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A54120 The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by Scripture, reason, and authorities against the injurious attempts that have been lately made by several adversaries, with manifest design to rendor him odiously inconsistent with Christianity and civil society : in II parts. / The first more general by William Penn ; the second more particular by George Whitehead. Penn, William, 1644-1718.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1674 (1674) Wing P1266; ESTC R37076 464,302 582

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doth plainly witness For how can it otherwise be but that it should render God most propitious to all such as believe in Christ the Light of the World when it was but a letti●…g of his only begotten Son's Sufferings turn to their account that should ever believe in him Yet doubtless greatly did it influence to some singular Tenderness and peculiar l●…egard unto all such who should believe in his Name among other of his weighty Performances for the sake of that last and greatest of all his External Acts the resisting unto Blood for the Spiritual Good of the World thereby offering up his Li●…e upon the Cross through the Power of the Eternal Spirit that Remission of Sin God's Bounty to the World might be preacht in his Name and in his very Blood too as that which was the most ratifying of all his Bodily Sufferings And indeed therefore might it seem meet to the Holy Ghost that Redemption Propitiation and Remission should be declared and held forth in the Blood of Christ unto all that have right Faith therein as saith the Apostle to the Romans Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and to the Ephesians In whom we have Redemption through his Blood the Forgiveness of Sins c. because it implies a firm Belief that Christ was come in the Flesh and that none could then have him as their Propitiation or Redemption who withstood the Acknowledgement of and Belief in his Vi●…ible Appearance which John tells us some denyed and withstood 2. That he came in order to the Remission Redemption and Salvation of the World 3. That his so Dying was both an evident Token of his Love and strong Argument of Confirmation of his Message and Work 4. That it might the better end the Jews Services by an Allusion to the Way of their Temporary and Shadowy Sacrifices as the whole Epistle to the Hebrews showeth 5. And that by bringing through the holy Light in the Partic●…lar i●…to the Acknowledgment of and Belief in the Blood which was ratifying of that whole Appearance Men might be brought unto the knowing Christ after a more Inward and Spiritual Manner suitable to Christ's own Words It is the Spirit that quickens and the Apostle avers that the Lord from Heaven is that quickning Spirit by which Eternal Spirit he offered up himself without Spot Nor can any reasonably suppose that when Christ so spoak to his Disciples explanatorily of what he had obscurely and in Parables said to the Jews that he meant not something more hidden and Divine then what they and the Jews saw Yet that which hindred those Jews from the Knowledge or Benefit thereof was their Stumbling at him without a Confession unto whom they co●…ld never come into the Beholding or Experiencing of his Divine Life in them To conclude That Body was the Divine Lifes a Body hast thou prepared me therefore all that was done by that Body towards the Redemption of Man-kind was eminently the Divine Lifes yet because many times Actions are denominated from or appropriated to the Instrument as the next Cause though not the Efficient or most Eminent Cause therefore the Scripture speaks forth as indeed is the Propriety of both the Hebrew and Greek Tongues Parabol cally Hyberbolically Metaphorically the inward Substance and hidden Life of things by things more Exteriour and Obvious to the Sense to the End that such Mysteries might be the better accommodated to Vulgar Capacities Consider what I say with this Qualification that ultimately and chiefly not wholy and exclusively the Divine Life in that Body was the Redeemer For the Sufferings of that Holy Body of Jesus had an engaging and procuring Virtue in th●…m though the Divine Life was that Fountain from whence originally it came And as the Life declared and preached forth it self through that Holy Body so who did then come to the Benefit procured by the Divine Life could only do it through an Hearty Confession to it as appearing in that Body and that from a Sence first begotten by a Measure of the same in themselves This is the main Import of those Places Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation and in whom we have Redemption through Faith in his Blood For who is this H E whom God hath set forth and in whom is Redemption Certainly the same H E that was before Abraham the Rock of the Fathers that cryed Lo I come to do thy Will O God a Body hast thou prepared me which was long before the Body was conceived and born But may some say How is it then his Blood Why just as the Body is his Body Those who had Faith in that Blood believed his Visible Appearance inasmuch as they acknowledged that great Seal and Ratification of it to wit the Shedding of the Blood of His Body who came to save the World and who alone is the Propitiation Redemption and Salvation of all who had right Faith in that Appearance and Message so confirmed and therefore so often exprest by it as inclusive of all his whole Life and Sufferings beside And this is my Reason for it that it was impossible for any Man in that Day to confess to and believe in that Divine Light and Life which appeared in that prepared Body but from the Inward Discoveries and Operations of that Light with which Christ the Word-God who took Flesh had enlightened him However though the Apostles might then so express themselves thereby to assert and recommend unto the Faith of all that most Heavenly Manifestation and the great Love of Christ therein as the Visitation of the Heavenly Life through that prepared Body and the deep Sufferings of both for the World being True and Spiritual Witnesses thereof yet it was never intended that any should barely rest in that but press after the Knowledge of Christ by Faith in something farther and beyond that Body in which he appeared not excluding our Belief in that too They who knew Christ after the Flesh were to press after some more Spiritual Discovery of Him and who almost doted on his outward Manifestation it was expedient that they should be weaned from it to the End his more interiour and indeed beneficial Revelation of himfelf might be witnessed Faith in his Blood was requisite that they might confess him whose Body and Blood it was to be Christ who is God over all blessed for ever The great Question with the Jews Whether God was truly manifested in that Body of Flesh which they saw So that the Stress lyes in Confessing to the Divinity come in the Flesh otherwise they would have rejected not only the most signal Suffering of the whole Manifestation but consequently that It self To conclude we confess HE who then appeared was and is the Propitiation c. and in Him was Redemption obtained by all those who had such true Faith in his Blood But still it is to be understood that there must be
is this to shew thy Humility and self-Abasement thou hadst shown more of that in Silence a Fool is sometimes counted a prudent Man by keeping silent who otherwise bewrayes his Folly in uttering words as some men shew their Pride and Hypocrisie by endeavouring to appear humble 6thly Nothing Creature Should another tell thee so in earnest in shewing the Nothingness of thy Work thou hast produced ●…t is probable thou wouldst not take it well Some while they discommend themselves would have others commend them and their Work But to thee nothing creature and thy Brethren that have assisted and encouraged thee in thy Work against the Light within and against us who believe in and confess to it we may say Produce your Cause bring forth your strong Reasons behold ye are of nothing and your Works of nought and Abomination is he that chu●…eth you Isa. 41. 21 24. Lay aside your Envy Pride Hypocrisie vain Imaginations and Conceits and come down and stoop to this Light within which at times convinceth and reproves you of your Iniquities that you may be Reformed and the Reproofs of Instructions may be the way of Life unto you Otherwise the Light within will pursue you to your Condemnation XVI The Baptist's nine Questions Answered THat the Reader may perceive the man is uncertain and argues Doubt●…ulness in his severe Charge before of horrible Heresies Delusions vile Impostures ravening Wolves c. against the Quakers note that at last he puts Questions to us about the same Things whereo●… he hath accused us which he needed not have done had he either been certain or had any such plain or real Advantage against us as he hath pretended His Questions to which he desires direct and distinct Answers are as followeth First Was he the Christ and true Saviour that was born of the Virgin yea or nay Answ. Yes he was the true Christ the Son of God both then and before he took on him that Body or was so born 2dly If you say he Was I query whether that same Christ be in the Heart of every Man and Woman Answ. The same Christ is spiritually in yea revealed and dwelling in the Hearts of true Believers and Saints and they in him but not so in every man though he enlightens every Man and in his Light he is to be revealed and known 3dly Whether he that you own to be the Christ and true Saviour was put to death or Crucified on the Cross Answ. As concerning the Flesh he was 4thy Whether you believe there is any other Christ then what is in the heart of man yea or nay Answ. The true Christ is but one and the same forever though variously manifested as both in the Flesh and in the Spirit both In his Flesh or Body Intirely wherein he came unto his own the Jews who received him not and spiritually in his followers who have received him for he said to his Disciples he that is with you shall be in you and to his Father I in them and thou in me c. that the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them but thus not universally In Man though in some Degree and Sence he appears universally in man 5thly If that Body that was nailed to the Cross was but as a Garment which the true Christ did wear or as a House in which he did dwell why may not any other Man in whose Flesh Christ is manifested and doth dwell be called the Christ as well as Jesus of Nazareth Answ. There 's not the same Reason for any other man to be Called the Christ. 1st Because of his divine Pre-existence both before he took upon him that Body or Flesh and before man or other things were made which God created by Jesus Christ. 2dly Because of his Miraculous Conception as Concerning that Body 3dly Because he was anointed with the Oyl of Gladness above his Fellows Lastly He that compared that Body or Flesh which he took upon him to a Garment or House intended no Detraction from the Honour or Dignity of the true Christ for his Flesh was called the Vail his Body the Body of Jesus this Temple the Form of a Servant and his Saints are his Members 6thly If you own the man Christ why do you affirm it a Contradiction to say he is God of the Substance of the Father and yet truly man made like unto us in all things sin only excepted For either he must be meer Man or 〈◊〉 or else it cannot be any Contradiction And if you say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Man then you seem to side with those Jews that 〈◊〉 Saviour for Blasphemy in that being a Man he made 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Joh. ●…0 33. and if you say he is meer God doth it not then clearly follow you deny the man Christ Answ. Thou hast herein Queried like a disingenious Shuffler to obscure thy own self-Contradiction and to reproach us whereas thy Contradiction was not between Jesus Christ's being of the Substance of the Father and yet truly Man in time but between his being from everlasting the Son of God by eternal generation or of the substance of the Father and thy asserting that Jesus Christ consisteth of human Flesh and Bone which to be sure the Substance of the Father doth not consist of But Let H. G. and his Assistants Shuffle off this Contradiction if they can But 't is no Contradiction to say that the Son of God in his divine being is God and that he took upon him the pure being of Man and a body prepared for him and is the heavenly Man the Anointed of God 7thly I query whether you own any other Resurrection then what you say you experience within Answ. We believe and own a farther Attainment of the Resurrection which with respect to a future State in Glory may be called another then what we yet experience though we have attained to a good Degree and Experience of our rising in and with Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life and in him is the Saints everlasting Rest and Glory 8thly Whether you believe that that body of Flesh and Bone which is laid in the Grave respecting the Matter or Substance of it shall by the mighty Power of God be raised from the dead at thelast day Answ. As Flesh and Blood shall not inherit the Kingdome of God so I query how the same Flesh and Bone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…lood should inherit the Kingdome of God or how 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be the same Flesh Blood and Bones after 〈◊〉 to dust without any new Creation as some Baptists affirm 9thly Whether that man whosoever he be doth not deny the Refurrection of the dead who doth deny the same IT which is sown and shall rise mentioned 1 Cor. 5. 38. 〈◊〉 Intend the same Body respecting the Matter or Substance of it which was buried and laid in the Grave Answer plainly without Equivocation Answ. There is an Ambiguity and Fallacy in this Question for in some Sence a
