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A55302 Christus in corde, or, The mystical union between Christ and believers considered in its resemblances, bonds, seals, priviledges and marks by Edward Polhil ..., Esq. Polhill, Edward, 1622-1694? 1680 (1680) Wing P2751; ESTC R3312 145,980 330

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being compared with the Love and Friendship which is between Christ and Believers wonderful is his Love towards them As early as eternity it self his eyes and his heart were upon them he assumed flesh to espouse them to himself he shed his Blood to purchase them he dyed on a Cross to redeem them he draws his own Image upon them he loves and delights in them as the purchase of his Blood and the little pictures of himself he is indeed wonderfully taken and ravished in them as if they had unhearted him or carried away his heart In like manner Believers though not in equal degrees have a great Love to him they put off corrupt self for him their old earthly members are crucified with him their souls thirst and faint in holy desires after him so high a rate and value is set upon him that all other things are but as dross and dung in comparison such are the pleasures and complacencies which they have in him that they can joy in sufferings and glory in reproaches for him his Presence and Love sweetens every condition thus there is an union of Love between Christ and Believers But this is not all some of the ancient Fathers seem to hint somewhat more De Trinit lib. 8. in Joh. St. Hilary and St. Cyril of Alexandria contend that our union with Christ is not meerly per concordiam voluntatis by a Concord of will St. Chrysostome saith That we are not only united to Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a way of Love In Joh. Hom. 45. but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the thing it self To make it appear that our union with Christ is not meerly a moral one I shall offer some Considerations The conjugal union which is the highest pattern of Love here below is not meerly a Moral one In the first Marriage there was somewhat antecedent to Love Eve was taken out of the side of sleeping Adam Hence he said That she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh In the spiritual marriage there is somewhat antecedent to the Churches Love she was taken out of the side of Christ dying on the Cross Hence the Apostle after he hath compared the Love of Husbands and Wives with that which is between Christ and the Church doth in allusion to the Primitive Marriage tell us We are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Ephes 5.30 Flesh may be considered either as to its substance or as to its sanctity as to its substance Christ is of our flesh and bone but as to its sanctity we are of his flesh and bone all the holy flesh in the world is from Christ Again in common ordinary Marriages there is not meerly Love but Man and Wife become one flesh In the spiritual Marriage there is not meerly Love but Christ and Believers become one Spirit the same holy Spirit which is upon Christ the Head falls down on his Members there are continual influences of Grace coming down from him unto them Nothing in all the world is more apt or proper to shadow forth our union with Christ as Moral than the conjugal Union is though as I said but now there is more in it than meer Love yet is it the highest Samplar of Love on Earth and on that account very apt to set forth our Moral Union with Christ but though it be so yet the Holy Ghost doth not in shewing forth our union with Christ rest in that resemblance but goes on to shew it forth by others of a different tendency as by a Foundation a Vine or Head an Aliment whose proper genuine import is not love but support or vital influence or intimate conjunction The Holy Ghost in these resemblances speaks like it self aptly and truly though there be no propriety in the words yet there is an aptitude in the things to denote Heavenly Mysteries though the terms be metaphorical yet the truths are real there is a proportion and just Analogy between the earthly shadow and heavenly mystery there is that in Christ which answers to all the resemblances he is to his Church a foundation for support a root or head for vital influence an Aliment for nourishment and intimate conjunction Hence it appears that our union with Christ is not meerly a Moral one but such as corresponds to all the resemblances not only to the conjugal one in Love but to all the other in their several imports One Christian is united to another in Affection Love is the badg of Christianity The Primitive Christians were of one heart and one soul Acts 4.32 They were as it were but one Man the very Pagans pointed at this saying Tert. Ap. Vide ut se invicem diligant see how they love one another Love is the very bond of perfection Col. 3.14 it couples all Virtues together as in a chain it conjoins all Christians in the mystical body where Love is there are all other Virtues where one Christian is there are all the rest in heart and affection Love which is a sacred fire kindled upon the heart by the Holy Spirit first ascends up to God its primary object who is to be loved for himself and then it goes on to our neighbour its secondary object who is to be loved for Gods sake this is the way of Love if it ascend to God it will go out to our Brother if it go not out to our Brother it never ascended to God Hence St. John saith He that shutteth up his bowels from his brother how dwelleth the love of God in him 1 Joh. 3.17 The Love of God can no more be severed from the Love of our Brother than the first Table of the Law can be rent off from the second All true Christians are born of the same Father in Heaven washed in the blood of the same Saviour inspired by the influences of the same Holy Spirit interested in the same Charter of the Gospel and instated in the same Inheritance above Sic muto quod doletis amore diligimus quoniam odisse non novimus sic nos quod invidetis fratres vocamus ut unius Dei parentis homines ut consortes fidei ut spei coharedes Minuc Fel. in Oct. All of them therefore must needs be united together in Love nothing is more evident than that one Christian is united to another in Love but yet he is not so united to him as he is unto Christ Who where is the Saint that will or dare say to his fellow Christians I am the foundation ye are the building born up by me I am the vine ye the branches without me ye can do nothing I am the head ye are the members from me is all that effectual working which is in you Who can or may speak after such a rate such words are proper for Christ only we are to fix our Faith upon him not upon our fellow-Christians This is his Commandment that we should believe on the Name of
shall therefore instance in several things The first Priviledg is this Those that are in union with Christ have his satisfactory righteousness imputatively derived upon them Christ obeyed unto death the death of the Cross not as a private person but as a Sponsor or Surety for us he stood in our room he suffered in our stead he was a second Adam an head no less communicating to his seed than the first Adam was to his posterity as Adams sin comes upon each one of us as soon as he is proles Adae so Christs Righteousness comes upon each one of us as soon as he is proles Christi Thus the Apostle As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom. 5.19 Hence those many phrases in Scripture Christ is our Righteousness we are the Righteousness of God in him he is the end of the Law for Righteousness to us his stripes heal us his blood cleanseth us from all sin All which shew that his Righteousness is communicated to us this is an exceeding great priviledg Two things will evidence this The one is this The Righteousness of Christ delivers us from the curse and wrath of God There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Their being in him is a security it is with them as it was with those Servants of Pharaoh which were within when the storm came they are under the cover of Christs satisfaction when the fire and brimstone and horrible tempests comes down