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A40137 A collection of many select and Christian epistles, letters and testimonies written on sundry occasions, by that ancient, eminent, faithful friend and minister of Christ Jesus, George Fox ; the second volume. Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1698 (1698) Wing F1764; ESTC R15883 725,753 580

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created he them and God blessed them And in this state God set them above all things that he had made But after Man and Woman had transgressed the Command of God they sewed Figg-leaves together to make them Aprons for their Eyes were opened and they came to see their Shame By their Transgression and by transgressing the Command of God the spiritual Eye came to be shut and Man and Woman came to fall from the Image of God And so after Man and Woman had transgressed the Command of God and fallen from his Image the Lord God made Coats of Skins to cloath them withal So you may see That the first Covering which Adam and Eve made after Transgression was made of Figg-leaves and the natural Sun would soon scorch and dry them to Powder But those that the Lord made them was of Skins So the transgression of the Command of God came when the Ear went out after the Serpent Sin the cause of Shame and Shame the cause of Covering and the Eye went after the Fruit of the Tree which God forbid them to Eat of So here they came to see their outward Shame and Nakedness who had fallen from the Image of God that covered them and therefore they went to cover the outward Shame And now Man and Woman in the Fall is taking thought what they shall eat and drink and what they shall put on And this is come upon them by forsaking the Lord's Teaching and following the Serpents And doth not John say Love not the World neither the things that are in the World If any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him And farther saith For all that is in the World the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life this is not of the Father but of the World and the World passeth away and the Lust thereof Now all may see what Man and Woman is fallen into by transgressing the Command of God and therefore it is not good for any to live in that which will pass away and is not of the Father but of the World And you may see how Pride is cried against throughout the Scriptures of Truth And they that fear the Lord do hate Evil The evil Consequences of Pride Pride and Arrogancy By Pride cometh Contention and a Man's Pride shall bring him low but Honour upholds the Humble in Spirit Prov. 29.23 For when Pride cometh then cometh Shame and Pride goeth before Destruction and an haughty Mind before a fall but with the lowly is Wisdom Prov. 11.2 and 16.18 And better it is to be of an humble Spirit with the lowly than to divide the Spoil with the proud And Isaiah saith The Lord of Host hath purposed to stain the Pride of all Glory and to bring into contempt all the Honourable of the Earth Isa 23.9 And therefore love not that which God will stain The Lord saith He will spread forth his Hands in the midst of them as he that swimmeth and he will bring down their Pride Isa 25.11 And therefore it is good to keep it down in every one And the Lord cries Wo to the Crown of Pride whose glorious Beauty is a fading Flower and when the Crown of Pride is trodden under Foot the Lord of Host shall be for a Crown of Glory Isa 28.1 5. And the Lord saith He will marr the Pride of Judah and the great Pride of Jerusalem Jer. 13.9 And doth not Jeremiah say Because of the Pride of Moab he was so exceeding Proud his Loftiness his Arrogancy and the Haughtiness of his Heart brought him unto Derision Jer. 48.26 29. And therefore it is good to keep in the Humility For Pride is that which deceives the Heart and brings the Judgments of God Jer. 49.16 And therefore take heed let not Pride budd lest the Rod blosom Ezekiel 7. to verse 11. And the Children of Israel they were grown in Pride and fulness of Bread like Sodom when they transgressed against the Lord like their Father Adam And therefore let them that profess themselves Christians take heed lest they be found in the same steps And see in Ezekiel 16.49 what became of Sodom and the Children of Israel And when Nebuchadnezzar confessed the Kingdom of God and Praised and Extolled and Honoured the King of Heaven and said All his Works are Truth and his Ways Judgments and those that walk in Pride God is able to abase Dan. 4.34 c. And Hosea saith The Pride of Israel doth testifie to his Face and therefore Israel and Ephraim shall fall in their Iniquity And Judah shall fall with them Hos 5.5 And therefore you may see and take heed of Pride for it is the cause of Man and Womans fall And in Hosea 7. you may see that Pride hath hindred Man from seeking after the Lord and turning to him And you may see Edom's Destruction was for his Pride Obad. 1. And you may see the Judgments that came upon the Philistines and Moab and Ammon and Ashur for their Pride Zeph. 2. And in Zachariah 10 and 11 Chapters Judgments of God because of Pride doth not Lord say The Pride of Jordan shall be spoiled and the Pride of Asyria shall be brought down and there shall be a Voice of Howling of the Shepherds for their Glory is spoiled And Christ saith in Mark Pride is one of those Evils that cometh out of the Heart and defiles the Man so take heed of that which defiles And as John saith The Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life this is not of the Father but of the World all this must be kept down in Christians And David saith The wicked in his Pride doth persecute the Poor but are they not taken in their Devices that they have imagined Psal 10.2 Again David saith The Lord hid them that feared him in the secret of his Presence from the Pride of Man and kept them secretly in a Pavillion from the strife of Tongues Psal 31.20 And also David saith That Pride compasseth the wicked as a Chain c. and they speak loftily and they set their Mouths against Heaven but the Lord casts down such to Destruction and saves the Righteous that fears him And so you may see how Pride was testified against by Christ and his Prophets and the holy Men of God both in the Old and New Testament since Man and Woman fell from the Image of God and therefore all is to fear the Lord and learn of Christ Jesus who is meek and low in Heart For it is said That Josiah's Heart was tender and he humbled himself before the Lord 2 Chron. 34.33 And if my People The effects of true Humility which are called by my Name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my Face and turn from their wicked Ways then will I hear from Heaven and forgive them their Sins and heal the Land and mine Eyes shall be opened and mine
the Disobedience and Pride of the Jews and how his Judgments were fulfilled upon them that did not Repent and how the Apostle did admonish and reprove such as went into Pride and the Fashions of the World THE Lord saith Because the Daughters of Zion are Haughty The Pride of the Daughters of Zion and walk with stretched forth Necks and wanton Eyes walking and mincing as they go and making a tinkling with their Feet therefore the Lord will smite with a Scab the Crown of the Head of the Daughters of Zion and the Lord will discover their secret Parts in that Day the Lord will take away the Bravery of their Tinkling Ornaments about their Feet and their Cauls and their Round Tyres like the Moon the Chains mark the Chains and the Bracelets and the Mufflers the Bonnets and the Ornaments of the Legs and the Head-bands and the Tablets and the Ear-rings the Rings and Nose-Jewels the Changable Suits of Apparrel and the Mantles and the Wimbles and the Crisping-pins and Glasses and the fine Linnen and the Hoods and the Vails And it shall come to pass that instead of sweet smell there shall be a stink and instead of a girdle a rent and instead of well set hair baldness and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloath and burning instead of beauty Thy Men shall fall by the Sword and thy Mighty in the War and her Gates shall lament and mourn and she being desolate shall sit on the Ground Isa 3.16 to the end And you may read in 2 Kings 17. how that the Children of Israel were carried into Captivity in Assyria for the King of Assyria besieged Samaria and after three Years Besieging he took it and carrried away the Ten Tribes of the Children of Israel into the Land of Assyria And Isaiah according to the Word of the Lord went to the Prophetess and she conceived and bore a Son c. And the Lord said Before the Child should have the Knowledge to cry My Father and my Mother the Riches of Damascus and the Spoil of Samaria shall be taken away by the King of Assyria Isa 8.3 4. Now here you may see what a Destruction came upon Samaria and the Jews because of their Rebellion and Disobedience The Ten Tribes punished for their Pride and their Haughtiness and Pride as Isaiah cried against in Chap. 3. And then what became of all their Haughtiness and Pride and their Mincing and their Tinkling with their Feet and their Chains and Bracelets and Jewels and Round Attire with their Glasses and Hoods and Veils when they were driven away by Droves by the King of Assyria into Captivity into Assyria out of their own Land Houses and Cities Then Isaiah 's Prophecy was fulfilled upon those Haughty and Proud Jews And did not Nebuchadnezzar afterwards carry away the two Tribes and destroy Jerusalem because of their Disobedience Rebellion Haughtiness and Pride who would not regard the Lord nor his Prophets therefore the Lord suffered them to be led away Prisoners out of their own Houses Cities and Land into Babylon so strip'd them of their Pride And the Two Tribes also and caused them to be carried away into strange Countries so was not the Prophets Prophecy fulfilled upon them The Lord saith Behold the Day cometh that shall burn as an Oven and all the Proud yea all that do Wickedly shall be as Stubble and the Day that cometh shall burn them up The proud as Stubble saith the Lork of Host that it shall leave them neither Root nor Branch But unto them that fear my Name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his Wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as Calves in the Stall Mal. 4.1 2. Therefore it is good for all to keep out of Pride and Wickedness in Humility lest they be burnt up And the Apostle commanded That Women adorn themselves in modest Apparrel with Shamefacedness and Sobriety not with Broidered Hair or Gold or Pearls or Costly Array but that which becometh Women professing Godliness with good Works I tim 2.9 10. And likewise Peter in his General Epistle saith to the Women Whose Adorning let it not be that outward Adorning of plaiting the Hair and of wearing of Gold or of putting on of Apparrel but let it be the hidden Man of the Heart in that which is not Corruptible even the Ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit which is in the sight of God of great price For after this manner in the old time the holy Women who trusted in God adorned rhemselves being in subjection unto their own Husbands 1 Pet. 3.3 4 5. Here you may see both the Prophets and Apostles declared against the Pride and Haughtiness of People both in the Old and New Testament And the Apostle John saith in his first General Epistle to the Church of Christ Love not the World Love not the World neither the things that are in the World if any one love the World the love of the Father is not in him for all that is in the World the lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life is not of the Father but is of the World and the World passeth away and the Lust thereof but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever 1 John 2.2 15 16 47. Now here you may see an express Command to the true Christians the Church of Christ against the Love of the World and the Things of the World and the Lust of the Eye and the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life and they that love the World the love of the Father is not in them and how that the World passeth away and the Lust thereof and therefore love not the Lust of the Eye the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life which is not of the Father And do not most of Christendom say the Lord's Prayer Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name c. and you that live in the Lust of the Flesh and the Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of your Life which is not of the Father which is in Heaver but of the World that passeth away and the Lust thereof And is it not said The Devil is the king of Pride And therefore do not do his Lusts but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever And therefore consider when you say Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be the Name c. when you live in those things which are not of the Father which is in Heaven and daily obey and love the Lust of your Eye the Lust of your Flesh and the Pride of your Life which is not of the Father but of the World And the Apostle John tells you He that toves the World the love of the Father is not in him G. F. An Epistle to all the Prisoners and Sufferers for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Worship The Word of God is
