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A17727 Three propositions or speeches, which that excellent man M. Iohn Caluin, one of the pastors of the Church of God in Geneua had there To which also is added, an exposition vpon that parte of the catechisme, which is appointed for the three and fortieth Sunday in number. Translated into Englishe, by T.VV. Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1580 (1580) STC 4464; ESTC S121928 80,617 200

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so by consequent of his righteousnes Nowe Saint Paul sheweth that this temporall lyfe hindereth not but that we may alwayes lyue that is to say may alwayes haue full assurance in our Lorde Iesus Christ And why so He bringeth vs here the worde of fayth which is a word verie worthie to be well weighed for he meaneth and sheweth by the worde fayth in this place that selfe same thing which is described and set out at large vnto vs in the Epistle to the Hebrewes where it is sayde Hebr. 11.1 that fayth is the euidence of things that are not seene and the substance or ground of thinges that appeare not and yet are hoped for Wherfore seeing that faith respecteth that which is inuisible cannot be seene let vs not dismaie our selues or wonder at this that we liue in death and that we are in heauen be citizens of the kingdō of God although we should dwel in this world shold walk creepe vpō the earth with bruit beasts And this also is that which S. Paule speaketh wel of Rom. 8.24 in the eight of the Romās for that which he speaketh there of hope may also be vnderstoode that rightly of faith because they are things that cannot bee sundred for hee sayeth that we hope not for those thinges which we see for I ought not to hope for that which I holde in my hand and haue in possession because that I beholde see and enioy the same but I hope for that which is helde from me Wherefore our saluation must needes be hidde otherwise wee should haue neither fayth nor hope Our mortalitie and weake state here hindereth vs not from the enioying and possessing of eternal life which is also declared vnto vs in this place Albeit then that we be in the fleshe that is to say that we haue a mortall lyfe subiect to so many infirmities as nothing more can be yea such a lyfe as is but a shadowe which passeth into smoke yet for all that wee cease not to haue an abiding and eternall life which is grounded setled on Gods righteousnes and therefore it behooueth vs to repaire to fayth that is to say to that apprehension or taking holde which we haue Gods word reuealeth matters beyond the reach of our reason of thinges which appeare not and to that certeintie and sight that wee haue of thinges which are not seene for we beholde in the worde of GOD as it were in a glasse that which is hyd from our witte and can not be atteined vnto by our vnderstanding Behold then how this place of Saint Paul must be vnderstood Nowe presently hee addeth who hath loued me and giuen him selfe for me Here Saint Paul yet better declareth and more fully howe it is that we liue by fayth and out of our selues that is because Iesus Christ our Lorde hath giuen him selfe for vs. Nowe by this worde he bringeth vs backe to the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ Our prayers are not profitable tyll we bee washed in Christes blood from our transgressions wherof he concludeth that when we will call vpon God and present our selues before him we must be plunged as it were ouer head and eares in the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ that wee may be washed from our spottes and that we must fetch from thence our cleansing that wee may be absolued and losed from the condemnation wherein we are And as he saith that our Lorde Iesus Christ gaue him selfe for him so he declareth the cause for he commeth to his founteine of the free loue of God Iohn 3.16 Rom. 8.32 Rom. True it is that in other places this loue is ascribed to the father as God hath not spared his sonne yet that hindereth not but that Iesus Christ loueth vs also as it is saide in the eight Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans Marke then what we haue to learne and beare away when it is sayd that our lyfe is out of our selues that is that we shall finde the matter of life in Iesus Christ who hath suffered to the ende that wee might bee discharged before him And after wee haue knowen this Christes free loue the fountaine of all goodnes to vs ward to wyt that the satisfaction which our Lorde Iesus Christ hath made is our righteousnes we must come also to the fountaine from whence all proceedeth that is to say to that free loue of his in as muche as hee hath loued vs. And yet further this was not done because he was moued thertoo by any thing that hee knewe to be in vs but it was his onely mercy by which we haue beene redeemed yea it behooueth vs to be in suche sort voide of all righteousnes in our selues that we must not so much as presume or thinke