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A12709 The mystery of godlinesse a generall discourse of the reason that is in Christian religion. By William Sparke divinity reader at Magd: Coll: in Oxford, and parson of Blechly in B[uck]ingham-shire. Sparke, William, 1587-1641. 1628 (1628) STC 23026; ESTC S100099 133,807 175

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abrogated by Christ Nor by his Apostles The Iewes typicall vse thereof abolished The Christian sabbath day within the compasse of the commandement The Lords day designed by himselfe for our sabbath It hath euer beene obserued as the sabbath by the Church It respects the kingdome of God The Perfect will of God to bee done on earth The heauenly conuersation How doth faith worke by loue According to the law teaching vs to doe what God hath commanded The law established by faith Although faith rest not in our workes which the law requireth yet are a Eph. 2.10 wee Gods workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God had before ordained not only in his counsell but by his law that we should walk in them And b Gal. 3.12 although the law bee not of faith that is of things to bee only beleiued but to be done for the man that doeth them shall liue in them yet doth the law require faith c Heb. 11.6 without which it is impossible to please God Therefore the law prescribeth faith in the first place and throughout namely that wee acknowlege god the lawgiuer to be the lord our God the only true God and performe that faith vnto him by an vniuerfall vniforme obedience to the whole law and euery title thereof in regard of him that commandeth Which iustifieth our faith to be in God when it answereth his d Servus qui ex domini iussu ea facit tantummodò quae vult facere non dominicam implet voluntatem sed suam Salv. l. 4. de guber Die whole will as well of command as of promise as well in one duety as in another When God gaue the law to the Israelites hee made himselfe knowne vnto them by his wonderfull deliuery of them out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage thereby to binde their obedience in faith to him the only true God Which was but a type and figure of the great saluation from the power of satan by Christ Iesus By faith in whose name thorough his spirit wee truely know and rightly acknowledge the only true God And the faith of God his loue to vs in Christ knits our hearts againe in loue to God and for his sake towards all men as he hath commanded improues the formall worship of God vnto all sincerity in spirit and in trueth and the common ciuility of the world vnto Christian charity zealous of good workes for his glory that hath called vs to the knowledge of his grace For if God so loued vs as wee beleiue then ought we also to loue one another much more him who is the God of all grace and loue Neither doe we beleiue indeed if wee loue not Wee beleiue not Christ his incarnation death passion resurrection and ascension c. Vnlesse e Phil. 2.5 c the like minde bee in vs that was in Christ Iesus Who to redeeme the glory of god in vs laide aside his owne glory equall with the father and humbled himselfe in the forme of a seruant vnto the death of the crosse As the fathers loue to the sonne begat in him the like affection towards vs so doth Christ his f Nullaest maior ad amorem inuitatio quam praeuenire amando Nimisque durus est animus qui delectionem si nolebat impendere nolit rependere August de catèch rud cap. 4. loue if wee embrace it by a true and a liuely faith worke in vs the like loue towards our bretheren for his sake g Iohn 15.9.10 As the father saith hee hath loued mee so haue I loued you continue you in my loue If you keepe my commandements ye shall abide in my loue euen as I haue kept my fathers commandements and abide in his loue It is all one in the law to loue God and to keepe his commandements And h Iohn 14.23.24 if you loue mee saith Christ keepe my commandements Which because we can in no sort doe of our selues Gods law our prayer i 2. Cor 3.5 who are not able as of our selues so much as to thinke any good therefore being preuented with his grace k Phil. 2.13 who worketh in vs both to will and to doe of his good pleasure wee desire of God by prayer as Christ hath taught vs what he doth require of vs by the law l In omnibus enim monitis dei atque mandatis vna cademque ratio est divinae gratiae humanae ebedientiae Nec ob aliud vnquam datur praeceptum nisi vt quaetatur praecipientis auxilium Prosp Who therefore commandeth that wee may know what to craue of him And it is our faith which by prayer obtaineth what the law requireth The graces inspired of God faith hope and loue breathe all againe vnto godby prayer m Rom. 8.26 the spirit helping our infirmities with groanes that cannot be expressed For as the naturall life so the spirituall confists in respiration by hearing and praying without the which there can be no true life and well doing Therefore n Phil. 1.9.10 this we pray that our loue may abounde yet more more in knowledge and in all iudgement that wee being instructed out of the law may approue the things that are more excellent that wee may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ being filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and praise of God o Rom. 10.14 But how shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeved By faith in the sonne of God wee know and beleeue in him the only true God and