A COLLECTION OF Many Select and Christian EPISTLES Letters and Testimonies Written on sundry Occasions by that Ancient Eminent Faithful Friend and Minister OF CHRIST JESUS George Fox The Second Volume What thou seest write in a Book and send it unto the Seven Churches Rev. 1.11 For we write none other things unto you than what you have read and acknowledged and I trust you shall acknowledge even unto the End 2 Cor. 1.11 LONDON Printed and Sold by T. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-street 1698. AN EPISTLE By way of PREFACE To all Truth 's Friends and Friendly Readers Greeting In the dear and tender Love of my Heavenly Father which by his dear Son and blessed Spirit he hath plentifully shed abroad in many Hearts in this glorious Gospel-Day Glory to his worthy Name and excellent Power for ever Dear Friends I Am concerned to recommend the serious reading and perusal of the ensuing Collection unto all who sincerely desire the Promotion of Christ's Kingdom and Prosperity of his Church and Sion in true Love Vnion and Order in and by Christ Jesus himself the Head and Foundation thereof And that none of you would think the perusal of these Epistles wearisom or tedious because the same Words and Things in many of them may seem frequently repeated there being numerous Evangelical Truths and variety of good and wholsom Matter as well as diversities of Episties containing much Christian Counsel to many various States and Conditions of enlightned and enlivened Souls travelling and breathing to God so that the frequent intermix'd Repetitions of the same necessary Truths may be the better allowed and born with in the Reading However the moderate and ingenious Reader will not be offended thereat It being a thing frequent in the Holy Scriptures to have the same Gospel-Truths often repeated which many dull and forgetful Persons have need to be often told of such Matters of so great Importance The Author's Epistles and Matters of most general Concern are here collected to avoid Prolixity and unnecessary Repetitions as much as could be The Simplicity and Plainness of the Author's Stile is not to be despised he being more in Life and Substance than in the Wisdom of Words or Eloquence of Speech And the Lord being pleased in his Day to make great Vse of him and to do great Things by him for his Name and Seed's sake of which there yet remains Clouds of Witnesses even to that Divine Power and hidden Wisdom of God in the Mystery of Christ which was with him and supported him and lifted up his Head thorow many great Fights of Afflictions and Trials I confess I have not read or heard all the Epistles in the ensuing Collection but many of them which I know to be very seasonable weighty and necessary and therefore have cause to believe so of the rest which I have not read But by our long and frequent Conversation Knowledge and Intimacy together with his living and revived Testimonies his godly Care and Zeal for Truth 's Honour and Prosperity I have deeply read and known the Author his unfeigned Love Innocency and Integrity in the blessed Living Truth whose Christian Care among many other things relating to the Churches of Christ the Union Good Order and Discipline thereof greatly was That no Offence in any thing might be given that the Ministry might not be blamed well-knowing what Trials and Proofs attended Christ's Ministers and Ministry in these latter Days in some degree as in the Primitive Christians Times namely that he with many others in his Day approved himself and themselves as the Ministers of Christ in much Patience in deep Afflictions in Necessities in Distresses and some in Stripes and cruel Beatings in Prisons in Tumults in Labours by Watchings and by Fastings by Purity by Knowledge by Long-suffering by Kindness by the Holy Ghost by Love unfeigned by the Word of Truth by the Power of God by the Armour of Righteousness on the Right-hand and on the Left by Honour and Dishonour by evil Report and good Report as deceivers and yet true c. 2 Cor. 6. In which Proofs of God's Ministers this his Ancient Servant had a deep share and the true Root of the Matter was in him far beyond his Expressions And though many false Predictions Prophesies and cruel Threats were early breathed out by Persecators and envious Spirits against Him and Vs his Friends and Brethren whom he unfeignedly loved and against His and Our Holy Profession Way and Testimony as if in a very short time all would come to nought and be laid waste yet they have all been disappointed and proved false and his Christian Living Testimony and Work further manifest to be of God and not of Men nor of the Will of Man For Truth that 's strongest of all hath still prevailed and must prevail And though the Memory of this our deceased Brother and faithful Servant of Jesus Christ be still greatly Envied and be most grosly Defamed by some implacable Adversaries and hardned Apostates who could not obtain their evil Ends and destractive Designs against him in his Life-time yet his Memory is truly Precious to many Thousands who truly Fear God and Love his Truth who have a true Inward Sense That such a Divine Power and Providence attended him in his Innocent Christian Testimony Ministry Labours and Sufferings that the Devil and all persecuting Agents could never stop nor frustrate his Testimony or Service in turning many to Righteousness even from Darkness unto Light and from the Power of Satan unto God In many of the ensuing Epistles he often mentions the Seed the Life the Power of God and the like whereby he intends no other than what the Holy Scriptures testifie of Christ which we know he truly loved and esteemed and was often conversant in reading of them and had an excellent Memory and spiritual Sence thereof given him of the Lord. By the pure holy Seed he meant and declared Christ the promised Seed wherein all the Promises of God are Yea and Amen And as Christ is the Word of God the Word of Life the Word of Faith he is that immortal and incorruptible Seed of which all true and spiritual Believers and Children of the Light are begotten to God and born again and which Seed or Word of Eternal Life abideth in him that is born of God and sinneth not because thereof 1 John 3. And as the Generation of God and Children of his Kingdom and of the Promise are called the good Seed and counted for the Seed being born of that Incorruptible Seed or Word of Life which endureth for ever 1 Peter 1.23 15. And being that blessed Seed and Holy Generation which was foretold Christ should see and for which the travel of his Soul was Isa 53. This our deceased Friend and Servant of Jesus Christ truly testified of him in all Respects both as come in the Flesh and in the Spirit both as Christ was and
is our only Mediator and Advocate and as he was and is God over all blessed for ever whom he so dearly loved and honoured that he often offered up his Life and deeply suffered for him and that in dear and constant Love to his Seed that a holy Generation might be raised strengthned and increased in the Earth among the Children of Men. And his knowledge and Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ being after the Spirit in Life and Power did no ways imply any lessening of the Dignity or Glory of Christ nor any defect of Faith or Love to Christ as he came and suffered in the Flesh for Mankind as some Adversaries have injuriously misrepresented and aspersed him for he highly esteemed Christ's Sufferings Death Resurrection and Glory and powerfully testified of the Vertue Power blessed and spirtual Design Fruit and Effects thereof as revealed and witnessed by his Holy Spirit And as we have no cause to question but as with this innocent and good Man to live was Christ so to die was Gain in both which he glorified God Christ Jesus being our Spiritual Rock Foundation and Head he is truly precious to us and all true Believers in all States and Conditions both of his Humiliation Glory and Dominion his great Grace and Goodness appearing in those precious Ministerial Gifts given by him when he ascended up on high for his Ministry and Church And 't is very observable that though to express Christ's Lowly Condition and Appearance in the World He is sometimes in Holy Scripture termed the Seed His Name is also called Wonderful Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Upon whose Shoulders the Government is laid And of the increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no end Isaiah 9. And 't is most suitable to Christ's low humble and suffering Condition to make use of such Instruments as are most like himself in Humility and Lowliness of Mind although they be but low and mean in the World's Eye and Esteem God is pleased to make choice of low mean and weak things and of Instruments contemptible in the Eyes of the high and lofty ones of this World to confound the Wisdom of the World according to 1 Cor 1. He chose poor Shepherds to divulge that great Evangelical Truth of Christ's Birth and certain Women to preach that Gospel-Truth of his Resurrection Luke 2. 