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A51123 Antichrist unvailed by the finger of Gods power and his visage discovered by the light of Christ Jesus, and his ministers, members, works, and lying wonders, manifested by the spirit of God, a manifestation whereof is given to every man (and woman) to profit withal : with friendly and serious invitations, exhortations, and warnings to all professors of Christianity, to beware of that antichristian spirit that leadeth to destruction, and of those teachers, who are influenced by it / written in the love of God by a prisoner (at Lancaster castle) for the testimony of truth, and one of the people called (in scorn) Quakers, Henry Mollineux. Mollineux, Henry, d. 1719. 1695 (1695) Wing M2393; ESTC R13417 147,325 285

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Righteousness and Redemption and Justification by Christ Jesus but also though they might perswade exhort and advise People thereunto as they without Commission from Christ took upon them yet they were unlike to bring any to the enjoyment of those good things which they exhorted and advised to being out of them themselves and being in unrighteousness and disobedience themselves they could not bring others unto those good things which they wanted themselves But the true Christian Ministers who lived in and preached in obedience to the Light and Spirit of Christ and directed and turned peoples Minds to the true Light the Manifestation of the Spirit in their Hearts and Consciences by taking heed thereunto and giving up freely with their Hearts to the obedience of it thereby many came to see not only the Snares and subtil Devices of the Devil but also to know power to avoid them and also to know Redemption Holiness Righteousness Justification and Salvation by Christ whose Light and Spirit in their Hearts they obeyed and lived in and walked in according to the advice and exhortation of the true Ministers of Christ But how could the Antichristian Ministers direct or turn Peoples Minds to the Light which they doing evil hated John 3 2● For every are that doth evil hateth the Light and bringeth not his deeds to the Light lest thereby they should be reproved And how should such bring any out of Sin and Unrighteousness by their Preaching who hate the Light which leads out of Sin and Unrighteousness them that believe in it and obey it But they that are unfaithful and disobedient to it them it reproveth and condemneth in their Hearts and such hate it and love rather to bear the words of Men though false Teachers than to hear the voice of the Light the word of God's Grace in their Hearts that reproveth them for Sin and is the true Teacher that leadeth to Salvation from Sin and from the Devil the Author of Sin the deceitful Enemy of Mankind So the deceitful Antichristian Ministers hating the Light of Christ were unlike to speak well of it and more unlike to possess others with the love of it or to turn their Minds to it for they loved Darkness rather than the Light and endeavoured to keep their Followers in Darkness lest they should turn from them But the true Christian Ministers they loved the Light believed in it walked in it and in the love and authority of it they preached it and said 1 John 1.5 6 7. That the preaching of the Light was the Message which they had heard of God and declared unto People and they turned the Minds of many to it who in the love of it received it believed in it became Children of it walked in it had Fellowship one with another in it and knew a cleansing from all Sin by the Blood of Jesus Christ the Author of their Faith in it Mark the difference between the true Ministers of Christ and the Antichristian Ministers and all that desire the Salvation of their Souls ought to beware what they hear and whom they follow And the difference between the Ministers of Christ and the Ministers of Antichrist is yet more fully declared of by the Scriptures of Truth for the true Christian Ministers preached that all should believe in the Name of Christ Jesus Rev. 19.13 Heb. 4.12 whose Name is called the Word of God which Word they said was quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged Sword piercing to the dividing asunder of the Soul and Spirit and of the Joints and Marrow and is a discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Hearts And they preached that this Word ought to be believed in which was nigh even in the mouth Rom. 10.8 1 Pet. 1.23 and in the heart being the word of Faith which they preached By which Word which liveth and abideth for ever the true Christians were Born again and so were the Children of God and Heirs of Eternal Life through Christ Jesus who is called the Word John 1.1 2 4 9.12 13. which was in the beginning with God and was and is God in whom was Life and the Life was the Light of Men that was the true Light which enlighteneth every Man and Woman that cometh into the World And they preached that as many as received him and believed in his Name to them he gave power to become the Sons of God which were Born not of Blood nor of the will of the Flesh John 12.36 John 1.5 Rev. 21.24 nor of the will of Man but of God and so they were Children of the Light by believing in it and Children of God who is Light in which Light the Nations of them which are saved must walk And the true Christian Ministers preached that this Light 1 Cor. 12.7 Jam. 1.21 or Word or Manifestation of the Spirit which is given to every Man to profit withal was the engraffed Word which is able to save the Soul and they called it the Word of God's Grace which brings Salvation and which is able to build up Isa 20.32 and to give an Inheritance among all them that are sanctified Tit. 2.11.12 and they said that this Grace of God hath appeared to all Men teaching them who obeyed it to live godly righteously and soberly and to deny Ungodliness and worldly Lusts and thus all the true Christians as Christ said were to be taught of God John 6.45 Rom. 5.21 Rom. 8.2 and so Sin should not have dominion over them they being not under the Law but under Grace And they said as Sin had reigned unto Death so Grace might reign through Righteousness to Eternal Life And so the true Christians could say the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus had made them free from the Law of Sin and Death Jer. 31.32 33 which Law according to the Promise of God in his Covenant of Light and Grace was put into their Minds and written in their Hearts so that they should not need to teach every Man his Neighbour and his Brother saying Know the Lord Heb. 8.10.11 for all should know him from the least even to the greatest And they preached that what was spoken of by the Prophet Joel Joel 2.28 Acts 2.16.17 Rom. 8.14 Rom. 8.9 Cor. 3.16.17 Gal. 5.5 25. was fulfilled which God said That he would pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh and they said As many as are led of the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God And if any Man have not the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8.1 he is none of his and so consequently is no true Christian for the Spirit of God dwelleth in true Christians who through the Spirit wait for the hope of Righteousness by Faith And as they lived in the Spirit so they exhorted to walk in the Spirit saying There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after
