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A15520 A Christian dictionarie Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a perticular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues. By Tho: Wilson minister of the Word, at Saint Georges in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1612 (1612) STC 25786; ESTC S121081 469,452 830

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the New-Testament which sealeth to vs our spirituall feeding and growing in Christ. 1. Cor. 11 20. See more in the Supper of the Lord. Papists offend which transforme this Supper of spiritual refreshing into a Sacrifice propitiatory for sinne to Loose sig To suffer one to perish and to go on to destruction Iohn 6 39. Of all that he hath giuen mee I should loose nothing to loose life sig To lay downe our life willingly for Christ his Gospell Math. 10. Hee that looseth his Life for my sake 2 To destroy it and cast it away for euer Mat. 10 39. He that will finde his Life shall loose it Lost. sig Elect which see and feele themselues lost and quite vndone because of their sinnes Luke 19 10. The son of man is come to seeke and saue that which is lost Math. 18 11. Lot sig Some square thing as a Dye or other thing cast into a Pitcher or Pot thence to be drawn out again as a means to end strife in cases of doubt as in diuisions of lands choise of officers c. Pro. 16 33. The Lot is cast into the lap but the disposition is of the Lord. Prou. 18. Acts 1 26. 2 That which fals out to bee ones proper portion or part Psal. 16 8. The Lord is my Lot Deut. 32 9. Israell is the Lot of his inheritance 3 That which is ones cheefest good and commodity Psalme 125. 3. The Rod of the wicked shall not rest on the Lot of the righteous that is vppon themselues and their good things 4 The inheritance of any person eyther earthly or heauenly Hence come those phrases in the Booke of Ioshua The Lot of Ephraim of Zabulon of Iuda c. Also Acts 26 18. 1 Col. 12. That which is translated The inheritance of the Saintes in the Originall is The Lot of the Saints 5 The reward and recompence which is rendered to any for their sinnes Esay 17 14. This is the Lot of them that are Robbers of vs. 6 Fellowship or participation in any good thing Acts 8 21. Thou hast neyther part nor Lot for so the word is in the Originall That is no fellowship to cast Lots sig To deuide a thing by Lot Math. 27 35. Upon my vesture did they cast Lots Prou. 1 14. Loue referred to Man sig An affection of the heart moouing and stirring vs to wish well and to doe good vnto something which we iustly like and finde contentment in ● Sam. 1 26. Thy Loue to me was wonderfull like to the Loue of Women This is Naturall Loue such as a Woman beareth to her Husband a Mother to the Child c. 2 An holy affection of the heart causing vs to delight in God for his goodnesse sake and in our Neighbor for Gods sake 1 Iohn 4 19. Wee Loue him because he Loued vs first Verse 21. He that Loueth God should Loue his Neighbour also This is Christian Loue which is a fruite and signe of a iustified person but is not our Iustice before God 3 That affection which more neerely straightly bindeth Friend vnto Friend 1. Sam. 18 1. And Ionathan Loued him as his owne Soule This is Loue of Friends referred to God 4 His Diuine Essence infinitely delighting himselfe in his Sonne Christ who is his wisedome and in his Spirit which is his power also in his Creatures and Children 1 Iohn 4 16. God is loue 5 His purpose and decree to choose some vnto saluation by Christ. Rom. 9 13. Iacob haue I loued This Loue is else-where called the good pleasure of his will and fore-knowledge of God Rom. 8 29. Rom. 11 2. Ephe. 1 4. 6 The fruits and effects of that Louing purpose First in the regeneration of the elect Secondly their Iustification Thirdly their Sanctification Fourthly in the grace of perseuerance Fi●tly in the hope of Glorification Rom. 5 6. He hath shed abroad his Loue in our hearts 7 The proceeding of these former fruits of grace till they come to perfection of glory Iohn 1 2. Them he Loued to the end 8 Inordinate delight and contentment in some person or thing 2 Sam. 13 1. And Amnon Loued his Sister Tamar Heere it is taken in euill part Lowlinesse sig The humblenesse of minde and modesty of godly persons Math. 11 29. For I am lowly in hart 2 An abiect and vile estate subiect to the contempt of the world Luke 1 52. And exalted them of Low degree Loynes sig pro A part of the Body which as a piller stronglie vpholdes the whole body 2 The whole man by a Sinedoche Acts 2 30. Out of the Fruit of his Loynes c. Deut. 33 11. 3 A readinesse with all our might to execute a charge or duty committed to vs. Luke 12 35. And your Loynes girt c. L. U. Lust. sig The desire of some lawfull thing tending to preseruation of Nature that is naturall Lust in it selfe good Psalme 106. 14. And Psalm 78 ●8 Requiring meat for their Lusts. 2 Corruption of Heart coueting thinges forbid Rom. 7 7. Thou shalt not Lust. This is Originall Lust or Birth-sinne 3 All euill desires and affections whether without consent or with consent 1 Pet. 2 12. Abstain from fleshly Lusts. This is Actuall Lust. 4 The desire of good things according to Gods will with a loathing of the contrary Gala. 5 7. The Spirit Lusteth against the Flesh. This is Spirituall Lust. Sée Concupisence Heere it is taken in good part 5 Will and pleasure Psal. 27 14. Giue mee not to the Lust of mine aduersary L. Y. Lye sig an officious Lye is a sin Any vntruth or falshood though vnwittingly spoken This is the largest signication of a Lye Rom. 9 1. I speake the truth and Lye not Gen. 31 32 33. 2 An vntruth conceiued and vttered with a purpose to deceiue Eph. 4. Lye not one to another Actes 5 3. This is a most strict signification and containeth vnder it al the branches following 3 Deceitfull wordes and falshood in bargaines contracts and other affaires of this Life Such was Abrahams Lye Gene. 12 ●12 And the Lie of Gehesa 2 Kings 5 25. This is a ●iuill Lye in mens matters and it is eyther sportfull and in iest or hurtfull and dangerous or officious being made in fauour of others for their help and benefit This last kinde howsoeuer it carry a shew of honestie charity because it is beneficiall to our Neighbour yet indeede and truth it is euill and damnable because it is against the commaundement which forbiddeth Lying and hath appearance of euill Also Charity reioyceth in the truth and not in Iniqui●● And lastly because we may not tell a Lye no no● in fauour and for the glory of God much lesse for the benefit of man Iob 13 7. Will you tell a Lye or talke deceitfully for God 4 An vntruth or falshood in matter of doctrine when some opinion is held contrary to the word of God 1. Iohn 2 21. No Lye is of the truth Reu. 22 15. Such as
of Scriptures 2 The rehearsall of ones Petigree or off-spring Mat. 1 1. The Booke of the generation c. 3 Euery mans conscience or knowledge that he hath of his owne dooings good or euill Reuel 20 12. Then the Bookes shall bee opened Booke of Conscience 4 Gods prouidence or his fore-appointment of all things Psal. 139 6. For in thy Bookwere all things written Booke of prouidence Booke of life sig The decree of Gods election chusing some men freely to life eternal in Christ. This is called a Book because the elect are as certainly knowne to God as if he had their names written in a Booke Reuel 21 27. In the Lambes Booke of life Phil. 4 3. Book of predestination Booke of Rememberance sig A Chronicle or book of story wherein the names and actes of men are remembered Ester 6 1. The King commanded to bring the booke of Remembrance and the Chronicle 2 The special loue and care of God minding such as feare him in such sort as if he had their names before him in a Booke Mal. 3 16. A Booke of Remembrance was written before him Boldnesse sig Courage or liberty of speech Acts 4 13. When they saw the boldnesse of Peter Acts 28 31. With all boldnesse Bonds sig The crafty deuices and mischieuous plots of wicked men where-with as with bonds they holde the righteous Psal. 116 16. Thou hast broken my bonds assunder Heere it is taken in ill part 2 Sinne which is a spirituall bond to tye men to Satan Acts 8 23. Thou art in the bonds of Iniquity that is held fast of Iniquity which is like a bonde Heere it is vsed in euill part also 3 Gods Ordinances and Lawes which are as bondes to tye vs to our duties and to fasten vs to God Psal 2 3. Let vs breake their bands It is the speech of Gods enemies scoffingly speaking of Gods Statutes 4 Gods benefits which are also as bondes and Cords of loue to linke vs to himselfe Hosee 11 4. Euen with bondes of Loue. Heere it is put in good part 5 Imprisonment or other afflictions suffered for the Name of Christ. Acts 26 29. Except these bonds Heb. 13 3. Remember them that are in Bonds Bones sig A mans chiefe bodily strength or that wherein his chiefe outward strength lyeth 2 His inward spirituall courage and comfort of minde Psal. 51 10. That the Bones which thou hast broken may reioyce that is to say that so much comfort may be restored to me as I haue lost by my fal Lamen 3 4. Prou. 14 13. Bone of bones sig The neerest coniunction that may be as of Kinsfolkes 2. Sam. 5 1 Also of the husband and the wife Gen 2 23. of Christ and his Church Eph. 5. 30. The two former be natural coniunctions the third is mysticall Bosome sig Lawfull company with a woman Gen 16 5. 2. Sam 12 8. In the Bosome of the Father sig That Christ is priuy to all Gods secrets not as a peece cut off from the substance of the Father but as one that is in the inward part of his Father or as one in him Ioh. 1 18. Which is in the bosom of his father c. Iohn 17 21. As thou ô Father art in me and I in thee A threefold most neer coniunction of the Father and the Sonne is signifyed by this being in his bosome first of persons in one Nature secondly the infinit loue of the Father toward Christ his sonne thirdly the communication of his Secrets to him Abrahams Bosome sig The most blessed comfortable life which they that dye in that faith that Abraham did shall enioy after this life in heauen Luke 20 verse 25. And was carried by the Angell into Abrahams bosome or it is the society communion which the faithfull who beleeue as Abraham did shall haue in the kingdome of heauen A Metaphor or speech borrowed of the Eastern people which at their repast leaned each on anothers breast or bosom Iohn 13 23. 2 Abrahams Bosome is interpreted by Papists in Rheimes Testament to be a part of hell called Limbus Patrum wherein such as dyed before Christ his time did rest feeling no paine nor yet any ioy and pleasure contrarie to the 25. verse of the sixteenth Chapter of Lukes Gospell Now Lazarus is comforted from whence Christ deliuered them after his death when he went downe into Hell to harrowe it and to pull soules out of it into Heauen which they faign to be shut against men during the time of the Old Testament contrary vnto that Scripture Eccle. 12 9. The Spirit returnes to God who gaue it and to plaine reason for such as were beleeuers in Christ to come they had saluation of their soules as the end of their faith To Bow Sig To bend the body in token of reuerence Gen 23 12. Then Abraham bowed himselfe before the people of the land Gen. 18 1 19. that is He bowed himselfe to the ground 2 To giue eare vnto our Prayers by graunting what we aske Psal 16 2. 3 To shew submission and Religious reuerence in the offering vp of our Prayers Eph 3 14. I bow my knees c. 4 To testifie by this gesture our inward piety worshipping of God Exod 4 31. Bowels sig The most secret thoughtes and cogitations of the minde Prou 20 27. The light of the Lorde searcheth al the bowels of the belly A Metaphor or speech borrowed from the body to the minde 2 The most feeling compassions of the ha●t Col 3 12. Bowels of mercy that is most tender mercies Luke 1 78. 3 Inward deepe griefe and heauinesse Lam 1 20. My bowels are turned within me A Bowe sig pro An Instrument of Warre and sometime is vsed to signifye the whole furniture and force of warre Psal 44 6. I do not trust in my Bow Gen 48. 2 The strength of the wicked which they vse to the hurting of the godly Psal 7 12. He hath bent his Bow and made his Arrowes ready Psal. 11 2. 3 The tongues of the Ministers whence proceed wordes like Arrowes to strike the very hearts of men either for their conuersion if they be Elect or hardning if they be Reprobate Reuel 6 2. He that sate on him had a Bowe To breake the Bowe sig To destroy and bring to nothing the greatest strength and the power of the enemies of the Church Psal 76 2. There he brake the Bowe the sword c. Bow of stéel or brasse sig Singular and very great strength Psal 18 34. A Bowe of brasse is broken with my Armes Deceitfull Bowe sig False help which faileth in time of need or vnfaithfull men in whom there is no trust Hos. 7 16. They are as a deceitfull Bowe B. R. Bread sig pro Food made of Corne as of Wheat or any other Corne to nourish this Naturall life This is materiall Bread In this sense Manna is called bread Exod. 16 4. 2 All things necessary for this life by a Sinechdoche as in the Lords Prayer
thing Rom. 12 8. He that sheweth mercy with cheerefulnesse 2. Cor. 9 7. God loues a cheerefull giuer Children sig pro Young ones as Infants or others which bee of t●… yeares Marke 10 13. Forbid not children to come vnto me 2 All Inferiors which loue and obey their Superiors as Fathers Prou. 4 1. My children hearken Thus in Haebrew their seruants were called children Gen. 18 7. And often else-where 3 All truely humbled Christians Math. 18. 3 4. And become children 4 Such as take themselues to be very weake and vnable to do great things Ier. 1 6. Children of God sig The elect before their new byrth because God hath purposed to make them his children which by Nature are not so they are therefore called his children as if they were already as in Iohn 10 16. they are called Sheepe who God before appointed to call to the fold Iohn 11 52. To gather together into one folde the children of God Children by grace of election 2 Such Elect as beeing begotten anew by the Immortall seede of the word do beare Gods image in holinesse endeuoring in al things to do their Fathers will Luke 6 35. And you shall be the children of the most highest Eph. 4 24. 1. Pet. 1 14 15. Children by grace of regeneration 3 The Holy and Elect Angels which are the children of God by creation Iob. 1 6. The children of God came and stood before the Lord. generation of Gods Children sig The succession and race of the godly continuing successiuely from age to age by the merciful prouidence of God preseruing them Psal. 73 15. Children of wisedome sig Wise children that is all the godly which are taught hauing wisedome from aboue and are studious of that true wisedome reuealed in the word louing and practising it Luke 7 35. Wisedom is Iustified of her children Children of the day and of the light sig All such as are enlightned by the spirite to the sound and distinct knowledge of God in Christ through the Gospell 1. Thes. 5 5. Ye are the children of the light and of the day that is such as know God soundly Children of Abraham sig Them that came of Abrahams loynes though they do not beleeue Iohn 8 37. Mat. 3 9. To raise vp children to Abraham 2 Them that belieue and liue as Abraham did treading in the steps of his faith and loue such bee the children of Abraham though they be no Iewes but Gentiles Gal. 3 7. They which are of fayth the same are the children of Abraham Iohn 8 37. If you were Abrahams children ye would do the workes of Abraham Rom. 4 11 12. Children in maliciousnesse sig Such as be like little children voyde of malice and vnharmefull 1. Cor. 14 20. But as concerning maliciousnesse be ye children Little children sig Lowly persons which be little in their own eies like vnto children Math. 18 4. Whosoeuer shall receiue one such little childe Children of Israel Sig The Israelites which sprung and came out of Iacob who was called Israell Exod. 14 1. Speake to the children of Israel Childe of Promise sig One that is borne by vertue of Gods promise not by ordinary course of generation as Isaac was Rom. 9 8. The children of the promise are counted for the seede Note that all elect which be born anew by faith in the promise of grace they are the children of the promise Children of the flesh sig Such as are borne by naturall generation as Ismael was of Abraham Rom. 9 8. Which are the children of the flesh Children of the Deuill sig Such as beare the Image of the Deuill and resembleth him in malice and subtilty as children do their Father in all things doing his will Ioh. 8 44. Ye are of your father the Deuill and his will ye will do Acts 13 10. O thou childe of the deuill full of all subtilty Children of Disobedience sig Disobedient children which are giuen to disobedience Eph. 5 6. The wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience Children of the night of darknes sig Such as remaine in ignorance and sinne 1. Thes. 5 5. Ye are not children of the night neyther of darknesse Children of fornication sig Eyther Bastards to wit children begotten in fornication Or Idolaters which imitate others in false worship Hose 2 4. They are the children of fornication Childe of Perdition sig A lost person appointed to destruction and running head-long thereunto So is Iudas called in Iohn 17 12. None of them is lost but the child of perdition Childe of wrath of deth of hel sig One guilty of and through desert of sinne subiect to wrath death and hell Eph. 2 3. 