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A41123 Remains of that reverend & faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. William Fenner, late minister of Rochford in Essex ... now compared with his own notes and published by Simeon Ash, William Taylor, Matthew Poole, John Jackson and John Seabrooke ... Fenner, William, 1600-1640.; Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. 1657 (1657) Wing F696; ESTC R7304 478,746 332

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what is this particular word which the Lord speaks to the soul is there any such particular word to be found in all the Scripture Thomas or Richard do you come to me I answer there is a general word in the Scripture and this particular word is in the general so that though there be not a particular word expressively yet there is equivalently and this I will make appear in three or four particulars First what particular place of Scripture saith that Thomas or James or such a one is a childe of wrath by nature is here any Scripture saith so of him I answer yes this particular is in the general we are all the children of wrath by nature Eph. 2.3 and cursed is every one that continues not in all the things written in the Law to do them Gal. 3.10 now though a mans name be not named William such a one is accursed by nature yet notwithstanding he findes his particular in the general that he is a cursed creature Again what place of Scripture saith that Robert or John must love God and is bound to love God is there any such place of Scripture no why will you say then that you are bound to love God and obey him if there be no such place of Scripture yes for this particular is in the general Thou shalt love the Lard thy God c. That Commandment is delivered to all men in the whole world So Thou shalt do no murther thou shalt not commit adultery c. this Commandment lies upon the whole world therefore if thou beest a man though thou canst not finde thy name set down that the Lord speaks to thee yet thy particular is in those generals so though it cannot be shewn in all the Scripture that such a particular man shall rise againe yet when the Scripture saith that all men shall rise againe as John 5.28 Marvel not for the houre shall come that all flesh that is in the grave shall come forth if all that are dead shall rise again then every man shall rise again though his name be not named in Scripture so it is hear we read in Scripture that Christ saith John 7.37 If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink now the Lord includes a particular in it and brings it to the soul thou thirstest thou wouldest faine have Christ here are the promises here is all mercy in my Sonne believe in him come and receive him take him and thou shalt have them so if Christ saith whosoever beleeves shall be saved then Saint Paul might safely conclude a particular word to the Jaylor beleeve in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Acts 16.31 so that you see here is a particular word though not particular directly yet equivalent to a particular namely a particular in the general and the Spirit of God doth speak this to the soul and makes the soul hear it Every man therefore that hath heard it c. When God calls the soul home he makes the soul hear his voice here a particular voice and word to him believe in the Lord come unto me for salvation relie upon me for eternal life the sinnes that trouble thy soule cast thy self upon me for the forgiving of them the diseases miseries distempers thou art subject unto lay hold upon me and rest upon me for the delivering thee from them the Lord when he calls a man effectually he speaks it not onely the Minister and the Word speaks it but the Lord speaks it and so the soul hearing of the Father comes to Christ thus you may see the Lord holds the free promises of the Gospel before the soul and bids a man relie upon them as Peter dealt with his contrite hearers the Spirit of the Lord going along with his word Acts 2.39 believe saith he for the promise belongs to you and to your children c. as who should say when God calls a man effectually he holds forth his promises and propounds them to the soul beleeve this promise and rest upon me for it thus the Lord doth call a man home he sends his promise before him he sets up hope before him he sends the gracious invitation of the Gospel before him and bids him relie upon it thus God dealt with his Elect Corinths 1 Cor. 1.9 God is faithful saith the Apostle by whom ye are called to the fellowship of his Sonne Jesus Christ as who should say when God called you he spake to every one of you in particular come and be fellow heirs with my Son come and have every good thing with my Sonne come and be a sonne with him come and be an heir of grace with him and have title to eternal life and salvation God calls you saith he to beleeve that he is faithful So I might instance in many more though there be never so many in the Congregation yet the Lord doth not speak to them all they do not all hear his voice they all hear the Minister but that makes them not to come that doth not the deed but when the Lord calls a man he comes he joyns with the Word and speaks to this or that man and takes him alone and whispers him in the ear and tells him where mercy is and bids him rely upon him and though sense and feeling be against him though all fears and objections be against him he bids him believe and be of good cheere he shall have all these mercies if he will believe in him as he saith Esay 51.20 Look