Condition upon a Spiritual Account and as he faithfully followeth the Leadings of it he cometh to know a profiting by it and in it and as he persevereth in the Love 1 Cor. 2.9 10. and Obedience of it it manifesteth and revealeth inwardly unto such a one the Things which Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of Man which God hath prepared for them that Love him Thus the Apostle Paul preached 1 Cor. 2.4 not with enticing words of Man's Wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power and said he Christ sent me not to Baptize but to preach the Gospel 1 Cor. 1.17 not with Wisdom of Words lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect Gal. 1.11 to 17. So he was a Minister sent of Christ by his Spirit and by his Spiritual Appearance in him and to him for otherwise he was a Persecutor of Christians after the Ascension of Christ And all that are true Ministers of Christ are sent and taught and moved by the Spirit of Christ 1 Cor. 2.11 to 15. for no Man can know the Things of God but by his Spirit And if any falsly profess to be sent by his Spirit their Deceit will be manifested by the Light and Spirit of Christ to them who walk in it but as for such as pretend to be Ministers of Christ who say Divine Revelation is now ceased and mock at the Teachings 1 Pet. 1.19 20 21. Isa 54.13 14. John 6.45 Leadings and Movings of the Spirit of God by which all that ever were Children of God were led and taught and moved as is fully declared by the Scriptures of Truth which they falsly profess to be their Rule the Deceit Hypocrisie and Wickedness of such is manifest to the view of all who have not wilfully shut their Eyes And so though Antichristians may talk or preach of the Worship of God and may use Scripture words and the words which Christ and his Prophets and Ministers speak which are Recorded in the Scriptures yet they being erred from his Spirit wherein only the true Worship of God is performed they are out of the true Worship of God and Worship they know not what for their Worship is in the Spirit of Errour and not in the Spirit of Truth and all the Preaching of such with all their Learning acquired Parts and Philosophy it is but vain Deceit and stands in the Wisdom that is from below Jam. 3.15 which is earthly sensual and devilish and so those are moved by the Spirit of the Devil who mock at the movings of the Spirit of God let their Profession be what it will So the Scriptures shew plainly that there was Antichrists or Antichristian Ministers in the Apostles Time and that there was a great difference between them and the Apostles or true Ministers of Christ and the Followers of those false flattering Deceivers were as their Leaders were principally deceived by giving heed to the Insinuations of the Old Serpent their deceitful Enemy in their own Particulars For those that loved and obeyed the Light of Christ Jesus in their own Hearts and Consciences they came to a good understanding of their own Estates and Conditions inwardly and also came thereby into a true discerning of the difference between the true Ministers of Christ who were in and by the Light and Spirit of Christ Commissionated to Preach the Gospel of Truth and those who without Commission from Christ and in disobedience to his Light and Spirit preached for their own Carnal Ends and Designs such could discern between the Voice of Christ in his true Ministers John 10.4 5. and a strange Voice in them that falsly pretended so to be Such could discern between those who preached for filthy Lucre love of Money or any other self-end and those whom the Love of Christ constrained to Preach 2 Cor. 5.14 without which Love which they want who hate his Light all Preaching though with never so much Excellency of words is but as sounding Brass 1 Cor. 14.1 2 3. or a tinkling Cymbal and without which the most seeming excellent Works of Piety are nothing available Such could discern in and by the Light and Spirit of Christ which searcheth all things to which they were obedient between them that were of God whom true Christians heard 1 John 4.6 and them that were of the World whom the World heard and thereby they knew the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Errour And such by the Light and Spirit of Christ in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge came truly to discern the deceitful Devices Col. 2.3 2 Cor. 2.11 and Snares of their Souls great Enemy who in his Devilish Wisdom and Serpentine Subtilty was continually endeavouring to entangle and deceive them as he did others both inwardly by his dark unclean wicked Power and outwardly by the Deceit of the same Power and Spirit in his deceived deceitful Antichristian Ministers who transformed themselves as into the Apostles 2 Cor. 11.13 14 15. or Ministers of Christ but the true Christians discerned them and knew that their end should be according to their Works and they likewise knew that Satan himself was transformed into an Angel of Light And yet in and by the true Light of Christ which enlighteneth every Man that cometh into the World they saw him to be what he is to wit a Serpent a Dragon a roaring Lion the Devil an Adversary a Murderer a Devourer a wicked Spirit and by many other Names and suitable Descriptions is he called by the Scriptures of Truth to describe the Visage of the Wicked One that all may in the Light of Christ behold his Deceitfulness wherewith he is continually endeavouring to Destroy Murther and Devour the Souls of the Children of Men both by his Transformed Instruments and otherwise And all that profess Christianity and oppose the Light and Spirit of Christ they may fitly be said to be Transformed or to Transform themselves whether Leaders or Followers of others for they are neither Members of Christ Children of the Light nor Children of God who is Light as all true Christians are and therefore such only Transform themselves into Christians that is they pretend to be Christians falsly And such as are not Children of the Light nor Children of God whose Children are they Are not they Children of Darkness and Disobedience and of the Power of Darkness which is the Devil Such are grosly deceived and transformed as were those Jews who professed to be both the Children of Abraham and of God and yet Christ said plainly unto them John 8.33 to 45. Ye are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father ye will do And all People in and by the Light and Manifestation of the Spirit of Christ may examine and try themselves whether they be true Christians who are Children of God yea or nay For the Spirit
270 to the end Antichrist Unvailed c. THE large Love of God in his Son Christ Jesus being freely tendered unto all Mankind it hath been and is the endeavour of the Devil the great Enemy of Man's Happiness by his Subtilty and Devilish Wisdom and oft by insinuating into them hopes of better Attainments to draw out the Minds of Mankind from the pure Obedience to what God hath made known in them and unto them of his Will and Mind and their Duty towards him and so by affecting their Minds with outward things to bring them into disobedience to the Will of God thereby to make them unworthy of the Goodness of God to their Souls and of his Bounteous Love in which he gives to every Man and Woman a measure of his Divine Light in their Hearts and Souls which is the manifestation of the Spirit of Christ 1 Cor. 12 7● which is given to every man to profit withal which Christ said should comfort and lead them that follow it into all truth or into truth in every thing but should reprove the World of sin and of righteousness and of judgment John 16.8 13. Now the God of Mercy in the tender Bowels of his Love having for the Redemption of fallen Mankind sent his Son into the World in the Body that was prepared him who came a Light into the World which is the true Light that enlightens every Man and Woman that cometh into the World that whosoever believeth in him should not perish John 1.9 but have everlasting life Joh. 3.15 16 Man's grand Enemy at that time endeavoured as much as in him lay to keep Peoples Minds in a Love of the Ceremonies and Ordinances given to their Forefathers and in an outward shew and form of Worship in which they that were erred from and rebelled against God's good Spirit Neh. 9.20 which he had given them to instruct them Isa 1.13 were not accepted of him thereby to keep People from coming to the light or manifestation of the Spirit whereby they might have come to have believed in him the Messiah or Christ Prophesied of by the Prophets who spake by his Spirit whose Writings they had and believed them to be true according to which they expected him about that time Yet by erring from and rebelling against his Light and Spirit in their Hearts and Consciences many of the Jews who esteemed themselves the peculiar People of God were so darkned that they did not believe in him but they that walked in Obedience to the Light of his Spirit they believed in him and they received him as the only Messiah the Christ the Son of the