2. Sam. 2 5. Mat. 23 15. Christ. sig One annointed with materiall Oyle by the commandement of God as the High-priests Prophets and some Kings were vnder the Law 1. Sam. 16 13. 2 One annointed of God with the Holy-Ghost power that is with speciall guifts aboue measure and authority to execute for vs men the Office of a perfect Mediator with God that is of a Priest Prophet and King Acts 10 38. Him hath God annointed with the Holyghost and with power And v. 36. Papists robbe him of all his Offices especially of his Priest-hood by the abhominable order of Sacrificing Priests and Priest-hoode as of his kingly office by giuing Lawes which should binde the Conscience and of his Prophet-ship by vnwritten Traditions 3 The whole mysticall body of the Church comprehending both head and members 1. Cor. 12 12. As al the body is one and hath many members euen so is Christ. Heere Christ by a Sinechdoche of the chiefe part for the whole is put to signifie the holie Catholicke Church that misticall body consisting of Head and members Christians sig Persons spiritually annointed to be members and worshippers of Christ. Acts 11 26. The Disciples of Antioch were first called christians 1. Iohn 2 20. Ye haue an oyntment A Christian is one who being sometime both most base and prophane a vassall to Satan and Seruant to sinne through Adams sin and his owne is annointed now and endowed through Grace with faith and the Holy-ghost that he may become a Priest and a King vnto God to serue him in righteousnesse and true holynesse all his dayes as a person dedicate to Christ. Rom. 5 6 7 8. 1. Pet. 2 9. Ye are a Royall Priest-hood Ephes. 2 3. Children of wrath Or thus A Christian is one whome Christ hath loued and washed in his blood making him a King and Priest vnto God Reuel 1 5. Chronicles sig A briefe note of thinges done with the time expressed 2. Kings 24 5. Are they not written in the Booke of Chronicles Church sig A company of men selected gathered and called out of the worlde by the Doctrine of the Gospell to know and worship the true God in Christ according to his word 1. Cor. 1 2. To the Church of God at Corinth Reuel 2. 3. Heare what the spirit saith to the Churches
1 2. According to the faith of Gods Elect. Rom. 9 9 10. 2 Christ whom alone God Elected and chose to be the Messiah and Sauiour Luke 23 35. Elect Lady sig Some excellent and honourable Dame 2. Ioh. 1. To the Elect Lady In this sence Theophilus is called most Noble Luke 1 3. being a chiefe principall person Election what it is Gods eternall decree freely choosing as some Angels so also a certaine number out of lost mankinde to obtain saluation by faith in Iesus Christ vnto the praise of his glorious grace Rom. 9 11. Acts 13 48. Eph. 1 4 5. Election of grace sig Free Election o● that Election which comes from the free mercy and fauour of God Ro. 11 5. According to the Election of grace If Election bee of grace then it is not of workes for then Grace were no Grace saieth the Apostle and that is no way free which is not free euery way Elements or rudimēts of the world sig pro The Fire Ayre Water Earth called Elements because they be the beginning whereof other visible Creatures are compounded 2. Pet. 3 10 12. Elements melt with heate 2 The Legall Ceremonies of the old Testament which were Principles or Rules whereby God ruled and instructed his Church as it were vnder a Schoole-maister in those dayes But being now ioyned to the Gospell or helde as necessary to saluation they are to be taken heede of Col. 2 8. Beware least ye be spoyled by Traditions of men according to the Elements of the worlde Thus it must be read after the Originall Text. Gal. 4 9. Sée Rudiments Elyas sig That particular Prophet and man of God called Elias the restorer of Religion in his time 1. Kin. 17 16. According to the word of the Lord which hee spake by the hand of Flyas 2 Iohn Baptist which came in the spirit and power of Elyas to restore Religion in his time Mat. 17 11. Certainly Elyas must first come and restore al things verse 13 And his Disciples perceiued that he spake this of Iohn Baptist. E. M. Emanuell sig God with vs or God in our Nature God-Man Math. 1 23. And they shall call his Name Emanuel This is a name of Christs person Emulation sig A strife who should go before other in receiuing fauours and honors Gal. 5 20. Debate Emulation Heere it is taken in ill part There is an example of it in Marke 9 33. 2 A strife betweene two or more persons who should go before and excell other in doing good An example heereof we haue in Rom. 11 14. to Embalm sig To season a dead body with Spices to preserue it from sauoring Gen. 50 1. Empty sig Voide or one which hath nothing that good is Luke 1 53. The rich he will send empty away E. N. End sig Tearme conclusion or last end of a thing also scope or marke Rom. 6 22. And the End euerlasting life 1. Pet. 4 7. End of all things is at hand 2 Payment or Reward Rom. 6 21. The End of these things is death Phil. 3 19. 3 Perfection and Complement 1. Timo. 1 5. The End of the Commaundements is loue Sée Rom. 13 10. 4 Summe Eccles. 12 13. Let vs heare the End of all 5 Day of Iudgement when this worlde as it is shall End Math. 24 6 3. 6 That for whose cause a thing is appointed or done Rom. 10 4. Christ is the End of the Lawe for Righteousnesse The End or cause for which the Law was giuen is to iustifie This it cannot doo through our sinne Rom. 8 3. but Christ by fulfilling the Law is become righteousnesse to beleeuers and so is the End of the Law Endeuour sig A setting or bending of our minde earnestly to do some duty Acts 24 16. I endeuour in all thinges to keepe a cleare Conscience Phil. 3 13. And Endeuour my selfe to that which is before This is al which the Gospel requireth of the beleeuers to Endeuour not absolutely to haue holinesse of life Enemy sig A person who out of an hatred towards vs seeketh to hurt vs by word or deed either secretly or openly This worde is both applied to Satan and men Luke 6 35. Loue your enemies do well to them that hate you Math. 13 25 The Enemy came and sowed Tares This is a true reall Enemy 2 A supposed Aduersary which in truth neither hateth nor hurteth vs but in our opinion onely 1. Kings 21 20. Hast thon found me out ô my Enemy Thus godly Ministers and good men be Enemies to impenitent sinners whom they reprooue Gal. 4 16. Am I become your Enemy because I tell you the truth This is an immaginary Enemy Enemies sig All men as they are born into this world corrupt and infected with sinne which had made a separation betweene vs and God God for sinne hating men and men through sin hating God Rom. 5 8. If when we were Enemies wee were reconciled to God This enimity was mutuall not our euil actions qualities onely but for and through them our persons were hated of God before our Conuersion For reconciliation is of our persons being alienated by sinne and estranged from God Esay 59 3. Ephes. 2 3. Enimity sig Bitter and vnreconcileable hatred and diuision Gen. 3 15. I will put Enimity Rom. 8 7. The Wisedome of the flesh is Enimity with God to Enlarge sig To make wide that which is straite and narrow to become more capeable and fit to receiue Gods guifts Psal. 119 32. When thou shalt Enlarge my heart Enlightning sig The putting into vs the light of knowledge making such to see and know the truth who were ignorant before Heb. 6 4. They which were once Enlightned Luke 24 45. Then hee opened their vnderstanding to Enlighten the eies sig To make the light of Gods countenance to shine vpon one in distresse shewing himselfe fauorable againe Psal. 13 3. Enlighten mine eyes least I sleepe in death to Enter into ioy sig To be partakers of the goods heauenly commodities of our Lord. Math. 25 21. Enter thou into thy Maisters ioy not to Enter into iudgement sig Not to exact straight reckoning requiring of me all that thou maist Psal. 143 2. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant to Enter in at the strait gate sig To deny our selues and take vp the Crosse and followe Christ. This is to enter in at the narrow doore Mat. 7 13. To prepare our selues to a strict and precise course to Enter into the kingdom of God sig To becom a true member of the militant Church which is the misticall body of Christ ouer which he raigneth as head and King Iohn 3 5. Except ye be borne againe of the spirit yee cannot enter into the kingdome of God 2 To be reckoned worthy and meete to be Teachers in the Church militant Math. 5 20. Ye cannot enter into the kingdome of God That the place should thus be expounded appeareth by the verses next going afore to Enter the way of the world
goods whence our liueli-hood ariseth as Water springes out of a Fountaine Prouer. 5 10. Let thy Fountaines flow forth c. 7 Eyes which as a Spring or Fountaine sends forth teares as a witnesse of hearts griefe Iere. 9 1. Mine eyes a Fountaine of Teares For. sig Euery thing that hurteth the Inheritance or vineyard of the Church be it false doctrine or corrupt manners Cant. 2 15. Take away the Foxes 2 False Prophets which craftily vndermine the safety and state of Religion and of the Church Ezec. 13 4. O Israell thy Prophets are as Foxes in the wast places 3 All crafty and guilefull persons which with their carft and cunning seeke to deceiue and hurt others Luke 13 32. Tell that Foxe little Foxes sig All occasions and appearances of euils Cant. 2 15. These little Foxes to be a portion for Foxes sig To be cast out vppon the Mountaines without buriall that Foxes and Beastes may feede vppon them Psalme 63 10. They shall bee the portion for Foxes F. R. Frame of the hart sig The inward secret thoughts inclinations and purposes of the Soule as it is expounded by Moyses himselfe Gen. 6 5. The whole Frame that is the thoughts of mans hart are euill continually according to the Translation of Tremellius it should thus be read Free sig pro Such as bee Bond-men but are exempt from the yoake of slauery 1 Cor. 7 22. 2 Beleeuers whom Christ hath set free and deliuered from the Curse and rigor of the Law and not onely from yoake of Legall Ceremonies also frō the ●y●anny of sinne by his death and spirit so as they are no more vnder the bondage of sin though sinne be still in them nor neede feare the condemnation due to it also they serue God with a free ingenious spirit as Children their Father Rom. 5 7. He that is dead is Free from Sinne. Rom. 7 6. Free from Sinne that is from the Dominion of Sinne verse 14 Rom. 8 2. Free from Sinne and Death that is from the condemnation due to it as verse 1. Psalme 51 11. Iohn 8 38. This Freedome is wholy of Grace not at all of Nature Sée Will. Beleeuers are Free and not Free therefore they cry both who shall Free me from Sin Rom. 7 24. and also they tryumphantly say Christ hath freede me from the Law of Sin Rom. 8 2. They are freed wholy from the guilt and punnishment of Sinne but from corruption of sinne they are freed in part onely so farre as that it doe not raigne ouer them the Lords Frée man sig A true Christian who though he bee bond and Seruant vnto man is yet set Free by the Lord Iesus from th● seruitude of Sathan and Sinne. 1 Corin. 7 22. Frée from all men sig One that is not beholden vnto other men to liue at their cost 1 Cor. 9 19. Though I bee Free from all men Frée among the dead sig One separate from the liuing left for dead Psal. 88 5. Free among the dead like to the slaine which lie in the Graue Friend sig pro One whom we do entirely loue aboue others and vse more familiarly and priuately then we doe others as Dauid did Ionathan Pro. 18 24. A friend is neerer then a Brother 2 One to whom God imparteth his minde and secrets so familiarly and fully as one Friend dooth to another Genesis 18 17. Shall I hide this thing from Abraham Hence it is that Iames 2 29. calleth Abraham the Friend of God also the Apostles are called Christs Friendes Iohn 15 15. You I haue called Friends because what I had of my Father I haue made knowne to you Friendship of y● world sig The loue and vnmeasurable desire of carnall and worldly things Iames 4 4. The friendship or the Amity of the Wo●ld is the enimity with God Frozen in their dregs sig Stubborne Sinners which obstinately sticke in their sinnes mocking both God and Man Zephe 1 12. I will visit them that be frozen in Dregges Ier. 48 11. Fruit. sig pro The encrease which commeth of the Land of Trees of Cattle and of other Creatures Deutro 28 4. Blessed shall bee the fruit of thy Ground and of thy Cattle 2 The couersion of men to God by the ministry of his Seruants Iohn 15 16. I haue appointed that ye go and bring forth Fruite and verse 2. 3. He that abideth in me bringeth forth Fruit. In this sence the Gospell was fruitfull in all the World Coloss. 1 6. Conuersion of Sinners to the Faith is as delightful to God as sweete Fr●●● is to men A Metaphor 3 All and euery one of Gods Graces works in his Children because they come from his spirite as Fruite from a Tree and doe so please him as good Fruit is pleasing to vs. Gal. 5 22. The fruits of the Spirit is loue peace ioy c. Phil. 1 11. Filled with the Fruits of righteousnesse A Metaphor 4 The due recompence and merite of our euill workes Micha 7 13. For the Fruits of their inuentions Prouerb 31. They shall eate the Fruite of their workes 5 False doctrine the proper Fruit of a Falfe Prophet Math. 7 16. By their Fruits ye shall know them 6 The profit and commodity that comes of well doing Prouer. 31 31. Giue her of the Fruite of her hands Rom. 6 22. Ye haue your Fruit in holinesse 7 Any godly deede tending to the spirituall profit of others Phil. 4 17. I desire the Fruit c. eyther speech it selfe or the reward which comes of good or euill speech Prouer. 12 14. A man shall be filled with good thinges by the Fruit of his mouth Fruits of righteousnesse sig All good works done by iustified and righteous persons Phil. 1 11. Aboundiug with the Fruites of righteousnesse fruits worthy of repentance sig A godly and iust life meete for such as haue repentance Mat. 3 8. Bring forth Fruits worthy of repentance Fruit of the wombe sig Children Deut. 28 4. Blessed shall be the Fruite of thy womb Psal. 127 3. and 132 11. Gen. 30 2. and in Deut. 28 4. Children be called the Fruit of the body being deriued from the body of their Parents as Fruit springs from a Tree Also delightful vnto them as Fruit to our mouth Fruitfull sig Profitable as vnfruitfull signifies vnprofitable Titus 3 14. Colo. 1 6. And is Fruitfull 2 Abundant Col. 1 10. Fruitfull in good workes F. U. Full. sig The proud and such as bee swollen with high conceite of their owne sufficiencie and woorth so as they feele no neede of Christ. Luke 6 26. Woe vnto them that are Full. Reuel 3 17. affords vs an example heereof 2 Much or abundantly rich and plentifull Acts 6 5. Stephen Full of the Holy Ghost and of faith that is endued with a great portion of faith In Luke 1 28. it would not bee read Full of grace but Freely beloued as the Greek word signifies and Chrisost expounds it 3 That which is perfect or hath no want 2.
