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A44458 Blessed rest for the burthened sinner. Or the only center of the soul Wherein is discovered. 1. Who he is that invites and calls sinners to this rest. 2. The encouragements to come unto him for rest. 3. Many obstructions and impediments which keep back sinners. With their unreasonableness answered. 4. The rest that every one shall have that comes unto Christ. Delivered in some sermons at first, yet since some addition and enlargement has been made to them. By John Hopwood preacher of the Gospel. Hopwood, John, preacher of the Gospel. 1676 (1676) Wing H2761A; ESTC R216474 156,207 450

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the children of the most high 6ly Faithfull Ministers of the Gospel in an especial manner have an interest in this love The persons that have this right love cannot but esteem of the Ministers of Christ and love them because they are Messengers and Embassadors sent from God for the good of their Souls 2 Cor. 5.20 Now then we are Embassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled unto God Their feet are beautiful because they proclaim the glad tidings of Salvation and are Co-workers with God in the conversion of sinners from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to serve the living God 1 Cor. 3.9 for we are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Co-labourers with God now upon these and the like considerations this Evangellic Love flows forth toward the Ministers of Christ and it is manifested three ways 1. by obeying them in the Lord and doing those things which they injoyn from the word of truth as Christ saith He that heareth you heareth me and he that receiveth you receiveth me and he that keepeth my sayings will keep yours also Jo. 15.20 Obedience in these things is a great demonstration of a real and sincere Love 2. It is manifest by the high estimation of them 1 Tim. 5.17 Let the Elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour especially they who labour in the word and Doctrine There is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Maximè principally those who are laborious in preaching the Doctrines of the Gospel it is evident that we do not love that person who we esteem not according to his deserts and degree 3. In allowing them a chearful and competent maintenance according to the capacity of them over whom the Lord hath set them to feed them in the way to life eternal 7ly The objects of the Love are the word of God and his Commandments and this is a certain rule to try thy Love by for if a person should propose this Question to me how may I do to know whether I have a true Evangellic Love which is a fruit of the Spirit of God I would answer by this See if you love the Commandments and the word of God as the Apostle John saith 1 Epist 5.3 By this we know we are the Children of God if we love God and keep his Commandments he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings Here we may clearly and evidently perceive that a Love to the Commandments doth demonstrate our Love to God and Christ to be real and if it be so then we may conclude that it will never fail as 1 Cor. 13.8 But will indure for ever How did David declare himselfe to be a man after Gods own heart but by this in expressing the greatness of his Love to the law of God as in Psal 119.72.97 vers 163. O how I love thy Law it is my Meditation all the day long I love it above Gold and silver So in Psal 19.10 But how few Davids are there How few are there of his Spirit to be found in the World on the contrary most trample under foot the Law of God and esteem Gold and trash and Lusts above it but yet the true believer and disciple of Christ doth greatly love that holy law and with the Apostle delights in it after the inward man Rom. 7.22 8ly This Love has Souls for its objects As it was the greatness of Christs Love to Souls next to the obedience to his Fathers will which brought him from Heaven to Earth and made him willing to devest himself of his glory and take upon him the form of a Servant Phil. 2.6 7 8. So they who have this Love of Christ wrought in their Souls by the holy Spirit are vehemently carried out with Love and desire after the good of Souls He that in some measure apprehends what a great thing 't is to be saved cannot but desire the Salvation of all others If upon inquiry you find no sensible and real Love to Souls then conclude there is but little of this grace of Love within you The person in whose heart this grace is implanted pants after nothing more than the eternal Salvation of his own Soul and the Souls of his Relations Friends and acquaintance It may be said of them as it is of God 1 Tim. 2.5 They would have all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth What was it that made the Apostles and Servants of Christ in all Ages suffer so much and yet willingly It was these two Principles First