God's nor Christ's but the Righteousnes of Faith rather bids us return to the Word of Faith that is nigh in the Heart to obey it and do it which Word is both saving and justifying to them that obey it Say not in thy Heart who shall ascend or fly up into Heaven to bring Christ down or who shall descend into the deep to bring Christ again from the dead but the Word is nigh thee c. Rom. 10. And 't is by this ingrafted Word that the true Faith is wrought in the Heart and the true Application Benefit and Confession is made to the Soul of Christ's Sufferings Death and Resurrection and the real Intent blessed End and spiritual Advantage thereof experienced by true Believers who are Obeyers and Doers of the Word and not meer outside Hearers and Talkers Again this man in Contradiction to his excluding Sanctification before and saying that Holiness is not needful to constitute a justifying Righteousness and to his Doctrine for Imperfection and Sin and his justifying Persons condemned in themselves He grants thus far to the Effects of Faith viz. Our Hearts turning to God we dislike our Sins We are sweetly engaged to please God in all things That thus God purifies our Hearts by Faith That thus we are sanctified by Faith which is in Christ. And a lively Faith will work by Love It is needful to testifie our Love to God and Christ and to please and honour God and be a good Example to our Neighbour c. Come on Good Doctrine Well said S. S. And is not Faith needful to Justification And can we be justified without pleasing God or please God without Justification or is not that of a justifying Nature which pleaseth God Pray consider it the Apostles Experience was being justified by Faith they had Peace with God Rom. 5. ●… And whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandment and do those Things that are pleasing in his Sight 1 Joh. 3. 22. But S. S. and his Brethren expect to be accepted and justified because Christ kept the Fathers Commandments or because God obeyed God as his Phrase is and on the same Account to be heard and answered of God while they break his Commands and do those things that are displeasing in his Sight Again John the beloved Disciple said Hereby we know that we are of the Truth and shall assure our Hearts before him for if our Heart condemn us God is greater then our Heart and knoweth all things but if our Heart condemn us not then have we Confidence towards God 1 Joh. 3. 19. 20 21. to the End But S. S. and his Brethren pretend Faith Justification and so Confidence towards God because of Christ's Sufferings only when their Hearts do condemn them from the Evidence of the true Light bearing Witness against them and when they see nothing but Matter of Condemnation in them and indeed this their dead Faith Confidence and false Imputation are of the same Matter The true Apostle said Let us draw near with a true Heart in full Assurance of Faith having our Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure Water Heb. 10. 22. But our Sin-pleasing Presbyters think to draw near unto God in a justified Condition on the Account of Christ's Sufferings only with such a Faith as doth not purifie the Heart and having both a polluted sinful Heart and a defiled or evil Conscience all their Dayes The Apostle Johns Testimony was Herein is our Love made perfect viz. in our dwelling in God and God in us that we may have Boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are we in this World 1 Joh. 4. 16 17. But the Imperfection and Sin pleading Presbyters think to have Boldness in the Day of Judgment because Christ was perfect and suffered in the Flesh although they remain all their Dayes imperfect and sinful seeing nothing but Matter of Condemnation in themselves and so are not at all like God nor Christ in this Present World They think it will be a Sufficient Plea that Christ was Perfect and Sinless in their stead that God obeyed God and so was like himself how Imperfect and unlike him soever they be on this side the Grave they conceiting themselves Elect Persons Christ said If ye love me keep my Sayings Joh. 14. 23. and John said By this we know that we love the Children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments for this is the Love of God that we keep his Commandments and they are not Grievous 1 Joh. 5. 2. 3. But our Opposers the Presbyters and others will pretend they love God and his Children while they are daily breaking and violating his Commandments and will not believe it possible for any to keep them in this Life though assisted by the Power of Christ. The Apostle Peter testified That even Baptism doth now save us not the putting away of the Filth of the Flesh or outside Washing but the Answer or as some have it Demand of a Good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 3. 21. But our Opposers Belief and Principle is That 't is only Christ's Obedience Sufferings and Death in the Flesh imputed to us that doth save and Justifie them and on this is only their Plea and Demand and not from his Spirit 's Work of Sanctification or spiritual Baptism nor the Answer or Demand of a Good Conscience towards God they have both shut out Sanctification and Holiness and so excluded Good Conscience from being needful to Justification or to constitute a Justifying Righteousness for they herein hold or at least imply two Righteousnesses of Christ the one Outward to Justifie and the other Inward to Sanctifie the one Imputative and the other Inherent the one Perfect and the other Imperfect And so the Sufferings and Death of Christ in the Flesh however inflicted on him by wicked Hands and Murtherers must be imputed by these men as the Perfect Justifying Righteousness but Christ's own Everlasting Righteousness of Sanctification in the Saints must be deemed Impersect and not accounted unto Justification nor the best Robe though it be the white Linnen the Saints Righteousness whose Garments are washed and made white in the Blood of the Lamb. Whereas Christ's everlasting Righteousness Holiness Love Faith Patience c. wherein he perfectly obeyed the Father and resigned up to his Will both in Doing and Suffering were inherent in him and therein and for that Cause his Obedience and Sacrifice was most acceptable and a sweet smelling Savour to God not with respect to the Murtherous Act of those that crucified and slew him but with respect to that Inherent Holiness everlasting Righteousness and eternal Spirit by which he offered uphimself a Lamb without Blemish and spotless Sacrifice to God and alwayes did those things that pleased him Joh. 8. 29. And of the same everlasting Righteousness must every true Believer partake
Love of God not to believe every wandring Book or Story that is out against us but hear us before he passeth Judgement against us and then let his Conscience tell if We are not the True Apostolical Christians promoting the Interest of the Pure Spiritual Apostolical Religion For what we believe and assert we Witness We don't Steal nor Robb our Neighbours God has brought it to us beyond all Imitation Our Religion He has made our Own through his internal Operations And against Convictions there is no standing as well as without them there can be no solid Knowledge the want of which makes the World miserable renders us unknown Having thus Historically introduc'd my present Discourse and my Witness is with God the Rightteous Judge of all not out of ill-Will to any but in perfect Love to all that the very Truth of things may be brought to Light in order to a more clear Understanding of that Controversie which is now on foot betwixt the so much despised Quakers and their Adversaries For this let all know I Write not for Controversie but truly for Conscience sake that not empty Conquest but sound Conviction may be the End of all my Labours for the Lord my God who is over and above every Name worthy of Eternal Praises and Dominion I shall conclude with these Earnest Desires in uprightness of Soul to God that Truth Righteousness and Peace may prevail to the more plain Detection of Error and utter Confusion of all Envy and Prejudice THE CONTENTS OF THE First Part. CHAP. I. The Occasion of the Discourse The unhan●…some Dealing of T. Hicks with respect to the Invented Weak●…ess 〈◊〉 charges upon the Quakers as the strength of their Cause Pag. 1. CHAP. II. The Gross Lyes Tho. Hicks tells in the Name of or fastens upon the Quakers Such Proceeding full of Envy Folly and Ungodliness pag. 4. CHAP. III. That he does not only make us impertinent and Lye But he mannages the Whole prophanely That he who is an Anabaptist has forgot the Scorn once cast upon his own Perswasion Men are not to be mockt out of their Religion pag. 7. CHAP. IV. That a Right-Relish of the Manner of the Dialogue is a sufficient Antidote against the Matter of it His Questions stated His feigned Answer A True Answer to the First What is Salvation To be saved from Sin and Wrath not Wrath without Sin pag. 10. CHAP. V. The second Question stated Particularly what is meant by Light It is more then an Act It is a Principle that discovers the Sate of Man pag. 12. CHAP. VI. That the Light Within manifests Sin yea all Sin That Apostacy or Sin in any is no Argument against the Light but rather for it That the Additional Services of the Jews show No Imperfection in the Light but the People whose Minds were abroad If Insufficiency against the Light should be admitted of because of Reb●…llion and Wickedness in Men the same would be objected against the Scriptures which overthrows our Adversary's Assortion concerning their Sufficiency pag. 13. CHAP. VII Another Objection against the Light 's Sufficiency to manifest what ought to be done though it were able to discover what should be avoided It is answered The Light 's not telling 〈◊〉 all it knows or man may know in time to come is no Argument to prove it knows not all things Men know more then they do let them first obey what they know and then what is convenient will be further Reveal'd It is proved from the Reason of Contraries because it show●… what ought not to be done From Scripture at large that 〈◊〉 instruct what to do and that there is Vertue in it to the Salvation of all that Believe and Obey it That there is no ●…ssential Difference between the Seed Light Word Spirit Life Truth Power Vnctio●… Bread Water Flesh and Blood only so denominated from the various Manif●…stations Operatio●…s and Effects of one and the same Divine Principle pag. 17. CHAP. VIII An Objection against the Light 's 〈◊〉 Being to Christ's Coming It is proved to have been known to be a saving Light from Adam ' s Day through the Holy Patriar●…s and ●…rophets time down to Ch●…ist's from the Scriptures of Truth pag. 25. CHAP. IX Another Objection that though the Jews had it it will not f●…llow that the Gentiles were so illuminated It is Answered by several Scriptures In this Chapter quoted to prove that they were not exempted but had a measure of Light some Divine Seed sown in their Hearts some Talent given and that it was sufficient T. Hicks ' s Challenge to give an Instance of one that by the Light within was reprov'd for not believing that Jesus was the Christ is answered Such as believed in the Light and walkt up to it did receive Christ when he came The high Pretenders were they who to Scriptures Opposed and Crucifi●…d him The Light from Scripture concluded Universal and Saving pag. 31. CHAP. X. That the Gentiles Believed in one God That he enlightned all Men with a saving Light That Men ought to live piously That the Soul is immortal That there is an Eternal Recompence The Whole call'd Gentile-Divinity The first Point proved by sixteen Testimonies pag. 41. CHAP. XI The second Fundamental of Gentile-Divinity viz. That God hath Imprinted the Knowledge of Himself on the Mind of all Mankind Proved from twelve pregnant T●…stimonies as well of whole Societies as particular Persons Compared with Scripture pag. 52. CHAP. XII That this was not only the Doctrine and Faith of the Gentiles but the very primitive Doctors or Fathers both so held and so exprest themselves Eight Testimonies produced for Proof thereof pag. 60. CHAP. XIII The Third Part of Gentile-Divinity viz. That they were Men of Vertuous Lives and taught the Indispensibleness thereof to Life Eternal Prov'd by Numerous Instanc●…s pag. 66. CHAP. XIV That the last Point of Gentile-Divinity to wit Immortality and Eternal Rewards is also very clearly and positively held forth by the ancient Heathens Six Testimonies from them to prove it Socrates ' s Great Faith in particular and the lofty Strain of the Pythagoreans pag. 76. CHAP. XV. That the Heathens had a Sight of the Coming of Christ That and not Swearing proves the Sufficien●…y of the Light pag. 80. CHAP. XVI It is granted that the Jew and much more the Christian hath the Advan●…age of the Gentile yet that the Gentile had enough to Salvation pag. 84. CHAP. XVII A great Objection stated Answered The Light both Law and Gospel not in the same Discovery but in it self A Way to reconcile the seeming Difference about it The Light still defended pag. 86. CHAP. XVIII The second Part of the Objection that Christ was not anciently called the Light Answered And the Contrary proved from Scripture and Reason pag. 91. CHAP. XIX The third Part of the Objection If Christ was enjoyed under the Law as he was If the Light be Christ why was he typified is
