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A08305 A sinfull mans solace most sweete and comfortable, for the sicke and sorowful soule: contriued, into seuen seuerall daies conference, betweene Christ and a carelesse sinner. Wherin, euerie man, from the highest, to the lowest: from the richest, to the poorest: and aboue all, the sorowfull sinner: maye take such sweet repaste of resolution, to amendment of lyfe, and confirmation of fayth: that (in respect of the heauenlie solace, therin faithfully remembered:) all the pompes and pleasures of this wicked worlde, shall be plainely perceiued to be meere miserie. Writcen [sic], by Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1585 (1585) STC 18634; ESTC S110181 160,012 334

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loue wherewith thou must loue him with all thine heart with all thy strength and with all thy soule which is an acceptable worshipping of him for he that loueth him with all his heart reserueth no loue for an other in respect of any hope remayning in his heart to be reléeued by any other meanes thē by him alone to which loue is ioyned the doing of such thinges as are acceptable and pleasant in his sight which are conteyned in his worde the rule of the true worshipping which is the doing of that which pleaseth him and the leauing vndone of those thinges which displease him for it is the second poynt of the true worshipping of God to kéepe his Commaundements and to serue him according to the prescript rule of his word and not by such blinde deuotion as is not warranted by the same and which is not grounded vppon the alone loue of mine heauenly father nor flowing from the fountaine of that holy spirit whereby the children of myne heauenly father crye Abba father and which beareth witnesse vnto their spirites that they are adopted and made y e children of him through that faith which worketh by loue and from whence doe flowe al good workes as a badge whereby the true worshippers are discerned and knowne to which effect doth mine Euangelist Iohn testifie saying He that loueth God keepeth his word But he that imparteth the worship of him with any other he affirmeth with his owne mouth that he loueth him not but hateth him on whō hee hath decreed to take vengeaunce in his posteritie in many generations Wherefore if thou haue heretofore by prayer or otherwise worshipped or serued any together with myne heauenly father or by bowing thy selfe to Images or by any other Supersticious maner not warranted by his worde perswaded thy selfe to haue pleased him thincke thy selfe not onely deceiued but thereby to haue deserued the curse which hee hath pronounced against Idolaters in their posteritie many generations nowe therefore examine thy selfe and and see whether thou haue serued myne heauenly father only in this loue and done all that which he hath commanded thee in the Lawe to doe And thou shalt see thy selfe yet vnder that heauie curse for not performing that which is commaūded the what is there then to be done thou must presently mortifie and keepe downe those affections which draw thee into this disobedience and come neerer vnto mine heauenly father in performing those dueties which are enioyned thee by his word which thou must set before the eyes of thine hearte as a profitable rule or scholemaster to direct thee vnto me on whome thou must take hold by fayth in loue as the true and onely mediatour meane to bring thee vnto mine heauenly Father without the ayde or assistance of any other insomuch as thou maist stand assured in me that thou art freely acquitted and discharged of that curse through the meere mercie of mine heauenly father which without mee threatneth destruction not onely vnto thy selfe but to thy posteritie by many generations whereby thou mayst perceiue that where the law openeth vnto thee nothing but thy corruption as the ministerie of death thou hast yet neuerthelesse saluation promised in me through faith whereby thou mayst apprehende and take holde thereof to thine vnspeakeable comforte acknowledging thy selfe onely beholden vnto mee for the same and to none other no not to thine owne good works The third Commaundement prohibiteth and forbiddeth thee to take the name of myne heauenly father in vaine which is that for as much as he is thy God and hath prescribed vnto thee in his worde the maner and meane how thou oughtest to worship him and truely serue him which is as before 〈◊〉 said to loue him and to keepe his Commaundements thou art by this commaundement enioyned to performe it accordingly and not to omit this true worship or to ioyne the same with any other not agreeable to his worde for that it is a derogation of his glory and a taking of his most glorious name in vaine when thou obseruest not his wil in performing his precepts in such sort as his name may bee honoured thereby And thereby thou maist perceiue that such as liue in this world carelesly and without feare of transgressing his will are by this Cōmaundement vnderstood to take his name in vaine As also those that as soone as by reason of any s●ight occasion their natures are stirred vp to a certeine choloricke humour or their affections moued fall by and by into most horrible and blasphemous othes in such outragious vnseemely maner that sighting as it were against his most glorious Maiestie they seeke to trample his due honour vnder their feete And that not onely such periured and forsworne persons as either for their owne lucre for the auoyding of punishment or shunning of shame feare not to make myne heauenly father the author of all trueth the defence of their most abominable and false lyes But those common swearers whose mouthes by reason of custome runne ouer as it were most vnreuerently euen in cōmon speech with most blasphemous and vndecent othes which who so vseth beare he otherwise neuer so fayre a shewe of liuing vprightly in his vocation dishonoreth his maker and heapeth his displeasure against himself against the day of vengeaunce for it is no excuse to s●y why although my tongue vse now and then to swerue it is but a custome mine heart standeth as it ought and rightly affected towards God Assure thy selfe this excuse is v●ine for such filthinesse proceeding out of the mouth bewraieth the heart to bee vncleane and very vnreuerently disposed Wherefore if thou haue bene or be now thus corrupted with the dregges of such blasphemie cast it out cease to sweare vainely or vntruely by mine heauenly father or by mee his Sonne who am one with him or by any other thing and say not tush it is but a foolish custome or smal matter beware I say beware for it is no small matter for mine heauenly father will not holde him guiltles that thus abuseth his holy name But such is the slender credite now adaies remayning among men that the one will not beleeue the other without pauning his faith and his troth in buying in selling in gaming and euen in familiare conference a greeuous and a lamentable thing for which such blasphemers shall not escape vnpunished Thou art also forbidden by this Commaundement to sweare by any other thing thē by mine heauenly father and that in matters wherein an oth is tollerable and commaunded much lesse in friuolous and vaine causes for that thou takest to record and referrest y e iudgement of the cause to him by whom thou swearest and therefore if it bee by any besides mine heauenly father thou takest away his honour and giuest it to an other and so intitulest the creature with that superioritie which is due only vnto thine euerlasting creator Wherby