worship him in spirit and in truth p Gal. 4.6 Who hath sent downe the spirit of his sonne into our hearts Faith in the trinity denyes not the vnity of God crying Abba father Doth our faith now in the trinity contradict the vnity transgresse the commandements Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Nay the trinity of persons establisheth the vnity of the Godhead whilest himselfe is acknowledged the author mediator and doer of all in all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plato in Philebo in Timaeo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quo sensu vide Proclum Is autem dicit Triadem exse omnia efficere Who being infinit is not confined by any person and the persons being distinct are not confounded in God ſ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Serapidis responsum Thuli in Aegipto De his vide August lib 10. de civ Dei cap. 23. In deo vnasubstantia sed tres personae in Christo duae substantiae sed vna persona In Trinitate alius atque alius non asiud atque aliud In saluatcre aliud atq aliud non alius atque alius Vincent Ler inens cont Her cap. 19. The father is God in his infinit essence or being the sonne the same God in his infinit presence and glorious appearing the holy ghost the same
the just shall liue by his faith The state of Grace for it shall bee vnto him according to his faith which is of life from God the father in Christ Iesus his sonne our saviour by the Holy Ghost quickning the Holy e Habet popusus Dei plenitudinem suam quāvis magna pars hominū salvantis gratiā aut repellat aut negligat in electis tamen praescitis atque ab omnium gegeneralitate discretis specialis quaedā censetur vniversalitas vt detoto mundo totus mundus liberatus de omnibushominibus omnes homines videantur assumpti Ambr. de vocat Gent. lib. 1 c. 3. Catholique Church which is his body f Eph. 1.23 the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all A life of grace here by reconciliation and communion with God and a life of glory hereafter thorough the forgiuenesse of sinnes and resurrection of our bodies to eternall life The g 1. Pet. 3.7 grace of life in Christ worketh in vs a life of grace by his spirit For the sanctifying graces of GOD rest not in the habit but are in action h 1. Thess 1.3 The worke of faith the labour of loue the patience of hope i Heb. 11. By faith A bell by faith Abraham by faith every one of the holy men in the cloud of witnesses did some notable worke which did evidēce their faith to be indeed as they professed k v. 16. Wherefore God was not ashamed to be called their God l Iam. 2.22 Faith wrought with their works for m Heb. 11.6 without faith it is impossible to please God n Iam. 2.22 by workes was their faith made perfect For the perfection of vertue consists in action So must o c. 1.4 Patience haue her perfect worke p 1. Ioh. 3.18 So must loue be not in word neither in tongue but in deede and in trueth q Iam 2.15.16 If a brother or a sister be naked and destitute of dayly foode and one of you say vnto them depart in peace bee you warmed and filled notwithstanding you giue them not those things which are needfull to the body what doth it profit r 20.26 Faith without workes is dead and so is loue no faith indeede but a bolde presumption no loue indeede but a meere pretence ſ Iam. 2.18 Shew mee thy faith by thy workes but do thy workes before God in faith By faith our selues are iustified before God by good workes our faith and profession are iustified and approved vnto men For thereby it appeares that wee are in the faith and that our faith is in God t Tit. 3.8 This therefore is a faithfull saying that they which haue beleeued in God bee carefull to maintaine good workes u Iam. 2.26 For as the body without the spirit is dead so faith whithout workes is dead also And if our faith be dead whereby wee liue how dead are we * Iud 12. twice dead plucked vp by the roots x Rom 3.4 5. C. We are justified by a liuely faith sayth Saint Paul y Iam 2. We are not iustified by a dead faith saith St Iames wherefore little children z 1. Iohn 3.7 Let no man deceiue you saith St Iohn Hee that doth righteousnesse is righteous even as hee is righteous a 1. Tim 1.14 Now the grace of our Lord is exceeding abundant with faith and loue which are in Christ Iesus b 2. Pet 1.3 According as his Divine power hath giuen vnto vs all things that pertaine vnto life godlines through the knowledge of him that hath called vs to glory and vertue Now although the whole Church and euery true member thereof whom the Father hath chosen whom the Sonne hath redeemed whom the Holy Ghost hath effectually called through sanctificatiō sprinkling of the bloud of Iesus bee holy in Gods account although God bee glorified in his Saints here vpō earth by their blessed cōmunion with him with all men in loue wherby they are also highly dignified in a manner diefied c 2 Pet. 1.4 being made partakers of the divine nature so that they doe far excell al the world besides d 1 Iohn 5.19 that lieth in wickednes e In hac vita multi sine crimine nullus vero esse sine peccatis valet Greg. in Moral Vae etiam laudabili hominū vitae si remota misericordia discutias eam Aug. l. 9. confes c. 13. Nemosine peccato Negare hoc sacrilegium est Solus enim Deus sine peccato est Confiteri hoc Deo immunitatis remedium est Ambros in Ps 118. v. vlt. yet whē all is done we beleeue confesse that we haue stil need of farther grace mercy euen the forgiuenes of