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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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the grace to suffer death also Wherfore al ye that be my true louers frends reioice and reioyce with me agayne and render wyth me hartye thankes to God oure heauenly father that for hys sonnes sake my Sauioure and redemer Christ he hathe vouchsafed to cal me beyng elles without hys gratious goodnes in my selfe but a synnefull and a vyle wretche to call me I say vnto this hygh dygnitye of hys true Prophetes of hys faythfull Apostles and of hys holye electe and chosen Martyrs that is to die and to spende thys temporall lyfe in the defence mayntenāce of hys eternal and euerlastyng truth Ye knowe that be my Countreymen dwellyng vpon the borders where alas the true man suffreth oftentimes muche wronge at the theues hande if it chaunce a man to be slaine of a theefe as it oft chaunceth there whiche wente oute with his neyghbour to helpe hym to rescue hys goods agayne that the more cruelly he be slayne and the more stedfastly he stooke by his neyghboure in the fighte agaynst the face of the theefe the more fauoure and frendeship shall all hys posteritie haue for the slayne mans sake of al them that be true as long as the memorye of his facte and his posteritye dothe endure euen so ye that be my kynsefolke and countreyemen knowe ye howe soeuer the blynde ignoraunt and wycked world hereafter shall rayle vppon my death which thyng they can not do worse then their fathers did of the death of Christ our sauiour of his holy prophets Apostles and Martyrs Knowe ye I say that both before God and all them that be godly and that truely know and followe the lawes of God ye haue and shal haue by goddes grace euer cause to reioyce and to thanke God highlye and to thinke good of it and in god to reioyce of me your flesh blood whome God of his gratious goodnes hath vouchsafed to associate vnto the blessed company of hys holy martyrs in heauē I dout not in the infinite goodnes of my lord god nor in the faithful felowship of his elect chosē people but at both theyr hands in my cause ye shal rather fynd the more fauour grace for the Lord sayeth that he wil be both to them and theyrs that loue hym the more louyng agayne in a thousande generations Deut. 7. Iohn 15. the Lorde is so full of mercye to them I saye and theyrs which doe loue hym in deede And Christe sayeth agayne that no man can shewe more loue then to geue hys lyfe for his frende Now also know ye all my true louers in god my kynsfolk and countreymen that the cause wherfore I am put to death is euen after the same sort and conditiō but touchyng more nere gods cause and in more weighty matters but in the general kynd al one for both is Gods cause both is in the mainteināce of right both for the commē welth and both for the weale also of the christiā brother although yet there is in these two no smal difference both concernyng the enemyes the goods stollen and the manner of the fighte For knowe ye all that lyke as there when the poore true man is robbed by the theefe of hys owne goodes truely gotten whereupon he and hys household should lyue he is greatly wronged and the theefe in stealyng and robbyng with violence the poore mans Goods dothe offende god doth trāsgresse hys lawe and is iniurious bothe to the poore man and to the commen wealth so I saye know ye all that euen here in the cause of my death it is with the church of englād I meane the congregatiō of the true chosen chyldren of god in this realme of england which I knowlege not only to be my neighbors but rather the congregatiō of my spirituall brethren and Sisters in Christe yea members of one body wherein by goddes grace I am and haue beene grafted in Chryste Thys Churche of Englande had of late of the infinite goodnesse and aboundaunte grace of almighty God greate substaunce greate ryches of heauenlye treasure greate plentye of gods true and syncere woorde the true and wholesome administration of Christes holye Sacramentes the whole profession of Christes religion truelye and playnelye sette forthe in Baptisme the playne declaration and vnderstandyng of the same taughte in the holye Cathechisme to haue beene learned of all true Christians This churche hadde also a true and syncere forme and manner of the Lordes Supper wherein accordyng to Iesus Christes owne ordinaunce and holy institution Christes commaundements were executed and done For vpon the bread and wyne set vpon the Lords table thanks were geuen the commemoration of the Lordes death was had the bread in the remembraunce of christes bodye torne vpon the crosse was broken and the Cuppe in the remembraunce of Christes bloud shedde was distributed and both communicated vnto all that were presente and woulde receyue them and also they were exhorted of the minister so to doe All was done openlye in the vulgare toungue so that euerye thyng myghte be bothe easely heard and plainlye vnderstande of all the people to Gods hygh glory and the edification of the whole churche Thys churche had of late the whole Diuyne seruice all common and publique prayers ordeyned to be sayde heard in the cōmē congregation not onely framed and fashioned to the true vayne of holye Scripture but also all thynges so set forthe accordyng to the commaundemente of the Lorde and Sayncte Paules doctryne for the peoples edification in theyr vulgare toungue It had also holye and wholsome Homelies in commendation of the principall vertues which are commended in Scripture and lykewyse other Homelies agaynste the moste pernitious and capitall vyces that vseth alas to raygne in thys Realme of Englande Thys churche had in matters of controuersye articles so penned and framed after the holye Scripture and grounded vpon the true vnderstandyng of Gods worde that in short tyme yf they hadde bene vniuersally receyued they should haue beene able to haue sette in Christes churche muche concorde and vnitye in Christes true Religion and to haue expelled manye false erroures and heresyes wherewyth thys churche alas was almoste ouergone But alas of late into thys spyrytuall possession of the heauenly treasure of these godlye ryches are entred in theues that haue robbed and spoyled all thys heauenlye treasure awaye I maye well complayne on these theues and crye oute vppon them wyth the Prophete saying Deus venerunt gentes in haereditatem tuam c. Psalme 79. O Lord GOD the Gentiles heathen nations are come into thy heritage they haue defyled thy holye Temple and made Ierusalem an heape of stones that is they haue broken and beate downe to the grounde thy holye citye This hethenyshe generation these theeues of Samaria these Sabei and Caldei these robbers haue rushed out of their dennes and haue robbed the Churche of Englande of all the foresayd holy treasure of god they haue caried it away and ouerthrowne
Godes woorde and accordyng to that vocation wherevnto we are called by the Gospell of Christ our sauior that the honesty purity of the same may prouoke al that shal se or know it to the loue of your doctrine and to loue you for your honestye vertues sake and so both in the brotherly vnitye of your true doctrine also in the godly vertue of your honest life to glorify our father which is in heauen Ex nostratibus magni aliquoc magistratus Cancellarius Wint. Comes Arundellus dn̄s Pachetusiam legatione fūgūtur vna cū Cardinali Polo in partibus trāsmarinis ad cōponēdā vt aiūt pacē inter imperatorem regem nostrum Francorum regem Post illorum magistratuum nostrorum reditum partum reginae quē iam quotidie expectamus iam aliquandiu expectauimus quëque deus pro sui nominis gloria dignetur bene illi fortunare nos tunc statim nihil aliud quam nostrae confessionis de hoste nostro antiquo triumphales in domino coronas expectamus Omnium vestrum precibus me humillime ex toto corde cōmēdo In primis tuis ô chariss in Christo frater dilectiss Grindalle chariss fratrū vnice mihi in dn̄o dilectorū Checi Coxi Turneri Leueri Sampsonis Chamberi omniū fratrū nostrorū conterraneorum qui apud vos degunt diligunt dominū nostrum Iesum Christum in veritate Cōmedo etiam vobis reuerendiss patres concaptiuos meos in domino Thomam Cranmerum iam vere magnipastoris Archipresulis nomine digniss veteranum illum nostrae gentis Anglicanae verum Apostolum Christi H. Latimerum Condona mihi frater harum prolixitatem non enim post hac credo chariss frater meis literis iam amplius ali quando turbaberis Oxonij To M. Cranmer and M. Latymer beyng separated from hym and prisoners in seuerall places THe cause of my brothers enprisōmēt is this so farre as I can perceaue There is a yonge man called M. Grymbolde whiche was my chaplain a preacher a mā of much eloquēce both in the english and also in the Latin To this man beyng desirous of al things which I had written and done synce the beginning of mine emprisonmēt my brother as is said hath sent copies no more but of all things that I haue done First a litle treatise whiche M. Latymer and I wrote in the toure where is before my my sayings N. R. before M. Latimer H. L. Also an other draught which I drew out of the Euangelists of S. Paul that the words of the lordes supper are figuratiuely to be vnder stand alleaging out of the doctors only vi thre of the greke church which are Origen Chrisost ad Cesa monachū Theodoret three of the latin church Tertullian Augustine Gelasius He had of my brother also a copy of my iij. positions to the thre questions here propounded to vs at Oxford thē also a copy of my disputation in the scholes as I wrote it my selfe after the disputation Item the letter Ad fratres in diuersis carceribus All these thinges they haue gotten of Grymbold as my brother doth suppose not that Grymbold hath bewrayed hym but as is supposed one whiche my brother trusted to carye his letters vnto Grymbolde for it will not synke into my heade to thinke that Grymbold woulde euer playe me such a Iudas part Although these things are chaunced farre otherwise then I had thoughte they shoulde for my mynd was that they shoulde not haue comme abrode vntil my body had bene layd to reste in peace yet truely I suppose this is not thus chaunced without gods graciouse prouidence which he hath ouer al his and I trust that god of his goodnes shal turne it to hys owne glory For it shal euidently appeare to the reader of these thinges whych they haue that the cause why I do dissent from the Romish religion is not any study of vayne glory or of singularitye but of conscience of my bound duty towardes god towardes Christes church and the saluation of myne owne soule for the which by gods grace I wyll wyllingly ieoperd here to lose life lands and goods name and fame and what els is or cā be vnto me pleasāt in this world My brother as yet because they nether shewed any comissiō or authority wherbye they did examine him nor also anye thynge of his letters although they said they had them as yet I say my brother hath confessed nothing But I loke for none other but he shal be forced to tel wher he hadde the copies and where they be and I wylbe content that he shal say the truth that he had them all of me let them come and take them caste them into the fire if god know they wil promote his glory they can do no more then he wil suffer them Bicause in the booke of N. R. and H. L. it is saide in the ende that H L. hath caused his seruant to write it I would Austine should haue word yf any farther search be to kepe hym out of the way God shall rewarde you both for my brother You my Lord of Caunt for your meate and dayly comfort and you father L. for your mony and comfortable messeges I trust in God my brother though he be younge yet wyl studye to learne to beare Christes crosse patienly as a yong Scholer in Christs Schole God encrease his grace in vs all Amen To maister Bradford prisoner in the kinges Bench. WElbeloued in Christ our sauiour we all with one hart wish you with all those that loue god in dede and truth grace and healthe and specially to oure dearely beloued companions which are in Christs cause and the cause both of theyr brethren and of theyr own saluation readye and willing to put theyr necke vnder the yoke of Christs crosse How ioyful it was to vs to heare the reporte of D. Taylor of his godly confession c I ensure you it is hard for me to expresse Blessed be God which was and is the geuer of that and all godly strength and stomacke in the time of aduersity As for the rumors that haue or doe go abroade either of our relenting or massing we trust that they which know god and theyr dutye towardes theyr brethren in Christ wil not be to lyght of credit to beleue them It is not the sclaunderers euell tounge but a mans owne euell deede that can with God defile a man and therfore by gods grace you shal neuer haue cause to doe otherwise then you say you do that is not to doubt but that we will continue c. Like rumor as you haue hearde of oure comminge to London hathe beene here spreade of the comminge of certayne learned men prisoners hether from London but as yet we knowe no certeyntye whether of these rumors is or shal be more true Know you that we haue you in our dayly
and by rested in ioyes euerlasting and as theyr paynes ended theyr sorowes and began ease so dyd their constancie and stedfastnes animate confyrme al good people in the truth and gaue them encouragement and lust to suffer the like rather then to fal with the worlde to consente vnto wickednes and Idolatrye Wherfore my deare frendes seyng god of hys part hath illuminated you with the same gyfte knowledge of true faith wherin the Apostles the Euangelists and all martyrs suffered most cruell deathe thanke him for hys grace in knowlege and pray vnto him for strength and perseuerance that through your owne faute you be not ashamed nor afearde to confesse it Ye be in the truthe and the gates of hell shall neuer preuayle against it nor Antichrist with al his Impes proue it to be false Thei may kil and persecute but neuer ouercome be of good comfort and feare more god then man This lyfe is short miserable happy be they that can spend it to the glory of god Pray for me as I do for you and commende me to all good men and women 22. December 1554. Your brother in Christ Iohn Hoper To one that was fallen from the knowen truth of the gospell to Antichriste and his damnable religion GRace mercy and peace of conscience be multiplied in all penitent heartes Amen Deare brother in Christ Iesus it is not long since I was informed what loue and seruēt zeale ye haue heretofore born to gods true religion appearing as well by youre lyfe and conuersation as by absentynge your selfe from the Idolaters temple and congregation of false worshippers But now alas through the deuilishe perswasions and wycked counsayle of worldly men ye haue declined frō your former profession buildyng agayne that which before ye destroyed so are become a trespaser Gala. 2 2. Cor. 6. bearyng a straūgers yoke with the vnbeleuers Of whiche thing euer since I was informed I haue ben meruelously moued with inward affectiōs muche lamenting so greate and sodayne a chaunge as to be turned from him that called you in the grace of Christ vnto the dissimulation of wicked hypocrites Gala. 1. which as S. Paule saith is nothing els but that there be some which trouble you intēding to make you like as they are euen louers of them selues whose hartes are wedded to the perishing treasures of this world wherin is their whole ioy and felicity contrary to S. Iohn i. Iohn 2. which saieth see that ye loue not the worlde neither those things whiche are in the worlde But they as men without eares and hauing harts without vnderstanding do neither waigh the terrible threatninges of god against such offenders and the most woful punishment dewe for the same nor yet consider the louing admonitiō and calling of god who both teacheth how to auoid his wrath and also by what meanes to attain to saluation Wherfore dere brother I humbly beseche you euen by the mercifulnes of god and as you tender your owne saluation to geue eare no longer to their pestilent perswasiōs but euen now forth with to repent and haue no longer felowship with the vnfruitful works of darknes Ephe. 5 Rom. 12 Iames. 4. Eph. 4. Apo. 2. neither fashion you your selfe again gain like vnto the world delight not in the frendship therof for all suche be made the enemies of god greue not any lōger the holy spirit of god by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Acknowlege your offence and from whence ye are fallen prostrate your self before god asking mercy for christs sake Mourne with Mary Magdalen lament wyth Dauid Math. 20. crye with Ionas and wepe with Peter and make no tarieng to turne to the lord whose pitiful eies attend alwais to wipe away the teares from euery troubled conscience Such is his entiere loue toward al those that turne vnto him EZechi 18 making them this swete promise confirmed by a mighty and vehement kind of speaking tell them as truely as I liue saith he I will not the death of a sinner but muche rather that he turne from his euil ways and liue Turne you turne you from your vngodlye waies O ye of the house of Israel O wherfore wil ye die Beholde ye are here forgeuē your sinne is blotted out and the most ioyful countenaunce of god turned again towards you What nowe remaineth Verely this that you from hēceforth kepe circūspect watch and become a follower of Christe sustaining for his names sake all such aduersities as shal be measured vnto you by the suffraunce of god our heauenly father who so careth for vs that not one heare of our head shal perish without his wil who also considering the tender and weake faith of his children not able as yet to stand against the force of Antichrists tyranny geueth them this louyng liberty when ye be persecuted in one citye fly to an other Math. ● O most tender compassion of Christ how careful is he ouer hys people who woulde not now rather then to offende so merciful a God flie this wicked realme as your most christian brother and many other haue done or els with boldnes of hart and patience of the spirit beare māfully the crosse euē vnto the death as diuers of our brethrē haue don before vs as is declared at large in Paules epistle to the Heb. which I passe ouer and come to our sauior Christ whose exāple for our singuler comfort S. Paule encourageth vs to folow sayeng let vs also Heb. 11 ▪ seing that we are cōpassed with so greate a multitude of witnesses lay away al that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth on and let vs runne with patience vnto the battaile that is set before vs loking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the ioyes that was set before him abode the crosse and despised the shame Heb. 12. and is set downe on the right hand of the throne of god c. From whence he shall come shortly saith S. Iohn and his rewardes with him Apo. 22. to geue euery man according as his dedes shal be Blessed are they that do his commaundements that their power may be in the tree of life and may enter in through the gates vnto the City where they sayth Esay shal haue their pleasure in the lord who wil cary them on high Esay 58. aboue the earth wil fede them with the heritage of Iacob their father for the lordes owne mouth hathe so promised Thus I haue bene bolde to write vnto you for christiā loue sake that I beare to you whose saluation I wish as mine owne beseching god that your whole spirit soule and body may be kept fautl●s vnto the comming of our lord Iesus Christ Amen Your brother in Christ Iohn Hoper To the faithfull and liuely members of our sauiour Iesus Christ inhabityng the city of London grace and peace from the heauenly father through our lord Iesus Christ YOur
due vnto those his people Wherfore let vs faythfully confesse that we haue offended wyth oure forefathers The which beyng done in our conuersion vnto the Lord our God wyth our whole heart Psal 89. let vs assure our selues that euen as he hath and doth visite our synnes with this captiuity of body and cōscience and such other plagues beyng his rodde of chastisement so hath he not taken away his mercy from vs but wyll plentifully visite vs wyth the same euen for that couenaunt of mercy made vnto vs not in Abraham Isaac and Dauid but in that promysed sede of Abraham in that spiritual Dauid euē Iesus Christ who is that peaceable Salomon makyng peace betwen vs and his Father by the offeryng of hys bodye and sheedyng of hys bloude by whose meanes we must looke for the gilt of our synnes to bee forgeuen and the plagues thereby purchased to be taken away And now dearly beloued we be taught by that heauenly spirit which our god hath geuen vnto vs to seke comfort in these tymes of affliction not in hope of rebellion or fulfillyng vnprofitable yea pestilent welshe prophecies but in the most comfortable glad tidings of the heauenly promises assured in his deare Christ And touchyng this most miserable estate of the ghostly captiuity of conscience and bodely bondage wherin for our synnes presently we be holden let vs fyrst most obediently kysse this rodde of our father by obedience submission to abide al extremity that man may do vnto vs rather then to forgoe faythe and a good conscience Lette vs also beseche our heauenly father for his christes sake to leaue of beating vs and to take awaye the rodde eyther by conuertyng the hartes of those whiche afflicte persecute vs for so dyd he somtyme take away the rodde as namely by conuertyng of Nabuchodonozer Manasses or els if such wycked scourges be not to be cōuerted but be reprobates vessels of gods wrath chyldren of perdition suche vpon whome it pleaseth god to shewe hys iudgementees and in whom he will shew hys power If I saye they be suche let vs wyshe most earnestly that our God wyll spedely aryse that hys and our enemies may shortelye be scattered Yea he knoweth what these execrable erecters of the Romyshe religion are They be the proude builders of the Babilonicall Tower They wyll clyme vppe into Gods kyngdome by theyr owne attempts not expectyng waiting for Gods helpe Yea that lord be iudge betwixt them vs. He knoweth that as theyr buildinges tende vnto the destruction of that true onelye foundation Christ so our buildyng by Gods woorde hathe and dothe tende to the substantiall laying of that only foundation and to the establyshyng of Christes chosen church vpon that same rocke wyth an vnfayned fayth and pure conscience also vnto the building vpon the same faith al fruitfull workes of the Spirite to serue GOD in holines and ryghteousnes c. Tit. 2. Yea that euer lyuyng Lord knoweth the earneste desyre of our hartes is euen the greedy expectation of the glorious commyng of that greate iudge vnto whose iudgemente loe heauen and earthe bee witnes and ye Gods Saynctes we doe appeale in the meane season abidyng our Gods good pleasure to doe wyth vs that may moste redounde vnto hys glorye whether to lyue or dye nothyng doubtyng in hym to be strengthened merely and chearefully to make a sacrifyce and burnte offeryng for the confirmation of thys infallible veritye taughte by vs and once receiued of you And ioyne with vs deare fellowe heires as we ioyne with you in humble prayer that euen as all we be by saithe handfasted vnto our husband and knytte vnto our heade Iesu Christe and also be kyndled by loue one to an other as mutual members in this mysticall body so we may perseuere and continue vnto the ende and that by and in our Christ we may encrease more and abound in the spirite of grace and prayer wherby to fetche all heauenly influence from that our heade Christe one for an other euen as in the bodye one member mynistreth vnto an other Amen Amen In the Marshalsee 17. Octob. 1554. A prisoner in the Lord trustyng shortly to be with the Lord. L. Saunders ¶ To maystres Lucye Harryngton a godly gentlewoman and frendly in hys trouble to hym and his YOur most gentle commendations wherof this messenger made remēbrance vnto me was for two causes very cōfortable Fyrst for that thereby I vnderstoode of the stare of your health and bodely welfare for the which I geue thankes vnto GOD who graunte the long continuāce therof to his honour and fatherly good wil wherunto I will daily saye Amē And father I was refreshed by the expressing of your myndful frendship towards me far vnworthy therof Wherin I take occasion of muche reioysing in oure so gratious a god and mercifull father who as he hath in hys vnmesurable mercy by fayth handfasted vs hys chosen children vnto hys deare sonne our Christ as the spirituall spouse of suche an heauenly husband so he lynketh vs by loue one vnto another beyng by that bonde compacte together with charitable readines to do good one vnto an other so that fyrste to the glory of our god and his christ then to our owne ioying in the testimony of a good conscience and laste of all to the stoppyng of the mouthes and confusion of our aduersaries we beare the badge as the right spouse of our Christ which he hymselfe noteth in this hys sayeng Iohn 13. herein shall all men know that ye be my disciples if ye loue one an other Then farther by thys bonde of mutual loue is set forth the fatherly prouidence of god towardes vs his children that though it be he which careth for vs in whom we lyue moue and be who feedeth all flesh with bodely sustenaunce yet hathe he apointed vs in these present necessities to stand in his stede one vnto an other Wherin is not only set forth our dignitye but also that vnspeakable accorde and vnity among vs the many members in thys mysticall body And thoughe that eyther for lacke of hability or els throughe distaunce of place power and oportunitie of helpyng one another doe fayle yet wonderfull is the workyng of gods childrē through the spirite of prayer as wherby they fetch all heauenly influence from Christe their celestiall heade by hys spirite Iohn 15 to be measured seuerally as may serue to the mayntenance of the whole body Thus doth our faithful prayer which we make one for an other distribute and scatter gods bountifull blessynges both ghostly and bodelye when ordinarye habilitye lacketh and when the arme may not reach such gods riches According hereunto I wel perceaue and vnderstande your readynesse to do good vnto all and especially I haue experience of your readye good will towards me in your hartie desire to stretch out your helpyng hand to releue my lacke and of your helpe to be extended to me
like to be no lesse thā your lyfe for I beleue as Paul sayth that god hath appoynted vs in these latter daies lyke shepe to the slaughter Rom. 8 Antichrist is come agayne and he must make a feast to Beelzebub his father of many Christiā bodyes for the restoring againe of his kingdome let vs watche and pray that the same daye maye not fynde vs vnredy The peace of god be with you and remaine with you for euer Your louing brother in Christ in spirit your familier frende captiue in the Kynges Benche Iohn Philpot. To my dearely beloued Sister in the Lord Maistres Heath THe lyght of the Gospel of Christ which hath illigthned you with the true vnderstanding of fayth be dayly encreased in you my dearly beloued sister vnto the perfyte day of the Lord through the mighty operation of hys spirite Amen Where as you haue required of me a token at your departyng that myghte be a remembraunce with you of my brotherly loue toward you I mused of diuerse things what I might cōmend vnto you best among al other I found none so certayne a token either of the loue of God toward vs or els of the loue of vs one to an other as to beare the crosse together with Christ To beare the crosse is to be partaker of the afflictions of Christ which now he suffreth in his members for the accomplishmente of his body the church which are we that beleue in him sincerely which is the surest token of Gods loue towards vs that we can haue in thys world for whom god loueth he chasteneth and as it is written Heb. 12 he chasteneth euery sonne whō he receaueth Wherfore aboue all things loue the crosse of Christ vnder the which al the church of Christ in England nowe is be content to haue your fayth tried euery daye by some crosse or other as it pleaseth God to put on you and if God putteth no greuous crosse vppon you let your brethrens crosse be your crosse whiche is a certayn token of true brotherly loue If the church in England had learned with the Gospel to haue borne the crosse of Christ as all that be professours of the Gospel be called thereunto they woulde not so lightly at the commaundement of man haue turned from the wayes of saluation to their old vomite againe contrary to their conscience and al to auoide the crosse the mercifull signe of Gods loue towards vs. If the crosse were not the faythfull could not be knowen If the crosse were not God should not so manifestly appeare to be our deliuerer and cōforter as he doth shewe himselfe in the middest therof vnto al thē that put their trust in him Therfore beleue them verely to be in most happie estate that be vnder the crosse such as doe vtterly abhorre the same are cowards not fytte souldiers for the lord We haue al receaued the credit of faith from god in Christ that we should beautifie the same or rather god in the same 1. Cor. 4. We haue this treasure in brittel vessels let vs take hede that the britelnes of the vessels shee de not out our precious treasure on the earth as it is lamentable to see at this day many haue most vnfaythfully done Are they worthy of the heauenly kingdome which here esteeme more earth then heauen O palpable infidelity Wil not god require the credit of fayth which he hath committed vnto vs Yea verely Is thys the vsury of fayth to loue the world more then the Gospel and to feare mā more then god If men which coūt themselues stronger worthyer vessels haue thus vnfaythfully dealt in the thinges of god let the weakenes of womē be more fyrme in their fayth to the glory of God whose might appeareth in weakenes There is no exceptiō of person before god both man and woman be on in god and that persō in al sortes of people is acceptable to him that striueth to do hys will Wherfore contend in these crosse dayes whiche be the loue dayes of god towardes vs to shew your self faythful to him that calleth you and to be redy to do his will according to true knowledge and that vnder the crosse God hath geuen you a faythful guide whom see you loue with al humilitie pacience and obedience as it becommeth a holy woman to be subiect to her faythful head in the Lord comfort him in our common crosse and bid him cherefully take vp the one end and you will beare the other a double string knit together As you in your godly matrimonye do represent the mysterye of Christ and his churche so continue you liuely members of fayth in the same and learne daily more and more to beare the crosse of Christ that other seing your strength may be comforted and be ashamed of their weakenes in their maisters cause The faythful seruaunt the Lord loueth which bringeth his talent to his table with encrease Now is the time to encrease to the lord and not to decrease to multiply our fayth vnder the crosse not to diminysh it Ose 6 Gene. 9. The waies of the iust do encrease as the dauning of the day Embrace therfore the crosse as the raynebow of gods merciful couenaunt pray that we may together end our course therin with ioy Take my token in good worth vntil we be made partakers of the glory of the crosse Out of my Lorde of Londons Colehouse The .xi. of Nouember Yours Iohn Philpot. To my brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kinges Benche THe grace of God the father through his deare sonne Christ our Sauiour with perseuerance in all godly verity be with thee my deare brother Careles and with al my prison fellowes Amen Ah my own loue in Christ These were certeyne free-wil mē arrogant frowerd and vnquiet spirites I am sory to heare of thy great trouble which these shismatiks do daily put thee to I wold I were with thee in part to releue thy greefe but since that it hath pleased God otherwise take my aduice in thys your conflict be pacient what soeuer your aduersaryes can saye or do against you Know that you are appoynted for the defence of the gospel for the which you god be praysed do suffer yet you must vnderstand that you are but a voyce in the wildernes a planter that it is god which must geue the encease And therefore if there come not suche fruite of your good labours as you would wyshe be content know that a stony groūd can not fructifye yet shal not god forget your labour but you shal reape as plētiously in the day of reward as though it had encreased after your expectatiō Haue patience therfore in your labour and let not care eate out your hart Committe the successe to God and cease not with charitye to be earnest in the defence of the truth agaynste these arrogant and self will blynded scatterers These sectes are necessary for the