my desertes and meere merites The sinfull man This sweete conclusion cōforts me who can not but confesse That these thy Lawes like wicked wretch I daily doe transgresse But sith thou freely doest obtaine the loue of God for me Uouchsafe me grace to mortifie my sinnes to come to thee And sith the night drawes on so fast passe to the rest in haste I will attend vnto the ende forgiue offences paste Solace THen remember thou that these foure commaundementes which thou hast alreadie heard doe perfectly instruct thee to the seruice of myne heauēly father and wherein his glorie and true worship doeth consist namely to acknowledge him the author of all thy welfare both of body and soule and by his mercies to be stirred vp to do those things y t may please him and to beware of ioyning any in worship with him or to giue him other worship thē is warranted prescribed by his word To be carefull in doing those things y t may be to the glory of his name to auoyde that y t by any meanes may dishonour y e same And lastly to hūble thy selfe truely acknowledging the corruption of thine heart condemning thine owne wayes works and to endeuour thy selfe to subdue the same for that it is the free mercie and goodnesse of mine heauenly father through the merites of me his sonne that sanctifieth and iustifieth thee and not thine owne workes In which foure former Commaundements is directly set downe the sūme of thy duetie appertaining to God mine heauenly Father Who to the ende that thou shouldest witnesse thine obedience vnto himself outwardly he hath prescribed vnto thee those dueties which thou oughtest to performe towards other men for that seruice worship of God is not accepted which is not ioyned with the loue of thy brethren neither is thy charitie to other men any thing accompted of where it is not grounded vppon that vnfayned loue of God which proceedeth of a true fayth and sincere seruice of him for he that loueth mine heauenly father keepeth his commaundements sheweth a sufficient witnesse that he loueth the children of God and as Iohn saith We know that we are trāslated from death to life because we loue the brethren So y t it apeareth to bee a sufficient testimonie of a blessed estate when thou for his sake doest truely performe those dueties which he hath commaunded thee vnto men The first whereof is to honour thy father and thy mother for who so curseth father or mother let him die the death but he that truely obeieth them and behaueth himself reuerently aswell inwardly heartely endeuouring him self to ayd them to helpe them and submitting his will vnto their willes in thinges honest as in outward reuerence nurture and seemely behauiour such a one I say hath a blessing promised namely to haue his daies prolonged vppon the earth and to be filled with al good thinges And on the contrary the stubborne stife-necked and gracelesse children shall be rooted out and taken away by vntimely death from the lande which mine heauenly father hath giuen them In which Comaundemēt thou must vnderstand thy selfe not onely to be inioyned to vse reuerence and to giue honour vnto thy parents namely to those that were the ministers of the bringing thee into this life but vnto all Magestrates Superiours and Ministers whō he hath ordeyned as Instruments by whom to conueye such graces and benefites vpon thee as are necessary expedient for thee towardes whom this Commaundement willeth thee so to behaue thy selfe in all thine actions as may witnesse of thine inward loue and reuerence towards them It behoueth thee not lightly to way the benefite proceeding from the due execution of the office of the Magistrates who are the messengers and ministers of God to administer Iustice to punish those that are wicked in this world and to stoppe their violence wherin they daylie seeke to rush in and to ouerthrowe the estate of the good by them is the tyrannouse and bloodie sworde of the wicked kept and held backe from the throates of the godly By them are the righteous defended and the vngodly punished And therefore must thou accept them as the ministers of God for thy wealth and to become subiect vnto them not onely for feare of punishmēt but for conscience sake in respect of the benefite thou receiuest by their aucthoritie The Elders sayth mine Apostle are worthie of dubble honour especially they which labour in the worde and doctrine whereby it appeareth that thou art not discharged of thy duetie required by this Commaundement when thou hast done thy duetie to thy father that begat thée and thy mother that bare thée but that thou owest a dubble duetie to such as open the will of mine heauenly father vnto thee which is the preacher and minister of his sacred word who are the Nurces and foster fathers of thy soule breaking vnto thee the bread and giuing thee the water of life whome thou must heare with reuerence for that they are the messengers of myne heauenly father to inuite thee to the banquet of eternall saluation By which Commaundement now thou mayst perceiue that thou art bounde to honour thy father and mother al Magestrates and ministers of God and to afforde them reuerence not onely in outward conuersation but in inward desire of their welfare And further thou must vnderstande that as children by this Commaundement are bounde to vse all reuerence to their Parents subiects to their Prince and Magestrates and all men vnto the ministers of the worde of my heauenly father so belongeth there a care to be in Parents to see their children and seruauntes to be brought vp and instructed not in wantonnesse not in careles proceeding from pleasure to pleasure from vice to vice but in the due knowledge sincere seruice and true worship of his holy name And the like care to rest in the hearts of all Magestrates to execute their dueties iustly to shewe them selues sharpe in the punishment of vice and subduing of the wicked members of the Realme and to extoll and defende with the sworde of their aucthoritie the godly vertuous which godly care also there ought especially to bee in the Preachers of his worde not onely as they haue freely receiued euen so freely to giue vsing their tallentes to the increasing of the knowledge of his worde where and into what Citie Towne or place soeuer they shall come by the preaching of the worde onely but to expresse and shewe forth the same likewise in life in conuersation and maners that men seeing their good workes may glorifie my father which is in heauen But the negligence of Parents in instructing their children and seruaunts in my fathers will or rather their fond foolish and vnparentike loue which they through a blind affection beare vnto their children they suffer them nay thrust them forward by their peeuish pampring them vp