that hee had respect to our persons or that he found so much as one droppe of goodnes in it Not one drop of goodnes in man till Christ bestow it vpon him Behold howe we are made partakers of the bloud of our Lorde Iesus Christ I perceiue that I haue alreadie ben ouer long but I wil go no further And because this place deserueth to be better handled I will pray my brethren to speake thereof euery one of them that which hee shall know to be meet for the edification of the Church An effectuall prayer for increase of knowledge and true feeling of our own wretchednes and misery Now we wil thāk this our good God for the knowledge which hee hath giuen vs of his holie word praying him that he would more and more increase vs in it and make vs profit in this doctrine and that we may be taught in such sort to be cast down that we may not onely confesse that wee are poore faultie persons before him and that wee bring nothyng but condemnation with vs but that wee may also learne to detest and hate our sinnes and to be in such sort afraid of his iudgement that being paste hope in our selues wee may confesse that earnestly the miseries corruptions that are in vs to the end we may imbrace our Lord Iesus Christ altogether sticke fast vnto him not to mingle our filthines with his puritie holines but that we may know that he is the roote Christ the roote and fountaine of all righteousnes the fountaine of all righteousnes that there is in him suche perfection as nothing can bee sayde against it neither added thereto And that with all we may beat back ouerthrow the false opinions of these The holy Ghost knitteth Christ and his people together that slaunder the Gospell in such sort that we may approoue to our selues and shewe foorth to others that we are vnited and knitte to our Lorde Iesus Christ by his spirite and that wee may more and more profite and proceede in his feare vntyll such tyme as wee haue well learned to
conscience to walke before him and others which are afflicted in vs by vs Christianlie comforted thorow Christ But touchyng this point and the particular consolations that God hath left vs in his worde to cheare vs vp when we shal be so cast downe I shal say more hereafter God willing in a seuerall treatie that I haue begun if the Lorde strengthen me to finish it of that question and argument In the mean while I beseech all Gods children and amongest the rest you Right woorshipfull and Honorable as most deare vnto me to accept of that louingly which I haue presētly don published vnder your names whatsoeuer it be Wherof this is all that I minde to say at this tyme that as the Authors worthie name iust credite can not but commend the matter So these fewe lines that I haue writtē as my bodely weaknes inwarde grieues would suffer mee touchyng some pointes wherein I might haue bene long and large I confesse will bee sufficient I hope to stirre vp the Christian Reader the better to loue and lyke and the more willingly and diligently to read and peruse this presēt treatise that so he may profite in sound knowledge and blessed obedienee which if it shall please God in mercy to graunt I shall haue that which I greatly desire and so shall thinke my poore paines well bestowed besides all that I shal be thereby incouraged to goe forwarde with some other work as occasion shal serue the Lord shal inable me either of this excellent mans or mine own The god of al grace blesse you both al yours with the whole houshold of faith wheresoeuer making vs al thorow the single sight of our spiritual bodily wāts whatsoeuer in assured persuasiō to repaire vnto him who hath a plētiful supply for all distresses that so we may in the end truely magnifie the riche grace and mercy of this our good God in Christ So be it At London the 20. day of this December 1579. Your Worships Honors alwayes readie and humble T. W. The Lords most vnworthie ¶ A Proposition or speach made by M. Iohn Caluin vppon the beginning of the Gospell accordyng to Saint Iohn in which the deitie or Godhead of our Lord Iesus Christ is excellently prooued 1 In the beginning was that woord and that woorde was with GOD and that word was God 2 This same was in the beginning with God 3 Al things were made by it and without it was nothing made of that which was made 4 In it was life and that life was the light of men 5 And that light shineth in the darknesse and the darknesse comprehended it not THis woorde Gospel The word Gospell what it meaneth signifieth the declaration that God hath shewed vs of his loue in our Lord Iesus Christe when hee sent hym into the worlde which thing we ought well to marke because it is very much to know the vse of the holy Scripture euen in respect of the wordes it vseth It is true that wee ought not to stande simply or onely vpon the wordes and yet for all that we are not able to comprehend how excellent Gods doctrine is vnlesse wee knowe the proceeding that it vseth and also what is the style and speach thereof And indeede