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A19893 Certaine deuout considerations of frequenting the blessed sacrament: written by the reuerent Father Fuluius Androtius of the Societie of Iesus. With sundrie other preceptes and rules of direction, composed for the benefit of such as seeke to attaine to the perfection of vertue. Firste written in Italian: after turned into Latine: and now translated into English; Della frequenza della communione. English Androzzi, Fulvio, 1523-1575.; I. G., fl. 1606.; Everard, Thomas, 1560-1633. 1606 (1606) STC 632; ESTC S115242 106,518 327

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daily propose two lessons to his frendes the one whereby they may knowe and see their owne imperfections and by the other to consider his diuine goodnes that so mercifully and paciently beareth with their infirmities And S. Bede affirmeth that if S. Paule had bene free from the motion of the flesh that happely he might haue fallen into eternal damnation euen so might many holie and vertuous men vtterly perishe if God did not sometime permit them to fal into venial sinnes A deuout s●ruant of God was accustomed to say That he neuer feared those sinnes which he knewe in him selfe and detested but such sinnes only which other he held him selfe free from or which he made no great account to commit or else such sinnes as finding in him selfe he would thorough partiality colour and excuse S. Augustine willeth vs to be sorie for our sinnes also that we should reioyce and take comfort in such s●rrowe considering that such s●rrowe is euer acc●mpanied with the grace of God An other Holie Father would often say that he neuer marueiled if thorough-frailtie he found him selfe to fal into some sinnes considering his weaknes and how far he found him selfe from perfect vertue but rather that he marueiled if at any time he found him selfe free from offending An other Father would say that the often and daily defectes of good and vertuous men did shew and verefie that which in an other sence is denied in the gospel Luc. 16. that grapes may be gathered from vnfruitful thornes that is that thorough our owne defaultes and imperfections we may attaine to the knowledg of the goodnes of God and from the bryars of our defectes may gather the figges of celestial and diuine sweetnes The same holie Father would say that our B. Lorde did permit vs to fal into sinne that by that occasion we might come vnto him being inuited thereto by those comfortable wordes Matt. 15. Come vnto me al yee that are laden with imperfections and I vvil refresh you When a deuout and vertuous person was sometime ouercome with great sorrowe and gr●efe considering deeply his owne defectes and imperfections he heard a voice saying thus vnto him Why art thou pensiue come and cast al thy griefes vvithin the vvounde of my side which wordes being spoken his griefe and sorrowe was presently taken away That al signes and tokens of true and perfect loue are founde to be in the most B. Sacrament AMongst the infinite signes and argumēts of loue which our Sauiour shewed towardes vs whilst he conuersed here with men the institution of the most B. Sacramēt may be accounted with the greatest Therefore saieth S. Iohn When Christ had loued those that vvere his he loued them vnto the end That is Iohn 13. to the end of his life for then did he bestowe his greatest benefits vpon them and gaue them most manifest signes tokens of his loue leauing for a time his owne life for them and giuing him selfe to them for euer in the B. Sacrament First therefore the principal signe and token of true loue is an earnest desire most nerely to ioyne and as it were to ingrafte our selues into the thinge which we entirely loue This signe how liuely it appeared in Christ is made plaine and manifest in the institution of the most B. Sacrament for one chiefe cause of the institution thereof was that he might make vs euen one with him selfe and therefore did he institute it vnder the forme of meat considering that as of meate and him that eateth it is made one and the selfe same thinge euen so is made one of Christ and the soule which receiueth him in the B. Sacrament And this vnion is made by participation of one spirit in him that receiueth and him that is receiued whereof ensueth one maner of life and conuersation An other signe is to doe wel vnto him whom we loue And when he that loueth bestoweth his hart on him whom he loueth he hath nothinge left which most willingly he would not bestowe vpon him now then what greater thing could be thought on or imagined then that which Christ imparteth vnto vs in the most B. Sacrament For he giueth vnto vs his most pretious flesh and blood and maketh vs partakers of al those merits which he procured by sacrificing the same for our redemption And euen as our soule so soone at it was conioyned with that flesh and blood which we receiued from our first father Adam was presently made partaker of al the miseries and calamities of Adam euen so so soone as it is conioyned by receiuinge the most B. Sacrament with the most pretious flesh of our Lord and Sauiour Christ it is made partaker of the meritts and treasures of Christ For which cause it is called Communion because hereby our Sauiour doth communicate vnto vs not only his most sacred body and blood but also the meritts which by the same body and blood he purchased for vs. Thirdly those who entirely loue the one the other wil euer the one be mindful of the other and therefore if at any time they be seuered or parted yet leaue they alwayes some token of remembrance which may preserue and renewe their loue The like signe of loue is this most B. Sacrament which as a token of remembrance our Lorde would leaue with vs for the which cause when first he did institute the same he saied Doe this in remembrance of me That is cal to mynde remember so oft as you come to this