unto Abraham your father for I called him alone and blessed him mark it the Lord took him alone and spake to his heart between him and himself so when the Lord speaks to a soul and calls him by his grace he calls him alone and takes him alone though all the Congregation hears the same Sermon yet he takes him alone and speaks to his heart and bids him beleeve in him for I will never faile thee it is a sure foundation he may build upon it for ever and ever Because no man could come unto Christ else for we see daily though Ministers call all the Congregation and assembly yet people do not stir they are dead in their sins they cannot hear the Minister no it must be a louder voice and one that is more powerful and effectual unlesse the Lord come and bid a man beleeve he can never do it therefore John 5.26 See what Christ saith Verily I say unto you that the hour shall come when the dead shall heare the voice of the Sonne of God here comes an Almighty voice that speaks to the raising of a man out of the death of sinne to the life of righteousnesse and faith and he shews that there is a voice of Christ that speaks to the soul that though the soul be dead yet it shall heare and live so Ephesians 5.14 and were it not for this call no man could beleeve That so they may have a ground
about every duty and please God in all his wayes in some measure a little faith is strong so love is a strong grace it is as strong as death Cant. 8. If a man hath but a little true love to God it will enable him to doe strange things it will make him suffer any thing doe any thing leave any thing for God Now natural people they say they love God but it is a weak love it cannot make them leave a lust for God it cannot make them doe any thing for God it cannot carry a man beyond nature but all the graces of Gods spirit are marvellous strong things therefore as ever we desire to have a sign and token that we are true Christians and have the grace of God in truth in any measure in us we should labour to strengthen all the good things that are in us for if we doe not strengthen them they are not of the right stamp Reas 2 Secondly We can never doe any act of new obedience unless we be strengthened as the Lord saith to Joshua Josh 17. Onely be thou strong and doe my commandements c. He would have him strong that he might observe all the Law of God as who should say Joshua thou canst never be able to observe my Law there be mighty performances things that flesh and blood can never reach unto therefore unless thou hast strength and divine strength thou canst never be able to doe this therefore be strong strengthen thy self labour to have all the courage and might that may be God bids us do nothing but he requires all the strength of the whole man Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy strength it must be thus if the water man be to rowe with the tyde and the wind he puts forth no strength the stream will carry the vessel but if he be to rowe against wind and tyde now he must put forth all his strength else the boat cannot go nay it will go the contrary way so if we would please God and work the work● of God and attain to his heavenly Kingdom we must rowe against wind and tyde and without tugging and hailing and putting forth a great deal of strength we shall never do it as suppose a man be wronged and offered an in●ury he cannot be quiet an hour together but he is abused and misused and mocked and opposed now he cannot be patient unless he be strong and have great strength to deny himself as Col. 1.11 Be strengthned with all might according to his glorious power to all patience and long suffering with joyfulness As who should say if you would have patience you must be strengthned with all might specially if you would be patient with joy may be a man may be patient but then he is surly and lumpish and all amort● may be he bears but he is like a block or stock he cannot joy in tribulation he had need have a great deal of strength to do this so if a man would pray can he pray without a great deal of strength it is not a little heave will lift up a mans heart to God I lift my heart to thee he gave a great lift to his heart and Heb. 5.7 it is said that Christ prayed with strong cries we cannot pray aright unlesse we come with strong cries and strong desires so if a man hear the word if it awaken him and quicken him he will lose all again and be as blockish as he was before unless he be strong we can do no good duty without strength and therefore we had need to labour for strength Thirdly We can never overcome temptations nor make our part good Reas 3 against temptations without strength nay we cannot resist them or combate with them or stand in the field against them but we shall be beaten out and be overwhelmed if we have not strength if we would go to heaven we shall be sure to meet with abundance of temptations and if temptations will put us out of the way we shall have enough of them if they can sway us and make us do this and that we shall not want temptations if a bowl hath bias the strength of the arm will take away that though the bias be never so strong as long as the strength of the arm lasts the bias goeth according to the strength of the arm when the strength of the arm is gone then the bias begins to sway it So if a man have strength it will swallow up the bias of temptations but when a man hath no strength then the bias of temptations carries him away then the world bows him then pleasure and his natural inclination sways him this way and that way whereas if a