you drawe nearer the ende of it Euē as in the traueil of a womā the nearer she draweth to her deliuerye the more her paynes encrease so it goeth with vs in the Lordes way the nerer we drawe to our deliuerance by death to eternall felicitie Example whereof we haue I will not say in the holy Prophetes Apostles of god which when they were yong girded themselues and went in maner whether they woulde but when they waxed olde they wente girded of others whether they woulde not Iohn 21. concerning the outwarde man but rather and moste liuely in our Sauioure Iesus Christe whose life and waye was muche more paynefull to him towardes the ende then it was at the beginning And no maruaile for Sathan can something abide a man to beginne well and set forewardes but rather then he should goe on to the ende he will vomyt his gorge and caste floudes to ouerflowe hym before he will suffer that to come to passe Therefore as we shoulde not bee dismayde now at this world as though some straunge thynge were happened vnto vs in that it is but as it was wonte to bee to the Godlye in that the deuill declareth hym selfe after hys olde wonte in that we haue professed no lesse but to forsake the worlde and the deuill as gods very enemye in that we learned no lesse at the fyrste when we came to Gods schole then to denye oure selues and to take vp oure crosse and followe oure Maister whiche leadeth vs none other waye then he hym self hath gone before vs as I say we shoulde not bee dismayde so we shoulde wyth pacience and ioye goe forwardes if we sette before vs as present the tyme to come like as the wyfe in her trauaile doth the deliueraunce of her childe and as the Sainctes of God dyd Hebr. 12 but especiallye oure Sauioure and paterne Iesus Christe for the Apostle sayeth he set before hym the ioye and glorye to come and therefore contempned the shame and sorrowe of the crosse so if we dyd we shoulde finde at the length as they founde For whome woulde it grene which hath a longe iourney to goe to goe throughe a peece of foule waye if he knewe that after that the waye shoulde be moste pleasaunte yea the iourneye shoulde be ended and he at hys restinge place moste happye Who will be afearde or lothe to leaue a little pelfe for a little tyme if he knewe he shoulde shortlye after receaue moste plentifull ryches Who wyll bee vnwillinge for a little whyle to forsake hys wyfe children or frendes c. when he knoweth he shall shortlye after bee associated vnto them inseperablye euen after hys owne hartes desire Who will bee sorye to forsake thys lyfe whiche can not but bee moste certayne of eternall lyfe Who loueth the shaddowe better then the bodye Who can loue thys lyfe but they that regarde not the lyfe to come Who can desire the drosse of thys worlde but such as bee ignorante of the treasures of the euerlastyng ioye in heauen I meane who is afearde to die but suche as hope not to liue eternallye Christe hath promysed pleasure Math. 19. ryches ioye felicitye and all good thynges to them that for hys sake lose anye thynge or suffer anye sorrowe 1. pet 2. And is he not true How can he but bee true for guile was neuer founde in hys mouth Halas then whye are we so slacke and slowe yea harde of harte to beleue hym promysing vs thus plentifullye eternall blisfulnesse and are so readye to beleue the worlde promysyng vs manye thynges and paying vs nothyng If we wyll currye fauoure nowe and halte on both knees if so then it promyseth vs peace quietnesse and manye thynges elles But howe doth it paye thys geare or if it paye it with what quietnesse of conscience Or if so howe longe I praye you Doe not we see before oure eyes men to dye shamefullye I meane as rebelles and other malefactours whiche refuse to dye for Gods cause What waye is so sure a waye to heauen as to suffer in Christes cause If there bee anye waye on horsebacke to heauen surelye thys is the waye By many troubles sayeth the Apostle Act 14. 2. Timo. 3. we muste enter into heauen All that wyll liue Godlye in Christe Iesu muste suffer persecution For the worlde can not loue them that are of GOD the deuill can not loue hys ennemyes the worlde will loue none but hys owne but you are Christes therefore looke for no loue here Shoulde we looke for fyre to quenche oure thurste And as soone shall Gods true seruauntes fynde peace and fauoure in Antichristes regimente Therefore my dearlye beloued be stonte in the Lorde and in the power of hys myghte Putte on you hys armour stande in the libertye of Christ which you haue learned reioyce that you may be counted worthye to suffer anye thynge for Gods cause to all men thys is not geuen Youre rewarde is greate in heauen though in earth you fynde nothing The iourney is almoste paste you are almoste in the hauen hale on a pace I beseche you and merely hoyse vppe youre sayles Caste youre selfe on Christe who careth for you Keepe companye with hym nowe still to the ende he is faythfull and will neuer leaue you nor tempte you further then he wyll make you able to beare yea in the middest of the temptation he wyll make an outskape Nowe praye vnto hym hartelye be thankefull of hys dignation reioyce in hope of the health you shall receaue and bee myndefull of vs which are in the vowarde and by Gods grace trust in Christe to be made able to breake the Ise before you that you followynge maye fynde the waye more easye God graunte it maye so bee Amen Amen Out of prison by your brother in Christe Iohn Bradford To Maystres VVylkinson ALmightie God our moste louing Father encrease in your hart my good mother and dere Maistres in the Lorde hys true knowledge and loue in Christ to the encouraging comforting of your fayth in these stormy dayes as necessarye vnto vs so profitable if we persiste vnto the ende which thing God graunte to vs Amen My right dearly beloued I know not what other thing to write vnto you then to desire you to be thankefull vnto the Lord in that amonges the not many of your calling and state it pleaseth him to geue you his rare blessing I meane to kepe you frō all the filth wherewith our countrey is horribly defiled This blessing assuredly is rare as you see But now if he shall blesse you with an other blessing which is more rare I meane to cal you forth as a Martyr and as a witnes against this filth I hope you will become double thankful For a greater tokē commonly we haue not to iudge of our election and saluation next to Christ and fayth in him then the crosse especially when it is so glorious as on thys sorte to suffer any thing but chiefly
he prayeth for vs. now is not sene elsewhere or otherwise sene then by fayth there vntil he shal be sene as he is to the saluation of them that loke for hys comming which I trust be not farre of For if the day of the lord drew nere in the Apostles time Luke 21. which is now aboue xv C. yeres past it cannot be I trust long hence now I trust our redemers comming is at hande Apo. 6 Then these Masse sayers and seers shall shake and cry to the hylles hyde vs from the fearce wrathe of the Lambe if they repente not in tyme. Then wyll neither gold nor goodes frendeshippe nor fellowship lordeship nor authoritye power nor pleasure vnity nor antiquity custome nor counsel Iohn 12. Doctours decrees nor any mans deuise serue The woorde whyche the Lorde hathe spoken in that daye shall iudge The worde of god shal be our iudge 1. Cor. x. i. Cor. 6. the worde I say of god in that daye shall iudge And what sayeth it of Idolatrye and idolaters Sayeth it not flee from it And further that they shall bee dampned Oh terrible sentence to all Massemongers and worshippers of thynges made with the handes of Bakers Carpenters c. Heb. 7.9.10 Thys worde of God knoweth no moe oblations or sacrifices for synne but one onely whiche Christe hymselfe offered neuer more to bee reoffered but in remembraunce thereof hys supper to be eaten sacramentallye and spiritually accordyng to Christes institution whyche is so peruerted now that there is nothyng in it symply according to the iudge I meane the worde of God Math. 5. It were good for men to agree with their aduersary the worde of god nowe whyleste they bee in the waye wyth it leste yf they linger it wil deliuer them to the iudge Christe in all thynges harken to the worde of god as dyd the Thes Act. 17. who wyll commytte them to the Taylor and so they shall be cast into pryson and neuer come our thence til they haue payde the vttermost far thyng that is neuer My dearely beloued therfore marke the worde harken to the worde it alloweth no Massyng no suche sacrificyng nor worshyppyng of Christe wyth tapers candels copes canapies c. It allowed no Latyne seruice no images in the Temples no prayeng to Sainctes dead no pray iuge for the deade It alloweth no suche disssmulation as a greate many vse nowe outwardelye Hebr. 20. If anye wythdrawe hym selfe my soule sayeth the holye Ghoste shall haue no pleasure in hym It alloweth not the loue of thys worlde i. Iohn 2. whiche maketh ment to doe many tymes agaynst their consciences for in them that loue the world Math. 12 Apo. 3 3. Reg. 18. Rom. ● Math. 16. Mark 8. Luk. 9.14 phil 2. math 7.20 Rom. 16. Acts. 4.5 Ephesi 5. Iohn 10 the loue of God abydeth not It alloweth not gatherers elsewhere then wythe Chryste but sayeth they scatter abroade It alloweth no luke warme gentlemen but yf God be God then followe hym yf Baal and a peece of breade be GOD then followe it It alloweth not faythe in the harte that hath not confession in the mouthe It alloweth no Disciples that wyl not denye themselues that wyl not take vp theyr crosse and follow Chryst It alloweth not the seeking of our selues or of our owne ease and commodity It alloweth not the more parte but the better part It alloweth not vnity except it be in verity It alloweth no obedience to any which cannot be done without disobedience to GOD. It alloweth no churche that is not the spouse of Chryste and harkeneth not to hys voyce only It alloweth no doctor that speaketh against it It alloweth no generall counsayle that followeth not in all thynges Galat. 1 Summa it alloweth no aungel much more thā any such as should teach any other thing thē Moses the Prophets Christ Iesus and his Apostles haue taught and lefte vs to loke vpon in the writen worde of god the holy bookes of the Byble 1. Timot. 6 Math. 7 Ieremy 8. Rom. 16. but curseth al that teach not only contrary but also any other doctrine It sayth they are fooles vnwise proude that will not consent to the sounde worde and doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and byddeth commaundeth vs to flee from such Therfore obey this commaundement company not wyth thē specially in their church seruice but flee from thē for in what thyng consent they to Christs doctrine He biddeth vs praye in a tounge to edify 1. Cor. 14. Math. 6. ●oan 14.15 Math. 26. Luke 22 1. Cor. 12 they commaund contrary He biddeth vs cal vppon hys father in hys name when we pray they bidde vs runne to Mary Peter c. He byddeth vs use his supper in the remembraunce of hys death passion preachyng it out tyll it come whereby he dothe vs to witte that corporally he is not there in the forme of bread therefore sayeth Paule tyll he come He willeth vs to eate of the bread callyng it breade after consecration and drynke of that cup all makyng no exception so that we do it worthely that is take it as the sacrament of his body blood brokē shed for our sinnes not as the body it self bloode it selfe wythout bread wythout wyne but as the sacramente of hys bodye and blood The fruites that follow the worthye receiuyng of the Lordes supper whereby he dothe represent and vnto our faythe geue and obsigne vnto vs hymself wholy with all the merites and glory of hys body and bloode But they forbid vtterly the vse of the supper to all but to their shauelinges except it be once in the yeare and then also the cup they take from vs they neuer preach forth the lordes death but in mockes and moes Transubstantiation taketh away the Sacrament They take awaye all the Sacrament by their transubstantion for they take away the element and so the Sacrament To be short they most horribly abuse thys holy ordinaunce of the Lord by adoration reseruation Apoc. 22 Iohn 5. oblation ostentation c. In nothyng they are contented wyth the symplicity of gods word They adde to and take fro at their pleasure and therefore the plagues o● God wyll fall vpon them at the lengthe and vpon all that wyll take theyr parte They seke not Christ nor hys glory for you see they vtterly haue cast away his word Ieremy 8. Deut. 4 Apoc. 18. and therefore as the prophet saith there is no wisedome in thē They follow the strompet church and baudie spouse of Antichrist which they cal the catholike churche whose foundation and pillers is the deuil his daughter the masse with his childrē the pope his prelates Their lawes are craft crueltie their weapons are lying and murther their end studye is their own glory fame wealth rest possessiōs For if a mā speake nor do nothing against these thoughe he be a
I beleue that man made after the image of god did fal frō that blessed state to the condēnation of himself and al his posterity I beleue that Christ for man being thus fallē did appose himself to the iustice of god a mediator paying the raunsome and price of redēption for Adā and his whole posteritie that refuse it not finally I beleue that al that beleue in Christ I speake of such as be of yeres of discressiō are pertakers of christ al his merites I beleue that faith to beleue in Christ I speake not now of faith that mē haue by reason of miracles Io. 2.12 Act. 8. or by reason of earthly cōmodity Mat. 13. custome autority of me which is commonly sene the hartes of them that so beleue beyng not right and simple before god Exod. 14 but I speake of that faith which in dede is the true faythe the iustifyeng and regeneratyng fayth I beleue I say that this fayth and beliefe in Christe is the worke and gyfte of God geuen to none other then to those whyche bee the chyldren of God that is to those whome GOD the father before the begynnynge of the worlde hath predestinate in Christ vnto eternall lyfe Thus do I wade in predestination For the certeyntie of this fayth search your hartes If you haue it prayse the Lord for you are happy and therfore cannot fynally peryshe for then happynes were not happynes yf it could be lost when you fal the Lord wil put vnder hys hande that you shall not lye still But if ye feele not thys fayth then know that predestination is to hygh a matter for you to be disputers of vntyl ye haue ben better scholers in the scholehouse of repentaunce and iustification which is the Grammer schole wherin we must be conuersant and learned before we go to the vniuersity of gods most holy predestination and prouidence in such sort as god hath pacifyed and opened it Though in god it be the first yet to vs it is last opened And therfore I beginne wyth creation from thence I come to redemption so to iustification and so to election On this sort I am sure that warelye wysely a man may walk in it easely by the light of gods spirite in and by hys worde seyng thys faith not to be geuen to al men 2. Thess 3. but to such as are borne of god predestinate before the worlde was made after the purpose and good wyll of God whiche will we may not call into disputation but in tremblyng and feare submit our selues to it as to that which can will none otherwise then that which is holy right good how farre so euer otherwyse it seme to the iudgement of reason whych must nedes bee beaten downe to bee more careful for gods glory then for mans saluation which dependeth onelye thereon as all gods chyldren full well see for they seeke not the glorye whyche commeth of men but the glory whyche commeth of GOD. Ieremye 9. Ioan. 5. They knowe God to bee a God whiche dothe on earthe not onely mercy but also iudgement which is iustyce most iustice although our folishe reason cannot see it And in this knowlege they glory and reioyce thoughe others through vayne curiosity grudch and murmure there agaynst Thus briefly I haue sent you my mynd and meanyng concernyng thys matter Hereafter you shal haue I thynke your letter particulerlye aunswered by M. Philpotte as also if I haue tyme and you so require it I will do Iohn Bradford To my good brother R. Cole MYne owne good brother our good most merciful father more and more embrace vs in the armes of hys mercy as hys louyng own natural children and geue vs one to embrace an other in the armes of loue as true bretherne that wyth one hart and mynde we may prayse hys holye name in Christe our Sauiour and throughe the grace of hys spirite may mightely euery one fyght againste sinne and all that is against the kyngdome of Christ wherunto my beloued we are called effectually to our euerlasting felicity I dout not praysed be the name of our good god therefore for euer and euer Amen Myne owne hart in the lord desire our bretherne that euery one would bend himself to bowe let vs neuer breake Loue suffreth long and seeketh not her selfe We haue al one father we are all brethern God kepe vs from dissention If we cānot agree in al pointes eyther the poyntes perchaūce bee not so necessarye or elles by loue we shall hereafter hee brought to see that which yet is hidde If loue may appeare in al our doynges and that we seeke one an other wyth a symple and a syngle eye in gods syght doubtlesse all preiudice wherby we are letted to see manifest thynges wyll bee had away and we will take thyngs spoken and done in the best part and so doutles the name of our father shal be sanctified in vs and by vs as by instruments of grace and gods kingdome shal encrease apace in vs and by vs also whiche thing he graunt for his mercies sake Amen Commend me hartely I pray you to bothe those good women Good I cal them because I am persuaded that god wil deliuer them especiall my good Mary I will not cease but euen as for my self to pray to god for them and for you my right deare brother in the Lorde If you were acquainted with M. Robert Harrington you should fynd a playne Nathanael you should see the worst at the fyrst I dare saye for hym hys onely desyre is to please God and he is afrayde to offende hym Praye for hym and for my good Syster I. H. as I knowe she doth for you The peace of God be with you myne owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To my good Syster Mystres Elizabeth Browne GOod Sister god our father make perfecte the good he hath begunne in you vnto the ende I am afrayd to wryte vnto you because you so ouercharge your self at al times euē whēsoeuer I do but send to you cōmendatiōs I wold be more bold on you then on many others and therfore you myght suspend so great tokens till I shoulde wryte vnto you of my nede which thyng doutles I would do if it vrged me Deare Syster I see your vnfayned loue to me wardes in god and haue done of long time the which I do recompence wyth the like and wil doe by gods grace so long as I liue and therfore I hope not to forget you but in my poore praiers to haue you in remēbraunce as I hope you haue me Otherwise I can do you no seruice excepte it be now and then by my writing to let you from better exercise where yet the ende of my writing is to excite styrre vp your harte more earnestlye to go on forwardes in your well begunne enterpryse 2. Timo. 2. For you know none shal be crowned but such as striue lawfully and none receiueth the
the swete promises of god and so do you my deare harte for to you they do as well pertaine as they did to him and as surely shall they be performed vpon you as they were vpon him for he is one god and deare father vnto you both and for his mercy truth and promyse sake he must nedes make good vnto you all that he hath sayd If his loue towardes you stode in the respect of your owne meryte or worthines you myghte well mourne lament complayne yea you had good cause to doubt feare and mistrust But seyng he loueth you onely for and in Iesus Christ who is your whole holines righteousnes redmption lay away all mourning lamenting and complaining banishe from you all feare mistrust and infidelitie and know that as long as Christ dothe continue gods sonne so long must the loue of the father continue towardes you immutable and his good wil vnchangeable cannot be altered through any of your infirmities For this is most true that as long as the cause of any thing doth last so long must the effect remain but christ is the whole cause why the father loueth you and he also continueth for euer then must I nedes conclude that the loue of the father continueth towardes you for euer and as the Palmiste moste ioyfully so often syngeth hys mercy endureth for euer and euer Thys is most true myne owne dere hart although the Lorde for a tyme byde it from your senses that you myghte be the more earnest in prayer to hym for the feelyng of it also the more thankefull for it when he dothe geue the liuely tast of it as doutles he wil do or euer it be long and then shall you bee well hable to comforte other in the same state that you are now in with the same comfort wherwyth you are and further shall be comforted of god Heb. 12 Therfore lift vp your handes that are now a little fallen downe and stretch forth the weake knees of your troubled minde which now mourneth with a godly mourning and therfore shal it be full well comforted wyth that swete peace of GOD whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and you are sure alreadye to enioye the blessing that Christe gaue vnto the godly mourners of Sion vpon the mounte Eccle. 7 at the fyrst set mō that he made Oh happy V. in whose mourning company I had rather be then in the house of mirth banckettyng of such as see not what cause they haue to mourne and be sory But yet my good brother vse a measure in thys your godly mournyng and make not your faythful frends to much sory for you Let the persuasions of such godlye louers as you do daily company withal or rather the persuasions of the holye ghoste by them moue you to some godly myrth and reioycing Phil 4 Consider that you are commaunded of God by the mouthe of Sainte Paule therto Reioyce in the Lord saithe he and I say agayne reioyce Marke howe he doubleth the sentence that we may perceiue it is a most earnest and necessarye thing he requireth Obey the commaundement of God in this behalf wherin as you cannot but highly please him so I assure you you shall very much reioyce my poore harte and the hartes of other whych pray for you wyth mournyng teares and make that cruell enemye Sathan and all your aduersaries sory which will reioyce and laughe to see you mourne Oh my good brother let it manifestly appeare that the lorde of hys great mercye hathe hearde oure faythfull and hartye requestes for you Oh howe woulde that reioyce me in the myddes of my troubles Therfore now to conclude because the darkenes constrayneth me to make an ende for thys tyme I say my dere and faythful brother V. in respecte of the greate cause you haue of your owne parte through Christ and for the glory and honour of almighty GOD the comfort ioy and reioycyng of your deare bretherne and Sisters in Christe also your owne duety by the commaundement of GOD and last of all to vexe molest and greue Sathan wythal reioyce in the Lord and be most hartely glad in hym who is wholy yours and you are hys and shal be for euermor● Selah Farewell mine owne bowels in the Lord and prayse GOD with ioyfull lippes and a merye harte and praye for me his most vnprofitable seruaunt which haue more cause concerning my self to lament then any one man liuing out my good bridegrome is presēt byddeth me cast away my mourning garmentes and therfore I must nedes be mery with him so he biddeth you to be by my mouthe for he is present with you although for sorrowe you cannot knowe hym as Magdalen could not in the garden vntil he spake vnto her The Lord God speake the wordes of comforte in your hart and open the eies of your mynd that you maye perfectly perceiue and fele his blessed presence and so reioice in the same for euermore Amen Cōfort your hart in Christ and cast your care vpon him for he careth for you Your brother in the Lorde abydyng his good pleasure Iohn Careles Vnto all the faythful flocke of Iesus Christ within the city of Londō which feare god vnfainedlye seke to serue hym in suche holynes righteousnes as is acceptable in hys syght Iohn Careles wysheth the eternall peace of God in Iesus Chryst the continuall ayde strengthe and comforte of hys moste holye spirit wych the encrease of faythe and liuely feling of his mercy now euermore Amē WHen I had with my selfe well waied and considered right worshipfull citizens the greate charge and burden that you haue borne and ben at not only wyth me which am most vnworthye of your liberall benefites but also wyth many other the poore afflicted people of God euer since the tyme that Tyranny last broke lose into this miserable land c I was euen ashamed and in conscience confounded to thinke of my great slouthe and negligence yea ingratitude and vnthankfulnes towardes you in not sowing some of these spirituall gyftes whiche God hath geuen me emongest you of whome I haue reaped so manifoldly your temporall benefites God for hys dere sonnes sake forgeue me my great synne that in this pointe I haue commiited against both him and you desiring you also to do the same and I will promyse you by gods grace if he spare me lyfe I will henceforthe better performe my duety towardes you my poore prayer alwais supplieng that whych otherwyse I am not hable to performe And in testimony therof I haue here writen vnto you this simple admonition the which I wene wil be my leaue taking of you and last farewel in this corruptible life as by many likelyhodes it dothe appeare wherefore I besech you all to accept it in good parte as a sygne and token of some parcell of my good will towardes you But what shal I write vnto you or wherof shall I entreate that you alredy do