counts all such Faith and Worship Imagination made of Men or a meer lifeless Imitation He prefers one Sight begotten from a Sence of God's Work in the Heart beyond the longest Prayers in that State He leaves them all walks as a Man alone fearing to offer God a Sacrifice that is not of His own Preparing He charges all other Faiths and Worships with Insufficiency and meer creaturely Power which are not held and performed from an holy Conviction and Preparation by the Angel of God the Light of his Presence in the Heart and Conscience therefore goes he forth in the Strength of his God against the Merchants of Babylon Woes and Plagues are Rightly in his Mouth against those Buyers and Sellers of the Souls of Men He is Jealous for the Name of the Lord And therefore dares not speak Peace unto them neither can be put into their Mouths but testifies against all such Wayes Freely he received freely he gives Thus is this Man Unravel'd Unreligion'd Unbottom'd as to his former State wherein he was Religious upon Letter Form Mens Traditions Education and his own Imagination He is as a Man quite undone that he may be made what he should be Thus is he convinced of Sin and of Righteousness too and the Joy he once had when he girded himself and went whether he would is now turned into Sorrow and his Rejoycing into Ho●…ling He has beheld God in the Light and abhors himself in Dust and Ashes Sin that was pleasant once in the Mouth he finds bitter in the Belly and that which the World esteems worthy their Care he flies as a Man would do a Bear robbed of her Whelps Sin is become exceeding Sinful to him insomuch that he cries out who shall deliver him He labours greatly and is very heavy loaden He is not willing to fly in the Winter but is resolved to stand the Tryal For this Man not only brings his former Deeds to the Light and there suffers Judgment to pass upon them but patiently takes part in that Judgment who was so great an Accessory to them Nor doth his Obedience conclude with the Sentence given against past Sins and himself that committed them but most patiently endures the Hand of the Lord till his Indignation be overpast and till that which condemned Sin the Fruit hath destroyed the very Root of it which hath taken so deep hold in his Heart and the same Spirit of Judgment that condemned Sin be brought forth into perfect Victory over the very Nature and Power of Sin This Judgment is found in the Light therefore do the Sons of the Night reject the Knowledge of its Wayes and the Children of the Day joy greatly in its Appearance But neither is this all that makes up that Good Man who obeys the Light For a compleat Son of Light is one that has conquer'd and expel'd the Darkness 'T is true he was once Darkness but now Light in the Lord because he hath been turned from Darkness to the Light and from Satan's Power unto God who is Light it self and with him is his Fellowship continually This is the Man who in the Way of the Light hath met with the Inward Cleansing for having been purged by the Spirit of Judgment and the Spirit of Burning otherwise called the severe Reproofs Stroaks and Terrors of the Light in the Conscience he has ever a Watch set up in his Heart A Thought must not pass which has not the Watch-Word but at every Appearance he cries Stand if a Friend and owned o●… the Light who is the great Leader given of God for that Purpose then he lets It pass otherwise he brings It to the Commander of the Conscience who is to sit in Judgment upon It. Thus is Christ the Light King Judge and Lawgiver And by this he grows strong increaseth with the Increases of God Yet he often reads the Scriptures and that with much Delight greatly admiring the exceeding Love of God to former Ages which he himself witnesseth to be true in this and many things are opened to his Refreshment So is the Light the Just Man's Path that in every Age still shined brighter and brighter in which the cleansing Blood of Jesus Christ is felt to cleanse from all Sin Thus doth he bridle his Thoughts so that his Words and Actions offend not Above all he is often retired to the Lord loves Fellowship with him waits for dayly Bread not in his own Words Strivings or Will but emty of Thoughts or the Peace or Comfort that is drawn or imagined from thence he silently waits to feel the Heavenly Substance brought into his Soul by the Immediate Hand of the Lord for it is not fetching in this Thought or remembring the other Passage in Scripture or calling to Mind what has been formerly known but every Immediate Word that proceeds from out of the Mouth of God that can satisfie him In short He that obeyes the Light is thereby taught to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts and to be Sober Righteous Patient Humble Meek Upright Merciful Forbearing Forgiving Peaceable Gentle Self-denying Constant Faithful and Holy because the Lord his God is Holy Thus have I given a brief Account as well what HE is not as what HE is that is Obedient to the Light within which is Christ's Appearance in the Heart whose Holy Blood is felt to Cleanse Attone and Save all those who believe and abide therein CHAP. VI. The Discourse hithertoo 〈◊〉 up and concluded with an Exhortation to all Professors of Religion esp●…cially our Opposers I Will sum up the whole of this Discourse into these few Heads I. That Salvation is to be saved from Sin first and Wrath consequentially He shall save them from their Sins II. That Christ the Word-God has enlightened all Mankind not only a●…ter his Coming in the Flesh but before And that the Light has ever been Sufficient as well as Universal to lead to God all such as have obeyed it as by its Properties and Effects is demonstrated III. That the Difference betwixt the Time of the Law and that of the Gospel as generally distinguisht was in Manifestation not in Nature God might be as much more propitiou●… and bou●…ti ui to the last Ages be it that they were better able 〈◊〉 receive such extraordinary Discoveries or that it wa●… the alone good Pleasure of his Soveraign Will as he was to the former Ages yet that he gave them a Sufficiency of the same Divine Light to conduct them through the World to Eternal Blessedness IV. That Jews and Creeks Heathens and Christians agree in this V. That still the Preheminence is given to Christ's Manifestation in Flesh both generally and particularly that being both the Fulness of Time and Fulness of Discovery which put an end to the Types and Figures and Car●…al Co●…mandements by shewing forth an Abrogation and Consu●…tion of them all in the Substance it self In which State they are not needed but in Comparison thereof
as many as are Children of God are led by the Spirit of God The Scripture much of it is but a Declaration of Faith and Experience therefore not the Rule or Judge For as Faith and Experience were before Scripture so the Rule and Judge before Scripture because as I said before there is a Rule and Judge as soon as there is Faith therefore the Scripture is not that Rule or Judge And before that Declaration be answered by any they must come to the Faith Rule and Judge of which that is a Declaration So that Faith is yielding up to the Requirings of God's Spirit in us in full Assurance of the Remission of Sins through the Son of his Love and Life Everlasting from whence daily flow Works of Holiness well-pleasing to God and not a meer Assent of the Understanding to a verbal though a true Proposition The Life of a true Christian stands not in Bodyly Exercise that sayes the Apostle profits little nor in an Imitation of the Ancients in temporary things which as well the Hypocrite as the Saint can do But in self-Denyal and walking in the Spirit to bring forth the Fruits thereof unto all Godliness which is the pure and spiritual Obedience resulting from the living spiritual Faith of God's Elect and the Rule Judge thereof is their Author or Begetter even the Spirit of Truth which alone gives saving Understanding and searcheth the deep things of God O you Professors of Religion that you would but seriously weigh these things and examine your selves in God's Sight who respects none for their fair Out-sides If this saving Faith be your Faith and this Heavenly Life be your Life and if the holy Spirit be your Ruler and Leader if not you are but legal formal in the Oldness of the Letter and Runnings in your own Will which obtains not in which State not the Wisdom from above but that which is from below of the old Creature is your Rule in it you read Scripture expound it pray preach sing perform all your Duties and this is not to walk according to the Rule of the New Creature but in a legal Spirit to make a Gospel-Profession the End of which from the Lord I am to tell you will be a Bed of Sorrow Therefore resist not the Light and Spirit within but turn at the Reproof thereof that you may come to walk in the Way of Life daily Life to your Souls that so you may be quickned and made alive to God and live to him in that Life which is hid with Christ in God that being thus born again and become renewed in your inner Man you may perform that pure and spiritual Worship which is of a sweet Savour with the Lord so shall he bless you with his Heavenly Blessings and daily replenish your Souls with the unspeakable Joyes of his glorious Salvation This I heartily desire and through all Difficulties incessantly travail for in Body Soul and Spirit that the al-wise omnipotent God may be known served obeyed to and by you to your Comfort and his Eternal Honour who alone is worthy to receive it now and forever Amen William Penn. Errata for the First Part. REader Several Errors have escaped the Press partly through the Author 's frequent Absence and the Printer's many other Occasions but the most considerable of them are here noted and thou art desired hereby to correct them Contents Chap. 9 line 3. dele after Scriptures Preface Page 1. Margent dele Milt p. 2. l. 1. read at last p. 5. l. 2 3. for Ab. rogation r. Ab●…uration l. 25. for the read that p. 7. l 2 read in their Hopes l. 14. read that at page 9. l. 10. for disclaim'd read declam d. line 19. read faciunt page 10. line 32. for reduct read reduc'd page 19. line 8. for but read by line 31. read too irksom page 22. line 4. for Hammer read Humor pag. 24. line 19. begin a Parenthesis at And my and conclude it line 30. after Dominion Book Page 8. line 42. b●…ot out self p. 13 l. 38. for paws read pause p. 17. l. 12. for without read with our pag. 18. l. 25. read was to be l. 31 for it self read himself p. 20. l. 40 for these read those p. 21. l. 34. for Who Me read Who Me p. 23 l. 26. for is read are p 26. l. 7. for this before Light read this Light before page 28 l. 10. for at that time read at thi●… time p. 30. l. 2. read formeth createth l. 39. for here to read hereto pag 33. l. 2. read not with respect to any l 4. dele the whole line l. 9. for of read to l. 37. for heart he read hear the. p. 39. l 2. for bold read ●…eld p 40. l 20. read or be void p. 43. Margent l. 19. for tell read tells p. 44. l. 37. read bits pag. 45 l. 7. Marg. read Civ Dei 8. p. 47. Marg. read Id. p. 711. for Id. 4. read Id. mem 4 p 48. line 2. dele in line 22. read on that line 32. read of him page 50. line 32. read Idolatrous That line 33. Thought it let Margen dele Aru●…t de Xen. Ma●…gent for Laert. de read Lactant. de pag. 51. line 12. for Accute read Acute Marg. Plat. Phaed dele p 53. l. 25. read of the. p. 54. l. 12. for Pireen read Prienc ●…in 14. and He de●…e l. 15. dele He at the end of the line pag 55. l. 13. for Good re●…d Go●…d p. 56. Marg. for Enca●… read Aenead p. 59. l. 6 7. dele p. 61. Marg. l 3. for 1543. 123. read 123. 1543. p. 62 l. 24. for accutely read acutely p. 65. l. 13 for no read no●… p. 66. read CHAP XIII l. 12. dele not 70. Marg. l. 3. dele o. l. 12. dele ibid. p. 71. Marg. l. 2. for 48. read 84. p. 73. l. 5. read and giveth p 78. l. 30. read of Men. p. 79. l. 24. dele Prophecy and. l. 35. for then read them p 80. l. 12. for End 〈◊〉 hand p. 81. l. 29 30. for what Virgil will add to read what Eusebius will have Virgli t●… have added in p. 82. l. 35. read Occidet serpens p 83. l. 22. for Iandix read ●…anilix page 84. 〈◊〉 32. read enough to p. 87. l. 4 read Hicks then he hath dealt l. 5. read Dialogue pag. 91. l. 11. add after him so as to be no where else l. 20. read the Manifestation of Light p. 92. l 34. for dar●…st read durst page 94. l. 15. for Light read ●…llumination p. 79. l. 6 read not only p 98. l. 8. read And that pag. 101. l. 35. read 〈◊〉 willingly p. 103. l. 26. for when read whom p. 106. l. 33. for endanger'd read accessible l. 4●… for guarnison'd read garrison'd p. 107. l. 2. for inbondag'd read ●…nbondag'd l 5. read clear and broken forth l. 15. read We say l. 17. for not instrumentally read instrumentally not p. 110.