our sins if by any meanes we may attaine the resurrection of our bodies to eternall life Wherfore as on the one side f 1 Iohn 1.6 If we say that wee haue fellowship with God walke in darknes we lye doe not the truth So on the other side g V. 8. If we say that we haue no sin wee deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. But if we confesse our sins he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sins to cleanse vs frō all vnrighteousnes If any man think that being of the Church in the cōmunion of Saints hee needeth not the forgiuenesse of sins to the last let him also raise his own body frō death to life h Phil. 3.20 21. But wee looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it maybe fashioned like vnto his glorious body inheriting eternal life Which begins so soon as we beleeue i Iohn 5.25 for the houre is come that the dead heare the voice of the son of God they that heare it liue neuer ends nor shall euer be quite interrupted by sin nor death k V. 24. For he that beleeueth hath euerlasting life shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life The briefe of all is The praise of the glory of Gods grace that l Habak 2. The iust shall liue by his faith which the Prophet Habakucke receiued of God like as Moses receiued the Law namely vpon his watch-towre with expresse charge m v. 2. to write it and to make it plaine on tables And the Apostle hath giuen vs the constat thereof purposely n Gal. 3. comparing the two covenants together o v. 11. That no man is justified by the Law in the sight of GOD it is manifest For the Iust shall liue by faith p v. 12. And the Law is not of faith but the man that doth them shall liue in them q Rom. 3.27 Where is boasting now It is excluded By what Law By the Law of workes Nay but by the Law of faith r 1 Cor. 1.31 That according
therefore his will is a law to vs and our obedience is true loue vnto him And weebeing many are thereby knit together in one body holding the vnity of the spirit in this bonde of peace Wherefore as wee vowe in baptisme that we will keepe Gods holy will commandements and walke in the same all the daies of our life so by this other sacrament wee renew the same vow so often as wee receiue it repenting our sinnes past the transgressions of that righteous law resoluing and stedfastly purposing thorough Gods grace to leade a new life in all thankfull obedience vnto him and true loue and charity amongst our selues Wherevpon we receaue the blessed sacrament of Christs body blood most deepely binding our selues thereby to performe the same and in the assured faith of Gods grace and helpe that wee may walke in the strength of this spirituall food the way of life by the law prescribed vnto vs. When first the couenant was confirmed by Moses with the Israelites at Horeb The Law conditioned God gaue them the law they accepted saying a Exod. 19.8 all the words which the Lord hath commanded wee will doe and be obedient And when he renewed the same couenant with them in the land of Moab they gaue their faith that they would obey And so doe wee b Deut. 26.17.18 They avouched the Lord to be their God and so doe we the Father Son Holy ghost and God auoucheth the holy catholike Church as then he did them to be his people They promised to walke in his waies and to keepe his commandements and his iudgements as they expected his blessing c c. 27. they bound themselues with an oath and with a curse all which in effect wee likewise doe to liue as becometh his saints euen as wee expect his mercy to forgiue vs our sinnes and the power of his grace to bring vs to ternall life Wherevnto we binde our selues by vow and consignation and as it were by contesseration in the sacraments The law was not only giuen and required by God but approued accepted by them in their hearts to doe it as their mouthes professed In which respect Moses said d Deut. 30.14 the word is very nigh thee in thy mouth and in thine heart that thou maist doe it Howbeit they breake their faith giuen and their spirit was not stedfast with God a Ps 78.37 Their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his couenant But now hauing renewed his couenant as he promised b Gal. 3.7 with the children of Abraham that are by faith the holy catholike Church that they shall be his people and that he will be their God c Ier. 31.33 Lex dei in cordibus scribitur non quia per naturam praeventa sit gratia sed quia per gratiam reparata est natura August de ver a innocent cap. 258. hee puts his law in their inward parts and in their hearts he writes it euen the communion of saints thorough faith that worketh by loue For beleeuing in Christ Iesus we doe thereby acknowledge that the Law is holy iust and good Holy in respect of the things commanded else were not wee sinfull who haue disobayed nor needed wee a mediatour Iust in respect of the penalty inflicted else why should Christ haue dyed that wee might be deliuered Good in respect of the end purposed life to the doer Which Christ hath done and liues for euer and wee also by faith in him If the same minde be in vs that was in Christ Iesus to be obedient to the will of God vnto the death d Cant. 8.6 Loue is stronger then death The couenant indissoluble that neither life nor death can dissolue the communion betwixt God his church or any true member thereof Whom hee hath set as aseale vpon his heart as a seale vpon his arme to loue and to defend for euer For so hee saith e Heb. 