strengthe and comforte by your faythfull praiers and most godly and comfortable letters that I am put in great hope yea in ful assurance of a glorious victory Blessed be the tyme that euer I knew you for God I perceiue hathe made you an instrument in the steede of good Maister Bradforde to supple my soule with the oyle of hys mercy by powring into the same his most gratious promises god for Christes sake mollify my hard harte geue me grace to beleue them Oh Lord encrease my faith I beleue lord oh helpe my vnbeliefe that I may tast and feele the certaintie of my saluation and be throughly persuaded assured that thy grace good Lord is sufficient for me Oh pray praye dere hart pray for me and as you can comfort me with moe such swete letters that I may somtimes fele a flashe of gods fauourable coūtenaunce in my face as doutles I did at the reading of your last most cōfortable letter God verify your saieng or rather his saieng by you vpon me for euer the same Lord wil I continually besech to make you alwais plentifully to feele the fruition of his most gratious fauour that you may alwaies plentifully poure forth vpon me and all others that haue nede the consolacions of Iesus christ Oh that the tyme were now come that I myght put of this trayle tabernacle of the fleshe in this heauenly securitie and quietnes of conscience in Iesus Christ God make you dere brother and all other hys deare seruauntes to feele the like in your most nede Truly deare hart I haue vij most godly and comfortable letters of that blessed of the lord good maister Bradforde which he wrote only for my comfort When I signified my wofull state vnto hym This state to the worldly and such as haue not tasted of gods swete crosse semeth folishnes but it is not straunge to gods chyldren and thoughe he haue therein plentifully published the promises of gods mercye vnto me and sealed the same wyth hys blood yet had Sathan blynded mine eyes put the same for the of my weake and frayle memory vntil your most happy letter came yea in a most happy hower may I say But of this enough vntil an other tyme. I am here cōstrained to breake of frō this thyng which I haue scribled in hast as this bearer can testify Farewel in Christ farewel I say mine owne deare harte in the lord The Lorde our god blesse you and encrease hys good giftes in you to the setting forthe of hys glory and to your continall comfort in hym Amen Your daily Oratour and poore brother Iohn Careles Pray pray An other letter written to the same person BLessed be god the father of all mercy for the greate comfort and christian consolation which he hath so mercifully ministred vnto my poore afflicted hart by your meanes my most dere faithfull brother Truely me thynketh your wordes or rather gods wordes by you vttered haue a wōderful power efficacy working in my harte at the hearing or readyng of them Reioyce therfore my deare brother be thankeful vnto god for verely he both is wil be mightely magnified in you and that diuers and many ways both to the strengthenyng of thē that stand in his truth and also to the raisyng vp of such as are fallē from the same God make me thankefull for you and on your behalfe for verily great is the goodnes of god towardes me in geuyng me acquaintaunce in faithful loue and amitye wyth you gods name for euer be praysed therfore and he performe all hys mercyfull promises vpon you as I doubt not but he will for his sake in whome you trust I thāke my god most hartely also you my good brother for that you are so careful for me in your faithful praiers remēbring my iust deserued sorrowes as though they were your own labouring so much to solace the same Ah my gracious good god what am I for whō thou thy dere childrē should be so careful Oh swete lorde forgeue me my great ingratitude and sinne graunt that I neuer abuse thy great benefites Oh let the loue of thyne elect whiche loue me for thy sake be a sure signe token yea a most firme testimonye a seale to my sinful cōsciēce of thine euerlasting loue and mercy towardes me in Christ as verely it would and oughte to be if mine infidelity did not let it Oh circūcise therefore the foreskinne of my harte that I may with liuely faith behold thy great loue towardes me in al thyne elect that I may alwayes be thankfull for the same and loue thee and them agayne most hartely and vnfainedly Ah my deare hart how swetely and how truly yea howe godlye and howe comfortablye haue you rehersed the swete saying of Salomon concerning prosperitie with true and godly frendes I wil ioyne with it the sentence which goeth a little before for doubtles it maye bee well verified on you A sure frende saith the wyse man will be vnto thee euen as thine owne soule and deale faythfullye wyth thy householde folke If thou suffer trouble and aduersitie he is wyth thee and hydeth not hys face frō thee A faithfull frend is a strōg defēce who so fyndeth such a one fyndeth a treasure A faythfull frend hath no peere the wayght of golde is not to be cōpared to the goodnes of hys faith A faythfull frende is a medicine of lyfe and they that feare the lord shal finde him c. Lo my dere hart in the lord here is a liuely image or description of you for verely such a one haue I alwais found you vnto me not only sorrowyng for my great sorrow but also oftētimes making me mery ioyfull with such ioyes as the worlde cannot feele Now let the worlde bragge of hys fained frendeshippe but I will boast of thys true frendship in god and esteme it a more treasure then all trāsitory things And as for my mourning dere brother god hath made you to turne it vnto mirth for god hath put you in the stede of thē to be my cōfort whom he hathe in his great mercy takē away I trust henceforth to leaue the mourning for my great losse and to praise god for gayning vnto hymselfe so great glorye by his chosen children God make me a true mourner of Sion Such mourners shoulde we be continually with this other gods deare children and blessed be they that so mourne Math. 5. both for myne owne sinne and wyckednes and also to see his honour defaced that I maye bee made meete and apt to heare the ioyfull comfortable message that your beautiful feete shal bring me God blesse thee my deare hart and faithful louing brother and encrease his good gifts of grace in thee as he hath most happely begon that you may daily more effectually fele liuely perceiue the certaintie of gods grace wherin you stand and firmly to testify the same to
destitute of that vnspeakable comfort which he vseth to minister abundantly to his in the schole of the crosse He graunte that his name may be glorified in you whether it he by life or death as may be most to his honour and your euerlasting consolation Syr I thought it good to aduertise you partelye of our state in these parties We be here dispersed in diuers and seuerall places Certayne be at Tigurye good students of either vniuersity a number very well entreated of maister Bullinger of the other minysters and of the whole citye An other number of vs remayne at Argentine and take the commodity of maister Martyrs lessons who is a very notable father Maister Scory and certayne other with hym be in Frisland and haue an englishe church there but not very frequent The greatest number is at Frankeforde where I was at this presēt by occasiō a very fayre city the magistrates fauourable to our people with so many other cōmodities as exiles cā well loke for Here is also a church and now god be thanked well quieted by the prudency of maister Coxe and other whiche mette here for that purpose So that now we trust god hathe prouided for such as will flye forth of Babilon a restyng place where they may truly serue hym and heare the voice of their true pastour I suppose in one place and other dispersed there be wel nigh an hundreth studentes and ministers on this side the seas Such a lord is god to work dyuersly in his accordyng to his vnsercheable wisdom who knoweth best what is in man Cyprianus de lapsis Primus est victoriae titulus gentilium manibus apprehensum dominum confiteri Secundus ad gloriam gradus est cauta secessione subtractum domino reseruari Illa publica haec priuata confessio est Ille iudicē seculi vincit hic contentus deo suo iudice conscientiā pu●ā cordis integritate custodit Isthic fortitudo promptior hic solicitudo securior Ille appropinquante hora sua iam maturus inuentus est hic fortasse dilatus est qui patrimonio derelicto idcirco secessit quia non erat negaturus confiteretur vtique si fuisset ipse detentus We haue also here certayn copies of your answeres in the disputatiō Itē Antoniana obiecta cum responsione The treatise in english against transubstantiatiō whych in tyme shal be translated into Latine It hath bene thought best not to printe them till we see what god will do with you bothe for incensyng of their malicious fury and also for restraining you and others from writing hereafter which should be a greater losse to the church of Christ than forbearing of these for a tyme. If I shal know your wil to be otherwise in it the same shal be folowed Thus much I thought good to let you vnderstād cōcerning these matters and cōcerning the poore state of men here who most earnestly and incessantly do cry vnto god for the deliuery of his churche to behold the causes of the afflicted and to heare the grones of hys imprisoned knowyng that you who in this state haue more familiar accesse vnto god do not forget vs. God comfort you ayde you and assist you with his spirit and grace to cōtinue his vnto thend to the glory of his name the edification of his church and the subuersion of Antichristes kyngdome Amen From Franckford the 6. of May. 1555. E. G. ¶ The aunswer of D. Rydley to the former letter BLessed be god our heauenly father which enclined your hart to haue such a desyre to write vnto me blessed be he againe which hath heard your request and hath brought your letters safe vnto my hāds and ouer al this I blesse him through our lord Iesus Christ for the great cōfort I haue receiued by the same of the knowledge of your state and of other our dearly beloued brethren and coūtrey men in those parties beyonde the sea Dearly beloued brother Grindall I say to you all the rest of our brethren in Christ with you reioyce in the lord as ye loue me and the other my reuerend fathers and concaptiues which vndoubtedly are gloria Christi lamente not our state but I beseche you and them all to geue vnto our heauenly father for his endles mercies and vnspeakable benefites euen in the myddes of all our troubles geuen vnto vs most harty thankes For know ye that as the weight of his crosse hathe increased vppon vs so he hathe not nor doth not cease to multiply his mercies to strengthē vs I trust yea by his grace I dout nothing but he will so do for Christ our masters sake euē to th end To heare that you our other brethrē do find in your exile fauour grace with the magestrates ministers and citizens at Tigury at Frankforte and other where it doth greatly comfort I dare say al here that do in dede loue Christ and his true word I ensure you it warmed my hart to here you by chaunce to name some as Scory and Coxe c. Oh that it had come in your mynde to haue said somwhat also of Cheeke of Turner of Leauer of Sampsō of Chambers but I trust to god they be all well And syr seing you saye that there bee in those parties with you of students and ministers so good a number now therfore care you not for vs otherwyse then to wishe that gods glory may be set forth by vs. For whensoeuer god shall call vs home as we loke daily for none other but when it shall please god to saye Come ye blessed be God are enoughe through his aid to light and set vp again the lanterne of his word in England As cōcernyng the copies ye say ye haue with you I wonder how euer they did wander and coulde fynd the way to come to you This disputatiō of his owne penning is in the boke of Martyrs My disputation excepte you haue that which I gathered my self after the disputatiō done I can not thynke ye haue it truely If ye haue that then ye haue there withall the whole maner after the which I was vsed in the disputation As for the treatise in english contra transubstantiationē vix possū adduci vt credam operoepretiū fore vt in latinū trāsferatur Caeterū quicquid sit nullo modo velim vt quicquā quocunque modo meo nomine ederetur donec quid de nobis dn̄s cōstituerit fieri vobis prius certo cōstiterit thus much vnto your letters Now although I suppose ye knowe a good part of our state here for we are forth cōming euē as whē ye departed c you shal vnderstād that I was in the tower about the space of ij monethes close prisoner after that had graunted to me without my labour the liberty of the tower so continued about half a yeare and then bicause I refused to allowe the masse with my presence I was shutte vppe in close pryson
an other He rekeneth all and so he may to be his who soeuer preuayle so that truth preuayle not Neuerthelesse good brother I suppose that the vniuersal plage is most daungerous which at this day is alas fostered and maisterfully holden vp by wytte worldly policy multitude of people power and al worldly meanes As for other the deuilles Galtroppes that he casteth in our wayes by some of hys busye headed yonkers I truste they shall neuer be able to do the multitude so greate harme For blessed be god these heresies before time when Satan by his seruants hath bene about to broch them haue by gods seruantes alredy bene so sharpely truly confounded that the multitude was neuer infected with them or els where they haue bene infected they are healed againe that now the perill is not so greate And where you say that if your request had bene heard things you thinke had bene in better case then they be know you the cōcerning the matter you meant I haue in latin drawne out the places of the scripures and vpon the same haue noted what I can for the time Syr in those matters I am so fearful that I dare not speak farther yea almost none otherwise then the very texte dothe as it wer lead me by that hād And where you exhort vs to help c He meane● here the matter of Gods election wherof he afterward Wrote a godly and comfortable treatise remaynyng yet in the hādes of so●●● and hereafter shal come to light if god so will O lord what is els in this world that we now shold list to do I blesse my lord god I neuer as me thinketh had more nor better leasure to be occupied with my pen in such things as I cā do to set forth when they may come to light gods glory And I blesse my lorde god through Iesus Christe my hart and my worke are therin occupied not so fully perfectly as I wold but yet so as I blesse god for the same Fare well deare brother the messenger tarieth I may not now be longer with you The lord I trust verely shall bring vs thether where we shall eche one with other in Christe oure sauiour reioyce and be mery euerlastingly Your brother in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford DEarely beloued brother Bradforde I hadde thought of late that I had written vnto you your last farewel vntill we should haue met in the kingdome of heauen by our deare brother Austine and I sente it to meete you in Lankeshyre whether it was said here you were appoincted to be sent to suffer But now sith they haue chaūged their purpose and prolonged your death I vnderstande it is no other thyng then that once happened to Peter and Paule The whiche although they were of the firste which were cast in prison and as litle shoned peryll as any other did yet god would not haue them put to death wyth the first because he had more seruice to be done by their ministery which his gratious pleasure was they should do so without doubte deare brother I am persuaded that the same is the cause of the delay of your Martyrdome Blessed be the holy Trinity the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste for you threefolde confession I haue redde all three wyth great comforte and ioye and thankesgeuyng vnto God for his manifolde giftes of grace wherewith it is manifesse to the godlye reader that GOD dyd assyste you mightilye And blessed be God agayne and agayne which gaue you so good a mynde and remembraunce of your othe once made against the bishop of Rome least you should be pertaker of the common periury which all men almost are nowe fallen into in bringyng in agayne that wicked vsurped power of hys Ieremy 4. Which othe was made accordyng to the Prophete in iudgement in ryghteousnes and in truth and therfore can not without perintye be reuoked let Satan roare and rage and practise all the cruelty he can Oh good lord that they are so busye with you about the church It is no new thing brother that is happened vnto you for that was alwayes the clamor of the wycked bishops and priestes against gods true prophets the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord EZechi 7. they said the law shal not departe frō the prieste nor wisdom frō the Elder and yet in them whom they only estemed for theyr priests and sages there was neither gods law nor godly wisdome It is a maruelous thyng to heare what vayne communication is spreade abroad of you It is said here that you be pardoned your lyfe and when you were appointed to be banished and to go I can not tel whether you should say that you had rather here suffer then go where you could not lyue after your consciēce and that this pardon should be begged for you by Borne the Bishop of Bathe for that you saued his lyfe Agayne some say and amonges other myne hostes reported that you are hyghlye promoted and are a great man with my lorde Chauncelor This I could not beleue but did denye it as a false lye so surely was I alwayes perswaded of your constancye What god will do with vs he knoweth In the meane tyme wonderfull it is to behold how the wysedome of GOD hath in fatuated the policye of the worlde and scattered the crafty deuises of the worldlye wyse For when the state of religion was once altered and persecution beganne to waxe whote no man douted but Cranmer Latymer and Rydley shoulde haue beene the fyrste to haue beene called to the stake But the subtyle policye of the world settyng vs aparte fyrst assaulted them by whose infirmity they thought to haue more vauntage but god disapoynted their subtyll purpose For whom the world estemed weakest praised be god they haue found most strong sounde and valyaunte in Christes cause vnto the death to geue suche an onset as I dare say all the aungels in heauen do no lesse reioyce to behold in them then they dyd in the victorious constancy of Peter Iohn 15. Paule Esay Helyas or Hieremy For greater loue no man hathe than to bestowe hys lyfe c. Good brother haue me and vs all continuallye in your remembraunce to god in your prayers as God willyng we shal not be in our prayers forgetfull of you Your owne in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford BRother Bradford I wishe you in Christ our Sauiour grace mercy and peace and to al thē which are with you or any where els captiues in Christ and to heare that ye be al in good health and stand constātly in the confession of Christes gospell it dothe hartely reioyce vs. Knowe you lykewyse that we all here bee thankes be to god in good health and comforte watchyng wyth our lampes lyght I trust in god when it shall please our maister the brydegrome Math. 25. to call vs to wayte vpon hym vnto the mariage
therof wyll be so pitifull withoute spedye repentaunce that I tremble and feare to haue it in remembraunce I woulde to God it lay vpon some earthly burden so that fredome of conscience mighte begenen vnto them I write as god knoweth not of presumption but onlye lamentinge they re state whome I thought nowe in thys daungerous time should haue geuen bothe you and me comfortable instructions But alas in stede therof we haue perswasions to follow I lament me to rehearse it superstitions idolatrye yea that worste of all is they will seeke to proue it by the scripture The Lord for his mercy turne theyr hartes Amen Yours N. R. A letter which he wrote as his last farewell to al his true and faythefull frendes in God a little before he suffred with a sharpe admoniton by by the way to the papists the enemies of the truth AT the name of Iesus let euery kne bow both of thyngs in heauen and things in earth and thinges vnder the earth and let euerye tonge confesse that Iesus Christ is the lord vnto the glory of God the father Amen As a man minding to take a farre iourney and to depart from his familiar frendes commenly and naturally hath a desire to byd his frendes farewell before hys departure so likewise now I loking dayly when I shoulde be called for to departe hence from you O al ye my dearely beloued brethren and sisters in oure Sauioure Christe that dwel here in this world hauing a like mind towardes you all also blessed be God of this such time leasure whereof I right hartely thank his heauenly goodnes do byd you all my deare brethren and sisters I say in Christ that dwel vp on the earth after such manner as I can Farewell Farewel my deare Brother George Shypside whome I haue euer found faythfull trusty and louinge in all state and condicions and now in the time of my crosse ouer all other to me most frendly and steadfast that which liked me best ouer all other thinges in Gods cause euer harty Farewell my deare sister Alice his wyfe I am gladde to beare of thee that thou doest take Christes crosse whiche is layed now blessed be God both on thy backe and mine in good parte Thanke thou GOD that hathe geuen thee a godly and a louing husband se thou honor him and obey hym according to Gods lawe Honour thy mother in lawe his mother and loue al those that perteyne vnto hym being ready to do them good as it shall lye in thy power As for thy chyldren I doubte not of thy husbande but that he whyche hathe geuen hym a hearte to loue and feare God and in God them that pertayne vnto hym shall also make hym frendely and benefyciall vnto thy children euen as yf they had bene gotten of hys owne body Farewell my welbeloued brother Iohn Rydley of the Waltowne and you my gentle and louyng Syster Elizabeth whome besydes the naturall league of amitye your tender loue whiche you were sayde euer to beare towardes me aboue the reste of youre brethren dothe bynde me to loue My mynde was to haue acknowledged this youre louyng affection and to haue acquyted it wyth dedes and not wyth woordes alone Youre daughter Elizabeth I byd farewell whom I loue for the meeke and gentle Spiryte that God hath geuen her which is a precious thyng in the syght of God Farewell my beloued Syster of Vnthancke wyth all youre chyldren my nephewes and nices Synce the departure of my Brother Hughe my mynde was to haue beene vnto them in the steade of theyr father but the Lorde god must and will be theyr father if they wil loue hym and feare him and lyue in the trade of hys law Farewell my welbeloued and worshipfull Cosyns maister Nicholas Ridley of Wyllimountswick and your wife and I thanke you for all youre kyndnesse shewed bothe to me and also to all youre owne kynsefolke and myne Good Cosyn as GOD hath sette you in that oure stocke and kyndred not for anye respecte of youre personne but of hys aboundaunte grace and goodnesse to bee as it were the Belweather to order and conducte the reaste and hathe also endued you wyth his manyfold gyftes of grace bothe heauenlye and worldlye aboue others so I praye you good Cosin as my truste and hope is in you continue and increase in the mayntenaunce of truthe honestye rightuousnesse and all true godlynesse and to the vttermost of your power to wythstande falsehode vntruthe vnryghteousnesse and all vngodlynesse whych is forbid and condempned by the word and lawes of God Farewel my yong Cosin Rafe Whitfield Oh your tyme was verye shorte wyth me my mynde was to haue done you good and yet you caughte in that little tyme a losse but I truste it shall bee recompenced as it shall please almighty god Farewell al my whole kyndred and countreymen farewell in Christ altogether The Lorde which is the searcher of secrets knoweth that accordyng to my hartes desire my hope was of late that I should haue come among you and to haue brought wyth me aboundaunce of Christes blessed Gospell accordyng to the duetye of that office and ministerye wherevnto among you I was chosen named and appoincted by the mouth of that our late piereles Prince king Edwarde and so also denounced openly in hys court by his priuye counsayle I warne you all my welbeloued kynsfolke and countreymen that ye be not amased or astonied at the kynde of my departure or dissolution for I ensure you I thynke it the most honour that euer I was called vnto in all my life and therfore I thanke my Lorde GOD hartely for it that it hath pleased hym to cal me of hys great mercye vnto this hyghe honour to suffer deathe wyllynglye for hys sake and in hys cause vnto the which honour he called the holy Prophets hys dearly beloued Apostels and hys blessed chosē martyrs For knowe ye that I doubte no more but that the causes wherefore I am put to deathe are gods causes and the causes of the truthe then I doubte that the Gospell whyche Iohn wrote is the Gospell of Christe or that Paules Epystles are the verye worde of GOD. And to haue a harte wyllyng to abyde and stande in gods cause in Christs quarell euen vnto death I ensure thee O man it is an inestimable and an honourable gyft of GOD geuen onely to the true electes and dearely beloued children of GOD and inheritoures of the kyngdome of heauen For the holye Apostle and also Martyr in Christes cause Sayncte Peter sayeth ● Pet. 4 yf ye suffer rebuke in the name of Chryste that is in Christes cause and for hys truthes sake then are ye happye and blessed for the glorye of the Spirite of God resteth vppon you If for rebukes sake suffered in Chrystes name a man is pronounced by the mouthe of that holye Apostle blessed and happye howe muche more happye and blessed is he that hathe
setter forth of Christes Gospell and of Gods true word so I found the and blessed be god so I left thee in deed Wo is me for thee mine own deare Colledge if euer thou suffer thy selfe by anye meanes to be broughte from that trade In thy Orcharde the wals buttes trees if they could speak would beare me witnesse I learned with out booke almost all Paules Epistles yea and I weene all the Canonicall Epistles saue only the Apocalipse Of which study although in time a great part did depart from me yet the sweete smell thereof I truste I shall cary with me into heauen for the profite therof I thinke I haue felte in all my life time euer after and I wene of late whether they abide there now or no I can not tel there was that did the lyke The Lord graunt that this zeale and loue toward that part of gods word which is a kay and a true cōmentary to al holy scripture may euer abyde in that colledge so longe as the world shall endure From Cambridge I was called into Kent by the Archbyshop of Caunterbury Thomas Cranmer that most reuerend father and man of god and of him by and by sente to be Vicar of Herne in Easte kente Wherefore fare well Herue thou worshipful and wealthy parish the fyrst cure wherunto I was called to minister gods word Thou hast heard of my mouth ofttimes the word of god preached not after the popish trade but after the Christs gospel oh that the frute had aunswered to the seede And yet I muste knowledge me to be thy dettour for the doctryne of the Lords supper which at that time I acknowledge God had not reueled vnto me but I blesse God in all that godly vertue and zeale of Gods word which the Lord by preachinge of his worde did kindle manifestly both in the hart and in the life and workes of that godlye woman there my Ladye Phines the Lorde graunte that his worde tooke lyke effecte there in manye other moe Farewell thou Cathedrall churche of Caunterburye the Metropolitike sea whereof once I was a mēber To speake thinges pleasante vnto thee I dare not for daunger of conscience displeasure of my lord God and to say what lieth in my harte were now to muche and I feare were able to doe thee nowe but little good Neuerthelesse for the frendeship I haue founde in some there and for charitye sake I wishe thee to be washed cleane of al worldlinesse and vngodlines that thou mayste be founde of God after thy name Christes Church in dede and in truth Farewell Rochester sometime my Cathedrall Sea in whome to say the truth I did find much gentlenesse and obedience and I trust thou wilt not say the contrarye but I did vse it to Gods glorye and thine owne profite in God Oh that thou haddest and mightest haue continued and gone forewarde in the trade of Gods lawe wherein I did leaue thee Then thy charge and burden should not haue beene so terrible and daungerous as I suppose verely it is like to be alas on the latter daye To Westminster other aduertisement in God I haue not now to say then I haue sayd before to the Cathedral church of Caunterbury and so God geue thee of his grace that thou mayste learne in deede and in truth to please him after hys owne lawes And thus fare you wel Oh London London to whome nowe maye I speake in thee or whome shall I bid farewell Shall I speake to the Prebendaryes of Paules Alas al that loued Gods worde and were true setters forth therof are nowe as I heare say some burnt and slayne some exiled and banished and some holden in hard prison and appoynted daily to be put to most cruell death for Christs Gospel sake As for the rest of them I know they could neuer broke me well nor I could neuer delighte in them Shall I speake to the Sea thereof wherein of late I was placed almost and not fullye by the space of .iii. yeares But what maye I saye to it beynge as I heare saye I am deposed and expuised by iudgemente as an vniust vsurper of that roome O iudgemente iudgement Can this be iust iudgement to condemne the chiefe minister of Gods woorde the pastoure and byshoppe of the dioces and neuer bringe hym into iudgemente that he myght haue heard what crimes were layde to hys charge nor neuer suffer him to haue anye place or time to aunswere for hym selfe Thinkest thou that hereafter when true iustice shall haue place that this iudgemente canne euer be allowed eyther of God or of manne Well as for the cause and whole matter of my deposition and the spoyle of my goodes whiche thou possessest yet I referre it vnto God whiche is a iust iudge and I beseche God if it be his pleasure that that whiche is but my personall wronge be not layde to thy charge in the latter daye this only can I pray for O thou nowe wicked and bloudye Sea whye doest thou sette vppe againe manye alters of idolatrye whyche by the woorde of God were iustlye taken awaye VVhy haste thou ouerthrowne the Lordes Table Why doest thou daylye delude the people maskinge in thy masses in the steade of the Lordes holye Supper whiche oughte to bee commen aswel saythe Chrisostome yea the Lorde him selfe to the people as to the prieste Howe darest thou denye to the people of Christe contrarye to hys expresse commaundemente in the gospell his holye cuppe Why bablest thou to the people the commen prayer in a straunge tounge wherein Saynt Paule commaundeth in the lords name that no man should speake before the congregation excepte it shoulde be by and by declared in theyr commen tounge that all myghte be edified Naye harken thou whorishe baude of Babilon thou wicked lymme of Antichriste thou bloodye Wolfe whye slayest thou downe and makest hauoke of the Prophetes of God Whye murtherest thou so cruellye Christes poore seely sheepe whiche will not heare thy voyce because thou arte a straunger and will followe none other but they re owne pastoure Christe his voyce Thinckest thou to escape or that the Lord wil not require the bloode of hys Sayntes at thy handse Thy God whiche is the woorke of thy handes and whome thou sayest thou haste power to make that thy deafe dumme God I say wil not in deede nor cannot althoughe thou art not ashamed to call hym thy maker make thee to escape the reuenginge hande of the hyghe and almightye God But be thou assured that the lyuinge Lorde our sauiour and redemer which sitteth on the right hand of his father in glory he seeth all thy wicked wayes and cruelty done to his deare members and he will not forget his holy ones and hys hands O thou whorish drabbe shalt thou neuer escape In steade of my farewell to thee now I saye fye vpon thee fye vpon thee filthye drabbe and all thy false Prophetes Yet O thou Londō I may not leaue thee