l. 30. read Jews viz. p. 112. l. 23. for suffer'd read suffer p 115. l. 17 for In●…ner read Jenner page 116. l. 11. for Saving One read saving one line 16. for Product read produc'd p. 1●…7 l. 11. for better as read better at line 25. read true Light p 119. l 27. dele Omnious p. 122. l. 37. r. Aggravation 〈◊〉 126. l. 1 for Si●… read Sigh p. 28. read CHAP XXVI p. 131. l. 4. for Inability to see the read 〈◊〉 to see the. p. 136. l. 26. r. Scriptures p. 136. l. 34. for were 〈◊〉 wa●… p. 137. l. 6. for Good read Goad l. 29 read such a thing p. 138. l. 27. for more read m●…er l. 39. Marge●…t for on read one p●…ge 140 l. 29. for He that flyes read They ●…at flye p. 148. l 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 read per●…eived p. 149. l. 24. read in his Works p. 54. l 34 af●…er M●…unt de●… and put a before was p. 156. l. 30. r. but as the THE CHRISTIAN QUAKER AND HIS Divine Testimony VINDICATED Against the Adversaries of the True LIGHT BEING THE Second Part Containing A more particular Answer to the Baptists and others Arguments Exceptions Errors and Falasies herein specified By a Servant and Follower of Jesus Christ through Persecutions and Reproaches G. Whitehead The vile Person will speak Villany and his Heart will work Iniquity to practice Hypocrisie and to utter Error against the Lord Isa. 32. 6. Printed in the Year 1673. To the Unprejudiced READER IF it had not been the Lord who was on our side when Men rose up against us Now may we with Israel say then they had swallowed us up quick when their Wrath was kindled against us Had our Separation and Testimony been of Men or by Man's Will we ha●… fallen long since as many of our Adversaries have falsly prophesied we had not been sustained through our many Tryals nor born up above the Floods of Enmity if the Lord h●…d not been with us but he who hath gathered and chosen us to witnes●… forth his Name and Truth in the Power and Spirit of it h●…th preserved and given us Strength to persevere therein blessed be his Name for ever And this I with my Brethren must give Testimony of that as God hath in these last Dayes been pleased to visit us by his Eternal Power and in his Love and Kindness to open the Eyes of our Understanding to see his Goodness both to our own particulars and to Man-kind in General in extending Saving Grace or Light to all So it is by his Power that he hath raised up and set forth Witnesses of the same the Sence we have of the Love of God and his Glorious Light revealed induceth and moveth us even in the Spirit of the Gospel to call others out of Darkness and to direct their Minds to the Appearance of the true Light in their Hearts and Consciences in what degree soever it sheweth it self which God in his Goodness hath universally afforded for Good to Mankind that they might both know him and their Duty to him God did stretch forth his Hand and reach unto us by his Power for this very end to gather us unto his divine Light or Shining in our Hearts that thereby we might receive the Knowledge of his Glory in the Face of Christ Jesus as his former Witnesses did And although we must still confess to the Love and Good-Will of God to Man in affording Divine Light universally throughout all Ages yet Transgression and Darkness hath been such in the Earth that hath in many Ages much vailed and obscured the Light that the Knowledge and Manifestation thereof hath be●… much wanting even because of Man's Transgr●…ssion and I 〈◊〉 Wherefore Light being now sprung up an●… Truth arisen out of Darkness and Obscurity we must faithfully testifie thereof a●…d own the least degrees and lowest Dispensations of divine Light 〈◊〉 Man as his Duty to observe and not to slight nor despise●… 〈◊〉 any for we know that as Light hath risen and shined out of Obscurity and Truth hath risen up out of the Earth it hath been from a less Appearance and Degree to a greater 〈◊〉 ●…rom that Degree of shining in a dark Place unto the perfect Day And as all the Promises of God are yea and Amen in Christ so all his Glorious Dispensations and Promises do center in a Divine and Unchangeable Principle of Life and Light 〈◊〉 gradually discovered to and in Man Therefore the 〈◊〉 Appearance or Manifestation in any while 't is of the same Principle cannot be extinguished nor lessened by the greater in others in that the highest Attainments of Divine Knowledge were alwayes gradually obtained by the Holy Men of God Moreover This we assert that God that made Man for his own Glory whose Mcrcies are over all his Works and who willeth not the Death of Sinners but rather that they should return and live He hath not only throughout all Ages universally afforded an Unchangeable Principle of Divine Light which he hath placed in man to direct him his Way out of Darkness and Sin but also he signally visits him at times with Living Appearances Motions and Opperations of his Light and Spirit to his Reproof and Conviction thereby often warning and calling Man out of Iniquity as the Spirit of God did strive with the old World that had corrupted us Way before him and was destroyed by the Flood for its Flood of Iniquity and he gave his good Spirit unto the Rebellious Jews which they grieved and vexed until he became their Enemy and fought against them He by his Lightnings enlightened the World and the Earth trembled and s●…ke and upon whom doth not his Light arise although they that rebel against the Light know not the Wayes of it because they abide not in the Pathes thereof yea he that causeth his Sun to arise ●…n the Evil and on the Good and sendeth his Rain on the Just and the Unjust he hath not left himself without sufficient Witness in the Earth both inward outward as namely his Divine Immediate Light in man appearing to the Soul his Works of Creation which are obvious to the Light and Universally declaring his Wisdom Power and Greatness to be inwardly 〈◊〉 and ●…nderstood as his Inward Light opens Man's Understanding and the Eyes thereof Howbeit Man having transgressed this Divine Principle and his Mind being alienated from it and blinded by the God of this World God having Bowels of Pitty still remaining he hath been pleased so far to commiserate poor lost Man as to afford and extend those pretious Promises as the more eminently to declare shew forth and renew his Love Light and Power for man's Recovery out of his Lost and Dark Estate As that the Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents Head and this did Christ in general and doth in particular by the Power of the Father which can no wayes lessen nor detract from his Light within nor be any Inconsistency with
that Favour as suppress us and restrain our Liberty for them as their bitter Invectives and invet crate Clamours plainly import and intimate their persecuting Spirit and Implac●…ble Ma●…ice as while they are complaining against our Principles Doctri●…es as ●…amnable 〈◊〉 us Cheats Impostors Romish 〈◊〉 c. Th●…ugh their Charge herein they have never proved against us nor can they this doth not only bespeak a Willingness or ●…esire to have our Principles suppresse●… but our Persons likewise As also T. Hick's proclaiming to the World p. 62 that the Quaker's Religion is a meer Cheat calculated to the Service of the Devil and wickedly infianating against our Sufferings that the Satisfaction of our Wills and Lusts the promoting our Carnal Interest Respect only to something to be enjoyed here Carnal Advantage Outward Gains c. may be our chief Motive Inducement and Encouragement to do and suffer as we do Dialogue p. 75. And he questions whether we are not really acted by some Romish Emissaries to insinuate covertly many of their own Heresies to distract deform and declaim the Protestant Profession c. p. 76. Judge Candid Reader whether these malitious and false Insinuations do not savour of a persecu●…ing Spirit though they would not be seen to envy our Liberty yet how do these Invectives tend to stir up Persecution and to incense the World and instigate the Rulers against us sor our Suppression Their pretended Alegations sor them are hereafter answered and refuted and how absurd they are in these Accusations 1st To insinuate that our Sufferings have been either for Carnal Advantage Temporal Gains or to satisfie Lusts whilst in our resigning up our selves to these many and deep Sufferings we have often offered up our Lives and consequently with them all our Temporal Enjoyments and Advantages us many this Day can testifie together with those many Innocent Person 's Lives that have been laid down among us in and by Imprisonments Exilements and other Sufferings 2ly How ill it doth become these Anabaptists to endeavour to make the World believe that we are either influenced or acted by Romish Emissaries either to distract deform or defame the Protestant Profession which is not only a Popular and deceitful Insinuation against us as if the Dippers had the chief Care of Protestant Religion or were the most Catholick therein but most notoriously false and wicked and I challenge Thomas Hicks and all therest of his Fratcrnity to prove it or else forever to be ashamed thereof Have they not more cause to look back at home and reflect upon themselves since that divers of their Brethren even some of their Preachers have turned Papists of late Years whose Names being so well known I need not now mention them but when or where did any Preachers owned among us turn Papists or were any such Emissaries Oh the great Enmity that 's in these our Opposers and their great Disingenuity and Immoderation that appears among them as will further be manifest to their Shame and the Lord will certainly rebuke them and all their feigned Coverings will be too narrow for them and they shall see and be ashamed of their Envy at his People But I must proceed to give the Reader a short view of some of Thomas Hicks Doctrines that past at a Dispute and in a Paper of his before his Fictitious and Unchristian Dialogue came forth as some Introduction to my following Answer which was writ quickly after the said Dialogue came forth London the 4th 1st Month 1673. I am a Well-Wisher to all Men even desiring my Enemies Repentance G. W. Some of the Doctrines and Contradictions of Thomas Hicks declared at a Discourse between him and some of the Quakers so called in Alderman-Berrey London the twentieth of the third Month 1672. FIrst He owned the Baptists above other People That is no Honour to them 2ly That he did not own Water Baptism to be necessary or of Necessity to Salvation True but contrary to many of his Brethren 3ly That the Quakers err in Fundamentals denying the Person of Christ denying the true Christ and Resurrection These are Impudent Slanders 4. That the Life or Light spoken of John 1. 4 9. is not supernatural because it is the Light of the Word as Creator A Blasphemous Inconsistency This was noted down at the Interim of the Discourse before him but snacht away by one of his Companions So that h●… concluded the ●…ight in every Man is but Natural and not sufficient to guide to Salvation False Doctrine the Light of the Eternal Word is supernatural and sufficient 5ly That the Life which is in God which is the Light of Men John 1. 4. is divine as it is in God but natural as it is in Man Blasphemy that Life is Immutable because Divine 6ly That the Light that is given in common to Men is not able to apprehend things supernatural A false and inconsistent Doctrine And yet able to apprehend and bring Men clearly to see the Invisible things of God even the Eternal Power and Godhead Rom. 1. 19 20. A true Concession but a Contradiction to the former 7ly Evasion That it is able to discern the Eternal Power and God head but not the things that are supernatural that are in God A gross Contradiction the Eternal Power and GodHead are supernatural 8ly That it was a Natural Light a Light of Conscience and a depraved renewed Nature by which the Gentiles did those things contained in the Law Rom. 2. 14. Absurd Inconsistencies and Falshoods 9ly That the Light in the Heathen in Philosophers and others was able to apprehend God and his Divine Power but not those things that are in God A gross Inference are those things higher then God 10ly That it cannot discover the human Nature of Christ or the Body that he took upon him nor his Suffering nor Death And yet it can discover the divine Attributes of God his Wisdom Power Goodness Love and direct Men to love him A manifest Contradiction can it discover the greater and not the lesser 11ly But the Light in the Quakers cannot discover the Person of Christ nor his human Nature Sufferings Death c. Yet it is the Life and Light of Christ. 12ly That the Quakers deny the Person of Christ his Offices Satisfaction and the Resurrection of the Body c. Lyes and Slanders forged and brought forth in Envy and Darkness 13ly That it s their Principle that whosoever believes in that Christ that suffered at Jerusalem and expects Salvation by him they are deceived in their Faith and shall be damned c. This he spake of James Nayl●…r's Love to the Lost near the Beginning of the Discourse This is an Abuse the true Christ is but one and the same yesterday to day and forever 14ly Also at the Beginning he said that the Baptists and Presbyterians agree in Fundamentals and there are good People among Presbyterians therefore they might joyn against the Quakers for they err