man had strength he might resist temptations 1 Cor. 15.58 be stedfast and unmoveable abounding in the work of the Lord that is if you were strong you would be unmoveable and abound in the work of the Lord all the world could not withdraw you from the work of the Lord for all temptations you would abound in good things what infinite need have we to resist temptations none of us can arrive at heaven unless we be able to go through thick and thin and a world of temptations blessed is the man that endures temptations he shall have enough of them and happy is the man that can endure them and overcome them if we be not strong if we have not this spiritual might what shall become of us if we have not strong love to the truth we shall be hooked away from it if we have not strong love to obedience we shall be disobedient if we have not strong love to the wayes of God we shall be pulled away from them by force of temptations Reas 4 Fourthly Without strength if we should chance to fall we cannot get up again what man is there that falls not in many things we offend all how often doth the godly man fall into sin through weakness and infirmity and ignorance and sometimes in a worse manner now if he have spiritual strength in him then he may rise up again if he hath a strong relation to God in Jesus Christ that cannot be broken then he may get up again as the body if it hath abundance of sores and blains and divers diseases and distempers upon it yet as long as the strength of nature lasts it may work them out again if you give this man Physick as long as the strength of nature lasts Physick may do him good but if the strength of nature be gone the disease will overcome him it will be his death so it is with a Christian as long as there is any spiritual strength in him it will work out corruption if a man have strong relation to God strong interest in Christ strong apprehension of the evil of sin and of the goodness of Gods wayes strong fear of God and a strong judgement these will work out
him with boyles and blains and woful sicknesse but yet save his life you shall not take away his life so God deals with the life of his Saints though he may let the Devil horribly tempt them and the World horribly carry them away and the lusts of the flesh horribly vanquish them yet saith God he is my childe and the Devil and the Flesh and the Temptations of the World shall never kill him save his life let him never be dead in trespasses and sinnes as a wretch But you will say What is it that doth remain and what shall for ever remain in the children of God You know David fell into adultery to lie with another mans wife he fell to that pass that he laboured to defend his sin and maintain it that it might not come abroad he added murder to it what grace what fear of God what love to his Majesty what regard of Gods commandements what goodness or holiness at all was in Davids heart now at this time So Solomon when he gave way to Idolatry over all Israel to the Idols of Moab and Ammon and Edom and the Philistins round about that the true God was not truly worshipped what grace had he was there any goodness or piety in Solomon at that time So when Peter denied his Master and forswore him and confirmed it with an oath and cursed himself if he knew the man what grace was in Peters heart at that time So when Asa threw the Prophet into prison when he came to reprove him what grace remained in him at that time Thus the enemies of this Doctrine argue against it therefore they say a child of God may fall totally Was there any grace at all in Davids heart when he was committing adultery and murder was there any grace at all in Lots heart when he was committing drunkennesse and incest one night after another I answer There are four things which shall ever remain in Gods children and shall never be taken away quite and clean after they are once converted and brought home to God First They have an Unction an anointing from the holy one and that is in them and shall abide in them for ever 1 John 2.27 The anointing which ye have received of him dwelleth in you c. This same anointing it abides in the people of God for ever By this same anointing I mean the opening of their eyes whereby they look upon God and Christ and his goodness and holinesse and righteousnesse and the commandements of God and sin and hell and the world and profits and pleasures they look upon the things of the world and upon the things of heaven in another manner then any other people doe God opens their eyes that they look upon things in a different manner from other men and this unction shall abide in them for ever 'T is true sin may horribly dazle their eyes by reason of the corruptions of the flesh and the deceivablenesse of sin they may be marvellously weakened in this unction and darkness and deadness of soule may blinde their eyes and dimme their looks but it can never be quite taken away they will have a better sight of God and Heaven and Christ and heavenly things and of the Ordinances of God and of the world and their callings and the businesse of the world they shall see these things after a different manner from the world as for example A child of God shall see more of the word then any other others may see the word and yet continue in sin still but a godly man shall see that in the word that he dares not live in any sin for a thousand worlds So for the Sacrament he seeth more then a natural man a natural man seeth nothing in the Sacrament but he may come to it as he doth come to it he may live in his sins