24. And both from Angelical Testimony as well as from their sight of Christ himself Truth must not be rejected because of such Instruments which God in his Wisdom is pleased to employ in his Work nor the Day of small things despised From small Beginnings of good Matters great Things glorious Attainments and Perfections do spring Glory Honour and Dominion to our most Gracious God and to the Lamb on his Throne for ever and ever Now dear and well-beloved Friends all live in Love and Peace following the true Faith peaceable and good Example of the Faithful in Christ and the God of Love and Peace will be with you Your true Friend and Brother In CHRIST JESUS George Whitehead London 1698. A COLLECTION Of many Select Epistles to Friends OF THAT Ancient Eminent and Faithful Minister of Jesus Christ GEORGE FOX A Testimony how the Lord sent G.F. forth at first in the Year 1643. WHEN the Lord first sent me forth in the Year 1643. The Year when the Lord first sent G.F. forth to declare his Truth I was sent as an Innocent Lamb and Young in Years amongst Men in the Nature of Wolves Dogs Bears Lions and Tigres into the World which the Devil had made like a Wilderness no right Way then found out of it And I was sent To Turn People from Darkness to the Light which Christ the Second Adam did Enlighten them withal that so they might see Christ their Way to God with the Spirit of God which he doth pour upon all Flesh that with it they might have an Understanding to know the Things of God and to know him and his Son Jesus Christ which is Eternal Life and so might worship and serve the Living God their Maker and Creator who takes Care for all who is Lord of all and with the Light and Spirit of God they might know the Scriptures which were given forth from the Spirit of God in the Saints and Holy Men and Women of God And when many began to be turned to the Light which is the Life in Christ and the Spirit of God which gave them an Understanding and had found the Path of the Just the Shining Light then did the Wolves Dogs Dragons Bears Lions Tigres Wild Beasts and Birds of Prey make a Roaring and a Screeching Noise against the Lambs Sheep Doves and Children of Christ and were ready to devour them and me and to tear us to pieces But the Lord's Arm and Power did preserve me though many times I was in Danger of my Life and very often cast into Dungeons and Prisons and haled before Magistrates But all things did work together for good And the more I was cast into outward Prisons the more People came out of their Spiritual and Inward Prison through the Preaching of the Gospel But the Priests and Professors were in such a great Rage and made the Rude and Profane People in such a Fury that I could hardly walk in the Streets or go in the High-ways but they were ready oft-times to do me a Mischief But Christ who hath all Power in Heaven and in the Earth did so restrain and limit them with his Power that my Life was preserved though many times I was near killed Oh! the Burdens and Travels that I went under Often my Life prest down under the Spirits of Professors and Teachers without Life and the Profane And besides the Troubles afterwards with Backsliders Apostates and false Brethren which were like so many Judas's in betraying the Truth and God's Faithful and Chosen Seed and causing the Way of Truth to be evil spoken of But the Lord blasted wasted and confounded them so that none did stand long for the Lord did either destroy them or bring them to nought and his Truth did flourish and his People in it to the Praise of God who is the Revenger of his Chosen G. F. Concerning the first Spreading of the Truth and how that many were Imprisoned c. AND the Truth sprang up first to us as to be a People to the Lord in Leicestershire in 1644. and in Warwickshire in 1645. and in Nottinghamshire in 1646. and in Darbyshire in 1647. and in the adjacent Countries in 1648. 1649. and 1650. and in Yorkshire in 1651. and in Lancashire and Westmorland in 1652. and in Cumberland and Bishoprick and Northumberland in 1653. and in London and most parts of the Nation of England and Scotland and Ireland in 1654. c. And in 1655. many went beyond Seas where Truth also sprang up And in 1656. Truth brake forth in America and many other places And
with his Blessings So the Lord God of Power be with you all my dear Hearts I am with you in the Spirit and in the Love of your God your Father and mine The Lord God prosper guide and protect you and bring you all into his Kingdom of Glory you who are Elected Called Chosen and Faithful who are the Lambs God Almighty bless you and keep you all my dear Hearts The Love of God passeth Knowledge The Love of God is Love past Knowledge which bears all things endures all things hopes all things envieth not thinketh no Evil. And the Love of God is the Ground of all true Love in your Hearts which casts out the Love of the World and the Enmity which was gotten betwixt you and God He that believes is born of God and he that is born of God overcomes the World So Fare ye all well and God Almighty bless and prosper you G. F. And all ye Friends that wait in that which is pure in it self which cannot lie which doth not change Wait upon God for God doth not change and let all Flesh be silent before the Lord that the Life may speak in all then the Mouth of the Lord is known Let Life speak and God is Exalted and Glorified with his own Work which he brings forth And Meet together therein every where and mind that which gathers you and wait on that which is pure which gathers you out of the Worlds Nature Disposition Conversation Churches Forms and Customs which will knit your Hearts together up to God That which gathers you out of all these is the Spirit of the Lord which will gather you up to him who is the Father of Spirits that ye may be able to Judge and Discern and Confound all the Deceit in the World and grow up to be as Kings and suffer nothing to reign in you but what is in the Life Eternal And beware of speaking in the Presence of the Lord except your Words be from the Eternal Life Words spoken from the Word the Eternal Word of God else it doth not profit nor build up nor edifie So God Almighty be with you all in your Meetings that ye may see him to be your Head King and Lord over all To you all who are enlightned with the Light of the Spirit that is the Light which shews you Sin and Evil and your evil Deeds and Actings and the Deceit and False-heartedness The Light teaches Holiness which will Teach you Holiness walking in it and bring you into Unity and it will draw your Minds up to God and in it ye will see more Light But hating the Light there is your Condemnation G. F. ALL Friends Epist 44. wait upon the Unlimited Power and Spirit of the Lord which baptises into one Body where ye will have all Unity in that which crucifies the Flesh and mortifies all evil Desires and puts off the Body of Sin the Old Man with his Deeds and Circumcises without hands and joyns together your Hearts up to God from whence the living Mercies come from the Living God alone who is God over all blessed for ever To that in every one of your Consciences do I appeal and speak to the Measure that God hath given the Light The Light is the Eye loving it and taking heed to it and waiting in it for Power from God it will guide you to the Father of Light in which ye will have all Unity and hating the Light it will be your Condemnation Oh Wait wait upon the Living God to nourish the tender Plant in you that ye may bring forth Fruits of Righteousness unto God for he accepts such and none else Therefore wait upon God he hath a pure Seed among you Let your waiting be in the Light and mind that he is a Wise Man whose Eye is in his Head which is Christ the End of all Priests the End of the outward Temple and the Fool 's Eye is abroad after many Priests and they are led away with Conceivings Temptations and divers Temptations Therefore in the Light wait where ye will see all Deceits within and without For it is a Sin to enter into Temptations but it is no Sin to be tempted Christ was tempted but he entred not into the Temptation Therefore in the Fear of the Lord wait and watch The Light is that which lets thee see Sin and Evil and Temptations which if thou enter into the Light will be thy Condemnation then thy Heart will not be right towards God But in the Light of God all wait Wisdom's Gate which will bring you to see where Wisdom's Gate is the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of it Pure Wisdom is let out of the Treasury into the pure Heart which sees God and fearing the Living God it keeps the Heart pure and clean to receive the Wisdom from the Treasury freely who doth not upbraid And as ye depart from Evil and Iniquity he breaks the Bonds by shewing Mercy and then the Understanding grows pure and clear So in the Power of the Lord God Fare ye well And the Lord God of Power keep you all in his Measure up to himself from and above all the World 's evil Ways Baits Customs and Teachings to trample upon them in his Power that Wisdom may be Justified of you all and ye may be preserved and God glorified To whom be all Glory Honour and Thanks over all God blessed for ever Read these among all my Brethren and Friends and send it abroad to Friends that ye may all know the Power of the Living God in one another not in Words but in Power So Farewell G. F. Concerning the Heirs of the Kingdom of God and how Christ was and his Saints are Tempted THey are the Heirs of the Kingdom of God Epist 45. and of the Generation of God that live out of the Kingdom of the Wicked World up to God in the Seed which all the Promises of God are to following after Christ who was in Egypt and passed out of Egypt the House of Darkness And he was in the Wilderness Christ was Tempted and there he was tempted to Lust after the Creature he was tempted to make himself away he was tempted to Worship the Devil to bow down and worship him He is the Captain of our Salvation he 's gone before he endured the Cross he despised the Shame he suffered the Contradiction of Sinners for the Glory that was set before him he hath won the Crown He hath overcome Egypt and he hath fulfilled the Law he hath overcome the World he hath overcome the Temptations he is able to succour all who are tempted It is no Sin to be tempted but to enter into the Temptation that is Sin He is the Head of the Body he is the Head of the Church Christ the Head of the Church who hath blotted out the Ordinances and Traditions of Men who is the End of the daily
mind the pure Spirit of God in thee to guide thee up unto God to thunder down all Deceit within and without So Farewell God Almighty keep you all G. F. DEar Brethren In the mighty Power of God go on Epist 114. to which Power of the God of Heaven and Earth To E. B. and F. H. all the Powers of the Earth must bow that to that of God in all Consciences ye may be made manifest that that in them which is of God may witness The mighty Power of God that ye are sent of God Dwell in the Life of God that to the Spirits in Prison ye may minister and to it be made manifest that ye are no Deceivers but Saviours and such as are sent to lead from all Deceivers The Spirits in Prison and them to testifie against So in the mighty Power of God go on Preaching the Gospel to every Creature and Discipling them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit In the Name of Christ Preach the mighty Day of the Lord to all the Consciences of them who have lain long in Darkness and under its Chain where the Light shined but the Darkness could not comprehend it So in the Power of the Lord God go on and thresh that which hath been fed with the Harlot's Spirit and the Harlot famish The Harlot's Spirit which hath and doth Prison the Just I Charge you in the Presence of the Living God dwell in his Power that with his Power ye may be carried along to minister to all the Spirits Imprisoned by the Deceit As the Life of God doth arise it will lead you up to God the Father of Life in this your Fruits shall never wither But go on to plant a Vineyard The Vineyard and to Plow that ye may eat the Fruit thereof and to plant in Hope and to thresh in Hope that ye may be made Partakers of your Hope And to thresh out the Corn that the Wind may scatter the Chaff that the Corn may be gathered into the Barn So in the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ preach the Everlasting Gospel that by his Power the Sick may be healed the Leprous cleansed the Dead raised the Blind Eyes opened and the Devils cast out In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ go on that that of God in all Consciences may witness that ye are sent of God and are of God and so according to that speak to bring up all unto the Head Christ and into the Life which gave forth the Scriptures for there 's the Unity and out of it is the Confusion G. F. To Friends Concerning the Word of Life FRiends and Brethren Epist 115. the Eternal Word from which ye have both spoken and ministred to others is the Word of Life the Word of Peace The Word of Reconciliation the Word of Reconciliation which makes of Twain one New Man and if ye do abide there there is no Division but Vnity in the Life which was before Death was and before Division was Therefore that which is divided is of the Kingdom that cannot stand and is for Condemnation by the Life and Word of Reconciliation That which speaks the Evil Language I do deny for that which speaks so doth not see throughly Therefore in the Light wait where the Vnity is where the Peace is where the Oneness with the Father and the Son is where there is no Rent nor Division but all one in Christ Jesus the Everlasting Fountain of Life and Covenant of Peace The Son of Man cometh not to be ministred unto but to minister Where the Life and Fulness dwells it hides and covers from that to which