throughout all the Generations of the Righteous since the World began being the Rock of Ages that spiritual Rock whereof all Israel drank 1 Cor. 10. 4. who said before Abraham was I am this great and most eminent Prophet God promised to raise up unto Israel of their Brethren which was in a more familiar Appearance even in the Flesh though his spiritual Out-goings were before from of old and he was called the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Rev. 3. 14. who faith behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me ver 20. Now I ask what and where is that Door that he so universally knocks at And is not this the true Christ that thus knocketh And was not his Light or Word in Israels Hearts and his Spirit in the Holy Prophets by which they fore-saw his Coming in the Flesh his Sufferings and Glory that should follow Now though the pure Light and Glory of the Father was more fully eminently and signally then ever before manifest and shining forth in him as coming in the fulness of time to consummate and end the Types and Shadows of the first Covenant whereby he gave a more eminent and signal Testimony of God's Universal Love and Power to man this is no Argument to prove that either the true Christ or his Universal Light was not in being and in some degree discovered before for without this no Soul could ever be saved it was his divine Light that could minister Life unto the Soul and not Shadows Sect. IX The Dipper plung'd in a Laborinth of self-Contradictions and the Light within proved a Rule above the Scriptures T. H. IT will be our Wisdom yea our Duty not only to attend the Light within but specially to those Revelations of God's Mind and Will in the Holy Scriptures p. 13. Answ. In thy granting its part of our Duty to attend to the Light within thou hast plainly contradicted thy Blasphemy in opposing it in other places as a mis-guiding Light and comparing it with the Man of Sin Mahomet c. and judging our following its Conduct as a subverting and anihilating the Covenant of Grace and that this Light doth directly oppose it and ought to be rejected as appears p. 38. Is it part of our Duty to attend upon that that subverteth and opposeth the Covenant of Grace O! that thou wouldst consider and see thy Blasphemy and what a Laborinth of Contradictions thou art fallen into as also in thy Concession of attending to the Light within thou art defective whilst thou dost not place the special Attention to be upon it but upon the Scriptures whereas the Light within is specially to be attended to as that which both opens the Understanding in the Scriptures and discovers the several Conditions which they relate to otherwise men are apt to pervert and mis-apply the Scriptures to their own Destruction turning the Truth of God into a Lye as they did who turned their Backs upon the Manifestation of God in them Rom. 1. 19 21 25. T. H. I conceive enough hath been said to evince that the Light in every man neither is the true Christ nor a sufficient Rule to guide us unto Salvation p. 13. Answ. While Thou are following thy own Conceptions thou dost not follow the Guidance of the Light of Christ within and therefore conceivest amiss of it for it is a true and perfect Rule unto which he that loveth doth truth cometh and bringeth his Deeds that they may be manifest that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. it is a convincing Rule that pure and inward Law or Light which converts the Soul It doth not onely convict man of Sin but upon Repentance evidenceth unto him Remission And this doth not the Scriptures without to men particularly though they testify of the several Conditions which the Light guides the Soul through The Scriptures testifie against all Sin but do not shew unto men their particular Sins many read the Scriptures who over-look the Deceits of their own Hearts but if they Eye this Light of the Son of God within it will manifest unto them their particular Evils and shew them their Thoughts Motions and Actions and the Tendance of each so do not the Scriptures they cannot of themselves convince any as the divine Light can And this divine Light within discovers all the Temptations and mysterious Workings and Depths of Satan to that Soul that waits in it as they are met withall and as Satan attempts to insnare that the Soul may shun his Snares and Wiles upon all Occasions and in all Tryals and this does not the Letter without This Light within also as a perfect and immediate Rule of Faith directs the Soul in all the Operations of Faith against all the Innumerable Temptations and Tryals and Besetments of the Enemy and it opens an Inward Eye of Faith and is the Immediate Guide to see him who is Invisible through all but so is not the Scripture All which being seriously considered the Light within is the Rule of Faith and not the Scripture But if it be objected That the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith is not intended without the Help of the Spirit or divine Light in the Soul I answer This granteth that the Scriptures are not the Rule of Faith alone therefore that they are not to be taken as the Intire Rule of Faith they not being effectual without the Spirit whereas the Spirit is effectual without the Scriptutes and able of it self to lead into all Truth The Spirit or Heavenly Unction considered as a higher Degree Gift or Effusion of divine Life than that degree of Light that is given in common to all is attained unto only by those that faithfully improve the Life or Light in its less Appearance which in some degree appears in every man's Conscience T. H. I query whether all the Generations of Christians since Christ's time until within these very few Years be not eertainly lost and damned forasmuch as they acknowledged not this Light within as the true Christ p. 12. Answ. This shews thou hast very little Sense of all the Christians and their Acknowledgments who thus queriest of them Did not they acknowledge Christ in them the Immortal Word of Life and Light in them And was not Christ both their Life Light and Salvation And was not the Apostle Paul sent to turn the Gentiles from Darkness to Light And did not all the true Ministers preach Christ as God's Covenant given for a Light and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth But in thy dark Thoughts thou seest not the Drift of rheir Testimony but queriest whether all the Generations of Christians till within these few Years be not certainly lost and damned And yet thou wouldst be accounted a Christian in this thy Unchristian Work Sect. X. The Subject Understanding and Obeying
Martyrs p. 9. And I require this Man to prove that Gospel-Ordinances are a Shadow as he hath confessed their Supper to be H. G. I would know of this Man where he reads of any thing called the Lord's Supper but this which we contend for pag. 10. Answ. You are contending but for the Shadow but there is the Lord's Supper in the Mystery for saith the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Behold I stand at the Door and knock If any man hear my Voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Rev. 3. 20. Is not this the Lord's Supper that 's above the Shadow And Christ said I appointed unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom Luke 22. 29 30. Verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the Fruit of the Vine until that day that I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom Is not this the Lord's Supper in the Mystery or Anti-Type And I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven if any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I give is my Flesh that I give for the Life of the World He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him Joh. 6. Is not this living Bread from Heaven conf●…st to be the Substance and the ontward Bread the Shadow thereof H. G. I do affirm That this is spiritual to wit the Lords Supper the Baptist p. 10. Answ. The Lord's Supper in the Mystery is spiritual but not your Bread and Wine unless they be transubstantiated which we utterly deny H. G. The Ordinance of Water-Baptism was given forth by Christ after his Resurrection Mat. 28. 20. Answ. There 's no mention of Water but baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and this Baptism was saving so is not your dipping H. G. And this of the Lords Supper Paul received of Christ sometime after his Ascension 1 Cor. 11. 23. Answ. 1st Paul received of Christ the Lords Supper in the Mystery not in the Shadow 1 Cor. 10. 15 16 17. yet he delivered unto them the Relation how the Lord Jesus took Bread and the Cup the same Night in which he was betrayed ver 23 24. which he applyed to a spiritual End ver 28. explained before Chap. 20. 16. and he delivered the Gospel as well touching Christ's Resurrection as his Death 1 Cor. 15. 3. and for their being baptized into his Death and raised in the Likeness of his Resurrection which was more then a Remembrance of his Death in or by the Shadow which could not be positively enjoyned by as oft as ye do this 2. That which the Apostle received of the Lord was the Gospel and a Gospel-Discovery of the Substance which was beyond and above the Shadow And his Recitation of the Shadow was directly to point at the Substance viz. that Bread and that Cup which was the Body and Blood of Christ and the spiritual Communication thereof he was a Minister of the Gospel the Dispensation whereof was not a Dispensation of Shadow but of Substance H. G. The end of this Ordinance doth remain notwithstaning the pourings forth of the Spirit and therefore the Ordinance must needs remain which is to confirm our Faith in the true Saviour and to keep up our Love to him p. 21. G. W. What Faith and Love are these of theirs which are confirmed by Bread and Wine and what Idolatry and Diversion from the Spirit doth their Doctrine tend to herein Surely the holy Spirit can best supply the said End Gal. 5. 22. H. G. Rep. This Ordinance tends to increase our Love to him and our Faith in him therefore the end remains unless you can prove Christ is come the second time without Sin unto Salvation do you suppose there is no need of this Ordinance because the Spirit can best supply the said End p. 11. Answ. There 's no need of the Shadow where the Substance is enjoyed and whilst thou Henry hast confessed your Supper as its called to be the Shadow the Substance being Christ thou dost but contradictorily begg the Question calling it a Gospel-Ordinance the Lords Supper in full Force the Ordinance the Ordinance 2. Thou dost but imagine a Confirmation and Increase of Faith in and Love to Christ by your Bread and Wine which they cannot do true Love and Faith being Fruits of the Spirit which in that it can best and only supply this End which idolatrously thou proposest to reap from thy pretended Supper There can be no Necessity of this thy Shadow for any such End to the Soul can there be any need of that which cannot supply the Soul when that which best can do it is manifest Is there Necessity where there 's Plenty or a full Supply 3. Whether those Believers in the Apostles dayes who hoped and looked for Christ's appearing the second time without Sin unto Salvation Heb. 9. 28. did not accordingly come to experience his Appearance unto their Salvation H. G. Darest thou say the Spirit can best supply those Ends without making use of the means God in his Word doth direct unto The Usefulness and Sufficiency of the Spirit in fulfilling of its Work doth not dis-annul Christ's Precepts p. 12 Answ. 1. I would know where the Word of God hath dictated that your shadowy Supper of Bread and Wine is the means to confirm true Faith in Christ or increase your Love to him or else confess thy Error for the means thou talkst of must have reference to what we were upon before about your pretended Supper or else thou art insignificant and impertinent in thy discourse 2. If the Spirit be sufficient to fulfil its Work and Office which is to bring forth its own Fruit what Necessity of your Shadow which cannot do it nor so far help man as in the leasts supply those Ends the Spirit is given for much less help the Spirit therein which is al-sufficient VII The Anabaptist's Imposition about their shadowy Baptism AGain H. G. is very fierce and rash for thei●… Water-Baptism or plunging People in Water where he saith Whosoever brings any other Gospel let him be accursed p. 〈◊〉 G. W. Hereby he hath cursed all the People of God and sincere minded both Protestants and all others in the World who oppose and come not under the Baptists dipping or plunging People in Water The Lord sorgive him he is very uncharitable herein for our parts we cannot believe their Baptism to be either the Baptism of Christ or Gospel or of Necessity and available to Salvation H. G. Rep. Thou hast in this manifested thy Imperfection and false Anti-christian Spirit hast thou no more Care nor Conscience that thou goest about thus to belie the Innocent Have I affir●…ed
from the Life and Work of God in us And is not this our Love or such Conformity inherent in us as we dwell in God and God in us 6thly What the Law saith it is to those that are under the Law but we true Believers are not under the Law but under Grace and shall we Sin because we are no more under the Law but under Grace God forbid for how can we that are dead unto Sin live any longer therein But whereas this Opposer's main Charge is You have not from the beginning of life to the end perfectly obeyed the Law or been invested with a sinless Righteousness Perfection c. This is not stated according to his own Doctrine and Principle which concludes that there is no such Perfection attainable in this Life either in the beginning middle or end of Life so that according to his own Doctrine he should have stated it thus and it may justly be charged upon these Sin-Pleasers viz. You have lived in Sin and Disobedience all your Life long and have preached to others that perfect Freedom from Sin and Corruption is not attainable in this Life by any either in the beginning or end of Life but have preached many into more Loosness Liberty of Sinning by telling them that 't is God's good Pleasure not to remove the being of Sin in this Life but to suffer Corruptions to remain in his Saints to keep them humble so no part of your Life is pure or clean but corrupt sinful What have you to plead or say for yo●…r selves why Sentence of Damnation ●…hould not pass upon you The Sin-pleasi●…g Presbyter pl●…ads viz. Christ's holy Life and Suffering is our only Defence or Apology against this Charge p. 9●… Though I am Guilty yet S●…tisfication hath been made for that Guilt because therefore the same Fault cannot b●… twice 〈◊〉 after Satisfaction t is as if it never were This is the only way of Defence we have at God's Tribunal p. 90. Christ s Sufferings are they for which God will Justifie us they have fully satisfied Justice for our Sins We may be confident they will secure us from Condemnation it being agai●…st Justice to punish those Sinners a second time that h●…ve been punished to the full already p. 106. To all which it may be justly replyed and reflected upon you who are thus pleading and maki●…g your Apology in your Si●…s unholy Life This will not cover nor excuse you in your Sins if you live and dye in Sin your Mouths will be stopt you will not be able to plead Christ's holy Life and Sufferings to resc●… you from Condemnation except you Repent ye shall all likewise perish What Influence or Effect hath Christ s holy Life or S●…fferings upon you only you pro●…ess and plead them So it may be said Christ was ever Holy but you were never holy Christ was a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God which neither your Life nor Actions