heauenly Table what and how great benefits I haue bestowed vpon you with what Fatherly loue I haue euer loued you how many and how grieueous torments I haue suffered for you Fourthly the partie who loueth desiereth loue againe And this signe haue we also of the loue of Christ who desiering so greatly to be beloued of vs hath instituted this sacred and mistical banquet consecrated with such diuine wordes that he who worthely frequēteth the same is presently wounded with loue and admiration of his vnspeakable goodnes Fiftly the louer desiereth to please his beloued and studieth by al meanes possible how to effect the same euen as tender parents doe to their deere and beloued children our B. Lord did the like by institutinge this Sacrament whose effect is to giue true consolation to a pure and immaculate soule which tasteth thereby such exceedinge sweetenes that according to S. Thomas no tounge is able to explicate the same Now consider I beseeche thee at what time our most louing Lord Sauiour ordained this banquet to wit at his last supper when shorly after he was to suffer those most bitter torments which already his cruel enimies had prepared for him So that when they were inuenting most sharpe paines for him then did he prouide this most heauēly foode for vs. Whē they were mingling for him bitter gaule then was he tempering for vs most sweete honie When they were deuising most exquisite tortures for him then was he
●●nounceth eternal happines and sek●th t●mporal delightes And when he might both in this world and the next finde the ioyes of Paradise liuing alwayes in the grace of God which yeldeth peace contentment and delight he had rather here in this world receiue an earnest peny of hell As the Poet sayeth To noble mindes death is no worse Then fight from prison vile Petrarcha To abiect mindes it bringes more feare Then prison or exele It is the extremest folly that that may be to deceiue and perswade our selues as if we should neuer die which they doe that wil neuer thinke on death It is true wisdome therfore euer to haue it in our minde that we may alwayes be exercised in some good worke so long as we liue in this world and not to deferre to doe wel vntil the last hower of our life much like the foolish virgins who wanting oyle in their lampes that is good workes were shut out from the wedding Wherupon a certaine writer sayeth Reforme thy life whilst thou hast time Deferre no day to mend For death doth bring to weale or woe That neuer shal haue end What we ought to doe daylie to the end we may not feare death TO call hartely vpon God that it wil please him to send vs his grace to remember death and to consider amongst other thinges foure or fiue principal anguishes where with sinners are most afflicted at the hower of their death 1. The first is that then they must leaue and forsake al worldly delightes and that those thinges which most inordinatly they loued before at the hower of death wil cause their greatest sorrowe euen as is hapned to Absalon who hauing nothing which he more esteemed then his faire haire was brought by the same to his final destruction 2. The remorce of conscience 3. The infernal diuels accusing them 4. The good Angels forsaking them 5. The dreadful Iudge all in wroath whom easily before they might haue made their frend especially by frequenting the holy Sacraments by almes deedes and the like Then when we haue acknowledged how worthely we haue deserued these most grieueous punishments to craue the assistance of Gods holy grace that truly we may amend the imperfections of our liues in dying to the world the flesh the diuel all sinne and our owne willes and to liue only to God so that at the hower of death being freed from these terrors we may finde consolations in the mercies of Christ A remedie for those that feare not death but the paines of death THere be further some persons that liue in the feare of God who feare not death but the griefes and paines of death which the ghostly enimie putteth into their mindes whereby the remembrance thereof becometh most dreadful vnto them This feare ariseth other from melanch●ly 〈◊〉 else from a certaine distrust which we haue in God ●s if he were not faithful louing ful ●f mercie and being our Father yet that he wil lay amo●● 〈◊〉 burt●●n vpon vs then we are able to bear● and so suffer him selfe to ●e surm●unted in sweetnes loue and affection euen by our earthly parents For this cause we ought wholy to resigne our selues into the handes of God and to put our confidence in him that he wil so temper the paines of death that we may be wel able patiently to endure them And if they chance to be more griueous that he wil strengthen and asist vs with so much the greater aide For such is the merciful nature of God that the 〈◊〉 he seeth the danger of man to be the readier he is to send his asistence and the more violent he findeth our ghostly enimie to afflict vs the nerer he is with his presence to giue vs comfort and consolation Nether doth the holy Scripture tel vs any one thing more often then of the exceeding care and Fatherly prouidence of God twardes his children and then especially when he seeth them thorough their distresses to stand most in need of his helpe Doe but behould with what cruel torments and exquisite punishments he suffered his B. Martyrs to be tried in this world in which notwithstanding they pe●seuered most c●nstantly and cheerfully embraced their cruel deathes Consider how many good men thou seest to die daylie and what comfort and consolation God s●ndeth them in their agonies which the s●me merciful Lord wil no● d●ny thee at they death if thou put thy confid●nce in him Rememb●r that hytherto God neuer layed a heau●er burthen vpon thee then he gaue thee strength and abilitie to beare Yea thou h●st vndergone some burthens which thou thoughtest thy selfe wholy vnable to haue indured and thinkest thou that he wil