holy Ghost being y e third person of the Trinitie is a diuine person coessentiall and coeternall with my father me who proceedeth from mine heauenly father and mee It is the comforter and spirite of trueth the very pledge and earnest penye of thy saluation whereby thou art sanctified and assured in thy conscience that thou art the child of mine heauēly father and heire of eternall life and by it dwelleth mine heauenly father in thee It is the directiō to all goodnesse whatsoeuer whereby the Prophets haue prophesied mine Apostles preached all auncient Fathers written and al godly men tasted of the sweete and comfortable message which I haue brought into this worlde It is the water of life which by no meanes will flowe into the hearts of the wicked nor abide in the hearts of y e vnbeleuers but delighteth to rest in the hearts and to guide the soules of thē tha beleeue and cleaue vnto righteousnesse and thereby mayst thou answere the aduersaries of my worde and Gospel It is the holy Ghost that calleth men from darknesse to walke in light that procureth newnesse of life and that mortefieth the old man the world and the flesh and maketh thee strong against sinne death and Satan and that giueth knowledge of the trueth and power to imbrace it and which maketh my yoke easie and my burthen light that strengtheneth the weake hearts and feeble consciences to serue mine heauenly father whereby thou art conducted and guided the way that leadeth vnto the blisse that neuer shall cease It measureth all thy doings by the rule of my worde reformeth errors and reproueth the world of sinne of righteousnesse and of Iudgement and beareth witnesse in the hearts of all beleeuers that their sinnes are freely forgiuen thē in me It was the guyd whereby mine Apostles folowed me without the which no man can say that Iesus is the Lord. Thou must also faithfully beleeue in one Catholique Church vniuersall dispersed throughout the whole worlde being the whole companie of the faithfull beleeuers in mee who notwithstanding they are not of one vnite companie in bodily societie yet in respect of their mutuall and ioynt agreemēt of their faith of their life their Baptisme their holy Table and true Religion they are one Church and Cōgregation of those y t of the free grace and mercy of God mine heauenly father are chosen and predestinat to eternall life of which Church Congregatiō I am the head and whom the holy Ghost hath sanctified made holy and whome I commende vnto mine heauenly father to enioye that inheritaunce which I haue purchased with my blood who as long as they are conuersaunt in this miserable worlde and beare about them the heauy burthen of the flesh cannot do that which they should and therfore cannot be of such perfection nor be so purged from their originall corruption and infirmities which abideth in all flesh as is requisite vntill such time as I their head shall appeare whē they likewise shal appeare with me in glorie which Church godly Cōgregation y u must likewise beleeue to be so knit vnited together in the band of mutuall loue godly agreemēt that whatsoeuer good gift mine heauēly father bestoweth vpon them perticulerly they imploye it to the cōmon behoofe of all in generall And that as this Church and Congregation of al faithfull beleeuers in me is the true Catholique and apostolique Church so for them I haue purchased free forgiuenes of al their sinnes and that of y e mere loue of mine heauenly father and mine obedience vnto the death and nothing of their deserts in so much as there remaineth none other satisfaction or attonemēt to bee made with mine heauenly for the sinnes of y e world but my self only that none can obteine remission of their sinnes but such as bee made true mēbers of the same Church by me for besides the same Congregation there be none but such as work iniquities to whō I will say depart from me I know you not for whom there is a place of endles woe prouided Also thou must beleeue that although the corruptible bodies of mākinde must perish putrefie returne againe to dust of which it was first created yet that in the last day they shal rise again with the same bodies and couered with the same skinnes which now they haue and which thē shall be renewed and glorified they that are departed this life alreadie shall take againe their owne bodies which then shall bee of farre greater glorie then either in this life they were or that any heart can imagine And those that at my comming shall be founde liuing in this worlde shall suddainely bee chaunged and those that bee of this Congregation the true members of this Church shalbe placed in the vnspeakeable ioyes of eternall blisse but those that haue giuen them selues in this world to the fulfilling of the lustes and desires of the flesh liued in wantonnes chambering the Couetouse persons the Usurers Drunkardes Gluttons and vngodly persons shall not enioy the benefite of that sacrifice which with mine owne body I offered on the Crosse once for all but shalbe cast into vtter darkenesse where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth THese things must thou faithfully and vndoubtedly beleeue to be the very trueth and groūd of true religion which who so beleeueth not is no true member of that holy Catholique Church which is predestinate to be saued And therefore by a firme and constaunt faith thou must take holde of these things which I haue declared vnto thee being the ground of thy saluation freely promised in me of which faith the holy ghost is y e giuer who frameth the hearts of all men to beleeue the promises of my heauenly father touching their saluation in mee sealeth vp the sam● promises in their hearts whereby they perswade themselues to be members of the same true Church and of the company of those that are predestinate to be saued which fayth bringeth forth the fruites of a godly life the beginning whereof as I sayde before is vnfeyned repentance grounded vpon this true and vndoubted fayth in which two Faith and repentance is conteined the whole summe of my Gospell wherefore as thou hast heard what this faith is howe it worketh and what it should bee exercised in So must thou reteine it and bring foorth the fruites thereof that it may appeare a liuely an effectuall and not not a dead fayth And forasmuch as the night is so neere I will for this day here make an ende And in the meane time woulde haue thee to meditate of my former wordes not forgetting them but diligently inclyning all thy studie will and whole heart effectually to followe that which may testifie in thy conscience that thou art