seem any thing of but contrary wise are a b●…d Savour to him Christ was an holy and perfect Example which you never followed no●… ever intend to follow so long as you live for you do not believe it is attainable Christ came to condemn Sin in the Flesh which you keep alive and plead for in your Flesh as long as you live Christ also came to fulfil the Righteousness of the Law in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit but you do not own nor believe its-Fulfilling to be in your Persons but only in Christ's Person Christ's Blood was not only for R●…mission of Sins past but is to cleanse from all Sin to purge the Conscience sanctify c. This you reject and in your Sins and defiled Con●…iences trample the Blood of the Covenant under Foor and add to the Sufferings of Christ and the Sin of his Persecutors by adding Sin unto Sin and so grieving his Spirit all your dayes and pleading his Holy Life for your Defence therein and so the Guilt of his Blood will be charged upon you in the day of Judgment if you repent not And surther you 〈◊〉 charge divine Justice with punishing your Sins to the ●…ull in Christ or punishing him that was ever Innoc●… to the full sor your Sins so that you count it against Justice to punish your Sins again i●… you though you live and dye in them and yet you think it an excellent piece of Justice to punish the Innocent to the full for the Guilty But your Mistake herein is g●…oss as will further appear and you will not be acquitted nor clear'd hereby This will not prove you invested with Christ's everlasting Righteousness nor will this cover your own Filthy Rags or hide your Shame A●…d while you think that you are secured in your Sins from the Stroke of Justice as having been fully executed and that by way of Revenge upon the Innocent Son of God in punishing your Sins to the full upon him I say while vou state this as the Nature of the Satisfaction by Christ's Suffering in your stead the whole World may as well acquit it self from Punishment thereby as you for he dyed for all and is the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World and therefore if this must be lookt upon as the full Punishment of Sin laid upon Christ and that the Sin cannot be twice punished after such Satisfaction this may make a merry World in Sin once punisht to the full in Christ never to be punished again upon the Offender which the Law directly takes hold of Oh Sinner's soothing Doctrine to make the wicked World rejoyce in a Sinful State and say Oh Admirable Justice that was pleased thus to Revenge thy self upon an Innocent Man that never sinned to punish our Sin to the full upon him O transcendent Mercy that hast found out this expedient that we might be fully acquitted pardoned and discharged from the Penalty that is Just and due to us for all our Sins past present and to come Oh! what Glad Tidings are these to the Hypocrites and Drunkards c. And how merry they are apt to be in their Sins upon their Ministers Proclaiming such an Act of Indemnity of all Offences and Injuries past present and to come not only against their Neighbours but against God himself But if it be objected That without Sound Faith which is a working Faith men have not an Interest in Christ's Obedience Righteousness or Satisfaction nor are we Invested with any thing for which God should pronounce us Righteous c. p. 93. 94. From hence it follows then that if they remain in Unbelief they have no Interest in Christ's Righteousness or Satisfaction and then the Consequence is Christ did not make Satisfaction in our stead nor was punished for the Sin of Unbelief nor for the Effects of Unbelief to acquit us therein for what Sins then was he punished to the full But above all it appears wonderful strange that God could not
Sacrifice for Sin is not any Matter in Question or Doub●… with me but that God obeyed God by way of a rigid or strict Payment made to himself as a Satisfaction to absolute Revenge or vindictive Justice thereby to acquit Man continuing in his Sin and Imperfections This I utterly deny as repugnant to the very Language and Tenour of the holy Scriptures and Testimonies of the holy Men which require Obedience and Faithfulness to God and a walking in his Light on our Parts 3. As also your Continuance in Sin and yet thinking your selves absolved or justified by Christ's Dying for you is contrary to the very Intent of Christ's Dying for all which was that as many as live should not live unto themselves but unto him that dyed and rose again 4. While he shuts out Justification as done or effected by God obeying God as he saith how is the Creature to put this on as a Robe seeing these Men like not to be concerned in Christ's inherent Righteousness or Holiness as a Matter of Justification Which while they are not Partakers of nor cloathed with they are cloathed with Sin and Iniquity the Rags of old Adam and self-Righteousness ●…vered with a Covering but not of God's Spirit and how then should they be invested with the best Robe upon these filthy Garments or while unstript of those old Rags Surely they will find it otherwise 5. For they will find that if they appear before the Lord not having on the Wedding-Garment the white Linnen the Righteousness of Saints they will be found speechless and be turned out as unmeet Guests their own Guilt will stop their Mouths that they will not be able to plead and say O God thou hast obeyed thy self in our Nature for us or Christ's Obedience Suffering and Death is imputed to us for our Justification we are very fit Guests only on that Account though we be all our Dayes disobedient polluted and sinful in our best Actions This will be no Plea for you neither will God say then bring forth the best Robe and put upon these mens filthy Rags and polluted Garments but Friend how camest thou hither not having on the Wedding-Garment take this evil Servant and cast him into utter Darkness Devart ye Workers of Iniquity I know you not God will take Vengeance on all them that know him not who obey not the Gospel but obey Unrighteousness and Tribulation and Anguish will be upon their Souls 6. The Prodigal's coming to himself and returning to his Father's House with Regreet and Bewailing himself to his Father saying Father I have sinned against Heaven and in thy Sight I am not worthy to be called thy Son and the Father's meeting him with Compassion and then calling for the best Robe to put upon him and allowing him sumptuous and joyful Entertainment upon his Return and Repentance This makes for our Purpose The Prodigal did not remain in his Extravagancy nor among the Swine from his Father's House confidently telling his Fellows That though I be an Unfaithful and Disobedient Son and thereby am become poor and ragged 't is sufficient that I believe and apply my Father's best Robe and Entertainment that he hath in his House at this Distance and in this my Rebellion Nor did he say to his Father when he met him Father thou hast been faithful and hast perfectly obeyed and fully paid thy self in my stead for me which I must look upon as my Absolution and Acquitment from all thy Anger Frowns and future Punishments though I continue a Disobedient Rebellious Son all my Dayes thy Obeying thy self is my whole Discharge for all my Iniquities past present and to come c. Surely this was not the returning penitent Prodigal 's Song though it be the impenitent Presbyter's but Father I have Sinned c. make me as one of thy hired Servants His inward Remorse and Penitency spake sorth it self as his acceptable Plea and there is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth not over impenitent unmortified Hypocrites and Boasters of Christ's Righteousness without them and they living in the World without it or him either I have often granted and confest that neither by the Deeds of the Law nor by mens own Actions are any justified with God But the Man's concluding that our personal Obediences to God's Will and in God's Strength are the Deeds of the Law whether we obey from Faith or without Faith they are the Deeds of the Law and what is the Consequence Therefore not justifying or our Obedience by Faith to the Will of God and that by his own Strength is not concerned in our Justification And both these I must deny as unsound and unscriptural for 1. The Deeds or Works of the Law by which no Flesh shall be justified are not that Obedience of Faith which the Apostles preached which was and is acceptabl●… to God nor that justifying Faith or Belief in God which is Obedience itself and without which it is impossible to please God or be justified Dare he deny that this believing is Obeying 2. To conclude obeying the Will of God from Faith not to be of a justifying Tendence is repugnant to plain Scripture Jam. 2. 24. And note that if all Works and obeying God even from Faith must be counted the Deeds of the Law by which none be justified then this makes the Apostle James's Testimony void as thwarting Paul's where James said Was not Abraham our Father justified by Works c. And Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for Righteousness Jam. 2. 21. 23. And was not this Believing of God a real Obeying though not those Deeds of the Law spoken of Rom. 3. 20. For the Obedience or Works of living Faith which justifie in James his Sense and the Works of the Law not of Faith which Paul mentions are two differing States and Things otherwise there would be a Clash between them Again If Abraham's believing God was imputed to him for Righteousness and so the Righteousness of true andliving Faith be imputed to them also who walk in the Steps of the Faith of Abraham who was faithful obedient for any to oppose the Imputation of this Righteousness as to its being within or endeavour to exclude this Righteousness of Christ and Faith from true Believers as only wrought without them and not within them because imputed or reckoned theirs it were as good Doctrine to exclude true Faith and Obedience of it as all wrought without us not within us and yet say t is imputed to us for living Faith which worketh by Love and the Righteousness of it are inseparable But the Man is greatly confounded in a self Contradiction where he grants that Christ's Justifying Righteousness that is Imputed is the same that redeems our lost Souls p. 100. which is true And yet he shuts out not only Believers personal Obedience to the Will of God through Faith and God's own Strength but also Sanctification and
Holiness and so the Inward Work of Christ from being our Justifying Righteousness or Redeeming our lost Soul p. 100. Where then and how is the Soul redeemed Is not the Soul within And is not Christ made unto true Believers Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and all these inwardly received and hath not this man confessed that we are saved by the Washing of Regeneration c. and so Justified or made Just by inherent Holiness from Titus 3. 5 7. Can we be both saved and Justified through this inward Washing of Regeneration and yet not redeemed nor Justified through it Oh! Confusion and Darkness to be seen and felt Arg. II. No Righteousness wrought by us is of that Worth as to redeem our lost Souls nor for that are we Justified therefore the Sufferings of Christ only c. This Argument sayes he God enabled me the first Dispute to press with full Enlargement on the Consciences of the People to secure them from the Soul-destroying Error of this man Rep. This Accusation upon me is both groundless false and malitious For 1st I never affirmed any such Doctrine as that any Righteousness wrought by the Creature doth redeem man s lost Soul to God nor place any such Infinite Worth Price or Merit upon any temporal Act or Work of Man but Christ Jesus who is God's Righteousness is the Redeemer Deli verer and so the Redemption of the Soul to God by whom also the Soul is enabled to true Obedience It is by Grace in him through Faith that we are saved not of our selves it is the Gift of God nor of Works lest any Man should boast howbeit Good Works are ordained of God that we should walk in them for we are his Workmanship created in Christ again unto good Works see Eph. 2. 8 9 10. 2dly I never undervalued the Worth of Christ's Sufferings in the Flesh far be it from me so to do though yet I cannot own this man's placing mens absolute Justification on them and from thence shutting out Christ's Inward Work of Sanctification yet thereto both the Travil of his Soul Intercession Sufferings and Sacrifice had a lively Tendency seing that both Remission and Sanctification is known through Faith in his Blood which both purgeth the Conscience sanctifieth and justifieth I do confess that as the Redemption of the Soul or its Salvation is of infinite Value so the Price that procures it must be equivalent and nothing short of infinite But I further perceive my Opposer is confounded in this matter of Satisfaction and Justification as he states it for one while he reckons t is only by God obeying God in our Nature an other while ' t is only by the Sufferings and Death of Christ which he calleth his Righteousness imputed wherein also he contradicts divers of his eminent Brethren who say that Christ could not satisfie divine Justice as Man simply by temporal Death and Suffering because Infinite Justice must be answered with an infinite Satisfaction Price or Payment for Man's Redemption Others again are of the mind that God Being Infinite and Perfect in all his Attributes both in Goodness Love and Mercy as well as Justice and Omnipotent in Power he could forgive or pardon Sin upon true Repentance without such a strict and severe Payment as before as to be sure he both can and doth To his pressing with Enlargement on the Consciences of the People viz. That they are Justified and Redeemed only by the Suffering of Christ and not by his inward Work of Sanctification and Holiness any more then by their own Works or Righteousness wrought by them The Unjustness and Unrighteousness of both such Teachers and People that follow them do manifest what little Effect such Preaching hath upon Conscience neither indeed doth it tend to any reall in ward Conviction or Remorse in order to a true Conversion but to make them believe they are already secure and saved in their Sins and pure in their own Eyes when they are not washed from their Filthiness which is to Justifie the Wicked or declare them Just and to condemn the Just or declare Christ as the Subject of his Fathers Wrath in Man's stead How falsly and corruptly have many Defiled and Guilty Consciences unjustly