13.5 I will neuer leaue thee nor forsake thee f c. 6.7 And being willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the immutability of his counsell he hath confirmed his word by the sacraments in his blood g v. 8. That by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lye wee might haue a strong consolation who haue fled for refuge to lay holde vpon the hope set before vs. We may therefore be bolde vpon it if need be to lay downe our liues for his sake in whom our life is hid with God knowing that euen in death wee shall be more then h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8.37 conquerours thorough him that loued vs. i Mat. 20.22.23 Can ye drink saith Christ of the cuppe wherof I shall drinke and can yee bee baptized with the baptisme wherwith I shall be baptized And they said we can And hee said yee shall So must all a 2. Tim. 3.12 Act. 14.22 suffer affliction some way or other that will liue Godly It is the portion of our cuppe and calling conditioned by God vndertaken by vs in these sacraments whereby we are assured that b 2. Tim. 2.12 if we suffer with him wee shall raigne with him Wee are baptized into the death of Christ And the holy communion is not only a sacrament of the grace of life vnto vs but a sacrifice of vs vnto God and a protestation of our seruice vnto him euen vnto the death after the example of Christ Iesus In c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Monumenta salutaris passionis Basil in cannonditur 1 Cor. 11.26 commemoration of whose meritorious sufferings with a thankfull remembrance thereof wee c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Monumenta salutaris passionis Basil in cannonditur 1 Cor. 11.26 se● forth his death vntill he come d Rom. 12.1 offer vp our selues a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God thorough Iesus Christ consecrating vowing our selues whatsoeuer we are whatsoeuer we haue wholy to his seruice who hath redeemed vs. e 2 Cor. 5.14.15 For the loue of Christ constraineth vs because we thus iudge that if one dyed for all then were all dead and that hee dyed for all that they which liue should not henceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him that died for them and rose againe f Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let vs offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruite of our lips giuing thankes to his name v. 16. not forgetting to doe good and to communicate for with such sacrifice God is well pleased CAP. II. Faith working by loue according to the Lawe The Law established by faith Gods law our prayer Faith in the Trinity denies not the vnity of God Christ the only image of God to bee worshipped by faith in his name By Prophanenesse Hypocrisie Blasphemy the name of God vnhallowed The Christian sabbath of the holy catholike Church The sabbath not
deliuery from euill and by the way that we may be supplyed with things needfull for this life by his ordinary providence and all to the eternall praise of his Kingdome power and glory Which is not only the first and greatest part but the very end and reason of our most earnest and devoted desires not onely of things spirituall and temporall for our better enablement and incouragement in his seruice here but euen also of life eternall hereafter that seeing wee cannot through our owne default so glorifie God in this life as we ought and might if we had beene so happy we may yet happily bee saued through his grace and mercy to his eternall praise and glory in the world to come Neither hath CHRIST heerein taught vs to pray otherwise then GOD commanded vs to doe For a 1. Tim. 1.5 the end of the Law is loue b 2. Tim. 3.2.4 not of our selues but of God c Deut. 6.5 with all the heart with all the soule with all the minde and with all the strength This is true godlines in the zeale of his glory A duty neuer repealed but ratified by the Law giuer himself here in person saying d Matt. This is the first great Commandement and the other is like vnto it namely that thou loue thy neighbour as thy selfe both in e Incomparabiliter plus charitatis Deo quam nobis fratri autem quantum nobis ipsis impendere debemus nam Deum propter se nos verò provimos propter Deum diligere debemus Aug. de arin l. 8. c. 8. a second place vnto God that is for his sake and according to his will to doe and to be done by as he hath commaunded The reason why we should principally intend GOD his glory trusting him for our safety is intimated in the first wordes of the prayer calling GOD our heauenly Father grounded vpon the first Article of our faith In God the Father Almighty maker of Heauen Earth For a sonne honoureth his father the father provideth for his children Now GOD is our Father both by Nature and Grace who made vs all things both in Heauen and Earth redeemed vs by his Sonne Christ Iesus calleth vs by the Holy Ghost and thereby communicateth himselfe and all good vnto vs wil bring vs to euerlasting life that we may eternally praise him f Rom. 11.36 For of him and through him and to him are all things to him bee glory for euer and euer Amen Wee made not our selues The Author of our good neither can wee saue our selues therefore we are not our owne but his creatures instruments g Act. 17.28 in whom we liue moue haue our being h Prov. 16.4 Who made all things for himself yea euen the wicked for the day of euill i Initio non quasi indigent Deus hominem plasmavit Adam sed ut haberet in quem