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A08402 The sinne against the Holy Ghost discouered and other Christian doctrines deliuered: in twelue sermons vpon part of the tenth chapter of the epistle to the Hebrewes. By Sebastian Benefield ... Benefield, Sebastian, 1559-1630. 1615 (1615) STC 1872; ESTC S101615 138,488 190

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loue one God and the three persons of the Trinitie For the second we haue a more speciall charge 1. Cor. 16.22 There S. Paule saith If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha let him bee had in execration let him be excommunicate vnto death Which is also signified by Christ himselfe telling vs Mat. 10.37 that wee cannot bee worthy of him if we loue father mother wife children brethren sisters yea our owne liues aboue before or more then him The second branch of Christian charitie is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 brotherly loue peculiar belonging only to the sonnes of God The rule for this part is laid before vs Ioh. 13.34 Christ there hath given vs a new commandemēt that we loue one another as he hath loued vs that even so we loue one another Wee must loue one another that is wee must loue the whole Church and every member thereof all that are our brethren in the Lord the sonnes of God even the whole number of Gods holy ones and the blessed Angels which are in Heaven Al these must wee loue evē as Christ hath loved vs. But how hath Christ loved vs Consider we these fiue things and it will be manifest See my second sermō on Iames 4. p. 80. 1 Looke we vnto the cause which moued Christ to loue vs he loved vs because we were elected because wee were chosen in him by God the Father to bee his members and to bee saued by him For this cause hath hee loued vs with a peculiar loue aboue other men with such a loue wherewith hee loued S. Paule Gal. 2.20 for that we might liue vnto God we are crucified with Christ and so we liue yet not we now but Christ liveth in vs and in that that wee now liue in the flesh wee liue by faith in the Sonne of God who hath loved vs and giuen himselfe for vs. So peculiarly hath Christ loued vs. Therefore must wee also peculiarly loue our brethren in the Lord for that very cause because for ought wee can discerne and how can wee discerne spiritually being but flesh they are the elect and chosen of God the Father in Christ from before the foundations of this world to be saved by Christ 2 Thinke we of the time when Christ loued vs. Wee shall find that he loued vs first 1. Ioh. 4.19 he staied not for our loue we loue him because he loued vs first He loued vs first therfore must we also prevent one another in loue wee must not looke that our brethren first loue vs. For if wee bee friendly to them only who are friendly to vs what singular thing doe we Doe not even the heathen likewise Mat. 5.46 47. If we loue them onely which loue vs what reward shall we haue Doe not Infidels even the same We Christians must loue our brethren first 3 Let vs respect the qualitie of the persons whom Christ hath loued He hath loued vs Ioh. 15.9 Vs that is all all the elect Gentiles as well as Iewes Barbarians as well as Grecians bond as well as free women as well as men the base the poore as well as the noble and the rich For all the elect for all these for all vs he died when as yet we were his enimies when as yet we were sinners Rom. 5.8 Therefore must we also loue al men be they sinners or seem they righteous seem they our friends or be they our foes be they of what estate or cōdition soever so it bee not evident that they are adiudged to bee partakers with the Divell and his Angels in the ever burning lake 4 Regard we the end why Christ loued vs hee loued vs for no profit of his own but for our soules health Therefore must we also loue others not for our own gaine but for their good So did Moses who prayed to haue his name rased out of Gods booke rather then that the sinnes of the people vnder his government should not be forgiuen Exod. 32.32 So did David who made his supplications to God for to lay the pestilence vpon him and his fathers house and to spare the people committed to his charge 2. Sam. 24.17 So did S. Paul who wished his own damnation to redeeme the reiection of the Iewes Rom. 9.3 Christ loued vs for our soules health not for any profit of his own therefore must we also loue one another for the good of others not for any our owne gaine 5 Consider we the measure of the loue wherewith Christ hath loved vs. It is a true loue for Christ is truth it selfe Iohn 14.6 It is a burning loue for Christ laid downe his life Christ shed his blood for his sheep Ioh. 10.15 It is an everlasting loue for Christ loues his owne vnto the ende Iohn 13.1 Therefore must our loue also to all the faithfull be true it must be earnest it must be constant Ioh. 13.34 Christs commandement is that we loue one another as he hath loved vs even so that we loue one another The third branch of Christian charitie is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the loue of our neighbours The rule for this part is laid before vs Levit. 19. ver 11 13 15.16 acknowledged by the scribe Mark 12.33 and proclaimed by Christ himselfe to bee like that great commandement Mat. 19.19 c. This is the rule Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Thou shalt loue thy neighbour that is every man for so Christ expounds it vnto the lawyer shewing him by the example of the Samaritane who is his neighbour Luk. 10.30 Thou shalt loue thy neighbour not onely such as fancie thee or are thy friendes but thy enimies too Thou shalt blesse them that curse thee doe good to them that hate thee pray for them that hurt thee Thou shalt loue thine enimies Thy enimies I say not Gods enimies for Gods enimies thou must hate with a perfect hatred David is thy warrant Psal 139.22 Thou must not receaue th●m into house or bid them God speed such was S. Iohns counsaile to the elect Ladies childrē 2. Ioh. vers 10. who also in his first and generall Epistle chap. 5. vers 16. speaking of a sinne vnto death reigning in the enimies of God forbids vs to pray for it Whom God hateth we may not loue In him and for him wee must loue every man If we can knowe any to be of the number of the reprobate to whom God wil not pardon their transgressions we may not in our prayers desire forgiuenesse for their sinnes we may not pray for their salvation Rom. 11.34 But who knoweth the minde of the Lord Or who hath beene his counsellor He alone separateth the Goates from his Sheepe he alone knoweth who are his And this rule simply bindeth vs who cannot discerne betweene the reprobate and the elect to loue every man vnderstood here by the name of neighbour Thou shalt loue thy neighbour But how It followeth in the rule as thy selfe