true honoryng of God also that can shew you the descente of Christes church from the begynning of it vntyll thys daye that ye maye perceaue by the lyfe of your forefathers these two thynges the one that Chrystes woorde whych sayde that al hys must suffer persecutiō and trouble in the world be true the other that none of all hys before our time escaped trouble then shall ye perceiue that it is but a folly for one that professeth Christe trulye to looke for the loue of the worlde Thus shall ye learne to beare trouble and to exercise youre religion and feele in deede that Chrystes woordes be true in the worlde ye shall suffer persecution Iohn 16 And when ye feele your religion in deede saye yee be no better then youre forefathers but be gladde that ye maye be counted worthye souldioures for thys warre and praye to God when ye come together that he wyll vse and order you and youre doyinges to these thre endes whyche ye muste take heede of the fyrste that ye gloryfye God the nexte that ye edifye the churche and congregation the thyrde that ye profyte your owne soules In all youre doynges beware ye be not deceaued For although thys tyme be not yet bloodye and tyrannous as the time of oure forfathers that coulde not beare the name of Christe wythout daunger of lyfe and goodes yet is oure tyme more perellous both for bodye and soule Therefore of vs Chryst sayde Luke 18. thinke ye when the sonne of manne commeth he shall fynde anye fayth vpon earth He sayde not thynke ye he shal fynde anye man or woman chrystened and in name a christian but he spake of the faythe that saueth the christian man in Chryst and doubtles the scarsitye of faith is now more and wyll I feare increase then it was in the time of the greatest Tyrannes that euer were and no maruell whye Reade yee the syxte chapter of Saynte Iohns Reuelation and ye shall perceyue amonges other thynges that at the opening of the fourthe seale came out a pale horse and he that satte vppon hym was called deathe and hell followed hym Thys horse is the time wherein hypocrites and dissemblers entred into the Churche vnder the precente of true religion as monkers Friers Nonnes massynge priestes wyth suche other that haue killed moe soules wythe heresyes and superstystitiō thē al the Tyrānes that euer were killed bodies with fyre sword or banishement as it appereth by hys name that sitteth vpon the horse who is called death for all soules that leaue Christ and trust to these hipocrytes lyue to the diuil in euerlasting payne as is declared by him that followeth the pale horse which is hel These pretēsed and pale hypocrites haue stirred the earthquakes that is to witte the princes of the world agaynst Christes church and haue also darkned the sonne and made the moone bloody and haue caused the starres to fall from heauen that is to saye haue darkned wyth mistes and daylye doe darken as ye heare by they re sermons the cleare sonne of Gods moste pure woorde the moone whiche be Gods true preachers whiche fetche onelye lyghte at the sonne of Gods woorde are turned into blood prisons and chaines that theyr light can not shine vnto the world as they would Wherupō it cōmeth to passe that the stars that is to say Christian people fal frō heauen that is to witte from Gods moste true word to hypocrisye most deuelyshe superstition and idolatrye Let some learned man shew you al the articles of your belief and monuments of Christian fayth from the time of Christe hetherto and ye shall perceiue that there was neuer mention of such articles as these hypocrites teache God blesse you and praye for me as I do for you Out of the Flete by your brother in Christe Iohn Hoper To all my deare brethren my relieuers and helpers in the City of London THe grace of God bee with you Amen I haue receaued from you dearelye beloued in our sauioure Iesus Christe by the hands of my seruant william Downton your liberality for the which I do most hartly thank you and I prayse god hyghly in you and for you who hathe moued youre heartes to showe this kindnes towardes me prayinge hym to preserue you from all famyne scarcity and lacke of the truth of hys word which is the liuely foode of your soules as you preserue my body from hunger and other necessities which should happē vnto me were it not cared for by the beneuolence and charity of godly people Suche as haue taken all worldlye gooddes and landes from me and spoyled me of all that I had haue emprisoned my bodye and appoynted no one halfepeny to feede or to relieue me wythall But I doe forgeue them and praye for them daylye in my poore prayer vnto God and from my hearte I wyshe their saluation and quietlye and pacientlye beare theyr iniuries wyshyng no farther extremity to bee vsed towardes vs. Yet yf it seeme contrary beste vnto oure heauenlye father I haue made my reckenyng and fullye resolued my selfe to suffer the vttermost that they are able to do against me yea death it selfe by the ayde of Christ Iesu who dyed the moste vyle deathe of the crosse for vs wretches and myserable synners But of thys I am assured that the wycked world with all his force and power shall not touche one of the heares of our heades wythout leaue ad lycence of oure heauenly father whose wyll be done in al thynges If he wyll lyfe lyfe bee it if he wyll deathe deathe be it Onelye we praye that oure wylles maye bee subiecte vnto hys wyll and then althoughe bothe we and all the worlde see none other thynge but deathe yet yf he thynke lyfe best we shall not dye no althoughe the sword be drawen oute ouer oure heades as Abraham thoughte to kyll his sonne Isaac yet when god perceaued that Abraham had surrendred hys wyll to Gods wyll and was contente to kill hys sonne god then saued hys sonne Dearely beloued if we be contented to obeye gods wyll and for hys commaundementes sake to surrender oure goodes and our selues to be at his pleasure it maketh no mater whether we kepe goods and lyfe or loose them Nothing can hurte vs that is taken from vs for Gods cause nor nothyng can at length doe vs good that is preserued contrary vnto Gods commaundemente Lette vs wholye suffer God to vse vs and ours after hys holye wysedome and beware we neyther vse nor gouerne oure selues contrarye to hys wyll by oure owne wisedome for yf we doe oure wisdome wyll at lengthe proue folishnes It is kept to no good purpose that we kepe contrarye vnto his commaundementes It can by no meanes be takē from vs that he would should tary with vs. He is no good christian that ruleth hym selfe and his as worldlye meanes serueth for he that so doth shall haue as many chaunges as chaunceth in the world To daye wyth the
suffred them that toke your bodies then to haue takē your life also now had ye ben folowing the lābe in perpetual ioyes away from the cōpany assēble of wicked men But the lord woulde not haue you sodainly so to depart but reserueth you gloriously to speake maintain his truth to the world Be ye not careful what ye shal say for god wil go out in with you wil be presēt in your harts in your mouthes to speak his wisdō althogh it seme folishnes to the worlde He that hath begon this good work in you confirme strengthen continue you in the same vnto the end and pray vnto him that ye may fear him only that hath power to kil both body and soule to cast thē into hel fire Be of good comfort al the hears of your heads be numbred Math. 10. and there is not one of them canne perishe except youre heauenlye father suffer it to peryshe Nowe ye bee euē in the field and placed in the forefront of Christes battaile Doubtles it is a singuler fauour of God and a special loue of hym towardes you to geue you this foreward and preeminence and a signe that he trusteth you before others of hys people Wherfore deare brethrē and sisters continually fyght thys fyght of the Lorde Your cause is most iuste and godly ye stand for the true Christ who is after the flesh in heauen and for hys true religion and honour whiche is amplye fully sufficiently and aboundantly conteined in the holy Testament sealed wyth christs own blood How much be ye bound to god to put you in trust with so holy and iust a cause Remember what lokers vpon ye haue to see beholde you in your fight euen god and all hys holy aungels who be redy alway to take you vp into heuē if ye be slain in thys fight Also you haue standing at your backes al the multitude of the faithful who shall take courage strength desire to folow such noble and valiaunte christians as ye be Be not afeard of your aduersaries i. Iobn 4. for he that is in you is stronger then he that is them Shrynke not although it be payne to you Your paynes be not now so greate as hereafter your ioyes shall be Reade the comfortable chapiters to the Ro. 8.10.15 Heb. 11.12 And vppon your knees thanke god that euer ye were accoūpted worthy to suffer any thing for hys names sake Reade the second chapter of S. Lukes gospell and there ye shall see howe the shepheardes that watched vpon their shepe all night as soone as they heard that Christe was borne at Bethlem by and by they went to see hym They did not reason nor debate with themselues who should kepe the wolf from the shepe in the mean time but did as they were cōmaūded cōmitted their shepe vnto hym whose pleasure they obeyed So let vs do now whē we be called and commit all other thynges vnto hym that calleth vs. He wyll take heede that all thinges shal be wel he wyll helpe the husband he will comfort the wyfe he wil guide the seruaunts he wyll kepe the house he wil preserue the goods yea rather then it should be vndone i. Pet. 5 he wil wash the dishes and rocke the cradell Cast therfore all your care vpon god for he catech for you Besides thys ye may perceaue by your imprisōment that your aduersaries weapōs against you be nothing but flesh bloud and tyranny For if they were able they would maintaine their wycked religion by gods worde but for lacke of that they woulde violently compel such as they can not by the holy scripture perswade because the holy worde of God and all Christes doings be cleane contrary vnto them I pray you pray for me and I wyll praye for you And although we be a sunder after the world yet we are in Christe I truste for euer ioyning in the spirite and so shal meete in the palace of the heauēly ioyes after this short and trāsitory life is ended Gods peace be with you Amen .4 of Ianuary 1554. ¶ To certaine of hys beloued frendes in god exhortyng them to sticke constantlye to the professed truth of the gospell in those days of tryall and not to shrynke for any trouble THe grace of God be with you Amen I did write vnto you of late told you what extremitye the parliamente had concluded vppon concernyng religion suppressyng the true and settyng forthe the vntrue entendyng to cause all men by extremity to forsweare themselues and to take agayne for the head of the church him that is neyther heade nor member of it but a very enemy as the word of god and all auncient writers do record and for lacke of law and authority they wyll vse force and extremity which haue bene the arguments to defend the Pope and popery sith his wicked authority began fyrste in the worlde But nowe is the tyme of tryall to see whether we feare more God or man It was an easy thing to hold with Christ whiles the prince and world held with hym but now the worlde hateth hym is the true tryall who be hys Wherfore in the name and in the vertue strength and power of his holy spiryte prepare youre selues in any case to aduersitye and constancie Lette vs not runne away when it is most tyme to fyght Remember that none shal be crowned but such as fyghte manfully and he that endureth vnto the ende shal be saued Ye muste now turne all your cogitations from the peryll ye see and marke by fayth what foloweth the peryl either victorye in this worlde of your enemies or els a surrender of this life to inherite the euerlastyng kyngdome Beware of beholdyng to much the felicity or the myserye of this worlde for the consideration and earnest loue or feare of eyther of thē draweth from god Wherfore thynke wyth youre selues as touchyng the felicity of the worlde it is good but yet none otherwyse then it stādeth with the fauoure of god it is to be kept but yet so farre forthe as by kepyng of it we loose not god It is good to abyde and tary styll among our frendes here but yet so that we tary not therwithall in gods displeasure and hereafter to dwell in hell with the deuils in fyre euerlastyng There is nothyng vnder god by may be kept so that god beyng aboue all thynges we haue be not loste Of aduersity iudge the same Imprisonment is paynefull but yet liberty vpon euil conditions is more payneful The prisons stincke but yet not so much as swete houses where as the feare and true honor of god lacketh I must be alone and solitary it is better so to be and haue god with me thou to be in company with the wicked Losse of goods is great but losse of gods grace and fauour is greater I am a poore symple creature and cannot tell how to answer before such a greate sorte of noble
remember the counsell of S. Paule 1. Cor. 7. where he speaketh to suche as be coupled in matrimoy and be of two sundry and diuers religions If the vnbeleuinge man will dwell with the faythfull woman the wife cannot forsake him Or in case the vnbeleuing woman wil dwell with her beleuing husband the husband cannot forsake her But if the vnbeleuing party whether it be husband or wife will departe the beleuing partye is at libertye Now in this time to beleue that the priest can make God or to beleue that which was not God yesterday can be both God and man to daye so to honor that which was but very bread yesterdaye for the true God that made both heauen and earth and al that be in them and for the body and soule of Christe that suffred for oure redemption and toke from vs our sinnes vpon the crosse is very idolatry to be committed of no christian man for the payne of it with out repentance is euerlasting dampnation In matrimonie it is mete therefore that which partye so euer be perswaded knoweth the truth be it the husband or the wife the truth be spoken taught and opend vnto the party that is not perswaded For as Saint Paule sayeth howe knowest thou O man whether thou shalt saue thy wife or how knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy husband Therefore let the best and more godly partye be diligent in sauinge by his or her laboures the party that is not instructed nor perswaded in the truth If it preuayle then is the worse part amended and the best part hath done his or her duty and office as it is commaunded Ephesi 4. Colloss 3. 1. Pet. 3. In case the worse part will not be amended but tary still in errour and so offend the almighty God the author of mariage let the beste parte that is perswaded and knoweth the truth as in this case the woman labour with her cōpaniō to be free and at liberty and not to be compelled to honour any false God or to serue God otherwise then shee knoweth she maye do with a good conscience as she is taughte by the word of God And if she may thus obteyne to be at libertye and be not compelled to do thinges agaynst her conscience she may not in any wyse depart from him that she is maried vnto If this woman cannot wyn her husband to the truth nor obtayne to liue freelye and at libertye in the faythe of Christe her selfe lette her cause some godlye and graue men or women to perswade with her husbande as well for hys owne better knowledge as for the freedome and libertye of her selfe and let her and whosoeuer entreateth of the mater vse modesty sobernes and charitye and pray vnto God that their doinges maye take vertuous and godlye successe In case which God forbidde the husband will not reforme himself of his error nor suffer his wife to refrain the company and fellowship of such as be present at the masse whereas an idoll is honored for God this wyfe muste make aunswere soberly and christianly that she is forbidden by gods lawes to cōmit Idolatrye Actes 5. Exod. 20. and that gods is more to be obeyed then man and so in any case beware she offēd not against the firste commaundemente whiche is thou shalte haue no other Gods but me It maye come to passe that when the husbande shall perceaue the wifes loue and reuerence towardes him and also her constancye and strengthe in the truthe and true religion of GOD althoughe he be not conuerted vnto the truthe by her yet he will be contented to suffer her to vse the libertye of her conscience without compulsion to any religion that she doth by Gods worde detest and abhorre But if there bee no remedye but either the wife muste followe in idolatry her husbandes commaundement or elles suffer the extremitye of the law here must the wife remember and learne whether there bee anye lawe or not that can compell her ordinarilye to come to the masse whereas idolatrye is committed If there be no lawe or other meanes to compel her then her husbands foule words which be nothing els but threatninges to put her in feare she muste if she can wyth wisedome and womanhode amende the same if she cannot then must she christianly and pacientlye beare them as a woman of God that for his sake muste suffer as muche as hys pleasure is to lay vpon her In case there be a lawe to compel her and al other if otherwyse she will not obey to come to the masse firste she muste wisely and discretly way her husbandes nature whether he is wont to be in deede workes and offers cruell as he is in wordes If she can fynd that his nature is as the most part of mens be more churlish cruel in words then in workes then howsoeuer he threatneth by daungerous woordes he will not accuse his wife to harme her but rather excuse her In case eyther for lacke of loue or for feare of losing of hys goodes she perceaue verely that he mindeth to bring her in daunger by a law then must she pray to God and vse one of these two extreme remedies First if she finde by prayer her selfe strong to abyde the extremity of the lawe yea though she should dye let her in no case depart frō her husband In case she find her self to weake to suffer suche extremitye then rather then to breake company and mariage betwene God and her conioyned by the precious blood of Christ she must conuey her self into some such place as idolatry may be auoided For if the husbād loue the wife or the wife the husband more thā Christ he nor she be not mete for christ Math. 10.16 Luke 14.9 Yea if a man loue his owne life more then Christ he is not mete for Christ And what doth it auaile a mā to win all the world to lose his soule But here the womā must take heede that incase for the keping of the mariage betwene god and her she depart from her husband that she be alwayes in honest vertuous godly company that she may at al times haue record for her godly behauiour if any thinge shoulde be layde to her charge and let her liue a sole sober and modest life with prayer and sobernes to god that it may please him to banishe suche wicked lawes and wicked religion as make debate betwene God and man husbande and wife then God shall from tyme to tyme geue counsell to euery good man woman what is best to be done in such pitifull cases to his honoure to the saluation of our wofull troubled cōsciences Out of the Flete by the prisoner of the lord Iohn Hoper To my beloued in the Lord. W. P. THe grace of God be with you I haue sent you letters for my wife who is at Franckford in high Almayne I pray you conuey them trustely and spedelye and seale
without the other then fire can bee without heate saying these wordes with the hart man beleueth vnto righteousnes with the mouth he confesseth vnto saluation Wherein he declareth that euen as the cause of our acceptation through Christ is the confidence and faithe of the hart in the promises of god so is the confession outwardlye of the same fayth by the mouthe the fruite that all christian faythfull hartes brynge forthe throughe the same gyfte of GOD. And where as thys effecte of confession of faythe is not there wanteth also the cause of confession whiche is true faythe for as the tree is knowen by her fruites so is faythe by her effectes And as the wante of fruite is a demonstration that the tree is vnprofitable so the wante of true confession of faythe is a token that the faith is dead The ende of the vnprofitable tree Math. x. 1. Pet. 3. is cuttyng down and castynge into the fyre the ende of the fruitles faythe is death and castyng to eternall dampnation Wherefore Saincte Peter requyreth vs to make aunswere to euerye man that demaūdeth of vs of such hope as is in vs with gentlenes reuerence which is a very testimony that we sanctify god in our hartes as it is before expressed in the same chapter For the greatest honour that man can geue to god is to confesse in the tyme of trouble truly and faithfully hys holy worde and fayth Wherfore it is the duty of euery christian to pray study to haue a through knowledge of his faith in Christ and as the glory of god shall requyre the cause of his religion to bee readye to make aunswere for the same howe soeuer the world feare displeasure frendship or other lettes shall moue vs to the contrary vppon payne saieth Christe in the x Math. x. of Mathew that I will deny hym before my father which is in heauen But how harde a thyng it is to confesse Christe in the dayes of trouble not onely the scripture but also daily experiēce in good men and women doth declare True confession is warded on euery side with many daungers on the righte hande and on the lefte hande now with fayre meanes then wyth foule threatnynges fearefull and daungerous as it is sayde by Christe our Sauioure they shall betray you to the iudges and of them ye shall be beaten and iudged to deathe Of the other syde shall pull vs backe the loue of wyfe childrē brother Syster kin frends and the loue vnto our selues But he that is ouercommen by any of these meanes hath his iudgemēt he is not meete for me sayth Christ These thynges be impossible vnto men yet to christian men in Christ possible and so necessary that christianity and true religion cannot bee in hym that is a fearde to confesse Christ and his gospell in the tyme of persecution The wisdome of the world doth say although I accomplishe the desyre of my frendes and to the sight of the worlde am present at the masse and with my body do as other men do or as I may do yet my hart is clean contrary to their belief I do detest such Idolatry beleue that the thing that I am present at is mere idolatry and abhominatiō Here be fayre words for an euill purpose and pretenced excuse for a iust condemnation before God For if it be true that ye know the thing which ye resort vnto to be the dishonor of god why doe ye honour it with your presence If ye know it to be euil why refrayne ye not from it If your conscience saye it is Idolatry why serueth your body such things as your fayth abhorreth If in your hart you know but one God why with your exterior presence serue ye the thing that ye knowe is not God If your fayth see idolatrye why doth your silence cōfesse and allow the same Two mē in one god loueth not If the inwarde man knowe the truth why doth the outward man confesse a falsehode If your spirite be perswaded that the masse is idolatry why do ye with your bodely presence vse it as a God and geue godly honoure to it Do ye not perceaue that it is written Esay 25. Math. 15. these people honor me with theyr mouth but their harts be farre frō me The cause why God was offended with these people was that outwardly they confessed him serued him but their hartes were farre frō him inwardly Wherfore ye may see what it is to beare two faces in one hoode outwardly to serue God and inwardly to serue the deuil Now marke of thys place if it be so horrible damnable a thing to be false in the hart which none knoweth but God and is worthy also of damnatiō what is to be iudged of the outward and manifest vse of idolatry which not only God but also euery good man knoweth and abhorreth There is no coulor nor cloked hipocrisie that God cā away with If the hart thinke not as the tong speaketh or els the tong speake otherwise thē the hart thinketh both be abhominable before God 2. Cor. 6. Read ye the .3 and the .6 Chapters of the fyrst Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinth where as S. Paule sayth know ye not that your bodie is the temple of the holy ghost If your body be the temple of the holy ghost what agrement hath it with idolatry Can one body at one time bee the temple of the holy ghost and be present at such idolatry as god abhorreth and detesteth Can a mā serue two masters If he do he loueth as Christ saith the one and hateth the other Math. 6. As god requireth of a faithful man a pure hart euen so requyreth he that his external profession in al thinges be according therunto for both body and soule be detters vnto god he redemed them both The woorde of God sayth vnto vs 1. Cor. 6. glorifye and beare God in your bodies If we be present at such idolatry as God forbiddeth and our own knowledge in conscience is assured to be euill do we glorifye God in our bodies No doutlesse we dishonour him and make our bodyes the seruauntes of idolatry not only to Gods dishonoure but also to the great daunger both of body and soule For this is a true saying of S. Augustine he that doth against his conscience buildeth to hell fyre It is not enough for a Christian man to say I know the masse is nought but to obey ciuill lawes and orders I wil do outwardly as other men do yet in my hart abhorre it neuer thinke it to be good Doutlesse these two mindes the spirite to thinke wel the body to do euil in this respect be both naught god wil spue that whole mā out of his mouth as he did the minister of the cōgregatiō of Laodicia Apo. 3. The 8. chap. the .10 of the fyrst to the Corinthians in thys matter in this time be places very