collocaret sua beneficia Non solum ante Adam sed ante omnem conditionem glorificavit verbum patrem suum manens in eo ipse à patre glorificabatur quemadmodum ipse ait Pater clarifica me c. Qui in ●umine sunt non ipsi lumen illuminant sed illuminantur ab eo Irenaeus lib. 4. adversus haeres cap. 28. Not that his glory depends on the creature for as there was light when yet there was no starre in the Heauen to expresse it no body on earth to reflect it so was k Ioh. 17.5 the glory of God with himselfe before the world was Only it pleased him by the exuberance of his goodnes to manifest his glory in vs whom hee made after his owne Image l Et c. 31. Non indigebat Deus dilectione hominis Deerat autem homini gloriâ Dei quam nullo modo poterat percipere nisi per eam obsequentiam quae est ergà Deum not to gain any accession of glory by vs to himselfe who is himselfe all-sufficient but by communicating his goodnesse to make vs most glorious m Rom. 11.22 had we continued in his goodnessè to the praise of his glory Art requires some compleate materials to worke vpon and Nature out of a rude matter produceth euery creature but n Deus non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 solùm vt à Platone sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dicendus Iust Mart. in exhort ad Gent. God who is aboue both made all of o Ex nihilo terminativè non materialiter Iul. Scal. exerc 6. sect 13. nothing by creation Which the deepest Philosophy most busie in the search of Nature could neuer fully reach nor can comprehend by discourse of reason howsoeuer some of them seeme to haue had some notice thereof For the wisest of that profession supposing generally that of p Ex nihilo nihil sit in natura constituta non constituenda Vid. Tertul. adversus Hermogin nothing nothing can be vanished away in their imaginations of the q Si nulla fuit genitalis origo Terrarum coeli semperque aeterna fuere Cur supra bellum Thebanum funera Troiae Non alias alij quoque rescecinere Poetae Lucret. lib. 6. Vid. Theoph. Antioch adversus Autolyc lib. 2. Worlds eternity or of an eternall creation or else of a naturall manner of productiō of al things out of some matter and by some meanes when as yet there were none of thē But r Neb. 11.3 we through faith vnderstand by the word of God in the history of the Creation that the Worlds were framed by the ſ Quin Deum foecundissimo verbo creasse mundum aliquoties agnoscere videtur Trismegist Neque materia nec novo consilio opus fuisse Deo ad mundi creatiouem asserere videtur Algazel contra Averroem Word of God so that things which are seene were not made of things which doe appeare The last of all was man as it were a recapitulation of all for whō all was made Who as he had an interest in al the creatures by his making so God gaue him power to vse them all by his blessing t Psal 8.6 For hee made him to haue dominion ouer the worke of his hands and put all things vnder his feete Of all the creatures the Angels who were made the first day when they were all made Angels of u Angelus est imago Dei manifestatio occulti luminis c. Dionys Areop de diuin nomin cujus ve ba prosequitur Alex. de Ales. part 2. qu. 20. memb 3. art 2. Bonavent l. 2 sent distinct 9. ad textum light man who was made the last day a light shining in darkenesse hauing his diuine soule pent vp in a body of clay are only called the x 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. A Deo profecta semina non solum ea quibus pater meus me procreavit patrem avus verumetiam in res omnes è terra nascentes ac praecipuè in
for grace but every grace in its order first faith then those that are of faith to wit loue and hope x 2. Cor. 3.18 For we all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of God namely y c. 4.6 in the face of Iesus Christ z v. 4. by the light of his glorious Gospell a c. 3.18 are changed into the same image frō glory to glory euen as by the spirit of the Lord. God that spake things at the first when he spake them their being still b Rom. 4.17 calleth things that are not is if they were anon they are so c Hos 2.23 ● Pet. 2.10 He saith to thē that were ' not his people thou art my people and they moued by the holy Ghost say Thou art my God d Gal. 4.9 Now we know God by faith * Ab initio fidei misericordiam consecutisumus non quia fideles eramus sed vt essemus August ep 105 ad Sixtum Fidem vocat Clemens Alexand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 primam salutis inclinationem l. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Fides est prima quae subjugat animum Deo August lib. de agone Christiano c. 9. or rather we are knowne of God in Christ e 2. Tim. 2.19 hauing this seale The Lord knoweth who are his f 1. Iohn 4.10 And herein is loue not that wee loued him but that he loued vs sent his son to be a propitiation for our sins a Non habet homo vnde diligat Deum nisi ex Deo Aug. l. 15. de tri c. 17. Tales nos amat Deus qualesfuturi sumus ipsius dono non quales sumus nostro merito Conciliū Arausicanū 2. can 12. vid. plur c. 25. Amor Dei quo pervenitur ad Deum non est nisi à Deo patre per Iesum cum Spiritu Sancto Per hunc amorem creatoris benè quisque vtitur creaturis Auglib 4. cont Iul. c. 3. ad caleem When wee were not louing vnto him nor any thing louely in our selues but b Ezek. 16.6 lay weltring in our blood were c Colos 1.21 enemies in our minds by evill workes then he reconciled vs vnto himselfe in Christ d Ezech. 