Iohn 8. That we may receiue a Full reward that is a perfect reward Iohn 15 11. 4 Sincere and sound Col. 4 12. That yee may stand Full in all the will of God Fulnesse sig Such a measure of perfection where nothing is lacking Iohn 1 17. Of his Fulnesse wee all receiue Col. 1 10. And sometimes it signifies only a large and plentifull portion of any thing whereof the Scripture hath inumerable examples as fulnesse of the earth c. Fulnesse of God sig Such a measure of perfection as God hath appointed to euerie one of the elect through Christ. Ephe. 4 13. and 3 19. That ye may be filled with all the fulnesse of God Fulnesse of Christ. sig The Church which being Christ his bodie he esteemes him-selfe an vnperfect head without it though in himself he be filled with al good things Ephe. 1 23. Fulnesse of the godhead sig The whole and most perfect God-head Col. 2 9. In whom dwels al the Fulnesse of the God-head bodily that is substantially Fulnesse of the blessing of the gospel sig A rich and plentifull blessing of knowledge and comfort by the Doctrine of the Gospell Rom. 15 25. With Fulnesse or abundance of the blessing of the Gospell of Christ. Fulnesse of y● Gentiles sig The whole number of the elect Gentiles called and brought home to Christ. Rom. 11 25. Till the Fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in Fulnesse of time sig That time Fully ended and come which God in his Counsell had set Galat. 44. At the Fulnesse of time Fulnesse of bread sig Excesse in eating or Gluttony Ezekiel 16 49. Pride Fulnesse of bread Full wickednesse sig Wickednesse come and growne vp to the greatest measure being now ripe for Vengeance Gen. 15 16. When the Wickednesse of the Amorite was Full. Fulfilling being referred to God sig The performance of his threatnings promises or Prophesies Math. 26 54. How then should the Scriptures be Fulfilled and 37 35. Also in those places where God is saide to Fulfill the desires of the righteous by giuing promised blessings 2. to Christ. 2 The perfect keeping of the word as by Christ onely Mat. 3 15. It behooueth vs to Fulfill all righteousnesse 3. to other men 3 An earnest desire with answereable endeuour to Fulfill the Law Psal. 119 112. I haue applyed my heart to Fulfill thy Statutes 4 Supplying something that is wanting or encreasing that which is little Phil. 2 2. Fulfill my ioy that is adde something to my ioy Iohn 17 3. My ioy is fulfilled in them Col. 1 9. 5 Truely and indeede performing a thing Gal. 6 2. Fulfill ye the law of Christ that is the law of loue which is fulfilled of such as doo indeed loue their Christian Brothers euen as Christ commanded and for Conscience of his Commaundements to Fulfill y● measure of our fathers sig To go on to doo as our Fathers did before vs following their wayes till we be as euill as they Math. 23 32. Fulfill the measure of your fathers Furnace sig Most sharpe afflictions whereby Christians are proued and known to themselues and others what they be as Golde is tried in the Furnace Deut. 4 20. The Lord hath taken you and brought you out of the Iron Furnace 1. Pet. 1 7. G. A. Gaine sig pro PRofit comming of a mans bodily labour 2 Spirituall aduantage or commodity 1. Tim. 6 6. Godlinesse is great Gaine Gall. sig A thing so called of a verie bitter quality 2 Any bitternesse whatsoeuer Psal. 69 22. They gaue me Gall to eate Lam. 3 5 15 19. 3 The euill workes of wicked men whereby they grieue God and man Deut. 32 32. Their Grapes of Gall. And verse 33. Deut. 29 18. Garden sig A place of pleasure for Hearbes and Flowers to delight our sences withall Math. 26. 36. 2 The Church wherein the righteous which be the Lords plants doo grow hauing excellent graces and bringing forth excellent workes as spices and fruit to delight Christ withall that hee may loue to walke and abide therein Cant. 6 10. I went downe to the Garden of Nuts Cantic 4 15 16. and 5 1. the Garden of the Lord sig A most excellent delicate Garden Gen. 13 10. It was as the Garden of the Lord. Such was the Garden of Eden full of al pleasures and delights a Garden watered or vnwatered sig An estate either prosperous and flourishing through Gods blessing or vnhappy wosull thorough his curse Esay 58 11. Thou shalt be as a watered Garden Esay 1 30. As a Garden which hath no water Garments sig pro That wherewith one is cloathed Math. 27 37. They deuided his Garments 1. Tim. 6 8. 2 Christ with his perfect righteousnesse imputed which as a Garment or long white Robe doth hide the spirituall nakednesse and decketh or adorns the soule with spiritual beauty This is that wedding Garment spoken of Mat. 22 11. And to this do these exhortations belong where wee are willed to put on Christ. 3 The graces of Sanctification Reu. 3 4. Which haue not defiled their Garments Hether do those exhortations appertaine which bidde vs put on the man Ephe. 4 24. And to put on mercy meekenesse humblenesse c. Col. 3 9 10 11. Garment spotted by the flesh sig Obstinate sinners their persons sins and societies Iude 23. Hate the Garments spotted by the flesh It is a speech borrowed from the custome of the Iewes which did shun eschew such as were Legally vncleane yea euen their Garments to teach Christians how to abhorre offensiue wicked persons and their company Garner sig A Store-house wherein to lay vp Corn or other things A Corne-house 2 Heauen whereinto the faithful are gathered in the end of the world as wheate after haruest is gathered into a Garner Mat. 3 12. And gather his Wheate into his Garner A Metaphor Gates sig pro That which giues vs entry or passage into an house or Citty Iudg. 16 3. And Sampson tooke the doores of the Gates of the Citty 2 A place before the Gate where Magistrates did publickly meete for hearing and determining causes Gen. 34 20. Hamor and Sechem his Sonne went vnto the Gate of the Citty Gen. 23 10. And very often else-where as in the Prophets 3 A Citty by a Sinecdoche of the part for the whole Gen. 24 60. And thy seede possesse the Gate of his enemies Psal. 87 2. 4 Iurisdiction o● power In the 5. Chap. verse 14 of Deut. Nor the strangers within thy Gates Because seats of Iudgment were erected in the gates for the administring of Iustice. Hence they signifie iurisdiction and gouernment Amos 5 12. They oppresse the poore in the Gate that is in publicke iudgement which was exercised in the Gate Also strength and power is signified by gate because of old time the chiefe fortification of the Citties consisted in their Gates where their munitions defences were placed Hence comes that phrase of the Gates of hell being put for the whole power pollicy of
which alone being beleeued is able to pacify the conscience Ephe. 6 15. Your Feet-shod with the Gospell of peace 2 Cor. 5 19. Gospell of God sig The doctrine or promise whereof God is Authour and giuer Rom. 1 1. To preach the Gospell of God Gospell of saluation sig A doctrine which bringeth vs to bee partakers truely of that saluation which God hath promised Christ purchased the word offereth Ephe. 1 13. Euen the Gospell of your saluation Gospell of the Kingdome sig A doctrine which bringeth vs to Christ that he may raigne as King in vs. Mat. 4 23. Preaching the Gospell of the Kingdome the Gospell of the grace of God sig That doctrine which certifieth vs of Gods fauor and loue restored in Christ for the free pardon of all our sinnes and full reconciliation with God Acts 20 24. To testifie the gospell of the Grace of God the Gospell of the glory of God sig A glorious doctrine entreating of the most excellent glory of God and at last translating the beleeuers of it into eternall glory 1 Tim. 1 11. According to the glorious gospell of the blessed God Pauls Gospell sig That doctrine of life whereof Paule was Minister to spread publish it to mankind Rom. 2 16. According to my gospell Truth of the Gospel sig That most pure and sound Doctrine of Christ. Gal. 2 5. That the truth of the gospell might continue with you Gospel of the son of God sig An heauenly doctrine which hath the Sonne of God for Author matter and scope of it Rom. 1 9. In the gospell of his Son faith of the Gospell sig That Faith which is yeelded to the doctrine taught in the Gospel resting thereon and looking onely thereunto Phil. 1 27. Through the Faith of the Gospell Gouernor sig One set ouer others to rule them as a ciuill Magistrate in the thinges of this life Mathew 27 11. Iesus stood afore the Gouernour 1 Pet. 2 14. 2 One placed ouer others to rule them in the thinges of God 1. Corin. 12 28. Helpers Gouernours G. R. Grace sig The free and eternall fauour and good will of God which is the Well-spring of all the benefits that we haue 2. Tim. 1 9. But according to his own purpose and grace Roman 11 6. If of grace not of workes c. This is Grace of election which makes vs gracious and acceptable vnto God And by this Grace we are so often in Scriptures said to be iustified and saued Rom. 3 4 and 5. Acts 13 43. 2 Faith withall the healthfull and sauing effects and fruits thereof which are called Grace because they are freely giuen vs. Hebr. 12 15. No man fall away from the Grace of God 1 Pet. 5 12. This is Grace freely giuen which Popish Sophisters doe wickedly confound with that Grace whereby we are freely beloued 3 Free imputation of Christs righteousnesse Rom. 5 15. The grace of God hath abounded vnto many Also verses 17 20 21. In all which by Grace is meant the righteousnesse of Christ freely imputed to beleeuers This is the Grace of Iustification which Papists confound with Grace of Sanctification 4 The worke of the spirit renewing our Soules to the Image of God continually guiding and strengthning them to the obedience of his will Rom. 6 14. Ye are vnder grace Also verse 23. 2 Cor. 12 9. My grace is sufficient for thee This is the Grace of Sanctification which is freely giuen as a witnesse of Gods fauour in electing and iustifiing vs. 5 That happy and blessed condition into which we are admitted and wherein we are kept by the good will and free fauour of God Rom. 5 2. Wee had this accesse into this grace where in we stand 6 The Gifts of the holy Spirit freely bestowed vpon vs 2 Pet. 3 18. But grow in grace 1 Pet. 5 10. and else-where often as Iohn 1 16. This also is Grace freely giuen but doth not make vs gratefull to God 7 The spirituall or euangelicall worship of God Hebr. 13 9. It is good the Heart be established with grace 8 Some godly comfort and instruction Ephe. 4 29. That it may minister Grace to the Hearers 9 Almes or works of mercy to the poore 2 Cor. 8 4. That we would receiue the Grace 10 The bountifull liberality of God enabling vs to giue to the poore 2 Cor. 9 8. God is able to make all Grace abound toward you 11 Fauour or liking with men Gen. 19 19. Thy Seruant hath found grace in thy sight And elsewhere often as Gen. 6 8. and 33 10. 12 The effectuall presence of the Holy Ghost Acts 14 26. From whence they had beene commended to the Grace of God 1 Cor. 15 10. The Grace of God in me 13 Afflictions and bands suffered for Christ. Phil. 1 7. You are all partakers of my Grace 14 The benefit and gift of heauenly wisedome 2 Cor. 1 12. Not by fleshly wisedome but by the grace of God c. 15 Generally any benefit bestowed vppon vs. 2 Cor. 8 1. Of the Grace of God bestowed vppon the Churches 16 Elegance of speech which made Christ gratious and amiable to all Psal. 45 3. Full of grace are thy lips Luke 4 22. Words full of Grace 17 The perswasion Fruits feeling of Gods good will encreased in vs. Rom. 1. 7. Grace and peace from God the Father Thus is the word Grace to bee taken in all the salutations of Paule to the Churches Also Gal. 6 18. Ephe. 6 24. 18 Eternall glory in Heauen 1 Pet. 1 7. As they which are Heires of the Grace of life 1. Peter 1 13. 19 Acceptation with God and Men. Luke 2 22. Iesus encreased in Grace or fauor with God and men Iames 4 6. God giues grace to the humble that is makes them accepted and fauoured What Grace is Grace is the free good will of God whereby he counteth vs deare in Christ Iesus forgiueth vs our Sinnes and giueth vs the holy Ghost and vpright life and eternall felicity Thus Peter Martyr defineth it Grace for Grace sig A liuely Faith as one Grace afterward eternall life as another Grace Iohn 1 16. And Grace for Grace or thus Grace vppon Grace that is one Grace of the spirit after another the spirit of Christ daily powring new Graces vppon vs. This is the best exposition or thus Grace and fauour shewed to vs for the loue and fauour which God beares his Son or thus Grace conueyed into vs from the fulnesse of Grace in Christ. Grace and truth sig The free forgiuenesse of sinnes in Christ vnto a full reconciliation with God and the fulfilling of all the shadowes of the Law Iohn 1 17. But grace and truth came by Iesus Christ. to finde Grace sig To haue proofe of Gods mercy and free fauour in preseruing and blessing vs. Gen. 6 8. And Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. 2 To haue men gracious and fauourable vnto vs to doe vs good or to forbeare to doe vs euill Gen. 33 10.