upon a Christless world they are in a Sanctuary in the wounds of Christ Vindictive Justice once satisfied there cannot come there again for a second satisfaction their sin was condemned in the flesh of Christ Rom. 8.3 It was fully punished there it is not to be condemned again or punished a second time in his members no the Apostle doth in that place immediately add The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ar. Eth. lib. 5. c. 7. vers 4. The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the satisfaction that Christ made to the violated Law becomes imputatively ours the Law cannot demand another satisfaction Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us Gal. 3.13 It was never meant that the curse should fall upon the head and members too it was upon the head that the members might escape This is such a priviledg that those who have it are happy in every condition their troubles are single and without a curse in them their cup is pure and without any dregs of wrath in it Death to them is but a dark entry into life-eternal it unties their bodies and souls but it separates neither from their Head they sleep in Jesus in a state of conjunction with him the great day of judgment need not alarum their fears the trumpet of God doth not sound death to them but life the world may be wrapt up in a winding-sheet of flames the Christless inhabitants may cry to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and cover them but Believers are safe with Christ as members with the head his Righteousness is as a rich Robe to cover them Christ will come in glorious Majesty a train of Angels will attend him but Believers need not be afraid being head he will not condemn his members being Author of his own Righteousness he will not deny the plea of it they shall be for ever discharged from the wrath to come The other is this The Righteousness of Christ intitles us unto favour and life-eternal It intitles us to the favour of God Our Saviour prays to his Father for Believers That the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them John 17.26 That is that the Fathers love might be not only towards him but might in a measure be derived upon his members in whom he is by a mystical conjunction the words I in them point out that conjunction as the reason of extending love to them God favours us as mystical parts of Christ he is with us through Immanuel he shines on us in the face of Christ he tells us in Scripture that he taketh pleasure in them that fear him looks to a contrite Spirit compasses the righteous with favour but all this respect is unto them as being in Christ it is only for persons in innocency and graces in perfection to be accepted in themselves fallen persons and defective graces must be accepted in and through a Mediator Here 's the priviledg of those in Christ notwithstanding all their defects they are favourites of Heaven Gods eye is upon them his pleasure is in them his favour irradiates them the light of his countenance is a kind of Heaven unto them It also entitles us to life-eternal Justification of life is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by one righteousness Rom. 5.18 not by many righteousnesses but by one which is that of Christ by the same blood by which he entred into the holy place Hebr. 9.12 do his members enter also his blood removes obstacles it purges away guilt which would have barred them out of Heaven it satisfies Justice which would have been like a flaming sword to keep them out of Paradise neither is this all it is a full price for Heaven it merits all the glory above St. Bernard therefore observes that Christ hath a double right to Heaven haereditate patris merito passionis De Vitâ S. Vern lib. 1. cap. 12. by the inheritance of his Father and by the merit of his Passion the one is enough for him the other for us those that are in Christ shall enter Heaven and see the blessed One there in whose presence is fulness of joy and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore This is a priviledg not fully to be known till it be enjoyed a thing too excellent to be seen in this dark and fluctuating world when we are in the region of light and in the eternal center then we shall understand what an heavenly purchase Christ hath made for us and what a priviledg it is to be in union with him Another priviledg is this Christ who suffered on earth for those that are in him doth intercede for them in Heaven he is an Agent for them above to maintain their peace and intercourse with Heaven he bears their Names upon his Humeral and upon his Pectoral spiritually sustaining and intimately loving them he appears in the presence of God for them he is their Advocate with the Father and pleads though not orally yet really by his Blood and Righteousness that all the good and excellent blessings thereby purchased may come down upon them he is the Lamb that stands as if it were slain Rev. 5.6 His wounds and blood cry in the ears of God to be returned unto his members in pardons and graces he who satisfied justice now pleads for grace he who dying laid the foundation of Salvation
a consent he that wants reason which is the root of liberty cannot consent If there be error personae a mistake of the person there is no consent errantis voluntas nulla est he that errs consents not if there be metus gravis ac violentus a weighty and violent fear extorting a consent the consent not being free is as none at all In all such cases the Rule is Vbi non est consensus non potest esse matrimonium where there is no consent there can be no marriage Consensus facit matrimonium the consent makes the marriage Answerably in the spiritual marriage between Christ and Believers there is a mutual consent there are arrhae sponsalitiae earnests and pledges given on both hands Quemadmodum nobis arrabonem spiritûs reliquit ita a nobis arrabonem carnis accepit Et vexit in coelum piguus totius summae illuc redigendae Tert. de Resur Carnis Christ hath carried the earnest of our flesh to Heaven and from thence sent down the earnest of his Spirit to us the consent is mutual on Christs part there is a consent though it be to espouse not Angels but men not men in their primitive beauty and integrity but men under a stain of sin and corruption yet he consents to it and that not out of error or mistake but out of choice and transcendent love which as early as eternity it self delighted in the sons of men and in time calls and draws them into conjunction with himself all the sweet wooings pathetical expostulations precious promises and free offers in the Gospel are as so many sure testimonies given to his consent On the Believers part there is also a consent they breathe after him rest upon him resign to him and accept of him upon the terms of the Gospel In their consent two or three things may be noted First There must be a right knowledg of Christ to an unknown Christ there can be no consent the knowledg of him must be right in the measure of it Under the Old Testament where Religion was much wrapt up in vails and shadows a less measure of knowledg might suffice but under the New when men live in the noon-day light and as it were directly under the Sun of righteousness a much greater measure of knowledg is necessary We should now study to know him distinctly in his offices and benefits that we may aptly and out of judgment join our selves to him If a man think that Christ is a Saviour only and not a Lord or that one may partake of Christ crucified and yet not take up his Cross in mortifications and patient sufferings nor yet follow him in holiness and true obedience here is error personae such an one knows not the true Christ but a Christ of his own fancy his consent which is proportioned to his knowledg is not to the real Christ but to the imaginary one no man can consent to more than he understands the knowledg must be right that the consent may be so Again the knowledg must be right in the nature of it it must not be a meer notion which may be in an heart like Nabals dead and cold in spiritual things but it must be a spiritual knowledg which discerns Christ spiritually and carries with it such