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A18429 Hallelu-jah: or, King David's shrill trumpet, sounding a loude summons to the whole world, to praise God Delivered by way of commentarie and plaine exposition vpon the CXVII. Psalme. By Richard Chapman, minister of the Word of God at Hunmanbie in Yorkshire. Chapman, Richard, d. 1634. 1635 (1635) STC 4998; ESTC S122563 120,049 228

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2. Which may have the ordinary giftes of the Spirit they may prophecy with Saul and Cajaphas preach and doe miracles with Iudas speake like the Oracle of God with Achi tophel cry Lord Lord Math. 7. 22 challenge an interest in the free demesnes of heaven Math. 25. 11. Open to us and yet are sent packing to their hell home with a nescio vos I know ye not If ye aske the reason and cause of it Our Saviour CHRIST orally and oraculously returnes it Math. 11. 25. This mystery of Salvation is hid from some and revealed to others even So Father for so it seemed good in thy sight as in a Princes Proclamation It is our pleasure All the workes of these men failing in their end not done in faith to the glory of God and if God rewarded them it was temporally for temporall respects the good of mankind civill order and society not shewing any approbation thereof in respect of himselfe their mercy justice continency c. being without faith was sinne as Augustin● saith which indeed ariseth not from the act of compassion but from the privation of faith they may have these and many more honest civill moralities but they never have the inward calling the donation of faith the true knowledge of God I know my sheepe and am knowne of mine Iohn 10. 14. which knowledge is like the Sunne casting his beames upon us by whose reflection we looke upon and viewe the Sunne Gal. 4. 9. Seeing ye know God or rather are knowne of God If they have any it is a literall no saving or spirituall knowledge no true love of God for he never knew or loved them 1 Iohn 4. 19. We love God because he loved us first If these carnall Capernaites follow CHRIST doing his will in any thing it is more for his loaves than his love Ioh. 6. 26. all proceeding from some s●nister respect their praise or profit they never have the inward beautifying of the Church To be all glorious within Psal 45. 13. the rich habiliments and garments wherewith as Isaac decked his beloved Rebecca and the King of Persia religious Mordecai CHRIST I●SVS bespangleth his spouse These be the foolish Virgins which a long time had their lives blossoming as if their soules had bin the maidenly bride of CHRIST when in the end they were unvailed and found the speckled adulteresses and uncleane concubines of Satan Math. 25. This is the man boldly intruding himselfe into the marriage supper not having on a wedding garment his faith but figge leaves notable to cover his nakednes Math. 22. These walke like friends in the Church of God together But many are called and fewe are chosen In the third ranke are they which out of the brazen mountaines of Gods election flowing out of the rivers of his endlesse mercy which are not onely within the skirts and territories of his regiment as the former but they are inwardly sanctified called and culled out of the whole heape and masse of Mankind by a lively Faith engraffed and planted into the mysticall body and have as neare an union and communion with their head CHRIST as the branch hath with the vine the members with the head or the husband with the wife Ephes 5. 30. We are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones these are built upon the sure foundation the rocke of safety and horne of salvation Luke 1 69. He is the corner stone upon which their whole building is coupled Eph. 2. 20 No other foundation can any man lay than that which is already laid which is IESVS CHRIST 1 Cor. 3. 11. and These are living stones built upon him 1 Per 2. 5. Othoniel delivered the Israelites from Chushan and is therefore called their Saviour Iudg. 3. 9. but they fell againe into the hand of Moab Ehud rescued them from the Moabites and they became servants to the Canaanites Iudg. 4. 2. A Physitian may cure a man of one disease and he may after fall into another or the same and dye of it But CHRIST hath them sure Iohn 10. 28. I give my sheepe eternall life and they shall never perish hee hath washed away the●r sinnes and made a passage to heaven a perfect and sure rocke of safety upon which these are placed Antiquam generis labem mortalibus agris Abluit obstructique viam patefecit Olympi Poore mortals sicke he washed hath from auncient staine Originall And opened wide Olympus path that barred was and shut to all So that here the gates of Hell and Luciferiall powers of darknesse may shoote their darts of poysoned malice as against CHRIST the head Math. 4. so against these the members to be retorted upon themselves as from a tower of brasse for ●hee that keepeth Israel doth neither slumber nor sleepe and though the two first parts be cut off and dye the third will the Lord fine as Silver and Gold Zach. 13. 