the Curse is that so it may minister forth to the Seed's Seed SOVND sound the Trumpet abroad ye Valiant Soldiers of Christ in his Kingdom Anti-Christs in Arms. of which is no End All the Anti-Christs in the Kingdoms of fallen Men are up in Arms against Christ G. F. Concerning Judging in Meetings FRiends Epist 116. Do not Judge one another in Meetings ye that do minister in the Meetings for your so doing hath hurt the People both within and without Meetings quiet and your selves under their Judgment ye have brought And your Judging one another in the Meetings hath emboldned others to Quarrel and Judge you also in the Meetings And this hath been all out of Order and the Church-Order also Now if ye have any thing to say to any stay till the Meeting be done and then speak to them in private between your selves and do not lay open one anothers Weakness Not to lay open Weakness for that is Weakness and not Wisdom to do so For your Judging one another in Meetings hath almost destroyed some Friends and distracted them And this is for want of Love that beareth all things and therefore let it be amended No more but my Love FRIENDS If any amongst you have Movings to do any Service for the Lord Do Service for the Lord. when they have done it let them return again with speed to their Habitation and there serve the Lord in their Generation that no Slothfulness may be amongst you But all keep in Diligence that no Occasion may be given to any to speak evil of the Truth but that ye may answer that of God in all So give no Offence Give no Offence for Wo is to those by whom Offences do come Yet Quench not the Spirit G. F. MY Dear Friends Keep your Meetings and ye will feel the Seed to arise though never a Word be spoken amongst you Epist 117. And be Faithful that ye may Answer that of God in every one Neglect not your Talent And do not neglect your Talent but in the Life and Power of God live which ye have received And my Dear Friends dwell in the Life and Power and Love of God and one towards another FRIENDS Dwell in the Measure of the Spirit of God and to it take heed that in it ye may grow The Love that is Eternal for the true and lasting Love proceeds from God who is Eternal And abiding in the Measure of Life ye will have Peace and Love that never changeth if from the Measure you turn Iniquity gets up and so the Love waxeth Cold and in that lodge the evil Thoughts Jealousies evil Will and Murmurings Wait in the Light which is of God that ye may all witness the Son of God and witness that which shall never wither so ye will see and feel God near G. F. LEt no Friends go begond their own Measure given them of God Epist 118. nor rejoyce in another Man's Line made ready to their Hands Another Man's Line lest that get up and would be Justified which is to be Condemned And that which will Boast and be Justified in the Sight of Men is out of the Kingdom excluded Therefore in the Measure of Life wait and with it be led to have
that which is good just and righteous and serve one another in that in that ye live in the Life and in the Seed the Power and Righteousness that is everlasting which is of God and his Wisdom through which ye come to answer the good just and holy Principle of God in every one upon the Earth In which Power ye have Dominion in which ye come to live the Life which is well-pleasing to God a Life which shall stand when the World is ended And in this Life Power and Wisdom of God that is endless ye are a Terror to all A Terror to Defrauders that are in the Wisdom below ye are a Terror to all that are in the unrighteous Actions and Words And ye are a Terror to all that are in the unjust and unequal doings and all the Defrauders Cozeners Cheaters Over-reachers Lyars and Wrong-dealers In the Power of God and his Life in which ye have Justice ye have Truth ye have Equity ye have Righteousness and it cometh to be to you as natural you Words your Lives your Conversations your Presence and your Practices both judge and preach and ye will be a Terror to all them in the just Life and everlasting Righteousness Christ Jesus living in him and in his Wisdom and walking in him and speaking the Truth as it is in him in all things your Life and your Words are a Terror to all that speak not Truth in their Dealings and to all that act not truly and righteously in their Doings your Lives do judge them and are a Judge to them and through your Constancy Faithfulness and Life which is Everlasting ye bring many to Amendment For both Life Actions Words and Conversation preach all these preach to the unrighteous World being in the Everlasting Righteousness which over the World hath Dominion through which Life Power Seed of God and Wisdom ye reach and answer the good and just Principle of God in every one and it will make them at last confess to you though they may go on in the contrary for a time So in that Power Wisdom and Strength that gives you Dominion over all and to answer that of God in all the Love and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ preserve and keep you all in his Wisdom Life Seed and Dominion that to him ye may be a Blessing and a good Savour in the Hearts of all People And let all your Actions and Words be one with the Witness of God in all People Amen The Wicked and Unrighteous owe Envy and Hatred and with that they pay their Debt but the Righteous Just and Harmless who owe nothing to any Man but Love with that they pay their Debt But Drunkards Adulterers Swearers Rioters who eat and drink and rise up to play and live in Pleasures wantonly upon the Earth Fighters Quarrellers Envious Malicious Vnjust Vnrighteous all such Actions and Practices are judged out of the Power of God and out of his Kingdom AND all Friends every where that are Shop-keepers or Merchants or Factors or any other Trades keep low in the Power of God and do not go beyond your Capacity nor reach after things more than ye can justly perform and answer all Men but all in your places be just and true that ye may answer all Men within and without and Truth and Justice in your Returns that ye may keep your Words So say and so do which is the Royal Law of Liberty in all your Tradings else ye are a Dishonour to Christianity So say and so do therefore see your Business that what ye do and what ye say ye may perform that ye may not break your Words and Promises for if ye do ye go to Loss Neither are ye Masters of what ye take in hand for a Master should be a top of things and be in that which can command things And none to be Negligent in their Business but give an Account by Words or Writings how things are with them when others write to them so that none may Wrong one another in these outward things nor oppress one another but be serviceable one to another Things beyond Ability keeping their Words their going into things beyond their Ability makes them break their Words keeping within their Compass with that which they may answer others lest any should be lifted up For it is bad thing to be lifted up and to make a Noise and a Shew for a time with other Peoples Goods and cannot keep their Word their Promise their Day such may be lifted up for a time and Break and Fall and go out as a Stink and bring a great Dishonour to Christ and true Christians And therefore keeping your Word your Day and keeping your just Measure your just Weight that keeps down the Oppression And by keeping to that just Measure and Weight and to your Word and Day Just Measure just Weight by the Power of God and his Spirit in your own Hearts there the Blessing is doubled there ye come to be Rich and ye are a good Savour to God and in the Hearts of all People So every one strive to be Rich in the Life and in the Kingdom and Things of the World that hath no End for he that covets to be Rich in the things of this World falls into many Snares and hurtful Lusts And therefore let him that buys or sells or possesses or uses this World be as if he did not Let them be Masters over the World in the Power and Spirit of God and let them know that they owe no Man any thing but Love yet serve God in Truth and one another in their Generation For Friends if ye be not faithful in the Outward Treasure and Outward Mammon who will trust you with the True Treasure Or who can believe that ye have the True Treasure The True Treasure but that ye speak by hear-say of it So I say to you all See that ye are faithful in this Outward Mammon this Outward Treasure of the things of this Life of this World faithful to your Word faithful to your Days faithful to your Promises in all your Tradings Traffickings Bargainings true and just and righteous and honest in these outward Treasures or Mammon concerning the things of this World of this Life of these outward Riches just and faithful true and honest Men and Women in these outward things I say as Christ saith Who will trust you with the true and heavenly Treasure if not as before Therefore I say to be faithful in these Outwards that shews an honest Man and honest Women faithful in all your Dealings and Practices between Man and Man and Woman and Woman that sheweth an honest Heart and a faithful Man and Woman in outward things that answers the faithful Principle in all People So all Men and Women to be faithful in these outward things one to another that shews the good Heart to receive the true Treasure that ye may be faithful in it
thing to say have Patience let that Gift be exercised and speak to one another by your selves alone But exercise the Gift oft Patience for that was the way before any thing was spoken against any of the Church and that will shew the Spirit of Order and Government and the Spirit of Love and of Patience and Humility and keep down Passion and that part in your selves that cannot bear all things nor endure all things whereby the Love comes up that will endure all things and bear all things which edifies the Body and by which the Body is edified for the Spirit of the Prophets is subject to the Prophets this shews the true Spirit for that which cannot bear all things many times is forward in Judging that cannot bear all things nor endure all things and so goeth out of the true Love and Edification which breeds Confusion and Distraction and destroys more than ever it will beget to God And also goes out of the Church Order first speak to him alone for by that he may win his Brother Speaking publickly makes Strife some owning and some disowning and that Spirit must be shut out by the true Spirit that keeps Order and Unity and Fellowship and the true Love which edifies the Body And so every one which feels the Power stirring in them to Minister when they have done To live in the Power wherein they minister let them live in the Power and in the Truth and in the Grace that keeps in the seasoned Words and that keeps in a stablish'd and seasoned Life And so all may Minister as they have received the Grace so every one is a Steward of the Grace of God if he do not turn the Grace of God into Wantonness and so to Minister in that Love and Grace and Power that keeps all things in Subjection and Order and in Unity in the Life and in the Power and Light by which you may see that of God in every Man and answer to that which God hath shewed unto People For the true Labourers in the Vineyard do answer that of God the true Ministers brings People to that which is to instruct them viz. the Spirit of God True Ministers reacheth to the Witness of God in Mens hearts and so are Ministers of the Spirit and Ministers of the Grace they answer the Spirit and the Grace and Truth in all in which all that do Minister have Unity and through which they have Fellowship with God and Christ G. F. Not to be over-thoughtful of the things of this World FRiends Epist 268. Did not God provide for Man and Woman before he made them Did he not make all things in Six Days And the sixth Day he made Man in the Image of God in Righteousness and Holiness And therefore Christ who is the Son of God who comes to restore Man up again into the Image of God Not to be over-thoughtful and leads Man up into his Image in Righteousness