a savour of him as makes the heart chuse and embrace him above all things Further As there must be a right knowledg so there must be a free choice of Christ Consensio volentis est consent is in the willing it is not a thing pressed out of the heart by fear but sweetly issuing out of it in a free option When Lewis the Eleventh of France was pressed under the fears of death he sent for the holy Hermite holy Oyl holy Cross and what not in his extremity Many men when upon their death-beds they are turning off from this world and entring upon eternity or possibly before that last hour when the wrath of God flashes into their consciences and sets them a fire with the dread of what is justly due to their iniquities may in such a strait seem very willing to have Christ But alas all this is but a force a meer pressure upon their wills Nothing like unto that pure genuine consent which is in true Believers who chuse and set their hearts upon Christ as seeing the excellency of his Person usefulness of his Offices rectitude of his Precepts preciousness of his Promises and greatness of his Rewards the intimate biass and bent of their hearts is such that leaving the world behind their back they embrace and fall in with their dear Jesus above all things Moreover This consent is a present actual one in Marriage there are words used not de futuro but de praesenti or else it is no Marriage but a promise only Believers do not say as the sluggard yet a little sleep a little slumber in sin nor as St. Austin in his delays before conversion did modo ecce modo but they give a present consent to Christ when he knocks they say not go and come again to morrow for that is not to consent to day nay not to consent at all but only to speak of it but they make haste and delay not immediately they open and own him as their Lord he is their greatest desire and they will not put him off no not for a world which is much less in their eyes than he is They have to their great shame too long served their corruptions now they join themselves unto him in a perpetual covenant never to be forgotten without any more ado a present actual consent is given to him It is indeed said by Divines that the true desires of Grace are Grace and so they are but then those desires do at least virtually and seminally contain in them a present consent for where those desires are in truth there the heart breaks off confederacy with sin and values Christ as its chief treasure Were such an one asked what he would have in the first place he would answer None but Christ Before I pass over the consent between Christ and Believers two things may be noted touching the excellency of it above that which is between man and wife The one is this Christs consent is a pure gratuitous act When a man chuses a wife the reason is in the object she is fair or virtuous or rich in estate one attractive or other draws out his consent but when Christ made his choice no attractive was in his Spouse Believers no less than others are naturally void of holy Graces and so extreamly poor that they have not of their own to cover their nakedness or pay their debts there was nothing in them to draw out his love towards them the only reason of his choice was in his infinite goodness his Grace had no other mover but it self It 's true he saith of his Church Behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair Cant. 1.15 But
Templum utique nos ipsos non haberet saith St. Austin Cont. Maxim lib. 1. If the Holy Spirit were not God he should not have us for his Temple it being as he there urges no less than Sacriledg and an Anathema to make a Temple to a creature Not then the holy temper which is a creature but the Holy Spirit who is God hath a Temple in us Thus the order and dependance of things plainly teach us the meaning of the one Spirit to be that the same Holy Spirit is in Christ and Believers Nay omitting the dependance the words themselves shew the same thing One Spirit is here immediately opposed to one flesh when a man and woman become one flesh there is more than a likeness of temper there are many alike in carnal propensions who yet were never so joined as to be one flesh and if one flesh speak more than alike temper much more doth one spirit do so I take it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one spirit is as high a phrase as can be to express an intimate union I conclude therefore That the Apostle doth not meerly intend a likeness of temper but that the same Holy Spirit is in Christ and Believers which indeed is a very high and glorious mystery Further Marriage is a state of Love and Love hath an unitive virtue in it a true friend is alter ipse another self in respect of love between two friends there is as it were but one soul in both Confess Lib. 4. c. 6. St. Austin saith That his friend being dead he did but dimidius vivere live but like half a man If there be such love between friends how much more is it so between man and wife Between them there are the strictest bonds and highest degrees of friendship A man shall leave father and mother and shall be joined to his wife saith the Apostle Eph. 5.31 In the original it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he shall be glued to his wife Conjugal love is the glue which takes hold on both sides and joins them together as if they were but one piece and therefore the Apostle there adds they two shall be one flesh And a little before he tells them He that loveth his wife loveth himself vers 28. She is an alter Ego a piece of himself and not to love her is as unnatural as to hate his own flesh the near relation which is between man and wife calls for a mutual and more than ordinary love The Parallel is the intimate love which is between Christ and Believers he loves them as parts and pieces of himself they love him as their dearest head and husband he loves not their graces only but their persons they love not his gifts only but himself Ordinances are his Banqueting-house Graces are his Love-tokens but himself is the great center of their love He is ravished nay excordiated with their single eye of faith and chain of obedience Cant. 4.9 they are ravished in him who is totus desideria all or wholly desires his person natures offices life death resurrection intercession every thing in him is amiable in their eyes his love to them is such that he eats his honey-comb with his honey wax and all accepting their services notwithstanding the infirmities cleaving to them their love to him is such that though sometimes they sleep and nod in humane frailty yet their heart waketh the inward bent and motion of it is to him the least call or knock will make them rise and seek after him There is an intimate love between him and them but how far this exceeds that which is between man and wife the tongue of men and Angels cannot fully utter I shall only touch on one or two things On the one hand Christ took an humane nature that he might espouse us to himself to him as meer God sinful creatures could not be joined his pure Majesty could not admit them to approach to him but that he might have a Spouse among men he left his Fathers bosome and came down into an humane nature Majesty was put under a vail of flesh and through that we have access to him It would be a very strange thing for a glorious Angel to come down into the rank of worms and espouse matter much more admirable is it that the very Son of God one infinitely more above an humane nature than an Angel is above matter did come down into our frail flesh upon design to espouse us to himself never did love so stoop and condescend as here On the other hand Believers are content as much as may be to put off their corrupt nature that they may be joined to him he put on a pure humane nature for them they put off a corrupt one for him at his call they leave their own people and their Fathers House I mean the corruption they were born or bred in nothing is dearer or nearer to faln man than his corrupt flesh and those lusts which are the members of it yet they part with it and them for Christ Their Motto is Christus meus est omnia my Christ is my All. Again On the one hand Christ died in our nature that he might espouse us Jacob served for a Wife David fought for one but none but our dear Lord died upon a Cross for us our match with him could not be dispatched without atoning blood A type of this we have in that first Marriage between Adam and Eve Eve was taken out of the side of fleeping Adam the Church is taken out of the side of a dying Christ The Jews say that the woman was taken out of the side of man to signifie the marriage of the supreme blessed man While Adam was sleeping a rib was taken out of him and made into a woman when Christ died on the Cross there came out of his pierced side blood and water in these we have the original of the Church which rises up out of expiation and regeneration to be a Spouse to him On the other hand Believers in the power and after the pattern of a crucified Christ dye to themselves and the world his pure flesh suffered in a way of expiation their corrupt flesh suffers in a way of mortification by his Cross the world is crucified to them and they to the world his body was nailed to the Cross and there they hang up their lusts to dye and expire Thus there is a transcendent love between him and them Moreover In Marriage two things more may be noted The one is this There is a communication of good things from the Husband to the Wife It is an old saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all things are common among friends much more is it so among married persons a communion of bodies draws a communion of other things with it the near relation between man and wife calls for it his necessaries serve to supply her his honour puts a lustre upon her his riches are seen in her
which he obeyed and suffered for us and a Divine which put an infinite value upon his obedience and sufferings in these full satisfaction was made for sin a purchase of grace and glory was obtained for sinners an incomparable pattern of sanctity and obedience is set before us and an Holy Spirit is provided to quicken us to imitate him Mercy runs freely in the channel of the Promises Proclamations of Grace are made unto men Here 's the Foundation upon which fallen man may be built up unto righteousness and life eternal Oh riches of Wisdom wonder of Love It 's true natural and carnal men while such are no more fit among persons than hay and stubble are among Doctrines to be built upon this Foundation but the same Wisdom which laid the Foundation will build the House the Holy Spirit is sent forth to work faith in men and thereby to frame them to be set upon the Foundation hence the Apostle saith that the whole Building is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fitly framed together Ephes 2.21 each part of the Building is aptly and congruously united to the Foundation and to the other parts of it the Building answers to the Foundation and both to the Idea in the infinite Mind To contrive these was one of the greatest thoughts that ever entred into Gods heart and to effect them was one of the greatest works which ever was done in time Between the Foundation and Building there is somewhat that joins and cements them together between Christ and Believers the cement is not material but spiritual these are joined together by Faith and by the Holy Spirit Faith is one cement Behold I lay in Sion a chief corner-stone elect precious he that believeth on him shall not be confounded 1 Pet. 2.6 Faith joins the Believer to the Foundation that 's the Reason that he shall not be confounded Sin Satan the World shall not confound him because he is built upon a Foundation in which is Propitiation Grace and Victory the Divine Favour the influences of Grace the Crown of eternal Life shall not fail him because he is joined to a Foundation in which the Promises of these things are Yea and Amen The Holy Spirit is another cement In whom that is in Christ the Foundation you are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit saith the Apostle Ephes 2.22 The earthly Foundation and Building are joined together by dead matter like themselves Christus sive lapis sit in aedificio sive radix in arbore sive vitis in viveâ sive caput in corpore semper est non solum vivens sed vita vivificans Zanch. in loc but Christ who is a living Foundation and Believers who are lively stones are united together by the Holy Spirit this is a great mystery the same Holy Spirit which is in him is in them also Again The Foundation supports and bears up the Building in like manner Christ supports and bears up the Church the whole weight of it lies upon him without him all the spiritual stones would instantly sink and totter down into a chaos of emptiness and confusion To make the excellency of this supportation appear we must consider first what manner of Foundation he is and then in what manner he bears up the Church Touching the first He is a Foundation able and every way compleat to support and bear up the Church a short scanty Foundation cannot do its office but he is an ample large one multitudes of Believers in all ages have been built upon him and yet there is room for more Did all the men in the world build upon him by Faith he would bear them all up to life eternal a weak faultring Foundation cannot do its office but he is a strong one a Rock which cannot fail When St. Peter made that glorious confession Thou art Christ the son of the living God our Saviour answers him Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church Matt. 16.18 The Rock here is not confessing Peter but the confessed Christ our Saviour saith not thou art Peter and upon thee but thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church Peter is not the Rock but built upon it Hence St. Austin observes Tract 124. in Joh. Non a Petro petra sed Petrus a petrâ sicut non Christus a Christiano sed Christianus a Christo vocatur the Rock is not named from Peter but Peter from the Rock as Christ is not named from the Christian but the Christian from Christ All Believers are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Stones Christ only is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Rock upon which they are built they being Stones may be moved but he being a Rock is unmovable and for ever the same Peter fell greatly had he been the Foundation the whole Church must have fell with him had not Christ been a Rock to him his fall would have been final These words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 upon this Rock note that one individual Foundation upon which the whole Church is so built that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it To be such a Foundation none is capable but Christ only it is not to be imagined either that the whole Church should be built upon a meer man or if it could that being so weakly founded it should stand against the powers of darkness Christ the true Rock is not a meer man but the Son of the living God he hath the strength of a Deity which cannot fail Earthly Foundations may be eat up by time or ruined by violence but he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a founded foundation or a foundation of foundations Isa 28.16 No time can deface the eternal One no violence set its foot upon the Almighty he abideth ever to support his Church Touching the second The supportation of the Church is in a spiritual way it is bore up not as an earthly building by dead matter but as a spiritual House by the influences of Grace To whom coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious Ye also as lively stones are built a spiritual House 1 Pet. 2.4 5. He is a Living Foundation one who hath an endless life of merit and the Spirit of life above measure Hence Believers who are built upon and as it were parts of him are maintained in life his Spirit by continual influences and spirations of Grace bears them up in their spiritual being and life the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against them CHAP. IV. The Mystical Vnion set forth by the Vine and the Branches Christ hath one nature with Believers they are as branches in him and receive juice from him The mystical union set forth by the natural head and the body Those two famous Texts Ephes 4. 16. Col. 2.19 considered which import more than when Christ is called Head over all things Head of principality and power Head of every man Head of the