Living God as Simeon did who took him up in his Arms and said Lord Luke 2.2 ● to 35. now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel The great Enemy of Mankind had then so far prevailed upon the Learned Rabbies and Doctors among the Jews that though they had the Scriptures which testified of him in their own Language yet being erred from the light of his Spirit in themselves they were so far from receiving Christ and believing in him that they agreed that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of the Synagogue John 9.22 And although he did many Miracles among them yet they believed not but contended with him maliciously and falsly accused him and said He cast out Devils through Beelzebub the Prince of Devils and said that he brake the Sabbath with much more of the like kind of words as may be read in the Scriptures of Truth and at length were so desperately hardned in their wickedness that seeking opportunity to kill him when the Chief Priests had hired the false pretender Judas to betray him and deliver him unto them they put him to the Death of the Cross yet some of them said they found no fault in him And yet still his Love was towards them even upon the Cross and he prayed for them saying Father forgive them Luke 23.34 for they know not what they do So the Devil their great Enemy by his deceit had drawn them so far into darkness and from the light of Christ in themselves that they knew not what they did And indeed it may well be supposed that they knew not what they did when in the Service of the Enemy of their Souls they Crucified and put to Death him that came to save them from their Sins from Wrath and from the Devil their Enemy And so now all that oppose and contend against the Light which is the manifestation of the Spirit of Christ in the Heart or envy them that profess it and walk according to it or any other People whosoever upon the account of Religion are certainly deceived by their great Enemy Satan whose Service they are in being erred from the Light and Spirit of Christ which teacheth them who walk in it good will towards all Men and love to their Neighbours though Enemies But when the Chief Priests and Pharisees and People of the Jews had with a general consent Crucified the Lord of Glory after they had mocked him and scourged him yet they and their Enemy whom they served missed of their expectation and desire for they were still in fear lest he should rise again as he had told before and therefore they watched him sealing the stone Mat. 27.62 to 66. Mat. 28.2 to 2. and making as they thought the Sepulchre sure but in the Lord 's appointed time there was a great Earthquake for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sate upon it his countenance was like Lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the Keepers did shake and became as dead men but the Angel said to the Women who were Friends of Jesus Fear not ye for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified he is not here he is risen So the Grave could not contain him Death had not dominion over him H●b 2. ●● but through death he destroyed and will destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil So the Devil and his deceived Servants had not their desire nor the power to destroy Christ but they came to destruction themselves And so now all that err from and disobey the Light and Spirit of Christ and follow the leadings and movings of their deceitful Enemy the Prince of Darkness if he shall prevail in them so far as to cause them to kill the Bodies of the People of God who walk in his Light and answer the manifestation of his Spirit of Love and in it are kept in true good will towards all Men because of their Religion on purpose thereby to root out and destroy
over and to exercise Lordship over others their fellow Creatures with much Pride and Austerity expecting and desiring to receive and receiving Honour from them and one from another and seek not the Honour that cometh from God only and this sheweth according to the Words of Christ that they are out of the true living John 5.44 1 John 5.4 Eph. 6.16 1 John 2.13 14 15. Christian Faith and so in the false dead Antichristian Faith which giveth no Victory as the true Faith doth for such are overcome and captivated by the love of the Honours Pleasures Preferments and Vanities of the World which if any man love said the Apostle the love of the Father is not in him And so though the dark Power of the Man of Sin more and more prevail upon and captivate them yet the Light of Christ in their Hearts and Consciences often sheweth them their Sins and for Sin checks and reproves them and sheweth them the dangerous dismal consequences of Sin but they not believing in the Light of Christ the Word of Faith Rom. 10.8 Heb 5.13 and the Word of Righteousness do not submit themselves unto the Righteousness of God nor unto Christ who is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth no more then old Israel did Rom. 10.1 2 3 4. And so though they may be zealous for their several Professions and as the Jews were for their Traditions Ordinances and Ceremonies which they use some after one manner and some after another according to their particular Apprehensions and Imaginations seeking to find Souls-satisfaction by using outward typical shadowy things which they cannot find whilst they neglect the Light the Substance the Word of God's Grace in their Hearts the Word of Faith Act. 20.32 Act. 13.26 1 Joh. 1.11 Col. 1.5 Mat. 13.19 John 3.36 the Word of Salvation the Word of Wisdom the Word of Truth the Word of Christ the Word of Life the Word of Reconciliation the Word of the Kingdom of God which is in the Heart and so they being in unbelief the Wrath of God abideth on them in all their doings For whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin Rom. 14.23 And so their best Performances their Prayers their Preaching and whatsoever they can do in that state is sinful as they generally confess But they who seek the Lord while he may be found with all their Hearts and Souls and cannot rest satisfied till he manifest himself in his Love but patiently in true brokenness and contrition of Heart wait under his Judgments till his Indignation for Sin be overpast as they continue faithful in true self-denyal bearing patiently the daily Cross to their own Wills the Lord will in his own time satisfie such with his Mercy and with his everlasting Kindness But if any flatter themselves that they shall have Peace although they walk in the stubbornness of their own Hearts they shut the Door of Mercy against themselves and when they have sinned out and slighted the Day of their Visitation wherein the love of God in and by his Light in their Hearts visiteth them and striveth with them then the Spirit of God ceaseth to strive any longer with them and they are wholly given up to be rul'd by the Man of Sin who is exalted in them above all that is called God or that is worshipped Psal 14.1 2 3 4. and although some of them may be wickeder then others yet none of them are righteous at all there is none of them that doth good no not one but many of them do badly with eagerness eating up the People of the Lord as they eat Bread And they do not only prey upon those who depart from Iniquity who make themselves a Prey but they often prey upon one another Isa ● 15 and sometimes war about their Ceremonies and Ordinances and many thousands have been killed upon that account and many they have put to Death for their Testimony for God who have by his Spirit been raised up even in the darkest times of Apostasy to testifie against the Abominations set up by the ruling power of the Man of Sin the Devil and his Instruments And many call the Popes or Pope of Rome the Man of Sin which the Apostle said should be revealed who may by the Light of Christ in their own Hearts be sensible of the Man of Sin and his power and works in themselves unto them revealed and therefore it were good for such first by the Power of God to be cleansed from him and his power and works inwardly in themselves lest they become more and more like unto him But indeed the Popes of Rome have been the chief visible Rulers of the false Church drunk