wee are so muche the more to mark weigh this word because it is a very cōmon receiued sentēce to distinguish the holy Scripture into the law the Gospel Diuision of the Scripture those that speake thereof in that sort meane that all the promyses which are cōteined in the old Testament ought too bee referred to this word Gospel True it is that theyr meaning is good but for all that the holy Scripture vseth not such maner of speache If any man speake let hym speake as the words of God 1. Pet. 4.11 and we ought to be sober in that respect and to yeelde such a reuerence too Gods spirite as to keepe suche a maner of speaking as hee himself vseth to teach vs withall Behold thus muche then concerning the woorde Gospell which is a publishing that God hath made vnto vs at the commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe his sonne declaring himself a father to all the world as also Saint Paule speaketh thereof in his Epistle to the Ephesians Ephe. 2 1● when he saith that Iesus Christe came to preache the Gospell vnto them that were nigh to those that were farre of from God nigh to wit the Iewes who were alredye entred into the Couenaunt with God and far to wit of the Pagans and Heathen who are as it were far remoued from his Church Nowe when wee shall haue looked euery where we shall finde that this woorde Gospell is not taken in any other signification And beholde also wherfore men haue giuen this name or title to the iiii histories that are written touching our Lord Iesus Christ howe hee came into the worlde and was conuersant therein howe he dyed rose agayne and went vp into heauen men I say haue giuē the name or title of the Gospell to this And why so because the substance of the Gospell is comprehēded in the person of God his sonne as I haue already said The anciēt fathers had in deede the promyses of saluation they were also very well assured that God woulde be their father The difference betwene the fathers vnder the law and vs vnder the gospel but yet they had not in such plaine sort as we haue the gage and pledge of Gods loue towardes them and of their owne adoption For when Iesus Christe came intoo the worlde then God signed and sealed his fatherly loue vnto vs and wee had the full testimonie of life and in deede haue also the substaunce thereof in Iesus Christe 2. Cor. 1.20 as I haue already sayde And this is the cause why S. Paule sayth that all Gods promises are in him yea and Amen to wit because then God ratified and confirmed all that which he had spoken before had promised to men So then it is not without cause that these foure histories wherein is declared vnto vs how the sonne of God was sent that he tooke mans fleshe also that hee liued heere vppon earth amongest men haue beene so named Men then haue comprehended all this vnder the worde Gospell 2. Tim. 2.8 because therein it is declared and set out vnto vs how God hath made perfect and accomplished al that which was requsite for mens saluation and that wee haue had the fullfilling of al in the persō of his sonne Indeede S. Paul speaketh of his Gospell but after what sort It is not as though he had writtē an history of the Gospell but because his doctrine was conformable and agreeable to all that which is conteined therin So according to that which I haue already said when the Gospell was preached vnto vs S. Paules Epistles not called the gospell in what sence it is a plaine manifesting of
Iesus Christ to the ende that wee shoulde knowe that in him all thinges are perfected and that we haue the trueth of that which had bin promised in all times before And yet for all this S. Paules Epistles are not called the Gospel And why so because that therein we haue not a continual historie which declareth vnto vs after what sort God sent his sonne how it pleased him that in putting vpon him our nature hee might haue a true brotherhood with vs how he died rose againe and ascended in to heauen This I say is not largely laid out with a continuall order and course of speach in S. Paule very certaine is it that the doctrine which is conteined in his Epistles is conformable and agreeable with the doctrine of the Gospell But for all that that worde Gospell is specially attributed too these foure histories for the reason which I haue alredy alleadged Nowe where wee say that the substaunce of the Gospel is comprehended in the person of the Sonne of God this is not onely to say that Iesus Christ came into the worlde but that we should know also what his office is what charge God his father hath committed vnto him and what vertue and power he hath which thing wee ought too marke well for from thence wee may gather the difference of the Gospell according to S. Iohn Wherin the 4. Euangelists agree Heb. 4.15 and those which the other three wrote The iiii Euangelists agree very well in this that they declare vnto vs howe the sonne of God appeared in the worlde that he became true and very man like vnto vs in al thing sinne excepted Afterwardes