9. And from this consideration ariseth a Cordiall a Caveat and a dolefull Madrigall First it affords a comfortable cordiall to the Christian that he is one of those secret ones inwardly called separated from the world and endued with power from above This is the summum bonum and chiefe dignitie and blessednesse of all other So that it may be said of him as a certaine heathen of a wise man of a wise man He is onely lesse then God And as another spake of the vertuous He that hath vertue hath with her as a dowrie all good things As the Lord of hoastes and of the whole earth and all that therein is Psal 24. 1. accounteth it his greatest dignity and title of honour to be stiled The Lord God of Israel of his Church Luk. 1. 67. as thence receiving his greatest honour So is it the chiefest honour of a man to be an Israelite a limme and member of that Society of the Communion of Saints It is indeed the worlds felicity to build pillars with Absalom towers with Nimrod to call our lands after our owne names to engrosse rich revenewes Parsonages and patrimonies for our posterity to build our nests on high and to covet an evill covetousnes to our houses while The stones cry out of the wall and the beame out of the timber answere it Hab. 2. 9. worse than the King of Sodome Gen. 14. 21. Give me the soules and take the goods to thy selfe But we say to the spirituall king of Sodome the divell give us the goods and take our soules to thy selfe This is our hope and our posterity praise our doing selling our Saviour for thirty pence our heaven for a messe of pottage and our soules laied in the banke for a quid dabitis What will ye give me Ps 4. 6. Who will shew us any good O miserable mucke-worme that sellest thy soule and thy solace thy heaven and thy happinesse for these faile-friends which in the time of neede cannot so much as cure the aking of
speech of Phavorinus who seing a mother communicating her motherly duty to the nurse of her child cryed out Quodnam est hoc imperfectum dividiatum matrum genus What a company of halfe-faced and halfe-faithed imperfect Christian Herods Agrippas Naamans whose obedience and religion is pinned upon their profits pleasures like those Libertines Mal. 3. 14. What profit is it that wee have walked humbly before him These be but left-handed Ehuds or as children which say theyr prayers to have their breakefasts or as the Sichemites which took upon them the Seale of the Covenant for gaine Gen. 34. Or as those that followed Christ more for the loaves than for the love Io. 6. That come to Church as most do to a Funerall more to fill their bellies than to lament the dead or to comfort the widdow or the Orphans But remember Christian that God requirs the whole man to fulfill his whole law and that the whole time of his life Totus tota totum are required but further God requires Phil 2. 10. That at the name of Iesus every knee should bowe of things in Heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every mouth must confesse him And yet I see a ranke of worse Locusts issuing as it were out of the pitte even openly by their open prophanenesse and horrible blasphemies proclaiming themselves to be men of stubborne knees stiffe necks and uncircumcised hearts openly with Bebemoth Leviathan or Satan himselfe or at least with those Gyant-like sonnes of the earth proclaiming rebellion and disobedience against the most High These shame at nothing but vertue and blush at nothing but honestie Of whom it may be said as Mecaenas spake of the sawcie fellow that would not bowe to Caesar This man is ashamed to feare or reverence Caesar so these men are ashamed to feare God and blush at nothing but against their wils to weare the livery of Christianity Surely these men goe downe to the Chambers of death if not to the pit of destruction Let us then prove God to be our Father by our obedience and our Master by our feare Mal. 1. 6. Let it not be in word onely but in deed as Iohn spake of Love 1 Iohn 3. 18. or as Socrates when the people admiringly praised his oration sayd Praise it that I may see it Obedience is better than all our sacrifice 1 Sam. 15. 22. preferred by God himselfe Hos 6. 6. whereas rebellion is as the sinne of witchcraft Obey my voyce and I will be your God and yee shall be my people this is a favour of rest unto God therefore Let every one that nameth the Lord depart from iniquity 2 Tim 2. 19. We praise God when we acknowledge his Kingdome power and glory and ascribe them unto him as his due This our Saviour CHRIST teacheth Math. 6. 13. after he had taught us how to pray for things inward outward spirituall temporall all things needfully requisite for soule and body in the conclusion he teacheth us to give thankes and that in the acknowledgeing his Kingdome power and glory Now forasmuch as the infinite and ineffable essence of God cannot be fully comprehended of the weake vessell of mortality Man he being eternall and which inhabiteth eternity Esay 57. 