with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus Rev. 17.5 6. and the Mother of Harlots and the many Abominations of the Earth and the Inventers and setters up of the pestilent Traditions and idolatrous Ceremonies still used in the Apostasy from the Truth and many who look upon themselves as reformed from Popery are yet in a great measure found in many of their pernicious Practices and Inventions to get Money by For the Popes having been in a great degree influenced by the power and spirit of the Man of Sin the Devil and having had the highest outward Exaltation over the Nations and Kings of the Earth or at least having claimed or challenged it may fitly be said to have been or to be the highest Representatives of the Man of Sin And amongst the many Popish Cheats none seemeth greater then their Purgatory or their telling of a purging Place from Sin after this Life whereby many are cheated of Eternal Happiness by living in hopes thereof securely in Sin while they live and many cheated of their Money also for Pardon and Indulgences from the Pope to redeem the Souls of their deceased Friends out of Purgatory Which is contrary to the Truth and to the Record of the Holy Scriptures which say where the Tree falleth there shall it be and every Tree that bringeth not forth good Fruit is hewn down and cast into the Fire Ecc'e 11.3 Mat. 3.10 and Christ said Enter ye in at the straight Gate for wide is the Gate and broad is the Way that leadeth to Destruction and many there be that go in thereat because straight is the Gate and narrow is the Way that leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it And beware said he of false Prophets in Sheeps cloathing which are inwardly ravening Wolves ye shall know them by their Fruits A good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit neither can a corrupt Tree bring forth good Fruit every Tree that bringeth not forth good Fruit is hewn down and cast into the Fire Matth. 10.7 to 20. Now if a good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit how is it then that all good men are continually sinning for Sin is Evil Fruit And if every such a one as bringeth not forth good
Spirit in their Hearts to be Spirit and Life unto their Souls And if they know not neither witness these things in some measure in themselves how then can they know themselves to be true Christians For true Christians know that they are of God and the whole World lyeth in wickedness and can truly say 1 John 5.18 19 20. We know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an Understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and Eternal Life Also to them who believed in the Light John 8.12 and learned to deny themselves and follow him that they might enjoy the Light of Life Christ said I am the true Vine my Father is the Husbandman ye are the Branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much Fruit John 15. for without me ye can do nothing if ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much Fruit so shall ye be my Disciples as the Father hath loved me so have I loved you continue ye in my love If ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my love this is my Commandment that ye love one another even as I have loved you If the World hate you ye know that it hated me before it hated you if ye were of the World the World would love his own but because ye are not of the World but I have chosen you out of the World therefore the World hateth you And as Christ said I am the true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman he also said Every Branch IN ME that beareth not Fruit he taketh away and every Branch that beareth Fruit John 15. he purgeth it that it may bring forth more Fruit Now said he to his are ye clean through the Word that I have spoken unto you abide in me and I in you as the Branch cannot bear Fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me for without me ye can do nothing If a Man abide not in me he is cast forth as a Branch and is withered And so they that are true Christians and Children of God and Members of Christ being Taught by his Light and Grace in their Hearts in which they have believed they are Branches of Christ the true Vine and they partake of the Nourishment that through the true Vine is extended unto them the Branches as they abide in the Vine but they that abide not in him the Vine are cast forth as Branches and are withered which answereth to the other saying of Christ to wit Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood John 6.53 ye have no Life in you For this answereth to the eating of the Flesh and drinking of the Blood of Christ And as the Branches in the Vine live by Nourishment of the Life of the Vine in whom they abide so they that eat the Flesh and drink the Blood of Christ saith he they dwell in me and I in them 1 Cor. 12.27 Eph. 4.16 Eph. 5.29 30. and he that eate home shall live by me saith Christ And so the Branches of the Vine feed upon and drink or suck in of the Sap or Life of the Vine and live by it as also the Members of the Body do by the Nourishment of the Body And also Christ said I am the good Shepherd the good Shepherd giveth his Life for the Sheep And said he I know my Sheep and am known of mine for saith he they know my Voice and they sollow me John 10. and I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish neither shall any Man pluck them out of my Hand but he said to the Jews who believed not in the Light as he commanded but were Taught by the Doctrines and Traditions of Men ye believe not because ye are not of my Sheep as I said unto you my Sheep hear my Voice So Christ is the good Shepherd who feedeth his Sheep with his own Life as well as the true Vine whereof his Sheep are the Branches John 6.48 to 58. and partake of the very Life and Nature of him the Vine who is the Bread of Life of which if any Man eat he shall live for ever and dwell in Christ and Christ in him and so they are as the Vine and the Branches dwelling in each other and such Branches bear Fruit to the Glory of the Vine in which they dwell which Fruit and Branches are precious in the Eye of God the Husbandman to whom Glory belongs and is ascribed for ever And these Branches are the Sheep of Christ their good Shepherd and they hear and diligently hearken unto the Voice or Light or Manifestation of his Spirit in their Hearts and the words thereof unto them spoken they are SPIRIT and they are LIFE and so they know his quickening Spirit to minister Life to their Souls in which they live and grow and bring forth excellent Isa 4.2 3 4. and comely Fruit whereby God their Heavenly Father is glorified And because many believe not the words of Christ concerning the eating of the Bread of Life and the eating of his Flesh and drinking of his Blood but murmured and went back and walked no more with him therefore he said to the Twelve Disciples Will ye also go away John 6.66 to 70. And one answered saying Lord to whom shall we go Thou hast the words of Eternal Life and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God So they were satisfied and knew him by the words of Eternal Life which he spake unto them And so he will satisfie all who truly hunger and thirst after him by the words of his Spirit if they believe in the Light and obey it But those that are in Unbelief and Disobedience to the Light in their own Hearts they have no such satisfaction for the Light which inwardly reproveth them for sin and disobedience is the Manifestation of the Spirit of Christ by which he speaketh unto his Sheep who know his Voice and satisfieth them with the words of Eternal Life and with the Bread of Life and Water of Life unto which Isa 55.1 ●er 22.17 by his Light or spiritual Voice he inviteth all that thirst to come and take and drink freely without Money and without Price But they that Rebel against the Light Prov. 6.23 and will not hearken to its Reprof they err from the Way of Life and Understanding Prov. 21.16 though never so worldly-wise and they remain among the Congregation of the Dead and cannot in that state know a feeding upon the Bread of Life nor a drinking of the Water of Life which Christ giveth to the Faithful
them who are in judgment contrary to themselves yet they must never have their desire but as they destroy their Fellow-Creatures their Friends so Eternal Destruction will be to themselves and the Light and Spirit of God will be their Condemnation for ever But blessed and happy are all they and shall be for evermore who suffer for the Testimony of a good Conscience and are faithful unto Death for God will give them a Crown of Eternal Life and such in the midst of Persecution or at the laying down of their Lives for their Testimony in obedience to the Light and according to the Example of Christ the Captain of their Salvation can pray for their Persecutors who being blinded by their deceitful Leader the Devil know not what they do but think they do God service but Eternal Torment shall seize upon the Murtherers fear shall surprize them and truth will rise up in Judgment against them over all Deceit over all Error and over the Devil and all his deceived Followers and God will be magnified over all who is worthy for evermore Amen And after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ when his Apostles who according to his command waited at Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high were commissionated to Preach in his Name and Power his Everlasting Gospel then the great Deceiver and Enemy of Man's Felicity was very busie in his deceived Servants and Instruments to hinder the propagation and publication of it stirring them up by his Murthering Persecuting Spirit to Murder and Persecute the Ministers and Apostles of Christ as may at large be read in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles But Christ the power of God by the living operation of his Light which he sent his Ministers to turn People unto from Darkness and by the word of his Grace which is one with the Light working effectually in the Hearts of many to the convincement of them of their evil deeds thereby-bringing them to true Repentance and to the acknowledgment of the truth and not only so but also teaching them to live godlily and righteously and soberly thereby as well in Life and Conversation as in Words to Preach and Propagate the Doctrine of the Gospel of Christ in the demonstration of the Spirit and Power of God So that the number of Christians encreased much and that in several Nations to the glory of God and the great comfort and cause of rejoicing of many Souls who had received the Light of Christ and believed in it and walked in it wherein they had true Unity and Fellowship one with another and knew by the Blood of Christ Jesus 1 John 1.7 a cleansing from all sin which their Soul's Enemy had wrought in them and in the Name and Power of Christ knew and witnessed a triumphing in his Eternal Life over the power of Death which is the Devil 2 Cor. 2.14 Col. 2.13 to 17. Heb. 2.14 who had formerly captivated them and held them as in Chains of Darkness which they knew and witnessed to be broken and dissolved by the Light and Power of Christ and so could say The Darkness is past 1 John 2.8 and the true Light now shineth So the great Deceiver the Devil was frustrated of his Will for the Gospel was Preached and the Name of Christ gloriously magnified in his People over the Earth all the Endeavours of the Devil and his deceived ones not being able to suppress it But although many received the Gospel of Christ in uprightness of Heart and believed in his Light unto which his Ministers were sent to turn their Minds from darkness and in faithful obedience from their very Hearts gave up their All to the service of God in his Light the manifestation of his Spirit in their Hearts and Souls and Consciences out of which Light and Spirit no service was ever acceptable to the Lord and so became Children of the Light of God who is Light and in him is no Darkness at all and in his Light and Spirit enjoyed precious Unity and Fellowship one with another and knew Satan the Devil the Old Serpent who by his subtilty had formerly deceived them to be by the power of God as bruised under their Feet no more able to prevail upon them by his subtil deceit but in the Light Spirit and Power of God they could keep their standing over him and all his deceivable Device of Unrighteousness and in Christ the Lord their Righteousness had Peace and Joy in his Holy Spirit and so rejoiced together in their Heavenly Places in Christ and glorified God over all in their day and time and though many came to these and the like Attainments as the Scriptures of Truth at large declare Yet the subtil Deceiver the Devil who was a Lyar and a Murtherer from the beginning by his deceitful Devices and dark Power prevailed upon many that were convinced of the true Light that enlightens every Man that cometh into the World and that believed concerning Christ that he laid down his Life for Mankind and rose again from the Dead and ascended up on high and so they could make a Profession of Christianity having a Notional Knowledge of Christ and of things relating to Eternity and it was by drawing their Minds from the Light of Christ in themselves that the deceitful Enemy prevailed to keep them only in a Profession of Christianity and in a Form of Godliness but out of the obedience of the Light and Spirit of Christ and so out of the Truth though professing it And so being out of the Truth and out of the Obedience of the Light which is the manifestation of the Spirit of God they were not though they might profess to be Children of the Light nor Children of God for it is they that are led by the Spirit of God that are Children of God and all the Children of God are taught of God by his Spirit and consequently they were out of the glorious Liberty of the Children of God Rom. 8.14 Isa 54.13 John 6.45 Heb. 8.11 1 John 2.27 and of the Gospel of Christ the beguiling Serpent keeping their Minds fast in the love of outward things and so they would still keep up the Ordinances Col. 2.14 Gal. 4.9 10. Ceremonies and Customs of their Forefathers though contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and were in Bondage to weak and beggarly Elements and observed Days and Months and Times and Years And so they were held in Bondage to Corruption and Corruptible Things and tho' they then professed Christianity and desired no doubt to be called Christians yet their Enemy beguiling them and keeping them by his deceit in disobedience to the Light of Christ in themselves they acted and lived contrary to true Christianity And though they appeared as for Christ they were really against him and his Truth and being themselves deceived they endeavoured to deceive others being Enemies to the Cross of Christ to which he
Hours or two Months or two Years before Death for that Power is the same for ever and the Righteousness and Praise thereof endureth for ever And they that think themselves to be true Christians and Members of Christ and yet believe that they and every other Member of his Body while in this World must be as the pleaders for Sin commonly confess themselves full of Bruises and Wounds and putrifying Sores which daily and continually renewed Sin makes in them from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot 1 Cor. 6.15 16. Chap. 12.12 to 27. Eph. 4.15 16. Chap. 5.26 27. 1 John 4.17 such surely suppose that Christ hath a very corrupt putrid imperfect Body which is his Church contrary to what the Apostle Paul speaks of it being holy and without blemish spot or wrinkle or any such thing and contrary to what the Apostle John wrote saying Herein is our Love made perfect that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are we in this World speaking of God which he truly could not have said if they had not been free from Sin but full of Bruises Wounds and putrifying Sores which Sin makes in the Soul but contrary to that he saith plainly This is the Love of God 1 John 5.3 that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not grievous And although there be some three places in the Scriptures which are translated as if they implied that all men sin to wit Eccles 7.20 There is not a just Man upon the Earth that doth good and sinneth not And 1 Kings 8.46 and 2 Chron. 