thy Precepts with my whole heart 2. Partly in re●pect of the object or Commandments obeyed A man truly obedient doth not indent pick and ch●se These commands he will obey not those the first Table but not the second c. but will obey all will have a respect and a regard to all As Caleb and Ioshuah who followed the Lord fully They were thorough-paced in their obedience And as David Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments 6. Finally True obed●ence decays not but is growing and l●sting Growing as in Thyatira who●e last works were more then the first La●●i●g also and constantly continuing as in David I have inclined mine heart to do thy statutes alway even unto the end My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy ●udgements at all times Teach me O LORD the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it unto the end False obedience decays and dies Thus thou mayest try the truth of thine obedience V. LOVE is another special qualification of a worthy Communicant fitting for due receiving of the Lords Supper Touching which we should aforehand examine our selves Now because in this Ordinance we have Communion not only with Christ as our Head but also with one another as fellow-members Therefore we are to be furnished with and to examine our selves of a twofold love viz. 1. Love to Christ. 2. Love to Christians Love to Christ. Touching which consider di●igently 1. The Need that Communicants have of it 2. The Tryal they make of it 1. The Necessity of our true love to Christ before we communicate and as a qualification for receiving the Lords Supper appears upon the●e following considerations 1. They that do not truly love Jesus Christ are under one of the heaviest and bittere●t curses of God in the whole Bible If any man love not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha Herein note 1. The ground or cause of this curse The not loving of Iesus Christ. He saith not if any man hate the Lord Jesus Christ or reproach him or blaspheme and curse him or persecute him c. but that which is far lesse If any man love him not The bare want of this a●fection to Christ is enough to separate from Christ. 2. The nature of the ●urse Let him be Anathema Maranatha These two words are of two several languages both denoting a curse To intimate this is a double a peremptory and bitter cur●e as Pharoahs dreams were doubled for the greater certainty Anathema is a Greek word and elsewhere is translated Accursed If any man preach any other Gospel to you let him be Anathema or let him be accursed as if he should say Let him be devoted viz. to the devil and separated from Christ and his Churches Communion Maranatha some learned Writers take this as Beza observes to be a Syriack word Calvin seems not so well satisfied with their judgement Others count it a Chaldee word yet used in Hebrew and known familiarly even among the Greeks It seems to be compounded of three words Mara na atha that is Our Lord cometh As intimating that such as were under this curse were given up and re●erved to the Lords coming to be judged by him That they are to expect nothing but the terrible coming of Christ to take vengeance of them And that prophecie of Enoch seems to allude to some such curse Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them c. Beza thinks this an●wers to the heaviest curse among the Jews They had first their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Niddui Secondly their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cherem that is Anathema This their Cherem was either the simple and single Anathama or their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Schematha or Maranatha Paul therefore not contenting himself to say Let him be Anathema he addes Maranatha to denote the vehemency and grievousnesse of the curse Oh what a terrible curse is this 3. The extent of this curse If any man As if he said let it be who it will that loves not Christ Jew or Genti●e bond or free Master or servant rich or poor young or old King or begger that loves not Christ understand it especially of them within the visible Church let him be utterly accur●ed Now if the Non-lo●ers of Christ be thus under this curse how can they possibly come to the Lords Supper so remaining without true love to Christ but be abomin●ble to him 2. The Lords Supper is a sweet love-token betwixt Christ and his Church Christ and his members Herein they mutually seal up their reciprocal affections to each other What love doth Christ herein signifie seal and exhibite to us As is every way evident The time of instituting this Ordinance speaks love It was in the same night in which he was betrayed How warm were his affections even then to us when within a few houres after that he was to pour out his warmest hearts blood for us even then he was so mindful of his Church as to leave her this farewel-Token and legacy of his Love that she might never forget his love The mysteries tendred in this ordinance speak love Here 's Christs body not whole but broken Christs blood not as