they declare vnto vs howe he dyed rose againe and ascended into heauen To bee short all that was committed vnto him to drawe vs to god his father by is declared and set foorth vnto vs therein But there are two thinges whiche are peculiar too Saint Iohn One is Iohn hath two things peculiar too himselfe from the other Euangelists that hee stayeth and standeth vpon the doctrine of Iesus Christ more then the other Euangelists doe The other that with a greater liuelynes he declareth vnto vs Iesus Christes vertue and power True it is that the other Euangelistes speake wel of the doctrine of Iesus Christe but that is rather briefly shortly as who haue collected some small Summaries and Abridgementes thereof Iohn 6.1.2 But S. Iohn maketh a long large declaratiō therof as we see in the sixth Chapter where mention is made of that myracle which he wrought in the wildernesse when hee refreshed and fed so great a multitude For therevppon S. Iohn commeth to enter into speach and to shewe howe Iesus Christe is the bread of eternall life We see then this doctrine of Iesus Christ which was declared at large by S. Iohn and that with a more great dilating discoursing thereon then is set out by the other Euangelistes yea we see that they quite and cleane omitted that doctrine So much also may be sayde of the reste for after that hee hath touched some myracles and histories he alwayes commeth back to the doctrine and taketh occasion too enter into the matter too handle and speake of the power of our Lorde Iesus Christe Iohn 12. to 18. as from the xii Chapter til you come to the historie of the Passion he intreteth of nothing but this doctrine So then nowe wee see what difference there is betwene the Gospel according to S. Iohn The Gospel according to S. Io. giueth light to the other Euangelistes and the other three Euangelistes insomuch that to speake rightly the Gospell according to S. Iohn is as it were the key too geue vs some entraunce and opening to the other For yf wee reade S. Matthew S. Marke and S. Luke we shall not so well know wherefore Iesus Christe was sent into the worlde as when we shall haue read S. Iohn Hauing reade S. Iohn wee shall knowe afterwardes too what ende it serueth vs that Iesus Christe hath wrought and also that he hath taken mans fleshe and that he died and rose agayne Wee shall knowe I say what is the ende and substaunce of all these thinges in reading this Gospell And this is the cause why he standeth not so much vpon the history as we shall see by the order which he wil keepe hereafter It is true that these things rightly deserue to be more largely diducted layd out but because there is great matter in the Texte which wee haue to expounde I doe but touche these thinges as briefly as I can Wherefore let vs content our selues with that which we haue sūmarily shortly touched concerning the office of Iesus Christe Wherfore Christ came in to the world that is to say that S. Iohn declareth vnto vs how he was sent of God his father to the end he might accomplish and make perfect the saluation of men Hee declareth howe he tooke mans fleshe nnd howe hee dyed also and rose againe that he is the pledge of Gods loue that hee is as it were the soule of our redemption that Gods promises are in hym ratified and established Moreouer wee must marke as I haue already sayde that S. Iohn toucheth the stories more briefly then the other three Euangelistes doe The summe of the Gospell according to S. Iohn but for all that he stayeth him selfe more vppon the substance of the matter that is to say too declare vntoo vs what the doctrine of Iesus Christe is and what charge God the father hath cōmitted vnto him and to be short what is his vertue his power and goodnesse towardes vs. As concerning the signification of the worde in it selfe Gospell is asmuch too saye as a good newes or glad tidinges but this worde ought to be vnto vs as it were hallowed or sanctified to the end to cause vs to hate the thinges of this worlde and to the ende that we might knowe that all our goodnesse and our felicitie ioye and glory is in Iesus Christ alone Wherefore when we shall pronounce or speake this woorde Gospell which is as muche to say as good newes or glad tidinges Let vs learn not to reioyce beyond measure in the thinges of this worlde which are brittle and vayne let vs not reioyce in delights Wherein true Christians shoulde chiefly reioyce in pleasures nor in any thing whatsoeuer it be but let vs be glad and reioyce in this that Christe was sent vnto vs that God is offered and geuen vntoo vs in his person that Iesus Christe is come too the ende that hee myght bee our reconciliation betweene God and vs that God accepteth vs for his children to the end we shoulde not perishe and be condemned Behold how this word ought to be sāctified or hallowed vnto vs to the ende to cause vs reuerently to regarde that inestimable goodnesse which hath been brought vnto vs by our Lord Iesus Christe And it is expresly sayd