beene once lightened that they haue tasted of the heavenlie gift that they haue beene made partakers of the holy Ghost that they haue received the knowledge of the truth that they heare the word and receiue it and receiue it forthwith and receiue it forthwith with ioy examine we our selues by those notes whether we are sowen in the Lords field haue taken roote haue growen to perfection yea or no. For if our righteousnesse exceede not theirs their lot shall be as good as ours if we be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 time-seruers as wel as they their backeslidings shal haue as easie a iudgement as ours if we apply our religion and conscience to the present condition of things the change of this present condition must worke in vs new religious new consciences And therefore would I counsell you as Philadelphia is counselled to hold that which you haue that no man take your crownes Revel 3.11 and as Sardi is counselled to strengthē confirme the things that remaine in you that your workes might be fulfilled before the Lord Revel 3.2 You are now in a race and must runne not only to pace the ground or to make vp the number of runners or to weary your bodies or to spend your breathes but you must runne to obtaine also such is the Apostles coūsell So run that yee may obtaine 1. Cor. 9.24 There is no time of standing in this life we must still forwardes Some came into the vineyard at morning some at noone but none received any reward but they which staide vntill night Mat. 20.8 Iacob prevailed not with God at his first wrastling but when he had wrastled with him all night Gen. 32.26 It is not our praying for an howre can do vs good for we must pray cōtinually 1. Thess 5.17 k See my third sermon on Luk 9 pag. 56. Having a long time beene fed l Lam. 4.5 delicately and brought vp in scarlet shall we now perish in the streets shall we now imbrace the doung Having a long time had our heads of gold shall we now to become like Nabuchadnezzars Image put on m Dan. 2.33 feet of clay Having long since begun in the spirit shall we now end in the n Gal 3.3 flesh So shall our last estate be worse then our first so shal we all this while haue runned in vaine For he runnes in vaine whosoever he be that runnes run he never so swiftly that sits him downe or stands still before he comes to the goale There is no time of standing or sitting still in this life we must still forwards He that is righteous let him be righteous still he that is holy let him be holy still Since we haue bin once lightned since we haue bin tasters of the heavenly gift since we haue bin partakers of the holy Ghost since we haue beene receivers of the knowledge of the truth such be we still thinke we that every blessing of God bestowed vpō vs is a further calling and provocation of God as were his callings vpon Elias 1. King 19.4 5. When God found Elias a daies o 1. Kin. 19.4 iourney in the wildernes sitting vnder a Iuniper tree sleeping he called vpon him saying p Vers 5. vp and eate and when he had found him a q Vers 7. second time so sitting and sleeping a second time also he called vpon him said vp and eate thou hast a great iourny to goe and whē he had travailed r Vers 8. forty daies and was lodged in a ſ Vers 9. caue he called vpō him againe and said what doest thou here Elias at last he was brought forth to the t Vers 11. mount then also there came a u Vers 12. voice vnto him and said x Vers 13. What doest thou here Elias y Vers 15. Goe returne by the wildernes vnto Damascus and do so and so Here is instruction for vs whether we bee entred into our way or haue proceeded in it whether we be babes in Christ or strong men whether carnall or spirituall we must vp and eate and strengthen our selues first with milke and then with stronger meate we must vp eate we haue still a great iourny to goe we must walke from light to light from grace to grace from vertue to vertue from knowledge to knowledge we must thinke that alwaies we heare a voice calling vs forward vp thou haste a great iourney to go what dost thou here Elias Excellent is that commendation given to the Church of Thyatira Revel 2.19 I know thy workes and thy loue thy service and faith and patience and that thy last workes are more then thy first Here was no backesliding but great encrease Shee was a true branch in that vine which bare fruit Iohn 15.2 Shee was purged that shee might bring forth more fruit shee grew vp dayly in Christ and became better and better fuller of faith fuller of loue fuller of all good workes and as a new borne babe shee coveted the sincere milke of the word that shee might grow thereby her last workes were more then her first And the conclusion of the Epistle written to this Church of al the other Epistles written to the other sixe Churches is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not he that draweth his sword nor he that fighteth the battles of the Lord nor he that spendeth his blood much lesse he that fainteth that flyeth that sleepeth that standeth or sitteth still but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he that overcommeth shall z Revel 2.7 eate of the tree of life and of the a Vets 17. hidden Manna shall receaue a white stone shall be clothed in b Rev. 3.5 white aray shall be made a c Vers 12. pillar in Gods Temple and sit with God himselfe in his d Vers 21. throne The summe of all this is e See my third Serm. on Luke 9. p. 57. not every one but he onely that endureth to the end shall be saved Mat. 10.22 Not every one but he only which is faithfull vnto the death shall receaue the Crowne of life Revel 2.10 Not every one but such only as are marked in their forbeads with the letter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the note of perfection and perseverance shall enter the inheritance of the blessed Ezech. 9.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he that overcommeth f Rev. 2.11 shall never be hurt of the second death Let the dogge returne to his vomit and the sow to her wallowing in the mire but let vs like Abraham hold on our sacrifices till the evening the last evening of our liues and a full measure shall be measured vnto vs. If we are lightned endeavour we to encrease this light in vs if we haue a tast of the heavenly gift cease we not to tast it still if we are made partakers of the holy Ghost rest we not but walk we from grace to grace if we haue receaued the