the same inwardly which thou desirest to seeme outwardly And in the morning when thou comest againe I will proceede to direct thee to that repentance wherein thou must exercise thy selfe towardes the amendement of thy former life The sinfull man Would GOD the night were not so neere thy talke delighteth mee Encrease my fayth to morrowe I will waite againe on thee The ende of the VVednesdaye or third dayes Conference A PRAYER FOR the encrease of faith and for the direction of the holy spirite to frame our liues according to the rule which God the father in his sonne Christ hath prescribed vnto vs. OH God my God giuer of al good things and the sure defence and succour of all them that faithfully beleeue in thee Loe I thy silly creature the worke of thine owne handes who in my great darkenes and ignorance humbly craue of thee the light that shineth from on high that faith sweete Lord without the which no mā can please thee which proceedeth from the holy Ghost the most wholsome water of life whereof oh Lorde giue mee some taste some sparcle whereby I may come vnto thee wherby I may frame my life according to thy blessed and heauenly will and whereby I may truely serue thee and doe worship to thine holy name Vouchsafe oh Lorde vouchsafe in Iesus Christ thine onely and welbeloued sonnes name and for his sake to be mercifull vnto my wretchednes to forgiue my wickednes to strengthen my weakenes to pardon my dulnes and more and more to encrease my fayth and to vouchsafe mee perfect knowledge of goodnes and ablenes by thine holy spirit to follow thee to frame myne heart vnfaynedly to loue thee my will to seeke al my powers to doe their dueties to praise thee Lord increase my faith which is the principall meane whereby we take hold of thy most louing and most comfortable promises in Christ our Sauiour thyne only and welbeloued Sonne whome thou of meere loue of our saluation sentest into this miserable world here to suffer the opprobrious death of the Ctosse to appease thy wrath for our sinnes and to ris● agayne for our iustification The worl●●hereof sweete IeIesus thou hast not onely most willingly as an obedient sonne performed according to thy fathers will but hast reueyled and manifested the mystery thereof to all the worlde and trayned out the way that wee should walke in to come to that vnspeable happy habitation the endlesse blessings and passing ioyes whereof no tong can expresse Thou hast by thy death sweete Iesus purchased agayne for vs that which before we had lost in Adam Thou hast redeemed vs again out of the hands of death and raunsomed vs from the cruell bondage of Sathan that enemy of al mankind whose head although thou haue troden downe and payd the vttermost which could be demaunded for our redemption spoyled him of all his power and vnarmed him of all his weapons gotten the victorie ouer death and hell Yet such is our weakenes our corruption and the hardnesse of our beliefe in thee that he remayneth yet tyrannous diligently attending watching and seeking whom he may deuour whom he may leade with blindnesse into error and false religion into the wayes of wickednesse to destruction both of body and soule And we most wretched sinners prone to doe that which is contrary to thy will haue of our selues no power to ●●thstand him no ablenes to auoyde his tyranny Wherefore most louing Iesus I the most wretched and sinfull the most ignorant and blind creature most humbly pray thyne ayde thyne assistance and gracious protection not onely to defend mee from the clawes of Sathan and his ministers the World and lustes of the corrupt flesh but also grace to guyde my life in fayth vnfeyned perfect loue and true feare of thee myne onely Sauiour and Redeemer hauing none other hold none other helpe strength defence or hope to be defended saufely conducted in a godly life and conuersation but thy selfe sweet Iesus thou inuincible captaine thou lambe of God who takest vpon thee the sinnes of the world whose will is that we should bee saued and be preserued from the hands of that cruell Aduersary the Deuill But alas good Iesus so blynded are we that we can not see the way to thee so deafe that we refuse to heare thee and so disobedient that we come not willingly vnto thee we haue not attended when thou hast taught vs but haue refused to bee instructed when thou hast directed vs. But most louing Iesus the cause is the want of that most excellent gift of thyne a true fayth which thou hast offered and I neglected and therefore haue I not hethertoo bene perfectly assured nor certeynly perswaded in heart of the performance of those most comfortable blessings which are promised in thee Oh sweete Iesus haue thou remorse of this my dulnesse plucke out of myne heart the Beame of vnbeleefe and voutsafe mee now the right vse of that most singuler meane of following thee the eye of a perfect and true faith and let naturall reason the Mother of error no longer deceyue mee or drawe mee into conceites contrary to thy most blessed will but being indued with thy gift of vnfeyned faith I may truely repent mee of all my former euils and so euermore hereafter euen to my liues end cleaue stedfastly to pure religion the true seruice of thee Oh Lord giue me one sparcle of this true fayth wherby I may be able to comprehend rightly to vnderstand what thy diuine will and pleasure is in all things That I may frame mine outward desires to the fulfilling therof and by thine holy spirit continually keepe downe the prowde attempts vnlawlawfull desires and carnall lustes of the flesh withstand the deuill in all his assaultes and manfully ouercome the vayne pleasures of this wicked world Oh giue mee the shielde of a true fayth and the brestplate of vnfeyned repentance to fight that good fight that happy fight whereby I may be crowned with the glorious crowne of victorie and whereby I may bee accepted into the number and societie of that holy congregation and fellowship of the faithfull the Catholique Church wherof sweete Iesus thou art the head and onely defence in whome whosoeuer ouercommeth thou hast ordeyned the Diademe of al true happines wherwith thou hast promised to crowne them and to set the title of triumph vpon their heads to place them in that heauenly countrie that celestial inheritance wherein there shalbe no more feare no more cares no more vanities or affliction of spirit but continuall peace vnfained loue vnspeakable ioyes and endles felicitie for euermore Wherefore sweete Iesu vouchsafe mee that spirituall weapon the shield of a true fayth that fighting therewith against all the assaults of sinne vnder the Banner of thy protection I may in the ende be crowned with the Crowne of Eternall life among the rest of thy chosen children sweete Iesu Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth And euermore