their Love to Christ 2 Cor. 5.14 For the Love of Christ constraineth us Secondly their zealous love and desire of the everlasting salvation of Immortal Souls they were willing according to that Scripture to lay down their Lives for the good of the Brethren scil Believers Now see if your Love be such that you earnestly desire the well being of the Souls of those who are about you or related to you 9ly The objects of this Love are all the institutions of Christ O how lovely are his Ordinances to his beloved ones Prayer is Lovely and aimable because it is the Key that unlocks the Gates of Heaven and opens the very Bosome of God so that he is ready to confer plentiful treasures of grace upon this divine Lover hearing of Gods word is delectable to such an one because therein the Love glory and Transcendent excellencys of Christ are displayed and the will of the Father clearly revealed to the Soul and thence the Soul derives finds grace communicated out of the fulness of Christ because it is the means of conveyance the Sacraments are amiable because they are Seals of Heaven by which God makes over himself and all to believers assures them of the stability faithfulness and everlastingness of his Love in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper the believer by Faith beholds Christ broken and bleeding for his Sins and it becomes nourishment to the Soul in it the Soul injoys communion with God Christ and Blessed Saints these Priviledges render the ordinances very lovely delectable to Believers I might run through others as Reading Meditating and holy conferrence which are all very lovely to the Evangellic Lover 10ly and lastly Grace and Holyness these bare so much of God in them that the Apostle calls them the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given to us exceeding great and pretious Promises that by these you might be partakers of the Divine Nature having escaped the corruption that is in the World through Lust Grace hath a lovely aspect and holyness shines forth like a Beam of Heaven in the Eyes of them whose Hearts are full of Love to Divine objects Grace and Holyness being the Image of God and the way and means through Christ to Heaven and happiness are intirely beloved the Divine Lover is so enamoured with the excellency and true worth of Grace that he esteems it above all terrene
will give thee Rest which implys all spiritual blessings both for time and Eternity Why Christ invites 2ly Possitively 1. In Obedience to his Fathers Will as he was Mediator for although he was in the form of God yet he did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Phil. 2.6.7 empty himself disrepute himself and took upon him the form of a Servant therefore Christ saith so frequently I come not to do my own will in reguard of his Man-hood but the will of him that sent me Jo. 5.30 Jo. 6.38 I came down from Heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me In the 39.40 He declares what is the Fathers will even the Salvation of poor Sinners the Father he wills and the Son he wills the eternal well-being of poor Sinners therefore he cloathed himself with a body of Flesh to the end he might declare and fulfil his Fathers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luk. 2.14 good pleasure towards poor perishing Creatures For allthough he was a Son yet he learned Obedience Heb. 5.8 Therefore he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 10.7 behold I come to do thy will O God Heb. 10.7 2. Reason Why Christ thus condescends to invite poor Sinners to come unto him may be taken from his tender love and compassion to poor Souls Christ Jesus is full of tenderness and love as he manifested when he was grieved for their unbelief for faith is the leading grace as I shewed before which carrieth the Soul to Christ in Mat. 14.14 We read Christ was moved with compassion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his bowels did yearn towards the multitude and then it was only bodily food they needed but Oh how much more doth Christ commiserate and pitty poor distressed Souls that is a kind of a pathetick expression of Christ in Jo. 5.40 Ye will not come unto me that ye may have life As if Christ should have said you my Friends my Country-men Jo. 11.25 you are all morally dead but I am the resurrection and the Life And he that believeth in me though he were dead yet should he live You are lost ones but I came to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19.10 you are miserable Sinners but I a merciful Saviour Heb. 2.17 Therefore come unto me believe in me and ye shall have Life and have it more abundantly all that Christ Jesus did and suffered was from a principle of love to poor Souls Jo. 10.10 We commonly say Magnes Amoris Amor Love is the Loadstone of Love but now here was no such Argument in the Sinner for instead of Love here he found hatred instead of Friends deadly enemies therefore Christ did