might remaine in you Ioy in the holy Ghost sig A gladsome sweete and comfortable motion of the heart stirred vp by the Spirit of Adoption vpon the feeling of Gods loue in Christ to eternal life vpon the tokens of that loue both in earthly and spirituall blessings Rom. 14 17. The Kingdome of God is righteousnesse peace and Ioy in the Holy Ghost This is called Christs Ioy. Iohn 15 11. And glorious Ioy. 1 Pet. 1 8. Because it is part of the Kingdome of Heauen Ioy of the Lord. sig Diuine Ioy which commeth from the Lord and is placed in him Nehemi The Ioy of the Lord shall make ye strong Ioy of God sig Comfort of mind arising from Gods goodnes manifested in some outward or inward deliuerance Psal. 51 12. Restore to me the Ioy of thy saluation that is thy deliuerances were woont to make me glad let it be so againe with me to heare of Ioy gladnesse sig To be made ioyfull and glad by hearing beleeuing the glad tydings of forgiuenesse of sinnes For Ioy comes from faith and faith by hearing Psal. 51 8. Make me to heare of Ioy and gladnesse to Ioy in tribulations sig To haue occasion and matter of true comfort cheerfulnesse of our hart from afflictions because they are pledges of Gods loue and trials of Faith and patience Rom. 5 3. We Ioy in tribulations Ioy in the Lord. sig That true inward comfort which faithfull hearts feele because the Lord is their mercifull Father in Christ Iesus Phil. 4 4. Ioy in the Lord. Rom. 5 11. I. S. Is. sig Betokeneth signifieth sealeth Mat. 13 38. The field Is the world Math. 26 27. This Is my bodye And elsewhere often Gal. 4 24. 2 Leads or brings vnto Rom. 7 7. Is the Law sinne That is doth it bring vnto or lead to sinne Rom. 6 23. The guift of God is eternall life that is holinesse which is Gods free guift leadeth vnto aeternall life as a way leadeth to a Citty Rom. 8 6. Wisedome of the spirit Is life and peace 3 Bring forth causeth meriteth or deserueth Rom. 8 6. The Wisedome of the Flesh Is death that is not only leads vnto but deserueth death aeternall Israel sig A Prince of the strong God or one that hath obtained principall power from the mighty God Gen. 32 28. Thy name shall be called Iacob no more but Israel because thou hast power with God 2 The Patriarke Iacob who was called Israell because he had strength to wrestle with God and to ouercome as in the former place appeareth Rom. 9 6. All that are of Israell that is of Iacob 3 The people of Israell which were the posterity of Iacob of whom consisteth the visible church till the comming of Christ. Exod. 19 3. Tell the children of Israel Psal. 76 11. And very often in the Old-Testament 4 The whole Inuisible Catholicke Church consisting of beleeuing Iewes and Gentiles Psal. 124 1. Now may Israell say Psal. 125 5. But peace shall be vpon Israel Gal. 6 16. And vpon the Israel of God that is vppon the whole elect people of God 5 Euery elect faithfull person Ro. 9 6. All they are not Israel Israelite sig A Iew which discended of Iacob according to the flesh Rom. 9 4. Which are the Israelites 2 A Godly Christian though a Gentile which from his heart worshippeth the God of Israel Ioh. 1 47. Behold in deed an Israelite in whom there is no guile Rom. 2 29. Psal. 73 1. Yet God is good to Israel euen to such as are of a pure heart I. U. a Iudge sig A chiefe Gouernor or Soueraigne Ruler who hath all the world in his disposition and vnder his power So is God alone Gen. 28 25. Should not the Iudge of the world do iustly 2 A Deputy-Gouernor as it were Gods Lieutenant in the gouernment of the whole world So is Christ as Mediator and he alone 2. Tim. 4 1. I charge thee before Christ the Iudge of quicke and dead Iohn 5 22. 3 A Gouernor that hath generall rule by Gods appointment ouer some one people or Nation to preserue and gouerne it Iudg. 3 26. God raised them vp Iudges 4 A person appointed ouer criminal causes and ciuill controuersies to end and determine them by his sentence 2. Chr. 19 5. He set Iudges in the land Deut. 16 18. Iudges shalt thou make thee in all thy Citties Luke 12 14. to Iudge referred to God sig Referred to men To rule and gouerne Psal. 67 4. God shall Iudge the earth with righteousnesse Psal. 9 4 8. Heb. 10 30. The Lord shall Iudge his people 2 To correct chastice or to punnish which is one act of diuine gouernment Psal. 51 4. That thou maist be pure when thou Iudgest Hebr. 13 4. Adulterers God will Iudge 3 To pronounce a righteous and true sentence vpon all things and persons which is also another act of Gouernment Rom. 2 16. At that day when God shall Iudge the world 4 To giue defence and preseruation against malicious vniust oppressors Psal 7 8. Iudge me according to my righteousnesse Sée verse 10. which seemeth thus to expound the word Psal. 43 1. Iudge me ô Lord and deliuer me This is also one part of gouernment 5 To enquire into try and discerne things and persons Psal. 7 11. compared with verse 9. Psal. 11 4 5. The Lords Throne is in heauen his eyes will consider and try c. 6 To rule and gouerne any people Iudg. 4 4. Debora Iudged Israel 7 Truly to vnderstand and discerne all things as they be 2. Cor. 2 15. The spirituallman Iudgeth all things 1. Cor. 14 29. Let two or three speake and let the other Iudge that is discerne what is spoken 8 To vtter an vpright and vnpartial sentence of other men and their doings Iohn 7 24. Iudge a righteous Iudgement and not according to appearance 9 Rashly and curiously without any cause or calling to carpe at and censure other men their actions Math. 7 1. Iudge not and ye shall not bee Iudged Rom. 14 13. Let no man Iudge his Brother that is rashly determine of him and of his finall estate for that belongs to God onely 10 To approoue and allow the last sentence of the great Iudgement 1. Cor. 6 2. The Saints shall Iudge the world and the Angels 11 To heare try and determine ciuill causes betweene a man and his Neighbour 1. Cor. 6 2. Are ye vnworthy to Iudge the least matters Exo. 18 13. Moses sat to Iudge the people 12 To condemne or to pronounce a Iudiciall sentence true or false 1. Kings 4 28. Psal. 82 1. 13 To accuse and by a good example to testifie against others Math. 12 41 42. The men of Niniuie shall rise in Iudgement against this wicked Generation Rom. 2 27. 14 To declare by deedes and pronounce sentence against ones selfe Actes 13 46. You Iudge your selues vnworthy of life to be Iudged sig To be punnished Math. 7 1. Ye shall not bee Iudged
Making a noyse with our Finger or otherwise against a doore being shut that may be opened vnto vs. Acts 12 16. Peter continued Knocking 2 A faithfull earnest and constant prayer for al necessary thinges Math. 7 7. To him that Knocketh it shall be opened Iames 5 16. This is our Knocking at the gates of Heauen 3 Gods calling and inuiting of vs by his word Spirit calling to our consciences to be let in and entertained that hee may dwell with vs for euer Reu. 3 20. I stand at the doore and Knocke. This is Gods Knocking at the Gates of our Hearts to Know sig pro To take notice or knowledge of any thing Rom. 1 21. Though they knew God 2 To enquire and search into a thing that wee may perceiue it Neh. 6 12. Then I knew that behold the Lord had not sent him In this sence it is often written of GOD that hee came downe to Know and to see 3 To loue allow and be well pleased with As Psal. 1 6. The Lord Knowes the way of the righteous Rom. 11 2. God hath not cast away his people whom he Knew before 2 Tim. 2 19. Reuel 2 24. As not to Know signifies to be displeased with to refuse and punnish Mathew 7 23. I Know ye not Mat. 25 12. 4 To cherish and take care of others to protect and doe them good Iohn 10 27. I Know them 5 To Know or feele a thing by experience Eccle. 8 5. Hee that Keepeth the Commaundementes shall Know no euill thing 1 Cor. 4 19. 2 Cor. 2 9. Gen. 22 12. 6 To possesse or haue any thing in our power or to enioy it as our owne Psal. 50 11. I Know all the Foules on the Mountaines and the wilde Beasts in the fieldes are mine Amos 3 2. You onely haue I Knowne of all other Families that is chosen and taken you as my owne possession 7 To Know the honest and lawfull vse of the Marriage bed Gen. 4 1. After that Adam Knew Eue his Wife Luke 1 34. Seeing I Know not a man 8 To consider Psal. 90 11 Who Knoweth the power of thy wrath Luke 19 12. to Know God or Christ. sig Barely and nakedly to vnderstand that there is a God and a Christ and that Iesus is hee Luke 12 47. Hee that Knoweth his Maisters will and doth it not Marke 1 24. I Know thee what thou art euen that holy one of God 1 Iohn 2 4. Rom. 1 21. Thus wicked men and Deuils Know God 2 Truely and effectually to beleeue this God to be our God and Father and this Iesus to bee our Sauiour whence ariseth hope loue obedience towardes him and his word Iohn 17 3. This is life eternall to Know thee to be the onely very God 1 Iohn 2 3. Heereby we are sure we Know him if wee Keepe his Commaundements Ieremy 31 34. And often else-where it doth signifie to Know with confidence and trust Thus godly men doe Know God with this speciall Knowledge of Faith which is a part of the couenant of Grace euen the condition on our behalfe 3 To vnderstand the will of God extraordinarily by visions and dreames 1 Sam. 3 7. This did Samuell before he Knew the Lord. 4 Perfectly and fully to see God vnto eternall happinesse 1. Cor. 13 12. Then shall I Know euen as I am Knowne to Know Man sig To pierce into his Heart euen into his very thoughtes and purposes Iohn 2 24. Because hee Knew them all Verse 25. For hee Knew what was in Man 2 To put confidence in man 2 Cor. 5 16. Henceforth we Know no man after the Flesh that is I doe not admire them or their friendship riches c. So as to relie vpon them 3 To liue in Marriage and to take the vse of it Luke 1 34. Seeing I Know not a Man Sée Know 4 To commit that sinne that is against Nature Gen. 19 5. That we may Know them 5 To Know one with approbation Mathew 26 75. I Know not the Man That is I do not approoue him as the Messiah nor follow him as his Disciple to Know Sinne. sig To Know what is sinne and to haue an experiment all feeling of the force and danger of it Rom. 3 20. By the Law commeth the Knowledge of sinne Rom. 7 7. I Knew not sinne but by the Law 2 To consider it and with godly sorrow to acknowledge it Psalm 51 3. For I Know mine Iniquity 3 To be priuy to a mans owne sinnes what and how many and how great they be Psalme 19 12. Who can Know or vnderstand his faults 4 To be guilty of sin by committing or doing of it in thought word or deed 2 Cor. 5 21. Which Knew no Sinne that is neuer did any sinfull thing but is cleane void of all sinne as well in Nature as Action 5 To take notice of our Sinnes to punish them Reu. 3 15. I Know thy workes that thou art neyther hot nor cold to be knowne of God sig To be loued and approued of God 1 Cor. 8 3. If any man loue God the same is Knowne of him 2 To be taught a more perfit Knowledge of God Gal. 4 9. Ye rather are Knowne of God that is as Augustine expoundeth it ye are knowne of God because God hath made you to Know him better then ye did 3 To be perfectly vnited and ioyned vnto God in full fruition of him and his Felicity 1. Cor. 13 12. Euen as I am Knowne knowledge sig That infinite Diuine Essence seeing beholding and vnderstanding himselfe and all other thinges most perfectly 1 Sam. 2 3. For the Lord is a God of Knowledge 2 The cleare and distinct vnderstanding of heauenly truth reuealed in the word when we are enlightened by the Spirite to perceiue the Scriptures both for the meaning of the words and matters to be Knowne Prou. 15 14. The heart of him that hath vnderstanding seeketh Knowledge Prouer. 3 10. 2 Peter 1 7. Ioyne with your Uertue Knowledge 3 That speciall light of Faith which is a Knowledge with application when the elect Soule is enabled to see the doctrine of Christ and to receiue it Esay 53 11. My righteous Seruant by his Knowledge shall iustifie many This is particular Knowledge whereby we beleeue that doctrin which we Know to belong vnto vs. 4 An Idle naked and bare vnderstanding of Diuine truth seuered from Faith to God and loue of our Neighbour 1 Corin. 8 1. Knowledge puffeth vp 5 Prudence wisedome Pro. 1 2. To vnderstand the words of Knowledge 6 Vse experience 2 Cor. 8 7. Ye abound in faith in word and Knowledge 7 The guift of teaching set vp of God for the gathering and confirming of his Church through the word preached 1 Cor. 13 8. Knowledge shall cease That is the Ministry of the word whereof commeth Knowledge 8 The skill how to do thinges well and rightly 2 Corin. 6 6. By Knowledge Knowledge of truth Knowledge of Christ Knowledge of Saluation Knowledge
of God signifies the sound vnderstanding of that truth concerning God and Christ which brings saluation with it that Knowledge sig A light in some particular truth which is reuealed to one and not to another 1 Cor. 8 7. Euerie man hath not that Knowledge rich in knowledge sig One endewed with great plenty and store of Knowledge 1 Cor. 1 5. Ye are made so rich in knowledge to spread Knowledge sig To giue instruction to others helping them to Know what they did not Know. to lay vp Knowledge sig To haue it laid vp that it may bee drawne out in time of neede Prou. 1● 14. A wise man layeth vp Knowledge to preserue Knowledge sig To Keepe maintaine and encrease vnderstanding of heauenly doctrine for the instruction of others Mal. 2 7. The Priests lippes preserue Knowledge to Know the words and waies of God sig Diuersly eyther to vnderstand them onely or to beleeue them to regard and approue them to obey and practise them according to the circumstances of the place Psal. 95 10. Psalm 147 20. Math. 13 23. L. A. to Labor sig PAines euen vnto wearinesse 1. Tim. 5 18. The Labourer is worthy of his wages Verse 17. They that Labour in the word 2 All euils both of sinne and misery Reuel 14 13. They rest from their Labours that is from paine care sorrow crying teares sinne death and whatsoeuer is euill In Ps. 90 10. it sig painfull greefe and sorrow 3 The diligence care and endeuour to do the workes of our calling well and constantly Prou. In all Labor there is abundance Prou. 10 16. The Labor of the righteous tends to life 4 The fruite and encrease which comes of Labour Exod. 23 16. When thou hast gathered in thy Labours Laden sig One groaning and mourning vnder the waight and burden of sinnes being seene and felt with great desire of forgiuenesse by Christ to the ease of his greeued soule Mat. 11 28. All that are Laden 2 One pressed down with a great waight of Iniquity being full of greeuous sinnes without feeling them Esay 1 4. A people Laden with Iniquitie Ladder of Iacob sig The iourney of Iacob wherein God would bee present with him in fauour by his Angels to lead him forth well and happily also to bring him back againe Gen. 28 12. Their stood a Ladder Sée verse 15 and 20. 