sinned we haue dealt wickedly we haue most traiterously rebelled against thee These words came not faintly from y e tongue but with force and faith from the very roote of the heart And why because he had searched and tried yea he had a feeling an inward greefe for the sinnes of the people whose confession was accepted and whose prayer was heard The sinfull man Before I doe confesse to thee my sinne thou doest beholde The same at large what need I thē my sinnes thus to vnfolde Solace INdeede I doe beholde most plainely aswell the very intent of the heart the inner parte thereof as the outwarde actions the externall and visible corrupt conuersation there is no secrete thought no imagination that passeth vnreueiled by the light of my knowledge but whatsoeuer thou doest whatsoeuer thou speakest and whatsoeuer thou thinkest when and where I see and perceiue it altogether And yet notwithstanding it is requisite for thee for two causes to make confession of thine eniquities and that openly And why namely that mine heauenly father may bee knowne and acknowledged to be onely righteous only good yea and goodnesse it selfe a mercifull and pacient GOD and a most louing father and thy selfe to bee altogether vnrighteous fraught with euill in whom remaineth no goodnesse at all Thus must thou cast downe thy self condemne thy self and reprehende thine owne corruption and take holde onely of the goodnesse of GOD the Father in the merites of mee his Sonne by whose death thou art deliuered from death and deserued damnation which is an especiall cause to moue thee to this vnfeined and open confession of thine offences The seconde cause is to the ende that this thine open acknowledging of thy sinnes may bee to the edifying of other men As thou seest the confession of Dauid to bee profitable not onely vnto himselfe but to others not onely to them that were then present but euen to this day is hee to bee set before the eyes of sinners as a fitt patterne to measure their sorrowes by and to bewraye their owne wretchednesse in humble confession and to referre themselues onely to the mercies and louing promises of God mine heauenly father to bee releeued and comforted in their afflictions as Dauid was Yea the confessions which the faithfull haue made heretofore serue nowe to edefie other men at the consideration of whose humilitie and the good successe of their vnfeyned confession wherein they returned vnto mine heauenly father and were accepted againe into his fauour thou canst not but bee the more stirred vp to the like maner of humbling thy selfe acknowledging thy selfe a wretched sinner and to put thine whole trust and confidence in my death and bitter Passion and bee more and more stirred vp to serue and honour mine heauenly father in newnesse of life to the good and godly example of other men who seeing the mercie of GOD my father so plentifully shewed vnto thee shall in like maner make haste vnto the Throane of his grace in open confession of their sinnes that so one by the example of an other nay many at y e good example of one may bee edefied and glorifie God my father which is in heauen who deliuered mee ouer to suffer death for the redemption of them that truely turne to mee Wherefore I say acknowledge thy self sinfull and greatly indebted vnto mee in respect of thy many and wilfull transgressions wherby my g●ace may the more appeare in thee disclaime all desertes and merites of thine owne and cast thy selfe downe in thine owne conceipt as one not worthie of any comforte at all at mine handes appealing altogether to my merites in such sorte as by thine example other men may learne to confesse their iniquities and condemne them selues to bee guiltie and to haue deserued to bee punished and whereby they may be taken from them selues namely from the proude opinions of their owne good worke for in the sight of mine heauenly father can no man by his owne merites be accepted righteous but through me are they acceptable and iust in his sight And therefore saith Iob what if I should flatter my selfe and stand in mine owne cōceipt righteous and iust when my deedes shall be layd open when they shall be manifested I cannot answere one of a thousande thinges layd to my charge Therefore sayth he I will make my praiers and supplication vnto the Iudge If therefore thou be desirous to be iustified before mine heauenly father thou must s●y away all desertes of thine owne and confesse that there is nothing in thee but meere wickednesse horrible confusion vtter dispaire of thine owne goodnesse yeelding thy self guiltie of many euills For if thou seeke perfect righteousnesse thou must not stand vpō thine owne abilitie to fulfill the law for so makest thou my death to be 〈◊〉 vain which through faith is that true vndoubted righteousnesse which iustifieth thee before mine heauenly father makest thee heire of eternall life Thorowe me is preached the forgiuenesse of sinnes and hee that beleeueth is iustified from those things from which he could not haue bin by the lawe that is by his owne workes Wherefore thou must cōfesse me with thy mouth beleeue in thine heart that mine heauenly father raysed me from the dead to iustifie thee for with thine heart must thou beleeue vnto righteousnes and confesse with thy mouth vnto saluation By my grace I say art thou saued through faith and not by thine owne workes be they neuer so glorious in the sight of the world The sinfull man Thē what auaile good works are they of none effect in deede And bootes it not to keepe the lawes that Moses first decreede Solace THou must vnderstand that although in respect of thy good workes be they neuer so many and faire in the vewe of the worlde thou mayest not presume vpon the same so farre as to chalenge for the same the reward of eternall life and that thou must confesse when thou hast done all that thou canst thou art an vnprofitable seruant it behoueth thee with all diligence and godly care to endeuour to doe all that is commaunded thee in ●●ese lawes of mine heauenly father writtē by the inspiration of y e holy ghost by Moyses in the two Tables wherein consisteth the whole summe of that which is required of euery man to be done in respect of the outward action and inward working which is in doing good to man whom thou seest and to loue God mine heauenly father whom thou seest not but by the eye of that true faith which taketh his light of the Gospel of trueth whereby thou art directed to the meane which worketh that perfection for thee which of thy selfe thou art not able to reache vnto namely my selfe without whose perfection thou must needes continue imperfect and vnable to doe any thing that is good by whome to whome