overcome by them the Spirit which is in them is greater than he that is in the world they do duties as becomes them who live at so high a rate in a very lively vigorous manner the free Spirit stablishes and enlarges their hearts to run in the pure ways of holiness and obedience under crosses they do not murmur at the hand of God but in an holy silence subject to it the Spirit strengthens them unto all patience St. Paul glories in afflictions that the Power of Christ may rest upon him 2 Cor. 12.9 The Noble Potamenia being by the Persecutors threatned to be cast into a Vessel of burning Pitch begged of them That she might not be cast in all at once Spondan Annal. Anno. 310. but piece-meal that they might see how much patience the unknown Christ had given unto her The Reason of such acts of power and strength in Believers is because they live upon the Body and Blood of Christ and from thence have a Divine virtue and power to perform the same 2dly Christ as food is united unto believers there is a very close and intimate union between the food and the body and so there is between Christ and believers He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him saith our Saviour vers 56. Eating here must not be taken properly an oral manducation is capernastical and indeed a very horrible thing to be imagined Hence St. Austin saith That the command of eating his flesh and drinking his blood seems to require an horrible wickedness and then concludes De Doctr. Christ lib. 3. c. 16. Figura ergo est a thing to be done in a spiritual way Hence Averroes the Philosopher said That if Christians devoured their God he would not have his soul to be with them It is a wonder to me that those who are called Christians should hold such an eating Nay that men on earth should orally eat the body of Christ in Heaven or that his glorified body should come into our earthly mouths and stomacks is to me a thing utterly impossible he is and must for ever remain in glory The eating therefore is a spiritual one done by faith though Christ be in Heaven faith flies up and apprehends him In 1 Cor. 10. Hom. 24. St. Chrysostom would have us be as Eagles and so fly to Heaven and then adds Where the carcass is there will the eagles be Christ our aliment is gone to Heaven and faith follows after him to draw life and virtue from him Faith doth spiritually participate of his body and blood and from thence doth derive a Divine power and strength into the soul As faith ascends up so the holy Spirit comes down upon believers which compleats the union between him and them They dwell in him and he in them as our Saviour speaks they dwell in him by faith and he in them by his Spirit There is a mutual indwelling a most near and intimate union between them The learned Grotius takes this mutual indwelling to be only amore mutuo by a mutual love Amans est ubi amat quod hic tribuitur manducationi id alibi tribuitur dilectioni 1 Joh. 4.16 The lover is where his love is What here is attriouted to eating that in another place is attributed to love He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him But I take it there is a difference our union to Christ is first and more immediate and then in and through him we are united unto God It 's true God dwells in the sincere lovers but he dwells in them as in parts of Christ partakers of the atonement were they not such the spots of guilt and imperfection upon them would make the holy one wave dwelling in them Christ is united to us as aliment inlivening and strengthening us but God is not as such united to us though the fountain of life and virtue be in him yet are these derived down unto us in and through Christ of whose body and blood we do by faith participate We are saith Bishop Vsher by a mystical and supernatural union as truly conjoined with Christ as the meat and drink is with us when by the ordinary work of nature it is converted into our own substance 3ly Christ is food by way of eminency Food above all food other bread is comparatively but a shadow or meer figure but he is the true bread 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 living bread which makes men live for ever other bread comes but out of the earth but he is that bread which came down from Heaven The Son very God came down into our flesh and in it was broken upon a Cross that his body and blood might become bread for us He hath saith Bishop Vsher by his death made his flesh broken Incarnat fol. 52. and his blood poured out for us upon the Cross to be fit food for the spiritual nourishment of our souls and the very well-spring from whence by the power of his Godhead all life and grace is derived unto us Thus that excellent man Other food being inferior to the body is changed into our substance but Christ the spiritual food being infinitely more excellent than our souls turns believers who feed upon him into his own likeness Christs blood may be read in their serene consciences his death may be seen in their continual mortifications his Spirit shews it self in their holy graces as they live at an higher rate so they live in a more divine manner than other men Their humility meekness love zeal obedience patience tell us that they live upon him who turns the eater into himself the eater so participates of him as to be assimilated to him Thus much touching the resemblances of the Mystical union I shall now draw out fome Conclusions from them because as is before noted the Analogy between the Mystical union and the earthly patterns serves if genuinely taken not only for illustration but for very good proof 1. The union between Christ and believers is not meerly a Political one such as is between a King and his Subjects It 's true Christ is a King believers are his subjects there are Laws of constitution which make him a King over them and Laws of administration according to which he governs them yet the union between him and them is not meerly Political To make this appear I offer these things The manner of his Kingdom is considerable were his Kingdom such only as earthly ones are there might be some colour to say That the union is only Political But his Kingdom is not of this world Joh. 18.36 It is not mundanae indolis of an earthly but of an heavenly nature Eusebius Hist 13. When the kindred of our Saviour were asked touching his Kingdom they answered Domitian That it was not Earthly but Coelestial It cometh not in outward pomp and glory but in inward efficacy It stands not meerly without in Laws and Ordinances but
it is within in the very hearts and consciences of men He makes a willing people he inspires obedience into his subjects His own Unction doth in some measure fall down upon them Earthly Kings who yet are Politically unite to their subjects cannot rule after this sort or do any thing like it Hence it is clear that if there had been no other resemblance of the union between Christ and believers but that of a Kingdom only yet that union would not have been meerly Political because his Kingdom is what others are not spiritual and of internal efficacy In Scripture our union with Christ is not only set forth by the resemblance of a Kingdom but by many other none of which are or can be thought to be in vain all of them have their significancy and that to different purposes The conjugal union imports love the architectonical one shews supportation that of the Vine and the Head speak vital influence that of food expresses a very intimate conjunction These fignificancies are not forced or strained but natural and genuine such as run into our minds at the first sight The holy Scripture the best interpreter of its own resemblances assures us that they are used to this very end and intent that we might firmly believe that those things which are genuinely in the outward patterns are really and after an eminent manner in Christ He is an Husband for his dearest Love Ephes 5.25 a foundation for his never failing support to his Church Mat. 16.18 a Vine and an Head for his vital influence Joh. 15.4 