still he sees nothing in the Sacrament he doth not see that he eats and drinks his own damnation if he come unworthily but a childe of God seeth that in the Sacrament that he dares not come unpreparedly and unworthily by any means he seeth that in the Sacrament that requires preparation and worthinesse so for sin he seeth that in sin that he dares not goe on in it he will rather die at stake rather then doe as the world doth though through weakness and want of cautelousnesse sin may get great advantage against him yet it shall never bear him down and the unction keeps him that he dares not lay the reins upon his neck This is one thing shall ever remain in a child of God and this appears by two things First by this That if ever the Devil get a childe of God to commit sin he cannot carry it away as others doe but it makes the heart bleed and wounds the conscience he seeth such things in yielding to sin and giving way to the Devil I speak of known sins the unction doth so wound him that he cannot carry it as others doe if he tell a lye he cannot bear it as the wicked can doe they can be merry and jovial and carry it away it never troubles them but where this unction is it lies heavy upon the soul as the Prophet David had this unction in the midst of all his falling into adultery for you may see for all he lived ten months in the sin before he came to thorough repentance 't is true he did so yet all this while he had this unction for so himselfe confesseth Psalm 51. My sin is ever before me Though he never sought to God soundly and thoroughly for ten months together yet still good things were in him his sins were ever before him it did haunt him as a ghost and wound his conscience his unction did shew him what a beast am I what a wretch what have I done Secondly It appeares too by this That a childe of God though he hath sinned never so much yet he cannot stand it out but let him be soundly dealt with he is not able to hold out but he must submit to the Lord it is a signe this unction is in him for he seeth Gods Word his displeasure his grace and goodnesse a childe of God may be horribly peevish and horribly transported in this fashion to the dishonour of God and opening of the mouth● of the ungodly but come and deal with him shew him his sins he is not able to maintain bucklers against it he seeth that in your reproof which will burst all his bones and make him stoop and fling away his sins and cast away his disguisements as it was with David when Nathan came to him O saith he I have sinned he resented presently the unction made him see that in Nathans Sermon that he was not able to hold out any longer but now his soule bleeds and melts within him so when a childe of God comes to the word and heares his sins reproved he cannot carry himselfe as the wicked doe they can heare
4 Fourthly To exhort that we would consider of this the Gospel doth call for works as well and as strongly yea and more strongly then the Law and there be necessary uses of holiness and obedience and all manner of pious works under the Gospel as the Apostle saith Tit. 3.4 let us main●ain good works for necessary uses c. We are barren trees whatsoever we are we are barren and dead Christians and have no life of God in us if we bring not forth good works for good works are necessary for many uses Motive 1 First They are for signs to shew us what estate and condition we are in we may know what estate and condition we are in by our carriage and conversation whither it be earthly or heavenly holy or prophane so is our condition either happy or damned First They are signs of a mans election 2 Tim. 1.20 this is a sign and a badge and a token whereby we may know that we are vessels of honour if we be sanctified and made meet for our masters use and furnished and prepared for every good work if we do not deny all ungodly lusts and live righteously and soberly in this present world we have rather badges and tokens of reprobation then election we cannot say that God hath appointed us to attain salvation by Jesus Christ but have rather marks of hell and destruction upon us and what is the reason that men that profess Christ do so much question their election no wonder when we are so scanty in our holiness and obedience to God and so backward to do good there is no nickling of Gods everlasting favour breaking out whereas if we were plentiful in good works it would break forth as the Sun out of a cloud Secondly They are signs of effectual calling Jude 1. if a man be called of God he is sanctified also and kept in an holy course preserved in Christ 2 Pet. 1.3 you are an holy Nation a peculiar people to shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you 1 Pet. 2.9 so that we may be sure that we yet abide in darkness and are under the power of sin and Satan if we have not given over our sinful courses and conformed our selves to the Gospel of God we were never called according to Gods purpose but lie under the wrath of Heaven to this day it is holiness and righteousness that is a sign of our effectuall calling Thirdly They are signs of justification also as the Apostle sheweth but you are washed c. 1 Cor. 6.11 you see if we be justified we are also sanctified so 1 Joh. 1.7 if we walk in the light as he is in the light c. We have not one drop of the blood of Christ sprinkled upon our souls by Gods eternal spirit through faith unless we walk in the light and bring forth the works of the light Fourthly They are signs of adoption John 8.39 If you were Abrahams children you would bring forth