15. the Ancient of dayes King of ages 1 Tim. 1. 17. he made the times the word eternall in Hebers language being taken from a root which signifieth to lye hid teaching us that our knowledge is not able to finde out the hidden being of the Almighty being but weake and in part 1 Cor. 13. 12. onely seeing as it were a glimpse of one suddainely passing by the more full knowledge of him is reserued till wee be made like him and see him as he is 1 Iohn 3. 2. even face to face 1 Cor. 13. 12. To desire any full knowledge of his inscrutable essence is to lose our selves in a maze or labyrinth and with Simonides to adde unto one dayes labour in the search therof three dayes more and be further off then when wee began and with the Child wee may assoone bring the whole Ocean into a little pit as with the old man paint the Trinitie on a table And therefore when Evagnius had heard a long disputation of the Trinity he wisely concluded that it was without the compasse of any logicall definition So because our weake vessell cannot saile with safety over this innavigable Ocean he hath revealed himselfe by his back-parts Exod. 34. 6 His Power mercy Longanimity Iustice c. Rom. 1. 20. The invisible things of him from the creation of the World are clearely seene being understood by the things that are made even his eternall power and Godhead and so by acknowledging these by humbling our selves under his mighty hand 1 Pet. 5. 6. and by fearing him that cannot onely kill the body but also cast the soule into hell fire Math. 10. 28 We praise his power acknowledging what he can doe the whole armie of his creatures and hell being at his command The strongest tyrant in the world as Attila confessed of himselfe is but his scourge which when he hath used to the sufficient chastising of his Church he will cast into the fire as the Father doth the rod which he used in whipping his child Looke upon Pharaoh Herod Pilate Heliodorus which are spectacles of Gods power sometimes their owne hands their owne executioners even Tophet is their portion Esay 30. He is a consuming fire Hebr. 12. last verse to burne up his enemies and as weake stubble is not able to withstand that furious element no more can a weake man the omnipotent Creator Take heed then how thou offendest him but acknowledge him in his wisdome power c. and seeke him while he may be found Then heare this all yee abusers of the glory of God Rom. 23. Which change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image of corruptible man and to birds and foure footed beasts and creeping things contemners of him in his Kingdome power and glory that say with those drunken Atheists Esay 28 15. The overflowing scourge shall passe through and not come nigh us for we have made lies our refuge Ye that put farre away the evill day and suffer the seate of violence to enter Amos 6. 3. that say The vision is yet for many dayes to come and he prophecieth of times a farre off Ezec. 12. 27. That hearest the thunder claps of judgement against thy bribery usury oppression c. and yet with the deafe adder stoppest thine eares charme the charmer never so wisely what is this but even to mocke God in his power and glory and to say with Pherecides We are as safe that offer no sacrifice as they that offer whole Hecatombes What is this but to play with Gods sacred booke and his truth therein as Daphias with the Diabolicall Delphicke Oracle
till returning to the Arke of Gods mercie Comfort thy selfe then in Gods mercie which will not suffer thee to bee over-yoaked with thy sinnes plead with him in the receiving of Adam Manasses and the whole troupe of reconciled sinners and though thine adversarie Sathan write a booke against thee answere cursed Cain disabling Gods mercy Gen. 4. 13. with Augustine Thou lyest Cain for greater is Gods mercie than mans iniquitie and say to thy disconsolate spirit Why art thou so sad my soule Psalm 11. And as we ought and in dutie are enjoyned to give thankes for all things so are we chiefely to sing our Ha●●elu-jahs unto God for the performance of the promised Messiah and that in the practise and phrase of the Priest Zacharie Lu. 1. 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people c. And with old Simeon in his Cygnean dying Hymne Blessed be thou O Lord for our eyes have seene thy salvation L●ke 2. 30. That fountaine of living waters Iere. 2. 12. In regard of whom all other things are but the broken Cysternes of vaine and disconsolate hope The refreshing waters of Gods free mercies the purchase whereof is without money or prize Esa 55. 2. least you thinke it too deare and because water if you thinke it not worth the labour it 's wine and milke whose worth and necessitie you well know that true Aqua vitae which whoso drinketh shall never thirst but it shall be in him a well of water springing up unto everlasting life Iohn 4. 14. He is our Bethlehem and house of bread the living bread that came downe from heaven Ioh. 6. 