6.36 If they sin against thee for there is no Man that sinneth not Yet in all the said places the Latin Translations as Iunius Tremellius and Vatablus render it instead of that sinneth not that may not sin or cannot sin it being the very same Word that is used in Psalm 119.11 to wit I have hid thy Word in my Heart that I may not sin against thee And any sensible one may see that it is imperfect Sence to say If they sin against thee for there is no Man that sinneth not for if all Men sin continually there would be no occasion here to say if they sin but it is good sence to say if they sin against thee for there is no Man that may not sin or that cannot sin which only implieth a possibility and not a continuation of Sin as likewise the next Verse but one after the last mentioned places doth where it is said If they turn unto thee that is to God with all their Heart and with all their Soul which Words plainly intimate a possibility to leave Sin for such a turning is certainly no Sin But there is no Man but he may sin if he be not continually watchful in the Light against the Man of Sin the Devil who is continually endeavouring to tempt Mankind to sin but as Man waits in the true Light of Christ Jesus 1 Pet. 5.8 9. Jam. 4.7 which is the Word of Faith and the Word of God's Power in his Heart and Soul as he is truly faithful in the obedience of it and walketh in it he cometh to feel Power in the Faith of it to resist the Devil in all his Temptations and the Devil will flee from such a one and hath not power to take him captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.26 as he hath over his own whom he perswades that it is impossible for them to recover themselves from under his sinful power Heb. 11.6 Rom. 14.23 while they live in this World and so they confess that their best Daties are intermix'd with Sin and so they are for whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin and it is plain that such are not turned to God with all their Heart and with all their Soul whatsoever they profess For the Holy Scriptures say plainly That as many as received Christ and believed on his Name John 1.1 to 14. Rev. 19.13 Rom. 10.8 1 John 3.1 to the end which is called the Word of God which is nigh in the Mouth and in the Heart to them he gave Power to become the Sons of God which were born not of Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh nor of the Will of Man but of God and such do not commit Sin But admit that the common English Translation of the aforesaid Words of Solomon were true Heb. 7.19 Heb. 9.9 Heb. 10.1 to 24. yet that was under the time of the Law which could not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience and that which was not attainable under that Law may by the Grace of God be attained in a Gospel state Rom. 8.1 to 5. And although the Apostle Paul writing to the Romans saith The Good that I would I do not but the Evil that I would not Rom. 7.9 to 25. that I do Yet it is plain by what he wrote before and after that in the same Epistle that he wrote not of his own then present condition but of himself as well as others passing thro' that Condition for in that continued kind of Speech he likewise there saith I am carnal sold under Sin but a little before he had told them Rom. 8.7 the Carnal Mind is enmity against God and is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be And saith he The Natural or Carnal Man cannot receive the Things of the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2.14 for they are fool shness unto him neither can he know them because they are Spiritually discerned And in the beginning of his Epistle to the Romans aforesaid he expresseth himself to be able to impart unto them Spiritual Gifts Rom. 1.11 which a Carnal Man could not do By which it is plain that when he wrote that Epistle he was not Carnal sold under Sin neither a Servant of Sin and therefore he was in another condition than he had been in of which he wrote the said objectible Words And that which renders it more plain is that in the same Epistle before the said Words Rom. 6.16 to 24. he gave testimony of the Romans to whom he wrote that they were made free from Sin and become Servants of Righteousness and Servants to God But they that are carnal sold under Sin are not so for how can they be free from Sin who remain carnal sold under Sin And the Apostle immediately after that kind of Speech which intimated his former condition declared plainly that he had when he wrote that Epistle attained to a better state for in the conclusion of that kind of speech he writes thus I see another Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of Sin which is in my Members O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord Now for what doth he give thanks
pretend to be Spiritual Physicians though they confess themselves to be all overspread with the Contagion and Leprosie of Sin and believe that they and all People must be so whilst their Bodies live for their Preaching and Confessing is to that effect and so they are not like to Cure others of it though they hold their Trade of advising People against Sin that brings this Contagion and Leprosie upon them and others might as needfully advise the Pretended Physicians for they themselves know not how to be rid of their Leprosie yet these Pretenders claim and rob and make havock of Peoples Goods and cast them into Prison for Tythes and Wages for their Advice and pay for their unprofitable Physick though People have not had it nor would have neither Buy any of their deadly Physick And so they are worse than Gehazi who when his Master Elisha would receive nothing though freely offered for the Cure of the Leprosie of Naaman the Syrian being thro' Elisha's Advice 2 Kings 5. by dipping himself Seven times in Jordan fully performed yet this Gehazi being Covetous ran after Naaman and took somewhat of that he offered to Elisha which was given to Gehazi very freely and yet Elisha by the Manifestation of the Spirit of God knowing what he had done said to his Servant Gehazi The Leprosie therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee and unto thy Seed for ever and he went out from his presence a Leper as white as Snow And now these Pretenders to be Spiritual Physicians though the Cure never be performed nor can be by their Directions and though People have nothing of Advice or Physick from them they are like Gehazi and so of his Seed spiritually for Gifts and Rewards yea and more for Tythes and Wages for their Advice or Physick and take it by force and so worse than their Father Gehazi and so the Leprosie of Naaman which clave unto Gehazi and unto his Seed cleaveth unto these Pretenders being spiritually of Gehazi his Seed and so they are all spiritually Lepers as indeed they know it and confess themselves to be spiritually Leprous being sensible of it by the Light in their own Hearts which they hate because it reproveth for their unrighteous Doings and the Children of the Light see their Leprosie which cleaveth to them spiritually to be even as white as Snow so plain to be seen But the Light of Christ Jesus which reproveth for Sin in the Hearts and in the Consciences of People though it may be despised and rejected 2 Kings 5.11 12. as Naaman despised Jordan before he tryed it as in the Love of it any receiveth it and with a true Heart obeyeth it it will direct such a one to the spiritual Jordan which is by Interpretation the River of Judgment which is inwardly to be known where Christ Baptizeth with his Holy Spirit and washeth away the Contagious Leprosie of Sin and healeth the Bruises and Wounds and loathsom put●ifying Sores which Sin had made in the Soul as the dipping and washing in it is time after time abode in and that in true faithfulness and therefore they who have tryed the Vertue of it do freely recommend the tryal of its Vertue to all who are ignorant of it and are willing to be recovered from the spiritual Leprosie of Sin And now I heartily acknowledge my great Errour who being in a wretched sinful state my self did undertake and promise for Infants that which I then believed impossible for me ever to perform my self to wit That they should forsake the Devil and all his Works and keep God's holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the Days of their lives Oh what an abominable thing is it thus to Promise and Vow unto God who knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts that Children shall do that which a Man who promiseth it believeth that he shall never be able to do himself God accepteth of no such Sureties For it is a Ridiculous thing amongst Man for a Man to become Surety for the Debt of others that is never like to be able to pay the one half of his own Debt And then certainly God will not so be mocked and therefore let this serve for a warning to all that hear or read this that they undertake no such thing for the Lord will plead with all who are found in such things by his Light in their Consciences and he will fight against them with the Sword of his Mouth Rev. 2.16 Acts 3.22 23. Joh. 13.7 8 9. and every Soul that will not hear his Voice the Word of his Grace and Light in their Hearts and Consciences and suffer him thereby to wash them in his spiritual Baptism they have no part in him but shall be cut off And though some pretend that the Children sprinkled may receive Benefit by the Faith of their Sureties 1 King 17.17 to 24. 