2 Christ Iesus and his Mediation Iohn 1 51. Angels ascending c. Lake sig Some great standing water or deepe poole or hollow pit 2 Hell the place appointed for tormenting the Reprobate Reuel 20 14. Were cast into the Lake of fire 3 Great calamities and deadly daungers Psal. 30 3. Into the Lake or pit Verse 9. Elsewhere often Lambe sig A young Sheepe meeke and tractable apt for Sacrifice vnder the Law and alwaies for meat 2 A true Christian endowed with the spirit of Grace and meekenesse Esay 11 6. And the Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe Iohn 21 15. Feede my Lambes 3 Antichrist counterfetting and making shew of meekenesse and loue to the Saints of God Reuel 13 11. Which had two hornes like a Lambe 4 Christ. Reuel 21 23. And the Lambe is the light of it that Lamb of God sig Christ who is likened to a Lambe for his perfect Innocency and meekenesse and because by the Sacrifice of himselfe he alone tooke away the sinne of the elect making a full satisfaction for them to Gods Iustice therefore he is called by an excellency that Lambe of God as being the truth and substance of all outward oblations Iohn 1 29. Behold that Lambe of God which taketh away the sins of the world Lampe sig A Torch to giue light in the night season 2 A true liuely faith working by loue Mat. 25 4. The wise tooke Oyle in their vessels with their Lampes In the night and darkenesse of this world our light whereby wee see our way it is our faith in the word of God 3 A dead faith or naked knowledge of God voide of loue and good workes Math. 25 3. The foolish Virgins tooke their Lampes but tooke no Oyle with them Land sig The whole Continent of the earth as it is distinguished from Sea Math. 23 15. Ye compasse Sea and Land 2 One particular Region or Countrey Mat. 9 26. The brute went through all that Land as the Land of Iuda of Moab of Aegypt of Philistims c. 3 The people and Inhabitants of any Land or Countrey Esay 37 18. The Kings of Assyria haue destroyed all Lands Gen. 41. 57. The Famine was sore in all Lands Land of the liuing sig The earth or the worlde which is the place of this life Psal. 116 In the Land of the liuing Language of Canaan sig The Haebrew tongue wherein God was serued by his people while they dwelt in Canaan 2 Fellowship with Gods people in Doctrine worship Esay 19 18. Fiue Cities shall speak the Language of Canaan pure Language sig Sound and true Doctrine Zeph. 3 9. Then will I turne to the people a pure Language Last sig The Gentiles which being last yet become first Mat. 19 30. The last shall be first The Iewes who were first being reiected for their vnbeleefe became last and the Gentiles beleeuing in Christ by the calling of God were accepted before the disobedient Iewes and so became first though they were last Last dayes or last times sig The times since the reuelation of Christ by the preaching of himselfe and of his Apostles 2. Pet. 3 3. In the last dayes shall come Mockers Iude 18. 1. Tim. 4 1. These dayes since Christ are called last because all was consummated ended which was before prophesied touching mans Redemption and there remaineth nothing else but the comming of the great Iudge to finish this pilgrimage and warfare of the Church Last day sig The day of Iudgement after which there shal be no more day nor time Iohn 6 39. And should raise it vp againe at the last day to Laugh sig To smile out of doubting Thus Sarah laughed Gen. 18 12. Then Sarah Laughed 2 To smile in Token of ioy out of a true beleefe Thus Abraham Laughed Gen. 17 17. Abraham Laughed Laughing or derision sig The contempt of God toward wicked men and all their attempts against him and how much it is from God to think of releeuing them in their extreamities Psal. 2 3. The Lorde shall haue them in derision or Laugh them to scorne to Laugh at ones destruction sig To conceiue extreme fury against any person or people euen to the rooting of them out Pro. 1 26. I will Laugh when their destruction commeth When God is sayde to Laugh at the wicked it is to shew these foure things First how little he regards thē Secondly how far he is from helping them Thirdly how easie it is for him to destroy them Lastly that he is exceeding hotly displeased with them Law sig That which hath the force of gouerning moderating our actions This is the generall property
To vnloyall action of subiects vnlawfully rising in Armes against their lawfull Soueraigne 2 Euery sinner great and little which in some sort is a Rebellion because wee all owe allegiance to God by the law of our creation and haue vowed it in our Baptisme and also haue so many meanes against sinne as vnlesse we purpose to Rebell wee could neuer so commit it Esay 59 12 13. We haue spoken of cruelty and Rebellion 3 Those sinnes which are more greiuous and grosse being committed through infirmity vpon no great temptation as it was in Dauid Psal. 25 7. Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my Rebellions 4 Obstinacy stiffenes in grosse sins Deut. 21 27. I know thy Rebellion and thy stiffe necke Deut. 9 24. Ierem. 3 22. Returne and I will heale your Rebellions to Rebuke sig Priuately to reprooue such as sinne priuately Pro. 24 28. and 28 23. Hee that Rebukes one shall finde more fauour at the last Math. 18 15. 2 To censure by publicke reproofe such as sinne before others 1 Tim. 5 10. Such as sinne Rebuke openly 3 To put one to some great shame by some iudgement from God Psal. 6 1. Rebuke me not in thine anger Iude. 9. The Lord ●ebuke thee Sathan to Receiue sig pro To take a thing with our hand being giuen vs or offered of another 2 To vnderstand and yeild generall assent vnto the Doctrine of the worde Mathew 13 20. Hebrewes 10 26. After they haue Receiued the trueth 3 To beleeue the word and promises of Christ with particuler application Iohn 1 12. Gal. 3 14. By faith we receiue c. 4 To bestowe some kindnesse or entertainement vpon the godly Math. 10 40 41. Hee that Receiueth a Prophet c. to Reconcile sig pro To restore all former loue concord and familiarity that was wont to be all hatred and discord set apart Mat. 5 24. Goe be Reconciled to thy Brother 2 To take to grace and fauour such as were enemies through sinne 2 Corin. 5 19. God was in Christ reconciling the World to himselfe God is reconciled to Man when forgiuing his sinnes vnto him he takes him vnto his fauour Man is Reconciled to God when beleeuing the forgiuenesse of his sinnes he accepts the loue and fauour of God and forbeareth what he can to offend him Col. 1 20. and 2 Cor. 5 20. Reconciliation sig An agreement of parties which were at variance as God and the elect were through sinne till of Enemies they became friends through the attonement made in the blood of Christ and receiued by Faith 2 Cor. 5 19. And hath committed to vs the word of Reconciliation day of Reconciliation sig A time set apart of the Iewes once a yeare by Gods appointment to seeke attonement for sins by Prayer and Fasting Leuit. 23 27. The tenth of this seauenth month shall be a day of Reconciliation Ministry of Reconciliation sig The Ministry of the Gospell announcing and declaring attonement with God by free forgiuenesse of sinnes and iustification offered vnto vs by Christ. 2 Cor. 5 18. And hath giuen to vs the Ministry of Reconciliation Word of reconciliation sig Message or doctrine of attonement 2. Corin. 5 19. The word of Reconciliation Réede sig pro A Rush or kind of Straw shaken with euery puffe of wind 2 An vnconstant man wauering with the wind Math. 11 7. A Reede shaken with the winde 3 An helper or friend which doth rather hurt then help such as vse him 2 Kinges 18 27. Thou trustest on this broken staffe of Reede Réed bruised sig Infirme and weake beleeuers which Christ did not contemne but mercifully beare withall and support Math. 12 10. A bruised Reede he shall not breake to redéeme sig To buy againe something which we had once solde by giuing backe the price vnto him that bought it Leuit. 27 20. and 25 24. Also to giue the true valuation of a thing Exo. 13 13 15. Leu. 27. 2 To pull out of Captiuity with a strong hand and without any ransome such as are violently held Prisoners by their enemies Thus God redeemed Israell out of Aegypt Deut. 32 6. Is not hee thy Father and thy Redeemer 3 To free the elect from the tyrranny of Sathan by a price and ransome giuen and paide to Gods iudgement Luke 1 68. Blessed bee the Lorde God because hee hath Reedeemed his people Titus 2 14. Thus is Christ our Redeemer 4 To deliuer some out of an outward trouble and danger Psal. 25 22. Redeeme Israell out of all his trouble 5 To recouer by diligence something lost by our owne sloath Ephe. 5 16. Redeeme the time Redéemer sig A deliuerer or one that payeth a ransome to set free such as are bound Psal. 19 14. O GOD my my strength and my Redeemer redemption sig The freedom of sinners both from the guilt and power of sin by forgiuenesse and sanctification as touching the beginning and first Act of our Redemption Ephe. 1 7. By whom wee haue Redemption 2 The whole worke of a Sinners saluation comprehending all thinges that belongs to it Heb. 9 12. And obtained eternall Redemption for vs. Our whole Redemption from the first act to the last is wholy from the mercy of God in Christ and not at all from our selues not any part of it 3 The last act onely of our saluation in the Resurrection of our bodies and in the sentence of the last iudgement when beeing freed from all misery perfect felicity shall begin as the full fruit of our Redemption Lu. 21 28. Lift vp your heads for our Redemption draweth neere 1 Cor. 1 30. Hee is made vnto vs Righteousnesse Wisedome Sanctification and Redemption Our whole Redemption from first act to the last both for merit and efficacy it is wholy from Christ and not at al from our selues no not in any part or least degree Redemption of our bodies sig Eyther deliuerance from our body by death that our Soule may be receiued into Heauen or rather that perfect consummation of our blisse when our bodies shal be deliuered from the Graue at the last day Rom. 8 23. Looking for the Redemption of our bodies Reformation sig Framing againe or bringing backe of persons and thinges disordered and out of course vnto their first forme and state wherein they were set eyther by Gods Creation or institution and ordinance Psal. 50 17. Seeing thou hatest to bee Reformed Hebr. 9 10. Untill the time of Reformation to Refresh sig To giue rest or make fresh againe after some bodily or spirituall decay and wearinesse Psalme 60 9. Thou didst refresh thy Land when it was weary Refreshing sig That most comfortable rest and repose which the elect shall haue at their Resurrection for euer after all their labour and miseries of this life Actes 3 19. When the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Refuge sig pro A place to fly vnto for succour and defence in dangers 2 The defence and protection of God who is our best
the Guests Psal. 46 8. Come and See the workes of God 2 Heare Reuel 1 12. I turned to See the voice that spake 3 To know or to vnderstand Exodus 24 10. They Saw the God of Israell that is they knew that he was present with them by some visible signs of his presence Iohn 9. 41. But now you say wee See that is we know 4 To beleeue in Christ. Iohn 6 40. This is the will of my Father that euery one that Sees the Sonne and beleeues in him c. 5 To See with the eye to know with vnderstanding to beleeue with the heart Math. 13 13. 6 To haue the perfect and immediate enioying or fruition of the glorious presence of God in heauen Math. 5 8. Blessed are the pure in hart for they shall See God 1 Cor. 13 12. 7 To liue Gen. 16 13. Haue I not Seene After God saw me A Sinecdoche 8 To know a thing with approbation loue to it Iohn 14 9 7. He that Sees the sonne Sees the Father that is hee which knowes the sonne approoues and embraceth him for the true God c. 9 To take heed or beware or carefully looke to our selues Mat. 9 30. See that no man know it Reuel 22 9. See thou do it not Mat. 27 3. See thou to that 10 Try or feele by experience Psal. 77. The waters saw thee and fled Psal. 90 16. According to the yeares which we haue seene euill Referred to God 11 To take knowledge of men and their dooings to blesse prosper and helpe them if they be good to punish and destroy them if they be euil Gen. 31 12. I haue seene all that Laban hath doone Exod. 3 7. seeing they may not See sig Such a knowledge of Gods will reuealed in his word as is without vse and profit to such as haue it Math. 13 14. Acts 28 27. Esay 6 9. Ye shall See and not See Seer sig A Prophet to whome God did make knowne himselfe and things secret by visions 1 Sam. 9 9. Hee that now is a Prophet was in olde time called a Seer Numb 12 6. Seed sig pro That thin fluent substance in mans body which is the matter of generation Gen. 38 9. 2 A Sonne or a Daughter Gen. 38 9. To raise vp Seed to thy Brother Rom. 1 3. Of the Seed of Dauid that is his Sonne 3 Posterity as Nephewes or Neeces or Childrens Children Psal. 24 13. His Seede shall inherit the Land And Psal. 112 2. His Seed shall be mighty vpon earth Seede of Abraham sig The whole posterity of Abraham in which many bad were mixed with good Rom. 9 7. Which are the Seede of Abraham 2 The faithfull only whether Iewes or Gentiles which walked in the steps of the faith of their Father Abraham Rom. 4 13 16. 3 Christ which came of Abraham according to the flesh and was specially promised to Abraham that he should come In thy Seede shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed Gal. 3 16. Gen. 12 3. godly Seed sig The Seede of God or such a posterity and issue as God will allow of and blesse Mala. 2 15. Because he sought a godly Seede Seed sig Some kind of Graine wherewith the earth is sowne Gen. 47 19. And giue vs Seede 2 The word of God Luke 8 11. The Seede is the word which is cast into the heart by the Ministers as Seede is into the ground by the Husbandman 3 The promise of saluation by Christ being receiued into the heart by the spirit and faith 1 Pet. 1 23. Begotten of immortall Seede that is of the word of God Iohn 1 3 9. His Seede abides in them that is the Vertue of the Holy Ghost working Faith and holinesse by the word preached 4 Bread or some other thing distributed to the releefe of the poore Eccl. 11 1 6. In the morning sowe thy Seede seeds of diuers kinds or mingled Seed sig Hypocrisie in the Doctrine or worship of God or in maners and life when false Doctrine is mixed with true and mens inuentions with Gods worship and curiosity with honest simplicitie Leuit. 19 19. Deutro 22 9. Thou shalt not sowe thy Uineyard with diuers kinds of Seede Seeking sig pro An action of a man that desireth to finde something which he lacketh as Saule did seeke his Fathers Asses 1 Sam. 9 3 4. the woman sought hir lost Groat Luke 15 8. 2 The action of a godly person springing from an earnest desire of hauing some excellent needfull grace which is absent and wanting to him either in whole or in part in substance or in degree Thus wee are commanded to Seeke the Kingdome of Heauen Math. 6 33. to Seeke Wisedome Prou. 2 4. to Seeke God and his face Psal. 27 ●8 Esay 55 6. Also to Seeke Christ c. For these thinges are still wanting to the Godly who haue them not in such measure as they would and should 3 Praying or asking by Prayer Math. 7 7. Seeke and you shall finde 4 An action of Gods loue towards such as haue forsaken him Luke 19 10. The actiō of our seeking hath these degrees First the feeling of the want of som excellent needful thing Secondly an ernest desire of finding Thirdly a diligent vse of all good meanes whereby to attaine it as Prayer reading hearing c. Fourthly constancy till we find Fiftly a loue of the thing found Sixtly care to keepe loathnesse to loose it This whole action is shaddowed in the example of Mary in seeking vp of Iesus Luke 2 44 45 c. First that wee are either lost as all are before their conuersion or stragled from him as euery conuerted person is more or lesse at one time or other Luke 19 10. Luke 15 3 4 c. 2 A desire and care in God to recouer vs and to bring vs backe to himselfe as an Hen is careful to gather her Chickings Math. 23 37. How often c. 3 The offering and continuing vnto vs means that he may finde vs to wit his Word Ministers blessings corrections motions of his spirit checks of our Conscience admonitions of the godly By all which we are sought vp and called to him as thorough the whole Scripture manifestly appeareth 4 His great loue towardes vs being found and recouered This is expressed in the father of the lost sonne Luke 15 22. 5 Lastly care to keepe vs still with vnwillingnesse to loose vs again Iohn 10 28. None shal take them out of my hands All these things are shaddowed out vnto vs in him that fought his lost sheepe Luke 15 2 3 4 5 c. Seeking as it is affirmed of Hypocrites wicked men is nothing else but the making of a shew as if they felt a want of God and his good guifts and were desirous to find them when in truth they seeke not him for him-selfe but for some other thing as their owne case and commodities c. Or they Seeke other things more