with sulphure brimstone wyth wailing gnashing of teeth world wtout end But yet many wil say for their vain excuse god is merciful his mercy is ouer al. But The scripture teacheth vs that cursed is he that synneth vpon hope of forgeuenes Truth it is that the mercy of God is aboue al his workes and yet but vpon such as feare him for so is it writen in the psalmes Psa 102.146 the mercy of GOD is on them that feare hym and on such as put theyr trust in hym Where we may learne that they onely put theyr trust in god that feare him and to feare god is to turne from euyll and to do that is good So that such as do loke to be pertakers of gods mercy may not abyde in that which is knowne to be manifest euill and detestable in the syght of god An other sort of persons do make them a cloke for the rayn vnder the pretence of obediēce to the magistrates whom we oughte to obey althoughe they bee wycked But such muste learn of Christ to geue to Cesar that is Cesars and to god that is due to god Luke 20. 1. Peter 2. and wyth S. Peter to obey the hygher powers in the Lord albeit they be euill if they cōmaund nothing contrary to gods worde otherwise we oughte not to obey theyr commaundementes although we should suffer death therfore as we haue the apostles for our example herein to follow who answered the magistrates as we ought to doe in this case not obeying their wicked preceptes saying iudge you whether it bee more ryghteous that we shoulde obeye men rather then GOD. Actes 4. Daniel 6. Math. 15 Also Daniell chose rather to bee cast into the denne of Lyons to be deuoured thē to obey the kynges wycked commaundements If the blynde leade the blynde both fall into the ditche There is no excuse for the transgression of gods woorde whether a man doe it voluntarily or at commaundemente althoughe greate damnation is to them by whom the offence cōmeth Some other there be that for an extreme refuge in their euill doyngs do run to gods predestination and election saying that if I be elected of god to saluatiō I shal be saued whatsoeuer I do But such be great temptours of God and abhominable blasphemours of gods holy election and caste themselues downe from the pynacle of the temple in presumptiō that god may preserue them by his aungels through predestination Such verily may recken themselues to be none of gods elect childrē that wil do euill that good may ensue whose damnation is iust as S Paule faith Gods predestination and election ought to be with a symple eye considered Rom. 3. to make vs more warely to walke in good and godly conuersation according to Gods woorde and not to set cocke in the hoope and put all on Gods backe to doe wickedly at large for the elect children of God muste walke in ryghteousnes and holynes after that they be once called to true knowledge for so sayeth Sainte Paule to the Ephesians Ephe. 1. that God hath chosen vs before the foundations of the worlde were layde that we shoulde be holy and blameles in his sight 2. Peter 1. Therefore Saint Peter willeth vs through good works to make oure vocation and election certayne to oure selues whiche we knowe not but by the good workyng of Gods spirite in vs according to the rule of the Gospel and he that transformeth not him selfe to the same in Godly conuersation may iustlye tremble and doubte that he is none of the electe children of God but of the viperous generation a child of darkenes For the children of lyghte will walke in the workes of lyghte and not of darkenes thoughe they fall Proue ●4 Iohn 12 they do not lye still Let all vayne excusations be set a part and whyles ye haue lyghte as Christe commaundeth beleue the lyghte and abide in the same Iohn 3. least eternall darkenes ouertake you vnwares The lyghte is come into the worlde but alas men loue darkenes more then the lyght God geue vs hys pure eyesalue to heale oure blyndnes in thys behalfe O that men and women woulde be healed and not seeke to bee wilfully blynded The Lord open their eyes Heb. 6.10 ▪ that they maye see howe daungerous a thynge it is to declyne from the knowledge of truth contrarye to theyr conscience But what sayde I conscience manye affirme theyr conscience will beare them well enoughe to doe all that they doe and to goe to the Idolatrous Churche to seruice whose conscience is verye large to satisfye man more than God And although theyr conscience can beare them so to doe yet I am sure that a good conscience will not permitte them so to doe whiche can not bee good vnlesse it bee directed after the knowledge of Gods word and therfore in Latyn thys feelyng of mynde is called Conscientia whiche soundeth by interpretation with knowledge And therefore if oure conscience bee ledde of her selfe and not after true knowledge yet we are not so to bee excused as Sainte Paule beareth witnes saying 1. Cor. 4. 1. Timo 1. althoughe my conscience accuseth me not yet in thys I am not iustifyed And he ioyneth a good conscience with these three sisters charitye a pure hart and vnfayned fayth Charitie kepeth Gods commaundementes a pure harte loueth and feareth God aboue all and vnfayned fayth is neuer ashamed of the profession of the Gospell what soeuer damage she shall suffer in bodye thereby The Lorde whiche hath reuealed hys holy wil vnto vs by hys woorde graunte vs neuer to bee ashamed of it and geue vs grace so earnestlye to cleaue to hys holye woorde and true Churche that for no manner of worldlye respecte we become partakers of the workes of hipocrisye whiche God doth abhorre so that we may be founde faythfull in the Lordes Testamente to the ende both in harte word and deede to the glorye of God and oure euerlasting saluation Amen Iohn Philpot prisoner in the Kinges Benche for the testimonye of the truth 1555. To hys deare frende in the Lorde Iohn Careles prisoner in the kings Bench. MY dearely beloued brother Careles I haue receaued your louing letters ful of loue cōpassiō in so much that they made my hard hart to wepe to see you so careful for one that hath bene so vnprofitable a member as I haue bene am in Christes Church God make me worthye of that I am called vnto and I pray you cease not to pray for me but cease to weepe for hym who hath not deserued suche gentle teares and prayse God with me for that I now approch to the cōpany of them whose want you may worthely lament god geue your pitiful hart his inward consolation In dede my deare Careles I am in this worlde in hell in the shadowe of death but he that hath brought me for my desertes down vnto hell shall shortly lift
me vp to heauen where I shal loke continually for your cōming and others my faithful brethrē in the kinges Bench. And though I tel you that I am in hel in the iudgement of thys world yet assuredly I feele in the same the consolation of heauen prayse god And thys lothsome horrible prison is as pleasaūt to me as the walke in the gardē of the kings Bench. You know brother Careles that the way to heauē out of this life is very narrowe we must striue to enter in at a narrow gate If God do mitigate the ouglenes of mine imprisonment what wil he do in the rage of the fier wherunto I am appointed And thys hath happened vnto me that I might be hereafter an ensample of cōfort if the like happen vnto you or to any other of my deare brethrē with you in these cruel daies in the which the deuil so rageth at the faithful flocke of Christ but in vaine I trust againste any of vs who be persuaded that neyther lyfe neither death is hable to separate vs from the loue of Christes Gospell which is gods high treasure cōmitted to our brittle vessels to glorify vs by the same God of his mercye make vs faythful stewardes to the end geue vs grace to feare nothing whatsoeuer in his good pleasure we shall suffer for the same That I haue not written vnto you erste the cause is our straite keping the want of light by night for the day serueth vs but a while in our darke closet This is the first letter that I haue writen since I came to prison besides the report of mine examinatiōs I am faine to scrible it out in haste Comend me to al our faythful brethren byd them with a good courage loke for their redēption and frame thēselues to be harty souldiers in Christ They haue taken his prest money a great while now let thē shew thē selues readye to serue him faythfully not to flye out of the lords campe into the world as many do Let them remember that in the Apocalips the feareful bee excluded the kingdome Let vs bee of good cheare for our lord ouercame the world that we should do the like Blessed is the seruant whō when the Lord cōmeth he fyndeth watching O let vs watch and pray earnestly one for an other that we be not led into temptation Be ioyfull vnder the crosse prayse the Lord continually for this is the whole burnt sacrifice which the lord chiefly delyghteth in Cōmend me to my father Hunt desire him to loue continue in the vnitie of Christes true church which he hath begon then shall he make me more more to ioye vnder my crosse with him Tell my brother Clements that he hath comforted me muche by his louing token in significatiō of an vnfayned vnitie with vs let him encreace my ioye vnto the end perfectly The Lord of peace be with you all Salute all my louing frendes Maister Meryng Maister Crooth with the rest specially Maister Marshall and hys wyfe with great thankes for hys kyndnes shewed vnto me Fare well my deare Careles I haue dalied with the deuill a while but now I am ouer the shooes God send me well out Out of the Colehouse by your brother Iohn Philpot. An other letter written to Iohn Careles out of the Colehouse of darkenes whereby he geueth lighte and heauenlye comforte to hys heauy and troubled mynde THe God of all comfort and the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ send vnto thee my deare brother Careles the inwarde consolation of hys holy spirite in al the malicious assaultes and troublous temptations of our common aduersarye the Deuill Amen That god geueth you so contrite a harte for your sinnes I can not but reioyce to behold the liuely marke of the children of god whose propertye is to thinke more lowlye and vily of themselues then of any other and often tymes doe set their sinnes before them that they myghte the more bee styrred to bryng forth the fruites of repentaunce and learne to mourne in thys worlde that in an other they myghte bee glad and reioyce Such a broken heart is a pleasaunt sacryfyce vnto God O that I had the lyke contrite harte God mollifye my stonye harte which lamenteth not in such wise my former detestable iniquities Praised be god that he hath geuen you thys sorrowful hart in respect of righteousnes I praye you let me be pertaker of these Godly sorrowes for sinne which be the testimony of the presence of the holy ghoste Dyd not the sword of sorrow pearce the harte of the elect and blessed mother of our Lord Did not Peter wepe bitterly for hys sinnes which was so beloued of Christ Dyd not Mary Magdalene was the feete of oure Sauiour with her teares and receaued therwithall remission of her seuenfold sinnes Be of good comfort therfore mine own deare heart in thys thy sorrowe for it is the earnest peny of eternall consolatiō In thy sorrowe laughe for the spirite of God is with thee Blessed be they sayth Christ that mourne Math. 15. Psa 125. psal 51 Luke 7 for they shal bee comforted They went forth and wepte fayth the Prophet such shall come agayne hauing their gripes full of gladnes And althoughe a sorrowfull harte in consideration of hys sinne be an acceptable sacrifice before God whereby we are stirred vp to more thankefulnes vnto God knowing that much is forgeuen vs that we might loue the more yet the mā of god muste keepe a measure in the same leaste he bee swallowed vppe by to muche sorrowe Sainte Paule woulde not the Thessalonians to be sory as other men whiche haue no hope Such a sorow is not commendable 1. Thess 4. 2. Cor. 7. but worketh damnation and is farre from the children of God who are continually sorrowfull in god when they loke vppon theyr own vnworthynes with hope of forgeuenes For God to thys end by his spirite setteth the sinnes of hys electe still before them that where they perceaue sinne to abounde Rom. 5. there they myght be assured that grace shall superabounde bringeth them downe vnto hell that he myght lift thē vp with greater ioy vnto heauē Wherfore myne own bowels in Christ as long as you are not voyde altogether of hope be not dismayde throughe your pensiue harte for your sinnes howe huge so euer they haue beene for God is hable to forgeue more then you are able to sinne yea and he wil forgeue him which with hope is sory for hys sinnes But know brother that as oft as we do go aboute by the helpe of Gods spirite to do that is good the euil spirit Sathan layeth hard wayte to turne the good vnto euill goeth about to mixe the detestable darnell of desperation with the godly sorrow of a pure penitent heart You be not ignoraunt of hys malicious subtelty and how that continually he assaulteth that good which the grace of
as an heretyke I am condemned shall be burned wherof I aske god hartely mercy that I do no more reioyce then I do hauing so great cause as to be an instrument wherein it maye please my deare lorde and Sauiour to suffer For albeit my manyfolde synnes euen sythen I came into prison haue deserued at the handes of God not onelye this temporall but also eternall fyer in hell much more then my former synful life which the lord pardō for his christs sake as I know he of his mercy hath done neuer wil lay my iniquities to my charge to condemnatiō so great is his goodnes praised therfore be his holy name although I say my manyfold greuous late sinnes haue deserued most iustly all the tyranny that man or deuil can do vnto me and therfore I cōfesse that the lord is iust that his iudgements be true deserued on my behalfe yet the bishops and prelates do not persecute them in me but Christ himself his word his truth and religion And therfore I haue great cause yea most great cause to reioyce that euer I was borne hetherto kept of the lord that by my death which is deserued for my sinnes it pleaseth the heauēly father to glorify his name to testify his truth to cōfirm his verity to oppugne his aduersaries Oh good god merciful father forgeue me my great vnthākfulnes especially herein And you my derely beloued for the lord Iesu christs sake I humbly hartely in his bowels blood do now for my last Yale farewel in this presēt life besech you euery of you that you wil cōsider this worke of the lord accordingly First by me to be admonished to beware of hypocrisie carnal security Professe not the gospel with tong lips only but in hart veritye frame and fashiō your liues accordingly Be ware gods name be not euil spokē of the gospel lesse regarded by your cōuersatiō God forgeue me that I haue not so hartely professed it as I should haue done but haue sought much my self therin The gospel is a new doctrine to the old man it is new wine therfore cannot be put in old bottels without greater hurt then good to the botlels If we will talk with the lord we must put of our shooes carnal affectiōs if we wil heare the voyce of the lord we must wash our garmēts be holy if we wil be christes disciples we must deny our selues take vp our crosse folow christ We cānot serue ij masters if we seke christes kingdō we must also seke for the righteousnes therof To the petition of let thy kingdome come we muste ioyne thy wyll be done done done on earthe as it is in heauen If we wil not be doers of the word but hearers of it we sore deceiue our selues Yf we heare the gospel loue it not we declare our selues to be but fooles builders vpō the sand The lordes spirit hateth faining disceitfulnes the lord abhorteth If we come to him we muste beware we come not with a double hart for thē it may chāce that god wil answer vs according to the blocke which is in our harte so we shal deceiue our selues and others To faithe see that we couple a good conscience lest we make a shipwracke To the Lorde we must come with feare and reuerence If we will be gospellers we must be Christes if we be Christes we must crucify our fleshe wyth the lust and concupiscences thereof If we wyl be vnder grace synne must not beare rule in vs. We may not come to the lord and draw nigh to hym wyth our lippes and leaue our hartes elsewhere lest the lords wrath waxe whotte and he take from vs the good remaynyng in no case can the kyngdome of Christe approche to them that repente not Therfore my dearely beloued let vs repente be hartely sory that we haue so carnally so hypocritically so couetously so vayne gloriously professed the gospel For al these I confesse of my selfe to the glorye of God and myne owne confusion here that he may couer myne offences in the day of iudgement Let the anger and plagues of god most iustly fallen vpō vs be applyed to euery one of our desertes that from the bottome of our harts euery of vs may say it is I Lord that haue sinned against thee it is mine hypocrisy my vayn glory my couetousnes vncleanes carnality security idlenes vnthankefulnes self loue and such lyke which haue deserued the takyng away of our good kynge of thy worde and true religion of thy good ministers by exile prisonmēt and death it is my wickednes that causeth successe and encrease of auctoritye and peace to thine enemyes Oh be mercifull be mercifull vnto vs. Turne to vs agayne oh lord of hostes and turne vs vnto thee Correcte vs but not in thy furye leaste we bee consumed In thy wrathfull displeasure reproue vs not but in the myddes of thine anger remember thy mercye for if thou wylte marke what is done amysse who shall be able to abyde it But with thee is mercifulnes that thou mightest be worshypped oh then be mercyfull vnto vs that we myghte truelye worshyppe thee Helpe vs for the glorye of thy name bee mercyfull vnto our sinnes for they are greate oh heale vs and helpe vs for thyne honoure let not the wycked people say where is theyr god c. On this sorte my right dearely beloued let vs hartely bewayle our synnes repent vs of our former euyll lyfe hartely and earnestly purpose to amende our lyues in all thynges continually watch in praier diligently and reuerently attend heare and read the holy scriptures labour after our vocation to amend our brethren Let vs reproue the workes of darkenes let vs flye from all Idolatrye let vs abhorre the Antichristian romish rotten seruice detest the popyshe masse forsake their Romish God prepare oure selues to the crosse be obediente to all that be in authoritye in all thynges that be not agaynst God and his woorde for then aunswere with the Apostles it is more meete to obeye God then man Howbeit neuer for any thing resiste or ryse agaynst the Magistrates auenge not your selues but committe your cause to the lord to whom vengeaunce pertayneth and he in his time wil reward it If ye feele in your selues an hope trust in god that he will neuer tempte you aboue that he will make you able to beare be assured the lorde wil be true to you and ye shal bee able to beare al bruntes But if ye want this hope fly get you hence rather then by your tarying gods name should be dishonoured In sūme cast your care on the Lord knowing for most certayne that he is careful for you with him are all that heares of your head numbred so that not one of thē shall perish without his good pleasure wil much more then nothing shal happen to your bodies which shal not be profitable
religion and therefore can not subscribe excepte we will dissemble both with God our selues and the world Haec tibi scribo frater mi charisime in domino I am legam tuā epiflolam Ah brother that I hadde practicam tecum scientiam in vite illa quā pingis Iohn 15 roga dominum vt ita verê sentiam Amen God make me thankeful for you Salutant te omnes cōcaptiui gratias domino pro te agunt idē tu facies pro nobis ores vt c. Your brother in the Lord Iesus to liue and dye with you Iohn Bradford An other letter to Maister Laurence Saunders MY good brother I besech our good god gratious father alwayes to cōtinue his gracious fauoure and loue towardes vs by vs as by instrumentes of his grace to worke hys glory confusion of his aduersaryes This frend moued them to subscribe to the papistes articles wyth this conditiō so farre as they wer not against Gods worde being in dede cleane contrary to it and yet shortly after he valiantly suffred death for refusing the same Ex ore infantium lactentium fundet laudem ad destruendum inimicū c Amē I haue perused your letters to my self haue redde them to others For answere whereof if I should write what D. Taylour and Maister Philpotte doe thinke then muste I saye that they thynke the salte sente vnto vs by your frende is vnseasonable And in deede I thynke they both wyll declare it hartelye if they shoulde come before them As for me if you woulde knowe what I thynke my good and moste deare brother Laurence because I am so synnefull and so conspurcate the Lorde knoweth I lye not with manye greuous sinnes whiche yet I hope are washed away sanguine Christi nostri I neither can nor would be cōsulted withal but as a sipher in Agrime Howbeit to tel you how and what I minde take this for a summe I pray God in no case I may seeke my self And in deede I thanke God therfore I purpose it not Quod reliquum est domino Deo meo committo spero in illum quod ipse faciet iuxta hoc iacta in dominum curam Psa 54 Psa 36 Psal 31. c. Omni cura vestra coniecta in illum c. Reuela domino viam tuam spera c. Sperantem in domino misericordia circumdabit I did not nor do not knowe but by youre letters quod cras we shal come corā nobis Myne owne hart sticke stil to dabitur vobis Math. 10. 1. Cor. 10 3. pet 2 fidelis enim est dominus dabit in tentatione euentum quo possimus sufferre Nouit dominus pios ê tentatione c. O vtinam pius ego essem Nouit dominus in die tribulationis sperātes in se c. Nahū 1. I can not thinke that they will offer any kinde of indifferent or meane conditions For if we wil not adorare bestiam we neuer shall be deliuered but against their will thinke I. God our Father and gracious Lord make perfecte the good he hath begonne in vs. Faciet mi frater charisime frater quem in intimis visceribus habeo ad conuinendum commoriendum O si tecum essem Praye for me myne own hart roote in the Lord. For euer your own Iohn Bradforde A letter which he wrote to a faythfull woman in her heauines and trouble most comfortable for all those that are afflicted and broken harted for their sinnes AH my dearly beloued most dearely beloued in the Lorde howe pensiue is my harte presently for you by reasō of the feareful iudgement of our god which euē now I heard for truth by Richarde Proude God oure good father for his greate mercies sake in christ haue mercy vpō vs so with his eternal consolation comforte you my deare harte as I desyre in my moste nede to be of him comforted Amen The cause why since the recept of your letter I haue not sent vnto you this bringer cā tel you yea if I had not heard for truth of this heuie chaunce as yet you had not thus sone heard from me For I beganne of late a peece of woorke for your comfort wherof I send you now but a parte because my hart is heauie for your sake and I can not be quiet til I heare how you do in thys crosse Wherein my deare sister I beseche you to bee of good comforte and to bee no more discouraged then was Dauid of Absolons death the good Ionathas of hys father Saules fearefull ende Adam of Cain Noe of Cham Iacob of Ruben and the Godly Bethsabee of the terrible ende of her father or at the leaste her Graundfathers death Achitophell Not that I vtterly condempne and iudge your father for I leaue it to God but because the facte of it selfe declareth Gods secrets and fearefull iudgemente and iustice towardes hym and all men and hys greate mercye towardes vs admonishynge all the worlde howe that he is to bee dred and feared and Sathan not to sleepe and vs his children especiallye howe weake and miserable we bee of oure selues and howe happie we are in hym whiche haue him to bee oure father protectour and keeper and shall haue for euer more so that no euill shall touche vs further then shall make to oure fathers glorye and to our euerlasting commoditie And therfore let thys iudgement of God be an occasiō to stirre vs vp more carefully to walke before GOD and vnfaynedly to caste oure whole care vppon oure deare father whiche neuer can nor will leaue vs for hys calling and giftes be such that he can neuer repente hym of them Roma 11. whom he loueth he loueth to the ende none of hys chosen can perish Of whiche number I knowe you are my dearely beloued sister God encrease the fayth thereof dayly more and more in you he geue vnto you to hange wholye on hym and on hys prouidence and protection For who so dwelleth vnder that secrete thyng and helpe of the Lorde Psa 90.31 he shall be cocke sure for euer more he that dwelleth I saye for if we be flitters and not dwellers as was Loth a flitter from Segor where GOD promised hym protection if he had dwelled there still we shall remoue to oure losse as he dyd into the Mountaines Genesis 19. Dwell therefore that is truste and that finallye vnto the ende in the Lorde my deare sister and you shall bee as Mounte Sion As Mountaynes compasse Ierusalem so dothe the Lorde all hys people Howe then can he forgette you whiche are as the apple of hys eye for hys deare sonnes sake Ah deare harte that I were nowe but one halfe houre wyth you to bee a Simon to helpe to carye youre crosse with you GOD sende you some good Simon to bee with you and helpe you I will bee a Simon absente to carye as I can learne youre crosse whiche you haue promysed not to hyde from
deede the hygh waye whereby as God encreaseth his giftes so sheweth he more linelye hys saluation Psalme 50.107 I haue receaued Gods blessing frō you the which I haue partly distributed vnto my three fellowe prisoners Maister Farer Maister Taylour Maister Philpot and the residue I will bestowe vppon .iiii. poore soules which are imprisoned in the cōmon Iayle for religiō also As for mine own part if I had had nede I would haue serued my turne also But because I had not nor I thanke God haue not I haue beene and will hee your Almner in suche sorte as I haue already aduertised you God rewarde you and geue you to finde it spiritually and corporally Because otherwise I can not talke with you therefore on thys sort as occasion and opportunitie wil serue I am readye to shewe my good will and desire of youre healpe and furtheraunce in the Lorde to euerlasting life whereunto GOD bryng vs shortlye for hys mercyes sake Amen Good Madame bee thankefull to God as I hope you be be earnest in prayer continue in readynge and hearinge Gods woord and if Gods further crosse come as therein God doth serue hys prouidence for elles it shall not come vnto you so bee certayne the same shall tourne to your eternal ioy and comforte Amen Iohn Bradford To the Lady Vane THe euerlasting and most merciful god which is the father of our sauiour Iesus Christ encrease in your ladiship the knowledge loue of hys truth with the gift of perseuerāce to cōtinue therin to the end Amē Albeit at this present I haue no cōuenient leasure to write is shold be semely to send to your personage yet cōsidering your gētle good wil for gods cause towards me I thought I mought be the more bold to write somthing although not in such sort as I would perchaunce on your behalfe might be loked for I doubt not but that your ladiship considereth often with your self the you are the childe of god and a citizen of heauē by Christ in whō God the father before the worlde was made hath chosen you of his own mere mercy and not of your desertes done or to be done That you shoulde with thankefulnes cal this to minde often thereby to excite and stirre vp yourself to the loue of god in his sight and to al holinesse of life in the sight of man many things should moue occasion you iustly as that you were borne of Christen parents that the name of god was called vpon you in baptisme which is a sacrament of regeneratiō and adoption into the children of god with all other benefites which hytherto you haue receaued Amonges which surely your ladiship should not thinke the least euen the crosses that god hath hetherto exercised you with all as the losse of youre good husband landes and other worldly commodities c. But aboue al next to Christ crucifyed this is most thankefully to be considered that god as he hath geuen you pacience I trust in your trouble so in these daungerous dayes he hath geuen you a desire to know him and to helpe them which for hys sake be in trouble for thys I gather and euidentlye see by your twise sending to me which am not otherwise knowen to you but by name I pray god I may be hartely thankeful to him for you and so dispose your benefites as you desyre My best I will doe by gods grace but enough of thys My desire is good Madame although I haue no doubt as I said but that you be diligēt herein that you would oftē call to minde your state before god I meane howe that you be hys childe through Christ and this I would you dyd for diuerse causes Fyrst that you myghte be quiet in conscience before him in this troublesome worlde as we neuer can bee vntill thys be something setled Secondly that you myghte bee carefull to appeare in hys syghte and in the syghte of man as one of Gods children Thyrdly that you myght in all troubles boldelye by prayer throughe Christe goe to hym and cal hym by the name of father with hope of hys helpe alwayes to your comforte Fourthly that you myghte not bee dismayed if trouble come vnto you as it can not be but more or lesse it must needes come for the worlde loueth none but suche as be his the deuill can neuer suffer the children of God to be quiet I will not speake of our mortal and familiar enemye the fleshe which ceaseth not to fyght agaynst the spirite But God your father being hartely called vpon in and through Christ as he will with hys holye spirite helpe you so will he geue you the victorye at the length to your singular comforte Which I pray God you may daily more and more feele Amen From the Kings Benche in hast as appeareth Your Ladiships own in Christ to commaunde Iohn Bradforde To my deare frendes and brethren R. and E. with their wiues and families THe comfort of Christ felte commonly of hys children in their crosse for his sake the euerliuing God worke in both youre hartes my good brethren and in the hartes of bothe your yokefellowes especially of good Mary my good sister in the Lorde Amen If I had not somthing heard of the hazard which you are in for the gospels sake if you continue the profession confession therof as I truste you doe and will doe and that vnto the end God enabling you as he will doubtles for his mercyes sake if you hope in him for this bindeth him as Dauid in Christes person witnesseth our father keped in thee and thou deliuerest them c. Psal 22 yet by coniectures I could not but suppose though not so certainly the tyme of suffering and probation to bee at hande For nowe is the power of darkenesse fullye come vppon this Realme moste iustlye for oure synnes and abusynge the lyghte lente vs of the Lorde to the settynge forthe of oure selues more then of Gods glorye that aswell we myghte bee broughte into the better knowledge of our euilles and so hartely repente which god graūt vs to do as also we might haue more feling sense of our swete sauiour Iesus Christ by the humbling and deiecting of vs therby to make vs as more desirous of him so him more sweete and pleasaunt vnto vs the which thing the good spirite of God woorke sensiblye in all our hartes for Gods holy names sake For thys cause I thoughte it my dutye being now where I haue some libertie to write the Lorde bee praysed and hearing of you as I heare to doe that which I should haue done if I had hearde nothing at all that is to desire you to be of good cheare and comfort in the Lorde although in the worlde you see cause rather to the contrarye and to go on forwardes in the waye of God wherinto you are entred considering that the same can not but so much more and more waxe streite to the outwarde man by howe much