acquitted and eased themselves on this account But had he in Truth pressed the Necessity of Turning to the true Light in the Confidence Repeatance Regeneration the new Birth Obedience of Faith perseverance in Grace c. this might have had Impression on the Consciences in order to a Reformation and so have manifested and demonstrated the blessed 〈◊〉 and End of Christ's Coming Suffering and Sacrifice for Sinners and God s holy Design therein and his condescending to make a Covenant in his own terms with them to receive them into his Kingdom Government and Protection none of whose Terms or Covenant is Continuance in Sin or Disobediance term of Life for to be received in Covenant with God is to be received into Agreement and Union with him But after this Man hath shut out both Obedience to the Will of God through Faith Sanctification Holiness from being our justifying Righteousness or to redeem or acquit c. he essaies to mend the Matter saying It doth not shut it out either as inconsistent or a needless thing c. And wherein is Sanctification consistent and needful Is it consistent and needful to Justification y●…a or nay Take his Answer It is so far from being inconsistent that they are inseparable and the one a Means to the other Well said Is Faith and Justification consistent and Faith a Means thereof This overthrows his shutting 〈◊〉 Sanctification therein for there can be no living and justifying Faith without Sanctification But then he goes round again viz. Flying out of our selves as seeing nothing but Matter of Condemnation nation in ourselves to Jesus Christ by Faith and apprehending the Purity and Holiness of our Saviour's Heart and Life c. Whether do you fly out of your selves to Jesus Christ And by what Faith can he be seen laid hold on or his Purity be apprehended to your Justification while there is nothing seen but Matter of Condemnation in your selves For 1st The true and living Faith is not enjoyed without some Degree of Sanctification within and if without this Faith you cannot be justified then not 〈◊〉 inward Sanctification true Faith and Love by which it worketh are Fruits of the Spirit and the Mystery of Faith is held in a pure Conscience and he that believeth in the Son of God 〈◊〉 Life 2dly The Righteousness of Faith doth not bid us fly out of our selves to Christ's Sufferings without only for Justification and that while there is nothing to be seen within but Matter of Condemnation which is to impute Christ's Susfering to mens Justification while they are under Condemnation in themselves as if they were imputatively just and righteous even when really and actually damned which is a sad Imputation and none of
Time 2. The Appeasement of Wrath and Severity so far as to grant Remission on true Repentance 3. The End of the Law and first Covenant and the Shadows and Curse of it as threatned to impose the Terms of it 4. To introduce the new-Covena●…t Administration Christ being the Mediator of it 5. To shew God's great Condescension to receive poor lost Man again on the Terms of this new Covenant reinforced by the Death of his Son that Man coming into this new Covenant he might experience a real Agreement with God even in the Son of his Love Quest. 3. How far the Light in Man is necessary and answers the Intent and Ends of Christ's Sufferings Answ. It is absolutely necessary to Salvation being that divine Principle of Light within which directly guides all them that obey it into the Way and Dispensation of the new Covenant whereby they secretly experience the real Intent Virtue and Ends of Christ's Sufferings and Blood Quest. 4. Whether the Light of Christ within in each Degree of it be not the New-Covenant Light in Nature and Kind and the certain Guide into this Covenant Answ. It is being it was the Life that was in Christ as the eternal Word that was and is the Light of Men which Life or Light is therefore divine and spiritual as the New-Covenant Dispensation is Quest. 5. Whether the Word within the Law within the Commandment within the Kingdom of God within and the Light within be not one and the same thing and so the Life of the New Covenant Answ. They are The Names Degrees and Manifestations do not alter or vary the divine Nature or Life thereof Quest. 6. The Satisfaction what and in what did it consist Answ. 1. Not rigid Payment from Christ to God 2. Not of the Nature of Payment for all Sins past present and to come as stated by Sin-pleasers 3. Not Christ's undergoing infinite Wrath or Revenge from his Father for these were never exacted nor required of him But the Satisfaction was in Christ as the Son of the Father's Love the Delight of his Soul and as he was a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to him both the Father and the Son condescended in one and the same Infinite Love for Man's Recovery out of Sin and Death and for his Deliverance from Wrath to come being confessed to be equally kind to Man and equally angry at Man's Sin God so loved the World that he freely sent his only begotten Son c. And in the same Love the Son freely gave his Life yea even himself a Ransom for all for a Testimony in due Time Quest. 7. What is true Justification Answ. It is properly and strictly a making Man Just viz. through the Washing of Regeneration It is also not only God's pardoning Sins past for Christ's sake through Faith in his Name but also God's absolute accepting owning and blessing all them who faithfully obey persevere and walk in the Light and Law of the new Covenant Q. 8. What is the true or real Imputation of Righteousness Answ. It is the same with Justification as it relates to God's reckoning or esteeming that Man Righteous that partakes of the everlasting Righteousness of Christ by a living Faith in him and so the same Righteousness and Holiness of Christ as inwardly revealed and brought forth in the new Creature that is made conformable to his Image and so all the blessed Fruits and Effects of Christ's Power and inward Work of Righteousness as true Faith Love Obedience Sincerity Holiness Integrity of Spirit to God are acceptable to him accounted of and reckoned unto his People for Righteousness and all still for Christ's sake who is the Author and Finisher of true living saving justifying Faith as Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him for Righteousness We say then that Abraham's Faith was so reckoned or imputed to him It has been by some confest as between God and the Creature That there can be no liking one another without Likeness of Disposition nor doth God receive Man into actual Friendship with himself without being renewed after his Image Quest. 9. Who are the Subjects of everlasting Wrath and Vengeance Answ. Wicked and Rebellious Persons who reject the Love of the Truth tendered to them such as tread under Foot crucifie or contemn the Son of God sleight the Blood of the Covenant and do Despite to the Spirit of Grace Quest. 10. Whether it consists with divine Justice or Truth in God to shew Mercy and to be an absolute Saviour after so much Injury done against him and his Commands by Adam's Fall and the actual Disobedience of his Posterity in the Fall Answ. Yes It is not inconsistent with divine Justice sor God to be the absolute Saviour of all that return to him and believe in him he being a just God and a Saviour besides or without whom there is no Saviour Absolute divine Justice in God doth not limit him nor withold Mercy from the Creature in the first Place nor doth it produce Severity or Revenge until his Goodness be rejected and wholy slighted for he saith plainly I am a just God and Saviour c. I even I for my own sake do pardon Transgression Quest. 11. Whether Divine Justice did properly and strictly require a full Payment and Punishment upon Christ in man's stead for all the Debt contracted and Injury done by fallen Man Answ. No Christ's Sufferings were not of that Nature or Intent but as it was by the Grace of God that he tasted Death for every Man They shewed God's Patience and proclaimed his Mercy in Order to pardon all that return to him from the Evil of their Wayes Quest. 12. Whether God as Rector and Judge could dispense with the Act of Law and not rather with the immediate Object Did he not substitute an Innocent Person to undergo the Punishment or Severity of the Law due to Sin and Sinners Rep. This is objected by some of our Opposers which m●…st needs imply a great Dispensation with and Digression from the very Intent of the Law If the severe Punishment of it be removed from the Unrighteous for whom it was made and who have incurred it and fully inflicted upon Jesus Christ the Righteous One that never Sinned Could God thus far dispense with the Intent of the Law and yet not forgive Sin without such a kind of Satisfaction and Payment supposed Oh sad Blasphemy and Inconsistency And seeing it hath been confessed by some of our Eminent Opposers that Satisfaction is not a Scripture-Phrase but a Notion of Law and made agendo patiendo viz. by Christ's Obedience in Doing and Subjection in Suffering the Penaltey which the Law should have inflicted upon Offenders I propose these three Questions to our Opposers Q. 1. Were it Reasonable or true to say the Creditor has forgiven both the Debt and Injury if it be all paid and fully punished in the Surety Q. 2. Were it Justice in the Creditor to detain the
himself his by himself purging our Sins the Will of God sanctifying us through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all c. as being a Sacrifice of far more Value then those Typical ones under the Law which he fully answered and ended though they were said to make Attonement Reconciliation for Sins of Ignorance that they might be forgiven and the Scape-Goat to bear away the Iniquities and Transgressions of the Children of Israel Lev. 4. 16. 23. And did not the killing and sacrificing of Bulls Goats and Heifers typifie or figure forth the killing and destroying that corrupt beastly Nature and Enmity in man which is for Death and Destruction and which those Beasts were as a lively Embleme of Seeing hereby God was pleased in a Way of Condescension to their low Capacities to shew a Pacification or Expiation to express his Forbearance suspending the severe Execution of the Law and Willingness to pardon Iniquity and to pass by former Transgressions and be reconciled when they afflicted their Souls and offer'd up burnt-Offering in the Day of Attonement as both were required much more hath God declared himself reconciled to us in commending his Love to us in that while we were Enemies Christ dyed and so he hath shewed forth his Kindness and free Love as willing to pass by and pardon the Sins of the World upon true Repentance in his setting forth his Son to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and in his being in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses unto them which was both in his Forbearance commending his Love and Good-Will in his Son unto the World and sending his Son that the World through him might be saved Let it be seriously here minded 1. That those Scriptures relating to Christ's Death Reconciliation Sanctification and putting away Sin as by Way of Sacrifice c. as Joh. 1. 29. Rom. 5. 10. Heb. 10. 10. Chap. 1. 3. Col. 1. 22. which intimate the Work as if universally done yet it is with respect unto the general Favour and Good-Will of God in Christ as by the which Will we Believers are sanctified through the Offering of the Body of Jesus and so we are said to be reconciled in the Body of his Flesh through Death Withall note that it was the manner of the Hebrews Prophets and Apostles to speak many Things in the Spirit of Prophecy as done or past before they were accomplished in the proper Subjects God having an Eye of Pitty and Compassion open to lost Man for his Redemption even before it was fulfilled whereby he saw and lookt beyond the former Transgressions Sins and Infirmities for the Sin of the World is not actually taken away purged out or put away as to its Nature and Be ing nor are Men in a State of Reconciliation or Friendship while actual Sinners and Enemies in their Minds but as they come to be converted and sanctified by the Spirit Therefore God's reconciling the World in and by his Son shews his gracious Will and was intended conditionally to be fulfilled in them viz. Upon Faith and Obedience It was done so as with respect unto Christ as the first Fruits and with an Eye to the Condition before it was actually fulfilled in them and what was outwardly signified as to the Good of Man by Christ's Sufferings and Death in the Flesh as our great Exemplar in his Obedience and Holiness is inwardly to be fulfilled and answered in Spirit as to the Principle End and Design of God therein as for Instance God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself yet the Apostle added We pray you in Christ's stead be you reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 19 20. And to the Saints at Colos. You that were sometimes alienated and Enemies in your Minds by Wicked Works yet now hath he reconciled in the Body of his Flesh through Death to present you Holy and Unblameable and Unreproveable in his Sight If ye continue in the Faitle grounded and setled c. Colos. 1. 21 22 23. Mark on this Condition they were reconciled and to be presented to God Not as being Enemies and in wicked Works But as made Friends by Conversion to and continuing in the Faith And God shewing forth Mercy to all and universal Pardon of Sin past in and for the sake of his Son Christ Jesus he being the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World declares his not imputing their Trespasses unto them according to Severity but his being reconciled to them that they may be reconciled to him Finally Because God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself and because he commended his Love to us while we were Sinners and we reconciled c. by the Death of his Son as our Representative If from hence any infer That their Sin being not imputed therefore they are justified by the Imputation of Christ's Death and Blood though they continue in Sin and Disobedience to him and remain Unsanctified I must deny their Consequence and tell them that there is a two-fold non-Imputation of Sin or under a two-fold consideration Sin is said not to be imputed 1st with respect to God's Forbearance while he suspends Execution and doth not cut off 〈◊〉 in their Sins when yet the Nature and Being of Sin is not destroyed nor purged away expecting their Repentance c. In this Sense David when he said I have sinned Nathan to●…d him The Lord hath put away thy Sin Thou shalt not dye 2 Sam. 12. 13. Yet this proves him not then at that time in an absolute and compleat Justified Estate or his Sin blotted out for a●…ter this he both implored Mercy intreated Forgiveness and passed through great Judgment Difficulty and Trouble under the Weight and Burthen of his Iniquity 2. A Non Imputation of Sin in a better and higher State as where the Mi●…d and Spirit is sanctified and cleared and Sin really done away and wholy blotted out where the Lord Imputeth not Iniq●…ity but Righteousness as Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven whose Sin is covered Blessed is the Man unto whom the Lord Imputeth not Iniquity and in whose Spirit there is NO GUILE Psa. 32. 1 2. It were unreasonable to think that all to whom Sin is ●…ot imputed i●… the first Sense are in a Justified State for then were the whole World Justified for God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their ●…respasses But in the latter Sense they are Justified being Washed Sanctified and Justified in the Name o●… the Lord Je●…us and ●…y the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. c. 11. and such as in w●…ose Spirit there is no Guile And so no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but a●…ter the Spirit Rom. 8. 1 2. Therefore Justification And if it be further queried viz. Quest. How doth it consist with God's Justice and Truth which alwaies required perfect Obedience either to