It is applyed to those which take eyther a good or a bad course Psalme 1. Blessed is the man that doth not Walke in the counsell of the vngodly Psa. 11● 1. Leuit. 26 27. But Walke against mee stubbornely 3 The proceeding of Gods prouidence either for our good or euill Leuit. 26 28. Then I will Walke stubbornely in mine anger against you And ver 12. I will Walke among you and be your God 4 The presence of God Gene. 3 8. When they heard the voice of the Lord Walking in the Garden to Walke by Faith sig To liue passe ouer our daies here in beleefe of such thinges as are promised in the word and not yet performed but by hope looked for 2 Cor. 5 7. We Walke by faith not by sight to Walke after the flesh sig To set and order the course of our life after our corrupt reason and affections following them as our guids Rom. 8 1. Which walke not after the Flesh. to Walke in the flesh sig To be Weake and feeble like vnto other Men. 2 Cor. 10 3. Though we Walke in the Flesh yet wee doe not warre after the flesh to Walke with God sig To liue a godly life through continuall Meditation of Gods presence whom we haue to be Witnesse of all euen our most inward thoughts Gen. 5 24. Henoch Walked with God We be or Walke with God two waies First when wee desire to please him and depend vpon him because wee are perswaded that he seeth vs and careth for vs. Secondly when we are held backe by a secret bridle of his grace wee little thinking of him Psa. 73 23. to Walke after the spirit sig To order and dispose our conuersation according to the motions and affections stirred vp in vs by the holy Spirit or to liue in newnesse of life Rom. 8 1. Sée Spirit to Walk in the darke sig To liue without the bright shining light of Gods word 1 Iohn 2 11. Wall sig pro Some frame of Woodor Stone reared and built word either for diuision of places or defence of persons 2 The cause of diuision which was betweene the Iewes and Gentiles by the Ceremoniall Law Ephe. 2 14. And hath broken the stop of the partition Wall that is the Law of Ceremonies which did deuide betweene the Iewes and Gentiles 3 Safeguard and defence affoorded from one man to another 1 Sam. 25 16. They were as a Wal to vs by night and by day 4 The surety and strength of a politicall estate as good Lawes execution of Iustice good education of Children Magistrates Riches c. Psalme 51 18. Build vp the Wals of Ierusalem 5 A spirituall Citty consisting of Iewes and Gentiles as the Inhabitants Cant. 8 9 10. I am a Wall By a Sinecdoche and Metaphor Wantonnesse sig Ranknesse in bodily L●st effeminate liuing in Letchery 1 Pet. 4 4. In Wantonnesse Wantons sig Effeminate persons giuen to ribauldry and lust and delighting in soft and delicious things 1 Cor. ● 10. Wantons Warre sig Battaile and fight betweene two Princes and their people Eccle. 3 8. A time of Warre and a time of peace Luke 14. Worldly war which is lawfull or vnlawfull according as the occasion is 2 The conflict and strife of godly Ministers with the World to subdue it vnto Christ Cor. 10 3. Yet we doe not Warre after the slesh A spirituall War simply and alwaies lawfull 3 Taking part and fighting for our owne vnlawfull lusts Iames 4 2. Ye fight and Warre and get nothing This is a carnall Warre alway and simply vnla●full War after the flesh sig To striue and fight not as men doe with such strength as may be resisted either by craft or force but with diuine and inuincible Weapons which cannot be matched with humaine power and pollicy 2 Cor. 10 3 4. We Warre not after the Flesh for the weapons of our Warfare are mighsy through the power of God c. Warfare sig Condition of such as liue and serue in the wars 1 Cor. 9 9. Who goes to Warfare 2 The course and condition of a mans whole life being subiect to outward and inward battailes and conflicts Iob 1. 3 The condition of the Ministers of God in regard of the st●ong opposition and resistance made against them by Sathan and the wicked 2. Cor. 10 4. The Weapons of our Warfare 2 Timo. 2 3. Wast sig Superfluous expence and cost vpon things lawfull or charge vpon thinges vnlawfull Lu. 15 13. He wasted his goods vpon Harlots Math. 26 8. What needed this Wast 2 Ouerthrowne and quite destroyed when God threatneth to lay Wast their Citties and Houses Leuit. 26 33. And your Lands shall be Wast Washing sig Ceremonious cleansing from Legall pollution and vncleannesse through the touching of dead Corpes c. Exod. 19 10. Let them Wash their Clothes Exod. 30 18. A Lauer to Wash 2 Iustification or Remission of sinnes beeing cleansed forgiuen in the merits of Christs bloud Psalme 51 7 Wash mee and I shall bee whiter then Snow 3 Sanctification or newnesse of life through the worke of the Spirit Psal. 51 2. Wash me from my sinnes This Washing and the former are Gods proper worke 4 Serious repentanc● for daily and particular slips and spots Esay 1 16. Wash you make you clean This Washing is our endeuour to make our selues cleane Of these four Washings The first is Legall the three last Euangelicall The second of Iustification The third of Sanctification The fourth of daily Repentance to Wash ones féete sig pro To endeuour the conrinuall purging of our selues from our daily sinnes Sée Féet Iohn 23 10. Needs not saue to Wash his feete 2 To shew foorth the workes of mercy and Christian loue 1 Cor. 5 10. If she haue Was●●d th● Saints feete A Sinecdoche to Wash ones hands sig To liue purely or to lead a pure conuersation among men Psal. 26 6. I Wash my handes in innocency Psalm 23 13. Iob 9 30. Hands being chiefe Instrument of action are put for our outward doings towardes men which when they are vpright then our hands are washed A Metaphor and Sinecdoche to Watch. sig pro To keepe ones selfe awake to shake of naturall sleepe Luke 2 5 Keeping Watch by night Mat. 26 40. Could you not Watch with me one houre This is bodily Watching 2 To shake off security as one would shake off sleepe taking all good heede and care least Satan or sinne deceiue vs and ouercome vs. Mat. 25 13. Watch c. 1 Pet. 5 8. Watch and be sober Math. 26 41. 1 Thess. 5 4. This is spirituall Watchin● 3 To lay in waite obseruing how to accuse hurt others Thus the Pharises watched Christ and the wicked Watch the righteous Luke 11 54. Laying waite for him or Watching him This is Diabolicall Watching watchman sig pro One who in the night keepeth Watch in a Citty or Army to warne others of dangers if any be A ciuill Watch-man 2 Gods Prophets and carefull Ministers of Christ which
Wombe shall be as the morning dew from the Wombe sig From the time of our birth euer since we were borne Psal. 58 3. The wicked are strangers from the Wombe to shut and open the womb sig To make one barren and Childlesse or to giue one Children 1 Sa. 1 6. The Lord had shut her womb Wonder sig Some strange vnwonted worke of God moouing and deseruing admiration Actes 2 19. I will shew wonders in Heauen aboue Acts 4 30. lying wonders sig A false iugling wonder or a true wonder and miracle done to confirme false doctrine 2 Thess. 2 9. With all power and signes and lying wonders Word Some speach vttered by the mouth to declare the intent and meaning of the heart Psalme 52 4. Thou louest all words c. This is a naturall word 2 The Sonne of God the second person in the Trinitity by whom the will of God is declared to the Church as our mindes are exprest to other men by our wordes Iohn 1 1 14. The Word was made Flesh. This is the Essentiall Diuine and vncreated word 3 The Scriptures of Old and New Testament Luke 11 28. Blessed are they that heare the Word Acts 11 19. This is the inspired and created word 4 The decree ordinance will and becke of God touching any thing that he wil do or not do Mat. 4 4. Man liues by euery word that comes out of the mouth of God Heb. 1 3. Beareth vp all thinges with his mighty Word This is the word of Gods ordinance and purpose 5 The diuine Law teaching and commaunding good things and forbidding euill Psal. 119 101. I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I might keepe thy word This is the Word of precept and commaundement 6 Euery promise of God touching any good things temporall and eternall But especially the promise of free Iustification by Christ receiued by faith Psa. 119 8 9. I Waite for thy word Also V. 25 Thy Word hath quickned me Luke 1 38. Eph. 5 26. By the washing of water through the Word This is the word of free promise whereof in Rom. 10 8. 7 A word of prediction or fore-telling thinges that are to come Esay 2 1. The Worde which Esay saw vpon Iudah Ezek. 3 4. Declare vnto them my Words This is the word of Prophesie 8 A Commandement for dooing anything in the matters of this life Luke 5 5. At thy Word wee will let downe our Nets Luke 7 7. Say the Word my Seruant shall be whole This is a worde of Authority charging things to be done effectually 9 A Graue wise and pithy sentence Prou. 1 6. To vnderstand the Words of the wise and their darke sayings Eccl. 10 11. The Words of the wise are like Goads Acts 20 35. This is a word of godly instruction and perswasion 10 Anything or matter that is either sayde or done Luke 1 65. And all these Wordes were noysed abroad throughout all the Hill-Country 11 The voice of God calling a man to do the worke of a Prophet Ier. 1 4. Ezek. 1 3. This is the word of Vocation the Word of faith sig The Gospell or the Doctrine of free saluation vpon condition we beleeue Rom. 10 8. This is the Word of faith which we preach ydle Word sig A vaine vnprofitable speech whereof there is no vse for soule or body for this life or the life to come for ourselues or others Math. 12 36. Men shall giue an account for euery idle worde which they speake A Worke. sig Some outward deede or action Diuine or Humaine Good or Euill Gen. 2 2. When God had made an end of all his Worke. Iames 2 18. Thou hast the Faith and I haue Workes Shew mee thy Faith out of thy Workes Reuel 2 23. I will render to euerie one of ye according to your Workes 2 The free rewarde which followes Good-workes in life euerlasting Reuel 14 13. And their Workes follow them 3 Such seruile worke as is proper to euerie mans calling which may be done in the six daies Exod. 4 5. Also Exod. 20 9. Thou shalt doo all thy workes 4 Merit or deseruing by works Ro. 3 20. Therefore by the Workes of the Law shall no flesh be iustified Verse 28. Chap. 4 2. Also 11 6. If it be of Grace no more of workes Thus is Worke taken in all places where it is opposed and set against Faith or Grace 5 VVicked and vnhonest manners Titus 1 16. They deny him in their Workes 6 Stuffe or matter needfull to builde withall Prou. 24 27. Prepare thy Worke without Workes of darkenesse sig Sinfull workes which come from ignorance and vnbeleefe Ephe. 5 11. Sée Darkenesse Worke of faith sig A true liuely faith which is the worke of Gods wonderfull power in the elect 2 Thess. 1 11. The Worke of Faith with power Iohn 6 29. This is the Worke of God that ye beleeue in him whom hee hath sent Workes of the flesh Sée Flesh. Workes of God sig Such deeds as God commands allowes loues and will reward Iohn 6 28. What shall we doo that we might Worke the workes of God 2 The actions of Gods mercies toward the Elect and of his iudgement toward the wicked Psa. 145 17. The Lord is holy in all his workes Also verse 5 and 10. All thy Workes praise thee Good-Workes sig All maner of duties inward and outward as wel thoughts as words and actions towarde God or man which are commanded in the Lawe of God and come from a pure heart and faith vnfaigned being referred to Gods glory Ephe. 2 10. Created to Good Workes Blinde Christians which think only Almes deeds to be Good-works or our outward actions at vtmost be deceiued Worke of the ministry sig The whole duty which a Minister by vertue of his calling is bound to performe to his Flocke as to Preach to Rule to Pray to administer the Sacraments to exhort and comfort priuately c. Ephe. 4 12. For the Worke of the Ministry according to our workes sig As our VVorkes shall be good or euill so shall our iudgement and doome be Rom. 2 6. Who will reward euery man according to his Workes Psa. 62 12 Mat. 16 27. Howsoeuer the forme of the sentence at last day shall passe according to the condition of our workes yet workes merit not as causes but witnesse as Tokens to Worke referred to God sig To execute and fulfill something decreed from euerlasting in Gods Counsell Eph. 1 11. God worketh all things after the Counsell of his will 2 To gouerne and rule the world by ordinarie administration Iohn 5 17. My Father worketh hitherto and I worke 3 To do some extraordinary thing which may in a speciall manner declare either Gods mercy or wrath Actes 13 41. I Worke a worke in your dayes a worke which ye will not beleeue if a man would tell it you to Worke referred to men sig To do some good action approoued of God and pleasing to him Iohn 6 28. That we