thrall Extende vnto mee wretched wight thy light and loue withall Oh Lorde my God forget mee not hyde not thy selfe from mee Although my flesh do striue to keepe my syllie soule from thee Showe not thyne anger as a foe let mercy be my staye It is no profite Lord for thee to cast my soule awaye Denie mee not a contrite heart a pensiue person poore An wofull wretch a sinfull soule that knocke here at thy doore Uouchsafe to turne thy face to mee forgiue my deedes amisse In feare I doo appeale to thee as one that guiltie is Deale not as my deserts doo craue but as of mercie thou Doost will and still delight to haue all sinfull heartes to bow Showe not thy force against thy foe that faine would come to thee And pardon my Offences all though Death be due to mee Oh plague mee not good Lord so sore I haue no force I fall I neuer wyll offende thee more if thou vouchsafe to call My soule from sinne and to affoord mee Solace sweete againe Loe here I doo against my selfe a sinfull wretch complaine Shame dooth beset mee round about my selfe consume in woe I am corrupt mine heart throughout I wander too and fro From sinne to sinne I run perforce I wander styll astraye Wherfore without thy due remorce I can not but decaye Since first I suckt my Mothersbrest yea since I sawe the daye The subtill Serpent hath not ceast to wrest mine heart astraye In sinne my mother did conceaue this cankred Corps of mine And Sathan seekes Lord to bereaue all that of right is thine He soweth 〈◊〉 and wicked seedes in mine vnstaid brest Wherof doo grow pernitious deedes which breede my soule vnrest Which I as yet cannot auoyde they fixe so fast one mee That frō my youth they haue auoid and keepe me Lord from thee So that I am full bought and sould betwene the Feend and synne And wickednes a thousand foulde myne heart doth lodge within The good I cannot which I would my nature proane to ill Withdraws myne harte frō what it should imbrace w t heauenly skil But Lord in sinne why should I dye syth thy good will is so To heare poor synners whē they crie and them redeeme from woe And giuest them repaste againe from heauens high aboue And to repentant hearts full faine thou showest thy selfe in loue Ye thou doest saue through mercie meere those that deserue to dye When they to thee returne in feare oh Lorde now so doe I A thousand times before this daie thy mercies from aboue Haue saued them that went astraie to showe thy zealous loue Our fathers who were longe agoe when they were in dystresse Fell prostrate on their harts and loe thou gauest them redresse Ye whē they were incompast round and no hope to auoyde Thy mercye Lord did so abounde that they were not destroyed Haue mercie therfore Lord on mee oh god on whome I call I wretched synner here to thee on prostrate heart doe fall Ease mee againe let mercie thine myne woefull hearte releeue And let not synne all goodnes mine through loosenes thus bereaue My soule alas in dolefull plight in hope of helpe doth crie Oh Lord extend thy louelie light that shines from heauen hye To guide my silly soule to blisse by shunnyng what is ill High time alas good Lord it is to frame mee to thy will Wherfore extend thy grace againe put foorth thy helpyng hand Let it reuiue what sinne hath slaine and loosen Sathans bande Lorde Iesus come oh come in haste Let Heauens Bowe come down That I a wretched wight at last maye ioye that passing Crowne Which y u by dreadful death hast won through plūging panges on tree In loue to giue the same to those that feare to fall from thee Come come I say thou Solace true and fill mine hart with ioye My sinfull soule with grace renue whom Sathan would destroye No daye no time no minute is deuoyde of wo to mee But oh alas the cause is this I hold mee not by thee If thou absent thy selfe my soule my bones my bodie dust Corrupt with carke of wicked will as Iron doeth with rust If thou absent thy selfe my soule runnes headlong into yll And staggerryng too and fro it reeles and kickes against thy wyll Yf thou absent thy selfe my soule like wretched wight opprest Fast ●ettred in the boultes of sinne lyes groaning voyde of rest Yf thou absent thy selfe my soule sinckes into darkesome thrall But Lord driue darknes far frō mee sende light and loue withall So sinne shal passe and vertue slow within my dolefull brest Oh Iesu come Oh come in haste to set my soule at rest And thus my soule I doo commende into thy bosome sweete On whome I doo in heart depende heere prostrate at thy feete Solace Take heed take heed Oh sinful man let heart and tongue agree Leaue off to sinne repent foorthwith and I wyll dwell with thee Cast of the Cloake that is the cause to hinder thine intent Thy sinne and then in deede I wyll to thy request consent The sinfull man How shuld mine heart toong agree what meanest thou therin I haue at large thou maist perceiue vnfoulded all my sinne Solace I T is not ynough to shew thy selfe onely by outward wordes to be a sinfull man but thou must likewise as I haue tould thée before reforme thy former frowarde and peruerse wayes that is as thou knowest and hast confessed thy selfe heretofore to haue walked in errour in darkenes rebellyng against mine heauenly father So wold I haue thée to cléeue vnto the trueth to follow the light and obey mine heauenly father in performing those things which are commaunded thée For there be some that can make a gay gloze and showe of holinesse by such outward protestation when in deede they are farre from that true inwarde sorrow which causeth repentaunce vnto saluation whose dissimulation and hypocrisie deserueth double punishment The sinfull man Show mee therfore what must I doe and what must I obeye Uoutchsaufe mee grace I doe repent my gaddyng longe astray Solace WEll then for asmuch as the daie is gone and that there is no time to declare it now I will deferre it vntill to morrow and then I will tell thée what thou most doe and what leaue vndone In the meane time forget not to prayse myne heauenly father who hath made thee mée whoe haue redemed thée and the holye Ghoast whoe haue sealed thée as one of the adopted Children that shal be saued The Ende of the Frydaye or Fyfth Dayes Conference An earnest confession of sinnes with a Prayer for the forgiuenes thereof OH miserable and most wretched creature am I prest down oh Lord with so many euils with such notorious sinnes geuous offences heynous crymes manifould iniquities That I confesse my selfe manie thousand waies to haue offended thee and to haue deserued more punishmente then I am able to beare Oh Lorde such is myne vntowardenes my cursed