forsake thee in thy agonies of death It is good to cal to remembrance some s●n ences of holy Scripture especially at such time as these feares shal assault thy weake minde Psal 30. As to say O Lord I haue put my trust in thee let me neuer be confounded If God be for vs who can be against ●s Rom. 7. Who hath put his confidence in God and was euer confounded and such like And if our Sauiour IESVS haue already once died for thee and were willing againe to die for thy sinne if neede should so require how then canst thou imagin that he wil forsake thee in thy last agonies And if with such signes of his loue he hath so often giuen him selfe vnto thee in the B. Sacrament how can he forsake thee when thou shalt most of al neede his asistance Besides he sayeth him selfe by his Prophet Esay Esay 49. That sooner the mother shal forget hir owne tender babe then he wil forget or be vnmindful of vs thereby to declare that his loue is greater then the loue of any tender mother If therfore a mother shew so great loue to hir beloued sonne what wil God doe towardes vs whom he esteemeth as his dearest children S. Iohn sayeth when our Sauiour IESVS Christ had loued his in this life Io. 13. he loued them vnto the end for that is the propertie of true and perfect loue And if in that instant when he suffered al his paines and torments on the crosse he was mindful not only of his B. mother and his beloued disciple S. Iohn but of those his enimies also who spoiled him of his fame his goodes and his most pretious life how then wil he forget or be vnmindful of those at their ●●aths who adict themselues to his holie seruice Let vs then say with S. Augustine O Lord in this world ●urn● me or rent me in peeces if it should ●o please thee so that in the next world thou deale mercifully with me Thy blessed wil 〈◊〉 Lord be done If at our deathes we confidently commend our soules into the handes of God why should we be more fearful to commit it our bodies If daylie we say Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen that is both in soule and body the wil
ordaining for vs the delightes of Paradise Nether could the apprehension of present death nor the remembrance of such torments as were prepared for him so much posesse or occupie his thoughtes that they could ether withdrawe him or yet deterre him from bestowing vpon vs this vnspeakable benefit The louer houldeth the absence of his beloued as a torment vnto him alwayes desireing the presence of his loue For this is the effect of true and perfect loue that it stil desiereth to be vnited to that it loueth thereby to receiue contentment and delight euen so our diuine and heauenly louer our Lord IESVS hath instituted and ordained this admirable Sacrament in which him selfe is really present that so longe as this Sacrament should cōtinue in the worlde he him selfe would also remaine therein notwithstanding that he is ascended into heauen And this is an infallible testimonie of his entire and singular loue How great a treasure the gift of the B. Sacrament contayneth OVr most merciful and louing Sauiour could neuer haue left vnto vs here on earth a guift of greater honor benefit or delight then he hath left vnto vs in the most B. Sacrament for here we haue him to whom in al aduersities we may flye for succour to whom when we haue neede we may lament make our moane O thrice happy estate of Christiās which daily may present thē selues before their Creator and as it were face to face enter into conference with him This being so rare and singular a gift it happily might be esteemed of the lesse moment had it bin only bestowed on such as deserued it or at the least would haue bene thankful for it and haue vsed it to their owne benefit and according to the dignitie thereof but considering that it is bestowed vpon many who nether acoūt of it according to the worthines nor gratefully receiue it nor yet applie it as they ought to the profit of their soules this sheweth the singular loue and mercy of our Sauiour O wonder surpassing al admiration If so it were that al the glorie and diuine nature of God depended on man as al that which is mans dependeth on God what could God more haue done then he hath to win and purchase mans loue vnto him A most straung thing and able to make vs wholy astonished that whereas al our saluation al our glorie and al our good dependeth on God yet to see how we flie from him and againe to behould how earnestly he desireth our conioyning with him hauing no neede at al of vs or of our endeauours After vvhat maner Christ remaineth vvith vs in the B. Sacrament NO one thinge doth more declare the greatnes of the loue of Christ towardes vs then the wonderful maner by which he conuerseth with ●s in the B. Sacrament for if it had pleased him to haue remained with vs in his owne shape and likenes then it might haue seemed that he had so remained to haue bene honored worshiped of vs but remaining with vs vnder the forme of bread he so remaineth not only to be reuerenced but to be receiued of vs as our chiefest foode that in the one we might haue cause to exercise our faith and in the other occasion to exercise our charity and so is caled the bread of life for that he is life it selfe vnder the shewe of bread He therefore who worthelie receiueth this bread in the selfe same instant receiueth life receiuing him who is true life it selfe If thou fearest to receiue it for that it hath life yet receiue it in regarde it is the bread of Angels If thou esteeme it but lightly being vnder the forme of bread yet hould it of highe price for that it is liuinge and containeth life Of three sinnes that are most opposite to this most B. Sacrament PRide Enuie and Lust are most opposite to the B. Eucharist For in this Sacrament is he receiued who more then al men humbled him selfe for mankinde who being nayled to the Crosse praied for his persecutors who tooke his pure flesh of the