and Holiness as he was in before he fell Doth he not reprove such as take thought and told them of their little Faith and that they could not add one Cubit to the Stature that God had made and it was the Practice of the Heathens and of the Gentiles to take thought So it 's clear before God made Man he took care for him but after Man was fallen from the Image of God and his Righteousness he took care and toiled though he cannot add one Cubit to his Stature in the Lord's Work For thou maist sow thy Seed in the Ground or Garden thou maist have much Cattel But trust in the Lord for all and other things but yet there is no increase but by the Lord neither of thy Seed nor of thy Cattle for is not the Earth the Lord's and the Fulness thereof Mark and doth he not give the increase who upholds all things by his Word and Power who is the Creator of all and provided for Man before he made him and set him in Dominion over all the Works of his Hands which Dominion Man lost Man lost Righteousness and Holiness in his disobeying the Command of God Christ restores Man into the Image of God which Christ comes to restore Man to and sets Man above all again as he was in the Beginning and up to his own State beyond Adam before he fell to him that never fell And so all that believe in the Light as Christ commanded in the Light they see they cannot add Cubit to the Stature and so they come to grow in the Faith in Christ and in God And so herein hath the Lord the Praise of his Works and all things praise him who hath created them all to his Honour and to his Glory and to his Praise and Man to glorifie him in Righteousness and Holiness in the Image of God and of Christ Jesus above all other Creatures in the Covenant of God in the Covenant of Light and Life in Christ Jesus Him by whom the World was made by him they praise and please God and in their pleasing God they Honour God and Christ G. F. Concerning the single Language ALL Friends Epist 269. that do believe in the Light as Christ hath commanded you and are become Children of Light keep to the proper Speech Proper Speech Thou to One and You to many that is Thee and Thou to a singular and You to many as you may see throughout the Scriptures it was the Language of God and Christ his Prophets and Apostles and all good Mens though it is the Practice of the First Birth and of the Flesh to say You when they should say Thou therefore take you heed of Flattery to please Men and of letting the World's Spirit over you though they have learn'd in their Grammar and Accidence and other teaching Books the Plural and Singular Language yet they speak Plural when they should speak Singular to One. G. F. FOR all that be gathered in the Name of Jesus Epist 270. and are mad a live by him and quickned by him they come to the Flock of Christ and know where they feed at Noon-Day they are gathered into the Name of Jesus Christ Salvation in no other Name than the Name of Jesus whose Name is above every Name and know that there is no Salvation under the whole Heaven but in the Name of Jesus in the Testimony that they have of Jesus which is the Spirit by which they see Jesus and see his Pastures of Life see his Springs of Life and his Rivers of Life and his Bread of Life and see the Foot-steps of the Flock the Testimony of Jesus the Spirit by which they see him and his Flock and they see the barren Mountains they have been upon and come off from And therefore all you that be gathered into the Name of Jesus and walk in the Path of the Just where the Footsteps of the Flock are quench not the Spirit in any and if any
round the Nation to advise to the setting up the Men and Womens Meetings and to write to those Places where I could not go That all the Faithful might keep their Meetings in the Power of God and in it be settled and established And that all Marriages might be laid before the Men and Womens Meetings who were in the Wisdom of God and in the Possession of his Gospel Order who had the Care of the Church of Christ's Business that they in the Wisdom of God might look into it and see that they were clear from all other Persons c. And therefore now that Pretence is generally taken away from all they cannot say now That they cannot tell where to find a Meeting of the Faithful to lay their Marriages before them before they declare it in the common Publick Meetings Now that the Men and Womens Meetings are settled in the Power of God to look after the Churches Affairs for all knows where they may be found at certain Days Times and Places to lay it before them And they that go together in the Truth and Power of God will be willing to lay their Marriages before them that be in the same Truth and Power of God So that all things may be done in Truth Love and Vnity and Pureness Clearness and Holiness to the Praise and Glory of God And all whosoever they be that oppose this good Order are loose Spirits out of the Power of God and their Work tends to Loosness and to draw into a loose Liberty under a deceitful Pretence of keeping People out of Forms So the same Power and Spirit that directed all Marriages to be laid before the Faithful at the first when there were but few Friends in many parts of the Nations and no Mens nor Womens Meetings I say the same Power of God that did convince Friends at the first the same Power and Spirit directed to the setting up the Mens and Womens Meetings that they might be in the Possession of the Gospel and its Order And the same Power and Spirit of God set up our Order for Marriages in our Mens and Womens Meetings All to seeck first to the Parents before they engage the Affection of the Child And that all are to speak first to their Parents and have their Consent before they engage the Affections of the Children and this Order is settled by the Power of God in the Men and Womens Meetings for some formerly did speak to neither Father nor Mother till they had drawn out and entangled the Affections of the Daughter and that brought great troubles and discontent upon the Parents and among Friends And therefore this is to be enquired into in the Men and Womens Meetings where their Marriages are to be spoken of So as Friends come to Truth which the Devil is out of and to the Power of God which was before the Devil was all being Heirs of Life and the Gospel and Heirs of Christ I say take your Possession of Life and come into the Order of Life and into the Order of the Gospel and then you will have a Witness in your selves and will say with me our Order is not of Man nor by Man but by Jesus Christ and his Gospel and of his Government the increase of which there is no end And so all be faithful keeping in your Possessions and in your Inheritance in that where no Apostacy can come For I must tell you here is the same Spirit stirring if it could prevail that would lay waste God's Heritage and bring you out of your Possessions that it might rule over you But if you keep your Possessions of the Gospel-Order the Power of God in Christ Jesus you will rule over it being in and upon the Foundation of God that stands sure thought some earthly loose Spirits it may draw after them But mark the end of it for the Power remains and will remain and the Seed reigns over the Head of all such false Spirits A Warning to Oppose rs and Orders and Governments that is not set up by Jesus Christ and it will grind them to pieces That is the Word of the Lord God to you let whoever will oppose it for the Power was before they were and will stand when they are gone For all our Men and Womens Meetings which are set up by the Power and Spirit of God these Meetings are for the Practise of Religion and to see that all that do profess Truth do practise it and walk in it And all such as are against them are begetters of People into talking and not walking and of Saying but not Doing and such always were Judged by all them that walk in the Truth and in the pure Religion that is undefiled before God that kept and keeps from the Spots of the World And all such are never like to prosper that are against the Practice of the pure Religion And therefore as I said before live in the Possession of the Gospel and its Order the Power of God which was before the Devil was or the Apostacy either and know his Government of the increase of which there is no End who is set up from Everlasting to Everlasting the Amen And live in Love and Vnity one with another for that edifies the Body of Christ and that is it which will bear all things and in the Patience run the Race and have the Crown and keep in the Meekness of the Lamb that will have the Victory And such Opposers as crys against Forms and Prescriptions and Edicts of Men they are the most in it themselves this Day and gathers into a Separation by Prescriptions and Subscriptions and under a Pretence of crying against such things oppose the Power and them that be in the Possession of it But the Power will blast them and make them to wither like the Grass and Corn on the House-top as it did John Parrot and his Company to whom it was the Word of the Lord then and so it is to these now and the Word lives and abides and endures for ever So with my Love in the Lord Jesus Christ to you all in whom is my Labour and Travel for your Eternal Good and Settlement upon the Eternal Rock Amen Farewell Let this be read in the Men and Womens Meetings when Friends are assembled together Swarthmore the 12th of the 12th Month 1675. G. F. ALL Dear Friends and Brethren Keep up your Testimony Epist 318. in the Light Power and Spirit of God for the Worship Friends to keep their Testimony against the Anti-Christian Ministry that Christ set up above Sixteen hundred Years since in the Spirit and Truth which Truth the Devil is out of who is an unclean Spirit which is a Worship that cannot be shaken And keep up your Testimony against the Anti-Christian Ministry that is inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God and the Light of Christ and his Anti-Christian Tythes and Maintenance which he hath set up by that
Seed of God and feedeth upon the Milk of this everlasting Word which liveth and abideth and endureth for ever and was in the beginning by which Word you have Wisdom and Salvation by which Wisdom all God's Children are justified The Lord God in his Immortal Power preserve you out of all Evil and out of the Earth and over your Enemies within and without in his everlasting Seed Christ that is over all to his Glory for ever Amen G. F. To Friends at Dantzick DEar Friends Epist 336. in the Love of God and the Lord Jesus Christ look above all your outward Sufferings and him that is out of Truth that makes you to suffer and let nothing separate you from the Love of God which you have in Christ Jesus by whom all things were made Not to be moved from the true Foundation Christ Jesus I say let not the Birth of the Flesh with all his carnal Weapons Goals and Prisons Threats or Reproaches move you nor separate you from the Love of God nor from your Foundation the Rock of Ages Christ Jesus But feel the Well of Life springing up in you to nourish the Plant that God has planted in you of his Renown that that may grow up within his Hedge his Power which will keep out the Devil and all the Venomous Beasts from entring into God's Garden or Kingdom And therefore let your Faith stand in the Lord's Power which is your Hedge and Defence and which is your Keeper and will keep you safe that you need not be afraid of your Enemy your Adversary for the Lord's Power is over his Head and you within his Power then nothing can get betwixt you and God and in the Power of the Lord is the City set upon his Hill where the Light shines and the heavenly Salt is and the Lamps burning and Trumpets sounding forth the Praise of God of the Eternal Joy in his Eternal Word of Life that lives and abides and indures for ever And so to the Praise and Glory of God you may bring forth fresh and green Fruit being grafted into the green Tree that never withers Oh be valiant for God's Glory and his Truth upon the Earth To be valiant for the Truth and spread it abroad and spread it