2 King 4.18 to 37. Luke 8.49 Luke 7.10 called Godfathers and Godmothers and alledge Examples to prove it as the Widows Son being raised to Life and Jairus Daughter also by the Faith of their Parents and the Centurions Servant restored to Health by the Faith of his Master and such others but this proveth nothing at all to their purpose for there is no mention made of Godfathers nor Godmothers nor of them promising any thing for the Parties restored nor yet of Water Baptism nor of paying the Priest for it and the Lord is often pleased and hath been formerly to answer the Desires and Cries that he hath begotten in the Hearts of his Faithful Ones upon the behalf of others in making them Instrumental in his Hand for the Benefit of whom it pleaseth him but it doth not follow that God requireth one Man to be Surety for another and especially to perform that which he believeth he cannot not perform himself Rom. 14.12 Mat. 12.36 but every one must give account of himself to God and that of every idle word And what a Ridiculous Prophane and Foolish thing doth it appear to be and without the least Ground of Scripture to Teach Children to say Such a one is my Godfather 2 Cor. 1.11 12. or Godmother Is it not far more absurd than that which Paul reproved the Corinthians for because they said I am of Paul and I of Apollo and I of Cophas and I of Christ Nevertheless it is of absolute Necessity to Salvation that every one be truly careful to perform that which they say was promised in their Baptism to wit That they should forsake the Devil and all his Works the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World and all the sinful Lusts of the Flish but do not their Teachers teach them when they have their Money and this Promise of them to believe that they cannot perform this Promise whilst they live in this World And is not that confused Baptizing and Teaching And how should it be otherwise being composed in Babylon that is in Confusion in the False
Satisfaction Psal 29.11 the Lord will give strength unto them and plentifully bless them with his Peace which passeth all the Understending of Men and it will rule in their Hearts and keep their Hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus in a continual watchfulness against the Adversary of their Souls Peace and also in a continual earnest breathing or praying to the Lord for a daily and constant supply of the Heavenly Bread and Water of Life without which they know their Souls cannot live unto God but the Power of Death and Darkness will again prevail in them and over them And all those that in and by the Light the Word of God's Grace have Authority from Christ in the Movings of his Spirit and in the Constrainings of his Love in their Hearts to preach his Everlasting Gospel such preach not for Gifts visible Rewards Tythes nor outward Benefices neither Covet they any Man's Silver or Gold or Apparels but their labour of Love in the Service of Christ is to bring People from the Teachings of Men which are fallible to the Teachings of their Teacher which is the true Light even the Grace of God which bringeth Salvation which hath appeared to all Men which was the Teacher of the Apostles of Christ which Teacher is Infallible that all by receiving his Teachings and believing in the sufficiency of this Grace Light or Manifestation of the Spirit of Christ in their Hearts which is given to every Man to profit withal might so far profit therewith as to become Children of the Light and so Children of God Isa 48.17 18. who are all led of the Spirit of God who reacheth his People to profit And also that being delivered from the Bondage of Corruption and the Corruptible Traditions and Ordinances of Men all such may know and enjoy the glorious Liberty of the Children of God who are not to be subject to such Traditions or Ordinances and this is the Doctrine of the true Ministers of Christ as appeareth by these and many other places of Holy Scripture Rom. 8. Chap. 2 Cor. 3.2 to 18. Gal. 4.1 to 15. Gal. 5.1 to 26. Eph. 2.1 to 22. Col. 1 and 2. Chapters Heb. 8 9 and 10. Chapters Mat. 10.7 8 9 10. 1 Tim. 6.3 to 12. Acts 20.24 to 36. 2 Cor. 12.8 to 20. 1 Cor. 9.16 to 23. 2 Pet. 1.18 19. Heb. 12.22 to 26. Rev. 2.7 17 29. Rev. 3. But they who in their Humane Wisdom or Learning or both for the love of Money Gifts Rewards Tythes Benefices outward Interest or Promotion undertake to Preach and style themselves Ministers of the Gospel of Christ and claim the precious Name of Christianity such mock at the mentioning of the Movings and Leadings and Gindings of the Spirit of Christ whereby it appeareth that they are not moved nor led nor guided by it in their preaching and so it is another Spirit even the Spirit of the Man of Sin by which they are moved to Preach for it must be the one of the two Spirits that moveth them but he that hath not the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8.8 to 17. 3 Cor. 12.3 is none of his and so is no true Christian and no Man can truly say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Spirit so it is plain that he that is not moved led and guided by the Holy Spirit of Christ is none of the Ministers of Christ And such Preachers have only their Authority from Men by which they Preach and not at all from God as all true Ministers of the Gospel have and so their Labour is quite contrary to the Labour of the Ministers of Christ for they preach up Signs Ceremonies Ordinances and Traditions of Men and labour to keep People in dependance upon them which are all to perish with the using that thereby they may keep them in Ignorance to receive admire and depend upon their Teachings that for their Preaching they may pay them Wages Tythes Easter Reckonings Midsummer Dues c. as they call them or give them Gifts Rewards Honours or Esteem and so with their Signs and all their other Endeavours they labour to keep People from believing in the Sufficiency of the Light of Christ Acts 20.32 Tit. 2.11 12. the Word of God's Grace in their own Hearts which is the Teacher of all true Christians and which bringeth Salvation Isa 5.13 John 6.45 Heb. 8.10 11. Jor. 31.34 that so they may keep them in dependance upon Man's Teachings and from the Teachings of God who teacheth all his Children and all true Christians who must all know him from the least even to the greatest of them And if any Pleaders for Signs or Ceremonies think themselves obliged to the use of them by reason of any Command from Christ or his Apostles yet they may certainly know and that is more than think that they make not near so great a matter of the other plain and positive Commands of Christ and his Apostles but generally act quite contrary to many of them as plainly appeareth for Christ commanded his Ministers Mat. 10.8 Mat. 19.27 to 30 Mark 10.28 to 31. Tuke 14.33 saying Freely ye have received freely give but because many such Preachers have paid dear for their Learning therefore perhaps they may not think that Command obliging upon them but they may read that they to whom this Command was given had left all to follow Christ and Christ saith He that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my Disciple And whether such Preachers have freely received or not all may see that they are far from freely giving their Preaching or Ministry who Persecute cast into Prison or make Spoil or Havock of the Goods of Innocent People only because they cannot receive their Teaching nor pay them for it nor for their Ceremonies such as Bread and Wine and outward Baptism or others which they make a Trade of to get Money by which is quite contrary to the Command of Christ and of his Apostles and so such are also far from for saking all for the sake of Christ and far from being his Disciples or keeping his Commands And Christ said to his Ministers Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves Mat. 20.1 to 42. be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves but they that Persecute or cast into Prison others for not paying them for their Preaching or their Ceremonies they obey not this Command being far from the harmlesness of Doves and indeed they are not so wise as the Serpent who hath deceived them and blinded their Minds with the love of outward things with which they know not how soon they must part so that they cannot see the things which concern Everlasting Peace yet the Serpent hath endued them with much of his Wisdom whereby both they themselves and many others throgh them are deceived but the Children of the Light in the Wisdom that cometh from above see beyond all his and
their deceit and they often with much exercise experience that such as claim Tythes c. for their Preaching and Ceremonies though in the Serpents Wisdom they may cover as with Sheeps cloathing they are inwardly and often manifest it outwardly as ravening Wolves amongst Sheep and not as Sheep amongst Wolves and so they observe not Christ's Command of being harmless as Doves And likewise Christ and his Apostle commanded saying Mat. 5.33 to 38. Jam. 5.12 Swear not at all neither by heaven neither by the earth neither by any other Oath but let your Yea be Yea and your Nay Nay lest ye fall into Condemnation and this the Apostle commanded above all things And Christ said Whatsoever is more than yea yea and nay nay cometh of evil but the Pleaders for Ceremonies Signs and Shadows they make light of this great Command and plead generally for Swearing and at their very entrance into their Office or Calling to get their Tythes or Wages c. they must Swear and so break the Commandment of Christ at the beginning of their pretended Ministry of his Gospel in which they Preach up Signs and Ceremonies for which they can find no such plain nor positive Command from Christ or from his Apostles as they may find against any Swearing at all And of what success to the good of any can their Ministry be the beginning of which is indisobedience to the strict and positive Command of Christ And it is evident by many undoubted Histories and Records of the Transactions of former Times that true Christians as well under Apostatized Titular Christians as under Heathens have deeply suffered for their Obedience to Christ's Command in denying to Swear upon any account and it is also evident that the Preachers up of Signs and Ceremonies who plead for Swearing get more Tythes and Money for their Preaching than they could get by denying of Swearing but if according to the Apostles intimation by Swearing they are fallen into Condemnation who can get them out again though they should give him all their Tythes and Money to get them out So it is very plain that they who pretend by Command from Christ to preach up Ceremonies Signs or what they call Sacraments do practice disobedience to several of the plain and positive Commands of Christ but above all that weighty and positive Command of Christ concerning Faith Heb. 11.6 without which it is impossible to please God which Command is this John 12.36 While ye have light believe in the light that ye may be children of light this they cannot endure to hear of they are far surely from keeping it and what a Faith have they who believe not as Christ commandeth to believe Now every one that doth evil hateth the light John 3.16 to 21. neither cometh to the light lest his Deeds should be reproved and so such are far from believing in the light neither would they have others to believe in it who hate and speak evil of the light as the Ceremony-Preachers generally appear to do but they who have come to the light and brought their Deeds to the light Mat. 24.24 Mat. 7.15 to 20. and thro' Faith in it are become Children of light these know False Prophets by their Fruits and their Signs as Christ foretold and many of their own Followers also are convinced by the light of Christ in their own Hearts though but as strangers to it of much Deceit and Hypocrifie amongst them and they that take heed to this light that inwardly reproveth for sin and give up their Hearts in the love of it to answer the requirings of it to them it will discover daily more and more but they that resist it and go from it the God of this World even the Spirit of the Man of Sin who prevaileth upon such with his Power and Signs blindeth their Minds and so the Blind leading Mat. 15.14 and following the Blind both fall into the Ditch And if any reckon their Ceremonies as necessary to distinguish them from others as Turks Mahometans and Jews c. who do not at all believe that Christ the Messiah is come in the Flesh yet there is no ground for such an Assertion for they are more distinct from them who use no such Ceremonies Ordinances nor Traditional Observations at all for the Turks Mahometans Jews and Heathens all of them have many such things though not the same yet as ridiculous as any of theirs that profess Christianity and they are not like to change their own Ceremonies and Observations for others with them or by the Perswasions of them who can shew no better ground for their own than can be shown for sprinkling of Infants and having to them Godfathers and God mothers so called c. And so that which maketh the People of God to be best distinguished from Turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens is to take heed unto believe in and obey the true light of Christ in their Hearts and Consciences wherewith he lighteth all without exception which is the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation ●●t 2.11 12. and hath appeared to all Men teaching those that are willing to be taught of it to deny all ungodliness and worldly Lusts to wit Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Gal. 5.14.20 21. Wrath Strife Covetousness Emulations Seditions Heresies Envyings Murders Drunkenness Revelling and such like things in which Turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens are generally too apt to be sound and all that are in these or any of these things though they profess Christianity are yet but as in the same ground with them and so little distinction but in Name can be made betwixt them But they that are faithfully given up in their Hearts and Minds to obey the light the saving Grace of God it teacheth them to live soberly Gal. 5.22 23 24. righteously and godly in this present World and so to live in peace love long-suffering gentleness goodness meekness and temperance and so here is a clear distinction between these who are true Christians and these called turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens who generally live in ungodliness and worldly Lusts though some of them for Temperance and Moderation have far exceeded many Professors of Christianity who unworthily claimed the Name of Christians But they seem to imitate the Jews who have and plead for Typical Ceremonies Heb. 9.9 10.11 12. and Ordinances for Meats and Drinks and divers Washings and Observations of certain Days Gal. 2. and Times wherein they command to abstain from some sorts of Meats or from labour but they seem to exceed the Jews concerning Times of Marriage Col. 2. who forbid Marriage at some particular Days Rom. 14.6 or Months or Times or to their Priests some forbid Marriage at any time But such were Prophesied of by the Apostle of Christ who accounted forbidding to Marry and commanding to abstain from Meats 1 Tim. 4.1 2