16.6 passing by said vnto vs liue yet now having e Rom. 5.5 the loue of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs f 1. Pet. 1.8 we loue him also though wee haue not seene him g Rom. 5.2.3 wee reioyce not onely ' in hope of his glory but in our afflictions for his sake with ioy vnspeakeable and full of glory h 1. Pet. 4.14 because the spirit of glory of God resteth vpon vs. And still wee follow after in hope God succouring vs with his grace i Phil. 3.11.12 if hauing not yet attained wee may be any meanes apprehend that for the which wee are apprehended of Christ Iesus k Eph. 1.13.14 In whō after that we beleiued we were sealed with that holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possessiō vnto the praise of his glory l Reu. 22.17 Now the spirit the bride say come let him that heareth say come And let him that is a thirst come and whosoeuer will let him take the water of life m Ideogratia quia gratis datur ideo gratis datur quia non quasimerces redditur post discussionem metitorum sed donum datur post delictorum veniam August de verbis Domini serm 61. freely If it were in man to prevēt God by preparing disposing himselfe vnto grace or any way to make himself more worthy thereof thē others why should not m Rom. 9.13 Israel that followed after the law of righteousnes haue attained to the law of righteousnesse Because they sought it not by faith True but why did they not beleeue because they n 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrisost homil 30. in acta At post had not the grace o Matth. 13.11 For to them it was not giuen to know the mysteries of of the kingdome of heaven And for them who receiued the Gospell vnto salvation Saint Paul who was p Phil. 3.5.6 an Hebrew of the Hebrewes and concerning the righteousnesse which is by the law blamelesse professeth saying q Tit. 3.5 not by the worke of righteousnes which we haue done but according to his mercy he saved vs. And how did r Rom. 9.30 The Gentiles which followed not after righteousnes attaine vnto righteousnes evē the righteousnes which is by faith ſ Rom 10.20 Esaias is bold saith I was found of those that t Fides erat quę data est non oranti quae vtique nisi data esset orare non posset quomodo enim invocabunt c. Aug. ep 105. ad Sixtum sought mee not I was made manifest to those that asked not after mee v 1. Cor. 1.26 And why are not many wise called * Deum praeterijsse multos philosophos homines acuti ingenij eximiae eruditionis praeteriisse etiam multos qui si civiles mores spectes innocentes erant vitae probatae vt enim divitias misericordiae suae patefaceret id magis consequitur si eos adducat qui magis reluctentur propter vitae merita ab ea magis sint alieni quam si eos qui humanae rationi videntur esse aptiores August 1. lib. ad Simplicianum quaest 2. many who haue the same meanes and far better naturall parts helpes of art and commendations of life then some poore Publicans and sinners Wee see our calling How that x Mat. 20.16 many are called but few are chosen as it pleaseth him y 2. Tim. 1.9 who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was given vs in Christ Iesus * Electi sunt ante mundi constitutionem ea praedestinatione in qua Deus sua futura facta praescivit electi autem lunt de mundo ea vocatione qua Deus id quod praedestinavit implevit August de praedest sanct c. 17. before the world began z 2. Thess 2.13 Wee are bound therefore to giue thankes vnto God alwaies for the beloued of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen them vnto salvation through sanctification of the spirit and beliefe of the trueth wherevnto wee are called by the Gospell Whilest many others stand a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iud. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 proscripti Plutarch in Syll. p. 825. 863. proscribed by the law whereby they were of old fore written to condemnation For the law remaineth an b Col. 2.14 hand-writing against them vncancelled c 2. Thess 2.10 who receiue not the loue of the truth that they might be saued d Hab. 2.4 Now
to worship before him And this we pray that his kingdome may come yet more and more euen the power of his grace that the holy catholicke church may become euery day more and more sanctified and enlarged vntill wee all come to be glorified with him in that eternall rest whereinto hee is entered for vs. ſ Psal 84.1 How amiable are thy tabernacles O Lord of hostes My soule longeth yea euē fainteth for the courts of the Lord. A day in thy courts is better then a thousand elswhere t Heb. 10.19 c Hauing therefore boldnesse to enter into the holiest by the blood of Iesus by a new and liuing way which hee hath consecrated for vs thorough the vaile that is to say his flesh let vs draw neere with a true heart in full assurance of faith not forsaking the assembling of our selues together u Quum deus noster singulari sua erga nos charitate è septem diebus vnum duntaxat instaurandae fidei nostrae atque adeo vitae aeternae sanctificauit eique diei vt sacrae in eo administratae rèligiones ad permouendam salutem nostram essent efficaces bene dixit deploratum sane is se contemptorem demonstrat sicut salutis propriae ita tam admiraudae dei no stri in nos benificentiae eoque omnino indignum qui in populo dei viuat quicunque non studiat eum ipsum diem domino deo suo glorificando procurandaesaluti propriae sanctificare c Bucer lib. 1. de regno Christi cap. 11. lege totum cap. as the manner of