Thy lippes my Spouse Drop as Hony-combs Drops of the night sig All the euils which Christ out of his loue suffered for his Church Ca. 5 2. My head is full of Dew and my Lockes with the Drops of the Night to Drowne sig To extinguish and put out or to ouerthrow so can not Christs loue be to his Spouse the Church or hers towardes him Cant. 8 7. Much Waters cannot quench loue neither can flouds Drowne it E. A. to Eate sig TO communicate and take part with others in their good and ioyfull thinges as they which Eate together are to take of one meate Cantic 5 1. Eate ô Friendes Eate Drinke and make you merry to Eat pleasant fruit sig To be present with the Church to feast make merry with her in communicating of her graces Cant. 4 16. Let my welbeloued come to his Garden and Eate his pleasant fruit E. M. to Embrace sig To comfort and vphold as it were beeing receiued into ones handes for that purpose Cant. 2 6. His right hand doth Embrace me E. Y. Eyes like Doues sig Gracious Eyes simple and chast such as be the Eyes of Doues Cant. 1 14. Thine Eyes are like 〈◊〉 Doues F. A. Faire sig BEautifull comely with spirituall beauty and decking Cant. 1 14. My loue behold thou art Faire The Church is Faire both by imputation of Christ his righteousnesse to Faith and by sanctification of the Spirit F. E. Feare sig The dangerous troubles and disquietnesse which causeth Feare to the Church from which Christ wil keept her safe Cant. 3 8. Euery one hath his Sword vpon his Thigh for the Feare by night ●o Feede sig To take nourishment from the Doctrine of the word which is the onely pasture wherein Christes Flocke Feedeth Cant. 1 6. Shew me ô thou whom my Soule loueth where thou Feedest F. I. Fig-trée young figs. sig Litterally the Spring time when Figge-Trees bring forth young Figges but Mystically the sweet Fruites which the faithfull bring foorth after theyr calling to Christ. Cant. 2 13. The Figge-Tree hath brought forth her young Figs. Fine Gold sig Most precious and bright Gold or Gold which is purified Mystically it signifies the glorious excellency of Christ the head of the Church Cant. 5 11. His head is as Fine Gold Fish-pooles in Heshbon sig Pooles of goodly pure and cleere Water vnto which the Spouse likeneth the eyes of her Husband for their rare cleerenesse Cant. 7 4. Thine Eyes are like the Fish-pooles in Heshbon F. L. Flocke sig The whole company of true worshippers of God Cant. 1 7. Get thee foorth by the steps of the Flocke Flocke of Goates sig The multitude of the faithfull assembled to holy exercises beeing like a Flocke of Goates spread abroad and feeding vpon a Mountaine Cant. 4 1. Thine Haire is like the Flocke of Goates Flockes of Companions sig Idolatours false Worshippers societies of Heritiques Cant. 1 6. For why should I be as she that turneth aside to the Flockes of thy Companions Floudes sig Great and liberall store of Waters ouerflowing Mystically deepe and greeuous afflictions Cantic 8 7. Much Waters cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drowne it Flowers appeare sig The time of the Spring but figuratiuely the estate of a man regenerate and called who bringeth forth pleasant and sweete fruit C●●t 2 12. The Flowers appeare in the earth to Fly sig To come speedily to the Church by grace to direct and gouerne her that she may bee able to doe that which Christ had commaunded Cant. 8 14. F. O. Fountaine of the Gardens sig Christ Authour of euery good guift and the euer-running Well-Spring from whence all particular Churches do fetch the Water of life to refresh them and make them fruitfull withall Cant. 4 15. O Fountaine of the Gardens Fountaine sealed vp sig The Church by the Ministry whereof all such sauing graces are deriued to the elect as are kept from the Reprobate Cant. 4 2. My Spouse is as a Fountaine sealed vp Foxes sig Whatsoeuer hurts the truth of Doctrine or honesty of manners especially Haeresies and the Patrons thereof Cant. 2 15. Take vs the Foxes little Foxes sig All occasions of offence euen euery shew and appearance of euill Cant. 2 15. The little Foxes F. R. Friendes sig All that bea●e good will to Christ and to the prosperity of his people whether they bee Angels or Men. Cant. 5 1. Eate ô friends c. to kéepe the Fruit. sig To doe the office of a Pastour in the Church which is as a Vine-yard Cant. 8 12. Two hundereth to them that keepe the fr●it thereof Fruites of the ●alley sig Mystically the godly workes and worthy graces which as Fruits delight Christ Iesus Cant. 6 10. I went down to the Garden of Nuts to see the fruits of the Valley G. A. Garden sig THE Kingdome of Heauen where Christ as Man remaineth in glory till the last iudgement when the ●arriage betweene him and his Church shall be accomplished fully Cant. 5 1. I am come into my Garden my Sister my Spouse 2 The true Church heer vpon earth which with firme faithfulnesse keepes herselfe onely to Christ lik● an enclosed Garden admitting none other to enter reseruing all the fruites for him Cant. 4 12. My Spouse is as a Garden enclosed Gates sig House or dwelling a part put for the whole Cant. 7 13. And in our Gates are all sweet things to Gather Lillies sig To take pleasure in such holy graces workes which like sweete Flowers are to be found growing in the Garden of the Church Cant. 6 ● To gather Lillies G. I. to Giue loue sig More feruently to affect and embrace Christ with greater measure of loue the more neere we are vnited vnto him Cant. 7 12. There will I giue thee my loue G. O. Goings sig Wayes steppes and treadings which are in the true members of the Church maruellous beautiful Cant. 7 1. How beautifull are thy goings with shooes Good order sig Euen so as one doth answere another all being like one to another Cantic 4 2. Thy teeth are like a flocke of Sheepe in Good order G. R. Grape sig Such holy workes as the Church like Grapes beareth vpon the sending downe and shedding abroad the guifts of the Spirite vppon her in the assemblies at the preaching of the word Cant. 7 12. Let vs see if the Vine flourish whether it had budded the small Grape to shew himselfe through the Grates sig To offer himselfe to be seene not fully clearely as he did in the time of the gospel but sparingly and darkely in shaddowes as in the time of the Law Can. 2 9. Showing himself through the Grates Gréene Bed See Bed H. A. Hand sig THe Spirit of Christ whereby hee toucheth the inward parts of the hart Cant. 5 4. My welbeloued put in his Hands by the hole of the doore Hand right left sig The vertue and might of Christ as an Hande sustaining and vpholding his members on euerie side Cant. 2
flesh Rom. 14 1. Math. 26 41. Thus is sinne called because it makes the Soule weake to doe good and withstand euill Metanimie 3 A priuation and want of all strength as touching godlinesse Rom. 5 8. When we were Infirme or of no strength Christ dyed for vs that is that naturall imbecility which we all bring with vs into the World which Paul cals vngodlinesse Rom. 5 6. 4 Afflictions reproaches persecutions 2. Cor. 12 10. Therefore I take pleasure In Infirmities Also it signifies inward tentatious feares distrusts c. 2 Cor. 12. Which shew how weake we are and Infirme 5 A vile contemptible and abiect estate Gal. 4 13. Through Infirmity of the Flesh I preached the Gospell vnto you 1 Cor. 12 22. 6 Vnablenesse to free from sinne and death Heb. 7 18. Because of the weaknesse thereof Iniquity sig That which is writen or crooked swaruing from the straight line of Gods word it is put eyther largely for any sinne and thus euen our Birth-sin is iniquity Psal. 51 5. I was borne In Iniquity Or more strictly it is put for some hainous and grosse offence Psal. 119 3. They worke no Iniquity Psal. 90 8. Thou hast set our Iniquities Exo. 20 5. Visiting the Iniquities of the Fathers 2 Workers of Iniquity or wicked men Iob 5 16. Iniquity shall stop her mouth 3 The punishment due to Iniquitie Leuit. 5 1. Hee shall beare his Iniquity And very often elsewhere worker of Iniquity sig One which walketh after the lustes of corrupt Nature wholy following them as guides in all and euery action of life Math. 7 23. * Innocency sig A meere voydnesse of fault and freedome from all Sin In this estate Adam was created This is perfect Innocency by Creation 2 A certaine measure of this estate in all regenerate persons who endeuour to serue God In Innocency of life hauing also Christes Innoceny imputed to them Psal. 26 6 11. I will wash my hands In Innocency This is Innocency of a person restored 3 Vprightnesse in some speciall or particular cause Psal. 7 8. According to the Innocency that is in me that is Innocency of cause when one is cleare and free of some fault whereof he is accused Innocent sig pro One which doth none hurt nor harm vnto others Math. 10 16. Be Innocent as Doues 2 One that is free from some one particular fault or crime or one that is guiltles in this or that thing Gen. 24 8. If the Woman will not follow thee thou shalt be Innocent or discharged of thine Oth. Ion. 1 14. Lay not vpon vs Innocent blood Exod. 23 7. Gen. 10 5. 3 A iust and righteous person which liueth vprightly Iob 4 7. Who euer perished being Innocent 4 One that is free from punishment or one vnpunished Pro. Though the wicked ioyne hand In hand yet they shall not be Innocent 1 Kinges 2 9. But thou shalt not count him Innocent that is thou shalt not free him from punishment Also Exodus 34 7. Not making the wicked Innocent Intercession or request sig The request which the death of Christ maketh for beleeuers after they haue sinned that their sins may be pardoned for his merit or it is the merit of Christs death comming betweene our sins and Gods Iustice to appease it as an Aduocate that pleads for his Client 1. Iohn 2 2 3. Rom. 8 34. And maketh request for vs. Heb. 9 24. He appeares in Heauen for vs. Christ is our Intercessour foure waies First by appearing for vs in the fight of God Heb. 9 24. Secondly by the force of his Sacrifice once offered to make full satisfaction to Gods Iustice Hebr. 10 12 14. Thirdly by his constant will that for the merit of that Sacrifice God would be pacified towards the elect Heb. 10 10. Lastly by the assent and agreement of the Father resting in this will of his Sonne for vs. Iohn 11 42. Mat. 17 6. Popish intercession of the Virgin Mary and other Saints doth dishonor Christ the onely Intercessour 2 The request which we make one for another in the name of our Intercessour Christ eyther for good thinges to be giuen or euill things to be remoued from vs. 1 Tim. 2 2 3. Prayers Intercession and giuing of thankes c. These be charitable mutuall Prayers of the godly while they liue together Interpretation sig A translating or turning out of one tongue into another 1 Cor. 14 13 26. If any speak with strange tongues let him pray that he may interpret 2 An opening or declaring darke Scriptures or prophesie 2 Pet. 1 20. No Prophesie is of priuate Interpretation Scriptures must bee interpreted by Scriptures 3 Expounding Visions or Dreames Gen. 40 8. Are not Interpretations of God 4 A speaking and teaching some thing euidently and plainely Iob 33 23. If there be an Interpreter with him Interest sig Encrease or gaine taken for the lending of Money vpon fore-agreement and compact Pro. 28 8. He which increased his Riches by Usury and Interest c. Here the word Interest is taken in ill part For the word in a good sence signifieth that benefite which a mercifull and free lender taketh for his owne Indemnity to repaire such losse whereof the borrower by his default was an effectuall cause by the keeping of Money borrowed in his hand longer then he ought to the certaine dammage of the lender I. O. Ioy. sig pro A sweete motion of the Soule in regard of some present or hoped for good This good if it bee worldly then is the Ioy but natural worldly if it be heauenly good or tending and leading thereto then is the Ioy spirituall and heauenly Psal. 51 13. Restore to me the Ioy of my Saluation Rom. 5 3. We reioyce in tribulation Iohn 15 11. That your Ioy may be full 2 The matter or cause of Ioy. 1. Thess. 2 20. Ye are our Crowne and Ioy. Iob 3 22. Psal. 48 2. 3 The most comfortable and full happinesse of Heauen Math. 25 21 23. Enter into thy Maisters Ioy. Sée Enter 4 A godly boasting and glorying 1 Cor. 9 15. Least any man should make my Ioy or reioycing vaine 5 Those good thinges eyther earthly or spirituall for the which we vse to reioyce Iohn 16 22. And your Ioy none shall take from you 1 Cor. 7 30. Rom. 15 13. The God of hope fill you withall Ioy that is with euery good guift whereof ye may reioyce plentifully and abundantly Iames 1 2. And elsewhere often Metanimie of the cause 6 That cheerefulnesse and alacrity which we shew forth towards our neighbour Gal. 5 22. The fruit of the Spirit is Ioy peace c. 7 Ioyfull speech or Songs of thankes-giuing and praise Psalm 126 2. And our tongue with Ioy. Metanimie of the cause for the effect For prayse commeth of Ioy as Ioy commeth of good things 8 The hauing or possessing of any good thing from whence Ioy springeth Iohn 3 29. This my Ioy is fulfilled Iohn 15 11. And that my Ioy
loue and make Lyes 2. Tim. 2 18. This is an heriticall Lye in matter of Christian doctrine 5 A counterfeit profession of Religion when Faith and repentance bee dissembled 1 Iohn 1 6. If we say wee haue fellowship with him and walke in darknesse we Lye Rom. 3 4. Such a Lyer was Iudas Demas Ananias and Saphira and all Hipocrites who professe and appeare to be that they are not This is an Hypocritical Lye in matter of Christian profession 6 An Image Lyingly or falsly representing God Rom. 1 25. Which turned the truth of God into a Lye Father of Lyes sig The first Lyer and authour of Lyes in others Iohn 8. Sée Father to Lye vnto God sig In speaking of a Lye to forget that hee had to doe with God Actes 5 4. Thou hast Lyed vnto God Lying wordes sig Deceitfull and false words which beguile our selues and others Ieremy 7 8. You trust in Lying wordes Lyar. sig A vaine deceitfull dissembling vnconstant person speaking otherwise then he doth thinke doing otherwise then he speaks apt to broach and receiue false opinions Such an one is euery man naturally Rom. 3 4. Let God be true and euery man a Lyer 2 One who accustometh himselfe to Lyes Reu. 21 8. And all Lyers Lyon sig pro That which excelleth all other in courage and strength being the King of Beasts full of fiercenes and violence giuen to destroy and deuour D●● 6 16. They cast him into a D●● of Lyons Verse 24. And they brake all their bones in peeces 1. Sam. 17 34 35. 2 Iesus Christ who for his inuincible courage and fortitude is likened to a Lyon as also for his great might and power in defending his flocke from bodily and spirituall enemies Reu. 5 5. The Lyon of the Tribe of Iuda 3 A King or mighty Prince to rule ouer others Gen. 49. 9. Iuda as a Lyon c. 4 Euery godly person for boldnesse like a Lyon Pro. 28 1. The righteous is as bold as a Lyon 5 Sathan or the Deuill who for his extreame fiercenesse and cruelty ioyned with force to hurt annoy mankind is like a Lyon 1 Pet. 5 6. As a roaring Lyon 6 Tyrants and violent oppressors which for their cruelty are compared to Lyons 2. Tim. 4 17. I was deliuered from the mouth of the Lyon Psal. 10 9. Psalme 34 10. 7 Extreame fearefull true euils and dangers Psal. 91 13. Thou shalt tread vpon the Lyon and the Aspe that is thou shalt ouercome all euils whatsoeuer 8 Some great danger pretended onely to keep one from doing his duty Pro. 22 13. The sluggard saith there is a Lyon in the way Lips sig Speech words or the act of speaking Rom. 3 13. The poyson of Aspes is vnder their Lippes that is they vtter malicious and dangerous words Pro. 10 21 18 6. 2 The mouth with faculty and abilitie to speake to Gods honour Psal. 51 15. Open thou my Lips 3 All the Instruments of speech Psal. 34 14. And thy Lips that they speake no guile Lippes of truth sig A true and faithfull person whose wordes are without deceit and Lyes Prouer. The Lyps of truth shall be for euer Calues of our Lyps sig Thankes-giuing and praise offered to God Ose. 14 3. So we will render thee the Calues of our Lyppes a lying Lyp. sig Deceitfull false vain-glorious boasting words Prou. 4 22. The Lying Lyppe is abhomination to the Lord. the talke of the Lyppes sig Idle vaine and bragging words without action endeuour and performance Prou. 14 23. The talke of the Lyps bringeth one to want to refraine the Lyppes sig To gouerne the tongue wisely knowing when to keepe silence and when to speake Prou. 10 19. He that refraineth his Lyps is wise M. A. Made sig pro A Causing somthing to be which was not before Acts 4 24. Thou art God which made the Heauens Gen. 1 26. God made man c. Heere it respects the work of creation 2 A causing a thing to bee something which it was not before Psal. 101 3. God hath made vs not we our selues Heere it respects the work of regeneration whereby wee become new creatures being sinners before and vngodly Magistrate sig A person greater then others being aboue others in authority and power Rom. 13 3. Magistrates are to be feared Of Magistrates some bee cheefe as the King Others be Gouernors vnder him all being sent for the punishment of euil dooers and for the praise of them that do well 1. Pet. 2 14. Vnto the chiefe Magistrate who is called the King all persons without exception or exemption are to submit in all causes Rom. 13 1. Maiesty sig The greatnesse of ear●hly Princes Ester 1 4. And the honor of his Maiesty 2 The incomprehensible greatnesse of God Iude. 25. To God onely wise be Glorie and Maiesty to magnifie sig Not to make great what before was little but to declare and set forth ones greatnesse Luke 1 46. to Make request sig To cause the beleeuers to Make request by ingendering prayers aod Godly desires in them Ro. 8 26. The spirit it selfe Maketh request for vs. Gal. 4 6. compared with Rom. 8 15. doth giue light to this Interpretation namely that the Spirite his crying is to cause vs to try the action of a faithful person being affirmed of God himselfe from whō it commeth Maliciousnesse sig pro The whole prauity and naughtinesse of sinne Iames 1 21. Lay apart all superfluity of Maliciousnesse Rom. 1 29. 