most chast and immaculate virgin Therefore as it is necessarie for him that receiueth to be cleane from al sinne so especially ought he to prouide who cometh to this heauenly banquet that he be not defiled with any of these three enormities Of Venial Sinnes EXceeding great are the impedimēts which venial sinnes doe cause in vs from tasting the sweetnes of this heauēly foode but especially those which willingly and wittingly we daily commit For as it is vnpossible to make Enammel to fasten but only to gould and not vnto brasse copper or other drossie mettal so doth not God permit this diuine Enammel to make impression but in such a soule which is voide and free from the drosse of sinne Of the intention vve ought to haue vvhen vve come to receiue the B. Sacrament AMongst other thinges which are most necessarie for our preparation to receiue the B. Sacrament the true intention and end why we come to receiue it is specially to be regarded for as it may be good so it may be bad The intentions therefore by which we may come worthely to receiue it are noted by S. Bonauenture to be these that followe 1. First that thereby we may be the nerer vnited to God 2. Secondly that by receiuing this most B. Sacramēt as by a most soueraigne medicine we may be cured from al diseases and sicknes of our soules 3. Thirdly that thereby we may performe to God that which by duetie we owe vnto him 4. Fourthly that thereby we may be deliuered from al perills and dangers 5. Fiftly that thereby we may obtaine from God some especial benefit 6. Sixtly that we may be thankful to God for al his benefitts bestowed vpon vs considering that no act which we can doe is more grateful vnto him 7. Seauēthly that we may thereby yeald praise vnto God and his Saintes consideringe this to be a sacrifice of all laude and praise 8. Eightly that thereby we may helpe and asist our neighbours and bretheren as wel those that yet liue as those that be departed 9. Ninthly that by receiuing this Sacrament we may likewise receiue the spirit of Christ and thereby may liue with that humilitie charitie obedience pouertie of spirit mortification of body and contempt of the worlde wherein our B. Sauiour liued when he coruersed in the same And this ought to be our chief and principal intention 10. Tenthly to renewe the remembrance of the passion of our most sweete Sauiour IESVS according as we are taught by the Apostle S. Paule 11. Eleuenthly that thereby we may doe that which is acceptable to God who desireth to be conuersant with vs for this end that his holie wil and pleasure may be performed in vs. And vnto this may be adioyned the other intentions aboue mencioned Certaine pointes to be examined before receiuinge accordinge to S. Mechtildis WE must lay naked our conscience saieth this B. Saint to our Ghostly Father
and passible as the Apostels did but immortall impassible and replenished with all glory 8. Consider that by oft frequenting the B. Sacrament thou art become a liuinge Sepulcher of IESVS Christ beinge a liue And if thou hadest bin present when Christ was taken downe from the Crosse and hadest constantly beleeued that he had bin thy Sauiour greatly wouldest thou haue laboured to haue receyued into thy howse that most diuine and sacred body And if it had bin granted to thee to haue had that Sepulcher with thee in thy house greatly wouldest thou haue thought thy selfe to be honoured But in the most B. Sacrament thou maist dayly receyue Christ not dead but a lyue and of thy body and sowle make a Sepulcher for thy lyuinge Sauiour IESVS where he may abide not forty howers as he did in his stony Sepulcher but for euer and euer worlde with owt end 9. Consider that by receyuinge the B. Sacrament thou now becomest the host of Christ If Christ while he conuersed here on earth had vouchsafed but once only to haue lodged in thy howse how happy a man wouldest thou haue thought thy selfe to be What signes of ioy and contentement wouldest thou haue shewed But how much more happy art thou now that maist euery day if thou wilt thy selfe receyue this gueste not into thy howse but into thy body and soule and receyue him whole immortall most bewtyfull shyninge in all glory 10. Consider that by frequenting the B. Sacrament thou art made becomest a heauenly Paradice For whersoeuer God omnipotent is there euen there may we say Paradice to be Thinke therfore so often as thou comest to this sacred table that thou hearest Christ no more now mortall noe more to be crucified but now in all glory to say vnto thee My Sonne this day shalte thou be with mee in Paradice So often therfore as thou shalt be sadd or afflicted say to thy sowle My Sowle haue patience and expect a while for to morow or with in some shorte tyme by receuinge the B. Sacramēt thou shalt be with thy Sauiour in his heauenlie Paradice For whersoeuer it pleaseth Christ to be there are we sure that Paradice is 11. Consider that by oft frequentinge the B. Sacrament thou art nowe become a cowrtiar of that heauenly Pallace of our Lord that thou sittest with him at his royall banquet and art fedd with that most precyous foode of all other the very flesh and blood of our Lord and Sauiour If Christ when he conuersed here on the earth had only once called thee to his table wel mightest thou haue thought thy selfe thereby most happy How farre then now doest thou exceede in happines when thou doest not only sitt at his royall table but art fedde with the most pretious foode of his sacred body Neuer was there found a Mother so aboundinge in loue that she coulde be moued therby to feede her childe with her owne flesh yet here at this table it pleaseth Almighty God to sett before vs to eate the very true flesh of his most deare and only Sonne 12. Consider that God doth bestowe on thee and euerie one that worthelie receiueth the B. Sacrament more and greater spirituall benefittes then euer he gaue to any creature