5. Ephes 4.16 aliment for his near and intimate conjunction with believers Joh. 6.56 Such is the natural tendency of these resemblances such is the interpretation of them in Scripture but now if our union with Christ be meerly Political how can these things stand what tolerable account can be given of them It is certain that nothing in all the lower world is so apt and proper to declare that union as meerly Political as the resemblance of a Kingdom nothing is so significant and fully expressive of it as that when therefore the Holy Ghost had set it forth by a Kingdom why did not he stay his hand and rest in that resemblance why would he go on and set it forth by the love of Espousals by a building cemented to its foundation by the incision of branches into a root by the copulation of members to a vital head by the incorporation of food with the body What analogy is there in an union meerly Political to these things Which way shall the Scriptural interpretation of them be maintained a Political union cannot do it Were our union with Christ no more than so these resemblances would not be apt or true to say that Christ is an husband a foundation a root or head or incorporated food that is a Political King is not apt or true but very odd and strange because in Christ as a meer Political King there is nothing that answers to the proper genuine import of these resemblances in such a case the Holy Ghost which is blasphemy to imagine would seem to speak very unfitly nay and delusively as if he would have us believe that to be in Christ which is indeed not in him surely it becomes us much rather to conclude That our union with Christ is not meerly Political but such as bears a fit and just correspondence to all the patterns and resemblances of it in Scripture Such as the bonds of union are such is the union a meer Political union hath bonds of the same nature a spiritual union hath suitable ligatures in our union with Christ the primary bond is the holy spirit Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his spirit 1 Joh. 4.13 in Christs Kingdom it is the Spirit which makes a willing people such as subject themselves to him In the supernatural marriage believers who are joined to Christ become one spirit in the spiritual edifice the living stones are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit In the heavenly Vine the Spirit is the juice which makes the branches fruitful in good works in the Mystical Head the Spirit is unction which falls down upon the members and communicates sense and motion to them In the divine aliment it is the Spirit which quickneth the eater and transforms him into the holy Image of Christ the Spirit is the primary ligature in our union with him that union therefore is not meerly Political but Spiritual A meer Political union is made and continued by some outward Law Policy is the Eutaxy or good order of a common society Multitudes in government conspire into unity the bond of conjunction is Law Hence the Law is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the soul of a City without it all the parts and members of the body-politick sink and dissolve into meer confusion but to the making and continuance of our union with Christ internal influences are requisite Faith the great unitive grace is not produced by a meer proposal of the object but by a Divine efficacy there must be inward teachings and tractions to make men come and close with Christ in like manner other graces which make the believer bear the image and resemblance of Christ are by the Spirit drawn and engraven in the heart Hence they are called the fruits of the Spirit When these graces are produced they are still but creatures and depend upon their original the continual spirations of the Spirit bear them up in being in all respects there is a necessity of internal influences Hence it appears that our union with Christ is more than a Political one were it no more than so the outward Law might have sufficed that first and rudest draught of Pelagianism which made grace to consist only in libero arbitrio lege in free-will which is a thing natural and in the Law which is a thing Political might have been a truth St. Austin at large disputes against it and tells us that God operates in the hearts of men De Grat. Christi c. 24. Non lege atque doctrinâ insonante foria secùs sed internâ atque occultâ mirabili ac ineffabili potestate not only by Law and Doctrine sounding without but by an internal and occult wonderful and ineffable power yet if the meer Law might have sufficed there had been no necessity of internal operations the Pelagian heresie might have passed for a very truth As therefore we would avoid this great error we must confess that our union with Christ is more than a Political one 2dly The union between Christ and Believers is not meerly a Moral one such as consists in a reciprocal Love in an harmony of Wills and confederacy of Affections Very true it is that there is a very great Union of Love between Christ and Believers All the Loves and Friendships in the world are but Pictures and little Images
that it might be but as a prostrate pinioned enemy to them that they through his Spirit communicated to them might also overcome it he did not gather them up out of the corrupt world to himself that they might return thither again their union with him is so near and strong that the world cannot take them back to it self again its flatteries cannot allure its fears cannot fright them away from him Satan overthrew Adam but he cannot do so with Believers in assaulting him he had only to do with a man but in assaulting them he sets upon those who are mystical parts and members of Christ he hath to do with Christ himself who is God as well as man his hand is too strong for Satan to pluck them away from him his Love is too great to lose his own members whom he hath purchased at no less price than his own blood It 's true they do sometimes fall under the temptation but then they do not fall as Adam did they do not as he lose the very state of Grace or all the power of a recovery no the habits or vital principles of Grace are not extinct the Spirit and Grace of Christ will raise them up again Satans conquest is not a total or final one at last he shall be bruised under their feet Christ who in his own person conquered the Tempter conquers him in his members also Thus Believers are supported because they are in union with Christ 4thly The union between Christ and Believers is such that he doth influence into them The resemblances of the Vine and the Head do naturally teach this A Vine communicates to the branches an Head influences into the members Christ could not be what the Scripture calls him a Vine or an Head unless he did influence into his branches and members There are two sorts of influences some are first and fundamental to our union with Christ others do in order of nature follow after The first fundamental influences are those which work the unitive Grace of Faith Men are not native branches or members of Christ but insititious ones Faith which implants and incorporates them into him is not from Nature but Grace The ancient Council tells us Conc. Arans Can. 6. that it is per infusionem inspirationem Spiritûs Sancti by the infusion and inspiration of the holy Spirit Christ therefore sends out the Spirit with its inward teachings and tractions to work faith in men to gather them into union with himself thus the union begins from him Faith the first Grace that touches upon him is wrought by his Spirit and upon account of his Merits To you it is given 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for Christs sake to believe Phil. 1.29 Were it not for this influence there could be no union no branches or members in him The after-influences are those which serve to perfect the Believer as in the Old Creation Light was the first-born and then the other parts of the world were made so in the New the first thing is the Light of Faith and then follow those Graces which make up the new Creature Love Mercy Meekness Zeal Obedience Patience are the fruits of the influencing Spirit the Rivers of living water in