abroad answering that of God in every Man and Womans Conscience knowing him that hath brought Everlasting Peace into the Earth So that the Songs of Salvation may be in your Mouths for it is said With the Heart Man believes and with the Mouth Confession is made to Salvation So every true Believer will confess to Christ his Salvation their Way Light and Life out of Death and Darkness their Prophet to open to them their Shepherd to feed them and their Bishop to oversee them their Captain and Commander to command and to lead them their Counsellor for to counsel them and their Priest who hath offered himself for them and also sanctifies them and offers them up to God To whom be all Praise and Golory for ever Amen I writ something to the Magistrates which is in Print in England which if you have it not to give them you may send into Holland and let it be translated into your Language and given to them and spread it up and down in your Country And as for Truth in this Part of the World and in America Truth prospers it prospers and spreads and goes on and by it many Men and Women are made God's Free Men and Women being redeemed from him that is out of Truth that they may serve God in the New Life in Christ Jesus out of the Old Life in Adam in the Fall and so come to live in the heavenly Vnity Wisdom Love and Dominion So in that Love that bears all things and keeps your Hearts Minds and Souls up to God which comes from God through which you come to love God and Christ and one another in that live and dwell Swarthmore the 17th of the 3d Month 1676. G. F. To Friends in Holland DEar Friends To whom is my Love in the Seed of Life Epist 337. that bruises the Head of the Seed of Death and through him you have all Life Eternal who is the Foundation of the Prophets and the Apostles and all God's People in all Ages their Rock to build upon that will stand the Waves of the Sea and all Storms and foul Weather who is the Horn of your Salvation to push down all that stands in your way to God and to push down him that has led Man and Woman from God So that you may all sing of your Rock and the Horn of your Salvation as the Holy Ones did in Ages past and Christ who is your Foundation the Lamb of God who hath been slain from the Foundation of the World Christ overcame the World and is ascended far above all things but now he has overcome the World and is risen and ascended far above all Principalities Powers Thrones and Dominions and is razing down to the Ground the World's Foundation from which Foundation he has been slain and is setting up himself the Living and Everlasting Foundation for all his to build upon and therefore because the World and its Foundation Christ is razing down they are are offended and angry and the Heathen Rage and take Counsel against the anointed but it 's to no purpose for he will shake the Foundation of all false Religions Ways Worships Churches and Teachers and will make the Pillars of them to totter and they must be at their wits end before they see another Foundation for God shook down the Four Monarchies the great Empires of the World and scattered them abroad with his Wind as the Chaff of the Summer Floor all those great Persecutors and the little Stone that 's cut out of the Mountain without Hands The Stone out of the Mountain without Hands c. that no earthly Man has the glory of is becoming a great Mountain and will fill the whole Earth Glory to God for ever and it will dash down all Mens Glory and Pride let them soar as high as Nebuchadnezzar and shelter as many under them as he did in their Sects that he may make them to know that the most High rules in the Kingdom of Men and that his Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom And therefore all Friends that know the Light which is the Life in Christ be faithful in the Truth and spread it abroad answering the Light of Christ in every one for Christ bid his Disciples go preach the Gospel unto all Nations And since that was done are many gathered into the Fellowship and Order of it but since the World has worshipped the Beast and given their Glory and Honour to him instead of God and Christ which Beast is out of Truth and had his Power from the Dragon and the Whore which all Nations has drunk of her Cup and she has rid upon the Beast and now the Everlasting Gospel must
be preached again to all Nations Tongues and People that dwell upon the Earth So all Nations hath been darkned from Life and Immortality and now the Gospel which is the Power of God brings Life and Immortality to light again that they may come to see over him that has darkned them and before he was and such comes into the City of the heavenly Jerusalem and drinks of the Waters of Life freely And therefore all live and walk in the Light in which you have Fellowship and Vnity To live in Vnity Peace and Love which edifies and be at Peace among your selves and in Love which edifies and bears all things for this is that which passes Knowledge and keeps in the Humility of Christ Jesus So my desires are That you may all spread and grow in the Vine for the Lord hath a great People to come out in those Parts which I saw in 1651. And therefore Labour in God's Power that you may increase your heavenly Treasure and enter into the Joy of the Lord. And so with my Love to all in the Truth that walk and live in it that by it they may be made God's Free-men Swarthmore the 2d of the 7th 1676. G. F. To Friends in Maryland and Virginia MY Dear Friends Epist 338. be Valiant for the Truth and the Power of it in the Spirit and Faith of Jesus and let no one take your Crown for the Saints overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the Testimony of Jesus and so fear not the Wrath of Man but fear the Lord and keep your Men and Womens Meetings in the Name of Jesus in whose Name you have Salvation Life and Peace so that all may be in the Vine bringing forth heavenly Fruit to the Glory of God and so feel his Banner of Love over you and you sitting under the Shadow of the Almighty and look over that which maketh to suffer to that which was before it was and know your Faith to stand in the Seed that bruiseth the Head of it which Seed Christ is your Rock and Foundation who will raze down the Foundation of the World of Wickedness from which Foundation the Lamb hath been slain but he is risen and hath overcome the World and hath the Victory Glory to the Lord God and the Lamb for ever Amen And in him you have the Victory and do overcome and they that do overcome From which Foundation in Christ we have the Victory shall eat of the hidden Manna and shall go no more forth into the barren World of Wickedness but feed in the fruitful Land of the Living and their Feet shall be set in a sure Place and beautiful are the Feet of those that publish Peace and glad Tiding and that says in Truth and Righteousness to Zion Thy God reigneth Who is a consuming Fire to the Wicked and the Joy of the Lord if strength to the Righteous So serve the Lord in the Newness of Life for the Lord is dishonoured in the Old Life of Wickedness and keep the Vnity of the Spirit which is the Bond of Peace which no Man can take away So with my Love to you all in the Everlasting Seed that changeth not G. F. ALL my Dear Friends and Brethren every where Epist 339. in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour Life and Peace To live and walk in Christ live and walk in the Lamb which hath the Victory and so in the Humility of Christ which you have learned of him and in Patience with which you run the Race and obtain the Crown of Immortal Life and in the Love of God all dwell which will warm all your Hearts and knit and unite you together and build you up a Holy Temple for the Lord And his Love will keep and carry you above all things to the Glory of God And this Love will enable you to bear all things what-ever wicked Men can do unto you or what the Lord may try you withal So let your Faith be in the invisible God and his Son who is able to succour you and save you to the uttermost who is over all King Immortal Invisible the only wise God blessed for ever Amen So God Almighty establish you all upon this Holy Rock and Foundation Christ Jesus who is the same to day as yesterday and so for ever who was all the Holy Men and Womens Foundation who is the First and the Last the Beginning and Ending the Saints Mediator and Peace-Maker between them and God Their Joy and Rejoycing is in him their Everlasting Joy the Amen blessed for ever So with my Love in the Lord Jesus Christ unto you all in whom I have laboured and among you Swarthmore the 19th of the 12th Month 1676. G. F. To Friends in New Jersey in America MY Dear Friends in New Jersey and you that go to New Jersey Epist 340. My desire is that you may all be kept in the Fear of God and that you may have the Lord in your Eye in all your Undertakings For many Eyes of other Governments or Colonies will be upon you yea the Indians to see how you order your Lives and Conversations And therefore let your Lives and Words and Conversations be as becomes the Gospel that you may adorn the Truth and honour the Lord in all your Undertakings Let that only be in your Eye Honour God in all Vndertakings and then you will have the Lord's Blessing and increase both in Basket and Field and Store House and at your lyings down you will feel him and at your goings forth and comings in So that you may answer the Light and the Truth in all People both by your godly Lives and Conversations Serving the Lord and being valiant for his Truth with a joyful Heart upon the Earth and the Glorious Name in whom you have Salvation And keep up your Meetings for Worship and your Men and Womens Meetings for the Affairs of Truth both Monthly and Quarterly And after you are settled you may join together and build a Meeting-House And do not strive about outward things but dwell in the Love of God for that will unite you together and make you kind and gentle one towards another and to seek one anothers Good and Welfare and to be helpful one to another and see that nothing be lacking among you then all will be well And let Temperance and Patience Temperance Patience and Brotherly Love be exercised and Kindness and Brotherly Love be exercised among you so that you may abound in Vertue and the true Humility living in Peace shewing forth the Nature of Christianity that you may all live as a Family and the Church of God holding Christ your heavenly Head and he exercising his Offices among you and in you and hold him the Head by his Light Power and Spirit and that will keep your Minds over the Earthly Spirit up to God for the Earth and the Sea and all things