losse of this life which in dede is neuer founde til it be so loste excepte the graine of wheate fal and be dead it remaineth fruitles You know how that he which was rapte into the third heauen did know what he wrote doth say that as the corne liueth not excepte it bee dead and cast into the earth so truly our bodyes And therefore the crosse should so litle feare vs that euen death it selfe shold altogether be desired of vs as the taylour which putteth of our ragges and arayeth vs with the royall robes of immortalitie incorruptiō and glory Great shame it should be for vs that al the whole creatures of God should desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie Rom. 8. we our selues to loth it as doubtles we do if for the crosse yea for death it self we with ioye swallow not vp all sorrow that myght let vs from followyng the Lordes calling and obeying the lords prouidence wherby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chaūce In consideratiō wherof righte deare Mother in that this prouidence stretcheth it self so vnto vs and for vs that euen the heares of our heads are numbred with GOD not one of them to fall to oure hurt surely we declare our selues very faint in faith yf we receiue not such comfort that we can willinglye offer oure selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him wyth this honour that he is euer wyll be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare chyldren Be therfore of good chere euen in the myddest of these miseries be thankefull to the Lorde and prepare your selfe for a further trial which if god send you as I hope so do you beleue that god therin will helpe and comfort you and make you able to beare whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauyng this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying god our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to me especially and to many others bothe in this tyme of trouble and alwaies heretofore Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Maystres VVylkinson THe Lorde of mercye in Christe his sonne our Sauiour and only comforter be with you all now and for euer Amen Although presētly I haue litle tyme by reason of this bringers short departing lesse occasiō of necessary mater to write vnto you yet in that it hath pleased god to offer me more liberty to write thē before I had as this reader can report I thought good to signifye vnto you the same with the acknowledging of the receipt of your tokens for the which I neither can nor wil go about to flatter you with thankes in that I know you loke for none at myne hands god beyng the cause and his word the ende wherfore you dyd so to him I know you woulde haue me thankefull and I beseche you praye that I may so bee and not onelye thankefull for my selfe and his benefites towardes me but also thankefull for you to whome God hath geuen to feare his name and loue his truth The which giftes farre passe the riches of the world for they shal perish and be left we know not vnto whō but these gifts of god as they last for euer so they make happy the possessours of the same Go to therfore and pray god to encrease them of hys goodnes as of his mercy he hath begūne thē in you in dede so he wyll For to whome he geueth the earnest of wyllyng to the same he will geue the grace of continuyng yf we reiect not the same as we do when we bee double harred ●4 Reg. 17. and parte our feare and loue as dyd the Samaritanes which feared god and their Adramelech loued gods religion and their olde countrey customes c. If this doublenes come on vs that we feare more the worlde and couple it wyth the feare of God yf we loue the mucke of this molde and couple it wyth the loue of Gods religion then parte we stake then marre we the markette then the spiryte of GOD wyll departe Act. 5. then playe we as Ananias and Saphyra dydde and so sooner or later shall fall to perdition wyth them But as I sayde I thynke no suche thynge of you I thynke of you as of Gods deare chyldren whose hartes are whole wyth the Lorde And therefore I wryte not thys as thoughe you were suche but because it is Gods goodnes you bee not suche because Sathan woulde haue you suche and because manye that were as you nowe bee are suche Therefore to make you as thankeful so carefull to continue but yet so that youre care bee caste all on the Lorde is the onelye cause I write thys and woulde wryte more but that the brynger can not carye And therfore hastely and abruptlye I make an ende besechynge almyghty GOD in our redemer Iesus Christ to bee wyth you and wyth hys holye spiryte comforte you all and helpe my good Syster Maistres W. to bee an happye and a good mother of the chylde of whiche as yet I heare God hathe not deliuered her By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare Brother in the Lorde Mayster Rychard Hopkyns and hys wyfe dwellyng in Couentrye and other my faythfull bretherne and Systers professours of gods holye Gospel there and theraboutes THe peace whiche Christe lefte to hys churche and to euerye true member of the same Iohn 14. Rom. 8 the holye spirite the guide of Gods chyldren so engrafte in youre harte and in the harte of youre good wyfe and of all my good bretherne and systers aboute you that vnfaynedlye ye maye in respecte thereof contempne all worldlye peace whyche is contrarye to that peace that I speake of and dryueth it vtterlye oute of the hartes of all those whiche woulde patche them both together For we cannot serue two maisters Math. 6 no man can serue GOD and mammon Christes peace cannot bee kepte with this worldes peace God therfore of hys mercy doe I beseche to geue vnto you his peace whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and so kepe your hartes and mynds phil 4. that they may be pure habitacles and mansions for the holye spirite yea for the blessed trinitie Iohn 14 who hathe promised to come and dwell in all them that loue Chryste and keepe hys sayenges My dearely beloued the tyme is nowe come wherein tryall is made of men that haue professed to loue Chryste and woulde haue beene counted kepers of hys testimonyes But weale awaye the tenthe person perseuereth not the more parte doe parte stakes wythe the papistes and protestantes so that they are become maungye Mongrelles to the infectynge of all that company wyth them and to theyr no smale peryll For they pretend outwardly popery The Mongrels excuse goyng to Masse with the papistes tarying with them personallye at theyr Antichristian and
in your trouble praye for pacience Iacob i. perseuer to the ende let pacience haue her perfecte worke If you wante this wisedome and power aske it of god who will geue it to you in his good time Hope still in him yea if he should slay you yet trust in him with Iob and you shal perceaue that the end wil be to find him merciful ful of cōpassion for he will not breake promyse with you which hetherto did neuer so with any He is with you in trouble he heareth you calling vpō him yea before you cal your desires are not only knowen but accepted through Christ If now and then he hide his face from you it is but to prouoke your appetite to make you the more to long for him Thys is most true he is a comming and will come he wil not bee long But if for a time he seme to tary yet stand you stil and you shall see the wonderfull workes of the Lorde Oh my beloued wherfore should you be heuie Is not Christ Emanuel god with vs shal you not finde that as he is true in saying in the world you shal haue trouble so is he in saying in me you shal haue cōfort He doth not sweare only that trouble wil come but withal he sweareth that cōfort shal ensue 1. Cor. 2 And what comfort such a comfort as the eye hath not sene the eare hath not heard nor the hart of man can conceaue Oh great comfort who shall haue this Forsoth they that suffer for the lord And are not you one of thē Yea verely are you Then as I saide happie happie and happie againe are you my dearly beloued in the Lord. You nowe suffer with the lord surely you shall be glorifyed with him Cal vpon God therfore now in your trouble and he wil heare you yea deliuer you in such sort as most shall make both to his your glory also And in this calling I hartely pray you to praye for me your fellowe in affliction Now we be both going in the high way to heauen for by many afflictions must we enter in thether whether god bring vs for his mercies sake Amē Amē Your fellowe in affliction Iohn Bradforde To my deare fathers D. Cranmer D. Ridley D. Latymer prysoners in Oxforde for the testimonye of the Lord Iesus and hys holy Gospell ALmightie god our heauenly father more and more kendle our hartes and affections with his loue that our greatest crosse may be to be absent frō him and straungers frō our home and that we may godly contende more and more to please him Amen As alwaies I haue had great cause to praise our dere father through christ so me thinkes I haue more more in seing more likely the end of my life which is due for my sinne to be through the exceding grace of Christ a testimonye of Gods truth Thus the lord dealeth not with euery body not the euery body hath not more deserued at gods hands thē I which haue deserued more vēgeance thē any other I know of my time and state but that by me I hope the Lorde will make the riches of his grace to his glory to be sene more excellente With me therfore I humbly besech you al my most deare fathers in God to geue thankes for me and as you doe still to pray for me that the Lord as for his loues sake in Christe he hath begonne his good worke in me euē so of and for the same his loues sake in Christ he would make it perfect and make me to continue to the ende as I hope he will for hys mercy truth endureth for euer As for your partes in that it is cōmonly thought your staffe standeth next to the dore ye haue the more cause to reioyce and be glad as they which shal come to your fellowes vnder the alter to the which societie god with you bring me also in his mercy whē it shall be his good pleasure I haue receaued many good things frō you my good Lorde Maister deare father N. Ridley fruites I meane of your godly labours Al which I sēd vnto you againe by this bringer one thing except which he cā tel I do kepe vpon your further pleasure to be knowē therin And here withall I send vnto you a little treatise whiche I haue made that you might peruse the same not only you but also ye my other most deare and reuerent fathers in the lord for euer to geue to it your approbatiō as ye may think good All the prisoners hereaboutes in maner haue sene it and red it and as therein they agree with me nay rather with the truth so they are ready and will be to signifie it as they shall see you geue them example The matter may be thought not so necessary as I seme to make it But yet if ye knew the great euill that is like hereafter to come to the posteritie by these men as partly this bringer can signifie vnto you surely then could ye not but be most willing to put hereto your helping handes The which thing that I might more occasion you to perceaue I haue sent you here a writing of Harry Hartes own hand Thys was the chefest mayntayner of mās frewil enemye to Gods free grace wherby ye may see how Christes glory grace is like to lose much light if that your shepe quondam be not something holpen by them whiche loue God and are hable to proue that all good is to bee attributed onely and wholye to Gods grace and mercy in Christ wtoute other respect of worthines thē Christes merites The effectes of saluatiō they so mingle confoūde with the cause that if it be not sene to more hurt wil come by thē then euer came by the papistes in as much as their life cōmendeth thē to the worlde more thē the papistes God is my witnes that I write not thys but because I wold gods glory and the good of hys people In freewyl they are playn papists yea Pelagiās Thys is well knowen to all those which haue had to do wyth them in disputations or otherwyse for the wrytyngs and authority of the learned they haue vtterly reiected despised ye know the modicū fermenti totā massam corrumpit They vtterly contemne all learning But hereof shall this brynger shewe your more As to the chiefe captaynes therfore of Christes church here I complayne of it vnto you as truelye I muste doe of you euen vnto GOD in the laste daye yf ye wyll not as ye can helpe somthyng vt veritas doctrinae maneat apud posteros in this behalf Vpon this occasion M● Rydley wrote a learned and godly treatise of gods election and predestination as ye haue done on the behalfe of matters expugned by the papistes God for hys mercye in Christ ●uide you my moste dearely beloued fathers wyth his holy spirite here and in all other thynges as most
take or pul vnto you trouble or that I wuld not haue you to vse such honest lauful meanes as ye may in the feare of god with good conscience to auoide the crosse and geue place to euil but that I wold haue you willing to put for t your hand to take it when god offreth it in such sort as with good conscience ye cānot escape Then take it kysse it thāke god for it for it is euē a very sacrament that god loueth you as he saith whom I loue thē do I chastice if ye be not pertakers of correctiō surely ye are no children but if he once chastice you if that ye kisse the rod verely he wil case the rod into the fyre colle you kisse you as the mother doth her child whē she perceiueth the child to take in good part the correction But why do I compare god your fathers loue to a mother in that it farre passeth it For saith he though it be possible that a natural mother should forget the child of her wōbe yet wil not I forget thee saith the lord our good god and father through Christ Though he seme angry towards euenyng yet in the morning we shal fynd him wel pleased if in Christe we come to him and cry Abba dere father helpe vs and as thou hast promised tempt vs not further then thou wylte make vs able to beare Therfore my dere hartes in the lord be of good comfort be of good comfort in the lord Confesse hym and hys truth and feare not prison losse of goodes or lyfe Feare rather that prison out of the which there is no deliuerance feare rather the losse of those goods which last for euer feare rather the losse of the life which is eternall wherunto ye are called the way by which god wyll bringe you to it in that ye certainly know not whether it wil be by prisō fyre halter c. whensoeuer these come as I said before let them not dismay you nor seme straunge to you For no smal number of gods chyldren are gone that way and we are a good cōpany here together which are ready to folow the same way through gods grace yf god so wyll I beseche you make you ready and goe with vs or rather be readye that when we come we may go wyth you The iorney is but short though it be vnpleasaunt to the fleshe Perchaunce yf we should die in our beddes on a corporal malady it would be much longer and also more painful at the least in gods syghte it cannot bee so precious and gayneful as I knowe thys kynde of death is whereto I exhorte you to prepare your selues myne owne deare hartes in the bowels and bloode of oure sauiour Iesus Christ to whose tuition grace gouernance and protection I hartely commend you all and besech you that ye woulde do the lyke vnto me in your harty prayers Out of the tower of London 1554. By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford An other letter wrytten to certayne godly persons to the same effecte GRatious god and most merciful father for Iesus Christes sake thy dearely beloued sonne graunt vs thy mercy grace wisedome and holy spirite to counsaile comforte and guide vs in all our cogitations words and workes to thy glory and our euerlastyng ioye and peace for euer Amen In my last letter ye myght perceyue my coniecturyng to be no lesse towardes you then now I haue partly learned But my derely beloued I haue learned none other thing then before I haue tolde you would come to passe if ye cast not away that whiche I am sure ye haue learned I doe appeale to bothe youre consciences whether herein I speake truth as wel of my tellyng though not so often as I might and shoulde god forgeue me as also of your learning Now God wil trye you to make others to learne by you that which ye haue learned by others The lady lasts her husbād were beheaded that day ▪ by them which suffred this day ye myght learne if already ye had not learned that lyfe and honour is not to be set by more then gods cōmaundement They in no poynte for all that euer their ghostly fathers could do hauing Doctor Death to take their part would consent of seme to consent to the popysh Masse and papistical God otherwise then in the daies of our late King they had receaued And this their faith they haue confessed with their deathes to their great glory and all our comfortes if we follow thē but to our confusion if we starte backe from the same Wherfore I besech you both to consider it aswel to prayse god for them as to go the same way with them if god so will Consider not the things of thys life which is a very prison to all gods childrē but the things of euerlasting life which is our very home But to the beholding of this geare ye must open the eyes of your minde of fayth I should haue sayd as Moses dyd whiche set more by trouble with Gods people then by the riches of Egipt Pharaos court Your house home and goods yea lyfe and al that euer ye haue god hath geuen you as loue tokens to admonishe you of his loue and to winne your loue to him agayne Now wil he try your loue whether ye set more by him then by his tokens or no. If ye for his tokens sake that is for your home house goods yea life wil go with the worlde least ye shoulde lose them then be assured your loue as he can not but espie it to be a strompettes loue so wil he caste it away with the world Remember that he which wil saue his life shal lose it if Christe bee true but he which aduentureth yea loseth his life for the gospels sake the same shall be sure to finde it eternally Do not ye both know that the waye to saluation is not the broade way which many runne in but the straite way which fewe now walke in Before persecution came men might partly haue stand in a dout by the outward state of the world with vs although by gods word it was plaine whether was the hygh waye for their was as many pretended the gospell as poperye but now the sonne is risen the wind bloweth so that the corne which hath not takē fast roote cānot nor wil not abide and therfore easlye ye may see the straite waye by the small number that passeth throught it Who will nowe aduenture their goods and lift for Christs sake which yet gaue his life for oursakes Math. 8. We now are Gergesites that would rather lose Christe then our porkets A faythfull wife is neuer tryed so to be but whē she reiecteth with standeth woers A faythful Christian is then found so to be whē his fayth is assaulted If we be not able I meane if we will not forsake thys world for gods glorye and
Rom. 8 The Angels are ministers vnto them Their names are writtē in the boke of lyfe therfore Christ bad them reioyce as Paul doth the Philippians for nothing shall seperate them from the loue wherwith god loueth them in Christ Iesu who sayeth that it is impossible for them to erre finally to damnation Mat. 24 Psalm 18. Iohn 6.10 Heb. 3. Iohn 5.6 Iohn 17 Heb. 5. Rom. 8 Ioh. 10. 1. Cor. 6 1. Cor. 1. 1. Ioh 4 Psalm 67. Ose 6. for he is their lyght to illumine their darkenes They are geuē to hym to kepe he is faythful ouer al gods children He saith he wil kepe them so that they shal neuer peryshe After they beleue they are entred already into euerlasting life Christe hath set thē there already he hath cōmitted them into his fathers hands by prayer which we know is sure therefore death hel deuils nor all power sinnes nor mischiefe shall neuer pull vs out of oure heades hands whose mēbers we are therfore receauing of hys spirite as we do we cannot but bring forth the fruites therof though now then the flesh fayle vs. But the Lord euen our Lord be praysed whiche is more strong in vs then he which is in the world He alwaies putteth vnder his hand that we lye not styll nor shal do as the reprobate whose pietie is as the mornyng dewe sone come sone gone and therfore they can not continue to the ende Cānot No they wil not if they could because they hate god hys glory and therfore al thē that seeke it or set it forth wheras the elect loue all men and seke to do al men good in God suspending their iudgements of others Rom. 14 that they may stand or fall to the Lord and not to them Hetherto out of this one place of Paule to the Ephesiās if the matter of election predestination be so fully set forth to gods glory and to the cōfort of hys church how may we suppose is this matter set forth in the whole body bookes of the canonicall scripture Whereto I had rather send you with this cādell lighte which I haue now geuē you then in a matter so manifest to make more a do then nedeth Iohn Bradforde To a woman that desyred to know hys mynde whether she refrayning from the Masse myght be present at the popyshe Mattyns or no. I Besech almightye God our heauenly father to bee merciful vnto vs to encrease in you my good sister the knowledge loue of his truth and at thys present geue me grace so to write to you somthyng of the same as may make to hys glory and our own comforte and confyrmation in hym through Christ our Lord Amen Whether you may come with safe cōscience to the church now that is to the seruice vsed comonly in part as at Mattins or at Euēsong or noe is your desire to haue me to write somthing for your further stay My derely beloued although your benefites towards me might perchaunce make you to thinke that in respect therof I would beare with that which els were not to be borne withal yet by gods grace I am purposed simply without al such respect in this matter to speak to you the truth accordinge to my conscience as I maye be able to stand vnto when I shall come before the Lorde Fyrste therefore goe aboute to learne perfectly the fyrst lesson to bee learned of all that professe Christe that is to denye your selfe and in nothing to seke your selfe Secondly learne after thys to begynne at the next lesson to it which is to seeke God in all thynges you doe and leaue vndone Thirdly know that then you seke God whē in hys seruice you followe his worde and not mans fantasies custome multitude c. and when with your brother you follow the rule of charitie that is to do as you would be done by In these is a sūme of al the counsell I can geue you if that hereto I admonyshe you of the seruice now vsed which is not accordyng to gods word but rather against gods word directly and in maner wholy So that you going to the seruice is a declaration that you haue not learned the fyrst lesson nor neuer can learne it so long as you go thether therfore the second lessō you shal vtterly lose if you cease not the seeking your self that is if for cōpanye custome father or frend life or goods you seme to allow that which god disalloweth And this that you the better maye perceaue I purpose by gods grace brieflye to shewe First the Mattens Euensong is in a toūg forbiddē publikely to be vsed in the cōgregatiō that perceaueth not the toung Read how Paul affirmeth it 1. Cor. 14. to pray in an vnknowē toung to be against gods cōmaūdement This one I trow were enough if nothīg els were For how cā gods glory be sought where his word cōmaūdemente is wilfullye brokē How cā charitie to mā stande when charitie to god which is obedience to his word is ouerthrowē Againe both in Mattins in Euensong is idolatrye maintained for gods seruice for there is inuocation and prayer made to Sainctes departed this life which robbeth god of that glory which he wil geue to none other Esay 5. Moreouer thys seruice the setters forth of it condempneth the Englysh seruice as heresie therby falling into Gods curse which is threatned to al such as cal good euil and euil good wherof they shal be pertakers that do cōmunicate with thē Besides this this latten seruice is a plaine marke of Antichrists catholike Sinagoge so that the Cōmunicātes approuers of it thereby declare thē selues to be mēbers of the same Sinagoge so cut of frō christ his church whose exteriour marke is the true administratiō of gods worde sacraments Furthermore the exāple of your going thither to allow the religiō of Antichrist as doubtles you do in dede howsoeuer in hart you thinke occasioneth the obstinate to be vtterly intractable the weake papistes to be more obstinate the stronge Gospellers to be sore weakened and the weake gospellers to be vtterly ouerthrowen whiche thinges howe greate offences they bee no penne is able to vtter by letters All these euilles you shall hee giltye of that companye wyth these in religion exteriourly from whom you are admonyshed to fly If Christ be Christ followe hym gather with hym least you scatter abroade Serue God not only in spirite but also in body Make not your body now a mēber of Christ a mēber of Antichrist Come out from amongest thē sayth the Lord touch no vncleane thing Confesse Christe and hys truth not onely in hart but also in toung yea in very deede which fewe gospellers do In dede they denye him therefore had nede to tremble least that Christ wil denie thē in the last day the which day if it were set before our eyes often then would the
was proude as the Pope and Prelates be or elles he woulde haue visited Paule Paule beinge in pryson in Rome dyd wryte diuerse Epistles in whiche he expresseth the names of manye whiche were in comparison of Peter but rascall personages but of Peter he speaketh neuer a woorde Surelye if Peter had beene there thys silence of hym had beene suspicious In the second Epistle to Timothye 2. Timo. 4. Paule complayneth that no man was with hym in his defence but all had left hym If Peter had beene then at Rome as they write then eyther Paule had belyed hym or Peter had played hys Peters parte Luke 23. In an other place howe doth he blame all that were with hym Phi. 2. only Timothy excepted Therfore we may well doubte whether Peter was at Rome Byshoppe as they prate for all thys tyme and longe before they saye that Peter was Byshoppe there But I will not styrre vppe coles in thys matter If Rome bee the chiefe Seate because Peter dyed there whye shoulde not Antioche bee the second Why shoulde not Iames and Iohn whiche were taken with Peter to bee as pillers Whye I saye shoulde not theyr Seates haue honour next to Peters Seate Is not thys geare prepostorous that Alexandria where Marke which was but one of the Disciples was Byshop should be preferred before Ephesus where Iohn the Euāgelist taught and was bishop and before Ierusalem where not only Iames taught and dyed bishop but also Christ Iesus our lord and high priest for euer By whom beyng Maister I hope honour shold be geuen to his chaire more then to the chayre of hys chaplaines I neede to speake nothing how that Paule telleth Peters Apostleship to concerne rather circumcision or the Iewes and therfore properly perteyneth not to vs. Neyther do I nede to bryng in Gregorius the sixt bishop of Rome which was about the yere of our Lord .600 Who plainly in his workes doth write that this title of Primacy to be head ouer al churches vnder Christ is a title mete and agreeing only to Antichrist and therfore he calleth it a prophane a myschieuous and an horrible tytle Who should we beleue now yf we wyll neyther beleue Apostle nor Pope If I should go about to tell how this name was first gotten by Phocas I should be to long I purpose god willyng to set it forth at large in a worke whiche I haue begun of Antichrist yf god for hys mercies sake geue me lyfe to finishe it For thys present therfore I shall desyre your Ladiship to take thys in good part If they will nedes haue the Bishop of Rome to bee acknowledged for the heade of the church then wyll I vrge them that they shall geue vs a bishop But they obtrude vnto vs a butcher rather or a biteshepe then a bishop They bragge of Peters succession of Christes Vycar this is alwayes in theyr mouth But alas how can we call hym Christes Vicar that resisteth Christe oppugneth hys veritye persecuteth hys people and lyke a Prelate preferreth hymselfe aboue God and man Howe or wherin dothe the Pope and Christ agree Howe supplyeth he Peters ministery that boasteth of hys succession Therfore to beginne withal which I wyl vse presently for a conclusion yf the papistes wyll haue the bishop of Rome Supreme head of the church of Christ in earthe they must afore they attaine this geue vs a bishop in dede and not in name For whosoeuer he be that wyl make this the bonde of vnitye what soeuer the bishop of Rome be surelye thys muste nedes follow that they do nothyng els but teache a moste wycked defection and departyng from Christ But of thys if God lende me lyfe I purpose to speake more at large hereafter Nowe wyll I betake your Ladyship vnto the tuition of god our father and Christ our only head pastour keper to whome see that you cleane by true fayth whiche dependeth only vpon the worde of god which if you do follow as a lanterne to your feete and a light to your steppes you shall then auoyde darkenes and the daungerous depts wherinto the Papists are fallē by the iust iudgemēt of god and seke to bryng vs into the same dungeon wyth thē that the blynde followyng the blynd they both may fal into the dysche out of the which god deliuer them accordyng to hys good wyl preserue vs for hys names sake that we beyng in his lyght may continue therin and walke in it whilest it is daye so shall the nyght neuer oppresse vs we going trō lyght to lyght from vertue to vertue from fayth to faythe from glory to glory by the gouernaunce of gods good spirite whiche God our father geue vnto vs all for euer and euer Amen From the kynges Benche Your brother in bondes for the testimonye of Iesus Christ Iohn Bradforde To myne owne good brother Mayster Iohn Phylpot prysoner in the Kynges Benche MY dere brother God our father be praysed for the good he dothe worke in you and by you Euen nowe I haue receyued your louyng letters wherein I see cause to blesse God for the wisdome loue and efficacy he hathe and doth worke in you and by you Go on for gods sake to seke vnitie in christ If any wyl go to worke dissemblingly refuse it not either shal it encrease hys dampnation or occasion hym the soner to conuersion Iudas dissembling turned to the hurt of him selfe onely If once we come into an vnitye and loue then shall we not respecte one an other neyther take thynges in to the wourse part Nothyng hyndreth them more then for that nowe they heare all that euer we speake Cum preiudicio He meaneth here certayne freewyl men Where if an vnitye bee had this preiudicium wyll bee taken away and so then shal they see the truth the soner Therfore myne owne dearest brother go on bring it to a good ende God our father be wyth thee for euer Amen Praye my good brother and desyre myne owne fellowe and beloued brother I. Careles to doe the lyke I shall praye for you bothe in my prayers wyth others and wyth my selfe alonely as for my moste deare brother vpon earth I wyll not forget by gods grace to wryte in the behalf of our brethern in necessitie Iesus Christ our swete Sauiour be wyth vs all Emanuell for euer Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To my frendes and brethren in the Lorde R. Cole and N. Sheterden I Wish to you my good bretherne the same grace of God in Christ which I wysh and pray the father of mercies to geue to me for hys holye names sake Amen Your letter though I haue not redde my self because I would not alienate my mynd from conceiued things to wryte to others yet I haue heard the summe of it that it is of gods election where in I wyll briefly write to you my faith how I thinke it good mete for a christiā man to wade in it