all from his Love and Pity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he saw the Sinners Misery Ezek. 16. Therefore is moved with mercy so Christ did when he foresaw the destruction of Jerusalem Luk. 19.41.42 He beheld the City and wept over it saying if thou hadst known even then at least in this thy day the things which belong to thy Peace but now they are hid from thine Eyes Christ had been here inviting with much love and kindness but they refused and slighted his invitation we see here when Christs words and Doctrine will not prevail with hard-hearted Sinners he is so full of compassion notwithstanding that his Soul mourns in secret for their Pride Folly and Unbelief Illis compatitur a quibus patitur Ang. Jer. 13.17 when gratious intreatys will not bring the Sinner home he himself will send tears sighs and groans after him thus we see Christ invites because he is full of tenderness and love to poor Souls O Sinner then retard not but love thy self and come to Christ 3. Reason Because he knows the worth and excellency of their Souls the excellency of the Soul did consist at first in its conformity to the Creator in wisdom and true holyness but upon Sinning the Soul lost its pristine Beauty and primitive excellency only this remains scil the faculty and capability of being restored and renewed again The worth of the Soul transcends all sublimary things Mat. 16.26 What is a Man profited if he gain not a City not a Kingdom not some parts of 〈◊〉 but the whole World and loose his own Soul Now because Christ knows this therefore he invites them to come unto him that they may not lose a Jewel of so high value that there is no exchange for it see Psal 49.7.8 None can by any means redeem his Brother nor give to God a Ransome for him He gives the Reason in the 8. v. For the Redemption of the Soul is precious and it ceaseth for ever Well may he say the redemption of the Soul is precious for no less then the precious blood of Christ who was God-man will redeem it 1 Pet. 1.19 and it ceaseth forever as to its deliverance by any Creature so Christ seems to intimate in my Text and in v. 29. I have reguard to the better part even to the Soul I will give you rest for your Soul and indeed that is the happiest and most glorious rest 4. Reas Because he knows it will prove in vain to go or seek to any other he alone can bear their Burden and ease them of their Labour and weary Travel Men cannot help Angels which excel in strength cannot succour in Soul-distresses Isa 45.22 à quibus vulnetatur illis medetur look unto me and be ye saved saith Christ he who was wounded by thee is the only Physitian for thee Jo. 14.16 I am the way the truth and the Life He is the direct way to Salvation Glory God has made him to be Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption If thou wantest Wisdom thou must go to Christ for he is the Teacher come from God 1 Cor. 1.30 Jo. 3.2 Col. 1.19 If Righteousness we must seek to Christ and so for all mercies For it hath pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell He has ability to save and willingness too come unto me saith Christ why For there is no other name given under Heaven whereby you can be saved Act. 4.12 All Power is given unto me saith Christ Jo. 17.2 I have power to kill and power to make a live therefore Sinner be perswaded to return come unto me and find rest I can ease thee from the yoke of Bondage and I can make thee free with the Priviledg of the Sons of God 5. Reas Because he knows the weight of Glory the Sinner will lose and the greatness of the misery he involves himself into if he refuse It is not a temporal but eternal not a light but a weight of Glory that the refusing Sinner will fall short of He knows the misery is great the Burthen intollerable the Flames inextinguishable the Fire eternal that will be the portion of those who refuse to come Jo. 3.36 He that believeth not the Son shall not see Life which implies
Canaan and the Glory of the new Jerusalem she takes a survey of those blessed immunities eternal felicitys and that Immortal glory the Saints shall be invironed and invested with when they come to injoy Christ who is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all and in all Col. 3.11 and from the blessed Prospect of these things Faith makes a return and descent into the Soul implets and fills it with divine joy even to the supream confines of it it tells such storys of the Love of God and Christ and the blessed Spirit to the believer that it doth conflagate and inflame the Soul and makes it rejoice perpetually in the Lord according to that exhortation of the Apostle rejoyce in the Lord always May I speak with reverence Faith penetrates into the very Bosome of the Almighty and sees there is Love Peace and reconciliation for the believing Soul it looks into the records of Heaven and can read Thy Sins are forgiven and thy Iniquitys are blotted out It can look into the Lambs book of Life and read the name of the believer imprinted there this makes the Soul exalt and triumph with Songs of praise what made Paul and Silas Sing and Rejoyce when their Feet was incastriated their Bodys with Stripes vulnerated Act. 16.22 23 24 25. in an interior obscure Prison denyed the solace of that which nature is very ambitious of scil their Eyes to behold the Sun but this a lively Faith which devocated and fetched down new comfort to their Souls Faith when Active makes the Soul rejoyce in God and Christ and in divine and spiritual objects 2ly Peace is another effect of that Faith which is wrought by the Spirit of God as in that forequoted place Rom. 15.13 The God of Peace fill you with all joy and Peace in believing Peace of Conscience from sound principles is a happy priviledge and great blessing To be under the racks of a disquieted and tormented Conscience O what a mercy is it to injoy peace and a Calm within the Soul when there is nothing but tempests and tumults abroad what a comfortable condition is this God hath made a promise of Peace to believers Isa 26.3 I will keep him in Peace whose mind is Staid upon me because he trusteth in me Christ gives his Peace to Believers as he did to his Disciples Jo. 14.27 My Peace I leave with you my Peace I give unto you The Believer is at Peace with the Law of God because it is satisfied by the Death of Christ at peace with God the Father because he is well pleased in his Son to be reconciled to poor Sinners he is at peace with himself because his Sins are pardoned but he is never at peace again with Sin or Satan because they are Enemys to this true Peace which believers do partake of The believers peace is not remaining in Sin but it is a peace from Sin from the guilt and power of it 3ly In those who are come unto Christ the Spirit hath wrought the grace of Love for as the Apostle saith 1 Jo. 4.8 He that Loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love This is the great Gospel-grace as the Apostle Paul calls it 1 Cor 13.13 Jo. 13.35 Now there abideth Faith Hope and Love these three but the greatest of these is Love This is the distinguishing grace by which we are known to be Christs Disciples it declares our Divine original That we are Born from above 1 Jo. 4.7 it manifests our near union and communion with God 1 Jo. 4.16 God is Love and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him But I shall speak to this Query how may one know that the grace of Love is wrought by the Spirit in the Soul The Resolution of which may be known by these two means scil the propertys and objects of it 1. As to the propertys of it it is Divine for the Spirit of God is the Author of it Gal. 5.22 it descends from above Jam. 1.17 Every good gift and every perfect gifts is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights Now Love is one of these good perfect gifts 1 Jo. 4.7 for there is not any thing in the new Creature which is not the Finger-work of God all grace flows from him through Christ by his holy Spirit into the Soul Love is a grace that is Immortal for when Faith is turned into fruition and hope into possession this divine Love Remains 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 13.8 Love never faileth It is a Seed that never dies a fire that once being kindled never more will be extinguished it transformes the Soul into the very Image of God and makes it most like unto its maker it is Divine in that it Loves Joys and takes complacency in pure holy and divine objects it is not Like Carnal Love which findes nothing but the perishing Creature to diligate and delight in but it seeks better and more durable objects because it is of a Divine original 1 Jo. 4.7 Love is from God Therefore there are reflex acts towards the Author and giver of it 2ly This Love is sublime it is high and lofty although not puffed up with vain pride because it scorns to fix its felicity in a vain Perishing world the base things of this World are not objects noble enough for this excellent grace it is of a noble extraction and therefore Loves and delights in Divine and noble objects David who was a Man after Gods own Heart was full of this Divine and sublime Love therefore we have him often expressing his Love to God to the Law far above Gold or Silver or the perishing trash of a sinful World Psal 119.72 The Law of thy mouth is better to me then thousands of Gold and Silver The beauty of this inferior World is but deformity and blackness compared with the Splendor and glory of those divine objects which this Love is fixed upon the Honours and Riches of this World are but Dung and Dross to the Soul who hath this sublime Love Phil. 3.8 Ye doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dogs-meat that I may win Christ What made the Apostle thus to trample upon these terrene things and so to stain the glory of those things which are most excellent in the Eyes of most men why his Heart overflowed with this divine sublime and seraphick Love this is the true nature of evangelick Love it Loves the World and the things of it with a World-like Love which is cold indifferent and mutable the Heart that flows with this Love ever ebbs and runs low to the things of this world because it looks upon them as not worthy of its Love 3ly It Loves superlatively all divine things it doth not only Love in a high degree but in