in this worlde for when he doth giue vnto vs the verie fleshe and blood of his most dearly beloued Sonne he giueth vs also therewith the merites and benefitts that by the effusion of the same moste pretious blood were gayned Wherefore iustlie may we be helde the happiest of all creatures that doe liue in this worlde and iustly may we say Psal 147. He hath not done the like to any other nation For how many Dukes Princes and Kinges are there that neuer obtayned so great grace or so highe a fauour and happines 13. Consider that so ofte as thou receauest this holy Sacrament thou layest thy mouthe to the wounde of our Sauiours side and as S. Chrisostome saieth suckest from thence his moste pretious blood there by doest participate with him of his holie spirite and of all his merites and vertues And like as he that eateth meate conuerteth and turneth it into his owne fleshe euen so he that receiueth Christ in the B. Sacrament maketh thereby Christes giftes and merittes to be his owne is also after a sorte conuerted into his sacred body Whereby it followeth that our heauenly Father with the same Fatherly eies where with he behouldeth Christ as his moste deare Sonne with the verie same eies he behouldeth and looketh on vs euen as on the members of the same his beloued Sonne Gen. 27. And like as the Patriarche Iacob beinge apparelied in the garments of his brother Esau receiued the cheifest blessinges due to his eldest brother so we beinge apparelled in the B. Sacrament with the fleshe of Christ receiue thereby from God many spirituall benedictions 14. Consider that as Christ moued there vnto by an infinite loue ordained this holie Sacrament euen so with the like infinite loue he daylie giueth him selfe vnto vs in the same If a gifte or present althoughe but of smale valew were giuen by some great Prince with a moste kinde and louinge affection to one that were of meane and poore estate it would be moste thankfullie taken and kepte and preserued in highe account How much more oughte we to esteeme this present which is bestowed vpon vs in the moste B. Sacrament beinge a gifte of infinite valew giuen of an infinite loue and by the Prince of all Maiestie and glorie For who giueth it but only God what is giuen but only God Who in●iteth to this table Who prepareth it Who serueth and attendeth but only God the creator of all thinges 15. Consider that Christ to the end he mighte bestowe on vs these benefitts gaue and powred our for vs all his moste pretious blood And that he mighte heape aboundantly vpon vs al his blessinges he suffered for our sakes all sortes of shames and reproaches and paciently endured death to giue vs life When the Iewes deuised and prepared the moste cruell torments for him on earth then prepared he for vs all the ioyes and comfortes in heauen And when roddes thornes gall and vineger the Crosse and lawnce were prepared for him with more cruell torments then can be expressed euen then did he prouide for vs the delightes and happines of his euerlastinge kingdome For he saied to the Theefe hanginge on the Crosse This day shalt thou be vvith me in Paradice 16. Consider with thy selfe how many millions of men there are liuinge in this worlde which neuer attained to this heauenly treasure And althoughe many haue knowen the benefit and cōmoditie of it yet alas how few there are who seeke to frequent it and if sometimes there be desser oft it yet opportunitie is often wantinge hauinge opportunitie yet consider againe how one thinge or other debarreth them from vsinge it How many thinkest thou liue this day in Germany in France in
owne and sayinge with the Prophett Psal 113. Not to vs O Lorde not to vs but to thy holy name giue al honour and glory 11. Now that thow art become one of the cowrt of God and a guest of heauen consider how humble how pure and euery way how pleasinge thou oughtest to appeare in his sight For if thou wert daylie invited to some great Princes table how careful wouldest thou be to present thy selfe before him in al comelines and decencie not enduringe any spot of vncleanes ether in thy countenāce or attyar If then thou wouldest haue so great a respect in cominge to the table of a temporal Prince how oughtest thou to prepare thy selfe beinge inuited to the table of the kinge of heauen 12. Consideringe that in receiuinge the B. Sacrament God daily bestoweth on thee new graces and fauours adorneth thy soule with new giftes and honors and enricheth thee more and more with new encrease of meritts other spiritual blessinges what then remaineth but that thou likewise more and more endeauour againe to loue him magnifie and laude him wholy to dedicate and consecrate thy selfe vnto his seruice and to direct all thy thoughtes and actions only to his glorie 13. If so often as thou comest to the B. Sacrament thou puttest thy mouth to the side of thy Sauiour and from thence drawest the sucke of the moste pretious blood of Christ What care and watch oughtest thou henceforth to haue of thy mouthe and tounge What dilligence to restraine them from vtteringe any vaine or immodest speeches What studie and endeauour that thy tounge be alwaies busied in magnifinge Christs sacred blood and passion and extollinge his goodnes for this vnspeakable benefit cryinge out with the Apostle God forbid that I should reioyce but in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ. 