wretchednes and senceles running headlong from vanitie to vanitie from euill to worse Insomuch as in steade of lighte I haue followed darkenes in steade of the trueth imbraced errors insteede of vertue loued vice and insteede of dooing good I haue followed iniquitie euen with greedynes The dregges oh Lord of Sathans transgression haue so ouercome mee and taken such deepe roote in mine hearte and taken such sure holde of my corrupt flesh that it bringeth continuallye foorth the fruites of an euill life mine owne conscience accuseth mee and standeth as many witnesses againste mee feeling my selfe euen pressed downe with manye sinnes with innumerable transgressions against thy maiestye the leaste whereof I acknoweledge to be able iustlye to condempne mee Oh Lorde my tongue my lippes and mine hearte haue rebelled against thee my thoughtes haue beene euill my wordes wicked and deedes abhominable beefore thee yea from mine heade to my foote there is no parte oh Lorde that can cleere it selfe of offending thee wherefore oh Lorde here doe I acknowledge not onelye with myne outwarde voyce but with an inward feeling of the hearte that I haue highly displeased thee and wrought that which in thine eyes is abhominable wherby I haue deserued thine heauy displeasure againste mee in somuch as thou mayest iustly turne mee away thou mayest cast mee off and forsake mee I am not worthy to be called thy sonne Oh Lorde I nowe feele mine owne wretchednes and the allurements of the flesh and Sathan I confesse to be altogether deceitfull and wicked which I haue esteemed and helde so deare and acknowledge all trueth all help comforre and consolation and the true solace to proceed from thee the fountayne of all happynesse Who in mans greatest wretchednes euen of meere loue and vnfayned zeale of their saluation haste sent a remedy to cure their curssednes thine owne Sonne Iesus Christ who hath taken away the punishment which I haue deserued for breaking of thy wil In whose nam and for whose sake haue compassion vpon mee laye not my sinnes vnto my charge whereby I haue deserued eternall damnation Oh Lorde vouchsafe that although I haue iustly deserued to dye by reason of my greeuous sinnes turne thy face in mercy not in iustice towardes mee Respecte not mine offences but looke vppon that sacrifice that oblation which was offered vpon the crosse for the reconciliation againe of those vnto thee which come vnto thee through him Through whome oh Lord I come vnto thee and for whose deserts I craue pardon disclayming altogether mine owne merrites Oh remember thy moste louing promise that thou wilte accept his death and his bitter passion as a full recompence for all mine offences and a sufficient ransome for all my former euils lette thine anger oh Lorde through him be appeased thine heauye displeasure qualified and loue renewed That from hence foorth in a true and vndoubted fayth I maye take holde of the remission of my sinnes through him and beleeue vnfaynedly that the obedience of him thy sonne Iesus Christ is made mine attonement with thee that by his death I am made aliue and by his resurrection I am made rightuous in thy sighte Let thine holy spirite oh blessed Lorde God assure me through the same fayth that I am indeede receiued into thy fauoure and loue againe That being thereby truelye comforted I may enioye the liberty of a free minde wherin I may serue thee wherin I may obey thee and whereby I maye growe into a godlye hatred of the olde man and into a true and vnfayned loue of rightuousnes So that from hencefoorth I maye in newnesse of life diligently imploye my selfe to the Execution and continuall woorkynge of those thinges that maye witnesse outwardly to the Example of other men what I beleeue inwardly casting away all dissimulation and Hipocrisie the Cloake of sinne spending the residue of my daies in a pure and sincere conuersation brynging foorth the fruits beelongynge to amendement of life That after this life ended I may through the merittes of that thy Sonne our onely Sauiour and Aduocate Ihesus Christ for euermore possesse the Ioyes of eternall life Amen ¶ Oh Lorde increase our Fayth The Saturdaye or sixth Dayes Conference betweene Solace and the Sinfull man Wherin Solace sheweth him what is to bee done and what left vndone to attaine to the perfection of Christianytie The Sinfull man GOOD Solace loe here I attende as one that longes to heare What I must doo and leaue vndone I giue attentiue eare Solace IF thou dilligently attend this Day and reteine in memorie those thinges that I haue heeretofore declared vnto thee thou shalt perceiue the Summe of thy Duetie towardes mine heauenly father as also thy duty towards other men whereby y u maiest liue an vpright and a godly life to the seruyce and honour of God profitte of thy neighbour and saluation of thine owne soule to the vanquishing of Sathan dispising of the world and to the mortifying of thine owne flesh So that the Deuill shall not fray thee the worlde deceiue thee nor thy flesh annoye thée The sinfull man Good Solace then proceede in hast true comforte now appeares This comforte doth abandon woe and wipe off all my teares Solace IN deede so it will if thou attentiuely heare it faithfully beleeue it and truely followe it But thou hast heard before that it is not enough for thee to say with the mouth thou wilt or confesse with thy lippes that thou hast offended but thou must performe in deede and reforme thy conuersation yea thou must haue thyne heart fraughted with such godly cogitations and vertuous desires as maye bring foorth the fruites of that sorrowe which as before is sayd causeth repentaunce vnto saluation that thine actions outwardly and thine affections inwardly may appeare to bee grounded vpon that true faith which is the fountaine of all good works whatsoeuer without y e which thy workes are not only vnprofitable but meere abominable By which faith thou must beleeue the promises touching thy saluation to vee wholy accomplished and performed through my death and passion onely and not in respect of thyne owne good workes be they neuer so many And yet art thou bounde by all meanes possible to endeuour thy selfe to doe good vnto all men and to decline from euill And for that purpose haue I called thee from that error wherein thou walkest deceiuing thy selfe with vaine and transitorie pleasure of this worlde to bring thee vnto the light of trueth to drawe thee from thine Idolatrie wherein thou gauest worship as it were vnto thy greate aboundance esteemyng thy golde as thy GOD to serue myne heauenly father thy liuing GOD and louing Creatour to followe that which is god and to eschue and auoide that which is euill onely to worke the will of myne heauenlye father which is sette downe and declared in the two Tables containing tenne precepts wherin as in a glasse thou mayest beholde what thou oughtest to doe and what to leaue