the things of the World for if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him Here the divine Apostle gives a reason which withal proves that these two are not consistent for as Christ said Luk 16.13 You cannot serve God and Mammon one will have the preheminence and where this true evangellick Love is there the Love to the World is but flat and cold 2ly And possitively what are the true adequate and constant objects of this Evangellick Love in general all spiritual divine holy objects to which our Love is commanded or required by the Holy Word of God there is nothing which the believer apprehends to be truely divine but the Soul Loves entirely fervently and constantly for these objects are sutable to the State of a Believer he can perceive a greater excellence in them then in any other therefore the Soul is carried forth to love them above all others but more particularly and yet succinctly 1. God is the object of this Evangellic Love he is the chief and supream good therefore supreamly to be beloved even with all the heart with all the Soul and with all the strength Mat. 22.37 The Soul that is come to Christ by believing in him loves God not only as a Creator but as a reconciled Father in and through Christ 2 Cor. 5.19 Now it looks upon it self as oblieg'd and bound to love God who hath manifested such Love Joh. 3.16 as to give his only begotten Son that whoever believes should not perish but have everlasting life if God out of his infinite love had not been willing to give his Son to die for Sinners Christ would not have been willing to come and give himself for and to those who are his The Father out of his Love elected some to be Heirs of God and Co-heirs with Christ Rom. 8.17 Now the consideration of these things doth inflame the heart with Love to God as the Apostle saith 1 Joh. 4.19 We love him because he first loved us The fruits and effects of the Love of God shed abroad in the Soul makes it now to love God with an impartial and superlative Love Modus diligendi Deum est sine modo Bern. it Loves God as one saith the measure of loving him should be without measure 2ly Christ Jesus is the object of this Love O how the Believer loves Christ the Soul is so fired with Love to the Lord Jesus that it knows not how to express it words are too mean actions too low and the Soul thinks all too little to express and manifest its Love unto the Lord Jesus When the Believer considers Christ in the transcendent excellency of his person that he is God blessed for ever that he is the Eternal Son of God beloved of him adored of Angels then he says with the Spouse Cant. 5.10 My beloved is the chiefest among ten thousand and as it is in the 16. vers He is altogether lovely Further when he considers the extremity infiniteness and ignominy of the Passion and Suffering Christ underwent for him and that he should express his Love at so dear a rate to one altogether indeserving it doth so inflame the Soul that it vehemently longs to get above the clouds into the bosom of Jesus and that it may drink of the celestial Fountain and Springs of life Rev. 7.17 Moreover when it considers what Christ hath purchased and what he is doing now for his Elect and Redeemed ones that he hath procured Pardon Reconciliation with God Grace and Glory Life and eternal Bliss for those who were sometimes dead in Trespasses and Sins 2 Tim. 4.8 1 Pet. 5.4 Eph. 2.5 and that he continues interceeding by the vertue of his Blood and Merits that all his may have these blessings confered upon them and at last be crowned with a Diadem of Righteousness and Glory O the consideration of these things doth so incendiate the Soul with the flames of Divine Love that many waters cannot quench it neither can floods drown it Cant. 8.7 nay Afflictions Persecutions or Death cannot seperate this Soul from the Love of Christ When the Believer looks upon Christ in his Offices and in that near Relation between them this doth still elevate and heighten his Love so that the Soul is full and as it were immerged and swallowed up with Love to Christ who is the Head and the all of Believers Col. 3.11 3ly This Divine Evangelick Love hath for its object the holy Spirit he who is the alone Author is now become the Object the Spirit is he who infuseth and operateth this grace in the Soul Gal. 5.22 The Fruit of the Spirit is Love now seeing this is a Fruit of the Spirit it has reflex actings so that it leads the Soul to love affectionately and intirely the holy Spirit knowing that