Pardon or pronounce Man Just upon the account of an Inh●…rent Righteousness Sanctity or Reformation wrought by the Spirit without Satisfaction to vindictive Justice for Sins past seeing those who are the most inherently Holy have not perfectly obeyed God s Law from the Beginning of Life to the End Answ. 1. Both God's Justice Truth and Mercy have a share in Man's Reformation and Restoration to himself and it is in his u●…iversal Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind that he makes know●… his Truth that makes free and the Grace and Truth concurring in Man's Conversion and Restoration and so in making him a New Creature it must needs be consistent with God's Truth to Pardon and pronounce Man Just as he becomes and is God's own Workmanship in whom he beholds his own Image renewed for he blessed the Works of his Hands and still blesseth them 2dly Without such a Satisfaction he doth pardon c. And yet Justice and Truth are not violated nor destroyed but have their place and share in Man's Reformation both in God's Judging Reproving and Correcting Man for Sin Co●…demning Crucifying and Slaying the Transgresfing Earthly Nature and Birth and Christ came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it He came to condemn Sin in the Flesh and to Save Man that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in them who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit The Law forbids Adultery Christ forbids and removes the Evil Lusts and Desires which are the Ground of it The Law forbids Covetousness Christ removes It The Law forbids Murther Christ forbids Envy 3dly But from the Beginning of Life to the End who can say he hath perfect Righteousness inherent in him Answ. He that is born of God the New Creature to whom Christ is made Righteousness and who being God's Workmanship is made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus He that is attained to this New Creature 's State hath crucified and put off the Old Man with his Deeds whom the Law 〈◊〉 that hath been the Offender and Sinner from the Beginning of Life to the End as The new Birth and new Cre●…ture in Christ hath No Guile in his Spirit but is alwaies inwardly Righteous from the Beginning of Life And that ●…or this End God is pleased in his Son to shew forth his For●…earance and Favour to Mankind and for a time to suspend the ●…evere Execution of his Law as not to execute Judgment ●…peedily but in giving Man Grace and Space to Repent be Converted and Renewed in Righteousness This answers the 〈◊〉 of his sending his Son into the World to be both a Sa●…ice and a Saviour So his Forbearance or Suspension of the ●…verity o●… the Law for Christ's sake can be no making void 〈◊〉 Law Justice or Truth which Christ came to fulfil and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Difference between the Terms or Tenour of our Opposers Gospel and ours I. AS to the Sense or Substance of our Opposers the Predestinarians according to their Traditional Faith partial harsh Opinions repugnant to God's universal Grace and Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind their Gospel runs on this wise or in such Terms as these viz. We tender Grace and Salvation to all but believe it is only free for a few Elect Persons for whom only Christ dyed Therefore believe you are Elect Persons and that Christ dyed for you apply his Blood and Merits and you shall be saved though you be Sinners all your Dayes Believe that you are Justified by Christ's Death and Sufferings only though you have nothing but Matter of Condemnation in you believe that you are Imputatively Righteous by Christ's Sufferings and Righteousness without you only and in Comparison thereof do you abhor all Sanctification in you or inherent Righteousness wrought in you by the Spirit Believe that it is God's good Pleasure Sin should be in you all your Dayes to keep you humble and that Christ hath satisfied for all your Sins past present and to come Believe that God hath poured out all his Wrath upon his Son Jesus Christ and punisht your Sin to the full in him to satisfie Justice for your Injury done him Therefore there remains no more Wrath behind for you being Elect and Justified Persons Though you commit Sin as did David and have Corruption remaining in you all your Dayes and and daily Sin in your best Duties and have Sin mixt with your Graces your Salvation is eternally secured for you as Persons whom God has had in his Eye to save you need not fear any final Fall or falling away from Grace once in Christ and ever in Christ. Thus far Presbyterians II. The Sense and Terms of our Gospel according to what follows From the Sence and Experience we have of God's free Love and Grace in Jesus Christ to all Mankind We preach in the Spirit of the Gospel The Instructions and Conditions thereof are on this wise viz. Be converted that your Sins may be blotted out Turn ye from Darkness and Sin to the true Light that shews It and reproves Evil And so turn from Satan's Power to God and receive the Remissions of Sins Believe in the Light that ye may become the Children of Light Labour to make your Calling and Election sure If ye walk in the Light the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all Sin If ye be Crucified Dye and Suffer with Christ ye shall Live and Reign with him Believe and Obey the Gospel and be saved Christ Jesus is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Confess and forsake Sin and ye shall finde Mercy Depart from Evil and do Good and dwell forevermore Wash you make you Clean put away the Evil of your Doings c. Except a Man be born again he cannot enter in the Kingdom c. If I do not wash thee saith Christ thou hast no part with me And to them in whose Hearts the Work is begun Look diligently to your Standing lest any of you fall from the Grace of God Abide in his 〈◊〉 that you may not fall into the hand of Severity To Unbelievers and Rebellious If ye believe not in Christ you shall dye in your Sins and where He is ye cannot come The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness and his Wrath abides upon them that do not Believe nor Obey his Son Thus far Quakers so called Now serious Reader judge which of these whether the Presbyterians or the Quakers Doctrine tends to stir up and excite People to Righteousness to true Fear and Watchfulness And whether the Presbyterians doth not tend to beget People into a Self-Confidence and false Liberty in Sin upon a partial Opinion and Conceit But the Quakers Desire Aim and End is To turn People from Darkness to the true Light and to true Fear Diligence and Faithfulness to God CHAP. V. Concerning ELECTION and REPROBATION THE CONTENTS A brief Introduction
other Grain It is sown and It is raised when the Body or outside of that very Corn that is sown is dead though the innate Virtue or Life doth not in it self dye nor fruitlesly expire Thou sowest not that Body that shall be c. yet in these two relations It is used as relative both to that which is sown and to that Body that shall be while in the very next Words to those before cited it is said there is a Natural Body and there is a Spiritual Body 1 Cor. 15. 44. and these can no more be the self-same then Celestial and Terrestrial Bodies can or then the first Adam and the laft Adam or the Earthly and the Heavenly which the Apostle plaiuly distinguisheth between as he doth betwixt the Natural and the Spiritual But whereas T. H. and his Brethren so much argue from the word It as It is sown a Natural Body It is raised a Spiritual they take this It for Idem corpus the self-same Body in both Their Mistake is evident they have not this either from the Greek or Latin see 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seminatur corpus animale surgit corpus spirituale i. e. a Natural or Animal Body is sown a Spiritual Body riseth it is not Idem surgit Nor would this agree with the next Words There is a Natural Body and there is a Spiritual Body This admits of no such Transubstantiation as that the self-same Natural Body should become Spiritual or be the Subject of such an Accident And it is sown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Animal Body or as having Life a Living Body which therefore cannot be the Body as dead and laid in the Graves for in that Condition they are not Corpus Animale for that relates to the Earthly Adam or Body of Mankind as having a natural Life ●…nd must not even the Animal or Natural Man dye before the Spiritual Man be risen or Immortality in Christ be put on And is not the Natural or Animal Man doposed to the Renewed Man 1 Cor. 2. 14. And the Seed which is sown in Weakness must needs have some Degree of Life in it when sown whether Natural or Spiritual and the Weakness and Corruption doth relate to the Subject in which it is sown if the Seed it self be incorruptible And as the First Man is of the Earth Earthly the second Man is the Lord from Heaven and As is the Earthly Such are they also that are Earthly and As is the Heavenly Such are they that are Heavenly ver 47 48. which if this be owned it must be granted that they that are Heavenly must have Bodies sutable viz. Heavenly or Spiritual Bodies this Heavenly being the second Man the Lord from Heaven ver 47. And mark As is the Heavenly Such are they that are Heavenly which cannot be the same with Earthly any more then the Image of the Heavenly can be the Image of the Earthly And as to our being asked what this Mortal is that must put on Immortality Though Mortal in this place implies a dying Condition of Man as the Effect of Sin as in Adam all dye yet it cannot as having put on Immortality be relative to Flesh and Blood but as admitted in a Heavenly and Spiritual Sense for the Apostle plainly tells us but a little before Now this I say Brethren that Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth Corruption inherit Incorruption Behold I shew you a Mystery We shall not all Sleep but we shall all be Changed ver 50 51. And so by that Life and Immortality which is brought to Light we see beyond Death and Mortality and we though as in a dying State yet behold Immortality being quickned by the second Adam and renewed again into the Image of the Heavenly being made alive in Christ who redeems Man from Death ransoms the Soul from the Power of the Grave who swallows up Mortality and Death in Life and Victory and saith O Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy Destruction Hos. 13 14. Isa. 25. 8. by whom also Death being so swallow'd up into Victory the Sting of it which is Sin taken away They who thus have their part in Christ who is the Resurrection and Life can truly say Thanks be to God who gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 15. ●…7 And to take off further Surmisings against us I tell my Opposer that this Resurrection or Change extends not only to a Raising of Man up from Sin to Righteousness but also to an Eternal Glory And 't is not only the Raising up of the Seed or Grace in Man as he supposes but the Raising up of Man from Sin Death Hell and the Grave even in the Seed and Life which is the Ransom and this answers his Cavils in his 6●… and 61. Pages only where he fictitiously makes us speak thus viz. Qu. We believe the Resurrection of the Body though we know not what that Body is which shall rise And then he absurdly makes a Christian to answer thus viz. Chr. Thou saidst before the Light within was the divine Essence either then thy Light within thee is not God or God knows not all things c. Reply First he feigneth the Quacker though we will never own him to be our Mouth for the Words were not so spoken by me or us but that we ought not to be too Curious or Inquisitive in things beyond our Capacities as to the Manner of the Existences hereafter or how Men shall be reserved unto their several Ends and Rewards for God knows how to do it but we being sensible of the different Seeds we cannot be altogether ignorant of the Nature of each Body being proper to the Seed it belongs to Yet if with John we say it doth not yet appear what we shall be it is Satisfaction that we know what Manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God for such are Sons of the Resurrection 2dly T. H. abuses the Christian by making him speak absurdly that which implies that if Man have a Divine Light in him he must needs know all that the Light knows or else either conclude that the Light is not Divine or else God is not Omniscient and then it follows from hence that none have either a Divine Light or God dwelling in them unless they know as much as God which was a Temptation to Man at first and by this he hath shut out all not only the fallen World but God's People also from having any Divine Light or Power of God in them He scoffs at some of our Friends saying We own the Resurrection that is We witness it and then adds But what is it you witness the Resurrection of the Seed 'T is Christ in you Ans. Is this a matter to be taunted or scoffed at Hath he truly acted the part of a Christian thus to slight the Arising of the Righteous