the works of Abraham so if we were Gods children we would do the works of God the will of God The Apostle having spoken of the adoption of Saints behold what love the Father hath shewed to us c. presently he tells us that holiness and righteousness follows from hence he that hath this hope purifieth himself as he is pure So Rom 8.14 As many are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God this is an infallible sign if we be the sons of God we are led by the spirit of God so that we have no mark that we are the children of God but rather of the Divel unlesse we walk in purenesse of conversation from day to day Fifthly They are the marks of our love to God as Christ saith if you love me keep my commandements John 14.15 we love not God except we keep his commandments as ever you would be able to say in truth you love me keep my commandments look that you yield not to the corruptions of the world look that you renounce the Divel and all his works I will conclude you love me not at all if you keep not my commandments and he that loves not Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha saith the Apostle Secondly Consider this that the reason why we cannot pray better is Motive 2 because we are no more abundant in good works not only because we want faith but because we want good works for certainly this is a great help to prayer a great support to the soul a great encouragement to go to the Throne of grace and a great sign that God means to hear a man when God hath given him an heart to fear him and love him and make conscience of his wayes as the Apostle saith 1 John 3.22 Whatsoever we aske we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do the things pleasing in his sight As who should say when we go to God and intreat him to be merciful to us and intreat such and such favours that we stand in need of we know that we shall receive them because we keep his commandments These are admirable supports to hold up the hands to the Throne of grace and to make us importunate in prayer and confident because we know God hath poured forth his gracious good will and pleasure into our hearts and hath given us a mark he loves us and beares us good will indeed Why can we pray no better our hands are weake and our knees feeble there is no power in our supplications to the Almighty the spirit of grace is departed from us why the spirit of holiness is gone there is the reason of it when people are loose and do not mortifie their lusts when they are not abundant in following God in fearing God and serving God and obeying the commandments of God they cannot have confidence at the Throne of grace Thirdly Consider this would be a great chearing and rejoycing in the Motive 3 evil day whatsoever afflictions come upon us in this world if we can carry letters testimonial in our own conscience that we do serve God with a pure conscience in this world as Paul saith 2 Cor. 1.12 God knows what evil may befal us before we are a little older what temptations may await us what distresses and calamities may fall upon us happy are we if we have the testimony of a good conscience that we walk in the wayes of God and fear him and love those things that are beloved of God if we love his children his Ordinances his glory and are tender of it a good conscience tender of the commandments of God and his wayes is the best comfort a man can have in the world setting aside his faith in God and this is an evidence of his faith too how can we tell what may be may be the best of us may come to Davids pass you know how he was put to it once in the time of his misery and affliction he was fain to look if he
great and convincing manner it speaks in a prevailing manner it speaks over and above all it speaks in a ravishing manner it makes the soule see a cornucopia of all good an abundant treasury of all mercy in the ways of God and in the promises of the Gospel it makes a man see that whatsoever the heart can wish and desire that is good it is there to be had and no where else to be attained it speaks in an uncontroulable manner to the soul that the soul can stand out no longer but must come off JOHN 6.35 He that cometh unto me shall never hunger and he that believeth in me shall never thirst WE have finished the first part of Effectual Calling and now we come to the second Namely the answer to this Call for this is the difference between effectual calling and that which is not effectual the one makes a man come and the other doth not now this coming is by faith and this we have here in the text He that cometh unto me c. Now before I come to handle this point I must premise something concerning faith Namely that it is not only a bare assent of the minde that all good things are in Christ but it is a confidence for the having of all the good things that are in him it is not only the first act of faith Namely an assent to the truths of the Gospel that God hath put all treasures of eternal life in his Son this I will not speak of because all both Papists and Protestants agree in this that faith is an assent of the minde this is a controversie on neither side therefore I will omit it But it is the second part or act of faith which is the believing that in the Lord Jesus Christ he shall have eternal life which is an act of the heart and this is that which I will stand upon it is a confidence in God and Christ for all good things when a man doth not only believe that all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ but when a man doth fiducially and confidencially bear himself