except he cooperates nothing can profit the Soul and that if he work not Joh. 16.15 there will be no exception of grace it is he which leads and guides into the way of all truth which is the alone way of Salvation he teacheth the Soul to know God and Christ and to know it self he fills the heart with Divine blessings which make the Believer greatly to admire and love him Try your Love by these objects see whether Carnal or Divine objects have the Supremacy in your affections for these are infallible ways to try your Love by and to discern a true Evangelic Love from all others whatsoever 4ly Holy Angels are greatly beloved of Believers because they are to be their Companions to Eternity and bear part in that Celestial quire where they shall sing eternal Hallelujahs to their God and Father in the Kingdom that cannot be shaken Heb. 12.28 and further because they are a Life-guard to them here and Ministring Spirits sent forth for the good of all those who are Heirs of Salvation Heb. 1.14 5ly All Saints as such are the objects of this Divine Love without any distinction or difference Because they perceive their Fathers Image shine forth in such therefore that which is so amiable in them doth attract and draw their affection to it The Apostle John in several places puts this down as a Character by which we may prove our Love if it be right nay the only way to know whether we Love God or no 1 Joh. 4.20 If a man say I love God and hateth his Brother he is a Lyar for he who loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen David saith Psal 16.2 3. O my Soul thou hast said unto the Lord thou art my Lord my goodness extendeth not to thee but to the Saints that are in the Earth and to the excellent ones in whom is all my delight Here this holy man declares that the Saints were excellent in his eye and all the delight of his Soul but why were they so but because they were Saints they were holy ones born from above and
Luk. 15.19 My heart condemns me 1 Joh. 3.20 But do thou justify me upon the account of thy free grace in thy Son the Lord Jesus 6thly and lastly It doth in all still declare God to be just let his proceedings be never so severe Neh. 9.33 speaking there of the Afflictions God had brought upon the Children of Israel for their sins Howbeit saith he Thou art just in all thou hast brought upon us for thou hast done right but we have done wickedly Psal 51.4 That thou mightest be just when thou speakest and clear when thou judgest I have sinned and it is just with thee to condemn me whatsoever thou bringest upon me yet thou art just for I have transgressed thy commands 2dly The second Property is to depart and turn away from iniquity Man since the fall hath a natural pronity and propensity to follow sin and vanity but in true repentance there is a forsaking and turning from sin which the Schoolmen call the Terminus à quo the Term from which every sincere penitent doth turn there must be a tergiversation and forsaking all Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 Let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from Iniquity There are these four things implyed in our departing from Iniquity 1. A turning from it and forsaking of it a bidding adieu to all and every sin Acts 26.18 To turn them from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God Acts 3.26 God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning every one of you away from his Iniquity Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts in which Scripture it is evident that to depart from sin is to forsake it utterly not to depart from it as a man doth from a Friend only for a while and with intentions of returning again but it must be a forsaking of it as one would do a strange and unpleasant Country designing never to return to it more 2. Cleansing ones self Jer. 4.14 O Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickedness Isa 1 16. Wash ye make ye clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil 2 Tim. 2.21 If a man therefore purge himself from these scil sins he shall be a vessel to honour sanctified and meet for the Masters use There must be a purifying and cleansing where there is right departing from iniquity not only the outside but the inside must be washed ‖ Jam. 4.8 the heart as well as the hand the fountain being corrupt and defiled it must be purified before any pure streams will issue there 3. The abstaining from all evil both internal and external 1 Thes 5.22 Abstain from all appearance of evil If but the shaddow of sin doth appear we must post away from it the very thoughts of evil God takes notice of therefore they are to be abstained from for they are as really sins as if they were acted externally Jer. 4.14 How long shall vain thoughts lodge within thee Vain thoughts are offensive to God and they are transgressions of his holy Law Prov. 24.9 The thoughts of foolishness is sin As to External sins I know it will be