14. If Christ of his infinite loue haue left him selfe vnto vs in the most B. Sacrament why then should not we receiue him againe if so it weare possible with like infinite loue yealdinge loue for loue and gratitude for gratitude At least wise let vs receiue him that he may fill and replenish vs with true charity which is the weddinge garment wherby we may be present at this sacred weddinge table be made worthy to receaue him who is the God of loue and fountaine of all goodnesse 15. If Christ to bestowe on vs this moste delicious foode of Angels would shed his owne sacred blood and giue vs the same entirely in the holie Eucharist why should not we that we mighte but euen once receiue the same shede for him our deerest blood Why should not we pay blood for blood Giue a sinner for an innocent A thinge of no worthe for a iewel of such price Why should not we desier and wishe from our verie hartes to shed the same euen to the vtmost drop for so louinge a Sauiour 16. If finally he hath bestowed on vs that which he hath denied to so many other nations and doth yet daily deny how many and ●ow great thankes oughte we to rendar vnto him for this so singular loue and bountie towardes vs And in regarde we are vnable to giue worthie and due thankes so much the more oughte we to esteeme and reuerence this diuine Sacrament the oftner to frequent it that he him selfe in vs and by vs may supply those thankes to him selfe which we if we were able oughte to rendar vnto him A MEDITATION OR prayer vpon the Pater noster to be vsed of such as frequent the holie Communion FOR euer be thou blessed most sweete and eternal Father that it hath pleased thee of thy infinite mercie to bestowe vpon me the minde and opportuni●ie so often to receiue in the holie communion the most sacred body and blood of thy dearely beloued Sonne together with his most blessed soule and diuinitie For which most singular grace and bountie what shal I most wretched creature euer be able to render vnto HALLOWED BE THY NAME Sweete Father graunt vnto me thy aboundant grace that I may be able to render vnto thee condigne and worthie thankes for this so highe a benefitt bestowed vpon me that I may euer sanctifie and praise thy most holie name extoll thy goodnes and maiestie to al those who haue not knowledge of thee And that in al my actions whatsoeuer I take in hand I may only seeke the aduancement of thy glorie THY KINGDOME COME Raigne for euer O Lorde in my harte which euen now most freely I surrender into thy handes Let not that fowle spirit th● deuil euer haue any part in me Let not my filthie flesh beare any rule ouer me which euer is at debate and warre with my soule Let not the loue of this worlde or the allurements of sinne deceiue me which caused thy deare Sonne to suffer his moste bitter passion for me THY WIL BE DONE IN EARHT AS it is in heauen Teach me sweete Lorde to fulfill thy holie wil in euerie place in euerie time and in euerie occasion with cheerfulnes readines and a ioyfull harte euen as doe thy glorious Saintes and Angels who for euer raigne with thee in thy heauenly kingdome GIVE VS THIS DAY OVR daylie bread Graunt me O Father a most feruent desire wherby worthely to receiue this diuine Sacrament worthelie to eate this true bread of Angels I craue sweete Lorde euer to haue the tast of it in my mouth I craue puritie of harte when I shal receiue it A cleane tounge where with to touche it A discreet Priest to administer it And a deuout intētion with dwe reuerence to adore it AND FORGIVE VS OVR TRESPASSES as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs. O my Lorde graunt me I beseeche thee perfect remission of al my sinnes and a hartie detestation to hate and loath them Giue me likewise a prompt and willinge minde that I may be euer readie for thy sake to pardon and forgiue al iniuries done vnto me AND LEAD VS NOT INTO temtation Tread downe sweete Lorde with thy heauenly presence my ghostlie enimie that daylie lieth in waite to entrap me that I nether assent being deceiued nor mightest call vpō me saying Our Father If therefore thou loue me as a daughter ought to doe and like a daughter behauest thy selfe in my sight what cause hast thou to distrust in me Why tremblest thou where is no cause of feare What dout canst thou haue if thou hast done thy endeauour truly to confesse thee If it be that thou art not certaine that I haue chosen thee for my daughter then here againe I take thee for my daughter and as a deare and beloued daughter doe now welcome and entertaine thee Consider that for thy sake I haue created the heauens and that for to redeeme thee I haue sent my only Sonne from heauen who euen from his infancie began for thee to shee l his most pretious blood wepte for thee when he was circumcised and for thy sake was called IESVS that
euen as Christ shewed his bodie naked for vs. For if he laied naked his bodie to the sharpnes of stripes how much rather ought we to lay open our conscience to the chasticements of wordes Looke therefore into the glasse of the vertues of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS And first consider in the glasse of the humilitie of Christ thyne owne humilitie and whether with any spot of pride or vaine glorie thou hast spotted or defiled the cleannes of thy soule Secondly in the glasse of the patience of Christ consider thine owne patience and see whether therein thou findest it to be spotted with any blott of impatience Thirdly in the glasse of the obedience of Christ consider if thou findest any disobedience in thy soule Fourthly in the glasse of the loue of Christ trie thou thine owne loue and consider how much loue thou findest in thy selfe first towardes God and next towardes thy Superiors how peaceably thou behauest thy selfe towardes thy equalles and how meeke and mildly towardes thy inferiors And if hereby thou finde any thinge in thy soule worthie of reprehension endeauour meekely to cleanse it with the pure find on of Christes humanitie calling to minde that he is our brother and eke so merciful and gentle that no sooner a man with a cōtrite harte acknowledgeth his sinnes but with al mercie he doth presently forgiue them And great disscretion must be vsed herein that we doe not too rowghlye rub the sores of our soule that is without consideration of the goodnes of God otherwise may we sooner hurt then cure the same Hitherto are the wordes of S. Mechtildis Of Deuotion ENdeuour