some is but exhorting one an other that so much the more as wee see the day approching Let thy kingdome come O Lord * Psal 110.3 that thy people may be willing now in the day of thy power in the beauties of holinesse from the wombe of the morning x Ps 65.1 Then shall praise waite for thee O God in Sion and vnto thee shall the vow be performed in Ierusalem Thus the duties of Loue to God are all directed vnto him The perfect will of God to be done on earth and exercised by faith in Christ with true godlinesse and this faith againe is approued to God by the workes of loue in all goodnesse towards men for his sake whereunto all the dueties of the second table are reduced y 1 Ioh 3.23 For this is the commaundement of God that wee should beleeue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as hee gaue vs commaundement All the duties of loue prescribed by the law are by faith improued to an higher degree of perfection then the letter imports hee being the a Mat. 5. interpreter who was the lawginer and shall bee our iudge For now wee see that not only the acts but thoughts and occasions of euill are vnlawfull and wee finde our selues bound in conscience to performe our duties to men b Colos 3.22 23. not with eye seruice as men pleasers but with singlenesse of heart fearing God And whatsoeuer wee doe to doe it heartily as to the Lord and not vnto men The first and last commandemets which are the two great commandements including all the rest expressely require the heart Thou shalt haue no other gods Nor couet an others goods c Mat. 15.9 Out of the heart proceede euill thoughts murders adulteries thefts false witnesse c. which are transgressions of the seuerall commandements and by them forbidden as they are any way followed or embraced by vs. But by the last commandement the first motion of euill arising in our corrupt hearts is condemned and wee are thereby made guilty of the sinne that is in vs by naturall corruption d Rom. 7.7 I had not knowne lust except the law had said Thou shalt not lust Howsoeuer the law be giuen for the most part in negatiue termes to restraine first of all frō grosse iniuries and exorbitances and from all the occasions and appendants of sinne which are not allowable at any time yet doth the affirmatiue of the law not only where it is expressed but as it implyed in the prohibitions binde vs at all times though not to all times to doe good vnto all as we haue opportunity So far must wee bee from doing any euill vnto others as rather willingly to suffer euill of others for well doing if it may not be otherwise And the workes of perfection as some call them supposing that they are only e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plato As wher Christ saith I counsell thee to buy of mee c. Rev. 3.18 Consitium includit proeceptum Bellarm. Est instrumentum praecepti Thom. Praeceptum ex hypothesi counselled in the Gospell and therefore arbitrary are indeed cōmanded by the law f Ps 19.7 for the law is perfect and are duties necessary for euery man to doe if there bee * As in time of persecution or first plantation of the Gospell So did the first conuerts vid. Act. 2.44.45 cap. 4.32.34 Cause and the case require And otherwise who hath required these things at your hands When the young man whom Christ bad sell all that he had and giue to the poore that hee might follow him g Math. 19.21 if hee would be perfect went away sorrowfull because hee had great possessions then said Iesus vnto his disciples verily I say vnto you h v. 23. That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen i Christiani vnuiscuiusque officium est vt animo propter Christum relinquat omnia par atus etiam ex facto relinquere vbires desiderauerit Iun. in Bell. contra 5. lib. 2. c. 8. S. parag 42. Now that is necessary without which we cannot enter into heauen And what did Christ inioine him more then is intended by the precepts of the law as hee hath interpreted the same * Mat. 5.38 c. Ye haue heard it hath beene said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I say vnto you that yee resist not euill but whosoeuer shall smite thee on thy righ cheeke turne to him the other also if any man sue thee at the law and take away thy coat let him haue thy cloake also Is it a greater matter to sell that wee haue and giue freely to the poore then to giue to an aduersary that hath already by force or fraud gone beyond vs We are not forbidden k Vid Augustin epistlo quint. ad Marcellin all plea of right nor required causelesly to depart with our own For this were to abet and animate malefactors vnreasonable men to frustrat God his ordinance l Rom. 13.4 whose minister the magistrate is for thy good No more are wee counselled to cast away our goods which are the blessings of God m Act. 17.26 who hath appointed vs the bounds of our habitation nor needlesly to liue vpon the almes of others n Act. 20.35