and Transgression taken off Men that believe in the Seed Christ Jesus who bruises the Head of the Serpent that has brought Man and Woman into his Image and his Works which Christ destroys both him and his works and renews Man and Woman up into the Image of God as they were in before they fell and into the Power to have Dominion to work in his Garden to subdue the Earth c. So that all are now to labour in the Garden of God that are in the Power and Image of God being brought into it by Christ Jesus that bruises the Serpent's Head that has been Head in them all So that Christ Jesus may be Head in all Men and Women and every Man and Woman may act from him their Holy Head their Life and Salvation and keep his heavenly Peace in his Church and every living Member believing in the Light which is the Life in Christ may be grafted into him the Fountain of Life and receive from him the Water of Life that they may feel the living Springs and the Rivers springing up in them to Eternal Life These are living Stones the spiritual Houshold of which Christ is both Head Rock and Foundation And Christ is called the Green Tree Christ the green Tree from whom all the Branches receive their Nourishment which Green Tree never withers into whom they are grafted by Belief in the Light which is the Life in him from whom they all receive their heavenly living nourishment through which every Graft is nourished then it comes to bud and bring forth Fruit to the Praise of the Eternal God Now every one of these living Believers are Members of the living Church in God which Christ is the Head of and every Member in the Church hath an Office and so every Member is serviceable in the Body in his Office in the Light which is over Darkness and was before it was and in the Life which is over Death and was before it was and in the Power of God which was before the Power of the Serpent was and so they are in this Light Life and Power to execute their Offices I say in this Divine Light Life Power and Spirit of God for God's Glory in Truth Purity Vertue Holiness and Righteousness they are to stand up for and the Honour of his Son and receive him who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth given to him and all that receive him he gives them Power to become the Sons and Daughters of God then in his Power all are to act and walk and to serve God in their Generation and in it to serve him in the New Creation in Righteousness and Holiness and to stand up in his Power for his Glory in his Power Righteousness and Holiness that Christ brings into them and renews them in and so into the Restoration that they may Labour in the Church and Garden of God in his Power to his Everlasting Praise and Glory Amen And all Friends To stand fast in the Liberty of Christ stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free and in the Liberty in the Faith which Christ is the Author and Finisher of which Faith purifies the Hearts and gives Victory in which you have access to God the Mystery of which is held in a pure Conscience in which Faith it hath its true Liberty And keep in the Liberty of the Everlasting Glorious Gospel of Peace which is not of Man nor by Man but from Heaven which Gospel bringeth and hath brought Life and Immortality to Light and will preserve you in Life and Immortality over him that hath darkned you and in this Gospel you have Everlasting Liberty and Peace and in the Truth which maketh you free from him that is out of the Truth This free State all are to keep in and also in the pure holy Spirit of God and Christ that doth Mortifie all that is to be mortified and crucified and doth Baptize you into one Body In this Holy Spirit you are to walk which leadeth you into all Truth in which is your Vnity and Fellowship and giveth Liberty from that which hath grieved it and quenched and vexed it And so in the Liberty and Fellowship and Vnity of the holy pure and peaceable Spirit you are all to dwell and walk which is the Bond of the Prince of Princes Peace which the World cannot take away London the 13th of the 9th Month 1677. G. F. MY Dear Friends To whom is my Love in the Everlasting Seed Epist 345. that reigns over all and will overcome all your Persecutors and the Devil that is the cause thereof who fighteth against the Light which is the Life in Christ as they did against him in the Flesh above Sixteen Hundred Years ago And now my Friends Suffer as Lambs in the time of your Sufferings To suffer as Lambs in the Patience of the Lamb. let all your Wills be subjected with the Patience that hath the Victory and run the Race and obtain the Crown of Life and be willing to go to Suffer for Christ's sake for the Apostle said It is not only given you to Believe but also to Suffer for his Name sake in whom you have Salvation for They that suffer for Righteousness sake are Blessed and theirs is the Kingdom of God and by Faith the holy Men of God had Victory as you may see at large in Heb. 11. So nothing is overcome by any Man's Will but by Faith that giveth access to God in which they do Please God And I do believe that all your Sufferings will be for good for your Establishing upon the holy Rock of Life which was the Rock of all the Sufferers the Prophets and the Apostles who is the anointed Saviour to the answering that of God in all People for the Lord hath a great Work and Seed in that place So live in the Spirit that Mortifieth all and Circumciseth all and Baptiseth all so that with the Spirit you may sow to the Spirit and of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting And my desire is All to live in the Vnity of the Spirit and in the Bond of Peace that you may all be kept alive to God and live in the living Vnity of the Spirit which is the Bond of the heavenly Peace that passeth the Knowledge of the World which Peace brings such Joys which transcend all your Sufferings and will carry you above them And so in love to God and in love to your Persecutors you can pray for them who persecute you and this Suffering is above all the Sufferings in the World which are without Love and Charity who maketh one another to suffer when they get the upper hand but such are not the Sufferers for the true Lord Jesus who suffered though he was above all yet he made none to suffer and when he was Reviled he reviled not again but said Father forgive them and committed himself to him that judged Righteously So let the
Author and Finisher of So in this holy divine pure and precious Faith they have a holy divine pure and precious Vnity and Liberty which is the Victory over the Enmity and the Adversary the Destroyer and all this Instruments and they cannot come within this holy divine pure and precious Vnity and Liberty which is in the Faith for it is a Mysteryj and gives Victory over him and the access to the pure God and to Christ the Author of it which all are too stand fast in that Liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free who is the heavenly and spiritual Man the Second Adam For the Bondaged Captivity and Thraldom false Freedom and false Liberty was and is in Old Adam in Transgression and the true Liberty is that which Christ the pure and holy One makes free in and this is a pure holy Liberty which Christ makes and sets his People free in in which they are all to stand fast over all the false Liberties and Freedoms which are Bondage Also the true Libertyis in the Truth which if the Truth hath made you free then are you free indeed from him that abode not in the Truth in whom there is no Truth So then there is no true Freedom nor Liberty in him and he in whom there is no Truth cannot come into this Freedom and Liberty which is in the Truth but remains in the False For the Jews in the days of Christ boasted of their liberty and Freedom though they were in Bondange both inwardly and outwardly and that they were of Abraham their Father but Christ told them The Devil was their Father and his lusts ye will do And also in the Days of the Apostles many of the false Christians boasted of their Liberty but who was overcome by them was brought into Bondage And the Apostle was so careful of his Liberty in Christ Jesus To be careful of our I iberty in Christ that such as came to spie it out and were somewhat in Conferrence but they added nothing to him and unto such he would not give place by Subjection but rather reproved them and directed every one to walk according to the measure of the Rule which God hath distributed to them And also true Liberty is inthe Light and Grace and the Spirit which comes by Jesus which by believig in te Light they are grafted into Christ and so into true Liberty and Freedom and so are entred into the Rest out of the Toil of old Adam for they are grafted into him who was befor old Adam For Unbelievers in the Light are grafted into old Adam in Transgression And the Believers in the Light which is the Life in Christ are grafted into Christ the Word by which all things were made and created So here is perfect true Freedom and Liberty And likewise the true Liberty and Freedom is in the Grace which brings Salvation and not Destruction and teaches to live Godly not Ungodly and Soberly not Unsoberly and Righteously not Unrighteously and teaches to deny the World and not to cleave to it and follow it This Grace establishes the Heart and seasons the Words the Fruits of its Liberty and Freedom will manifest it self And also the true Liberty in the pure Holy Spirit of God and Christ doth Baptize and Plunge down that which is gotten up by Transgression in Man and Woman and circumcises and cuts off the Body of Death and Sin in the Flesh that is gotten up in Man and Woman by Transgression and mortifies and kills that which would grieve vex or quench the Motions of the pure Spirit of God so that in this holy pure Spirit of this pure God and Christ is the holy pure Freedom and Liberty over all Bondage and false Liberties and Freedoms And the Fruits of this pure Spirit is pure Love Righteousness and Godliness Fruits of the Spirit Patience Temperance and Humility by which Spirit all are made to drink into one Spirit so that all are the living Wells that have their living Water from God and Christ their true and living Fountain and in which Spirit they have a holy and spiritual Fellowship in this Baptizing Mortifying Circumcisig Spirit yea one wit another and with the Son and the Father also through which the Love of God warms every one's Heart But when the Love of many waxes cold as Christ saith then they go from this Grace Ligth Truth Power and Spirit and the Anointing and the Word of God in their own Hearts then such turn to be Betrayers and not Saviours upon Mount Zion And against such God's swift Judgment turns and suddenly falls though they may cry for a time Liberty Freedom and Peace Peace but a Day of trouble will overtake them ere they are aware And therefore all ye Friends of Christ Jesus stand fast in that Liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free by his Light Grace Truth Spirit Faith and Everlasting Gospel the Everlasting Power of God which is an Everlasting Freedom and Liberty above all Bondage and false fallen Liberties and Freedoms in this glorious Gospel and glorious joyful Libert where all may exercise God and Christ's Holy Gifts in his Holy Supernatural Light Grace Truth Spirit and Divine Faith and Word of Life and the Gospel which Word cannot be bound with all the World's Cords or Chains For it is a Fire to burn and a Hammer to break and a Sword to cut in pieces and therefore love the Word and keep the Word of Patience and the Lord will keep you for it is a tried Word and it will keep you in all trials which shall come upon all the World to try them For the Word was before the World was and will be when the World is gone which all the new-born Babes of the Incorruptible Seed who partake of the Milk of the Word grow by it up into an Immortal Life and Kingdom that is without End Glory and Praises to the Lord God for ever And now ye Babes of Christ If the World do hate you it hated Christ your Lord and Master also if they do mock and reproach and defame and buffet you they did so to your Lord ad Master also who was and is the Green Tree that gives nourishment to all his Branches his Followers Now if the World do Persecute you and take away your Goods or Cloaths was not your Lord and Master so served Christ was persecuted mocked and crucified for us Did not they cast Lots for his Garments Was not he haled from the Priests to Herod and before Pontius pilate and spit upon And if they hate thee and spit upon thee he was hated and spit upon for thee Did he not go to Prison for thee And was he not mocked and scourged for thee Did not he bow to the Cross and Grave for thee he who had no Sin neither was Guile found in his Mouth And did he not bear they Sins in his own Body upon the Tree And was he not scourged for thee by whose