before thou comest to receiue the most B. Sacrament to stir vp in thy selfe some inwarde tast and feelinge of deuotion which according to Diuines we cal Actual deuotion To this thou shalt attaine if thou duely consider the exceedinge greatnes of God and thy owne vnworthines what benefitts he hath bestowed on thee and with what griueous sinnes thou hast offended him Resemble thy selfe therefore in thy minde vnto the Prodigal childe or to the Publican or vnto the woman that was taken in adulterie returning to hir husbande and askinge forgiuenes of him Aboue al thinges the remembrance of the greatnes of Gods loue towardes vs wil stir vp in thee this kinde of deuotion Four thinges vvhich S. Mechtildis did vse to meditate vpon before she came to receiue the B. Sacrament 1. FIrst vpon the exceeding great loue of God which he carried towardes hir from al eternitie 2. Secondly that it would please God of his infinite loue to create hir his seruant fore-knowing how vngrateful she would become to his diuine Maiestie 3. Thirdly that he would vouchsafe to suffer for hir his most bitter passion by sheding his most sacred blood to make satisfaction to his Father for hir sinnes ad offences 4. Fourthly that it pleased him of his infinite loue towardes hir to remaine in the most B. Sacrament there to feede hir with his owne true flesh and washe away hir sinnes with his most pretious blood Hovv vve ought to hunger after this most B. Sacrament GReatly ought we to desire hunger after this most B. Sacrament and often to frequent the same consideringe that as the forbiden aple was the poison of our soules so is this the true foode and preseruatiue of them The hunger whereof the consideration of these thinges following ought to stir vp in vs. 1. First the great necessitie wherein we daily stand 2. Secondly the inuiting of Christ and the threatning which he vseth if we come not to it 3. Thirdly the great desire which the B. Saintes had of the same 4. Fourthly the singular fruite and effects which it worketh in our soule Of the fruites of the most B. Sacrament 1. FIrst it remiteth sinnes past which were out of our remembrance 2. Secondly it armeth and strengthneth vs against such sinnes as thorough frailtie we are subiect daily to fall into God thy Lord Creator who hath a more feruēt a zealous desire to giue his benefitts vnto thee then thou hast to accept and be partaker of them as it appeareth by the parable of the prodigal childe and who cometh vnto thee not like a Lion but like a most meeke and gentle Lambe It shal likewise be cōuenient requisite for thee often to meditate and thinke on those wordes How doth it happen that my Lord and Sauiour vouchsafeth to come vnto me And likewise to consider who and of what condition he is who thus cometh vnto thee to say with S. Frācis my God my God who art thou who am I After thou hast receiued the most B. Sacrament GReat are the thākes which of duetie we are to giue to almightie God for this vnspeakable benefit and we ought to haue an especial care and watche ouer our mouth that nothinge proceede from thence that may be offenciue in his sight to demande likewise those thinges which most we want but especially perfect charitie and euer to remaine one vnited with him offeringe vp our selues and al ours to his seruice as an entire oblation This diuine Sacrament worketh his effectes in our soule during al the time that the forme or species vnder which we receiue it continue vndigested Therefore after we haue communicated it shal be most conuenient to recollect our selues as deuoutly as we may and to speake vnto our B. Sauiour in maner as followeth Certaine shorte prayers vvhich after vve haue receiued the B. Sacrament ether vocally or mentally vve may offer vp vnto Almighty God MY sweete Lorde Sauiour for this end haste thou made me that with al my wil desire I should loue honor thee Grant me sweet IESV that I may performe the thinge for the which I was created Too presumptuous am I most base and abiect creature that dare be bould to craue so highe and heauenly a loue more beseeming were it my bas● vnworthines to aske a thinge of far inf●riour valewe But what shal I doe o Lorde sith thou commandest me that I shal loue thee Thou sweete Sauiour hast created me to the end that I should loue theee thou doest threaten me except I loue thee thou hast suffered a most cruel death because I should loue thee and thou commandest me to aske of thee especially to loue thee So greatly sweete Sauiour hast thou desiered that I should loue thee that finding my affection colde and frozen thou didest institute this Sacrament of diuine vertue thereby to set myne harte on fire with most burninge loue towardes thee O my sweete Creator and Redeemer what am I in thy sighte that thou commandest me to loue thee And that thou shouldest inuent such varietie of meanes to gayne my loue vnto thee What other thinge haue I euer bene to thee then affliction calamitie and cause of thy bitter passion And againe what hast thou shewed thy selfe towardes me but my Sauiour my reste and the Author of al my good If