ragges t Iob 9 30.31 If I wash myselfe saith righteous Iob with snowe water make my hands neuer so cleane yet shalt thou plunge mee in the ditch and mine owne cloathes shall make mee filthy What is that ditch but natures corruption drawen by a perpetuall trench thorough all man kinde from the loines of our first parents Whereof holy king Dauid was by his fall caused to complaine u Psal 51.5 I was shapen in iniquity in sin hath my mother conceaued mee And what are the * Zech. 3.3 filthy cloathes but the carnall motions which being fashioned to our corrupt hearts doe like our garments x Heb. 12 1. easily beset vs and can neuer bee cleane put off vntill nature it selfe bee dissolued Which made Saint Paul cry out y Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death Solomon puts the question to all men liuing z Prov. 20.9 w̄ho can say mine heart is cleane I am pure from my sinne And himselfe being now become a preacher of repentance makes the answer for all a Eccl. 7.20 There is not a iust man vpon earth that doth good sinneth not If there be any be hee as iust as Iob b Iob. 38.3.40 7. let him gird vp his loines like a man I will demand of thee saith God and declare thou vnto mee Wilt thou disanull my iudgement Wilt thou condemne me that thou maist be righteous c Rom. 3.4 Nay let God be true but euery man a lyer let God be iust but euery man a sinner e Gal 3 19. Wherefore then serues the law it was added because of transgressions that wee may know our f Sedcur praecipitur homini ista perfectio cum in hac vita eam nemo habeat Quia non recte curritur si quo currendum est nesciatur Pet. Lomb. l. 3. Sent. dist 27. lit G. duties and defaults g Rom. 4.15 Where no law is there is no transgression h 1. Ioh. 3.4 for sinne is the transgression of the law i Rom. 5.13 and without the law sinne is not imputed Where sinne is not acknowledged grace is not accepted k Rom. 3.20 but by the law is the knowledge of sinne l Rom. 5.20 Therefore the law entred that the offence might abound but where sinne abounded grace hath superabounded The law euer remaines the perpetuall rule of our duety though vnsufficient for our safety m Rom. 8.3 being weake through the flesh And now it hath a double vse first directly to shew vs n Nec latuit pręceptorem praecepti pondus hominum excedere vires sed iudicavit ex hoc ipso suae illos insufficientiae admonere vt scirent sanè ad quem iustitiae sinem niti pro viribus oporteret Bernard sup Cant serm 50. what is good and evill that o Rom. 2.18 wee may approue the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law and that wee may performe the same in all holy obedience to him that commaundeth then obliquely to bring vs by p Data est enim lex superbis hominibus viribus suis totum tribuentibus vt cum implere non possent legem datam praevaricatores inuenirentur facti rei sub lege peterent misericordiam à legis conditore August de actis cum Felice Manich. l. 2. c. 11. repentance to the q Heb. 4.16 throne of grace that we may obtaine mercy and finde grace to helpe in the time of need In which respect it is a r Gal. 3.24 schoolemaster still to bring vs vnto Christ reducing vs vnto him obliquely as it were per impossibile not that the law is of things ſ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil 19. hom Nemo ad impossibile obligatur Non deus impossibilia iubet sed inbendo admonet facere quod possis petere quod non possis Aug. l. de natura gratiae cap. 43. impossible but because we are still impotent and vnable Both which vses of the law Saint Iohn hath put together saying t 1. Iohn 2.1 ● These things I write that you sinne not but if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes Now u 1. Tim. 1.8 we knowe that the law is good if a man vse it lawfully knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man namely not to iustifie a man nor to condemne any whom God hath iustified but the law is made for the lawlesse and disobedient to curbe and condemne them who will not be reformed * y. 11. according to the glorious gospell of the blessed God Now if our workes done in grace be not answerable to the law of an holy life Good works not well done then sure they can not merit eternall life and glory The things happily are good that we doe in their owne nature and according to the law of God and they may doe good being beneficiall vnto others as to honour our betters is good and the law of God almes deeds are good and doe good to the poore and yet are they not so good as to merit for vs eternall life glory at the hands of God First because they are not so * Querb abs te vtrum haec opera bona benè faciant an malè Si enim quamvis bona male tamensatit negare non potes eum peccare qui malè quodibe●t facit August contra Iulian. Col. 1036. l. 4. c. 3. well done as they ought in regard of some necessary circumstance Vnbeleevers may happily doe the things which God requireth but not their duties because they doe them not in conscience to him that commandeth and without faith it is impossible to please God Then if wee of faith doe some duties and neglect others when he that hath commanded one hath commanded all Can some few good workes make satisfaction for so many euill a Heb. 11.6 Whosoever will be saued before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholike faith which except a man belieue faithfully hee cannot bee saved Athanas his Creed Aliud est quod sponte impenditur naturae aliud quod praeceptis dominicis ex charitate debetur obedientiae Greg. hom 27 in Evang. Hoc peccarunt quod homines sine side non ad eum finem ista opera retulerunt ad quem referre debuerunt Aug. l. 4. cont Iulian. c. 3. Sordet natura sine gratia Prosper ep ad Russinum which we haue done and compensation for so many other good workes which wee haue left vndone And yet the very workes of faith by some carnall respects interuening are not so good nor so well done in true loue as they ought For true b 1. Cor. 13.4.5 Plenissima charitas quae iam non possit augeri quamdiu hic homo vivit est in