and rest upon Christ for all these things he comes to Christ for all good he looks for this I will prove to be an act of a justifying faith and that I may not be mistaken I will distinguish There is a confidence in the power of God a natural man may believe the power of God and yet not have a justifying faith all that had miraculous faith did believe the power of God but the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 13.2 If I had all faith that is all miraculous faith even to the removing of mountaines without charity it were nothing Secondly there is an unrooted confidence of the will which may be in a natural man as a natural man may believe that Christ is the only hope of Glory the only way the Truth and the Life the only one for whose sake he shall be accepted as he may assent to this so he may have a kinde of unrooted confidence in these things which may procure a great deal of peace to his conscience this is that which Divines call a temporary faith Mat. 13. for a time they do believe c. A natural man may not only believe Christ but believe in Christ in some sense truly he cannot but in an unrooted manner there may be such an act put forth though it be not rooted in the heart this you may see John 2.23 24. Many believed on Christ saith the text yet he would not commit himself unto them he would not trust them with mercy and grace and favour he would not trust them in regard of his own body and safety they were not right for all that and yet they did not only believe Christ but in some sense and in an unrooted manner they believed on Christ therefore there is not only a firme assent to the truth which may be in a natural man but also some kind of confidence Thirdly there is a presumptuous confidence in God and Christ for salvation which the workers of iniquity may have they may not only believe the general truths of the Gospel but have some kind of confidence in Christ though not so good as the former for that reformes a man and makes him follow Christ till persecution come and may be in persecution too till he be weary but this is not so good you shall have a drunkard a prophane person he hath confidence in Christ that God heares his prayers accepts his duties and will provide for him our Saviour Christ speaks of such Matth. 7.22 He tells us of many that shall be confident in him how they have done wonderful works in his Name and eate and drank in his presence and have heard him preach in their streets and yet are but workers of iniquity I do not mean this neither these are but false confidences Now there are two godly confidences gracious ones such as are only in Gods Elect and not in all Gods Elect neither but only in such as are effectually called and yet come not within this definition of faith The first is that full special perswasion of the heart a man may have true justifying faith though he never attaine to this for justifying faith is a confidence in Christ for justification now this special and full perswasion of the heart is not only an affiance in Christ for justification it doth not only apprehend Christ for justification but it apprehends justification it self now this must needs be after justifying a man must needs be justified before he can confidently apprehend justification he must first be justified before he can say he is justified the object must be before the act Thus it goeth justifying faith must needs be before justification and justification must be before the sense and feeling of justification before a man can feel and apprehend he is justified the cause goeth before the effect in order of nature for a man is justified by faith Now if a man know he is justified then the thing must be true before he knows it is so now here they differ that faith is a confident apprehending of Christ for justification and this full special perswasion of the heart is not only a confident apprehending of Christ for justification but an apprehending of justification it self Now true justifying faith may be without this Job 13.15 Though he kill me yet I will trust in him That is suppose that I were at an utter losse that I knew not whether God will slay me yet slay me or not slay me perish or not perish I will trust in him Imagine God deliver me up and will none of me yet though he kill me I will trust in him I do not say I am at this losse that he will kill me blessed be God I am not in this case but if I were at this losse that he would kill me for ought I knew yet I would trust in
2. Not as though we should set up a conceited distinction of works in the Trinity 2. What is this voice Not distinct from the word preached Consists 1. In the opening a a mans senses 2. In taking away a mans lameness Called a voice 1. Because it is joyned to the word 2. Because it hath a similitude of a voice Quest How may we know whether that soul hath heard this voice Answ 1. There is a power goes along with this Word 2. This voice makes one hear more then any creature can speak 3. It is the irrefragable propounding of the promise 2. Confidence in natural man 1. In the power of God 2. Unrooted in the will 3. Presumptuous 2. Confidence in the godly 1. Special perswasion of Gods love 2. A constant expectation Confidence in Christ for life and salvation is true justifying faith Arg. 1. From the several expressions of faith in Scripture 1. Trusting 2. Relying on God 3. Staying upon God 4. Rolling ones self on God 5. Adhering unto God 6. Beleeving on God Arg. 2. From the offer of Christ Arg. 2. From the offer of Christ Arg. 3. Because faith is