I Further beseech thee through the prayers teares sighes vowes and desirs of the holy Patriarches and Prophettes that as they in many places and at seuerall tymes haue most longinglye expected the cominge of the kingdome of Christ on earth So we may most feruently thirst after the true spirituall kingdome of Christ both of this life which consisteth in true iustice and sanctitie and also of the next life which consisteth in the highest felicitie both of sowle and bodie FIAT VOLVNTAS TVA SICVT IN COELO ET IN TERRA Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen 3. Apostels The holie Apostles o Lorde fulfilled perfectly heere on earth thy blessed will For at them did Christ pointe when he sayde Whosoeuer shall fulfill the will of my Father that is in heauen he is my brother and sister and mother They truly both by worde and wrytinge haue diuulged thy will through the whole worlde and haue both by example of their liues and also their deedes manifested the same in keepinge thy commandements and holye councells I most hūbly therfore beseech thee o Lorde that we may also euer fulfill thy will both by example of our liues and may willinglie teach and instructe our neigbour and so with the Apostles may immitate and follow thy beloued Sonne Christ of whom it is written He beganne to doe and to teach PANEM NOSTRVM QVOTIDIANVM DA NOBIS HODIE Giue vs this day our daily breade Consideringe o Lorde that for the fullfillinge of thy will we stande principally in neede of thy ayde and assistance for accordinge to thy blessed will and pleasure thou giuest vs both a will and abilitie thy ayde I say not so much of corporall as of spirituall breade wherby we may be-strengthned to sustaine and endure the tribulations of a Christian life Euen as thy B. Martirs haue done who 4. Martirs that they might more constantly suffer their torments and afflictions did strengthen them selues by daily receiuinge that blessed foode of thy most sacred body and bloode We therfore beseech thee through the meritts of all the Martirs that thou wilte vouchsafe to giue vs daily this breade in the holy sacrifice of the Masse if not Sacramentally yet at the least spiritually ET DIMITTE NOBIS DEBITA NOSTRA SICVT ET NOS DIMITTIMVS DEBITORIBVS NOSTRIS And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And in regarde o heauenly Father that we are wholly vnworthy not only of this heauenly breade but of all thy grace and assistance adde this benefitt also to the heape of thy other giftes that through the meritts of all chiefe Bishops Bishops and Confessors 5. Confessors whose office by thy gifte hath bin to remitt and forgiue mens sinnes that my sinnes also both venial and mortall may be forgiuen me And as they directed all their labours and watchings to no other end but by preachinge and writinge to drawe men out of the iawes of the deuell and hell so grant that I may direct all my labours and studies to drawe out of the filth of sinne first my owne sowle and afterwards the sowles of other sinners accordinge to the tallent which thou hast bestowed vpon me ET NE NOS INDVCAS IN TENTATIONEM And leade vs not into temptation Although o Lorde we be free from sinne yet was it thy holy will that we should not be without the temptations of this worlde For we reade that the Angell Raphael saide to Tobie Bycause Tob. 12. thou wast gratefull in the sight of God it was necessarie that temptation shoulde proue and try thee For proofe wherof neuer any endured greater temptations of the diuell and the flesh nor did with greater constancy and courage ouercome them than such as excelled others in austeritie and holines of life as The Holy Eremitts 6. Mōkes S. Anthony S. Hilarion S. Macharius and other religious persons You haue liued saith one emongest cruell Aspes and Dragons neyther could the most terrible assaulters of the Diuell daunte you I therfore be seech thee sweete Sauiour that by the meritts of all holy Anchorits and other holie Saintes thou wilt bestowe that grace vpon me that amidest the many temptations which this world yealdeth thou will bestowe on me spirituall weapons to beate downe all assaultes of the world the flesh and the diuel and that I neuer be ouercome by giueing my consent to their wicked suggestions SED LIBERA NOS A MALO But deliuer vs from euell Vouch safe o Lorde to protect and defende mee from all euell of payne and sinne and if so it be thy diuine will and pleasure from all motion of concupiscence which is the fountaine of all euell That henceforth I may order and direct my life in all puritie and integritie both of minde and bodie accordinge to the exāple of infinite virgins and holy wydowes whose blessed memorie the Church doth yearely celebrate 7. Virgins For so innocente were they from sinne and all spott of vncleanenesse of life that rather would they spend their liues then blemishe their Chastitie more willingly suffer all tormentes than once yealde consent to the voluptuous pleasures of the flesh For which they haue deserued a speciall and singular Crowne of Virginitie in the kingdome of heauen be sides the generall felicitie of all the glorious Saintes Amen FINIS A DEVOVT HYMNE OF S. THOMAS OF AQVIN verie s●t to be said in the presence of the ● Sacrament DEuoutly I adore thee o latent dietie Which truly dost vnder these figures lie To thee my harte with reuerence is enclind Rauished with that which in this work I find Sight taste and touch in thee are quite deceiued Wherfore by hearinge thou must be beleued I to thy wordes Gods Sonne giue firmest credit Who art the truth that most belief dost merit Vpon the Crosse lay only hid thy dietie But here both it and thy humanitie Both which I doe acknowledge and confesse Wish●nge to haue the happie thiefes successe Thy woundes I doe not here with Thomas see Yet as my Lorde and God I honor thee More firme beliefe daily in me moue Effect my hopes and s●il encrease my loue O sacred memorial of our Sauioures deathe True bread that dost to sinners life beqeathe Graunt that my minde may euer liue by thee And thou to it a sauoure sweete maiest be O pious pelican IESV Lorde moste good Cleanse my vncleanesse with thy pretious blood Whose smalest drop is of such worthe and price As can whole worldes redeeme from sinne and vice IESV whom I doe vnder veiles now see When shal my thirst longing quēched bee That by fruition of that blessed place My soule may euer see thee face to face A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL POINTES CONTAINED IN THIS Booke CErtaine deuout and Godly Considerations to stirre vp and inflame the mindes of such who often frequent the Blessed Sacrament fol. 1. Certaine Godly and deuoute admonitions for the more worthy preparation to the B.