1. Cor. 5 8. 2 A particular vice called Malice or hatred which makes vs wi●h or worke euill to ones person 1. Pet. 2 1. Laying aside enuy Maliciousnesse Man sig A male-childe growne to ripe age and full stature 2 Both man and woman the better sexe vsed for both sexes Psal. 1 1. Blessed is the Man 3 One compleat and full of true knowledge of God and of holinesse without any the least want or defect Ephe. 4 13. To meete together to a perfect Man 4 One that is manly strong and valourous 1. Cor. 16 11. Quite your selues like Men. 5 A Magistrate Gen. 9 16. By Man his bloud be shed 6 A certaine man whosoeuer Math. 16 20. What shall it profit a man c. 7 A particular person Math. 12 45. The end of that Man 8 The corruptions and errors of humaine Nature Math. 15 9. Mens precepts Rom. 3 4. And very often Men doth signifie peruerse and wicked men Mat. 10 17 22. Hated of all Men. 9 The Church gathered as it were into one body out of Iewes and Gentiles Ephe. 2 15. Make of twaine one new man in himselfe 10 The body which is but one part of a Man 2. Cor. 4 16. Though our outward man perish 11 Christ Iesus who is called man by an excellency Marke 15 39. This man is the son of God Also it signifies an Angell appearing in forme of a man Gen. 32 24. A man wrestled with him 12 A sonne Math. 10 35. I am come to set a man at
haue the mighty God for their Lorde and are professors of the glorious Gospel of Christ. Col. 1 10. That ye might walke worthie of the Lord. Phil. 1 27. As becommeth the Gospell Worme sig pro A contemptible base creature creeping vppon the ground c. 2 A person contemned in the world and had in vile account Psal 22 6. But I am a Worme and not a man a shame and contempt of men Worship sig Ciuill reuerence due vnto men for their authority and gifts Math 9 18. There came a certain Ruler and worshipped him This is ciuill worship 2 Outward religious seruice due vnto God for the greatnesse of his Maiestie Math 4 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God This is outward Diuine worship 3 Inward Religious honour of the heart sincerely louing fearing and trusting in God because of his infinite knowledge mercy and power Iohn 4. 24. Must worship him in Spirit and Truth This is inward diuine worship 4 Immoderate reuerence towardes Creatures Acts 10 25. He fell downe at his Feete worshipped him Reuel 22 8. Neither Cornelius nor Iohn did take Peter or the Angell to be God they fayled in excesse of reuerence and were rebuked to Worship the Church sig To giue honor to Christ dwelling and raigning in his Church and to honor the Church in Christ her head Esay 49 23. They shall Worship thee with their Faces toward the earth Reuel 3 9. And worship before thy Feete W. R. Wrath. sig Iust Vengeance taken vpon sinners in this world Psal. 9 11. Who knewes the power of his Wrath Eph. 5 6. Rom. 3 5. Which punisheth 2 Eternall death in hell fire 1 Thess. 5 9. God hath not appointed vs to wrath 1 Thess. 1 10. Which deliuereth vs from that Wrath to come Rom. 2 5. 3 The perturbation of minde which mooueth men to reuenge their owne wrongs Gal. 5 30. Hatred Debate Wrath. Children of wrath sig Those that are guilty of eternall death through the iust anger of God against sinne as all men be by nature and birth Ephes. 2 3. And were by Nature the Children of wrath as well as others to Wrestle sig To striue together one man with another which should ouercome the other by strength Ge. 32 24. There Wrestled a man with him till the breaking of the day 2 To fight and striue against the spirituall enemies of our saluation Eph. 6 12. We Wrestle against Principalities and Powers to be written in earth sig To bee forgotten before God and his Church Ier. 17 13. All that forsake thee shall be written in the earth to be written in Heauen sig To bee predestinated and elected eternally by the firme counsell of God to obtaine saluation by Christ. Luke 10 20. Reioyce that your names be written in heauen to be written in the booke of remembrance sig To be loued respected cared for rewarded remembred of God Mala. 3 16. A Booke of Remembrance was Written before him for such as feare the Lord. See Remembrance to suffer Wrong sig To beare and put vp quietly and patiently any harme doone vnto vs without seeking reuenge 1 Cor. 6 7. Why rather suffer ye not wrong Y. E. Yeare sig pro THe space of twelue months Luke 3 23. Iesus began to be about 30. Yeares of age 2 The whole space and time of our life Psal. 60 9. We haue spent our Yeares as a thought Y O. Yoake sig pro An Instrument of Wood or Iron to ioyne men or Oxen or other creatures together seruing eyther ●o tame or to punish A materiall yoake 2 Afflictions for sinne or the Crosse sent from God Lam. 3 27. It is good for a man to beare the Yoake from his youth This is the Yoake of Tribulation 3 Our greeuous sinnes which be the cause of our afflictions Lamen 1 14. The Yoke of my transgressions is bound vpon my hands This is the Yoake of our sinnes 4 The cruell bondage wherein Tyrants keepe Gods people Esay 9 4. Thou hast broken the Yoake of their burden This is the yoake of oppression 5 Fellowship or agreement in any thing good or euill 2 Cor. 6 14. Beare not the Toake vnequally with Infidels 6 Gods Commandements that we should beleeue in Christ and liue vprightly Mat 1 29. Take my Yoake vpon you Also verse 30. This is the Yoke of Gods promises and Precepts which is not heauy to the regenerate man 7 The Law of Moses with a strict condition of performing it perfectly Acts 15 10. To lay a Yoake vpon them whith neither our Fathers nor we were able to beare This is the Yoke of perfect obedience to the Law A Metaphor Y. R. Yron barre sig That which is hard to be broken or ouercome Prouerbs Yron Furnace sig Carefull griefe anguish and sorrow of hart for great and greeuous thraldome and slauery Deut. 4 20. The Lord hath brought you out of the Yron furnace Yron sinew sig An obstinate sinner which wil not yeeld to the worde of God no more then an Yron sinnew will yeeld Yron yoake sig A Yoake most strong and heauy that is some greeuous and cruell bondage Deut. 28 48. And he shall put an Yron yoake vpon thy necke Yong men sig Such as for yeares were but young being grown past Child-hoode and entering into mans estate 1 Sam. 21 5. The Uessels of the Young men were holy 2 The first borne of the Israelites which executed the holy things till Priestes and Leuites were consecrated Exod. 34 5. He sent Young men of the children of Israell which Offered burnt Offerings Z. E. Zeale sig INncrease of affections as of griefe ioy hatred loue Iohn 2 17. The Zeale of thy House hath eate me vp Reu. 3 19. Bee Zealous and amend 2 An honest and commendable desire kindled in our harts to imitate or go beyond others in well doing 2 Cor. 9 2. Your Zeale hath prouoked many Titus 2 14. Zealous of good workes 3 An earnest desire of doing good things belonging vnto vs and of hindering euill things being ioyned with sound knowledge and hearty loue of Gods glorie and of our Neighbours good 2 Cor. 7 11. Yea what Zeale Col. 4 13. I beare him record that he hath a great Zeale for you Thus far it is taken in good part 4 Earnestnesse of affection in good thinges when neither the maner nor end of doing is good Such was the Zeale of Iehu 2 Kinges 10 6. And of the Iewes Rom. 10 2. They haue the Zeale of God but not according to knowledge Also of Paule being a Pharisie Actes 22 15. And was Zealous towardes God 5 Fierce and fiery bitternesse when men are earnest and hot in a bad cause Phil. 3 6. Concerding Zeale I persecuted the Church Here it is taken in ill part 6 Enuy indignation Actes 5 17. Also 7 9. And 17 5. The Iewes mooued with Zeale or Enuy. The Greeke word translated Enuy or Indignation doth signifie Zeale in ill part 7 The most earnest loue of God for the good
of his Church and his owne glory Esay 9 7. The Zeale of the Lord of Hoastes will performe this Esay 37 32. Here also it is taken in good part Vnto true Christian Zeale there bee these sixe things required First a desire and lust after some thing which is truely good or against some-thing which is euill indeed Secondly that in this desire there be earnestnesse and vehemency Thirdly that there bee a griefe for the want of this good thing we desire or for some abuse done to it Fourthlie that this desire and griefe be tempered with Charity and discretion Fiftly that we seeke not our own but Gods glory Lastly that all this doe proceede and come from sincere and distinct knowledge of the word Gal. 4 18. Rom. 10 2. 1 Cor. 10 31. Actes 14 14. FINIS A Dictionarie for that Mysticall Booke called the Reuelation of Saint Iohn OF this Booke it hath been said that euery word is a Mystery and surely not without cause for not only is the truth of it hid from the naturall man as all other diuine truths be which concernes our saluation by Christ. 1 Cor. 2. but being a propheticall Booke of thinges long after to be done and penned in darke phrases borrowed from the old Prophets The vnderstanding of it hath been found hard euen to the godly and the learned Whence it is that some eschew the reading of it priuately others decline the publike reading others forbeare to Comment vpon it and some haue refrained from Preaching out of it Howbeit it being a part of holy Scripture penned 〈◊〉 ●●e Spirit for the comfort and instruction of the Church in these ●…d worst daies there beeing a gratious promise of a pretious blessing m●●e to the reading and hearing of it and the euent of the Prophesies therein n●w for the most part fulfilled the best Commentary of propheticall writings giuing great light to the true knowledge of things therefore as their labour is to be much commended who haue by their Sermons and interpretations Preached and Printed endeuoured to make cleere this obscure Scripture so let not me be thought to haue taken in hand a bold or needelesse enterprise by aduenturing to anatomize and vnbowell this whole Booke in a short Dictionary pulling the words in ●under and putting them in Alphabeticall order for help of young Students in Diuinity and vulgar Christians which will more willingly assay to read and study this book when they shall haue at hand a declaration of all mysticall wordes familiarly deliuered Howsoeuer I please or profit others by my endeuour yet I hope to offend the lesse because I tread in the steps of our most learned and soundest expositours whose opinions with their reasons I doe report leauing it to the Reader to consider of A. B. Abaddon Apollyon sig ONE that burneth with a desire of hurting and destroying men such an one is the Deuil principally and his Vicar Antichrist or the Pope Reuel 9 11. They haue a King ouer them whose Name in Haebrew is Abbaddon and Apollyon Abhomination sig That which deserueth to be abhorred and held as loathsome for some great spirituall filthinesse Reuel 21 8. Abhominable c. Abundance of pleasures sig All kind of earthly delights which the Church of Rome most riotously and excessiuely beeing giuen vnto did by that means enrich the Merchants of the Earth which sold such Wares Reuel 18 3. And the Marchants of the Earth haue waxed rich of the Abundance of her pleasures that is saith Brightman by the great plenty of all sort of de●icacies by immoderate lust of enioying thē entising men like Zerxes to deuise and inuent new kindes of pleasures This vpon the matter is all one with the former signification A. C. According to their workes sig As the thoughts wordes and workes of men haue beene good or euill so they shall receiue at the hand of the Lord. Reuel 20 12. And they shall be iudged According to their workes Accuser of the Bretheren sig Sathan or the Deuill who euer since the fall of our first Parents whom he deceiued doth incessantly day and night complaine of the godly vnto God requiring him by his Iustice to condemne them all Reu. 12 10. The Accuser of our Bretheren is cast downe A. I. Aire sig pro That Element wherein wee breath called the Aire which spreading it selfe ouer the Earth and Water doth compasse them in both on euery side 2 The dominion and power of Sathan the Prince that rules in the Aire vpon the which and namely vpon that part of it which is the kingdom of Antichrist Almighty God towardes the end of the World will poure out a most grieuous vengeance and vniuersall wrath which shall most fearefully strike the whole body of Antichrist so as hee shal not haue so much as the Aire for him to breath in otherwise then as a Creature armed against him for his destruction Reue. 16 17. And the seauenth Angell poured out his Uioll into the Aire A. L. Almighty sig One of infinite power most able to defend his poore Church and to breake downe and destroy the power of the Dragon of Antichrist of Sinne of Death euen of all our Enemies Reuel 19 6. The Lord God Almighty hath raigned Alter Golden Altar sig Christ his Priest-hood and Mediation which was shaddowed vnder the figures of the Lawe whereunto this Scripture alludeth Therefore here is no ground for Popish Priest-hood Sacrifice and Altar for the which seeing there is no Scripture at all neither is there any allusion in Scripture to such thinges as the Rhemists foolishly dreame vpon this place Re. 8 3. Another Angell stood before the Altar and vpon the Golden Altar Other Diuines vnderstand by the Altar and Golden Altar the selected company of Saints or the company of most holie Men. The former is the more receiued signification Alasse alas sig A voyce of lamentation and exceeding great griefe of heart is signified thereby in respect of great losse vnto Merchants by the fall of Rome Reuel 18 16. Saying Alasse Alasse that great Citty c. Alpha. sig Christ that most mighty and aeternall Sonne of God who gaue beginning to all thinges for all things are of him and at his pleasure can put an end to all things Reuel 22 13. I am Alpha and Omega the first and last the beginning and the end Alpha one of the first Greeke Letters and Omega one of the last be heere expounded to be that first and last beginning and end that one aeternall and Almighty God which neuer changeth his minde and is able to performe what hee promiseth Such an one is Christ therefore worthy to be beleeued when he speakes of thinges past or to come Sée Chap. 1 8. A. M. Amen sig The constant truth euen Christ faithfully fulfilling his promises which are all yea and Amen Reu. 3 14. These things saith Amen 2 Sobeit or let it be so Reuel 22 21. Amen A. N. Angell sig A created Spirit or spirituall substance