the Believer all of them are derived from Christ the Head through faith which is called the Churches Neck Cant. 4.4 into the mystical body after this manner are all Graces formed without these influences there would be in Believers no Graces or Conformity to Christ no fit Temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in Again there are influences not only to form these Graces but to actuate them As natural Agents live and move in the God of Nature so Believers who are spiritual Agents live and move in Christ their Head the gracious Principles in them do not go alone but the Holy Spirit stirs them up and then the spices flow out Love and Joy and all other Graces shew forth themselves in suitable Operations St. Paul excellently describes this I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me saith he Gal. 2.20 Take a Believer burning in Zeal or melting in Charity or sweating in Obedience or doing ought in an holy manner still Christ lives in him the effectual working is from the Head in Heaven without these influences Graces do but sleep in the principle and not go forth into act Further There are not only influences to actuate Graces in Believers but to make them grow up into Christ in all things the Believer doth not stand at a stay no the first little dawn in his heart increases into a morning the small grain of mustard-seed becomes a tree the little Embrio or Babe in Christ grows to be a man of spiritual stature his humility is every day lower his holy desires rise higher than before the vitals of Faith and Love become warmer than ever and all this increase is from the effectual working it is no other than the growing up of the members into their influencing Head the flourishing and spreading of the new Creature under the dews of the Spirit Without these influences Believers would be at a stand and never arrive at any statures in Grace Thus it appears that these influences are excellent and necessary Were it not for the first influences Christ would have no members and so not be what he was ordained to be an Head to the Church Were it not for the after-influences he would not carry himself as becomes an Head neither would his members be such as they ought to be in the point of holy graces 5thly The union between Christ and believers is a very intimate one The resemblance of food doth notably set forth this food is very intimately united to the body and so is Christ to believers Our Saviour takes notice of this He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him Joh. 6.56 The words import a very near union St. Cyprian speaking of this De Caenâ Domini saith Mansio nosira in ipso est manducatio potus quasi quaedam incorporatio Our eating of him is mansion our drinking a kind of incorporation we are spiritually incorporated into him Of the Sacr Hom. 1. Our Church calls it a marvellous incorporation wrought by the operation of the Holy Ghost Accipientes virtutem caelestis cibi in carnem ipsius qui caro nostra factus est transeamus Leo 1. Epist 22 ad Cler. Const we do as it were pass into his flesh who was made flesh with us we dwell in him and he in us and what can be nearer though he be not as ordinary food inferior to the body is turned into our substance yet as spiritual food more excellent than our souls he turns us into his Divine image We live by him Joh. 6.57 He is our life Col. 3.4 The very fountain and principle of it therefore he must needs be nearly and intimately united to us Nemo vivit vitâ extra se
positâ oportet habere Christum in nobis Zanch. de tribus El. Li. 4. c. 3. especially seeing he is so our life that he communicates his own Spirit to us the same holy Spirit which is upon him falls down upon us as mystical parts and members of him to quicken and actuate us in the holy ways of God And what an union is this actuation by one spirit is an union much more high and close than that which is only by continuity or a meer adhesion of parts a branch from which the juice retires rather hangs on than is properly united to the root a member however adhering if void and desolate of animal spirits is as if it were not knit unto the Head the most strict and proper union is from one Spirit Believers are so joined to Christ as to be one spirit if they had not his spirit they were none of his Rom. 8.9 They are led by the spirit of God v. 14. which is the very same with the Spirit of Christ as appears v. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they are acted and moved by the Spirit of Christ Thus there is the same Spirit in Christ and believers and so the union between them must needs be very close and intimate in respect of this intimacy it is that Christ compares this union with that which is between him and the Father Joh. 17. And the Apostle calls Christ and the Church by one name As the body is one and hath many members and all the member of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ 1 Cor. 12.12 in which place the Church is called Christ the Scripture sometimes speaks of Christ and the Church the head and the body as if they were one person Hence St. Austin saith that believers are made cum homine Christo unus Christus De pecc Mer. l. 1. c. 31. One Christ with the man Christ Hence Aquinas saith That Christ and his members are una persona mystica one mystical person Not that we are Christed with Christ as some have said but that there is a very intimate union between Christ and believers 6thly The union between Christ and believers is a mystical one there is a great mystery in it Hence the Apostle saith This is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the Church Ephes 5.32 It is not meerly a mystery but a great one In another place he saith The riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory Col. 1.27 He speaks of Christ not meerly as offered in the Gospel but as dwelling in the heart this he calls not barely a mystery but the riches of the glory of the mystery it is such a mystery as hath riches and glory in it Now to make it appear that this union is a mystical one I shall offer some things There is that in this union which answers to all the resemblances the Holy Ghost in setting forth this union did not stay in one or two earthly patterns but useth many going on from one thing to another from Politicks to Oeconomicks from Oeconomicks to Artificials from Artificials to Naturals of divers kinds that so from each somewhat might be borrowed to illustrate it In the Political union we have Law and Power in the Conjugal one love in the Architectonical one support in that of the Vine and Head vital influence in that of food nourishment and intimate conjunction but in the mystical union we have all these It is said of Manna that it suited to every palate it is certain of Christ the true Manna that he is All to the Church That union therefore which fully answers to so many resemblances of different import must needs be a very mysterious one There is that in this union which highly exceeds all the resemblances In them there is but a shadow but in that is the substance in them one creature is united to another but in that believers are united to God-man The Mystical union is built upon the Hypostatical in each of them there is some import but none of them can reach the perfections of Christ Never was there such a King as he he is the most excellent one his subjects are all Saints and of the seed Royal his Throne and Laws are within he inspires as well as commands his people Never such an Husband as he he took an humane nature that he might espouse us nay he died on a Cross that his Spouse might come forth out of his bleeding side Those who are joined in spiritual marriage are made one spirit with him and have admirable communications from him No foundation is like him who is laid not by humane art but divine and bears up the weight of the whole Church not as dead matter doth but by his Spirit of life He is a Vine whose juice is the holy Spirit filling every branch an Head who makes those who were no members to become members and afterwards actuates them by the influences of his Spirit He is such food as turns the eater into himself and nourishes him