10. Heb. 6.10 Mar. 8. Luke i1 that they returne not to their vomyte stumblyng on those synnes from the which there is no recouery causing thee to deny thē before thy father making their later end worse thē the beginning as it chaūced to Lothes wife Iudas Iscariot Fraūces Spira and to many others But rather strengthen them and vs all in thy grace and in those thynges which thy worde teacheth that we may here hazarde our lyfe for thy sake and so shal we be sure to saue it as yf we seke to saue it Math. 6 we cannot but loose it and that beyng lost what profyte can we haue yf we wynne the whole worlde Oh set thou alwayes before our eyes not as reason doth thys lyfe the pleasure of the same death of the body and prysonment c but euerlastyng lyfe and those vnspeakable ioyes which vndoubtedlye they shall haue which take vp the crosse and follow thee and eternal hell fire and destruction of soule and bodye for euermore which they must nedes at lēgth fal into the which are afrayde for the hoare froste of aduersitye that man or the Deuil styrreth vppe to stoppe or hynder vs for goyng forward our iourney to heauens blisse to the which do thou bryng vs for thy names sake Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare frende and brother in the Lorde Maister George Eaton ALmightye God our deare father geue to you dailye more and more the knowledge of hys truth and a loue and lyfe to the same for euer in all thynges throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen I shoulde begynne with thankes geuyng to god and to you as hys steward for the great benefites I haue oftentymes receyued from you and speciallye in this tyme of of my most nede farre aboue my expectatiō but because thankfulnes lyeth not in wordes or letters and because you loke not to heare of your wel doyng of man I am purposed to passe it ouer wyth sylence and to geue my selfe presentlye to that whiche is more profitable vnto you that is as god shall lend me hys grace briefly to labour or at least to shew my good wyl to helpe you in gods gifte to me as you by your doyng the lyke in gods gyfte vnto you haue as alreadye done so occasioned me greatly hereto I woulde gladlye haue done it heretofore but I haue bene discouraged to write vnto you leaste hurte thereby mighte come vnto you which is the only cause I haue not hetherto writted nor now would not haue done but that I stand in adout whether euer herafter I shal haue liberty to write vnto you And therfore whilest I somthing may I thought good to doe thus much to declare vnto you howe that as I thynke my selfe muche bounde to God for you so I desyre to gratifye the same as God should enable me The dayes are come and more and more do approch in the whych tryal wyl be of such as haue vnfainedly redde and hearde the gospel for all others wyll abyde no tryall but as the worlde wyll But of you because I haue better hope I cannot but as pray to god in hym to confyrme you so to beseche you of the same I knowe it will be a daungerous thinge in deede to declare that whiche in woorde you haue confessed and in harte haue beleued speciallye concernyng the papisticall Masse but notwithstandyng we must not for daungers departe from the truth excepte we wyll depart from God For in as muche as GOD is the truth and the truth is God he that departeth from the one departeth from the other Nowe what a thyng it is to departe from God I nede not to tell you because you know it is no lesse then a departyng from all that good is and not onely so but also a coupling of your selfe to all that euill is for there is no meane eyther we departe from god and sticke to the deuill or departe from the deuyll and sticke to God Some men there be whiche for feare of daunger and lo●le of that they must leaue when where and to whom they knowe not doe deceaue them selues after the iuste iudgement of God to beleue the deuill because they haue no luste to beleue God in harkenyng to Sathans counsaile of partynge stake with God as to be persuaded that it is not euyll or elles no great euill inwardlye in harte to conceale the truth and outwardly in facte to betraye it And therefore thoughe they know the Masse to be abhomination yet they make it but a strawe in going to it as the world doth in whiche thynge the Lorde knoweth they deceaue them selues to dampnation dreame they as they luste For surely the bodye departyng from the veritye and so from god wil drawe and drowne in dampnation the soule also For we shall receaue accordyng to that we doe in the body good or badde And therefore the matter is more to bee considered then men make of it the more it is to bee lamented But I trust my ryghte dearely beloued you wyll consider thys with your self and call your conscience to accompt as gods word maketh the charge Beware of false Auditours which makyng a false charge can get no quietnesse of the conscience after gods woorde Therefore caste your charge and there shall you see that no beliefe of the harte iustifyeth whiche hath not confession of the mouth to declare the same No man can serue .ii. Maisters He that gathereth not with Christ as no masse seer vnreprouyng it doth scattereth abroade Gods chosen are such as not only haue good hartes but also kisse not their hands nor bowe their knee to Baal Christes Disciples are none but such as deny thēselues take vp their crosse folow him He that is ashamed of Christ his truth in thys generation must loke that Christ wil be ashamed of him in the day of iudgement He that denyeth Christ before men shal be denyed before God Now two kindes of denial there be yea three kindes one in hart an other in worde the thirde in deede In the which kindes al masse gospellers be so bitten that all the Surgeons in the world can laye no healing playster therto till repentaunce appeare and drawe out the matte● of vsing the euill and resorting to the Masse For pure should we be frō all spottes not onely of the flesh but also of the spirite And our dutye is to departe not only from euill that is from the Masse But also from the appearaunce of euil that is from cōming at it Woe vnto thē that geue offence to the children of God that is which occasion by any meanes any to tarye in the church at Masse time much more then they which occasiō any to come therto most of all they which enforce any therto Assuredly a most heuie vengeaunce of go● hangeth vpon such Suche as decline to their crokednes God wil lead on with wicked workers whose portion shal be snares Psa 11. fyre
haue good cause If your welfare ioy and saluation hanged vpon any other thyng then only gods mercy and truth then might you wel be sad heauy and stand in a doubte But in that it hangeth only vpon these two tell Satan he lyeth when he would haue you to stand in a māmeryng by causyng you to cast your eyes which only in thys case should be set on Christ your sweete sauiour on your selfe in some parte In dede looke on your selfe on your fayth on your loue obediēce c. to awake you vp from securitie to styrre you vp to diligence in doyng the things apperteyning to your vocatiō but when you would be at peace wyth god and haue true consolation in your cōscience altogether loke vpon the goodnes of god in Christ Thynke on this commaundement which precedeth all others that you must haue no other gods but the Lorde Iehouah which is your Lord and god the which he could not be if that he dyd not pardon your synnes in very dede Remember that Christe commaundeth you to call hym father for the same entente And hereto call to mynde all the benefites of god hetherto shewed vpon you and so shal you fele in very dede that which I wyshe vnto you now and praye you to wyshe vnto me farewell or welfare in the Lord Iesus wyth whome he graunte vs shortlye to meete as hys chyldren for hys name and mercyes sake to oure eternall welfare Amen Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Mystres A.VV. ALmighty god our heauenly father for hys christes sake encrease in vs fayth by which we may more and more see what glory and honour is reposed and safely kept in heauen for all them that beleue wyth the hart and confesse Christe and hys truthe wyth the mouthe Amen My derely beloued I remember that once heretofore I wrote vnto you a Vale or a farewell vpon coniecture but now I wryte my farewell to you in thys lyfe in dede vpon certaine knowledge My staffe standeth at the dore I continually looke for the Shiriffe to come for me and I thank God I am ready for hym Now go I to practise that which I haue preached Now am I climing vp the hil it wil cause me to puffe and blow before I come to the cliffe The hill is stepe and high my breath is short and my strength is feble pray therfore to the lord for me that as I haue now through hys goodnes euen almost come to the toppe I may by hys grace be strengthned not to rest til I come where I should be Oh louing Lord put out thy hande and drawe me vnto thee for no man cōmeth but he whome the father draweth Se my derely beloued gods louing mercy he knoweth my short breath and great weakenes As he sent for Helias a f●ry chariote so sendeth he for me for by fyre my drosse muste be purifyed that I may be fine gold in hys syghte Oh vnthankefull wretche that I am Lorde do thou forgeue me myne vnthankfulnes In dede I confesse ryghte deare to me in the lord that my synnes haue deserued hell fyre much more then thys fyer But loe so louyng is my Lorde that he conuerteth the remedye for my synnes the punishmente for my transgressions into a testimoniall of hys truth and a testification of hys verity which the Prelates doe persecute in me and not my synnes therfore they persecute not me but Christ in me which I doubte not wyl take my part vnto the very ende Amen Oh that I had so open an harte as coulde so receiue as I should do this great benefite and vnspeakable dignitye which God my father offreth to me Now pray for me my derely beloued pray for me that I neuer shrinke I shal neuer shrynke I hope I trust in the Lorde I shal neuer shrinke for he that alwayes hath taken my parte I am assured wil not leaue me when I haue most nede for hys truth merties sake Oh Lord helpe me into thy handes I commende me wholy In the Lorde is my my truste I care not what man can do vnto me Amen My derely beloued say you Amen also and come after if so god call you Be not ashamed of the gospell of Christ but kepe company wyth hym stil He wyll neuer leaue you but in the myddest of temptation wil geue you an outscape to make you able to beare the brunte Vse harty prayer reuerently reade and heare gods worde put it in practise looke forthe crosse lift vp your heades for your redēption draweth nigh know that the death of gods saintes is precious in hys syght be mery in the Lorde pray for the mitigation of gods heauy displeasure vpon our countrey God kepe vs for euer God blesse vs wyth his spirituall blessynges in Christ And thus I bydde you farewell for euer in thys present lyfe Pray for me praye for me for gods sake pray for me God make perfecte hys good worke begonne in me Amen Out of prison this 7. of February Yours in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne godlye men relieuers and helpers of hym and others in theyr imprisonmente THe peace of Christ which passeth all pleasure and worldly felicity be daily more and more felte in your hartes my right derely beloued in the Lord by the inwarde workyng of the holy spirite the earnest of our inheritaunce and guider of gods electe wyth the whyche god our dere father more more endue vs al vnto the ende for hys beloued sonnes sake our lord Iesus Christ Amen Praysed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ which is a father of mercy a god of al consolation that hath blessed you with the knowlege loue of his truth not only to your own cōfortes but also the great ease cōfort of many which without the helpe of god by you hetherto had bene in much more misery By your releuing the lordes prisoners I am brought to see the rote wherof the worke doth spring euen the knowlege loue of gods truth wherfore we are in hādes The which knowledge loue in that it is a blessyng of all blessings the greatest for it is euen eternal life Ioh. 17 I cānot but praise god for you on this behalfe that it hath pleased hym to much you worthy so excellēt singuler a benefit which is more to be estemed desired cared for thē any thyng els The world for al that euer it hath cānot attayne by any meanes to this blessing which God our father hath geuē you freely of his own good wil through christ euē before ye were purposed to desire it Therfore I besech you al to be thankful with me to reioyce in the lord For if he haue geuē vs such a gift vnasked vndesired yea vnthought vpō how can it be the he wil deny vs any good thing now which may be necessary for vs Wil he trow ye sowe his sede in the ground of your hartes
Iude. 1. as Peter Paul Iude prophecyed it shold be to poison kil our soules wyth false doctrine And where he fayleth hys purpose that way then moueth he hys members to persecute the sely carcases of the Saints because they wyl not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuyng Christ confesse a dead bready christ and honour the same as Christ god man Exod 20. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Corin. 10 contrary to gods cōmaundements Thys is the working of Sathā who knowing hys own iust dāpnation would al mankynd to be pertakers wyth him of the same such a mortal hatred beareth he agaynst god his people Matth. 4. And therfore when thys wicked tempter could not kyll Christ with suttel temtation to fal down worship him thē he stirred vp hys seruantes the byshops Pharisees to kil hys body wherby notwithstanding the deuyl lost hys title enterest which he had to mans soule and mā by his precious passion and death was raunsomed frō the deuil death hel to immortalitie lyfe euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in kylling of Christ he lost all and so shall he do in vs if we abyde constant and strong in the fayth of our lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ vnto the end God graunt it for his mercyes sake in Christ blessed are al they that put their trust in hym Amen Wherfore my hartely beloued brethrē sisters be of good cōfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is strōger thē he that is in the world Therfore draw ye nere to god Iames. 2 he wil draw nere to you Resist the deuil he wil as Iames saith flee frō you Beware of the leuē of the Pharisees Math. 16. Touch not pitche least ye be defiled therewith Eate no swynes fleshe for it is against the lawe I meane defyle not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with thys false wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitch Apo. 13.14 Apo. 18 2. Cor. 6. swynes flesh Beware of the beastes marke lest ye drinke of the cup of gods wrath If god haue geuē you knowlege fayth dissēble not therwith Deny not the knowen verity before men lest Christ denie you before hys father Come away frō Babilon as Iohn biddeth you touch no vncleane thing but seperate your selues from the companye of the vngodly as Paul commaundeth you What soeuer ye haue done amysse heretofore now repent and amend psal 129. for with the lord there is mercye and plenteous redemption The third thing note which I gather out of the foresayd words of Peter is this that he sayth reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christs passiōs Our sufferings my welbeloued are christs sufferings and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he rekoneth it to be done to himself as he said to Paul Act. 9. Saule Saule why persecutest thou me Col. 1. Therfore we ought to reioyce in our sufferings as Paul writeth which we suffer with Christ one with an other as Peter sayth so to fulfyll that which is behinde of the passions of Christ in our flesh which Christ hath by hys passion fully redemed saued vs in hys own person howbeit hys elect must suffer with him for him vnto the worldes end Mat. 5. that he may be glorifyed in thē and they therby corrected clensed frō sinne in thys world be made more mete temples for the holy ghost and also obtain a great reward in heauē for their suffering for righteousnes sake according to his promise And therfore I say my brethrē reioyce in the lord alwayes agayne I say reioice Let vs reioyce in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ Phil 3. Galat. 6. wherby the word is crucifyed to vs we to it And why shoulde we so greatly reioyce in the crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because saith Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words aboue writē Wherin is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this world but at his coming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayn and then shall they that haue sowen in teares reape in ioy as christ sayth blessed are they that wepe here for they shal laughe Blessed are ye when mē hate you thrust you out of their company rayling on you abhorring your name as an euel thīge for the sonne of mās sake Luke 6 reioyce ye in that day and be glad for your rewarde is great in heauen Wherfore my dearly beloued through hope of thys heauenly ioye reward 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 12 which he that cā not lie hath promised which ioy is so great that no eare hath heard no eie hath sene nor the hart cā thinke where we shal dwel for euer in the heauenly citie the celestiall Ierusalē in the presence of God the father Iesus Christ our mediatour as Paul sayeth and in the cōpany of innumerable Angels and with the spirits soules of al faythful iust men reioyce be glad seīg ye be called to so great glory 2 pet i. see that ye make your election vocation sure by good workes specially by suffering aduersitie for the Gospels sake Phil. 1. for it is geuen vs of god saith Paul not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer pray for me that I may end my course with ioye Haue brotherly loue amongest your selues Iohn 14 which is a tokē that ye be Christs distiples Edifie cōfort one an other in the word of the lord the god of peace loue be with you alwaies Amē For your liberalitie kindnesse shewed vpō the prisoners afflicted people of god in this time of persecutiō the lord wil reward you whē he cometh to reward euery mā according to their dedes and wil not leaue a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you rich in al grace Matth. 10. 2. Cor. 8. that ye alwayes hauing sufficient may be ryche vnto al manner of good workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother nowe in bondes for the gospell Thomas Whittell To my louyng and faythfull brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kynges Benche THe same faith for the which Abrahā was accompted iuste and Mary blessed wherby also al iust men liue the lorde god our louing father encrease and stablyshe in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and swete Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I cā not worthely sufficiently prayse god my hartely be loued brother for the consolation ioye that I receaued by reasō of your louing letters repēting me much that
euē so are you you haue so surely knitte me to you with that bond of vnfayned loue whereby you are lyncked to the chyldren of God Oh blessed bonde of perfection and true badge of Christes Dysciples Oh true and vnfayned loue wroughte by hys spyrite in the hartes of all hys elect This is to vs a true sygne and sure seale that we are the verye children of GOD. Thys loue is that flower that neuer shall fade but floryshe daylye more and more and bee made perfect in that place where fayth and hope shall haue no offyce 1. Cor. 13. but possesse for euer that which they haue here long loked for wyth patience My deare hart be of good cheare for though our bodyes be here seperated a sūder for a litle time yet shal the lord bring vs together againe ere it be long into a place of great ioy where we shal dwel for euer Yea god cā wyll if he see it good for vs bring vs together agayn in this lyfe that we maye haue a mery meting further occasion to prayse hys holy name He can worke wonders when hym self listeth Psa 91. Oh what it is to dwell vnder the defence of the most highest and to sit vnder the shadow of the almighty The buggysh Byshops can not make such a one a feard because they can not take awaye one heare from our head vntil god geue them leaue which I am sure he wil not doe vntyl such time as he shall see it moste to hys glorye and the profytte of hys sainctes and when that time is once come who wyll desire to tarie here any longer Thus deare sister I haue scribled a fewe lines to you in haste I will not say that it shal be my last farewell although it be very like in this life Cōmend me to my good brethren M. Heath Robert Cole Iohn Lydley c. I would be glad to see them take my leaue of them if they may do it without daunger as I thinke they may but in no wise let them not daunger thēselues for that matter sure I am we shall all haue a most ioyfull meting shortly God strengthen you al in his truth and make you instrumentes of hys glory to defend the gospell of his grace against al sortes of enemyes therof Amongest whō me thinkes I do foresee deare sister the great plague that these frewill men shall poure vpon the poore afflicted Church of God for withoute all doubt the Dragon wil make the riuer of reproch Apo. 12 which you now sustaine for the verities sake a great floud or euer it be longe but in the end they shall drinke it vp all them selues as they now do that which they spued forth against our blessed brethren Bradford and Philpot. And yet the veritie doth floryshe and shall spyte of the Pye which greueth Sathan at the hart therfore he bestirreth him like a wode Liō knowing that his time is short The lord deliuer vs frō these poysoned tonges Verely I can not tell whether I maye more lament my long tarying amonges these Ismalites so geuen to malice or the leauing of you and other my deare louers in the Lord amonges them The Lord be mercifull vnto his elect and shorten these sorowful daies for their sakes as he hath sayd he will Farewel mine owne deare hart farewell in the Lord Iesus christ who poure his holy sprite plenteously vpon you that by the mighty operation of the same you may daily more more effectuously feele the sure certaintye of your eternall saluatiō in Iesus Christ that you may euer be able to comfort other with the same cōfortes wherwyth you are comforted in him To whose most mercifull defence I do hartely cōmit you now euer more Amen The blessing of God be with you all now and euer Amen Your own poore brother Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lorde abyding his good pleasure To my good Sister M. C. THe peace of god in Iesus Christe the eternall comfortes of his sweete spirite be with you my deare and fatithfull sister to the full accomplyshment of that good worke whiche he hath most graciously begōne in you that the same may be effectuall to the settyng forth of hys glorye and to your euerlastynge consolation in hym Amen My louing and faythfull syster in the Lorde I thanke you for all your louing kindnes shewed vnto me but specially for your godly remembrance of me in your feruent and faythfull prayers and for your most godly and comfortable letter wherby you do not only much encrease my ioye and comfort but also put me in remēbrance of my duty towards you Blessed be the Lord our God which of hys great mercy hath so beautifyed hys church in these our dayes that euen vnto many godly women he hath geuē most excellent giftes of knowledge and vnderstanding of hys truth so that they are not only wel able to enforme their own consciences in al things necessary to saluation but also most swetely to cōfort their sorowful brethrē sisters that sustaine any trouble for the testimony of gods truth yea that which is more euen in the middes of their greate confllictes of conscience Of which most happye nūber of godly vertuous women my deare hart you are one that of the chiefest being plentifully endewed with the giftes of gods most gracious spirit as it doth ful well appeare in your dayly doinges God only haue the prayse therfore For as much then as God hath geuen you the gifte to write I shall most hartely desyre you to let me heare frō you somtymes be it neuer so litle for truly I take great comfort courage therby specially in my poore conscience which is sore assaulted of subtyll Sathan in a maner oppressed of my synnes Pray deare syster that god may geue me true harty and earnest repentance and increase my fayth for they are both the good giftes of God only farre passe the reache of my power to take at my plearsure Therfore deare syster if you wil helpe me to begge the same of oure deare louing father I am sure that he both can will geue them me in his good time And as for the feare of death or terrour of the fyer I most hartely thanke my good God I feele it not only it is myne own sinnes and vnthankfulnes which holdeth hard battel wageth strong warre againste me which only goeth about to seperate me frō my good captayne Christ that I should not enioye hys glorious victorye but God being on my side as I am sure he is that can not continually preuaile agaynst me Though God for a time permitte Sathā to take his pleasure on me as he did vp on Iob yet I doubt not but in the end all shall turne to my profite through the merites of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whose most merciful defence I commit you deare sister with all the rest of the Lordes electe