granted by most if not all that we should abstain from them 2 Tim. 2.22 Flee youthful lusts but follow righteousness 1 Pet. 2.11 Dearly Beloved I beseech you as strangers and Pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which War against the Soul 4thly and lastly The absession or departing from Iniquity is to go the quite contrary way scil the way of righteousness and holiness 2 Tim. 2.22 Flee youthful lusts but follow Righteousness Faith Charity Peace with them that call on the Lord with a pure heart As there is the departing from the one there is a walking in the other it is not enough to cease to do evil but there must be a learning to do well Isa 1.17 There is a way called the way of holiness which the righteous must walk in Isa 35.8 A high-way shall be there and a way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it Christ hath redeemed his not only from Iniquity but that they should be Zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 3dly The next property of Evangelic Repentance is with the whole heart to turn to the Lord and this is called the Terminus ad quem the Term to which every true penitent does turn there were some we read of who returned but not to God Hosea 7.16 They returned but not to the most high It may be they turned from the gross and notorious sins to private and seemingly lesser sins the Prodigal turns covetous and the openly prophane become secret hypocrites but this is no repentance for there must be a total turning to the Almighty as in Jer. 4.1 If thou wilt return O Israel saith the Lord return unto me to me and to none other for else it is but a mocking of God and cheating our own selves to rest any where short of God is not real Repentance for it is the nature of it when wrought by the Spirit to lead the Soul home to God Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the Man of Iniquity his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will multiply to Pardon There must be a converting to God the Lord for he is the Center of the Souls happiness as the needle once touch'd with the Loadstone turns to the North Pole continually so the heart once touched with true Repentance turns evermore to God The understanding will and affections are all now God-ward as being the chief Good 4thly The Nature of it is to bring forth fruit Mat. 3.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bring forth fruit meet for Repentance It may be rendered Therefore make manifest fruits worthy of Repentance Let the fruits of Grace Righteousness and holyness declare your Repentance to be true when the Tree brings forth no fruit we conclude it dead and sapless so if there is no fruit to be found no amendment of life no love to God and goodness then we may certainly conclude this work is not done upon the Soul for the true tears of Repentance do so water and bedew the Soul that forever after it is most fertile it is not as a Plant in a dry ground but as a Tree planted by the Rivers of water which brings forth fruit in due season Psal 1.3 If the ground brings forth nothing but Briers and Thorns it is near unto cursing if sin doth still predominate over the Soul and it is lead captive by lusts and enormities then it is far from blessing or partaking of that Evangellic grace of Repentance for where it is wrought by the Spirit of God it doth certainly bring forth fruit in some thirty in some sixty and in some a hundred fold to the eternal glorification of that God who works all
the highest even with all the Heart with all the Mind and with all the Strength God and Christ are to be beloved beyond all measure as one saith the right manner of Loving God is Modus diligendi deum est ut diligatur quantum potest diligi Bern. that he may be beloved as much as he can be beloved This evangellick Love seats it self in the most superlative place of the Soul there is no comparison between this Love and the Love of the Creature 4ly This Love is sincere Grace be with all those who Love the Lord Jesus in Sincerity Eph. 6.24 If there is not Sincerity at the Root besure the Fruit is corrupt Hypocrisie is the distruction of many but Sincerity Integrity and Uprightness preserveth the Soul wherefore were Noah Job and others counted Perfect it was not because they were Perfect in their obedience but because their Love was Sincere this makes the Scripture give such an excellent Charactor of them Sincerity is as it were the Salt which seasons every duty and a Sincere Love although but weak in the actings is that which savours of a right Gospel Spirit 5ly It is a fervent Love Rom. 12.11 Fervent in Spirit Serving the Lord. It is true that this Love may not always Seraphin like be in a bright burning flame but yet where once it is wrought by the Spirit it never after is quite extinguished for when it flames not it does burn and when it burns not clearly there are some scintilla's and Sparks which keep it from quite going out and when