nore 1. The necessity of it 2. The Trial of it 1. The necessity of love to Christians of brotherly love in order to worthy communicating is exceeding great And when ever more necessary ●he● in our dayes wherein the love of many both to Christ and Christians is waxen ●old wh●● disaffections divisions rents revilings evill ●●rmizings wrath clamour bitterness and odious distempers are crept ●n amongst br●thren in this Nation more then ever High time therefore now to cry out where is the spirit of love now to endeavour the recovery of this fainting swounding and dying affection But here the necessity of it is only to be pressed in reference to the Lords Supper To that end ponder seriously upon these ensuing considerations 1. He that truly loves not his Brother that truly lo●es not a Christian is a meer carnall man For he is in his natural darkness and walks therein He is spiritually dead and in Gods account A Murderer of his Brother● for there is hand murder by shedding mens blood Tongue-murder by cruel reproaches c. Heart-Murder by causelesse anger and hatred He that saith he is in the light and hateth his Brother is in darkness even until now He that loveth his brother abideth in the light there is none occasion of stumbling in him But he that hateth his Brother is in darkness and walketh in d●rkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes And again it is said He that loveth not his brother abideth in death Whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murderer and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him Now he that is a meer carnal man in his carnall darkness spiritually dead in sin A murderer without eternal life abiding in him Cannot possibly perform any true service unto God And consequently not rightly receive the Lords Supper which is to be managed with more then ordinary abilities God tells the Jews that all their duties and solemn services were abominable to him because their hands were full of blood And Paul saith They that are in the flesh cannot please God Wherein can they not please him Neither in their persons nor in any of their performances whatsoever They are bad Trees and cannot bring forth good fruit for such as is the Tree such is the fruit Such as is the treasury of the Heart such are the things brought out of that treasury An evil man out of the bad treasury of his heart bringeth forth evill things only 2. No gifts or duties though never so excellent in themselves are of any consequence at all in the sight of God without brotherly love Paul saith Though I speak with the tongues of m●n and of A●gels and have not charity I am becom● as sounding brasse or a tinkling Cymbal And though I have the gift of prophecy understand all mysteries all knowledge And though I have all faith so that I could remove Mountains and have no charity I am nothing And though I bestowe all my goods to feed the poor And though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profiteth me nothing Here he instanceth in three sorts of eminent gifts tongues prophecy and faith of miracles and in two sorts of most admirable acts or duties greatest liberality to the poor and even martyrdom it self for the truth yet all these nothing without charity to the Brethren So proportionably the receiving of the Lords Supper though never so often is nothing without brotherly love Remarkable is that of our Saviours to this effect having reproved unbrotherly affections and words as a kinde of murder If thou bring thy gift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy Brother hath ought against thee leave there thy gift before the Altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Christ makes no reckoning of the most religious actions if there be not true brotherly affections Therefore he requires brotherly love and reconcilement first to be endeavoured before sacrifice to God be presented 3. The Lords Supper is a Sacramental Seal and Token not only of our Communion with Christ but also of our Communion with his members of our fellowship with the Saints This the Apostle clearly intimates saying For we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread That is we that partake that one bread in the Lord● Supper made up of many grains of Corn are mystically one with each other in Christ though we be many We all are but one bread though many grains one body though many members Such is our Vnion and Communion with one another confirmed in this Ordinance Now without true brot●erly Love which is the bond of perfectnesse among Brethren we shall but deal hypocritically in the Lords Supper professing Vnion and Communion with the Brethren to whom we have no true love which is the bond of this Vnion and Communion 4. The Lords Supper was ordained to confirm unto us Gods remission of our sins unto us in Christs blood For in the institution Christ saith of the Cup This is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins That is this wine in the Cup is a signe and seal of my blood of the New Testament shed for obtaining remission of sins to many even to all the Elect. So that Christs blood and remission of sins purchased thereby are signified and sealed to us in the Lords Supper Now we cannot have Gods pardon of our sins sweetly and comfortably by this Ordinance or any other assured to our Consciences unless we have true brotherly love and exerci●e it also in forgiving one another our trespasses and mutual injuries that may fall out Vpon those te●● 〈◊〉 Christ taught us to pray for pardon And forgive us our debts as we forgive our deb●ors For confirmation of which Petition Christ addes For if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses And Christ farther shews in an eminent Parable to this purpose That if we forgive not to one another our small debt of an hundred pence we cannot expect that God will remit our great debt to him of ten thousand talents 5. Finally to come to the Lords Supper without true brotherly love with divided uncharitable unbrotherly hearts is most unsuitable and disgraceful both to Christ and his Supper To Christ because he is one and unites all his Members to himself as head and to each other as fellow Members in one mysticall body To the Lords Supper also for that 's a bond of our Vnion and Communion with Christ and with one another as his members Now how can we draw neer to Christ this uniting Head or to the Lords Supper this uniting Ordinance without brotherly