35. He is a ship of safety which beares us by the comfortable goale of his love and the gentle Zephirus of his mercie from the shelves and rocks of blacke dispaire so that though immodest Modest as Generall to the Emperour Valens the Arrian burne the ship wherein the Christian Legats were imbarked seeking to destroy the Confessors and professors of Christianity which though they perished in their wooden barke were sure enough in the heavenly Arke by CHRIST He is that unspeakeable gift of God for which we must give thankes 2 Cor. 9. vlt. And if thou knowest the gift of God Iohn 4. 10. Which is the gift of all gifts which is given to us Esa 9. 6. In comparison of whom all other are but as the drop of a Bucket to the whole Ocean in whom appeare the bowels of Gods love and the inscrutable depths of his mercy in him through him and by him while we were sinners and enemies to bring to passe that wonderfull worke of our Redemption Ioh. 3. 16. Rom. 5. 8. In him by this wee see the fulnesse of it 1 Iohn 4. 9. And as Bethlem to Iurie and Scicilia to Italie were accounted their granary for their fruitfulnesse the Poets faining Ceres to keepe residence there so may our Saviour CHRIST be accounted as the store-house and Cornu-copia of all good things to his Church Col. 2. 3. In whom are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily ver 9. In him we are compleate ver 10. Knowledge and wisedome are in men by revelation in Angels by vision but in him by union of whose fulnesse wee all receive Iohn 1. 16. Thy being well-being and eternall being have their dependance on him this consolation of Israel this expectation of the Gentiles this Noah to comfort thee Gen. 5. 29. This crucified Lord shewed to Constantine to comfort him in his expedition against the Tyrant Maxentius with a promise of victory is opposed against all thy feares and discontents if finne presse and oppresse thee he is thy righteousnesse 1 Cor. 1. 30. If the curse vexe thee he is thy blessing Gen. 12. 2. Galath 3. 8. If weakenesse pinch thee he is thy strenght Phil. 4. 13. 2 Cor. 12. 9. If the great debt of thy sinnes lay hold on thee charging to pay that thou owest he is thy paiment Matth. 17. 27. If damnation make thee afraid he is thy salvation Acts 4. 10. If death he is thy life Iohn 14. 6. If Sathan he hathover come him Heb. 2. 14. If hell shall open her mouth upon thee he hath victoriously Sampson-like borne away the gates quelled and quashed the power of it Hos 13. 14. So that in and through him onely thou art more then a Conquerour Be not like the Horse or Mule that have no understanding nor like the sonnes of the earth the cockered Darlings of unstable Fortune who gaping after the transitory things of the world can onely now and then in a carnall humour send forth a short ejaculatory Thanksgiving for their temporals which they possesse but seldome or never for CHRIST IESVS which they possesse not without whom they must be content to perish for ever This is that rich pearle bestowed upon the Merchant resolving above all things to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse setting saile for the Cape De bona Speransa fraught and bound for the New Ierusale● than let thy mouth from thy heart the fountaine of all true praise be as this silver Trumpet filled with Hallalu-jahs for this heavenly and unspeakable gift Thirdly this Doctrine just in the phrase of another Baptist preaching in the wildernesse of Iudea cryes unto us in a more then necessary exhortation especially in these last and worst dayes Repent for the Kingdome of God is at hand Matth. 3. 2. The selfe-same holy use which the Spirit of holinesse drawes from the Doctrine Rom. 2. 4. Despisest thou the riches of his goodnesse and forbearance and long suffering not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance 2 Peter Chapter 3. verse 9. The Lord is not slacke concerning his promises as some men count slacknesse but he is long suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Turne yee then unto the Lord your God for hee is gracious and mercifull slow to anger of great kindnesse and repenteth him of the evill Ioel 2. 13. and that you may rightly turne find ease and refreshing for your soules Consider that as in Iacobs ladder which reached from earth to heaven there were certaine steppes for ascending and descending so are there certaine degrees in descending to this all-curing Bethesda of repentance First is an inward perplexitie sitting like Hagar Gen. 21. 15. when her bottle was emptied or like the Prodigall Luke 15. which by his want is forced to a consideration of his estate retorting his thoughts into himselfe is deepely affected with the solid apprehension of his owne misery verse 17. and in this perplexed case concludes against himselfe that if he remaines as hee was his case was desperately hopelesse and hee must perish for ever upon which hee resolves with himselfe to goe home to his fathers house by repentance seeing the gate of Mercie opened to