unto life eternal Every way he hath the preeminence over the earthly patterns That union therefore which doth not only answer unto but far exceed all the resemblances of it must needs be a mysterious one This union is such that no distance of place or time can break or dissolve it No distance of place can do it In meerly Political or Moral unions distance of place hinders not but vital influence appertains not to them In the natural Vine or Head there is a vital influence but then there must be a local conjunction the Vine doth not communicate juice to a distant branch nor an Head to a distant member but though Christ be in Heaven and believers on earth yet he influences life and strength into them The reason is because he doth it by a spirit which is infinite a finite spirit cannot at once move and actuate distant subjects yet an infinite one which is every where can do it The same holy Spirit which is in Christ above is communicated to us here below to move and actuate us the vital influence is not at all hindred by local distance When our Lord discoursed of eating his flesh and drinking his blood Joh. 6. they murmured and said This is an hard saying who can bear it Our Saviour knowing this returns them this answer Doth this offend you What if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before It is the spirit that quickneth ver 61 62 63. There was no reason to be offended at his Doctrine He would ascend up to heaven and then his flesh would be as distant from men as heaven is from earth yet this hinders not eating of or union with him The Spirit would be in and with the eater to quicken and strengthen him No local distance can interrupt this union or influence I conclude this with the
no impression made upon the will no vital influence upon the heart no savouring or spiritual sensation of heavenly things it is but a form of knowledg a figure or appearance only without any life in it he knows holy truths only to know them he doth not love chuse embrace practise them he hath them only in notion not in a practical way the holy Precepts as full of rectitude as they are move him not to obedience the precious Promises which flow with admirable grace attract him not into faith and love the dreadful threatnings in which Gods wrath appears like devouring fire drive him not out of his iniquity all his knowledg is by a practical error blasted and turned away from its true end in effect it withers and nomes to nothing But in a man in Christ the knowledg is not a meer form or appearance but the substance or spiritual subsistence of holy things in the heart the notions do not lie dead but rise up in life and power in the soul holy truths do not meerly float in the brain or stay in the intellect but fall down upon the will to make it free in the ways of God and upon the affections to inflame them towards him the things of Heaven do now appear in such glory and excellency that they cast the ballance in heart and life the right way Christ with whom they are united makes every truth effectual The third is this The marks of this union are supernatural No meer moral virrues such as are under a common blessing extracted out of principles of reason can amount to a mark In moral virtues Reason is the great Moderator in acts of Justice it weighs out to every man his own in acts of temperance it proportions out how far a man may drink of sensitive delights in acts of fortitude it sets down the just measures how far fear may be heard in all Reason is the chief Umpire and Empress regulating and commanding every thing In these moral virtues a man is in union with his Reason as the supream faculty in him this is indeed highly commendable but if we might rest here Christ would not be necessary to us However necessary he might be for expiation yet he would not be necessary for fanctification he need not be a vital head to us we might be an head to our selves he need not pour out his Holy Spirit upon us our own spirit might serve the turn we need not be in union with him it is enough for us to be in union with our own Reason All which being very absurd it is to be noted that union with Christ is a thing of a much higher nature than union with Reason The meer Moralist moves in an orb much lower than the true Christian the Moralist in a kind of self-sufficiency stays at home and drinks out of the cistern which is in his own Reason but the Christian in a way of self emptiness goes out of himself and partakes of influences of Grace from Christ The Moralist is prudentially regulated in his passions that they are subject to his mind but the Christian is divinely renewed throughout that the whole man becomes subject unto God The Moralist does his virtuous actions in compliance with his Reason as being the highest faculty in him but the Christian does his gracious acts in compliance with the divine will as being the supream rule to him The Moralist acting out of natural principles aims at nothing higher than himself but the Christian acting out of supernatural principles directs all to the glory of God as the chief end These things make it appear that moral virtues though good in their kind are so far short of spiritual graces that they cannot in themselves be marks of our union with Christ Having laid down these three things I shall now proceed to the particular marks of this union The first mark of this union is poverty of spirit Every man naturally is poor in spirituals his humane nature lies in the ruines of the fall there is a Tohu and Bohu a voidness and Spiritual emptiness in it his mind is empty of spiritual light and hath only some few reliques left to make him a man his will is void of divine freedom and hath only such fragments of liberty as may declare him a free agent his affections have lost their wings and creep only upon the things here below corruption is very strong and there is a meer Vacuum of grace it is with him as if the Divine Image or likeness had never been stamp'd upon him a vast debt of original and actual guilt lies upon him and he hath nothing to pay or if Divine Justice seize him he hath nothing to say against it he is shut up under wrath and cannot but deserve it Thus every man is very poor in spirituals yet alas he is not naturally poor in spirit no on the contrary he presumes all is well he is as he dreams happy in his ruines full in his emptiness seeing in his darkness free in his chains and rich in his debts and wants a man poor in spirit is one who is poor in sense and reflection upon his poverty he considers his lost and undone condition he feels and groans under his spiritual wants the deep sense of them makes his heart cry out Oh! I am lost I am in the ruines of the fall there I must lie unless Christ lift me up and bring forth a new Creation out of the Chaos my mind is dark my will fettered with corruption so it must be unless Christ shine into my heart and make me free indeed my poor affections lie in the dust and vanity of this lower world and there is no help unless Christ come and raise them up to the things above I find nothing but an emptiness and voidness of grace neither is there any hope unless the Spirit of Christ communicate a furniture of graces and comforts my debts are great and never to be discharged unless the blood of Christ which paid for the sin of a world do it for me After some such manner as this he lies at the feet of Christ he is poor empty forlorn destitute in himself the very frame of his heart prays for a Saviour such an one is in a right posture for him His poverty cries for an Alms out of the infinite treasures in Christ his weariness pants after the true rest which is in a Mediator the broken heart begs for a compassionate hand to bind it up the wounds in conscience open for the atoning blood to be poured into them the sin sick soul calls for the great Physician Lord heal my soul for I have sinned against thee the lamented ruines invite the Divine Builder to set up his own Temple there the spiritual nothingness importunes for a new Creation to be brought forth Create in me a clean heart O God Every want being felt to the quick hath a voice in it and cries out for a supply