a coming to Christ Arg. 4. Because the object of justifying faith is no proposition but Christ himself Arg. 5. Because true faith is a faith of union Use 1. Then no absurdity to say faith is in the heart as well as in the minde Object Use 2. A believer may not be sure in regard of sense Arg. 1. The event is not the object of justifying faith 2. The event is conditional till a man believes Argument 3. Arg. 4. The event is known another way Arg. 5 Not the truth but strength of faith aprehends the event Doct. It is faith that makes a man obey the call of God Reas 1 Because faith seeth Gods purity and mercy to be inseparable attributes 2. Because faith looks on Christ not only as a Saviour but as a Lord. 3. Because faith gleweth the heart to the Commandements as well as to the promises 4. Because faith looks to a fitnesse for heaven as well as a title to heaven 5. Because faith is eminently all that a man is to do John 2. 2. By carrying a man to God 3. By making a man improve all his abilities 4. By making a man relie on Christ Quest How doth faith fetch power from Christ Answ 1. As an instrument 2. In a moral way Use 2. See what little faith is in the world Use 3. For examination Evidences of true obedience 1. Willing and hearty 2. Works resignation to God 3. It puts forth all a mans strength to God The Division of the Text. Obser The latter part of the Text Opened Obser Luke 16. Quest Answ Vse 1 King 21. Acts 5. What it is to watch Literally Ordinary Extraordinary For a civil end For a Spiritual end Spiritually It implies proneness to be drowzy Endeavour to stir up our selves It is an intentive Consideration in all Cases What we must watch Our Selves Our thoughts Heart Words Senses Eyes Ears Whole selves Duties of Religion Before Duty In Duty Time Present time Time of Gods wrath Time of Grace Death Judgment Reasons Our proneness to be drowzy Christians life is a Warfare The world an Eenemy The Divel The certain advantage of Watchfulness We cannot else expect help or ●●r●on Object Answ Gods appointment None can Watch for us Object Answ Vse Condemning the general neglect of Watchfulnesse Reproving the godly's too great neglect Directing how to watch Account watchfulness our life Watching in all things Proportioning it to what we are about Avoiding hinderances Vain company Spiritual drunkennesse Setting God before our eyes Vse Exhorting to watchfulnesse Motives Because otherwise it will be ill with us at last Because our souls are sickly We are already awakened Badness of the times and carelessness of the most Regeneration attributed to the spirit Because Christ doth it by the spirit Spirit is the bond of union between us and Christ Because the spirit quickens the word whereby we are born again That the spirit of God doth regenerate all the Saints What Regeneration is A Renewing A Renewing of the whole man By degrees perfected According to Gods Image In Jesus Christ Why called Regeneration To shew the great Corruption of Nature The work well expressed by the Name Father both in Natural and Spiritual Generation A Mother in both First Conception and then Birth Pain accompanies both Births Both come to a Being they had not New Kindred follows both Wherein Regeneration consisteth Passive receiving Christ An active power to become a child of God Reasons why the Spirit worketh Regeneration It is the good pleasure of God No other agent can do it Man is totally against it of himself How the Spirit worketh Regeneration By the Word of Life By a secret and supernatural power Vse 1. Of Confutation of Pelagians c. Information Of our continual need of the Spirit Exhortation 1. Not to grieve the Spirit 2. To do any thing for God 3. To the Unregenerate to pray for the Spirit Of Examination whether regenerated or no. First Signe When doing good is natural The heart 's a good soil for Grace He cannot live in Sin It is pleasant to do the will of God Grace gets the upper hand He loves the people of God He loves Spiritually to profit others VVhat this Body is The invisible Church of God Gathered out of all Nations Predestinated unto life Begotten again by the VVord VVhat putting into this Body is A part of our ingrafting into Christ VVrought by Faith Making us have ●ommon life with other Members It makes of one consent with all the people of God For mutual care and help That this is the Spirits work Reasons why the Spirit of God doth thus unite to the Body of Christ None but the Spirit is able None but the Spirit is fit to do it How the Spirit doth Unite to Christ's Body By being one and the same spirit in all Members By tying a knot between all the Members Vses The want of the Spirit is the cause of difference Let none put asunder what the Spirit joyns To try our acquaintance hereby To stir up a s●mpathy amongst the Saints How to work maintain and express this sympathy By informing our selves concerning one another By visiting our fellow-Members By laying to heart their afflictions Proposit 1. A set time for worship Propos 2. Some set time for worship every day Propos 3. Every day in some sort a Sabbath Luk. 1.74 75. Propos 4. A particular special day for Gods worship Propos 5. One day of Seven to be set apart for Gods worship Propos 6. That day of the seven to be kept holy on which God rested Propos 7. All that is in the Fourth Commandment is not essential to it Quest Answ Propos 8. The 4 th Commandment continual alwayes to abide in the Church Gal. 5.2 Exod. 35.3 Propos 9. The first day of the week was the Lords day and so to continue to the end of the world ver 22 23