giuing thee whatsoeuer is necessarie for thee And for that cause oughtest thou to be subiect and obedient vnto his will in all thinges and to pray for the setting forth and sanctifying of his holy name which is to haue his word truely taught louingly imbraced diligently followed him to be worshipped according to the trueth thereof in all thinges And therefore when thou intendest to pray either for good thinges to bee giuen thee or euill things to be taken frō thee thou must haue a principal regarde to the magnifying of his holy name and to the setting forth of his most worthie praises for his mercies and goodnesse with ardent desire that his holy name may be hallowed and his kingdome come That is that his holy spirite would so direct thee in all thy doinges thoughtes and desires that thine heart varie not from his will but bee so setled in the performaunce thereof in all thinges that true humilitie vnfeyned loue vndoubted hope and constaunt faith may begin in thee that tranquilitie and peace of cōscience which may assure thee through me to bee the heire of his euerlasting kingdome to the ouerthrowe of Sathans rule and destruction of all his power whereby he endeuoureth to leade all mankinde into vtter destruction Pray therefore that his kingdome may come which is his holy spirite which hee hath promised to powre out vppon those that earnestly desire it which shall guide thee to the true seruice of mine heauenly father here in this world vntill such time as I shall appeare in the Clowdes to chaunge thy mortal body and place it in that kingdome wherein thou shalt remaine in blisse vnspeakeable for euer Thou must pray also that myne heauenly fathers will bee done in earth as it is in heauen that is that not onely thy self but all the people of the earth may doe that which in his worde is prescribed and commaunded to be done and that there may bee such obedience such loue such godly behauiour in this world amōg men as is required to be that as the Angelles in heauen are obedient vnto his will and cōmaundements whereby he is glorified there so he might be obeyed to the magnifying of his name here in earth And therfore art thou commaunded faithfully to pray vnto him that he would vouchsafe to gouerne all men as Princes Pastors and Teachers Gouernours and Magistrates that they may performe his will here in earth as it is done in heauen And that all men may execute their vocations truely to the praise of his holy name In which three former petitions thou hast to learne that it behoueth thee principally in thy praiers to regarde the glorie of God mine heauenly father And now attend and thou shalt perceiue that as thou art commaunded in the former petitions to haue respect onely vnto the honour of myne heauenly fathers name So art thou also louingly called to craue corporall blessings namely for such thinges as are necessarie and expedient for the maintenaunce of this life by this petitiō Giue vs this day our daily bread which comprehendeth in it not onely request for bread but for a competent liuing and good successe in thy vocation namely that hee will blesse it and make thy trauayle prosperous in such sort as by the fruites thereof thou mayst be able without vnlawfull meanes to liue and be rather helpefull then burdensome to others Yea thou hast warrant in this petition to craue all things belonging to this life not onely sufficiencie of foode and apparell but also health of body and other temporall benefites The Prophet declareth in the Psalmes that hungrie and thirstie soules wandring in the wildernes called vnto myne heauenly father and were releeued and sent away replenished Yea those rhat lye in prison and in the shadowe of death fast bound in miserie and iron without all hope of healpe calling vpon him in hearty and faithfull prayer are heard their prayers graunted and they deliuered Such also as are afflicted and pining away with sicknesse and heauinesse of heart humbling themselues vnto him in prayer are cured of their diseases When thou art therfore in such or any other afflictiō be it sicknesse imprisonment pouertie daunger of enemies or any other trouble whatsoeuer referre thee to the cōsideration of this petition and there shalt thou finde that thou hast sufficient warrant to flye vnto mine heauenly father in my name in heartie prayer for deliueraunce from thy distresse who is nere vnto all them that cal vpon him yea to all that cal vpon him in trueth he will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he will heare their prayers and saue them In this petition therefore it behoueth thee and all aswell the rich as the poore to consider that it is not great aboundaunce of riches and store of all worldly thinges nor the labour industrie and earnest diligence of their vocations but the onely blessing of mine heauenly father whereby their store is preserued and the labour of their handes so prospered as it serueth for the preseruation of their mortall liues And therefore all men ought so to referre them selues vnto mine heauenly fathers will bee they poore or rich in zealous and heartie prayer as that in the good successe both of their store and calling they may referre the glorie vnto him the aucthor of all their welfare and whose blessing it is that maketh rich and releeueth the poore Thou hast heard before that it behoueth thee in all thy prayers first to craue forgiuenesse of thy sinnes and reconciliation with God myne heauenly father through mee And in this former most excellent forme of prayer which must be thy direction to all thy praiers thou art warranted to aske for remission of thy sinnes But vpon this condition namely that thou forgiue freely and from thine heart all those that haue offended thee Wherein thou hast then to consider that if thou come vnto mine heauenly father endewed as before thou hast been taught with especiall loue of him and vnfeyned loue towardes all men come freely and boldly vnto him in the name of mee thy continuall Mediatour and craue in a true faith that for my sake hee will forgiue thy sinnes and receiue thee againe into his fauour assuring thy selfe that hauing mee the high Bishop praying for thee through whom thou being iustified by faith art at peace and at one with God mine heauenly father Thinke therefore diligently vpon the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes in me and whensoeuer thine owne vnworthinesse through feare so cloyeth thy poore conscience that thou thinke nothing but condemnation due vnto thee Cast the eyes of thine heart through a liuely faith vppon my merites standing at no time vppon thine owne deseruinges craue reconciliation and remission for my sake assuring thy selfe to bee heard and receiued into mine heauenly fathers fauour againe And beware thou stande not righteous in thine owne conceit for if thou