loueth father mother wife or children Math. 10. goods or landes or yet his owne life more then me saith he is not worthy of me And S. Paul affirmeth to you plainly 2. Timo. 3. that al without exception that will liue Godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecutiō And in an other place he saith Phil. ● to you it is geuen not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Now tell me I pray you whether these textes of Scripture do not proue that all suche as will not gladlye suffer with Christe doe neither loue him nor serue hym nor yet be any of his Disciples Say what you will and thinke what you liste yet shall you finde this full true that all suche as will not suffer with Christ here shall not reigne with him elsewhere neither is it meete that they shoulde But now me thinketh I heare some of you saye to me why Syr we do suffer with Christ as it becommeth Christians in helpyng you to beare the crosse with our liberal relief If we had loued oure goods more thē we do Christe as you seeme to laye to oure charge then woulde we not haue bestowed so muche of them vppon you and other as we haue done yea and daungered our selues to brynge it to you c. In deede deare frendes in thys poynte I muste needes confesse that you haue done youre dewtye towardes vs the Lorde GOD graunte you to doe the reast belonging to him aswell for verelye thys is not all that GOD dothe at this time requyre of you as all those good men and women can tel that haue as largelye sowed the frutes of faith amongst vs as any of you haue done and yet neuer came at any of Antichristes seruice God will not be answered with a piece of your goodes sith you haue promised to forsake all for his loue You must not play the part that Ananias and Saphira his wife dyd Act. 5. for the holy ghoste will not suffer himselfe to be dissembled withall therfore be warned by that example Also God doth not thinke it sufficient that you do forsake all your goodes and landes but doth loke that you should suffer in your owne persons also for his sake yea the very losse of your lifes if he so permitte And but reason sith Christ did not onely geue vs the giftes of his grace and all other good thynges that we doe here possesse but also his very lyfe yea that whē we were his verye enemies He gaue vs that frely which was his own and shall we thinke scorne to render vnto him againe that which is his and but for a tyme lent vs specially seing that we shal receiue the same in a far more glorious wise Leaue it we shall shortly wil we nil we and God he knoweth in what horrour feare or trembling And were we not better then to wishe the same taken from vs by suche meanes as myghte not onely make moste to the settyng forthe of gods glory and the cōmoditie of his church but also to our own euerlasting ioy comfort being certified by the same that we be the true seruantes or rather the chosen childrē of god whose death is ryght dere precious in his sight Ah why do we not with the Apostles desire to be reputed worthye to suffer for Christs sake seing the same is the greatest dignity highest promotion that god can bring vs vnto in this lyfe yea and an honour that the hyghest Angel in heauen is not permitted to haue Oh lord that the crosse whiche is nowe come amongest vs for the trial of our faith should seeme a straūge thing vnto vs that professe the name and gospel of Christ wheras in very dede we should be most familyarlye acquainted therwith as with our inseparable companion in this lyfe Loke vpon all the holy patriarkes prophetes before the comming of Christ looke vppon al the apostels Martyrs Virgines and confessours since the comming of Christ and tel me if any one of them all dyd not cōtinually cary the crosse as long as they liued and al in a maner in the ende died for gods sake yea moste chiefly of al looke vpon Iesus Christ himselfe the very dere and only sonne of god and tell me if all hys lyfe and deathe was not full of moste painfull and bitter crosses and will you loke to be hys disciples yet thynke scorne to beare your crosse wyth hym Disdaine you to drinke of that same cup that your lord and maister hath done before you Wil you loke to enter into the kingdom of god otherwise thē all other haue done that are gone before you I pray you shew me your priuiledge tell me where you haue this prerogatiue aboue the rest of your bretherne yea aboue the sonne of god himselfe concernyng hys humanitie My deare frendes and faithfull louers of London bee not deceyued with selfe loue and your owne fleshlye imagination for at one word this is true euen as God in heauen is most true that if you do not forthwyth euen oute of hande flie from that filthy whore of Babilon and all her abhominable Idolatry and superstition you shal surely perishe wyth her in the plagues that god shal shortly poure vpon her And furthermore I say that if you wyll not here willingly suffer with Christ for the testimony of his euerlasting truth you shall suffer with the world here for your own wickednes and then shall you not raigne wyth Christe in glory at his gracious commyng vnto the whiche I hope now it be not very long For thys is the firme decree and purpose of the immutable God reueled in hys euerlasting worde that al they which will liue godlye in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution 2. Timo. 3. and that euerye one of his elected sonnes shal be scourged proued tried as gold in the furnace or fire And these wordes of Christ shall continue for euer and be most effectuously fulfilled that whosoeuer shal be ashamed of hym Marke 8. or of his word amongest this sinful and adulterous generation of hym wil the sonne of man bee ashamed before his father and hys aungels and he that goeth about by such wycked meanes to saue his life shal surely lose it for euermore Therfore deare hartes loke to your selues in time and cōsider your callyng Lay away al vayne excuses for verely they wil not serue for your discharge when he shal come that will rewarde euery man after the workes of their bodies but he will require of you in thys pointe all that he hath cōmaunded you as he afore hand hath told you bothe plainly and often enough God geue you grace to take it as a warning And if you fele your selues to weake to confesse gods truthe before the tyrannes then for your refuge the Lord hath geuen you leaue to flye from place to place and that is the vttermost that he will permitte you to do which doing yet
is a good confession of Christ and his verity before the wycked world Oh that you would follow the good example of a great nūber of your godly neighbours which are graciously escaped the snares of Satā are nowe where they serue the Lord with a safe conscience and enioy the right and free vse of hys worde and sacramentes followe them for the lordes sake get you hastely out of Sodom for surely the lorde is vtterlye minded to destroy it Lynger not as Lothe did if you loue your owne liues lest you find not altogether so much mercy at the lordes hands as he did for verely you haue tempted him to farre alredy haue to much despised his long sufferyng leuitie and gentlenes whiche ought to leade you to earnest and hartye repentaunce He hath mercifully forborne you these ij yeres past and more if he fynd no fruite in you shortly make reckening to be pulled vp by the rotes euery mothers sonne of you for the axe is alredy laid at the rote of Englād as it was by the Romains at the roote of the Iewes when Iohn Baptiste began hys preachyng I pray god that we fele not the sharpe stroke of it as they did Pray pray pray and repent in time conuerte to the lord that he may heale your backslidings before your woundes be vncurable I could here say much more but time wil not suffer me I trust this shal be sufficient to al such as haue any sparke of faythe loue or true feare of God As for the rest they are as a point with themselues whatsoeuer any man either write or say thei wil surely dissēble one way or other to saue their pigges yea thoughe they doe but put their names in the Popes bookes Wel yet saye not an other daye but that ye were warned and though it were but by a poore symple man yet it was by him that wisheth wealthe to all youre soules one that in this pointe hath told you the truth and he trusteth shortly you shal see him seale the same wyth his blood through the helpe of the good prayers of all you that truly repēt and mind vnfainedly to turne the lord in time As for the rest I wil pray for them but let them kepe their owne praiers to themselues in goddes name for I wil bee no pertaker wyth them sith I know the same is turned vnto sinne Thus with most harty thankes for all your benefites and manifolde kindnes shewed vnto me my poore brethren beseching god to recompence the same seuen folde into all your bosomes as I doubt not but he wil according to his vnfallible promises I do hartely cōmit you al vnto gods most merciful defēce who euer haue you al in his blessed kepyng Amen The blessyng of God be with you al Amen Your poore daily and most bounden Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lorde in the kinges Bench at all tymes abiding gods moste mercifull will and pleasure Pray for me for gods sake as I will neuer forget you by gods grace To hys VVyfe AS by the great mercye of God at the tyme of hys good wyl and prouidence appointed my dearely beloued wife you and I were ioyned together in the holy and christian state of godly matrimony as well to our great ioye and comfort in Christe as also to the encrease of his blessed churche and faithfull congregation by hauyng lawful children by and in the same with the which God of his mercy hath blessed vs praised be his name therfore euen so now by his merciful wil and deuine ordinaunce the tyme is come so farre as I can perceiue wherin he wyl for his glory and our eternal comfort dissolue the same and separate vs asunder agayne for a tyme. Wherfore I thought it good yea and my bounden duetye by this simple letter to prouoke stirre and admonish you to behaue your self in all your doinges sayinges and thoughtes most thankfully vnto our good God for the same And therefore my deare wyfe as you haue hartely reioyced in the lord oftētimes geuen god thankes for his goodnes in bringing vs together in his holy ordinaunce euen so now I desire you whē thys tyme of our separation shal come to reioyce with me in the lord and to geue him most harty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endles commoditie separated vs agayne for a little time and hathe mercifullye taken me vnto him selfe forth of this miserable world into his celestial kingdom beleuing and hoping also assuredly that God of his goodnes for his sonne Christes sake will shortly bryng you youre dere child●rne thether to me that we may most ioyfully together sing praises vnto his glorious name for euer And yet once again I desire you for the loue of god as euer you loued me to reioyce with me and to geue GOD continuall thankes for doing his most mercifull wil vpon me I heare saye that you doe oftentimes vse to repete this godlye sayinge the Lordes will be fulfilled Doubtles it reioiceth my pore hart to heare that report of you and for the Lordes sake vse that godly praier continually teach your children and family to say the same day and nighte and not onely to say it wyth your tonges but also with your hart mind ioyfully to submit your wil to gods wil in very dede knowing and beleuing assuredly that nothing shal come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be his almyghty fatherly good will pleasure for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be moste true and certaine Christ testifieth in his holy gospell saying are not .ij. Math. 10. little sparrowes sold for a farthing and yet not one of them shal perish without the wil of your heauenly father And he concludeth saying feare not ye therfore for ye are better thē many sparowes As though he should haue said if god haue such a respecte and care for a poore sparrow whiche is not worth one farthing that it shal not be takē in the lime twig nette or pitfall vntil it be his good wyll and pleasure you may be wel assured that not one of you whom he so derely loueth that he hath geuen his only dere sonne for you shal perish or depart forth of this miserable life without his almighty good will and pleasure Therfore deare wyfe put your truste and confidence wholy and only in him and euer pray that his wyll be fulfilled and not yours excepte it be agreeing to his wil the which I praye GOD it may euer bee Amen And as for worldly things take you no care but bee you well assured the Lorde your deare God and father wyll not see you nor yours lacke if you continue in his loue and childly feare and kepe a cleare conscience from al kind of idolatry superstition and wickednes as my trust is that you will doe althoughe it bee with the losse and daunger of this temporall life And good
cānot abide that we shoulde altogether hange and depend vpon god our most deare father with full trust and confidence He woulde not haue vs thoroughly persuaded of his great loue kindnes towards vs yea of his most fatherly care prouidēce for vs his dere childrē For the enemy knoweth that whosoeuer hath faithfully conceiued this true opinion of God shall by the same be allured yea forced and constrained to set all his loue and hartes delighte vpon the lorde agayne and in respect of the same onely be willing to serue him in true holines and righteousnes all the dayes of hys lyfe yea of loue and childlye feare seke to please him be lothe to offend hym redy with good wil to suffer all thyngs for his sake which be the points and properties belonging to the lordes elect Therefore aboue all thinges ▪ Sathan seeketh to darken and make dymme this doctryne of oure saluation yea cleane to quenche it out if he could and to bryng vs from this persuasion of gods spirite vnto distrust and infidelitie which is the very roote and fountayne where hence al other wickednes doth spryng for whatsoeuer is not done of thys faith and godly persuasion is sinne in the syght of god how glorious soeuer it doth appeare in the syght of men Let vs therfore aboue all thinges praye for the encrease of faythe by the lyghte whereof we doe perfectlye see in oure good Christ God to be presently ours with all that euer he is or can be and shall be for euermore Let vs hold thys faste as the sure shore ancker of our soule and though Satan styrre vp neuer so many stormes and tēpestes of trouble and persecution or neuer so many foule and foggy mistes of darkenes and heresies yet shall our shippe sayle in safety for god himselfe is our lodes man and his holy and mighty spirite is the Maister marriner and both can and wil guide conduct vs into the hauen of health and port of euerlasting safegard Therfore let vs say with Dauid that though the waues and ragyng surges of the seas be meruailous yet the Lord is more mighty and meruailous and can styl them wyth a word Alas I am here constrained to make an ende euē in the middest of my letter truly I haue bene faine by occasiōs that hath come to lay aside this letter vi or vij tymes since I begā Therefore take it in good worth as it is an other time I trust to finishe the same to your comfort and to the accōplishyng of my dutye towardes you to whome I doe owe my selfe and all that I can doe as knoweth God to whose most mercifull defence I doe hartely commit you my deare brother V. al the rest of his deare darlinges whom I loue as myne owne soule and thanke God for your loue to me The blessyng of God be with you all Amen Yours vnfainedly Iohn Careles prysoner of the Lorde at all tymes abyding hys moste mercyfull wyll and pleasure Pray for me for gods sake ▪ as I wyll neuer forget you To my most deare and faythefull brother T. V. THe euerlastyng peace of god in Iesus Christ the continuall ioy and comforte of hys moste pure holye and mightye spirite with the encrease of faith and liuely feling of his mercy be wyth you my deare hart in the Lorde and faithful louyng brother T. V. to the ful accomplishing of that good worke which he hath so gratiously begonne in you that the same by al meanes may be to the setting forth of his glory to the cōmoditie of his poore affliced congregation and to the swete cōfort and quietnes of your conscience in hym now and euermore Amen With such due honour loue and reuerence as it becommeth me to beare vnto the swete saintes and dearely beloued children of god I haue me most hartely cōmended vnto you my dere brother V. wyth al earnest and faythful remēbraūce of you in my daily praiers thanking God right hartely that you do likewyse remember me in yours assuryng you that my poore harte dothe dailie feele greate consolation thereby GOD onely haue the praise for the same and all other his benefites Ah my deare harte in the lord well is me that euer I was borne that God of hys great mercy and infinite goodnes hathe vsed me moste miserable wretche at anye tyme as his instrument to minister anye thyng vnto you either by worde or writing that might be an occasion of your ioye and comforte in the Lorde and a prouoking of you to praise and thankesgeuing vnto GOD for the same as your most louing and godlye letter seemeth to importe Oh happie am I that the Lorde hathe appointed me vnto so good a grounde to sowe his seede vpon but much more happy are you whose harte the lord hath prepared and made so meete to receiue the same so effectuouslye geuing thereto the sweete showres and heauenlye dewes of hys grace and holye spirit that it may bring forthe fruites in due season accordingly the encrease wherof we shal shortly reape together with perfect ioy gladnes that continually Therfore my deare brother I say vnto you as good Elizabeth did to her dere cosin Mary happy are you Luke ● happy shal you be for euermore because you haue beleued The most swete faithful promises of your redemer Iesus christ you haue surely laid vp in the treasury of your hart His cōfortable callinges you haue faithfully heard his louing admonitions you haue humbly obeyed and therfore you shall neuer come into iudgement your synnes shal neuer be remembred for your sauiour hath cast them all into the bottome of the sea Miche 7 Psal ●03 he hath remoued them from you as farre as the East is frō the West hath geuen you for an euerlasting possession his iustification and holines so that now no creature neither in heauen nor in earth shal be able to accuse you before the throne of the heauenly kyng Satan is now iudged he is now cast out frō you he hath no parte in you you are wholy geuen vnto Christ which wil no● lose you your stedfast fayth in him hath ouercome that sturdie bragging prince of the worlde Christ hath geuen you the final victory ouer him and al his army that they shal neuer hurt you What would you haue more Oh my deare hart how great treasures are layde vppe in store for you and howe glorious a crowne is already made prepared for you And albeit the holy ghost doth beare witnes of all these thynges in your hart maketh you more sure and certayne therof then if you had all the outward oracles in the worlde yet I beyng certainly perswaded fully assured by the testimony of gods spirit in my cōscience of your eternal sure saluatiō in our swete Sauiour Iesus Christ haue thought it good yea and my bounden duty not only at this tyme to write vnto you and to shew my ioyfull
the conuersion or confounding of al gainesaiers and to the comfort and confirmation of al gods dere children Amen Farewel mine owne swete brother farewel as myne owne harte Your owne in Christ Iohn Careles Because he maketh mention in the former letter and other heretofore of the most godlye and christian conflictes which he had susteyned we thought good to adioyne hereto this swete and heauenly exercise followyng whereby it may appeare what fruite these conflictes wroughte in hys most godly and christian conscience SOme men for sodayne ioye do wepe And some in sorow syng When that they lie in daunger depe To put away mournyng Betwene them both will I beginne Being in ioy and payne In sighing to lament my sinne But yet reioyce agayne My sinfull life doth still increase My sorow is the more From wyckednes I cannot cease Wo is my hart therfore Sometimes when I thinke to do wel And serue God night and day My wycked nature doth rebell And leadeth me astray As bonde and captiue vnto sinne which greueth me full sore This miserye do I liue in Wo is my harte therfore In dede sometyme I do repent and pardon doe obtaine But yet alas incontinent I fall to sinne agayne My corrupte nature is so yll Offending more and more That I displease my Lord god still Wo is my harte therfore Wo is my harte wo is my mynd woe is my soule and sprite That to my God I am vnkynde In whome I shoulde delite Hys loue alwayes I should regard which towarde me was so pure But I wyth synne do him rewarde O most vnkynd creature The beast the byrde the fishe the foule Their maker doe obey But I that am a liuing soule Am farre much worse then they For they accordyng to their kinde To serue him do not cease But I wyth sinfull hert and mynde Do daily him displease Thus do I sore complayne of synne And with kyng Dauyd wepe For I do feele my harte within The wrath of God full deepe To heauen myne eyes I dare not life Agaynst it I haue trespaste And in the earth I fynde no shifte Nor succour that can last What shall I do shall I dispaire And from my Sauiour slide Nay god forbid there is no feare Syth Christ for me hath dyed God became man and for vs men He dyed and rose againe His mercy great we may see then For euer doth remayne Therefore my sinne I will confesse To God and mourning make who wil forgeue the same doutlesse for hys sonne Christes sake Yf sinne in me god should respecte Then do I know full well His iustice would me sone reiecte To the deepe pit of hel Hys glorious eies cannot abide The foule and filthy smoke Wherwith I am on euerye syde Couered as with a cloke But he in Christ doth me behold In whom he doth delite And myne offences manyfold Through him releaseth quite Reputyng me amongest the iust Forgeuyng al my sinne Therfore my faith my hope my trust Shall euer be in hym O Lord encrease true faith in me Thy good spirite to me geue That I may grow in loue toward thee And euer seeke to liue In true obedience of thy will And thankefulnes of hart And with thy grace so guide me stil That I neuer departe From thy true word and testamēt All the dayes of my life Nor frō thy churche most innocent Thine owne true spouse and wife But frō that filthy whore of Rome Lord kepe me euermore As gratiously thou hast yet done Thankes be to thee therfore And sith thou haste of thy goodnes Forgeuen me all my sinne Strēgth me thy truth for to cōfesse And boldly die therin That as I haue confessed thee Before the wicked sort thou maiest in thy good time know me To my ioy and comfort My soule returne vnto thy reste Thou art wel satisfied The Lord hath graunted thy request And nothyng thee denied Prayse be God the father of myght Praise be to thee O Christ Praise be to thee O holy sprite Three in one God most hyest Continue constant in Christ ꝙ Careles ¶ A briefe admonition wrytten to Mystres Iane Glascocke in a booke of hers when she came to the pryson to visite hym THere is nothynge that the holye Scripture throughout doth so much cōmend vnto vs as a true faith stedfast trust in the promises of gods eternal mercies towardes vs in Iesus Christ For from the same as forth of the chiefe fountaine and welspring of lyfe doe flowe al kindes of vertues and godly fruites specially true loue towardes God in the which we ought purely to serue hym all the daies of our lyfe and also christian charitie towardes our neighbours aswell to helpe them at all nedes as also not to hurt them by any meanes Therfore pray earnestly for the encrease of faith and liuely felyng of gods mercy for al things are possible vnto hym that can vndoubtedly beleue Faithe is the thynge whiche assureth vs of gods mercy and wherby we vanquishe all the fiery dartes of the deuill our victory that ouercommeth the worlde the knyfe that killeth and mortifieth the flesh and finally that whiche setteth vs at peace with God and quieteth our consciences alwayes before hym and maketh vs mery and ioyful vnder the crosse with many moe things then I can now expresse Pray therefore for fayth in fayth And for the Lordes sake beware of popery and popish idolatry the id●lle of the wicked Masse and other Idolatrous seruice Make not your body which is a member of Christ a member of Antichrist Remember that we shall receaue of God according to that we do in the body be it good or euill Therfore glorifye god in your body which is dearly bought Betray not the truth lest the Lorde denye you If God be God follow him You cā not serue .ij. Maisters I write not this as doubting you but by the way of admonition God kepe you from al euill ☞ My Syster dere god geue you grace With stedfast fayth in Christes name Hys gospell styll for to embrace And lyue accordyng to the same To dye therfore thinke it no shame But hope in god wyth faythfull trust And he wyl geue you prayse with fame When you shall ryse out of the duste For which most swete and ioyful day To God with fayth your prayer make And thinke on me I do you praye The which did wryte this for your sake And thus to God I you betake Who is your castell and stronge rocke He kepe you whether you slepe or wake Farewel dere Mystres Iane Glascoke If God be with vs who can be agaynst vs. ☞ Though worldly waues do rage apace And wicked wyndes blowe out of frame Though Moūtaynes moue forth of their place Through the great tempestes of the same Yet shall the Lorde styll you defende Vnder the shadowe of hys wynges He loueth you vnto the ende And for your wealth doth worke all thynges Therefore in hym put all your trust Feare not
where he making a cōparisō betwene Christes flesh Elias cloke cast down to Elizeus whē Elias was takē vp in the fiery chariot at length he sayth the Christ ascending vp to heauen toke his flesh with him also lefte his flesh behind hym in earth The meaning of it is he did ascend with his flesh and left a memorial cloke of the same body flesh which he calleth his fleshe as he in the sacramentall phrase calleth bread his body because it represēteth his body and as in the like maner of sacramentall speche a Lambe was called the passeouer the circumcisiō gods couenant He toke vp his flesh corporally left his flesh in mystery sacrament spiritually Or it may he said that he left his fleshe vpō earth that is his mystical body his faithful people whō S. Paul calleth the mēbers of his body of his flesh of his bones Eph. 5. In the .49 chap. of Gene. there is no word of Christes sacrament but there is a prophecie of Christs passiō wherin his fole was boūd that is his body And where he speaketh there of grapes wine it is as that is spokē of christ in an other place where he sayth ego solus torcular calcaui I alone did treade the wine presse meaning therby that christ alone suffered painful passiō for the remissiō of sinnes for the consolation of al his faithful souldiours It is not true that the packer said that Christs infinite power may make his body to be in a thousand places at once as a loafe to be in a thousand bellies for thē might christ diuide the partes of his body as a lofe is diuided so cōsumed thē might scripture be false appoynting Christs body to be but in one place Act 3. Phi. 3 He. 1. The Articles of our fayth tel vs sufficiētly where Christs body is It was neuer in .ij. places at once neyther euer shal bee neither euer can be corporally naturally neyther euer was is can or shal be eatē so ● anye corporal mouthes as the Capernaires papists most erroniously heretically do iudge If our sauiour Iesus christ hath no other body natural thē is made of the substance of bread is in a thousād places at once as I haue oftē sayd in Hadley we are not yet redemed neyther shal our bodies rise agayn be made like vnto his glorious body We are sure that our Sauiour Christes body is made of none other substāce thē of his mother the blessed Virgin Maryes substāce We are sure that he taketh not the nature of Angels much lesse of bread Only he taketh on him the sede of Abrahā Heb 2. in al thyngs like vnto vs only synne except And this is a cōfortable doctrine to vs christiās beleuing stedfastly as the true catholike sayth is the Christ hath but .ij. natures perfite god perfite man Vpō thys rocke Christs church is builded the gates of hel shal neuer preuaile agaynste it Math 16. I speak nothīg now of auricular cōfessiō prayīg for soules departed because I do not heare what authors the packer brought in for this purpose Sure I am the he cā bring no authētical canonical warrant for such his packware He may say what he wyll of Hebricians Grecians fleshe vnder formes not aboue formes or aboue the borde He may coniure cōuay passe repasse euē what he wyl in such cloudes mystes He reproued the scriptures as ful of darkenes yet is full of darkenes hym self He dyd wittily to bring profes out of Iewrye Turkye and other straunge places for hys round white cake for that such hys pedlary pelf packe is contrary to the playne symplicitye of Christes supper He glaunced at priestes mariages He myght agaynst that haue brought as auncient a Doctor as any he alleaged out of Hebrue for his Masse or wafer cake the is doctor Deuil 1. Tim. 4 I meruaile that he dyd not confute confound S. Paul for the sentences writtē aboue the alter of the which he made mētion in the pulpit For he his felowes of Oxford be so profound so excellent so glorious tryumphant clearkes that they can easely proue a man an asse al wryters in the Byble ignoraunt symple ful of errours full of heresyes beggerly fooles Yet they wil be called catholykes faythful true christiā people defendours of the holy mother the church but truly they take part with the Prince of darkenes with Antichrist with Iezabell Apo. 2. They wyll not be called papists Pharisees Iewes Turkes heretikes so forth but what soeuer they wyll be called gods religiō had neuer more euydent aduersaryes and that in al the chief poyntes of it no not then whē our Sauiour Christ whipte such marchauntes out of the rē●le calling them a companye of theues Ma● 21. God geue them grace to repent God be thāked that the nobilitye somthyng of late hath spyed stopped theyr tyranny Oh vnhappy England Oh more vngrate people soner bewitched thē the folysh Galathians We haue nowe none excuse We haue vndoubtedly sene the true trace of the prophetical apostolical prymatyue catholike church We are warned to beware lest we be led oute of that way societie rule of religiō Nowe we shal shew what coūtrey mē we be whether spirituall heauēly or carnal worldly We had as true knowlege as euer was in any countrey or in any tyme synce the beginnyng of the world god be praysed therfore If Hadley being so many yeres persuaded in such truth wil now wyllingly wittingly forsake the same defyle it self with the cake god Idolatry other Antichristianitie therunto belōging let it surely loke after many and wonderfull plagues of god shortly Though an other haue now the benefice yet as god knoweth I can not but be carefull for my dere Hadley And therfore as I could not but speake after the first abhominable Masse begonne there I being present no more I can not but write now being absent hearing of the wicked prophanation of my late pulpyt by such a wylye wolfe Gods loue mercy goodnes and fauour hath bene vnspeakeable in teaching vs the ryght way of saluation and iustificatiō Let vs al haue some zeale some care how to serue him according to hys good wyl wrytten The God of loue and peace be euer in Hadley through Christ our only aduocate Amen Rouland Taylour A leter of M. Philpot written to certain of his faithfull frends as his last farewell a litle before he suffred THe knowledge of god whiche hath illightned you wyth true vnderstanding of the gospell of Christ be remayning with you stil to the end be augmēted in your hartes doyngs through the operatiō of the holy spirit to the glory of God your eternal saluatiō Amē A man that is passing into farre countreyes before his departing committeth such goods as god hath endued him with al to his dearest frends to the end that they