the Cinders of Corruption are blown away it kindles up into a flame again Let one who hath this fervent Love through invigilancy fall into Sin or neglect duty it cools and damps the fire of his affection for a time but let him come again to the ordinances and by Faith Drink a draught of the warm Blood of Christ and by Prayer blow up the heat of his affections it will prove but like the Water the Smith Casts upon the fire which seemingly Puts it out but when he hath blown a while it flames more violently I say not this to incourage any to make tryal by Sin but if it be so with any that now find their Love but cold which formerly was fervent they may see the cause be wise to improve and apply the Remedy this Love I say is Ardent Love which warms the heart for it is a ray from the Sun of righteousness which sets the Soul all in a Divine feaver 6thly This Love is total I mean it is with the whole heart God hates a divided Heart or as the Hebrew hath it a Heart and a Heart one as it were for God and another for the World and Sin but God will have the whole or none therefore it is said Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God Mat. 22.37 Deut. 6.5 with all thy Heart with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind See here how many Times 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all is expressed as God is of an indivisible essence so he would not have that which is his due to be divided now the true Saint is very well content that God should have all he would have none to be Copartner with God and Christ but desires that his Love and affections may wholly be fixed and set upon the right objects when God saith to the person who hath this Love my Son give me thy heart he is ready to respond and say Lord here am I take the whole of my heart nay take the all of my all let me be but thine and that for ever 7thly and lastly It is a constant and permanent Love as Christ said unto his Disciples Jo. 15.9 Continue ye in my love so may I say to you See that this love abide and continue in you For if your Love be of an Evangellick nature it is a permanent Love 1 Cor. 13.8 Love never faileth Christ spake of some whose Love should fail them but that which is durable ends in Salvation Mat. 24.12.13 Because Iniquity shall abound the Love of many shall wax cold but he that indures to the end the same shall be saved He whose Love keeps warm and abideth shall certainly obtain Salvation as the love of God towards his People is an everlasting love Jer. 31.3 So he expects that their love should be a permanent love God hates those who draw back Heb. 10.38 but it is the nature of this love to press forward to increase and aspire till it comes unto the Center from whence it came He that hath this love maintains it in adversity as well as prosperity when the Clouds do darken the Face of God as well as when the Sun-shine of this love beams forth upon the Soul many of the Saints have experienced this they have found their love hottest when their afflictions have been heavyest when most shaken by the World they have been most confirmed in their love to God and Christ I come now to the objects of this spiritual evangelick love and I shall speak of them first negatively shewing what are not the objects of this love 2ly possitively what they are 1. Negatively what are not the objects 1. Not Sin neither in ones self or in another The Soul that hath this Divine love in it cannot but hate all Sin Psal 119.101 and 104. I have refrained my feet from every evil way v. 104. I hate every false way v. 113. I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love As God is said to be of purer Eies then to behold Iniquity so the Saints are of purer Hearts then to love Iniquity Sin hath brought bitterness to their souls therefore they now abhor it they have no love or liking at all for Sin it doth not fix upon Iniquity as a delectable and lovely object but hates and flees from all base lusts which seek to insnare the Soul 2ly It is not fixed upon Satan for although no Creature mearly as a Creature is to be the object of our hatred because it declares something of the wisdom and power of the Creator in giving existence and being to such a Creature yet Satan in his Sinful lapsed State and condition as an Enemy to God Christ and the well being of our immortal Souls ought to be the object of our hatred 1 Pet. 5.8 For he goes about like a Roaring lyon seeking whom he may devour He makes it his great imployment to effect the ruin of poor Souls therefore he is become the object of hatred 3ly It is not placed upon this te●rene dying and perishing world love to God and Christ in that measure and degree as it should be cannot consist with an eager and earnest love of the world Jam. 4.4 Ye Adulterers and Adulteresses know ye not that the Friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God This is further manifest in 1 Jo. 2.15 Love not the World neither