Salvation and not in any other Name under the whole Heaven So that now you come to know Christ your Saviour who destroys the Destroyer the Devil and his Works and it 's He that brings forth Everlasting Righteousness that makes an End of Sin and finishes Transgression So that now you may live and walk in the Everlasting Righteousness of Christ Jesus who is your Priest Christ our Priest and Prophet that is made higher than the Heavens Hebr. 7. And who is your Prophet that God has raised up and not Man whom ye must hear in all things Acts 3.22 7.37 who were as lost Sheep gone astray but are now retarned to the chief Priest and Bishop of your Souls namely Christ Jesus 1 Pet. 2.25 And Christ saith He is the true Shepherd that hath laid down his Life for his Sheep and his Sheep know his Voice and follow him Who is the Holy and Just one and never Guile was found in his Mouth And Christ says No Man comes to the Father but by me So he is the New and Living Way and God has given him for a Leader and Counsellor to Counsel his People who is the Holy Living Rock and Foundation which is above all the Rocks and Foundations below For He the Rock and Foundation is from above whom all the Children of the Light that believe in his Light which is the Life in him and are grafted into him do build upon And so the Lord God Almighty with his Eternal Power support you all in all your Afflictions and Sufferings Trials and Temptations that you may be built and settled upon this Rock and Foundation that cannot be shaken And now dear Friends my desires are and the Desires of Friends here that you may all walk soberly honestly modestly and civilly and lovingly and gently and tenderly to all your Patroons and to all People And To walk Justly and Holily in all Words and dealings That ye may walk Righteously Justly and Holily in all your Words Dealings and Doings that his Name you do profess now may be honoured and you may reach by your Righteous Godly Lives and Conversations the Good in all your Patroons and in all others so that you may shew forth the Fruits of the Spirit and the Fruits of Christianity and that you are the Possessors of Christ Jesus your Mediator who has made Peace betwixt you and your God And as you have received Christ so walk in him and know him to rule in your Hearts by Faith For herein as Christ said is my Father glorified that you bring forth much heavenly Fruit and that your spiritual and heavenly Light may shine before Men that they may see your good Works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven And now Friends we understand That some that have come lately among you have been under great Sufferings and Abuses by their Patroons because they cannot honour them with that Honour as other Slaves do or as they have done before Now To wear out Sufferings by Patience if you wait in Patience upon the Lord in his Truth for you are to buy the Truth and not to sell it and Truth is that that 's stronger than all the Lord in his time though he may try you can mollifie that Nature in them there as he hath done in other Places where he hath tried his People with such things And when they have seen 't is for Conscience sake towards God and it is from the Principle of Truth and the Spirit in which Spirit and Truth they worship the Most-High God who is an Eternal Incomprehensible Spirit who is God in Heaven and God in the Earth and dwells by his Spirit in his humble People they have been overcome And now Friends consider They are blessed who suffer for Christ's sake they are blessed that suffer for Christ's sake and it is not only given you to believe but to suffer for his Name And they that will live Godly in Christ Jesus must suffar Persecution But the Apostle says of the true Christians Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ Shall Tribulation or Distresses or Persecution or Famine or Nakedness or Peril or Sword As it is written For thy sake are we killed all the day long We are counted as Sheep for the slaughter In all these things we are more than Conquerers through him that loved us I am persuaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor highth nor depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8.36 39. Psal 44.22 Now dear Friends you may see here was a Godly Sincerity Fervency Stedfastness and Resolution in the true Christians which ought to be in all such now without boasting And the Apostle says Rejoyce for as much as ye are partakers of Christ's Sufferings that when his Glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding Joy For if ye be Reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified 1 Pet. 4.13 14 15. And so dear Friends Be wife that you may give no just occasion To give no just occasion of Offence And keep low in the Humility for such learn of Christ and the meek follow him And so my desire is That you may all be preserved to the Glory of God and that you may be Valiant for the Truth upon the Earth and spread it abroad that all may come to the Spirit of God that God poureth upon all Flesh and to serve and worship him And so that all Flesh may see the Glory of God by his Spirit and that all might come to the Light which is the Life in Christ the Word by whom all things were made and created with which Light he enlightneth every Man that comes into the World to believe in and to love it and to try their works whether they be wrought in God yea or nay 1 John 3.19 20 21. And that all might come to the Grace of God which hath appeared to all Men and brings Salvation which will teach to live Godly Righteously and Soberly and deny Unrighteousness This is the true Christian's Teacher which brings Salvation and teacheth to deny that which would lead them into Destruction The true Christians Teacher into Ungodly Ungracious Ways and Words but this Grace teacheth the Saints to walk in Gracious Ways and their Words come to be seasoned with Grace which teaches them and brings their Salvation So that which is the true Christian's Teacher brings their Salvation And so every one sit under this Teacher as the true Church of Christ did as you may see Tit. 2.11 12. And so dear Friends I do commend you to him that has all Power to support who is God All-sufficient to
New Testament Circumcision is of the Spirit and of the Children of the New Covenant their Bodies are the Temples of the Living God and none are saved or justified by the Works and Righteousness of the Law in the Old Covenant but by the Faith of Christ and his Righteousness And so all the Figures Shadows and Types Christ the substance of all Figures and Types in the Old Testament and Covenant Christ the Substance is come and abolishes them and doth them away and he saith Behold I make all things new So the New Creature in Christ Jesus seeth the Old Things are past away and all Things are become New So the New Creature is the new Bottle that holds the new Wine he hath the new Garments and a piece of new Cloth must not be sewed in the Old Garment So the old Garments and old Bottle and old Wine must be kept distinct from the new Garments and new Cloth and new Bottles and new Wine So the New Covenant and New Testament is distinct from the Old Covenant and Old Testament The New and Living Way in the New Testament and New Covenant is distinct from the Way in the Old Testament and Old Covenant and the new Creatures in Christ Jesus that beholds all things are become new to them and see that the old Things are past away from them Here is a Distinction betwixt the new Creatures and the old Creatures that cry up the old Thing and live in them and the New that crieth up the New and liveth in them And in the Old Testament the outward Jews defended their Religion by Carnal Weapons and outward Armour but in the New Testament the Children of the New Covenant their Armour and Weapons are Spiritual not Carnal And in the Old Testament and Old Covenant there was a Tribe of Priests that offered up outward Offerings and Sacrifices but in the New Testament the Children of the New Covenant are called A Spiritual Houshold and a Royal and a holy Priesthood to offer Spiritual Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ And in the Old Testament and the Old Covenant the Priesthood was made by the Law of a Carnal Commandment but Christ our High-Priest in the Testament was made after the Power of an endless Life And the High-Priest in the Old Testament entered into the outward Sanctuary called The Holy Place made with Hands which Priesthood and Sanctuary is abolished and done away by Christ But Christ in his New Testament is entered into Heaven it self now to appear in the Presence of God for the Children of the New Testament who do praise God through Jesus Christ their Mediator who makes their Peace betwixt them and God for he that sitteth on the Throne maketh all things new and reconciles to God The Temple built by Solomon The Temple of Solomon a Figure of Christ and his Church was partly a Figure of Christ and partly of his Church For when Christ suffered the Temple of his Holy Body to be destroyed and was raised again from the Dead John 2.19 then Christ raised up us the Christian Church which is the true spiritual House and Temple wherein God dwelleth 1 Cor. 6.19 And Isaiah the Prophet and also the Apostle speaking of Christ's Sufferings saith in Isa 53. and Acts 8.33 how that the Lord should make Christ his Soul an Offering for Sin Christ's Soul an Offering for Sin who poured out his Soul unto Death and the Prophet saith Who shall declare his Generation Yet the Prophet saith He shall see his Seed namely Christ and did not Christ see his Seed his faithful Apostles and Disciples And the Apostle saith For both he that Sanctifieth namely Christ and they who are Sanctified are all of one for which cause Christ is not ashamed to call them Brethren So then they are of his Seed which can preach Christ and can declare his heavenly and holy Generation And again he saith I will declare thy Name among my Brethren So here Christ calleth his Believers his Brethren Christ our Brother and again he saith Behold I and the Children which God hath given me are for Signs and for Wonders in Israel so they are now to all outward Professors without Possession Isa 8.18 and Heb. 2.11 And Isaiah saith The Lord himself shall give you a Sign namely the outward Jews Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his Name Emanuel Isa 7.14 Mat. 1.23 This Christ Christ the Emanuel the Emanuel God with us he was a Sign to the Jews and a Wonder when he came and he is a Sign and a Wonder to all outward Professors of the Scripture without Possession where he is revealed and manifest in his People for he saith Behold I and the Children whom the Lord hath given me are for Signs and for Wonders in Israel So where Christ the Son of God is revealed in his People and they come to be of his Seed Brethren and Generation and declare his Generation they are for Signs and for Wonders and for Gazing-Stocks to all the outward Professors of God and Christ and the Prophets and Apostles without the Possession of their Life and Spirit And the Apostle saith That Abraham was called a Friend of God James 2.24 We are the Friends of God if we keep his Commandments And Christ saith to his Disciples Ye are my Friends if ye do whatever I command Henceforth I call you not Servants for the Servant knoweth not what his Lord doth But I have called you Friends for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you Here Christ called his Disciples sometimes Friends and sometimes Brethren as before as in John 15.19 and Heb. 2.11.12 And as many as received Christ to them he gave Power to become the Sons of God even to them that believed on his Name which were born not of Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh nor of the Will of Man but of God John 1.12 13. These are they that declared the Generations of Christ And John saith Behold or take notice what manner of Love the Father bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God Beloved now we are the Sons of God therefore the World knoweth us not because it knew him not 1 John 3.1 2. Here you may see the World knoweth not God nor his Sons So it is no marvel if the World that lieth in Wickedness be haters of God and haters of his Son and Sons but greater is he that is in God's Sons and Daughters than he that is in the World by which they do overcome the World as in 1 John 4.4 And the Lord said to Job When the Morning Stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for joy Job 38.7 There was cause of Joy to hear that heavenly Harmony And God hath Anointed Christ with Oil of Gladness above his fellows Heb. 1.9 Moses was faithful in all his House as a Servant